#time to be the scourge of the internet again
whumpfish · 1 year
It has come to this. I have content blocked the word Caretaker.
This has been a slow spiral into doneness for a while. At first I content blocked just the main phrase present in the most egregious ableist woobery, "Caretaker's heart breaks." Then I blocked "Caretaker raises their voice." Then I blocked "Whumpee cowers" because sometimes woobie "Whumpees" confused their trusted Caretaker for their evil Whumper over something similarly trivial and unrealistic but not exactly. Then I had to block "cowers" because sometimes it was "Whumpee just cowers" and it wound up on my dash anyway. Then I thought if I blocked "all the things the whumper did" I would remove whumpless "whump" from my dash. That would take care of the people who want to write after but can't handle their own before, right? Spare me that, at least? Nope.
I'm not the only one who has asked for this woobie shit to be tagged. For it to at least be tagged as "infantilization" if you don't self-identify as woobie. But it hasn't been. Not once, that I've seen. And I've been watching for it, hoping.
And that tells me something depressing about the state of the community. It tells me that a lot of folks don't see infantilization and ableism as a problem. It tells me that a lot of folks don't care as long as their soft blanket power fantasy is satisfied. It tells me that a lot of folks have no intent to afford the same courtesy to others that they insist others afford them. It tells me that this community is no longer the one I joined years ago, that was my literal salvation when I was bedridden.
One where "Caretakers" were optional because it was the whumpees who were the focus of the narrative because we were here to explore pain and vulnerability in a place where it isn't sanitized with blankets and soup. One where we could confront the reality that such "Caretakers" as have become popular do not exist, and have that acknowledged in a space that was ours, away from a mainstream fiction culture that likes to imagine itself in that role... right up until the moment they'd actually have to do it. One where we could get away from that self-fellating performative sympathy.
I hate making these posts. I hate feeling like I'm "being negative" when I'm asking for basic genre parameters to be respected... which is what this makes me feel like because I've been - wait for it - conditioned to think that I'm an annoyance and a burden on Normal People in Normal Society, and that standing my ground is unreasonable, impolite, dragging people down, and just overall Killing The Mood.
And I can literally feel the vagueposts forming in the aether. About "whump" that contains no actual whump ever being ValidTM and don't let people make you feel bad if you mislabel your posts. I hate having to make these posts and I hate how often I'm driven to it, because the thing is, I'm not asking a lot.
If I labeled my dead dove shit #angst, y'all would lose your shit. If I tagged my caretakerless whump #hurt/comfort, y'all would lose your shit. It would be the end of the goddamn world. I would be a pariah--and rightly so, because dead dove isn't angst and hurt/comfort is literally the only genre extant where comfort is mandatory. Whump is a genre about pain, and as such, pain is explicitly necessary for something to belong to that genre. It's not personal. It's categorization. It's being able to find what you're looking for and avoid what you're not.
I don't put my watermelon in your casserole. Don't put your broccoli in my fruit salad. That's just basic courtesy. I don't hate casserole, I like me a good casserole every once in a while. I just get aggravated when I find broccoli in my fruit salad, because the whole reason I opened the container of fruit salad in the first place was that I wanted fruit, not greens. My goal when I write these things is not to make anyone feel bad, it's to make people be aware.
I am just. So tired. I want my community back. Maybe this latest measure will allow me to have that again... I'm just aggravated that I had to take it.
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soul-our-punk · 2 months
I keep seeing this one blog in my feed. Over and over, even though I'm not following it, and I don't believe I've ever interacted with it. I wont name the blog, nor attach this post to a reblog, nor will I link to it--because any interaction with it will act to boost its signal. The blog on initial glance might seem like it supports Biden, depending on what meme you see or what words are attached to a post. Hell, all of the tags are related to getting people to vote blue and vote biden and etc (which is why it keeps crossing my dash and is part of why I know it's psyops). But something about it can be disconcerting and, upon a closer inspection--remembering not to interact!--you'll realize its against Biden, and also a mill for false information. The whole thing meme posts and pithy remarks. No substance, no value. None, save for the insidious influence that is psyops. Psychological Operations, also known as psychological warfare, takes on a few forms. We've seen its influence in 2016 election. The misinformation flying about, the social media posts giving the impression of greater legitimacy to an entirely underqualified candidate, the implication "that there is no hope so why bother voting," or "it couldn't possibly be that big a deal." But it was a big deal. Social media was invaded by bots. The government later recognized a foreign nation influenced our election. And it's happening again. They're trying again, but this time it's not just facebook. It's not just reddit. It's everywhere. 2016 proved it was possible to convince moderates to vote against their interests. It proved it was possible to convince leftists that it was hopeless. It proved it was possible for Donald Trump to rise to power despite all the awful, terrible, horrible things he has said and done. So there are more resources this time, devoted to the ops. Because while we have seen this playbook before, if they flood the internet with this bullshit, if they make it seem like the only way to view this is "short of the revolution, this doesn't matter" or "we've already lost" or "our candidate is just as bad," then we are more likely to give up. Stay vigilant. Stay Strong. Stay in the fight. Stay connected to reality. Don't let memes decide for you. Vote blue, November 5th, and let the fuckers behind the screen know we're on to them. Don't reblog posts from blogs that exclusively post pro trump/anti biden memes. Don't comment on them either. And if they show up and say some random ass thing in comments and it makes no sense? Don't @ them. Don't give them the opportunity to twist your words into their lies. Don't give them a reason to respond and occupy more space in the scroll. Focus on real people. Focus on supporting one another. Focus on pushing each other to have a voice and have the power of that voice banish the scourge of a Trump administration from the highest office. The less you interact with a psyop, the less it has the chance to spread.
