#tiefling fwhip
siriannatan · 1 year
Series of Unexpected Occurences
So I decided to write an origin story for fWhip from Jinn & Other Troubles and it's all because Jimmy's No Good, Very Bad Year (Made Better) by TrosesPink has inspired me to come back to this AU.
To say fWhip was at a loss would be an understatement. Yes, he has somehow made it to Stratos safely. He even found the Evermore Academy. And had someone talk to him. All that just to be said 'No, go home kid'.
Well, he was not about to go home after that. Father would be much more than just upset with him. Gem was off, studying magic at the other end of the world the whole year already. And she was just a girl. fWhip was more than aware that Gem, unlike him, was born a genius. Always good at everything she touched. Moving on, what was he to do if he was not going back home? 
What he decided to do was find a job. Practice his magic a bit more and try again next year.
And so the most exhausting time in the whole sixteen years of his life started. He jumped from doing errands to helping at the docks to even more errands to used things stores. He barely had any time to think about practising with how much of his time was taken just by paying for the room he was stuck in. And it wasn't even in a nice inn but some dingy one by the docks. Finding a stable, not overly expensive apartment in the big town was much harder than expected.
Finding a small job helping someone start an inn or restaurant or something like that was possibly the best thing that had happened to fWhip in a long time. The woman in charge - Katherine she introduced herself, was apparently a former adventurer and a mage of some sort. fWhip was not too knowledgeable about the kinds of mages. But that wasn't important. What was important was that she paid well compared to everything fWhip did so far. And not only that. Unlike all the gruff warehouse owners and captains fWhip dealt with so far she was darn nice.
"What is that?" Katherine asked as she caught fWhip and his lunch out the back of her new restaurant. She has just decided they should have a break, rest a bit and eat something.
"My lunch?" fWhip mumbled over his meat pies. They haven't even gone fully cold yet. Thank you nice weather. He was a bit confused why his lunch was an issue. Meat pies were nice even when cold, and filling, while also cheap. Maybe he should have gone somewhere a bit further away with it? "I can move if..."
"No. No. No. I'm not having a young man work on all the hard and heavy things on just meat pies alone, in with you, the stew's almost ready," Katherine stopped the young tiefling and nearly pulled him inside the inn. 
fWhip was left by one of the tables he helped bring in. Actually, it was just him and Katherine doing all the stuff. Well, most of the port freelance workers probably scoffed when a woman asked them even if she was offering good pay. No matter, it meant fWhip's pay was a bit higher and didn't need to see certain people so he was not complaining. But for now, while waiting for Katherine he finished his first meat pie. He was not about to annoy someone who was paying him but he was also not about to waste his already half-eaten pie. Leaving it like that would not be good.
He was barely done with his pie when Katherine walked in with a tray with two steaming bowls and some bread and a jug of juice and two glasses on it. It was a really big tray. "While helping me out don't worry about lunch or any other at-work meal," she announced and left no room to argue. fWhip just nodded as a steaming bowl of stew and a couple of thick slices of bread were placed in front of him along with a cup of juice. "No need to be so polite," she chuckled when he mumbled a thank you.
"I... I'm still getting used to being away from home," it didn't really matter what he said. It wasn't like he'd be much in this part of town anytime soon. Too fancy and expensive for him. "More work than back home," he quickly added, just to avoid having to elaborate too much. He'd hate to lie to her after she fed him. She absolutely did not have to be that nice. "Didn't want to get stuck there," avoiding the truth was not lying. Right?
Katherine seemed satisfied with it so fWhip shut up and focused on the stew. It was really good. Bread and juice too. Actually, he didn't have food this nice since leaving home... But he was going back. Maybe the enchanting shop he walked past needed someone to carry heavy things? fWhip was getting good at moving boxes lately.
After food - Katherine offered him seconds but he politely declined, after the first bowl and the meat pie he was quite full - they moved furniture and boxes couple more hours before fWhip was paid and asked if he can come back the next day. He obviously accepted the offer. Anything to have some time away from the smell of the sea. It got boring very quickly - the smell of rotting fish and fish guts and constant noise did not help.
On his way back fWhip checked a couple of used things stores and even found one useful book. Lucky for him whoever the store got it from and the store staff knew nothing about magical things so it was really cheap. Illusion's weren't something he was ever really interested in but it was the first book he managed to find so he was still very excited. Who knew what would be useful in the future?
The next day he made his way to Glimmer Grove a bit late. Who could blame him, the book was much more interesting than he anticipated. So interesting he brought it along in case there was even the briefest moment to read some more. Somehow there was a chapter on familiar summoning in this one, and while fWhip had no idea what he'd like his familiar to be he was immensely fascinated. Unfortunately, it was rather difficult and expensive to summon one but if he could do that then maybe he would be able to get into the academy. A good option to have just in case.
Katherine did not mind that he was late or that he was reading during his breaks but she put a limit on lunchtime. "No books next to food," she said sternly but with a smile. "Interested in magic? Shouldn't you be in Evermore then?" she asked as fWhip sheepishly set it aside.
"I tried, apparently being able to do magic is not enough... At least it was a good excuse to get to the..." he instantly started stringing together an excuse as close to the truth as he could without sounding as bad as it probably was.
"And you're stuck in town because you don't feel like going home after failing? Believe me, you're not the first to have that happen to them, I know several people who were told no and who are now the pride of Evermore," Katherine instantly cut him. "I have free staff rooms so you can stay here."
"I... I'm very grateful but I can't pa..." fWhip instantly protested. Katherine was already the nicest person he's met since coming to town. She paid well, gave him regular breaks and fed him. He had no real way of expressing how grateful he was to have met her.
"You can pay by occasionally helping with boxes and cleaning, it'll make saving for Academy easier won't it?" he was once more cut short. "And I can ask some friends if they need any help? Recommend you based on how well you worked here? You don't have to agree now. But if you do feel free to bring all your stuff tomorrow."
"I... I... Thank you, it's a very kind offer... I'll think about it," fWhip nodded, staring at the scrambled eggs, bread and vegetables Katherine made for them. She was a really good cook. 
"It's nothing big kid, one less room for me to clean," she laughed and fWhip felt a bit better. There was no saying what she went through as an adventurer. Or.. was she even a human? Or did she retire adventuring very young? She could be an elf, her hair would easily hide the ears and it was hard to say how old elves were.
"Just never call me 'mam, I'm not THAT old," she finished the topic and they finished their lunch before it's gone cold. Unlike meat pies scrambled eggs were not too good cold.
After another round of boxes and furniture moving Katherine said she was nearly ready to open. Just some more cleaning and organising, stocking up and finding at least a cook. Luckily she was in a good spot by one of the main roads through the city and there were already curious customers peering in and asking if it was open. And promising they'd come by when it was. Citizens of Stratos liked a good restaurant and were always eager to visit any new one - as long as it was at least in the Middle Stratos it usually stuck a while and prospered well enough.
On his way back fWhip bought a couple of meat pies. Maybe he could ask Katherine if she had a good recipe for meat pies... for later in life. A memento of her? That sounded lame. Just because he liked them. Yes. He also stopped by the same used-things stores. No more books but he got a well-priced dagger just in case. It was a bit rusty and dull but he could deal with that.
He barely got any sleep while thinking over Katherine's offer. It was very generous and would help him greatly and he did not mind helping around Glimmer Grove if he was ever out of errands around town. And if she ever told him he needed to move he could find another cheap inn to stay at. So feeling only mildly bad with how little he owned at the moment - he just got to the city and travelled light okay - he packed his meagre belongings into his bag. Ate his pies. Read some more about illusions and tried out a couple of simple ones. With shocking success too.
The next morning he paid for his room and went to Glimmer Grove feeling like his life was tuning out to be a bit better. At least there'd be much less fish smell and seagull noise in it. And hopefully, the room Katherine would give him would be on the ground level... Or have curtains so he could not see it was not...
"Decided to grab that room?" Katherine grinned at him from next to a cart full of ingredients and general supplies required to run an inn. 
"If it's still open," fWhip smiled sheepishly. He was suddenly feeling even more awkward with how little he owned. "I was supposed to be at the academy now," he excused himself just so she would not feel too bad for him.
Katherine was fine with the excuse and after quickly showing him the room - ground floor with barely any window, lucky for him, and had him helping unload the cart and then with some errands and picking up more things around the town. And after that she had him helping clean the place as she interviewed potential cooks. In general, a great day even if he didn't get much reading in and all but passed out after it.
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minecraftbookshelf · 2 months
Just to keep track, I’ll add to this as i find out more (if you know any throw them in the notes!)
Bekyamon: Pixie
fWhip: Dwarf
InTheLittleWood: White Dragonborn
Jvckbears: Wood Elf
Katherine Elizabeth: Half-Elf
LDShadowlady: Tiefling
Mogswamp: Siren
Mythical J Sausage: High Elf
PearlescentMoon: Arachnae
Pixlriffs: Revenant
Rendog: Knight
Shubble: Moon Elf
Smajor: Alfiq
SolidarityGaming: Half-Elf Fae
TheOrionSound: Thief
ZombieCleo: Mage
Plus one mystery possible person, not yet revealed (It's Martyn)
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fogwitchoftheevermore · 2 months
ok so classes so far:
sausage: high elf (spell choice was fire bolt)
katherine: half elf (survival and arcana proficiencies)
fwhip: dwarf
oli: thief
jimmy: half elf (stealth and medicine proficiencies)
cleo: mage (missed the first part of their stream so i’m not sure which one, but they have fireball)
lizzie: tiefling
aimsey: ????? (also missed the first part of his stream and he is so far from everyone)
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lullabow · 10 months
Hermits and Empires Youtubers as DnD races
Grian = aarakocra parrot
Tango = Genasi fire
GeminiTay = Centaur deer
Lizzie = Harengon
Scot = sea elf
Bdubs = dwarf
Pearl = dragonborn
Impulsesv = goliath
Scar = Eladrin earth
Mumbo = Elf
Skizz = minotaur
BigB = bugbear
Jimmy = goblin
Mrtyn = shifter
Rendog = tabaxi dog
Cleo = zombie
False = half orc
Joel = githzerai
Keralis = Satyr
Zedaph = half elf
Xisuma = aasimar
Joe Hills = human
Cubfan = tabaxi cub
Etho = tabaxi fox
Doc = Tiefling
Hypno = orc
iJevin = yuan ti
Iscall = halfling
Stress = gnome
Beef = firbolg
Wels = shadar kai
xB = shifter
fWhip = hobgoblin
Katherine = fairy
Sausage = shifter
Pix = deep orc
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lunarblazes · 2 years
I love your Empires D&D character list I might have to steal some of those ideas for when I eventually get around to playing it lol. Did you have one for Season 1?
