upstartpoodle · 3 years
Hi there! I hope that you're keeping well. For the word ask, how about either heat or fever. I'm taking inspiration from our crazy heatwave at the moment. I hope that you're enjoying the good weather. Thanks! : )
Hi, thanks for the ask! I hope you're doing well. <3 These two are both from Moving Forward.
He was on the clifftops in the semi-darkness, the howling wind doing little to soothe the shivering heat that was threatening to overcome him despite its cold bite as it whipped through his ruffled curls and the hem of his coat.
“George,” he called, trying to pull him out of it. Uncharitable though it was—unreasonable even, considering he was the one that insisted upon it—he cursed Dwight for leaving the pair of them alone. What he was supposed to do with a sick George, lost in the throes of some horrid fever dream, he hadn't the faintest idea. “George!”
Send me a word and I'll give you a sentence of my WIP
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boromirswife · 3 years
Hi there! (waves) I hope that you're keeping well. For the tv show or film ask, how about Rebels or - if you're a fan - the Clone Wars? Thanks! : )
Hey! I'm doing well!! I hope you are too!!!
So I've watched all of Rebels, but haven't seen all of The Clone Wars... so my answers for TCW aren't as set in stone :)
favorite male character: Kanan
favorite female character: Hera
least favorite character: Probably Azmorrigan?
prettiest character: Hera
funniest character: Chopper
favorite season: Season 3
favorite episode: 'The Honorable Ones'
favorite romantic ship: Kanan/Hera, with Zeb/Kallus as a close second
favorite family ship: The Space Family <3
favorite friendship: Rex & Ahsoka
worst ship: Ezra/Maul or Ezra/Kanan
The Clone Wars
favorite male character: Obi-Wan
favorite female character: Ahsoka
least favorite character: As I said I haven't seen the whole show, but probably Clovis?
prettiest character: Padme
funniest character: Obi-Wan
favorite season: Rather than fave season or fave episode, I'll just say that my fave arc is the Mortis Arc :)
favorite episode:
favorite romantic ship: Anakin/Padme
favorite family ship: Anakin, Obi-Wan, Padme, and Ahsoka
favorite friendship: Rex & Ahsoka
worst ship: Ahsoka/Anakin or Ahsoka/Obi-Wan
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harry-leroy · 4 years
Can I bend the rules for the AU fic list? If so, how about George and Dwight with 1 (sick/injured) and/or 3 (amnesia) Thank you! : D
Yes you totally can!! I’m so sorry that this took a million years to get around to - as you probably all know, I’m terrible about answering asks in a timely manner. But this was a lot of fun to write! It’s somewhere post S5 - not exactly sure where though hehehe. Leaving under a cut for some angsty things - but everything’s all good by the end:) So stay tuned for some good old fashioned hurt/comfort ❤️
When George awoke, his vision sparkled and thinned, tunneling as he stared upwards into ornate, gilded designs. He was exhausted, far too tired now to fall back asleep. Before he could say anything, he felt a cold cloth on his forehead. There was also a gentle tug at his wrist, but he could not be bothered to look around at anything other than the ceiling.
Dwight sighed in relief. George’s pulse was quite normal again. It had been a difficult few nights at Cardew battling a fever this high, and seemingly with no cause. The good doctor had assured Cary Warleggan that there was no need for fear as George battled his fever; he did not fear death would result in the fight. However, Dwight was concerned as to what led to the man’s suffering and delirium. He had begun to consider George as a friend, and a dearer one than he might have expected at that. It pained him to see any man suffer, but all the more because it was George Warleggan.
George began to hear sounds, the semblances of voices. He felt his breath catch and a chill break down his spine.
“George?” He saw a face that looked like Dwight’s right above him. He felt a hand on his forehead now. “George? Can you hear me?”
* * *
It was another several hours before George opened his eyes again. This time he felt considerably more rested, though still having to take a few minutes to register his surroundings as real and consequential rather than figments of his imagination. The voices returned, but this time he could attach people to them. Real people.
“Was he doing anything strenuous before his fever began?” Dwight asked, his voice quiet from where George was. “Did he seem alright? No mention of-“
“No,” Cary cut him off. “No mention of her. He’s rid of her now,”
Dwight took a moment and caught his place against Cary’s quick counter.