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Leona and Diana Old Lore / New Lore. My take on it
Okay so, I am relatively new to the League community, with barely three years under my belt, but lore is one of the things that interest me the most about it. And well, the dynamic between Sun and Moon coded characters is one I never pass up in exploring. Leodia is arguably my favorite ship from League, but it's mostly the idea of it, with recent executions leaving me feel kinda... meh.
So apart from probably having read every single half decent fic under the Leona/Diana tag on Ao3, I have scourged the internet for their lore and have come across quite a few references of their old one. Never found the complete thing though. And possibly unpopular opinion, I like it better than their current one.
That is not to say that the old lore is any sort of masterpiece, and people could argue that it doesn't set them up to be lovers, but I think with a little bit of tweeking it can become really good. Many of my ideas are inspired from a fic I probably read like 2 years ago, also features an OC named Helena and has a side of Riven's inner struggle, Riven and Diana friendship and Rivelia. (I cannot for the life of me remember the name, I apologise)
My problem with the New Lore mostly, is that it's vanilla for a mountain of warriors and *cultists* it feels almost like High School AU but try to fit it into League, and yeah it's not it for me. Also the co-dependence of their ascension, and just Leona's whole thing kinda sucks. Like I can see how people might see it as romantic and poetic and whatever, that they ascended at the same time and Leona followed Diana up the mountain to keep her safe etc. etc. but that's kinda glossing over some issues especially with Leona's character.
Now the new take on Leona's character is really interesting, and a complete 180 from the old lore and actually the idea isn't so bad, if they ACTUALLY DID ANYTHING WITH IT. Now as a person that definitely doesn't overanalyze literature and fictional characters for fun, Leona's new lore is such an interesting take and could be taken many directions if someone chose to explore it and go a bit deeper that "genocidal close-minded bigot".
At first read Leona is really just that. She does what she is told no hesitation, no questions asked and turns on Diana also no questions asked. But let's take it a bit deeper shall we?
I have no intention to make it as though Leona holds no blame for her actions or that she is a paragon of virtue, cause she is not. But if we dive in her story a bit more we could perhaps understand how she came to be what she is. Because under no circumstance do I think she is that daft. Especially if she was with Diana for years. Some of that curiosity must have rubbed off on her. Then again she could have just ignored everything Diana said about the Moon and her research. I guess we'll never know.
I do not intent to ramble about Leona in this post. But I'll give you some clues as to why her backstory and the whole Targonian premise is important. She is born practically into a cult, or well a religion with really strict and particular disciplines. So already an environment with very particular ideas and particular ways to enforce them. She is the daughter of two really strict and proud parents in said cult, who seem to care more abt her achievements and punishments than anything (Grade A parenting), - She doesn't even send them that letter in the end - and she is the golden child of the Solari. So what do we have in our hands? An affection starved perfectionist suffering from gifted child expectations. NOw take that and put it in the Solari premise of religious fanatism and voila!
(I will probably at some point make a separate post abt this, because I really took a deep dive in Leona's character when writing my Ruination fic - that I wont ever post anywhere probably - and I have a LOT to say)
So in the old Lore the Rakkori are the warriors and defenders of the mountain, a bit heavy on the bloodthirsty side though, hence the right of Kor. A coming of age ritual battle to the death. (What else could it be). Leona being the only one that refuses to kill her opponent and friend, is sentenced to be executed, but before the execution could be carried out, she is claimed by the Golden Sister as the Sun aspect with a beam of golden light.
I feel that Leona's ascension in particular is really important in the old Lore, because in such a warlike culture she was rewarded for showing mercy. She was chosen because she chose mercy over mindless slaughter. Something that could potentially be really important later on, in a mountain where half its indigenous people have slaughtered the other half??
Point 1 I like from the old lore: The Sun chose Leona because she was merciful. (Or had a semblance of a moral compass)
Moving forward the lines kinda blur for Diana, mostly cause I am not sure what I remember is actual lore and what is related to that magnificent fic.
Her curious truth-searching nature is ever present. She discovers hidden texts, burned pages and embarks on a journey of knowledge that leads her to climb the mountain. Only she is in the company of an elderly woman I think? Anyhow, she finds - is lead to - an alcove, an old temple and the relics of the Moon Aspect. Overjoyed at her findings she dons the armor takes it all down to the elders, they call her a heretic, brand her, and intent to kill her, when she begs the Moon for help and ascends. Either her or the moon blast kills every elder in the room she gets blamed either way, and the chase begins.
Diana is at her core an academic and a researcher, that researches. She has her Indiana Jones moment in the mountain and there is a process a ritual to it, instead of I just climbed up saw unimaginable terrors and now I am the aspect of the Moon (over-simplified I know. The climb judges worthiness). There is something about her checking old dusty books, and deciding to brave the climb looking for answers. About her choosing to be helpful -kinda as a mirror to Leona sparing her opponent, Diana, the one that keeps to herself - apart from when arguing abt academics and scriptures consciously engages with and helps a stranger, guiding them up the mountain and helping them along the way when the trip became too arduous.
