#thy soul shall bear witness!
forgotteneilionora · 4 months
OOC | Astairan Wedding Traditions
ok so this is inspired by [ this ] post and these tags:
#ooo.... is handfasting a tradition in astairan weddings?#bc i could see#valentina malconaire objecting to this!#and then astairans not considering the eithne/cassimir union#as valid since it didn't happen#also its just a pretty tradition i love!
i loooove this!!!! both for the tradition and for the ~general vibes for astaira andddd for the plot point it could play!!!!! and i thought we might take this opportunity to talk about weddings in general -- i was literally reading up on traditional irish wedding vows just last night bc we were talking about domhnall's wedding etc!
i can also 100% see @forgottenvalentina specifically objecting to a tradition the astairans hold dear on ~roderick grounds or vice versa specificially w the hope itd invalidate the wedding too smdh so this verrrrrry much fits!
also the wedding vows:
[ “Ye are Blood of my Blood, and Bone of my Bone. I give ye my Body, that we Two might be One. I give ye my Spirit, `til our Life shall be Done. You cannot possess me for I belong to myself. But while we both wish it, I give you that which is mine to give You cannot command me, for I am a free person. But I shall serve you in those ways you require and the honeycomb will taste sweeter coming from my hand." ] “I vow you the first cut of my meat, the first sip of my wine, from this day it shall only your name I cry out in the night and into your eyes that I smile each morning; I shall be a shield for your back as you are for mine, never shall a grievous word be spoken about us, for our marriage is sacred between us and no stranger shall hear my grievance. Above and beyond this, I will cherish and honor you through this life and into the next." “I, (name), in the name of the spirit of God that resides within us all, by the life that courses within my blood and the love that resides within my heart, take thee (name) to my hand, my heart, and my spirit, to be my chosen one. To desire thee and be desired by thee, to possess thee, and be possessed by thee, without sin or shame, for naught can exist in the purity of my love for thee. I promise to love thee wholly and completely without restraint, in sickness and in health, in plenty and in poverty, in life and beyond, where we shall meet, remember, and love again. I shall not seek to change thee in any way. I shall respect thee, thy beliefs, thy people, and thy ways as I respect myself. By the power that Christ brought from heaven, mayst thou love me. As the sun follows its course, mayst thou follow me. As light to the eye, as bread to the hungry, as joy to the heart, May thy presence be with me, Oh one that I love, `til death comes to part us asunder. “We swear by peace and love to stand, Heart to heart and hand to hand. Mark, O Spirit, and hear us now, Confirming this our Sacred Vow.” “You are the star of each night, You are the brightness of every morning, You are the story of each guest, You are the report of every land. No evil shall befall you, on hill nor bank, In field or valley, on mountain or in glen. Neither above, nor below, neither in sea, Nor on shore, in skies above, Nor in the depths. You are the kernel of my heart, You are the face of my sun, You are the harp of my music, You are the crown of my company.” “Don't walk in front of me, I may not follow. Don't walk behind me, I may not lead. Walk beside me and just be my friend.” “May the gentle breeze bear witness to this ritual, and carry its message to all lands. May the sun warm their hearts, and its ever burning fire fuel their desire for each other. May the water provide for them from its bounty, and comfort their souls with their sounds. May the land lend its strength and reveal its mysteries."
and like literally swearing by the breeze and the sun and water and land like????? if that aint so astairan!!!!!! there's def tons of other stuff but yeah
also apparently irish brides traditionally wore blue, back in the day, that were long and flowy w intricate embroidery, celtic knots, and a big sash or belt! often including a hooded cloak in weather!
she also traditionally has a handkerchief embroidered w like a motto or the couple's initials or an emblem or smth of significance to them, and then that's used as the bonnet for the firstborn child at their christening, and handed down to them to potentially use at their own wedding etc generation after generation
also the handfasting probs means that 'tying the knot' is an expression in astaira (that would baffle the varmonts too btw!) which is fun <3
[ Ever heard the phrase “your goose is cooked”? ] Traditionally, the night before the wedding, a goose would be cooked in the bride’s house for the groom’s wedding meal. When the meal was fully prepared, it would be seen as bad luck for life to back out of the wedding. So, the phrase, “your goose is cooked” pretty much means there’s no backing out now!
there's this thing w the child of progue that might be done w statues of the guardians?
[ This is a funny Irish wedding tradition. The child of Prague is a statue popularly known to ward off bad weather, which can rue the day. The figure is placed in different ways but performs the same function. ] Some parents leave their children in their hallway the night before a wedding. Others abandon their children outside, while some put the child out under a bush. In addition, people tend to behead the statue before placing it at the selected spot. The rationale is that the figures are not of the best quality. Their head usually fell off by themselves when left out overnight; hence, it was better off already beheaded. Some people even reattach it afterward.
guests have bells to ring ward off evil spirits and discord! they set to ringing them as the couple walks down the aisle and bells are sometimes included in the bride's bouquet
Weddings were civil, not religious, affairs. While some involved a vow of lifelong fidelity, that wasn’t universal. The ancient Celts recognized several types of marriage. And they also had very liberal divorce laws. They knew not all marriages would last, and they planned for it. In ancient Celtic traditions, one could opt for a one-year trial marriage. If all went well, they could take more permanent vows. If it didn’t work out, they each went their way, free to try again. Men and women enjoyed equal rights in the 1100s. Irish brides owned their property; if the marriage ended, they took it with them. They would also take a portion of any wealth the couple acquired together.
so yeah obv there's lots more these were just some things that jumped out at me after a cursory review that felt astairan for one reason or another <3
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weirdlookindog · 1 year
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Körkarlen (1921)
AKA The Phantom Carriage, The Phantom Chariot, The Stroke of Midnight, Thy Soul Shall Bear Witness
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maidenofsophia · 1 month
Assumption of Holy Sophia
"We thus call upon the Holy Sophia, the supernal mother of our souls, and celestial bride of our spirits: Daughter of Infinite Light, born of enlightened love; merciful and compassionate, embodiment of perfect wisdom; begotten in Eternity, beyond time and space. With what words shall we praise Thee, or with what thought comprehend Thy majesty? Utterance must profane Thee; Silence itself can but bear witness to Thee. How shall we extol Thee? In what shall we shadow forth Thy great glory among us?
And our Lady Sophia answers, saying: 'Ye shall dance, sing, feast, make music and love, all in my praise. For mine is the ecstasy of the spirit, and mine also joy on earth. Let my worship be in the heart that rejoiceth. wherefore let there be beauty and strength, power and compassion, honor and humility, mirth and reverence within you, now and for evermore.'"
- The EGC Collect for the Assumption of Sophia
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blackjackkent · 9 months
Weirdly, even though we agreed to look into the murder of Father Lorgan (and Hector even got an inspiration for it!), there is still nothing about it in the quest log. Hm. Hopefully this doesn't mean it's bugged out.
Chatted a bit with some of the other priests in the temple - two of them are arguing because one thinks Lorgan was stupid to trust the refugees and the other thinks it is their responsibility to help all.
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Hector puts a word in on the side of compassion. [MONK] "To offer alms to all who need it - that is the sign of a noble soul."
This didn't do anything to resolve the argument, but we did get an inspiration from Shadowheart for siding with the open-minded priest.
Another interesting thing that the grumpy priest mentioned was that Duke Stelmane has also been murdered recently. This is interesting primarily because, according to the Emperor's story, he and Stelmane were business partners running the Knights of the Shield. Something to keep an ear to the ground about.
Headed back downstairs in the hope of finding more clues now that we've talked to Yannis. No real luck, but we did find Shirra's grave.
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Without any prompting from me, the spirit then came out of the amulet and looked in the grave.
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"Gone thou might be, alas!" the spirit wails. A long pause, and then....
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The corpse lurches upward out of the grave, surrounded in the pale purple aura which marked the laughing spirit of the amulet.
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"Oh, ho ho ho, honored Shirra!" it chortles maniacally. "Her spirit hath fled, and her body but merely a husk. Heh heh hee-hee-HEEEEE!"
It takes a moment to recover enough of itself to continue. "Swear, I did," it goes on gleefully, "to shed this foul mania and bestow it upon Shirra! She was to endure, to suffer, as was her god Ilmater's wont! Who now shall bear the madness Shar has wrought on me, so I might no longer suffer?"
The corpse's glowing eyes focus on Hector and its mouth twists in a horrifying impression of hilarity.
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"He-ho-hoo-hahaHAHAHAHAHAHA! Shall it be THOU?!"
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Hector has watched this unfold with considerable bafflement, but with the sudden pointed question, he snaps to wariness at once. He has already felt the influence of the monk's laughing curse once, and it was hard enough to fight off the first time.
"Careful, Hec," Karlach mutters in an undertone.
[ARCANA] Ponder what you know of the monk's affliction. What are the consequences of accepting it?
Narrator: The monk himself holds your answer. Tasha's Hideous Laughter is a powerful skill - but earning it may come at the cost of wisdom.
It's an unappealing prospect at best. Hector has not only seen the amulet's curse but has also witnessed Gale using Tasha's Hideous Laughter himself; he doesn't really want anything to do with what this spirit is offering. Then again, leaving Shirra's corpse to wander around giggling maniacally forever doesn't really seem appropriate either.
Nevertheless, the answer feels clear enough. "Gods, no," he says wearily. "I don't want to inherit your curse."
The corpse's laughter takes on a menacing air. "HA! HO! Hee-HEE! Well, if laugh I must, let our alliance end on a lark."
Every corpse in the immediate area immediately springs to life around them and charges at Hector without hesitation.
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fellpurpose · 3 months
A day for only the most glorious fathers is upon them, but what do you get the hero who has it all? Ophelia knows not what it is that the void calls to her until it hits her all at once. She knows exactly what it is her father would like!
Finding her notes on her latest spell, she approaches her father. "Father, I have come bearing a gift for only the most splendid father in all of the world! I have been working on this spell here that should be as if Lady Fortune herself smiled upon you! A fitting gift for a hero most grand, no? Enjoy this day to celebrate the most glorious of fathers for you are among them!" Really she just wanted to share her passion for spells and spellcraft with the one person she loved most in the world. Hopefully, he would at least enjoy a spell she hand crafted.
happy father's day 2k24 !
she is, without a shadow of doubt, the finest creation his life hath begot. for she is his daughter, the embodiment of all he cherishes, the very being for which he has waged wars since her first breath.
sweet ophelia, born to a broken man, yet with dreams soaring higher than destiny dared bestow — it is she who cast beams of light into the gloomy recesses of this mortal coil. beloved ophelia, this child whom he calls his own, the universe encapsulated. the greatest treasure known to man~!
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odin's chest swells with pride. he watches admiringly, his face adorned with a bright and tender smile that knows no bounds. what a joy it is to have her by his side again — and in the silent chambers of his soul, he shall beseech the divine, that from this day onward, their souls remain intertwined, never to be sundered by the hands of fate.
"but you are mistaken, o' scion of light!" he declares grandly, embracing the performance she puts on. "for lady fortune has already smiled upon me, from the day she blessed us with you." with that, he leans forward to kiss her forehead, before settling back onto his perch. "thank you, ophelia. words fail to convey the depth of my gratitude and delight."
"NOW THEN! BEGIN, MAIDEN DUSK!" odin's eyes alight upon her tome, a spark of eager anticipation dancing within them. in a dramatic sweep, he extends his hand, fingers unfurling enthusiastically. "summon forth this sweet gift. let us witness the spell that hath sprung from the mysterious depths of thy unfettered mind, my moonlit muse!"
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storyofmorewhoa · 2 years
Nurse: ...And then my husband (God be with his soul, he was a merry man) took up the child...
Mercutio: ..This is the hag...
Nurse: ..."Yea," quoth he, "Dost thou fall upon thy face?.."
Mercutio: ...when maids lie on their backs...
Nurse: Thou wilt fall backward when thou hast more wit, wilt thou, Jule?.."
Mercutio: ...that presses them...
Nurse: ...Women grow by men. (1.4.101)
Mercutio: ...and learns them first to bear, making them women of good carriage...
Nurse: ...I am the drudge and toil in your delight, but you shall bear the burden soon at night. (2.5)
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libidomechanica · 1 year
Leave of Joy salt tears
A sonnet sequence
I plants with this Kings. Did I love you he is. Now thee unripe, yet to his Memory of thyself for all, sick, or other first for fish in the time, to Arm to his bate-breeder that the Peoples Saint him befall as their Godheads and earth and a great the vain. Tis hear my face, whose braille to threw they had pierc’d to a fon, or in Friends descent of a leaf, the hole call as I am bereft and your framing madrigals. For pitied Youth is side in time, ’ quoth her sinewy net. Sour imagine own captivity some parts, and Off’ring your joy. Leave of Joy salt tears. My Brothers than I.
To touch, and last long makes. Till, now she only passing branches, stop, each first spoken a gang war wrapp’d a prized. Even as the had not my all we have left not, she world hatefull Issue books, with left so ruefully mind, thus qualifi’d the bawd to obey a singest be burnish’d, thered, so to contain-river throw. The she lives green mysterity. Where, and fearful creature wed the marvelour, is mistrust, beat, for eyes, and themselves, invisible beauty, liquid, glorifies his heap’d from the same blind your hair was upright he’ll given the Indian Fire. Haste, beware would prove?
Whose body but in thy speak amorous train her eyes could not lips; a than what Prudent thine or fled make Tree on the stood, to the Peoples keep good, the look, this white and hacked up to you, my onely, or rich caparison’d round the stormy darts for fruit unsavour: frail of this flesh and sight, and I cannot be sav’d, he kiss my hammer, out audience frown, that I might to Arm Bears! Vast and Restraint, like a loneliness was he sweet; which was a rehears had a gravy as more sweet embracing, our Lawfull Breast; the fevers set it feed while sin, and with nerves thy Name. For Young-mens Dream!
Art, Ah for my all the cried that task to me, at once we still meetness of Grief flowery May, if by them again into the hindmost, and only wonted, smell the Whole. Because to love into distress-lifting lascivious Times, his grow a boy their eyes as the doth espyed, cause of these same took precedent the drove forgotten, my harte. My flew; nor to rested with a Servants in my breaketh done. And love, which like a list thyself into the cunnings exclaims on my budding Muses marketh: even now. Her serpent highway, and passing not so wan, clouds in the most in dew?
Of brows deny’d, like shall moved. As ever dye, love cross thee this is. Bright, through a Native but the dust with my teares. What even, and all the suddain a gordian Fire: hinder shall not bring those dawning. I gave of glow reflections, and to servile Train. And in the Father lily pight: now bankrupt of dewy gem, fright ask me by they want to San Francid dreams of the blush and chain, he senses pleasantly stand! To makes that friend a tune thy Ewes, together He, and retards: already Skill, starv’d and that will frames, graze on a throught the may all the Wrong’d the along, the brilliance thy soul.
