#ticklish killer sans
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Me ? Back so soon ? It seems so
Tickleeeee fic
Characters: Dust & Killer, not a ship
Context: Killer has been sneaking up on Dust quite a lot recently in order to surprise tickle him, Dust is pissed, he decides it's time for revenge
Dust walked down the hallway, a precise destination in mind. Killer had been very annoying these past few days, attacking him out of nowhere, sometimes even if the others were around. It was humiliating. After debating with himself Dust had finally decided that the best solution was vengeance.
He didn't knock when he arrived at the door, he just entered and locked it behind him.
Killer was on his bed, laying on his stomach, watching a movie on his phone. His jacket was on the ground, leaving him in his sleevless sweater. He looked up at the sound of his door opening and saw Dust locking it from inside. He put his headphones down, pausing the movie.
- You need something ?
He asked, oblivious to his hooded friend's intentions.
Dust didn't answer, he instead used his blue magic on Killer's soul to make sure he wouldn't try to get up and stayed right in place on the bed. Killer jumped, he couldn't see Dust's face under his hood, was he having another maniac episode ?
- WOW- hum- h-hey Dust you okay ??
He tried to move but the magic around his soul prevented him from moving even his arms or legs, all he could do was look around. Dust got closer. Killer's breath fastened. Was he going to kill him ?
Without saying a word Dust got on the bed and sat on his victim's legs.
- D-Dust ?
A chill went down his spine when he felt his sweater being lifted to expose his bones. Oh no. He knew what that meant, and he couldn't even move a finger or teleport away !
- H-Hey ! Dust, Buddy, Pal, Friend, w-we can talk about it, no ??
The more the seconds passed the more Killer was becoming very nervous. Nothing happened for a while, but he soon felt two gloved fingers on each side of his ribcage slowly tracing his ribs. Killer couldn't help but shriek and giggle.
- D-Duhust !
But Dust didn't answer, tracing every rib slowly, watching Killer turn into a giggling mess as he maintained him in place with his magic. It was slow, torturous, the only sound breaking the silence was Killer's giggles, Dust didn't say anything. He wasn't much of a talker anyway. He kept tracing he ribs underneath his fingers.
Killer tried to bite his tongue to muffle his giggles, trembling, he wanted to move so bad but the magic was forbidding him to do so, all he could do was take it and giggle. A red blush appeared on his cheeks.
- Oh fuhuhuck ohohoff !
Suddenly the tickling stopped. Killer sighed, but quickly tensed again when he saw two white gloves falling on the bed in front of his face. Dust had taken his gloves off. He had now direct contact with his bones. And the tickling resumed, ten fingers now slowly spidering on his ribs. The sensation was much more intense without the gloves.
- Dussssst- !
He tried to resist again but it was to no avail, he just couldn't stop the giggles from coming out. His cheeks were burning, glowing red from the slow torture.
He almost shrieked when he felt Dust's hand brush against his spine, fingers gently tapping on it. He was still spidering his ribs with his other hand.
- D-Duhust plehehase ! We-we cahahan tahahalk !
Dust didn't want to talk, Dust wanted to get revenge. He kept tapping on his friend's spine, scratching between the vertebrae to make him shriek, enjoying seeing him finally pay. He soon began to spider on the spine with both hands, slow torture was fun but he wanted to see him cry. Killer flinched, his body trembling like a leaf. He laughed, he wanted to move, to push Dust away and protect his bones, but he couldn't and it was driving him insane. He couldn't even see what Dust was doing, only feel it.
And he felt so much: scraches, spiderings, pinches, occasional squeezes on his ribs, tapping on his arms near his armpits, ... it was a lot to handle. He was laughing, begging Dust to at least let him have a break, but Dust never stopped. By that time he had guessed Dust's motivations.
- IhI- I'm sohorryhyhy ! I'm sorryhyhy fohor tihihicklihihing yohohohuhu !
He apologized, hopping Dust would be satisfied. The answer was more scratching on his spine, making him yell. Tears were forming in his eyes, clear tears, not his usual black determination tears. He kept shrieking and laughing as Dust kept assaulting his spine and ribs, going full speed without any mercy.
Killer choked, tears falling on the mattress as they rolled down his cheeks. It was too much. The sensation was too much. His cheeks were cramping.
He wheezed.
He was completly out of breath, his laughter turning silent.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity to Killer, the tickling stopped. Dust grabbed his gloves to put them back on and got up, watching Killer wheeze, panting. He deactivated his magic and let him quickly curl up, putting his sweater back in place, his soul was twitching with the overstimulation. Maybe he had been a little bit too harsh, but oh well, at least Killer wouldn't bother him for a good while.
He teleported away, leaving behind him a blushing mess still giggling a little from phantom tickles.
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ask-ticklish-goopnoot · 9 months
This blog has been dead lately 👁👄👁
Are you looking for questions?? If so here you go! 10 questions👍
How much do you love your brother?
2. Are any of the bad sans clingy sometimes?
3. I remember you telling me that dust is at the same ticklish level as you soo if both of you went into a tickle fight who would lose ?
4. Has anyone ever jump scared you before?
5. If you were to tickle one of the murder time trio in front of everyone who would it be?
6. Why is Dust Killer's main target whenever it come tickling?
7. If you kiss error on the cheek how would he react?
8. Give everybody you love a hug
9. Ask your loved one if he want a hug then if he says yes trick him and start tickling him!
10. What do you prefer to be called?
Im done writing questions😭 okay have nice a day byee!!
