#tigress of bengal
sitting-on-me-bum · 4 months
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The Finest Flower of the Mangroves
A young royal Bengal tigress in mangrove bushes.There are perhaps only 200 of these animals in the Sundarbans mangrove forest. According to the last survey, conducted in 2018, there were 114 tigers in the Bangladesh portion of the Sundarbans. The West Bengal forest department’s tiger estimation exercise for 2020-21 put the number of big cats in the region at 96. These Bengals are the only tigers adapted to live in a mangrove habitat.
Photograph: Soham Bhattacharyya
Mangrove Photography Awards 2023
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thepersonalwords · 4 months
You only fix something, when it’s broken. And you - are far from broken.
Abhijit Naskar, The Bengal Tigress: A Treatise on Gender Equality
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jadeseadragon · 7 months
Lallan Goap @lallangoappench
Laxmi (female) at Pench National Park, Madhya Pradesh, India
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howlingday · 8 months
Panthera Tigris Tigris Nikos
Jaune: Hey, Pyrrha? Can I have a hug?
Pyrrha: Of course, Jaune! (Hugs)
Jaune: (Sinks into her)
Pyrrha: Would anyone else like-
Nora: (Dragging Ren) MEMEMEME~!
Fun Fact! Bengal tigers are big. Females have been documented to reach 400 pounds, males 500 pounds, and occasionally larger specimens reaching 700 pounds. Royal Bengal Tigers are reportedly even bigger, with one specimen shot by David Hasinger in 1967 was reported to be 857 pounds, measured at 11 feet long, and left paw prints "the size of dinner plates," and it's last meal was a live water buffalo weighed down by an eighty-pound weight. It is displayed in the Smithsonian Institutions's National Museum of Natural History, in the Hall of Mammals.
Pyrrha: Ready for our run, Jaune?
Jaune: You bet! Maybe this time I could-
Pyrrha: (Ear flicks) Oh, uh, why don't you keep warming up, Jaune? I need to grab something from the dorm.
Jaune: Oh, uh, sure thing, Pyrrha. I'll be right here.
Cardin: (Sitting on the roof) What the hell? Where's Nikos go- (Door swings open, Mauled)
Fun Fact! Bengal Tigers are fast. They can make short sprints of forty miles per hour, which is about the speed of a thoroughbred horse. An incident with a startled tigress mother with her cubs in Nepal in 1974 resulted in the death of a researcher who was hiding 15 feet in a tree. In 2007, on Christmas Day at the San Francisco Zoo, an Amur Tiger cleared a thirty-foot moat to maul three visitors who were harassing the tiger, killing one of them before being killed after four shots to the skull by responding police officer's .40-caliber-pistol rounds. It should be noted that the Amur was a captive tiger, raised from birth in the zoo. Imagine a wild tiger raised in the jungle.
Pyrrha: Are you okay, Jaune?
Jaune: Y-Yeah, I... Wait, what about the goliath?!
Pyrrha: It's okay, Jaune. I took care of it.
Jaune: But how, Pyrrha? (Holding) Your weapons-!
Pyrrha: (Takes, Smiles) I took care of it.
Jaune: (Looks behind her, Sees dead goliath)
Fun Fact! Bengal Tigers are strong. Their bite force can reach up to a thousand pounds, which is much stronger than a pitbull's and about a quarter of a great white shark. Their prey includes deer, buffalo, bison, bears, rhinos, and elephants. A single blow can break a bear's spine, and easily decapitate a human.
Jaune: Thanks again for letting us come visit, Mrs. Nikos.
Mama Nikos: Oh, Jaune, don't be so formal. We're practically family, so just call me Mama.
Jaune: Uh... No, I'll just stick with Mrs. Nikos, if you don't mind.
Mama Nikos: Oh, you are just so polite! I'm glad Pyrrha could have such a handsome team leader like you.
Pyrrha: (Blushing) M-Mom...
Nora: Can I have more meat buns, Mama?
Ren: Nora...
Nora: Oh, right! Khm! May I have more meat buns, Mama?
Mama Nikos: They're in the oven.
Jaune: So what do you do for a living, Mrs. Nikos?
Mama Nikos: I'm a personal fitness trainer. It's actually how I met Pyrrha's father. He said he could perform a perfect double twister kick, and I told him it was impossible unless he could twist and launch himself at a 167 degree rotation with a north-northwest gale blowing at 3.5 miles per hour behind him-
Mama Nikos: (Ding!) Oh! Meat buns are done!
Jaune: Huh...
Pyrrha: Don't worry. I didn't get it the first time, either.
Fun Fact! Bengal tigers are smart. Cubs are raised by their mothers for two and a half to three years. There are also notes of tigers imitating deer and bear calls. They will chase larger prey into water, tear at buffalo legs to bring them to the ground, and will flip porcupines from to their backs to avoid spines. There are also records of tigers killing 15-foot crocodiles, 20-foot pythons, 300-pound seals, and a 20-year-old elephant.
Jaune: Hm? Hey, Pyrrha? Who's this standing with your mom?
Pyrrha: Hm? Oh... That's... That's my mother. She... She's not around anymore.
Jaune: Do... Do you want to talk about it?
Pyrrha: I... I don't know where to begin. She was my hero, but she did something really bad, and she died when I was really young. And I...
Jaune: Hey. You don't have to tell me if you don't want to.
