#duet of dungeon
fumifooms · 3 months
Holy mother of Chilchuck and Marcille and marchil-
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I don't wanna think about my father dyin' I don't wanna hear my mother cryin' I don't wanna look into the mirror tryin' not to lose my shit Flowin' like lava down the side of a mountain Man in the jungle lookin' for a fountain of youth But he knows that fountain won't appear... fear If it all ends tomorrow I had a blast It looked so beautiful And it hurt so bad What a real good time What a heartfelt world What a fucked up place Searchin' for knowledge Walkin' through fire Man in a garden filled with desire I know my name ain't written in your book... look If it all ends tomorrow I had a blast It looked so beautiful And it hurt so bad What a real good time What a heartfelt world What a fucked up place What a real good time What a heartfelt world What a fucked up place
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It’s literally got everything it’s just marchil at the end my god. Death, fear of death & aging, resignation, cheery "whatever, as long as I had a good time!", looking at the world both with romantic glasses and harsh realistic cynicism.……….. The way the first verse can apply to both of them… I am deceased
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Hello this fuckin haunts me !
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aguefortpostings · 4 months
Let me just show off these custom spell card/ ability card templates I made for my players, they’re beautiful
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educationaldm · 1 year
Playing with one or two players can be a different, intense and fun experience. Here are some tips for that.
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nashnosh · 1 year
#MyleneFarmer L'emprise song cover
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How do you know so many games to recommend? I feel like I’m always scrambling to find games on a certain topic, and itchio’s search function is tricky at best.
Hello friend! I have a few methods, and I think they all tie back to my pretty big obsession with games. Let's take a trip through my indie RPG journey, because this is kind of the result of approximately 5 years of interest.
DriveThru RPG
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When I first got into TTRPGs, I didn't have a lot of money (let's be real, even right now I don't really have that much spending money) but I did have a little more time, so I combed the net for free tabletop games. I got acquainted with DriveThruRPG first, and I took everything I could that was free and put it into little folders on my computer. Since then I've realized that I can access my folders through the DriveThru App, so there's much less on my computer and more just waiting to be downloaded and perused.
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I also get notifications from DriveThru about deals of the day, and occasionally I just browse the storefront to see if anything catches my eye. DriveThru's navigation system is not great either, but one of my friends does some of his own sifting and has directed me to some real gems. I learned about Pandora London, Swords of the Serpentine, and Savage Worlds this way.
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I love TTRPG podcasts but I didn't want to listen to D&D podcasts. I found Fandible first, when I was looking for a play through of Changeling: The Lost. I walk to work and I also like to listen to podcasts when I clean my house, so I usually get through one episode a day. I usually look for podcasts that play in multiple systems, although you'll see a number of podcasts here that focus on just one non-D&D system. Here's a few that I recommend:
Fandible: Just a group of friends who love playing games together. All of them are GMs, and they all GM different games. Jesus is the most adventurous, and is constantly bringing new games to the table. I found Slugblaster, Numenera, and Unhallowed Metropolis through them!
Character Creation Cast: I started listening to CCC last year, thanks to a recommendation from a friend, but I fell in love quick. The hosts focus only on the character creation aspect of games, and they also spend time talking to other gamers about the parts of play that each guest feels is important. I found out about Descent into Midnight, Nova, and Blue Planet this way.
The Gauntlet Podcast: This Podcast no longer releases episodes but I learned so much about safe game play through this podcast. Once a month the hosts would sit down with guests and highlight a game of the month for each of them. Often they would talk about games that they adored even before those games made it to publication. I found out about Brinkwood, Apocalypse Keys, and Poutine through this podcast. I miss it so very much.
I would also recommend My First Dungeon, Party of One Podcast, The Eternity Archives, One Shot, and +1 Forward for exposure to many indie games.
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I didn't interact much with Itch.io at first - I thought it was mostly for indie video games and generators - but when the Bundle for Racial Justice and Equality came out I went feral. I sorted through each and every page of games in that bundle and put all of the TTRPGs into folders - which I am still refining to this day. As you can see, I get very excited whenever a big bundle comes out, as it gives me a lot of exposure to games that people have made.