“Still,” he said. “A great amount of bank work? A problem with the mine?”
“Nothing more than usual,” Cary said. “What are you suggesting? That this was caused by something... in the head?”
“I’m not sure,” Dwight said, glancing at George. It was then the good doctor realized that George was awake, and looking quite curiously at them. “Oh, Sir George,”
As Dwight rushed to his patient’s side, George made a weak attempt to prop himself up on his elbows.
“Where am I?” He asked. “What’s happened?”
“You should lie back down, nephew,” Cary said, lingering behind Dwight at a much slower pace. “You’ve been unwell,”
“Unwell?” George looked at Dwight. “What does he mean?”
“There is nothing to worry about, rest assured,” Dwight said. “Just a fever. You seem to be on the mend,”
George made a small noise, something like an acknowledgement, and lied back down on the pillow.
“Um,” George began. “How long?...”
“A few days,” Dwight said. “You collapsed on the floor after supper on Thursday evening. I was sent for immediately,”
“And today is?” George asked.
“Monday,” Dwight said, placing another gentle hand on his patient’s forehead. “Your fever seems to have broken. I should like you to rest a day or two more before resuming your activities as normal, but you should make a full recovery,”
“Do you have a day in mind?” Cary asked.
“We shall see how he feels tomorrow,” Dwight said. “But I should like him to stay in bed today, in case something were to happen,”
The doctor then turned back to George, gently taking his wrist again to check his pulse. He did not seem overly concerned until his brows knitted, as if he had remembered something.
“Sir George,” Dwight began. “Do you recall how you were feeling on Thursday? Do you recall any of the day at all?”
George blinked, trying to access his memory, but frustratingly, to no avail. He merely shook his head.
“What is the last thing you remember?” Dwight asked, still keeping calm with his voice, which was a great comfort to both George and Cary.
It took George a moment to think before it came to him, almost as hazy as the images he had seen in his heated delirium.
“Valentine,” he said. “Saying goodnight,”
“So nothing of Thursday at all?” Dwight asked.
George did not say anything. He could not begin to think of what Thursday was even meant to look like. He very suddenly wanted to see his children, but he could not bring himself to speak and ask for them.
“Did he meet with anyone on Thursday?” Dwight asked Cary. “Any engagements? Did he seem off?”
“He looked alright to me,” Cary said. “His collapse was quite a surprise to say the least,”
Before Dwight could respond, George spoke.
“Where are my children?” he asked. He seemed unsure of himself, unsure of his surroundings. He seemed to be looking in the middle of nowhere.
“Oh, um,” Cary began, quite certain that George must have been out of his wits again. “Do you really want them now?-“
“I’m sure they are not far away,” Dwight assured his patient. “Would you like to see them?”
Cary gave Dwight a look, one of a slight indignation for letting his own command slip, but Dwight merely smiled politely, then turned back to his patient.
“Oh, could I?” George asked. “It’s been so long since I’ve seen them,”
“Of course,” said Dwight as Cary gave a small huff, beginning to retreat away. Dwight watched him go, nearly amused (now that George was feeling much better and sure to recover fully) that Cary was still so hesitant to let Dwight have free reign over his treatment of George. However, he could not say that he blamed the man after what George had been through in the past. If that had happened to any relation of his, he would have never trusted another doctor again.
Once the doctor and his patient were alone, Dwight felt a tug on his sleeve. He turned around and knelt down. George took an excited breath in, his eyes lighting up with a kind of clarity.
“It was my children, you see,” he said. “I was so worried. About Valentine. He’s to go off to school in a week’s time. It’s the first time he’s been away for that long since... well...,”
“Go on,” Dwight urged, his voice still calm.
“You see,” George took a gentle hold of Dwight’s forearm, as if that would help him have strength to remember what was on his mind. “I never understood it. With Geoffrey Charles. Sending him to Harrow. But that’s because he isn’t... mine. I should have... listened. To her,”
“I understand,” Dwight said.
“It was almost as if,” he began, showing a slight hesitation before beginning again, “as if she was saying that she was right. I wondered if she... was angry. Resentful,”
“She could never be resentful,” Dwight said. “She loved you. And were she here today, she would feel that same pain you feel in losing Valentine. But he will come home again. He will have made friends, and learned much, but he will always be yours,”
“And hers,” George said, almost as though it were an afterthought.