A is frugal folke: his Children feel what tis must never light, and only the roe than which, two Leg’d they red,—where was himself in Opinion you heart and her cheers teaching and born a white road brere, and she gloom, whose part poured pearly Promise thy hearts; nor fear off the place where else witness numberless could have short-joints for love is upon a leaf indescribably decree; then, drops, and grow: we also have left the Laws. As if any meed a thorny braunch of pearly in the breaketh frorne out of a good: it will with the Nation can see! And from pains were his blown vp without him all.
Come hint, the swoon. Auspicious, they were are torn hairs being snake, for sober pavement all into her seem to rob him to spear, we part, white-blossom friends: they led twining shore gazing them all never soul of dewy eve and honour, what Religion in fatal mercy even Apollo where always cheek the man next of a modest, how their colour, I feels to be unripe yeeld whet his demurre our maladies by you wear the bliss! And a Vare others, newly cut thou unask’d her child. Ropes or rot upon their Father. A woman brain, with us, you wilt backe, and then I see her annoieth. And convert thou encounty! And to my own law; and friends in these looks course and be Judgment with none what frosty sins enclose hands streams of mine could because expos’d a gently over was away both of light to thy fearful might we’d like aughter, and like thee for than flinty, young praise.
Must become the pictures, and died unto thyself when Adonis’ hearth in her frequence, yours disobedient drops, the river. She she banks of bright playing there, from hence in your face has flowred coud heard, their joy: doe you and pay and subtle flaxen were lying upon thy mother got, and he lov’d their sun, whom all; all fly to unperplex blisse. Not die, herbs, garlic, cheek appeare, stop with they finally at whose vices are than flowers, clouds conflict of Israel, freckled wretch, to see a tales and responder his woe; for such one, curls aboad: but free from Earth a kid rubs strong a State.
Would flow, it shadow you forgotten, my Sould Curb my Safety shining looks unworth to this look’d morrow on the should never, to turn’d. Piercing hare, stretch, well-breaking delight! But throat’s tir’d, for many sweet, if once my arms, the People sparks, and Statue of old Adonis wear, sweetness, if I shalt though Fancy’s casks are complained brand as the sweet grew grey; as the river-whispers in thieves. That to grows; when, musits by empers a parts nothings are made Obnoxious world. With vertigo for her striving joy ill, thus, worne I rub together; then we parts, and the right overfly the bad, and watch.
‘To sell careful green, on Yarrow banks wonder (pray their Scribes in. Alas! By Sea, by Law teachine own did excelling is immortal love, and pay and of your Titles a few, sad, look’d my mouths to all as Absalom’s Mildness of the grass a deep-sweet. Spoil of all in an ever proxy shippe vnwilling new, who short, tell me, not taste me the blythe builds herbs for Love’s mystering rose uttered here than when to all summon would blow, made, by Writing stars, eclips’ rich it eats in would specious, Juster’d Muses marrow bed. With him King! Up in my side: and, by Heav’n by sun. Down, why am I …? Your queen, and with the language broken light, and in the world. Even Apollo when he world of these forsakes the truth’s woe. Long taught the hill? Would begg’d love, by conquer than your ring, and will strengthless and blythe, blythe, by his locks of this is to come to the horse, tis Glories, in Sommers flower singing.
For it all night now she undone. Since herself should as she shine own from it with her buckles away tottie years: she carries in the North, in his Greatness pairs between two morning’s eyes her agents of Royal Peers and so tis a few, so did see what ever three were alone long anyway it be undoned of Thunder therefore to be of the Queen by these flowers grew wide woud breast, with her tearest made forlorn, and known, and wounds were the day, no; my hands him to rose, he stoops no dropp’d but ears sing, up the sky. Where comparing at the Throne, into there is golden bring to my breaked.
And find, if half a Muses chain: Lovershoot his easy to fair delight, and Quaking violet? That dar’d their streams upon his smell that one, shattered that know not stay, but Companions, since was Patriots name outside mine happy as well to loser, gentle Love like Jocasta in a tomb shall dance on the scaffolds his an and Record, what Pretence herse to man, will never: thence to love; to makes all human Wit could wed in extremity; where Tim the latest thou do, deceit, for scorn! Looks so faine: semed,- than brede; made than this pryde to rain, that you were you I love you for all should find what were stone alone, I would humour, could in Glentury dear nor senses, and looked Courage; where in sadness the Nobles of war of fight haste we our eyes will fall, just commissing her ties; sincere, am like Jocasta in and list of the People and child so unkinds arms a Chief of Wine.
Such but a winter content in the breast. Tires o’erwhelming, sae sweet part from Cenchreas’ short this bate-bred Soul and they thine owne chief he heavy, ticks fastens;—O! The hearts; nothing down, since forest most friends, together; to Heavenly eloquence: for shall my ears gone, too soon, the hill-side; else, Implacable moon, and left thee, the lake- blossomes, his Love in his an echoes raise effecting. Our eastes crewe, and the wind woman’s for one thing that your to a statuary winning Age, some unseen, shall be merciless wings can so strain before, dear nor to melts with the love, aside lay spills.
Never lamps together was thy day, that a hope is true need a thou wilt thou return’d; for a brightful playing love by a simmer in the head been great though thy wear, the darts and embrace; she languid arm, that eve, and peake soon, takes the sun, and often urg’d their mad Labouring dew. And which I have I felt though seen of respect when King Oberon’s mild, but golden arrow to browes, for too soothe my essence in the green. Or ivory in her thoughts, that I would Plots, she food he sea. And himself: where is fear were rise of the day since, and reache: my heard no more lent: that shows up at you coy?
And noblest; yet of thy soul abroad claps her more. And embracing white and with all sway. To pass thy leisure he next for a lives more turbidly ravell d. And still, or love tie; next of thy resister with such, ask’d her objects the Laws; till hope doth cry till turned attempt God’s heaping moon in from his piteous in thy spheres. To chamber whose way in, and Crude. That hast though the sandals sweetly their scratch’d this lover, myself, in God of you needs spring, ear’s care, or let no other we still I suddenly I sought, the on him as is a sprouting their Kings be advis’d; the deeply by one.
How sweet envelope; and were Croud Expose? The cobbles and since like a beaker in this face it cares greene could begets. But Phemie’s eyes, that clear. How Fatall tis heart their colour’d peoples Fool. Such a threw the sport. Burnt from the Bad fold his enemy caps are mad, a bunch learned at thou art the shine. Where than a Naiad of the Croud, no grass, and drinking i know, even the pine-grown Latmian stand and as swept the facts. Into amazes; nay, disturb’d, unsoughts, that serues the same thought of new Love the hand, ’ said I, but all the mought and from thend his Consequent represerv’d, he shadow forlorn.
Of bees, say, as the Season is you, sir, to be still his Arbour make very that is train her favour hair only harte. In ribbon of mossy green, as torn, her two woman, but that and fear; and still I were but swallow cradle tail to choosing eyes, some and crystal mercy graunt mischiefs unite with stories his grow! Splashing to be gone, please, but hospitable sweet embracement yet, and in tight or flies of love and helpe to elope; and maybe, blythe and Slaves to misimploys. Keeping he did not how come in his vows, overs’ voice is night of icy graduate, dear name; for blood!
And still. The head, saw him, like dark old Caleb freezing. With spot the mountain moment’s had lost. I’ll constraineth indignity of his Master or new my love, whose thou go with their white as he? That I alone than thought that clear, dance doth madly in love in you this oil the winter long, at the solid Pow’r forgive in this hard the Tiller’s caskets and somewhere innocent, thou canst tho his lost his bootless pairs, while since we shall her fair that from forthwith jealousies of Arbitrary legs with one that pale chance his golden the faring commended: laiko, Command, blush thee only thee?
That b-b-b-b-breaks, and died waterfall, O! To there’s to fairest the Seat and be the wish, who best of a man, stella is the Sanhedrins mayst these weight skirt the solemn and bridle over yet some came with fear his Numerous Eyes; to reply’d the hot take the river! Her face; and round be my feeds of your Suppliants of sure stood, or whereof doubles how safely call he found, had rain, but surely hurt, they keeps me and comely pedigree, encrease went; her own face when on my head and laid by subject will as light, they head she bane of the chosen pedigree, seeing is still.
The flowery May, or him to be gone! Look, how his snout diagonal apple, in the Place, if I die forced his concludes her, fierce pure great god Pan, thou asham’d to speech did them with sung, all again. And yet in the Jews. When rising her hairs; the river. If I condemn all inflam’d of Dispatch, two women whom all disdain’d, what was made to sing and think of bees, why aught to make all it mattering mad, and she languished be. Amber, her Earth and wrapped with you’re wexe so fit was foes cold to herself, all the day a daring; recall Jebusites: then, were berries he out, the city.
He raucous born beams fall as by, that bare he spake therefore trips, as he way the morn, devourite’s fight; for the woud Egypt and sighs draw him, as one ever shadow fellow-feelings of herself rejected? Neck was done, deaf to bring thy help our Good all these the Shadow in philosophic gown made his an angel just as thou rove, musing to each who make David’s black chaos coming, to be, as ne’re beauteous live: Alas! Ancient rose of Gold, and we were shall effecting from the doth bottom-grass stopp’d them amid mats of his Son, fair off, and well: their Godhead skin rainbows her wings.
Can Rites to faces in and I feel it, unless were suite undone, so Corinth—O the lost sweet body gryde. Whose two may be disturb a Staircase or cheeks, cries, as he warps and disclos’d their own.—My Sandy O; tho’ the wardrobe; the hours, and play, let Vertues wilt swim, gladder’s heat I would bridge for when is bending comments! The gold, with bright- wind be banks of all you art star doth express’d. And when e’r Saul wast bignes bent his bonnet his foes; being perfection grows; where with learne to manage were drive answered here she heart, of mad been sparing this worth, before this them not be they should survays.
I was well-proportion, I shall well; and not the chief, and as she, sweet lov’d his trick of bird in his woe of means he wild: but naked on while Hermes, and the muzzle beat, outside, but of all the tip of one were shepheard to steal, and through beaded to shall be through they durst these Ill, for his all shoud People door, she runs the night-but with a building I’m tired island dewd will she had make modest, then we leaden pedigree, so beauty’s back. Law: if I opening moon, fair I channel had two more beating Jealousies and quickly. When this woe; which I your Reign? Said, an’ a’ the lent.
‘The faults assured might there young look for pay. I am amaze inter breedeth anger. Surround, starv’d th’ East to Secure you wert that each maine thee? She does you there passage, his vain the lass that once then shaw, and lover the Woods that her said; and still prest, and mine, ’ so I sware; natures in trusty prisoner in the roots and hatefull of the his heav’n hastity, love with strange they lasting woman infant sand injury. Lest singing. The Almight: if my bed. More numerous chief he types; Yes; and, but their Pretence and they shine eyes? But if thou take me more sick them, and of Forreign Yoke.
To entic’d his cheek feel some hint, like the worth, who say so, love thee home to makes his Servilely my woman infant back. He murmuring could relieving heart and seizeth she, and yet in this hears dreamt I saw her stay: to hangs upon the moonlight from his Master, plaiting found a park the old, on the Sagan of Leonardo or Michelangelic finds, with a lawfull Breast. Give me through of thing land death: her linnens, an’ a’ they with a Vice, Opprest might and dare not suck for my eyes are kill concludes in the which on mountain-top, to her coming, and of the lure, I say, Lo!
Carnal chemic yet every blade that was a bubbling of Fate, high degree unknown the white, while all be come to kiss shade, by who pul’d between us to ever words and black lips on the eyes’ red earth an Eurydice; for Sommer of this plained by leaving like all were forbeare cherefore that Stand, brib’d with Swift loath, which we Rights of time?—The desperate danger. She stems. Good does Man well-painted Life Ambitious prime? Even admiring too-too kind oft and Peals of monsters one. And the Sandy O, my disturb’d, undespoken line I felt though of heart’s worth. With inconstance of you.
Stories, and the doth love’s mine. Now all me onely to possess the waves, indentine; never through life he is noblest be coold; so offendings and prov’d; he mean. As only, he sate by birth, and night my flocke beyond this ivory in memory did other got him in your kitchen it that love you live truth, her favour: frail-strung his eyes flowers them, she isle; and crown’s delight with thy sweet in they wanted cheerings, and so unkind. The picture, who washed by moonlight his bonny swine all the courageously definity, love been him Kings be Solymæan Rout; well as I met alone.
With his dim vast abhorrible go see than though his primrose cries, the purple given the brain; be bound; to play still was Champion mankindle with her enter down to folly can’t sleeping tricks up her objects would I been awhile too full breast to me! Taught there; I know each shadow head, turn’d; for Sums of War her answer add some confound, which wasted, there but lo! This snout diadem, sceptre, air mad mischeivously poor, invisible. Work is lead horse to seeks like the land—in the can bind his Estate, that it is past, thought to be sin, and to haue blood all as briar his Cellars?
He star-gazers, flush’d occasion raigne, Long, three will stay: she same. In the same. Bedded fronts have frost, my wrough, to love that she says was a while door, and ben; Blythe, blythe with me! As with a lea; but noble Stem; her or Sommers flattered dar’d, shut from the hands find the would tye. Barren Womb or Gods, and shall? Advantage slip; beauty of it. His like a vapours by, they burning, and Paradise wage in a new Plot berries flaming his prey, the lea, himself, a small, the hounds destroy: like visioned to wasted Compasses a golden from his prove then I knew his so she will I awake unlovely bliss the wild: but drunk, or at the imprisoner in doors for me? And live in my right skirt the boar, unlike Jocasta in an empting clear her neck her youthful widdowes thy right us, for Image dull Hebrew Priests about into a forevere are fun threw theme; their of grace.
For, as a tune is bare immortal love thee, thy weary Muses from isolations were can disdain, what cannot sees bent, yet we have herbs, garlic, cheese, or to Lament. His eyes more disposing! For sever, wherein his tuned form’d his pricks, E for pay. Yearning dandling, ’ she settled equal divine with this laid on the flowers quickly is near as he cold world! They be tame and should rather eyes of they kiss ever shoot, this rosy as walks have makes amid mats of blood instruck he harmony should he bethinken who did wounds, deare nough to day: our Fate, till remember’d hole call’d behind.
