#throk httyd
msphagime · 1 month
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Shitpost be upon ye!
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violet-moonstone · 7 months
highlights from "snuffnut"
Ruffnut decking Tuffnut. Honestly deserved
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Hiccup, Astrid, and Fishlegs just chilling out, doing everyday things. I love seeing little snapshots of what things are like on the Edge when things are calm and peaceful.
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Astrid absolutely fuming about Throk's plan to carry Ruffnut away (which I actually think Ruffnut would have enjoyed btw). I love how angry she looks.
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This scene is so good
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Oh my god I love Ruffnut. She would totally be on Tumblr obsessing over unhinged, murderous characters.
I gotta say, I also love how Ruffnut keeps revealing just how weird she is and Throk is always a little surprised or even grossed out but only ever becomes more confident that he's in love with her. Ruffnut could do the wildest thing and he would be like ahh she's a goddess
Snotlout once again saying something that is funny but makes me think he and Spitelout need family therapy:
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And finally, these two muttonheads:
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dragonnnfly · 1 year
Httyd + AO3 tags
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sarnai4 · 5 months
Bottom's Up
Here are headcanons I have for the HTTYD group being drunk. (Admittedly, some of these are just how they are sleepy, but I think there could be a similarity in how the characters are just out of it.)
Hiccup: Impulsive drunk. This is the one time where he'd probably start a fight with someone. They have to talk badly about dragons or his friends, but it might happen without him considering the consequences (and considering his right hook that Snotlout got so well-acquainted with, it might not end badly for him).
Astrid: Bubbly drunk. She is giddy about everything, probably singing, and definitely dancing with whoever she grabs first somebody.
Snotlout: Emotional drunk (after a few sips). He's extremely happy one second, then bawling his eyes out the next. Every emotion and a lot of noise is coming from his general direction. Hookfang might try to smother him to quiet him down.
Fishlegs: Paranoid drunk. Conspiracies everywhere. The world is out to get him. You'll never convince him otherwise because clearly you're in on it.
Ruffnut and Tuffnut: Goofy drunks. They actually hold their booze for a while, but they are completely out of it when it does get to them. They're discombobulated and also very competitive because they want to see who can drink the most before it renders them unconscious.
Heather: Clumsy drunk. She is falling over everything and walking into people and/or walls. Get her to sit down because she'll have a concussion by the end of the night otherwise.
Stoick: Angry drunk. Clear out because if you say one wrong thing, your brains might be finding looking for a new residency. This isn't directed towards people he cares about at least, but any one else better stay on their toes.
Gobber: Delirious drunk. He's very happy, but that might be partially due to the fantasy world he's living in right now. All logic has been thrown off a dragon's saddle. Best time to convince him of anything too if you ever want to call him gullible.
Atali: Unconscious drunk. She's been out cold for a while now. Just leave her be.
Minden: Sleepy drunk. She's not as bad as Atali only because of Snotlout. She's trying to stay awake for him, but it is a bit painful and she's mostly failing.
Throk: Expressive drunk. He's confessing his true feelings to everyone...maybe in a very public way. Ruffnut is hearing how madly in love he is with her again and again. Anyone else nearby is also hearing how he feels about them whether they want to or not.
Mala: Bold drunk. She's having a crowd cheering her on for some fear of strength she just showed. She is the queen after all, so some adoring subjects fans are necessary. She also is a lot less shy about a few things involving a certain husband of hers.
Dagur: Not drunk. Let's be honest, there's not much more that can happen to his mind. So, days when they all go out drinking together are also known as "When Dagur keeps his friends and family from getting alcohol poisoning or causing irreversible damage." Alcohol isn't going to make him lose inhibition. He already lacks that. It doesn't make him weird because he's Dagur. He remains the same...however, that's not to say he doesn't feel it in the morning.
Below is a one shot I decided to make based off these headcanons.
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astridhoff03 · 6 months
Httyd Homecoming headcanon:
Fishlegs and Ruffnut getting divorced, Fishlegs marries Snotlout, Ruffnut marries Throk, Fishlegs giving the severance pay to Ruffnut and Tuffnut opens a chicken farm with chicken and a mace shop with macey. And Hiccup and Astrid, who have a strong, passionate marriage, having two beautiful children just watching all this drama like:
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Mala deserved so much more screen-time
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She’s a gorgeous badass. I understand why Dagur married her.
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Ft. some of my next gen
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died-of-feels · 1 year
My Httyd Next Gens Pt. 1
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Name: Oswald
Eye color: Green
Dragon: Eruptodon (doesn't ride)
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Age: 23
Parents: Dagur and Mala
Weapon of Choice: Sword
Relationship status: Just married to Solvig
Occupation: Eruptodon protector
Personality: Quiet and tends to keep to himself and stay out of people's way and problems. Likes to tease his younger siblings especially Baldur about Zephyr.