“Yes,” Dwight said. “You must be strong for him. I’m sure he is just as nervous,”
George nodded.
“You’re right,” he said. “I will be. I must be,”
“Only after you’ve had a few more days to recover,” Dwight smiled. “Even though you are on the mend, I am still worried that your mental state was enough to bring you to this,”
“Was it that awful? My fever?” George asked, slightly worried that he had inconvenienced Dwight, no matter how silly that notion was.
“It is nothing you need to worry about,” Dwight said. “I am glad you told me what was on your mind,”
There was presently giggling that came from the closed door to the room. It opened to the sight of an exasperated Cary leaning over a tall boy and trying to hold the door. The boy ran in with as much excitement as Dwight had seen when George recovered from his last great illness, followed by Bessie carrying a little girl that was almost too big now to be carried. He smiled.
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lashbrook11 · 4 years
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sabre-studies · 4 years
17 Questions, 17 People! 
Thank you so much to @lattesandlearning for tagging me in this! I apologize for taking this long to get back to you. This upcoming semester has been a lot to sort out. 
Nickname: Spiel, Laurie, Kid, Maria (I’m also in my friend’s phone as “Shooketh” sksksks) 
Zodiac: Taurus 
Height: 5’3″ 
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Last thing I googled: “team aqua admins” - I was trying to tag some Pokémon art on the queue for my main blog, and I’ve never played a Gen 3 game so I had to look up the admin names! 
Song stuck in my head: “The Carioca” by Fred Astaire from Flying Down to Rio (1933).
Numbers of followers: 276 - thank you all! I know I’m not that active on here but I’m going to try to be more active this semester. 
Amount of sleep: My sleep schedule is all kinds of messed up right now... smh 
Lucky number: 18 
Dream job: Playwright, screenwriter, and/or professor 
Wearing: Sweatpants and an Oxford sweatshirt
Favorite song: Right now it’s “What’s Good” (or “Falling for U”) by Seventeen 
Favorite instrument: I like playing flute but I would love to learn a richer, darker instrument; I know oboe isn’t that popular with the kids but have you heard an oboe when it sounds good? *it’s lovely* 
Aesthetic: having a music taste that spans a good amount of genres, taking too many selfies, existing in public to intimidate men, nervous laughter, dark academia friend with anxiety, the one who projects their friend group onto fictional friend groups, reclusive, just put SNL Timothee Chalamet in their bullet journal (you know the sketch). 
Favorite author: I don’t think I have one  - they all aggravate me right now hahah (I’m taking a little break from my major and taking a bunch of electives this semester because my brain can’t read anymore) 
Favorite animal noise: When my dog gets vocal when he’s excited - sometimes he’ll just start barking and I’ve never had a dog who does that before! 
Random: I hope that you all have a lovely 2021 - let’s focus on healing this year :) 
Tagging: @lanaslaws, @thatprocrastinatingmedstudent, @laurenstudiess, @alittleacademe, @libraryofjessica, @focusgranger, @notations, @motivatedstingray, @scholarly-romance, @problematicprocrastinator, @forcebros, @babinicz, @suits-of-woe, @notyouraveragejulie, @kafkastan, @ticketybooser, @thelibraryiscool, and anyone else who wants to do it! 
(I tagged some mutuals from my main blog @harry-leroy - just so you know, it’s me! Also I need to reach out to my studyblr mutuals so if I tagged you from studyblr - hello! Figured this tag game would fit either blog style :) If you’ve already been tagged or are having a real busy and stressful time like I am right now, no worries! This is just a bit of fun) 
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rather-impertinent · 4 years
I double dog dare you to say at least one thing that you like about yourself! Tag 5 others to do the same.
Thank you for the tag @ticketybooser 🥰 the global situation right now is stressful as fuck to say the least so it’s nice to spread some positivity amongst the (valid!) chaos.