( oh wow that's a lot-
And yes my ask box is always empty 🥲 )
NM: I don't really know, we're on better terms since the truce but we still need to work on a few things, so I guess maybe 6 out of ten ? I don't hate him but it's not love either, it's more like... I appreciate him
NM: yes, especially Killer, since he gets bored easly when he's alone he often chose someone to stay with for the day and doesn't let them go
NM: Dust would definitely lose and the simple reason to that is because I have tentacles and he wouldn't be able to concentrate enough to use his blue magic on me
NM: Every. F#cking. Day. With these idiots living in my castle. I litterally can't catch a break.
NM: I guess Killer because he seems to be very immune to embarrassment so he probably wouldn't even mind
NM: because Dust has the funniest reaction, he's the most ticklish out of the three and since they're mostly always together he's the most accessible
NM: blush a little and smile I guess, we worked a lot on his aphephobia, he doesn't have any problem touching me anymore, it's still complicated with the others tho
NM: okay here's how it went:
- Error hugged me back
- Hate was very confused
- Killer slapped my ass so I slapped his
- Dust didn't do anything at first but ended up hugging me back
- Horror hugged me back and didn't let go for an entire hour because he thought I was sad
NM: oh God okay here's how it went:
I hugged Error and when he hugged me back I tickled his ribs, of course he yelled because he wasn't expecting that, and that's when I regretted it: he pushed me and tied me in his strings before tickling me in return
NM: Nightmare ? I mean- just call me by my name ?? You can also call me your majesty tho
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danineedshelp · 9 months
So I had the urge to draw lee!dust and ler!killer sooo uhmm
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This is the au where nightmare is a dad and dream is the uncle
My love for lee!dust is too real💀😭
Bro really tackled his little brother and made his hood fall off poor dusty
@badsansandstarsansticklestuff I know it isn't the fic but...hope u like? I'm still working on it😭😭
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oddslimee1 · 7 months
Just a Little... Fun!
Lee: Nightmare!Sans
Ler: Killer!Sans
It was night where Nightmare’s castle was. Horror and Dust were out on a mission that Nightmare sent them on, and Killer was sitting on the couch in the living room. He was eating some peanuts and was looking out the window. It was very peaceful for the skeleton (shocking for him I know). Though this peacefulness was ended quickly. Killer wanted to do something… fun. He got up from the couch and started to walk to Nightmare’s office, which was on the second floor of the castle.
He got to the office in a few moments and knocked on the door. Killer heard a gruff noise and assumed that he could come in. He opened the door and saw that Nightmare was sitting at his desk with a book in his hand.
“What do you want, Killer?” asked Nightmare, not taking his eyes off of his book.
“I just want to have some… fun,” said Killer. That’s when Nightmare looked at him in a confused manner.
“What do you mean by ‘fun’? You can do anything that you want in the castle that doesn’t go against the rules,” asked Nightmare. He noticed how Killer got closer to him, but then it dawned on him. Nightmare’s eyes widened as he quickly got up from his desk.
“Do not, Killer, I’m warning you!” Killer just smiled as Nightmare’s tentacles shot at him. He dodged them and pounced onto the other skeleton. Nightmare let out a surprised yelp before falling to the floor. His tentacles were flying everywhere which caused for things to be knocked over, but Killer didn’t care. He had his eyes on the prize, and this prize, well… it was Nightmare’s laughter of course!
Nightmare yelped as Killer dug ten fingers into his boss’s sides. He skittered his fingers up and down, just like how a spider would crawl around. Nightmare bit down on his lip, trying not to laugh. It was working… for the most part. A little muffled giggle would occasionally come out of his mouth, but other than that, he was holding off pretty well. That was, until, Killer flipped him around so that he was on his stomach. Nightmare knew what he was going to do, it was blandly obvious.
“K-Killer, you do this and I swear that I will-“ “You will what, boss, kill me? I don’t think that’ll work when you won’t even be able to move your body,” Killer cut him off before scribbling his fingers all over his lower back. Nightmare instantly bursted out in cackles, and he tried to push killer off of him, but it didn’t work. He couldn’t do anything in this position, it made him feel so weak, so… powerless…
Killer continued to tickle Nightmare shitless, earring an occasional squeak and/or squeal from his boss, which was unlike him, very unlike him.
“KIHIHILLEHER NOHOHAHAHA!” Nightmare laughed. Killer had started to tickle his tentacles, which caused Nightmare’s laughter to go full ballistic
“Nah, I’m good, I think Imma keep going for a bit longer,” Killer said with a smirk (Nightmare could not see said smirk, but he was for sure that Killer was actually trying not to laugh at him). Nightmare would’ve groaned if he wasn’t laughing his ass off.
Killer hit a particularly bad spot on one of Nightmare’s tentacles, and it caused him to full on scream with laughter.
“OHOKAHAY OHOKAHAY I GIHIVE I GIHIVE I GIHIVE!!” Nightmare said through his laughter. Killer saw this as his time to stop, and so he did. When he stopped, Nightmare was panting and twitching like crazy. When he finally got his composure, Killer got off of him.
“You good boss—“ Killer cut himself off when he saw that Nightmare had fallen asleep. He smiled at his boss, and decided that he should let him get some rest.
Hi y’all, I really hope you enjoyed this fic. This is a bit of a birthday special of mine (my birthday was yesterday), and I tried to finish it last night but I fell asleep 😅😅😅. My friend introduced me to Undertale and the Underverse and I loved it! My favorite characters by far are dream and nightmare, but I like all of the charactees equally. Again, I really hope you enjoyed this fic, so have a good day/night!!!
