#throwing perogis at this guy
ghostcrows · 3 years
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tilliwriteapine · 4 years
Check Up Tag
Since 2020 is still sucking, let’s check up on each other.
I was tagged by @impossiblepluto​ THANKS, MY FRIEND!!
How has your day been?
It technically just started, since it’s barely 7am. I woke up just before 4am and decided I was gonna make my lunches for my five shifts, so I made some risotto (from a premade bag guys, I ain’t that awesome lmao), threw some perogies into a sauce of mushrooms and cream of mushroom soup, and then baked some muffins! Now I’m settling down to do a BMT survey and write my post-TROS AU fic.
What was the last thing that made you smile?
Seth Meyer’s nailing it on A Closer Look for July 20th, 2020. The Fred Armisen drop was perfect *lmao* Also, does Adam Driver being himself count?!
What’s keeping you entertained these days?
I’m watching JAG all the way through (season 4 currently), watching a ton of movies, coloring for all my coworkers/friends (I’m slow...), and buying art and pins off Etsy. I’m addicted!!!
And always fanfiction. ALWAYS!
If you’re in quarantine/ isolation, is there anything you’d like to achieve during this time?
Well, I’m isolating when I’m home for the most part (other than grocery shopping), and I’m slowly putting up artwork on my walls and organizing rooms that have been a disaster since I moved in October 2019. Hoping to find a roommate so I can have help with bills (maybe save some money... start paying on loans). Otherwise, I go to work three days a week and my sleep schedule is a disaster! No real goals though for isolation. Just trying to keep well.
Post a selfie if you want
I uh, am doing this from my laptop so I couldn’t tell you when my last selfie was... but I’ll throw something to the masses lol
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Tiberius and I <3 <3 <3
I tag... @mysoftboybensolo​ @astudyinimagination​ @loverlylight​ @shadokatninjakitty​ @randomfandomteacher​ @om-nom-berries​ @bensoloshrugged​
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sassiesandsmark · 4 years
@outlawiism​ liked for a starter [ X ]
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Late nights weren’t exactly what people would call normal, but Cassie’s sleep schedule had been total trash since she’d started college. Even her years as a Titan hadn’t really knocked her so far off that she was only getting a few hours a night before she was up at dawn again running the gauntlet. Thank every god that she wasn’t on bad terms with for the summer. Fingers drifting through her hair she wandered down the street with her headphones on.
It was dark, it was late and she was both restless and starving.  Too bad she had not a fucking clue what was good in New York City. Or where she was. The most she’d ever done in NYC aside from-- hang out with a hockey nut at one point-- was get pizza in Brooklyn and that place was long closed.
And she wasn’t about to fly around the boroughs. But she did pause when she noticed a fight going on near a late night bar-- she walked a bit closer. Huh... so what the hell was this? She caught one as it was knocked in her direction. Didn’t move just caught him with one hand and only tossed him over her shoulder when he turned on her to throw a punch.
That got some attention as everyone turned to look at her, she sighed loudly and tipped her head back. Was she going to need to look up Murdock to get her out of jail. Again. “Yeah, any of you guys know where to get some  perogies this late?”
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selkiesbittybonanza · 6 years
Meet the Caretakers of the Shop
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art by @melle-d
Selkie is the owner of the shop: she loves to meet new people and discuss their bittys with them! She’s interested in all sorts of bittys and their families, but has a soft spot for any kind of lamia bitty!
Selkie is a Celtic seal spirit but she’s decided to “give up her skin” and live on land. It’s a lot easier than it used to be with the popularity of sushi and other raw foods! She still puts on her skin for a “dip”, but she considers herself a land dweller now.
On the outside she’s extremely friendly and accommodating but she struggles with general and social anxiety. She loves her shop and her adoptees but sometimes the social pressure can get to her. Her service bitty, a full size Sunlust Lamia named Brin, is there to help her when things get too much but for the most part she can hold things together until her clients are gone for the day. Brin ends up napping under the lobby desk most work days…
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Big Ben
art by @melle-d​
Big Ben, or Ben, is a full size King lamia adopted from @vex-bittys and a younger brother of Waffle. He’s always had a soft spot for hatchlings, he drags Selkie to Vex’s shop once a month for story time with Edgar and the babies. Ben was her second command at her home and did an excellent job but Selkie could tell something was missing. He was envious of Waffle, Elvis and other Kings who had the chance to live at bitty shops, and although he’d never complain, it was plain to see the longing on his face whenever Selkie and him would visit a shop.
When Selkie discussed opening a shop with him, he was overjoyed! He’s now the head caretaker of the nursery and decides when and which lamias are ready to join the adoptee pool and look for a permanent home. He also helps with the rehabilitation of injured, sick or traumatized lamias that may come through our shop.
With his new responsibilities it means that he spends most of his time in the shop and less time at home. Selkie misses him terribly but wants to support him and his dream job which he throws his whole mighty heart into.
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art by @zwagyzonk
Helios and his cousin, Apollo, spend most of their time at the shop. (They’re always welcome at home, however.) Helios is a Luminary from @polestar-bitties and is in charge of health and wellness at the shop! With his healing magic and expertise with lamias he’s the perfect bitty to ask if one of your friends isn’t feeling well! He works closely with Ben in the nursery and clinic making sure the babies are all well and growing appropriately!
Apollo is a Precursor and like his cousin he was adopted from @polestar-bitties He’s in charge of security for the nursery (and to a lesser extent, the entire shop). He makes sure that the most vulnerable members of our centre are safe. He also makes a good cheerleader and laid back friend for everyone in the nursery/clinic.
Instead of Selkie adopting Jasmine, Jasmine adopted themself to the shop! They came in with @gaiasteapot to rescue a Puff (who was then adopted) and formed a bond quickly with Helios and Apollo. They were invited to stay at the shop and the three have been inseparable ever since! As an Illuminous bitty they are a very soothing presence at the shop and Jasmine has been using their skills to help rehabilitate bittys that come to the shop with psychological or confidence issues. When not working on rehabilitation they help Helios with exams, procedures and anything else that needs to be done in the clinic!
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art by @sirpumpkinlumps / @polestar-bitties
Brin, or “Brinden Rivers”, (yes, I know it’s spelt wrong) is Selkie’s Service Bitty specializing in anxiety and panic attacks. He can usually found curled around Selkie’s feet under the front desk at the lobby purring like a car engine. He is a full size Sunlust Lamia adopted from @bitti-tarts after Selkie decided to open the shop and Ben began staying away from home more often to give Selkie the support she needed. Like all Sunlusts he’s a big flirt but if you see him at the shop he is usually “on duty” and most of his focus is on Selkie and her mood. His scales are a beautiful golden brown with the rainbow iridescence that Sunlusts and Starlusts are known for - and pastel orange heart-shaped eyelights. He’s a handsome guy! He’s usually wearing his service vest when he’s at the shop.
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art by @saiyurimai
Piquante was brought in to the shop to help with the harpy bittys; who have more energy than sense! It helped that Piquante had wings, unlike the other caretakers, and was therefore inescapable! Although Piquante has a gruff attitude the harpys adore him and the fact they have a caretaker all to themselves! Since joining Piquante has set up many games and events for the harpys to enjoy and with his supervision they are given more freedom than before. Piquante lives in the aviary with his charges in a large ornate nest box carved to look like a cuckoo clock.
(More of his back story can be found here!)