Point 2 I like from the old lore: The ritual of the process in Diana's research and ascension and the mirroring with Leona, minor though it is, that they ascended - sooner or later - after an act of kindness that contradicted what would have been expected of them.
Point 3 I like from the old lore: The brand. Like it just adds another layer to Diana's character. And is a much better explanation for its presence than Moon magic. Also the amount of complications this act has, its just delicious. I mean THE DRAMA. and ofc THE TRAUMA. I don't think she'd go near a fire for months.
Point 3 I like from the old lore: The independence of the ascensions. It gives us the chance to see them grow and evolve as their own people before the thread of fate that binds them together appears. We get to see one without the other, and that would later make their dynamic more interesting.
But How are Leona and Diana connected?
In the old lore they aren't. I think. Leona is like a blood hound that needs to kill the heretic.
In the fic, Leona's dad was one of the guards in the room when Diana ascended and was killed, which in the context of the story adds a layer of betrayal between them, as up to that point they were lovers. And you know what, I really like that idea. And I was thinking that perhaps we could try to get the best of both worlds. Though it might be difficult to fully develop the idea.
Lore Idea:
So the Rakkor ans the Solari are different factions. Solari = priesthood, Rakkor = Warriors. Leona's family are Rakkori, and they are simple people, her father works as a guard for the Solari Temple, something that is considered a bit of an honor despite that fact that the factions don't rly see eye to eye about everything. Right of Kor happens when they are around 15 (Yes I want to traumatize a bunch of teenagers that train to fight, kill and defend since they could walk) and Leona's story proceeds as we know it. She then gets taken to the Solari temple to be educated in their way and train to become the figurehead of their faith. (Like that Leona has already had the chance to develop some critical thinking, and to experience sth different.)
She gets there and all the acolytes younger and older look at her starry eyed, because the elders told them so and because they see her like a bit of a Messiah. (Plus I doubt a bunch of scrawny academics and priests to be have seen anyone their age with that musculature). All of them apart from Diana, who as always isn't particularly impressed by the paragon in training of the Solari faith.
Leona is relieved to get some normal person treatment, even if it is from the broody girl with her nose in a book half the time, and like the cocky 15year old meathead she is, she wants to show off a bit and perhaps win her favor. Shenanigans ensue and Diana unlike the other people that desperately want to befriend Leona, is not impressed.
Another point of similarity is that Leona - that has ascended already mind you - would have a few questions and oppositions to all that mumbo jumbo the Solari say about the Sun and the Moon. So after she flops exceptionally in one oration or sth class, with saying something positive about the Moon that has the students look at her with horror, and the priest fuming and screaming punishments - light ones, because the Sun chose that clueless miscreant, and he doesn't want to fall out of her favor - Leona manages unknowingly to win inquisitive Diana's intrigue - and favor, (but don't tell anyone about the last part).
A tentative bond forms. It gets solidified when Leona stops a few bullies from beating Diana to a pulp, and the dark haired girl in return helps her pass a class she was having an exceptionally hard time with. Diana - who in my head is a year younger - does eventually get charmed by the surprisingly goofy and sunny disposition of the Sun Aspect in training. (Don't get this wrong Leona will still act like a 15 yo that has had to train and fight every day of her life) Diana asks her countless questions about life outside the temple and they discuss theology together, either trying to help Leona understand, or trying to make sense of Diana's findings. (The Rakkori in my head are far more neutral abt Sun and Moon, more like if there is light and I can see I am happy, whether its the Sun or the Moon. "There was even that one traveler from some big city, Pilt - something was it, that even said that the Sun and Moon are like orbs in the night sky, one is a star rly close to us and the other is like a smaller planet or something, can you imagine?")
The become friends, the Nightless Eve happens, and then they become lovers. Leona starts suffering from all those expectations and the charade she needs to put up, she has more hours with classes and training she gets tutored by the priests, punished more severely when se speaks out of line or says something borderline heretical, yada yada. More people like her and she likes the attention. She doesn't abandon Diana though, and she always defends her. Things get difficult as the years go by but still they persist. (We could include some homophobic sentiment in the Solari, or even sth downright misogynistic, which would add complications with Leona's state as the Radiant Dawn, and the wlw relationships as they would not be seen as real substantial relationships - add asshole trying to flirt with Leona bc her relationship with Diana isn't real cause they are both women- DRAMA)
Leona is 18 passes her final exams, and Diana is 17 when Diana's arc happens. They have a huge fight about faith and contradicting it and if it is worth it. (No one wants to bandage their lover's whipped back that is practically a mosaic of scars at this point, or nurse them to health after sever dehydration - cause yes apparently standing naked in the sun for three days can do that). Diana storms off angrily. Finds an elderly woman in the base of the mountain that needs help going up (Silver sister in disguise). She helps her up, and when they are like 3/4 up and rest cause Diana's everything hurts the woman disappears. She looks around, finds the temple, sees carved proof that the Solari and Lunari co-existed gets the relics and climbs back down excited to show everyone her findings.
Meanwhile Leona has left for an emergency Solari mission or sth, and hasn't told Diana. Diana goes to the priests, they don't believe her, she invokes her right to be judged by the Aspect or sth, the priests pretend that Leona is still around and doesn't want to see or help Diana (Strike 1 of betrayal). Diana feels betrayed and hurt and fears for her life. The priests give the order for her to be branded and executed on the spot. Leona's dad who had been in the room and had met Diana, tries to plead her case from an outsider's perspective. One of the elders reprimands him and threatens him with death.