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I also sort through the most recent additions on Itch every one or two days. I usually categorize my folders via genre and rules system, but I'm currently in the process of curating folders for duet and epistolary games. If I think a tag will help me, I usually use https://itch.io/physical-games/tag-[tag] and then insert what I'm looking for in the [tag]. It doesn't get everything but it gets me started.
Often if a game was entered in a Game Jam, there's a tab that you can click to see other entries in that same Jam. So occasionally I'll browse Game Jams for other games that I might find interesting. And for games that I know that I'm personally passionate about, I have a Games that Intrigue Me folder to flip through for when I'm choosing which game to play, or if I want to spotlight a game that I've been itching to put on a rec post.
Other Avenues
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I am actually subscribed to you on Youtube, along with a number of other great reviewers!
The Gaming Table is a wonderful Aussie creator who reviews copies of indie ttrpgs. She started a year ago and already has a truly delightful backlog. I recently listened to her review of Bluebeard's Bride and it was wonderful!
I found 11dragonkid when I was looking for Lancer content and was pleasantly surprised to find other ttrpg reviews for games such as ARC and Gubat Banwa.
I watch A.A. Voigt's and Talen Lee's (@talenlee) mini-essays about games and the pieces of those games that speak to them not just to learn about new games but also to learn about what makes those games matter. I found the videos on Capitalites and Girl By Moonlight very informative!
I also watch Dave Thaumvore for reviews for big-print games (Vaesen, Symbaroum), and Questing Beast for updates on what's happening in the OSR scene (Vaults of Vaarn, Mothership).
I'm also subscribed to a number of newsletters and RSS feeds! Bundle of Holding has a blog announcing new bundles, the Indie RPG Newsletter has some great indie rpg coverage in their monthly updates and associated links, and I have an RSS feed on Feedly for game musings on whatever blogs I can find.
In Conclusion...
Much of my TTRPG knowledge comes from constant osmosis. I talk to friends about games, spend a lot of time on Itch.io, and I'm also finding new games here on Tumblr. I have an RPG server where me and a bunch of my friends play pretty regularly, and I'm constantly introducing them to new games. We finished up our Monster Squad Arc a month or two ago, and we're currently getting geared up for a Galaxy Games arc - this time with games that other players are bringing to the table!
I started sorting games for my own enjoyment - I love having all of my little boxes that I can go back to when I am hankering for my own game. I started this blog because I found there were too many games that I was excited about and I was never going to get through all of them just gaming with my friends.
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lilianvanrouge · 2 years
Yandere Ayato, Kanato, and Laito Sakamaki x Female Reader Headcanons
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Whether you’re a sacrificial bride or an ordinary student at Ryotei Gakuin High School you’re getting kidnapped. The kidnapping will most likely be during school since he has no problem skipping classes. During the kidnapping he won’t be gentle, he’ll use his super strength to knock you unconscious at the back of your head.
You’re either chained up in his room or in the dungeon. Your wrists, ankles, neck have heavy, tight shackles on them. The chains are chained up to the wall above your bed. Luckily the chains are long enough so you can go to the bathroom and not anywhere else.
When you wake up you have nothing but the clothes on your back. He already took your phone, money, pictures of your loved ones, and everything else you hold valuable. Because in Ayato’s mind, you aren’t going to need any of those.
Doesn’t matter the room your trapped in Ayato supplies you with sex toys, magazines he likes, a comfortable bed, pictures of him so you’ll always feel his eyes on you, and his torture devices. Ayato brings your food himself and tried to hand feed you. If you resist or decide to starve yourself he’ll forcibly grab your face and force feed you. This usually results in a broken jaw from Ayato being angry and rough and also a punishment with his torture devices.
When he visits you he always makes sure to always lock the door, so you can’t escape. And don’t even bother shouting for help from his brothers or from the servents.
He’s always has been the hands on type touching your face, hair, and all over your body. Always expect ear nips, bites and dark hickies on the neck and collarbone. His favorite place to suck your blood neck or shoulder blade. He also likes groping your butt and boobs.