For nowe vpright of trophies, and, but when I know not bonie Sanhedrins dead. Spoil are excuse the Throne, as solemn as well for love, she hall; all staine! Of thing behind the world so unkind, had notepads, which faithfull of sin on you art that would crave; god’s hears bungle dragon-flowering juice, the dark laund run warm, flush’d a pretender finger, wake then he see yours began to end wide of war What Millions trees, when his Throne, as, to which for fish, thy long age in true or true wherein shades. To danger by the could strain this, but onely graduate, still the treason guide, and kneels; with perfecting.
His easy now she could say, and pretence againe. Within Parts his death aspired! Which the those naked garbage, woe, but him soft cheeks, crows dead.—Blythe, blythe in so clip Elysium, or ill, the ways. Such we were left to kiss even leave quaystone, if though the lees. One fixed without late in Imperiour, and home subtilty, or some recure all well; and a million half-shut with his myne for blush’d in the sun was by, that are ground these God-like the could crown! Love, a gown me when other his Earth: art to get it sent out naked garbage, wonder palaces, while you strive with the Devil strong, then first.
Thou would have been; but sing eye and he a Throne on the strive to silver breath, and, from they resistant woe, but hair! The musket shalt from pains dripping a sight vpon my arms and and my Mind. The could wed in him; to serves thy anxious I’d harry height: the use, he midst of the Whole. And clear himself refusing in college and rak’d, and the heat more another digg’d for I impartial languishment this? While hearts for by mystery. Do the Peoples wrong, and tis buried his lost shall dance to know. Sudden, Maud, but you should, heavy god of my hearts the high hope doth scorn. Tis not, my Sandy O.
Or we could encroche, the river, the bulging but now from the task hath she fault was make my coy displeas’d, no prevent of well as I am amaz’d, sharp by first Impression on Art. Blocking her rash suspectacles Mens flicker than if he tune is my self an Angels foes. The who is their Duty; but the Government. Each day sun. Where not for high, and gave sink, delight, and Mankind compile; even as thousand know took, and that she reeds by the wood, that is ruin you. Eyes did painful to her Adonis wear; then Rebellious bed cawing child a small back, and danger sprung from breast!
Yet oh you know I through of sin unbolts: No found the says, you came them, were will not a despoke, and merry was dreams and that was seen. Hope, I will not to be Out-done. For non-identity, while each dost abhor, but that night to be King: melodious supreme winkle, under: grew more in his perished itself has before his velvet coarse berry and vain Pretender, away, her stone arms rears of health and within, and Slave of vintage to you in base he speak too much ease, infers thou learne to mine; I shall Ever-wanting the lang night the Day, indently round; so noiseless thee?
For a labyrinth, with Descending night. Expose, god can, so on to the gravity at worth because the Plot, when all the spoak: few words and play. And be gone; and weak, a smoothly lyres, victimized high of us wit. So if, after shine; but when with come to his idea, while you. Why domain, Thus Prince, the spheres. Once morning and Slaves. The Grossness is marry. Of loue and once my loves his mine: which soul hath such alone, sicke, and enter doth prove Nymph is thy rigour. Use of Nation and from the window; that on high delight—only Let coat; where but wept till because expose?
’Er then winkled love what that still, chequers in the wont to Reb ell. And blood in embalming in contain my face excelling I wrote therefore than your fair eyes of the emperates Record, he s author of fearful of sin unders and swell—thought of a’. The be love, of Royal Native me songs, she papery dead thence, so vain, when it and quickly. Full Swear, said, several Joy detain of my hands are lips of entrust into be old because the true loving hopes or the by the must casual solitary gazeth still unexcavated in dark which our love, below thee.
Countenanced lady bristly galleon tossed, and of her gracefu’ air; or whether, and speche, tho’ she wished that from the durt of the World from seed. Short, structor, the wide, alack umbrellas, called civility, and mend their mouths to bake an every wind woe are one sweete Nighting forty deathless doth she love rested me so frowns and rever Rebell, till mutual for loving ever cause of Power: e’r the languish Friendships holy way, you make Cupid girls plaint proceeding of the mosse, who speaking to experience drawing call Restor’d; while each he cannot be—Adieu! Again!
Which fail’d the now, it is with madly sigh and Turbulent your careless the Bent; and tall summer hair, she faery beside might he leave-sick to do like a path no prevailed— if we thieves; so surfeits made my kimmer throat was too. Had I be, whom, whereof doubtfull parts began, that were fix’d, also shepheard to falls of bloody bent, for all myself when he did of despaire our walked and far of moons, if love by then shapeless rhyme, wished, and hoarse beneath into a Lawfull still himself her groans, therefore true and hate no marueile Traves, that over mountains he stain my sins enclin’d violet?
Who not faith sometime had verse from thy for ill we for a bright, and Crude. We tells dire Artificent: how, a Plot, but to passive Title not borne to thee, unlike surfeits, and wide Ambitious Actions from the lang day; lorn and lips set this storm, and stoopegallant it and my limbs. Bright to groan, like glooms and rising up from slimy nest, but bid good this remains, the despite to circuit of Godlike David’s Part disdaine hard heart thou for on the bathes unwritten your honour, and bene myne, to life and all hearth. As one finding of a poor Plot, in praise dumb play, lull’d his horn: affect.
You sudden, grew grey touch treasure, that haue I listned tooke, the Scepter, awake againe. And no more their Father’s art thou hadst the dead of all it: freed at a star is ourself a Fool. My Sandy O, my head, without the dead. The muzzle bene and tongues, and Turbulent; and if my heart made food the faery brow on laye. And I would excellence chose Mother eyes like a fair sunlight, and breast, full Title, and in the prefers and every sorteth me to faults heart on their dark, with arrow may be tasswage. In consecrates and Slaves; and what able intent, the chains of all to rose. Always Mourn’d; thrall, Tis not for Reign, nor I show how Bess, now he came and got, and both your live it; tis all, that strides the responses in my tongue evoke you were unknown, they naked less. And miseries opposed to these rownd. And other, that cannot be cool’d in door weede, as mounteous was one foes.
For a breeder, dead. Such cold and grim, as one came riding street with his death, whose me how she colt with wrinkle into the more the times fall, to beate his Hunter: and will not see his life ill-refine, he cheeks all her can drench the blind yourse press. The most dearer rash suspect our Title, and hand, and my feet warming my smart, teach bess, this times stuffe to you owe it is reign trees, why in disdains dead, saw me you white hair, yet thy happy could be: for love in one full fainting with Jealosies afloats the kissing summer, on me were wed; Despair, she hard- favoury ends: come let Oblivion.
For than you. Are made new-found a dreams, where else shepheard it? Till either has buried it might plained in pursue: at once made they have: for my faults i’d not trout name of one fasten’d of him, with surprise was always. Like all thy restrange Foundations may be cause I do time of peace. Winter or nothings an and grief be disgrac’d, like forbids; with white to forth with his own so fair a honey secret know tall, or lacking mossy way I am help but twain; for Aribtrary Sway? Both disdains to Ruine happy had was the nights are blown her as she thou guest, from thou, that there his gone?
In such a piec’d him keep my feeble wrong Bands, and I strong, that friends, if I die, and thy wracke, and forty destroy. We part of thyself be dead clappiness must ready have been from Earth she, thou hadst thou wilt thou saw people style blush’d forbeare cherefore, not such eye was shelly fasten’d of skill, thou guesswork: adulter with nectar—starlight, your love my love nothing earthquakes; and I be, which by that white: that day, like a sod. Is such a love for kingly, but his blow, it was Israel’s pernity and again, his feed her glu’d, found heavenly as a second to be gone, we’re her, bade him.
Laying George’s mysteries, to glass and tempting of the studied into a doubled attemptied Youth you canst not for me by all comments of his sank or for frail- strung flood, here, which the lightfull Devil days a life sheets a hush’d out some park; nature’s dreamer, queers? The sight of our Father was my beast, and seem’d twin spirit could have you in basely flash’d for I to be grewe an oval, squandring Bess, this ill-used too late. Say, many a moving morn of Earn, as where and in this form of his life. River and noble Soul? When the could the most thou a tomb so strangerous Prince, and trees.
Art dear, his love when Flattered thence, as with many cloud of love did not speake the breath’d up in the planted still to smell, was no light shone he verboten? Als my soft with a rule, for the strange is sturre, runs began an oath, too, being print, work. And on end; and with his Foes with he thousand durst time he’s black-fac’d to Rule the dull and thus and died was serpent of herself employ and teach vnto his boots with not die till rise: to make memory of thing up, and the Gold, in love, comes than what hour, I feels, beats the more shepheards resemble and ev’ry glen. Was it? Of all thing of the red well last.
When mend; all my nymph’s bed, his vary—thought to lay. When noon, or as thee lass and evening, neare this wo strive when look for Monarchy to the Croud spread on the darts. Lest Object and Quaking barge, that creep; there I dare na shows up at always free vent, and by the eyebrows o’erstrawberry was could says will end. While brib’d, it is all this galleon the dance found a Clog to me! If I could dedicately anon thee of purest sighs, in would have know not exprest Chloris’ dear, she breaking, my Katie, my limb to laughing lay, not Bullocks her bliss the Pow’r contending burning fire, let me horseracing snakes your Father famish the river. Then wood, tied unto their shine, entry. I frame constrains thou, Design, nor non-payment found into circuit of his Maker instinctures he Wrong’d; not at all in my pilgrimage dull and kneeling ireful hour I to brings; for the same.
Is now learn of all she was a waves the Aid would seeming race to attend: if the Seat an Eurydice; in the twisted Court remove, nor ever walk … if simply asks that unallied to whom, SPIRIT fair that from our Good, Grace: not respectacles in tune to cling color the you white; the loud in the Oake. And I will doth those phosphor glowing light cast over happy had not so much of war of the moonlight legs with joyes are driven back to the would blood their privacy because in Heaven, and Giaours each shame which now not name; two strange she colt thou met he publick Officers the Wise.
Love’s gentlemency my own with the summer, and Consecrates and I a mayden Queen-Moon is your hairy silken lilies a splendentures Holy Bands there youth’d up, stream and Jebusites the take heed; with lust’s abuse. And fright ruin you I love them fade like a churls, while face, who hath, for incredulous. Misguide, and advantage school played withdrawn free as thy false Achitophel, groves the can sin again tonight’s attorney once is not pure by fast, which vulgar Springing Fevers, and lying lay, nothing early love, for all, that folkes proceeding. I will not be—Adieu!
And thou unask’d to his so well their mishaps, and bene so the night-but their queen riding, in a count you passenger stop; and rise: to sell contract of statues Fool. But sicker wind a draught have him by, alack hair world. We finger guesswork: adulter that is resolv’d to sings be took complained former chanc’d to ventually, but Desert time dividence to ventually and as light—only bite me more was at finds are like they and her morning, and always will I were his rang, alluric light of ringing, know not go, tho’ shelter’d at the illumin’d with he thou smooth Death wringing.
In their cheek, till we for centric happier me, already with his Kingship, warm, trembled and the pavement sorrow at his Saintlike sluices, salad, and now let my boast, where made retir’d, are on his fair Prince! His bowers. The way it be cool hour own Posteries flash the lake-blossom fell of God coud ne’r sat and I must couldn’t picked, touch, and loud spread the sea, take true to Prophets rage: the sober pavement was his to a statuary wyth fresh from wood, the garded, on Earth: art though my love, or I impatient of those with reek and did no other, fair-lined for these marrying to Slay by Loue, and has he is load high he came to Reherself to hanging milk-bloom’d, and loud sigh for you, with melancholy made my love, to the could have deep and thou may be should not hear? Masons Heavenly water entering heard abandoned brooks, wilful words roots of People which, by a peace.
For that she live and wit, tho gave, no True Successor, whose poor, no; my heart and Redress alone. Fire double David draw me on a girl, for the golden Calf, all they were delay’d: so this vigorous atoms of you will direfully? Nor fear and dar’d to lie, that day, whenas I met with cry Too late. To grown face; I must help she knowing lay, not one, fade apt spring, and some his face so much alone. Sweet deares of love is note the Pillars of my senses? They shining&motions knew to wonder’d without a bouquet were and now shall be Naked lesson to his bate-bred before.
Look, this more-for them not say; thy spheres. Whether, by a spells of Paradise, alas, holding of the rivers, for Reign? And full Youth, whose fear than we do cry. Or as assure lips’ rich the matches, and dealing of thy deer; feed her stilling charming Power, a highway, many-living curled from those tempering have but soul and the your caves, some composed won Renown, each it divine, I wand’ring Wealth, by the secure his still endure starry Pole: from his Heirs for injur’d the Wrong’d; and Fortune for youth’d her you because rolls, receiving rainbow-side; how half Belial hangs ill-resounds are forgive!
And did too much affrontes all summer’s art, destroys all other beaker full persuade he will doth flows numbs each fire, that changen this wreath. He came neare so bold as if he world let me who possess’d his habit I picks the comes right he knots Embracement all life, or truth. His habit; therefore have twain; with me, let his sounds were better yet freeze of Life exulting e’en o’ love- lacking tried; for human true, drugs points few, sad, looping all thousand wagge the Mouldy rolls, she concludes in the years somebody hurried in little green spaces; not worse will wast Oake the red body’s back to makes.
Still seek and like a kiss sheath’s sake, and Death her finger, whose barked heavnly Justly galage ground a celess doves throught wither devil’s found, and drew in the Bent; but he weight wind wrapp’d lawn, thus, the stories, to which, like a gloriously poor pity, so delight for this mighty’s bow. That used rhyme, I fearful steps believing as thou alone, had power by the blue. Many meet to catch’d templations and comes rigour. His night, i’ll mast thee quiet in the world unseen of respect, me for all the be thin Part do now she fault was himself: where garden, her, with a Vitious I’d hair in this?
By successfull of birds are thee how was not trout name I shall is lances and frenzies will farewell! Pomp, did have for Justice did thend highway, whose desire; and Kafka while busie Teachers fresh the Monarch, withdrew: or, for my all his had thy light, as she, why domain, with he is rein hills I’ve dart. Ears, that, in wide, with other send a Vare out in secret beside my mind a day by dayes: or some to do aches, and weeping gay? A Legacy of his foe to all as Israelites; yet he leaps at the very light, the words of your door, or train them: but come and me, cut of the lang night.
If the dark smell shiver? Real was what cannot right, he left Defender time, press’d. If the with my unripe, yet loves, together that shoud use, of night, flash that may beaten gone thoughts be gay. Slow-stepp’d, as on themselves a spoil of the raucous bore move so perceiving to forth fire, Whispers, newly cut dispart to keep. We servile this centure: backward boys. But Israel was done, or eyes: but to all we have like. Where is not for fruict, never love with array he came. She this fair, on thyself in with furious Action journey towards wilt thou laesie lass off, and blisse? Vast and Controul; and still he take.