I’m a good listener and offer practical advice, I like it when my friends feel like they can come talk to me about anything that’s worrying or bothering them, no matter how trivial it might seem to them. Also, I make the best banana bread out of anyone I know and even all my non-vegan friends and family love it 😌
Your turn: @hopefulfridays @tiffanyachings @super-radix-fan @janeeyresparknotes @nervousladytraveler 💞
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xxsparksxx · 5 years
To the Queen of Poldark! : D I love reading your character studies and thoughts on everything Poldarkian. For the AU story ask, how about a meeting between George, along with Valentine and Ursula, and Ross at the Christmas christening of the new Enys baby. Perhaps a meeting that proves unexpectedly cordial in the wake of George's heorics at Nampara? Thanks so much.
I’m going to turn this one down, because it’s a ‘three sentence fic’ ask, and I couldn’t do this prompt in three sentences :)
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upstartpoodle · 3 years
Hi there, I hope that you're keeping well. Here's a little 🌹 if that's okay. Thank you! : D
Hi, thanks for the ask! <3 This one's from my selkie AU, a couple of extracts of which can be found here and here.
“I am human!,” George exclaimed, rather more angrily than he had intended. He closed his eyes, taking a deep, steadying breath. As sick and tired as he was of people claiming this thing about him, as if he were some strange creature playing pretend at a life he had no right to, it would not do to lose his temper, especially in front of a complete stranger. “I tell you again, madam, you are mistook. I was born on land, and I was raised on land.”
for every “🌹” received in my inbox i’ll post one random sentence of a random WIP i’m currently writing
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boromirswife · 3 years
Hi there! For the handwriting ask, how about number 39? : D
39. a random fact about yourself
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(I hope it’s legible lol)
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boromirswife · 3 years
Pardon my ignorance, but I've always wondered and now I've got to ask, who is the actor/personality in the gif on your dashboard?
That’s Sam Witwer, he’s the voice actor for Darth Maul in Star Wars: The Clone Wars and Star Wars: Rebels :)
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boromirswife · 3 years
Hey there! (waves) I'm sorely tempted to suggest George and Dwight for the ship ask (because they are such an interesting pair), but that's probably a bit too predictable from me, so how about Kanan and Hera? I love their relationship and it's so nice to meet a fellow fan. I'd love to read your thoughts on them : D
Ship It
What made you ship it?: I shipped it right from the first episode of Rebels. As soon as Hera called Kanan “love” I was in deep.
What are your favourite things about the ship?: EVERYTHING. They’re so in love and they have so much respect for each other. They’re just relationship goals *sigh*
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?: I don’t think I have any!!
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upstartpoodle · 4 years
👀 Thanks! : D
Hi! Thanks for the ask! This one is from my Warlenys Good Omens AU since I need to keep at least some of Moving Forward to myself until it’s ready to post ha
It was a perfectly ordinary day in the little bookshop in Soho when It happened. Or rather, that is to say, if one were to consider an elderly gentleman collapsing on the floor in front of the counter as being in the realms of “ordinary”. As it happened, the proprietor of the establishment in question was unfortunately possessed of considerable reason to view displays of human mortality as a quotidian event, but we might agree, perhaps, that being accustomed to such occurrences does little to quell the urgency with which they must be dealt. It was, therefore, that at the very moment It happened, the angel who had taken to the name Dwight Enys was to be found crouched beside the old man and his white-faced wife, and could thus be excused for failing to mark the occurrence of anything...unusual.
“Sir?” He spoke softly and calmly, allowing himself a careful, calculated touch to one bony shoulder. “Can you hear me, sir?”
The man's face and lips had been steadily turning an alarming shade of blue, but the moment the long-fingered hand touched him, it receded to a soft, healthy pink. Thin, veined eyelids fluttered open, and he shot up like a piece of twanged elastic, letting out a sharp gasp.
“Oh John! John! Are you alright?!” The old woman beside them, tears streaming down her wizened cheeks, flung her arms about his neck, looking for all the world as if she were trying to undo Dwight's good work by cutting off her husband's airways.
“I'm fine, I'm fine,” the man waved her off. “In fact,” he added, with a perplexed frown, “I don't think I remember ever feeling so well!”
Damn, Dwight thought. Overshot it again.
“I think it would be best if you went to hospital, sir,” he said aloud. “You had a very nasty turn just there.”
