#tiger roar🐯!!
smileytiger28 · 1 year
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feathereddragonkin · 4 months
Things that ease my species dysphoria:
As a Dragonkin🪶
1) Using an elytra in creative Minecraft. It mimics the feeling of flying so perfectly for my kintype; I sometimes just glide around without actually building anything lol.
2) Eating homemade jerky. Gives me the crunch I crave™. I love the feeling of tearing into meat, it's so satisfying.
3) Vocals! I love making little chirps and warbles, it makes me feel connected to my kintype like nothing else.
4) Moving my ears. I recommend learning how to do this, it really mimics the feeling of bigger ears well. The best way I can explain it is raising your brows and squeezing the muscles at the back of your scalp, idk. It's instinctive; I've done it since childhood.
As a Tiger otherhearted 🐯
1) "Hunting" my stuffed animals! I can practice hiding in the shadows and pouncing. I wish I had more big cat friends to play with tho...
2) Watching videos of tigers! I love copying the sounds they make and imagining myself playing with them!
3) Wearing orange clothes. Wearing colors similar to my kintype make me feel closer to it. Someday I wanna get a striped sweater!
4) Napping in my nest, I have a bunch of fake foliage around that makes it nice and cozy.
As an Australian shepherd therian🐶
1) Watching funny dog videos! It's so funny to see what shenanigans doggos get up to!
2) Wearing my bandana. I have a yellow bandana that I love wearing, it makes me feel like a silly pupper!
3) Going for car rides! I love love love car rides! And walks, I just wish my hips didn't get so sore TwT...
4) Taking care of people, especially children. Reminds me of looking after sheep💛
As a lion otherkin🦁
1) Like tigerkin, hunting my stuffed animals.
2) Vocals! Roars and growls, and occasional purrs.
3) Giving people big hugs, like those videos of lions tackling humans in a hug. I just love hugs!
4) Watching lion documentaries. Sometimes I get too excited when it shows the pride hunting tho, lol.
As a Ratchet fictionkin 🚐
1) Looking after people; making sure they're safe and helping them when they're not feeling well.
2) Drinking/eating blue things. It reminds me of energon. Sometimes green if I'm feeling quirky 🤭
3) Going for drives to feel like I'm in my alt mode. Can't do it a lot because my pesky van needs gas which requires human money, but whatever.
4) Listening to tfp ambience videos. It reminds me of home. TvT
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zombpawcoins · 6 months
▞▞ . tigeric / tigergender !
[pt: tigeric / tigergender ! end pt.]
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[ Image description: A flag with seven equally-sized horizontal stripes. The stripes form a gradient from brown to orange, light orange and then white, then light orange, orange and brown again. There's an overlay of tiger stripes over the flag on the left, while the flag on the right does not. End description. ]
a gender that feels like/is related to tigers, tiger stripes, or something similar. this gender can be connected to any kind of tiger, any aspects of tigers, the colors of them, etc.
pronoun suggestions: ti/tig/tiger/tigers/tigerself tiger/tiger/tigers/tigers/tigerself stripe/stripe/stripes/stripes/stripeself claw/claw/claws/claws/clawself fur/fur/furs/furs/furself scratch/scratch/scratchs/scratchs/scratchself paw/paw/paws/paws/pawself roar/roar/roars/roars/roarself 🐅/🐅/🐅s/🐅s/🐅self 🐯/🐯/🐯s/🐯s/🐯self 🐾/🐾/🐾s/🐾s/🐾self
name suggestions: tiger , tigrio , ozzy , zara , cybil , amur , kip , sia , stripe , ignis
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nobodylikety · 7 months
Tiger hybrid! Leeseo 🐯
So here's baby Leeseo! since she's still a lil' baby, I thought about making it more platonic 🩷 In my mind, I think that reader! x tiger! leeseo is a relationship or siblings or besties, so it's written in that way (⁠*⁠´⁠ω⁠`⁠*⁠)
ps. I live for naughty little sister! Leeseo
tags: tiger hybrid! leeseo x fem! reader (platonic ver.), hybrid AU, fluff.