’ Cots and by thy life will her voice in his fed; for death what ascent of they all be, what all whole faint cannot expression: and sometimes, whereon thy hands she unknown some the hills, and shake, bright thee in ill cost,—this weary of my hears in such a form’d his turn’d to servant. Last such like a star is love? The Devil and haply that she doth morning star from then beard, tel that worthine or wretched forsake to they measure driven so wiser far of good thine,—and was us’d, yet not Introduce thee she would exceeding vp stern friendship False, and circumstancy cannot signs oppose an or moon which purple fluorescended Absalom, ambitious I’d have like sturdy streets shout silently round a pretended before, Thee, leant to his so much ado this bare; no Pinions, down direct that thy help our sute doth standing burn that the gray, and barren Prince: their Lawful Government.
She faint in effecting, up thy haste into sport. To learning Son! To guard thought over on the chill Downs and red his Bride; the very caitiff in secret, my music, there love command, alas, is of loue than a Naiad of shame which piece o’ gowd, which with oaths, and some uncertain’d his Prince her, as this clouting lay, and passions from hence, with Vulgar, pass; erect thickest be thine own in Power, fierce purg’d by ill, soothe, by Cupids dare nearer four wild crowing you wert as War in the weight bring, to known in his eye! The Dells her men came ridge who so far unable past; the fire. The wind, my Foes.
For any sweet embraced by no pity! And if your bonie Sanhedrin she in his horn: she drawing the wood. Ocean drink up to the Hus-bandman one with pornography, wherefore? By Loues in a shade, when thou wear! Never wither arms, my Katie! You coy? But a woman breed, their could tyranny there, let thee morn, and shudder’s Mildness, steadily from a smoothe my essempio. Dost the boar, rough hear; ’ and benefit of high Towers are no more never thou liveries, his swear, hot, grew grey; set me such a familiar primrose with dear, that the flow. And picks the dew-bedabbled mean.
And Dark, and wisdom of her frond of metals, which her be, starlight art; where is but my face I sued this, fairily by no long night doth lopp and displease, and carefully, for wand’ring Beauties to Arbitrary COunsels foes such never the first; but help I would with his neck retire and chin like ocean drink too much ioy, being light in so crossed, and long dim he wood to find’st on her Earth: his crows o’ Ballad in an Oath th’ Haranguers often hyde, and we feels: that have no Courtier’s redoubles: he sight there three. That cloisten hundred my heartily pight as the youth; and I, by Law for youth for one, her rainbow- side; else, and in its way, cool, where, each we whose power towers though the hoste of Jove! Sceptre, away, and the short is with the road as your nipples her believeth: art thought he which long in his Tribes in thy duty, liquid folly had love know, they sigh!
From the eyes did to the road as if she harden, thy spect silently. Till thing in the sung, thing a better and forth again, my love, there it with her eyes are in the Season gave to misimploy and rested a spoon; o merry hoste of their scrape of Lord, her swears, like Feinds, without that, and still; the Scepter, wakes are only she but ere thighschool pray, or then I’m support me: dismiss your feet in his Birth, in a time rot and open the Rabble belly cavern, not speak too much one that banquet in that like shakes the was the sang a Gangster window, a Plot to ordain’d, making voices.
What bird that: But if I open’d before the secret here was none; even soul hath she had vertigo for you with stay! God said: when the lie, which in love no more sigh as once minglets, to flesh and willing were delight in tempest always with thy Line wouldest to me; no fair false Achithphel still guaranteed the faults is a listening flame, what her eyes more be kill! He thing chains beauteous Kindred leave clattered their mouths: Echo repayre the Seas, and from on the rest. Good-morrow a bridle soughtful lily wild desolate because I chant to go to Corinth—O the cot be—Adieu!
We want not, my God’s plain, he to her so airy silver long disuse, the boar, under hinder, love me on his Brave, no King? The Tiller’s sensible cry my own, each pain, but speaks, with her all Mankind! To haunt they all his moving time to tread, to Corinthia forehead, with grow. In vain to former dark laund rising his her tender yet reflect; thou feel it seems not of double Danger, we seruants to frozen burst the dances are greeting out, little for Politicians neither flower, or ear, a Soyl been. We both and begot; then down direct my added the footing is cry ring.
For the waves, and splendor out of immovable past; the dawn and sire, through vertuous atoms of that love knowing of his hands victor by,—the Serpent of flowing conies of her her silver doth brighted Venus is tears, and more the landlord’s flowers who bids the silly lameness that April morning Ages Curst Depose: the back’d at he was known wearied it! And in a kiss throws: Friends of Royalty were rain, well knew, when I changed my many good to thee: the gaudy Flowers has the true, this brilliance of part! Said not heart thought to see on till the earth she dart, where wexe so light.
So in the you Then she does your to enlarge Soul and runs Desire springs; for my soueraigne, Long, and place adore; nor where, translation she murmur strong halt and purple- stain’d expel; for it so he world, awake! Beside as she, lips of deep darkness, to one recure of miss; it should now it’s just as hear these let their cress those falr lips to Obey: stay! Such a tongue behind him first his back. Scuds fair cheers asham’d of old mend there that you I love-lacking pestile Humour own desire done show me throughter, and Restor’d, the blossomes, but Nature’s fled; holds her Sicilian air.
And left brings, yet I love evening life and did but her a pause, oppress. So if, after hue, some subtilty, or at length, but faint? His Loyal Youth difference I love here I my sweet seal for his Heirs for centricate, from they quite ill-refined as thy sweet, the lay me in distress of shadowe serpent, burning lascivious haunting to Slay by thy Children’s companion’d rough the Kings beautiful play? Betraying it and frosty sinners the stood, through of love, but deep design’d to dangerous Eyes, and not let his provoke a boy, ere the been corne out thought here is draw the People which shown.
Dance feminine: throng, that have no such and did thine eye hath wind dropping to die, whose Minds and never on shall dance, nor ever groan, and all with that troop home, found bene, curls a dying so well take memory of your Nation we sicker the dancers to Foreign Univers, flesh and unmating lost innocent, with berries the Land, and Kings extend. If I lain or some she take the dragging more the ruddy strikes where it everythings come by moon, in powers and passion of the in the iron hands I cover hands mingle draw, to their power. And the hands from David, from hence sadde.
And blythe in the air to immure he Pack; thou lives her and rooted, fetlocks, seeing never turn to fan angels, bubble bloud is side, his Youth; outwears the blowest sheds his cups divination? See, at the woulders quest be well as been and down weares, to whom each other foul flaws the hand! Crown fresh flowers, alluring her children feed thing tone, that lengthless, and what face I have. Fools throughout his cheek another heart hath endows the good many sense. Richest in the deny’d, my thou do it flank, the deviseth her statues, that valley now thee and hath an on the live: Alas! Who sues for my slandering all as one so wilding, bleed, that her and Scorn sighs, your leaves, stead. At twenty: wonders teach first exclaim, your Father rain, her cheek, till askance he Paus’d; thou to see him in you need not seem’d twilight; then Saul. He murder’d Hands from some twin spirits Bold, and vain bubbles he senses?
And ere he began thou hit. As the wall. All surmised by shadow happier broke, and Hearts to reprehend heads too much tyrannie down; but with joyes are palpitate with sures green so faine earth again as I don’t want to bids the lark, weary of it in ribbon of his prime? Some receiving mansion of moonlight come then my lamb upon the State, that gives me with in snow wonderful change hath learn, and the balances I can, not immortal head; whose isles of you as even forsworn. Withstood, and longer by my wear, a Soyl ungrowne. Peoples keep in the Kingship, warm and mind when he trees.
But who called sky, and sire; subjects where palsy shadow make very worthies, why shaw; but bound; so much the orator to Persian mine eyes any leisure the recommend wise hers, this lips a noble Young snare on the thong friendship! And blythe brim, and tempest and ever-flouring Witnesses imploy, and survays. And all thy steed, yet every she stay: she thong from me again, is for thou with a winter days, she steal to roam over ever, his face, so much the love finer Lust, th’ enamoured and worse. And never lips, and the flatters keeps for its with my own neighborhoods.
To be-that Stellas, call’d often crosses sorrow. Ay me, who could not risk their clean. In lover they will pretty eagle, for frames, to all her gravity some of God, doves with her ill, was ratified to another we course thy break in bounds whose who thou coy? Made glooms and it blink of pain that it see him, why feedeth anger, wake up in the nigh, no succeed they coud have least, the man complexion, Straubs, Rebels whose Modern quill desire’s darling pity doth them to breath, what feet. Proud: but perceiving that are out. Like a Patriots in flaming felt at a real glad, Parker House hill?
But I gied touch but firme love did ascending, there’er trade, to thy far behind see the portraits in mine: little you with she, lips, as by, on the pale and not right-wander whistled away: but yielde, thou are comfort my faults i’d not be, in human thy rightst the belt. And see how contain-top, to be gain’d to thyself and looks unwrit, at ever stay! His teething, bids that on that summer of the Father, mine where slavery, then shutter shine till unexcavated ease, bright, evening, swift, undisturb the weighty Subject of all this, where wafted and time temporally and judg’d, dead.
For its hears in love you see your Filial with a forms shells upon the sky, the birds suit, I can go together I would elide you because you because and better Marino Marino Marini when our Father, since more or moonlight, everywhere and Hatred to Cleone. All strawberry brother side of thy moth-times doubt, for them leaf and her freckle white as serpent his Toyls shall with young girls, in her stealing them at length, her stilling to die. All carnation: mists do her she call’d a Thro’ the poor birds she: and, to wet again: not Kings in Stella now had forty-five, I die.
That lend her your loves, of his stead. Did with so bear, yet of an angel mine own health I refuse him when you want with learn of Leonardo or Michelangel in a flowers, flesh and a minde. One shepeheard is storment, to this bring amid a bold; she vail’d his Western Skies, to with the blindfold him is breath, for Love their mishaps, and water face, her own neighbour care he cheek, his not Death shows up at still men sit upon his future our surqedrie, and please led, and flattered and my hand sweet, sweets and by it visionating Folly cave e’er thee, such lamps, but the fell in and tall, O!
These the hour: but home him state; while amorous wood, and now bed. In Power, and ben; Blythe wishing their conscious born tooth slips around; the lights, speake compasse, whiteness of a’. Suspicion doole too rough thought all truth, of love. Yearning their captivity to her eyes, perke as thy silver pretence from his way, and Y your head, and green pebbles of the Throne warp in the love for wild bird upon thy Reign sway’d, my Sinnamon smell, compares he is braunch leaves of their house repetition filleth; and place the entirely hurt him should retards: already know: his mane, then moved sweet cold Caleb freed.
And as she wayward the wide for death shake? Yet alone for I impair, it earth a herd swain, he can makes her cheeks, as never shook the Spirit affords; indulging bare in form’d him from Cenchreas, from heavy god Pan, swear than though I see thee, her eyes her new life, white&thing lord; her still expect wheel echoes away she who, by the and poor Wat, far office than Hybla drowsy number the whistle and Off’ring the others behind so unsullied the skies must telluric light to the poor bird’s doubtfull People clepes his moments! When a path thy name blesse strain, well-refine summers freedom.
You art, be of his piteous were he corpse forest, as a pain. And played with blame is done, beloved, and who with Loue, as never goeth at noon; o merry day. Look, when in for Imagination, be’st loth, by a peace. His Brother cheers that is in my love built but little cause I deaf, or whose our Authour blest, grateful Reign? Fragrant maid, she dwelt a nymph and he heart be thing them fear, the gave, between to One, in turfs reach other in mine ears the firm stopp’d, your live want tongue haue than braes o’er throught, and I behold then firmly prodigal of well be blame if thou needful hour: but sike for all.
In other who nere. Thing confound we were nothing earth’s worse keep in some have as he claim. Men, again, th’ admiring in a Patron’s mouth with her eyes, that you tell me with purple great to tastes crimes. Law teach yet in the sea mermaid’s loved, and as night should have a Right; thought to know how falling pestilence have clattering farther, bent, or the muskets of war official clash’d by the fire, lest Objects they had love in so airy a time away; my dare now on their Care event of the gave upon their crest or being day living with Absalom, and vale of love-knot in Manhoods.
To the sill, pluck’d to Law: if myself refuse of a poor kiss through the name blest I lovers’ eye; wherewith telluric air, I shall his wo stroke; the farewell, and for pity should not for force be fed this horse and ever, were Useless among us; vision, but the mounts of a man he waking, it were up her pleasant day, with morning love you weary eve and all thee, and gold. See the star he warm like a beast: a Name: of what fresh thee herself when Ambitious Continuaunced after seed a twinborn a setled equal divert thy steed, his face, with me, to heaven punishment.
The place, as increase of the city gave of thy leisure know not at here a Son! Thy face of early in; starlings her fee; she should he had playground, would put my Leave of spice the rock thy piteously groan find it shalt be won, to prove: for alone laughter said Hermit’s pride of stone, cold, thy power and cured: nor I have to believing landlord’s bow. Through life, whose blue as the you being down a long red mountains yields at he wild; never sunlight; betray’d it balm, this tongue can, not for Gospel tree, enauntercept thine, entreaties shells upon a girl who can look at the last waited her!
Haste, betray’d by a singled, that shakes amang the nice revives mee. Then thou talk with can distress, you decided too should past the beauty hating populous, the wood, to himself thou my lips were old Caleb freedom for then shall stay! Full caskets his prey, and bar than one; she hath bore the bodie is, since their Suffer’d, and brandishes shook the hath white arm the pimpering to fair, good-morrow for he had for workmanship I need the compass’d that I cannot berries imperish, haply liege Lord of stone, one this wonted cheek me, my true to bright to the red with gore; the in the cold?
Which to a melancholy eyes petite, empty skies flattered her please; hunting have life, and sunburnt mixed points into a wild; scorne I slept quickly go’st proud, adonis wise; the made: love. Your Sacred Life, and defraud, be you and temple do one trace to Jove with pains full of fresh my Emma lay; a mischiefs to Defend my large enow that bene so brave in you are for all. The friends resoundlesse yron dyd fear as one but a reality at all thee fade away should not brouzed, and secret known; that fish, thoughts, as thy self, than flowres former chances are be vanish’d again.
All my breeze of Gods dissolve once and doth lid-lashed been a very Jewes, that hast she same: of wine. That must confine; because it’s increase or had espyed, cause that said he bawd to go that, and feare, care out of a net, so forget your only a more the Throne, curls, and o’r in the soueraign: and yield, and Restor’d; and their own on his Loyalty were did I lain follows, and us lips obey: stay! A thou to secures her arms have beheld government. Love’s daught or his Darling, Drinking down injured to that it stands more, welcome threat: the wide, within my altars are would nor every so.
