#thyroid tests
mental-mona · 8 months
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unpretty · 5 days
god i wish there was a section in mychart to put "we do not have to spend twenty minutes re-litigating the evidence in her fitness tracker before ordering more bloodwork because her existing bloodwork is too good for an ass that fat"
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intriga-hounds · 1 year
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brave baby sauce got her eyes dilated at an OFA clinic this morning so she got a quick trip into petsmart for a treatie
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gotta pick the best stuff
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“mommey i camt fuckening see aneything…..”
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clementimetodie · 1 month
Starting to wonder if something is wrong with me...
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taibhsearachd · 5 months
“Why am I so tired?” I keep asking myself, as if my doctor hasn’t been holding my “have a functional human body” drugs hostage for upwards of a month now.
I’m going to fucking cry. I just want to write, and clean my house, and walk my dogs, and instead I am stuck on my couch or in my bed, bone-deep exhausted and brainfoggy, sleeping badly for 12+ hours a day, while repeated calls to said doctor go unanswered.
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thedisablednaturalist · 10 months
Hey is it bad when your feet constantly fall asleep even in normal positions? Literally I was just laying here and my knees were slightly bent and my feet are now feeling the pins and needles thing when I straightened my knees. This happens a lot..
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imaginaryberries · 5 days
Not only did they not give me meds. Not only does the presence of antibodies apparently not mean anything. But when I had an antibody test done a couple of years ago after I discovered I'd had high TSH the year before that and not been told, and was furious because Hashimoto's is highly comorbid with coeliac disease, they came back and told me that the test was normal when in fact they tested the wrong fucking antibody!!!!!
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rorykillmore · 19 days
i have had an almost comedically horrible day but i thought my cat was going to die this morning so it can only go up from here :thumbsup:
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sleepyfemme · 9 months
slightly frustrating doctor’s appointment today because my doctor seemed pretty set on not taking me seriously that something is wrong. she basically told me that i flagged pretty high on the depression questionnaire so maybe it’s just depression (when literally all the questions were like “do you feel lethargic and unmotivated and unfocused?” which are all also symptoms of being physically unwell) and didn’t seem to take it seriously when i told her that i’ve been depressed plenty of times in my life and i know that that’s not what i’m experiencing right now. she also tried to tell me that maybe i’m just stressed about my board exams (which…. i’m really not at all) and i’m just feeling frustrated because i’ve been feeling so awful lately and i had a lot of hope riding on this appointment
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Sometimes I really wish that Theranos hadn’t been a total scam, which is probably part of why it was a successful scam for so long. Like it’s such a pain in the ass to negotiate with your doctor and your insurance to get tests, it’s such a tempting idea to think “what if I could just do this at Walgreens on my lunch break and have it be easy”
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bueris · 2 months
me vs the seemingly permanent tiredness that lingers behind my eyes like a parasite that gets in the way of me having a life
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thebusylilbee · 5 months
im feeling irritated all the time these days... could be my thyroid acting up again or just the world genuinely sucking ass im not sure yet
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wyverwithy · 3 months
why must caffeinated drinks taste good when they hurt me so.......
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queerlyloud · 3 months
Yall, medical trauma is wild as hell. My PCP asked me the basic MS diagnostic questions at our appointment on Thursday after I told her about the pain in my spine that woke me up out of a sleep induced by tizanidine AND meclizine. Like I should have been dead to the world for 8-10 hours, but the pain was so bad it woke me from that heavy a sleep and was so intense that I was in too much shock to move for more than 2 minutes after I woke up. Literally paralyzed by the pain.
Anyway, I told her about that and about how even though I told the neurologist I was referred to that, he only had an MRI done on my head, neck, and upper vertebrae , with absolutely none done of my middle or lower spine, despite those being my primary pain centers. So my PCP immediately booked me for x-rays of my spine so that a full spine MRI would be approved by my shitty work insurance.
I have every single symptom of PPMS, all I need is for an MRI to catch lesions on my spine so they can do the tap and identify the inflammation in my spine that shows up in every single blood work I've had done in the past 5 years.
I might finally get my diagnosis.
But instead of being excited and happy, my brain is instead choosing to have me pre-experience the depression I will feel if they don't spot any lesions on the MRI.
Fml 🙃
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californiaquail · 6 months
she decided not to do the ass surgery because she thinks it's healed and i'm getting blood tests and trazodone instead. i raised my blood pressure for nothing
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