#tilting at windmills
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Soy un molino de viento. El viento no me pertenece. Lo que me pertenece es el molino.
- Miguel de Cervantes, ‘Don Quixote’
I am a windmill. The wind does not belong to me. What belongs to me is the mill.
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laiqualaurelote · 1 year
me: how does Roy not think windmills are real? there’s a bloody windmill in Brixton
@leupagus: to be fair Brixton definitely isn’t real
me: yeah cos no real place could have produced David Bowie
@leupagus: exactly
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pencap · 6 months
I did do the exciting thing! I published a poetry collection!
It's called And My Blood Sang, and it's available on Amazon.
(I'm kind of in shock)
Thank you so much for your kind words and support!
That’s so very very exciting!!!! It looks beautiful and touching. I’m so incredibly happy for you and I hope you get the kinds of readers you wished for, the kinds of readers who need your words as much as you need to share them.
I’m sure it took a great deal of effort and courage and determination to get to this point, and for what it’s worth from a stranger on the internet, I’m proud of you!
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Every problematic and degenerate queer person I've met has made me *more* supportive of LGBTQIA+ causes, actually.
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howifeltabouthim · 1 year
. . . some such antagonism would be manly, and the fighting of some battle would be the right thing to do.
Anthony Trollope, from Phineas Finn
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Beating a Dead Mule
Beating a Dead Mule #Blog #Blogger #Blogging #Rant #BeatingADeadMule #TiltingAtWindmills #ArguementsonSocialMedia
“When the mule dies bury it! Quit yellin’ giddy-up, it ain’t gonna pull that plow no more” – Don Miller I’m not in an arguin’ mood so let me clarify. “Beating a dead horse” is probably used more but where I came from, mules were used more than horses. In fact, my first riding partner was a domestic equine hybrid animal named “Joe.” So there. That should avoid an argument…but won’t. Beating a…
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butch-errant · 2 years
I think I'm gonna start referring to myself as a butch errant. Like a knight errant but with a strap instead of a lance.
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dykeredhood · 2 years
I might be Don Quixote kin
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hopepunk-humanity · 10 months
I worked with survivors of genocide in Iraq, and one of them took me to his village for the weekend. I have never felt more accepted, welcomed, and protected, by people who had never met me, and many of whom I couldn't communicate with.
These people, who had been through unimaginable hell, believed in the possibilities of the future.
When we were gathered with some of the elders my first night there, (note that I was young and naive about anti-Semitism) I told them that I was Jewish. Their response? We'll protect you here. And I knew they would.
That’s wonderful. I love us.
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azoosepted · 1 year
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saw this template being used for other characters and thought itd be funny to tweak it a bit credits to @syniminpie for helping me choose which sinner goes with which text
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pencap · 7 months
Hi! I really like your writing, and was super excited to see you have a chapbook which I somehow didn't realize, but I think the link is broken? Do you not have it up anymore, or is it elsewhere?
(Also, can I excitedly tell you because I would super value your writer's opinion when my first chapbook comes out early next year or is that too weird? It's okay if it is I'm not always a good judge of "normal things to ask people.")
I did have a chapbook before--a low-key, self-produced little pdf of one--but I did take it down. This was mostly because I wasn't fully comfortable with the kind of identifying information that gets attached to official hosting sites with payment methods. Doubly so because I wasn't really looking to sell it, just trying out a fun way of sharing something I created with a very low-key fundraiser attached to it. That said, you're not the first person to ask me about said chapbook in recent months, and if there's interest I might go looking for a different way to share it.
And you are welcome to share things that excite you! Especially poetry things, especially poetry things that you created. I'm already very excited for you!!
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nitrosplicer · 4 months
so weird to me that there persists this meme of academics as being gleeful censors of queer and lgbt history (a la “haha and historians will say they are roommates”) when you actually pick up contemporary histories and they’re all like “yeah this woman wrote love letters to those she called her friends but knowing the context of coded language these people were probably her lovers” - very obvious to me that a lot of thought about history was shaped by a surface reading of perhaps one textbook during high school and never again!
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communistkenobi · 2 years
i have an extremely fraught relationship to the phrase “water is wet” in the context of people on here responding to studies about social issues that have “obvious” or otherwise seemingly basic conclusions. because like a lot of people just use it to be anti intellectual (“why are you studying this when the public already ‘knows’ the answer to this question”) and don’t realise (or refuse to learn) that a lot of social science research is done with the goal of producing policy recommendations and professional summaries of topics that are then presented to governmental bodies for review. like yeah no shit if an author is studying, like, bigotry against trans people then they know bigotry against trans people exists already. They didn’t start their research under the assumption that they might discover that the oppression of trans people doesn’t actually exist. They’re doing it because you need statistical proof and evidence to inform your recommendations to solve the issue. If you get mad about those types of studies you’re tilting at windmills.
But on the other hand I also recognise that like, yeah it is frustrating that people only pay attention to social problems when an official report is released about it. Like you won’t believe vulnerable groups who talk about their experience with oppression but a journal article about the exact same topic is suddenly worth your time and effort. I get how that is frustrating and infuriating. And like obviously there are a lot of problems with academia, especially its long and bloody history of scientific bigotry, and pointing those issues out isn’t anti-intellectualism. But then on the other other hand I don’t think the general user base of this website is literate enough to have a measured conversation about that topic, so this leaves me with the conclusion that, like, if you respond to posts reporting information you think is obvious with “water is wet” I’m going to smack you upside the head
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masked-rat · 3 months
Aand cue the argument about whether or not we should indulge Literature majors and their endless yammering.
Appa-parently, the Chinese writing in the live- action Avatar series, isn't good. To which my comment is, even if the cartoon went the extra mile with its calligraphy, any follow- up media shouldn't be required to.
Creatives, propmakers included, shouldn't be required to set up an Easter egg hunt for you. Names shouldn't have to have significance. Writing in a prop book- even a showcased one- shouldn't have to actually be readable. And the fact that audiences can get away with demanding it, is a huge problem.
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roughentumble · 25 days
some youtube commenter trying to claim "aberration" is a queer slur. cmon man
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trcnsitioncl · 1 year
also hi to all my new followers i swear i'm a serious rper and don't regularly get into dash d*ck size fights with g*d
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