They brand Diana with the moon Symbol on the forehead, and are about to place her face down in the flames and / or slit her throat, and Iasur can't have her dying thinking that Leona betrayed her (A bit of family honor and afterlife beliefs - honor is a huge deal-, and a bit of a soft spot for his daughter's closest companion). He tries to fight his way to her, and gets killed in the process. Diana witnessing Iasur's murder prays to the moon for help, and seconds before breathing her last breath, she ascends. Pillar of Moonlight and heavenly fire burns everything to a crisp, and Diana remains alone in the middle of the room, barely breathing and clad in the garb of he Moon aspect. She takes one look around her and speeds away from the temple.
Leona returns three days after to find the council and her father dead, the council room in ruins and apparently Diana to blame. On top of that Diana is missing. Leona is presented with the case and believes Diana to be her father's killer. She vows to avenge him and kill the Scorn of the Moon, because her Diana wouldn't do that. It must be the moon spirit. and yes apparently Moon is bad because dad and Diana are gone bc of it. Leona is determined to save her lover from the Moon's clutches and set her free the only way she knows how, with killing her.
And thus their journey begins. Leona becomes more and more of a puppet from here and on driven by anger and betrayal and Diana feels abandoned and betrayed, with nothing left in the world but the glow of the branding mark on her forehead and the knowledge that her lover wanted her dead.
And as for their path to reunite again and achieve peace? Well Leona needs to be merciful, and Diana needs to guide and support someone through the right path.
Thanks for reading this huge ass post. Again MANY credits to that amazing writer on Ao3, if I find that fic I'll put a link here, cause its phenomenal.
Take care and see ya next time!
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justsomestoicguy · 1 month
What Now?
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So, imagine this: you wake up one day, and boom, you're in the world of My Hero Academia. 
Well… technically I was reborn into this world and became conscious of the fact when I reached five, but still. 
And as any self-respecting nerd would, you immediately start freaking out. 
Not because you're in a world full of superpowered teens (although that's pretty wild), but because you know what's coming. All For One. Big bad boss. The villain of all villains. 
And guess what? You're expected to help take him down. So, there I am, hyperventilating in my new anime-ified body, thinking about all the ways I could die horribly.
That's why, first thing's first: research. I head straight for the internet. Because even in an alternate universe, Google, or in this case 'Moogle', is still my best friend. 
I start typing "All For One" into the search bar, expecting to see news about his latest atrocities or a dramatic showdown with our beloved heroes. 
Instead, I get this headline: 
"All For One's Defeat by a Noble Vigilante's Sacrifice. What Comes Next?"
Hold up. 
I had to reread it three times just to make sure I wasn't hallucinating. But nope, it's real. 
Some vigilante named Scourge had already taken down, and by taken down, I mean obliterated the big baddie. Did some martyr stuff and strapped a bomb to herself before caging All For One inside a barrier she created. 
Next thing you know…
Okay, that was insensitive. My bad.
Getting back on track, and to basically top it all off—
I have no idea who Scourge is. 
Naturally, my first thought is that Scourge is probably a side character I forgot about because she wasn't memorable.
But then I remembered my current age, which was ten. And if my plot knowledge isn't wrong, the first All Might versus All For One fight should've happened already.
Yet it didn't.
Instead, a different major event occurred.
Before I was even born.
They called it the Villains vs Heroes vs Vigilantes Incident (or VHV for short), where All For One died and All Might came out notably less injured than in canon.
And guess who led the vigilantes to not only get involved, but insinuate the whole thing in the first place?
That's right. Motherf*cking Scourge.
How the hell did I miss someone as pivotal as her?
Answer is: I didn't.
So I got to thinking again and came up with a more plausible explanation. Maybe Sourge is like me, another poor soul who got yeeted into this universe ahead of me. Maybe she knew the plot, jumped in early, and bam—no more All For One. 
So here I stand, in the middle of this bustling city, feeling this immense wave of relief. I don't have to worry about the biggest, baddest villain in town anymore. No epic battles, no life-or-death struggles. I can just…live, right?
But then it hits me. Like, really hits me. What am I supposed to do now? I mean, defeating All For One was the endgame, the ultimate goal. And now, it's already done. No more stress, sure, but also no more purpose. 
Why then was I brought here if the biggest threat is already gone?
Here I am, a guy in a world full of heroes and villains, with knowledge of a future that will never come.
What now?
Next Chapter
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carac0lito · 8 months
Once again scourging the internet for the small small community of people who went to the Cult School long term and admit that the whimsical environment was not much of a welcome time at all, actually
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stars-in-a-jam-jar · 9 months
So in light of the whole 'MatPat is no longer Theory Channel Host as of March 9th' thing, I just wanna ask...
What the fuck is y'all's problem with this man?
Like, there's such a tone of 'Yea! Finally!! The scourge is lifted!' to a lot of the posts/reblogs I've seen and it's only been like two hours since the video went up and like. The worst crimes this man ever committed as far as I can suss out in the over a decade I have known of his existence is that he misgendered Kris Deltarune a few times (which is not good, yes, but judging by how the man conducts himself, I'm gonna chalk that one up to being inattentive and suffering from the cisnormativity disease. still bad but not unforgivable) and he's like... cringe. Crime above all crimes, you dared to inconvenience me by making me cringe with your Sans is Ness theory. Also that one time Game Theory covered an ARG, concentrating popular attention to the channel instead of the collective problem solving of the people who've Been on the case. Those two videos tend to be the things people cite disliking him for.