Members of Selkie’s Bitty Tribe that you’ll probably run into at the shop:
Mars (Martian, Mars Bar, Snaggletooth) – Edgy Bitty, Selkie’s first bitty.
Slim Jim (Slim) – Home-brew SF!Papyrus/Boa Constrictor Lamia (Full Size)
Furnace (Furn) – Western Edge Bitty from @mythical-adoptions
Cistern (Tern) -  Eastern Red Bitty from @mythical-adoptions
Perogy (Dumplin’) - Starnoodle from @dawnsbitties
Wonton (Juan) - Galaxywing from @dawnsbitties
Timber (Timbit) - Puppy Pupyrus from @nyehtish
Fred - Soul bitty from @wolf-n-bones
Pinion (Pin) - Angelic bitty from @mythical-adoptions
Homebodies; but never say never:
Caesar (Chez, Chezzer, Cheese-its) – Sunny Bitty from @wolf-n-bones
Maize (Corn Dog, Corn Chip, Popcorn, etc.) – Corny Lamia (Mini) from @vex-bittys
Yuzu – Pup Bitty from @sansy-fresh
Coco – Wormy Lamia Bitty from @bitti-tarts
Chess & Checkers - Twin children of Caesar and Maize
Alfredo (Alfie) - Screech bitty from @memeshero
All art in this post were commissioned by me, for my blog!
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weekendsabo · 4 years
Journal - Saturday, December 1st, 2018
Bob sent me the band Bonny Doon. Now I’m listening to Ricewine which is equally as chill as the Bonny Doon band. Big News! I found the missing piece to that stupid puzzle. I don’t know exactly where is came from, but it just appeared and I’m happy that puzzle doesn’t have a missing piece now. Pretty excited. but got in clean mode so I swept the entire house and cleaned that fan and mopped a little. Nice to have a clean house. If I just do a little everyday it won’t get bad.
Cont. on 11/22
I have to get a washer and dryer. Maybe that’s what I’ll get with my hopeful bonus. Mild orange was next on youtube and they are solid as well. I have plans to meet up at Dillinger with Tsvet and James and possibly more. I’ll definitely throw on a different shirt and.
I saw you in that chair a look and gaze
Lunch was fun with James and Tsvet as well as Dee and Dennis, and the lady in the corner. I like the Dillinger. I go the Ruben and it was solid and some patron. Man, tequila is so good. I’m going to get a bottle for home. I kind of hope Luna doesn’t come over, but with my luck, she probably will. So just got downtown. She’s going to be a little late so I’ll go get a drink at the bar and pee all . I hope it goes well!
Cont. on 11/21
I can’t believe Luna still won’t text me back. I feel bad for her situation. Like, she has the worst luck. I can’t believe he would just hit, Dalton, and while living together. ridiculous. I may- well if she ever texts me back, then maybe I would consider having her come live here. We could car pool and jam and I think it would be fun. Make some vegan food together and just chill all the time. I don’t think I would mind having her around all the time. I’ve tried and whenever I see her shes always super excited to see me. So maybe I just have to but upfront about it and just be like “Hey, I like you, and u was wandering if you wanted to go on a date some time if you’re interested. If not, no biggy. I’m stoked to just be your friend and I’d be 100% okay with keeping it that way. no hard feelings or anything like that. So yeah, I mean we already know each other. but this would be a way for use to get to know each other ore and on a more deeper level. we can talk about sex and stuff like that and see what we both like. Do drugs together and just have a lot of fun. Could be cool if she ever texted back...
Cont. on 11/20
What do I like about Luna?
She has this like nervous laugh that I find adorable. She’ just comfortable. The right height to fit under my arm. That might have been the highlight of my night. Cuddling right up to her. Only way it could have been better is if she put her arm around me. But the head nuzzle worked just as well. I feel she just seem me as a friend and that’s okay. There’s only one way to find out and it just to ask her. Tomorrow night. I’ll go chill at my folks or maybe find something free to do downtown or I can hit up Evan and see what he’s doing. Or maybe I’ll just go chill and walk around DT a little. Possibilities are almost endless. Definitely maybe won’t hit her up. Are you interested in dating at all. I know you might not be be interested and getting out of your relationship. So I completely understand if you’re not down, and this will be the last we talk about it. I just have developed feeling and I wanted to se if you felt to same way. Nothing to lose really. One of the reasons I went to the show last night was to see her. Mission accomplished. Well see, I probably won’t cause I don’t want to make things awkward. So, that's probably the better option.
Cont. on 11/19
Also, she doesn’t smoke cigs, shes open to drugs, she doesn’t drink much which I would be adamant that I won’t drink when she doesn’t drink. She’d fit right on the back of my bike. One that I’m getting with my bonus. I feel we would have a good relationship and would be happy together. I understand depression, and would want to have an open policy on communication cause that is very very important.
Cont. on 11/16
I don’t know if I’m going to  continue using this pen. It’s a little too much bleed through. It’s not to bad once you write. I thought maybe I would have a hard time reading but it looks okay. I’ll keep using the pen for now. Attempted to make pretzels with the pizza dough. I left and I turned out eggy. I think my water wasn’t hot enough or it was just not that great dough. Oh well. It’ll build a turd. I’ll probably make a BLT later for dinner. but really. I’ve eat plenty for today. Well see. I’ll get a wire brush and get the rest of that just out of there. Get a propane tank and itll be cool. I’ll boil those eggs tonight for sure and that’ll be my b-fast and lunch. Cook all that bacon. I’ll bake it so I don’t have to deal with is in a pan. and I’ll be able to get it nice and crispy! It’ll be delicious. AND she listened to music and likes to go to shows! I wold be the absolute best! So how do you think she sees me? Someone who drinks a ton. She knows all about my touring. I would also be 100% okay with her on tour. no problem with that at all.
Cont. on 11/15
I know I want someone that will help me learn or better me. Okay. Bonus equals home gym stuff and guitar. After this trip I’ll get a desk and get that stuff all set up. I’ll see if she has . I can drop her off in the morning and get her a coffee, then go to the gym to kill time. That does sound like a good plan. Then she can chill there or do something. I’d definitely let her take my car. I can get a ride gone from someone. If she wanted to go out. That might actually be good. Just to get that time alone. I’m down. If it gets. It’s not going to get awkward. It’s not like I’m asking her to be with me forever, I just feel like it could be fun. and if that happens, I will definitely get rid of FB. I feel once I do get a girl, I will just get rid of it and set up - I’ll wait till I get the band page going. Goal - Release 2 albums next year or EP’s whatever. I just want some music out there. I’ll make it happen. 2019 is going to be a good and productive year. No drink December starts now. I can do it. Yesterday I already knew that was happening before to deal to no drink to NYE!
Cont. on 11/14
Still not surprised that I spent $5600 on alcohol this year. I probably bumped it up to $5700 yesterday for sure. That ends now! That’s easily a trip to anywhere for a couple weeks. So bad. Cut down on food and booze and I will be doing great! I’ll find an easy recipe for something I can eat all week. Some chicken something. Make some perogies. It’ll be delicious. Invite James and Tsvet over. Find a good Perogie sauce. Keep it vegan hopefully. Id also be down to seriously cut down on my meat eating. I had a nice lunch with my sister today. I hope she quits that job and finds something else. And Zeb just sucks. I know why she doesn’t want to be with him and why she feels she can’t get a divorce. It’s scary. Especially for her. Be so hard to get Makayla over there unless all her rules just goes away. Cut his house, then she would just hate being over at Mel s. I think she will do it soon cause I wouldn’t deal with that for that long. Especially with his separate account. Not that having a separate account is bad, but it was kept secret. So crazy. That guy sucks.
Cont. on 11/13
Date with Gabby.