Pyrrha: (Leans on Jaune) I was probably six years old when it happened. She and I were on our way to watch a tournament together, but then this guy came from out of nowhere. He shot at us and broke her jaw. She carried me back home, and then... She left that night. I didn't learn about what happened to her until just after getting accepted into Beacon. She... She went on a rampage and then... Then she...
Jaune: (Holds her) Hey, hey. It's okay, Pyrrha. I'm... I'm sorry to hear that. I'm... I'm sure she was a great mom.
Pyrrha: (Sniffles) She was the best. And, on the bright side, because of her, there's a new standard for huntsman and huntresses to follow. And she's part of the reason why I became a huntress. So I could make sure everyone follows the standard. Follows the example she set. (Smiles) I think she would have liked you.
Jaune: (Looks at family photo) I think I would have like her, too.
Fun Fact! In the first ten years of the 20th century, until her death in 1907, the Champawat Tiger, also known as "the man-eater" killed and ate 436 humans in western Nepal. She evaded capture and continued to kill until she was shot by British hunter Jim Corbett, who speculated the tigress lost her teeth years ago from a gunshot, forcing her to change her prey to much easier humans. He then went on to be an advocate for wild tigers and spent the latter years of his life devoted to their conservation, even having a conservation park in Nepal dedicated to him.
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striped-civet · 1 year
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Bengal tigress and cubs Photo © Suru Nair
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mutant-distraction · 9 months
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Agasty Roy Arpita,
Royal Bengal Tigress (Boroma)
Sundarban, India
December '23
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Bengal tigress - Pakawipark by Mandenno Photography
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alastors-oc-sthuff · 1 month
Apex - Mortal Kombat 9 Wiki
“Twin sister to Shang Tsung, Li always has been her brother’s biggest support much like he has been hers. Much changed between the twins upon Li’s accidentally meeting of the cryomancer Sub-Zero——Bi-Han——during a failed hunt of hers, who wasted no time in aiding the unconscious tigress on a blizzard-ridden evening. Coming back to her brother after horrid days of her untraceable absence, Shang Tsung grew overbearing on his twin as he feared her sudden bond with this mysterious——and seemingly hostile——man, who he only grew to dislike more as years passed by, Bi-Han returning the sentiment that only grew stronger upon putting Li in his dangerous endevours. Despite her happy marriage with her husband and faltering relationship with her brother, Li is aware she would one day find herself without her beloved husband, yet finds bitter joy her twin’s promise of never losing him by her side, despite his dark and deadly path.” - Official Description
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General Information
Real Name: Shang Li
Alias: Apex
Gender: Female
Status: Alive
Origin: Earthrealm (China)
Resides: Earthrealm (Arctika, The Lin Kuei Temple)
Species: Bengal Tiger & human hybrid
In Mortal Kombat
Affiliation: Shang Tsung, Lin Kuei, Raiden, Fujin
Occupation: ‘Member’ of the Lin Kuei, Shang Tsung’s right hand
Powers/Skills: Advanced level intellect, Master martial artist (Tiger style), Shapeshifter, Tiger hybrid, Immortality
Crimes: Mass Murder, Assassination, Manslaughter
Alignment: Neutral/conflicted/influenced
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[This will only narrate her inclusion & mentions in the various existing chapters & acts + her own chapter.]
Act I
Chapter 1: Johnny Cage
Walking alongside Shang Tsung, Apex stays silent and merely observes her twin’s interactions with the guests, giving her own wordless greeting as Shang Tsung introduces her as the second-to-last challenger of the tournament. Feeling angered on Johnny Cage’s insult to her brother, Apex attempts to attack him, only to be calmed by Shang Tsung as he assures her of the Earthrealmer’s sure defeat in the upcoming fights; she merely gives him a displeased snarl at her brother upon Cage’s victories and grows increasingly annoyed at the man’s uncompliance to ‘finish’ Baraka. Cockily, Johnny Cage gives Apex a light taunt upon seeing her utter anger to his victories, to which the tigress, bearing her sharp teeth and slit eyes, shouts an angry loud roar to the man, causing Cage to quickly shut up upon the display, commenting ‘I don’t feel like being mauled today’ under his breath. Being unable to keep to herself, she overhears the Earthrealmers conversation, her expression twisting in disgust at Cage’s preference to visit Sonya Blade which causes her to angrily growl ‘Incompetent idiots’ to both Reptile & Baraka, still unbelieved by Cage’s triumph in the last fight.
Chapter 2: Sonya Blade
Arriving moments before Sub-Zero’s defeat, Apex wastes no time in aiding her husband, to then roar & snarl a loudly to the lieutenant and threatening her heavily for wounding Sub-Zero; the Lin Kuei assassin gives his attempts of calming down his wife, yet to no avail as she gives him a low growl of warning that does not phase the cryomancer and only causes him to grab her shoulder in order to hold her back. Interrupted by Raiden’s intervention, Apex takes the opportunity to flee elsewhere as to aid her husband of his wounds.
Stalking Blade after her battle with Kano, Apex ambushes the lieutenant immediately after Kano’s & her brother’s departure; charging at her, Apex downs the tired lieutenant easily and buries her teeth in her side as well as deeply scratching various parts of her body. Once satisfied with her attack, the tigress pins the lieutenant on the nearest wall by her neck to the comment ‘Not even the Elder Gods can save you from a wife’s wrath’ before she tosses her harshly to the ground, fleeing from the scene with satisfaction of her work. Raiden, Liu Kang & Johnny Cage, upon spotting Blade in her injured state, rush to her, the Thunder God using his magic to heal both Blade & Briggs.