oh that’s wonderful to hear!! i actually do have assignments for season one. i was really happy with them as well! it took a while for me to write out those explanations last time, so i probably won’t pop em out this time, but if you want any clarification i’ll absolutely tell you anything you want to know!
race; class/subclass
gem: human; wizard/evocation
pearl: protector aasimar; archdruid/circle of land
katherine: spring eladrin; bard/college of glamour
lizzie: human -> blue merfolk; rogue/arcane trickster
joel: human simic hybrid; artificer/battle smith
fwhip: human; artificer/artillerist
sausage: human; sorcerer/shadow magic
scott: high elf; bard/college of spirits, divinely favored (feat)
joey: avariel elf; warlock/fiendish
pix: earth genasi; cleric/knowledge domain
shrub: forest gnome; ranger/beast master
jimmy: human -> green merfolk; barbarian/storm master
xornoth: tiefling revenant; warlock/fiendish, divinely favored (feat)
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eyezpike · 3 years
Tiefling artificer fWhip has SUCH good vibes, I love it so much. Also personally I think Pearl would make a lovely firbolg, but…my boss is showing here because firbolg and tiefling are my absolutely FAVORITE character races in DND :)
i was unsure on tiefling fwhip at first, but it goes so hard,, i had him originally marked down as half elf cause it sorta made sense for gem and theyre siblings, but i think them being tieflings is way cooler
also agreed,, firbolgs are so cool,,,
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siriannatan · 1 year
Series of Unexpected Occurences - chapter 3
I have finally sat down with an idea I liked :}
fWhip avoided going anywhere near that one bar in Lower Stratos like fire for almost a month. He helped Katherine around the restaurant. Grabbed some odd jobs in the docks. Some around the shops in the Market Square, mostly from the Big Eye Enchanting Emporium. Delivering boxes and bringing boxes to the stores.
He was tempted to go and see if maybe the mysterious Copper King had any other jobs out. The copper coin bracelet was a very good catalyst for magic in his few small tests. There was still the grimoire issue and all the other ingredients to transcribe spells and to cast some of them. Like the familiar spell, he really wanted to try it out. Having a companion he could trust would be really good for his current circumstances. fWhip spent many late nights trying to come up with a solution. A small investigation into Academy's rules did not help.
A good thing came out of it. There was a way for him to get into the Academy even if he didn't suddenly become a proper noble recognised in Stratos. A once a year entry test that the academy hated. Only the best of the best could go through it. fWhip doubted he could place in the top twenty, not even thinking of the top five that would be accepted into the academy. And he barely missed it when he arrived in the city meaning he had at best nine months to get ready for it. Not enough time to save up for a grimoire, transcribing quill and enough special in to transcribe even one spell and master it. Depending on what that test would involve. No one did as it was different every year.
The bad? No criminal record. Not that fWhip has done anything against the law since he arrived in Stratos but he was still worried about what he did for the Copper King. Mostly because it kept him tempted to go back and see if he hung up any more offers. The money he was paid was a lot of money but not 'learning magic comfortably' a lot. Magic supplies were damn expensive especially when one had to worry about food, safety, seasons changing and needing warmer clothes and other stuff even if fWhip didn't have to pay for lodging. Additionally a grimoire and all that wouldn't do him much good if he didn't have what to transcribe. And magic books and scrolls were rare and expensive unless he got super lucky.
So as tempted as he was fWhip stayed away from the Copper King... for three more weeks before he gave in. The last job wasn't anything illegal... as far as he knew and he decided to stop overthinking it. Katherine was worried about how much of his free time he spend counting his money and worrying about it instead of doing something fun. It went so far that she dragged him to the kitchen to teach him how to make his favourite meat pies. Somehow they were better if he made them himself... But once the pies were eaten he still needed money so back to Lower Stratos it was.
He promised himself to not pick jobs from anyone but Copper King. With him he could fool himself he wasn't doing anything bad. That last job was just picking up a box. It was addressed to the mysterious voice, the guy likely was too busy with his dingy bar to go and pick it up on his own. Yeah... No laws were broken even if fWhip broke into that storehouse. But like... No more overthinking. He scolded himself, wrapping his cape tighter around himself. The weather was terrible this past few days making fWhip buy a proper coat for the rain. A good investment since it let him work even if it wasn't sunny out, and it should be warm enough in winter.
The bar he got the original job from was as quiet as it was last time. Just the bartender and a couple of quiet patrons who completely ignored the young tiefling. Even the bartender didn't pay him any mind as he checked the job offer board. And there it was. Copper King's cursive writing. 'Looking for help delivering a letter, if interested come to...' fWhip recognised the address as the place he brought the box to. And it didn't sound at all illegal so fWhip left the bar and went to the Vigil, as the place was called. 
As soon as he knocked the door opened on its own. "Excuse me..." fWhip barely whispered as he walked in. He was greeted by silence. 
The place didn't change at all. No furniture save for a table with an envelope and a sheet of paper with what had to be the instruction where to take it, a long burned-out fireplace. With a deep breath, fWhip walked with as much confidence as he could muster to the table and glanced at the letter first. It was addressed. Katherine, Glimmer Grove.  Now this was... Well, she used to be an adventurer so she no doubt had many acquaintances and some of them probably would like to remain anonymous. Having calmed his conscience he read the instructions.
He was to deliver the letter without Katherine knowing where it came from or that the Copper King was in town. Once it was delivered he would have to wait three days before coming back to Vigil for his payment. Not hard conditions even if mildly suspicious and fWhip was confident Katherine could take care of herself... Not that a mere letter could do any harm. He had no way of knowing what Copper King might want from her but since he didn't want her to know he's in town it probably wasn't too bad.
fWhip chose to believe that and packed the letter and the instructions, just to have proof he was the one who picked up the job. And with a polite nod left the place to plan how to give the letter to Katherine. 
He couldn't come back this soon so he went for a walk around Middle Stratos, Up to the academy to remind himself why he was working so hard and ask if any mail was sent there for him by mistake. There was a letter from his parents and the clerk told him next time they'd just send it to the main post office in the Upper Stratos. Not somewhere fWhip could just go since he was neither important, rich nor even a human. Non-humans weren't all that popular in Stratos. After apologising for his parents' mistake he went to the market.
The Big Eyes didn't need any help so he bought himself a meat pie and just wandered around to kill some time. He basically had a plan. Katherine had a mailbox that he had access to. He could just say he checked it on his way back and that he found the letter there. Easy.
"...and never come back you good for nothing bard!" a sudden shout had fWhip freezing and looking at one of the taverns by the market. A man, owner he assumed, was shouting at a colourful even for Stratos bard. Throwing his red beret and lute that froze in the air before hitting the poor blonde's head. The whole situation was weird since Stratos loved bards and parties and music. Well, this particular tavern's owner was not the nicest and flat-out refused when fWhip came to help when he was looking for help. He really didn't like non-humans and the bard had the misfortune of being an elf.
fWhip, quickly remembered Katherine was looking for a performer. Her customers loved the food, the magical service and the drinks but the rather plain music was barely acceptable. So, being a nice guy fWhip followed the bard. "Umm.. sorry? Could we..." he stopped the bard once the crowd moved on with their time.
"So my talents can be ridiculed further?" the bard said, very loudly, as he dramatically turned around and paled when he saw fWhip was no human. "Oh... I apologised, I assumed..."
"It's okay. Could you be a bit quieter though?" fWhip requested, feeling very uncomfortable with how much attention the bard was attracting. "I happen to know an owner of a bar that's looking for someone to perform at her place," he quickly moved to the proper reason he spoke to the bard.
"They shan't mind my ears I assume," the bard hummed and with a wide grin added: "Lead the way then new friend, I'm Oliver Sound and I'm going to be a world-famous bard very soon," he introduced himself and fWhip regretted ever talking to him.
With a sigh fWhip led the man to the Glimmer Grove. He introduced himself and explained he was temporarily staying at the bar for personal reasons and sometimes helped out around but not always. He probably said too much but Oli, as annoying as he was, was friendly and didn't ask too many questions. He did offer to pay back fWhip's kindness but fWhip only asked he buy him a couple of meat pies. The bard did not look like he was good at paying back his debts. But that was just an assumption. 
"Katherine?!" fWhip called out as he walked in with the bard close behind. She wasn't too far.
"Back so soon?" she asked with a wide smile. "And who's that?"
"One, it looks like it's about to rain and two..." fWhip explained with a shrug. "This is Oli, he's a bard, I saw him kicked out by one of the meaner tavern-keeps around the market. And I remembered you're looking for someone well-versed in music," he carried on and Oli nodded along with a wide smile.
"Well, we'll see how good you are then mister..."
"Oliver 'Oli' Sound, a bard and entertainer, you have a beautiful place," the bard was all smiles and charms as he introduced himself.
"I'll go and check the mailbox in case there's anything there, in case it rains," fWhip excused himself and got back to his actual plan.
He was no idiot so when no one was looking he stuffed the letter from the Copper King in just so it looks the part and quickly pulled it out. It was slowly starting to rain. Katherine was still interviewing Oli but all the present patrons seemed excited that there was a bard present. A bard who would possibly perform soon. He passed the letter to Katherine and excused himself to look for something to help with in the kitchens. There was nothing to help with there but the halfling cook made him sit down and have a bowl of soup with his meat pies. And read the letter from his parents. They were mostly saying how proud they are he got into the academy... Lying felt terrible.
Katherine didn't seem any different after getting the letter so fWhip didn't think anything of it. Oli spent a lot of his time on the so far mostly empty stage, either playing and singing or just playing, with his hat set out to accept donations from happy patrons. He was indeed a talented musician and gave fWhip his meat pies the very next day as fWhip was helping move the delivery of alcohol to the back. He frankly had forgotten he had asked him for that but he was not complaining about free meat pies.
Three, rather uneventful, days later fWhip returned to the Vigil for his reward. As expected, the bag was there but this time he was definitely not alone. In those three days Vigil has gotten a bar added to it and by it sad a figure in a cloak. "Don't mind me," the mysterious voice from when he delivered that box. Was the hooded stranger the Copper King? "Good job with the letter kid," he added and vanished. He didn't move or anything like that. Just one second he was there and the next he was not. It was far beyond what fWhip was capable of so he grabbed his reward, mumbled out something polite and left. In much less panic than last time but still shocked as all hell.
He didn't return to Katherine's after leaving Vigil. Instead, he went to a different tavern and hid in a corner to count out his reward. It was far too much for how little he had to do making a completely legal thing feel illegal. All he did was give Katherine a letter. Sure, he did have to say a small lie but it didn't hurt anyone. Back to pay... This time there were no trinkets but the bag it came in was suspicious. There was far too much gold in it for how big it was. Not so much anyone would notice from afar.
