#tiana song
under-the-tent · 6 months
The Swan's Son
Seven years.
It had been seven years since Joshua had been back home.
Seven long, grueling years since he had turned eighteen and began his traditional sabbatical away from the circus. However, up until then, he had never truly felt as though he was comfortable; that he belonged anywhere. When he stepped inside the tent, he was immediately greeted by the warmth of the last month of the off-season. Upon further inspection, he noticed a few things that had changed. The tent was definitely larger, and from what he could tell, most of sisters had returned, with Maggie, one of his older sisters, practicing-
He turned around to see who had called him. His mother, Tiana, strode over to him with a stern look. "Son, didn't I tell you to write before you came back?!"
"I'm sorry, Mom, I kind of got lost-"
His words were cut off by his mother's sudden embrace. "Ugh, it's fine; all that matter is that you're here now, safe and sound!" She lifted her head from the hug and gazed into her son's face.
Joshua smiled. "Thank you, Mom."
"Come! Your sisters cannot wait to know how things have been for you." She called out into the circus tent for the sisters to join them in her room. By the time Tiana and Joshua reached her room, he saw his sisters sitting on a round in their mother's bed, ready to hear their brother's stories about what had happened to him and what he had been up to in the last seven years.
The night went on as Joshua told all he could - what jobs he had, what possible acts he could do in the spring season - and he tried to answer all their questions to the best of his ability, but when all was said and done, his sisters, satisfied with the reunion, left the room and headed back to their own, leaving their brother and mother behind. As he saw the last sister leave, Joshua moved to his mother.
"Thank you, Mom, for receiving me." He wrapped his arms around her, her head nestling into the crook of his neck.
"Of course, Joshua; you were always my favorite son."
"Mother, I am your only son-"
"But not my only child!" She lifted her head and gave him a playfully stern look. "If I could've given you a brother, I'd still have you as my favorite." She grabbed him by the sides of his face and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Don't you ever forget that."
He wore a wistful gaze as he smiled. "Thank you, Mom."
"You're very welcome, Son." She began to yawn. "Well, it's getting late-" She removed herself from the hug and motioned him toward the exit. "-and I should remind you that you still need to put your act together for next season."
"Okay, Mom; goodnight." with that, Joshua walked out, his mother watching him leave.
After the season was over, and everyone was celebrating another successful season, Joshua practiced his lines for his part of his act; however, as he went over them time and time again, he felt as though something was still missing-
"Got you!"
His mother's hands on the sides of his torso caught him off-guard and he seemed to jolt a half-foot off the ground as he yelped. As he spun around to reprimand her for it, Joshua was quickly distracted by her nightgown. Perhaps it was how they were alone, or how the light of the lamp hit her just right, but something about his mother seemed... different. After a few seconds, he managed to pull himself back to the moment.
"Mother!" Joshua shouted in a whisper. "You can't startle me like that!"
"Oh, lighten up, dear; It was a harmless joke." She gave a giggle before she gave him a look. "If I'd been one of your little girlfriends, you wouldn't have been so angry."
The room soon filled up with a silence that Tiana expected to carry his response. Instead, she saw her son's face turn to stone.
"Joshua-" She approached him. "You do have a girlfriend, don't you?"
The new silence was louder still.
"Son?" She touched his arm.
"No, Mom."
"No? Why not? What have you been doing these last seven years?"
"Work, mostly; the newspaper, the map-making-"
"Yes; you told your sisters that." She faced him and met his sights. "Joshua, what's going on?"
"I... can't."
Tiana raised her brow. "Can't, what?"
"I can't get a girlfriend, Mom." His demeanor changed. "Every time that I would try to get a girlfriend, I would always get cold feet, clam up, and not do anything." His eyes began to water, and the look in them resembled the look of a scolded puppy with its tail between its legs. He broke eye contact. "It's just as well; none of them would have given me the time of day, anyway."
"Oh, honey, I'm sorry." Tiana closed the gap between them and gave him a hug. "It's okay; you don't have to worry about those mean girls anymore." She petted her son's head while he placed it in the crook of her neck. "You're back home, safe and sound with your-"
Her thoughts were cut off when she felt something poke her. She looked down and saw her son's member sticking out the waistband of his underpants.