He obviously forces himself onto which is the only reason why he got you such an expensive, comfortable bed. He’s the one you scream the most against. And second to get you pregnant and baby trap you.
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You’re most likely have to be a sacrificial bride to be kidnapped by this maniac. But if you are a student the main reason why he kidnapped you is because you’re down right cute looking or you can bake some amazing sweets.
You’re definitely chained up in a secret room where he keeps the wax dolls. Just like Ayato, he already took your phone, money, pictures of your loved ones, and everything else you hold valuable. He threatens you that if you ever try to escape that would be your fate.
Unlike Ayato, Kanato let’s you wander around the locked room without any chains. The chains are for punishment when you’re difficult. The only source of light in your stone prison is a couple of candle sticks. Your bed is literally a mattress on the stone floor with cute, girly sheets, blankets, and pillows. There are stuffed animals taking up all the space up in your room, creepily staring at you. There’s also a tiny table where Kanato forces you to have tea parties with him, Teddy, and the other stuffed animals in the room.
He always visits you with a smile and with Teddy in tow. He brings food which he feeds you or you feed him. He makes a game out of it for you pretending that you’re a baby or a stuffed animal. Get ready because this will last for a long time, even when the tea is cold and when the food had gotten cold and hard. Starving yourself is also not an option with throwing a super loud and destructive temper tantrum which terrified the life out of you.
Kanato took pride in being Cordelia’s song bird. He’ll sing for you and better give him praise if you want to live. There’s also a good chance that you’re a gifted singer. This makes him force you to sing to him and Teddy, and do duets with him.
He’ll make sure to brainwash you to make you forget about the outside world, just like he did to Yui. This makes you less encouraged to escape believing that there’s nothing beyond the room. He gives kisses and such, but he really doesn’t get that sexual. He also doesn’t try to get you pregnant, because he’s not willing to share you and deal with a loud and stinky baby.
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Your case of kidnapping is just like Ayato’s, except he uses Reiji’s drugs. Whether he puts it in your food or drink or on a cloth he uses to cover your nose and mouth from behind. No matter what the last thing you see is Laito’s smiling face, while blacking out. During this he took your phone, money, pictures of your loved ones, and everything else you hold valuable.
Laito is the only brother who will let you remain free around the mansion. You have to always remember this is a privilege not a right. If you miss behave or any of his brothers gets to touchy with you’ll be locked in the dungeon. He also has the familiars keep an eye on you. Other than that you live in his room, where he likes to wrap himself in the sheets and blankets with you trapped against him.
The way he feeds you exactly like Ayato’s, but probably more sexual by putting you on his lap as you feel him getting excited. The punishments for not eating are also the same as Ayato’s but less aggressive. Also since you have the freedom to move around you’ll be making macarons for him.
Also just like Ayato, he’s always has been the hands on type touching your all over your body, especially the shoulders, and pressing his cold lips against your neck and shuddering feeling his hot lustful breath. Always expect bites and dark hickies on the throat and thighs. His favorite place to suck is your blood neck, thighs, or calves. He’s also a licker, licking slowly up your neck or leg or in small circles where he’s about to bite. Another turn on from Laito is having you read passages from Richter’s novels out loud.
He loves to punish you in the dungeon with handcuffs and whips while they tear your clothes and flesh. This is a punishment for talking to other guys just like he did to Yui. Apologies won’t work and you have to pay him back with your body since it’s his now. He would the same torture device he did on Yui to keep her from touching any other guys except him, and you’ll have to say goodbye to your panties because the device is locked on and he has the key. He believes any time you get worked up in this you’ll remember that you belong to him. So you know, it’s made out of metal so it’s heavy, cold, and can rust. So it’ll be difficult to bathe, deal with your period, and you better get excited.
He tries to mentally destroy and is the king of sexual harassment out of all his brothers. He wraps you in a super tight embrace from behind and tries to explore all over your body as you struggle. To further sexually arouse himself he’ll put you in Cordelia’s dress. He’ll most likely drug with Reiji’s aphrodisiacs and numb you so you can’t move while you fully watch him rip your clothes and take your virginity. And he’s number one to get you pregnant and baby trap you.