"There's no way..." he muttered to himself. This was far too nice for this job. A bag of holding... He couldn't even go to Big Eyes to ask about it since he'd have to say where he got it from. But there was no way it was anything else. It didn't change how it looked no matter how much money there was in it. He really hoped it was just a magically extended bag. That would make him feel a lot less... 
As he investigated the bag a piece of paper fell out. IT both calmed him down and make him more nervous. Since it came out of the bag without him properly trying to empty it, it was not a proper bag of holding. But he was also nervous what it said so he picked it up with shaking hands. 'Well done, stay safe, next time just come to Vigil, CK' it said on one side. On the other, it said 'keep the bag, don't need it anymore,' making him feel slightly less nervous. There was no way he could ever let Katherine know it was a magical bag.
Once he returned he had to lie that he decided to get a nicer bag to keep his stuff safer when out in town after seeing someone get robbed. Coming up with lies was coming easier and easier to him... On the other hand, he was more and more convinced Copper King wasn't evil or bad. Just shady and weird. So he didn't feel too bad buying a Grimoire with most of the pay from this job. It was still literally useless but it was literally the most expensive thing he needed. And he could always help Copper King.
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siriannatan · 1 year
Series of Unexpected Occurences - Part 2
I have no explanation for myself. I wrote this whole thing in like an hour or two. Hope you guys like it :}
Random odd jobs around the town would not be enough. Even with better-paid jobs he occasionally got with the help of Katherine's recommendation, there was no way fWhip would be able to afford everything he needed to properly study magic. Katherine told him there was no hurry but fWhip was in a hurry. He only has so much time until Gem heard the 'great news' that he was studying in Evermore. Over the almost two months he stayed in Katherine's free room he had to send a letter home so his parents didn't come to the city and do something stupid.
That aside. He needed something better than small odd jobs. There was no way he could afford his daily expenses - clothes, food - he was not letting Katherine feed him for free, occasional meat pie. That one time the needed a healer or he'd be out of commission for far too long. And then came the costs of studying magic. It needed much more than just some books. Magical supplies were damn expensive and were even rarer at second-hand stores. While magic stores rarely bought used books, which led them to fWhip's favourite stores, they had no qualms about buying old artefacts and really rare tomes and scrolls. Like very, very rare ones. fWhip would know, he helped at a new enchanting shop in town a few times. Tango and Keralis were a really impressive duo and it was no wonder enchanted items - even the simplest and smallest enchantments of mundane items - were really expensive.
And there was a matter of fWhip being a wizard, not a sorcerer like Gem was based on a short chat with Keralis. Outside some really simple and small spells, he'd need a grimoire and a proper 'focus' to properly concentrate his magic for bigger spells. Empty grimoires were expensive to buy if one didn't have proper magical education. They practically had to be specially ordered from a place like Big Eyes and made from very specific materials in a very specific way. In short - they were possibly as expensive as a year's rent in Middle Stratos. For an empty book to transcribe spells into... And the transcription needed expensive things too. A very special quill and speciality ink and speciality paper if one's book didn't have room anymore.
He needed a proper stable job. His skill with magic wasn't good enough to become an adventurer. He wouldn't need to get into the academy if he could do that. No proper, paying well enough place would hire someone as young as him. And if they did it might be troublesome to quit later on.
But no part-time kind of job he was doing so far would pay well enough unless... it wasn't legal. Where would he find shady job listings? Shady taverns in Lower Stratos. But he couldn't just go to one of those. He didn't want any trouble chasing him when he got into Evermore. But they would likely pay so much better just so he doesn't babble what and for who he was doing.
Would Evermore ever investigate what he did to get better at magic? No way. And with that conclusion, he left for the Lower Stratos. Officially he was out to look for job listings at other more reputable taverns and big announcement boards in the market district. Katherine didn't need to worry about where he was actually going.
Lower Stratos barely felt like part of Stratos. The main streets were barely paved. If the occasional side street was it likely led to a place fWhip should not go to. At least according to what he heard about the place. He stayed by the main streets - narrower and much dirtier than even the docks but he grew up on a farm. Some mud was nothing new.
Once he found a tavern that was open he walked in and instantly turned to the job board. The listings were a bit different than in Middle Stratos. There you would ask the tavern keeper for how to contact the person who was looking for 'assistance'. Here you just tore the paper off and simply left the establishment. Like a gruff-looking adventurer type who was already there when fWhip walked in. fWhip looked over the three listings left on the board trying to look like it was nothing new. And to ignore the only other two people there - old, one-eyed bartender and a person completely covered by a cloak, sipping an amber liquid.
None of the jobs was anywhere legal. And one clearly would involve breaking into a house in Upper Stratos. It paid more than fWhip ever expected a single job to pay but he was not that desperate or insane so he picked a cheaper offer. It was to get into a specific storehouse in the docks - fWhip recently learned a trick to open doors with magic that did not need a focus - find a specific package and bring it to a specific storehouse in Lower Stratos. Didn't sound too hard or illegal - though the thing he would have to pick up likely did not belong to whoever was paying. And it paid as much as fWhip made last month. The payment would apparently be waiting for him where he was to bring the thing.
He didn't hear anyone shouting after him as he left with the paper in hand so he assumed he was correct to follow the gruff man's example. If this one went smoothly he might look for more jobs signed by the 'Copper King', as lame as that nickname sounded. But who would sign an offer like that with their real name? Certainly not fWhip. And other two offers were also signed with what looked like an alias.
Since there was no specified time to get the job done fWhip took his time making his way to the docks. He was not grabbing mysterious boxes during the day. The listing did not involve asking anyone for a thing. Just to get in and grab the thing. He bought the cheapest bag he could find. He had no bag on him to move the thing in when he got it.
The storehouse in question was mighty suspicious even as fWhip just walked past it towards his old accommodations. It was locked, silent, and dark with no traffic or even guards. Well. No turning back now so he ducked into a side alley as soon as there were no guards around and carefully made his way to the back of the storehouse.
No guard there either but there was a back door. Most of the storehouses in the docks had a back door for safety purposes. He stopped by the door, waiting with his trick and listened in for any noise from inside. Nothing. Silencing magic, he thought and focused as well as he could on trying to feel out any magic in the area. Again, nothing aside from the city light out front. But it could be something he could not feel like this. No turning back, he reminded himself and gently knocked on the door sending some magic along with it as he practised at Katherine's.
The lock clicked open and there was no alarm or other noise. He waited a few seconds before walking in and summoning a small light. Another small trick he learned that didn't need a fancy focus.
Inside the storehouse was dark and smelled weirdly damp. There were some big wooden boxes but mostly it was empty. The listing said to find a small box wrapped in brown paper so he carefully looked through the storehouse for it. Still listening for anyone coming into the place. Curse Stratos and their curfew hours. He'd much rather do this sneaking about at night.
Not that he was doing any crimes. He was just picking up someone's box since they apparently couldn't do it. The storehouse might as well belong to this 'Copper King'. It never said it wasn't his. Maybe he just needed the box moved discretely without involving more people than needed. And were too busy to do it themselves. Yes. That's what fWhip would tell himself if he felt bad about it.
"Oh," he could not help but sigh in relief when he found a box that matched the description in the job offer. Not too big or small, wrapped in plain, brown paper, with - 'to CK' written on it in elegant cursive. CK. Copper King? He could not help but wonder as he put it in his bag and even as he snuck back out of the storehouse and away from the docks. Back to Lower Stratos.
The address he was to bring it back to was in a side alley. He was a bit apprehensive to walk to it but he already got that far. And it wasn't one of the paved ones. This storehouse was much like the one in the docks but the lantern by the front door was lit up even if it wasn't that dark. There was still some time left until the curfew. With a deep breath, fWhip knocked on the front door. Just in case whoever lit the lantern was still there. The door seemed to open on its own, almost spooking him back to the docks, to return the box.
But he stayed and walked in. There were some more dim lanterns inside and nothing but a table with a bag - smaller than fWhip's bag, and upon closer inspection letter in it. "Okay..." fWhip whispered to himself as he pulled the box out. With another deep breath, he grabbed the letter. It wasn't in any envelope and simply said - 'good work fWhip,' and was signed 'Copper King' in the same cursive as the box fWhip grabbed from the docks.
Now that's creepy, fWhip thought as he looked around. Didn't look like there was anyone else there. "You're welcome? Pleasure working with you," he said to the empty warehouse. The box out of his bag and replaced by his payment. There were a lot of coins in that bag where he peeked in. All real as far as he could see from a brief check.
"The pleasure's all mine, young man," a voice came out of nowhere.
That was enough Lower Stratos and creepy storehouses for fWhip and he all but ran away once out of the warehouse. Right to Glimmer Grove, to warm dinner and his room.
Once his heart calmed down he counted his payment. There was a bit more than the offer said. About seventy coins more. And a leather rope bracelet with a copper coin with CK emblazoned on it. He heard from Keralis that copper made for good magic focus. He probably shouldn't just walk around with it out but it might be useful if it was real, pure copper there. He'd have to test it and if it was then... Well, Copper King was already proving to be a very generous individual for how easy the job was. With just one job fWhip was much closer to grimoire than he would be in half a year with his usual jobs... If the coins and bracelet were genuine he just might look for more jobs from this mysterious King.
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siriannatan · 2 years
Jinn & Other Troubles chapter 3
Why did I decide to put both updates in separate posts?
Today we're hanging out with a Scott. :}
And I'm officially out of old chapters to modify...
Did Scott like working for the Copper King from time to time? Yes. He paid well. Didn't bother him much outside it and recently asked him less often to join his organisation. And once again, paid very well. But no amount of gold was worth the situation Scott was in now.
But maybe we should start with how it started. fWhip, Copper King's right-hand man, pet mage and bartender of his bar, somehow found Scott when he was picking up his brand new daggers from the Big Eyes Emporium - enchantments might not be cheap but sure are worth the price if they make his life easier. Copper King needed a very specific noble dead and his signet ring brought to the Vigil - the bar. Sounds easy? Scott thought so too back then. Sneak into a villa outside the town. Stab some nasty noble. Sneak out. Get back to town. Big profit. Nothing that sounds like trouble.
Getting into the mansion was a piece of cake but it was also the first sign something was going on. There were no guards anywhere. Or gardeners. Or anyone. No noises of an event of any sort either and those tend to carry pretty far. Same inside. Not a living soul until Scott reached the formal sitting room - the main and the biggest one. When the smell of blood and other nastier in his opinion fluids hit him it was too late. A cold hand with nails too long for a human was wrapped around his neck, lifting him off the ground and pressing into a wall. The ruined and blood-soaked wallpaper sticking unpleasantly to his jacket. But he had no time to think about his clothes. Not with Scott's curved daggers clattering to the ground, his hands grabbing at the arm. Miss-matched eyes frantically looked at who or what he was up against. Went wide as he met the curious blue eyes of a jinn.