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Tiger hybrid! Leeseo is literally a naughty gremlin! she is often teasing or playing childish pranks either towards hybrid! IVE or towards you <3 as she is the youngest (just a lil baby 🥺) she gets away with it...most of the time.
The fact that Tiger hybrid! Leeseo is young and smaller in stature than the rest of Hybrid! IVE, does not imply that she is chill! On the contrary, she's a destructive nuclear explosion in the form of a cute fluffball, she has a very rough way of playing, so it unintentionally breaks a thing or two (mostly your stuff, but in a lovely way)🥺
Tiger hybrid! Leeseo has a BIG SWEET TOOTH 🍬. More than once you've gone to the kitchen in the wee hours of the morning and found Leeseo tucked away in the pantry or fridge, looking for something to munch on! her range of snacks are usually desserts, such as cookies or buns <3
+ That's why you and Rei often worries that Leeseo only prefers to eat sweet things and doesn't eat well. Leeseo is the type of picky eater too, she hates veggies! so you have to feed them to her, otherwise she'll not eat them,,,
Tiger hybrid! Leeseo = tiny baby, BIG ROAR. The first time you heard Leeseo roar, you practically squealed like a scared kitten. It's a loud and harsh sound, no one would think it comes from someone as sweet as her!
Tiger hybrid! Leeseo has an active, energetic and VERY sociable personality, that's why Puppy! Yujin (who has the idea of being the leader of the pack) finds her difficult to take care of as Leeseo, since she is always hanging out with friends and doesn't pay attention to her or her orders,,, this baby tiger is sometimes a bratty lil thing :3
Tiger hybrid! Leeseo LOVES to play chase her tail!she usually sits, and as soon as her tail appears in her field of vision, wiggling like a snake, Leeseo NEEDS to chase it ٩(ˊᗜˋ *)و she gets off the sofa and runs around in circles chasing it, or just roars and nibbles at it
🐯، ゚ฅ 。 [ Naughty tiger ]
Leeseo is, of course, the joy but also the chaos of your life. With her striped fur and playful eyes, she always finds a way to get into trouble just for fun, and just for the sake of annoy you. It's in her nature. She can't go more than half a minute without playing pranks on you and the rest of the pack, or getting into mischief that involves all of you.
Today, it's no different.
The pranks start early in the morning, and last late into the night. And they happen more than once a day.
In the morning you try to enjoy some peace before the girls wake up, reading a book and drinking some coffee in your bed.
But Leeseo decides it's the perfect time to play.
And by 'play', she means to tease you.
So she sneaks stealthily across the room, her tabby tail swaying mischievously behind her, without you even noticing her presence, because the book is too interesting, and the coffee is too good this morning to put down.
"Roar" Leeseo just roars softly, bursting your little bubble of peace and concentration, before jumping onto your lap and settling down like a kitten on top of you.
"Come on, Leeseo, not now…" you whine, trying to maintain a serious countenance. But Leeseo literally shoves the book out of your hand, not caring where it landed. And unwilling to take 'no' for an answer, she begins to ruffle your hair, her tail swaying enthusiastically. Her big feline eyes look at you with a mixture of innocence and mischief. This bloody little devil.
And then you gave in, like you always do.
Because that's how the youngest of the hybrid gang gets what she wants. She has you wrapped around her little finger.
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As the day goes by, other 'Leeseo-things' happen during the afternoon.
Now she bursts into the middle of the living room, when you're in the middle of watching your favorite show on TV, with a mischievous twinkle in her eye.
"Look what I found in the garden!" exclaims Leeseo, wagging her tabby tail.
Looking up, you don't expect to see that image. Leeseo is holding Wonyoung —in her animal form, of course— between her jaws by the scruff of her neck. Wonyoung looks a little dazed, but unharmed.
She's the same adorable floppy-eared fuzzball she's always been.
Thank god Wonyo's safe.
"Leeseo! What did I tell you about carrying the other pets in your mouth?" you scold her, but you can't help but smile at her innocence. "Let go of Wonyo, she's not one of your squeaky toys!"
With a dramatic sigh, Leeseo lets go of Wonyoung, but not before giving you a 'sorry, but that was fun' look.