Misc: He made a vow to never ride a dragon again after he gave up his position as first in line for the throne to devote all his time to the eruptodon effectively passing the throne to his younger sister Eula.
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Name: Solvig
Eye color: Green
Dragon: Eruptodon (doesn't ride)
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Age: 22
Parents: Throk and Atali
Weapon of Choice: Katana
Relationship status: Just married to Oswald
Occupation: Eruptodon protector
Personality: She is very friendly and always willing to help those around her. She is just as courageous as both her parents and is quick on her feet.
Misc: She just like her father has always had a strong connection with the eruptodon and vowed to always protect it. Also made a vow to never ride a dragon once she became the protector.
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Name: Eula
Eye color: Green
Dragon: Baby Razorwhips
Age: 20
Parents: Dagur and Mala
Weapon of Choice: Wingmaiden spear
Relationship status: Single
Occupation: Wingmaiden
Personality: She is very well spoken and a great debater. She prefers to be off of the island she grew up on but makes sure to visit her family as often as possible.
Misc: She was always so fascinated and amazed by Atali’s story of being a Wingmaiden that when she was old enough she decided to pass her claim to the throne of Defenders of the wing to her younger brother Baldur and become a Wingmaiden herself.
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Name: Baldur
Eye color: Green
Dragon: Skrill named Bolt
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Age: 18
Parents: Dagur and Mala
Weapon of Choice: Long sword
Relationship status: Dating Zephyr
Occupation: Dragon rider
Personality: He tends to get very fixated on certain things and start to disregard the things happening around him. He is also very stubborn and will treat people the very same way that they treat him
Misc: He is currently first in line for the throne of the Defenders of the Wing and has no plans to give it up. He has every intention of marrying Zephyr and making her Queen of the Defenders of the Wing.
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Name: Ericka
Eye color: Blue
Dragon: Changewing named Novax
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Parents: Eret and OC named Greta
Weapon of Choice: Spear
Relationship status: Single
Occupation: Dragon rider
Personality: She inherited her father’s fierce loyalty but is very naturally aggressive like her mother. She is a very skilled warrior and plans to one day join the Berkian Guard
Misc: She loves to cook and make her friends treats to cheer them up when they are sad so now she knows what all the riders favorite sweets are and can bribe them into doing patrol or other chores. Her best friend is Zephyr.
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Name: Zephyr
Eye color: Blue
Dragon: Nightlight named Dart
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Age: 18
Parents: Hiccup and Astrid
Weapon of Choice: Sword and Battle axe
Relationship status: Dating Baldur
Occupation: Dragon rider leader
Personality: She has a very similar personality as in Homecoming just more mature and willing to listen to what the older vikings are trying to tell her before jumping to conclusions. She is also the most knowledgeable about dragons out of all the children and is willing to do whatever it takes to protect them to the point of often having to be dragged away by her friends for her own safety or even Dart refusing to cooperate with her anymore
Misc: She enjoys reading the book of dragons and training with her mother. She also got her father's ability to create useful inventions. Her best friend is Ericka
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Name: Nuffink
Eye color: Green
Dragon: Nightlight named Pouncer
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Age: 15
Parents: Hiccup and Astrid
Weapon of Choice: Battle axe
Relationship status: Dating Thyra
Occupation: Dragon rider
Personality: Very similar to his personality in Homecoming but more mature. He is still very rambunctious and likes to try all of his father’s aerial tricks that he was told about as a young kid. His favorite pastimes are flying with Pouncer and annoying Zephyr.
Misc: With the very real possibility of his sister marrying Baldur he is most likely to become the next chief of Berk.
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Name: Thyra
Eye color: Purplish Blue
Dragon: Monstrous Nightmare named Ember
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Age: 15
Parents: Snotlout and Ruffnut
Weapon of Choice: War hammer
Relationship status: Dating Nuffink
Occupation:Dragon rider
Personality: Thyra is very confident in her abilities and is willing to spar with anyone who offers. Unlike her dad she isn't afraid to not take first (breaking generational trauma from snotlout). She tends to spoil her dragon and treat her as the most important living thing in the world.
Misc: She is the most competitive of all the children and likes to follow Hiccup around and annoy him until he is quite literally just chasing her away.
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Name: Tove
Eye color: Purplish Blue
Dragon: Deadly Nadder named Attor
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Age: 15
Parents: Snotlout and Ruffnut
Weapon of Choice: Spear
Relationship status: Flirty with Skjor
Occupation: Dragon rider
Personality: She is extremely girly and likes to focus on how she looks over fighting the other kids. She wants to be a healer like her mother (yes I headcanon Ruff as the healer after Gothi)
Misc: She and Attor like to look in the reflection of shields to preen. She tends to get distracted while fixing her hair or grooming her dragon and will miss important details in a conversation. She is still very useful in a battle and will take down enemies in style. She and Astrid have bonded over having Nadders and she has learned a few tricks from her.