And like, it's one thing if people just blandly said 'Nah, I can't get into Game Theory, it makes me cringe too much' or 'I just don't like that thing that happened with the ARG' and if MatPat said something particularly meme-able people clowned on him for a week or two before moving on. But like..... That tone I was talking about now that he's said 'I'm stepping down from hosting and doing other things with my life' is just So Pervasive and has been for years at this point.
This feels like the shit with Guy Fieri all over again, except Fieri is a network television dude, so people don't have quite the same flavor of Internet Brain Infection about him than they do about primarily online personalities. This feels like a longer brewing version of the Lin Manuel Miranda backlash whatever. Why the FUCK does everyone clown on Lin Manuel Miranda so much? Why do they use recognizing his lyrical style/impact on musical theater like an insult? This whole phenomenon is bigger than MatPat, I didn't give you the full picture at the top of the post. This is about me hating how people on the internet talk like they're in their bestie's living room fucking around and not like they're in a public space where there should be like. Basic fucking etiquette and boundaries.
If you're one of those people who decides to be unreasonable to strangers on the internet, you'll likely dismiss me as a self centered anxious waif who's just trying to defend the old white YouTuber I'm attached to (he's not old btw, some of y'all have just developed horrible cognitive distortions about aging and think 37 is ancient) but I frankly believe that maybe we shouldn't be openly publicly mean to strangers as a meme. Just fuckin' saying.
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thecreativesilo · 10 months
TRIGGER WARNING: Transphobic idiots on the internet. Again.
There's a LOT to unpack from ol' Mstoxictea here:
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"Not from the pictures I’ve seen" - dafuq is she talking about?! There's literally billions of ways to look like a woman and I think Yasmin Finney is beautiful - not that it actually matters; if YF identifies as a woman then respect that or shut up.
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"this is part of the problem with the UK, isn’t it? You all have spent so much time concentrating on getting rights for men in dresses" - quite the opposite, in fact. There are a lot of loud transphobes, with proud figureheads such as JKR, and it's infiltrating our politics, with a tory government fixated on culture war topics such as making the trans community look dangerous when it's the government themselves who are posing a significant risk to the country by failing to address the cost of living crisis and climate change, to name but a few. All fueled by a mainly right-leaning press.
"you fraudsters are only pretending to champion Trans while replacing actual female actresses with crossdressers" - There's no replacement, only representation which is a good thing! YF is, IFAIK, the only trans woman in the cast of this Doctor Who special.
There are very few "out" trans folk in England and Wales where the last census was collected:
The census question on gender identity was a voluntary question asked of those aged 16 years and over. The question asked “Is the gender you identify with the same as your sex registered at birth?”.
Overall, 45.7 million (94.0% of the population aged 16 years and over) answered the question.
In total, 45.4 million (93.5%) answered “Yes” and 262,000 (0.5%) answered “No”.
The remaining 2.9 million (6.0%) did not answer the question.
There used to be NO representation of trans people in UK media. There must be representation for conversations about trans, and wider LGBTQ+ communities to be normalised, so that these communities can feel safe. Which in today's climate is a challenge. Good on Russell T Davies for providing such a platform!
"You all are pretty fucking sick to keep trying to get rid of women." - this blatantly is not happening, you daft twat MsToxicTea, so STFU.
I know MsToxicTea needn't be taken seriously, but she encapsulates perfectly how some of the insane transphobes in the UK think, and they're a fucking scourge of our society right now. And the septics will demand until they're blue in the face that they aren't bigoted, but this shit shows them for what they are, time and again.
I'll end this with an extra snippet about Rose's storyline from the special. I personally loved this special, and this character, and I hope she has more to do on the upcoming episodes!
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zelda-cooper · 1 year
Friendly Four Redesing
Hey guys! Everything is fine? I hope so! Well, today I wanted to share some of my ideas about the Darkwing Duck universe, some universe concepts I made with my dear friend @anniesilveratl2room and also show my version of the amazing (and extremely underexplored...TnT) Negaverse. Don't get me wrong, I love the episode that this alternate reality is presented in and I love the concept, but... I don't know.. That dimension is kind of vague to me. The fact that their opposites are realities is an amazing idea, so much so that I love the concept of Scourge and Moebius from the Sonic comics (Ian Flynn, I love you for making this idea better explored), but my friend and I wanted to work with something different. Here, in OUR version of the Negaverse, it will not be a reality of "opposites", here it will be a "mirror" reality. I know that many people will say that it is "the same thing", but not in our conception. Personality doesn't change here, MORALS and CHOICES change!
That is, a different choice that the characters made would drastically change an event or something else important. Another note: Annie and I considered what we were shown in the 2017 Ducktales and also OUR alternate universe, so in addition to being different from the original series, it will also have necessary changes. That said... Now it's time to show off the designers I made for our universe's Friendly, all credit for redesigning the Fearsome Four from the original reality goes to my friend Annie (praise her please!).
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Let's start in order and the first one I want to show you is Nega Bushroot.
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This, in fact, was one of the things I most procrastinated to do with Liquidator, not because it was difficult, but because it was VERY SIMPLE! I wanted something in the design that would set him apart from the original but still resemble him, but just changing his hair color wasn't enough for me. So I wanted to give him a more "aggressive" look, with the hair here being more spiky instead of the fluffy one in the original, I put vines with thorns on his arms (which I will LOVE to explain their concept later on) and... I gave him a scarf for his neck because I wanted an extra change (this one I was in doubt about wearing because Nega Dator already had one, but I put one with a different style).
