#threaten to drown
morgana-ren · 8 months
Love that Tumblr had banned nsfw artists and artwork, but the fuckin bot accounts are not only unbelievably rabid, but actively recommended to me to the point I scroll, report, scroll scroll scroll, report, scroll, report, report, scroll ad infinium.
They can catch a piece of artwork that shows a smidgeon of tit within literally 24 hours and delete it, but "hi ❤️ my name is JULIYYA and I have HUGE BREADSTS. Call me NOW ❤️" with a picture of some woman crotch out with her fingers fishing in is actively recommended to me.
You say your site is crashing and desperately needs money, and you say apple is SO STRICT about nsfw, so why aren't the bots a priority? Why are they seemingly actively propped by the site? Why are they allowed to TAG their spam WITH CHILD-FRIENDLY TAGS? Why hasn't apple shut us down already if they're so anti-nsfw when literally EVERYONE had a sexbot problem?
Watch this post get a mature content warning, ironically enough.
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kayden-i-guess · 2 months
I've just started Skeleton Key, someone please tell me this 14 year old finally gets a gun. " Oh he's too young-" HES TOO YOUNG FOR LITERALLY ALL THE SHIT HES BEEN THROUGH " He's not ready to kill" HE SLAYED A MAN. HE SLEIGHED A GROWN MAN!!! I love the other inventions they are so cool and Smithers does a great job but please at least ONE gun. or a stun gun that has more than just one fucking dart because that didn't even make it to Point Blanc.
I know he probably won't get a gun, dear god this child needs a break from saving the world.
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snowluthor · 11 days
I feel like Ashley being afraid of The Deep when he lashed out at her was more a normal reaction from a woman being yelled at/intimidated by a man physically larger than her and in considerable shape than anything to do with him being a supe.
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halvedslab · 2 months
Something that drives me really crazy about the Life series is how, even though in the "rules" that red names are supposed to break off their friend/allyships when they turn red, it actually rarely happens properly..... Like they try, but. even if my friend's a "monster," they're still my friend
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livstarlight · 1 year
First UN meeting where Wakanda and Talokan show up as a united front and Shuri and Namor are both attending
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Namor: *horny jail*
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(M'Baku is there to actually listen but he is also a fan of the drama)
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eggbagelz · 1 month
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the mark vs the roots
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ilions-end · 5 days
haha what's going on with the scene where the spirit of achilles visits neoptolemus at night after troy has been sacked
after telling neo how proud he is of him, achilles delivers an impassioned speech about the importance of virtue and kindness. he mentions kindness like five times because life is short and kindness makes all the difference, and then "btw i know you've just killed literally all male trojans but i need you to take priam's hottest daughter and do a human sacrifice at my tomb because i just hate trojans sooo much. if you don't i'll make sure everyone drowns on the way home. k love you bye"
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anthosfan · 10 months
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enpassants · 1 year
wesper this wesper that do you understand we have the chance of getting kuwei WITH wesper already together
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metalandmagi · 1 year
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soyoudneverguess · 5 months
Holy fucking shit
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ilynpilled · 1 year
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damn brienne lowkey a freak 🤨
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okay well now that im thinking about moths on peoples' faces (as a result of the post i reblogged just a bit ago)
do you ever think about it with ford. ford with a little eclipse of moths covering his face
probably not but i have before and i want to talk about it because i think it can be relatively good symbolism for stan and his relationship
in his attempt to intimidate what he deems a threat, he has consequently blinded himself. the "threat", of course, does not know this. and how could he, when his twin has decorated himself with so many false eyes?
(also this may or may not be slightly related to yet another au i never mentioned. but i can actually draw this one! might maybe do that sometime later who knows)
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salteytakesonmanga · 1 year
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If anything Nami looks even more agonized than Zoro here.
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unityrain24 · 4 months
everything is getting so tiring and i'm falling behind... in getting schoolwork done, in hygiene, in household chores... and the weirdest part is that my mental illnesses arent really getting worse though. Usually all of those coincide with when my depression/anxiety/ocd/ etc get worse. But they arent. they're still like... dormant, like they've been for an uncomfortably long time. I need them back. I need them to come back. I need my mental illnesses to be my whole life again. It's been so long. I need to be me again.
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