#over multiple scenarios of infidelity
coldblooded-angel · 4 months
COVID AU where Art and Tashi are forced to quarantine when the city wide lockdowns prevent them from traveling. They find a motel that would let them rent the room for as long as they need to. Thankfully, Lily is with her grandma and they’re both safe.
I want forced proximity. I want Tashi going stir crazy not having anything to do. I want Art still attempting to keep in shape until one day he’s too lazy to workout or get up out of bed. I want Art and Tashi forced to actually talk about anything other than tennis.
COVID AU where Patrick gets trapped in the lockdown. He knows he can’t stay in his car forever so he goes to the nearest motel and uses his emergency credit card to rent a room.
One day, he decides to use the amenities. He knows the motel has a pool and he’s not surprised to see other guests already there. He knows he should stay 6 feet apart. Except he recognizes that blunt short bob and that mop of blonde curls.
Yeah, Patrick Zweig just casually quarantining with the Donaldsons. It’s definitely gonna turn out fine.
(Blame @lovethelittlerthings for implanting this in my brain 😵‍💫😵‍💫)
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mhahaikyuus · 4 months
mafia geto pt 3
pt1 & pt 2
tags:; established relationship, fighting, angst to fluff, mentions of infidelity, arguing, drinking, yandere geto
word count:; 2.3k
a/n: likes and reblogs appreciated. hope you enjoy this little series
On the rare occasion that you were pissed you went back to your apartment without a word. Geto would check your location and god forbid you turned it off. He would hop in one of his many cars breaking every law with his driving and knock on your door until you answered. He didn’t want to fight but more importantly, he wanted you safe. He was a powerful man and now that you were with him meant a target on your back. Your location off sent chills down his spine. 
You were in your bedroom sleeping when pounding at your door woke you up. Groaning already knowing it was your boyfriend with the way he pounded on the door. Grabbing a second pillow you smushed it to the other side of your head trying to drown the annoying noise out. 
Geto wasn’t going to leave without seeing you. Leaning against the wall after knocking on that door “Baby just let me know you’re in here.” He called out with no response. “Don’t make me break this lock I’ll do it.” Geto yelled. He was nervous you weren’t answering. What if something had happened? 
After hearing his threat you pulled yourself out of bed and swung the door open with the most dead expression. “Geto it is 11pm what the hell are you doing.” 
He returned your glare and pushed himself inside. You called him Geto, he hates that. “You turned your location off.” 
“Maybe because I have a stalker for a boyfriend and I don’t like you right now.” You snipped closing the door and following him to your couch. 
Geto ignored the stalker comment with a roll of his eyes (a habit he had picked up from you). Sitting on your couch manspreading yanking his tie to loosen around his neck, running a hand through his long dark hair. 
“I get your mad-“
“I’m not mad im furious. And you being here right now is only making that worse.”
“Do you know what could have happened to you?” 
“I could not have you so far up my ass you can taste my spleen.” You snapped. You didn’t want to hear a safety lecture right now.  
“Darling you’re not ever getting rid of me. I don’t care how mad you are we will work it out angel and you do not turn off your location.” He yelled standing up to face you. 
You rolled your eyes with a small laugh pissing him off more. 
Geto just drove all the way across town and you were still being “bitchy” He muttered
He could see your lips twist and your usually warm eyes radiating an ice cold stare at his words. “I will do whatever the hell I want and you’re not gonna tell me what to do.” You yelled back opening your door. “Get the hell out.” Only you could speak to him like this without fearing for your life.
Geto groaned dragging his hand over his face. There was no point in arguing with you when you got like this, he couldn’t talk this out when you were still scowling at him like that. Geto accepted his temporary defeat walking out the door with a slam following his footsteps. 
You cried yourself to sleep that night and Geto poured himself multiple drinks to go to sleep, but not before sending somebody to watch your building. 
Being your petty self looking at the 6 unanswered messages from your boyfriend and the anger from the recent fight you pressed the block button before throwing your phone away from you. Since you were so bitchy right?
The next morning Geto woke up with a horrific hangover and regret for how he handled last night. He let his anger get the best of him once again and you didn’t tolerate that. He lashed out even worse when he let his fear get the best of him, going through the worst case scenario when you turned off your location. Picking up the phone to call with an apology on the tip of his tongue to find out he couldn’t call you making him frown. 
He texted you once again for the 7th time and saw a green color instead of the familiar blue. 
You had blocked him. 
Geto felt his body go cold. Were you really mad enough to block him? And was it for good? No breakup or explanation just cutting off communication and moving on? 
The bright sun from the morning was what woke you from a rough sleep. You knew that you would have to get out of bed today otherwise wallow in the sadness. All you wanted was a hug from him, but he was a jackass you were prideful. No way in hell were you going to apologize or make the first move when he was in the wrong. Today a couple blocks from your apartment was a farmers market you had been meaning to go to. Spending money you didn’t have to not feel sad was a habit you loved. 
Dragging yourself out of bed to throw on a dress and sandals and a near-empty wallet to waste the day outside in the sun instead of the dark dungeons of your bed. 
Coming out of your building you immediately noticed a black car down the street with tinted windows and you could almost laugh. 
Suguru when you first got together taught you how to spot a tail. So him sending one to follow you was stupid, because not only did you know how to spot but also how to lose one. 
Walking down the street with no facial expression you emerged yourself into the crowd and moved until he lost sight of you. 
It took about four blocks within the busy city sidewalk but it was easy enough while killing two birds with one stone. The tail unable to find you as you slipped in between pedestrians and using moving vehicles for cover. The farmer’s market was only a block away. You spent the entire day buying whatever you wanted with your money without your phone blowing up. 
Geto could’ve put a bullet in his guy’s head. “What the fuck do you mean you lost her.” He almost growled into the phone with an almost crushing grip on the device. 
“She must’ve saw me and dipped into a crowd before I had a chance to track her.” The tail said shakily into the device hearing how angry his boss was. 
“If you don’t find her I swear to god. You better not come back to this house or you’re a dead man.” 
“Yes-yes sir.” 
In the middle of you staring at a booth filled with jewelry, you felt a hand squeeze your ass. You jumped at the feeling and turned around ready to kill whoever put his hands on you. 
Fury covered your features as you turned and immediately stopped when you recognize who it was. 
He was looking down at you with a smile that you were of so familiar with. 
“Did you miss me baby?” Haru smiled down at you.
“Stop grabbing my ass you perv.” You swatted him but felt relief. It wasn’t a random creep off the street trying to cop a feel. 
“You know I can’t resist your sweet ass.” He joked and you snorted in response 
Haru was one of your closest friends when you started college and he was very gay. 
Haru wrapped his arm around you and gave you a kiss on your forehead swaying you back and forth. You returned the hug with a smile. 
He was always very affectionate with you and it had been a while since you two had seen each other. 
“I haven’t seen you in forever, you free to grab food?” He said pulling away. 
It wasn’t like you had anything else going on today. “Yep. But you’re paying.” You said as he held hands with you steering you to a nearby street filled with restaurants. 
Little did you know that while you were distracted by your affectionate friend, that your tail had found you once again. 
He was talking pictures of your interaction from a distance. From the outside it looked really bad. A guy was all over you, groping you, hugging, and giving you kisses. Haru also dressed like a straight guy. 
The tail was panicking. He already was threatened before to be killed and now you were cheating with proof. 
He reluctantly sent the pictures to Geto’s phone as he watched you and Haru laugh over a dinner table. 
You two talked for hours catching up on everything the two of you missed. The restaurant closing was your cue for you to wrap up dinner. 
The sun was setting as he hugged you goodbye and you made it back to your apartment. 
Unlocking your door you kicked off your sandals and dropped your bags before turning on the light. 
Geto was sitting at your kitchen table with a glass of brown liquor in his hands. His eyebags were worse than usual and he had a sad scowl on his face. He had obviously been drinking for a while. His violet eyes bloodshot and heartbroken. 
“What are you doing here.” You said with a frown walking further into your apartment once recovering from shock at his presence. 
“If you’re going to end things with me. I need you to say it to my face.” He said with a slight slur and watery eyes. 
“What the hell are you talking about.” You said with a huff still irritated just by his presence. 
“I’m talking about you blocking me and then I see you with some asshole’s hands all over you in the street not even 24 hours later.” He grimaced bringing the glass to his lips with a tight grip and dark eyes. 
You snort at him bringing up Haru. “First of all i don’t appreciate you having one of your minions stalking me. You think I don’t notice like i’m stupid.” 
“So we're really done.” He said trying to not cry, ignoring your words. 
You sighed and sat down in the chair. 
“No like you said. We’re never really done. Just because I block you for a day doesn’t mean we’re broken up it means i’m pissed and don’t want to speak to you. And that guy who had his arms all over me. He’s my friend.- 
-“What kind of”-
“my GAY friend. Haru is just super affectionate.” You finished before he lost it. 
Geto squinted at you, “How do I know he’s gay.” 
You stood up and sat in his lap. Suguru immediately wrapped his arms around your waist at your touch. No matter how drunk or angry he was at you, he would never pull away from your touch. You pulled out your phone and pulled up a video you had recorded. It was Haru sloppily making out with another guy in a dark club as you cheered in the background drunk as hell from a year ago. 
Geto's bored eyes focused on the screen. You turned off your phone and turned towards him in his lap. You could see some of the tension wrapped around him lessening as the conversation continued. 
Wrapping your arm across his back and laying your head on his neck. He rubbed your back as you sighed. He was jealous and very sad. As angry as you were you could tell he was taking this fight a little too hard. You didn’t like him so drunk and sad no matter how you were feeling. If you thought he was breaking up with you or cheating, you would also be in shambles. 
“I’m tired can you lay with me.” You said snuggling into his neck. 
“You’re not mad anymore?” He asked timidly happy you were still here. He was beginning to sober up a bit as the conversation continued. 
“I was but i’m tired now and I would like to cuddle with you. I walked all day my feet hurt.” You admitted. The hot weather, losing the tail, and dinner took all the energy out of you today. Suguru also loved to cuddle you, it was one of the only things in this world that could soothe him. 
Geto picks you up hands under your butt and carried you to bed. You tugged him into bed next to you. 
“I love you, I missed you.” He mumbled a heavy weight lifting off his chest. You forgave him even if he didn’t deserve it. 
“Im sorry I didn’t mean anything I said.” He said with sad eyes as you two slotted in between each other. 
“I know. I love you too baby, even when you are a weirdo stalker that follows me and breaks into my house.” You said running a hand up and down his stomach accepting his apology. 
Pulling your leg over his you snuggled into his chest and paused when you felt a familiar object around his waistband. You snuck your hand into his pants and pulled out his gun. 
“Did you really have to bring this when you were coming to see me Suguru?” You said with raised eyebrows looking down at him from your elbow placing it on the nightstand. 
Geto smiled at you using his name again. “I thought you were bringing that guy back.”He shrugged trailing his hand up your side 
“And what you were going to commit a murder-suicide?”You asked laying on his warm chest. 
“No I was going to put a bullet in between his eyes and take you home.”He said half asleep smelling your scalp, his favorite smell. 
“You say that like you’re talking about going for a walk.” You said with raised eyebrows. Suguru rarely talked like this in front of you. 
“Because I love you angel and seeing you with another guy makes it very easy.” He replied shutting off the bedroom lamp to finally go to sleep in your arms. 
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cantstayawaycani · 9 months
Can’t Stay Away’s Fic Rec Friday Post #4
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My ao3 Bookmarks (if it’s bookmarked, it’s usually a completed fic)
Fic Rec Friday Intro and FAQ
I can’t do multiple posts with elaborate reviews/commentary today. I just wanted to say that over the last few months, while I was grappling with this overwhelmingly depressive sense of doom, profound sadness, hopelessness, and apathy, reading fanfiction was one of the most effective types of escapism I engaged in. 
So, here are the fics that I have been reading, keeping track of, and loving:
Almost anything @bardocksheadband-fanfics, but especially:
1. The Re-Education of Mr. Almehen
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Fandom: Black Panther: Wakanda Forever
Pairing: Nashuri
Summary: “Namor's life changes in all the right ways the day his student's aunt picks him up from school.”
What I Like About It: It may seem lame af to describe something as “tasteful” and mean it as a compliment, not a slight. I mean, this is a Suga Mama Shuri and a Baby Boy Namor (whom I call Ch’ah in my head) but not in the way you think. It’s a rom-com! It’s sexy, it’s funny, it’s adorable. And these two kinky assholes are in love! Also, he’s a kindergarden teacher; a good one. The way he is written with these kids just makes my ovaries quiver.
2. Filthy Mouth
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Fandom: Black Panther: Wakanda Forever
Pairing: Nashuri
Summary: Single father Namor goes on his first blind date and gets his world rocked.
What I Like About It: Almost the same as above, but in reverse! Though more of a straightforward relationship dynamic, not a kept man/woman scenario at all. More of a freak in sheets, lady in the streets situation. But again, there is love and devotion, as there always is with this pairing (well, when writers stay away from the darker dynamics of the ship). This is absolutely amazing. Superbly written, well-paced, tonally balanced, funny, sexy, and somewhat dramatic but not anxiety-inducing. Like, literally perfect.
Almost anything @zzbottomz, but especially:
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Fandom: Black Panther: Wakanda Forever
Pairing: Nashuri/Loshuri
Summary: Shuri’s world unravels when she discovers her husband Namor’s infidelity, leading to a heart-wrenching divorce. Amidst the chaos, she finds solace in Loki, a charming entrepreneur with a complicated past of his own. As their unexpected romance flourishes, Shuri grapples with co-parenting challenges, the complexities of new love, and unresolved feelings.
What I Like About It: I mean, I didn’t think that a Love Triangle between Shuri, Loki, and Namor would be so intriguing. That it would be utterly confusing as to who you want to root for. That you would feel your heart beat for the plight of each character. There’s so much at stake, but especially the happiness of a little boy caught in the middle of the mess adults can make of their lives. It’s drama personified, and I live for each installment. Plus, Loki is written so well here, it’s hard not to root for him.
A new writer, or a seasoned one, returned from a long hiatus, inspired by Shuri and Namor:
Before everything by stories_of_grace
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Fandom: Black Panther: Wakanda Forever
Pairing: Nashuri
Summary: A year after her mother’s death, Shuri burns her mourning clothes on the beach in Haiti and wakes up not only back in Talokan, but also back in time. Given the chance to do things differently, can she prevent her mother’s death and convince Namor of a peaceful alliance?
What I Like About It: THIS fic is everything I want in a Nashuri. It is another “What If” scenario, mapped and tread carefully. We’ve all imagined what could have been if it had been different, as Namor lamented on the beach that day just after he speared the Black Panther, right before she almost killed him and forced him to yield to her. Go read this! It is so satisfying!
There are others, but ta for now! Please enjoy your holidays!
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hopeymchope · 11 months
There is a theory about Yakou Furio being Shuichi’s uncle. Do you think it’s possible?
That's really interesting... I've seen multiple thoeries about "Master Detective Archives" taking place in the future of the Hope's Peak timeline, either decades or a century after DR3. But if we were to instead link Rain Code to V3 — which takes place either FAR later after DR3 orrrrrr — in the the far more likely/plausible scenario IMO — in its own separate universe, then does that line up?
The most basic details about Shuichi's uncle as stated in V3 could fit, sure. We only know that his uncle A) ran his own detective agency and B) usually took on pretty small cases like accusations of infidelity or lost items. That certainly aligns with our boy Yakou.
The larger universe of V3 aligning with the universe of MDA is... a bit trickier. Even knowing that Tsumugi is very likely full of shit about a great many things, it's hard to dodge the whole "Danganronpa is a broadcasted show using real (abducted) people" issue. But hey, maybe that's why we can fid a pic of Monokuma and a display of his famous "evil eye" in Rain Code; those could be references to the show, maybe some leftover advertising. But I have to assume there isn't currently a murderous TV program running in the world of MDA. We also have to assume that Tsumugi was lying that this world embraced Danganronpa because crime and murder are exceedingly rare, etc etc. Crime clearly ISN'T rare in a world where Master Detectives are a big damn deal. Furthermore: Given how young Yakou Furio still is, if he was Shuichi's uncle, then "Danganronpa" couldn't have ended until pretty recently. And if there ever was such a program, it probably wasn't successful with the MASS MARKET crowd, because that seems like something that would definitely be a major pall hanging over ALL OF SOCIETY. Maybe it was underground/dark web shit, but still had a surprisingly large audience or something? Or we could argue that we don't see THAT much of the world outside of Kanai Ward, and Kanai Ward was isolated away from Danganronpa's reach... ?
Yeeeaaah, you can see how this gets trickier the more we try to mesh the worlds together. It's not impossible! But it takes some finessing of the information we have. We have to start assuming Tsumugi was lying about certain things we can neither prove or disprove in any fashion based on V3's available evidence. Which, based on her track record, is definitely believable. But... it gets tougher the more you think about it.
I'd rate this theory as "Not impossible, but... "
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celestialatlantis · 1 month
we will not write non-con, SA, domestic abuse, illegal age gaps and so on so forth
refrain from being too vague if you can 🤍
maximum 3 characters per request, less characters per request is ideal so that we can make it more detailed
No canon x canon, this is strictly a canon x reader blog!
No polyamory, no open relationship negotiations, this is merely personal preferences
No pregnancy / Birth requests
No cheating / infidelity
No character!readers (ex. Madoka!reader, June!reader)
No cross-overs
No Age Regression, No pet-play
if you don't specify pronouns/gender we will write whatever we feel like writing
Do not insult or rush us like we owe you money
Ignore the rules repeatedly and you will be blacklisted from requesting
🤍 here is a template you can use if you're unsure how to convey your request (character name) + genre [ie. fluff, hurt/comfort, angst] + situation [or whatever it is that your request revolves around] + anything else you'd like to clerify. examples v "Would (character) notice insantly if their S/O was sick? and would they be good at nursing S/O back to help? fluffy please, thanks!" "Can i have hurt/comfort with (character) feeling silently jealous? thanks!" "(character) & how theyd encouraging their s/o! also id like it if they recently began dating thank you!" "What would push (character) to confess their feelings? multiple scenarios if you could please! thank you!" "(character) + cuddling headcanons with female s/o ? thanks :D" "reuniting in dreambubbles with (character) please! thank you"
be polite and be kind, you'll live
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navigatingenm · 1 month
Changing Perspectives on Information Sharing in Polyamory
In the landscape of polyamory, where multiple relationships and diverse dynamics coexist, information sharing becomes a crucial aspect of maintaining trust, connection, and emotional safety. For many who enter into polyamory, especially those new to the practice, the assumption might be that full transparency is not only ideal but necessary. The idea of sharing everything with each partner can seem like the best way to ensure honesty and foster deep connections. However, as many discover, perspectives on information sharing in polyamory are far more nuanced and can evolve over time.
The Initial Desire for Transparency
When people first explore polyamory, there’s often a strong impulse to share everything. This might stem from a desire to combat the secrecy often associated with monogamy, where infidelity and hidden desires can cause deep pain. By contrast, polyamory offers the promise of open communication and the freedom to express one’s needs and experiences without judgment. Many find comfort in the idea that nothing is hidden—that every detail of other relationships, encounters, and emotions is laid bare.
This level of transparency can initially feel empowering. It creates a sense of security, where all partners are on the same page, and there are no hidden surprises. For some, this is the ideal scenario: a network of relationships built on complete openness, where everyone knows where they stand.
The Reality of Differing Needs
As relationships deepen and evolve, however, many polyamorous individuals and couples begin to encounter the complexities of information sharing. What once felt like a straightforward commitment to transparency can become more complicated as each partner’s needs, boundaries, and processing styles come into play.
For some, knowing every detail about a partner’s other relationships can be overwhelming or triggering. They might prefer not to hear about intimate moments or emotional exchanges that don’t directly involve them. For others, withholding certain information—even if it seems inconsequential—can feel like a breach of trust or a return to a “double life” mentality, where transparency is compromised.
This divergence in needs can lead to friction, especially when partners have different expectations about what should be shared. It’s not uncommon for polyamorous relationships to evolve from a model of full transparency to one where information sharing is more selective and based on mutual consent and comfort levels.
Shifting Towards Selective Disclosure
As partners navigate these differing needs, many find themselves shifting towards a model of selective disclosure. This doesn’t mean lying or keeping secrets, but rather being intentional about what is shared and why. Selective disclosure is about balancing transparency with respect for each person’s emotional boundaries and processing needs.
For example, one partner might choose to share the broad strokes of a romantic weekend with another partner, without delving into every intimate detail. Another might decide to withhold certain information until they’ve had time to process it themselves, ensuring that they can discuss it in a way that feels grounded and clear.
This approach requires a high level of trust and communication. Partners must be clear about what they need to know, what they don’t want to hear, and what boundaries they need to feel safe and respected. It also requires an understanding that these needs might change over time, as relationships evolve and individuals grow.
The Role of Agreements
To navigate the complexities of information sharing, many polyamorous relationships establish agreements around what is shared and when. These agreements are not set in stone but are revisited regularly to ensure they continue to meet everyone’s needs.
Agreements might cover topics like how much detail is shared about other relationships, how soon after an event or encounter information should be disclosed, and what topics are off-limits. These agreements help set clear expectations and reduce the potential for misunderstandings or hurt feelings.
However, it’s important to recognize that even with agreements in place, the emotional landscape of polyamory can be unpredictable. What felt comfortable at one time might feel overwhelming later, and what was once triggering might become easier to handle with time. Flexibility and ongoing communication are key to navigating these changes.
Embracing Evolving Perspectives
The evolution of perspectives on information sharing in polyamory is a natural part of the journey. It reflects the complexity of human relationships and the need to balance individual and collective needs. While full transparency might feel right at the beginning, many find that their approach shifts over time as they learn more about themselves, their partners, and the unique dynamics of each relationship.
Ultimately, the goal is not to adhere to a rigid standard of transparency but to create a relationship dynamic that feels authentic, respectful, and supportive for everyone involved. This might mean embracing selective disclosure, revisiting agreements regularly, and being open to the possibility that needs and boundaries will continue to evolve.
Information sharing in polyamory is not a one-size-fits-all proposition. It requires ongoing reflection, communication, and a willingness to adapt as relationships grow and change. By embracing the complexities of information sharing, partners can build a foundation of trust that honours both transparency and personal boundaries, ensuring that their relationships remain resilient and fulfilling over time.
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jf-md · 10 months
Define sex in my dictionary?
It is merging the soul and astral body. Merging of the body and spirit. It is kinda sacred cause it has long term effects that will transcend one’s generation and lifetime.
During intercourse, both bodies emit a certain degree of light. It was full of love, lust and bright colourful light.
aura of each person engaged in the sexual act is open to each other.  Both our auras are always united and her soul easily “sees” and “feels” into his aura.  Her conscious mind is not aware but her spirit mind is, and so she senses this infidelity.
the presence of love is powerful and significant in the safety of both souls during the sexual act itself.
If the act is caused by love, this light energy serves as a force field against negative energies hovering around the couple’s space. Their auras are exclusively open only to each other and are penetrable only by the same level of light energies.
If there is no love, and lust is the primal cause of the act, both persons are open for dark energies to enter both their fields.
Negative entities of this kind hook themselves deep into the aura of the chosen partner and will feed from the host indefinitely.  
Lustful entities are highly attracted to this kind of lustful union.  The person chosen to be the prey of these types of “demons” will be more and more lustful and will crave for more similar unions.  
That is why people who have tried casual sex once tend to have succeeding free sex events.  Also, they become afraid and unwilling to enter a committed relationship.  Or if they ever enter into a committed relationship, they will still be unfaithful or promiscuous after a while.
Another occurrence during intercourse is soul fragmentation.  This happens whether it be a union with or without love.  As soon as both bodies and soul separate, part of the soul body of one partner is taken by the other and viceversa.  This leaves both souls fragmented or both their souls are not whole anymore. Part has been taken by the other, leaving a feeling of incompleteness or insufficiency to the other.  If a major part has been taken away, this results to severe depression, emotional incapacity, psychological issues and withdrawal.
In deep loving relationships, soul fragmentation happens in chunks. Couples who love each other tend to give almost all of themselves and at the same time, want to take almost the whole being of the other. This emotion is put into spiritual action during the sexual union. They fragment each other’s soul and the exchange is done with full permission.   When a partner leaves, he/she takes with him/her that which was originally part of the other. That is why it takes years for one to truly and completely move on or get over the other partner if they get separated or one dies.  This gives credibility to the lines, “I feel so broken and empty now that she’s gone”, and, “He took my heart with him when he left”.
In a non-loving casual sex scenario, fragmentation happens but in very different ways.  The fragmentation occurs because one is only attracted to that part of the person.  The soul that is needy of that particular attribute takes it away from the other’s soul.  This leaves the other feeling something is missing and yet clueless about it.  The person fragmented or unwhole will feel emptiness, a sense of unfulfillment and unfaithfulness. He/she will constantly have multiple partners, because of the subconscious need to search for the soul’s missing parts.
It is also interesting to note that during the sexual union, both partners tend to feed on each other’s energy and the ingestion is very powerful.  It is usually the weaker one that feeds on the stronger.
This is where I’ve got problem with this. I'm always feeling guilty. I’m always ended up being stronger. I have stronger life force and that makes me hunger. That’s my spiritual malady.
Every time I'm having sex, I tend to suck much of the woman’s youth energy.  This makes me physically stronger and potent and leaves the woman, partially depleted of her youthful energy and appearance. She, out of her love for him, was unaware yet shared part of her youth to him. And because the imparting of such energy was done in love, she will look older but she will not be sickly.
This feeding also happens in cases where there is no love involved. It is a form of energy vampirism because the energy sucked from the sex partner was not given willingly by the other soul.
I’m that toxic, being feed by a lot of female youths.
Since the astral bodies (spirit bodies) and auras of both partners unite during liberated sex, many traits, habits and vices that one has will be shared by the other.  Aside from those, all unpleasant energies and karma, including present and future illnesses will be passed to the other. Even unfavorable spirits attached to one will be received by the other. Curses will also be shared.
Casual sex is never motivated by love.   A negative feeling, like lust or fear is what fuels it. Since this act is empowered by a negative source, only the dark and bad in one’s aura is transferred to the other. I have deep respect for them as humans and for braving such difficulties and risks just to earn a living for their loved ones.
In a loving sexual relationship, even the good talents, gifts, abilities and blessings can be passed to each other.  Love will allow the movement of positive baggage from one aura to another.
After intercourse, the person will begin experiencing whatever sense of reality the other one has.  Events and incidences commonly attracted by the other will now be magnetized by this person.  Even the other’s emotional state and vices will manifest in this person’s life.
Unexplained sadness, emptiness, confusion or guilt are the early symptoms one will experience after casual sex.  One’s way of thinking will begin to change and get distorted.  One will begin liking different things or activities. Habits will shift, including hobbies. Mood changes will be frequent, including feeling easily drained and sick. Even changing tastes and lifestyles will manifest in a short time. Eventually, the deep effects of a fragmented soul will surface causing depression and hopelessness. In the end, one’s authentic self will be will be drowned and lost.
I would like to add that the detrimental effects of casual sex go beyond a person’s generation. The dark energies which the person inherited from his casual sex partner will stay with him and flourish even to his children and grand children. These opportunistic beings are transferred when one’s child is born.  They will stay and camp close to the child until the time comes that they succeed in gaining entrance to its aura through vices such as free sex, drugs, alcoholism, smoking, gaming addiction, pornography or other forms of destructive activities. Once they gain entrance, the vicious cycle of desolating the soul begins. If not healed, these negative entities will live within their bloodline for generations.
When I was analyzing this relative’s story, I discovered that his father was also a womanizer.  My relative was an only son.  He lost his promiscuous father early in life and he alone worked his way to financial success, until the dark entities his father unknowingly passed to him, found a way to gain entrance into his aura.  These dark beings set him up by using money.  Then they prepared more traps until he fell into free sex.  This let them gain entrance into his astral body and his life.
This explains why we often notice that patterns are repeated through generations.  For example, a drunkard usually had an alcoholic parent.  A philandering wife had an unfaithful parent. A drug addict had drug addicts for parents.  A heavy chain smoker had a parent just like him, and so on.
It is essential to know that when you engage in casual sex, you not only receive whatever karma and negative baggage your partner has. You also inherit all other loads this partner received from her/his other casual sex partners. Just imagine all the ugly and heavy burdens of so many people you don’t even know, transferring and taking permanent residence in your aura and taking control of your life! You essentially become someone you don’t know or you don’t ever want to be.
Liberated sex creates soul ties which transcend time and space. When one dies, if he was not healed of the ruin he did to his astral body, all that he received from others through casual sex will follow and affect him in future incarnations.  The unlearned lessons or karma of others, now his as well, will be added to the hurdles he will have to master and overcome in succeeding lifetimes.
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magicshopaholic · 2 years
Familiar Faces (Jimin x OC)
Summary: Years after falling out over an unspoken yet common misunderstanding, Jimin finds himself face to face with his most significant ex-girlfriend at a party.
Pairing: Jimin x OC
Genre: Exes; flirting, smut, mild angst and fluff
Rating: 18+
Word Count: 12.5 K
Warnings: language, alcohol, longing, flirting, heavy petting, making out, nipple play, car sex, fingering, squirting, multiple orgasms, jealousy, arguments, mentions of infidelity and abandonment, more jealousy
A/N: A huge thank you to @hobicuffed for brainstorming this mess with me and falling for my Jimin because, in her words, who wouldn't (paraphrasing), and @ressjeon for helping me navigate through the hundreds of scenarios in my head <3
This is also part of my submission for the Bangtan Bingo Spring Event by @bangtanwritingbingo, using my square "Park Jimin".
Listen to: "trials of the past" by SBTRKT
jimin masterlist | main masterlist
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It’s a single sound, but it’s enough for Jimin. Through the chaos of chatter, the throngs of people, and the never-ending bass, there’s one sound that makes it through the din of the party and pulls Jimin right back into the past.
It’s just that time of the year.
He must be dreaming. Two years ago, it seemed like she was out of his life for good. Of course, it had seemed like that four years ago, too… and five years ago as well. Every time they fell out, it felt like the last time. A few months would pass and the anger would simmer down, followed by a brief period of nostalgia before both of them got busy with their lives again, and eventually found their way back. Or, in this case, landed up at the same party. 
Jimin’s heart beats faster the more he thinks about it. It’s her, potentially, in the flesh. He tries to picture her hair, if it’s changed; if she’s still wearing those bracelets she’d been obsessed with the last time they were both okay; her thousand-watt smile, the curve of her waist into her hips…
It interrupts his thoughts again, the sound. This time, he knows it’s her. It’s so her. It takes him a second to realise he’s smiling, sort of. Despite the history, it could be fun to see her again. Maybe she’s changed. He certainly has; he’s thinner now, fitter. His hair is long, something girls seem to like. He could be reaching, but he thinks he’s gotten taller since the last time they saw each other, despite what Jungkook says.
The song ends and the opening notes of the next one reverberate through the house. This time, Jimin is prepared for it.
Twenty minutes earlier
Jimin hates Sungwoon.
Well, no, he doesn’t. Not really. He hates being invited to a party hosted by a friend of a friend, and then abandoned at said party by the latter friend - that is, Sungwoon. Ordinarily, he wouldn’t mind. He would almost welcome it: going to a party on a weekend, meeting new people, being charming, having a few drinks, possibly flirting with a couple of cute girls who might or might not recognise him.
Ordinarily, he wouldn’t mind. But tonight is just not one of those nights.
He doesn’t know why, though. He doesn’t like to admit it because it makes him sound rather jobless, but he honestly doesn’t even know why he’s here. In fact, the moment he drove up to the house and parked next to the three-storey Victorian house, the bass practically thumping through the walls and the structure looking like it was about to burst with the number of people inside it, he was fairly certain that half the people here wouldn’t know the host, let alone who or what the party is for.