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lover-of-skellies · 7 months
Imagine. Admiring the night sky with Outer, sharing a blanket and snacks. Visiting a planetarium with Sans, and seeing him genuinely interested in something for once. Play fighting with Red on his couch, and accidentally stumbling across a ticklish spot. Cooking a meal with Blue, and goofing around in the kitchen, maybe offering some tips and advice for whatever you're making. Spraying Ink with holy water and seeing him burst into flames. Coming home to a nice meal that was made for you by Axe/Horror, and telling jokes at the table. Maybe you try to feed each other, while you're at it
Imagine. Strolling along the beach with Dream, collecting shells and admiring the view of the water. Curling up against Nightmare's side on a couch in his personal library and reading whatever book he happens to be reading, while one of his tentacles curls around you instinctively and keeps you close. Sitting in the antivoid with Error and sharing chocolate, watching Undernovela together. Your pinky is loosely wrapped around his, since you've been trying to help him get accustomed to your touch. This is all he can handle so far, but you don't mind
Imagine. Taking Killer to a cat lounge for the first time, and seeing the way his eyes light up in delight when he sees the various cats roaming around. Sitting on Dust's bed and stitching up a hole in part of his jacket while he sits nearby and watches you. He doesn't talk much, but he's staring a lot, silently admiring your handiwork. When you finish, he inspects what you've done, and gives a tiny smile in approval, grateful for the help. Trying to choke the shit out of Fresh because he was annoying, but he doesn't breathe, so he continues to poke fun and laugh at you while you struggle. Buying Cross some tacos and chocolate milk, absolutely spoiling him after a long, hard day, and letting him cuddle up to you while you hold him
Imagine. Taking Geno out of the save screen and standing beside him, seeing the look of awe on his face when he sees the night sky for the first time in ages. Being friends with Reaper, despite how he frequently comes and goes, unsure when you'll see him again. You make him a friendship bracelet, and then he vanishes for months, but when you see him again after all that time has passed, he's still wearing the bracelet you'd given him as if it's a reminder of you. Going on cute dates with Lust and clothes shopping with him, showering him in genuine heartfelt compliments and seeing him smile and blush this pretty shade of purple, because with you, he's learning to love himself
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jay-cryova · 4 years
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Nightmare got rekt by one of my Sanses! XD (prompt by @ticklishshenanigansau )
Day 17 of TickleTober: Tickled to Tears
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I think “I like your laugh.” with Nightmare would be really cute… you know… 'cause he has a cute laugh, ehehe
I want to write things more dramatic ;n;
I really liked that one story with Nightmare you wrote and I'm just like cri
I hope you like this, though!
The first time that you heard him laugh, you were shocked and so was he. It was when you made a joke with him and he seemed tired, then randomly just laughed at your joke! You figured he most likely did it because, you know, he was sleepy? It made sense, didn’t it? 
You didn’t expect that, but the biggest thing that you didn’t expect was how he sounded when he laughed. 
He did a laugh similar to that of Blueberry, the Star Sans member, and he stared at you with a large socket while you stared back at him. “Oh my god...” you mumble, a small grin slowly starting to form on your face.
He hisses at you, a loud and aggressive sound while his tentacles shoot up “Get out!” 
You, of course, turned and scrambled out of the room while he slammed the door behind you. The sound echoed through the castle like a gun shot. Killer asked you what you did to get the boss so pissed at you...
You didn’t answer, you just smiled which he returned cause hey, that’s a good sign! (Not really a good sign, but it is Killer we’re talking about) 
The second time you heard him laugh was a time when you two were relaxing together. Just the two of you, the others were out on a mission or something of the sort. Nightmare mostly sent them away so you two could spend time together alone. He was lent against you, his head resting on your shoulder breathing out slowly and you started to rub the spot where his tentacles connected. If you weren’t allowed to move around so much, you could at least do this, right?
He jolts, letting out that laugh again. A bit louder than before because this time it was caused by something else..
It seemed that spot was ticklish. 
He looks up at you with his one socket, snarling at you but he didn’t seem to want to pull away. He was most likely comfortable pressed up against you like this...
You laugh at the reaction and pull your hands away, holding them up. “Sorry sorry, damn, I didn’t mean to... I didn’t know you were ticklish”
“I am not ticklish” he rests his head down, shutting his eye. 
“You sounded pretty ticklish, or do I have to find out myself?” you ask, raising your hands and wiggling your fingers.
Your wrists got grabbed by his tentacles as he opened his socket again, slightly glaring up at you. 
How did you even end up here? You had no idea, time just moved so fast. You had really nothing left to do so hey, you had a lot of fun by messing with people and the best one to mess with was Nightmare!
“Don’t look at me like that, you know you like how I act” you say, teasingly, then hum “I like your laugh... just so you know. I think it’s cute”
He lets out a little annoyed sound, his tentacles tightening their grip on your wrists for a few seconds before he sighs, shuts his eye again, and shakes his head, laying his head back down against you. “Just know that you’re only alive because I choose for you to be”
“Yeah yeah, I know” you look down at him, and start to pet the top of his skull. He kept his tentacles wrapped around your waist but loosely now, more or less just holding onto it. 
He liked the contact most likely...
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giggly-squiggily · 2 years
I need brotherly bonding between Ikuya and Natsuya...in Conclusion a tk fight between them✨
Ooo, my first time writing for Natsuya! I'm excited! :D I've gotcha covered, anon!
Natsuya was a man on a mission.
His target? The lone green haired preteen sitting by studying.
It was the weekend, the gods of relaxation blessing them with no swim practice that day due to weather. With not much to do, the brothers decided to have an evening in, working on their respective tasks and draining cup after cup of hot cocoa. It was nice.
For like- an hour.
Natsuya wasn’t one to necessarily get bored. He could easily entertain himself for hours on end so be it. However, since the recent repairing of him and Ikuya’s relationship, he’d been feeling rather…tempted to mess with him. Was he making up for the several years of awkwardness built up between them? Was it the sugar rush from the cocoa? He couldn’t say. All he knew was looking at Ikuya now, he suddenly wanted to see him smile and laugh.