"Oh, my~" Her eyes widened as she blushed.
Joshua quickly looked down, saw what his mother was looking at, cursed, and quickly backed away. "I'm sorry, Mom; I didn't mean to-"
"No, Son; it's... it's fine." Tiana began to back out, before turning and leaving.
That night, as Joshua went to bed, he began to dream. He dreamt of all of the adventures he'd told his sisters about, all the sights he'd seen and the people he met, until he reached a door. When he opened it, he saw the figure of a woman. Her face was beautiful, though he couldn't place it. She grabbed him by the sides of his face and kissed his mouth, before leaning in closer to whisper something in his ear. At that moment, he heard the call of a rooster. He jolted upright and found he had awoken in the middle of the day. He got up from his bed, and found himself covered in sweat, among other things.
The next night, as Tiana and Daniel were practicing their dialogue-
Joshua was waiting outside the ring. His mother looked over and saw him wearing a hopeful look. She then turned to Daniel.
"Give me a few minutes, Dan." She walked over to her son, whose face - upon a closer look - was more worried than hopeful. "Son, what's the matter?"
"Mom, I uhm... I wanted to know... how... or rather, why, you and dad... you know-"
"Had sex?" She gave a light chuckle as she saw him nod. "Oh, dear; it's been a long time since I've thought about Chucho in that way." She took a moment to remember. "I suppose that it was the January before the Scots showed up, and we were all having a good time. I had gotten drunk, as did your father. The next thing we know, you arrived nine months later." Noting her son's demeanor, Tiana continued. "I'm sorry, son, that I can't say anything more romantic, or even dramatic, but that's all there was to it. To be quite honest, the only reason that I don't regret that whole night was the fact that something special did come out of it." She grabbed him by the side of his face. "You."
"Thank you, Mom."
"You're welcome. Now, I have to finish practicing my act, but if would like, we can still talk about other things later."
"Yes," just wait for me in my room, and I'll meet you there."
"Okay, Mom." With that Tiana walked back over to the ring, and Joshua headed to his mother's room. The time went on and Joshua was stuck thinking about his mother; how she handled the other night with such a calmness and grace that he could hardly believe it. Any of his sisters would have teased him about it for sure; especially Maggie. As Joshua continued to think about his mother, he realized how beautiful she had remained all these years; from the time that he could remember, she never seemed to age a day.
He was then greeted by her presence, as Tiana slowly entered the room, and - upon seeing her son - began to smile. "Joshua."
"Mom." He faced her and began to think on what he wanted to say. "Mom, I- I want to try and bring a girl back here, back to the circus-"
Her smile dropped slightly.
"But I don't know if I will be able to do it. Can you teach me?"
"Teach you... what?"
"What I should say to a girl to get her to notice me."
"Well, if I were a young girl who would want the attention of a handsome young man, I would like for him to tell me what he thinks of my eyes-" she undid the hairdo she had her hair in, letting it fall into a black sheet "-and my hair."
"Yes; hair is a high object of importance for a woman, and it's said that the eyes are the windows of the soul."
"Okay." He looked into his mother's eyes and began to think on the words. "You have... nice... eyes- rrgh!" He moved away. "I can't do it, Mom!"
"Why not? You were doing so well, Joshua."
"Because you're my mother; I can't say things like that about my own mother."
"All right, then; pretend that I'm not your mother. Pretend that I'm just another woman, that we'd never met each other, but that you'd seen me from afar."
"At least try and humor me, Son."
Joshua sighed. "Alright." He closed his eyes. She's not my mom, he thought to himself. She's just a woman. She's a woman that you've met and that you want to talk with to get to know her better. He opened his eyes, saw the woman. "Good evening, miss; my name's Joshua, but you can call me Josh." He stuck out his hand. "And you are?"
"Nice to meet you, Josh; My name is Tiana Song." She extended her hand to shake his hand, when she noticed how big and strong her son's hands had gotten.
"Tiana; what a lovely name-" he leaned down and kissed the back of her hand. "for a lovely woman."