Of course, Jimin is one of those people, too, loathe as he is to admit it. He has one drink in his hand that he’s been nursing for about fifteen minutes now, and he’s currently part of a circle of people in the kitchen who are debating the outcome of some anime show. He’s sure Namjoon would be a better person to participate in this debate, but still, Jimin finds himself talking to a boy and a girl, both around his own age, who seem to be more interested in explaining the show to him than anything else. He tries to look at it as a positive: at least he’s finally socialising.
“So, wait -” Jimin closes his eyes, frowning as he tries to remember. “Nanachi uses the incinerator and kills -”
“No, Reg uses the incinerator,” corrects Jia, the girl, her short blond hair moving as she shakes her head.
“Okay, so then Nanachi tells him to kill…”
“Mitty,” finishes the boy, finally looking satisfied that he’s catching on.
“But…” Jimin frowns deeper. “I thought Nanachi and Mitty were friends. Or something.”
“Exactly,” exclaims Jia, now looking rather hassled. “That’s why it’s so shocking. And that’s why we’re taking bets on the finale this week.”
“It’s going to destroy Reg, to kill her,” says the boy forlornly, shaking his head. Meanwhile, Jia dramatically downs the rest of her drink, turning away as though she can’t bear to talk about it anymore. “Even Nanachi.”
Jimin doesn’t trust himself to respond. He thinks he’s got the broad gist of why everyone is so deeply involved in this show, but the last thing he wants is to contribute and end up sounding stupid, especially since Jia is quite cute… and has been nonchalantly touching his arm every few seconds.
“That’s rough,” he mumbles finally, but a new person’s entry seems to divert everyone’s attention. Jimin peers over a few heads to see a girl he does not recognise enter, but from next to him, Jia skips over to give her a hug and some general chatter begins. He hovers in the same spot for a couple of minutes, slowly sipping his drink and hoping Jia will return but she doesn’t. In fact, she links her arm with the new girl and they both leave the kitchen together, waving at the small group and disappearing.
Jimin leaves, too, eventually. Sungwoon finally texts him (A friend had car trouble. Picking him up on the way. Should be there soon.); it’s only somewhat helpful because while Jimin is reassured that his friend hasn’t abandoned him, it means he has a decent amount of time to kill before he does show up. He leaves the kitchen then, downing the rest of his drink and making his way to the drinks’ table for another.
There’s a surprising amount of choice; opting for a vodka with cranberry juice, a safe yet fun choice, Jimin turns back to face the party, hoping for some familiar face. He wishes he’d brought someone along. He’d almost asked Taehyung, but he’d been on a video call with Dilara and unceremoniously shut the door in Jimin’s face, giving him just enough time to say hi to her before he was alone in the hallway of their dorm. Jungkook had been his next choice, but he’d been knee-deep in a video game when Jungkook had entered, complaining about some player somewhere who was surely cheating.
Hoseok would have accompanied him, Jimin decided, taking a long gulp of his drink and feeling the liquor go straight to his head. But he was visiting family back in Gwangju, thus leaving Jimin all alone. He finishes the rest of his drink, feeling marginally lighter, and goes to pour himself another one.
Jimin almost jumps out of his skin but recovers quickly. Hoping he hasn’t spilt something on his white shirt (the pink will be impossible to wash off), he turns slightly to see an unfamiliar face.
“Hi,” he replies, slightly unsure but smiling anyway. The guy standing next to him is a bit taller, with a clean buzzcut along the side of his head. He’s holding what smells like whiskey, and he knocks his glass against Jimin’s with a smile.
“I’m Jihoon,” he says, bowing slightly and flashing a smile when Jimin reciprocates. “Sorry, but… you look really familiar.”
Jimin nods, a bit bashful but mostly relieved. While being recognised wasn’t necessarily something he was hoping for, at least it ensures that he won’t have to spend any longer standing by himself next to the drinks table like some chump. “Jimin,” he says, grinning back and shaking Jihoon’s hand. He’s a bit thrown by how firm the handshake is but lets it go.
The mention of his name seems to click, and Jihoon makes a sound of acknowledgement. “Of course. Jasmine here -” He throws his arm around a girl next to him whom Jimin had not noticed until this very moment, “- is a huge fan. She was just complaining that this playlist doesn’t seem to have any BTS in it.”
Next to him, Jasmine, who’s about a head shorter than her companion with warm, amber-coloured hair, flushes. “I didn’t say that,” she mutters, unsticking Jihoon’s arm from her. “I just meant… usually people dance at these kinds of parties which makes them more fun. If they played more dance music, like BTS, it would be. Maybe bring some life to the party.” She rolls her eyes, presumably at Jihoon’s exaggeration.
Jimin smiles, for she’s cute. “I agree with you completely,” he says, noting with pride at how her cheeks go pink again and she suppresses a smile. “It’s never fun dancing alone, though.”
“Oh, you don’t have to -” Jihoon is cut off when Jimin gasps. “Wh-what? What happened?”
It takes Jimin a few seconds. Achoo! When he hears it a third time, he can’t help but chuckle to himself, almost disbelievingly. Out of all the places to find her again… he shakes his head, already feeling the familiar ache of the past, of homework and ice creams, of teenage secrets and first loves.
“I’m - I’m sorry,” he says to Jihoon and Jasmine, suddenly remembering he’s not alone. “I, uh.. I just have to go… find someone.” Jimin’s already walking away when Jasmine calls his name, barely audible over the music.
“Wait! Find who?”
Jimin shrugs, turning back only momentarily. “The life of the party!”
It’s a bit of a stretch, for while she certainly can be the life of the party, Jimin isn’t in a place to presume anymore. He follows the sound, though, guessing vaguely where it might have come from. He reaches what looks like a lounge, by a hallway that’s less crowded and where the music isn’t quite as loud. There’s a dull haze in the air, though; Jimin suspects he’s only noticed it because he’s come from the much more airy living room, but the strong smell of weed solves the mystery for him.
Jimin’s heart thuds. She’s definitely here. When a group of boys exit the lounge with raucous laughter, bumping into people and taking a joint with them, he finally sees her. From behind the group, near the door of the lounge, the smoke clears and he sees her for the first time in two years. Her hair is a bit shorter, bangs longer, a bottle of Corona in one hand as she holds a tissue to her face. Even from this distance, he can spot the red tip of her nose as she sniffles, looking cross as ever.
Jimin snickers but doesn’t look away. Almost as though she can hear him, she looks right at him. Her face goes slack for a moment, eyes sparkling, before she tilts her chin up. She’s fifteen feet away and silent, but he can almost hear her. It’s always the quiet ones.
Sooah can’t quite believe it… and yet, she can. Of course it’s Jimin. Of course he’s here, two years after their last fall out, right here at a party that she’s already bored of. Of course he’s grown up even more, his hair a bright blond, his leather jacket fitting snugly around his shoulders, smile cocky as he waves at her. Of course.
She bites her lip as he walks over, graceful and, in her opinion, far too smiley after what went down the last time. She sneezes once more before he reaches her. “Remember when you hated parties, Park Jimin?”
“I got over it,” he says easily. “Kim Sooah,” he adds after a moment, smile widening. Sooah looks exactly like he remembers, down to the sniffling nose and the bracelets on her left wrist, peeking out from under the sleeve of her frayed denim jacket.
She observes him for a moment with narrowed eyes, trying to ignore the familiar racing of her heart. For fuck’s sake, it’s just Jimin. “How did you find me?” she asks. As if on cue, she sneezes into the tissue once more.
“That’s how,” he replies, patting her casually on the back as she emerges, sniffling again. It feels like the most familiar gesture.
“Ugh, I hate it,” she grumbles, shaking her hair out of her face. “Don’t worry, I’m not sick or anything. It’s some allergy - I don’t know what, though. It’s just -”
“- that time of the year,” he finishes, along with her. There’s a small pause when she nods and Jimin turns to glance at their surroundings. “Have you ever thought about moving away from all this smoke?”
Sooah rolls her eyes. “I’m waiting for a friend,” she explains, pointing to the room where the smoke is wafting out from, now greyer than ever. 
“How long have you been waiting?”
“Like twenty minutes.” She scoffs, as though she’s just realised it herself. “Scratch that: yeah, let’s move away from the smoke, please.”
Like the oldest habit, both of them leave together, reaching the living room where Jimin had got his drink from. “Do you want another drink?” he asks, pointing to her bottle. “Since when do you like beer, anyway?”
“A lot of things change in two years, Park Jimin,” she says meaningfully, cocking an eyebrow at him. “But I’m trying to stay light tonight. Still recovering from a hangover,” she adds.
Jimin nods, not surprised. Sooah had been popular at school; so popular that a party would rarely occur without her in attendance. Her friend group was bigger than he could hope to keep track of; he didn’t think many of them were close friends, but it was enough for her to be a permanent face at every event, be it a birthday party, graduation parties, leaving parties, even club openings in Seoul, if the Instagram updates Jimin has checked surreptitiously over the years are any indication. Taking all this into account, it’s no wonder he's run into her for the first time in years at yet another party.
Jimin’s very own attendance at a party had been only six months after he’d joined their school in Seoul. Even there, he suspected to this day that it was because Taehyung had asked the girl hosting to invite him. Naturally, he’s never confirmed this with Taehyung and Taehyung has never volunteered the information either, but it was the first time he had seen Kim Sooah out of her school uniform, with her hair down her shoulders and, predictably, with the small group of pretty and popular kids who were always rumoured to be the only ones able to sneak in alcohol and weed until everyone got older. 
Nam Daehyun had been one of them, a basketball player, taller than everyone else in the class. It had become apparent later on that it was only because he’d hit his growth spurt earlier than the other boys, but at seventeen years old, it had seemed like he’d accomplished the greatest thing. Jimin didn’t know if he was Sooah’s boyfriend; it wouldn’t have surprised him in the least since they were always together, albeit with the rest of their group as well. It didn’t matter, for she was much further away from him than simply the width of a room.
Of course, Jimin hadn’t the courage to approach her that night, or the next day. In fact, the first time they’d ever exchanged more than a few words wasn’t until weeks later, when Sooah had approached him in the library for help with her maths homework. She was always so confident, even from afar, that Jimin had been surprised at how quiet and almost timid she’d looked when she’d asked him if he was indeed Park Jimin.
Taehyung told me you’re the best in our class, she’d said. It had taken Jimin a few seconds to process what she asked and then nod, gesturing to the chair next to him. She’d sighed in relief and sat down, smelling of Dove soap. I’m Sooah, she’d said, as though he wouldn’t know. He’d shook her hand, she’d smiled, and Jimin had almost been blinded.
It had been only half an hour of tutoring, but something about the way she looked at him while he explained their homework to her had twisted his heart. It was as though she’d just noticed him, even though he’d been in her class for nearly three semesters. But she’d listened diligently, taking notes and clarifying doubts, until they reached the last problem which she finished on her own. 
Sooah had beamed and Jimin’s heart had skipped a beat. I wish I was as smart as you, she’d said wistfully, the sunlight from the library window making her hair glow a warm brown. 
You’re very smart, he’d replied, tapping the notebook on the last question. 
Not as smart as you, she’d disagreed, tucking a lock of hair behind her ear. She’d left after that, apologetically stating that she had to get to volleyball practice. Jimin had watched her gather her things, unable to believe that he’d spent a whole half hour with Kim Sooah - and that she had come to him.
You’re really nice, Park Jimin, she’d said, just before leaving. She looked like a teenage vision in her school uniform, hair loose even though it was against school rules, the sun shining right on her from the window. With his bowl cut, glasses and chubby cheeks, Jimin wondered with a dull pang if she’d even remember his name tomorrow.
But he’d smiled back, if a bit resigned. So are you, Kim Sooah.
We don’t get a lot of that around here, she’d said, and she sounded a bit disappointed. But then she’d touched his shoulder. It’s always the quiet ones. He’d watched her walk away, her short skirt fluttering by the backs of her toned thighs, her long hair bouncing gently as she left, and tried to count himself lucky that he’d had thirty uninterrupted minutes with Kim Sooah at all.
“Is that Jihoon?”
Sooah’s voice breaks him out of his memory. Trying to ignore the slight racing of his pulse, Jimin turns to look in the direction she is. He instantly recognises the tall guy with the buzzcut, his smaller and shyer friend standing next to him.
"Oh. Yeah."
She turns to him, frowning in surprise. "You know him?"
"Mhm," he replies seriously, nodding and taking a sip of his drink. "Jihoon and Jasmine."
“Huh.” Sooah turns back to look at them. “Jihoon and Jasmine?”
“Yeah. I think she was hitting on me.” Jimin observes her from the corner of his eye, wondering if he’s imagining how her expression changes an infinitesimal amount.
“Uh-huh.” She nods slowly. “Why do you think that?”
He shrugs, focusing on nonchalance. “She’s a fan, apparently. And her friend Jihoon introduced her, so I guess she’s shy.” He grins innocently down at Sooah, blond hair falling effortlessly into his eyes. “I like shy girls.”
Sooah purses her lips and nods, clearly trying not to smile. “Really? Did she say anything else?”
He raises his eyebrows. “Wait… why do you care?”
“I don’t.” Her face doesn’t betray anything, still holding his gaze with suppressed amusement. 
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah. About as sure as the fact that Jasmine was not hitting on you.” 
He scoffs. “It’s been years, Sooah. I really don’t think -”
“Jihoon was,” she finishes, returning the charming and innocent smile he’d given her.
“I -” Jimin is driven to silence, but whether due to this new revelation or his ex-girlfriend’s blinding smile, he’s unsure. He looks back in Jihoon’s direction, who, as though he’s heard his own name, looks up and meets Jimin’s gaze. He grins and waves, which Jimin returns with only a moment’s hesitation. Looking back down at Sooah, he shrugs. “I’ll take it.”
She chuckles before sneezing again. “Okay, so it wasn’t the weed,” she grumbles, dabbing her nose again. 
“Seems to be getting better, though,” he says, lightly patting her back. His stomach flutters when his thumb accidentally brushes her bra strap.
Sooah nods just as the song changes. “Oh, my god. Do you remember this song?”
Jimin, cheeks already getting hot, shakes his head. “No.”
“Yes, you do!” she exclaims, clearly seeing through him. “It was the first time you danced for all of us, remember? You said you were a modern dancer and you couldn’t do hip hop, but then your friend - I can’t remember her name -” lies “- said you had a real flair for dancing.” She grabs his arm, tugging as though to get him to remember.
“First of all,” he says, putting his hand over hers on his shoulder to get her to stop moving, “she didn’t say it, she yelled it,” he corrects, rolling his eyes. “Secondly, it wasn’t hip hop. It was popping. And I was… I was good. Wasn’t I?” He looks down at her, like he has so many times before.
“Of course you were,” she answers easily. “I remember thinking, Park Jimin is cool. He’s smart and he can dance.” She takes a swig of her beer, apparently oblivious to how his heart swells with pride at her compliment, as though out of habit.
“You thought I was cool?” he asks, a little belatedly.
Sooah, who’s watching a few people start to dance now, gives him a look. “No. I asked you out because I thought you were uncool. Jesus, Jimin.”
Jimin frowns slightly as she looks away again, a memory tugging at the corner of his mind. But then the song fades into another, a popular one this time.
She chuckles “How long before you get asked to dance to this? Steps and all?”
“No, I don’t think anyone here has recognised me yet. Except Jihoon, I guess,” he adds, tilting his head. “God, I don’t think I can dance to this ever again.”
“Don’t remember the steps?”
“I don’t think I could forget the steps to Idol if I tried.” He raises an eyebrow. “I’ll dance if you dance, though.”
Predictably, she scoffs. “Yeah, right. Dancing in front of strangers may be what you do for a living, but you couldn’t pay me to do that.”
“I like dancing in front of strangers,” he says, a little defensively. “Believe me, I gave up a lot to be able to do that.”
“Oh, I know,” she says under her breath, but loud enough for Jimin to catch it. 
He sighs. “Sooah -”
She turns to look up at him at the sound of her name, forehead smooth but eyes almost challenging, as though she’s waiting to see if he’ll actually bring it up. Jimin holds her gaze, feeling the familiar rush of excitement of not knowing what was next, as it always was with Sooah. 
Jimin licks his lips, the corners of his mouth already twitching. “Dance with me,” he says abruptly.
She frowns and rolls her eyes. “Don’t be funny, Jimin.” She looks away from him, almost nervously, and takes a large sip of her beer and immediately sneezes again.
“I’m not,” he says lightly, patting her back again.
“You know I’m a shit dancer.”
“I’m not. Together, we average each other out.”
“Using your maths genius to manipulate me?” Sooah raises an eyebrow and chuckles. “It’s always the quiet ones.”
Jimin’s heart skips a beat, but before he can dwell on it, someone whoops and a cluster of people join the makeshift dance floor in the middle of the living room. “Oh, come on, you actually like this song.”
“I like listening to it. Quietly. In a corner, with my beer.” She raises her bottle, apparently not noticing how it’s almost empty.
“Sooah, come on, it’s been two years,” insists Jimin, hearing himself whine a bit and cringing slightly. “For lost time.”
“It’s been two years because you left for Europe.”
“Actually, it’s been two years because you went on a trip to Busan and didn’t call me when you returned to Seoul.”
“Because you’d left for Europe by then!” Sooah shakes her head. “It doesn’t matter. Can’t we just stand here and catch up?”
“We can also dance and catch up,” he points out, widening his eyes pleadingly when she gives him a look. “One song.”
She bites her lip, the lipstick red against her white teeth. With the thin black choker, a plain red top and the light blue denim jacket, she looks like she’d been on her way to someplace else when she’d decided to bless this party with her attendance at all. If that’s true, Jimin kind of can’t believe his luck.
“Fine,” she says finally, turning around to place her near-empty bottle on the mantle behind her. “One song. But you’re leading and don’t you dare let me trip, Park Jimin.”
Jimin snickers and places his cup next to her bottle. “Don’t worry, Kim Sooah,” he says, grabbing her hand and walking backwards, “I’m good enough for the both of us.”
Sooah believes him, because she doesn’t have any reason not to. He’s always been graceful, always the most beautiful person in any crowd, despite what he used to think of himself back in school, and later during his debut. Once he’d started gaining some confidence, Sooah remembers, all eyes went straight to Park Jimin - and hers were no exception.
“Okay, now…” Jimin pulls her towards him and wraps an arm around her back, the other holding her hand in his, “just relax. And move,” he adds when she freezes.
Sighing, she tries to loosen up. “I actually do like this song,” she admits, trying to sway like Jimin, whose hips and body are moving in rhythm to the music without him seemingly even trying.
“Of course you do,” he agrees, gently pushing her away to spin her. Her hair brushes his chest as she does and he catches a whiff of something pleasantly floral. His heart soars in amusement as Sooah turns clumsily, stumbling back into his arms.
“I hate you,” she mutters, tossing her bangs out her eyes and trying to pay attention to his feet.
“At least you’re doing it with a professional,” he says, pulling her closer - and noting how she doesn’t resist. When she simply shrugs nonchalantly, he gives her a look. “Really? Is there someone else you’d rather be doing this with?”
She pauses only for a moment before shaking her head. “No,” she says honestly, her heart skipping an unexpected beat when he grins down at her, blond hair falling into his eyes.
Kim Sooah had fallen in love with Park Jimin sooner than she’d expected. She’d realised it within a month after they’d started dating, when he’d gotten a rare evening off from dance practice and shyly texted her to see if she could meet him. They’d gone for ice cream, where they’d had fun trying out the different flavours until she’d decided on cookies ‘n’ cream (Jimin had foregone one due to his diet), and then gone to the park where, in the seclusion of the shrubbery and setting sun, they’d fooled around in the grass.
They were only teenagers, a popular girl and the shy new student who’d embedded himself in her mind since the day she’d asked him for help with maths. Sooah wasn’t sure what it was, just that he’d been sweet and smart, and even charming and funny once he’d opened up to her a bit. He treated her better than any of her friends, even the boys that claimed to have a crush on her, and seemed to care about her interests and personality beyond just what party she was planning to attend that weekend. 
That day at the park, he’d been confiding her about how he’d been up all night practising a difficult dance routine, his face transparent with worry. He’d nailed it, though, that day during the test, and they’d given him the evening off as a reward. Sooah had shared his happiness genuinely, loving how his face shone with relief, and had asked him to show her some of it. He’d declined immediately, continuing to do so until she’d confessed that she was a terrible dancer so she couldn’t judge him even if she wanted to. 
Biting his lip, he’d pressed a quick kiss to her mouth before standing up and showing it to her. The passion and grace in his movements had been unparalleled, and the fact that he trusted her had tugged at her heartstrings in a way she’d never felt before. Even as the sky darkened, Jimin remained the brightest thing in her vision, and she felt everything she’d read in books and seen in the movies. She was in love, and she hoped to everything she knew that he was, too.
She hadn’t said anything, naturally, not until months later, just before summer vacation was to begin and she had to go back to Busan to visit her grandparents. She’d confessed and he’d returned her feelings, and they’d had sex with each other for the first time.
At that moment, Sooah sneezes again. “Jesus,” she mutters, stopping in her tracks. “What is it in this house?”
Jimin grins again, hips moving subtly in time to the music. “It’s just that time of the year,” he says wisely, spinning her awkwardly again and chuckling when she trips over her feet.
“You’re doing this on purpose, Jimin,” she hisses, nudging him in annoyance.
“Me?” He tugs her closer. “You’re the one with two left feet. I’m the only reason you’re standing upright.”
Sooah’s heart races and she grabs the lapels of his jacket, pulling him closer dramatically. She tries to ignore how close his plush, pink lips are, twisted in a smirk. “Good thing the song’s getting over, then. I can stand upright all by myself when you aren’t steering me around.” 
Jimin nods, slowing down as the song indeed changes. “That’s good. Do you want me to hang around, though?” He gestures to the tissue she brings out of her pocket, presumably as a precaution. “Just in case you lose your balance battling your allergies?”
She shrugs. “It’s up to you, really.”
“No, I wouldn’t want to impose.”
“You really think you can leave the dance floor while this song is playing?”
“Of course.” Jimin gives her an amused look. “I have some self-control. And it’s much more fun dancing with you.”
Flirty little shit. Sooah narrows her eyes. “Dancing? I was just trying not to look stupid, while you were…” She gestures vaguely.
“Breathtaking? I know,” he says seriously. “And you can’t ever look stupid while you’re dancing with me.”
“That’s a lot of confidence, Chim, for someone who was too afraid to get out there just because Idol was playing.” She raises an eyebrow and waits for a similar response, possibly with a backhanded compliment inserted in there. But there’s a small nostalgic smile on his face and the moment Sooah realises why, she feels her cheeks getting warm.
“Sooah, you know you can -”
“Um, hi.” 
Jimin is cut off and turns to see Jia, the same girl who’d been passionately explaining that anime to him earlier in the kitchen. Her short hair bobbing as she murmurs a “hi” to Sooah, she looks back up at Jimin with a nervous smile.
“I hope this isn’t too cliche,” she begins, tilting her head charmingly, “but… do you want to dance?”
Jimin raises his eyebrows, and it seems to be only then that he and Sooah realise that they’re still in the middle of the makeshift dance floor, the only ones standing still as people around them do the viral dance moves to the song. His eyes flicker to Sooah, eyes wide and innocent - and daring her to say something.
Sooah holds his gaze for a moment before tearing her eyes away and looking at Jia. “Oh, of course,” she says, taking a step back. “He was just saying that he wants to dance - and I’m not a very good dancer, so.” She shrugs sweetly and gestures towards Jimin, biting her lip when she sees his face go slack.
“Oh, well -” Jia chuckles self-consciously, tucking a lock of hair behind her ear. “I don’t think anyone here is as good as you, but if you’re okay…” She shrugs, and Jimin finds himself charmed, especially when Sooah nods. 
“Of course,” he replies, smiling and asking for Jia’s hand. “Sooah has never liked dancing all that much.”
“Guilty.” She takes another step back and waves at them, grinning at Jimin who meets her gaze over Jia’s head. Her stomach jolts unpleasantly when he takes her hand and spins her around, but she retains her expression, making sure he sees her grab her beer and leave the room.
Jimin finds her soon enough, less than five minutes later. Sooah is on the steps of the balcony to the front yard, observing the handful of smokers and lone party-goers getting a breath of fresh air. With a fresh gin and tonic in one hand, she feels the cool breeze through her hair, interrupted by a light, fruity scent that makes her stomach flip.
“I hate you.”
Eyes closed, Sooah laughs. She feels Jimin take a seat next to her and opens her eyes to see him scowling. “Whatever do you mean, Park Jimin?”
“She was the worst dancer I have ever seen,” he blurts out, looking truly hassled. “Like… I don’t even know if I can call that dancing. She knocked into two people and it was like she was trying to stay off beat.” He shakes his head. “And you knew, didn’t you?”
Sooah laughs again, and despite himself, Jimin’s heart skips a beat. “That’s the good thing about me. At least I know I’m a terrible dancer.”
“You could’ve warned me.”
“You wanted to dance,” she reminds him. “And I’ve never liked dancing all that much.”
“She stepped on my feet twice, Sooah.” He sticks out his foot, long and lean in tight black jeans, to show her his shiny black shoe. “These are new shoes. And expensive.”
She raises her eyebrows. “You bought yourself super expensive shoes and wore them to a house party? Where anyone could spill sticky liquor all over them?”
Jimin shrugs, looking a bit sullen. His pale jaw is bright against the dark sky. “I didn’t even buy them,” he says after a moment, sounding a bit defensive. “Taehyung bought them for me, for my birthday.”
Sooah nudges his shoulder playfully. “Oh. Then it’s alright.” She waits for him to acknowledge her reply, accepting the shrug he gives her. “How is Tae, by the way?”
He lets out a long sigh, looking up. “I don’t know, honestly.”
“Wait, what? You’re still close, aren’t you?”
“What? No, yeah, of course we are. He’s just…” Jimin gestures vaguely. “He’s trying to get this girl to date him and… I don’t know how it’s going, honestly.”
“Really?” Sooah frowns curiously. “Taehyung can’t get a girl to go out with him? That’s new.”
“He asked out Park Soyeon twice in senior year before he finally gave up.” The words are out of his mouth before he can stop them. There’s a momentary pause before he scrambles to cover it up. “I don’t think that’s what���s going on here, though. She likes him, too, but she’s a foreigner and…” He sighs, suddenly tired. “I don’t know. There’s a lot of drama going on there.”
She nods thoughtfully as she leans backwards on her hands, her light blue denim jacket brushing against his leather one. Her cheeks are as full as ever, and Jimin is faced with an insane urge to pinch them. “It’s a good thing we never had any drama.”
He pauses before snorting. “No, no… never. No drama,” he adds, glad to see she’s grinning, too. He drops his gaze to the ground, acknowledging a bit gratefully that they’re able to joke about it. He nudges a tuft of grass with the toe of his shoe, trying not to close his eyes at the smell of her floral perfume. “Were you really mad that I left for Europe?”
Sooah stiffens. Her knuckles tighten on the step she’s sitting on, and she fixes her gaze on two guys across the yard, both peering into one phone. “No.”
“It’s your job, Jimin.”
“I meant, without calling.”
She’s mildly surprised at how bold he’s being. “I wasn’t mad,” she says decidedly. Her light blue jeans look extraordinarily pale next to his black ones, their knees an inch away from each other. “I was surprised, that’s all.” She shrugs with a forced nonchalance she hopes he won’t spot. “I thought we were… I thought we were good.”
“We were,” he says automatically. When she doesn’t respond, he bites his lip. “Why didn’t you call me when you were in Busan? I didn’t hear from you for two whole weeks.”
Sooah’s stomach twists unpleasantly. “I wasn’t sure if I was meant to, you know?” she says in a small voice, shrugging. “We weren’t dating,” she reminds him.
Jimin nods slowly. “I thought you were back together with Daehyun,” he says after a moment, anticipating her reaction a moment before it comes.
“That would be difficult since we weren’t ever together.”
The silence that settles over them is a familiar one, thick with baggage and past misunderstandings. Jimin can almost predict the pattern of their conversation if they continue along this thread, which mistakes would be brought up and which passive aggressive comments would be made until one of them either snapped or walked away. Despite knowing, he feels an old, familiar panic grip his heart when he thinks about her walking away from him, another familiar sight.
A cool gust of wind blows then, making Sooah’s hair fly off her neck, revealing thin hoop earrings. Jimin runs a hand through his ruffled blond hair. “Why did you come out here?”
She shrugs, glad for the change in topic. “Thought it would help with the allergies.”
He frowns, suddenly aware that she hasn’t sneezed once since he joined her. “Looks like it worked.” He chances a look at her when she nods. “I thought because…” He trails off, not knowing if this is another line of conversation that could end badly.
“Because of Jia?”
To his relief, her eyes are twinkling and her lips are tilted up in half a smirk. He wants to see that smile again, the blinding one. “Yeah, because of Jia,” he says, a bit more confidently.
“Because she’s a bad dancer?”
“Is that the only reason you might have a problem with Jia?”
“Why would I have a problem with Jia at all?” She narrows her eyes playfully, and - Jimin swears he’s not imagining it - her gaze flickers momentarily to his mouth before meeting his eyes again.
“I don’t know.” Jimin plays along, tilting his head and licking his lips. “She did interrupt us.”
“I usually brace myself for interruptions when I’m with the famous Park Jimin. You do need to cater to your fans.”
He raises an eyebrow. “Weren’t you a fan?”
The biggest one, once. But Sooah doesn’t say it. This, too, is a familiar turn of conversation, and she’d rather not disturb it. “Probably not the same kind.” When Jimin can no longer hide the grin on his face, her heart skips a beat. “Where are you off to next?”
An abrupt change of subject. Right on cue. “Um… America, next month.”
“No, just promotion. Austin, Texas,” he recites. “Supposed to be freezing, apparently.”
“Oh, I’m sure you’ll find someone to keep you warm.” Sooah nudges his shoulder, and he rolls his eyes before turning to her. “Christ, Chim, it’s not my fault if your mind goes straight to the gutter.”
“So you don’t mind if I find someone to keep me warm?” Jimin asks, raising an eyebrow.
“Of course not. Would you mind if I found someone to keep me warm here? Seoul gets pretty cold, too.”
Jimin bites his lip, feeling a flutter low in his abdomen. “I wouldn’t know about that. I run pretty hot myself.”
“Lies.” But Sooah finds she’d suddenly like to test that theory. “Speaking of… it’s getting pretty cold right now, don’t you think?” As if to prove her point, she pulls her thin jacket a bit tighter around her. The movement pushes her breasts together, a hint of cleavage visible over the clingy red top. For the first time, he notices her nipples, erect and pushing against her top, and he feels himself suddenly stir.
“Is it?” He swallows and straightens up, adjusting his jacket and pretending not to notice how her gaze lingers on his lean biceps as they flex. “I’m wearing a leather jacket.”
“And you run hot.”
“Exactly.” He pauses as he watches her bring her hair to the front of her shoulders, as if to keep her warm. The action sends a whiff of her shampoo, something similarly floral, straight to his nose and he bites his lip. “I have an extra hoodie in my car,” he says after a moment.
Sooah’s mouth twists to stop the automatic smile. Right on cue. “Yeah?” When Jimin nods and stands up, her heart skips a beat at how glorious he looks. It’s not purely admiring, though; there’s an old, painfully familiar uneasiness at it, at a twenty-one year old Jimin who’s suddenly aware of his own attractiveness, especially in relation to her.
It’s the one thing that’s remained constant through the years, through the teenage drama, the debut, the fame, the distance. He still says her name like she’s Kim Sooah, and for a moment he’s still the same Park Jimin. It’s always the quiet ones. She feels a sudden tightness in her throat and immediately stands up to cover it up, swallowing and fluffing out her hair.