When Leeseo releases Wonyoung she rolls a little, before landing softly by your feet. You frown at Leeseo as you stroke Wonyoung's head, who curls up against your feet for a moment. Then she hops away a little, far enough away to return to her human form. 
"I don't know why you're always like this! We were just playing," Leeseo defends herself, with a look of innocence that fails to hide her mischievousness. "Besides, nothing happened to Wonyo." 
You rub the side of your head, with a sigh. This Leeeseo, always such a troublemaker. You know it's just her pure animal instinct, as well as her way of exploring the world, but sometimes you feel like killing her. Or hang her from a flagpole, to see if she'll stay still. 
"Leeseo, you need to be more careful. Wonyoung is not a toy," you remind her, with a certain firmness in your voice. Wonyoung is next to you, sitting on the desk and swinging her legs, and nods in agreement. 
Leeseo nods, though the mischievous spark still shines in his eyes. "Sorry, I'll keep that in mind next time," she says, though it's clear that promise might be a little hard to keep.
Because before you can say anything else, Leeseo is already planning her next caper. You know that keeping her under control is a difficult task, but you can't help but smile at her mischievous charm all the same.
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After a short nap, to regain some energy after a tiring day, you stretch lazily on your bed. No more than a minute of peace and quiet passes, however, when the silence is broken by a soft roar, followed by a clattering noise from the kitchen. With a resigned sigh, you get out of bed and head towards the source of the commotion.
What you see in the kitchen is half a surprise and half not. Because Leeseo manages to turn up with another string of mischief, as she always does, and so it's no surprise. But somehow, she has dragged the rest of the girls into her chaos, which is a surprise.
You find Leeseo, the mischievous and stale tiger of the house, standing on the table with a bag of crisps in her hand, while with the other she rummages in the pantry, where the biscuit jar is.
Around the table are Yujin, Gaeul, Liz, Rei and Wonyoung. They all look absolutely willing and determined to join in the commotion.
"Hey, hey! Can you remind me what we're doing?" asks Yujin, her tail wagging as if wild with excitement.
"I'm looking for something for us to eat, but there's nothing good!" replies Leeseo with a pout.
Wonyoung jumps up on the table, reaching for the biscuits. "Let me try, I'm taller than you, Leeseo!"
Gaeul launches herself off the back of a chair, landing gracefully on the table and beginning to sniff curiously around the chips. Liz, for her part, tries to mimic Gaeul, only to fall flat on her face against a half-full bowl of all sorts of pet treats.
It's a chaotic sight, to say the least.
So Yujin keeps wagging her tail and running around in circles (stopping sometimes to play chase her tail), Leeseo and Wonyoung arguing over who's better at swiping snacks from the pantry, and Liz bumping into absolutely every single piece of furniture in the kitchen.
And where is Rei? you wonder for just a fraction of a second, before a hiss behind you gives away her location.
"I think it's time for dinner, don't you?" says Rei, nestling her head against your shoulder, seeking attention. Of the girls, she's probably the one who gives you the least headaches. Though short of a headache, she gives you some pretty good scares with her fangs and forked tongue.
You shake your head in resignation, but laugh. As you try to keep order among these hybrids, you realise that every day is a new adventure in this house full of unique animal personalities.
"Tell me, Leeseo, how do you manage to get into trouble even when you're just trying to play, or looking for something to eat?"
She looks up at you with her big feline eyes and a mischievous grin. "Because life would be boring if it wasn't!".
God, this little girl.
Leeseo is absolutely chaotic and messy, like an annoying little sister. You love her, even when she's always on the verge of giving you a heart attack because of the stupid, naughty decisions she makes. But it's Leeseo, it's impossible to resist those baby tiger eyes.
Even when she screws up.
This damn brat who always screws up, how you love the damn thing.
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juls-art · 1 year
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"Let out a Wild Roar!"