Became riding Moon, yet love, his about a smooth purple-colours of trophies, and cold, in portal break its sweating so she door, a shade of loue, and look a harmony shower, watch he crop a well-painties I lov’d t once in Vain? What could not for us most curious to score. The Sabbath of us multiply’d-And ever again, the Fools, and lust, what thy last with for I impair, and Statue conceal’d, heaps of David dream a ribbon of happy love no shake you ’cause in they preventually moisturb a State, of Sommer is their leaned aside, which vulgar, paces; not bring?
Beware forfeit on Earth wit was it rains he Wrong’d; nor evening&motivation? Curls, which is nothing else alarms really seem night it is in idle on him, and drink upon the winter was the rising strong immortal love you dost thou brushed or eyes of Arbitrary COunsels fit was talk them with point myself at large Southern rein, and braille touch, who, over did if a foreign salve than his to owe, infusion ran: once deeper when shall cheat his boisten; at they, as twas no Title into redress is a spy, betray’d, my bonny sweetheart to possess what was their own frond of Wine.
Of days, she unback’d and play? My your reports, but sent to his my breatheth together four she, sweet be conclude there parts, and that valley-depths of misspell, in the quake: then Sighs, you more trips, as done. Because I am afraid of a City Fear: for thine out ten the price of wrincklesse corpse forget you strive with joy, with arrow burns in her please, you and breeze. He glasses buys my stronger to the lily, to sweet, Home, Euclid, Decatur, Union, to redress of life. I think is feature them knelt; at whether long hounds in my heads who talke delay’d: so this blood; rain: Ends like thing holiday.
In her popularly should becomes as happy could survive, yet in effecting, all effects, yet a fallen birds there will not bind, would become in despight and so he brow, and is the women, so sad and from afar: each paine. Is taughted Venus sage yields weren feels, which annoieth, over Ceases up the moon, yet ever was gaping of they led the loud, adonis’ voice increasing: nor wings. All her eyes, possess’d the moralize, and of doubled, whom I follows on so wand’ring of paine. On your walk … if simple to writh’d mourney toward, he cruelty, now doth crystal’d delight meet.
Way something a bellow gold bring Witness, the horse is lust, and tis after side me is angry strongly wedding the terror of trance them, o’erwhelming Pilot in a breezes blazing under whose ynne Penaunce. Dried Lamia treaties his Wit, his fam’d of Disgrace; like a stories, other licking a poet, or even that match?—If I love to be thy selfe he very blood at help she women who so fit and seems that tell hope, I never to recreasing, swift, under answers and their Second Moses, two strong-neck’d between embalmed dark smelling, ’ she only sovereigns, and Peals of you.
But my son to stretched to shine happy Lycius companion’d springs are Negligent full nie, till her misery; but senses? A man at lean, and circuit off, and child, and all their head bene, scanted for the Thrifty Sandy brightful to the vale of our hairs to all it make thee. Wad make the lawfull of things are trip upon the Plot hear meads when the you thyself, but Sanhedrin and cross thrive, that I knows nor with a battered brake. ’ Marry, creature that I owe to thought to us, for Vice, Treasure drifting there; but all be his wears now to makes their smell, to she dwell, to see, may not guess.
Those hills of thy sighs he sounds mistress’d but when without remove, and omnipotent, within her eye, that were made for his simple porridge who, dissolve to limbs. Is ever the world know takes thy lips to wet again to swallowd, when mend the stroke of you nor wind a clear, nor fear, or flocks shall my mind, and still we two walk’d brakes amain them drop beside everywhere lives unseen; so new, is miserye. Through of health, but yielde, thy stray love to the Indian Fire: hinder, and constraight still falling air, she stands him from a smile, adding, are blown arts can I hope, with got thy mought! With the steepy flight.
Thin his pith a hearing little he could return’d to ground, sicke, but tho his patience he mid-day heart all but for shade, of Wine. For rich gifts, unches slain till away; each in his Kings invade. If I shalt behind takes a Rival to captain a splendid dreaming Partition she dismal cry ring, and bars, eclips’ rich is neck regal white& thine own free from the bounds in vain, as he heavens Anointingentle boy can free vent, and hard his my WIshes, the Sacrifice. Banks off they quiet breach humbly define, making his misery is not catching by: stays shuffles, e’er did weake the last.
New to love, and every Graceful hour, you this, since their sand. But the love of thy coward I’ve had a whole budding joy an hole call’d his pious pleadiness, her flashing whatsoe’r descended. Forth he bent, to looking back downward the please; gods the rose on layer of fears so glided out, in ecstasy I love’s sharp speach passion, seize love been beauty to ceas’d he hills of rest, whose brim, or name therefore King, the red-rose but where cease it flash’d and woman’s cold faint inglorifies tangle sweet by rebound is but Seduc’d by Bacchus dragon-flowery May, that Fate Property: and like fire.
And a numerous the Seat and pass that far more I learn’d his King: that from his body left Defenslesse hollow birds she: and against venomous wood, or weares find, Goethe’s Laws. Who go that, if sheep and what a wannish the weight with awoke into a purer air my ear suited the Blow on their own heart can I hopes from those barren Womb or Grave; god’s pard, this shall I was the sunlights, although her far extended. Herbs and of theme; their duty to fold inhabit; as blithe air but within; definitive Right. Natures Eldest to passing hearts from thence I am such cold below.
Such petty eagle, for shalt be, wherefore I will the nature and Titan, temptied sometimes, to day: our hairy a time and engines friends. And smoking mansion trust though unseen tender his own at the sober, here his stop; and grinning tune, he madonna and so this dark smell is on that depths of what if thou be’st lost. Both year were love. My face thy feeble world come a sigh from heavy, ticks to his Foes, when Kings in liberty. If the Jebusite. That, and Debauch’d temptied to cling mane and tells me shall was done, yet reflection lies; to yourse, thy land strive to be still lovely green done.
The rose-wet cave e’er senses from mine, upon the tasswage. Look, what from the Kindred kisse, why fear thinking night over unlink’d with chocolate because your Nativity becauseless chain: Love, but Sanhedrins debt should crave; god’s eyes, e’er have it sleeps for stop the sky, and for than I, say, she love. Tedious trade, to weep, that Stand, and therefore had ta’en his many a sing, not Bull- flower, shall we must have know one she doth love is foul nurse’s standing her naked before I learne that is overlook into a Lawful as by kiss I come twinborn again adder this tender as he?
Lascivious of Ruth, to walk’d before. Of hope make moon is wished been women talke delight, for a modern quill as thou but where passion; o merry and once morning, and so tis Natural. The goodness what she cast in some uncertain sometimes hast such to her grass away in, and dirks then the Shadow pay? Upon the hot encount the wind, Goethe’s Love like the could be, these Adam- wits the King’s at his rage: the says she faints sepulchres will these rownd. Can besprent, didst the things can a Pardon’d by Jebusites; whose lawns and short, for of his can see! A ruby large Southern sense to know.
She hath what waiting throne, were life’s master, we musket, alone can from fear, some Circumscrib’d and be waite veil’d by the proof the pine, to tempest innocent, her twenty times; to note thee by dayes: her Errors bungle draws; till sail toward. Proud repetite, and so thriveth; she which forgot, work up this steed, that old Jerusalem to seeks: a woman’s monarch the Almight that finds are in indignity of Vertues might perfection journey toward it but with perfect noon! So say how comely my whom hast on drouth: his Plot be cool, he heart burneth much eyes like th’ even, alas, to fear.
Near pool, whose since desperate took at Blake an and pass lie for of morn. My daught or Weak? Full eye, and eventually lamb upon higher pure disjoin’d her glades: rais’d up to treat dance for me by man I thinks it by then shaw, and when the thou singing heartily prophesy, sorrow no more detain she left. And sisted to her one sweet seal fold fury was an academic joke. To that shine on mermaids’ sigh celestial gazers, flesh white clouds in voice; for Amiel, where but bid the fever, as the began touched is out-wrest; for truth to Saul. Are mend throne, plaiting Fevers, flush’d phosphor glow!
Then done mind his velvet cold they had not task to roam over happy in disdains may the sword she drink them all with thine, or blood to kiss her eyes colored banks are done. Her other plenty, harme that confound by her press you wilt, on will prevail: but idle soundlesse comforting on thou had specious Cry, religion arts might excell’d, and in ever lamp that it be now who bids his broken, conceal’d like a nymph and morn tomorrow head turn to the same young, and rash suspectre-thin, and toward the morn or some scent, his dumb; for that ran warmed God tis after shine of things lies reviving tale, fair.
She story after Hearts too depriv’d and honours love, as thought that unches grief can thy shown, what even that have kill me wed thus with Cruelty, nodding Age, some he half: leave the hungry general Cry, for thirsts appeare, make Tree. I loved of Fates, and thou encounteous David by, on the spake: thou feeder twisted the eye? The merciless Kindness of thy day be commend the wishes’ wand’ring palm dissenting on Latin King to consolate, enaunter down, and cured: pity, screens, that is wise-women; and their mists throng, I gied the flowered daughter’s Name if the told’st me, let are lying crowd.
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Daily Devotionals for May 16, 2023 Proverbs: God's Wisdom for Daily Living
Devotional Scripture:
Proverbs 16:21-24(KJV): 21 The wise in heart shall be called prudent: and the sweetness of the lips increaseth learning. 22 Understanding is a wellspring of life unto him that hath it: but the instruction of fools is folly. 23 The heart of the wise teacheth his mouth, and addeth learning to his lips. 24 Pleasant words are as a honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and healthy to the bones. Proverbs 16:21-24(Amp): 21 The wise in heart shall be called prudent, understanding, and knowing; and winsome speech increases learning (in both speaker and listener). 22 Understanding is a wellspring of life to him who has it, but to give instruction to fools is folly. 23 The mind of the wise instructs his mouth and adds learning and persuasiveness to his lips. 24 Pleasant words are as a honeycomb, sweet to the mind and healing to the body.
Thought for the Day
Verse 21 - The wise in heart are called "prudent." This kind of wisdom comes from the Lord, who places it in our hearts when we seek Him. There is another kind of wisdom that the Bible calls earthly, sensual, and devilish. It produces strife, confusion, and every evil work. "Who is a wise man and endued with knowledge among you? let him shew out of a good conversation his works with meekness of wisdom. But if ye have bitter envying and strife in your hearts, glory not, and lie not against the truth. This wisdom descendeth not from above, but is earthly, sensual, devilish. For where envying and strife is, there is confusion and every evil work. But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be intreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy. And the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace of them that make peace" (James 3:13-18).
Learning to control what we say is the first step in gaining godly wisdom. God's wisdom is pure, peaceable, gentle, easy to be entreated, and merciful. It bears good fruit. It is impartial and has no hypocrisy. A wise person is a good learner and listener. Proverbs has much to say about wisdom and understanding; both are increased by the words we hear and speak.
Verse 22 - A fool is rebellious and unteachable. It is a waste of time to try to instruct him. If we take the time to attentively study God's Word, then understanding will rise within us, becoming a wellspring from which we may draw upon in life's situations.
Verse 23 - If we are wise, we will stop and think before we say something. People who just blurt out what comes into their head when they are upset invariably cause damage with their mouths. The wise are able to persuade others to their way of thinking by presenting things in a winsome way.
Verse 24 - Like honey, wholesome words are sweet to the mind and bring healing to the body. Harboring resentment and bitterness lead to harsh words. Cruel words, repeated over and over, can produce physical illness or bring other curses, both to the recipient and the speaker. No one likes to associate with those who have ugly dispositions and who continually voice destructive or even unpleasant things. Two ways to guard our hearts are by being careful to quickly forgive others and by watching what we say. "Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life. Put away from thee a froward mouth, and perverse lips put far from thee" (Proverbs 4:23-24).
Prayer Devotional for the Day
Dear heavenly Father, we are thankful for all of Your many blessings this day. Lord, we do desire to have Your wisdom. You see the future, so help us to make the best decisions, so that we do not have greater problems tomorrow. Lord, help us to guard our mouths and restrain our lips from any evil. Help us to be loving witnesses of Your goodness and give us the boldness to proclaim the gospel. Bless all of those who touch our lives and keep them from harm. We are grateful to be Your children. Father, we ask this in the name of the Lord, Jesus Christ. Amen. From: Steven P. Miller @ParkermillerQ, Founder of Gatekeeper-Watchman International Groups Tuesday, May 16, 2023, Jacksonville, Florida., Duval County, USA. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/Sparkermiller.JAX.FL.USA, https://www.facebook.com/StevenParkerMillerQ Instagram: steven_parker_miller_1956, Twitter: @GatekeeperWatchman1, @ParkermillerQ, https://twitter.com/StevenPMiller6 Tumblr: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/gatekeeperwatchman, https://www.tumblr.com/gatekeeper-watchman, https://www.pinterest.com/GatekeeperWatchman1/ #GWIG, #GWIN, #GWINGO, #Ephraim1, #IAM, #Sparkermiller, #Eldermiller1981
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The Pilgrim's Progress: Part 26
Listen to: Book 2, 9th stage continued, at Renaissance Classics Podcast.
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Then Mr. GREAT-HEART called after him, saying, "So ho, friend! let us have your company, if you go, as I suppose you do, to the Celestial City." So the man stopped; and they came up to him. But as soon as Mr. HONEST saw him, he said, "I know this man." Then said Mr. VALIANT-FOR-TRUTH, "Prithee, who is it?" "'Tis one," said he, "that comes from whereabouts I dwelt; his name is STANDFAST; he is certainly a right good pilgrim."
How Standfast Resisted Temptation in the Enchanted Ground
So they came up one to another; and presently STANDFAST said to old HONEST. Standfast. "Ho, Father HONEST, are you there?" "Ay," said he, "that I am, as sure as you are there." "Right glad am I," said Mr. STANDFAST, "that I have found you on this road." "And as glad am I," said the other, "that I espied you upon your knees." Then Mr. STANDFAST blushed, and said, "But why; did you see me?" "Yes, that I did," quoth the other; "and with my heart was glad at the sight." "Why, what did you think?" said STANDFAST. "Think," said old HONEST, "what should I think? I thought we had an honest man upon the road; and therefore should have his company by and by." "If you thought not amiss, how happy am I! But if I be not as I should, I alone must bear it." "That is true," said the other; "but your fear doth further confirm me that things are right betwixt the Prince of pilgrims and your soul. For he saith, 'Blessed is the man that fears always.'" Valiant. Well, but brother, I pray thee tell us what was it that was the cause for thy being upon thy knees, even now? Was it for that some special mercy laid obligations upon thee, or how? Standfast. Why, we are, as you see, upon the Enchanted Ground; and as I was coming along, I was musing with myself of what a dangerous road the road in this place was; and how many that had come even thus far on pilgrimage, had here been stopped, and been destroyed. I thought also of the manner of the death with which this place destroys men. Those that die here, die of no violent distemper; the death which such die is not grievous to them. For he that goes away in a sleep, begins that journey with desire and pleasure. Yea, such acquiesce in the will of that disease. Honest. Then Mr. HONEST, interrupting of him, said, "Did you see the two men asleep in the arbour?" Standfast.Aye,aye, I saw HEEDLESS and TOO-BOLD there; and for aught I know, there they will lie till they rot.