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Next member of the Friendly Four: Megavolt. This is one of the ones that I liked playing with the concept the most and you should already know that it was the inspiration... Static Shocker! I just LOVE this drawing, seriously! But then again... I wanted to do something new but leave the essence of the original, so I left details like the battery on the back, the color palette but being inverted and also the electricity theme. This is one of the ones I liked the most and found it fun to do.
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Now Quackerjack and, man... This one was difficult to make the costume, again following the concept and such... But the most difficult thing was the details of the costume, I wanted to still give the clown look, but keeping the color palette, so I researched clown clothes on the internet and went by instinct. Maybe I overdid the elements, but I liked the end result.
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And lastly (and my favorite Fearsome/Friendly), Liquidator! This one was actually the easiest... But still I procrastinated just because of the painting. Because drawing water is boring and annoying! But in terms of "outfit" design it was simple, I gave him a scarf and gave him bands on his hands (again one that I really want to show how it would look when he changes hands on any weapon). I wanted to give him an aspect of a fighter and give that air of a relaxed person, because I saw a lot of people who would consider the Nega Liquidator version to be "fearful" or someone more "passive", but I prefer to believe that he would not be like that, but that he would be just someone sentimental and who is someone who protects his family both emotionally and physically, but that's a story for another day.
But that's it... I hope you enjoyed it, stay with God and see you next time. BYEEE!!!!
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what kind of mischief did you get up to in elementary school?
Well, this is going to be a pretty long read, but here are some highlights:
Time and time again I told my classmates that I had a superpower, and every time I would announce it and invite them to challenge it, they would try and fail to do the impossible. At some point, I told everyone about my superpower, told them to try it, then laughed at them when they failed. It made me feel really powerful, so I did this a lot.
One time I announced that I would do a bunch of "magic tricks," and then did a bunch of magic tricks where nothing happened. Even though they were boring, my classmates liked them.
I once stole the kind of gift you give to a teacher from one of my teachers, and hid it in a drawer in my room. When I showed it to a classmate the next day, she said she loved it, and it turned out she actually really wanted that gift (I don't remember what it was), so I returned it to the teacher and offered to make it for her out of cardboard.
I tried to convince my parents that if I ate a piece of charcoal, it would turn my poop black, and they believed me and didn't let me try it. No idea if it would have actually worked, but my life is pretty great so maybe it would have messed me up
I spent a lot of time looking for a way to persuade the school that I was Riker from TNG. In one memorable instance, I wrote a little note saying "Riker from TNG wants [school's name]," wrote that note very neatly, and placed it on the desk of our teacher. Nothing happened
I had a bowl of pudding, wanted to save it to eat later, then didn't eat lunch, so I decided to eat the pudding. For some reason I felt guilty, and then I put the pudding on the ceiling, and I don't know why, but my mind was like "Sure, I don't want to eat the pudding, but this other guy (me from yesterday) wants to eat it, so I'll find him later so he can eat it." I sat there, eating the pudding and trying to figure out what to do next, and I finally gave up and brought the pudding back down to the desk
As part of some kind of invented superhero fantasy thing, I told my friends that I had a transformer ring (from Macross, I don't know why we were into that) and that the ring turned me into various superheroes (like Black Sheep from Shin Getter Robo). When I showed the ring to other people, I would refuse to say which superhero I was supposed to be, and instead just say "yeah, I can turn into anyone I want, look at this ring." I don't know why – I just liked messing with people, I guess
I participated in some sort of pudding festival at school where I had to try to bring pudding all the way up the school building stairs without spilling it. I don't know if the results were important, I just liked to carry pudding places
There was a girl in my class (she doesn't seem to have made much of an impression on me) who was a very confident, sure of herself type, and also had green hair, so I liked to make up stories about her being a rogue scientist or something (remember, this was back when people didn't have internet access) and taking up arms against the scourge of . . . I don't know, of green-haired people maybe
There was a plan at one point to send the entire school to this tiny building that was kind of off-campus. There were to be "punishments" for things like being late. A bunch of us thought this was unfair, so in response I invented a new rule that was more unfair, that said if you were in the hallway for 1 second after your parents left, that was a punishment, and we spread the rule around the school and got people to "thank us" for the new rule, until the principle said we had to stop
One time, a teacher told a story about how she had a playground filled with dirt. I asked the teacher if she ever got sick of all the dirt, and the teacher said something like "sometimes, I do." My mind was like "this is a perfect opportunity to show how terrible I am as a person." She was talking to me with a smug, ironic tone that implied she was the authority on what was and wasn't funny, and I was so offended that I suddenly thought of a biting comeback: "oh yeah? well my parents were just talking about how they would throw me in a pit of dirt if they got the chance, so I guess that means they're sick of me." So, uh, I said that, word for word
I read Dracula in fourth grade and loved it, and spent a lot of time trying to convey this love to my friends, in ways that in retrospect, were probably kind of creepy
I convinced some of my friends to tell the teacher I said "idiot," which, as I recall, I didn't
I once tried to persuade a teacher that men were really just slugs in disguise. I was a weird kid
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envigender · 8 months
god. homestuck exists again
and i dont know how to feel about it. i got into homestuck a year after it ended. i boarded the train at its final stop and rode it into oblivion
one of my first highschool friends got me into it, right before that same friend shamed me out of the group. but homestuck remained, and it dragged me into another friendgroup, and that one broke me down and consumed my entire life until years down the line i finally broke free of it. then COVID hit, and for a third time homestuck dragged me into a place and a group of people that left a bitter taste in my mouth
homestuck is some kind of scourge, to me. a demon. a deity. before i could process that i was being abused, i would look up at the sky every day and wish for meteors. i wanted to be killed, or to be saved, and either way i yearned more than anything for evidence that my parents and their crackpot religion were wrong
homestuck saved me- from that religion, and from the miserable closeted life it wanted to lock me into. i can't imagine what my life would look like now had i not read it, had i not fallen so deep into it. frankly i don't want to imagine
and yet homestuck burned it all down at the same time. there are a few people, right near the end, that i'm really unambiguously happy i met through it. and then all the rest is shadows in the firelight, broken relationships, memories i hope i'll eventually forget. the meteors i wished for came, one by one. and they were shaped like other people
it's kind of... fascinating? it's a stupid internet comic. by now the only presence it has outside of the remaining fandom circles are jokes about its eternal, shadowy grip on the edges of every tumblr post. it's this weird half-remembered Thing, a Thing that once held a sort of ritual significance to me, a Thing that has long since aged and faded
and i finally grew out of it
(or at least i'm pretending i did, so i can just move on with my life)
and then, right after i did all that, it came back.