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curewhimsy · 3 months
Yo does Dungeon Meshi have character songs??
Every anime should have character songs
Like imagine
Marcille and Falin should sing a gay duet and it becomes the next Vocaloid Magnet
Laios song with just barking
Senshi singing about having a balanced healthy diet and appetite
Chilchuck heavy metal
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guess-that-ship · 11 months
Here's the list of contestants this season!
what if we kiss in the dungeon
Doomed Four-Way Divorce
What a Timeskip Does to a MF
More to Love
Masks and Faces
brothers for life
red and white
angels from hell
Stuck with a Sour Taste
Old Men Bald Good.
The Butterfly and the Bird
Can you beat me?
Kiss of a Snake
Two stupids meet. See how it goes
Love & Vengeance
Colorful Duet
The first poll will be out on October 17th at 9 PM EST, and they will last for one week, posted across two days. See you then!
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drakeanddice · 2 months
For the tarot ask post: have you posted a reply for Death yet?
I may have! But things change and this question's evergreen.
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I mean, I like to think that no one expects anything of me, anyway. My games include fraught and sexy scandal and swords, cooking for ghosts, a duet grudge and vengeance simulator, guerilla resistance versus blatant christofascist oppression, magical girls, magical girls in mechs, adorable fairy children wake up nature, captains planet vs the scary fairies, folksome space misery capitalism, and "you are a sad airship."
Frankly I think the only thing that would make someone who's followed my career--
Thanks, Kent.
Anyone who's, like, generally aware of what I do here would only be surprised to learn that I think that I've got a couple of D&D modules in me. And despite my obvious feelings about the dungeons and the dragons, the system, the ecosystem, and the enmeshed lifestyle brand, I think that there are a couple of scenarios kicking around in my brain that would be fun as hell to translate into D&D modules.
Like, my temptation is always "I could write an OSR module and hit the same notes, and it wouldn't be part of that gnarly ecosystem." But also...
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I think it'd be an interesting challenge. Purely coming from a gaming culture standpoint. Like currently the most popular adventure for dungeons and dragons is...what Curse of Strahd?
I've read it. It was fine.
But I think sitting down and actually building a bunch of site-based modular adventures that weren't a chore to prep and run could be legitimately fun. I also think it would be grounds for a number of people to suspect that I had been murdered by Pinkertons.
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i-can-even-burn-salad · 3 months
WIP Questionnaire Tag
Snatching it from @tildeathiwillwrite and since that was an open tag, I'll just leave it an open tag.
1. What’s the first part of your WIP that you created? 2. If your story was a TV show, what would the theme song/intro be? 3. What are your favorite characters that you made? Why? 4. What other pieces of media do you think your fanbase would share? 5. What has been your biggest struggle with your WIP? 6. Are there any animals in your story? Talk about them! 7. How do your characters travel/get around? 8. What part of your WIP are you working on right now? 9. What aspects (tropes, maybe?) will you think draw your audience in? 10. What are your hopes for your WIP?
Under the cut for my currently still untitled project:
1. What’s the first part of your WIP that you created?
As always, the first line of the first chapter :D I don't consider the brainstorming/planning phase a part of the WIP or I would have an intimidating amount of WIPs.
2. If your story was a TV show, what would the theme song/intro be?
I don't go there, but my personal current theme song is
Calum Scott, Leona Lewis - You Are The Reason (Duet Version)
3. What are your favorite characters that you made? Why?
I can never pick between the two leads. As always, they both have aspects I love very much, and they don't work without the other. Bonded stray cats characters, you know.
I'm really early on still, and I hope to see more of their personalities unfold when they're not uh. Currently dying.
So far, there are no (planned) side characters I like. What happens, happens.
4. What other pieces of media do you think your fanbase would share?
I really don't know. When I try to think of any kind of published media that hits the same way, I come up empty. And when I try to compare my stuff to something, all I can see are the differences. And not in a "look how unique I am" way, but in a "this is obviously not what they want" one.