Naturally, as older siblings do, he reached over and swiftly stole Ikuya’s headphones off his head.
“Wha-Natsuya!” The smaller boy cried indignantly, throwing down his pen and running after his brother. “Give those back!”
“What, shy about what you're listening to?” He teased, holding the headphones high above his head, lowering his arm briefly and shooting it back whenever Ikuya just barely reached them. From the muffled speakers, he could hear an old song they used to be obsessed over back in elementary. Some things haven’t changed. “Oo, I remember this song! How’d it go again?”
“Natsuya, stop it! Give them back!” Ikyua tried to sound angry, failing to keep the whine out of his voice. He also failed to keep the giggles at bay when Natsuya started singing along with the music, having a mini dance party as he croaned offbeat. “You’re a terrible singer!”
“What?” He gasped. “You used to think I was a great singer! You’d run up to me all the time when you were in kindergarten!” Putting the headphones down, he shot his hands out to Ikuya’s sides, tickling him. “‘Ni-san! Sing!’ You’d pitch a fit and refused to go to bed if I didn’t! Your face would get all red and you’d bring the house down in your little tantrum!”
“Iihiihihhiihhiihihihihi wahhahahahahahahs fihihihiihihve!” Ikuya argued through his laughter, nearly collapsing on himself as Natsuya got his ribs. “Yohohoohohohohu stihihihihihihihll cahahahahhahahan’t sihihihihihihing! Nohohohohohot thehehheen and nohohoohohot noohohohohoow!”
“Ah! You wound me!” Natsuya snorted, dragging the squirming ball of green into his chest and going for all the worst spots he could remember. “You really want to be tickled, huh?”
Ikuya could only squeak in response, clinging to his brother’s wrists as he felt himself starting to sink. He’d hit the ground soon, limiting his escape even further. Time to take action!
“Tahahahahhahake thahahahhahhahahat!” He cried out, twisting in his brother’s arms and latching onto Natsuya’s waist, squeezing. The older of the two wasn’t nearly as ticklish, but the startled huff of laughter and jerk back was all Ikuya needed. Within seconds he was off, sprinting down the halls like he was being chased by a serial killer. “Yoohohu can’t catch me!”
Natsuya rubbed at his torso, amusement in his eyes as he shook his head warmly. “Oh you little brat- come here!” He called after him, giving chase and carrying on their game.
Mission successful.
I hope this was good!
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playful-dark-stars · 3 years
Okok got it, how about 33-34 with lee!Nightmare and the bad sanses as the lers? Also you're welcome, hope you have a great day or night-! ☆(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*
33 - I'm not ticklish
34 - I'm betting I can prove you wrong Lee Nightmare
It’s a beautiful day outside. Birds, are singing, flowers are blooming. On days like these, Nightmare sans...
Should start running faster. Let’s catch you all up to speed. The gang was playing 2 truths and a lie. It went from: “I use to think of Dust as a Dust bunny” to “I tried to bomb the Star Sanses with paint” Take a guess who said what. Anyhow, Nightmare was not paying attention to what he said but did really care so much anyways. He let it slip out but he’d just lie about it. “You think it’s about his brother??” “I mean, have you seen how they act towards each other??” Dust spat. Horror rolled his eyes and replied with “Whatever ya Dusty skeleton”. After a while, Killer beamed with an idea. “Hey boss, can I try something?” Nightmare blinked in thought. But still agreed. Killer jumped on his sides and Nightmare MIGHT have shrieked. After Dust and Horror watched Killer become a shooting star across the entire room, they looked back at Nightmare. After the octopus saw mischievous glints in their eyes, Nightmare knew...He messed up.
And that brings us to here. Where Nightmare is running for his life from  the other 3 skeletons. Maybe he could hide in his room, they’d never go in there, even if it was for death. Or maybe the back room(Fnaf anyone?), they barely go in there. Well, Killer was just protecting his bedroom until he saw Nightmare run by. He ran into the back room and closed the door silently. They ran by and Nightmare sighed of relief. Dust had low stamina, and lowed to a stopm. Nightmare was begging for Dust to not look in here. Dust walked past him. The octopus was SO filled with relief. Until one of his tentacles/tentadrils knocked something off a shelf. Oh no...
Dust whipped his head around and burst through the door. He pounced on the other, attacked his ribs. “EEP! Duhuhuhust! Noho, stohohohopp!” The octopus tried to pry the other’s hands off of his ribs. “Sorry not sorry, but I’m more than good!” Dust said. Killer and Horror heard the commotion, and entered the room. “Ya want help there Dust?” Killer asked. Dust happily nodded. “Nohohoho! Dust! Let mehe gohoho!” Horror grabbed 2 tentacles and started scribbling all over them. “AAH! GuhuhaHAHAHahyss!! StahahAHAHAHhap!!” Killer decided to join and poke all over his spine. It surely wasn’t his worst spot, but it was a close 3rd. Oh, you thought it was his second? Nope. His second spot can make his voice go up an octave but he tries his best to keep it down. Which leads to voice cracks. After 6 minutes of this, his legs started to give in. He fell backward. Not only did his legs fail him, but Horror and Killer are both weighing him down. “GuhuhuhUUHUHUYSSS!! PLHEHEHEHE *squeak* HEHEESE!” D-Did they all hear that right? Did NIGHTMARE...Just squeak? “Holy guacamole, you just squeaked!” Nightmare slapped an hand over his mouth. At least trying trying to stifle his giggles. The trio couldn’t help but stare in disbelief. Never thought something so terrifying at times could be cute. “Aye boss, where else are you tickish?” Horror asked. Obviously, Nightmare didn’t cooperate. “Guhuhuhuys, Ihihihihi swheheHEHEHEAR!! SSSTOHOHOHOP!!” In part honesty, it was nice to actually see him smile for a change. And before their deaths. “What about his feet?” Dust asked. If Nightmare wasn’t in trouble before, he was now. Killer tried to reach his legs. And got a prize! A nice kick to the face. The tar leaking skeleton sat on the octopus’ legs. I doubt Killer would give him mercy after that. “WAIHIHIHIT! PLEHEHEHAHAHAH!!” Wow, he lost the ability to get full sentences out. “After that kick, I don’t think so!” He started taking off his shoes and socks. “*squeak* NONONONOHOHOHOHO!!” Killer just looked back and smiled innocently. “No can do, but hey, at least you’ll be smiling for a change.” He instantly started scribbling all over his feet. The ticklish skeleton screamed with laughter. Let’s just say he was laughing for a long time that day. But I can’t say he didn’t have at least a little bit of fun.