i don't know how to feel. the Thing is growing, again, and it almost seems like it might not be dogshit like half the other times it's grown since i've known about it. i don't know how to feel.
it's what i always wanted and i'm not even around to enjoy it. the past me who would have enjoyed it is two years deep in her grave. i'm just the undead thing puppeting her body around
i read the first new update when it released. it was pretty alright. i haven't been able to bring myself to read the others yet
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docnoctem · 1 year
I am enjoying TOTK immensely. I wanted to experience BOTW again with new things to do, and it’s providing that. I’m desperate to play it again right now.
...Hot takes of a BOTW stan below (hidden for some TOTK gameplay spoilers.)
The borderline BOTW slander that undercuts all of the breathless TOTK praise is ludicrous. People coming out of the woodworks to say “This works in a way BOTW never did.” I didn’t realize I’d be having a contrarian take on these games; I thought BOTW was basically the only thing in the world I was in complete agreement with the public and critics on. BOTW made me love gaming again, I have a completely cringe emotional attachment to it and I understand the argument for the irrationality of that, but-- not everyone had the same problems with it that online reviewers insist we did. Not everyone has such a negative image of the “emptiness” of Hyrule or limitations like climbing in the rain that forced you to overcome a challenge or find another way around. To me, the world felt like it had been through something devastating, and just enough time had passed for people to put their lives back together and adjust to the state of things. The danger the Divine Beasts posed to the domains felt significant, with Rito Village being the only domain with a stronger plotline and stronger threat in TOTK, IMO. (I love Vah Medoh, but it and its threat was the weak point.) I saw complaints on the variations of Blight Ganon being too similar, despite different attacks and designs, but nothing on the cutscenes following these Temple Scourge bosses being identical and how much that takes away from feeling anything about the original Sages? I also feel the shrines in this game (with the Zonai combat exceptions) are significantly weaker with more obvious solutions, and the Koroks are less fun to search for when the pairs are littered around the world. I’m happy for you if fusing vehicles to get them where they’re going is your favorite thing, but believe it or not, some of us just... prefer climbing and running and riding horses, so those Koroks become a bit of a pain.
I do think TOTK improves on certain things. I do appreciate that it expands on certain things. I even appreciate that it changes certain things, regardless of if I agree the change is an improvement-- they threaded a very difficult needle in creating a new game with the same core characters on the same map, yet knowing where the world should differ and where it should be recognizable. It broke my heart to lose my well-used runes and replace them with what felt a bit like 3 of the same rune just slightly tweaked; losing Stasis and the bombs fundamentally changes the way I did combat or collected ore, while other fans claim these (and all the original runes) were useless. BOTW invited you to play how you wanted to, and I admire that TOTK has the same mission statement, but it does feel to me that “how you want to” necessitates Ultrahand contraptions more often than it doesn’t. Arguably it is the selling point of this game. Is it fun sometimes? Sure. Does it force you to be creative? Absolutely. Do I enjoy it as much as the internet seems to? I don’t really think that I do; I think I get more use out of Ascend and the froggy suit than building vehicles to get me up and around. And that still isn’t a criticism of TOTK, not genuinely, because I never think it’s worse to have more options and features; what I do thoroughly and fundamentally disagree with is the notion that the originality and experience of BOTW counts for nothing, or even just counts for less, when you can always come back years later and stack more on top of it. By that logic, no game will ever be as good as the hypothetical sequel they could make.
I like the depths and the sky islands. I’m terrified by the new enemies. I thought the cutscene memories were effective, and Ganondorf properly imposing. The dragons are arguably my favorite thing in BOTW, so the Light Dragon plotline this time seems tailor-made for breaking my heart. I think TOTK is a success. I don’t think it’s possible for anything to replace BOTW, I fully accept that’s an impossible ask and one that I wasn’t demanding or necessitating. Some say that sticking by your first favorite is a boring and unimaginative take fueled by nostalgia, but I’d counter that social media also has a massive impact on how highly we prioritize the meme-ability and posting potential (see New Horizons) of just about any media nowadays, and Ultrahand or the Koroks provide that.