Perhaps I should take a look at Anna's favorite books list to answer that 😂
5. What has been your biggest struggle with your WIP?
The chapter I finished last night. It has, let's say, graphical content of a nature I have not written before 😬 Took me over a week or more to get the whole scene down. I hope now things will get easier.
6. Are there any animals in your story? Talk about them!
Nope. Probably a few that end up in a cooking pot, though I don't think either of the two is as good at trapping as Eilis is 😅
7. How do your characters travel/get around?
Exclusively by foot!
8. What part of your WIP are you working on right now?
I think I'm about to be done with the first part of the story, and we're soon moving on to "escaping from the torture dungeon" :D
I did a very rough outline that would put those 20k words as 1/4 but we all know it won't stay at 80k total, don't we.
9. What aspects (tropes, maybe?) will you think draw your audience in?
Graphic depictions of violence.
Since I don't make anything off it, advertising isn't exactly my main job, but I seem to be rather unable to pull new readers in, no matter how many fancy posts and images I make with quotes and tropes and whatnot. So, in the end, I think most readers will read it because I wrote it and they liked other things I wrote - and I love them for it 💜 🥺
10. What are your hopes for your WIP?
Think of a fucking title. Finish it by the end of the year. Afford 2-4 pieces of custom artwork. Find some readers? 🥺
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patchdotexe · 1 month
doip. / 8.16.24: See You Next Time
we're back! after a break of "everyone has various life stuff going on", the Skeleton Crew has reunited to tackle the next stage in the adventure: Storm Lord's Wrath!
(...kinda. this was more of a brief intermediate session as we got used to things again and wrapped something up.)
we join our heroes: Alidaar, the dragonborn runic knight fighter, played by Leo patchdotexe! Dauble, the halfling… something? druid-cleric? played by Nyx v4shthestampede! Kepesk, the lizardfolk storm barbarian, played by Green bahamutgreen! Arepo, the human bard, played by Jason astral-abstract! and our Dungeon Master, Jorb jorbs-palace!
-- oh. jason has ordered a baja blast and obtained a mysterious yellow liquid. LET'S BEGIN
LAST TIME, ON DRAGON OF ICESPIRE PEAK! we finally took down the white dragon, Cryovain, that had taken over Icespire Hold! with the threat slain, we were welcomed to Neverwinter and gifted a claim to Axeholm. we were also told to head south to Leilon to aid with rebuilding there. i think i forgot to write that part down.
what building are we in? yes. it's fine, we can philosophically debate our location
oh, sick, all our friends are here! and also my mortal enemy. or, well, my mortal enemy WAS here. he appears to no longer be here. that's fiiiiiine
[pops all my bones as an intimidation tactic] oh god we're all so, so unprepared. it's been nine months. Arepo Is Feeling It Kepesk has reunited with the Wilders! this is very cute. OH SHIT TOBLIN I MEAN TARGOR IS HERE TOO. I FORGOT HE'S A WILDER NOW. WE GASLIT HIM TO THE VERY END we've got a sexy rabbit lady named Vova! who might be a wizard. with a sword? also Carroway the fairy. OH FUCK CARROWAY HAS A FLUTE LET'S GO. ALIDAAR HAS A FLUTE. DUET alidaar has fucked up the duet so, so bad. vova has decided alidaar doesnt get to play the flute anymore
Targor is officially part of the Wilders! Kepesk: wow, you're so poggers. Nyx: (you're so epic win.) Targor: oh, i didn't know you knew how to speak Halfling. Leo: (AAAAAAAAAAAA) Jason: (I know how to speak it, but I don't understand it.)
Sildar is also here! hi buddy. his griffin is outside grazing with Zodiark meanwhile, Arepo is writing the Wikipedia article on the Wilders. "Often steals food? Question mark?" Sildar wants to run for mayor! who was the mayor. did he die. no wait he was a coward and sucks shit
Sildar: …but don't tell him I said that. Kepesk: Your secret is safe with us! Alidaar: I'm gonna immediately forget this conversation. Dauble: It's fine, I'll go back to dissociating for the next 8 years. Arepo: [writing a footnote on the mayor] Carroway: GOD, SAME.