Wild Tiger🐯💚
my favouritest character ever--what was I suppose to do, say "no"? ppl say kotetsu. I DRAW KOTETSU. -- moving on~ to whatever your best approximation of what that colour is?? Teal? Light Blue? Give me character in that range, if you'd be so kind 🤗💦 -- Kofi | Patreon    
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aidendemoncat · 1 year
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Tiger Daisy 🐯
I got the eye of the tiger, a fighter Dancing through the fire 'Cause I am a champion, and you're gonna hear me roar Louder, louder than a lion 'Cause I am a champion, and you're gonna hear me roar
Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh You're gonna hear me roar
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Yuriko Tigra (Yuriko Tiger) 7/31/2023
🐯がおー! Roar!
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lunamothfloof · 1 year
tigersushigender ( tiger-sushi-gender) !!
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a gender connected to tigers, the taste / aesthetic of sushi ( esp salmon sushi n sushi rolls) , jungles and rainforests, bento boxes with sushi, and fish!
pronouns suggestions below the cut!!
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tiger / tiger’s / tigerself
ti / tiger / tiger’s
rawr / rawr’s / rawrself
ra / rawr / rawr’s
grr / grr’s / grrself
roar / roar’s / roarself
ro / roar / roarself
growl / growl’s / growlself
mew / mew’s / mewself
meow / meow’s / meowself
mew / meow / meow’s
stripe / stripe's / stripeself
stri / stripe / stripe's
paw / paw's / pawself
claw / claw's / clawself
fang / fang's / fangself
sushi / sushi's / sushiself
su / sushi / sushi's
salmon / salmon's / salmonself
sa / salmon / salmon
sushi / roll / sushiroll's
roll / roll / rollself
raw / fish / rawfish's
jun / jungle / jungle's
vine / vine's / vineself
rain / forest / rainforest's
rain / rain's / rainself
rai / rain / rain's
tree / tree's / treeself
ben / bento / bentoself
bento / box / bentobox's
bento / bento's / bentoself
fish / fish’s / fishself
fi / fish / fishself
ocean / ocean’s / oceanself
oce / ocean / ocean’s
water / water’s / waterself
wa / water / water’s
🍣 / 🍣’s / 🍣self
🍱 / 🍱’s / 🍱self
🐟 / 🐟’s / 🐟self
🎣 / 🎣’s / 🎣self
🐅 / 🐅’s / 🐅self
🐯 / 🐯’s / 🐯self
🧡 / 🖤’s / 🧡self
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tigerfang318 · 3 days
Hiya! I hope you're having a purrfect day :] I wanted to ask - if I may about your feline therianthropic experiences and if you have any tips for questioning felines? specifically for big cats felinethropes? Thanks! <3 - 🦁☁️
Hi!! It’s been a pawsome day! 😸
First off, I’m so sorry I’m answering this ask so late! I had a draft of what I wrote in response to it a while ago, but it accidentally deleted, and I thought I answered it for the longest time! Thank you for your patience, and I truly do appreciate your ask!!! ❤️❤️
All my theriotypes are feline, and I have questioned the possibility of me being a feline cladotherian. However, my strongest types are tiger and snow leopard! Here are some of my indicators of how I knew, as well as some of my own experiences being a big cat.
1.) I tend to have a lot of feline mannerisms! I’ve been compared to a cat my whole life. Whether it’s making vocals that sound like a cat, bathing in the sunlight, or greeting my loved ones with headbutts, I tend to just naturally do a lot of cat-related behavior. However, while this could be an indicator as being a standard domestic cat, there is something in my soul that is also a bit more free. I love being in nature, love to explore, and dream about roaming the mountains with my big paws and not a care in the world. I yearn to hunt big prey and roar with a voice much bigger than my own. There is something in me that is more wild, which led me to know that I was a big cat, too.
2.) When I look at my big cat theriotypes through pictures, videos, and in real life, I feel like I’m looking at a mirror. The cat is me, and I am the cat. I remember before I even knew I was a tiger therian, I really wanted to get this realistic painting of a tiger I saw at a store because I felt such a strong connection to it. Little did I know!
3.) When I shift, I feel much bigger than I actually am. More specifically, I noticing feel my big paws, a thick muzzle, and a long tail. I also feel my ears and even whiskers. Also my teeth are very prominent. They feel much more pointed. And the parts that I feel vividly when I shift tend to align with a big cat. I’ve had the occasional cameo shift, but my big cat shifts are very consistent.