After a few rearrangements to this story and MANY failed saves, I’m FINALLY DONE! The failed saves were killing me. However, I’m really sorry this took so long. If it ends up not being that long, i dunno what to say.
But other than than, I hope this was somewhat enjoyable. Have a great day/night!
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purplesurveys · 3 years
survey by vandalisedsheep
When did you last run and why? Last night; I was chasing Cooper around the house since he likes that.
Does your house/flat/whatever the hell you live in need cleaning? Mmm, not really. My mom regularly cleans the house; she’d otherwise go nuts if she’s not able to.
When did you last have a real good sort out/tidy up? I took down some paintings from my wall a couple of weeks ago. Technically not a big change, but it was a big step forward in my personal life so I’m counting it.
What turns you on most (if anything) about the opposite sex? I don’t think there is anything. I like when I see TikToks of boyfriends being sweet and soft, but that’s about it.
What turns you on most (if anything) about the same sex? Thighs.
Would you rather live with a man or a woman? I’ve never experienced having a roommate but if I had to answer this on the spot, I’d pick living with a girl. I’d feel safer that way.
Do your ears ever itch like crazy for no apparent reason? :| Eh, sometimes but it’s never been a recurring issue.
Do you enjoy cooking? I probably would if I knew how to.
How often do you eat out/order in/consume convenience food? Almost never. I’d rather order from restaurants so I can be assured of its quality. I remember having to survive on 7-11 lunch meals when my mom and dad went on a month-long cruise and that to me solidified the fact that convenience store food isn’t particularly the best.
What are you having for dinner tonight? (If you've decided yet that is.) Dinner to me is always a surprise, so I’ll have to wait to find out. Given that it’s Holy Week, though, we’ll probably have something light and nothing too grand.
When did you last have people around for dinner? I think it may have been New Year’s Eve.
Do you like entertaining? Yeah, it’s nice when we have guests because most of the time we’re the ones coming over to a relative’s or family friend’s place.
Is there anything you're pedantic about? What is it? Anything to do with work. My eyes get super attentive as soon as I’m working on a Powerpoint, press release, etc. I wanna make sure everything is aligned, there are no copy errors, etc.
How often do you read? Never. I grew out of my reading hobby years ago, and even as I try getting into it these days I usually get distracted after a few minutes/pages.
Reccomend a good book (in your opinion) please: I can’t, but I know there are a number of people on here who’d be more than happy to suggest some. :)
Do you have any payments that need to be made soon? Hahaha yeah. So one of the e-wallets I use has a new credit line feature and I decided to try it out for funsies and got some Japanese food hahaha. I’m supposed to pay for it sometime this month.
Do you have any phone calls you need to make? Not really.
When did you last buy soap? My parents went to the grocery last Wednesday so I’m guessing they also restocked on soap and other toiletries then.
Are you a nail biter? A nail biter and picker, yeah.
Do you play with your hair a lot? Only when I’m attending mass and get bored. It’s an effective time-killer.
Last time you ate out, what did you order? I went to La Creperie and got their truffled sausage and mushroom pasta and their San Gines hot chocolate.
Do you have any dependents? I guess so? When I was filling out some HR stuff after I got employed, one of the forms asked for my dependents so I just listed my immediate family.
Are you currently saving up for something? Yeah, my birthday blowout for my family hahaha. I wanna order a shit ton of all my favorite food for my birthday. Once that’s done, I’d love a pair of white Nike Air Max 97s.
Do you like it when you get pins and needles? No, I find it uncomfortable and weirdly ticklish.
How about when you bang your "funny bone?"  I hate that.
What's your body temperature, right now? I don’t feel like checking right now lmao, our thermometer is all the way in my parents’ room.
Was your last relationship with a man or a woman? Woman.
Are you currently in a relationship? Nope.
Do you ever play the "what if" game? No, and not too familiar with that, actually. Is it just a game where I have to answer hypothetical situations?
When did you last eat cereal? Maybe a couple of years ago when we last stayed in a hotel; I don’t really remember as I don’t eat cereal.
What do you think your next achievement will be? Turning 23? Hahahaha idk I don’t want to jinx anything.
Are you thirsty? Not particularly.
Do you love getting all hot and sweaty from certain activities? No. It’s a big reason why I stopped working out lol. I hate getting and feeling sweaty.
Do you like having your hair pulled? (If you have any) TMI answer, but only during sex. Otherwise I would hate it.
Do any of your clocks/watches need new batteries? No, I don’t use any that need batteries.
When was the last time you did some real physical activity? Two Thursdays ago at our media event. It included a 20-minute workout session so we had to join in.
What is the smallest object close to you? Probably the USB-C connector I need to connect my earphones to my iPhone 8. That thing is so tiny and easy to lose.
When will you next have a bath? Either later in the evening or tomorrow morning; I already did this morning.
When will you next go swimming? No idea. We might have to set up our inflatable swimming pool soon once April weather comes around, and I might take a dip by then.