The man looked about to protest, but fortunately, the realisation that his wife had already called for an ambulance quelled his objections. Less fortunately the arrival of the paramedics only served to cause even greater bafflement on the part of all involved when they failed to find even the slightest thing wrong with him, up to and including the mysterious vanishing of a nick on his chin from shaving, a bruise on his elbow and—he insisted as, much to everybody's surprise, he got to his feet with the ease and grace of a man half his age—his arthritis. In the end, they ushered him away anyway for observation, and it was with an air of faint puzzlement that they thanked him before heading on their way.
Once they were gone, Dwight carefully reached out and switched the sign on the door from “OPEN” to “CLOSED”. Then, he put his hand over his eyes and let out a frustrated groan. One quick miracle—that was all it should have been. One quick, not too miraculous miracle that nobody would think too hard about. He could only hope the Upper Management didn't find out about this. Or the several other occasions of a...similar nature. Several in this case being applied under the definition of “really quite a lot” and, in the case of those he answered to, “far, far too many”. He had been reprimanded for this sort of thing before—he wasn't meant to interfere directly with humanity, not after that awkward incident with a certain flaming sword—and he feared if they were to start looking, they would find a great deal of interference indeed.
Amongst...other things.
It was just then that something happened to make those Other Things soar to the forefront of his mind. As he turned back away from the door, dragging his hand slowly down his face, he noticed, all of a sudden, that the counter was not quite as it had been before. Specifically, there was a folded-over piece of paper lying atop it, which had definitely not been there when the old man had had his turn. Dwight's eyes narrowed. For a long moment, he watched it warily. When nothing particularly remarkable happened, he reached out and picked it up, unfolding it with careful precision.
The handwriting, which he had grown deeply accustomed to over the centuries, should by all rights have been too elegant to be allowed in this day and age. One could easily see the stately cursive as belonging to a well-to-do Georgian gentleman with a quill and ink, but in biro, on a piece of white printer paper, it looked decidedly out of place. Dwight, however, was far more concerned with the message itself. It read:—
“I have news. You know where to meet. I'll foot the bill.”
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boromirswife · 4 years
For the series ask, how about (predictable drum roll, please) Poldark, or the Derry Girls (shout out for my home city) Thanks! : D
Favorite character: George (of course)
Second favorite character: I have multiple — Dwight, Elizabeth, Caroline....
Least favorite character: Whitworth (though he is played amazingly, I’ve never hated a character as much as I hated him)
The character I’m most like: Rosina
Favorite pairing: George/Elizabeth
Least favorite pairing: Ross/Elizabeth and Morwenna/Whitworth (though no one ships that one)
Favorite moment: Probably George throwing money in Ross’ face. Makes me laugh every time.
Rating out of 10: Eh... 7/10? I adore it, but I can get pretty annoyed with it sometimes :/
Derry Girls
Favorite character: Orla!!
Second favorite character: James or Clare
Least favorite character: James’ mum
The character I’m most like: Clare
Favorite pairing: Erin/James
Least favorite pairing: I only really ship Erin/James, so...
Favorite moment: The moment when Orla talks about why she invited Granda Joe to the school formal/prom. So cute. Or any moment with Orla, tbh.
Rating out of 10: 10/10. It’s just glorious 😭
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upstartpoodle · 4 years
🌹 : D
Hi, thanks for the ask! This is from the next chapter of Moving Forward which is going to appear at some point I swear
George stared at the old woman, both in chagrin and with no small measure of bafflement. Not only had Agatha Poldark never set foot in Cardew once in her not inconsiderable life, but he quite distinctly remembered her having died at Trenwith some years ago. It struck him as rather odd, yet his muddled mind couldn’t quite linger on it as it perhaps ought to have done. As rude and inconsiderate as it was to rise from the grave simply to insult a man in his own home, he thought, it was hardly out of character for the woman in question.
for every “🌹” received in my inbox i’ll post one random sentence of a random WIP i’m currently writing
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upstartpoodle · 4 years
Oh, oh. How about George and number 14 or Dwight and number 21? Or if those don't suit, how about Elizabeth and number 5? Thanks! : D
Oooh good choices! Thanks for the ask! :D
How they did in school
Oh boy, do I have thoughts about this one! I imagine little George as being very academic as a kid. Throughout his time in school, he was very aware of his background and the fact that his education was a privilege that nobody else in his family had ever had the opportunity to benefit from, and the pressure from the knowledge that he was in effect representing the Warleggans both to his peers and to his teachers often led him to overcompensate in order to prove that he deserved his place amongst them. He put a lot of effort into all his schoolwork - just as he does into his business in canon - and consequently tended to excel academically throughout his time there.