Skeleton Crew is gonna be out and about for a few months probably. Vova is bummed about it, and… so is Kepesk! honestly, Kepesk is having second thoughts about staying with the Crew. he misses the Wilders!
Kepesk: It's not you guys-- Alidaar: It's the hot rabbit woman. Jorb: (…did you say that out loud in front of Vova?) Leo: (Yes.)
Kepesk has given Alidaar the Axeholm signet ring! it's named Jeffrey. we don't remember why it's named Jeffrey. we have decided that the dwarven writing on it kinda looks like JEFRY if you squint.
Dauble walked off soon as Kepesk mentioned the idea of leaving, but they know Sending! so we can text him at 3 am if we want.
Nyx: So… what you wearing? Jorb: DAUBLE, NO! Green: I showed you my barrel crab, respond.
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oh hey, Kepesk was part of the Skeleton Crew when Axeholm was handed over. if he's with the Wilders, can they live in Axeholm too? Alidaar says yes.
Alidaar: Friend of a friend can live in my house, I don't give a shit. Kepesk: Oh hell yeah! Arepo: I get the feeling we've just become accessory to a number of crimes.
lmao Vova and Kepesk have maybe-a-thing. Kepesk isn't sure and Carroway has no idea what is happening. shenanigans ensue.
Kepesk: You'll understand when you're older. Carroway: I'm older than YOU!
Carroway knows what the birds and the bees are. he just wasn't there when Vova kissed Kepesk, lmao.
Jorb: I don't have Carroway's stat sheet, sorrgy. […] I rolled a d20 and got a natural 8. Leo: Is that good? Jorb: No.
GREEN HAS WON D&D! Green: I beat the DM! Jorb: Okay, the ceiling collapses and lands on Kepesk, roll 1d100 bludgeon damage.
Dauble is sulking :( LMAO . THEY'RE OUTSIDE BEING SAD AND KEPESK WALKS OUT WITH THE WILDERS HAVING A GRAND OL TIME. RIP Alidaar is not used to actually parting on good terms with somebody! yknow seeing as Tobias was turning into a rat and left dramatically. DAUBLE IS SO FUCKING DEPRESSED Green: I'm sorry, there's a baddie in the room.
Kepesk has noticed Dauble! and has given them a healing potion. Dauble is thankful for the gift, wildshapes into binturong, and skitters away Kepesk: You were the binturong the whole time?! I thought they were two different people!
Kepesk and Vova walk off holding hands! awh.
Nyx: (Gay.) Jorb: (Literally straight.)
awh, Dauble has entered Scarf Mode. dauble <3 Jorb: Congrats on your new familiar. Leo: New?
Jorb: Is it safe to say Vova and Kepesk are gonna start dating? Green: I'd say so! Jason: [joke about using the Dust of Disappearance in the bedroom that i immediately forgot the wording of bc i started crying] Leo: [sobbing into pillow] I CAST SPELL OF DISAPPEAR MY DICK! Nyx: MY DICK FELL OFF
ohp, Nyx has a headache. time for this mini-session to come to a close. time to head out! farewell Kepesk and Wilders, farewell Neverwinter o7
OH SHIT DAUBLE'S GOT A SENDING MESSAGE Tobias: Final check-in. I understand now what I'm meant to be. I'm going to claim my destiny. Maybe we'll meet again someday. Goodbye, Little Buddy. DAUBLE DIDN'T EVEN GET A CHANCE TO RESPOND. AUGH. TOBIAS YOU MOTHERFUCKER
Jorb: Congratulations Dauble on losing two people in one day! Leo: NOOOOOOOOOOOOO Nyx: AAAAAAAAAAAAAUGH Nyx: I'm at rock bottom, but I've got a shovel. Leo: NOOOO I NEED TO GET MY FAMILIAR THERAPY
next time: Leilon, maybe!