Aren't those supposed to be extinct or fat from civilized society? And why must he be damn hot? These were the last thoughts that crossed his mind before the jinn spoke.
"You don't look like you belong here," he hummed - Scott was certain it was he based on his open vest exposing very nice to look at if he wasn't being choked chest. "What is a pretty little elf like you doing here?" he asked as shadowy tendrils pulled and pinned Scott's arms to the wall. The same happened to his legs. But the hand around his throat loosened enough to let him speak comfortably. Why was a whole damn jinn here? What did this dang lord get involved with? Did it really have to be today? Why could the jinn not just leave once he was done killing everyone?
"Working..." Scott said. He knew little about jinn but it seemed like a bad idea to lie. "Someone wanted his signet ring," he pointed his chin at where his target's mangled body lay not quite on the pile. The upper half of it at least... The signet was still on his finger. "Badly enough to hire me to get it for them, and maybe kill him in the process..."
Scott froze as the jinn backed away from him. The same tendril that pinned him to the wall picked up his daggers, moving them away from the blood, and Scott, as the jinn walked to the corpse and pried the ring off. "Why would they need this? It's not magical or anything," he wondered inspecting the thing.
"Don't know, it's not my job to ask questions," Scott answered as well as he could. Maybe if he managed to satiate the jinn's curiosity he'd be allowed to leave with his guts in him and not on the walls. If he did he'd really need a new jacket...
The jinn wore a sleeveless dark green robe with golden embroidery around the neckline and sleeve edges and a maroon sash wrapped around his waist, with golden tassels at the ends. There was not a speck of dirt on his clothes or his heavy-looking leather boots. His dark brown hair curled elegantly with a curl hanging down between two, pointy and sharp-looking, maroon and green horns on his forehead, just under his hairline. With three more on both sides of his head, behind his pointy but shorter than Scott's ears. A single golden earring with a shining red gem hanging off of his right ear. Golden necklaces wrapped around his neck and bracelets decorated his wrists with solid bands and chains and ropes. Rings embedded with colourful gems shining around his fingers and a golden band around his left upper arm, matching his earring red gem. Thin, dragon or lizard-like, tail swishing from under the robes, with spikes on both sides.
"And this ring is all you came here for?" the jinn asked, once again interested in Scott.
"I mean... the guy's dead so there isn't much more for me to do here," the elf shrugged as much as the binding allowed.
The jinn hummed toying with the ring. "Would you happen to know what year it is?"
"Umm, 357 after the Collapse," Scott said hoping the jinn knew what the Collapse was...
"Three hundred years," the jinn hummed as Scott held his breath. "Not bad for a nap," he nodded. "You know what, I like you... eh..."
"Scott," he had no idea if saying his true name was dangerous or not but it sounded better than the jinn finding out he lied to him. And if it was good that a jinn, a creature even the strongest and oldest mages had trouble controlling, liked him. "Scott Smajor."
"Scott," the jinn tested the name. "I like it," he smiled and Scott let the air in his lungs leave, slowly. "You can call me Mythical Sausage, or just Sausage, at least that's how you'd say it in this language. Why don't you talk in elven?"
"I never learned, grew up with humans," Scott explained struggling slightly with his bindings. It wasn't at all comfortable to be pinned to a wall like he was.
"I see," the jinn hummed and put the signet in Scott's breast pocket and patted it. "I think I'll stay with you for some time, it sounds interesting," he decided and snapped his fingers. "Do you happen to know a Pixl Riffs? Or just Pix?" the jinn asked letting Scott clatter to the ground and walked to the corpse.
Scott watched him pry the ring off the corpse's finger. "Not, but the guy who wants this ring knows a lot of people, he might?" Scott offered. He felt in no way bad dropping this guy on Copper King's head. Who knew, jinn-man might just not kill him if he at least attempts to help him... Okay, maybe he felt a bit bad about Copper King's new boy-toy elf but his own life always came first.
"Okay," the jinn hummed staring at the ring as Scott grabbed and sheathed his daggers. He really didn't feel like losing them. "So, I give you the ring, and you bring me to your friend?"
"Employer, but yes, I can bring you to him, I need to get the signet to him anyway," Scott nodded. He was just glad he didn't have to propose it to the jinn.
Scott yelped as the shadows holding him all vanished at once. Bracing for a quick meeting with the floor which never happened. Sausage caught him and steadied him. "Sorry about that, I didn't mean to drop you like that," he hummed patting Scott's shoulder. The unpleasant wetness on his back vanished. "Much better," the jinn nodded as Scott picked up his daggers and sheathed them. Lucky for him they did not land in a blood puddle that covered most of the floor.
"Umm, you might need a human disguise..." Scott hummed. Carefully weighing his words. "I mean if they look weird at my ears... I don't think the general population will like the horns and stuff, not that I d,o they're cool. I mean to say... they suit you but..." Scott rambled as the jinn's eyebrows went up and up. It just occurred to him that Sausage was... well overhead taller than him. "It'd be better if half the town doesn't try to instantly kill us while others flee in terror..."
Sausage hummed, presumably thinking about what Scott said. Or how to best kill him for insolence and speaking out of turn.
"Or lock you in a bottle," Scott added before he could bite himself.
"No, that wouldn't be good," Sausage agreed and soon the horns and tail and claws were gone. His skin went from ashy grey to tan brown, and together with his robes made him look like some merchant from the Eastern Empires. After just one blink his eyes were normal, with white sclera and pupils there. Still as bluer than the Western sea near which Scott grew up. "How is it?" Sausage asked doing a spin as he noticed Scott was staring at him.
"Looks good," Scott nodded, patted the pocket with the ring and sighed. He only needed to get this to Pix's bar, the Vigil, and he was going to be great. Aside from Sausage likely insisting to stay with him longer... "We should go before someone comes here and notices something's wrong," he decided, and if they wanted to be home before sundown.
"Lead the way," Sausage grinned extending an arm towards the door. And Scott did. Luckily they weren't that far from Stratos.
The manor wasn't that terribly far from Stratos but it would still take some time. Scott calculated that they'd have enough time to go to the Vigil and once he left the jinn there he could go and have a good meal at Glitter Grove and be home way before the curfew. He just really hoped he didn't get stuck with the jinn longer than necessary, no matter how good he looked.
Sausage wasn't too terrible a companion. He asked a few things about the city. Humming in that weird thoughtful way when Scott explained that Stratos was technically ruled by the god of the sky, thunder and war, Joel but in practice by the church since the god rarely left his plying palace in the sky. After that, the jinn was content to just follow Scott and look around them with curiosity. Especially when they passed something more interesting than another field. Which wasn't often and was mostly big rocks and small trees. Or a total of three different orchards, from one of which Scott stole them a couple of apples.
By the time they reached the city, the sun has almost set.
"Let's hurry, we have about two hours before everything closes and I hate cooking," Scott huffed pulling his hood up. "I'd rather avoid children pointing at my ears," he grimaced and led Sausage through dark alleyways towards the Vigil, the establishment didn't serve any food, probably for the better.
"How can I help you?" a red-headed, black-skinned tiefling grumbled at them from behind the bar. There was no one else inside and the bartender was lazily wiping some cups.
"I came with a gift for the Copper King," Scott said the secret password and the tiefling's attitude changed.
"Made a friend Scott?" fWhip, the tiefling, grinned, instantly relaxing, and jumping over the bar to close the deal Scott had with his boss.
"He's looking for someone, and you guys know a lot of people," Scott shrugged pulling out the signet.
They had no chance to talk any further. A man Scot guessed was the Copper King by a blonde elf tightly grabbing to his arm. came downstairs. Glaring at no one else but Sausage who, in turn, looked to be mildly pleased and surprised. "You two with me," he growled, pointing at Scott and Sausage. "fWhip, be a dear and bring me something strong to drink," he tossed a bit more kindly at the tiefling and went upstairs, leaving the door open. He pretty much carried the elf
Scott was somewhat worried it was bout the mess Sausage left in the noble's manor. The pile of bodies was a rather ghastly sight.
When they got upstairs, Sausage was smiling smugly like they were in no trouble the whole time while Scott felt like he was about to die.
The Copper King was already in his chair, behind his heavy desk with Jimmy in his lap. Playing with the elves' hair. The corners of his lips lifted when fWhip came in through a hidden door with an expensive bottle of whiskey. No glasses. Pix would say if he wanted them. He didn't leave making Scott feel like he was in even more trouble, instead standing to Pix's right. Playing with the copper bracelet on his left wrist... Scott knew from working alongside him couple of times that it was more than just a sign of who he was working for. It was his damn magic focus, what he used to cast many spells he knew thanks to the Copper King liking to invest in his favourites. Gold for Jimmy and magic books for fWhip.
"So, dear brother," the Copper King finally spoke after a big sip of his alcohol. "Care to explain where in the seven hells were you?"
Scott was shocked. Did he say 'brother'? "Here and there," Sausage shrugged grinning. "I see you're doing well for yourself." Scott felt more than a little lost but kept his mouth shut.
"You disappear for years along with your damned library and now randomly walk to my bar with Scott, no offence, of all people?" Pix growled causing Jimmy to wriggle in his lap. "Does he even know...?"
"He does, does your boy toys know?" Sausage asked back. "Pixl?"
Instead of answering Pixl dropped his disguise... The family resemblance was really there, Scott noticed. In their matching horns, Pix's were brown and dark blue though, and the too-blue eyes. But while Sausage liked to wear gold on himself, Pix preferred to weigh Jimmy down with it.
"So where in the seven hells were you Sausage?" Pix sighed, relaxing a bit. Scott guessed he tried hard to be calm to not freak Jimmy out more than necessary. "I spend three hundred years looking for your dumb ass all over the three continents."
"Having a lovely nap," Sausage hummed, dropping his disguise. His tail instantly wrapped around Scott's ankle and the elf couldn't rid himself of the image of it wrapping around his shin to toss him against Pix's wall of bookshelves. "Scott found me shortly after I woke up, might have killed a whole mansion's worth of humans."
"Ehm the church weirdos will think he was playing with demons or something like that," Pix shrugged. "Did you get the ring at least? Or did my oaf of a brother destroy it?" he finally turned to Scott.
"Yeah, no, got it right here," Scott passed him the signet through fWhip. He was glad the tiefling got it from him and he didn't have to get out of the chair he was pretty much frozen in. He just learned more about the Copper King than he ever wanted to.