Chapter 3: Scorpion
Elsewhere for that day’s tournament, Apex is mentioned by Nightwolf upon challenging Scorpion who speaks that he should find other ways to find peace instead of seeking revenge as he could risk inflicting his same pain upon the tigress if Scorpion kills the cryomancer. Accusing Nightwolf of dishonoring his own kind and putting down Apex with his harsh comment of ‘May she burn in Hellfire for her sinful marriage with Sub-Zero!’, Scorpion defeats the shaman. After the fight, Raiden senses a vision of more dangerous & unstoppable threats arising if Scorpion kills Sub-Zero & Apex, he speaks to Scorpion & pleads him to spare the couple’s life on the condition that he will ask the Elder Gods to resurrect the Shirai Ryu if he does so, to which Scorpion reluctantly agrees to.
Walking in with Sub-Zero & giving a snarl of agreement to her husband’s taunt toward Scorpion, the pyromancer drags both Sub-Zero & Apex to the Netherrealm to engage in 2-on-1 kombat; upon the Lin Kuei couple’s defeat, Scorpion honors his agreement with Raiden & spares their lives, watching as Sub-Zero does his best to aid his wife. Distracted by Quan Chi’s vision of the Lin Kuei’s destruction of the Shirai Ryu as well as both Sub-Zero’s & Apex’s vision of them murdering Harumi & Satoshi, Scorpion quickly grows enraged; Sub-Zero & Apex alike plead Scorpion’s mercy as they tell him of the falsity of the visions, failing upon Scorpion removing his mask. Ignoring Apex’s pleads to not kill her husband, Scorpion attacks Sub-Zero as he ignores the cryomancer’s comment of ‘Kill me if it pleases you! But pease, don’t harm my wife!’ to which the pyromancer responds with ‘You both will meet in the lowest circle of Hell!’ to then kill him; shifting his attention to a desperate Apex, the pyromancer attacks her as well yet grows further enraged & displeased upon finding out of her immorality, no matter how fatal the wounds are. Quan Chi, equally displeased and surprised, curses the tigress with a painful spell, further sending Apex in a painful state.
Chapter 4: Cyrax
Upon Scorpion’s arrival with Sub-Zero’s charred skull & spine, Scorpion summons Apex, causing her unconscious & wounded body to appear to then leave soon after. Shang Tsung furiously accuses the pyromancer of his sister’s state under his breath, unable to mask his worry for her as he holds her; worried for the tigress, Cyrax & Sektor waste no time in rushing to her, proposing that they take Apex in their care as to allow the Lin Kuei healers to cure her, which causes Shang Tsung to curse at them and depart with his sister in his arms, furious at Scorpion for harming his sister.
After such, she is not seen nor mentioned in the rest of the chapter, being left in healing care by Shang Tsung’s most trusted healers.
Chapter 5: Apex
Waking up in her old room on her brother’s island, Apex proceeds to examine her various wounds on her body as she begins to self-medicate on the ones left uncovered; the tigress chooses to ignore her brother’s arrival, keeping her focus on her medication, giving a mere dull hum at her brother’s words of ‘How are you feeling, sister?’. Seeing her state, Shang Tsung gives a sigh, shifting to aid his sister and sitting her down, giving her a gentle yet firm look of care as he takes over her self-medication, remarking her as stubborn, which causes Apex to give a soft and quiet chuckle at his brother’s playful mockery to her, to then speak up with a mere grateful remark for his assistance, causing the sorcerer to give a simple hum of acknowledgement to her words.
Finishing his medication on her sister, Shang Tsung shifts to sit beside her after seconds of her remaining unmoved from her seated position, giving her a gentle nudge to her shoulder with his own; mere seconds later, Apex shifts to lean her head on his shoulder and close her eyes with a sorrowful expression, the sorcerer responding by leaning his own head on her own as to give her comfort, shifting to wrap her in a side-hug upon hearing her broken and meek words of ‘He ripped him to pieces and forced me to watch…’, wiping her tears away as the tigress begins to sob, recalling & recounting the events of her husband’s killing to her brother. Upon her somberful rant ending with her brother simply listening and offering comfort, Apex gives a shaky sigh followed by the words ‘Promise me you won’t leave me alone, Tsung…’ to which the sorcerer responds with ‘It always was my plan, sister…’ which causes the tigress to smile at her brother’s words.