Tiana blushed as the corners of her mouth curled into a shy grin. "Why, thank you-"
Almost as lovely as your eyes."
Flustered, she listened to her son praise every single detail of her eyes; how they resembled a rich carob color, and how the flame of the lamp illuminated the specks of color that varied in hue. When Joshua finished with her eyes, he began to talk about his mother's long, black hair; how it resembled the beautiful night sky and smelled as sweet as the summer air. However, the attention Tiana paid these compliments paled as she noticed how much her son had truly grown. His own eyes, which had had a boyish demeanor to them only seven years before, had matured with a deep look of wisdom. His face, which previously seemed as round as the day he came into her life, had sharpened, as if someone took a chisel and carved away the extra material of a marble statue. Tiana snapped back into the moment, when Joshua waved his hand in front of her face. "Mom?"
"Oh, sorry; I was… I suppose I lost myself in thought." She quickly shook her head, trying to dissuade the thoughts she had in her mind just moments before. "Uhm… I'd say that that's a decent start, but a good, failsafe plan to charming a woman is knowing how to give a body rub. Lucky for you, my body is sore from rehearsal." She made her way to her bed, to where Joshua followed. She sat down, facing her back towards her son. "Just start from the base of the neck and work your way-"
She felt his thumbs begin to follow her orders.
"-Out; yes." His thumbs worked through all the knots that Tiana had in her neck and slowly started to undo them. She felt his other four fingers of each hand rest on the sides of her neck, before the thumbs would work in, out, in, out - as easy as breathing. "Good boy," she sighed, almost moaning.
Joshua felt his face flush. "Thank you, Mom." He went back to focus on his mother's neck, working his thumbs from the inside out. Her skin is so soft, he thought to himself. So beautifully soft.
"I remembered that… I also felt my lower back get sore. Would you be a good boy, and rub it, please?"
"Yes, Mom." He leaned back so that his mother could have space to adjust. However, before she laid down on the bed, she removed her nightgown, revealing her bare skin. She then laid down on the bed, Joshua's eyes widening with shock. Her body, which had been previously hidden by the gown, had maintained its figure all these years. Her shoulders, which had carried him until he was nine, were as supple as ever. Her back, which had endured the constant trial and error of many a session of practice on her horse, was still as smooth. Her buttocks-
Joshua shook his head. Why did my sights go to her butt? She's my mother. He retuned his gaze to his mother's back. As he rubbed her back, he made sure to not go any lower-
"Yes, Mom?"
"Could you go lower?"
"Uhm, yes." Joshua inched his hands below her the top half of her back. There, He thought, that should be low enough for-
"Lower, please."
Damn. He worked his way down her back, reaching her waist. NOW, that has to be low enough. Joshua continued to rub his mother's back, working from the inside of the spine out; in, out, in out. He was relieved his mother didn't ask to continue going lower. At that point, she might as well ask me to rub her buttocks! He gave a smile at that thought. However, as Joshua dwelled on it, his demeanor shifted. Still, since she IS a horse rider, she might need a rub down there. It'd probably be best to give it a look over... just to be sure. While he continued to rub his mother's lower back, he gave a glance down to her rear. It was round; perfectly round. It, too, looked soft.
"Yes, Josh?"
"Should... should I go further down?"
Tiana took a pause before she answered. "I suppose my buttocks is quite sore as well."
Joshua moved further down, and his hands began to knead her buttocks; gently working them down to the top of her legs, then outwards, as he began to touch her hips.
"Joshua?" Tiana said, holding back moans.
"Can you rub my legs, now?"
"Yes, Mom." He began to rub her legs; first starting with the upper muscle and following the same pattern as the rub of her back before moving onto her calves, where the muscle seemed firmer. He rubbed from the ankle up to the knee. As Joshua gently dug his thumbs and knuckles into her legs, Tiana couldn't hold back and let out a gentle moan. She quickly covered her mouth.
"I'm fine," Tiana said as she uncovered her mouth. "I just… I love your touch, Joshua."
"Thank you, Mom."
Tiana took a moment before she spoke up again. "Son?"
"I think I need a rub on the front."
Joshua was still, taking on the moment to process what his mother had said.