“Lead the way,” she says, glad she sounds normal. Jimin’s eyes twinkle as they begin walking, hands safely in their pockets while their shoulders brush. Her stomach flutters again, a warmth forming low in her abdomen as they leave the party behind and reach the quieter area of the parking lot.
“Which one’s yours? Let me guess,” continues Sooah, turning and walking backwards, “the most expensive one?”
“Your words, not mine.” He stops in between four cars, all shiny and fairly fancy. “You really want to guess?”
She narrows her eyes. “Not the Ferrari,” she says right off the bat, pointing at the shiny red car to his left. “Too ostentatious, even for you.”
“I do like my subtlety,” he sighs, running a hand through his blond hair. 
“Sure you do,” she murmurs, taking her time to look away from the sliver of hard muscle as his shirt rides up. When she looks back up at him, he meets her gaze with a smirk. “Not the Volvo.”
“Nope. Not sexy enough.”
Jimin grins, watching her movements more openly now as she walks slowly over to one of the two remaining cars. Her walk is still the same, naturally confident. She saunters over to the wine red Audi and turns around to face him, leaning backwards against the hood. “Do I have another guess left?”
“Just one,” he tells her, taking a step forward.
Sooah finds herself pressing her legs together as he gets closer, the leather jacket proving once again to be her biggest weakness. “What if I get it wrong?”
Jimin pauses. “You’ve already narrowed it down to two.”
“So? There’s a fifty percent probability of me getting it wrong.”
“You know me better than that. I taught you better than that.”
Sooah bites her lip, trying not to react to his cologne as he gets even closer. From this distance, the material of his t-shirt looks so flimsy that she’s sure she can see his tattoo through it. She forces herself to focus. “Did you?”
“It hasn’t been that long.”
“When I met you, you were the shy, sweet guy with the snapback who taught me calculus. Now you’re…” She trails off, making a show of looking at him up and down.
Jimin raises his eyebrows, open his arms with his hands in the pockets of his jacket, making her more certain than ever that he knows how it puts his lean torso on display. “Am I not sweet anymore?”
“You’re something,” she murmurs, tilting her head up to look at him as he gets even closer, less than a foot between them. “Definitely too famous to be hanging out with, say, an old high school flame. No?”
Taking a step closer, he halts, his eyes flickering momentarily as though with a past memory. “I haven’t changed that much.” Her lips are red, he observes, like a cherry, matching her top perfectly. Slightly lower, her nipples look hard as rock. “There’s about two hundred people in that house,” he reminds her, his voice low. “And I’m still here with you.”
Her heart begins to race at the sight of his lips, plush and pink as always. It’s always the quiet ones. “You’re just bored,” she states, but it doesn’t sound as confident as she intended.
“And you aren’t?”
“There’s two hundred people in that house, you know.”
Jimin bites his lip, not even trying to hide his grin as his gaze flickers to her mouth. It’s time. He leans down and tilts his head, slowly, so his lips barely brush her helix. “It’s been two years, Soaah,” he murmurs, her name sounding deliciously familiar on his tongue. He lowers his head slightly so his lips brush her earlobe now. “Bored is not the word I’d use.”
Sooah’s eyes flutter shut, goosebumps erupting on the back of her neck. There’s never been a situation more exciting yet familiar at the same time, especially when his last words sound only partly flirty. It can only go one of two ways now, depending on which she chooses. Tilting her head up slightly, she takes a deep breath. “Not the Mustang,” she murmurs finally.
She feels Jimin smile against her skin and his hand come up to her side, fingers brushing her stomach before his arm wraps around her waist. “Bingo,” he whispers, pressing a light, feathery kiss to her neck before bringing his lips straight to hers and kissing her.
He tastes like cranberry juice; her hands go straight up his torso, feeling the lean muscle for the first time in two years, before snaking it up to his face and hair. Blond suits him, she thinks absently as he pulls her closer, his soft lips feeling like velvet against hers. His hands go under her jacket now, feeling the curve of her waist down her hips before slipping his hands in the back pockets of her jeans.
Sooah gasps, pulling him closer by the lapels of his jacket. “You really haven’t changed that much,” she moans softly against his lips, loving how firm his hands feel on her arse.
“I told you,” he mutters, squeezing her once more before sliding one hand out of her pocket to bring it back up her side. Like an automatic reaction, his hand moves towards her chest and finally, finally brushes her nipple, making both of them moan in unison. “Fuck, Sooah,” he whines, “you still don’t believe in wearing a bra?”
“I haven’t changed that much either,” she whispers, moving her hands lower now, taking care to touch every inch of muscle she can before reaching his jeans to find what she’s really looking for.
Jimin pulls away when he feels her hands roam lightly down the front of his jeans. “Right here?”
“M-m.” She brings his head back down to kiss him with one hand, the other one brushing down his front, only momentarily teasing the restrained bulge, before feeling down his front pocket. Reaching for what she needs, she grins and breaks away. “Just wanted to see if I was right,” she says, pressing the button on the car key and biting her lip when the Audi beeps.
“I told you you were,” he sighs, but still backing her up the side of the car and reaching behind her to open the door to the back seat. He kisses her again before she backs into the car and shimmies up the seat, taking off her jacket. Jimin follows just behind to take off his own and push her down gently, lowering himself onto her and kissing her deeply.
She tugs his t-shirt off, sighing shakily when she finally sees everything she’d been imagining. “You’re so hot, Park Jimin,” she murmurs, reaching up to press a wet kiss to his collarbone before sucking on the same spot, her fingernails raking down his body.
Jimin groans audibly, at the sensation and at her words, his hair falling into his eyes as he lowers his head. Sooah’s hands reach for his belt and unbuckle it, and he follows suit as he unbuttons his jeans and undoes his zipper, freeing his erection slightly.
He can hear the smirk in her voice against his neck, feeling her press a kiss to the surely reddening spot. “Much,” he mutters, pushing her back down again and swallowing her chuckle in a kiss. He rolls his hips into hers, helping her spread her legs along the seat. Slowly, teasingly, he touches his tongue to her lips, running them along the side, tasting the light gin and tonic she’d been drinking along with something smoky. It’s addictive, whatever it is, and he can’t get enough of it.
Sooah pulls him lower by the waist as she kisses him back, loving how his body feels against hers. He always did have the most beautiful body, diet or no diet, especially because he knew how to use it, how to mould it against hers so she felt him, his skin, his feel everywhere. Even now, as he’s covering her completely, his biceps taut as he runs a hand up her sternum and lightly squeezes her breast, she still wants more.
“Chim,” she whispers, the old familiar nickname feeling natural on her tongue, biting her lip when he trails his lips down her jaw. She tilts her head back automatically, giving him access to her neck, her knee bending automatically.
“Yeah?” he asks, lips lightly biting at the strap of her tank top.
“Chim,” she repeats softly, running a hand through his thick hair, “suck my tits.”
Right on fucking cue. Jimin makes a sound against her skin that’s something between a groan and whine at her soft command, immediately pulling away slightly to push her top up her torso. Sooah watches his expression as he slows down, carefully peeling the top over her breasts like he’s unwrapping a present. Against her crotch, she feels his erection twitch.
“No bra,” he breathes, eyes flickering up to hers. “I was right.”
“I told you you were.” Her eyes flutter shut when he kisses her left nipple, first lightly, then a bit more passionately. She tugs at his hair and he takes the hint, wrapping his lips around it and sucking it. “Fuck,” she whispers, her back arching off the beige leather seat. His other hand moves down her bare waist to stop at the button of her jeans. Pausing to see if she’ll stop him, he unbuttons it expertly with one hand and unzips it before sliding his hand down to feel her warm, wet core.
“Yes,” she whispers, reaching up with her hand for her other breast and squeezing it, bringing the nipple between her fingers. “Chim, do you have a condom?”
Jimin lets her nipple fall out of his mouth before nodding, his hair brushing against her breast. “It’s in the glove compartment…” Grunting softly as he climbs off her, he leans over the gear shift and clicks it open, rummaging in its contents in the dark. In the meantime, Sooah tears her eyes away from how tight his thighs and hips look in his jeans and takes off her own along with her underwear, and tugs her top back down as Jimin returns.
He shakes the square plastic packet and rips it open before pausing and looking down at her. “Are you sure you -”
“Yes.” She pulls him down to kiss him again, easing him back on top of her and between her legs, moaning into his mouth when he feels the cloth of his underwear against her clit. “Fuck, yes…”
Jimin lets her tug his jeans below his hips, her hands running over his tight backside before she slips two fingers behind the elastic of his boxer briefs. “Are you sure?” she asks, feeling his hard abdomen against her knuckles and feeling breathless.
He nods wordlessly and answers her with a kiss, more tender than the previous ones, a memory surfacing despite everything, of her asking him the same question years and years ago, the day he’d lost his virginity to her. Jimin slips his boxer briefs down, erection finally free, both of them groaning as his tip brushes her mound.
Sooah reaches between them to gently grasp him, smiling slightly when he gasps into her mouth. “Put it on, Jimin,” she whispers, feeling full and ready for him. He nods, pulling away slightly to slip on the condom and lining himself up at her entrance, glancing up at her once more and feeling his heart stop momentarily.
When she smiles slightly, almost shyly, he forgets what he was thinking and lowers his head to kiss her again, entering her slowly. Both of them groan softly in unison, and Jimin drops his head in the crook of her neck, pushing in further, feeling himself fully encased inside her. Sooah’s hands rake down his back, short fingernails scraping his skin sensually until they reach his hips. Taking the hint, he rolls his hips into hers, harder this time.
“Fuck, like that…” Sooah’s back arches again as he continues moving, his rhythm so delicious and teasing that she knows already that she won’t last too long. Besides, it’s just been so long. She wraps the leg on the outside of the seat around his waist, pulling him to her, wanting to feel him fill her up.
Jimin grunts softly, continuing to increase his speed. With one hand, he reaches for her top and pulls it down, allowing her breasts to be free and pushed up over the hem. She whimpers his name when he sucks at her nipple again, a bit rougher this time as he keeps thrusting into her. The car is filled with sounds of their kisses, gasps and thrusts, just them and no one else in the dark.
“I’m close…” Sooah’s voice is soft and high-pitched now as she feels herself approach her climax, clutching his hard shoulder as she finally comes undone. She feels him slow down as her orgasm washes over her, the pleasurable explosions following the major one. When she finally opens her eyes and locks eyes with him, she smiles in bliss and Jimin is blinded.
Angelic, smirking and wondrous all at once, his thick blond hair falling into his eyes, Park Jimin kisses her as he begins moving again. His movements are so smooth and so sensual that as he picks up his pace, faster this time as he chases his own orgasm, Sooah begins feeling a sensation low in her abdomen again.
“Fuck, Sooah…” Jimin whines, eyes screwed shut as his mouth falls open, his plush lips looking biteable and kissable in the dark. She kisses his jaw, his neck, his collarbone as he thrusts faster, his whimpers in line with the growing heat in her own core.
“Yes, yes…” She speaks without realising and notices Jimin’s eyes widen as he realises what’s happening. 
“Are you -”
“Yeah - faster, Chim…” The moment she says his name, Jimin’s thrusts hard before groaning. His head falls onto her shoulder but he keeps himself up on his forearms. He’s still inside her, though, and without thinking, she moves her hips upwards into his. On top of her, Jimin stiffens.
“Are you close, baby?” When she whimpers in the affirmative, he moans in satisfaction, straightening up and pulling out. “Shh, don’t worry,” he murmurs, replacing his cock with his fingers, inserting two fingers deep inside her, feeling her walls clench around him.
Sooah nods frantically, aware of how he’s watching her now with full attention, putting one more finger in as he pumps them in and out of her. “Yes, fuck…” It’s as though the first orgasm wasn’t enough, for the feel of his fingers and the sight of him so proud at the effect he’s having on her is enough to push her over the edge again. 
“Oh, fuck!” 
She feels the explosion harder than before, shuddering underneath him before she realises what’s happened. Looking down at the mess she’s just made, the droplets falling off his beautiful leather seats, she winces. “Oh, fuck,” she mutters, heart still racing. “I’m sorry, Chim…”
But Jimin shakes his head even as he avoids the liquid, retrieving his fingers gently. “Please don’t apologise for that,” he murmurs cheekily, leaning over to press another kiss to her mouth. “It’s okay, I have tissues…” He reaches over for the tissue box behind the gear shift and hands it to her, watching her fix her top before pulling out a handful as he takes off his condom and ties it up.
“It’s, um, been a while since that’s happened,” she speaks up after a moment, sounding uncharacteristically anxious. “Are you giving your car for servicing any time soon?”
Jimin chuckles as he buckles his belt, reaching for his t-shirt over the back of the seat. When he looks up to see her expression, he immediately shakes his head. “Sooah… don’t worry about it. Yes, I will be, actually,” he adds after a moment, noting how she nods and looks away.
“Okay. Cool.” Swinging her legs over the front of the seat, she rummages around for her underwear and jeans, silently pulling them on. Her hair swings over her shoulder, blocking Jimin from view until she sweeps it back over her neck to smoothen it.
“Should we…”
They climb out of opposite doors, jackets in their hands, emerging around the front of the car, tissues awkwardly bunched in their hands when Jimin pats the front of his jeans. “What did you do with the key?”
“Um -” Sooah frowns and turns back to the car. “I may have dropped it… somewhere.”
Jimin sighs and begins walking back to open the door. “Seriously, Sooah…”
“Hey, I was too busy with something else to pay attention to where I dropped your keys,” she says, only mildly defensive, as she opens the passenger door to search under the seat. She hears Jimin chuckle despite himself  as he rummages around at the back, and looks near the gear shift before her eyes trail over the glove compartment. The availability of the condom now seems awfully convenient, as does his apparent plan to give his car for servicing, all seemingly unrelated to their recent tryst.
“Found it!” Jimin’s voice shakes her out of her uneasy train of thought. “It was between the seats,” he declares, climbing back out of the car and gesturing for her to follow suit. As they retrace their steps out, making a beeline for a trash can at the edge of the parking lot, Sooah watches him walk ahead of her, the confidence in his stride so familiarly sexy and attractive, and yet so different from the Park Jimin she’d discovered in high school.
They head into the house together after that, still walking beside each other but somehow a bit more intimate, now that the proverbial ice of this reunion has finally been broken. The party is in full swing now, many more people dancing, the living room far more crowded.
“Do you want a drink?” Jimin asks loudly, leaning down to speak in her ear and touching the small of her back.
“Yeah. Cranberry juice and vodka for you?” She raises her eyebrows playfully, pulling him by the wrist towards the drinks table as he grins.
“It’s my favourite,” he tells her mock-defensively, following her and grabbing a bottle of gin the same time as she reaches for the carton of cranberry juice. They mix each other’s drinks and hand it to each other, Sooah raising her eyebrows in approval as she peers into her glass, and they knock their glasses together.
“Doesn’t look bad,” she says, taking a sip of her drink. She gives him a look when Jimin takes a sip of his and gags dramatically.
“Wish I could say the same,” he sputters, shaking his hair out of his eyes. “This is just vodka and barely any juice.”
“I did the best I could,” she says, shrugging easily.
“Really?” He raises an eyebrow as the song changes to a popular one, and a roar of cheers emanates from the dance floor. “Trying to get me drunk? Want to take advantage of me, Kim Sooah?”
“I think we took enough advantage of each other, Park Jimin,” she replies, moving a bit closer to him, “and this isn’t high school anymore.”
Jimin bites his lip, the back of his neck tingling. In a bold move, he brushes her hair away from her neck and peels her jacket away from her skin. "Some things are still like high school," he reminds her, smirking when her cheeks flush.
Sooah licks her lips, the memory of her hickey on display as she entered their history class burning in her mind. "Jimin, I think I should let you know -"
At that moment, his eyes snap up to see something behind her, face breaking out into a grin. "Sungwoon!" he shouts over the music, waving hugely.
Sooah turns around as well to see the familiar face of Ha Sungwoon and his friend, her stomach sinking as though in slow motion. As both guys approach, Jimin grins and hugs Sungwoon, who then seems to notice her.
"This is Sooah," he says, “my… we know each other from high school. What the hell took you so long?" he adds quickly, punching him lightly on the shoulder.
"My friend got a flat tyre and - oh, we know each other, by the -" Sungwoon starts to say, pointing to Sooah, but then Jimin spots Sungwoon’s friend and waves to him, shaking his hand.
"We've been waiting for you," he tells him cheerfully. "This is -"
"Oh, Sooah, thank god."
There's a momentary pause where Jimin frowns curiously. The friend doesn't seem to notice, though. "Sorry we’re late, though. I'm Hyunjun, by the way,” he says, putting an arm around Sooah’s shoulders. “Thanks for keeping my date company.”
The song changes again, and in a hideous coincidence, the voice that comes out of the speaker is Jimin’s, sounding like he has the burdens of the world on his shoulders. Sooah freezes before looking up at him, already expecting the worst. He’s still staring at Hyunjun, and she sees his mouth move in the words “What did you say?” but with no sound, or so softly that it can’t be heard over the music.
“Yeah, they interned at an event planning company last year. We met at Jiwon’s party, right?” Sungwoon asks, apparently noticing nothing as well, pointing to Sooah curiously.
She only nods, though, eyes still on Jimin. His jaw is sharper than ever and there’s a way in which he purses his lips that reminds her of just what his temper can be. 
“You know, I think I just spotted someone, just before you came,” he says abruptly, turning to Sungwoon. “I think she was hitting on me earlier. Think I’ll go make sure.” Without waiting for a response, he downs the rest of his drink in one go, nods at his friend and starts to walk away.
Sooah sighs. “Jimin -”
But he simply sweeps past her as though he hasn’t heard her. He forces his way through the crowd, the music thumping in his bones, the alcohol swimming in his brain, and his chest feeling like there’s someone sitting on it. The crowd suddenly goes “Fake love!” along with the music and he winces; his only goal is to find Jia, the cute girl who was discussing anime with him earlier in the evening before everything went to shit.
But he can’t quite conjure up her face in his mind. Short hair, blond, most likely… she was wearing pink or purple, or it could’ve been blue… he can remember a locket of some kind, with a thin black choker over a cherry red tank top, nipples erect in the cold…
“Excuse me!” Someone bumps into him and Jimin finds himself in the kitchen, somehow next to the refrigerator. Throwing the door open, he picks out a beer, bites the bottle cap off and takes a long swig, welcoming the stinging cold after the disgusting vodka. He backs up towards the pantry; the kitchen is much emptier than before, the downside of which soon becomes apparent.
“Go back to your date,” he says flatly, without even turning around. He doesn’t expect her to listen, however; in a typical move, she grabs his arm and forces him to look at her, panting slightly like she’s hurried through the party to find him.
“Just listen to -”
“I don’t care, Sooah. It was just a quick fuck, it didn’t mean anything.”
She scoffs, her eyebrows turning down in a scowl. “Yeah, I’m not surprised,” she says, and Jimin struggles to locate the sarcasm in her words. “Listen, I didn’t do anything wrong, okay? We’re not dating.”
“So you fucked me while you’re with someone else?” Jimin chuckles without humour. “Classy as ever, Sooah.”
Sooah is silent for a moment, as though reconsidering her next words. “Yeah, except it’s no different than three years ago, when you got a blowjob from that dolled-up idol at Jungkook’s birthday party,” she spits, the words tumbling out as though she’s been bottling them up since. “And you explicitly said we were nothing. And you wonder why I didn’t call you when I went to Busan the next year?”
“That’s different,” he says dismissively, his cheeks burning - but from the alcohol or her words, he’s unsure.
“Oh, please. You didn’t even tell me about it. If Jungkook hadn’t opened his big mouth and let it slip, I would never have known.”
“Why the fuck did you even care?” Jimin snaps suddenly. “You were with Daehyun at the time, if I remember correctly.”
“Fucking hell, Jimin. Not this again. You know we never dated.”
“I know that’s what you told me.”
“You saw us together in one coffee shop, one time. Four years ago,” she adds, unable to keep the annoyance out of her voice.
“So you’re telling me, through four whole years of high school, you never once -”
“That’s exactly what I’m telling you. And I think you’d remember since for nearly two of those years, I was dating you.”
“Oh, thank you, Kim Sooah, for noticing someone outside your popular little bubble,” he says sarcastically, ignoring how her eyes widen. “I must have really scored when you decided I was worthy of your attention.”
“God, I can’t -” She breaks off, apparently speechless. “Tell me, Jimin. When did I “score”, huh?” she asks, putting air quotes around the word. “Was it a couple of years later, when you debuted and became famous and decided your plain old - oh, what was the word you used? It was something -”
“Sooah -”
“Oh, right! When your “normal person pretty” girlfriend wouldn’t cut it anymore?” She looks livid now, and somewhere in the back of his swimming mind, he finds himself disappointed that it took them less than a night to dissolve into an argument again. “I must have really scored when you decided to drop me that carefully worded break-up text.”
Jimin exhales through his nose, his heart thudding. “I never said that, Sooah. That’s not how I meant it, at least. And that was five years ago! How are you still holding onto that?”
“How are you still holding onto Daehyun? That was an even longer time ago and nothing even happened!”
“You really were just bored, weren’t you?” he asks, ignoring her and shaking his head. “Just whiling away time with me in the back of my car until your date got here?”
Sooah scoffs again. “Maybe I was. And it was only somewhat worth my time,” she adds snarkily.
“Really? My car seat would say otherwise,” he replies, tilting his head, presumably in the direction of the parking lot. He takes a step towards her, his gaze involuntarily flickering down to her chest. “I made you cum twice, Sooah. Can your date do that?”
Her cheeks flush, only partly out of embarrassment. “Guess we’ll find out,” she murmurs, taking a step back and exiting the kitchen.
Jimin watches her leave, feeling a myriad of emotions that only Kim Sooah is capable of inspiring in him. When they’d been in his car, just before he’d entered her, there had been a moment, just a moment where he’d felt like he was watching them from a third person’s point of view.
Seventeen year old Jimin wouldn’t have believed it, that Kim Sooah would be here, underneath him, resplendent in red as she gazed up at him, longed for him. The way she looked at him, though… it tugged at his heart how familiar it was, despite everything else that had changed - or hadn’t changed. 
But then her date arrived, whatever his name was. Jimin can only describe the feeling as akin to feeling a door close somewhere, one he wasn’t even aware was open. The door turns see-through, a vision of Sooah on the other side, surrounded by all the people in her life that he doesn’t know because he’s no longer in it. Suddenly, he feels incredibly stupid for not considering that she might be with someone, that he would be the first person she would see. It’s always the quiet ones.
“Fuck that,” he mutters angrily, slamming the half-empty beer bottle on the kitchen counter and striding out, determined to find Jia. The crowd seems to have multiplied by the time he reaches the living room again, an Epik High song making everyone dance, whether or not they mean to. He moves automatically to the beat, unable to spot Jia anywhere - or unable to identify her, in any case. Another girl smiles at him, however, a taller one with a face like Tiffany Hwang’s, with blue dye at the end of her hair. She’s holding a plastic cup with dark liquid inside it, and Jimin makes a beeline for her.
You know I’m a shit dancer.
This one’s not, though, Jimin decides. Yujin, her name is, or something similar - the music is too loud to tell for certain. But she’s a good dancer, even in heels, tugging at his jacket just the right amount to be flirty, swaying her hips just enough to be teasing. He doesn’t know how long he’s on the floor with her; she doesn’t seem to be getting tired and whoever is in charge of the music is doing their job right. It’s been a long time since he’s danced with a girl this good, he thinks absently. It’s an English song playing now, some rap song, but he can’t think for the life of him who it’s by.
“Hobi hyung would know,” he says, sure of it.
Jimin shakes his head. “You’re a good dancer,” he tells her, speaking louder over the music.
She grins. “So are you,” she says, looking up at him in a way that makes it clear that she recognises him. “Think you can give me a few more tips later?”
He grins back, suddenly spotting red behind her, and his heart skips a beat. “Maybe later,” he says absently, realising only now that he’d been looking for her at all. She’s still standing with Sungwoon and that idiot date of hers, and they’ve been joined by the two people he’d met earlier, Jihoon and Jasmine. The latter is standing with her back to Jimin; he watches Sooah, begrudgingly transfixed, as she nods at something Jasmine is saying. He can’t fathom what they might be talking about, just that Sooah looks mildly amused as she swings her glass lightly by her wrist. Then, suddenly and without warning, she grins and Jimin is blinded.
His stomach jolts when her date turns at the sound of her laugh and takes her hand. To Jimin’s immense irritation, he smiles and says something before walking towards the dance floor. Sooah shakes her head and pulls her hand back, immediately and clearly declining. Her date visibly insists, bopping on the spot and looking ridiculous in a transparent attempt to get her to dance, possibly reasoning that he’s just as bad as she is.
She continues declining, though, until the date finally gives up, looking a bit put off. Jimin’s stomach settles, not twisting anymore but not fully comfortable either. Her date would never know, he decides in a strange combination of pride and sadness. He would never fully know Sooah. Not like I used to.
He untangles himself from Yujin, suddenly tired, and heads back outside to the same steps they were sitting at. A low, weary voice at the back of his head sighs. Any minute now. 
But five minutes pass and he’s still sitting by himself, arms folded on his knees, chin resting on his forearms. It’s a hard pill to swallow, but he supposes he has no right to refuse it, just like he has no right to be angry with her for her omission of detail. Jimin closes his eyes, wondering for the first time in hours just what he’s doing at this stupid party.
“Could you be more dramatic?”
Jimin stops himself from turning even as his stomach leaps. “Are you following me or something?”
“You wish.” When he doesn’t respond, Sooah speaks again. “My allergies started acting up inside again,” she says. From the corner of his eye, he sees her move to stand next to wear he’s sitting, but she doesn’t join him on the steps. Her light blue denim clad legs stand beside him, and he remembers for a split second how they were wrapped around his waist an hour ago. 
“We’re leaving,” she says, pausing abruptly. He’s guessing she’s cringing - because he certainly is - but he no longer has the energy to comment on it. “Just wanted to say bye.”
“Bye, then.”
She doesn’t move, though, and he’s determined not to look up at her. He wonders, vaguely, who’s going to text whom first this time after tonight, and he decides it’s not going to be him. Not a chance.
“For god’s sake, Jimin,” she mutters in a low voice, and he can practically hear her rolling her eyes. “I’m not dating Hyunjun, alright?”
The night feels a degree warmer than it was a moment ago. He swallows. “What, so he was lying?”
“No. He…” She sighs, sounding just as tired as him. “There was a bet among a few of us about the hockey match last weekend and… long story short, I lost it. To Hyunjun.” She pauses. “I’m not dating him… or anyone else.” As she finally walks away, she adds one last detail - and this time she’s definitely rolling her eyes. “Not even Daehyun.” 
Just like that, the door cracks open again.
Thank you for reading. Don't forget to drop a review :)
Tagging: @kflixnet @k-radio @ggukkieland @bbl32
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Sakamaki Brothers: they will never be good fathers. Here’s why! ✨✨✨
TW: toxic parenting, emotionally unavailable parents, manipulation, gaslighting, infidelity, violence, death threats, a slight mention of incest in Laito’s section, and much more.
The final warning: I hope you take these warnings very seriously, as much as I want to write something dark, I hope you don’t force yourself to read this. Take care everyone.
•Best case scenario for you, you won’t know he even existed, and he’ll never be a part of your life. Your mother gets to be far, far away from him and raise you on her own. Hallelujah. 🙏
•Worst case scenario, he’ll be the dad that orders your poor mother around while just lounging on the sofa.
•You’ll learn you can’t rely on Shuu for anything, anything other than his daddy’s money.
•If you’re his firstborn you’ll have to be your own parent as you grow older, as well as any sibling that will pop out along the way. Either from your mother or some other woman.
•Will talk shit about you at every opportunity, in. your. face.
•It will hit you right in your insecurities and doubts then play it off as a joke.
•Well, that’ll leave some emotional scars, and low self-esteem.
•You’ll get abandonment issues and paranoia because of the many times he talked about leaving you and has shown that he’s willing to walk out on you. Don’t worry, he always comes back…after a couple of months. Maybe years? Never?
•Having him as a parent will make you force yourself to grow up faster, forcing you to be your own parent, and teach you to never trust anyone, whilst yearning for moments of vulnerability and affection that you are deprived of.
•You might even get confused when someone compliments you or even show some common decency towards you. It’s quite sad to think about…
•He expects the best out of you. Why? Ur his kid, duh. Of course, you should be the best, second place is not an option if you’re Reiji’s kid.
•Forces you to go to multiple classes on etiquette, posture, and manners, ALL will be taught by him. He doesn’t trust others would be good enough to teach his child.
•Trust me, he can teach you anything except the fact you deserve a better father than him. It’s because he thinks he’s doing his best without making any mistakes.
•random headcanon: Reiji will never let you go near a violin. e v e r, it reminds him of a certain blonde deadbeat of an uncle you have.
•Would rather die than admit he was cruel to you; he won’t admit that he shouldn’t punish you so harshly just because you decided to slouch after a long day.
•He won’t even apologize for shiiit. Even when he’s at fault, from what I have seen, this behavior is canon in the games.
•If there are more of you, Reiji might be so focused on making all of you his version of perfection (which is pretty much impossible because I have a feeling he’ll never be satisfied) that he might start comparing you to your other siblings who pretty much learned how to put up a façade in front of him. He will reward them to prove that this is the reward you can get if you follow whatever he dictates while your sibling whom he is praising is internally suffering in front of you.
•You’ll either bond with your sibling over the similar problems you must face in the household or hate their guts just as Reiji does with Uncle Shuu. (DEJE VU)
•My guess is that your relationship with any sibling under Reiji’s house will eventually go sour. That Reiji’s talent.
•You’ll be able to relate with Isabella from Encanto so much.
•You’ll never feel in control over anything, you’ll feel like your father’s puppet or his experiment. You might be a bit of both in my opinion.
•Ayato will demand control over almost everything. It’s ridiculous.
•Ayato might pressure the kid to be the best just like his mother did or inflate their ego so bad reality will hit them like a truck. 🏃🏻🚙
•He’ll rant on and on about how you’re lucky for having him as your dad. When he does absolutely nothing to help and provide for you. Typical.
•” You should be grateful ur being raised by Ore-sama!!” Well, Ore-sama should have pulled out quicker.
•He may not be as hysterical as his mother, but he is worse in other aspects.
•Ayato will always find a way to undermine your accomplishments and then say he could have done better at your age.
•Allow me to give you an example:
•Oh wow, you were able to win first place in a writing contest in your school with an essay that you work hard on for two months? Is that so? I can already see Ayato ready to talk about himself, saying it’s solely because you’re his kid, of course, you would win first place. Then will proceed to ramble about how he would write something better in less than an hour. (yeah right)
•In less than an hour later he hands you a paper that consists of one paragraph made up of three sentences and it talks about how he is number one and how you are inferior compared to him.
•He will think it’s the best thing that he ever gave you, not knowing you just chucked it in the trash bin the moment you entered your bedroom and proceed to cry your eyes out.
•You learned how to keep your achievements to yourself after that. Even when Ayato will jeer about how he never heard about anything you accomplished and how that must mean you suck at everything.
• You’ll feel like you’re never good enough for anyone no matter how kind you are or how hard you work.
•Look on the bright side (there is no bright side), he might not want to chuck you in the lake (yay?). It brings bad memories.
•He will put his own needs above yours.
•” What do you mean you want to have some of my sweets in my sweet stash? The rest is for Teddy!!!”
•Will most definitely force you into tea parties even if you eventually get too old for tea parties. Every tea party is the equivalent of walking on thin ice.