She was very nice and I did have a lot of fun. From Baltimore. Graduating next May from ASU. Lives with her folks. Has Type 1 diabetes which sucks. Net a natural red head but likes it. We started out at Artiface, we talked about her brothers show and how it went. she said it went really well. Told her about my tour life and stuff like that and stuff. She was super into horoscopes which is worrying. But really I’m not down. I’m pretty sure that I wont see her again. There was just no physical attraction. I don’t want to have to fake a whole aspect of a relationship just to save her feelings. Just it’s not happening. So, I’ll just have to break it of gently. Something like I had a lot of fun and you’re a cool person, but I don’t think we should continue to hang out anymore. I just didn’t feel anything and it’s not going to progress any more that it has so just do not waste your time or should just keep it like this and if we see each other by chance well say high and stuff. and keep if from getting awkward. Something like that should work! Next tie she ask about it I’ll bring in up and hope it goes good.
Cont. on 11/12
I think they are going to be alright. The eggs that is. I’m hard boiling 12 of them so that's 2 a day plus two days where I’ll get three. We can do Tuesday and Thursday. I’ll find a good recipe tomorrow. gotta take a break from pizza. I be I can lose 10 lbs by the christmas party. Especially if I’m not drinking. It’ll be easy. Work out stuff. Eggs are done. Bacon gets like 15 minutes. I may take a bath here shortly or tonight I should say. I’ll get all my shopping done on Sunday. Not drinking will cut the cost of this trip by a ton. I will have one with lunch but other than that no more. just tell them  I’m on a hiatus. They won’t care. It really is no big deal. Tomorrow I’ll take some week and call it good! Save my a ton on money and I won’t feel like garbage on Tuesday. Well, I guess I won’t be cooking tomorrow unless I just come home and leave for the show. I wonder how may extra miles that would be, but it doesn’t matter. Its’ only a couple bucks to not have to kill like 5 hours. So yeah, I’ll come home after work. Make some good and chill, then I’ll head out.
Cont. on 11/10-11/12
I’m more that likely going to roll after Beemaster. Probably watch a song or two of the touring guy to see how they are. Cool, I’ll stay. Not cool, I’m going to rolling after Beemaster. Sorry dude but I have to be up early and I don’t want to be out till the wee hours of the morning for some band. I’ve never heard of. I will ask Luna out and see how that goes before I figure out if I should ask Vivian. I still think I’m not “cool” enough to date her. I would definitely need to step up my wardrobe, or she does like who I am but I could be fun to get dressed up and stuff like that. Lint roller tomorrow so I can wear my blue sweater but tomorrow. Wake up at 5. No snooze go for a run. Shave and shower. Work a little early. Wrap up that stupid 945 west 8th. That job can suck it! Hopefully we’ll be slow this week. I’ll take this with me and get it filled up. I could have filled up so much if I had this at work. Oh well. Either way, I’m jamming music tomorrow and no one can stop me! Friday I will do perogies. Have Ty and Melka and Tsvet and James and I’ll see if Luna is down. Be Like a triple date! Tell the to bring a game!
Cont. on 11/9
BLT was good. I used ricotta instead of mayo since I didn’t have any. I was even at the store too. I could be having some good food, but I was lazy! I need to stop doing that. Tsvet last night just I mean. It’s awesome that they do enjoy it as well. I’ll see if Luna want to come and I’ll do the vegan pirogies. If not, I’ll do the regular ones. Make the. I’ll make the dough and filling the day before, or all of it before, then just boil and fry and they will be golden. Do Like a salad or get some hummus. Borrow their food processor and make some hummus. Slice up some veggies or find a polish side dish and see. What I can fins. Maybe there's some good stuff if not. Hummus it is. I can do two different kinds. Do traditional and tn maybe find a jalapeno hummus. Then cucumbers cherry tomato's, something. I’ll do a onion mushroom top for the perogies. If they're at the show tomorrow I’ll ask the. I’ll shoot them all a message tomorrow. Should be a good time. I know Ty will be down. Still want to have a variety of people over instead of same people all the time.
Cont. on 11/8
I wonder if I can convert the kitchen to gas if I bought this house. I would tear down this wall. Lift the ceiling and just open this house up! but I  do like the setup the way it is. It’s a pretty cute house but who knows. I may bot stay out here and go live in the bus and rent a warehouse or try and by a place with an apartment. I wander how much it'll cost? Maybe just being single is the way to go for a little while later. Maybe not try so hard. I’ll still talk to Luna though. but its just so easy to be myself. and, I took them for granite for sure. I’lI don’t know she wasn't’ right for me, but we had a lot of fun. Disney all the time, living together and working. I got over KC and Rainy. They were just way too much unfortunately. Their family is just way too much. I just wanted to stay home and play video games. I’m happy that is not a hobby anymore. Spent so much time playing games. They are really fond memories, but just doesn’t do it for me like it used too. Crazy how that have changed. I’ve changed a bunch these past couple years.
Cont. on 11/7
My blood pressure was like 14 over 92 with a heart rate of 102. I was just all high and probably because of how much I drank last night. 3 shots and 5 beers in 3.5hours on an empty stomach. I was pretty drunk unfortunately. At least I don’t have to worry about it. I’m so better at life sober so I don’t know why. I just want to feel something. Binging everything to take my mind off things. but I feel if I keep up with the writing I think I will be alright. I don’t need it, I just want it. Lately I’ve been not super happy with myself when I get super drunk. It’s just not fun anymore. I make bad decisions and just don’t do good. So I think I may just have to cut it out completely. It would be like changing my whole life. Bit I think I’m okay with it. I’ll be able to get a lot of things done and I can work more on music and other hobbies. I do want to get into wood working just because it seems fulfilling. We’ll see. I do have time to do these things I’m only 32 and I have a lot of years left to live!
Cont. on 11/6
I wonder if I can just get by with smoking weed and not drinking. I’m going to get some acid for sure. and just have some good trips. Doing it at NYE during the D could be really fun. I would be down to quit everything but psychedelics. They are by far the best. I will have acid parties. Find a girl that's down and just have fun with each other, explore each others body. I want to do that sober. Someone I’m actually attracted to. I still had fun, but it was what I needed at the time. I would sacrifice that physical attraction for being with someone. I went for what was there and easy. I have been good at not just being with someone. I’m so worried about not getting hard. I know when the time comes I will be upfront about it and let them know the deal. I also really need to lay off the porn so much and get some lube. dick is just getting beat up. Lets do a No Porn December with the no drinking and see how it goes. You can still jerk off, but without porn. I have to rewire my brain to stop thinking about porn, and it’s such a bad habit that it would definitely happen when I’m in a relationship.
0 notes
naceisonthecase · 7 years
1-99 🙊🙊🙊🙊
Do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed? I don’t have a door on my closet 
Do you take the shampoos and conditioner bottles from hotel? Of course, free things are great!!
 Do you sleep with your sheets tucked in or out? I don’t sleep with sheets cause they annoy me. Just a bed spread and my heated blanket. 
Have you ever stolen a street sign before? No?
Do you like to use post-it notes? Don’t really use them
Do you cut out coupons but then never use them? I don’t cut out coupons but I sometimes use he ones they give out in stores. But there is also the coupon limit so I don’t really use them. 
Would you rather be attacked by a big bear or a swarm of a bees? A bear, no idea why. 
Do you have freckles? Yes 
Do you always smile for pictures? Mostly My mom only takes pictures if we are all smiling properly. I only don’t smile for selfies if I wanna be artistic. 
What is your biggest pet peeve? People not knowing things that should be obvious. 
Do you ever count your steps when you walk? Sometimes. I do this thing when walking home with drinks or heavy bags that I walk like 10 sidewalk steps then take a sip of switch off which hand I’m carrying the bags with. 
 Have you ever peed in the woods? A lot time ago when I was camping. 
What about pooped in the woods? Never
Do you ever dance even if theres no music playing? Already answered
Do you chew your pens and pencils? I used to when I used them in class but I don’t anymore
How many people have you slept with this week? None
What size is your bed? Twin
What is your Song of the week? Alone by Halsey (currently stuck in my head)