4.) There are just some things that make my big cat mind go CRAAAAAZY. Eating meat on a bone makes me literally go nonverbal. Ribs and chicken wings fear me. I also find so much joy in taking a cat nap! Especially in the sun, like a big cat would on a pretty day. And being outside, especially in the mountains! Both Siberian tigers and snow leopards live in cold, mountainous climates, and I am unfortunately not living in such a place myself. However, when I visit places like those, it feels like I was meant to live there! Explore the mountains and live amongst the wildlife!
If I had to recommend some tips to discovering, start engaging with some of the behaviors of your possible big cat theriotypes. Find out what your specific type enjoys doing best, and perhaps dive a little deeper into it. Does your type enjoy water? Go on a swim or take a nice bath! Does your type live in a specific climate? Watch some videos or documentaries about your home! Does your type meow, roar, or chuff? Try out some of those vocals yourself and see how they feel! Take a good look at some big cats you may feel a connection to. Could you see yourself as that big cat, or do they feel like family to you? Does the idea of being a big cat spark joy or yearning within you? Does it feel like you were meant to be a big cat?
There is no right way to be a big cat, and it’s something you’ll affirm and discover over time. However, I hope my experiences help you on your path to discovery, and if you do find out that you are a big cat all along, then join the big cat club and know that my blog is a safe space for you to be anytime! Stay cool and roar on!! 🩷🐯
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Save the Roar 🐯
🌟 Join the pride! 🌟 Protect the tiger, preserve the planet. Let's roar together for these majestic creatures and their habitats. Share your love, show you care, and let's make a difference! 🐯❤
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tigressalcarazbeltran · 3 months
🐯In the dead of night, the tiger roars,
The moon shines down, a gentle glow,
Echoing through the moonlit shores.
A beauty in the darkness, a light so bright,
Guiding the way for the ruler of dreams in the night.
A beacon for the tiger, a light to show.
Majestic and fierce, in the stillness of night,
The tiger reigns, its power taking flight.
Through the shadows, the tiger prowls,
Its presence felt in the moon's gentle scowls.
A creature of grace, of strength and might,
Roaring into the moon, a mesmerizing sight.
So let us bow to the ruler of dreams,
As the tiger roars into the moon's gleams.
A beauty in the darkness, a light so bright,
Guiding us through the wonders of the night.
🐯🔥Two warriors fierce in battle stand,
One glowing like a fire grand,
With hair as bright as the sun's own rays,
He fights with passion, in a fiery blaze.
The other, elegant like a tiger sleek,
With eyes as blue as the ocean deep,
His movements swift, his strikes precise,
In his gracefulness, he finds his might.
Together they face the demons dark,
Their courage strong, their spirits spark,
With each blow they fight with valor,
Two warriors united, in battle's fervor.
As they clash against the shadows grim,
Their strength and skill, a dazzling hymn,
And though the demons may be fierce,
These warriors fight, their purpose clear.
One is fire, the other a tiger bold,
Their warrior hearts, steadfast and bold,
In unity they stand, against the night,
Two warriors battling, with all their might.
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smileytiger28 · 1 year
thinking about the scene in gotg 3 where rocket looks at the cage full of raccoons. he looks at the plaque that says "columbus wildlife center" and the KPCOFGS of his species and then zooms to "common name: raccoon". the scene where he scoops up the baby raccoons like they're delicate glass marbles and they hold onto him.
there's obviously the bawl-worthy cute animals being rescued, freeing his inner child, saving parallels to his past self from future cruelty. also, there's the obvious creator-createe theme going on. he doesn't call himself a raccoon because that would be acknowledging his past. there's the broad stroke of that theme of creators and createes and becoming your own creator, and rocket doesn't want to be a raccoon because that would be acknowledging his origins, when in reality confronting his origins is the way he frees himself from his creator by becoming his own creator. but there's something particularly eerie about this scene, not just the plaque saying "raccoon". it was the "columbus wildlife preserve." it's realizing that rocket, this cosmic creature supergenius wise-cracking raccoon, that we've come to know and love but still feel a measure of distance from, technically hails from the american fucking midwest. something in that is shockingly poignant. something about imagining the simple life rocket was supposed to have as some raccoon eating scraps in the midwest. i found myself imagining the regular old earthlings that probably had no trouble taking those raccoons off their hands. no shortage of those in the US after all. maybe there's something about bringing rocket geographically to earth, the center of our universes, that brings him closer to my heart. not sure what it is.