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Name: Skjor
Eye color: Blue
Dragon: Razorwhip named Wingnut
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Age: 15
Parents: Fishlegs and Heather
Weapon of Choice: Double ended axe
Relationship status: Likes Tove
Occupation: Dragon rider
Personality: Skjor is the perfect mix of both his parents with his father’s love of learning and dragons and his mother's survival instincts. He loves adventure and journaling.
Misc: He met Wingnut when he got stuck on a random island and used the survival skills his mother taught him. First in line to be chief of Berserker Island.
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Name: Vivika
Eye color: Green
Dragon: Triple Stryke named Suvi
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Age: 14
Parents: Dagur and Mala
Weapon of Choice: Sword and Blow darts
Relationship status: Single
Occupation: Dragon rider
Personality: Vivika is the most patient out of all the children and always willing to hear a multitude of answers to one problem. She is the peacekeeper between her siblings and on the island.
Misc: She enjoys sitting under the shade of the trees with Suvi to read and be away from her responsibilities for awhile. She really looks up to her aunt Heather.
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Name: Lagertha
Eye color: Green
Dragon: Gronckle named Lapis
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Age: 14
Parents: Dagur and Mala
Weapon of Choice: Battle axe
Relationship status: Single
Occupation: Dragon rider
Personality: Lagertha is a born warrior that is always ready to take on anyone and anything that will try to pick a fight with her. She likes to boss people around and get the island people to do tasks for her.
Misc: She likes to get up with the sunrise and fly around the island with her dad. Her favorite pastime is whittling long sticks into spears.
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Name: Noma
Eye color: Blue
Dragon: Hideous Zippleback (Gas) named Calothosk
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Age: 10
Parents: Tuffnut and OC named Friva
Weapon of Choice: Mace
Relationship status: Single
Occupation: Jr. Dragon rider
Personality: Noma is a free spirit who usually does whatever sounds fun. She is curious of the world around her and can often be found taking a walk around the island. She and her cousin Leahlout are attached at the hip and if they aren't doing their own thing they are always together.
Misc: She likes to help her father in the forge (I headcanon that Tuff begins to help Gobber in the forge now that Hiccup is to busy as chief) or helping her mother cook and bake in the great hall.
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Name: Leahlout
Eye color: Blue
Dragon: Hideous Zippleback (Spark) named Thevren
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Age: 10
Parents: Snotlout and Ruffnut
Weapon of Choice: Daggers
Relationship status: Single
Occupation: Jr. Dragon rider
Personality: She is the most calm out of all her siblings but still enjoys causing a ruckus on the island especially for Gobber and Spitelout. 
Misc: She likes to follow her dad around while he is training the Berkian guard (I headcanon that Snotlout is the captain of the Berkian guard) and likes to train with them herself.
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Name: Bjorn
Eye color: Green
Dragon: Gronkle named Fishmeat
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Age: 9
Parents: Fishlegs and Heather
Weapon of Choice: Bow and Arrow
Relationship status: Single
Occupation: Jr. Dragon rider
Personality: He is sweet and gentle much like his father but tends to make up his mind and become fixated on his decision and refuses to listen when people try to tell him the opposite.
Misc: Bjorn is a pacifist so he prefers to find nonviolent solutions to problems and stay out of fights for as long as possible until a dragon or someone else is in serious danger of being badly hurt.
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Name: Ingrid
Eye color: Green
Dragon: None yet
Age: 5
Parents: Fishlegs and Heather
Weapon of Choice: Teeth
Relationship status: Single
Occupation: Baby
Personality: Ingrid likes to act sweet and innocent especially around her parents (they know she’s not) but she is a feral child and will bite when she feels like it.
Misc: The first person she bit was Dagur. Her other targets include Hiccup, Snotlout, Skjor, and strangely Astrid
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spyderschaos · 1 year
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That last one prob only makes sense to me and my friends💀
Saw the screenshots in @comfortable-dragon post, had an idea for the one with Dagur, and decided to do some more lmaoo
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misterrttegrimborn · 1 year
Shameless - Camila Cebello
(my edit)
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msphagime · 1 month
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In preparation for some drawings I wanna do (and also because I suspect autism resides within me), I had the urge to make a relationship chart for the WIP AU and...
My god! Everyone dislikes each other! (The Riders were a last-minute adittion but they're no less colourful...)