With time passing as Apex remains on the island, she is seen turning her head to a specific direction, her demeanor a careful & alerted one as she begins to inch toward her pointed direction; hiding from sight upon arriving close enough to observe the situation, she finds herself falling into surprise as she sees herself locked in an argument with both Cyrax & Sektor as they exchange words regarding her coming to the Lin Kuei temple as she would find herself more comfortable there, only for herself to reject the two’s words, a fight againts Cyrax beginning to then another fight againts Sektor beginning once she defeats Cyrax with ease, defeating Sektor with ease as well. Upon the two Lin Kuei’s defeat, she speaks ‘Leave, before my brother finds you…’ which causes the defeated Liu Kuei to reluctantly depart, understanding that they’ve mettled far too much. Revealing herself once the two Lin Kuei leave, she addresses her own image with ‘What have you done, brother?’ Ain a frustrated manner with a dull undertone, causing her image to shift into Shang Tsung’s who retorts with ‘You may trust them with your well-being, but I do not. Their well-deserved wounds are not my issue given their stubbornness in ‘wishing to help you’.’ to which Apex answers with her own scolding remark of ‘You could have simply spoken with them. They never gave me any reason to fight them.’ to which the sorcerer answers with a crossed arm scoff as he gazes at her, responding with ‘Now they have.’. Giving a sigh, Apex pauses for seconds, to then cross her own arms as she gazes up at her brother with the words ‘I could have dealt with them.’ which causes Shang Tsung to retort with ‘And you believe I would have let you, given your state?’ to which she answers with ‘Must you always be so overbearing on me when it comes to the Lin Kuei?’ in a rather frustrated manner. At her words, Shang Tsung finds himself stung by offense by them as he answers with ‘Since when is a brother protecting his incapacitated sister overbearing?’ in his own frustrated manner, causing Apex to retort with ‘I need no protection!’ in a stubborn nature, which causes Shang Tsung to retort with ‘Given your state, you do…’ to which Apex gives a growl at him, to then turn her heel and depart, casing Shang Tsung to give an exasperated sigh followed by ‘Always the injured temper tantrums…’ with a shake of the head.
Upon time passing once more, Apex eventually locates her brother once again, looking at him with stubborn silence as he gazes back at her with expectant silence, merely raising a brow, giving a soft & small smile at her apology of her actions; pinching her cheek & gently tugging at it, the sorcerer accepts his sister’s apology and ushers her off to get back to the healers.
Chapter 6: Liu Kang
While she is not present in this chapter as she is stated to still be healing, she is mentioned several times by various people, more so by Shang Tsung.
The sorcerer mentioned his sister often as to excuse her absence in the tournament whilst lying about her reason for her absence with ‘She is out on family matters, none else is your concern’ to those who question him of her.
She is mentioned by Raiden’s champions in idle chatter, especially through Kung Lao’s words of ‘At least it’s one less champion to defeat’ followed by Liu Kang’s ‘Would it kill you to show sympathy?’ accompanied by a nod of agreement to Liu Kang’s remark from Jax.
She is mentioned by Raiden later in the chapter, who questions the sorcerer of her condition upon seeing his revitalized condition, not revealing to the sorcerer of his recent visions he had of the tigress, yet the sorcerer’s answer to the question remains the same, irritated by the Thunder God’s instance of wishing to know her condition.
After such, she not mentioned any longer in the chapter.
Act II
Chapter 7: Jax
Not present nor mentioned in this chapter as she is stated to still be healing.
Chapter 8: Smoke
While she is not present in this chapter as she is stated to still be healing, she is mentioned several times by various people.
Smoke & Tundra mention the tigress after they speak of Sub-Zero, stating ‘Is it safe to leave her with the sorcerer?’ by Smoke, to which Tundra answers with ‘You should be glad she is no longer an obstruction to us’, causing Smoke to give a rather exasperated sigh at the younger cryomancer, expecting such an answer. After seconds of silence, Smoke speaks up on the manner once more with ‘I understand you’re not fond of her, but have some compassion, even if little’ which causes Tundra to retort with ‘She was my brother’s wife, not mine. I’m under no obligation to like her’, leading to Smoke to retort with ‘Compassion is human, Kuai Liang, not linked to relations’, causing Tundra giving him a narrowed-eyed scoff which leads Smoke to drop the matter with a suppressed sigh of irritation. Their irritated silence is dissipated once they split apart and begin their mission.
Once encountering Shang Tsung with Kano, Smoke demands both Sub-Zero’s & Apex’s whereabouts, leading to a fight against Kano upon his offering to take care of him without charge, to which Smoke defeats him quickly. Confronting Shang Tsung again with the same question, Shang Tsung morphs into Sub-Zero, Reptile joining the sorcerer’s side; once defeated, Shang Tsung gives a scoff, morphing into Apex and fighting Smoke once more, yet being defeated by Smoke just as beforehand.
After such, she is not mentioned any longer in the chapter.
Chapter 9: Sub-Zero
Not present nor mentioned in this chapter as she is stated to still be healing.
Chapter 10: Kitana
Not present nor mentioned in this chapter as she is stated to still be healing.
Chapter 11: Jade
Not present nor mentioned in this chapter as she is stated to still be healing.
Chapter 12: Kung Lao
Much to everyone’s shock, Apex is seen spectating her brother’s & Quan Chi’s fight againts Kung Lao, yet leaves in silence upon Kung Lao’s victory; while still wearing her Lin Kuei attire, her unbandaged injures & bandaged ones around the entirety of her body, as well as her dull dead-like demeanor causes worried murmurs & silent gazes of pity to all around her. After her departure, she is no longer seen in the rest of the chapter, but is mentioned by Quan Chi to Noob Saibot once they find themselves at their lonesome with ‘Recall the female Lin Kuei? Steer clear of her without fail…’ without any explanation on his words, yet nonetheless Noob Saibot gives a nod of approval to his master’s words, not questioning him.
After such, she is not mentioned any longer in the chapter.
Chapter 13: Stryker
Not present nor mentioned in this chapter as she is stated to be recovering/training.