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alright everyone following the success of this post im dropping some oz themed neopronouns :)
ok here are some emoji ones, idrk how they work but here ya go:
Now please keep in mind, I’m still pretty new to neopronouns and I’m no language expert so not all of these are gonna be home runs lol <3
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jormation · 1 year
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A tiger's roar is powerful and can be heard from as far as 3 km (1.8 miles) away! 🐯
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scriveyner · 2 years
chase forever down 27/31
chase forever down | 27/31 | bungou stray dogs | 👿🐯 / sskk | #smarch 🔞| ~1500 words
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Atsushi opened his eyes, the soft touch of Ryuunosuke’s fingers rousing him from a light sleep. He squinted open his eyes to see the bright blue sky through the tree branches overhead, and Ryuunosuke lifted his hand quickly, realizing his mistake. “Ah…sorry.”
Continue on AO3:
The sun was baking his legs in his uniform trousers, sticking out from under the shade of the tree, but with his head still in Ryuunosuke’s lap everything felt very peaceful. He sighed, as a soft wind rustled the branches above them.
“It’s okay,” Atsushi said and covered his mouth as he yawned. He rubbed the back of his hand over gummy eyes. Petals from the blossoming tree were floating in the air around them, caught in the gentle wind, and a few had settled in Ryuunosuke’s hair, the light pink incongruous against his dark locks. Atsushi reached up, brushing a few free. “I didn’t mean to fall asleep like that. What time is it?”
A smile pulled at the edge of Ryuunosuke’s mouth, he was doing his very best to suppress it and not give in. “Not too late,” he murmured, running his fingers through Atsushi’s hair again. “We still have plenty of time to study before the sun goes down.”
“Mm, yes. Study,” Atsushi said, eyes closed. Ryuunosuke was carding his fingers through Atsushi’s hair and scratching his scalp like Atsushi was his pet cat. “Sure. I can do that. Studying.”
“If you start to purr, I will stop this immediately,” Ryuunosuke said, though there was a teasing note in his voice. Atsushi stuck his tongue out and they both laughed.
“I wish we could stay like this forever,” Atsushi said in the silence after, wistful. “No school, no graduation, no entrance exams…”
“And what, precisely, would you be doing otherwise?”
“I don’t know.” Atsushi blew out an irritated breath, like he had turned it over in his head so many times but still hadn’t arrived at a satisfactory answer. He reached up and touched Ryuunosuke’s face, and he tilted his face into Atsushi’s palm. “But whatever I’d be doing, I’d be doing with you.”
The scream that tore from Atsushi’s throat shook the building to its rafters. It was him, it was the tiger, it was grief, it was rage, it was desperation.
Everything around him blurred, his ears were full of a rushing, static noise he couldn’t comprehend but he was moving without conscious thought. Past Aslanov, who moved to strike at him as well, blade in one hand but he didn’t even see it, heard a crack but didn’t connect it to anything as his arms wrapped around his head, his head, his head—
Curled around it, screaming his throat hoarse, every ounce of his body clenched in pain, fur rippling, muscles tensing; he looked up, staring straight at Aslanov coming for him, bleeding, swinging something—he didn’t see her though, didn’t see anything, couldn’t, there was nothing else.
The noise that came from him was inhuman, twisted in rage.
In his ears, all around him, resonating, the tiger roared in response.
Akutagawa turned and looked at Atsushi, and then down at the white parcel tied with a blue ribbon that Atsushi was holding in his hands. Atsushi’s face was quickly turning a very bright, very obvious shade of pink at the scrutiny because he didn’t know how Akutagawa was going to react and this…seemed about on brand, actually.
Why did he expect otherwise.
“What,” Akutagawa said, “is that.”
“Chocolate,” Atsushi said.