Despite this, however, he didn’t particularly enjoy his school years as a whole. We already know from canon that he was bullied very badly by Ross and his friends, but even leaving that aside, I imagine he would have been very isolated from his peers because of his background. He was under a lot of pressure to fit in and make connections, first by his father and later by his uncle, but he really struggled to make friends amongst his classmates, partially because of his background, but also simply because he was a very shy and withdrawn. Even adult George at his most confident can be pretty socially awkward - he’s got a slightly odd, overly formal way of making small talk which reads to me much more like a learnt skill than a natural talent - and so I can easily imagine kid George being the same except ramped up to eleven. Not only was he naturally reserved, but his awareness of and embarrassment over the disparity between himself and his peers often led to him trying to cover it up in ways that only ended up serving to set him apart - he often came across as stilted and formal whilst trying not to speak with his parents’ Cornish accent, or trying to avoid making any sort of ungentlemanly faux-pas - and in many ways, the actions of Ross and his ilk only served to make him suspicious and wary of many of his classmates later on in his school life.
Though he was friendly with some of the other boys, his only real close friend at school was Francis. To this day, George doesn’t quite understand why Francis decided to befriend him, especially with how difficult his and Ross’ dislike of each other made it, but nevertheless he ended up being dragged into his circle of friends. Their friendship wasn’t exactly an easy one though - after all, Francis can be pretty thoughtlessly cruel in canon (i.e. that comment about rank and position being “dearly bought” back in s1) and I imagine he would be more so as a kid, not to mention George feeling like something of a tag-along in the beginning. However, as their friendship progressed, George’s reserve and desire to keep out of trouble was a calming influence on Francis (as opposed to Ross who was constantly dragging him into stupid shit), and when they did end up getting themselves involved in shenanigans, George was generally resourceful enough (thanks to Uncle Cary’s life lessons of “how to fuck up your enemies whilst coming out on top yourself” ha) to bail them out in a way that Francis wasn’t. In the end, Francis became reliant on George to the point where we see them in canon, with Francis very much following where George leads.
Anyway, this is fast turning into a random tangent about my many, many Thoughts about the relationship between Francis and George so I had better stop there for now ha.
Their fondest childhood memory.
Dwight absolutely loved nature as a kid - going out to look through the rockpools on the beach, searching for interesting bugs in the woods or watching the birds nesting in the spring. His absolute favourite, though, was a robin that used to live in hedge outside their house. When he was small, his mother taught him how to get it to come to his hand, and he’s cherished the memory ever since.
A cherished personal belonging.
Elizabeth’s most treasured belongings are those which have been given to her by her family - the old storybook given to her by her father which she passed down to Geoffrey Charles and then to Valentine, Geoffrey Charles’ old baby blanket which had been a gift from Verity, a collection of pretty pebbles Valentine had brought back for her from a trip to the beach, the necklace George bought her for Valentine’s christening, etc. Outside of this, her most cherished possession is her harp. Playing has always been a source of comfort to her - a way to immerse herself in the music and give herself a break from the things going on in her life - and it became all the more so after her marriage to George and realising how much he enjoys listening to her play. Little Valentine also loves listening and it’s become a joke between them that he’ll grow up wanting to play just like his mama.
Send me a character and a number and I’ll tell you my headcanons
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upstartpoodle · 4 years
Hi, thanks for the ask!
I’m thinking of writing a s5 AU fix-it which would be a sort of sequel to Not Alone starting from around about 5x05 with a focus on a developing friendship between George & Dwight which we never quite got in canon despite the promising start. I’ll probably have to wait until after I’m finished with Moving Forward (new chapter should be up tomorrow btw since once again it’s got way longer than expected - might have to rethink my posting schedule hmm) though because that fic is kind of taking over my life at the moment ha.
send me a 🌻 and ill just tell you whatever the fuck i want
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