Chapter 14: Kabal
While not present at the beginning of the chapter, she is seen with Shang Tsung, amongst the others, who listen to Shao Kahn.
As dull & dead-like as she has had when seen beforehand, such a demeanor breaks once Shao Kahn kills Shang Tsung, causing her to call out for him in distress and pleading Shao Kahn to stop, only to be silenced by the Kahn. Once Shang Tsung is entirely killed, the tigress begins to grow more distraught; with a look of pure rage and hate, Apex begins to charge at Shao Kahn as she shouts graphic & brutal threats at him, only to be halted by Noob Saibot who holds her back the best he can, placing one hand over her mouth & nose and managing to put her in a sleeping state, to then gently lay her on the ground.
Upon Kabal’s intervention, Noob Saibot drives the man further away from the unconscious Apex, urging the fight further away from the tigress; once the fight is concluded with both Noob Saibot’s & Mileena’s defeat at Kabal’s hands, Apex is seen awakening after Kabal’s departure; a gaze of pure sadness & rage is all that fills her expression, to then take her leave.
Upon being known of Noob Saibot’s action toward Apex, Quan Chi grows angered by them & by his direct dismissal of his orders, plotting further to make sure Noob Saibot would not dismiss such orders again.
Later in the chapter, Raiden gains another vision of Apex, much the same one he had time ago.
After such, she is not mentioned nor seen any longer in the chapter.
Chapter 15: Cyber Sub-Zero
Not present nor mentioned in this chapter, her state & location in this chapter is generally unknown.
Chapter 16: Nightwolf
Not present nor mentioned in this chapter, her state & location in this chapter is generally unknown.
Chapter 17: Raiden
Not present nor mentioned in this chapter, her state & location in this chapter is generally unknown, yet she is believed to be, somehow & in some way, dead.
While she is not present in this chapter as her state & location in this chapter is generally unknown, she is mentioned several times by various people.
Much like he grieved the others, Raiden grieved Apex as well, yet failing to locate & assist her, only giving a pray to the Elder Gods for them to look for her in his place given his inability to do so, yet unsure if they would ever able themselves to do so.
Mentioned by both Quan Chi & Shinnok, the fallen Elder God finds himself pleased by the tigress’s severely weakened state.
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Shang Tsung (brother)
Sub-Zero [Bi-Han] (husband)
Sub-Zero [Kuai Liang] (brother-in-law)
Shang Tsung
Shang Tsung’s allies
Lin Kuei
Sub-Zero [Bi-Han]
Sub-Zero [Kuai Liang]
Shirai Ryu
Liu Kang
Kung Lao
Johnny Cage
Sonya Blade
Kurtis Striker
Jackson Briggs
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“Shao Kahn’s defeat did not give the tigress the closure on her family’s death as she had hoped. But it did further warn Raiden of her wrath and misery: she’s a threat to herself in this state, becoming an unstoppable threat to all the realms. Concerned, the Thunder God called upon and tasked his younger brother, Fujin, to her aid. The Wind God accepted the task, yet was alien to the tigress’s heightened senses. Discovered, Apex wounded Fujin with the intent of killing him. With no desire to wound her, Fujin simply asked for her patience in listening to his words. Upon sensing the honesty within his person, the tigress realized her mistake. Apologizing, she nursed him of his wounds. Upon hearing the Wind God’s offering companionship, the tigress understood and eventually agreed to it, slowly growing a bond with the Wind God. Growing guilty and ashamed of the one-sidedness of their companionship, Apex expressed her guilt of burdening the Wind God so while voicing her desire to a more equal-sided closeness. Fujin assured Apex of her unburdensomeness to him, agreeing to her desire while secretly sharing a similar such desire himself.”
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- While unclear of the entire timeline of her relationship with Bi-Han, is it stated that the two became a couple & married before the game’s events.
- It is implied of Kuai Liang particular dislike to Apex, yet his reason for such remains unknown, even to Smoke.
- While unsure, it is speculated that the Lin Kuei Elders have never appreciated Sub-Zero’s love for Apex, yet found themselves needing to remain accepting of it upon Sub-Zero’s & their often heavy clashing on the manner, leading to declines for the clan which costed everyone much; given this, is it also speculated that Apex herself proposed to Sub-Zero for their relationship to be broken if it caused too many problems, to which Sub-Zero strongly refused, stating of their marriage occurring wether it was appreciated by the elders or less. It is speculated to be one of the only times that Sub-Zero went against the clan’s Elders.
- While twins, Apex & Shang Tsung do not share abilities; with Shang Tsung being a sorcerer & Apex being a Tiger hybrid & shapeshifter.
- Apex is the only one who often call Shang Tsung ‘Tsung’ as well as ‘brother’.
- Apex is only called ‘Li’ by Bi-Han & Shang Tsung.
- While resident of the Lin Kuei temple, Apex is not an official Lin Kuei member, yet the reason for such is unclear.
- Apex has a snow-pattern tattoo on her right leg to Bi-Han she got done once they married; Bi-Han has a tiger-pattern tattoo on his left leg, yet is never seen.
- While often appearing human, some of Apex’s behaviors & hobbies are tiger-like, such as tiger vocalization (growls, snarls, etc,) & hunting.
