#three pools
peepawerebus · 6 months
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Some guys from jersey I think
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duodamsel · 4 months
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dejasenti99 · 2 months
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i cant wait for it we all wanna be someone at the end of the day
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liquid-geodes · 1 month
This day after mothers day, and every other holiday where you're running to the grocery store the day before/day of/day after said holiday, please for the love of God be so very kind to your grocery store employees
Some of us are the only person, yes person singular, running three, yes more than one, departments.
Some of us are doing this with no holiday pay for the minor, but busier, holidays.
Some of us have never been home with our families on these holidays while you're scrambling to get home to your family.
Some of us are barely making $11 an hour.
Some of us are very tired.
Some of us are me.
Be so nice to me.
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the-solar-system52 · 2 months
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space odyssey brainrot
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kingdomblade · 3 months
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"You're going DOWN! DOWN DOWN DOWN!!!"
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owcaunion · 1 year
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Agent P, Agent P, and Agent P
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luhvey-duhvey · 4 months
I need to speak on this because it’s happened far too many times and seems to be a recurring pattern with Fusebox.
It’s really shameful and disheartening to see how often Fusebox puts black women characters into couples with people that don’t actually like them, and proceeds to villainize them in the eyes of MC/other characters in the game.
We’ve seen it in S2 with Hope being loyal to Noah then getting disrespected by him when he confessed to MC in the end.
We’ve seen it with Grace in S6, sticking with Ozzy although he’s disrespected her and clearly wasted her time by staying with her when he was pining for MC all along. And even when he does tell her he’s not interested anymore, she does everything in her power to “win him over” instead of allowing her to rightfully look elsewhere for love.
And if you’re going the Jin route in S8, it happens with Luna. Jin doesn’t want her but he sticks around to spare her feelings. She embarrasses herself trying to win him over only to get booted off the show.
Next, they love to turn them into the “mean ones” by getting upset with MC/defending their relationship when romance (often initiated by the one they’re coupled up with) strikes.
Then they’re the enemy and everyone is waiting for them to be voted out of their game.
Yeah, sure, they’re just characters. It’s just a game. But it blows my mind, especially seeing this as a black player, that time and time again they’ve done this with the black women characters in the exact SAME way:
1. Couple with someone that’s not interested
2. argue/be a jerk to MC/refuse to take hints that their love interest doesn’t like them
3. do acrobatics to win said love interest over
4. get heartbroken, kicked off
If you’re going to put black women in your show, is it too much to ask them to be respected? To be deserving of a happy ending too? Reflect on how you’ve been representing black women, Fusebox.
Then do better.
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skullmysteries4 · 11 days
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#grass More bfdi fan arts I made in 2018-2019, I hope that’s okay. This time with extra numbers. These aren’t recent art. I don’t know when or if I will make more fan art of this show. I’ve just been pretty unproductive when it comes to art in general these recent months and years. battle for dream island © Cary and Michael Huang edit; Dang, this post blew up but my previous bfdi art dump didn't... I guess people like numbers a lot more than the contestants...sad.
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y-rhywbeth2 · 6 months
Bhaal encourages his kids to target Cyricists, and Bane demands them tortured, mutilated and put on public display so...
Fun bonding activities for the two cults, now that the bosses are friends: Everybody's partnered in a buddy system, Dark Hand to Deathbringer, and they hunt Cyricists for sport and kill them horribly. We have a scoreboard in the temples to show which pair is "winning."
Possibly a fun date idea too, but I don't know if Gortash is that into the actual act of hunting people for sport himself. I'm sure he could play some role in it while Durge does the actual physical seeking/hunting bit. I just don't know the name for that particular backseat driver role...
More seriously, I like the idea of them putting in a joint effort to target the local Cyricists.
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thenorthernchild · 2 months
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thinking about them again i really don’t feel well
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stuckasmain · 2 months
The end of 3001:
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Absolutely screaming that’s so unfair for him. Spends a good chunk explaining how he’s a tool and lost a lot of their autonomy and then just lock him up for it. It’s a noble sacrifice but still.
He’s just a little simulation fusion who only wants to talk to Frank cut him some slack :(
When I make a Halman design I’ll draw this and it’ll be over for everyone.
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icecreamberry · 4 months
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What a finale huh? See ya in 20 years for season 4
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coldblooded-angel · 25 days
COVID AU where Art and Tashi are forced to quarantine when the city wide lockdowns prevent them from traveling. They find a motel that would let them rent the room for as long as they need to. Thankfully, Lily is with her grandma and they’re both safe.
I want forced proximity. I want Tashi going stir crazy not having anything to do. I want Art still attempting to keep in shape until one day he’s too lazy to workout or get up out of bed. I want Art and Tashi forced to actually talk about anything other than tennis.
COVID AU where Patrick gets trapped in the lockdown. He knows he can’t stay in his car forever so he goes to the nearest motel and uses his emergency credit card to rent a room.
One day, he decides to use the amenities. He knows the motel has a pool and he’s not surprised to see other guests already there. He knows he should stay 6 feet apart. Except he recognizes that blunt short bob and that mop of blonde curls.
Yeah, Patrick Zweig just casually quarantining with the Donaldsons. It’s definitely gonna turn out fine.
(Blame @lovethelittlerthings for implanting this in my brain 😵‍💫😵‍💫)
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i wanna play with their greasy hair
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kingdomblade · 1 month
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It's pretty cold out... or maybe it's just right? Hard to say.
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