•random headcanon number two: your poor mother will teach you how to make sweets and list down high-end sweet shops when you’re at least in high school. It’s not for you, obviously, it’s emergency sweets for Kanato when he starts getting more violent than usual and gets physical with your punishments.
• Ironically, anything sweet leaves a bitter taste in your mouth since you might start associating sweet with your father.
•Kanato will scream at you for any slight inconvenience, whether it’s unimportant or nonexistent.
•You took too long to make raspberry pudding, you use the wrong kind of stitches to mend Teddy’s stomach, you touched the glass vial holding your grandmother’s ashes while stuffing Teddy’s stuffing back into his stomach.
•Tantrums, so. many. tantrums. He’ll bawl his eyes out when you don’t want to spend time with him, he’ll snap at you when you want to try and bond with him.
•It’s the equivalent of the song “Hot n Cold” by Katy Perry (mostly the first part of the chorus until “It's black and it's white”)
•I may not be that religious, but may God be with you if you have Laito as a dad.
•You’ll wish your mom swallowed you.
•It’s so easy for Laito to say he loves you, with his saccharine smiles and tender pats on your head. He’ll even go as far as to direct your conversation in a different direction when you start getting curious and start asking about his new lady friend. Or why your mother’s legs are wobbling as she’s walking.
•When you grow older, you’ll finally find out that he has been cheating on your mother non-stop, I guess that you’ll learn it the hard way by catching that fake pervert red-handed, in bed with another woman.
•He will convince you that love is just the same as lust, just like what Cordelia taught him.
•You’re probably going to learn so much about your grandmother whenever Laito talks about how he loves her so much that he hates her.
•With enough time, you might have a theory on what happened between him and Cordelia. You’ll feel the urge to throw up or curl into a ball. The conclusion to your theory is not pretty.
•Watching the mind games that Laito plays with other women is a different kind of torture. You’ll feel more and more expendable as you watch these faceless women be tossed aside when Laito finds new prey.
•You wonder why he even keeps you around him at all, you already stopped believing in his “I love you“s.
•You may not know about Laito beyond his perverse façade, you never probably never will. However, you’ll only know that he just says he loves you for the sake of it.
•You would observe the seemingly never-ending cycle that always occurs in the house. It tends to happen after Laito is done with the sidepiece and is on the search for new women.
•Your mom decided to call out on Laito’s crap, Laito feigns innocence until he snaps, Laito threatens mom with the fact he will leave her for someone better and more attractive than her aging self, mom stops and begs for forgiveness when it was never her fault. Laito cheats on mom anyway no matter the various decisions made.
•It will hurt seeing your mother chase after him because despite taking the brunt of all the emotional abuse, she would still cling to him. Does she still love him? Did he ever see her as anything else than a blood bag? You ask this yourself so many times. The answer would be no, Laito doesn’t love your mom either.
•You’ll have so many trust issues. It’ll be hard for you to create any form of healthy relationship. Both platonic and romantic.
•If I think about this real hard, this one will be a bit sadder than I thought.
•It’s because I start seeing Christa in him when I start seeing Subaru as a bad parent.
•Don’t get me wrong, Subaru will throw furniture around, punch walls and scream his lungs out.
•He will ramble on and on about how he’s filthy and how you shouldn’t associate yourself with him.
•Yet at the same time, I can see him snap out of his rage. Then look at you, scared out of your wits.
•Subaru might try to comfort you until he looks at his split knuckles. Bloody with splinters and split skin.
•Then he’ll decide to go outside for fresh air at the last minute, leaving you alone with mixed emotions.
•You know Subaru is downright horrifying, sadistic even. He threatens to kill you if you even try to help him. He calls you ugly too.
•Yet you can see a glimpse that he might have cared for you, despite the cruel words you must swallow every day.
•Without him knowing, you learned how to place first aid on other people and you’ve become really good at it. Just so you can try to focus on alleviating other people’s pain. Something you never get to do for Subaru. Even in his better days where he’s a bit calmer.
•In calmer times, which is quite rare, he’ll stay out your way. Thinking it would be best for you. (News flash: it’s not, yet at the same time it feels like it is??????)
•You subconsciously flinch at every loud noise around you. Whether someone accidentally slams the door a little too hard, or someone raises their voice a bit for you to pass the salt to your right.
•You’ll hate looking at yourself in the mirror, whether you resemble your father or your mother.
•You will only see a self-destructive monster if you look more like Subaru, or some helpless cattle that is your mom if you look anything like her.
•You’ll also feel like you’re dirty… and a different kind of monster that scavenges for any kind of sign that someone cares for them.
•He may have tried to stay out of your life, but he still did his damage.
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ggukkiereads · 4 years
hi hii I was wondering if you had any taekook x reader fics ? 🙈 , also wondering if I could I go as 🗯 anon if that's okay? I love ur recs so much and ur page is a LIFESAVER , ily bae <3
🌷 Dear 🗯️ anon! I am sorry for answering so late. My drafts are all messed up but I was able to focus on this. On my 📍 pinned post, I actually asked if you meant love triangles or MMF smut but you didn't reply. So, I'll just put both =)
Enjoy! Much love and credit goes to all these wonderful writers who brought these fics to life 💖🥳
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TaeKook Fics (Taehyung x Reader x Jungkook)
Love Triangle/s
M/M/F Smutty One Shots/Series
#ReadwithMe (fics in my reading queue/planning to read)
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Love Triangle
All I Want @ardentlyjae - series [6/6] | 126k | War AU, Soldier!Taehyung | Heavy Angst, S
I actually read this on AO3 but I realized it’s on tumblr too. I remember this fic every time I hear Kodaline’s All I Want, which the fic was inspired by
Anima Meaology @arckook - series [5/5] | 26k | Soulmate AU, soulmate glitch (those with mismatched tattoos on their wrist) | A, F
I read this long ago on AO3 when I had this soulmate AU-fixation phase and I saw it on tumblr recently. Just had to read it again 🥺
Aquarium, Part 2 @whatifyoulivelikethat - two shot | 6.9k | cheating/infidelity, healing/comfort, second chances | A, F
I really like this comfort fic 🥰. Also shows that people deserve second chances, even the person who caused so much hurt. Screamed about it here and here
Change @junghelioseok - series [10/10] | 39.2k | a kind handsome stranger (Taehyung) makes you question your deteriorating relationship (Jungkook) | A, S, F
can I just say that Taehyung is such a sweetheart here 🥰? I always envision Paris Taehyung 2018 in this
Everything Goes @jamaisjoons - one shot | 24k | Fuckboy!Taehyung, Bestfriend!Taehyung, Stranger!Jungkook, unrequited love | A, S  (really angsty)
First Light @inktae - one shot | 24k | Bestfriend!Taehyung, Masked Jungkook who can’t seem to leave the forest, Fantasy AU, based on hotarubi no mori e | F
If you’ve seen my fic recs list, inktae is always part of my recs. The way they write is just emotionally and visually haunting. Their works are just masterpieces. This is beautifully heartbreaking and heartbreakingly beautiful.
House of Cards @aiimaginesbts - series [10/10] | 40k | infidelity au, taehyung in an arranged marriage with someone else, roommate Jungkook | A, S, F
don’t we all want to have a roommate like Jungkook who will be there to comfort you over your heartbreak over someone else?
Stealing the Bite by wildernessuntothemselves - series [6/6] | 37k | witch!reader x werewolf!taehyung x vampire!jungkook, supernatural au, fantasy au | S, A
I mentioned before that some are divided re the ending, so I wonder what’s going to be the reactions of others
The Muse @daddychims - one shot | 30k | Author!Reader, Bestfriend!Taehyung, Fuckboy!Taehyung,  Coworker!Jungkook, Taehyung offered OC to watch him have sex with another so she could write an erotic scene | S, A, F
The Universe of Us (read on mobile) @/taesthetes (officially closed her account) - one shot | 21k | Dream AU, Fantasy, Slice of Life, Kimi no Nawa-inspired | F, A
I am never going to shut up about this fic lol. It’s not exactly a love triangle, ugh hard to explain but please read this wonderful fic. Check their other KTH x R x JJK soulmate fic Cloud Ten too.
When You Least Expect @johobi - series [12/14 + drabble] | 118k | Slow Burn, Love Triangle, Drama, Childhood Friend Taehyung, set up with another guy (Jungkook) | S, A, F
ugh, I want to put another tag about Jungkook but I guess it’s a surprise. I just love the drama 🍿
🌷 I’m forgetting two more fics but I’ll update this once I remember. I haven’t read recently released fics too! I’ll add if there are good ones that come along
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MMF Smutty One Shots/Series
A Piece of You @httpjeon - one shot | 13.9k | abo dynamics, camboy AU, camgirl AU, fan jungkook joins the cam session | S, F
All’s Fair @kimvtae - one shot | 13k | soulmate AU, college AU, dating Taehyung for a year but different name (Jungkook) showed up on OC’s wrist (lol it’s not a problem if you can get them both) | S
Blacklisted @/httpjeon - one shot | 21k | dom/sub AU, CEO AU, “after departing from your dom, you’re assigned to two incredibly powerful men” | A, F, S
Business @btssmutgalore - two shot | 28.9k | executive!reader, inventors/start-up owners taekook | S (seriously, how could I have missed including this here)
Dulce Periculum @forgottenpasta - two shot [2/2]  | 16k | Hybrid AU, Tiger Hybrid!Tae, Owner!Reader, Wolf Hybrid!Jungkook | S, A, F
Easy Like Sunday Morning @ofsugakookies - one shot | 11.8k | boyfriend AU (yes, both of them), dom!taehyung, sub!jungkook | S, PWP
It Takes Two To Make A Thing Go Right @imaginethisbts - two shot [2/2] 11.6k | Hybrid AU (dog hybrids) | S, A (side note: I realized I’ve read all of their fics! give their masterlist a try)
Just Kidding @/whatifyoulivelikethat - series [5/?] | 21.1k+ | nympho OC, friend Taehyung, tae’s roommate Jungkook | S, kinda F, crack
this is actually fun 😊; and the episodes are written in a drabble-ish sort of way so you won’t feel like it needs to be updated to get the story moving. It’s basically just reading fun scenarios of nympho OC and these two satisfying her needs *wink wink
Not So Digital @jiminables  - sequel to Digital Boy | 2.7k | camboy!taehyung, bestfriend!jungkook, short mxm | S, slight F
Playing to Win @tayegi - one shot | 8.6k | FWB AU (tae), sort of enemies to lovers (jungkook), TaeKook (mxm), originally Taehyung x OC (fwb) | S
okay this is one of my favorites! I’m amazed at how the power dynamics were written. Taehyung seems a dom with OC but with Jungkook he is all soft and sub; then, there’s that dynamic between Jungkook and OC who disliked each other originally. I just found the shifting so interesting and the writer was able to display these changes in dom/sub behavior among the three characters really well
Pour Up @jungkxook - one shot | 14k | fuckboy AU, fratboy AU (applies to two of them), one sassy OC, one kind of jealous Koo | S (thank you dear author for reposting this! 🥰)
Shhh @bang-tan-bitches - drabble (with OT7 sequel) | 2.7k | PWP (just pure hot imagine)
Shameless @imaginethisbts - one shot | 5.1k | established relationship (jungkook x oc), Taehyung’s POV, exhibitionism | S (not exactly threesome, because JK and OC are just doing it in front of people, Taehyung had a bit of action in the end)
Sugar & Spice @divine-bangtan - one shot | 20.8k | Kiki’s Delivery Service!AU, Baker AU, Noona AU, Assistant!Jungkook, Rich!Taehyung, pining Koo, a bit of M x M  | S, F, A (it’s all good everyone ends up happy 😊)
Sugar and Spice @sunkissedjk - two shot [2/2] | 8.6k | Your friends ask you whether you prefer sugar (jjk) or spice (kth) | S
ugh this is such an indulgent imagine. If taekook are your friends and they help you decide what type of sex you prefer through a demonstration, wouldn’t you want for multiple demos before deciding? *wink wink
Sacrilegious @therealmintedmango -  part of the Gods and Monsters series | 15.6k | Demon!Jungkook, Fallen Angel!Reader, God!Taehyung | S (so sinful 😈💦)
Sweat Pea @nitaescence - series [10/10] | 63k | DDLG!AU, caregiver!jungkook, caregiver!taehyung, little!oc | S, F, A
so I’m glad there was an ask about caregiver!jungkook because I remembered this. I actually checked if there’s a follow up drabble because the ending is open to any interpretation so I’m curious how other readers interpreted it
051 + Scum’s Wish @scriptmin - one shot | 3k | bestfriend!jungkook, pining!oc (unrequited), rebound!taehyung | S, A
it’s actually kind of sad 😭 but I added this because it's good to have variety. Not all smutty pieces will be a happy one
Tattooed Two @/httpjeon - one shot | 8.5k | tattoo artist AU, boyfriend Jungkook joined by his bestfriend Taehyung | S, F
The Doms Next Door @tatertotthethot - series [3.1/?] | 33.8k+ | BDSM AU, Poly, Neighbor AU, Tattoo Artist AU | S
I really love this series. It’s so funny too, I remember Jimin here - he’s THAT bestfriend you want to have. PLUS TaeKook are absolutely hot. If you're not interested in being a sub or partaking in bdsm, you will reconsider
The Hush Series @suga-kookiemonster - two shot [2/2] | 16.9k | coworker’s friends TaeKook, sort of E2L (Jungkook), dom!taehyung, a bit of voyeurism | | S
okay, I really like author’s writing. It can be about sinful delicious smut scenes but I noticed the members always have this developed characterization. I actually find Taehyung so adorably charming - makes me wonder if irl tae is secretly sinful too behind that sweetness lol
Thic Trilogy @btsinned - series [3/7] | 37k+ | CEO AU, Hybrid AU, College AU, Chubby!Reader | S, F, A
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🌷 I’m throwing in fics in my reading queue #ReadwithMe
Attitude Adjustment @s0seo - one shot | 11.8k | Roommate AU | S
Chain Reaction @kissmetae - one shot | 3.2k | boyfriend Taehyung and friend Jungkook helping OC relax | S
Cherry @kpopstories - series [4/?] | 29k+ |  college AU, fuckboy AU, love triangle | A, S, F (this is part of my ongoing reading list)
Cobalt Blue @hauntedlilies - one shot | 11.3k | artist AU, “you asked Jungkook to draw you like one of his french girls” | S
When You’re Mad @honeyj00ns -  one shot | 3.8k | established relationship (boyfriend Jungkook), enemies to lovers Taehyung, Taehyung is JK’s bestfriend, Christmas AU, College AU| S
Madam Cupcake @craztextae - series [6/?] | 69.2k+ | Sugarbaby AU, Idolverse, idol!jungkook meets OC through an app called “sugarmamas(.)com” | S, F
Player Two @minjoonalist - one shot | 10.6k | Gamer!Jungkook, Boyfriend!Jungkook, Boyfriend!Taehyung, Brat!Reader | S
Tag Team @goodnight-tae - one shot | 5.2k | stripper AU, TaeKook are roommates and friends who share most things 😉 | S, PWP
Whoa @bangtanlalaland - one shot | 4.7k | skater!taehyung, 1970s AU, coworker!jungkook | S, PWP, Crack
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posted: 2021 March 12; updated: 2021 May 12
link to other fic recs here
feel free to recommend a fic
733 notes · View notes
talkfastromance4 · 3 years
Indigo--Calum Hood [one]
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A/N: I can’t believe it’s finally arrived! Thank you all for being so patient while it took me literally two months to write this fic. It’s my first ever slow burn and the longest fic to date (word wise). This means so much to me and I really put my heart and soul into this. This is also written in Calum’s perspective!
Word count: 12.2k (36k total)
Warnings: themes of emotional infidelity but really all internal with no actions,  confusing emotions and thoughts, nudity, slight mention of body image issues, casual drinking, jealousy, sexual situations
Indigo playlist--really just songs that helped inspire this piece so give it a listen if you’d like!
Feedback is always welcome and I’d love to hear your thoughts on this! 
This is split in three parts because Tumblr's new post limit I can't fit it all in one post. So I'll be posting them all at once!
Calum agreed to help out Sarah and Andy with their latest project. He wasn’t quite sure what it was exactly but anything they create is phenomenal and he’s ecstatic to be a part of it. He’d just texted Bianca, his girlfriend, that he’ll be gone for a better part of the afternoon when he arrives at Sarah and Andy’s place. Pebbles greets him at the door, her whole body wiggling with excitement by his presence.
“There’s our man!” Sarah chirps from the table, her camera and other gadgets placed on the table.
“We aren’t shooting here?” Calum asks bending down to pet Pebbles.
“No, there’s this meadow that gets the sun’s rays perfectly at this time,” Andy informs walking in with his own camera bag. “We’re meeting someone else there, too so we should get going.”
“Someone else?”
The sun is beating down on Calum’s back as he walks through the tall grass behind Sarah and Andy. They’re a good distance away from the road and he hopes they won’t go too much further and land in the fate of a 90’s horror film. Andy and Sarah are talking quietly with each other and Calum checks his phone, no new messages from Bianca.
“All right, we’ll start setting up and you just sit and relax until she gets here,” Andy directs to Calum when they stop at a fallen tree that has moss growing on it and its roots extending to the sky.
“Who is ‘she’?” Calum asks, taking a seat on the tree. He wipes at the back of his neck, it’s sticky with sweat. His lips are starting to get chapped and he wishes he brought his water bottle.
Andy and Sarah exchange a look.
“She’d prefer to be anonymous so I can’t tell you,” She responds ominously and unzips her camera bag.
“Anonymous?” Calum is baffled. Andy and Sarah make a point to avoid the topic as they continue to gather their equipment.
In about ten minutes there was another figure walking through the grass and Calum peered at her trying to get a good look. Her hair was blowing in the slight breeze and bangs framed her face. Calum was intrigued when she was first mentioned.
Watching her walk towards them made him think of those snapshots in your life that sticks with you. Something inside of him told him this would be one of those moments.
She was short, which was the first thing he noticed when she stopped in front of him.
“Hey guys, sorry I’m late. Traffic, y’know,” she smiles at Andy and Sarah.
He notices there’s a hint of purple in her hair.
She’s short and has purple hair.
“No problem, sweetie. We were just getting things ready. This is Calum,” Sarah nods towards him and the mystery girl turns in his direction too.
“Hi Calum, thanks for helping,” she smiles.
“No problem, Anonymous,” he grins standing from his tree and holds out his hand.
“Oh, right,” she snickers, stepping forward to take his hand. “You can call me Indie.”
She’s short, has purple hair, and likes to be called Indie.
“Nice to meet you Indie.”
Andy and Sarah first have Calum and Indie sit next to each other on the tree while they take some sample shots. This way Calum and Indie can get to know each other a little better. Calum notices the ink on her wrists, arms, and a nose piercing. She asked about his music and what inspires him. He asked what she does and she very offhandedly said with a shrug,
“Social media stuff.”
And that was the end of that. She didn’t add anything more and Calum wasn’t sure if he should ask for her to clarify but her statement had a tone of finality to it.
She definitely intrigues Calum.
“Okay, Indie, can you swing your leg over the tree like you’re riding a horse and lean on Calum’s shoulder?” Sarah asks.
Indie does as she’s directed then rests her arm on Calum’s shoulder, her head dropping on top of her arm.
“Both of you look at me...good, now Cal, look down at Indie...good, good. Okay, now I want you to put your leg over his...close your eyes for me, babe. That’s it! Beautiful.”
They continue with different poses on the tree and each touch Indie gives to Calum makes the hair on the back of his neck stand up. His body becomes attuned to her touch until Sarah tells Indie to undo her shirt and lay her head on Calum’s lap.
Calum swallows thickly and watches Indie undo the buttons. He looks away quickly wanting to give her privacy and instead looks towards the direction of the road hoping they’re far enough away from peering eyes.
“Now lie across his lap and let the shirt fall over his legs. Yup, Cal... Calum!”
“Huh?” Cal whips his head forward and feels the weight of Indie’s head on his knees. He’s forcing himself to not look down but his body is aware of her weight on him.
He knows this is all a form of art, but he just met the girl and he was unaware this is how the shoot was going to go. He’s posed shirtless for Andy and Sarah multiple times but never with someone else. And never with a girl with purple hair, a gentle voice, and a pen name.
“Lay your arm over her chest.”
“What? Is that okay?” he looks down to Indie’s eyes, they’re a striking deep blue. Like the deepest part of the ocean and he gets a little lost in them. “Is that okay that I do that?” he asks her this time.
“Yeah, it’s fine,” she nods with a smile. “Thank you for asking.”
Calum carefully places his arm across Indie’s exposed chest; he notices how warm her skin already is from the sun but also feels the small poke of her nipples on the softest part of his arm.
“Cover her nipples a bit, Cal, she’s going to post these on her Instagram and you know their dumbass guidelines about breasts,” Sarah rolls her eyes adjusting her camera.
Calum adjusts his arm which means he has to look where her nipples are. He knows the human body is art in its natural form, and he admires the female body so why is he nervous? Is it because they literally just met and her top is open?
He curses himself. It’s not like they’re making an adult film or anything, this is an artistic moment. Shit, why did he think of an adult film because now a million different scenarios flash in his mind. While he places his arm across her chest, he sees some more ink below her breasts but he can’t quite make out the design.
“Indie, put your hands on his arm, spread your fingers…”
Calum hears the rapid shutter speed of her camera as she captures the intimate moment between strangers. Calum wonders why he was chosen to do this. Obviously, Michael wasn’t at the top of the list because he and Crystal are married, and Luke and Sierra just announced their engagement. KayKay is no novice in front of the camera, but maybe they wanted a girl and guy? Usually, Ashton is up for anything involving the human body.
“Cal, you have your thinking face on, man. Relax,” Andy says.
“Don’t be nervous,” Indie whispers gazing up at him.
Those damn blue eyes again. The purple in her hair really makes them pop and he notices a small freckle at the corner of her eye.
“You’re not?” his voice is hushed so Andy and Sarah don’t hear.
“Of course, I am, this is way out of my comfort zone. But this is art, and I want to explore it,” she shrugs.
It eased him that she was nervous as well. He took a deep breath and fixed her bangs in her face.
“That’s good, that’s really good, act natural,” Sarah advises.
“I like the purple,” he compliments, “it really comes out in the sun and makes your eyes stand out.”
“Thank you. I can’t really see your face because of the sun,” she squints up at him and giggles. Calum smiles at the sound.
The session continues and eventually Calum removes his shirt as well which he’s thankful for because he was starting to sweat. He told himself it was because the sun is at its hottest spot in the sky, not because of some cute girl with purple hair and tattoos with her shirt open.
He leans forward on his knees with Indie standing behind him and the tree, her chest pressed to his back and her hands locked under his neck. He wonders if she can hear how loud his heart is beating.
Another pose has him sitting in the grass with her legs hanging over his shoulders. Calum tickles her toes and she squeals out in laughter and Calum knows those will be great shots.
“Hey! Tickling is forbidden!” she laughs. “I will kick you and it will be your fault.”
“You won’t kick me,” he shakes his head but stops tickling her then notices another tattoo on the outside of her ankle. He looks to his right and sees a small red train on the inside of that ankle. “You have a lot of tattoos. What does this one mean?”
His finger traces the red outline of the train and the small speckle of stars shooting from the chimney.
“I loved Thomas the train engine.”
Calum looks up at her not believing her for a second. From this angle he forgets what his smart-ass remark was going to be because her naked midriff distracted him greatly. The ends of her hair tickled over her nipples, her bangs framing her face perfectly.
She gives him a radiant smile that he can’t deny by returning one of his own.
“All right, that’s it for this spot. Ready to head out Indie?” Sarah asks, pulling them from their small moment of connection.
“Yeah, I’m starved,” Indie buttons up her top.
“Want to come, Cal? We’re getting pizza at Marco’s,” Andy says.
“Uh, let me check my phone quickly, hang on,” he pulls out his phone then slips his shirt back on over his head. One notification from Bianca and she just gave his text to her a thumbs up. “Yeah, pizza sounds great.”
He walks next to Indie back to their cars.
“How would you guys feel about doing a night shoot back at our place? The city lights in the skyline would be perfect,” Sarah says when she finishes off the last piece of pizza.
“I’m down for that. Can it be partially nude?” Indie asks, sucking up the last of her root beer from the vintage red cup.
“Absolutely,” Sarah nods.
“What do you say, Calum?” Indie looks up to Calum and he feels like she’s challenging him.
“I’m in,” he nods. He’s always up for a challenge.
The night shoot is out on Sarah and Andy’s balcony. Calum watches Sarah and Indie first from the doorway. Indie has her top open again leaning against the railing. She stretches her arms up above her head, extending her torso and Calum can get a better glimpse of that tattoo below her breasts.
It looks like celestial with moons and stars. As the photos progress, she slips it all the way off and leans over the railing. She does a profile view then reaches her hand out to Sarah’s camera for a close up of her fingers. The two women are giggling and Calum won’t deny how natural and confident Indie is in front of the camera even though she admitted to being nervous to him earlier.
Was she telling him the truth or was she just doing that to keep up this anonymous persona?
“Sarah has a way of making people feel comfortable in front of the camera. It’s her loving nature,” Andy explains as if reading Calum’s mind. “This is all Indie’s idea by the way, the shoot. She wants to do a body positivity session.”
“That’s…” Calum watches with wide eyes as Indie drops her shorts and panties then he sees her cute little bare ass. “Nice.” He clears his throat since she’s completely bare. Andy chuckles and nudges him in the ribs.
Calum is suddenly in the need of a cigarette; his fingers begin to twitch.
He watches her as she and Sarah continue to interact. Indie keeps her backside facing Sarah and Calum spots yet another tattoo on the back of her shoulder. Why’d she choose him to be a part of it? Or was it Andy and Sarah who chose him?
Calum opens his mouth to ask when Sarah calls him over.
“Get your ass out here, Hood, it’s your turn. Sit in the chair,” Sarah commands, pulling up said chair right in front of Indie.
Calum keeps his gaze on Indie’s face when he sits in the chair in front of her, his head seems a bit clearer now without her naked body in front of him.
“Shirt off?” he jokes, trying to ease his own tension.
“Please,” Sarah grins and he peels it off again. Of course, she’d say yes. “Baby, can you get the lights for me?”
The outside lights shut off by Andy and replaced by color changing string lights hanging in the rafters. Calum stares up above as they transition from green to yellow to orange and finally to some sort of purple/blue hybrid. Indie’s face comes into view over his shoulder, her fingers dance on his shoulders, her eyes are shining, and her hair is more purple with the added hue.
“Magical,” Sarah comments.
Indie smiles at him and he couldn’t agree more with Sarah’s statement and a few notes of a soft melody sprout in his head.
Calum stayed up all night going through Indie’s Instagram. He thought it would show her real name and he’ll deny to his dying breath that he did NOT spend an hour trying to find her profile. Turns out, her social media persona is displayed as Indie too and he wonders why.
Her posts are all about body positivity which include photos of her body that look professionally done in his opinion. Each pose is perfectly posed so you can’t really see everything but know that she’s fully naked. He tries to make out the tattoos he couldn’t see from the night before, but it’s hard with how her body twists and the way they’re edited.
He reads through some of the comments, agreeing with the ones telling how hot and gorgeous she is. He wanted to tell off the creeps and defend her because her message was about loving your body.
Her photos and posts are real and authentic. She talks about her own insecurities, how learning to love her body seems to be an ongoing lesson. He admires her rawness and understands seeing something different when you look in the mirror but when he sees her...he wonders how she can see flaws.
His phone rings right after he hits ‘follow’ and the noise scares him. His heart plummeted when he saw it was Bianca.
“Hey, babe,” he greets and she immediately rattles off about her day.
Calum puts her on speaker so he can continue to scroll through the photos of him and Indie she posted from their shoot. There are comments from some fans inquiring if he and Bianca broke up.
Bianca didn’t really say anything about his photoshoot, but she doesn’t really say much about what he does anyway.
The guys are taking a little creative break after bouncing back chords, verses, and beats that they’ve been working on since six in the morning. Ashton was complaining about needing his fifth cup of iced coffee and Michael was starving so the two of them left to pick up lunch and coffee.
Luke and Calum remained behind like always. Luke never stopped working and Calum always kept him company, enjoying the sounds of his soft guitar playing. Ashton’s lava lamp changes to purple and Calum is reminded of Indie so he pulls out his phone and goes to her Instagram.
She’s made a few new posts within the last several days. The first one is of her standing in front of her bathroom mirror with a towel wrapped around her. Her eyes are wide and bright, her hair is in wet strands and the steam frames her reflection. The next one is darker with the towel dropped; two small black hearts are placed on her breasts.
She captioned it: “conversations with myself about loving me are the hardest conversations I have. Sometimes they’re serious and other times goofy, but that’s with the aid of rum. Being gentle with yourself seems so easy until you come face to face.”
The second most recent post is of her and another guy at some sort of festival. They both have on circular sunglasses and the photos are a little blurry. One is a close up of the guy but he’s out of focus and eating a corn dog. The next one is of the two of them standing in front of a funhouse mirror; she has her fingers up in a peace sign. There’s one of them eating cotton candy and the last is of them on the Ferris wheel.
She just captions it as ‘memories.’
The last one she posted was from several hours ago and it was another photo shoot. She was posed with the same guy from the festival only this time she was topless and his arms were around her in front of a mirror. Another one has her lying on a bed with her head hanging off the edge and she’s upside down. The guy is resting his head on her stomach, both of them are looking at the camera and he’s shirtless too. The last one is of her twisted on the bed under the sheets, her ass peeking out and she’s spread across the guy. His hand is very low on her back.
Calum feels a pang in his chest. The pictures are great and all but why is he feeling this sharp pain and warmth in his cheeks?
“Woah, are you on OnlyFans right now?” Luke snorts and Calum jumps from the sound of his voice.
“Pretty raunchy, don’t ya think?” Luke grins and then something clicks within Calum.
Could Indie have an OnlyFans account? Is that what she meant by “social media stuff”? He knows it’s one of the most popular adult content websites right now and that pay is really good if you post a lot. Is Indie her...sex name? Is that what that’s called?
“D’you think she has an OnlyFans?”
“I dunno. Who is she?” Luke stops his guitar playing to look at Calum.
“I...I uh did a shoot with her, Andy, and Sarah a few weeks ago.”
“Really? What did you do?”
Calum brings up the session he and Indie did together, handing his phone over to Luke. He suddenly feels very self-conscious and almost wants to snatch his phone back so Luke doesn’t see Indie bare chested. But she posted it on her public Instagram so anyone can see it.
“Wow, you really did a nude shoot?”
“We had our pants on,” Calum scoffs, trying to take his phone back but Luke stretches his arm out of his grasp.
“She doesn’t in these next ones.”
“Give me my phone!” Calum scrambles over Luke’s broad frame to get his phone back. He settles back on the couch in a huff. “Don’t look at those.”
“You showed it to me! Who is she anyway?”
“I don’t really know. She goes by the name Indie but I don’t think that’s her real name.”
“What do you mean?”
“When we arrived at the meadow for the shoot, Andy said we were meeting someone else there and when I asked who it was; Sarah said she wanted to be anonymous. She posts a lot about body positivity and I asked what she does for a living and all she said was social media stuff.”
“OnlyFans is social media. What did Bianca have to say about these photos?”
“Not much,” Calum shrugs and he gets a Twitter notification from her. Does she have a sixth sense to post or call when he’s talking about her?
He opens up the notification and she’s talking about him but very vaguely by only calling him ‘boyfriend’ with a photo attached of him looking down at his phone while they were out to dinner the other night. She brags about him online but hardly does anything with him when they are together. He’s starting to forget why he’s dating her in the first place.
“She had nothing to say about you posing topless with another woman?” Luke’s guitar playing stops and his eyebrows are raised.
