#ti firi
lesbian-ashe · 6 months
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femslash february 27-29! I did it!!! maybe a bit late, but I draw a girl ship art for every day of february!! I tried it twice before and stopped halfway through but I DID IT THIS TIME
Ashe/Firi/Inien, Astra/Harlock/Inien, and Ashe/Batty!!
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one-dumb-fucker · 5 months
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(Inspired by a fanart. This^fanart)
Coldflash/ Captain Cold (Leonard Snart) x The Flash (Barry Allen)
Waiting on the police to arrive; Captain Cold tied to a poll.
Leo didn't much get hot, but he felt this heat; the humidity. He could only imagine -and see the suffering- of what it was like for everyone else. Hell- his team refused to go out today, just wanting to survive the heat, which is why it was only him here.
Flash's blood was hot and made him splotched with red and pink, similar to how someone would blush, through their entire neck. He wondered how it looked all over his body, rather than just the lower half of his face.
And he imaged quite well especially with the show of firy death Flash was putting on here before him. Hands on his knees and bent as sweat dripped from him like a light rain, speckling the pavement -which he swear fucking evaporated half a second later because that shit was so hot.
An ice-cream cart rolled by and Flash took a couple bucks outta Captain Cold's wallet to buy himself a cone, seeing as his suit didn't have pockets.
Captain Cold was slightly offended that he took it, but also understood that he was a criminal and since Flash always dealt with his bullshit, another part of him didn't really mind.
Another another part of him both understood the heat and Flash's need to constantly eat; so he majority didn't care for the robbery/borrowing(?).
Leonard watched as he ordered a double scoop of vanilla on a waffle cone as the civilian beamed that The Flash was buying ice-cream from them.
It was an adorable little exchange, even though Leonard would never admit that. Making way back to Captain Cold he took a large bite outta the top scoop; gaining a vanilla coat on and around his lips.
The ice-cream melted fast, pretty much running down his fingers the second it came out of the cart; the second his tongue touched that cold creamy goodness.
Sliding down his digits, over the knuckle of his thumb and quickly dripping towards the bottom of the cone Flash licked it up; tongue flat against each stripe, as he began to bitch about it dripping.
"Ugh- now I'm all sticky"
Captain Cold listened to him complain, as there was nothing else to do; but his mind did wander... ;)
Flash already had sensory issues and sticky was the worst. He absolutely couldn't fucking stand it. Like "wash his hands until he bled" if he felt sticky -regardless of any "stickiness" actually being on him- kind of couldn't fucking stand it.
"I'm a frickin' pig" he bitched as ice-cream dripping down the sides of his mouth, then slid to his chin.
[I really hope I don't get this on my suit- OH MY FUCK- HOW IS IT SO HOT?!?!?!?!?!] his brain screamed as he hastily ate the cream.
Barry already ran hot -which for some reason Leo knew; musta been told in his half listening half daydreaming mode- and he was fucking melting with this heat.
Watching Flash like that, licking and lapping at white cold cream; said cream dripping down his fingers and face.
He felt it pang in his pants harder than it ever had before; pulsat with thumps like a tribal drum.
The heat plus the boner, which helped the humidity catch him despite his powers, made him see all white.
Leonard's head rolled and dropped, then hung. "Uh-..." Flash said, bent this way and that to get angles on him as he neared.
He tapped the chilly, heat passed-out man. "Dude- wake up"
Like a badly blended smoothy, he came too with chunks and "watery" parts -like how he knew he was starting to wake up, but couldn't see anything through the sun's light. Among those watery parts, a part of his subconscious realized the wet part in his pants made by pre-cum.
This would be awkward to explain to the cops...- fuck this would be awkward to explain to Flash if he asked.
He'd just say it was like morning wood and then the heat did something to him. He also literally had ice as part of his biology, so that added more sense to this nonsensical excuse.
Now fully up and still tied to the poll, Flash had now finished the cone [ah fuck- I missed it!] He thought, then thought himself disgusting since that was his first thought.