- As Noob Saibot, Bi-Han remembers his wife, yet finds himself unable to show it give Quan Chi’s orders to steer clear of her; once he breaks his master’s rules, it is seen that Noob Saibot is generally gentler with handling her as opposed to any other.
- Raiden had a recurring vision involving Apex; such a vision the Thunder God recalls is Apex turning into a powerful sorceress wielding unstoppable & unrivaled power, such a power that not even an Elder God can rival.
- Often described as ‘dull, dead-like demeanor’ upon Bi-Han’s death, such a behavior remains overall consistent yet also fluctuates, such as seen with Shang Tsung—who she is open and honest with—and Fujin—who she is seemingly gentler and more honest with as well; another is Shao Kahn, who she turns deadly aggressive to once he kills Shang Tsung.
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Mk9 Apex character wiki!
Made the decision to build up to Mk11 Shang Li as to give more context as opposed to simply placing Mk11 Shang Li with no explanation of who she used to be.
This is fully completed but slight modifications could happen if I decide to change my mind bc I’m a bit of a scatterbrain (T-T).
This wiki belongs to ‘Shang Li’ and not ‘Apex’, so, no, it is not an accident.
I’ve plans to post the full wikis for all planned and then post fully written, more detailed chapters.
Excited to see how she develops more? Stay tuned for more wikis and stories for her!
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tsalala · 4 months
Do you know any good expansive books on African lion lifecycles and behavior? Like wolves of Yellowstone but for lions.
sorry, i don’t have any! my knowledge of lion behavior derives from trackers, guides, wildlife photographers, safaris, and to a lesser extent documentaries. if you’d like, you can start watching wild earth or painted dog tv for live safaris. the guides explain lion behavior and their individual backgrounds very well and are rather responsive to the casual viewer; there’s not much academic talk or condescension with them.
that being said, i’vs seen some open access studies available on nature, science, and pnas. i only ever read proper books on bengal tigers (e.g., valmik thapar) but even those were on specific animals and human relations with them: the ranthambhore tigers, the man-eating champawat tigress.
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decipheringsidelines · 4 months
Tiger King is Joe Burrow
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DISCLAIMER: I am in no way affiliated with the Sidelinetimes nor am I stating any of their claims are true. This blog is to just get to the root of who their posts are about & document details about the blogs origins.
The tiger king icons colors are orange, white, & black with tiger stripes. The Bengals are a NFL team with the same animal/namesake & colors.
Joe is also an LSU Tiger and Quarterback (King?) of his team. Moreover, he plays in a stadium called ‘the jungle’
Additionally, this iconic picture of Joe has the same silhouette of the one on tiger kings picture
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“Tiger King attends his charity event solo: Is his relationship with his longtime Tigress on the rocks?” , “his tigress of seven years might be taking a break.” , “As Tiger King continues to dominate on the course, will his personal life find its way back to par, “(SOURCE) - Over the last weekend, Joe had his annual golf event but his girlfriend of several years wasn’t in attendance. Many people speculated that they broke up & even duex moi got in on this rumor
The article titled: “Little Bear’s Animal Instincts: A Return to the Wild with His College Bro, Tiger King” (SOURCE) - NBsmaller bear is Nick bosa’s Instagram handle and he went to college for a short period of time with Joe at OSU. They’re still really close friends.
“It seems our beloved Tiger King, the highest-paid player on the team, is facing a wave of jealousy from his own teammates.” (SOURCE) - Joe is the highest player in the league and it was rumored his team mate tee Higgins was frustrated (I wouldn’t use the word jealous myself tbh) that Joe was able to get such a big deal while no one would communicate with him or his agent.
Open Wide (SOURCE) is another character on sideline, which I believe is a double entendre to Tee Higgins having a beautiful smile and being an amazing wide receiver. His color scheme is also orange, black, and white on the website. I couldn’t find what photo was used for his silhouette though :( . The article about openwide pretty much alludes to the previous bullet point
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animorphic-arts · 6 months
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This is Deepa Nakam, a fierce, but loyal Bengal tigress, and she has retractable claws that can scratch a sheet of titanium and a long, prehensile tail that can be used for coiling and constriction. She's Eva's childhood friend, almost the same age as hers, and Tammy's longtime rival. She was once a school bully as a child, now she's an athlete without cheats. 🐅👟
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ellecdc · 5 months
matchmaker please?
color: baby pink
movie: jaane tu…ya jaane na
pastime: research/ listening to music
animal: bengal tiger
congratulations on 2k!!!!
hmmmm Regulus and Lily!!
I see them both studious and having study dates with you, and Regulus is totally the type to do research on things he's interested in even if it's not for school etc. I think he'd also like jaane tu…ya jaane na
and Lily gives me tigress vibes idk why
thank you darling! <3
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projectourworld · 11 months
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The Finest Flower of the Mangroves – mangrove photographer of the year overall winner
A young royal Bengal tigress in mangrove bushes.
There are perhaps only 200 of these animals in the Sundarbans mangrove forest. According to the last survey, conducted in 2018, there were 114 tigers in the Bangladesh portion of the Sundarbans. The West Bengal forest department’s tiger estimation exercise for 2020-21 put the number of big cats in the region at 96. These Bengals are the only tigers adapted to live in a mangrove habitat.