“Nope,” Calum sighs and likes Bianca’s post anyway. Their relationship seems to only be about ‘liking’ each other’s posts lately.
“That’s...odd. So, why’re you looking at this girl Indie’s insta anyway?”
“I like what she posts. It’s real and true and a lot of people relate to it. It’s nice,” Calum shrugs. “And she was cool to hang out with at the photo session.”
“Ah, I see. You’re jealous you aren’t in those photos with her.”
“What? No, I’m not.”
“Yeah you are, and you didn’t want me to see her naked bum.”
“How would Sierra feel about that?”
“She’d look with me,” Luke shrugs, “you know that. See if she tagged the guy and find out who he is. If he has an OnlyFans then there’s a possibility she might have one, too.”
“How does that make sense?” Calum asks but clicks on the tagged name anyway because he’s not thinking properly and his curiosity is getting the best of him.
“They promote new content with whoever they did it with.”
“How the hell do you know that?”
“Saw it on TikTok, and there was that rumor that Ash has an OnlyFans so I Googled about it.”
“That’s a weird thing to Google.”
“Please, you’ve Googled worse. So, who is the bloke?” Luke peers over his best friend’s hand to look at his phone screen.
Calum looks back down at his phone on the new profile. He has quite a massive following and a small bio.
“His name is Ian, he’s a model and an extra in TV shows. There’s a link under his name but he posted photos with her, too.”
Calum taps on the post to see it’s of them in that damn bed again. Indie is straddling him but she has on some sort of lace outfit and Ian’s hands are on her waist. They’re both laughing and facing the camera.
“He wrote ‘always a blast doing sessions with you.’ Does that mean photo sessions or OnlyFans stuff?”
“How am I supposed to know? Why does it concern you anyway?”
That stops Calum short. Why does it concern him? His mind is spiraling with his conflicting emotions and the desire to search for more information about this Ian guy. He tosses his phone on the opposite end of the couch.
“It doesn’t concern me. I was curious and now I know you and Sierra subscribe to OnlyFans.”
“What? I didn’t say that at all!” Luke squeaks then narrows his eyes. “Don’t change the subject. Why does it matter if she has one or not?”
“I want to understand her, she didn’t tell me much about her and I’m not sure why.”
“She probably wants to keep her life private. Does she have a big following for what she posts?”
“Then maybe she doesn’t want people knowing her business. You can understand that, can’t you?”
“Of course, I can, I--she intrigues me, that’s all. I want to know more about her.”
“Why do you want to know more about her?”
“I don’t know! She...her purple hair and nose ring and tattoos...and her eyes are so damn blue. I don’t understand it.”
Luke is silent for several moments staring at Calum, his blue eyes imploring his friend to tell more. Luke‘s looking at Calum as if he knows something.
Calum is lost in his confusion. Luke moves from the couch and picks up Calum’s notebook and his favorite type of pen. He holds them out to Calum.
“Write about it. Figure it out.”
Calum tried to write about it and figure it out and he was a little ashamed of himself for searching for Indie on OnlyFans a few days later after talking with Luke. It made him feel pervy, and even though he didn’t find her, it wouldn’t have changed his outlook on her at all if she did have an account. It only makes him want to learn more about her and not the small number of half-truths he received.
It’s been a month since he saw her and he’s at a party with Roy and Bianca. Bianca was off with her friends so Calum and Roy were left to their own devices which were perfectly fine for Calum. He’s always up for a good time but only when it’s with his close friends who are more like family, not a hundred people who sneak photos of him when they walk by.
He’s scanning the crowd--people watching is his favorite thing to do--when he spots someone with purple hair walk by.
“Indie! Hey!” Roy literally took the words right from Calum’s mouth.
Roy knows Indie?
Indie turns at the sound of her name waiting for her friend to pass and she smiles upon seeing Roy then shows her teeth in a radiant smile when she sees Calum right next to him. She’s got on some overall shorts with one of the straps unbuttoned and a tight black shirt that stops at her midriff. There’s some glitter on her face and Calum is mystified once more.
“Hey Cal, fancy seeing you here. Hey Roy,” she smiles at him and Roy pulls her into a hug. Calum feels a twinge of jealousy that he didn’t receive a hug.
“You two know each other?” Calum asks, eyebrows raised.
“Yeah, Indie comes to my meditation sessions once in a while. It’s been too long since the last one, missy.”
“I’ve been working!” she giggles shoving his shoulder playfully. “I’m in need of a good meditation zone, though. Oh, this is my friend, Travis.”
“Nice to meet you guys,” Travis shakes Calum and Roy’s hands.
Calum eyes him up but before he can say anything else, Travis mentioned something about finding their group of friends.
“I’ll send you details on the next mediation,” Roy tells her before she heads out.
“I look forward to it. Have a nice time,” she smiles at them both and lets Travis guide her through the crowd.
Calum is a bit upset he didn’t really get to talk to her as he watches her disappear into the sea of people. He continues listening to Roy and his latest idea for a new album and what it will be based around. He hums and comments in the spaces he’s supposed to but his mind is off on someone else.
And then he wonders where the hell Bianca got off to.
“What’s wrong with you, man? Your mind is out of this world right now,” Roy comments.
“Nothing, nothing,” Calum shakes his head gruffly and then Bianca appears handing Calum a drink.
“You look parched,” she kisses his cheek and he feels the sticky residue of her lip gloss on his skin.
Calum continues to search for Indie as the night goes on, wanting to discuss how her body positivity project is going. He smiles and poses in the photos with Bianca; he knows both of their smiles are fake. Whenever she touches him, he doesn’t get that same feeling he did when Indie touched him in the meadow.
It’s a little after midnight as he exits the bathroom and bumps into someone.
“Oops, sorry, my faul--Indie! Hey!” he grins down at her.
“Oh! Hi again. Having a good time?” she asks brightly.
“It’s all right, how about you?”
“Not really in the mood to party tonight,” she shrugs, “but my friend Travis from earlier likes a guy here so I’m his wing woman.”
“What a good friend you are,” he smiles. “Have they met up?”
“I got a text from him with the tongue emoji, the fire emoji, and the drooling emoji,” she counts off on her fingers. “I’ve walked around this place twice so I’m assuming he’s all good,” she chuckles.
“So, you’re here all alone?”
“Yeah. I was just about to order an Uber--”
“I can take you home if you’d like. You shouldn’t take an Uber alone.”
“You don’t have to do that. I don’t mind--”
“Hey baby, some of the girls want to go to the club. I’ll see you later,” Bianca appears and gives Calum a very fleeting kiss on the cheek.
“Okay, before you go, this is Indie; remember how I did that photoshoot a month ago?”
Bianca glances at Indie who gives her a bright smile.
“Hi, it’s nice to meet--”
“Oh, yeah! Where you were both half naked! Very hot. I’ll call you tomorrow,” she says offhandedly to Calum then runs off to her friends.
“Nice to meet you, too!” Indie finishes in a half-shout and Calum laughs. “She’s a woman on a mission, huh?”
“Yeah, always has to be where the party's at. How about that drive home?”
Once in his car, Indie connects her phone to his Bluetooth and puts on her playlist along with the address of her apartment. Calum watches her scroll through her phone until she selects the first song; its vibe is very chill, fitting the mood of the blue color of his car’s interior lighting. He keeps glancing over to her; the blue really brings out the purple in her hair. She then pulls her hair back and up behind her head in a makeshift ponytail, fanning herself with the other hand.
“Hot?” he asks while pressing the button for the AC. she lets out a yelp of surprise when the cool air blows on her neck from the headrest of her seat.
“I need my seats to have this feature,” she sighs then lets her hair drop over her shoulder. “Thank you for taking me home. Will you meet up with...oh my God, what’s your girlfriend’s name?” she presses her hands to her face, eyes widening in horror. “She left before you could introduce her.”
“Her name’s Bianca, and no, I’ll probably go home. Club life isn’t really my style.”
“Are you hungry?” she asks.
“For what?” He peers at her curiously.
“Have you ever had insomnia cupcakes?”
When they arrive at the small cupcake shop they read over the flavors listed on the bulbous glass display case. The cupcakes are the size of muffins and each time Indie nudges closer to him, he can smell her perfume. It’s citrus with a hint of something else he can’t place but she smells wonderful.
Indie ends up getting a strawberry cupcake with white frosting and pink sprinkles and Calum gets a confetti one which she teases him about.
“What’s wrong with confetti?!” he laughs following her outside and sits at one of the round metal tables.
“It’s like the second most vanilla flavor you could get. Live on the edge!” she swipes off a bit of frosting and sucks it off with a low satisfied moan.
Her eyes close relishing then taste and Calum gets momentarily distracted by her reaction to the cupcake.
“Well, isn’t that vanilla frosting? Not too on the edge yourself, are ya?”
“It’s not vanilla. Here,” she holds her cupcake in front of him, her eyes testing him. “Try a taste.”
He swipes her frosting off, eyes still on hers and he pops his finger in his mouth. His tongue is full of a very zesty lemon flavor, it’s sugary and sweet but light enough where it’s not too overbearing.
“Shit, that’s good.”
“Told you! Now you enjoy your plain confetti over there,” she wiggles in her chair taking her cupcake back. She swipes up more frosting.
“You eat the frosting first?” he asks, unfolding the paper from his cupcake.
“Mhm, the cake is the best part.”
He watches her in wonder as she continues to eat before taking a very large bite of his own treat. Frosting gets on his nose and she loses it when he wipes it off.
“Did I get it all?” he asks, sucking off the frosting from his thumb.
“You missed a spot...right here!”
Somehow she snuck some frosting on her pinky finger and rubbed it onto his cheek and nose. Calum was dumbfounded then when he saw her practically rolling in her chair from laughing, he joined her and wiped it off on her own.
“Thanks for that,” he laughs, licking off the lemon frosting.
“I’m sorry, I had to,” she shrugs and licks off the rest of her frosting from her cupcake.
“I’m going to get you back for that, Indie. Mark my words.”
“I’m trembling in my overalls,” she mocks with a smile.
“You should be,” he teases and takes another large bite of his cupcake.
When their cupcakes are finished they’re back in his car and her music fills the air with sound. He makes note of the band on his screen, Linus Young, so he can look them up later. He turns it down on the song titled ‘Crystal Ball.’
“How’s your latest project coming along?” he asks then moves into the middle lane.
“Pretty good, I guess. I want to do a couple more shots before I do a post. Sarah said she’d help me with it, we just have to find the time.”
“Do you need a partner?” he grins.
“Not for these shots,” she giggles, “but you’re more than welcome to come if you’d like. I’m always open to other artists' creative eyes.”
“Yeah, I’d love to. Do you have an idea on what your next project will be?”
“Um, I don’t know. It’s always centered on self-love and body positivity. I might try something with body paint or shadows. There’s a--”
“Do you have an OnlyFans?” he blurts out then immediately wants the earth to swallow him up whole.
Where the hell did that come from? He wanted to try and ease into it casually but how do you casually bring up a website like that? And now he just blurted it out like an imbecile. He keeps his eyes on the road anticipating a well-deserved slap across his cheek or for Indie to demand he take the next exit and drop her off.
Instead, she laughs. It’s a full-on cackle with a trail of giggles gasping for breath. Indie doesn’t stop until he looks over at her in alarm and with an apologetic grimace.
“Oh, you’re serious?” she squeaks wiping at the corners of her eyes. She takes a deep breath, still chuckling. “Why do you think that?”
“I was showing my friend Luke the shoot we did and when I went to your Instagram he saw your other photos and asked if I was on OnlyFans and he said creators usually post photos like that with a partner they collaborated with or something and you said your job is social media stuff and that’s social media and I’m--I’m an asshole for blurting it out like that. I’m sorry. It’s none of my business but even if you are, that’s great, y’know? No shame or judgment from me whatsoever. And I feel stupid for even trying to search you--”
“You tried searching for me?” she asks but Calum’s on a ranting rampage. “Wow. I’m fl--”
“This makes me sound like a grade A creep. You--”
“Calum!” she laughs resting her hand on his forearm. The hair on his neck stands up at her touch just like in the meadow. “As entertaining as it is to see you stumble over your words and talk this much, stop. I’m flattered you would even think that in the first place, but no, I don’t have an account.”
He risks a glance at her; she gives him a warm smile.
“Do you have an account?” She asks in a hushed whisper.
“What?!” he swerves a little in his lane but thankfully he needs to change over for the exit. His GPS says Indie’s place is only a few more minutes away. “No, no I don’t have one.”
She giggles again but doesn’t say another word.
They’re silent for the remainder of the drive, the music playing softly in the background. He wishes he never said anything and that Luke didn’t bring it up in the first place. Calum makes the few turns indicated on his screen and then parks in front of a duplex. Indie unbuckles her seatbelt, angling herself towards him.
“Would you subscribe if I did?”
He jerks his head in her direction, did he hear her right? He opens his mouth to answer then narrows his eyes, she does the same and they have a narrow-eyed contest until they’re laughing.
“Would you subscribe if I did?” he counters.
“I asked you first.”
He unbuckles himself as well so he can stretch in his seat and run his fingers through his hair. “I’m not going to answer that. Can we pretend I never asked that and this conversation never happened?” He drops his hands to the steering wheel; he needs to have a firm handle on something because clearly his tongue is acting wild.
“What did you ask?”
“What conversation are you talking about?”
Calum stares at her, then looks outside as if there’s a hidden camera and he’s being punk’d right now. Is Ashton Kutcher hiding in that trailer?
“We were talking about OnlyFans.”
“Calum! I was playing along! You didn’t ask me anything and we didn’t have a conversation about that unasked question,” she gives him a perky smile.
“You are something else, you know that?” he rubs at his face out of embarrassment and feeling like such an idiot.
“That’s what I’m told,” she sighs.
He feels there’s a story or two there but he’s already invaded her privacy enough tonight. And it’s only the second time actually meeting her.
“Can I ask you something?” She asks.
“Yes. Please do.”
“Why do you want to know what I do?”
Calum rests his head on his seat, turning his head towards her with his hands still on the wheel. She’s situated herself in her seat so that one leg is pulled to her chest and resting against the center console. Her round cheek is cupped in her hand, her eyes wide and captivating.
“I want to know more about you, that’s all.”
“Why do you want to know about me, Cal?”
That question again. The answer is staring him right in the face, it’s on the tip of his tongue, but he just can’t bring himself to say it out loud. So, he alters his answer because he’s already rambled enough for one night.
“You have this ‘I don’t give a fuck’ attitude and a free spirit. You’re sure of yourself and not a lot of people are like that.”
“I definitely do give a fuck about a lot of things. Maybe too much,” she shrugs, removing her hand and leans forward. “You’re sure that’s all?”
She doesn’t ask it in fishing for compliments type of way, it’s more like she knows he’s hiding something, like she knows he sugar-coated his answer. Indie’s eyes have him captured, he’s like a fly caught in a black widow’s web that’s made up of his own lies.
“Ye-es…” he responds slowly.
“You promise?”
Her eyes are steady on his, he squeezes the wheel, arms tightening, knuckles whitening, and the smallest flick of her eyebrow causes him to let out a large exhale. Calum drops his hands in defeat.
“I don’t know how to answer that,” he shakes his head.
She’s looking at him like Luke was looking at him back in the studio.
“You’re…” he licks his lips and swallows down his nerves. “You’re unlike anyone I’ve ever met, Indie. I’ve never been this lost in my head on finding the proper words to say what I want to say. But I can tell you that my intentions are only to get to know you, which I’m certain of.”
“Get to know me as a friend?”
“Friend, photoshoot partner, whatever it is,” he shrugs. “All I know is I can’t stop thinking about you.”
She gives him a small smile with an even smaller nod then takes a deep breath. Her hands rub at her temples as she lets out a frustrated groan covering her eyes with her hands.
“Are you okay?”
“You know that’s the truest thing you’ve said this whole time, Cal? I’d be glad to be your friend but I can’t lie about how I’ve been thinking about you, too.”
“So... what do we do about that?”
Indie removes her hands, her eyes the size of planets holding the same secrecy of the galaxy. He wants to explore every part, every hidden crevice.
“I want to know you, too. But we have to promise--” she holds out her pinky “--that we are friends first and foremost. I don’t trust people easily; I only tell what I think they should know. But my intuition is telling me to trust you and it’s never wrong. Can you do that?”
Calum mulls over her words. He reaches over the console so their faces are closer. He can see the glitter on her cheeks and how they resemble constellations. He cups her cheek; his fingers locking in her hair and captures her lips in a fevered kiss without a thought of the repercussions that will follow.
The kiss is full of sparks, desire, and an innate need. Indie kisses him back with equal hurriedness and soon they’re scrambling to the backseat. Lips still connected, her fingers claw at his shirt and--
Calum blinks. He’s pulled back to the present, his fantasy betraying him in the worst possible way from the reality of Indie still holding her pinky out for him.
The kiss was all in his head. Going against his selfish desires, he hooks his pinky with hers and Indie’s face turns serious.
“We promise to always stay friends, no matter what. Promise?”
“I promise.”
“We promise that no matter what comes from the darkness, what secrets will surface, or whatever urges may arise, we are friends first and won’t let those things change that. Promise?”
“I promise,” he nods, tilting his head to the side in amusement as she continues.
“And above all else...we won’t leave or abandon one another. Promise?”
“I promise.”
“Good. I promise, too,” she stares at their joined pinkies.
“You okay?” he asks, feeling the shift within her.
“Yeah...it’s a little...I’m giving you all my trust. It’s a little scary.”
He squeezes her pinky then covers their joined hands with the palm of his other hand. He cocks his head lower until she looks at him with shining, vulnerable eyes.
“I promise I won’t break it, Indie.”
He wonders if she catches the double entendre to his promise because while he said it about her trust, he could tell she’s wearing her heart on her sleeve. He doesn’t want to break that either.
Calum has been walking on air ever since that night with Indie a few weeks ago promising to be friends. Is he attracted to her? Absolutely. That at least is something he can admit even if it is in his own head. Will he act on those thoughts? No, because he has respect for Indie and his relationship with Bianca.
Things between him and Bianca have gotten a little better; they go out more and she’s asked him about his music. When he’s mentioned he has this tune stuck in his head that he can’t figure out she doesn’t say too much about it and quickly transitions to her next appearance promoting a new line of liquor.
Calum’s confident he can push his attraction for Indie to the side and make their friendship a priority. He’s never had a female best friend before but it’s an easy transition with her.
After that night they exchanged numbers and were quick to start sending funny memes and TikTok videos. Calum downloaded the app solely because of her and when he discovered she had a few videos of her own, he watched the four videos relentlessly.
“You’re a very talented lip syncer, you should go pro,” he’d told her one day over FaceTime while he was making breakfast.
“There’s no such thing as a pro lip syncer,” she snorted back. She was applying makeup in her bathroom sitting cross legged on the counter with her feet in the sink.
“Yeah there’s that show on MTV or some shit where you dress up and put on a whole performance.”
“I would literally die if I had to perform in front of people. No thank you.”
Calum laughed then watched her apply her eyeliner with careful strokes and perfect precision. Whenever she did her makeup she had her hair pulled back in a loose ponytail and her bangs clipped up so she wouldn’t get makeup on them. Seeing her whole face for the first time filled him with even more intrigue and he thought she was even more beautiful.
“Why do you do that on the sink?” he asked, flipping his egg on his toast.
“So I can get closer to the mirror. It’s a girl thing. Doesn’t Bianca do it?”
“Dunno, I’ve never seen her put her makeup on before.”
He would send her photos and videos of Duke and each time she’d comment on how adorable he is and that she would steal him one day.
“You’ll have to get through me first,” he grinned.
“I can take you. It’s one of my superpowers.”
“What superpower is that exactly?”
“If I tell you then my cover’s blown, duh.”
“Why don’t you show me then?” he teased with a slight hint of flirtation.
“Cal…” she warned but couldn’t help her giggle.
“All right, all right,” he smiled, scratching at his head. “Sorry.”
There would be some innocent slip-ups like that throughout their conversations. Calum just felt so at ease with Indie and when she asked him to help her with a photoshoot of hers he was more than excited to accept.
When he arrived at her place, there was music playing from down the hall and he heard voices followed by Indie’s laugh. He follows the sound right into her bathroom where she is with another girl while the bathtub was running water, bubbles rising.
“Did you finally get your own dog?” he asks and the two girls turn at his voice.
“No, it’s for the photos,” Indie smiles. “Cal, this is Inka, she’s going to be in the photos with me and helping you take them.”
“Nice to finally meet you, Calum,” Inka smiles.
Inka’s a little taller than Indie with flowing ink black hair, wide set eyes and brown skin. She has a septum piercing and is also very good looking.
“Nice to meet you,” he nods, and then turns fearfully to Indie. “I’m taking the photos? Shouldn’t you ask Sarah, she’s a professional.”
“I don’t want them to look professionally done. Inka’s big on water photography so she’ll help you. And we need someone to take photos of us together.”
“All right, so…” he glances at the tub that Inka is now bent over testing the water. “What’s with the bubble bath?”
“That’s where we’ll be,” Indie grins, removing her shorts.
Calum is so caught off guard by being the photographer that his eyes watch her step out of them, but finds she has on swimsuit bottoms. At least he won’t be distracted this time like in the meadow or at Andy and Sarah’s when she was completely naked.
“Are you alright with us being topless, Cal?” Inka asks removing her own shorts. He spots some ink on her skin as well, he wonders if they got tattoos together at one point. The styles are pretty similar.
“I’m fine if you guys are,” he shrugs then eyes up the Polaroid sitting on the counter. “I don’t want you to feel uncomfortable with me here; I respect the artistry of the naked body.”
“All I needed to hear,” Inka says with a sigh. “The water’s perfect, Indsy. I’ll put on music that helps me get in the zone.”
“Is this the camera I’ll be using?” Calum asks, pointing to the Polaroid as Inka changes the music on her phone to something with a bit of soul to it. The voice echoes very softly within the bathroom.
“Yeah, it’s Inka’s. She’ll show you how to use it while I’m in there. Thanks for helping with this, everyone couldn’t or thought it was weird when I asked them.”
“Glad to be of assistance,” he smiles down at her, noticing she doesn’t have makeup on. “You look nice by the way.”
“Thank you. I’m going to take my top off now,” she touches his arm as if in assurance, her eyes widening slightly. “Will you be okay?”
He knows she’s teasing but he links his pinky with hers that’s on his arm.
“Promise. Now get in there,” he jerks his head towards her bath.
“Sheesh, you’re a demanding assistant.”
She backs away and he examines the camera with curiosity. When Inka and Indie converse behind him, he lifts his eyes to their reflection in the mirror just as Indie is pulling her t-shirt off. Her eyes meet his as she tosses it to the floor and it’s as if the moment slows before she’s stepping into the water.
“Inka! This is too hot!” she squeals, pulling her foot out.
“No, it’s not! Calum, come feel the water.”
He turns and stands next to Indie; he bends to the floor pressing his hand through a mountain of bubbles. It’s pretty warm but he’s come to realize that Indie doesn’t like hot things.
“I think it’s fine but it is too hot for her,” he agrees with Indie.
“Well, you’ll get used to it and if your cheeks get a little red or your chest, then it will make the pictures better.”
Indie sighs; she puts her hand on Calum’s shoulder for extra support and puts her foot in the water again. She lets out a hiss and stands there for a couple seconds. Calum grabs her hand and holds her fingers when she places her other foot in the tub as well. He watches her scrunch her face at the temperature, he can see a red splotch blooming on her chest already and she’s not even fully in yet.
“Darling, it’s really not that bad,” Inka sighs rubbing at Indie’s shoulder. “Is it?”
“I just need to let myself get used to it,” Indie replies and drops a knee, her fingers’ holding onto Calum���s tightly.
“I can get a cold washcloth for you,” he offers but Indie shakes her head and drops her other knee.
“I’ll be okay. Can you get me a bottled water from my fridge?”
“Yeah, I’ll be right back,” he nods and he releases her fingers.
When he returns, Indie is fully in the bath, her hair cascading over her back like a dark purple curtain. Her knees are drawn up to her chest and Inka is on the floor with her camera pointed at Indie. Indie’s head is on her knees, her body curving forward, eyes big and her lips pouting slightly.
Calum doesn’t like how she looks sad even if he knows it’s for the aesthetics of it all. Indie looks up at him then stretches a now bubbly arm towards him for the water.
“Wait, stay like that for a minute!” Inka instructs Indie's pose and the camera clicks. “Okay, you can take it.”
Calum sits against the cabinets next to Inka, paying attention to the buttons on the camera before she takes a picture. Indie leans back with her head tilted back and eyes closed, her breasts pointing out. Then she rested her arms on the edge of the tub, her cheek falling perfectly in the crook of her elbows and she eyed up the camera and Inka. When she looked at Calum, he forgot how to swallow.
“Okay, ready for me?” Inka asks, standing up from her place on the floor.
“You’re going to complain about the water though,” Indie rolls her eyes playfully and turns the tap back on. She shifts to the opposite end so she doesn’t feel the hot water.
“Just take photos you think would be good as candid’s,” Inka instructs handing Calum the camera.
He’s nervous now. He doesn’t want to mess up their vision and he runs over what Inka told him in his head as she takes off her tank top and climbs in with Indie.
“This is so tepid!” Inka shrieks and Indie laughs.
“It’s perfect!”
“You’re such a little weirdo,” Inka drops into the water and pushes the running water towards Indie. Indie sticks her tongue out.
While the water continues to run, Calum takes some practice shots and Inka starts to pull her hair up in a very messy bun with loose strands kissing her cheeks and forehead. She looks very good, actually. Inka has a natural beauty to her, much like Indie does. Calum took photos of that process, Inka is confident in herself like Indie is; it’s all in her posture.
“Remember the first time we were in the bath together?” Indie asks, leaning against the wall.
“Yeah, you were drunk and thought your tub was a whirlpool. But you turned the shower on instead and I thought you were drowning,” Inka laughs.
Calum captures their smiles. He remains silent as they place bubbles on each other’s noses or blow them at each other from their hands. He tries to take as many of those as he can because he thinks they’re charming.
He discovers they’ve been friends ever since Indie moved to L.A and have gone through tough things with each other like bad relationships, loss of jobs, and fallouts from a whole group of friends they were involved in. The more they talked, the closer they got in the tub.
“Here, turn around, I want to get some shots like this,” Indie tells Inka.
They’re in a fit of giggles and laughter as Inka maneuvers in the water, some of the bubbles are rolling down the sides of the tub. Once they’re situated, Indie scoots closer until she’s pressed against Inka’s back. Calum’s reminded of feeling her pressed against his back at Andy and Sarah’s.
“Look at Cal,” Indie says and they both turn to Calum.
He snaps the photo.
“How are you doing over there Mr. Camera Man?” Inka asks leaning against Indie.
“Great. How’re you guys?” he asks.
“Hungry. I want some pizza,” Indie sighs. She presses her cheek to Inka’s neck and wraps her arms around her stomach.
“We’ll order some afterwards,” Inka lifts her hand and pats at Indie’s head affectionately. “Does Calum know you need to be fed every few hours?”
“You make me sound like a baby,” Indie laughs. “Does Calum know?” She directs the question to him in third person, looking at him expectantly.
“Yes, I discovered she gets very feisty when she’s hungry,” Calum laughs.
“He’s a good egg,” Indie says and kisses Inka’s neck.
“Wait, do that again,” Calum says and Indie presses her lips to Inka’s neck. He snaps the picture and he grins. “That’s a good one.”
“Stay professional over there, sir,” Inka warns, narrowing her eyes.
“I am! It’s a sweet moment that’s all. You guys are close and have been through a lot. There aren’t too many friendships like that.”
“I always tell her she’s my soulmate,” Inka pats Indie's cheek then spins around again in the water.
“My friend Ash and I say the same thing.”
“You two take baths together, too?” Inka asks and Indie laughs.
“No,” he laughs. “We wouldn’t fit.”
That gets them both laughing and he snaps a picture of it, the pure joy and amusement on their faces. He notices goosebumps are on Indie’s arms.
“You’re getting cold, Indie,” he comments.
“Yeah, we should get out soon. Did you get some good photos?” she asks, sitting up a little straighter, her hands on the edge of the tub.
“Wait, Cal get one more picture,” Inka stops Indie from standing.
He poises the camera to his eye again and watches as Inka leans in and gives Indie a soft kiss on the lips. She holds the kiss so he can take the picture and he keeps snapping when they pull away and smile at each other.
They both rise from the tub with more water sloshing over the sides; all the bubbles are gone now. Calum stands handing them each a towel; he’s trying to wrap his head around that kiss. He kisses his friends too, but to see Indie be kissed by a girl made that pang form in his chest again like when she hugged Roy and not him.
He shouldn’t be jealous; they’re just friends and he pinky promised.
“I’ll order some pizza and upload these so we can look at them,” Inka says, wrapping the towel around her. She folds it over so it’s held to her body like a strapless dress. “Time to put your camera skills to the test.”
The photos ended up looking really well. He could tell the differences between his and Inka’s, hers were angled in different ways to make the focal point look cool. His photos were straighter on but Inka was impressed by some of his close-up shots of their laughter.
The three of them watched a movie as they ate their pizza, laughing at the scenes and more memories that came about for Indie and Inka. Calum really liked Inka and she gave him a hug when she left, promising she’ll contact him if she needs his help for her own photos.
“You have her approval by the way,” Indie says, moving back to the couch pulling her blanket over her legs.
“Approval?” He joins her resting his arm over the back of her couch.
“Of being my guy best friend. This was sort of a test of hers by having you deal with our shenanigans and being half naked in the tub.”
“Elaborate, please?” he chuckles. “Did she think I’d be weird about it?”
“She’s a little protective over me. We’re best friends but…” Indie looks at her hands in her lap; she starts to play with the edge of the blanket.
“But…?” he prompts and she bites her lip. “I feel like this is a pinky promise moment.”
“It is.”
He holds out his pinky waiting for her to link their fingers. She takes in a deep breath and hooks her pinky around his but she doesn’t let it go when she speaks. Her eyes are trained on their pinkies.
“Inka and I dated actually, for a short time. It was right when I moved out here and we got super close super-fast, I felt the most comfortable with her in the friend group I fell into. She’s the first one I voiced my attraction to women about and she said she was the same. We both don’t like labels. And... Yeah, we dated for a couple months but both agreed our friendship was more important than if we broke up badly.”
“So, you’re attracted to men and women or just women?” he asks softly.
“Both,” she says, her eyes still on their pinkies. “Inka’s the only woman I’ve dated and have been with but I’ve had other crushes. They just never went anywhere.”
“Hey, look at me,” he tugs on her pinky lightly until her eyes meet his. “Why do you seem scared?”
“When I tell other guys about it they get all weird and ask for threesomes or they get freaked out like I'm going to cheat on them with her or something. I’m attracted to girls but it’s more than attraction, too.”
“I get it,” he nods, “you don’t have to explain to me. You care for people for who they are. I’m sorry if you felt cautious to tell me. You can tell me anything, Indie.”
“It’s just nerve wracking, that’s all,” she lets out a shaky laugh. “I knew you wouldn’t be creepy with the photos but while we were doing them I figured this would be a good time to tell you.”
“Thank you for telling me, it helps me get to know you better,” he smiles. She gives him one back then pulls her pinky away so she can give him a hug.
He holds her tightly, feeling how fast her heart is beating. They didn't let go until her heart slowed down and matched his.
Every day at the studio, Luke would pester Calum asking when they would finally get to meet Indie. Not long after, Ashton and Michael would chime in as well about wanting to meet her and Calum would do his best to ignore them. But he knows his brothers and they’re persistent to the point where it will make you go mad if you don’t agree.
Today was more of a chill day tossing random lyrics and notes around trying to make it into a song. While the other three were goofing off, Calum was at the piano trying to work out the notes that have been swimming in his head for the last couple months. He has the first and last notes down pat but what is in the middle? He can’t figure it out.