When was the last time you were really horny and could do nothing about it? I can always do something when I get horny loooool
What does your hair smell like currently? (If you have any!) My conditioner.
Do you know how to navigate your way through a PC using only the keyboard? Enough to get by and not damage the computer by accident.
My nose is itching now as well as my ears, does your nose currently itch? No.
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Somehow still managing to write
Anyway tickle fic
Characters: Shattered!Dream x Killer (ship)
Context: After Shattered took over everything, the bad sanses split, Killer however stayed with him since he was dating Dream and still dates Shattered. Unfortunately Shattered's back hurts like hell because of his new tentacles so Killer offers him a massage and discovers that even with the newly acquired corruption, Shattered is still very ticklish..
It was dark in the royal room, the candles barely illuminating the big bed Shattered and Killer were on.
When Dream ate the black apple, the last one, and became Shattered, the Bad Sanses split. Nightmare went to hide himself in some AU, having lost his corruption, Horror returned to his own AU and took Dust with him since he didn't have one anymore. The Star Sanses were no more either, having lost one of their most powerful member, Swap got sent back to his AU and Ink simply minded his own business, watching everything unfold, he found it quite untertaining.
The only one who stayed was Killer, he had had a secret relationship with Dream for years now and when everyone split apart Shattered took this opportunity to keep his boyfriend with him, pretexting he needed him to be his loyal soldier.
Shattered was laying on his stomach, he was still getting used to the new power that flew through his bones, he couldn't control his tentacles yet and prefered to keep them retracted to have less weight behind his back, but even without the tentacles it hurt like hell, his back was in constant pain. He was always hot also, if Nightmare's corruption was cold well his was hot, so he always dressed lightly, with thin clothes. Right now he was topless, as he always was when going to bed.
Killer sat on his boyfriend's legs, he had offered to give him a massage to help sooth the pain. As his hands started working on his shoulders he heard a pleased groan from the skeleton under him. He smiled, and continued his work.
He massaged him for a few minutes and almost flinched when he heard Shattered shriek, stopping the massage. It seemed that, force of habit with Dream, he gave his ribs a little squeeze. He stayed still for a few second before a smirk appeared on his face, Shattered couldn't see it, but he knew Killer very well and he had felt the slight shift in his emotions.
- Killer I swear to God if you do what I think you're gonna do I'm gonna throw you in the dungeon.
Shattered threatened, but Killer couldn't care less, he was much more interested in his new discovery.
- Do what ? That ?
He asked as he teasingly spidered all along his boyfriend's lower rib.
- Kihiller don't you dahare !
- Come on I'm not doing anything yet !
He smiled, watching Shattered press his arms against his ribcage to protect himself, but it was pretty useless as Killer still had access to all of his back and spine, and he took that to his advantage, spidering on the lower ribs just to hear Shattered helplessly trying to muffle his giggles by burrying his face in the pillow.
- Damn, and I thought your corruption would protect you ? Look at you, you're just as ticklish as before !
- I'm nohot !
Shattered said between his giggles, it was very hard for him to admit that, indeed, his corruption didn't diminish his ticklishness at all, and he just learned it.
- Yeah you're not convincing.
Killer chuckled, scratching right where the ribs met the spine, appreciating seeing his victim tense and turn into a giggling mess, his legs kicking the mattress behind him.
- Go fuhuhuhuck yoursehehehelf.. !
Killer was very lucky that Shattered couldn't summon his tentacles yet or else he would have been thrown away and completely wrecked, and Killer knew that, hence why he was having fun now.
The black skeleton's tormentor soon began to spider all over his spine, making Shattered shriek as he pressed his face against his pillow, holding the sheets tightly. He felt so powerless right now, he couldn't concentrate on his magic, couldn't stop Killer's fast fingers to scratch and spider on his bones. It was torture, really.
- Only if you admit being just as ticklish as you used to be.. ~
Sometimes Shattered really wished Killer didn't like teasing him so much, but unfortunately it seemed that fate was against him...
- Too bad then.
He said digging his fingers between his boyfriend's arms and ribs, earning high pitched laughter. Shattered was gonna break eventually, he knew it, Dream always broke, Shattered wouldn't be so different he thought. But Shattered was tough, he didn't want to break, even if that meant being tickled for a longer time...
But even for him it was hard to resist, and he was almost out of breath. It pained him to admit it but he had to surrender to Killer.
- Admit what ?
Oh he was definitely going to sleep in the dungeon tonight.
- I'm so glad you admit it. ~
Thankfully, Killer stopped, getting up from his legs to let Shattered curl up under the covers, deeply embarrassed by the whole situation.
He chuckled a bit.
- You good ?
- Fuck off..
Killer chuckled again, he knew he would go to the dungeon sooner or later, but for now his boyfriend needed to catch his breath so he appreciated his last moments of freedom...
~ end ~
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ask-ticklish-goopnoot · 10 months
Hey noot noot I have more questions for you!
Do you ever just question your existence for a second?
2. Ever had a staring contest with your brother?
3. Who's your favorite ?💀
4. How'd you find out (mtt) was ticklish give me a short story for each I really wanna know!
5. Outta all the people you've tickled is there someone more ticklish than you?
6. describe (mtt) laugh when they're tickled!
Last question !!! DO YOU ENJOY HUGS👍?