Photograph: Soham Bhattacharyya/Mangrove Photography Awards 2023 / Seascape / Guardian Newspaper #bengal #big #mangrove #cats
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namesetc · 2 years
tiger names
tigress / tigris
tiger / tigre
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구미호뎐1938 1화 2화 다시 보기 1회 2회 - tvN
구미호뎐1938 1화 2화 다시 보기 1회 2회 <<링크
구미호뎐1938 1화 2화 다시 보기 1회 2회 - tvN
1938년 혼돈의 시대에 불시착한 구미호가 현대로 돌아가기 위해 펼치�� K-판타지 액션 활극
이동욱출연 김소연출연 김범출연 류경수출연 황희출연 김용지출연
나현출연 김주영출연 조달환출연 우현진출연 김승화출연 강나언출연 한건유출연
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갈기의 유무로 암수가 쉽게 구별되는 사자와 달리 호랑이는 사람들이 암수를 구별하기 어려워하지만, 암수가 같이 있으면 성기 외에도 체격으로 구별할 수 있다. 수컷이 보통 암컷보다 크며[24] 대형종일수록 차이가 잘 보인다. 수컷의 경우 몸무게가 최대 300kg에 달하는 개체도 구미호뎐1938 1화 2화 다시 보기 1회 2회 - tvN
존재한다. 사람들이 일반적으로 호랑이 하면 떠올리는 날렵한 이미지는 암호랑이의 모습인 경우가 많고, 수컷은 날렵하다기보단 육중하고 다부진 모습을 상상하면 된다. 네이버웹툰의 호랑이형님에 등장하는 덩어리 호랑이들이 수컷의 실제 모습이라고 보면 정확하다.구미호뎐1938 1화 2화 다시 보기 1회 2회 - tvN
원래는 어미 혼자 새끼를 기르지만[25] 교배 후 새끼들이 성장할 때까지만 부모가 무리를 이루는 경우가 있다. 대부��의 동물이 그렇듯 새끼를 키울 땐 평소보다 한층 더 배타적이고 사나워져 호환의 원인이 되기도 한다. 보통은 암컷이 새끼를 돌보지만 수컷이 돌보는 모습도 구미호뎐1938 1화 2화 다시 보기 1회 2회 - tvN
확인된다.서식지별로 먹이가 조금씩 다르지만 멧돼지와 사슴 등 덩치가 큰 발굽동물들을 주로 사냥한다. 여건만 갖춰지면 자신보다 최대 네다섯 배는 더 큰 초식동물을 혼자 쓰러뜨리는 발군의 사냥 능력을 발휘할 수 있을 정도로, 단독으로 자신보다 커다란 사냥감을 제압하는 능력은 육식동물들 중에서도 상위권에 해당한다. 실제로 표범이 노리구미호뎐1938 1화 2화 다시 보기 1회 2회 - tvN
는 먹잇감의 평균 몸무게는 23.4kg인데 반해 호랑이가 노리는 먹잇감의 평균 몸무게는 65.5kg이라는 통계도 있으며, 사실 176kg 이상의 먹이를 가장 선호하나 여건이 항상은 되는건 아니라 먹잇감의 크기를 제한한다고. 서식권이 겹치는 포식자 중 이 정도 사이즈의 먹이를 습관적으로 사냥할 수 있는 것은 호랑이 외에 사자, 불곰, 악어, 코모도왕도마뱀, 늑대 무리 정도로, 이 덕분에 대부분의 포식자들과의 경쟁이 어느 정도까진 자연스레 피해진다.구미호뎐1938 1화 2화 다시 보기 1회 2회 - tvN
시베리아호랑이는 여건만 갖추어지면 자신보다 더 크고 힘센 맹수인 불곰을 사냥할 수도 있으며[26], 벵골호랑이는 이따금 커다란 인도들소를 사냥하기도 한다. 물론 장성한 인도들소에게 제대로 받히면 제아무리 호랑이라도 불구 신세가 되거나 목숨이 위태로울 정도의 부상을구미호뎐1938 1화 2화 다시 보기 1회 2회 - tvN
입을 가능성도 있기 때문에 쉬운 상대는 아니므로 신중하게 사냥을 해야 하며 그마저도 실패할 확률이 높다. 그래서 성체보다는 미성숙한 개체를 노리는 경우가 훨씬 많은 편. 인도의 나가라홀 국립공원에서 조사한 결과에 따르면 호랑이가 노리는 들소의 평균 몸무게는 401kg 구미호뎐1938 1화 2화 다시 보기 1회 2회 - tvN
정도로, 성체에 도달하려면 거의 두 배는 더 자라야 하는 아성체들이다. 큰 수컷 벵골호랑이의 경우 드물게 새끼 코끼리나 코뿔소를 사냥하는데, 두 종의 경우 체급차가 많이 나고 어미가 새끼를 적극적으로 보호하기 때문에 흔한 일은 아니다.다 자란 성체 호랑이는 인간을 제구미호뎐1938 1화 2화 다시 보기 1회 2회 - tvN
외하면 천적이 없다. 그러나 아무리 호랑이라도 새끼 시절에는 취약한 사냥감에 불과하며, 최고 포식자로 많은 먹이와 영역을 필요로 하는 만큼 다른 동물과의 충돌도 매우 심한 것이 호랑이이다.