Is it okay for guys to wear pink? Of course, if they like wearing pink then it’s not up to me to stop them. 
Do you still watch cartoons? Yup. 
Whats your least favourite movie? I don’t know. I’m not much of a movie person. 
Where would you bury hidden treasure if you had some? Already answered 
If you’re a girl, bra size? If you’re a guy, pants size? 32A (I’ve never bought a bra for myself so I didn’t even know that) 
What do you dip a chicken nugget in? Nothing 
What is your favorite food? Perogies
What movies could you watch over and over and still love? Already answered
 Last person you kissed/kissed you? I rarely kiss anyone 
Were you ever a boy/girl scout? I was in Girl Guides (did Sparks, Brownies and Guides but never made it to Pathfinders)
 Would you ever strip or pose nude in a magazine? Nope. 
When was the last time you wrote a letter to someone on paper? One of the times I had a pen pal but I never mailed it off
 Can you change the oil on a car? Nope
 Ever gotten a speeding ticket? I don’t drive
Ever ran out of gas? Again, I don’t drive
Favourite kind of sandwich? Ham and cheese I guess. I don’t like sandwiches. 
Best thing to eat for breakfast? I don’t eat breakfast usually. 
What is your usual bedtime? Between 5am and 7am 
Are you lazy? I can be if it’s something I don’t wanna do 
When you were a kid, what did you dress up as for Halloween? Madeline and a Sleepover Girl is all I can remember
What is your Chinese astrological sign? Pig
Are you horny? Nope, but I don’t know what it feels like to be horny anyway. 
Do you have any magazine subscriptions? Nope
Which are better legos or lincoln logs? I didn’t play with either when I was younger
Are you stubborn? I can be at times
Who is better…Leno or Letterman? I don’t watch either
Ever watch soap operas? Some of the shows can be considered close. 
Are you afraid of heights? Not really
Do you sing in the car? Yeah I do. 
Do you sing in the shower? I don’t like to shower 
Do you dance in the car? Yup
Ever used a gun? Never, don’t even want to 
Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer? The last pictures we had done before my step dad died
Do you think musicals are cheesy? No, I love musicals 
Is Christmas stressful? It can be but it’s more fun than stressful
Ever eat a pierogi? Yes it’s my fave food 
Favourite type of fruit pie? I don’t really like fruit pies 
Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid? Teacher
 Do you believe in ghosts? Kinda
Ever have a Deja-vu feeling? Sometimes
Take a vitamin daily? Nope, I can’t swallow pills
Wear slippers? Not really 
Wear a bath robe? I just got one for Christmas that I’ve started wearing 
What do you wear to bed? Just comfy clothes
First concert? Avril Lavigne 
Wal-Mart, Target or Kmart? I don’t like Walmart and we don’t have Target or Kmart here really. 
Nike or Adidas? Neither 
Cheetos Or Fritos? Cheetos, but the fluffy kind
Peanuts or Sunflower seeds? Peanuts
Ever hear of the group Tres Bien? Nope
Ever take dance lessons? I took a few weeks of Irish dance
Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing? I haven’t thought about this at all 
Can you curl your tongue? Nope 
Ever won a spelling bee? Never even been in one 
Have you ever cried because you were so happy? Yup
Own any record albums? Nope 
Own a record player? Nope 
Regularly burn incense? Nope 
Ever been in love? *le shrug* 
Who would you like to see in concert? Already answered
What was the last concert you saw? Halsey and I met her too 
Hot tea or cold tea? Hot 
Tea or coffee? Tea
Sugar or snickerdoodles? Sugar (I don’t like snickerdoodles) 
Can you swim well? Not super well but I can swim
Can you hold your breath without holding your nose? Only for a few seconds
Are you patient? I work with kids so I kinda have to be 
DJ or band, at a wedding? DJ
Ever won a contest? I don’t think so 
Ever have plastic surgery? Nope 
Which are better black or green olives? Green
Can you knit or crochet? Can’t do either
Best room for a fireplace? Family room
Do you want to get married? Yes
If married, how long have you been married? N/A
Who was your HS crush? A boy named Conor 
Do you cry and throw a fit until you get your own way? Not as much any more 
Do you have kids? Don’t have any 
Do you want kids? Yup, I want 5-7 
What’s your favourite colour? Already answered 
Do you miss anyone right now? My stepdad 
2 notes · View notes
greatcometseating · 7 years
Tumblr media
I saw Great Comet on July 11th! And sat in Row D of the Center Front Mezz right on the aisle.
There was one more row behind me before the aisle between the Rear and Front mezz.
Things that happened at this seat:
ACT ONE - There was an ensemble member up on the balcony and throwing perogies to everyone and my friend and I caught his eye so we caught a perogie! They were really good and amazing. - A lot happens in the Mezz, especially the Front Mezz aisles - there are ensemble members playing their instruments and dancing, really fun to smile at them and get a smile back - Cathryn Wake was playing the accordion by me, a lot of this and others moving around during the Prologue and Pierre - During The Opera, the ensemble was lined up wearing black cloaks and, from what I remember, just standing creepily. - OH THE DUEL WAS MY FAVORITE - IT’S BASICALLY A RUSSIAN PUNK POP CLUB SO THERES STROBE LIGHTS AND DENIM AND LEATHER AND NEON - Anyway, more ensemble members were dancing on this aisle, rather suggestively. So That was fun and surprising lol - Pierre, in his drunk stupor, climbs up and crosses the Mezz so it was really cool to be close to him, though no immediate interaction -During Dust And Ashes, the entire cast who Isn’t Pierre, lines up on that space between the Front and Rear Mezz and sings the chorus. Lucas Steele was right in line with my seat so I kinda just stared at him?? The whole time. He caught me, I felt bad, but yes he is very beautiful and I could only hear his notes during the chorus and I cried - During the Ball, you can see two same sex couples dancing on both sides of the mezz! - Also, during the Ball, when Anatole forcefully kisses Natasha, the ensemble is all around the room, in aisles and stuff- and they sit down and ring their glasses. That happened right next to me too.
ACT TWO - It is possible to get a letter! While I did not personally receive one, a couple ensemble members passed a few out to rows in front of me. - There’s not a lot of other interaction except a beautiful place to watch the entire stage (except for like the very edge. Not a lot happens there anyway and if it was something, easy neck crane to do so) - OH BOY PREPARATIONS THROUGH THE ABDUCTION - This was my favorite sequence in the entire show. There is SO much going on, everywhere. Especially on the Mezz so I will try and go in order. - During Balaga, an ensemble member came up to me with a basket of Egg Shakers and told me to grab one and pass it on. I noticed how there was no real system because not every row had one, and it was not the same pattern in the section beside me - those Egg Shakers are a Lot of fun - Balaga is Everywhere. He will come up on the Mezz and grin at everyone. Heath Saunders was Balaga when I saw and Boy, I love him - The Abduction was SO much fun. - When Anatole sings “Everyone, raise a glass!” my friend and I looked at each other and held up our drinks that we got during intermission. And Reed saw us, came over and said “Cheers, guys!! Thanks for playing along!” And clinked his little shot glass with us and we all took a sip. (Note: I did put down my drink after that so I could focus on egg-shaking but my friend held theirs up again during Pierre’s bit, and another ensemble member came over to clink with them too). - During this part of the song, the audience IS truly a part of the musical. And It’s So Much fun. - More ensemble members on the aisle with their instruments. - There is that Dance Off that happens between two members. The one on the Mezz is standing on two tables in the Rear Mezz while the other guy is on stage. - When the Chaos, kinda stops, the ensemble member that was besides me, just kinda fell down and laid down for a good rest of the song until the end of Pierre and Anatole. - The Ensemble is still all scattered during The Great Comet of 1812, the line too. Which just echoes through the whole theatre and shakes you to your core. - Then they all gathered for Bows on stage, I believe.
AND THAT, is pretty much all that I can remember of specifics when I sat there. I highly recommend an aisle sit if you can, there is so much movement by you and so much eye contact that you can make. Really does make it feel like we’re connected to the show.
133 notes · View notes
bellarkelifestyle · 8 years
thanks jae @ethereal-bellarke and @from-the-ashes-we-will-rise for tagging me!!
rules: answer the questions in a new post and tag 20 blogs you would like to get to know better ✨
a - age: 17