He might not have criticized himself so harshly if it weren't his enemy he thought about like... that. But uNfOrTuNaTeLy it was!
The boner subsided as he heard sirens wi-oh at the edge of the park. However no such luck with the moisture in his drawers as the officer exited their vehicle and came over; he really wished the pre-cum would just evaporate like Flash's sweat had on the pavement.
He didn't feel too bad about sexualizing Flash because, hey, at least he payed for that -in a sense.
Mar. 12. 2024.
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thewapolls · 11 months
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BADNEWS & MURDOCH seemingly a nod to Bad News Brown/Bad News Allen who was active as a prowrestler in Japan during the 70s-80s. He was a friend and trainee of Japanese prowrestling legend, Antonio Inoki. The brief appearance in WA2 of a wrestling partner MURDOCH was probably a reference to Dick Murdoch, who was active in Japanese pro wrestling in the 80s.
GIGAFLAME later renamed FLAME GIANT were originally recolors of BAD NEWS, or maybe vice versa. It got its own model shared between 4 elemental GIGAs in WA2, but then got another reinvention .
GIGAFROST aka FROST GIANT has basically the same story as GIGAFLAME.
GIGA POISON appeared first as part of the elemental GIGAs but briefly reappeared as POISON GIANT in Code F, but got localized as GIGA TOXIN.
GIGA CLOUD was the last of the elemental GIGAs in WA2 and the only one not to make a comeback.
AURVANDILL is a relatively obscure figure of Norse/Germanic myth. Due to linguistic shenanigans and the general problems with salvaging true Nordic lore, a lot of myths tied to the name are pretty heavily scrutinized by comparative mythologists. He was some kind of a mythic warrior but that's sort of as far as it can really be nailed down.
HRIMTHURS are the frost giants of Nordic lore, a subdivision of the primordial Jotunn race that oppose the gods of Asgard. I'd be tempted to categorize this as an offshoot of the GIGAFROST by way of FROST GIANT, filling the absence of a GIGA FROST in WA4 and 5, but it technically appeared first in WA2 as a totally unrelated giant head... a model it shared with,
MUSPEL, taken from MUSPELHEIM, the firy realm of the flame giants of Norse lore. Sort of like the HRIMTHURS it's oddly close to the FLAME GIANT enemy, yet doesn't quite fall in line.
NIFLHEIM, like MUSPEL, referring to a realm in Norse cosmology. This time the realm of ice, home of the aforementioned Hrimthurs. Between MUSPELHEIM and NIFLHEIM as opposed realms of the primordial elements, the gap between them gives rise to the rest of creation.
and then out of absolutely nowhere... GRAHAM YOUNG is the St. Albans "Teacup Poisoner" of the 1960s-70s??? What an absolutely bizarre pull on behalf of the WA staff... Young was a convicted serial poisoner who was responsible for a whole slew of legal and social reform efforts in the wake of his trial. (Its way less obvious than some of the other links in this tree, but maybe a continuation of the GIGA POISON line???)
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livealittleoc-cb · 2 years
The Council Has Spoken
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It was meeting day, Ace, Joo and Jay were getting dressed in their best outfits. Ace was fixing his hair in a mirror, his tongue sticking out in concentration as he focused on getting any stray hairs to stay down. He was dressed in a lovely deep red wine suit that had little hearts on the sleeves near the wrists. Joo was wearing a black suit with golden accents. He was whining as Jay tied his tie for him, scolding him for not knowing how do it himself. “You really should know this Joo, Emilia and me can’t keep doing this for you every time you have a fancy occasion.” She herself was wearing a firy red and orange dress with black accents, something that didn’t happen all that often. 
She sighed as she finished tying his tie, placing her fists on her hips as she looked at the two with her charcoal black eyes. “Are yall ready?” Both boys nodded their heads. Ace was nervously shifting around his irises a light pink. Jay grabbed his hand; it feeling like a warm soothing fire to try and calm him down. Joo came and gave him a reassuring smile rubbing his back lightly. Ace took a big breath before nodding at the two and smiling.