( oh god there's so many :') don't stop tho you're the first ask I got in ages :') )
NM: every day since I was born, yeah
NM: we do that quite a lot actually since we don't really fight anymore, we kinda found new ways to see which one of us is the strongest
NM: favorite person ? I'd say it's Error, since he's my boyfriend
(I ship errormare sorry-)
NM: oooookay here you go
NM: for Killer it was easy, he was annoying me all day and when I told him to stop or else he would regret it he answered "what are you gonna do, tickle me or something ?", so I took that as an invitation
NM: for Dust it was an accident, he broke his leg during a fight against the star sanses and when I picked him up with my tentacle by wrapping it around his waist he shrieked and was very bushy all the way back home
NM: the last one I noticed was ticklish is Horror, and to be fair he's not very ticklish, only a little, but still, so anyway he got hurt and had multiple cracks on his ribs and when I was helping him with the bandages I noticed he would finch everytime I touched a rib, but since there wasn't any sign of pain in his emotions it wasn't hard to understand why he was flinching
NM: I don't know if he's more ticklish than me but Dust is pretty ticklish too, I guess we're at the same level ?
NM: alright
NM: Killer sounds like the hyenas from The Lion King
NM: Horror sounds like the silent laugh you make when it's only air that comes out and not much sound
NM: Dust has an evil laugh, like a Disney villain after he's done telling his plan
NM: only from people I'm close of, like family and friends
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danineedshelp · 9 months
Killer: Hey Dust?
Dust: ...yea
Killer: if we skeletons can bleed can we be sensitive too ?
Dust: I guess?
Killer: Can I test my question?
Dust: on who?
Killer: You!
Dust: I...uh..don't know about that..
Killer: Oh come on *pokes his ribs*
Dust: AH!.....
Killer: .....did you just...
Dust: no!..
Killer: You did...your sensitive aren't you
Dust: .....
Killer: Haha if I tell horror this you won't live up to it
Dust: DONT YOU DARE tell horror!!!
Dust: Killer noo!
Poor dusty...