b - birthplace: winnipeg, manitoba (canada)

c- current time: 4:20 pm
d - drink you last had: mocha iced capp from the loml tims

e - easiest person to talk to: in real life: my best mates on here: hells yea my 💯 squad (y’all know who you are) + @bel-ami-blake + @sylvias-plath + i love to meet new people so hmu any time!!!!

f - favourite song: yikes i have SO MANY um but as of rn like castle on the hill - ed sheeran or guys my age - hey violet

g- grossest memory: we were traveling in europe on a school trip and we were like 30 hours no sleep and my friend had a jet lag/anxiety triggered puke attack and for like 10 minutes she was just throwing up out the train doors onto the tracks at the frankfurt train station so that was kinda rough (she was okay after)

h - horror yes or horror no: yes and no? i can't do gory/bloody but i'm def's not here for supernatural/jump scare type shit (but hard pass on human centipede NO FUCKING THANKS) i’m okay with it guess

i - in love?: lol not right now but i had to do some real self-reflection to figure out if i had ever been in love and yeah i guess so

j - jealous of people?: not really no

k - killed someone?: nah but sometimes people really test me 

l - love at first sight or should i walk by again: aye gimme that second glance chance 

m - middle name: don't got one? (ik ik i'm weird)

n - number of siblings: have a younger brother 

o - one wish: t
o make as many people happy as possible (i guess that’s a life motto more than anything)
p - person you called last: my best gal shamu
q - question you’re always asked: “do you speak hindu?” (it’s hindi btw and yes)
r - reason(s) to smile: friends, family, (family) weddings, music, books, tv shows, bellarke lmao, FOOD, a gosh darn pretty view
s - song you sang last:  it ain’t me - kygo & selena gomez
t - time you woke up: 5:30 am AGH gotta love morning practices

u - underwear colour: black lol
v - vacation destination: amsterdam or greece!!!!!!!!

w - worst habit: over-thinking things, and procrastinating also bad jokes at bad times