“Okay let’s go.”
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The Council Meeting Room was quite spacious. It was big and beautifully decorated with nice lights and pretty decorative windows. Ace was sitting in between Jooheon and Jay. He was bouncing his leg as his mind started to reel. The three of them stood up quickly as the Council members started to walk in. Ace chewed at his bottom lip as they all walked to their seats. The oldest and the head, Leader Akira. He was known for being friendly with everyone but rules and leads with a cold fist. “Ace.” He said with a nod of his head in his direction. 
“L-Leader.” Ace said with a head bow. 
“No need to be so stiff my boy! The King isn’t here yet. Please calm down. Between all of us, I want to do whatever I can to help you in this situation. I’ve heard quite a lot about you and your friends, you all are overall good people.” He eyed Jay lightly as she straightened up looking at him with fear. He just chuckled and shook his head. “And I believe you all will go far. This is just a set back and I believe we will be able to fix it.” He hummed softly as he finished his small speech. With that the King, Queen and Prince walked in. The Prince looking down at his feet while the King look completely angered as he glared at Ace, the Queen stood next to him looking embarrassed and trying to be far from her husband. “Your majesties, please sit and we can begin.” 
With that everyone sat, and discussion started. “So, it was brought to my attention by two quite...loud...” He looked at Jooheon and Jay who didn’t look at him in the eye while Ace just tried to hide his smile. “and concerned friends of Mister Azarolla. Could you please explain to me what this is about.” Said man uncomfortably sat up and cleared his throat.
“My wife and I believed it was time for our boy to be married. Other countries and kingdoms have their children already happily married and ruling. We’re getting old and he can’t rule alone. So, we decided that Mister Azarolla would be the best fit for our Ethan, we talked to his parents, and they seemed ecstatic so he opened the offer to him. He could have said no at any point, but he did not.” The King said calmly lying through his teeth. Ace looked at him with a face full of betrayal at the lies he just said. He shook his head as his pink irises looked at the leader. Akira put his hand up for Ace to not say anything as he propped his chin on his hands. 
“I see. Well, I decided to do some digging of my own. I just needed to know your side since I heard what happened.” He looked up at the King who looked nervous as he started to sweat. “From multiple people actually.” He pulled out a file and flipped through it. “Let’s see some of your servants have claimed that you threatened Mister Azarolla with taking his position from the Royal Guard, a position he worked quite hard for from what I’ve heard.” He kept flipping and with every flip of paper the King went paler and paler. “Hm...ah yes your son as well made a claim.” The King quickly looked over at Ethan who didn’t look back. His wife stepped in the way, wrapping her arm around him, and glared at her husband. “He said that he openly talked to you about his identification as an Aromantic and that this was your displeasure in that. Your wife as well has said that she only went along with you because of fear.”
“You are all TRAITORS!” The King yelled as he stood up looking down at his wife and his kid, fists bawled up. His wife flinched away but stood in front of her son. One of the other leaders signaled for one of the guards to hold him down as Leader Akira sighed and closed the file.
“I don’t need to continue. I’ve made my verdict.” He looked around the table and everyone nodded. “King Alster of the Mainland, you have gone against many laws including the forcing of marriage of a nonroyal of your own country, lying to the council along with counts of endangering your son and family abuse. You will be taking from the throne and your son will be allowed to rule with his mother’s help until he picks a successor of his own. You will also be serving jail time but that will be taken to Royal Council Court to define your time.” He said with finality. The King looked around in disbelief as he shook his head, he looked around he started to struggle against the guards who started to take him away. He started yelling curses and insults. Once completely gone the Leaders looked at a surprised Ace with warm smiles. 
“YOU’RE A FREE MAN!” Jay yelled as she jumped up and tackled Ace in a hug. Everyone laughed as Ace hugged her back tears in his eyes as Joo hugged them too with a big smile his own tears brimming his eyes. Ace looked at the leaders with a thankful smile.