“Hey, Cal,” Luke calls, “you should have a party tonight.”
“What for?”
“So, we can all hang out, drink, eat, meet Indie…”
Calum’s hands fall away from the keys and he twists around on the bench to see Luke smiling with all his teeth. He looks like that emoji with his teeth bared.
“Why do you want to meet her so badly?”
“She’s friends with you, we want to be friends with her as well,” Luke shrugs.
“Roy knows her, why can’t we?” Ashton adds.
“Yeah, is she even real at this point?” Michael chortles.
“Yes, she’s real,” Calum rolls his eyes. “How—”
His phone buzzes on the table.
“It’s Indie!” Luke exclaims trying to snatch up the phone.
Calum darts forward grabbing his phone before they can. Thankfully, it was just a text because he knew if he picked up the phone one of them would have found a way to speak with Indie and say something ridiculous.
“Stop acting like we’re twelve,” Calum shakes his head. “Two of you are married.”
“I’m engaged, actually,” Luke corrects, leaning back on the couch. He crosses his converse covered feet at the ankles. “What’d she want?”
Against his better judgment, Calum opens the message to see three photos and a text. They’re all the same photos just taken in different positions. It’s her naked body, from just below her breasts to the tops of her thighs. She’s poised in a way that you can’t see anything and it ranges from black and white, sepia, and the original photo.
‘Which one should I post?’ was the text sent.
“She sent me photos asking for help on which ones to pick for a post,” Calum says already typing away about how she should do all of them. Then he asks how her day’s going. He looks up at his friends and they’re giving him the same look of expectation. “Ugh, fine! If I invite her over you can’t be weird as shit like you are right now.”
They whoop and holler at that news.
“Finally, we get to meet the infamous Indie,” Luke sighs, resting his head on his hands. Calum throws a pillow right at his face.
All of Calum’s friends are mingling in the backyard and kitchen area, conversation and laughter is heard over the low sound of the music playing. He’s ordered pizza and wings for everyone to enjoy and they should be delivered in about forty-five minutes. He’s been anxiously waiting for Indie to arrive but is also nervous about how the guys will act around her.
Bianca is out of town so she couldn’t make it and Calum wasn’t too sure what his feelings are about her not being here. She told him to have fun and not get too rowdy, so he appreciates that small sentiment.
Indie was excited to meet everyone else when he called her and when she asked if she could bring a friend, he assumed it was Inka so he of course said yes.
Boy was he ever wrong.
He was popping open another white claw when Andy and Sarah announced her name. He looks up in excitement to see her hugging Sarah but then it falters when he sees it’s not Inka that’s next to her. It’s that guy Ian from her Instagram posts that she posed with. The pang in his chest is back when Ian places his arm over Indie’s bare shoulders and shakes Andy and Sarah’s hand.
Calum takes notice of her outfit; she has on a dark blue top with the sleeves that only go to the tops of her arms and black jean shorts with some black boots. Her dark purple hair is pulled back behind her head in a sort of braid.
“Hey isn’t that—”
“Indie?” Calum finishes Luke’s sentence and takes a long drink of his white claw. “Yeah, let’s go introduce you.”
Ashton and Michael met them by Indie and she gave Calum a big smile.
“Hey! How’re you?” she asks rising on her tiptoes to give him a hug. Ian and Calum’s eyes meet briefly before Indie pulls away.
“I’m good, glad you could come,” Calum forces a smile. “Uh, these are the guys. It’s about time you all met. This is Luke, Ashton, and Michael. Guys, this is Indie.”
“So, you are a real person,” Ashton nods, shaking her hand.
“As opposed to what? A blow-up doll?” Indie teases and Michael chokes on his own drink.
Calum grins because he knows she’ll be able to handle herself around them. He just hopes they don’t say anything about him that would raise questions.
“I like you,” Ashton smiles. “Who’s this you brought along?”
“Oh! Right, sorry. This is Ian,” she introduces.
Calum eyes him up while he shakes his friends’ hands. He’s about the same height as Calum with short brown hair that kind of sticks up in the front. He’s got tan skin, an arm of tattoos, and has a lean muscular build.
“And this is Calum,” Indie introduces him last.
Calum notices she didn’t say ‘my friend’ or ‘my boyfriend’ when introducing Ian, so what is he exactly?
“Good to finally meet you, man,” Ian holds out his hand.
“Likewise,” Calum makes sure his grip is tight, but so is Ian’s. “Help yourselves to drinks from the coolers and kitchen. Pizza and wings should be coming soon.”
The pang in Calum’s chest only grows as the night progresses. He’s not quite sure what to make of Ian except that he and Indie are very comfortable with each other. When Calum is in ear shot they’re always flirting and touching each other.
“Sooo…” Luke drawls sidling next to Calum. “He’s that guy from her Instagram, right?”
“Are he and Indie dating?”
“No idea,” Calum’s voice is clipped. He takes a drink of his white claw. The pang keeps getting sharper, his fingers are twitching for a cigarette and now he really wants some weed.
“Are you all right?”
Calum watches Ian come up behind Indie with another drink for her and he smacks her ass then proceeds to rub her back. Indie smiles up at him taking the cup.
“Yeah, I’m all right. We’re just friends,” Calum sighs.
When the party dwindled down, it was only Ashton, Michael, Luke, Andy, Sarah,Indie and Ian left sitting around the firepit. The conversation transitions from topic to topic that are mainly centered on Indie and finding out more about her. Just as Calum suspected, she’s very cryptic in her responses and that makes him smile. Calum’s sitting across the way from her and her legs are resting on Ian’s lap. Ian’s hands are rubbing at her calves.
Calum tells himself it doesn’t bother him.
Somehow the conversation turned to sex, which isn’t all that uncommon for their group but Calum was shooting daggers at Ashton because he didn’t want Indie to feel uncomfortable. As always, she surprised him and she was asking her own questions. Everyone answered her question of what their first time was like and they were all great stories of embarrassing moments.
When it came for her to answer, Calum sat up a little straighter in his chair.
“I was nineteen, wasn’t expecting it to happen at all. And you’re always told ‘oh, it’s this magical moment! You’ll be changed forever!’ but it literally lasted two or three minutes and I was like, ‘that’s it?’” she giggles. “I didn’t feel changed at all.”
“Two minutes?” Michael laughs. “Was it his first time too?”
“Hey, in my defense I’ve wanted to do it with her for a long time and when it finally happened…I lost control,” Ian smiles. “That tends to happen with Indie.”
Calum’s ears feel hot and it’s not from the fire. He ignores Luke’s quick glance to him from the bit of information that Ian was the first guy Indie had sex with.
“And we were also in your parent’s living room,” Indie giggles some more.
“All right, so now the next question…most rounds in one night?” Ashton asks lighting up another joint.
Calum wants to strangle him.
“What the hell is with all the sex talk, mate?” he finally asks trying to play it off as nonchalant, but the way Luke and Michael fidget, he knows it didn’t sound that way. No one else seems to notice, if Indie did he doesn’t know because he doesn’t dare look at her now.
“It’s a beautiful thing. It brings people closer by being open about it,” Ashton rests his ankle on his knee.
Calum snorts and shakes his head crossing his arms. He shakes his leg in annoyance.
Everyone says one or two rounds with little stories with each one. Michael made everyone laugh when he said one and a half.
“I was super drunk and it finally caught up with me and…yeah, I fell asleep,” Michael chortles. His eyes are heavy from drinking.
“That poor girl,” Andy says.
“I married her, so you know she’s the one,” Michael smiles.
“Where are Crystal and Sierra? I was looking forward to meeting them, too,” Indie says.
“They’re both at some fashion expo,” Luke explains. “We’ll all get together; they want to meet you too.”
Then fashion is the next topic of conversation until Ashton opens his mouth again. The weed must have set him off in a very inquisitive buzz.
“Indie, you didn’t answer the round's question.”
“I don’t want to be judged,” she holds up her hands in defense.
“This is a judgment free zone, this is a safe space, c’mon,” Ashton smiles lazily.
Indie looks at each person individually, except Calum before she answers.
“Three times,” she sighs, staring into the fire.
There’s a collective ‘woah’ around the group and sounds of approval. She tries to hide her smile but fails and ends up covering her face.
“Damn, that dude’s got stamina,” Michael says.
“It was a fun night,” Ian smirks while taking a drink of his beer. Indie smacks him in the shoulder and that earns even more of a reaction from the group.
They all want to know details and context, but Calum is seething. He really wants to get up and leave because he doesn’t want to hear anymore, but he knows that will cause more questions.
He remains silent for the rest of the night thinking about everything and questioning everything. He wants to know if Indie and Ian are dating and he wants to know why it matters to him so much. It really shouldn’t and that just makes him angrier.
He’s glad his friends are getting along with Indie, but he wishes it weren’t in this type of context.
When everyone had left, Calum was stuffing plates and cups in a large trash bag then he was going to light up a joint in hopes that would help calm his mind and rid his thoughts of seeing Ian and Indie together. He doesn’t even want to think about what they’re doing right now.
Taglist: @calumance  @in-superbloom @calpalirwin @karajaynetoday @wiiildflowerrr-blog1 @sunshineeeluke @littledrummeraussie @suchalonelysunflower @hoodhoran @Fobodob @thew0rldneedsmcreycghurt @sunshineeashton @ashtonsunflower​ @mymindwide​ @itjustkindahappenedreally @seanna313 @fivesecondsofonedirection @mulletcal @pandaxnienke @sebsbrokentoe @heartskippeddabat
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taeescript · 3 years
IV. Script of the Angel (m)
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𝔰𝔶𝔫𝔬𝔭𝔰𝔦𝔰 >> This is the story of three very different people. A successful novelist, a blossoming artist and a dedicated cop. They seem to have nothing in common. Yet, they are continually drawn to each other. It is as if their fates have been intertwined. Written. That they must meet.
𝔭𝔞𝔦𝔯𝔦𝔫𝔤𝔰 >> ft. jungkook and jimin primarily.
𝔤𝔢𝔫𝔯𝔢 >> policeman!jimin, author!jungkook, painter!reader, serialkiller!XXX; a classic game of cat and mouse
𝔴/𝔠 >> 9.1k
𝔴𝔞𝔯𝔫𝔦𝔫𝔤𝔰 >> mature themes depicted. due to the explicit nature of the topic (serial killers, murders, violence, sexual content, infidelity etc.) this is rated 18+. to spare storytelling: please consider yourself warned. sexual content present. 
𝔞/𝔫 >> another long chapter. sorry! the oc is as opposite to me as day is to night, but i have always enjoyed writing characters who are different. i feel like i’m being challenged to expand my own writing skills. as always, enjoy (: feedback and comments always appreciated. (i am curious: do you prefer long or short chapters?) 
previous part || masterlist || next part 
The taxi arrives much earlier than any of you anticipate. Jungkook is halfway through telling you about the unfortunate event of being kicked out of his rented room when the annoyed-looking driver quickly shoves you both inside. He asks you where you are headed. You lean forward and give him the address of your house. The driver mutters how the drive is less than five minutes away, but he accepts the job nevertheless. “How about you, Sir?” the driver asks Jungkook. Jungkook is at a loss of words until you intercede. “Same place,” you say. Jungkook gives you a confused look. “You said you don’t have any place to stay tonight so I’m extending an offer. Also, sort of like a thank you for finding and staying with me through this storm.” Your words come out much shyer than you had anticipated. He gives you a slight smile. “Are you sure it’s wise for you to invite a stranger to your house?” You blush. “You’re not really a stranger.” “Ah, I’m not? Well I’m a suspect to a murder case.” “No, you’re not! Jimin was only talking to you as a witness.” “A witness? He seemed a little too hostile for that.” As the conversation had carried on, you didn’t notice how close he became until you turned to come face to face with him. The small smile he always has continues to linger on his lips. You pull back and turn to hide the flush on your face that you know for sure is present. Once the heat seems to have left, you glance at him again. He is still regarding you with curiosity. Extending a hand towards him you say, “$10 per night. I’ll be your landlady and you’re renting a room from me.” He laughs and you can’t help but stare with wonder at how white and straight his teeth are.
The Body is a miraculous item of study. Inside, we have these little chemical messengers that act on receptors to tell us: wake! At the same time, they tell us: sleep! Just what are these chemical messengers that run around us like tiny men in a sleep-wake factory? First, when we are getting ready to sleep, Melatonin is produced in the pineal gland to send us a message telling us that it is time to enter slumber. Their levels increase as the level of darkness increases. Once our body is asleep, a surge of multiple hormones play a role. You have growth hormone from the pituitary gland telling (a child in particular) to grow and repair tissue; you have antidiuretic hormone (ADH) increasing so we don’t have to get up and pee in the middle of the night; you have oxytocin that may peak at about five hours of sleep influencing the content of our dreams. You wait nervously outside the bathroom door. You had both returned to your house and you had changed into a comfortable pair of sweats and a sleeveless top. Your hair was tied in a bun on your head; your scalp itching to remind you that it had been a while since you washed your hair. However, you had more pressing matters at hand. You had told Jungkook that he was allowed to use the shower first but after drinking one too many cups of water – your throat was so dry – you now desperately needed to use the washroom. The water is still running and you can slightly feel the heat escaping the warm room through the small crack of the door. It was ajar and the smell of your shampoo wafted out to meet your nose. It made you wonder if your shampoo had always been so sweet and inviting. As you are the only resident of the house, there had never been a need for multiple bathrooms and thus your only solution is to patiently wait outside until your guest is finished.  After what felt like five minutes but in actuality five seconds, you take a small peek into the bathroom. The glass shower door has been fogged up and you can only see a very hazy silhouette of its current occupant. If you were to dash in and release everything in your bladder at a fast enough speed, perhaps Jungkook would never notice that you would be in there. Just as long as you moved fast enough. You wanted to weigh the pros and cons of this decision but your bladder would not let your mind concentrate. Before you could control your body, you rush into the bathroom. Everything but the feeling of pleasure from the release of the buildup of pressure in your pelvis is forgotten. You close your eyes and let out a satisfied sigh. When you are finished, you deftly stand and flush the toilet. You momentarily lean over the toilet, reveling in the new weightlessness of your body, when the realization of the scenario you are in hits you. You had just walked into a man showering in your house. Not only that, you had used the toilet while he was washing up (naked) less than a feet away. If you really didn’t get out of the bathroom now, Jungkook would definitely see you in here. If you really didn’t get out of the bathroom now, Jungkook would think you are a peeping tom. If you really didn’t get out of the bathroom now – It is too late, however. You hear his voice from behind you, “Well, this is a surprise.” You turn as slowly as you can. Jungkook stands with the white towel around his waist. He does not look much different than when you had seen him drenched by the rain, but this time you are able to smell the masculine scent of body wash off of him. The first time in the rain, you had been unable to help yourself and glance at his defined abdominal muscles through his soaked shirt, but this time you choose not to peel your eyes away from the sight. The gulp you takes makes its way slowly down your throat. “I needed to use the toilet really badly,” you somehow managed to squeak. He tucks the end of the towel into the side all the while looking at you with a teasing smirk. You do not need to look in the mirror behind you to know the shade your face has turned. “I’ll be going now,” you murmur and turn to leave the room. “Without washing your hands?” he teases you. As if he now is not regarding you as a full out pervert, he probably thought you as unclean as well. You can’t remember what you say in response to that as you shuffle to the sink. The water is warm when it runs out of the faucet. Your mind is unfocused on the task in front of you as you can only think of ways to escape or talk your way out of this situation. “How are you supposed to wash any the germs away if you scrub like that?” You feel his voice vibrate along your back. You immediately tense up when his arms wrap from behind around you. His hands gently take your slimmer hands into his own and together they move through the lathering actions. He pumps the hand soap and his lips become dangerously close to your cheek when he reaches in front. “Clean between each finger and the side of your palm. People often forget to wash the area around the thumb and most of their less dominant hand,” he continues to lecture you. “Just be still,” the plea to your body and mind only being silently voiced out in desperation. There is no extra cloth to wipe your hands dry and so he uses the towel around his waist instead. Each action he does only made you become ever more anxious and self-conscious. When he seemed satisfied with you, he lets you walk away. You will your legs to maintain its strength as you take the steps needed to exit the small steamy room. You are stopped again when he says, “Are you always so innocent?” There is a part of you that wants to turn to look at him, but another part warns you that if you do, a larger temptation will face you. He strolls to stand before you. His eyes slowly make their way from your toes to the top of your forehead; then his gaze holds you steadily in place. You swallow again under his scrutiny. Taking a step towards you, he slides a finger under the strap of you tank top. The simple action makes you shiver. “Tell me, how long have you been living alone?” Your mind tells you not to answer him. What are you doing anyways? Just an hour ago you were thinking about Baekhyun and now you are being consumed by Jungkook. “How long has it been since you’ve been… touched?” his question comes out barely above a whisper – that is how close he is to you now. “I shouldn’t – ” you words are suffocated by his kiss. His lips mold until they wrap around yours. Your eyes squeeze shut, and you fall into him with such speed that it scares you. You feel both dread and thrill in your stomach. He tastes warm, that is the only thing your mind is capable of detecting. Other than that, your brain can not function and you feel yourself shiver in his embrace. You wonder if he has his eyes closed as well or if he was looking at you. Perhaps if you opened your eyes you would have an answer to your question yet you felt afraid of doing so. He pulls you waist closer to him and the dew on his chest seeps through your thin top. His skin is warm, but the now-cold water causes your nipples to become erect. He can feel them straining through the top, but rather than having his hand rise up to meet it, he slides his hand deeper into your pants. Your body tenses up at the invasion. “Relax,” the single word slurs as they are passed between your lips. The suggestion comes in the form of a command and your body strangely listens. With his hand, he forcefully grips the left cheek of your behind and roughly presses you lower body into his. The simultaneous sensation of pleasure and pain runs through your body. His other free hand brushes the nape of you neck. Your hands act of their own accord, and you find them running through his hair, all the while as he tugs on your lips; all the while that you become wrapped in his embrace. Your fingers become brushed with water, and you draw a wet finger down the middle of his back. It is his moan you hear this time, and the thrill rushes through your body again. For the next few moments, the two of you are captivated with exploring each other’s body. You think that he is about to lift your shirt off when instead his hand slips through the barrier created by your underwear. You freeze again. His lips leave yours and trace a pathway until he stands behind you, and your back is pressed tightly against his torso. All the while, his hand makes a crawling rotation until they rest on you lower abdominal. You place a shaking hand on top of this. You don’t even notice that your fingers have become icy cold. “Trust me,” he whispers into your ear. His voice is so low that you mind barely registers what he has said. You heart rises in speed in proportion to his hand that moves out from beneath yours and continually slides downward.
You wake with a beating heart. Your eyes fly open, and they are greeted with the plastic glow-in-the-dark stars you had placed on your ceiling. It had been a dream. Your breathing fights to become regular again, but the more you think about what you had awoken from, the more it loses in its battle. You know it is all a dream, but why was it then that you still feel the pressure on you lower abdominal? With a crack, your mind finally reels out of its stupor and a new burn in your stomach causes you to flush again. The act of sex is not foreign to you. You had given that away to Baekhyun the night you realized you were truly in love with him – the night he had proposed to you. But that had happened a long time ago and since his disappearance, you had never given yourself to another man. The thought had never even passed through you. So why was it that you had these thoughts now? Towards a man that you had only just met? Also, how was it that he could make you do something like this? Your hand slides out from your underwear and the band’s near soundless snap practically hands you its embarrassing reality on a gold platter. You couldn’t even remember the last time you had touched yourself. The concept was always too taboo and awkward for you to embrace. You were also not a person that became aroused by sexual thoughts, yet a simple dream had made you lose control of your body. You wiped your hands on the bedsheets, and turn onto your side in bed so you would no longer feel the pressure of gravity on your already tense body. Jeon Jungkook. You only invited him at the spur of the moment. You had both returned home and wordlessly showered and got into bed. You had offered to make a simple meal but he had kindly rejected telling you that he was too tired. He had also jokingly told you not to worry about breakfast tomorrow as it was the least he could do in return for letting him sleep at your place. Continuing on, you told him that he was allowed to use your bedroom so he would be more comfortable but he had patted your small sofa instead. He always carried a pillow with him and told you he could fall asleep anywhere as long as he had it with him. You squeeze your eyes shut. Why? What was this? Who is this man that has barged into your safe house?
More importantly, what is he doing to you? You curl into a tighter ball and press your thighs closer together.
The scent of sweet in combination to savory fills your nose and sends a chill through your body. Your eyes remain closed, still infused with slumber but you bring the blanket closer to you. A small breeze sends another intoxicating spiral towards your nose. It smells like pancakes. Perhaps with a thick layer of maple syrup and a cube of butter. There is also something that reminds you of salt – bacon. Sizzling, warm, crunchy bacon. The distinct aroma of coffee is blended in there as well. Your curiosity gets the better of you and you open your eyes. You yelp. Jungkook nearly tips the coffee cup onto your drawer when the sound suddenly occurs. He looks down and sees your wide eyes staring up at him. He meets them but you quickly shift your pupils. You look… nervous. Seeing the unexpected visitor makes you remember the events of last night. Your palms start to sweat and you only draw the covers closer to your chest while sitting up. The corner of the sheet dips past your shoulder and he catches the flash of smooth skin. “Sorry to wake you,” he scratches his jaw embarrassedly, “I saw you were asleep and I promised breakfast. I thought I’d try to quietly slip in and leave it by your bedside.” You eye the said meal on your drawer and note that your nose had not lied to you. “It’s okay,” you try to say. However, your voice is groggy with sleep and so you clear it once. “It’s okay,” you say clearer this time, “But you really didn’t have to.” “It’s nothing. I’m an early riser anyways.” He makes a motion to leave. “Wait,” you call after him. He turns back to look at you. His gaze is piercing and the strange flush that never failed to make an appearance returns. “I’ll join you outside,” you tell him. Smiling, he nods. “I’ll see you soon, then.”
When you had left, Jimin had sat down at his desk feeling extremely dejected. He was supposed to protect you and make sure you never shed another tear. That was his promise to his best friend. Yet here he is, as the cause of your pain once again.
“Sir, the files you had requested.” Yoongi knocks on his door. As the youngest detective on the team, he is often coerced into doing the grunt work. But his tenacious and hard-working attitude gave him rise on Jimin’s list of people he respected. Jimin tilts his head to peer above the top of his cluttered desk. New files had been opened along with the scatter of older yellowing papers. His whiteboard is nearing a grey colour at the amount of times he has written things down and then erased them. Yoongi listens and is about to leave his senior alone but stops at the door. “Sir, if I may, will you allow me to make a comment?” the younger asks solemnly. Jimin turns to regard him. His eyesight blurs and he has to hold onto the corner of the desk to steady himself. Quickly masquerading the moment of weakness, he coughs and stands straight again. “You haven’t left the station in three days. You sleep at the desk and your back is in so much pain you shuffle to get coffee. It smells of Chinese take-out and stale pizza in here with another strange concoction of coffee and sweat.” Jimin raises an eyebrow at him. Yoongi clears his throat but does not waver in telling Jimin his mind. “Go home, Sir. You need some rest. The case will still be here when you return. It’ll also be of benefit when you return with refreshed eyes and mind.” Yoongi stands still all the while looking forward. From the corner of his eyes, he sees Jimin walking towards him. His mouth starts to become dry knowing the harsh words he will hear from the his senior for speaking out of place.
Jimin tiredly places a hand on Yoongi’s shoulder. Yoongi rotates his head in surprise. Sighing, he says, “You’re right. My body is on the verge of breaking down.” He sniffs once. “And I do smell like shit.” 
Yoongi chuckles, both out of nervousness and relief. 
“I’m leaving the team in your hands then,” Jimin grabs his jacket from the coat hanger. 
“Me?” Yoongi says astonished, “What about Lieutenant Namjoon?” 
The laugh draws more strength from Jimin’s lungs than he anticipates. “I haven’t seen that guy for the past three days in the station, and both you and I know I’ve been living here. You’re young, but I like your attitude. The others like you too.” 
Yoongi cannot help but smile at the praise. He salutes as Jimin walks out the door. “I’ll do my absolute best!”
“I expect nothing less,” Jimin calls out and waves.
He had fully intended to walk home, but there are so many thoughts in his head he needed fresh air to wash out the stale one in his lungs and to clear out his mind. 
Sitting at the park just a block away from the station, he takes a small bite of the cookie he picked up from the station’s café. It is sickening sweet and he wonders how he had lived on these cookies when he used to pull all-nighters for previous cases. 
“I knew I’d find you here,” a voice interrupts his quiet. 
Jimin looks up and sees Namjoon smiling at him. Namjoon’s hair is swept back and he is sporting a white polo shirt along with khaki pants. His police jacket is slung over his arm and hides his badge within. At a quick glance, Namjoon looks like any normal civilian enjoying the autumn afternoon. 
“I haven’t seen you in a while,” Jimin lazily greets his friend. 
Namjoon takes a seat beside Jimin. In one hand, he holds a brown paper back and this is what he extends towards Jimin. 
Taking a peek inside, Jimin notes a container that has some type of potato salad along with another stacked container with mixed rice. 
“Youngji told me to pass this to you,” Namjoon answers his unasked question, “We thought you could do without any more of the crappy station café food – full of MSG and sugar.” 
The smiling face of Namjoon’s soon-to-be wife enters Jimin’s vision at the mention of her name. The two had recently moved in together and there were days when Jimin felt envious when hearing about Namjoon brag about his fiancée’s skills in the kitchen. 
“Thanks,” Jimin says. 
“I’m not slacking on the job by the way,” Namjoon says.
“You’re not? I don’t recall seeing you in the office for the past couple of days.” 
“I got called into a meeting with the board of directors. They wanted an update on this Angel Killer.” 
“Angel Killer, huh? Quite original.” 
“Not my call on what we name the perps.” 
A lull in the conversation comes to as Jimin caves into the meal set before him. 
“Not a spinach and green bean casserole, I see,” Jimin jokes. 
Namjoon laughs. Starting from a few weeks before, Youngji had gone into a fascination in preparing green foods. The entire floor soon came to understand that Namjoon would be eating the same casserole for his next few meals. 
“I convinced her out of it,” Namjoon says with a grin, “Told her that she already spoils me with all her other cooking.” 
Jimin chuckles along with Namjoon. He digs his fork into the meal before him. The taste of food that did not come from a can is such a welcome sensation to his body he can’t help but sigh.
“Youngji’s a fantastic cook.” 
“One of the best.” 
“Well, here’s to you forever gaining weight.”
Namjoon comically nods and rubs his belly. 
“Well, Y/N’s a pretty good cook too. The pasta looked delicious the other day.”
At the mention of your name, Jimin falls quiet. 
“You know, I understand you better than you think. That look you have, Jimin. I can see that the case isn’t the only reason you’ve been trying to keep yourself busy and inside the station. We all saw Y/N leaving the station the other day.” 
“I guess that also means you all saw how upset I made her.” 
Namjoon takes an inhale followed by a slow exhale. “Stop me if I’m prying too much, but what happened?” 
Jimin takes an even deeper sigh. “She found out that I’m still looking into Baekhyun’s cases after all these years.” 
“Ah,” was Namjoon’s simple response. 
“I mean, I’m not doing anything wrong, am I? The reason I’ve never given up on finding the truth is to find some closure for myself. For her… For the both of us.” 
Jimin means the words he says, but when he hears them from his own mouth, it feels strange. 
“Well… what if closure for you doesn’t have the same definition for her?” 
Namjoon’s comment make Jimin tilt his head in confusion. “What do you mean?” he asks. 
Namjoon stretches out his legs in front of him. The park has quieted down as most of its visitors have returned to work after their lunch break. Only a couple of people still remain, but they are scattered so far around the park that none of their faces could be made out. 
“Closure for Park Jimin means to discover the truth. Closure for Y/N might be simply to accept that her fiancé’s gone. She was in so much pain when he disappeared and it took her forever to even leave the house. Her first steps out were because of you. The reason she has the strength to move on today is because you’ve constantly been by her side. Maybe the reason she’s been able to accept that Baekhyun’s no longer with her is because she sees that you’ve accepted it as well.” 
“She saw the files that indicate that perhaps Baekhyun was murdered.” 
Namjoon’s next sentence becomes lodged in his throat. He closes his mouth then opens it again but only to have it return to its previous state. At last when he finally finds what he wants, he says, “That complicates things, doesn’t it?” 
Jimin closes the food container and returns it back into the bag. In the time they had been talking, he found that he had lost his appetite. His two thumbs press against the sides of his temple and gently massage it in circles. 
Everybody knows how much Jimin cares for you; some even think that the extent of it is due to Jimin’s secret crush on you. But Namjoon knows the reason why. He can’t help but look at his colleague and friend with sadness. An ancient promise that causes anguish to those in its pact. 
Placing a warm hand on Jimin’s back, Namjoon leaves it there for comfort. “Is that what you believe? That Baekhyun is gone because he was murdered?” 
Jimin shakes his head. As if the thoughts in his brain could not get any more complicated, the simple question makes things worse. “I don’t know, Namjoon. I have absolutely no idea. I’ve been working this case for years now, but everything always comes up to a dead end. A part of me wants to believe that Baekhyun simply decided to walk out of his old life to start a new one and he’s alive somewhere out there. Yet another part, the detective part, can’t ignore the knowledge that maybe something bad did happen to him that night. That’s why he never returned.” 
“Did you uncover anything new?” 
“No. Not for that case.” 
Namjoon doesn’t say a word. He can sense something else in Jimin’s tone. He is unable to tell if Jimin says what is on his mind as the conversation is redirected. 
“What did the directors say about Sara Michel’s case? I’m assuming that’s why you went to meet with them.” 
This time it is Namjoon’s turn to furrow his brows. Namjoon had never truly wanted to become Lieutenant. Jimin knew that Namjoon had been offered the position because he first had turned down the offer. Namjoon never expressed any bitterness about it; no, instead he had said he had been thankful. Namjoon had always said how he wanted to become Lieutenant before asking Youngji’s hand in marriage. When they spoke, the only frustration Namjoon ever expressed was the unexpected amount of responsibilities that came with this new position.  
“They want to know if we have any new leads. As they say, if we don’t have anything by 24 hours, the case is as good as gone. If there really isn’t anything then they want us to wrap it up. File it as another unsolved case and focus on the new big project: the whole deal we’ve been working over at with the Narcotics Team.” 
“The drug related gang suicides, right?” 
“We can send a couple of guys over.”
“That’s the thing though. The Board doesn’t want a few guys. They want the entire team on board. Agent Hoseok’s barely keeping above the waves with this one. HR is breathing down his neck as apparently, some well-known powerful figure’s gone missing because of this.” 
“Likely, but since he’s clearly an influential guy, the Missing Person’s unit might be dragged into it as well. His lawyers have also been stalking out at the station in case anything does come up. It’s going to set the whole station into turmoil.” 
Politics. Jimin hated it all. If someone was guilty, he believed that they should see the justice they deserved. 
“So what should I say to them?” 
“The Board. You’re the one who’s worked the Sara Michel case the most. What should I tell them about our progress so far?” 
Jimin bit the inside of his cheek. Progress… Did he have that? Perhaps, but at the end: speculations. That is what they are. He couldn’t take the chance. “Tell them we may have something. Try and deter them from trashing this case. Be ambiguous.” 
Namjoon waits to see if Jimin would further elaborate but the other doesn’t speak again. 
“Alright,” Namjoon says, “But you will keep me updated on whatever you find, right?” 
Jimin nods. 
Namjoon knows that the conversation is over so he stands. Stretching, he rolls his neck once and then follows it similarly with his shoulders. “I’m going to head back to the station. Go home. Get some rest.” 