x - x-rays: yeah had 2
y - your favourite food: this is SO HARD WTF TOO MANY THINGS like i love seafood but also pasta but also cheese but also nutella and crepes and perogies are amazing but like PIZZA right
z - zodiac sign: virgo (i promise i’m not a bitch)
okay here we go so 20 people right? jfc let’s go @bell-clarke @bellamynochillblake @bel-ami-blake @bellarkesurvivestogether @baerry-allens-wife @blyedeeks @frecklessbellamy @freckle-bellamy @commanderclarke @marvilmayhem @negasonic-teenage-what-da-shit @fen-ha-fuck-you @mountainbellamy @skruprotocol @that-damn-booklion @magic-and-timetravel @its-mrsbrightside @nowwesurvive @taco-bellamy this might be more and there’s more people i wanna get to know (all my followers) so feel free to do this if y’all wanna!!
11 notes · View notes
rubysparry · 7 years
Gnocchi Breakfast Skillet
Gnocchi for breakfast? Why not? I whipped up this Gnocchi Breakfast Skillet when Mike and the kids were away for a weekend and I was busy working on the manuscript for cookbook #2. That’s usually when I get up to trouble and try out recipes that I suspect they wouldn’t eat ; however Mike saw my photos of this dish on my Instagram stories and was insanely jealous he wasn’t eating it! That’s ok, I was stuck inside on one of the nicest weekends in August, working on recipes and photos while he camped with the kids. Gnocchi breakfast skillet or not, he still got the better end of the deal!
And now we are in the thick of back to school, the crazy mornings, my crankiness because I don’t get to sleep in anymore, the usual. Don’t tell the kids, but I am SO GLAD that they are back in school! It was wonderful having the summer off with them and they don’t really get how lucky they are that Mike and I work at home and have flexible schedules during the summer. They’ll understand when they are adults how good they actually had it when they were kids.
It is hard to get work done when they are home, however, so I took it easy this summer. Not as easy as past summers because I find that work is ramping up like crazy here on the Kitchen Magpie (and then you throw in the fact that I’m going to be churning out a new cookbook every two years from here on in) but still, it’s nice to work part time hours when the kids are home.
Now though, they are back and my crazy, busy, work 12 hours a day season is coming.
Fall is almost here.
Halloween is coming.
Winter is coming.
Christmas is coming.
Which means that of course, my website gets busier with everyone cooped up inside for the colder weather and everyone is looking for soups and stews and comfort food. Yes, pumpkin too ( insert eye roll here – an I the only one getting tired of pumpkin everrrrrywhere?????) and I am sure that I will get one or two pumpkin recipes up for you guys this fall as well!
Let’s talk about this gnocchi breakfast skillet now. It came about because I had made an amazing gnocchi salad the night before ( yes, that’s coming soon!) and I had leftover gnocchi.
I looked at it in the fridge and thought well huh.
I fry up leftover perogies.
I fry up leftover potatoes.
Why not fry up gnocchi and make it into a breakfast skillet?
Fried gnocchi is AMAZING, you guys. It crisps up a bit, and then you add bacon, green onions and top with eggs…
It’s breakfast perfection. Seriously.And because I was seriously busy that weekend working on my cookbook for 12 hours a day, I used pre-made gnocchi – and it was awesome.
Yes, you can make your own, but I give you permission to cheat and use your favourite packaged gnocchi. It’s totally fine. I have made this recipe to be enough to feed a family of four, so you start with a fresh package of gnocchi.
For those of you that ask how I always get my poached eggs so perfect, it’s this egg poacher from Amazon, the BEST thing I have ever bought!! If you are serious about your poached eggs, then you have to buy one of these. I actually own TWO!
 Happy cooking everyone!
Pin this recipe to your BREAKFAST BOARD!
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Gnocchi Breakfast Skillet
Author: Karlynn Johnston
Prep Time: 15
Cook Time: 15
Total Time: 30 minutes
Yield: 4 servings
Category: breakfast
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Gnocchi for breakfast? Why not? This Gnocchi Breakfast Skillet is perfect for leftover gnocchi – make sure to make extra gnocchi the night before so you can make this for breakfast the next day!!
1 ( 400-500 gram) package of gnocchi, prepared according to package directions
 8 slices of thick cut bacon, diced
1/2 cup diced green onions
8 eggs
seasoning salt and pepper
In a large skillet, fry the bacon for 2-3 minutes. Drain the fat, then add in the gnocchi and start frying again.
Fry the gnocchi until crisp on the outside.
Meanwhile, poach the eggs to your desired doneness.
Divide the gnocchi between 4 bowls, then top each bowl with diced green onion and 2 eggs.
Season with seasoning salt and pepper to taste.
For step one, you want some bacon grease to fry the gnocchi in and add flavour, but not the entire amount.
Did you make this recipe?
Tag @thekitchenmagpie on Instagram and hashtag it #thekitchenmagpie
The post Gnocchi Breakfast Skillet appeared first on The Kitchen Magpie.
from http://www.thekitchenmagpie.com/gnocchi-breakfast-skillet/
from   The Kitchen Magpie - Blog http://thekitchenmagpie.weebly.com/blog/gnocchi-breakfast-skillet
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thekitchenmagpie1 · 7 years
Gnocchi Breakfast Skillet
Gnocchi for breakfast? Why not? I whipped up this Gnocchi Breakfast Skillet when Mike and the kids were away for a weekend and I was busy working on the manuscript for cookbook #2. That’s usually when I get up to trouble and try out recipes that I suspect they wouldn’t eat ; however Mike saw my photos of this dish on my Instagram stories and was insanely jealous he wasn’t eating it! That’s ok, I was stuck inside on one of the nicest weekends in August, working on recipes and photos while he camped with the kids. Gnocchi breakfast skillet or not, he still got the better end of the deal!
And now we are in the thick of back to school, the crazy mornings, my crankiness because I don’t get to sleep in anymore, the usual. Don’t tell the kids, but I am SO GLAD that they are back in school! It was wonderful having the summer off with them and they don’t really get how lucky they are that Mike and I work at home and have flexible schedules during the summer. They’ll understand when they are adults how good they actually had it when they were kids.
It is hard to get work done when they are home, however, so I took it easy this summer. Not as easy as past summers because I find that work is ramping up like crazy here on the Kitchen Magpie (and then you throw in the fact that I’m going to be churning out a new cookbook every two years from here on in) but still, it’s nice to work part time hours when the kids are home.
Now though, they are back and my crazy, busy, work 12 hours a day season is coming.
Fall is almost here.
Halloween is coming.
Winter is coming.
Christmas is coming.
Which means that of course, my website gets busier with everyone cooped up inside for the colder weather and everyone is looking for soups and stews and comfort food. Yes, pumpkin too ( insert eye roll here – an I the only one getting tired of pumpkin everrrrrywhere?????) and I am sure that I will get one or two pumpkin recipes up for you guys this fall as well!
Let’s talk about this gnocchi breakfast skillet now. It came about because I had made an amazing gnocchi salad the night before ( yes, that’s coming soon!) and I had leftover gnocchi.
I looked at it in the fridge and thought well huh.
I fry up leftover perogies.
I fry up leftover potatoes.
Why not fry up gnocchi and make it into a breakfast skillet?
Fried gnocchi is AMAZING, you guys. It crisps up a bit, and then you add bacon, green onions and top with eggs…
It’s breakfast perfection. Seriously.And because I was seriously busy that weekend working on my cookbook for 12 hours a day, I used pre-made gnocchi – and it was awesome.
Yes, you can make your own, but I give you permission to cheat and use your favourite packaged gnocchi. It’s totally fine. I have made this recipe to be enough to feed a family of four, so you start with a fresh package of gnocchi.
For those of you that ask how I always get my poached eggs so perfect, it’s this egg poacher from Amazon, the BEST thing I have ever bought!! If you are serious about your poached eggs, then you have to buy one of these. I actually own TWO!
  Happy cooking everyone!
Pin this recipe to your BREAKFAST BOARD!
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Gnocchi Breakfast Skillet
Author: Karlynn Johnston
Prep Time: 15
Cook Time: 15
Total Time: 30 minutes
Yield: 4 servings
Category: breakfast
Print Recipe