“Thank you so much.” Akira just nodded his head, the same warm smile still on his face. Everything was good, everything was back to being right. 
“We have to celebrate now. Hehe~” Jay said with a big grin as Ace just rolled his eyes playfully at her. Definitely all good. 
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Wooo I finally got this out! I don’t know but this came out cute I think~ That’s my bits of angst for now! I have something planned for Jay and Diego but I’m holding those off. Giving people a breather LMAO
possible new residents: @monsterhigh-cb [🐟💙] @faywithlove @moonsdessert @minmin-petalcb @theinvitation-bot @badbf-cb @raiden-oc @welcome-to-maniac @dr-hwa-cb  @halloween-idols @darkmoonsiblings  @nana-n-nono @freakstars-cb @onlyomega-cb @temptationcb @thepack-cb  @clubwnderland @angelxdevil-bot @supernaturalcb @hybrid-center @mystical-ocs @domxbot @ocmyths @logan-oc-cb @fantasyaespa @thepatchedpaw  @fantasycafexbot @redlight-cb @vanilladaises-rp @theocsnextdoor @cyberfuturexbot @appa-cb @vanillaluna-oc  @yourocboys @dawnswonderland-entertainment @richboy-atz @paradigm-cb @yourhorrorbots​ @k-pop-shelter​ @littlewood-cb​ [DM + / - ]
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killldeer · 4 years
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Thrilling Intober day 6, STARS! fellas is it gay to drag your girlfriend to a cliffside in the wilderness just so you can show her constellations
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oakwyrm · 5 years
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[ID: A digital drawing of a young woman with white skin, short blond hair, blue-green heterochromia, and lilac markings on her cheeks. One of her legs is a prosthetic. She's landing on a golden globe somewhere high up, a picturesque wilderness and the sunrise behind her. Each of her hands is glowing with magic, the colour of which matches her eyes. - end ID]
Sorceress Firi, to go with the Witcher Ashe I already did. (again, more headcanons below the cut)
Firi of Novigrad
Learned sorcery at Aretuza.
Spent some years as a Court Mage in Kaedwen before she began to grow restless and gave up her position to pursue more engaging topics such as putting together the most comprehensive handbook on monsters the world has ever seen.
Being that she spent time in Kaedwen she wasn’t exactly unfamiliar with the Witchers of Kaer Morhen so she began her search there, but this was after Kaer Morhen was sacked so there wasn’t much left, forcing her to take her pursuit of knowledge farther afield.
She’s on volume three now.
She first met Ashe in a small village that was being terrorized by a wraith, drawn to the rumours of one in the area since her research into them at that point was woefully lacking. When she actually ran into a Witcher there she promptly decided to attach herself to Ashe because she’s much more likely to get opportunities to dissect monsters to her heart’s content when hanging around a Witcher.
Ashe was very confused, but Firi’s a powerful sorceress who can take care of herself, hardly a liability and quite likely to be an asset, so she didn’t complain.
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jamesdlcrane · 7 years
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doodle dump! doodle dump! time to dump doodles! doodle dump!
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inevitablyuncertain · 3 years
"she and her friend"
homophobic, that's her girlfriend
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paperpaperowl · 5 years
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hieroglyphwitch · 5 years
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summer nights with friends ☆彡
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neko265 · 5 years
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TI week begins!!!
Day 1 - Average Day
Just a Firi bean updating her monster book
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lesbian-ashe · 7 months
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femslash february 14! happy valentine's day!! had to draw my FAVE ship again for it 💗
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everytime i think about these girls my heart grows five sizes
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hellafa · 6 years
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im not putting this on my art blog but i dont want to finish it so. yeah They Are Siblings
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Decided to redesign my “Cool Kid Firi” drawing from 2017. I feel like I’ve gotten a better understanding of anatomy and movement over the past year, as well as a more Americanized art style.
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dogmouthhorse · 6 years
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im gonna have a stroke im so sorry fae
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