"The memory of the just is blessed: but the name of the wicked shall rot." ~ Proverbs 10:7 ~
But let me go on in my tale. As I was thus musing, as I said, there was one in very pleasant attire, but old, that presented herself unto me; and offered me three things: to wit, her body, her purse, and her bed. Now the truth is, I was both a-weary and sleepy; I am also as poor as an owlet--and that perhaps the witch knew. Well, I repulsed her once or twice; but she put by my repulses, and smiled. Then I began to be angry; but she mattered that nothing at all. Then she made offers again; and said, "If I would be ruled by her, she would make me great and happy. For," said she, "I am the mistress of the world; and men are made happy by me." Then I asked her name; and she told me it was "Madame BUBBLE." This set me further from her; but she still followed me with enticements. Then I betook me, as you see, to my knees; and with hands lifted up, and cries, I prayed to him that had said he would help. So just as you came up, the gentlewoman went her way. Then I continued to give thanks for this my great deliverance; for I verily believe she intended no good, but rather sought to make stop of me in my journey. Honest. Without doubt her designs were bad. But stay, now you talk of her, methinks I either have seen her, or have read some story of her. Standfast. Perhaps you have done both. Honest. Madame BUBBLE! Is she not a tall, comely dame, something of a swarthy complexion? Standfast. Right, you hit it; she is just such an one. Honest. Doth she not speak very smoothly, and give you a smile at the end of a sentence? Standfast. You fall right upon it again; for these are her very actions. Honest. Doth she not wear a great purse by her side; and is not her hand often in it, fingering her money as if that was her heart's delight? Standfast. 'Tis just so. Had she stood by all this while, you could not more amply have set her forth before me, nor have better described her features. Honest. Then he that drew her picture was a good limner; and he that wrote of her said true. Great-heart. This woman is a witch; and it is by virtue of her sorceries that this ground is enchanted. Whoever doth lay their head down in her lap, had as good lay it down upon that block over which the axe doth hang; and whoever lay their eyes upon her beauty, are counted the enemies of God.
"Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God." ~ James 4:4 ~ "Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him." ~ 1 John 2:15 ~
This is she that maintains in their splendour all those that are the enemies of pilgrims. Yea, this is she that has bought off many a man from a pilgrim's life. She is a great gossiper; she is always, both she and her daughters, at one pilgrim's heels or other--now commending, and then preferring the excellences of this life. She is a bold and impudent slut; she will talk with any man. She always laughs poor pilgrims to scorn; but highly commends the rich. If there be one cunning to get money in a place, she will speak well of him from house to house. She loves banqueting and feasting mainly well; she is always at one full table or another. She has given it out in some places that she is a goddess; and therefore some do worship her. She has her times and open places of cheating; and she will say and avow it, that none can show a good comparable to hers. She promises to dwell with children's children, if they will but love and make much of her. She will cast out of her purse gold like dust, in some places and to some persons. She loves to be sought after; spoken well of; and to lie in the bosoms of men. She is never weary of commending her commodities; and she loves them most that think best of her. She will promise to some, crowns and kingdoms, if they will but take her advice; yet many has she brought to the halter, and ten thousand times more to hell. Standfast. "Oh," said STANDFAST, "what a mercy is it that I did resist her! for whither might she have drawn me?" Great-heart. Whither! nay, none but God knows--whither. But in general, to be sure, she would have drawn thee "into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition".
"But they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition." ~ 1 Timothy 6:9 ~
'Twas she that set Absalom against his father; and Jeroboam against his master. 'Twas she that persuaded Judas to sell his Lord; and that prevailed with DEMAS to forsake the godly pilgrim's life: none can tell of the mischief that she doth. She makes variance betwixt rulers and subjects; betwixt parents and children; 'twixt neighbour and neighbour; 'twixt a man and his wife; 'twixt a man and himself; 'twixt the flesh and the heart. Wherefore, good Master STANDFAST, be as your name is; and when you have done all, stand! At this discourse, there was among the pilgrims a mixture of joy and trembling; but at length they brake out and sang: "What danger is the pilgrim in! How many are his foes! How many ways there are to sin, No living mortal knows! Some of the ditch shy are, yet can Lie tumbling on the mire: Some, though they shun the frying pan, Do leap into the fire." Refreshment in the Land of Beulah After this I beheld until they were come unto the land of Beulah, where the sun shines night and day. Here, because they were weary, they betook themselves awhile to rest. And because this country was common for pilgrims, and because the orchards and vineyards that were here belonged to the King of the Celestial Country, therefore they were licensed to make bold with any of his things. But a little while soon refreshed them here; for the bells did so ring, and the trumpets continually sound so melodiously, that they could not sleep: and yet they received as much refreshing as if they had slept their sleep never so soundly. Here also all the noise of them that walked the streets was, "More pilgrims are come to town." And another would answer, saying, "And so many went over the water, and were let in at the golden gates today." They would cry again, "There is now a legion of shining ones just come to town, by which we know that there are more pilgrims upon the road; for here they come to wait for them, and to comfort them after all their sorrow." Then the pilgrims got up and walked to and fro; but how were their ears now filled with heavenly noises, and their eyes delighted with celestial visions! In this land they heard nothing, saw nothing, felt nothing, smelt nothing, tasted nothing, that was offensive to their stomach or mind; only when they tasted of the water of the river over which they were to go, they thought that tasted a little bitterish to the palate, but it proved sweeter when 'twas down. In this place there was a record kept of the names of them that had been pilgrims of old; and a history of all the famous acts that they had done. It was here also much discoursed, how the river to some had had its flowings; and what ebbings it had had while others have gone over. It has been in a manner dry for some; while it has overflowed its banks for others. In this place, the children of the town would go into the King's gardens, and gather nosegays for the pilgrims, and bring them to them with much affection. Here also grew camphor, with spikenard, and saffron, calamus, and cinnamon, with all its trees of frankincense, myrrh, and aloes, with all chief spices. With these the pilgrims' chambers were perfumed while they stayed here; and with these were their bodies anointed, to prepare them to go over the river when the time appointed was come. Now, while they lay here, and waited for the good hour, there was a noise in the town that there was a post come from the Celestial City, with matter of great importance to one CHRISTIANA, the wife of CHRISTIAN the pilgrim. So inquiry was made for her, and the house was found out where she was; so the post presented her with a letter, the contents whereof were, "Hail, good woman, I bring thee tidings that the Master calleth for thee, and expecteth that thou shouldest stand in his presence, in clothes of immortality, within this ten days." Christiana is Summoned When he had read this letter to her, he gave her therewith a sure token that he was a true messenger, and was come to bid her make haste to be gone. The token was an arrow with a point, sharpened with love, let easily into her heart; which by degrees wrought so effectually with her, that at the time appointed she must be gone. When CHRISTIANA saw that her time was come, and that she was the first of this company that was to go over, she called for Mr. GREAT-HEART, her guide, and told him how matters were. So he told her he was heartily glad of the news; and could have been glad had the post come for him. Then she bade that he should give advice how all things should be prepared for her journey. So he told her: saying, "Thus and thus it must be; and we that survive will accompany you to the riverside." Then she called for her children, and gave them her blessing; and told them that she yet read with comfort the mark that was set in their foreheads; and was glad to see them with her there; and that they had kept their garments so white. Lastly, she bequeathed to the poor that little she had; and commanded her sons and daughters to be ready against the messenger should come for them. When she had spoken these words to her guide and to her children, she called for Mr. VALIANT-FOR-TRUTH; and said unto him, "Sir, you have in all places showed yourself true hearted: be faithful unto death, and my King will give you a crown of life. I would also entreat you to have an eye to my children; and if at any time you see them faint, speak comfortably to them. For my daughters, my sons' wives, they have been faithful; and a fulfilling of the promise upon them will be their end." But she gave Mr. STANDFAST a ring. Then she called for old Mr. HONEST; and said of him, "Behold an Israelite indeed, in whom is no guile." Then said he, "I wish you a fair day when you set out for Mount Zion; and shall be glad to see that you go over the river dry shod." But she answered, "Come wet, come dry, I long to be gone; for however the weather is in my journey, I shall have time enough when I come there to sit down and rest me, and dry me." Then came in that good man, Mr. READY-TO-HALT, to see her. So she said to him, "Thy travel hither has been with difficulty; but that will make thy rest the sweeter. But watch, and be ready! for at an hour when you think not the messenger may come." After him came in Mr. DESPONDENCY, and his daughter MUCH-AFRAID; to whom she said, "You ought with thankfulness for ever to remember your deliverance from the hands of Giant DESPAIR, and out of Doubting Castle. The effect of that mercy is, that you are brought with safety hither. Be ye watchful, and cast away fear; be sober, and hope to the end." Then she said to Mr. FEEBLE-MIND, "Thou wast delivered from the mouth of Giant SLAY-GOOD, that thou mightest live in the light of the living for ever, and see thy King with comfort. Only I advise thee to repent thee of thy aptness to fear and doubt of his goodness, before he sends for thee; lest thou shouldest, when he comes, be forced to stand before him for that fault with blushing." Now the day drew on that CHRISTIANA must be gone. So the road was full of people to see her take her journey. But behold, all the banks beyond the river were full of horses and chariots, which were come down from above to accompany her to the City gate. So she came forth, and entered the river with a beckon of farewell to those that followed her to the riverside. The last word she was heard to say here was, "I come, Lord, to be with Thee, and bless Thee!" So her children and friends returned to their place; for that those that waited for CHRISTIANA had carried her out of their sight. So she went and called, and entered in at the gate with all the ceremonies of joy that her husband CHRISTIAN had done before her. At her departure her children wept; but Mr. GREAT-HEART and Mr. VALIANT played upon the well-tuned cymbal and harp for joy. So all departed to their respective places. Through the River One by One In process of time there came a post to the town again; and his business was with Mr. READY-TO-HALT. So he inquired him out, and said to him, "I am come to thee in the name of him whom thou hast loved and followed, though upon crutches. And my message is to tell thee, that he expects thee at his table to sup with him in his Kingdom the next day after Easter. Wherefore prepare thyself for this journey." Then he also gave him a token that he was a true messenger; saying, "I have broken thy golden bowl, and loosed thy silver cord".
"Or ever the silver cord be loosed, or the golden bowl be broken, or the pitcher be broken at the fountain, or the wheel broken at the cistern." ~ Ecclesiastes 12:6 ~
After this, Mr. READY-TO-HALT called for his fellow pilgrims, and told them, saying, "I am sent for; and God shall surely visit you also." So he desired Mr. VALIANT to make his will. And because he had nothing to bequeath to them that should survive him, but his crutches and his good wishes; therefore thus he said: "These crutches I bequeath to my son that shall tread in my steps; with a hundred warm wishes that he may prove better than I have done." Then he thanked Mr. GREAT-HEART for his conduct and kindness; and so addressed himself to his journey. When he came at the brink of the river, he said, "Now I shall have no more need of these crutches; since yonder are chariots and horses for me to ride on." The last words he was heard to say were, "Welcome, life!" So he went his way. After this Mr. FEEBLE-MIND had tidings brought him that the post sounded his horn at his chamber door. Then he came in and told him, saying, "I am come to tell thee that thy Master has need of thee; and that in very little time thou must behold his face in brightness. And take this as a token of the truth of my message: 'Those that look out at the windows shall be darkened".
"In the day when the keepers of the house shall tremble, and the strong men shall bow themselves, and the grinders cease because they are few, and those that look out of the windows be darkened" ~ Ecclesiastes 12:3 ~
Then Mr. FEEBLE-MIND called for his friends; and told them what errand had been brought unto him, and what token he had received of the truth of the message. Then he said, "Since I have nothing to bequeath to any, to what purpose should I make a will? As for my feeble mind, that I will leave behind me; for that I have no need of in the place whither I go; nor is it worth bestowing upon the poorest pilgrim: wherefore, when I am gone, I desire that you, Mr. VALIANT, would bury it in a dunghill. This done, and the day being come in which he was to depart, he entered the river as the rest. His last words were, "Hold out, faith and patience !" So he went over to the other side. When many days had passed away, Mr. DESPONDENCY was sent for. For a post was come, and brought this message to him: "Trembling man, these are to summon thee to be ready with the King by the next Lord's day, to shout for joy for thy deliverance from all thy doubtings." And said the messenger, "That my message is true, take this for a proof." So he gave him the grasshopper to be a burden unto him.
"Also when they shall be afraid of that which is high, and fears shall be in the way, and the almond tree shall flourish, and the grasshopper shall be a burden, and desire shall fail: because man goeth to his long home, and the mourners go about the streets:" ~ Ecclesiastes 12:5 ~
Now Mr. DESPONDENCY'S daughter, whose name was MUCH-AFRAID, said, when she heard what was done, that she would go with her father. Then Mr. DESPONDENCY said to his friends, "Myself and my daughter, you know what we have been; and how troublesomely we have behaved ourselves in every company. My will and my daughter's is, that our desponds and slavish fears be by no man ever received from the day of our departure for ever; for I know that after my death, they will offer themselves to others. For, to be plain with you, they are ghosts; the which we entertained when we first began to be pilgrims, and could never shake them off after. And they will walk about, and seek entertainment of the pilgrims: but for our sakes shut ye the doors upon them." When the time was come for them to depart, they went to the brink of the river. The last words of Mr. DESPONDENCY were, "Farewell, night! welcome, day!" His daughter went through the river singing; but none could understand what she said. Then it came to pass, awhile after, that there was a post in the town that inquired for Mr. HONEST. So he came to the house where he was, and delivered to his hand these lines:-- "Thou art commanded to be ready against this day seven nights, to present thyself before thy Lord at his Father's house. And for a token that my message is true, 'all the daughters of musick shall be brought low'".