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Gnocchi for breakfast? Why not? This Gnocchi Breakfast Skillet is perfect for leftover gnocchi – make sure to make extra gnocchi the night before so you can make this for breakfast the next day!!
1 ( 400-500 gram) package of gnocchi, prepared according to package directions
 8 slices of thick cut bacon, diced
1/2 cup diced green onions
8 eggs
seasoning salt and pepper
In a large skillet, fry the bacon for 2-3 minutes. Drain the fat, then add in the gnocchi and start frying again.
Fry the gnocchi until crisp on the outside.
Meanwhile, poach the eggs to your desired doneness.
Divide the gnocchi between 4 bowls, then top each bowl with diced green onion and 2 eggs.
Season with seasoning salt and pepper to taste.
For step one, you want some bacon grease to fry the gnocchi in and add flavour, but not the entire amount.
Did you make this recipe?
Tag @thekitchenmagpie on Instagram and hashtag it #thekitchenmagpie
The post Gnocchi Breakfast Skillet appeared first on The Kitchen Magpie.
from The Kitchen Magpie https://www.thekitchenmagpie.com/gnocchi-breakfast-skillet/
0 notes
kitchenmagpie · 7 years
Gnocchi Breakfast Skillet
Gnocchi for breakfast? Why not? I whipped up this Gnocchi Breakfast Skillet when Mike and the kids were away for a weekend and I was busy working on the manuscript for cookbook #2. That’s usually when I get up to trouble and try out recipes that I suspect they wouldn’t eat ; however Mike saw my photos of this dish on my Instagram stories and was insanely jealous he wasn’t eating it! That’s ok, I was stuck inside on one of the nicest weekends in August, working on recipes and photos while he camped with the kids. Gnocchi breakfast skillet or not, he still got the better end of the deal!
And now we are in the thick of back to school, the crazy mornings, my crankiness because I don’t get to sleep in anymore, the usual. Don’t tell the kids, but I am SO GLAD that they are back in school! It was wonderful having the summer off with them and they don’t really get how lucky they are that Mike and I work at home and have flexible schedules during the summer. They’ll understand when they are adults how good they actually had it when they were kids.
It is hard to get work done when they are home, however, so I took it easy this summer. Not as easy as past summers because I find that work is ramping up like crazy here on the Kitchen Magpie (and then you throw in the fact that I’m going to be churning out a new cookbook every two years from here on in) but still, it’s nice to work part time hours when the kids are home.
Now though, they are back and my crazy, busy, work 12 hours a day season is coming.
Fall is almost here.
Halloween is coming.
Winter is coming.
Christmas is coming.
Which means that of course, my website gets busier with everyone cooped up inside for the colder weather and everyone is looking for soups and stews and comfort food. Yes, pumpkin too ( insert eye roll here – an I the only one getting tired of pumpkin everrrrrywhere?????) and I am sure that I will get one or two pumpkin recipes up for you guys this fall as well!
Let’s talk about this gnocchi breakfast skillet now. It came about because I had made an amazing gnocchi salad the night before ( yes, that’s coming soon!) and I had leftover gnocchi.
I looked at it in the fridge and thought well huh.
I fry up leftover perogies.
I fry up leftover potatoes.
Why not fry up gnocchi and make it into a breakfast skillet?
Fried gnocchi is AMAZING, you guys. It crisps up a bit, and then you add bacon, green onions and top with eggs…
It’s breakfast perfection. Seriously.And because I was seriously busy that weekend working on my cookbook for 12 hours a day, I used pre-made gnocchi – and it was awesome.
Yes, you can make your own, but I give you permission to cheat and use your favourite packaged gnocchi. It’s totally fine. I have made this recipe to be enough to feed a family of four, so you start with a fresh package of gnocchi.
For those of you that ask how I always get my poached eggs so perfect, it’s this egg poacher from Amazon, the BEST thing I have ever bought!! If you are serious about your poached eggs, then you have to buy one of these. I actually own TWO!
  Happy cooking everyone!
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Gnocchi Breakfast Skillet
Author: Karlynn Johnston
Prep Time: 15
Cook Time: 15
Total Time: 30 minutes
Yield: 4 servings
Category: breakfast
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Gnocchi for breakfast? Why not? This Gnocchi Breakfast Skillet is perfect for leftover gnocchi – make sure to make extra gnocchi the night before so you can make this for breakfast the next day!!
1 ( 400-500 gram) package of gnocchi, prepared according to package directions
 8 slices of thick cut bacon, diced
1/2 cup diced green onions
8 eggs
seasoning salt and pepper
In a large skillet, fry the bacon for 2-3 minutes. Drain the fat, then add in the gnocchi and start frying again.
Fry the gnocchi until crisp on the outside.
Meanwhile, poach the eggs to your desired doneness.
Divide the gnocchi between 4 bowls, then top each bowl with diced green onion and 2 eggs.
Season with seasoning salt and pepper to taste.
For step one, you want some bacon grease to fry the gnocchi in and add flavour, but not the entire amount.
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from The Kitchen Magpie http://www.thekitchenmagpie.com/gnocchi-breakfast-skillet/
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Castlefield is an up and coming Ottawa based Indie-emo band. Their debut E.P. is called The Mascot E.P. I had the chance to listen to the E.P. and write a review; here are my thoughts.
The E.P. is only 3 songs long yet it packs a big punch. The first song on the E.P is called Broken High School Mascot.  While listening to this song I could feel the emotion that was put into the lyrics. From what I could hear the song tells the story of a young love that fell apart. The lyrics were well written and the instrumentation really meshed with them.  The vocal style really reminded me of the older Blink-182 music.
The second song on the album is called Lifted. It tells the story of accepting that your relationship is over and how hard the process can be. With very meaningful lyrics and driving instrumentation this song will help anyone get through a rough break up. Once again the vocals and instruments mesh beautifully.
The 3rd and final song is called Good Job Rover. From what I gathered during my listening it continues from the themes of the earlier songs and talks about love and loss and describes a summer love that falls apart during the winter and accepting that it is over. As with the other songs in the E.P. the song has beautifully written lyrics with driving instruments.
Overall this is a very well crafted E.P. which will help anyone who is going through a tough break up start to heal. I would definitely recommend this to anybody who likes Blink-182’s older work and is looking to find a new artist or anyone who wants to help support the local music scene here in Ottawa.
·         Broken High School Mascot
o   8.5/10
·         Lifted
o   8/10
·         Good Job Rover
o   8/10
·         Overall
o   24.5/30
o   Would recommend
To celebrate the release of their E.P. The Ottawa Sound caught up with the band before their set at The House of Targ in Ottawa. This group of young musicians are down to earth and funny. You can tell that they function well as a team and have great chemistry not only through watching them play but also through just chatting with them.
1.       How did you come up with your band name?
a.       Our old drummer, named Ryan, lives on a street called Castlefield and we decided to use that as a name. About two weeks after we came up with the name, Ryan and the band had a falling out and Matt, our new drummer funnily enough actually lives on the corner of that street so we kept the name.
2.       How did you form as a band?
a.       Ryan, “As you know with the music scene in Ottawa it’s pretty small and runs in circles, so Dex and I had some mutual friends and met up that way, and when I was like 8 I sent Matt a friend request on Facebook because he was the only other musician I knew of but he was like ‘who are you?’ and my dreams of playing music with him were crushed (laughs) but then we started talking again when we were like 15 and here we are”
3.       Who are some of your musical influences?
a.       Various influences between us,
b.       Matt “Blink 182”
c.       Ryan, “American Football, Modern Baseball, and I went through a phase with ACDC”s Back In Black”
d.       Connor, “Mine aren’t really relevant to the band but like Black Sabbath and The Sex Pistols.”
e.       Dexter, “I guess mine are like, Tiny Moving Parts and Freethrow and stuff like that.”
4.       How did you come up with the name for your E.P?
a.       Ryan, “We have a song called Broken High School Mascot and that’s where we got the name. We just shortened it to The Mascot E.P.”