“Because…” Atsushi shifted, and scuffed the ground with his boot. “I like you?” He realized what he said a split second after the words escaped, he’d meant to play it off like, hah hah it’s White Day and I have ~all~ this extra chocolate I’m giving to my friends because I don’t need to eat all this myself, but instead he opened his stupid mouth and his stupid words betrayed him as usual. “Because you’re, you’re a friend, my friend, I like you as a friend,” he finished, cringing both internally and externally.
Akutagawa stared at him.
Atsushi didn’t think it was possible, but he turned pinker.
“What,” Akutagawa said very slowly, enunciating each word in turn, “the hell is wrong with your brain, weretiger?”
“There’s nothing wrong with my brain!”
“Having your head cracked open like an egg by every third opponent is clearly getting to you,” Akutagawa scoffed. “Friend.” He turned on his heel, making plain his intent to leave Atsushi in this alley with this stupid chocolate he’d made specifically for Akutagawa because he obviously, specifically, spectacularly misjudged something.
Atsushi’s fingers dug into the cellophane wrapper. Face blazing red, he made his final stand.
“Okay, fine,” he yelled, hopping to halt Akutagawa in his tracks. “Not just as a friend!”
Akutagawa hesitated.
Atsushi held his breath.
Rashomon erupted from his coat and plucked the package from Atsushi’s hands. Atsushi yanked his limbs back as if scalded, and Rashomon held it up before Akutagawa’s eyes for full inspection. After a moment, he nodded and took the package from his ability.
“I will accept this chocolate,” he said. “And I will permit your continued existence…for now.” Atsushi exhaled in relief; when he looked up again, Akutagawa was gone.
There was nothing but white-hot rage, fracturing everything into thousands of tiny knives.
Akutagawa had his hand over his mouth, shoulders shaking while his other hand pressed flat against the bedroom door, fingers curling in toward the wood. He was trying, vainly, not to laugh out loud as Atsushi said, aggravated, “we’re busy right now, Acchan.” He put his forehead against the back of Akutagawa’s neck. “Ask Ryuu-chan to help with your homework if you’re still having problems, I’ll check it after dinner.”
“Ryuu called me stupid.” Acchan’s voice was very petulant, coming from the other side of the bedroom door. “I’m not stupid!”
“No, you’re not.” Atsushi smacked Akutagawa’s bare shoulder because he tightened and now was not the time. “I’ll talk to him. And I will check your work after dinner, okay? We’re very busy right now but we can’t start dinner until we’re done.”
“Okay,” Acchan’s sulky footsteps finally padded away, and Atsushi let out all the air he’d been holding in his lungs. Akutagawa put his forehead against the door and laughed, and Atsushi squeezed his hips.
“It’s not funny.”
“I told you we needed to wait until they were in bed,” Akutagawa managed, between his fits of mirth, “but no, you were frisky now—” Atsushi shifted and moved his hips, causing Akutagawa’s laughter to stutter. “Fuck,” he breathed, closing his eyes and tilting his head forward so it gently rested against the door again. “Do that again.”
Atsushi hooked his chin over Akutagawa’s shoulder. “It’s been almost three,” another solid fuck in, “weeks.”
Akutagawa covered his mouth to keep the moan in; when he was certain he could control his voice he glanced over his shoulder at Atsushi, breathing hard, pupils blown wide.
“I didn’t say stop,” he growled, and Atsushi put his hand over Akutagawa’s on the door.
A hand on his shoulder.
Atsushi twisted and sank his teeth into flesh. He comprehended a hiss of pain, and then a palm on his forehead which slid up into his hair, yanking his head back. Dazai’s face, eyes narrowed in pain.
“Do not swallow,” he said, sharply.
Warm metal in his mouth, invading his senses. He held it there, confused; and looked down at Akutagawa in his lap…he didn’t remember that happening. He was held together, somehow, body cold—and Atsushi shook, pulling Akutagawa against his chest. He was focused now, not coming unbound, and Dazai said, softly, urgently, “he won’t take it from me, Atsushi-kun, it has to be you,” and Atsushi pressed his mouth to Akutagawa’s cold, slack lips, transferring Dazai’s blood.
It trickled from Akutagawa’s mouth.