"Great," Pix sighed in a 'my day isn't completely ruined' way. "Up," he patted Jimmy's thighs and went to grab Scott's reward money. "What will you do now brother? You can stay here if..."
"Nooo. I'll stick with Scott, he's more interesting," Sausage hummed and Scott's hope of making him Pix's issue got crushed. He really didn't want Sausage anywhere close to him anymore but he was not about to say it. Not with two jinns and a powerful mage loyal to one of them in the room.
"If you say so," Pix shrugged and dropped a big bag of money in front of Scott. "What we agreed on and a little bonus for dealing with my brother," he grinned. "You can go if you want, it's getting late," he added as Jimmy yawned.
"The less I have to see you the better," Sausage nodded, disguising himself again and following Scott out. The elf left with a polite bow as soon as Pix said they can go, not even waiting for him to be done.
As they left they still heard Pix telling Jimmy to remind him of something. Not that Scott cared. All he wanted was some food, a warm bath and a nap. Did elven meditation count? And there was the issue where he'd store Sausage. His house wasn't meant for two. Well, more like it was meant for two if they were very close...
"Eating out?" Sausage asked as Scot lead them to Glimmer Grove. His probably my favourite spot to get food. Katherine was never weird about his ears. After a quick chat and introducing Sausage as 'a friend of a friend,' they squished into a corner booth and waited for their food. Scott's fruit porridge, bread and jam and beer, and bread and meat, just meat, for Sausage. "I hate cooking," Scott sighed in relief once he pulled his hood off.
Unlike the Vigil, the Grove was packed with smiling and cheerful patrons. Relaxing after a hard day of work before everything closed in about an hour. Only a few other patrons stared at Scott and Sausage but still more than usual, the damned jinn was just too tall to hide in the booth, unlike Scott, even when he pretended to be a human.
Scott was not in the mood to talk after the whole thing at the Vigil so he shot down any of Sausage's attempts at conversations. Once they were done Scott led them to his house. A cosy, little place in the middle of three tiers of Stratos. Far enough from the top to avoid religious fanatics. But close enough to be nice and comfy and fairly priced.
"We're here," he announced after a short silent walk, stopping by a quite well taken care of red brick apartment complex. There were a total of four apartments in the building and Scot's was at the very top. At least there was running warm water. Thank you magic, and the Sky God for not being against it. "We're at the very top," he added pulling the jinn in and up the many stairs.
After some fumbling with the keys, Scott let jinn in first and double-checked the lock after them. Just in case.
Scott's home was... small but that wasn't a problem, not usually. On the left of the door was his dining table. Small with just two chairs. On the right was a small kitchen he never used. Deeper in there was a corner bookshelf. It was slightly dusty but if anyone asked Scott would blame it on being busy. Then, on the right again, was his bed. Separated from the kitchen with a wall but still not in a separate room. Other than the toilet the whole place was one room. Then, in the last corner was a solid brass bathtub and a side table of bathing supplies and foldable privacy screens he was about to use for the first time since he moved in.
"Nice place," Sausage hummed inspecting the kitchen and dining area.
"It's a place to stay and keep my stuff," Scott shrugged, dropping his bag on the table, followed by his daggers and the elaborate leather sheath contraption. "You can bathe first if you want," he offered, hanging his cloak by the door.
"You go first," Sausage waved him off settling in the chair by the bookshelf. His disguise was gone. Blue eyes traced Scott's every move as he hung his jacket over a dining chair. "I'll be fine," he grinned showing his teeth. A bit more than there probably should be. All razor-sharp and perfectly white. "What are those for?" he asked as Scott started to set the screens.
"Privacy," the elf tossed over his shoulder. He was starting to feel a bit more confident around the jinn.
"A shame," the jinn sighed but his grin was still there.
"Just get yourself a book or something," Scott huffed. Ignoring the shiver that one word send down his spine. Or were it Sausage staring at him with far too much intensity?
As he undressed Scott listened to what his 'guest' might be up to, worried he'd try something Scott wasn't quite in the mood for. He couldn't hear anything wrong so he relaxed slightly and undressed as the bath filled with warm water. Letting out a low whine as he got in. He really should have loaned a horse even if that manor was decently close to town. Or he just could just blame it on a freaking jinn pinning him to a wall.
"You've got a book in elven here," Sausage announced as Scott relaxed, trying not to think about him.
"Ah, that thing. Can you read it?" Scott hummed lazily washing all the tiredness of the day off. "fWhip passed it to me as a birthday gift from his boss. I have no idea how he found out when it is. And he should know I don't know any elven so I suppose it might have been an attempt at a joke."
"Sounds like Pix," Sausage chuckled. "It's stories for children," he added after some noise of flipped pages. "There's one about an owl eating someone's face," he found it important to say.
"As expected from elves," Scott sighed sinking a bit deeper. If Sausage could shut up it would be so nice.
"I have a feeling you don't like elves," Sausage hummed, dropping the book somewhere.
"All proper elves I met were holier-than-thou jerks, I mean elves who grew up with other elves, as I said, I pretty much grew up a human, in an orphanage in a port city not too far from here, and my hair colour's not helping, reminds them of sky elves," he said, wondering why he was telling this random jinn he knew less than a day his whole life story.
"What are they up to? Winged... sky elves I mean."
"Dead or enslaved by forest elves. Or hiding as far as they can. Shortly before I was born forest elves rebelled and collapsed their flying cities," it felt somewhat nice to tell someone all of that. Even if it was spoiling his bath.
After quickly rinsing the soap out of his hair he left the tub, ignoring Sausage's chatter, and just then remembered he didn't grab any clothes. Ugh. He could just wrap a towel and... As Scott made his plan a certain jinn sneaked up to the screens, worried about the sudden silence from him.
"What are these?" Scott nearly jumped as Sausage touched one of two big scar's on his back. Quickly wrapping a towel around his hips.
"Nothing," Scott groaned as Sausage traced along the edges of the scars. His other hand joined in. He was shockingly gentle when compared with their meeting. "They've been there since I can remember," Scott huffed his legs shaking. When did he last... a while and it was nothing like... Nothing gentle and... He almost moaned as a pair of cold lips left a soft kiss between his shoulder blades.
"They look terrible," Sausage hummed guiding Scott to the edge of the slowly emptying tub.
"As I said they've been there my whole life," Scott huffed trying and failing to move away. "I can..."
"Shh, just relax," Sausage hummed grabbing a fresh towel. "I won't pry," he assured gently drying Scott's hair. Pulling him closer until he was leaning against the jinn's chest.
"You'll get wet..." Scott protested and struggled but got nowhere. Too tired, he told himself. nothing to do with his isolationist tendencies and trust issues making him super touch starved. "Sausage?" he squeaked as his hands moved from Scott's back forward. Teasing and tickling slightly as Sausage pulled the elf into a loose hug.
"Tell me about my brother. It's been a while since I saw him last... He changed a lot," Sausage sighed, continuing to gently dry Scott off. "And he'll never tell me much even if I do get some quality family time with him."
"I'm afraid I know very little," Scott sighed enjoying jinn's warmth. "The Copper King is a mysterious boss behind most of the crime this side of the continent," Scott started.
"Copper King? That's little Pix for you, making up a scary name for himself," Sausage giggled tossing the towel away and started to lead a very much naked Scott towards the bed.
"Mhm, I worked for him a few times as an independent contractor of sorts," Scott shrugged, letting himself be moved about. He did bite back a whine when Sausage went to look for a nightshirt for him. "A few weeks Jimmy showed up..." Scott continued talking as Sausage gently washed him off. "I don't know much but I can guess there was something sad by the state of his ears..."
"His ears?" the jinn asked.
"He's an elf like me but it would seem someone 'trimmed' his ears... He was like this when I first saw him, listening as fWhip explained the contract, I assumed he was just hired to take some of fWhip's duties, but then I saw that fancy necklace and figured out he's probably a bit more important and better to be not messed with," he finished with a shrug. "Not much more to say. He kept me busy since I moved here and hopefully will keep giving me work for many more years."
Sausage hummed but said nothing. Scott assumed he was lost in his memories and simply waited, leaning back into him.
"Thank you for indulging my curiosity," he finally hummed and got them into the bed. Keeping Scott in a tight warm hug through the whole night.
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siriannatan · 2 years
Jinn Troubles rewrite preview bit :}
Jimmy woke up a little bit confused as to where he was. He was on a very big and comfy bed. Definitely not his new, pretty bare bones apartment. As he sat up, yawning and blinking the reminder of sleep off his eyes caught a slightly familiar, embroidered with golden thread dark blue overcoat. Pixl. The Copper King. He found him and didn't die. And he was nowhere to be seen. But there were clothes and a note saying that they are for him. Temporarily. So he got dressed and went to the other room, hoping to find Pix there.
There was no Pix in the other room but there was his right hand man and the tiefling bartender of the Vigil, fWhip, clearly waiting for Jimmy with breakfast.
"Morning. Boss is getting some stuff out of the way, said he'll be taking you shopping," fWhip explained, pulling out a notebook. "I need your old address to take care of that and bring your stuff here," he said as Jimmy numbly sat down by the table full of breakfast foods. He was a bit shocked that fWhip was friendly with him. It could be just Pix being a scary jinn. "Boss ate already. Wanted me to say he's sorry."
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siriannatan · 2 years
Jinn & Other Troubles part 2
AO3 link for anyone who prefers to read there.
Figuring out if I wanted to go the original route of following fWhip's 'hunt' or Pix and Jimmy's shopping day took me forever…
The next chapter might be a Scott and Sausage intermission. But who knows? I don't.
Jimmy woke up a little bit confused as to where he was. He was on a very big and comfy bed. Definitely not his new, pretty bare-bones apartment. As he sat up, yawning and blinking the reminder of sleep off his eyes caught a slightly familiar, embroidered with golden thread dark blue overcoat. Pixl. The Copper King. He found him and didn't die. And he was nowhere to be seen. But there were clothes and a note saying that they are for him. Temporarily. So he got dressed and went to the other room, hoping to find Pix there.
There was no Pix in the other room but there was his right-hand man. The tiefling bartender of the Vigil, fWhip. Clearly waiting for Jimmy with breakfast.
"Morning. Boss is getting some stuff out of the way, said he'll be taking you shopping once he's done," fWhip explained, pulling out a notebook. "I need your old address to take care of that and bring your stuff here and deal with other stuff to do with it," he said as Jimmy numbly sat down by the table full of breakfast foods. He was a bit shocked that fWhip was friendly with him. It could be just Pix being a scary jinn. "Boss ate already. Wanted me to say he's sorry he didn't wait for ya'."