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novelmonger · 4 months
Finally got around to watching Wish (mainly so I could form my own opinions about it), so I want to lock in my own opinions before I go look at all the criticisms of it I've been saving up since it came out :P
Overall, it was...fine? Not spectacularly good, not spectacularly bad. Kinda forgettable and pathetic for what was supposed to be Disney's "look at us we've been making animated movies for 100 years," but I've certainly seen worse from this studio.
As always, no matter what else I think of the movie, Disney always delivers on quality animation. Nothing groundbreaking, but I did like how it kind of looked 2D sometimes even though it was clearly all 3D though Klaus did it way better.
That being said, why did it look so much like Tangled? I don't just mean the palette-swap Disney seems to be using for every "princess"-like character these days, with the big eyes and the same basic facial structure. I mean that even the color scheme of purple and gold was the same. I loved Asha's hair, but the way it fell looked an awful lot like Rapunzel's sometimes (though obviously much shorter). Even some of her movements just looked like they recycled the animation from Tangled.
The songs were actually kinda catchy, though I didn't like the "You're a Star" song or whatever it's called. Best song by far was the duet with Asha and the villain. Also, I was expecting there to be more songs.
I'm sure everyone and their brother has already talked about this, but the villain felt lazily handled. His sudden descent into evil was too abrupt and too...all-encompassing? I could kind of see where they could have gone with him, someone with genuinely good intentions who takes it too far and decides the ends justify the means. But they made him too selfish and "mwahaha power!" so he just ended up boring.
The message that "if you dabble in forbidden magic even once, you're giving yourself to it for all eternity" was a surprisingly dark one for Disney, and not one I agree with at all. I would have much preferred to see even the tiniest smidge of a redemption for him. He can still get thrown in the dungeon at the end! But they had this whole scene about another character being forgiven for his actions in the movie, so why is the villain beyond redemption?
I get that this is a kids' movie, and I don't exactly expect a hard magic system from Disney, but how on earth does the star magic even work?! If everybody's a star, why does wishing on the stars in the sky work differently than just making a wish to yourself? Clearly the star has significant magic power, but if everybody has that power within them already, why does Asha need a magic wand to do things with it? How does everybody still have star power inside them if their wishes have been taken away or destroyed? I don't need everything about magic in any given story explained to me in scientific detail, but everything about the magic in this movie felt so arbitrary and convenient.
I'm sure I'm not the first person to point out that each one of Asha's friends corresponds to one of the seven Dwarves. I was patting myself on the back for figuring that out for myself, because I usually don't notice Easter eggs like that without someone pointing them out, but then they made it totally obvious at the end anyway -_-
I really wish the animals didn't start talking. Normally, I don't mind that in Disney movies; I kind of expect it, even. But every word that passed through Valentino's lips made me want to kick a baby goat. Not a pleasant experience.
You know, I just realized I think the only time I laughed in the whole movie was that moment when they open the door and see the chickens having a dance party. I usually have more fun with Disney movies, but there were too many times in this movie where it felt like they were trying too hard to be funny, and just ended up being kind of cringe. (Contrast that to Tangled, which still leaves me splitting my sides every time I watch it!)
What was Asha's mother's wish?! I kept waiting for them to show it, and started to think it was going to be something super important to the plot or something...but no. Just left a mystery forever.
The star was very cute.
I liked the pictures of all the animated movies in the credits. That was a nice glance back through the past hundred years. But did I blink and miss it, or did they leave off Meet the Robinsons and The Wild? I don't like either of those movies, but...weren't they Disney?!