“More,” Atsushi demanded, twisting his head again, catching Dazai’s arm and burying his teeth in his wrist, clamped on, holding him still as he took as much as he could hold in his mouth and transferring it again.
And again.
And again.
Dazai’s blood was dripping down Akutagawa’s face. Atsushi’s eyes were blurry with tears, he doubled over Akutagawa, holding him tight, rocking. “Why isn’t it working,” he managed, his voice small, panicked. “Why isn’t it working, Dazai-san…?”
The morning sun crept across the bed. Atsushi lay with his head pillowed on his arm, watching Akutagawa sleep. They’d barely made it to bed before sunrise, but Atsushi couldn’t sleep. He didn’t want to, he wanted to lay here and watch Akutagawa for all time, comfortable, safe and secure.
Akutagawa snorted a little. “Go to sleep, weretiger.”
“No mind reading,” Atsushi said, and Akutagawa scoffed and finally opened one grey eye. “I mean it.”
Akutagawa’s hand snuck out from under the covers and Atsushi shifted, laying his palm face-up between them and Akutagawa slipped his hand into it, threading their fingers together. The morning sun caught off his gold ring, and Atsushi’s heart skipped a beat.
“I love you,” Atsushi whispered, utterly helpless.
Akutagawa smiled softly; his expression gentle. He rubbed his thumb along the outside of Atsushi’s thumb. “I love you too, weretiger.”
Akutagawa’s hand slowly, slowly pushed against Atsushi’s cheek, trying to brush his tears away.
Atsushi let out a strangled sob, turning his face against Akutagawa’s palm and doubling over him again, holding him tight.
Outside, it started to rain.
<< Chapter 26 || Start || Chapter 28 >>
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zenigatakeibu · 1 year
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specific to his yakuza au! consider this a continual wip. (tw for brief mentions of child death)
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🐯 PUBLIC KNOWLEDGE. (information anyone can know/learn/have access to)
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🐯 SEMI-PRIVATE KNOWLEDGE. (information only those who are close to him can know/learn/have access to)
Koichi Zenigata is the Fourth Chairman of the Izumi clan, the largest and wealthiest yakuza syndicate in Tokyo.
Waged a bloody all-out war against a rival clan, the Ita, a month into his leadership. The Izumi eventually won out, and those of the Ita who were not killed/had not fled were absorbed into the Izumi's ranks.
Provides protection and charity to civilians who live within his territory.
Very "old school," honorable, and expects his clan members to act the same.
His duality as both a protector and a force to be reckoned is with what earned him the title "Tiger of Tokyo."
Manages an exclusive jazz club (the Roundhouse) and a fight club (the Snake Pit) which resides beneath it.
His clan deals in weapons smuggling, illegal passports, gambling rings, loan sharking, extortion/blackmail, political bribes, and assassinations-- among other things.
Owns two pseudo-melanistic Bengal tigers and has raised them since they were cubs.
Has an irezumi back piece. It depicts a roaring tiger, framed by black waves, clouds, and red flowers. The front view has two tiger’s paws– their claws outstretched– coming down over his pectorals, also framed by waves, clouds, and flowers.
Proficient in judo, karate, and general hand-to-hand combat. Is also an incredible marksmen and skilled with knives/blades.
Controls a good portion of the MPD and has connections within Interpol.
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🐯 PRIVATE KNOWLEDGE. (information only a VERY select trusted few know/have access to)
Following Zenigata's rise to power, the Ita clan saw this transitional period as a chance to wipe him/his clan out and gain full control of Tokyo. They kidnapped his wife and daughter, preparing to exchange their safety for Zenigata's life, however when Zenigata met them to agree to their terms, they instead executed his family in front of him. Zenigata snapped and killed his captors, proceeding to then perform yubitsume on his left hand's ring finger in his lost family's memory. This is what kickstarted the war against the Ita clan.
Is an extremely paranoid person, will not hesitate to make an example of those he views as a threat.
Has been the target of over 20 assassination attempts, the most notable being the reason for the deep scar across his neck.
Is a huge softy deep down. Struggles with expressing his more sensitive side due to the death of his family.
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