Jimmy gave his address to the tiefling a bit hesitantly. "What's wrong?" he asked at fWhip's slightly shocked expression. Quickly fixed and hidden away but not quickly enough.
"Nothing. You just don't look like you're from Lower Stratos is all," fWhip shrugged noting it down. "Anything you really want from your old place?"
"There's nothing I'm super attached to there," Jimmy shrugged. He really didn't want Pix to know how little there was in his apartment...
"Well, I'm going to have to go there anyway so try to think," fWhip shrugged. "All along a few other errands for Pix so don't worry about wasting my time," he added with a sharp grin.
"Okay... just don't tell Pix much about it... okay?" he tried asking. "I don't like it much and I don't think he would and... he's already doing a lot and you're involved now and... I don't want to waste anyone's time..."
"You're not," fWhip assured with a grin. "Certainly not mine, you're doing an important thing here, keeping Pixl happy. He was closer than ever to letting me stick a few too many knives in Joey," he explained. "You can ignore him if you ever see him. He's only alive because Pix needs him, once he isn't needed anymore he better stay away," he grinned and Jimmy only nodded, a bit stiffly.
"Oh... I see..." that was... new. "So... what do I do if he's in bad mood?" he asked. fWhip was not as bad as he thought. So keeping Pix happy was something he'd have to keep in mind. He was starting to like fWhip. Even if he looked a bit scary he wasn't as scary as Pix. 
"Well, he did say to give you a tour," fWhip grinned showing off his tiny fangs. "Finish eating first."
Once Jimmy was done eating, and his outfit fixed and deemed 'good enough' by fWhip they proceeded with the official tour.
"My rooms are up those stairs," fWhip said pointing to the stairs leading the opposite way the ones up to Pix's room and the office. 
"If Pixl is angry, either kiss him or, bring him his favourite whiskey, we don't sell it to normal customers and there's always a bottle here," he pointed to an unlabeled bottle, as he showed Jimmy around the bar. Jimmy quickly recognised as the one Pix dragged about last evening.    "What if any customer asks for it?" Jimmy asked. fWhip wasn't so bad if he wasn't being annoyed.
"Then I ask if they wish for an audience with the Copper King," fWhip grinned. "If they insist I take them to the back and torture them. That's the other thing I do, make anyone who annoys Pix too much suffer a lot before they die," he explained. "You're fine, by the way. I like you, you keep Pix off my back."
"Thanks..." Jimmy nodded. He never wanted to be in fWhip's basement. Never ever. Even if, to his own surprise, he wasn't too bothered by the thought of fWhip torturing someone. Seeing that Pix is a jinn was probably even worse. And he was Pix's favourite, he probably didn't have to worry about fWhip that badly. "What if there is none here?" 
"Good thinking," fWhip nodded. "Follow me, I have a secret room for the stuff just for him," fWhip grinned and led Jimmy to an only slightly dusty storage room.
They stopped in a room full of barrels and bottles and crates and boxes. It wasn't dusty or anything like that. The whole place was pretty clean and Jimmy suspected the tiefling kept it that way with magic... Just a hunch.
"Here," fWhip tapped on a seemingly random brick and a secret door opened. "I keep Pix's favourite so he doesn't drink it all at once," he grinned and Jimmy could not help but smile a bit. "Don't tell him about it but if your good looks ever fail to calm him come here and bring him a bottle, should calm him right down. Ya don't need magic to open it," he explained closing it up. "Stay close now," he warned and opened a door Jimmy at first missed. It might have not even been there not even a minute ago. Not that Jimmy paid much attention to things fWhip wasn't pointing out.
It led into a basement where most of the goons spend time waiting for orders or shifts as fWhip explained. Just hearing about goons had Jimmy sticking closer to fWhip. Hoping he was going to be fine. They passed another set of doors about halfway down, it went rather deep, but fWhip did not comment about it so Jimmy guessed it was probably the special basement...
"Don't take anything I say to heart, those guys are not paid to be smart," fWhip warned in a lowered voice before pushing a door at the bottom of the stairs open. "Listen up boys, meet Jimmy boss' new boy toy..."
Jimmy was a bit shocked but quickly returned to fWhip's earlier warning. It was to keep him safe and Pix from getting angry.
"You guys look at him wrong? I poke your eyes out. Talk to him out of wrong? I cut your tongue out. Touch him wrong? I chop your hands off. Is that clear?" fWhip listed of warnings reminding Jimmy what kind of organisation he was kind of a part of.
"Crystal, mister fWhip, sir," the goons nodded glancing at Jimmy, probably to remember, or try to, his face to not annoy their boss. And fWhip.
"Good. Bo, Be, I have errands that need some muscles so wait outside. De, the boss will be going shopping with Jimmy so you'll silently follow them and carry all the bags, wait outside for now," fWhip ordered and three goons quickly went up the stairs.
fWhip waited for a second, glaring at other goons before pointing Jimmy to go up the stairs back to the bar so they could wait for Pixl.
"Once again, sorry I called you that, some of those guys are not the smartest, and I don't want them messing with you," fWhip apologised once Jimmy was seated by the bar with a glass of water. "Angry Pix is a bad thing, for the city at large, I mean."
"It's fine, I understand," Jimmy assured him with a tiny smile. "I don't think you'll need two guys... there's not much in my apartment, as I said, I was kind of between things and..."
"Don't worry, as I said, I have other errands to run, they're mostly for that," fWhip chuckled. "And there's no need to be nervous. You're keeping Pixl happy, he nearly let me stab Joey. I really don't like him we kind of need him alive," he added while shuffling some bottles behind the bar.
"It's all new is all... I never thought I'd end up... I don't even know what to call it. Cuddle pillow? That's how last night felt at least," Jimmy sighed. He was starting to like fWhip. He was snippy, cared that he was safe, no matter the reasons, and was not afraid to laugh a bit at Pix's expense.
"I didn't plan to be a criminal either, so I get it," fWhip nodded leaning against the back counter. "He's really taking a lot of his time..." he grumbled and sighed.
"You didn't?" Jimmy asked not expecting an actual answer. He wasn't that close with fWhip. Not yet? "It's okay if you don't want to talk..." 
"Never met a tiefling before?" fWhip asked with a, dare Jimmy say, fond chuckle. "No need to be nervous, I don't bite. Not provoked that is," fWhip chuckled showing his sharp teeth.
"No... Never. I'm sorry if I'm ever rude... The orphanage never cared much about manners..." Jimmy blabbered before he could stop himself. Not that the orphanage stuff was a secret. He just never before felt too comfortable talking about it at all. 
"I'm going to guess you're not as old as Scott, he's also an elf, Pix sometimes hires him if our resources can't get us something or to someone. Or if he just feels like it," fWhip chuckled. "I have a feeling you're a bit like him, don't like 'proper' elves much?"
"Yeah... they're all jerks from what I gather..." Jimmy nodded relaxing a bit. Okay, okay. fWhip was a cool dude. "And I'm only like fifty... At least that's what I think it is based on what the orphanage said and..."
"Wow, we found second Scott before he got bitter," fWhip chuckled. "I sometimes wish my parents dropped me at an orphanage after I was born like this," he sighed. "Yeah, there were no tieflings in my family before me so it was something else that got me like this. My father thought I was a sign..."
"A sign?"
"Yeah, he had this theory our family came from the fallen nobility of old and that I was a gift from the gods," they both laughed at the ridiculousness of it. "Meant to bring the family to its old glory. Got even worse when my magic manifested, and nearly burned our neighbour's barn when their son was making fun of my growing horns," he stopped and focused on washing some glasses. He needed to wait for Pix to be done berating a certain elven pirate.
"What then?"
"I was sent to the big city the very next morning to apply for the big magic school," fWhip shrugged pointing vaguely in the direction of the Evermoore Academy. "But it turns out you need connections and money to study magic. With the door shut in my face, I could either go back home and disappoint everyone or stay in the city. I stayed, picked odd jobs here and there, practised on my own, and tried to save up for school. Send letters home saying it was all great, that I got in."
Jimmy stayed silent. Waiting if fWhip would continue talking or not.
"About a year later I picked a job for a guy called Copper King, he was already getting notorious in the underworld, don't judge, I was somewhat desperate and the criminals paid well for the services of a mage. Worked for him a few more times before actually meeting him, and he showed me his true nature and offered more stable work. I accepted, obviously. And the rest is history," fWhip grinned setting the last glass to dry.
"Getting sentimental there fWhip?" Pixl chuckled coming down from his office. The pirate following him with a mysterious but tense expression. 
Jimmy completely ignored the elf in favour of cuddling up to Pix. He didn't seem to be in bad mood but he kind of missed the jinn. Even if he returned to looking human.
"The kid asked about me so I told him the dramatic history of my life," the tiefling grinned pulling out a heavy set of keys. "Out with you", he glared at the pirate. 
fWhip watched from behind the bar as Pix talked to Jimmy. "I have one of the boys waiting to carry the shopping for you," he said before Pixl could even ask about it. "Go on, I still need to close up properly," he added.
"If you say so," Pixl chuckled and left with Jimmy in tow as fWhip waved after them.
"Have fun," he joked pulling out the keys to close the place down.    The tiefling sighed once the boss was out. Jimmy was doing great at keeping his mood up. And even brought entertainment for him. In a better mood than he usually would be with a certain elven pirate in town, fWhip left the tavern locked it and, after eyeing both Bo and Be, their parents weren't the most creative when naming them, grinned even wider.
"Listen up boys," he said with hands on his hips. "We have an important task of finding the people who hurt boss' new favourite elf starting with his old house so no breaking anything."
"But 'is ears ain't pointy," Bo noticed like an oaf he was.
"Say something like this once more and there will be nothing left of you for the city guard to fish out of the bay," fWhip warned, his dark eyes narrowing. "Got it?"
"Yes sir," the two nodded and followed him to Jimmy's old apartment.
Stopping to double-check if he got the place right, fWhip understood why Jimmy didn't want Pix to know about this place. As he watched it and recalled the elf who walked in last night, it made no sense. It was even worse than he expected after Jimmy's story. His clothes, not fancy in any way, were too nice for this ramshackle place... Was it the side effect of the debt he was roped into? Something else? fWhip was very curious, and his hands were itching to get his hands on whoever was responsible... The elf was just so likeable. And likely as naive.
"Don't break anything," he reminded Bo and Be and slowly entered, glaring at any passersby brave enough to look at him. If that didn't work then the copper chain around his wrist did. A sure sign of his connection with the Copper King.
Inside was empty. Bland. No personality. "Wait outside," he ordered the two and went in to search the apartment.