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kingxgarm · 5 months
So, after spreading my info out, I have four different "rewrites" of Wish, all with their own (noncreative) names just so I can tell them apart
I'll be going over one of them in this post, they'll all get separate posts
The first one I've dubbed Yearning
It's more of a retake than a rewrite, as I've changed A LOT, almost only keeping the names of certain characters, I wanted to remove almost ALL the references to Disney movies, treating this more as a standalone movie than a 100th year special
Asha- Asha moves to Rosas, she does not live there, she is an alchemist, that's why she moves there, her hair and color pallete is the same, but she kinda looks more like Venti from Genshin (unfortunately), (I'll make drawing of my designs eventually, I don't have my sketchbook), she has been traveling since she was young, and after a few days of staying in Rosas, she is summoned by the King, she is meant to represent wishes, not necessarily good itself, but just wishes
Magnifico- Magnifico is a mage, he was born with magic, mages were given magic by dragons (that has some lore too), mages are not well liked by humans, his parents tried to hide in a rather large city, but were caught, Magnifico was saved and given to a trusted mage, that mage sent Magnifico to Rosas to be safe there, eventually his magic was discovered and he was made king (at age 9 👍), since Rosas was small and not very well informed of the outside world, they have never seen a mage before and thought Magnifico was a God, after he turned 25 he put a spell on himself that he would be immortal and never age to keep the people from worrying about him dying with no heir, he never marries, he only wants to keep the people happy, but he is not happy being king, magic takes a toll on users causing Magnifico to be very depressed, every month he calls an assembly and for an hour gives the people whatever they want, they walk up to a chair in a gazebo where he sits, announce what they want, and it's granted, Magnifico represents want, he wishes to be free but wnats to keep the people happy so he just does what he wants and not what he wishes
Dragons- there were seven dragons, each representing different forms of magic, they each (minus purple) had a childwith a himan to bring magic into the human race, red gave mages power over the elements (fire, water, air, and earth), orange gave mages the power over the mind (like emotional manipulation), yellow gave the power of deception (reality warping), green gave the power of physicality (power of creation and destruction), Blue gave the power of shape (shapeshifting and changing other stuff), purple gave the power of substance (learnable magic like alchemy and potion stuff), (Magnifico is related to the green dragon, and all alchemists are ruled by the purple dragon)
Asha is taken to the castle because she's a well-renowned alchemist, she proves this by giving the king a potion of calming (at his request), and it works (ITS A WEED POTION /j), every day she is asked to become a royal Alchemist but she never knows how to answer, after a few days, instead of a potion of happiness that the king asks for, Asha gives him a potions of honesty and asks why he constantly asks for happiness potions, this is where they would sing a duet, but by the end the potion would where off and Magnifico would be very upset that she did that to him, arresting her, and locking her in a dungeon, they both pray to the stars (cuz religion ig, and cuz I wanted to get them in the story somehow), Magnifico for strength to keep the people happy, and Asha for a way to save the king from himself
This is as far as I got before I started writing the others, but I did figure out what to do for the ending, and even a sequel (where Magnifico has two daughters that grow up to be Maleficent and Mother Gothel, but I kinda don't like the sequel anymore, plus u haven't even finished the first one, also don't care for the daughter lore since I'm trying to seperate from the Disney canon)
Also yes, I did try writing songs for this, but the duet isn't finished, and the "This is the Thanks I Get" rewrite got moved to another rewrite, so.... (and I still need to rewrite it anyway cuz it contains too many elements of this story, UGH)
I'd greatly appreciate feedback, cuz ik damn well this probably sucks lol, the other ones are better (I'm lying to you), I want to improve this story, cuz there's still ideas I like (the magic system, wants vs. wishes, and the fact that the people of Rosas are the villain), but there's definitely stuff I don't like (Magnifico and Asha being pretty much the only characters, the fact that the "villain" isn't the villain, and maybe the name [I'm still not settled in on Yearning rn]), something just feels off about it to me, I can't put my finger on it
Wish rewrites
1 / 2 / 3 / 4
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educationaldm · 2 years
Advice from D&D Duet how to incorporate One-Shot Adventures into your Duet D&D Games.
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rawro · 6 months
Hi! Whats your main hobby / interest? :3
probably dungeons and dragons! i've got a table i joined a bit more than 1.5 years ago that has been such a found family for me and then i recently started playing a duet game with my girlfriend! i spend a ton of time coming up with new characters and thinking of funny builds and it just makes me really happy! i've even got a matching tattoo with my character in the main campaign i play in :)
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