“None of you want me at the station, huh? I stink it up too much?” 
This earns him a grin from Namjoon. “You’re the brightest mind we have on the team, Jimin. But right now it’s shutting down right in front of my eyes. Recharge it and return when you’re ready.” 
Jimin nods again and lifts a head to say goodbye. Then, he is left to his own thoughts once again.
She runs. Fast.
He looks down at the three words. They are the only things that fill his laptop screen after he hits enter. Writer’s block: something he didn’t quite enjoy. That was why he liked to move around so much when he writes. That, plus the fact that he can see his subject clearly. 
The girl is thin and wiry but the definition of hard deltoid muscles are outlined by the afternoon sun. He enjoys a challenge and she might be one. 
Dane observes her like the hunter might to his prey. He notes down everything - from the pathway she takes to the speed of her jogging. Everything is important. 
What a contrast she would serve compared to pretty Ms. Michel. Now, where should he display her this time?
Everything must be chosen so that it meets perfection. She is a prancing antelope that dances unknowingly for the lion. Man is an animal after all. We all belong in the Wilderness.
His eyes look up from his script and watches as the girl stretches once she reaches the bench. She is bent over to catch her breath and she wipes her forehead with the back of her hand. A small device is wrapped around her arm and she touches it to presumably change the song. Her black and blue leggings contrast with her lighter skin. Once she has rested enough, she jogs a couple of times in place before going forward and then turning the corner out of his sight. 
So pretty and elegant. He wants to wrap his arms around her, and feel her pulse between his fingers. He wants to make her into his next angel. 
Dane is patient. He is willing to wait until the right opportunity. He will see to it. Unwritten.
This is the third time at the park, but each day that he has arrived, she is also there. He did not need to be a rocket scientist to know that this must be her daily route. Soon, he will be able to continue on his story.
Jimin could not understand why, but after that day with Namjoon at the park, he found himself returning to it quite often. He would make excuses to grab a coffee, but would then find himself wandering back to the bench. He enjoyed the quietness the small area offered. It allowed him to gather his thoughts in peace before returning to the hectic environment of the station. 
After allocating time spent of sitting silently under the warmth of the sun, Jimin finally stands. The park is much quieter now as the remaining people have also left. He gathers the brown bag with leftovers from the local bistro and starts stretching his legs. From the corner of his eye, he notices that somebody is running. 
There is not enough time for him to get out of her way and she crashes into him the moment she turns the corner. The impact is not great and she merely stumbles back in shock. 
“I’m so sorry,” he bows in apology. 
She is out of breath but she shakes her head and bows as well. “No, it’s my fault! I’m sorry I didn’t see you!” 
He waves it away and they share another awkward laugh before the girl in the black and blue leggings smiles and continues on her route. 
Bending to pick up the brown bag he has dropped on impact, somebody else captures his attention. That person is someone he cannot seem to forget and even this slightest sight of him causes Jimin to scowl. 
He is able to recognize that jacket from anywhere – that grey jacket this man wore the day he walked into the police station. He is currently sitting on a bench nearly halfway across the park. Jimin shouldn’t have been able make out any facial features at his distance, but he swears that the man’s eye follow a runner down the path.  
The other man seems engrossed with something on his laptop. His eyes never seem to leave the screen and Jimin is unable to tell whether Jungkook is typing or whether he is watching some type of video. Regardless of what he is doing, Jimin has already decided that it is not good. 
About to walk up to him, Jimin suddenly stops in the midst. It is not because somebody else has bumped into him or that he is caught up in another thought. 
It is because he recognizes the second figure that appears from behind the first.
The previous writer’s block disappears as fast as it had appeared. His fingers are now flying across the keyboard as he continues to write the perfect plan. In fact, he is so captivated by the growing paragraphs that he does not notice when another figure appears from behind. 
“What are you doing?” your voice startles him. 
He whirls around and snaps his notebook shut. You stand behind with a slightly surprised expression on your face. He is able to tell because your large eyes are wider than usual, and your mouth makes a small “o”. 
Time had flown by so quickly that he had forgotten he was supposed to meet you at 1:00pm. Quickly checking his watch, he sees that the time is 12:50pm. 
“You’re here early,” he notes. Scooting over, he then pats the seat next to him. You timidly follow his instructions and sit down beside him. The scarf you wear loosens as the wind blows and you fix it once. 
“I was just in the area. Do you like croissants? I bypassed a popular bistro on the way here and bought us some.” You hand him the small box. “I know croissants are unexpected from a place like that, but I can promise you – they’re really good!”
Jungkook peeks in the box. Packaged in rows, there is a set of treats in chocolate, strawberry cream cheese and plain. 
“Sets of three,” Jungkook mumbles. 
You look up at him. “Sorry?” 
He gives you a small laugh, yet minute as it is, it still makes your heart tumble. “A set of three. I like working in sets of three,” he tells you. Jungkook opts for the original.
You wait until he takes a bite before a smile breaks across you face. “Good, huh?” 
He nods, crumbs falling onto his laptop. He brushes them away before they can dirty it further.
“What did you want to meet me for?” he asks you. 
From the strangely shaped bag you had brought with you, you take out a wooden stand and a large piece of rolled paper. He watches as you set up you easel and clips the paper to the side. It is blank. 
“I come here often to paint,” you explain as you take out another small bag that is filled with sketching tools, “I think it’s so beautiful here.” You don’t add that you had chosen this place because when Baekhyun first disappeared, this was the closest you could be to Jimin without actually bothering him at the station. 
“So you called me here to watch you paint?” 
“Sketch, actually. Today I’m here to sketch but in a couple of days I should be able to paint.” 
Jungkook leans back in his seat. He sees that a new light has taken over your eyes as you take everything from the park into memory. Your pencil twirls in your fingers. Another small gust of wind blows the scarf away from your neck. 
Over their time together, they had become so used to being in each other’s presence that you no longer shy away from him. There were moments when you would be reminded of the first night he stayed at your house, but believe you are not one to dwell in the past so you quickly forget it. At this moment, he is drawing the collar of your jacket up and fixing your scarf so that it would no longer loosen. 
While he is helping you, you continue to talk, “You know, ever since I saw you, a feeling has been itching at me. I kept thinking that before bumping into you at the station, I had seen you before! Now I know. You were the guy who thought I was a street artist!”
Jungkook’s fingers falter as he sets them back on his lap. He does not move. What was it you had just said?
“I was at the square near my studio that evening. It was particularly nice. I remember a small ensemble playing classical music too. You had been the one to knock over my canvas.” 
No. It was not him. 
“Wait. It wasn’t you. It was the lady you were with!” When you remember, you gasps. 
Jungkook turns when he hears you. There was not supposed to be a single person that could have remembered him with Sara that night. That was never part of the plan. When he turns his focus on you, there is a look of shock and realization. A fire begins to burn in his stomach. 
You hold your hand to your mouth. You can see that Jungkook is staring at you and the guilt eats away inside. You should have seen it coming. He was a handsome, intelligent and skilled man. He had showed up out of nowhere. He was also a stranger to the city. The two of you had met outside the station. Of course he could not be here simply because of work. 
He must have been here with his girlfriend. 
And they had bumped into you that night on their date. 
“Y/N, what is it?” Jungkook asks gently. 
You sets the pencil down on the easel. “That woman you were with… That’s your girlfriend, wasn’t it? Oh my god… if she were to know that you’re staying with me right now. She would probably think that I’m some girl who is trying to steal her boyfriend.” 
Your face only reddens more when Jungkook’s laughter echoes around the park. It lasts for quite a while and you do not know whether you are feeling humiliated or angry at him laughing at you. 
He catches his breath and smiles widely at you. “That wasn’t my girlfriend. She was someone I was meeting for the night.” 
“For a date?”
“No. For work.” 
You do not know why, but you breathe a sigh of relief. “Well, I also remember you liking my painting. Do you remember?” 
He gives you another smile. “Sorry, Y/N. I don’t.” 
Disappointment makes your chest ache. Never good at hiding your emotions, it makes him smile again when he sees the obvious frown. He places a hand over yours. “I’d still love a painting though, if that’s what you’re offering this time.” It is infectious, that is what his smile is. You take you hand away from beneath his and regard the quiet scenic park again. “Do you like this place? Should I paint something for you here?” 
He nods. “I’ll like anything you paint for me, Y/N.” 
You blush at the way he says it so matter-of-factly. Looking up, you scan the surroundings once again before a large shadow rushes towards you and grabs your wrist. 
You are hauled up to your feet roughly.
Seeing you so casually walking up to that man made him mad. But it wasn’t that which made him practically race across the park. No, it was the combination of him fixing your scarf, laughing with you and then taking your hand. He cannot allow such a thing to happen. 
“Jimin!” you yelp, the pain cutting through your wrist. It burns and you feel as if somebody had dug a knife into your skin to split your bones. 
Jimin has momentarily forgotten your disorder as he is blinded my rage. How dare Jungkook be sitting beside you like the two of you are friends? This man may be involved in a murder case. He may as well be the only suspect. 
“What are you doing here with him?” Jimin demands. 
You can barely get the words out – that is how tight Jimin is gripping your wrist and hurting you. 
Jungkook is still seated, but upon seeing your face turning bright red and perspiration beading your forehead, he stands. “Detective Park, I believe you are hurting Y/N.” 
His words are a cold splash of water on Jimin. He quickly releases you and you whimper while holding your wrist. He reaches towards you, but you draw back, closer to Jungkook. 
“I’m so sorry,” his apology is gushes, “Are you okay? Did I hurt you?” 
You rub your wrist. You know it is not broken, but the pain lingers still. You gingerly rotate it before shaking your head. “I’m fine. You took me by surprise though.” 
Seeing the discomfort in your eyes, Jimin instantly feels guilty. The first time he sees you after the fight and he manages to hurt you again. “What are you doing here?” he asks again. He wants to add “with him” but he did not think it was appropriate. 
“I was meeting Jungkook. I wanted to do some sketches for a painting.”
He hated your causal use of the name. He hated it with such a passion. 
“Detective Park, it’s been a while,” Jungkook extends a hand. 
Jimin clenches his jaw but grabs it and shakes it forcefully. “Mr. Jeon,” he says through his teeth. 
You can detect the hostility between the two men. You knew Jimin didn’t like Jungkook but you couldn’t see his reason why. Jungkook had only ever been nice to you. Really, Jungkook was one of the nicest people you know. 
“Why did you need to meet him to do sketches? I didn’t even know the two of you knew each other,” Jimin begins interrogating. 
You falter. You had been so caught up in the previous few days you had forgotten to tell him your new housemate. Truth be told, the whole situation is so unusual for the two of you because you would talk to each other nearly every day. 
“I’m temporarily living with her,” Jungkook says, unable to resist the temptation. He has already calculated and anticipated the change that would occur over Jimin’s face once he says those words. He knows that it would affect you more, but there is a type of satisfaction in seeing the rage that spreads over Jimin’s face.
It takes everything in his already weak power to hold his emotions in. Heat is already flowing to his face in which he could not control, but he could still stop the explosion of curses from leaving his mouth. 
Your mouth is opened ajar once again. All the worse scenarios are running through your head. 
Jungkook sheepishly rubs his neck. “Oh, this is awkward. I thought you had told him, Y/N. You two seemed so close.” 
Oh yes. It is absolutely delightful in seeing the impact of his words on Detective Park Jimin. 
“I – ” you start, “I didn’t get the chance to yet. Um, well… Jimin…. Jungkook is staying at my place for now. He has no other – ”
“We need to talk,” Jimin interrupts you. 
You open your mouth and close it again. “Okay,” you say timidly. You start to walk towards him. 
“Grab your things with you,” Jimin says sternly. 
You want to refute his words but there is a sort of silent anger you recognize. You send Jungkook an apologetic look before packing away your easel and paper. Jimin waits for you and you quickly whisper, “I’m sorry,” before going away. 
The two walk away like a father leading his disobedient daughter. Jungkook can only watch with amusement at the new turn of events.
“You’re living with him? You’re living with him? You’re living with him?!” You hear Jimin repeat the series of questions again. Your finger lightly taps your thigh and you note to yourself: the sixth time. That was the sixth time he asked the same question.
Jimin had thought for a long time on their walk to the station of what he could say. Countless words had been flying through his mind however he just couldn’t seem to find the correct ones to string together. That had led him to only repeat the one fact he is being faced with: You are living with Jungkook. 
You sigh. “Yes, Jimin, I’m living with him.” 
“How could you decide to do that without talking to me about it?” he explodes at last, “You barely know this guy and you invite him into your house? He’s a criminal. He’s a murderer.”
This makes you frown. Your eyebrows crease together and even your pretty face cannot hide the ugliness of your anger. “Park Jimin,” you start sternly with his name, “I don’t think it’s fair for you to make that assumption. I don’t even think you should be making that assumption.” 
“Still, the two of you are living together!”
You sigh again.
Jimin stops in the middle his pacing for a second to collect his thoughts. “Fine. But what makes you think you know him enough to decide whether or not my assumption is fair?” 
“Well, what makes you think you have enough power over me to stop who I’m living with?”
“I have a responsibility for you, Y/N! I don’t want you to get hurt. Jeon Jungkook is dangerous!”
“There you go again! Making another assumption! Why are you even saying this?”
“You know exactly why. It’s because – ”
“If you say that it’s because of your gut feeling I’m going to walk away right now.” 
He pauses. “I just know, alright? I have evidence against him.” 
“Show it to me, then.” 
Presently, the two of you are arguing inside Jimin’s office. The blinds have been drawn, but the glass door is definitely not enough to hide the increasing voices. Jimin rummages through the multitude of papers and files on his desk. His thoughts are once again jumbled. He is unable to think straight at the moment and it makes him forget where he has put the files in the first place. 
“You don’t have it, do you?” you accuse, “You just hate him. I don’t know what your reason is, but that’s mean. Jungkook is a good person. He takes care of me.” 
Your tone is filled with exasperation. You did not enjoy when things did not go your way. Neither did he. That is the reason why the two of you tend to avoid conflicts by not being involved in each other’s personal matters. This time, however, Jimin needs his stance to be known. 
“You’ve known this guy for what, two weeks? What do you mean ‘he takes care of you’? He barely even knows anything about you.” 
You do not bother to correct Jimin that it has in fact been less than that. “He’s taken care of me more than you have alright?” you stab him with the words. Your face flushes the moment they leave your mouth.
Jimin’s next words are so calm, they border on hostility. “More than I have, you say? Please, enlighten me.” 
“He… He supports me. He’s there for me when I need him. He’s… He’s…” With each stutter, you can feel yourself losing this fight. Pride and rage cloud your judgment, and nonetheless, you throw out your last attack, “He doesn’t try to convince me that my fiancée was murdered.” 
His eyes become hard. 
There are tears wavering in you eyes and you tell yourself not to blink such that they would not fall. “You tell me to try and move on after Baekhyun’s disappearance.  You tell me that it’s for my own good; all this pain and guilt and frustration at losing him… You’re just as guilty, Jimin. You’ve never put Baekhyun behind you and now you’re saying something as ludicrous as him being murdered. I won’t accept it.” 
He hates seeing you cry. He hates it so much. He hates it enough to contemplate easing up on your decision to live with this stranger.
Walking away from you, he digs through his jacket pocket and produces an extra set of keys. He had learned to carry this around with him since knowing you. He never knew when you needed to come by and borrow his house keys. 
“Take this,” he places the keys into you palm and curls your fingers around them, “When you’re done with this tantrum… or whatever this is, come home. I understand that Jeon Jungkook needs a place to live, so rent out your place to him. But I cannot have you staying alone with him. You are to live with me while he is an occupant there.” 
You scoff at him, incredulously. You grip the keys in your hand before slamming them soundly on his desk. 
“I am not a child,” you solemnly say, “You cannot control me like this. I am a free to make my own decisions, and I will do what I want.”
With that, you spin on your heels to exit the office. Your pulse is racing as you turn to face him again. You avoid looking directly at him but stare above past his forehead. You are afraid that if you see his expression, you would falter. 
“I respect your decision to not like Jungkook. But if that’s the case, and as Jungkook is living with me, you are free to never come by my place. We will not welcome a guest who only has the intent of unsound accusation.” 
You end the argument with that and stomps out the door.
Jungkook is waiting for you outside the station as you leave. You are so blinded by your emotions you nearly miss him until he grabs your wrist and causes you to yelp. 
Immediately, he retracts his hand. “I’m sorry,” he apologizes. 
You still want to yell at somebody, but Jimin’s injustice towards Jungkook stops you from screaming. You rub you wrist that is still sore from being grabbed previously. Adjusting the strap of your canvas on your back, you continue to walk forward.
“He’s so unfair,” you whisper.
Jungkook catches it. 
“Nobody ever asked him to look out for me. I would have been fine,” you say. 
“He cares for you,” Jungkook says gently. 
You do not want to hear the words. Still, it is not like you can ignore them once they’re heard. 
“He is worried. I am a stranger, and a man. Unfortunately, society has a stigma around single strange men who sneak up to a female to offer his phone while it is pouring rain in the middle of the night.” He tries to make a joke with you. Thankfully, it works as you lightly laugh. 
“Well, still. Jimin is being stubborn. He has prejudices against you; ones that have no basis.” 
“Let me guess. He thinks I’m dangerous. He thinks I might hurt you. With my involvement in his case, he might even think that I’m a suspect.” 
You do not want to answer. 
Jungkook stops you from walking. Your strides have been short but only increasing in speed. He is no longer sure if you even know where they are walking. With one hand still on your shoulder, he says with a soft voice, “He has every right to think so, Y/N. We have only started to get to know each other We both have secrets that we have yet to reveal to each other. Perhaps I am dangerous. Perhaps I may have the intent to hurt you.”
You look into his eyes which steadily hold you own. “But you won’t, right?” 
He smiles at you. “Of course not.” 
“Then that’s all that matters,” you say with resolution, “That’s what a relationship is built on. The slow accumulation of trust towards the other party. I don’t care if you have secrets, Jungkook. If you ever do want to share them, I will listen. But at the end, you don’t have to. I want to know you as you.”
He nods. Now with the rollercoaster of emotions within you coming to an end, you are able to see that the weather is beautiful that day. There is the soft melodious chirping of birds from all around you, and the streets are not busy as people have yet to be off work. A warm patch of heat is on your back as the sun greets you between the clouds.
Jungkook is quiet beside you for a while, until he says out of the blue, “Jimin really loves you.”
You whirl to regard him. “Jimin doesn’t love me. He is only tasked to look after me.”
His eyes soften when he looks at you again. He doesn’t follow up with anything, only turning his head back forward.
The speed of your heart’s beating rises slightly at his comment. You do not understand the purpose of him saying that. You do not understand what led to him to say such a thing.
“Jungkook,” you call out.
“I still want to paint a picture for you. But I don’t think I can right now.”
“What do you mean?”
You had stopped walking beside him. He notices that and stops as well. When he finally turns to look at why you had stopped, he is greeted with the image of you standing with your wrist in the air. He sighs in concern and takes your wrist gently.
“Alright, let’s get you home,” he says kindly.
next part 
29 notes · View notes
mc-critical · 3 years
Hellooo 🤗 First, I have been following your blog for a while and I love your blog so much! I hope you are doing well :) And my ask to you can be a little bit complex. I have been thinking about why Hatice chose not to kill Hurrem when she kidnapped her for 2 years. I know hurrem obviously can't die for the history :) and they had to change the scenario for Meryem's absence but I want to think this in the my universe, some suggest that her whole purpose was to revenge suleyman, more than hurrem. Because in ep 85, she said to him that she wanted to kill hurrem just because she wanted suleyman to suffer and feel the same pain as her. And some people say that it's because she just couldn't do this because she is still so...merciful. In short, I sometimes have troubles to understand the dynamics and the bond between hurrem and hatice. They are both very complex characters and there is so many hatice hate in this fandom and I am saying this as an hurrem fan :) So I would be very happy if you can answer my question and this complex dynamics between them 😊💕
Hey there! 🤗 Thank you for your words and yes, I'm fine. :)
I agree that the whole abduction plot was clearly done in order to excuse Meryem's departure in-universe in some way. And Hürrem couldn't be killed because of historical accuracy and the whole lot of stuff she had to do in the script afterwards. She couldn't just die like that, they had to wrap her arc up in some way and both the consequences of the abduction and S04 itself were very important for Hürrem's character.
That aside, I don't think the writers gave us a clear cut reason as to why Hatice didn't kill Hürrem. I always considered the way Hürrem survived to be a plot hole for the sake of the plot and time constraints the team faced by the end of the season. There were many cases the show abused the attacks of Hürrem done by her enemies, they sometimes turned out to be so miscalculated and so absurd that Hürrem would always survive. They became so much, we have seen such scenarios so many times now that Hürrem surviving is something I would take for granted by now and wouldn't question for that and that alone. The survival, in practice, is as contrived as it can be and knowing the difficulties behind the scenes, I refused to think of the how and the why of the fact alone.
However, yes, the abduction was not only a way to cover up for Meryem's departure, it ultimately became the conclusion of Hatice's whole character arc, culminating in one last move against Hürrem.
After she forgave Ibrahim about the infidelity, their wounds started to heal and they finally had the chance to start over. And it seemed to pay off... until he died. Ibrahim's death was a new low in Hatice's arc which caused her to lose hope in her own life. She was ready to end it... but not before she got rid of the object of her rage. Thing is, even though Hatice acted against Hürrem before and fully stood against her by S03 for multiple reasons (I elaborated on all that and the many nuances of Hatice's character here), we could say that her wanting to kill Hürrem was the turning point of her storyline and arc in the second half of the season. Before that Hatice's actions against Hürrem were primarily motivated by her threatening everything Hatice cared about at once - both dynasty and family and Hürrem taking Valide's chambers was the last nail of the coffin, which is why her first true move against Hürrem was done through methods the tradition and the harem stood by. (Firuze) I doubt she wanted to kill her then, it was all about the protection of Hatice's personal attachments. She wanted to put her in line, to make her stop, to defeat her for everyone to return to their peaceful lives. What she wanted most of all was a stable family with Ibrahim. And after Ibrahim died, the chance for one was gone. Hatice knew well of Hürrem's enmity with Ibrahim and didn't know of Ibrahim's speeches, hence she didn't have anyone else to blame other than Hürrem and Süleyman. After everything began to go well, Ibrahim's death once again destroyed her "perfect picture", she lost the person that became the bounder of dynasty and family after she forgave him, her everything, a loss for the state, as well. (she praised all his achievements during campaigns after he died) The needs of the dynasty fully became her own personal motives by the time Ibrahim was dead. She already had enough rage against Hürrem at this point, but now that rage increased all the more. That rage, close to hatred, became directed at Süleiman, as well, for taking such a devastating decision, disregarding Hatice's own values and life in her eyes and reminding her of all the death and trauma she had experienced, so the only thing she would do, is move against them both. Yes, Süleiman took away a piece of Hatice's life, now it is her turn to take away a piece of his life. Her enmity against Hürrem took a wholly different turn. Now she truly is the object of all her misery and pain, to the point she thought that her coming in the harem to begin with caused destruction everywhere around - it destroyed everything, according to Hatice, including Süleiman, as she told him in her last scene.
There's also another thing we should look at- all of Hatice's actions in E83, which I feel are very detrimental for her S03B arc. It almost feels like Hatice is in a conflicted state of mind - she lost a lot from Ibrahim's death, she no longer had a point of existing and yet, she wants those who caused her pain to suffer, she wants to end them. She feels that Ibrahim's death is a gross injustice that has to be avenged and yet, she wants to suffer alone with herself, alone with her own pain. Her suicide attempt in the same episode "marries" these two states of mind and puts Hatice's later actions into context - Şah saving her and her promise to end Hürrem is a major reason why Hatice kept going, because it's a modicum of support she hasn't gotten from this person for a long time. It's a promise to fix what has passed. Hürrem's elimination would "fix" what has passed in Hatice's eyes, it would be a natural right, to say the least. Şah saving Hatice gave her the only motivation to live and that's one reason why Hatice fixated so much in it. And if we put her growing depression in the mix, we see that she didn't really get the chance to heal from such big loss. No one truly managed to alleviate her pain or to understand her, everyone was only expecting her to move on, to get over it, without actually doing anything helpful, because "time heals", now doesn't it? In a point Hatice begins to view any action that appear to try "alleviating her pain" as a forced interference in her own life by creating various situations (like Şah redecorating her castle, the exile in Manisa, the marriage with Hüsrev Pasha etc.) for her to adapt in without really considering how she actually felt. She couldn't cope with Ibrahim's death in a healthy way, so the only thing left of her was this wound that kept growing, instead of healing. She was fueled by promises of an end to her misery and will for revenge, but when these promises weren't being fulfilled, she fell even further into despair and acting against the ones who caused her suffering became her only coping mechanism. Which culminated in the abduction.
I know that the writers tried their best to weave a mystery out of this whole plot line, but Hatice being the one behind the abduction wasn't surprising in the slightest - I always saw it as a desparate move of hers to get rid of Hürrem, in a way Süleiman would never predict she would be capable of in her right mind, in a way no one could stop her from doing what she must. Hatice admitted that this was done in order for Süleiman to feel what she felt, to fuel him with false promises the way they all fueled her (see the last Hatice and SS scene before her death) and finish it all by herself, by finally, finally doing what should havе done long ago. The fact that no one knew what happened exactly is something I think Hatice would definetly pull in her most broken state, aside from the sloppy writing, because when everything is kept under wraps, the fate of Hürrem is all in her hands and she would deal with her successfully and effortlessly, without anyone managing to prove anything. This was her revenge, this was the way she would finish it. 
I honestly don't understand her not killing her, aside from the plot convenience, because at this point.. oh yes, Hatice would absolutely kill her and as I mentioned before, she already wanted to kill her, to eliminate what has become the root of all the problems in the family and in the harem and again, take a piece of Süleiman's life as he did with her. Simply putting Hürrem in her place as she wanted in some moments of S02 and on a stronger level in all of S03A wouldn't cut it anymore. But then again, Hatice did tell Hürrem many times throughout S03B that she can make her suffer in a way she would beg for her death, as shown with her doing the whole thing with the herbs. She probably wanted to do this first and then kill her and Hürrem just... succeeded to escape in the meantime? I would've totally believed this was the case if we didn't get these little hints from Hatice in Bali Bey's interrogation in E102: there she said that she wanted to avenge Ibrahim's death so much, but she couldn't do it. She couldn't succeed. That could mean so many things. It sure didn't mean Hürrem's escape, because she escaped a year later (confirmed by E103), so there must be another thing that stopped her. While Hatice is an overally ethical character, she wouldn't be all that merciful at this point of the show, because of all the reasons I stated above and the fact that she has ordered an execution before. (Nigar) Maybe Hürrem showed or told her something that stopped Hatice from doing it? Maybe Hatice found out that that this whole thing made her more miserable? The most probable reason for me is what she hinted at in her last scene which indeed has more to do with Süleiman than with Hürrem: maybe she saw all the unsuccessful attempts to kill Hürrem and wanted to put her in a place they could never find her in instead and take her away from SS and everyone else, to hit him where it hurt. To let him live with her unsure fate. For him to burn inside everyday, without the person he would do everything for, without knowing whether she lived or died, just like Hatice never got to know where Ibrahim's grave was and never got the chance to get over her pain. She didn't succeed to get rid of Hürrem, so she might as well do that instead. That might have been her last resort.
Because throughout all of S03B, Hatice was empty inside. She had one driving feeling that probably got bruised quite a bit after she abducted Hürrem. Complete hopelessness might have gotten over her and she may have wanted to give up the fight altogether. Killing Hürrem was apparently a hopeless cause. Happiness and piece once more were apparently a hopeless cause. She couldn't avenge Ibrahim and the only thing left was say one last goodbye with her sister, calling back on her wish for a calm family, and then confront the other member of the family left, who seemingly screwed everything up. I would say that Hatice realized that it was SS who was the decider of everyone's fates in the end and that he made so many problematic decisions that only made everyone around him suffer and that is connected with the impact Hürrem had in their lives.
[I agree that Hatice and Hürrem had a very complex dynamic that went through detailed development throughout three seasons and both of them had complex reasons to do what they did. Believe me, I never got this striking amount of Hatice hate I encounter in the fandom either, especially because these haters do so little effort to understand her character.]
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whatismarvel · 4 years
expectations • bucky barnes
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summary; Y/N finds solace in Bucky’s arms when she finds out her boyfriend, Steve, has been cheating on her.
warnings; SMUT. curses. infidelity. ANGST. the word soft used too many times. i was thinking of turning this into a series?? idk lmk y’all, enjoy this poorly written smut!
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The vase thrown across the room leaves you hyperventilating, it doesn’t ease the anger as you hoped. Your fingers push back the strands of hair that have been glued to your face from the incessant crying. The shards of the broken vase prick your feet as you walk across the room to get your phone. It’s already ten past three and the dinner you cooked has undoubtedly already gone cold. He said he’d be back home by one for the latest, and you believed him. Again. You’ve already been through seven scenarios as to why he’s not here yet and each scenario you’ve pictured never came close to the truth you already knew. He was with her.
You were a fool. A fool who never questioned him when his phone vibrated in the middle of the night as you laid comfortably in his arms. A fool who never understood why he had to take certain calls in another room. You had all the evidence in front of you but you chose not to believe it. You loved him and he loved you. That’s what you told yourself as you cried yourself to sleep in your empty bed. Repeating that to yourself is what kept you waking up and going about your day as usual because you knew the minute you started believing your head instead of your heart, it was over for you.
He was the love of your life, your other half. You gave your all into loving him, taking back that now just seemed impossible. You’d never recover, you told yourself. So you never spoke your truth, never asked, told yourself it was in your head, that you were being crazy and overreacting.
Until you found his phone.
Not his usual phone, no. This one didn’t have his lock screen as the both of you or his bright-red phone case that you absolutely abhorred. It was a simple black case, the lock screen was a generic wallpaper and had multiple notifications from different apps. Dating apps. A name caught your attention, 16 unread messages from Ruby.
His password wasn’t hard to figure out, you knew the man inside out. Or so you thought as you sat there, completely shattered as you read through their conversations.
It had been a week since you found it. A week of you processing what you already knew months ago. That’s all it took, a bloody phone to realize what a dumbass you are. When he left tonight, the phone was nowhere to be found. So you knew exactly what was happening right now. He was probably balls deep into her right now and just the thought of it has you seething.
You close the door behind you, exiting your apartment. Your face is flush and your feet carry you to the nearest friend in distance, Bucky. His apartment was only a few blocks down and you just wanted to talk to somebody. Steve’s best friend might not have been your first choice but Bucky was a good friend to you and it didn’t really matter right now.
You come face to face with Bucky as he opens his door. His eyes meet yours and time stops for him. The way your smile doesn’t reach your eyes as you peer up at him worries Bucky. He knows you. Your eyelashes are still damp and your face is unquestionably red. It didn’t take a genius to know you were crying and it breaks his heart.
Bucky loved you. Truly, madly and deeply in love with you and though he thought he hid his forlorn well when you got together with Steve, you knew. A part of you always knew but never questioned it. It was uncharted territory and you loved Steve. You didn’t want to ruin the relationship you had with Bucky if you were out of bounds, so you kept quiet.
Wordlessly, Bucky leaned in a little closer. Your foreheads touching as you close your eyes. Tears streamed down your face and you wrapped your hands around his neck. Your relationship with Bucky was always comfortable, touchy, but comfortable. He made you feel safe when you were with him. You knew he always had your back.
Bucky picks you up by your legs and now you’re both sat on his sofa. Your legs wrapped around his waist as his arms circle your waist. You rest your face on his shoulder, breathing him in as unbeknownst to you, so does he. You were flooding his senses, he couldn’t fight against the thoughts that were going through him.