There was very little there. No personal things. The word 'orphanage' was rattling around his head. Was he afraid of getting attached to stuff? All he found was some clothes, and the contract with a loan office, Pix would likely want to see that, signed by Jimmy and some Eric. So that's who he had to find, other than the two collectors.  And several returned never opened letters to an Eric in the upper town. Near the temple district. Fancy, but not completely out of reach.
After packing the few things he found, just so Pix wouldn't bet on his case for not bringing anything, he left already planning a story that would get him into the loan office without too much trouble. Eh, he'd just drop the Copper King's name and threaten his way to the info he needed. 
"I'm sorry?" a sudden voice broke him out of his thoughts. "Do you know the young man who lives here?"
fWhip turned around to see an elderly lady, quickly hiding his right hand with the bracelet. "Kind of, he's close with a friend and they asked me to grab his stuff since I was in the area anyway," he easily lied with a smiled
"Oh, I haven't seen him a lot these past few days, there were some shady types hanging about so I got worried," she chatted and fWhip listened counting to get some extra information. "He helps me with groceries, such a kind young man, met with some bad things..." she sighed. "I probably shouldn't..."
"No, no it's all fine," fWhip assured. He had a feeling she would say things Jimmy wouldn't. "My friend said, vaguely, Jimmy was in some trouble before they met. Such shame..."
"Yeah,  your friend better be nice, his last boyfriend got him in some ridiculous debt before he moved here..."
fWhip was barely listening. Boyfriend? Pix would burn the city if he knew. Not even Joel would stop him... Jimmy was smart to not say it. Very smart.
"So sad," fWhip nodded. "I should go through, stuff to do, but thank you for talking to me," he did a little bow, showing his right wrist and left, vaguely hearing the lady say 'what did I do...'.
Without a word, he led Bo and Be to the loans office. If anyone was responsible for his ears it was them. It was in the middle parts of the city, not too far from the Evermoore Academy. The students gave him a few curious looks but he ignored them, fiddling with the copper chain. They were mostly too sheltered to know what it meant, but the few who understood looked away. It did nothing to fix his mood.
At the loan office, he just let himself in. The young woman behind the front desk was about to say something but stopped when Bo and Be walked in.
"Hello, is Mr Martyn in?" fWhip asked with a courteous grin, but his eyes remained cold, looking down at everything around.
"He's busy..." she started but stopped when his stare snapped to her from a bowl of candy on a bookshelf.
"Tell him the Copper King would like to talk," he hummed, waving his right arm. He hated it when the symbol wasn't recognised. Or when someone thought they were above respecting it.
"One second," she swallowed and walked to her boss' office with as much dignity as she could.
fWhip waited. For now patiently but it was wearing thin with every second. Lucky for them the boss left his office, with the secretary following.
"I'm sorry about the wait how may I help the king?" the man asked, visibly nervous and somewhat confused."
"Here? Won't you invite me in?" fWhip hummed, his tail swiping dangerously, low to the ground.
It was obvious he didn't want fWhip in his office but he relented, excusing the couple he was talking to before. fWhip didn't even wait for them to leave before letting himself in, the goons following.
"So... um..." Martyn squirmed in his chair.
"I'm here to inquire about a certain contract the King paid off, no, let's not beat about the bush, I'm looking for the collection agents you send after it, tell me where to find them and I'll let you go, unharmed, hide them and... you don't want to know," fWhip said presenting the contract he found to the man.
The man quickly looked it over and paled. "Yes... they were independent contractors, named Biff and Jiff, they have an 'office' by the northern end of the docks, we were having trouble reaching Mr Eric, the primary of the contract..."
"That's enough, you two heard it?" fWhip stopped him and glanced at Bo and Be. They nodded. "Go and grab them then, do not damage them too much, that's my job..." he ordered. "Mr Martyn, I wish you a nice day and that we never have to talk again," he smiled and left the office.
Now. How to find Eric... The address Jimmy was sending letters to was a good start. Whistling happily he walked there. He could swear he saw Pix, Jimmy and that one goon (covered in bags) at one point. It was quite a funny sight. And he spotted a new accessory on the elf. A copper chain necklace. A sign that he was Pix's favourite, he assumed. Pix liked marking his favourites, fWhip's bracelets were good proof of that. And an excellent conductor for magic.
The place was pretty nice. Much more fitting. And quiet. Seemingly recently abandoned. After looking about to make sure no one was paying him any mind, he approached the door and gently tried the doorknob. Locked but there was a slight noise inside at that. A quiet, scared squeak and rustling of someone moving about inside. Could be this Eric person, hiding from his debts, like the absolute coward he was. Maybe he heard Jimmy was seen with Pixl? 
fWhip didn't care. He gently knocked, releasing a silent spell that opened the door for him. And locked it behind him once he silently slinked in.
"Mr Eric?" he called out in a low, cold voice.
"I said I'll have the money ready soon," came a desperate call from inside the house. fWhip slowly, silently stalked towards the voice.
"That has been taken care of, I'm here about Jimmy," fWhip said creeping closer and closer, through the sitting room and the dining room. Slowly approaching the kitchen from where the voice was coming.
"We're no longer together, leave me alone," the voice nearly cried.
fWhip was silent now, looming over a shaking shape. "That doesn't matter," he said grabbing the man by his neck and throwing him to the ground. "The Copper King does not care when you did it but you put his new favourite in danger and he does not like that," he grinned, summoning a light in his right hand. The man instantly went into panic seeing the copper chain bracelet. It would seem he knew some stuff.
"Please let me go, I didn't..."
"Oh shut up," fWhip groaned slamming him against the floorboards, knocking him out.
With that done he went to look around the place. Everything of value seemed to have been sold. almost everything. On the dusty dining table lay a brass ring with a set in sapphire. It wasn't magical or special in any other way. Only somewhat valuable. He still grabbed it, just in case. Finding nothing else he looked for the entrance to the sewers. Not his preferred route but it beat carrying an unconscious man through the streets...
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siriannatan · 1 year
“There’s only one thing we need to overcome this...” - fWhimmy fantasy AU
I wanted to write fWhip being excited over explosives. I recently started catching up on the 3rd CR campaign. So I joined both. Fun fact, a pact of tome warlock can learn Tiny Hut. Did I need to keep it aligned with the rules? No, but I still did :}
Jimmy was beginning to regret ever agreeing when Lizzie said he should go out adventuring. It was the first long journey in the young triton's life and possibly the first friends he made outside his sizeable family. He wasn't just set out to see the world totally on his own. Being considerably powerful Lizzie lend him some of her magic. Together with his skill with a sword, it managed to keep him safe. No, staying relatively safe was not a problem.
His problem took the breathing form of a certain reckless tiefling who happened to like tinkering and worse of all loud explosions far too much. And who he happened to be stuck in a cave. Alone. Just the two of them. And who also happened to be rather handsome what Lizzie often teased Jimmy about over their magical connection. Currently, she was suspiciously silent. 
Jimmy had many gripes about his new tiefling friend. And as much as he disliked how dangerous his primary hobby was, the corny adventure novels he liked to read. Out loud. As they were travelling. Were possibly even worse. There was no way someone could defeat a dragon on their own just because their friends believe in them. And he spend the last hour just saying they need to believe in their friends until he fell silent and started digging through his bag.
“There’s only one thing we need to overcome this,” fWhip the tiefling suddenly said as Jimmy once again tried to reach out to his sister.
“I swear to god if you say friendship—” Jimmy started but fWhip shook his head, even in the limited light of Jimmy's cantrip he could see how his coppery hair jumped up and down. And how happy he was with his idea. Jimmy'd call it cute if he wasn't worried about what he had in his hands. One of his small kegs of explosive powder.
"Explosives," fWhip announced Jimmy's worst worry. fWhip always carried one of those small kegs on him 'just in case of an emergency'... Jimmy was very worried since he saw multiple times how much damage fWhip's weapons powered by that stuff made. "It's perfectly safe, I made all the calculations, I'm just lacking the ability to ignite it from a safe distance. Is fire something you can make?" he explained, not calming Jimmy's worries in the slightest.
"No. All I do is water," Jimmy shook his head. As scared as he was of fWhip's explosive keg he didn't feel like waiting who knows how long for the rest of the party. "But I can keep us safe from the explosion," he offered and pulled out the tome Lizzie gave him as he was departing. It was his connection to her.
fWhip nodded and as Jimmy prepared to cast the Tiny Hut spell, prepared the explosive. Even if fWhip was confident the explosion would not make their situation worse Jimmy was relieved his spell would keep them safe if his 'friend' was wrong. Once they were both ready, fWhip peeked out of the Hut, lit the fuse and quickly returned inside, mostly pulled in by Jimmy. Mostly because he panicked.
Shortly the explosion shook the cave. There wasn't much of other noise but they still waited for a short moment before even thinking of checking. With every second Jimmy was more and more aware he was holding Jimmy tightly. The tiefling said nothing, clearly listening in for any additional aftereffects of the explosive.
"I think we're safe," fWhip let out a heavy, relieved sigh after a couple of minutes passed. And once Jimmy's face was redder than his hair. "Should I check?" fWhip asked. "Jimmy?"
"Umm, yeah," Jimmy nodded really not sure what else to do or say. 
fWhip, even if he noticed how close they were despite having plenty of space was completely unbothered. And poked outside the dome before peeking outside. "It's safe, as I said," fWhip announced after a short look around aided by Jimmy's light. He looked so proud of himself Jimmy just nodded and followed him out of the hut and then the cave. 
Some of their party were right outside the cave, making sure it was safe and waiting for others to come back with help. Everyone was so happy Jimmy and fWhip were okay they missed how awkward Jimmy was around the tiefling. 
*He's got a pretty smile, bring him home sometime,* Jimmy heard Lizzie's voice in his head as they waited for others. They still had a cave to clear of monsters.
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siriannatan · 2 years
Jinn & Other Troubles - Finale
The final chapter. I literally have no idea where else I could have gone with this so I'm stopping here.
The rest of the fWhip's day was relatively normal all things considered. Some people were threatened, one or two were stabbed and some letters picked up. A good day even if it stretched out until almost sunset. Festival time was always busy and Pix insisting he has to spend at least one day of it fully with Jimmy did not help. Not in the slightest. It was so bad actually, fWhip had no choice but go through the Academy...
"It'll be fine, Gem likes rules so she's probably already in bed, gossiping with her fellow good mages... yeah..." he sighed speeding up towards his previously favourite shortcut through the city. 
Even in a hurry he could not miss a call for help and with a groan turned into a side alley and... Was met with the sight of Gem of all people in the town being harassed by some idiots.
"Come on miss, if you're out at his hour..." one goon chuckled reaching out towards Gem so fWhip threw his dagger at his hand, cutting it but not getting stuck.