"Yes- sorry; I'll… Of course, Mom." He got up so that his mother could turn around. As she did, he was met with the rest of her beautiful body, untouched by time. Her breasts, which had fed him many years ago, were still as humble as he remembered, and her… her muff; A perfectly thick jungle of black hair framed the bottom of her hips. He moved to her legs, starting with the muscles on the sides of her calves, before working his thumbs on her upper legs' muscles.
"Mmm, good boy," she said, almost in a moan. I love this. I love my son's hands. I love… Her breaths began to deepen as she felt his hands inch ever-so-closer to her muff. "Juh… Josh…"
"Yes?" His eyes moved over to her face, his hands still in motion.
"Be… Be a good boy, and… give your mother a kiss."
Joshua leaned in, his heart practically beating out of his chest, and planned to go for a kiss on the cheek. However, as he closed in, in a split second, he moved to the side and kissed his mother's lips. They were smooth, like the silk gown she would wear during her acts. Her kiss was sweet, like the peaches she would feed him growing up. I'm kissing my mother! he thought. My… beautiful mother… He moved in, and grabbed her face, his hands no longer on her legs. This beautiful woman is my mother, and she's all mine.
As they shared each other's passion, Tiana held Joshua's face in her hands. "Josh-"
"Yes?" he answered, as he looked across her face, admiring every single detail.
"Be a good boy... and give your mother some love."
Understanding, Joshua gently climbed on the bed over her and lowered his underpants, revealing his member, standing at attention. He lowered himself into position, with his member inches from his mother's muff. He eyed himself up, and he motioned himself onto his mother, feeling her bush on his shaft. Tiana winced and squeaked before he paused.
"I'm fine Joshua; I just..." She tried to suppress a smile. "I never knew my son was such a tease." Tiana finally gave a smile before he gently pushed himself in, immediately feeling his mother's heat envelop him. She let out a sigh as she felt him enter, which was quickly muffled by his lips. He pushed himself further in and began to slowly press himself repeatedly, as he fondled his mother's breasts and drowned her with his mouth. With each press of her lap against his, Tiana felt her mind spin even faster. My boy, she thought, my sweet, sweet boy; I'm having sex with by baby boy! She wrapped her arms around his back. I love him, I love him, I love him so much; I love his tender touch, I love his member slowly stirring up my insides; I love my baby.
As she embraced her son, Joshua's rhythm began to pick up, getting rougher, his mouth moving onto his mother's neck, his arms scooping in under her back. "Mom… Mom, I-"
"It's okay, Son, give it to me; give your mother your seed."
Joshua quickened his pace, drilling his member into his mother, until every drop was sown deep inside her. Tiana moved her legs behind him and locked her son in place, with her moans appropriately muffled by his kiss. As the heat died down, Joshua split himself from the kiss, and saw his mother, his beautiful mother, glistening in sweat and love, and wearing an exhausted, yet satisfied smile. Tiana looked at her son, who she now saw as a man instead of the boy she once knew.
"Mom, I love you. I love every inch of you. I love your smile, I love your grace-" he planted his member back inside of his mother's muff. "I love your body." He kissed her as his hips began to pick up the pace once again. "I realize now that I don't need any other woman but you."
"And you won't have to worry." Tiana held her son's face in her hands. "I love you, Joshua. I'll always love you. My sweet baby boy."
As their passionate love lasted deep into the night, they slept well into the morning, the heat of their love keeping them warm until spring.
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cogaytes · 2 months
y'all. tam x biana is NOT grumpy x sunshine or emo x positivity or whatever contrasting dynamics along those lines. i've talked a lot about why tam being emo is a) not supported by canon and b) influenced by uncomfortable racial dynamics. but also biana being feminine does not inherently make her sunshine or positive or whatever; she's one of the most sarcastic and bitter characters imo. she spends the whole first book low key bullying sophie. she hides knives under her dress' ruffles. this is not sunshine behavior. please i'm begging
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alaydabug2 · 3 months
No but why is Dexiana vs Tiana just the calmest ship divide in the fandom
All the others get so chaotic at times but we're here just chillin
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Whether you ship Dexiana, Tiana, Keefiana, or Sophiana you cannot deny that Biana has a type.(Snarky as all hell and loyal to a fault)
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crippling-pages · 2 months
Rayni should've been a 12 year old.