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dragoninahumancostume · 5 months
Hey stop here and read for a second. Broccoli guy (Skylanders Academy), Elfo (Disenchantment), Mookey (Atomic Puppet), Throk (Race To The Edge), Cosmo (Fairy Odd Parents), Luis (Ant Man, also the voice they use for Carlos Peña often), Captain Man (Henry Danger), Tobias (TAWOG), IT, Ben Tennyson (Ben 10) and Kai Smith (Ninjago) all have the SAME goddamn voice actor
Like seriously man I knew Latin dub repeated a lot of actors, but this is like not even half of all his characters
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Throk's Tribute to Ruffnut
(RTTE Season 5, Episode 11)
I don't know about you guys, but I think it's very sweet and touching gesture of Throk making a... bush-statue or whatever one calls it of Ruffnut. Such a Throk thing to do.
(Of course, naturally, one can't do it with daggers, but I digress. lol 😂)
It'd be pretty cool if Fishlegs did the same thing for Heather. I'd like Snotlout to do the same for Minden, but we all know that Snotlout sucks at topiary. 😂
Hope you guys enjoy this little Ruffthrok moment.
— Minlout3Heathlegs3RuffthrokFan
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sarnai4 · 5 months
Wash it out with Soap
I'm not sure why I started thinking of this, but here are headcanons for how the HTTYD/RTTE characters would curse. (None of them would use slurs, though, because that's just mean)
Hiccup: When he's frustrated or surprised by something. I don't see him using any insult curses. He just has a lot of "what the (blank)s?" and singular "(blank)s" depending on the situation. The twins are probably the cause of about 60% of his cursing. I'm sure something slips out whenever he and Toothless are plummeting due to a ruined tail too.
Astrid: When she's angry or really doesn't like someone. She does use insult curses for hated individuals (both to their faces and not). There's no particular type of curse I see her using more than the others. They just are the result of her being agitated and it's probably best to cover your ears. Snotlout and the twins are the cause of 70%, but a minimum of 15% is because of Hiccup when he does something reckless.
Snotlout: When he feels like he should sound tougher or when he's being inappropriate. It's very possible this is why he's struggling to get a date. He's learning though. Not so many of the insult curses unless someone makes him REALLY upset, so it'll be directed your way if you go after Hooky. Don't go after Hooky. I guess Spitelout is the cause of 100% of his cursing because his awful parenting made him feel like it's the best way to communicate strength.
Fishlegs: When he is L.I.V.I.D. I mean Snotlout just kept the dragon eggs from their mom again type of angry. As in someone went after Meatlug and then his friends. At this point, anything and everything is coming out of his mouth. You might think you know every curse word, but you'll learn new ones that day. No one in particular is the cause since it's so rare. It also makes it scary when it happens.
Tuffnut: When he's almost unintentionally being inappropriate. One-third of him knows he could word it better, one-third doesn't feel like trying, and the final one-third enjoys his friends facepalming at him. Not as many insult curses as those involving body parts and the other ones. There's really no particular reason for them. It just depends on his mood.
Ruffnut: When she wants to horrify someone. She's a sort of tricky one for me to figure out since she actually had a line about NOT wanting to curse since it wouldn't have been lady-like...but I'm just gonna say that it also highlights how her natural reaction to shock/distress was to use expletives. Still, to try to stick with the established lore, I'll say she normally doesn't except for when she's feeling extra mischievous.
Stoick: When he's angry, annoyed, agitated (feeling any negative emotions even slightly). It doesn't take much. He's saying whatever feels right in the moment. He's also not apologizing for it. Try to not get your feelings hurt. If you didn't make him mad, he wouldn't have said it in the first place. So, don't start acting like a...
Gobber: When he's getting excited. I feel like he's a happy curser. Even if he uses an insult curse, it's actually meant to be endearing. He'll be grinning and well-meaning the whole time. It'll take some adjustments, but it's possible to get used to it. If you ever hear him cursing and angry, he's probably about to kill someone.
Heather: When she's irritated, pissed, or talking about Dagur (though this might be redundant). For him, she's using insult curses both before and after they're cool with each other. Other times, the language isn't that harsh. Just a little rough, but it increasingly gets worse as the situation itself gets worse.
Mala: When she's threatening someone. It's actually terrifying because she only does it one other time. She'll go from so proper to suddenly whispering curses and promises of murder in someone's ear. The last thing they'll hear is her cursing them out. Then she acts like nothing happened. Suuuure. (Dagur also loves it when she does this and might be involved in that other time she curses, but the reason is way less murderous)
Throk: When someone insults Mala or the Great Protector. No other time. It's just then and he's swearing like a sailor.
Dagur: When he opens his mouth. Seriously though. This isn't even a good Dagur/bad Dagur thing. It's just a Dagur thing. He's saying everything in varying intensity because there is no limiting Dagur the Deranged. Sometimes, it's because he's pissed. Sometimes, it's because he's so excited that these are the first words to come to mind. And sometimes, he just wants to keep the others on their toes.
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evilwriter37 · 1 year
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Have we ever discussed the beautiful craftmanship that is Throk's axe?
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Gothi is underrated, fight me
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