"Leave the young lady alone," fWhip nearly growled at the, left had raised with fire in it, mostly to make the bracelet more visible, when they turned to see who threw the dagger.
The bigger and uglier bandit paled but his friend apparently knew nothing about the city. "And who do you..."
"Stop it Bill," his friend stopped him. "We're really sorry, sir, we'll be leaving sir," he apologised pulling his friend away. "Come on, he's with Copper King, we don't want to mess with him."
fWhip didn't drop his guard until they were gone far enough. "What are you doing out at this hour?" he turned to his sister who was staring at him with wide eyes. "Has the Academy not told you to be in after sunset?" he sighed.
"They did. And that you never got in," she huffed, arms crossed and clearly angry with him. "You could have told me you failed the ent..."
"I didn't even get that far. Money and some old name with no weight to it is not enough to get into Evermore... We have no time for this. You need to go back to your dorm..." fWhip groaned in annoyance. Gem was always stubborn and no doubt got even worse.
"So you can avoid me?" she protested.
fWhip sighed. "I'll find you another day? When we're not at danger of landing in prison for breaking the curfew? I promise I will and explain everything then," fWhip promised.
Gem sighed. "Fine, but only because you're right about the curfew, and you'll tell me where to find you."
"That's not a good idea..." fWhip tried protesting, leading Gem towards the academy. She stopped him with a glare. "I'm honest here... Look for the Vigil... and don't talk to anyone other than me. If you come in and not see me say you made a mistake and leave. And quick. It's not a place you should be at," he sighed, speeding up. "And how did you even leave your dorm?"
"I snuck out through the window," Gem grinned. As if that was something to be proud of.
"Never do that again, I have enough to worry about," fWhip sighed, relaxing a bit when they crossed Academy gates. "I'll be fine from here. Find you tomorrow, and... Happy Birthday fWhip," she said and ran off towards the dorms.
fWhip sighed and wasted no time running off to the Vigil. He had no intention of warning Pix. He'd no doubt try to meddle and that would not end well. And not even Jimmy would be able to stop him.
At least he managed to get to the Vigil with no further problems. "I'm sorry I'm late..." he said seeing Pix and Jimmy in the bar, probably waiting for him but... Why were there a small pile of boxes and a cake on his bar...
"That's fine. Happy anniversary of being born," Pix waved him off with a satisfied grin. And dropped his disguise. 
fWhip was frankly a bit stunned. He never told anyone what today is and knew even for Pix it was a bit of a pain to find out. "How? How do you know it's today?" the tiefling asked taking a slow step forward. He was so damn confused.
"You're my favourite employee, of course I know," Pix chuckled. "Now come on, we have candles."
"And dinner," Jimmy added, fleeing Pix's hands and ran up to fWhip. "Happy birthday, thanks for always looking after me," the elf said hugging him. And then pulled him to the cake.
It wasn't a big or super grand cake. It wasn't even all that decorated. Just a cake you can get to go on any day. Nothing special and fWhip was grateful for it. And shocked Pix bothered to do anything. He was damn busy, and had Jimmy to spoil and... fWhip absolutely could not remember last time someone did something like this for him. Pix nearly burying him in magic books did not count. That was work stuff - at least to fWhip it was.
"fWhip? You okay?" Pix's, dare he say worried, voice broke him from his thoughts and got him to realise he was crying. 
"I'm fine... It's just been a day... you send me to airships and... it's been a day..." fWhip mumbled and lit his own damn candles. Just two what was actually kind of amusing. 
"A couple of days," Jimmy hummed hugging him again. "Remember to make a wish," the elf said, gave fWhip a small kiss on the top of his head and returned to Pix's lap.
"And you can come to me if you ever have problems ever again. No need to say what it is, just say that something happened and you're not feeling all too well," Pix said and... it was probably the nicest thing fWhip has ever heard.
He always kept his distance from things. From people. Pix even. All people knew him as was a front. fWhip the almost mage. fWhip the mercenary. fWhip the bartender. fWhip, the right hand of Copper King. He rarely spoke about himself save for what he told Pix and Jimmy and even that was missing bit pieces. He never mentioned Gem for one. He never said how hard it was to see her go. To have to go to Stratos on his own with all of his family's hope piled on him. To have Evermore's gates slammed in his face. He told it as if it was someone else's story. He never told anyone how hard it was to settle into the town after that...
And now Pix bought him a damn cake. And gifts. And was always buying him books almost since the first day they met... "Thank you..." fWhip sobbed out, unable to stop his own emotions. And for the first time in a long time just let himself cry. Falling to his knees and sobbing. And worrying Pix end Jimmy enough to have them both all over him.
"Come on fWhip, it's just a cake..." Pix muttered.
"It's not the cake... it's just been a while since I celebrated my birthday," fWhip sniffled, feeling incredibly dumb with his boss comforting him. And said boss' boyfriend... Who recently kissed him... This was... not something he ever thought about. "Today's a lot... I got a bit overwhelmed..." he added taking a few deep breaths to calm himself. "And... my twin sister might be attending the Academy now and she might show up here... Thought you'd like to know..."
"That's okay fWhip, as long as she doesn't go to the back rooms she should be okay," Pix chuckled, and kissed fWhip's temple. "Come on, you have candles to blow out and gifts to open and there's dinner," he hummed, pulling both fWhip and Jimmy up.
fWhip did not complain too much about blowing out the candles. It did feel a bit childish but neither Jimmy nor Pix have ever celebrated a birthday so he might as well let them enjoy it through him. The gifts were a bit of a different matter. Pix had him pick up the gifts as his errands earlier. A rare enchanted diary designed to hide its contents from anyone but the owner - fWhip - was no doubt super expensive and what False had delivered. The mystery box from Big Eyes Emporium was a very nice writing set of an almost unbreakable quill with copper detailing and an inkwell enchanted to one be bigger than it looked and two, to never spill any ink. And a very nice copper pocket clock with a chain. At least one box wasn't something fWhip picked up. And it was the biggest that worried him a bit. Inside was a very nice new vest. Like a really, really nice vest with even more embroidery than fWhip's current vest. And it had a perfect pocket for the watch.
He of course tried protesting against all the expensive gifts. One would be fine but all three? "Isn't Jimmy the one meant to be spoiled?" he huffed taking in all the detail of the clock. There were no doubts that it was Tango's handiwork.
"Who says I can't spoil the both of you?" Pix hummed, Jimmy was in his lap very quiet and yawning all the time. He usually didn't move as much as he did today and was reasonably very tired. "Come on Jimmy, just hold through the dinner and we'll go to bed," the jinn gently shook the dozing-off elf awake. "I'm not letting you sleep alone, I'm not waking up to you drunk and giggling at your floating lights ever again," he added pointing to fWhip.
fWhip was not quite sure what Pix meant but he was more than okay with attention going off his birthday. Dinner was nice even if he started to understand how Jimmy must have felt with Pix all over him. But in his case, Jimmy was leaning on him a lot to not fall asleep into his food. He just blamed it on Pix being worried he'd cry or repeat last night and Jimmy being tired. He had no idea how wrong he was.
"No," Pix said when fWhip tried to go to his own room and was easily picked up by his boss who was already carrying a sleeping elf. And carried up to the other bedroom. "I said you're not sleeping alone, didn't I?" the jinn chuckled as fWhip tried to form any kind of protest that would not wake Jimmy up.
"But... but... I'll be fine..." fWhip tried protesting but it was for nothing. Pix set his mind on keeping an eye on fWhip for the night. "I don't... it's... you and Jim..."
"Both agree you're cute and need to relax a bit," Jimmy mumbled, pulling fWhip down to the bed.
"I think I'll need to get him a necklace for him to understand he's my other boyfriend now," Pix chuckled joining them in the bed. "No thinking fWhip, just sleep, I know you don't need it."
fWhip had no choice but to give up. There was no arguing with jinn when they set their minds on things. Or with Jimmy. The elf learned a lot since Pix picked him up and not all of it was good things. Like using his status as Pix's favourite elf to scare people. Or using his pretty face to get things.
And fWhip was maybe just now realising he might have liked his boss this whole time. And Jimmy too... "I hate you both," he grumbled, relaxing and letting himself sleep. The last two days were far too much for him.
"Love you too," he just barely heard Pix and could swear it was followed by a kiss.
Even if it wasn't the first time fWhip woke up squished between Pix and Jimmy, it... It stung he could not sneak away to get ready for the day. It left him with nothing better to do than think about last night... realisations let's call it. And that maybe he was not opposed to dating Pix and Jimmy. He did not expect much to change. Pix's favourite pastime was throwing expensive magic tomes at fWhip before Jimmy. And fWhip was glad the pretty elf took some of Pix's attention off but now... he expected it'd be even worse.
"I can hear you think..." Jimmy mumbled right into fWhip's hair. "You're not leaving until I'm done with cuddling," he warned hugging him even tighter.
"What Jimmy said," Pix chuckled and gave them both morning kisses. "This feels nice, and I better not need a necklace for you to understand..."
"Fine, I'll move my stuff in later but I'm keeping the other room as my own office," fWhip sighed. "Am I going to have to get used to being squished every morning?" he could not help but ask. Not that he was complaining, it felt nice...
Having to rush to 'open' Vigil did not feel nice even with Jimmy and Pix being there to cheer him on. He was not letting either of them anywhere near his bar stuff. And it wasn't like that initial rush was that bad. It wasn't like anyone ever visited Vigil to just drink there and not somewhat connected to the main business. And at least now he could spin some tale that did not connect him to crime for Gem. And avoid saying what his scarier boyfriend does...
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siriannatan · 2 years
The Right-Han Man - jinn series
Part four is here, fWhip is doing stuff I suppose...
fWhip was glad Pixl decided to keep the elf. Mangled ears or not. Honestly, that was even better in his opinion but only because a certain elf was a major pain in his side since very early hours. He would never get used to Stratos waking up with the sunrise... It was so annoying.
"Sorry, the boss is busy with his new toy, come back in a couple of hours, he might have time," fWhip grumbled at the elven pirate. Joey, the necessary evil he had to deal with once every few months.
"Toy?" the pirate asked, annoyingly not getting his out of fWhip's bar.
"Did I stutter? Get your ass out before I convince the boss to let me cut your head off," fWhip glared at the elf.
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eyezpike · 3 years
i mean maybe Gem and fWhip are siblings but the teifling genes skipped Gem and only fWhip got them? Like they're both technically half-elves but fWhip is also a tiefling? Idk how genetics in dnd works
afaik (which is not very far) tieflings have dominant genes, so someone with a tiefling and half elf (/elf) parent would still be a tiefling
i like them both being tieflings tho so i dont mind either way :D
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