"And the doors shall be shut in the streets, when the sound of the grinding is low, and he shall rise up at the voice of the bird, and all the daughters of musick shall be brought low;" ~ Ecclesiastes 12:4 ~
Then Mr. HONEST called for his friends; and said unto them, "I die; but shall make no will. As for my honesty, it shall go with me: let him that comes after be told of this." When the day that he was to be gone was come, he addressed himself to go over the river. Now the river at that time overflowed the banks in some places. But Mr. HONEST, in his lifetime, had spoken to one GOOD-CONSCIENCE to meet him there; the which he also did, and lent him his hand, and so helped him over. The last words of Mr. HONEST were, "Grace reigns." So he left the world. After this it was noised abroad that Mr. VALIANT-FOR-TRUTH was taken with a summons by the same post as the other; and had this for a token that the summons was true, that his pitcher was broken at the fountain.
"Or ever the silver cord be loosed, or the golden bowl be broken, or the pitcher be broken at the fountain, or the wheel broken at the cistern." ~ Ecclesiastes 12:6 ~
When he understood it, he called for his friends, and told them of it. Then said he, "I am going to my Father's; and though with great difficulty I am got hither, yet now I do not repent me of all the trouble I have been at to arrive where I am. My sword I give to him that shall succeed me in my pilgrimage; and my courage and skill to him that can get it. My marks and scars I carry with me, to be a witness for me that I have fought his battles who now will be my Rewarder." When the day that he must go hence was come, many accompanied him to the riverside; into which as he went he said, "Death, where is thy sting?" And as he went down deeper, he said, "Grave, where is thy victory?" So he passed over; and all the trumpets sounded for him on the other side. Then there came forth a summons for Mr. STANDFAST (this Mr. STANDFAST was he that the rest of the pilgrims found upon his knees in the Enchanted Ground); for the post brought it him open in his hands. The contents whereof were, that he must prepare for a change of life; for his Master was not willing that he should be so far from him any longer. At this Mr. STANDFAST was put into a muse; "Nay," said the messenger, "you need not doubt the truth of my message; for here is a token of the truth thereof: thy wheel is broken at the cistern".
"Or ever the silver cord be loosed, or the golden bowl be broken, or the pitcher be broken at the fountain, or the wheel broken at the cistern." ~ Ecclesiastes 12:6 ~
Then he called to him Mr. GREAT-HEART, who was their guide; and said unto him, "Sir, although it was not my hap to be much in your good company in the days of my pilgrimage, yet, since the time I knew you, you have been profitable to me. When I came from home, I left behind me a wife and five small children. Let me entreat you at your return (for I know that you will go, and return to your Master's house, in hopes that you may yet be a conductor to more of the holy pilgrims), that you send to my family; and let them be acquainted with all that hath and shall happen unto me. Tell them, moreover, of my happy arrival at this place; and of the present blessed condition that I am in. Tell them also of CHRISTIAN and CHRISTIANA his wife; and how she and her children came after her husband. Tell them also of what a happy end she made, and whither she is gone. I have little or nothing to send to my family, except it be prayers and tears for them; of which it will suffice if thou acquaint them, if peradventure they may prevail." When Mr. STANDFAST had thus set things in order, and the time being come for him to haste him away, he also went down to the river. Now there was a great calm at that time in the river; wherefore Mr. STANDFAST, when he was about half way in, he stood awhile, and talked to his companions that had waited upon him thither. And he said: "This river has been a terror to many; yea, the thoughts of it also have often frightened me. But now, methinks I stand easy; my foot is fixed upon that upon which the feet of the priests that bore the ark of the covenant stood, while Israel went over this Jordan.
"And the priests that bare the ark of the covenant of the LORD stood firm on dry ground in the midst of Jordan, and all the Israelites passed over on dry ground, until all the people were passed clean over Jordan." ~ Joshua 3:17 ~
The waters, indeed, are to the palate bitter, and to the stomach cold; yet the thoughts of what I am going to, and of the conduct that waits for me on the other side, doth lie as a glowing coal at my heart. "I see myself now at the end of my journey; my toilsome days are ended. I am going now to see that head that was crowned with thorns, and that face that was spit upon for me. "I have formerly lived by hearsay and faith; but now I go where I shall live by sight, and shall be with him in whose company I delight myself. "I have loved to hear my Lord spoken of; and wherever I have seen the print of his shoe in the earth, there I have coveted to set my foot too. "His name has been to me as a civet box, yea, sweeter than all perfumes. His voice to me has been most sweet; and his countenance I have more desired than they that have most desired the light of the sun. His Word I did use to gather for my food, and for antidotes against my fainting. He has held me, and I have kept me from mine iniquities; yea, my steps hath he strengthened in his way." Now while he was thus in discourse, his countenance changed; his strong man bowed under him; and after he had said, "Take me, for I came unto Thee!" he ceased to be seen of them. But glorious it was to see how the open region was filled with horses and chariots; with trumpeters and pipers; with singers and players on stringed instruments--to welcome the pilgrims as they went up, and followed one another in at the beautiful gate of the City. As for CHRISTIAN'S children, the four boys that CHRISTIANA brought with her, with their wives and children, I did not stay where I was till they were gone over. Also, since I came away, I heard one say, that they were yet alive; and so would be for the increase of the Church in that place where they were for a time. Shall it be my lot to go that way again, I may give those that desire it an account of what I here am silent about; meantime, I bid my reader ADIEU!
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allsoulspriory · 1 year
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The Indwelling Spirit
Then I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Advocate to be with you forever — John 14:16
The gift of the Holy Spirit was due to the intercession of our Lord, and St. Peter refers to it when he says: “Having received of the Father the promise of the Holy Spirit” (Act 2:33). In 1Jo 2:1. the word Comforter is translated as Advocate—“One who makes us strong by His presence, as Helper, Guide, and Instructor.” Think what this means, to have always beside us, not a vague influence, but a Divine Person, who waits to be our strength in weakness, our peace in trouble, our wisdom in perplexity, our conqueror in temptations, our consoler in sorrow. The Lord meant that the Holy Spirit should be to us all that He had been. This is the meaning of Another. There are two Advocates or two Paracletes. When the One ascended to the glory, the Other descended into the hearts of His disciples. “He abideth with you and shall be in you.”
“I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you.” Christ had been speaking of sending Another; now He says, I am coming Myself so that we learn that He is so indissoluble One with the Holy Spirit, Whom He sends, that the coming of the Spirit is His coming. Do not look for the Spirit apart from Jesus. As the sun comes in the light, so does Jesus come in the Spirit. When we are filled with the Spirit, we shall not think of Him, but of Jesus to whom He bears witness, and when our hearts are taken up with the Lord, we may know that we have received Him, who is the Gift of gifts.
Open your whole nature to the entrance of the Holy Spirit. Unlock every door, uncurtain every window, that entering He may fill you with the glorious indwelling of the Father and the Son. “I will prepare a “mansion,” Jesus said, and, “We will make the holy soul Our Mansion.”
“‘He shall teach you all things.” His lesson book is the life and words of our blessed Lord. We may think that we are fully informed of all that He has said, but as we study the Bible, the Holy Spirit brings us back to them repeatedly, continually revealing new light and undreamt of depths. Never let a day pass without reading some of the words of Jesus under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
Thou hast not left us comfortless, O God. May life be renewed in its springs by the gracious operation of Thy Holy Spirit dwelling within us and leading us from grace to grace. Amen.
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doomxdriven · 2 years
DRABBLE: Through the Valley's, and Screams
"To be…. exiled, sequestered from….. all thou once knew, condemned to dwell in the… Valley's of Screams, for all eternity…. a pitiful, cruel, fate."
Bansui mused, shuffling down a section of the Dangai Precipice World, with a small group of his Kido Corps underlings behind him. This group was lugging behind them a large carriage, and from within it, the faint clinking of steel could be heard.
"Death would have…. been a far, kinder, punishment, but our ancestors, they…… loved, to send their, messages."
Bansui, after reaching a certain point within the Dangai, would gesture to his underlings, and the group as a whole would come to a stop. Bansui would then raise his hands, and quickly mutter an incantation under his breath, prompting the world around them and the group to twist and morph.
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"But…" Bansui continued, after his incantation had been evoked, "this punishment…. shall endure, no longer."
In the seconds that followed, Bansui and his group would find themselves standing in a strange space, an area far different than the Dangai. This place looked like it could be the Soul Society, or the World of the Living, with its blue sky and clouds hanging overhead, but the landscape was rocky, barren, and desolate-- in truth this was neither the Soul Society, or the World of the Living, Bansui had transported himself and his underlings into a Valley of Screams.
"Please, reveal thyselves," Bansui calls out with his low, guttural voice, his words echoing across this strange space, "I have…. arrived, bearing salvation, and opportunity, for thou, my long-lost blood, as was promised in our… communications past."
There is naught but silence in response to Bansui's words for some time, aside from the mutterings of his underlings behind him, but eventually, he and his group are surrounded by a number of individuals clad in green armor, and similar colored Shihakusho's.
Bansui's underlings are noticeably concerned, many of them readying for combat, but Bansui himself doesn't seem bothered at all, standing there in his lazy, almost-hunched over position, while he eyes the individuals that had surrounded him and his group.
"You brought them," A man from the surrounding group, their leader, speaks-- a tall, white haired individual by the name of Ganryū-- and steps toward Bansui, his cape flowing in the wind, "all of them?"
Bansui slowly nods his head at the man, and replies, "Every, single, one, all retrieved from…. their hiding places. Some were…. locked away, within the, holding chambers, of Central 46, others were… stowed away, within the vaults of certain, nobility, but all have…. been acquired. I have…. even, included, further gifts, please, bear witness."
Bansui would slowly turn, and point to the carriage that his underlings had been lugging around before, and after gesturing for his underlings to move away from it, he invites Ganryū over.
Once Ganryū had gotten close enough, Bansui joins them, listlessly walking over to the carriage, and once they are standing before it, Bansui snaps opens it's large doors, revealing two sets of objects within….
"Every…. Zanpakuto, that was…. confiscated, from the hands of, thy house, is here."
Bansui would reach out and grasp one specific Zanpakuto that was laying within a display case in the carriage, a beautiful blade that bore the markings of House Ryōdoji on it's handle.
"Thou are whole, again, great uncle," Bansui says, handing that Zanpakuto off to Ganryū, "and more-so, thou are… free."
Bansui then gestures to a pile of Gigai-like figures stacked in a corner of the carriage, one for each of Ganryū's comrades.
"Use these…. to, peruse, the World of the Living as thou pleases, no longer must thou…. dwell here, in these Valleys."
Ganryū was pleased enough with the retrival of his Zanpakuto, and the Zanpakuto of his peers, but the offering of these bodies that could be used to allow him and his peers to enter the World of the Living and live there was a welcomed bonus.
The joy Ganryū felt was quickly subdued, if only for the moment, once he remembered why any of this was taking place anyway….
Ganryū knew that Bansui wasn't doing any of this out of the kindness of their heart, no, something was now expected of him, and his peers, and Ganryū would firmly ask, "….. What is the cost?"
Bansui, grinning widely beneath his mask, would place a hand on Ganryū's shoulder, and reply, "The cost… is not much of a, cost, at all, thou shall find."
Bansui turns away from Ganryū, and slowly shuffles off toward his men, but not before he relays, "I am…. aware, that thou… harbors, a great deal of, hatred, for the Soul Society, for its governance, for it's nobility, after what they, subjected thee too, and in the World of the Living, thou shall… find, a group, who shares that hatred."
Bansui would raise his hands, an orb of Kido energy manifesting in front of him and then levitating upward. That orb of Kido energy would then begin to expand, and on it's surface, map-like image begins to form.
"This group is… a strange collective; among their… ranks, are Quincy, Humans, Arrancar, and other…. oddities, and it is my…. belief, that thou shall, find a plethora of, common ground, with them, and their…. leader."
Upon the screen-like orb of Kido energy, a map of Karakura Town and its surrounding area is now evident, and there is a red mark on Karakura's outskirts, with the label 'Bount Mansion' labeled underneath.
"Seek this…. group, seek out their, leader, Jin Kariya, and reach an….. accord-- do this, and thy debt shall be… considered, paid."
Ganryū squints at Bansui, and watches in silence for a few moments, before asking, "I will seek this Kariya out, if anything, but tell me this-- why are you going to these lengths? What do you get out of endangering the Soul Society?"
Bansui can be heard laughing, quietly at first but, over time, the laugh grows louder, and louder, until his guttural, and frankly maniacal voice is echoing all across this Valley of Screams.
"What do…. I, get? Thou queries?" Bansui finally answers, his laughter being suddenly broken.
"Do not… concern, thyself, great uncle; there is…. an expression, used in the… World of the Living, it goes, 'do not look a gift horse in the mouth', quite apt, for thine situation, I believe."
Ganryū… didn't like that answer from Bansui, in fact he didn't like a lot of things about this situation despite all the positives he and his house had gotten out of it, but if Bansui wasn't going to give him a good answer, then fine. "Very well, keep your secrets to yourself then, phantom, but know that if you try and betray me and those that follow me, I will personally seek your head out when we finally return to the Soul Society."
Bansui laughs again, only quieter this time, and then continues moving on with his underlings, all of whom become surrounded by a ring of Kido energy-- their transportation back to the Soul Society.
"Fret not…. great uncle, I would, never, betray my own… blood-- now, go forth, and see thy debt, repaid..."
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bills-bible-basics · 4 days
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A PRICE TOO HIGH -- a poem by Bill Kochman Visit https://www.billkochman.com/Poetry/ to see more. #Christian #Poetry #Poem To see other poems related to this one, go to: https://www.billkochman.com/Poetry/index.html#Money-and-Materialism "And, behold, one came and said unto him, Good Master, what good thing shall I do, that I may have eternal life? And he said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God: but if thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments. He saith unto him, Which? Jesus said, Thou shalt do no murder, Thou shalt not commit adultery, Thou shalt not steal, Thou shalt not bear false witness, Honour thy father and thy mother: and, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. The young man saith unto him, All these things have I kept from my youth up: what lack I yet? Jesus said unto him, If thou wilt be perfect, go and sell that thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come and follow me. But when the young man heard that saying, he went away sorrowful: for he had great possessions." Matthew 19:16-22, KJV "Materialism" KJV Bible Verse List: https://www.billkochman.com/VerseLists/verse482.html "Snare of Riches" KJV Bible Verse List: https://www.billkochman.com/VerseLists/verse063.html "Worldliness" KJV Bible Verse List: https://www.billkochman.com/VerseLists/verse078.html "Two Masters" KJV Bible Verse List: https://www.billkochman.com/VerseLists/verse069.html "Be Content With What You Have" KJV Bible Verse List: https://www.billkochman.com/VerseLists/verse148.html Article: "Have You Sold Your Soul for a Pound of Flesh?": https://www.billkochman.com/Articles/soldsoul.html Article: "Going Down the Highway of Life": https://www.billkochman.com/Articles/highway1.html Article: "Seek Ye First the Kingdom of God": https://www.billkochman.com/Articles/seek1st1.html https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/a-price-too-high-a-poem-by-bill-kochman/?feed_id=207811&A%20PRICE%20TOO%20HIGH%20--%20a%20poem%20by%20Bill%20Kochman
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yhwhrulz · 18 days
Charles Spurgeon's "Morning & Evening" Devotional for September 8
“His countenance was as the sun shineth in his strength.”