He strokes your hair as you whimper softly. There was no space left between you both and you could feel the beating of his heart against your chest. You pull away to face him and your lips linger against his. Not a word is said as Bucky slowly pulls you into a kiss. It was slow and soft, comforting in ways that words would never be. His hand rested below your ear, his thumb caressing your tear-stained cheek as your world slips away. You breathe each other’s air as you lazily pulled away from him.
“Y/N.” He whispers slowly, prolonging each letter as if to savor them. You grin, heart fluttering at his voice. Never before has your name fell from his mouth in a manner like that.
His left-hand drifts over your collarbone, to your neck, and finally to your jawline. He presses a soft kiss as you turned your head slightly. Your fingers slipped to the back of his head, running your fingertips through his locks. Your touch made him visibly relax. His lips twitched as your hands fell to his chest and slowly reached his face. You both lock eyes and your stomach drops. You knew this was bad. He was so in love with you and you weren’t in the right mindset to return his affection, you were just using him to cope with your broken heart.
His mouth never became demanding, you nudged open his lips with your tongue and he returned it with a soft lap and easily explored your mouth. Nothing hurried. The warmth in your stomach expanded and moved further down into your groin.
His hand brushed over and lingered at your most intimate area. Suddenly, that ember of arousal flared. Your body reacted just as quickly as his hands as you lifted your pelvis as much as possible for him.
He slips two fingers into your clothed pussy, pushing a little deeper. He curls his fingers, making you bend at the waist. Trying to wrap your head around the situation as you took a second to catch your breath, he shifted and delicately added a third finger, stretching your pussy. Your moans echoed through the apartment as you laid your head on his shoulder, eyes shut, mouth agape.
“Can you lie down for me babygirl?” He asks, whispering sweetly into your air. A blush forms on your cheeks as you comply. Settling back onto the sofa, he unzips your jeans and glides it off of you along with your underwear.
His eyes drop to your pussy for a moment as he lifts your thighs and rests it on his shoulders. that tongue of his wastes no time and slips, thick and heavy, through your folds, before he looks back up at you once more. You cried out rhythmically as his tongue delved into you, as he shoved the lithe muscle as deeply as it would go into your cunt, and suckled gently at your clit.
He gave a particularly strong suction to your clit and held it. You knew that was your breaking point. With your legs locking him in place as your back arched, pressing your groin to his mouth, hard. it didn’t take long for you to reach your climax. “Fuck, Bucky.”
He smiles as he watches you ride out your high and reaches up to brush his lips against yours. “Are you sure you want to do this, Y/N?” He asks, and reality hits you like a brick.
You don’t know how Steve does it. How he can fuck someone without thinking of you the entire time, how he doesn’t show a shred of remorse when he looks at you the morning after and says he loves you like nothing ever happened. How his conscience doesn’t eat him alive as he lays right next to you at night is baffling. The man you love is probably shit-faced right about now and going on round number three with his mistress. The thought of that has you fuming and you tell yourself if he can do it, so can you.
You were going to fuck his best friend and you didn’t care. The pent up anger in you made you blur out all the repercussions and consequences of your actions tonight.
You only cared about one thing, revenge. you just wanted to get back at him.
You give him a sincere smile and respond, “Yes, I want this, Buck.” You cup his face and pull him into another kiss, his hair fell to the sides of his face and you pushed it back, just to see him enjoy the mild caress.
Your fingers remained threaded into his hair as he rested his forehead on yours, the gesture made your heart fuzzy. Bucky was a sweet man, and you cherished his friendship but over the years you’ve noticed him change with you. You weren’t blind, you saw the way he looked at you when he thought you weren’t watching. You’d notice his sudden flinches when Steve put his arm around you, the signs come flooding back and you can’t help but wonder if he knew you were being cheated on.
You snap back to reality when Bucky begins to pepper you with kisses while hastily trying to shed clothing. His hands are everywhere, trying to do everything all at once, and managing to accomplish very little, which makes you giggle at his foolishness.
You help unfasten his belt and pants and pull them off his legs as easily as you can. His shirt is flung to the other side of the room along with yours, as well as your bra. Bucky takes a second to drink you in and then proceeds to attach his mouth to your breast, suckling as his other hand gently squeezes and pinches your nipple. You gasp and grab his head, pulling him in deeper. He does the same to the other one, leaving your nipples perky and wet with saliva.
His lips linger in front yours for a brief second as your hand finds his stiff cock, and begin to slowly stroke it. You watch as his eyes roll back and the sinful sound he makes stirs your desire for him. His tip is slightly wet due to the precum but you don’t mind. It makes it easier for him to slip into you.
He rocks his hips forward, entering you. The friction was delightful and the perfect amount of pressure. It felt like heaven as you were filled with his cock. Pushing all the way into you and pausing before a teasingly slow pulling out, then repeating the motion again and again. His fingers clenched in time on your hips with his movements.
With a smile of pure bliss, you slipped a hand around his neck to pull him closer for a kiss. You could feel him smile through it, and it was contagious. You both grinned like fools until the ecstasy was too much and you faltered, lapsing into moans and gasps as you reached your climaxes.
“Fuck, Y/N.” Bucky muttered as he found comfort in the crook of your neck. Pinned under him with his cock still throbbing inside you was almost enough to send you over the edge again, but not quite. You were tired, emotionally, and physically. He whispered sweet nothings into your ear as he pulled out of you. He found his shirt and gently cleaned you up before carrying you to his bed.
You both fell into a deep slumber, you found solace in his arms. The morning after, you awoke with his arms wrapped around your waist, caging you in. For a brief second, happiness enveloped you. Pure joy. But the second quickly slipped away and the memories of last night wash over you. All the profanities known to man-kind were spilled in soft mutters as you tried your best to escape from Bucky’s arms. He tossed and turned but settled down the moment you placed a soft kiss to his forehead.
You didn’t know if he thought it was reality or a dream but you knew the way his lips quirked when touched him, made you feel giddy but the feeling dissipates as guilt overwhelms you. It’s six a.m. as you check your phone and see numerous calls from Steve. Your stomach churns making you hurriedly leave Bucky’s apartment.
It doesn’t take you long to reach your once happy home. The shards of the vase from last night’s revelations are still left on the floor. Your first instinct is to check on your boyfriend, to see if he even made it back home in one piece or brought his mistress with him. You try your best to not make any noise as you set your things down. Reminding yourself to clean the pieces of ceramic littered on your floor before you get hurt.
Your heart is heavy as you glance at your boyfriend sleeping on the sofa. He was crouched up, on his side, oblivious to it all. You would’ve been curious about the item poking out of his left back pocket if you hadn’t known of his rendezvous, which makes you feel shitty.
You knew what you did was wrong. There was no excuse. You thought it would’ve made you feel better because Steve does it. But it didn’t. You didn’t want to be like him, but the damage had already been done.
You felt something for Bucky.
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lesbianrobin · 4 years
Do you think the fandom exaggerates Steve's daddy issues? As someone who likes talking about his family life a lot I personally think its a 50-50 situation, because he does seem to have a strained relationship with his dad but based on whatever very little info is canon about his father its hard to tell if its because his dad is really neglectful or if hes actually a well meaning but strict dad whos spoilt son doesnt get him. I wanna know your thoughts about it.
So to start off: Thank you for sending this ask! It’s a fun question.
I wouldn’t personally use the term “exaggerate” in this situation, because it implies to me the twisting of canon events for dramatic effect. In the case of Steve and his father, we don't have much that is actually canon, and the canon that we do have leaves room for a wide range of possible scenarios. Rather than exaggerating Steve’s daddy issues, I think that it’s more accurate to say that people are choosing whichever interpretation of canon best suits their own personal desire. Some of these interpretations are more dramatic than others, but for the most part, they tend to be within the realm of canon possibility.
First, let’s go over what we actually have in canon.
Steve's mother doesn't trust his father not to cheat. Tommy says she shouldn’t trust him, which tells us that Steve’s father has cheated in the past. Tommy’s the one who says it, which tells us that either Mr. Harrington’s infidelity is an open secret in Hawkins, or Steve found out about his dad’s cheating at some point in his life and vented about it to his friends.
During the party in S1, Tommy and Carol go up to Steve’s mom’s room. Not his parents’ room, but his mom’s, meaning that their marriage has been rocky for long enough that they have established separate bedrooms in the house. Steve tells them they can go use her room as long as they change the sheets and Tommy/Carol mention that the room has a fireplace, meaning that since the establishment of separate bedrooms, his parents have gone out of town enough times for Tommy and Carol to be familiar with his mother’s room and know where her spare bedsheets are.
At first, Steve is more worried about getting in trouble with his dad than he is about Barb. Later, when he goes to apologize to Nancy for this attitude, he tells her that he did get in trouble with his dad. He’s still able to move about Hawkins freely and he seems to be physically and emotionally fine, so we don’t know what getting in trouble with his father entails, besides the fact that he either isn’t grounded or he’s disobeying his father to go see Nancy.
Steve spends Christmas with the Wheelers rather than with his own family. This isn’t a big point, maybe his family doesn’t celebrate, or it was a “spend the 24th with these people and the 25th with these other people” situation, but it’s also a possible indicator of extreme tension and distance within his family.
Steve’s only comments about his father have been negative, calling him an asshole or a douchebag. He only speaks about his father in reference to punishments and the fact that he could “work for his dad” after high school, presumably in some sort of office job or profession, an offer that his father turns out to not extend as evidenced by Steve’s minimum wage job hunting in S3.
Most importantly to personal interpretation of their relationship: Steve is the only main character in S1-S2 whose parents we never see. The only other underage character whose parents we haven’t met is Robin, who’s only been in one season so far and whose family life hasn’t been referenced. The fact that we never see Steve’s parents in the course of three seasons (during which Steve gets incredibly visibly injured three separate times and spends entire nights away from home on multiple occasions) fosters a sense of distance, even if it's unintentional on the writers’ part, and implies that they are very uninvolved in him and his life. 
Cheating on a partner doesn’t automatically make you terrible at being a parent, but it doesn’t indicate strong morals and implies that Steve’s dad isn’t as committed to his family as he should be. Steve’s parents are sleeping in separate rooms and Steve knows about his dad’s infidelity, which implies that his parents either don’t try or don’t do a very good job of keeping their marital issues from affecting him.
Getting in trouble with his dad might mean just getting a stern parental talking-to, or it could mean some form of emotional/psychological abuse, or some classic 80s corporal punishment, or perhaps Steve got grounded and was actually digging himself a deeper hole by running around town to see Nancy, Carol, and Tommy. We don’t know! They’re all possible! All we have to go on is Steve’s word. Maybe Steve is just a spoiled teenager who gets pissy when he has to face consequences. Maybe his dad is neglectful, or cruel, or maybe he’s just a middle-of-the-road dad who sometimes sucks and is trying his best.
The thing is that, as viewers, we don’t know Steve’s dad, but we do know Steve. We know that S1 Steve was a little sad and pathetic, and he hung around with friends who he knew were assholes because he wanted to be popular and cool. We’ve seen Steve spend over 48 hours away from home (hunting Dart with Dustin in S2, the elevator situation in S3) without ever mentioning that he has to lie to his parents or that they might be concerned about him. We’ve seen him get his ass beaten to hell and back without any adults ever taking a second to ask if he’s okay. We’ve heard him call his dad an asshole and a douchebag. 
I think that the writers probably intend for Steve’s dad to be a pretty “normal” dad, just a little too strict and not quite involved enough in his son’s life, or they intend for Steve to sound like an ungrateful spoiled kid. These interpretations, however, are a bit charitable to a character we’ve never met at the expense of invalidating the perception of a character we know and love. They’re perfectly valid interpretations! Steve is a spoiled rich kid! It’s also completely reasonable, though, to choose less charitable interpretations.
Since our only information about this character is negative and we never actually meet him, we have no way of invalidating or refuting Steve’s perception of his father. All we really know is that Steve doesn’t like or respect him, that he cheats on his wife, and that he’s rich, which is plenty to then extrapolate that he’s an incredibly shitty dude,and boom, we’re writing emo fics all about Steve’s extreme daddy issues!
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sweetbunnykook · 5 years
Bad Guy (7)
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Word Count: 4,244 // angst (infidelity), hint of smut 
Mob!Seokjin X Reader X Mob!Sope
Summary: After a brutal attack in Hong Kong, your marriage with Kim Seokjin cracks as secrets begin to surface and a series of betrayals find their way into the veins of the Hidden Tigers. Although Jin’s devotion endures, in his own definition, the reality of being a mob wife may be too much for you to bear.
You loved your husband once. You yearned for his touches, his affectionate caresses that easily calmed your heart on troublesome days when you had no one to lean on. Kim Seokjin, underneath his pristine marble exterior, was someone that had ordinary dreams and ordinary needs. Despite proving himself to be worthy of his father’s seat, he spent his nights reading with you, telling you of stories his grandfather told him when he barely learned to walk.
That was the extent of his world that he lets you see. The drugs, the women, the disappearances, the killings – he wouldn’t let you get near it much less let you inquire about it unless you wanted to end up six feet under like the rest. He was adamant about keeping you in the shadows and for some time you were comfortable there. You welcomed his hand over your eyes as long as you can feel his warmth, his touch, hear his words.
Placing your hand over Jin’s eyes as he dozes off on your lap to shield the sunlight filtering through the round plane windows, you forced your mind to pull back the memories in which he’d been nothing but a kindred savior. It was with a heavy heart that you cannot remember a single moment in which your mind hasn’t been poisoned with images of other women. You can’t imagine his deep red leather jacket without thinking of how he must’ve let his mistresses slide the smooth leather off his shoulders. You can’t imagine his smile unless the person standing in front of him is not you but another woman that he made love to. The bitterness in your mouth cannot be swallowed no matter how many times you let your husband care for you – in sickness and in health – as the wedding vows say.
But are you any better? You shake your head.
What goes around, comes around; after all, marriage isn’t supposed to be easy.
Maybe Hoseok and Yoongi would also be bored once they’re done with you too. You used your position as the don’s wife to be with them, offered them expensive liquor, entertainment, friendship, and sex. Is it a crime to be selfish once in a while? Just like your husband had been?
Maybe it was the loneliness, the punishment of coming from two worlds, that left your marriage broken in half. You, the middle class nobody, and him, royalty in organized crime. Your mother-in-law was right about one thing in all the words she hissed in your ear – men do get bored.
“We will be arriving to Jeju International Airport in approximately thirty minutes.”
You look up at the intercom and then back down to your husband stirring in your lap, watching his hand slide up your arm to grasp your soft piano fingers laying over his eyes. He had the most beautiful hands in the world; long, skeletal, nails trimmed perfectly into crescent moons. Although weariness etched the sharp lines of his face, his hands remained soft, clean, and supple as you once remembered. One would not be able to see just how dirty those are just by admiring as you had. You’d convinced yourself years before that such hands cannot be the weapon behind bloodbaths and nightmares. He’d convinced you, very gradually through the years, that his fingers can easily wipe your tears away as much as they can wrap around your throat. What you’ve done with his two men can make the latter scenario easily come true.
“Jin, please,” you exhale, burying your face in the crook of his warm, golden neck as you hold the steering wheel with one hand. The tips of your fingers on the wheel whiten when a tongue, heated and slippery, licks a stripe up your jaw and under the shell of your ear. You can feel his breath fan across your cool skin, tightening the coil deep in your belly that leaves your thighs rubbing each other. Jin acknowledges your deep exhales and soft whimpers with a low hum.
At this hour, security prowls. The school buildings are ocked from the outside, halting any activity for the day. Jin’s black Mercedes stays parked beside your dorm, hidden against the backdrop of the brick-red library building between thick ginkgo trees. A blanket of yellow gingko protects the autumn soil. His chauffeur, with a look of suppressed annoyance on his face, leans against the largest gingko tree near the library, kicking rocks into the darkness.
Jin had taken extra care to hide from peering eyes, even during late hours, knowing that there was a risk of academic expulsion lingering in the aroma of sweat and arousal. Jin could easily bribe the dean if security do happen to pass by; however, knowing how much of a goody-two-shoes you are, he’d rather avoid awakening his temper on such an important day. Letting his anger show in the early stage of the relationship isn’t the most ideal, especially for someone with multiple weapons in the trunk and a chauffeur standing outside ready to blow any skull at his command.
You aren’t sure how he was able to undo your seatbelt and drag you onto his lap, fingers roaming over every curve of your body as he brings your mouth to his. His strength comes so effortlessly that you feared he might knock you over with a single breath as if you weighed nothing but a feather. From underneath the curve of your heavy breasts to your violin hips, Jin explored, adored, embraced. It amused you that he often harbored a habit of using his strength as a fighter during the quietest, most fragile moments.
A squirrel passes through the blanket of gingko leaves outside, a rustle cutting through Jin’s low mumble. You break the kiss and cast a worried glance out the tinted windows as his hands travel up underneath the fabric of your dress. His palms, heavy of debauchery, grasp your warm thighs.
“W-We’re going to get caught.”
Jin suppresses a grin. “This is your birthday present. I took extra precautions to make sure we’re not interrupted.”
Once his hands reach between your thighs to rub your little wet pearl you flinch back, your hand on the wheel flying towards his Rolex-clad wrist to halt his probing. Even in the dark, Jin could see your face flushed as if you were bathed in summer heat, dripping innocence like sweat.
“Am I hurting you?” He asked with brows slightly furrowed, one hand stilled around your waist and another near your panties. A virgin, he realized. He should have taken you to a hotel and ordered a bottle of champagne to loosen your nerves. He could tell that although you were more than thrilled to be in his arms, you were deathly terrified of security crawling around the campus like roaches, hidden behind walls but very much alive, unfortunately.
“I-I’m sorry, I just haven’t…I mean I’ve never um,” you lift your head, daring to meet his knowing eyes, and curling back in cowardice once you feel his thumb rub small circles on your inner thighs. “I’m sorry.”
Jin smiles and removes his hands from your tense body, opting to instead trap your body between his torso and the wheel with both hands on the dashboard. His sculpted chest, hard against yours, rises and falls with deep controlled breathing. You’re temptation in the form of a woman. God, he would have given anything to hike up that cheap dress of yours around your waist and bury his cock deep in your dripping, untouched cunt. But he won’t let the evil laying dormant inside him come to life. He won’t pressure you. He will be a different person.
“Do I make you nervous?” He presses, eyes observing every micro-expression you make, hoping that he didn’t make you uncomfortable.
You shake your head, lying.
As if you haven’t answered, Jin asks again, lifting your chin. “Did I do something you didn’t like?”
You glance down at your cotton eyelet dress and then to his aristocratic nose, unable to meet his gaze when he’d just touched you in a place you haven’t explored yourself. Just the smell of his fresh cologne – the scent of pine trees and soft musk – was making your toes curl in your flats and your stomach melt. A part of you wondered if he knew how intimidating he was with his massive wealth, sculpted figure, and curt manners, but then another part of you knew he must know if you couldn’t help but act like a shy child around him.
“I’ve been saving…um…I’ve been saving it,” you bite the inside of your cheeks, “for marriage.”
As soon as the words leave your lips, you regret them. It sounded foolish, especially in the presence of a man who definitely had more than a few partners between the sheets. A spark of jealousy lights up your eyes.
Jin swallows a ball of saliva, breathing slightly deeper to keep his self-control in check. It was with utmost appreciation that he leaned forward and pressed his pillow soft lips to your forehead.
“I have to apologize…I assumed someone had already appreciated you before me…although the thought of another man touching you like this drives me crazy. I’m glad I’m your – no – I’m glad that I’ll be your first.” Jin chuckles against your skin, his warm breath inviting a fresh wave of goosebumps to rise, leaving you trembling. “I suppose this birthday present will have to wait until you marry me.”
Your fingers twist and turn on your lap. Your lungs felt like they were simultaneously filled with air and weighed down with rocks. You’re not sure if you were hot or cold, nervous or excited, filled with purity or sin as you contemplate sliding your panties down your knees and making him yours at his declaration. You longed to see his eyes burn through yours while you let him take you, feel his pulse inside and watch his lips curl. He talked of marriage with such ease that it made it seem like you were the one less committed into this odd coupling.
“I have an idea.” Jin says, holding his index finger to your lips.
You look up at him with confusion.
“Pretend it’s a candle,” he wags his finger, slightly crooked and long, over your lips. “Make a wish, as perverted as you want” – you giggle – “and I’ll make it true in the future.”
“You promise?”
“I promise,” he returns the devious sparkle in your eyes with a grin.
You rub your hands together, eyes darting across the leather and wood interior and humming a low note in contemplation. You wondered if marriage and love were the same thing, if your parent’s marriage was love or simply just a union between two people with one, basic goal. You wondered if this will be your fate with Jin.
He’s made you feel like your feet deserved to be bathed in milk and honey. He’s made you feel like your words were all he wanted to listen to and that it carried weight in which he wears around his neck wherever he goes. Your wish came easy to you; no, you will not be like your mother, or your mother’s mother, or the women that came before them. You will be happy.
‘I wish he’ll be the first and last man I’ll ever love.’
You puff your cheeks and gently blow the tip of his finger.
“What did you wish for?”
You laugh, gently patting his crimson jacket. “If I tell you, it wouldn’t come true. But I’ll say it was a very, very naughty wish.”
“We will be landing in approximately ten minutes, please be seated and secure the seatbelt around your waist.”
Jin props himself on his elbows – yawning first – and drags the seatbelt over your waist, tugging the gray polyester to make sure it was secure. It was rather loose around your abdomen but you don’t dare complain or else he would focus his pin-sharp eyes on how much weight you lost over the past few weeks. You were on the thinner side before, but now you were on the verge of looking sickly.
Jin wipes his face with the back of his hand and quietly settles next to you, strapping himself down on the reclined chair through the same manner. The way his hands move across the belts so quickly and with accuracy – you couldn’t feel more upset with how much it reminded you of Hoseok. Here you are sitting next to your husband who is taking you on a vacation and you sit there and think about another man’s touch. How could you let yourself stoop so low?
Yet, even when shame swallows you whole, Hoseok remains in your memory. The black ropes he used to bind your wrists behind your back, leaving you helpless as he wraps the remaining length around both of your ankles and spread you apart for his enjoyment. Hoseok always had a habit of observing the most embarrassing parts of your body with the tips of his fingers; from your puckered ass to your swollen clit, to the supple swells of your slightly uneven breasts and your armpit adorned with a patch of black curls, he brushes his fingers over your skin with the gentleness of an impressionist painter. Your mercurial lover would then settle himself between your legs, fingers and lips and nose gently tugging your transparent panties to the side as he glares at your blushing cheeks with hellbent fury.
Something heavy hangs over the Hong Kong bedroom; Hoseok can ruin your body, but he couldn’t have you.
No matter how many times he restrains you, binds you to the bed, the couch, the dining table, the shower pole, it was Seokjin’s ring on your finger that will bound you for life like a prisoner chained to her crimes. One of these days, Hoseok will have to untie the rope around your heart.
“Do you remember the night I turned nineteen?”
Jin weaves his fingers with yours, thumb running over your knuckles. “When we celebrated in my car?”
You nod.
“You made a birthday wish,” Jin smiles at nothing, eyes glazed before he turns to look at the back of your head as you stare out the window to your right, watching the plane descend until you can see tall glass buildings lining the horizon. Your willingness to engage in a positive conversation for the first time since the incident pleased him.
“Did it ever come true?”
You continue staring, continuing to breathe through your nose and out through your mouth. Steady, steady.
You love him so much it leaves you gasping and panting for air. Your savior, your violent, hot-tempered lover with a heart of a boy that followed a poisoned path to survive. The man you would have married if you had met him first – your Jung Hoseok.
You turn to answer your husband. “No, I don’t think it did.”
The path to the Jeju villa is inlaid with cobblestones and moss. The smell of salt in the air – so distinct to the Jeju beach you once loved – did more for your hyperactive nerves than Jin’s guiding arm. Two gardeners bowed on your way to the mahogany doors, heavy with geometric carvings and enamel. The brick building, reminding you so much of your old university library, felt immediately like home despite evidence of new furniture lining the garden with brown paper boxes.
Jin helps you up the front concrete stairs and you slip through the crack in the door, quickly taking in your surroundings with your breath held. Inside the house, a staircase winds up to two branches of the east and west wing containing guest bedrooms, master bedrooms, and storage closets. The downstairs living room is filled with plastic-coated furniture, no doubt abandoned while Jin worked and you were kept prisoner in Hong Kong. Your wedding photo hangs, grand and proud, above an antique vase collection. No doubt Jin’s doing.
“What do you think?” Your husband asks, brushing his hands up and down your shoulders while he maneuvered you towards a red velvet couch near the marble stairs. He sounded excited, ecstatic even.
“It’s beautiful-” you rub your palms over the upholstery – “it reminds me of our honeymoon.”
A satisfied grin stretches Jin’s face. You must’ve said exactly what he wanted to hear.
Walking towards the window, Jin tugs the curtains open and unlatches the glass doors. He lets fresh air inside, inhaling deeply and exhaling slowly to savor the fresh air that he longed for back in Gangnam. This vacation will do wonders for his marriage, he can feel it in his bones.
He leans forward, one hand on the glass while the other grips the window frame. A car beeps in the distance and he watches as a Mercedes roll into the front yard, the gardeners jogging to unlatch the gates once more. He stares, eyes trained on the two men conversing in the car, continuing their conversation as they slide out of the doors. They unlocked the trunk with a flick of a wrist and throw their luggage on the floor, letting the gardeners worry about the rest.
“I forgot to mention,” he turns back to you. “I’m…what happened in Hong Kong was my fault. I didn’t provide you with the protection that I promised in my vows.”
You stay quiet. There are voices in the distance, but none you can make out. There are multiple men speaking, one louder than the rest. Who could they be?
Your husband steps behind the couch and rests his hands on your shoulders. His thumb brushes over the soft cotton straps of your white summer dress.
“I contemplated changing my men, but I assume you’re quite accustomed to having Min and Jung around.”
You tense underneath his hands, momentarily halting his words. Yet, before you can breathe properly, Jin continues speaking.
“I think you might sleep better knowing they’re around to watch our villa closely. They’ll be right below us in the basement throughout the week and in a house nearby for night-watching.”
The front door screeches as a hand pushes through the door.
“I know it can be bothersome to have them around, sweetheart. But I want you to rest safely, okay? I want you to feel protected, not suffocated.”
Jin cups your face and brings your gaze towards him. Something flickers behind his dark irises, but you can’t bring yourself to think about why the air had suddenly changed around them. It took some time before you realized your husband wanted a reaction, and so you offer him a shy nod, leaning into his hand not for affection but to hide your panicked eyes.
“Master Kim, I hope I’m not interrupting anything.”
If the world can break apart and swallow you whole at this moment, you would take the chance. You tremble, scrunching your eyebrows as if you’re in pain and then releasing all tension on your shoulder to avoid Jin’s questioning gaze. It’s insane how his voice could make you crumble like a dandelion in the wind. It’s also insane that you could barely contain your heart while your husband is right behind you, his hands still on your shoulders, his eyes locked on your lovers.
Hoseok did not smile, nor did he seem to carry any expression on his usually expressive face. He nods when Jin tells him that he arrived on time.
“I hope you’re recovering well, miss.” Hoseok bows slightly in acknowledgement. You return the bow, brows scrunched as you wonder why Yoongi looked so bleak standing next to him, staring ahead at Seokjin.
“I am, thank you-“ your eyes find his through a sea of longing, “-Hoseok.”
His name falls from your lips like a prayer. Hoseok’s ears purred at the sound, so sweet and melodic as he remembered.
Clapping his hands together, Jin circles around the couch and sits next to you, taking your cold, clammy hands between his large palms. He taps his feet a few times, turning his head around the grand villa with measuring eyes.
“You already know how tight I want security to be while my wife is here,” he emphasizes. Your husband sounded different as the head of the Kim family. He didn’t sound like the man you married.
“Hoseok will take the east villa and Yoongi will take the west. I’ll leave the cabin schedule up to you. I’m sure you’ve seen the blueprints and know where to stay, am I correct?”
“Yes, Master Kim,” the two men nod.
“That being said, I expect no mistakes this time. If you suspect anything report back to me immediately and move her to a safe place. I’ll permit calling for backup as long as there is a feeling for concern.”
Yoongi nods, noting your nervous glance between your fist curled in Jin’s hands and Hoseok’s steel cold gaze. He suspected that you were not aware of Jin’s plans to tighten security enough that no one enters and exits the beach without Jin’s direct permission. This was not much of a vacation but rather a method to test out security measures, test the waters to see if the Bears are bold enough to attack again. With Jin near, it would be impossible for someone to have the balls to get to him. But then again, they got to you in Hong Kong. Anything is possible at this point.
Yoongi’s head snaps up to meet Jin’s gaze, parting with the bruises that remain on your legs.
“Come up to my study for a bit. There are some matters I need to discuss with you.”
Hoseok stares straight ahead, bowing when Jin stands and leads Yoongi up the staircase towards the large office room in the west wing.
“Stay with her,” Jin orders with his head cocked back towards his most trusted security personnel. You look up at your husband, seeing him send a reassuring smile your way, and continue up the stairs.
It was only when the footsteps disappear at last that you could finally look at Hoseok, admire the strength radiating off his body, see the shadow of his tattoos just underneath the collar of his pressed button-down. Not much has changed in the past few weeks except for the two, deep eyebags underneath his piercing eyes. His hair is slightly longer now, falling to his angular cheekbones, a little damp with sweat and smelling faintly of cigarette smoke you imagine. You just want to wrap yourself around him, bury your face in his neck, and feel his arms around you lifting you higher and higher, until you disappear.
But you can’t. Because you’re here not as you, but as Seokjin’s wife in need of protection and peace.
Hoseok keeps his fists at his side as you tug at your hair tie wrapped around your wrist. The brown elastic snaps to attention, falling over your knuckles and laying between your fingers. You lift the accessory towards him.
“Can you help me tie my hair?” You cast your eyes down at the polished flooring. “I can’t lift my arms very well.”
At first, your lover doesn’t move. He must be upset, you thought. He must be offended, having to bow down to Seokjin in front of you.
Then, he walks up to you, taking the hair tie from your fingers on his way and settles behind the couch where you sit. His long fingers snake across your shoulders, where Jin’s hands were, and massages lightly. He brushes your hair behind your ears, watching you shudder and your breathing deepen. You lean into his touch, closing your eyes when his calloused hands rub your pulse ever so slowly.
He glanced at the front door, opened just enough that anyone passing by can simply look inside and see the boss’s wife enjoying another man’s touch. Gardeners scramble across the front lawn, a car beeps, luggages are dropped; chaos, chaos, chaos.
“I thought of you constantly,” you whimper when Hoseok places a tender kiss just underneath your left ear. He weaves his fingers through your hair, brushing the strands back him. “I missed you.”
He gathers your hair in one hand, holding the short strands in a fist. “Did I ruin your marriage?”
Hoseok pulls your hair through the elastic band, twisting the band twice and pulling through once more to tighten its hold. His hand stays still on the nape of your neck, holding you, keeping you grounded.
You shake your head. “No.”
“Do you want me to leave?”
You shake your head once more, exhaling. “No, Hobi.”
“Tell me what you want.”
Your lips part but no words come out. There is no sound, no tender words, no reassurances. The ring on your finger glistens in the golden hour.
You can’t bring yourself to make a choice.
Not when Jin smiled at you as he made up the stairs like the day you married him. Not when Yoongi stands next to the man you love, looking worried enough to faint while you barely noticed the fresh needle marks on his arm. You couldn’t bring yourself to be selfish. Not here, not now.
You’re not truly sure when you can tell Hoseok you love him, that you choose him, that you can’t bear the thought of being with anyone else.
But you trust that Hoseok knows, deep down.
That’s all you can hope for after all.
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