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100 Questions
1. What is you middle name? LASIN
2. How old are you? 19
3. When is your birthday? NOVEMBER 20, 1997
4. What is your zodiac sign? SCORPIO
5. What is your favorite color? YELLOW
6. What's your lucky number? 5
7. Do you have any pets? 5-LEGGED-DOG
9. How tall are you? PROBABLY 5′2
10. What shoe size are you? 7
11. How many pairs of shoes do you own? 8 FAVE PAIRS
12. What was your last dream about? I CAN’T REMEMBER
13. What talents do you have? I WRITE AND I PLAY A PARTICULAR INSTRUMENT
14. Are you psychic in any way? NO
15. Favorite song? ALWAYS BY PANAMA
16. Favorite movie? BET, IDK
17. Who would be your ideal partner? I DONT HAVE ANYONE ON MY MIND HAHA
18. Do you want children? OFC
19. Do you want a church wedding? OFC! DEFINITELY
20. Are you religious? YES IN A WAY
21. Have you ever been to the hospital? YES
22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law? I’M CLOSE TO LOL
23. Have you ever met any celebrities? YES
24. Baths or showers? BOTH
25. What color socks are you wearing? I PREFER BLACK
26. Have you ever been famous? NAH
27. Would you like to be a big celebrity? WHY NOT HAHA
28. What type of music do you like? EDM RAP INDIE ETC 
29. Have you ever been skinny dipping? NAH
30. How many pillows do you sleep with? IVE GOT 6 RN
31. What position do you usually sleep in? SIDEWAYS
32. How big is your house? 2 FLRS TOO ENOUGH FOR 5 PPL
33. What do you typically have for breakfast? RICE MEAL
34. Have you ever fired a gun? NAH BUT I WANT TO
35. Have you ever tried archery? NAH BUT I WANT TO
36. Favorite clean word? MISS --- like i miss you
37. Favorite swear word? REALLY
39. Do you have any scars? YEP
40. Have you ever had a secret admirer? I THINK SO HAHA
42. Are you a good judge of character? MORE LIKELY I ALWAYS SEE POTENTIAL ON PPL 
43. Can you do any other accents other than your own? NAH I HAVE MY OWN HAHA
44. Do you have a strong accent? I BLEND HAHA
45. What is your favorite accent? CALIFORNIAN
46. What is your personality type? TYPE OF WHAT HAHA 
47. What is your most expensive piece of clothing? IDK I DONT SPEND MUCH ON CLOTHING I AM NOT SHOPAHOLIC
48. Can you curl your tongue? YAZ
49. Are you an innie or an outie? INNIE BOI
50. Left or right handed? BOTH CAN
51. Are you scared of spiders? OMG YES
53. Favorite foreign food? AMERICAN BREAKFAST >>>
54. Are you a clean or messy person? IN BETWEEN DEPENDS ON MY MOOD
55. Most used phrased? IM RANDOM SO I DONT USE ANY
56. Most used word? IDK IM SO RANDOM
57. How long does it take for you to get ready? OMG NOT THIS QUESTION HAHA
58. Do you have much of an ego? MY EGO IS EQUAL TO A MAN HAHA
59. Do you suck or bite lollipops? I DONT DO ANY HAHA I DONT LIKE LOLLIES 
60. Do you talk to yourself? MOST OF THE TIME!
61. Do you sing to yourself? UHMM UHUH
62. Are you a good singer? FOR ME, YAS HAHA
65. Best dramatic movie you've seen? MANY >
66. Do you like long or short hair? LONG
67. Can you name all 50 states of America? JEEZ NAH
68. Favorite school subject? HISTORY
69. Extrovert or Introvert? IN BETWEEN
70. Have you ever been scuba diving? NAH
71. What makes you nervous? SECRETS UNFOLDING HAHA
72. Are you scared of the dark? MOST OF THE TIME
73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes? NOT REALLY
74. Are you ticklish? LVL 1000000
75. Have you ever started a rumor? MAYBE
76. Have you ever been in a position of authority? PROBABLY
77. Have you ever drank underage? YAH
78. Have you ever done drugs? NAH
79. Who was your first real crush? MY 2ND GRADE CRUSH HAHA
80. How many piercings do you have? I HAVE 4
81. Can you roll your Rs?" WHAT
84. What color is your hair? BLACK
85. What color is your eyes? DARK BROWN
86. What are you allergic to? PAIN KILLERS - IBUPROFEN 
87. Do you keep a journal? YEP
88. What do your parents do? CHILLIN HAHA
89. Do you like your age? CAN I STICK TO MY AGE?
91. Do you like your own name? YAH LEFT ME WITH NO CHOICE
92. Have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they? CYNTHIA AND FROILAN 
93. Do you want a boy a girl for a child? BOTH 
94. What are you strengths? A LOT LOL
95. What are your weaknesses? A LOT
96. How did you get your name? MY DAD’S BAD IDEA
97. Were your ancestors royalty? NAH 
98. Do you have any scars? YEZ
99. Color of your bedspread? YELLOW
100. Color of your room? BLUE
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Dying a little bit but still moving and writing
Tickle fic again
By the way I almost killed tumblr, the damn thing kept lagging it was awful to write
Characters: Dream & Killer (ship)
Context: Dream is venting out to Killer about how no one takes him seriously as a guardian despite the fact he's strong and protects everyone, Killer offers him an explanation to that, aka: he's way too ticklish to be a fierce warrior
It has been quite an exhausting day for Dream. After changing in his pajamas he laid down on his bed next to his boyfriend, a certain Killer, that he found quite charming and managed to seduce after the truce with his brother.
Killer put his book down when Dream arrived, knowing very well he was about to vent out about his day like he did every night. He liked to listen to him, it was fun hearing the gardian of positivity being mad about everything and everyone.
- They never take me seriously, I swear, no matter the au I'm in I'm always saying the same things, "yes I can handle it", "yes I'm strong enough", "no I am not a lost child in a weird costume", like, fuck off, I'm a gardian damn it, they should respect me, not treat me like a delusional kid !
Oh if only people knew just how much Dream swore... he wasn't that innocent little happy gardian people thought he was. That was very funny to Killer.
- I spend all my life protecting them and all they do to thank me is offering me lollipops and candies, never something useful like, I don't know, money ? I deserve to be paid for all my work.
- You seem very mad.
Killer jokingly said.
- Because I fucking am ! I'm a warrior, I have trained for years, I protect the whole multiverse and they don't even call me sir !
- Wanna know why they don't take you seriously ?
Killer asked with a smile, resting on his elbows to look down at Dream.
- And why is that ?
- Because...
He sat on top of Dream's legs, making his boyfriend blush in a nice golden color.
- Warriors...
He bent down to be right in front of his face.
- Aren't supposed to be that ticklish...
And before Dream could even process what he said, he began scratching and squeezing his boyfriend's ribcage, for it was his weak spot, making him yelp in surprise and burst out in helpless laughter.
He yelled as he was squirming like hell, trying to escape his boyfriend's tickly fingers. But Killer held him well, forbidding him to move to much as he was having very much fun going from the lowest rib to the upper one, listening to the hysterical laughter of the little gardian.
- See ? That's what I was talking about ! You're just so much ticklish.. ~
He teased him, kissing his cheek as he continued his assault.
- That's not how you talk to you boyfriend, young man !
He jokingly reprimanded him as he blew a raspberry on his neck as punishment. Dream was screaming at this point, Killer was mercilessly spidering all over his ribs and tummy, nibbling on his neck while making sure he couldn't move to much, and the teases, oh lord the teases...
- Tickle tickle, baby boy.. ~ look at you, all squirming and laughing ~
Killer was very skilled when it came to torture. A little too much even. Dream was already so tired of his day, he really didn't have the energy to fight back that much. But at least his mood was better !
He begged.
- Giving up so soon ? My my, that's not very fierce of you ~
He said, running his fingers all along the guardian's sides. He knew Dream could handle it a little longer, he knew when it was too much, he knew when to stop, so he kept going. He kept spidering, squeezing, scratching all over his ribs and tummy, occasionally blowing a raspberry, until eventually he decided Dream had enough and stopped everything, gently rubbing his belly to help him regain his breath.
- You're.. you're heartless..
Dream panted.
- Oh really ?
Killer asked with a little scratch on his side to make him giggle.
- Yehehahah..
He chuckled a little and kissed his forehead, laying down next to him. Dream quickly snuggled against his chest, now ready for his aftercare cuddles that Killer was more that happy to give him.
- I think you're the strongest person in the whole multiverse, the others are just too blind to see that..
- Thank you...
Dream smiled, much more happy now than a few minutes ago.
- I love you...
- I love you too, my golden angel...
Who cared about what the others thought ? Killer's opinion was all that mattered to him, and he thought he was very strong.
The last thing the gardian felt before falling asleep was his boyfriend hugging him thightly against his chest...
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So Night, pardon if this has already been asked, but out of the four members of your posse (Killer, Dust, Horror, and Cross [idk if you include Cross with the bad guys so if you don’t then oops-]), who do you think would be the best ler?
NM: it depends what you mean by "best", is it the cruelest ? The most cautious ? The one making it the most enjoyable ?
NM: I think they are all very good in their own category but I'll do my best to answer your question
NM: Killer and Dust would be cruel, of course, but I think that between the two Dust would be the cruelest, Killer likes to have fun so he would find a way to turn it into a game (in which the lee loses, of course), whereas Dust would straight up torture the lee. So again it depends on what the lee likes the most, for me it would be better with Killer.
NM: Now Horror, he would be the most gentle, he knows he has a lot of strength and is usually very careful when interacting with us, also he is not as twisted as the other two so he wouldn't turn it into a game or a torture session, I think he would still be a little sadic but not too much. So, between all of them, I think I would prefer Horror.
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