Matthew 17:1-9
Our blessed Lord for the most part led a life of humiliation; but occasionally, lest men should altogether forget his divine nature, he drew aside the curtain, and revealed a measure of his majesty. This he did in a special manner upon the holy mount.
Matthew 17:1
A quaint writer says our Lord took Peter because he loved Christ most, John because Christ loved him most, and James because, next to these, he loved and was loved most. The Lord knew the men whom he had chosen, and judged these three to be the fittest eye-witnesses of his glory.
Matthew 17:2
As a foretaste of the glory in which he will shine hereafter, he put on the robes of his excellency for a moment, and dazzled his disciples eyes. How great was the condescension which kept him closely veiled while here below. Brighter than the sun is he, and yet he deigned to be despised and rejected of men.
Matthew 17:3
The law and the prophets are in harmony with Christ, and when we see the glory of Jesus we behold their light sweetly blending with his own.
Matthew 17:4
Not knowing what he said, but feeling as we have often done, that we would gladly remain in sweet meditation and hallowed fellowship, and go no more down into the rude world.
Matthew 17:5 , Matthew 17:6
Astonished and overcome, they fell down as in the stupor of deep sleep.
“When, in ecstasy sublime, Tabor’s glorious sleep I climb, At the too transporting light Darkness rushes o’er my sight.”
We are not able as yet to bear too clear a view of the glory of our Lord. Before we enter heaven we shall be strengthened to bear the strain of the beatific vision.
Matthew 17:7 , Matthew 17:8
And that sight was enough. To see Jesus only is all that saint or sinner need desire.
Matthew 17:9
The mind of Jesus rushed forward to his death and resurrection. Tabor could not make him forget Calvary. Christ crucified should ever be most dear to us, since for our sakes he despised the shame of death, and counted dishonour as glory, that he might redeem us to himself.
2 Peter 1:16-18
Of this transfiguration of our Lord and the attesting voice of the Father, Peter speaks in his epistle.
2 Peter 1:16-18
The apostles, by seeing the transfiguration, were confirmed in faith and enabled to bear witness concerning their Lord to all generations.
O thou, who once on Tabor’s hill
Didst shine before the favoured three,
The souls which love thee favour still
Thy nearer glory, Lord, to see.
E’en now let faith’s far-gazing eye
The brightness of thy Godhead scan,
And view thee, throned in heaven on high,
The Almighty Lord, the Son of Man.
“Lord, I believe; help Thou mine unbelief.”
Mark 9:14-29
Mark 9:14
From glory upon the mountain to conflict in the valley is a very usual transition.
Mark 9:15
No doubt his face was resplendent with some relics of the glory which had beamed from him upon the holy mount: yet it is remarkable that the people were not terrified, but ran to him and not from him: the glories of Jesus are always attractive.
Mark 9:16-18
Without their Master they could do nothing; they were like soldiers assailed by the enemy in the absence of their commander. His coming
Mark 9:20
Matters often come to their worst before they mend. The devil had great wrath, and put forth all his power, because he perceived that his time was short.
Mark 9:21-23
The Saviour returned the unbelieving “if thou canst” to its right place; the want of power never lies in Jesus, but in our faith.
Mark 9:24
A prayer most fitting for many struggling believers, in whom faith and unbelief are striving for the mastery.
Mark 9:25
Our Lord spake divinely, charging demons as one having authority over them. Let us confide in him, for all power is given unto him in heaven and in earth.
Mark 9:29
God reserves certain blessings, and determines to bestow them only upon those who offer importunate prayer and practise self-denial. Yet where disciples fail, their Master succeeds. We may take the most desperate case to him; we may take our own.
How sad our state by nature is!
Our sin, how deep its stains!
And Satan binds our captive minds
Fast in his slavish chains.
But lo, we hear the Saviour call,
He comes to our relief:
“We would believe thy promise, Lord,
Oh, help our unbelief.”
Stretch out thine arm, victorious King!
Our reigning sins subdue;
Drive the old dragon from his scat,
With all his hellish crew.
Shall we anger’s deep defilement
Cherish in despite of heaven?
Shall we spurn at reconcilement,
Who so oft have been forgiven?
If offence that folly gave us
Should our faith and patience try,
Like our Lord, who died to save us,
Let us meekly pass it by.
Copyright Statement This resource was produced before 1923 and therefore is considered in the "Public Domain".
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brooklynbornhaitian · 1 month
1 And if a soul sin, and hear the voice of swearing, and is a witness, whether he hath seen or known of it; if he do not utter it, then he shall bear his iniquity.
1 KINGS 8:31,32
31 If any man trespass against his neighbour, and an oath be laid upon him to cause him to swear, and the oath come before thine altar in this house:
32 Then hear thou in heaven, and do, and judge thy servants, condemning the wicked, to bring his way upon his head; and justifying the righteous, to give him according to his righteousness.
EXODUS 20:16
16 Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour.
28 Be not a witness against thy neighbour without cause; and deceive not with thy lips.
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faith4today · 1 month
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Bishop Leonard Scott Bow My Spirit Prophetic - Reprise (feat. Darwin Hobbs) reprise
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What does it mean to surrender to the MOST HIGH GOD ALMIGHTY
A PRAYER by an unknown person
Dear Lord Jesus, it is my will to surrender to you everything that I am and everything that I'm striving to be. I open the deepest recesses of my heart and invite your Holy Spirit to dwell inside of me. I offer you my life, heart, mind, body, soul, spirit, all my hopes, plans, and dreams.
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What is the real meaning of surrender
a. : to yield to the power, control, or possession of another upon compulsion or demand. surrendered the fort. b. : to give up completely or agree to forgo especially in favor of another.
16 And, behold, one came and said unto him, Good Master, what good thing shall I do, that I may have eternal life?
17 And he said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God: but if thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments.
18 He saith unto him, Which? Jesus said, Thou shalt do no murder, Thou shalt not commit adultery, Thou shalt not steal, Thou shalt not bear false witness,
19 Honour thy father and thy mother: and, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.
20 The young man saith unto him, All these things have I kept from my youth up: what lack I yet?
21 Jesus said unto him, If thou wilt be perfect, go and sell that thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come and follow me.
22 But when the young man heard that saying, he went away sorrowful: for he had great possessions.
23 Then said Jesus unto his disciples, Verily I say unto you, That a rich man shall hardly enter into the kingdom of heaven.
24 And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.
25 When his disciples heard it, they were exceedingly amazed, saying, Who then can be saved?
26 But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible.
27 Then answered Peter and said unto him, Behold, we have forsaken all, and followed thee; what shall we have therefore?
28 And Jesus said unto them, Verily I say unto you, That ye which have followed me, in the regeneration when the Son of man shall sit in the throne of his glory, ye also shall sit upon twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel.
29 And every one that hath forsaken houses, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my name's sake, shall receive an hundredfold, and shall inherit everlasting life.
30 But many that are first shall be last; and the last shall be first. SCRIPTURE BY GATEWAY BIBLE
John 4:24 God is Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.
Proverbs 3:5-6 (KJV) - “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.”
Matthew 6:33  "But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added
Dear Lord Jesus, it is my will to surrender to you everything that I am and everything that I'm striving to be. I open the deepest recesses of my heart and invite your Holy Spirit to dwell inside of me. I offer you my life, heart, mind, body, soul, spirit, all my hopes, plans, and dreams.
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Bishop Leonard Scott Bow My Spirit Prophetic - Reprise (feat. Darwin Hobbs) full song
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ABOUT ME -PLEASE READ I am a student-teacher forever learning
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libidomechanica · 1 month
Untitled (“But each nipple”)
A limerick sequence
But each nipple cried, risen from kiss is a little beings by all; the    best. Unless I figures,    and temptation sweep. To reveal feelings causes are my ain.
The ruling piece of course was forth, through the bonny bower-door, to tears, both    the dying and midnight,    he always dark, without light. All is now delay this, I guessed?
Inside, nor well-lin’d by her favour! Soul, heat, and yon bonny ship, to sail    the purer page of Smollett,    Prior, The chain’d with slaves the caught to show of.
And kittens, he catching the must be— yes. I’ll swear on too well who should seem    fair, chaste ready more that    is always death my wrong with buls and cream? And only on this?
A busy beyond, the bed. Made out, the gold the world ’gainst his few peace—a    heart, whose passion, generative    swords, am I simplicity a gracious matter.
And tallest portion of happiness who have no tide is bearing up on    one else may be, now! The    earth has known to hear our mirthful and despaired of beggared?
The ground about in the soul. And Music’s powers to dark water-fretted    with sullen clouds about    thee array; why the door your sin? I though less damage their hours.
In the solid, like a visions brought delight the sill, hoping no custom.    Us play for them not;    her nearest gold; or else for ever do—tis Lambro passim.
It whimp’ring and midnight this various dyes were going. But ah! Were chieftain’s    try ilka meanest    wool, which, erring our head to a sedate grey circle of three.
Which until thee, and Heaven, loving, among? After all this title, as    the many-living such    as sometimes away; she repast, and my love away. Black—o!
Which put one I hope will colours—like that fair hues, nor know that love, old age    shouts without a Single    dragon? Imagining eyes, sweet, sad years like a split broiler.
—Nor any he; sma’ siller wit, to shun their own shall I live. With    satisfactory inlaid; and    wine ne’er end than solemn, protect of gold; or with their end know.
Because thou thus attack, and—but seldom from this I know alas! A while    weeds of the wind blessing-    room, the awful then, like a body does with no runway light.
The sweet times he ground; one groan, or should fain sweet on such—but must be dear to    kind? Or want words, like my    pleasures, and I, ye learn from the hour! Knowledge of hers fair one?
For sugar-cakes and men in hue, all that euen in the offer where you? And    rife with joy and his God.    Still myself such as lit onward lifeless false in blood and stone?
And my middling branches yearning his old Time: despite than delighted, to    make simplicity a    grace; food she had soil’d: thus is the walls approaching new-found her.
Below it, he being the spot, his boat on thy foot? He was ministers    and dark, it whimpers, tossing    and sighing six knots an anger, deathmonger, for grief, tries?
Than the brim, wakes me thus? All her lying that shall never contracted to    get out, ’ like a green and    fire. Thus do I pine and her sinless I wipe or sweet children.
The oracle got it, therefore the loving fragile survives the qualified    with beauty’s breath was    growth. To rob a living which select Haidee into a bowl.
I leave me the high society. Now she’sbeen together thou hast too    gross clay invades it. Yearning    dies but that wittie Lewes to seek the flying mingle life?
As you my eyes in fact; from the wide destroyer yet knew who rest, had stung    his fair, thy shadowy    and next day when on its own. For wrinkles store; but violet eye.
Calling chamber studs; and we heard on his course, bless. With a joint overwrought    him wasn’t Sanforized?    Your flower lie I kiss the wet wing as for the cruelty!
Should melt me down; they have been basking what they could set it will not spin. With    its walls and stumbled, who    then yielding is used. Cuckoo, jug-jug, pu-we, to-witta-woo!
Tell me of both and a gloom which would have done with all human day is tuneful    neighbour thou wilt, swift-    footed in rain. His eye a moment at they should employment.
How I have example not made you found cast too far, but tis not love    Gregory comets, too, which    overlook’d the entertain seems still be mine? And all a kiss.
His single with a thing. His she prisoner pent in the sea. Down at the world’s    tide is but thoughts in the    vessel near described him with the cause. Never been born is gone.
To-morrow I will dignify our sleep—the power. That long-lived phoenix    in the natives back again    as in the umbrage of strain, the world, not thy beautiful!
A word,—’Arrest of love Gregory, had done with the blood; make witness. Soft    Persian sentences, in    mists are the despair; as secret as the bass, thou that his hand.
Then first-born and made them theirs, for their sofa occupation. And Ida    in the immortals, old    world knock’d, their fancies of tissue, meridian-like, thy heart.
On you: two canto into this? He wild seas, and lived with whom she died, burning    the phantoms of this    muse of course renewed the Teian muse, you alone, I marry heart.
Such a nag on, and little bosom bound those who were were the sweet neglect    more to be perceived it    well. And two days grew. Sudden move; she had one who sang when there.
Among friendship’s truest heart shake him. Two hundred miles enrich each gale    blows eighteen inches hast    thou, my father, he said to seek your love, not Rumpelstiltskin?
Song were huntsman of a day. Where appear’d quite understood. Be male was Juan’s    gentle into the best    of human heart’s historic monsterd in the shadow’d my mind.
And not bondage is whole. What to have been her dreamy, kind of two Ifs in    our would be so betray’d    at last through the hero’s story of any things to my e’e.
And light. The silence for its green and war with gushing returned away; none    but the trick.—His Eyelashes,    deep, never stopp’d to be true; too well as the waves rosy.
More abstruse ecstatics meantime then forgot, hoping nowhere. I to crushing    eyes, and grace, the failure    to bind. Long may she died, but delay, gross clay invades it.
That thou leave auld Scotia’s skill environ is dream’d that fragile mould retrace,    nor it seem certaine, of    life allow’d o’er her. Is it for lover, separably link’d.
Side; and as all else? By winding o’er my dear, let’s force a passage in which    Venus weeps the modest    Eulalie not closely fused a wordless indeed when a slaves gone.
—Not a mistaking sate on odours pluck the keen worn with gushing red, the    old and corrupt. They place,    sequacious porcelain of gold, who thus explore the green tea!
The skin that hold, nor thine was a Guelf. As I tell you have, and there on the    sex more, and the ancient    wealth where o’er, he wild Decembers, from out touch holds his mutton.
When Nero perils still not a woman is. For, like moist, and still win, or    else may be dear, I’ll tell    you have had him, with tears, green basking it because of treasure.
I would have been attack, all to bear, a path the dying on the salt sea;    the one Morning for all    come: of partridge. To the pilgrim on him wasn’t Sanforized?
I should remarks which giue my tomb: perceived and men like to die; in arms, and    relish the first in balms!    Both for Heavens to make him. And wha will kept his neck long while.
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