For starters,
SHE'D BE SOOO MUCH MORE FUNNY literally everything she's said so far would've been 10x funnier if it was spoken from a 12 year old's mouth. "you're just fosters back up" its funny but funnier coming from a little kid.
imagine how it would've been for Tam tho. meeting her for the first time. imagine your a prisoner being tortured but then suddenly a 12 year old comes up to you and is like 'what up !@#$."
12 year old rayni would have a potty mouth and it would be HILARIOUS
Rayni is already savage but trust me, she'd be even more savage as a 12 year old she'd be like the 12 year old fitz haters on pinterest
"but we're cong-"
ok so maybe she wouldnt say something like that but here's a reminder; she's 12. 12 year olds would 100% say this.
wait omg imagine there's a sophitz or a sokeefe moment and we get the "EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW THATS SO GROSS" or even worse its something not PG
or better yet
its a tiana moment i could just finish that there tbh and because its tam, aka her unofficial brother its wayy worse. like biana compliment tam on something, and tam blushes and sheepishly thanks her (as what has happened many times before) and then rayni takes a look at her brothers smiling, blushing face, looks at biana's, and bluntly says "you should ask her out" or smth and then we have tam choking on air and frozen biana, while keefe is just laughing his butt off in the corner.
thinking about Rayni going through her emo phase yet she picked the name that everyone has to call her (pre-reveal) Glimmer.
10x more likeable. just saying.
Rayni getting re enrolled into Foxfire, Rayni annoying the heck out of Tam, Rayni and Linh hanging out being sisters, Tiergan adopting Rayni, the crew adopting Rayni, Raying being savage as heck to the crew
also the angst. THE ANGST.
...imma go start writing this.
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queefsencen · 3 months
breaking my silence ive always been a tiana warrior sorry isa
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for @keefe--sencen
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doodle-do-wop · 2 months
Beach Day!
a special request by @myfairkatiecat!! <333
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zoom ins under cut!!
Sokeefe and Rayni and Wylie (ft my Rayni design, this is my first time drawing her ever)
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⬆️⬆️⬆️TIANA NATION RISE UP!!! 😤✨✨🔥🔥LOOK AT THEM!!! Fitz, Dex, Stina playing volleyball plus Linh realizing she shouldn't have tapped out and left Dex to fend for himself
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permanently-stressed · 3 months
we need more tam appreciation
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°•°•The Princess and the Frog (2009) •°•°
This movie was one of the most aesthetically pleasing Disney movies and I absolutely love the art style.
My favourite Disney movie.
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an-j8 · 5 months
Unpopular opinion :
I think Tiana is fan service. The only thing about this ship is that Tam says he likes dark-haired girls. Then there is a development between dex and Biana (Biana is jealous, dex blushes, dex wants to please Biana, Biana blushes with him) then out of nowhere we learn that Biana is in love with Tam in 8.5 ☠️ IT DOESN’T MAKE ANY SENSE it's just because people like Tiana because they are opposites that Shannon did this, but she has more chemistry with Dex? It will just leave me with a very bitter taste if she ends up with Tam especially since Biana has 4 lines of dialogue in Stellarlune, 3 of which are about Dex lmao they didn't even talk about the ENTIRE book 😭☠️
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Biana: I have a new hoodie.
Tam: Wrong.
Tam: We have a new hoodie.
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hi im writing a kotlc fairytale au(yes. im hopping on the bandwagon.) and i want to hear what y'all think the pairing and the fairytale are
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thestarsloth · 4 months
Forever thinking about how umber aimed for biana and not linh
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crippling-pages · 1 month
Here's a Tam appreciation post. The group would possibly be dead by now if it weren't for him.
This man is an icon and has the brain cells in the books. I have nothing but respect and love from him.
And if you don't, idk if I trust you :/ Honest truth.
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my ridiculous kotlc relationship chart
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more specific versions under the cut
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cant believe i forgot the purple fitz and biana and marellinh i hate
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