5.       What process do you use for writing your music?
a.       A variety really but the best one is, especially if you’re in a band to just jam together and see where it goes and build on it.
6.       Why did you decide to make it a 3 song release?
a.       Money. Honestly, it’s so expensive to record music and since Matt and I are still in High School we just decided 3 would be enough. But in reality we probably spent just as much money Ubering to Orleans from Stittsville as we did on recording (all laugh) Ryan ”But also I find that when I’m just getting into a band I mostly just want a little teaser, unless I completely fall in love with their music in which case I’ll get their entire discography, but mostly when I find a new band 2 or 3 songs is enough to start so I applied that logic to the E.P.” “Mike also gave us a great deal and was really fun and easy to work with, I won’t go into the details of pricing but he was great to us”
7.       How did you find the experience of recording?
a.       All, “Fun! So much fun. Oh man it was great” “Mike Poisson is a super cool guy and worked well with us as a team and was just all around great. Made the process even better for us”
8.       Who was your producer?
a.       Mike Poisson. He’s super good and very intelligent. Really cool guy and will work with any genre too.
9.       Will you do a mini-tour or just local shows?
a.       Dexter, “Mostly local shows and we’ve got a little tour coming, not really a tour though we just did a show Quebec City.” “We’ve got a couple little shows coming 1 in May, 1 in early July and 1 in late July as well”
10.   From the venues you’ve played so far, which is your favourite?
a.       This one! House of Targ. They have perogies and always have a decent turn out. The second favourite is the Nepean #askapunk house, but they don’t have perogies, so Targ wins.
11.   Craziest thing to ever happen at one of your shows?
a.       Ryan,” Aparently at one of our earlier shows this one guy after one of our first songs was just standing off to the right of the stage and crying”
12.   How do you find social media affecting the music industry?
a.       Social media is great for us. We blew up out of nowhere after Shutter Music recorded one of our live songs and we got like 15 000 views in under 48 hours. From there we had people from Montreal telling us they were going to come to this show actually, I don’t know if they made it but the thought counts. Also we get recognized around the city every now and then which really throws us of (all laugh). It’s also how we contact other bands and promoters in order to book shows so as a whole social media has helped us grow as a band and branch out.
13.  Any advice for new Ottawa area artists?
a.       Just be professional. Whenever you’re talking to a promoter or another band, make sure that you are polite and professional. As a promoter (Ryan) I find that sometimes a new band will message me and they’ll just come off as entitled and thinking that they’re the next big thing and that is just not a good way to treat bands and promoters.
0 notes
johtoleaguetrainer · 7 years
1: Do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed? I really don’t care.
2: Do you take the shampoos and conditioner bottles from hotel? No.
3: Do you sleep with your sheets tucked in or out? I don’t even like sheets lol.
4: Have you ever stolen a street sign before? No.
5: Do you like to use post-it notes? I am OBSESSED with stationary.
6: Do you cut out coupons but then never use them? I have never once used a coupon.
7: Would you rather be attacked by a big bear or a swarm of a bees? Bear. Kill me.
8: Do you have freckles? Yes.
9: Do you always smile for pictures? I try but I am the most awkward human.
10: What is your biggest pet peeve? People who lie, people who talk down/condescendingly.
11: Do you ever count your steps when you walk? No.
12: Have you ever peed in the woods? Yeah.
13: What about pooped in the woods? Yeah.
14: Do you ever dance even if theres no music playing? No.
15: Do you chew your pens and pencils? Yes.
16: How many people have you slept with this week? Sexually? None.
17: What size is your bed? At my moms I have a queen size bed, and my dorm in Saskatoon is a double.
18: What is your Song of the week? You know, I don’t really have one I need new music.
19: Is it okay for guys to wear pink? Absofuckinglutely.
20: Do you still watch cartoons? Does anime count.
21: Whats your least favorite movie? Not sure.
22: Where would you bury hidden treasure if you had some? No.
23: If you’re a girl, bra size? If you’re a guy, pants size? I wear 34/33 depending on the store.
24: What do you dip a chicken nugget in? Sweet and sour sauce or honey garlic.
25: What is your favorite food? Pasta.
26: What movies could you watch over and over and still love? Guardians of the Galaxy.
27: Last person you kissed/kissed you? Lindsay.
28: Were you ever a boy/girl scout? No.
29: Would you ever strip or pose nude in a magazine? Ew no, people would vomit.
30: When was the last time you wrote a letter to someone on paper? No idea.
31: Can you change the oil on a car? In my old car. My new one no, it’s too weird.
32: Ever gotten a speeding ticket? Just recently my first one haha I’ve had my licence for like 7 years. 33: Ever ran out of gas? No.
34: Favorite kind of sandwich? Buffalo ranch chicken.
35: Best thing to eat for breakfast? Bagels.
36: What is your usual bedtime? Usually around 10pm.
37: Are you lazy? That’s an understatement.
38: When you were a kid, what did you dress up as for Halloween? Lots of things.
39: What is your Chinese astrological sign? The cock 🐔
40: Are you horny? Literally always.
41: Do you have any magazine subscriptions? No.
42: Which are better legos or lincoln logs? Lego.
43: Are you stubborn? Another understatement.
44: Who is better…Leno or Letterman? Don’t know, don’t care.
45: Ever watch soap operas? Only when my mom makes me.
46: Are you afraid of heights? Yes.
47: Do you sing in the car? Always.
48: Do you sing in the shower? No.
49: Do you dance in the car? No.
50: Ever used a gun? No.
51: Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer? Not sure. Grad photos are coming up in the next 3 weeks though.
52: Do you think musicals are cheesy? Yes and no. Depends which one.
53: Is Christmas stressful? No.
54: Ever eat a pierogi? I hate perogies.
55: Favorite type of fruit pie? Blueberry
56: Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid? Veterinarian. But I decided it’s too much school and I don’t want to be in debt forever, so I chose to be a veterinary technologist instead.
57: Do you believe in ghosts? No.
58: Ever have a Deja-vu feeling? Yes.
59: Take a vitamin daily? No. I should though. I’m getting old.
60: Wear slippers? Yes.
61: Wear a bath robe? Yes.
62: What do you wear to bed? Boxers.
63: First concert? Three Days Grace. I was like 10.
64: Wal-Mart, Target or Kmart? Wal mart.
65: Nike or Adidas? Nike.
66: Cheetos Or Fritos? Cheetos.
67: Peanuts or Sunflower seeds? Peanuts.
68: Ever hear of the group Tres Bien? Who.
69: Ever take dance lessons? No.
70: Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing? I would love them to be in the animal science field with me.
71: Can you curl your tongue? Yes.
72: Ever won a spelling bee? I’ve never been in one.
73: Have you ever cried because you were so happy? Yeah.
74: Own any record albums? Yeah.
75: Own a record player? No it’s been broken for years.
76: Regularly burn incense? No.
77: Ever been in love? A few times unfortunately.
78: Who would you like to see in concert? Of Mice and Men, Bring me the Horizon and Our Lady Peace.
79: What was the last concert you saw? Pierce the Veil and Crown the Empire.
80: Hot tea or cold tea? Hot.
81: Tea or coffee? I love them both.
82: Sugar or snickerdoodles? Uh.
83: Can you swim well? Decently.
84: Can you hold your breath without holding your nose? Yes.
85: Are you patient? NOOOOO.
86: DJ or band, at a wedding? I have no idea.
87: Ever won a contest? Yes.
88: Ever have plastic surgery? No.
89: Which are better black or green olives? Neither ew.
90: Can you knit or crochet? No.
91: Best room for a fireplace? Living room.
92: Do you want to get married? I don’t know. I guess I have to find someone who I actually see myself with long term. I’m currently in a relationship with someone who I’ve fallen out of love with but she still loves me… and it’s extremely difficult to deal with. and and all I’ve been through I have no interest in trying to find someone any time soon.
93: If married, how long have you been married? I’ve never been married.
94: Who was your HS crush? I had a few.
95: Do you cry and throw a fit until you get your own way? No.
96: Do you have kids? No.
97: Do you want kids? No. Only dogs and reptiles.
98: Whats your favorite color? Blue.
99: Do you miss anyone right now? Eh. I guess.
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