Unlike lions, whose males and females are easily distinguished by the presence or absence of a mane, it is difficult for people to distinguish males and females of tigers. Males are usually larger than females [24], and the difference is more visible in larger species. In the case of males, there are individuals weighing up to 300 kg. The sleek image that people usually think of when they think of a tiger is often that of a tigress, and rather than a nimble male, you can imagine a massive and sturdy figure. It is accurate to see that the lumpy tigers appearing in Naver Webtoon's Brother Tiger are the real males.구미호뎐1938 1화 2화 다시 보기 1회 2회 - tvN
Originally, the mother raises the young alone [25], but after mating, there are cases where the parents form a group only until the young grow up. Like most animals, when raising young, they become more exclusive and ferocious than usual, which can cause compatibility. Usually, females take care of the young, but males are also seen taking care of them. Prey varies slightly by habitat, but 구미호뎐1938 1화 2화 다시 보기 1회 2회 - tvN
they mainly hunt large hoofed animals such as wild boars and deer. Its ability to single-handedly subdue a prey larger than itself is at the top of carnivores, to the extent that it can demonstrate its outstanding hunting ability to single-handedly defeat herbivores up to four or five times larger than itself when the conditions are met. In fact, there is a statistic that the average weight of prey for leopards is 23.4 kg, while the average weight for prey for tigers is 65.5 kg. Among predators with overlapping habitats, the only ones that can habitually hunt prey of this size are lions, brown bears, crocodiles, Komodo dragons, and wolf packs, in addition to tigers. thread is avoided구미호뎐1938 1화 2화 다시 보기 1회 2회 - tvN
Siberian tigers can hunt brown bears, which are larger and stronger than themselves, when conditions are right, and Bengal tigers occasionally hunt large Indian bison. Of course, if you get hit by a grown Indian bison properly, even a tiger can be crippled or injured, so it's not an easy opponent, so you have to hunt carefully, and even that is likely to fail. Therefore, it is much more likely to target immature individuals rather than adults. According to the 구미호뎐1938 1화 2화 다시 보기 1회 2회 - tvN
results of a survey in India's Nagara Hall National Park, the average weight of bison that tigers are targeting is around 401 kg, and they are sub-adults that need to grow almost twice as large to reach adults. Large male Bengal tigers rarely hunt baby elephants or 구미호뎐1938 1화 2화 다시 보기 1회 2회 - tvN
rhinos, which is not common because there is a large weight class difference between the two species and mothers actively protect their cubs. Adult tigers have no natural enemies other than humans. However, even a tiger is only a vulnerable prey when it is young, and as it requires a lot of food and territory as a top predator, tigers are also very prone to conflict with other animals.구미호뎐1938 1화 2화 다시 보기 1회 2회 - tvN
Many die from starvation and disease when young. This is a common feature of most carnivores, and few survive to adulthood. Wolves and leopards try to kill the tiger cubs early, which will harm them when they grow up, and other tigers also treat the cubs as potential rivals and try to kill them. However, fully grown tigers become natural enemies to wolves and leopards, which were natural enemies when they were young, and even large predators like brown bears do not dare to attack tigers.구미호뎐1938 1화 2화 다시 보기 1회 2회 - tvN
Brown bears are similar in size to or larger than tigers, and are close to competing with tigers for food and habitat. In fact, in the Maritime Province of Siberia, Ussuri brown bears often collide with Siberian tigers, and hungry brown bears awaken from hibernation can become so ferocious that the tigers even try to steal the prey they hunted. In some regions, brown bears steal up to 35% of 구미호뎐1938 1화 2화 다시 보기 1회 2회 - tvN
tigers' prey. However, there is also the opposite case, in which a hibernating brown bear becomes a prey for a tiger, so the brown bear is also very wary of tigers. In addition, Asian black bears and sloth bears also collide with tigers, but they are less competitive than brown bears, so they are hunted by tigers from time to time, rather than competing.구미호뎐1938 1화 2화 다시 보기 1회 2회 - tvN
Tigers are demons to wolves, and it is hard to find wolves in areas inhabited by tigers. This is because tigers kill wolves in their habitat thoroughly and thoroughly, to the point of localized extinction. This is a typical example of competitive exclusion.[27] When the tiger population decreases, the number of wolves there increases. In fact, in the Korean Peninsula, there are statistics showing that the number of tigers decreased significantly at the end of 구미호뎐1938 1화 2화 다시 보기 1회 2회 - tvNthe Joseon Dynasty and the wolf population increased rapidly.
Leopards also avoid tiger territories and tend to hunt prey that tigers do not often target. In fact, statistics show that in Indian national parks, the more tigers are in an area, the lower the leopard population is, and the leopard living in such an area tends to prefer smaller prey. Even though they can hunt large animal구미호뎐1938 1화 2화 다시 보기 1회 2회 - tvNs such as deer and wild boar, they limit their prey to much smaller animals to avoid competition. Even so, there are cases where tigers take away food or lose their lives. Thus, the leopard avoids the tiger by carrying its prey up a tree. It has been confirmed through camera traps that leopards hide their traces when a tiger appears on their route an구미호뎐1938 1화 2화 다시 보기 1회 2회 - tvNd reappear only after the tiger disappears.
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mutant-distraction · 1 year
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Amazing image of a Bengal Tiger 🐯 and her 2 cubs 🐾🐾.
📸 Photo by @vivek_wildlife
🐅 Follow for more 🐆 @bigcatswildlife
A Tigress is solely responsible for the protection and care of her young for the first 18 months of the cubs' lives.
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