Okay I love you Link I love you Zelda I miss you Kass I love you Sonia I’m gonna go play now bye bye bye
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papirouge · 1 year
"Men are superior to women on account of the qualities with which God has gifted the one above the other, and on account of the outlay they make from their substance for them. Virtuous women are obedient, careful, during the husband's absence, because God has of them been careful. But chide those for whose refractoriness you have cause to fear; remove them into beds apart, and scourge them: but if they are obedient to you, then seek not occasion against them: verily, God is High, Great!"
See, dear Muslims? the internet is free and we can easily see through your bullshit.
Unlike you, we don't have to deceitfully change Quran verse like you do with the Bible all the time. This mess here right there, clear as day. You cannot circle that square out. That's why you're literally losing your mind and harass us when we pull out the truth. Allah NEVER rebukes physically harming women. There are no verses balancing out this prerogative for Muslim husbands, that's why you HAVE to come up with copium Muslim scholar interpretations....when this verse is crystal clear.
Don't you ever test me, again. I will ruin you and your entire career.
God is King. Jesus is the way, the truth and the Life. Not a pedophile, a murderer and a wife beater. We are not the same.
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turianosauruswrex · 1 year
from the "character solidifying" post: 1, 2, 27, and 50 for katya 💛
hi! hello!! I am SO SORRY this took me forever, my internet was out for like a week and then the last few days I've been trying not to die from heat exhaustion LMAO. let's get rollin' for Kitty!!
1. How does your character think of their father? What do they hate and love about him? What influence - literal or imagined - did the father have?
Katya has a complicated relationship with both her parents, thanks to the whole "being unknowingly trained to take over the family crime syndicate" thing. Her father, Petyr, spoiled her when she was little and she adored him, but in her teens she essentially did her best to burn all that to the ground.
That's not to say she doesn't still love him, despite her denials of it. Though I think now she's closer to afraid, not of him, but of what he'll do if he finds out she's not dead after all after faking it almost ten years ago. She doesn't think he'll hurt her, of course not. She just doesn't want to go home.
Katya got his cunning-- if she put any effort into it, she would have been a great mob boss. She loved him, how good he was at his job, how dedicated he was to his family. She just hated that she felt like she wasn't given a choice on whether to participate.
2. Their mother? How do they think of her? What do they hate? Love? What influence - literal or imagined - did the mother have?
Hahahahahaha Katya has so many mommy issues. She thinks Klara is good at what she does, but again-- she wanted to choose whether or not to be involved. She won't admit it, but her mother wasn't actually that bad at being a mother, either. She thinks her mother is a coward for never telling her about Klara's side of the family (she could have had so much more if Klara had just... talked about her own mother more than "she doesn't speak to me").
Katya certainly got her ruthlessness, when needed; Katya is not a cruel woman, but she has her moments of being ice cold that absolutely come from Klara. She also was influenced, for better or worse, by Klara and Petyr's marriage-- they are absolutely, deeply in love; they work together beautifully; they would do anything for their family.
They would do anything for their family. Katya wholeheartedly believes her mother is responsible for her scourge aasimar traits. Whether Klara's prayers for a child were answered by some deity with a sick sense of humor or they bargained with a celestial for their daughter's safety, Katya is all too eager to pin this on her mother.
27. How do they relate to their appearance? How do they wear their clothing? Style? Quality?
Katya's appearance is everything to her. Not only for her persona as the Embodiment Of Grief (tm), but it always has been and always will be. She dresses in the finest things she can afford, all black with lots of gold accents to highlight her eyes. She ranges from traditional mourning attire to what I like to call "hot goth summer" as she's finally more comfortable with herself this year (for now lol, lmao, hehehehheh). Her appearance says more about herself than she would ever want to, and if some of that happens to be misleading? Well, that's just fine.
50. What are the prevailing facial expressions? Sour? Cheerful? Dominating?
I think based on the sheer number of times I've written the phrase, "feline grin" is her default. Most of the time, her face is covered by her veil, so her expressions are less important than her body language and her tone of voice, both of which she's worked very hard over the last decade or so to control down to the minutiae. She teases people with a hint of a smile by snagging the edge of her veil and lifting it so you can barely see her lips (and it's worked to at LEAST get her a tall goth elf boyfriend LOL). Aside from that, usually if her veil is off, she looks... vaguely haunted. Distant. Unless she's concentrating on presenting something else.
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justsomestoicguy · 1 month
I'm not exactly thrilled about my newest group project, but hey, at least I got paired with decent people: 
Kai, Hikari, and Tanaka (again, surprisingly enough).
Our task? Researching important figures in Japan for our history assignment. Which means a trip to the museum.
Hikari bounces on her heels, her bracelets jingling and sundress flowing as she does. "I'll take the 20s!" she announces, her voice bubbly. "There's so many cool heroes from that time!"
"Then I'll handle the 30s," Kai speaks next, fixing his grey hoodie. 
"I'll cover the 2140s," Tanaka states, already looking so done with everything. 
I sigh, stuffing my hands in my pockets. "Guess that leaves me with the 50s."
Lucky me, I get stuck with the late 2150s, the era of Scourge—the vigilante who ended All For One's reign and took away my life's purpose. Cool, right? 
Might learn some stuff I didn't know about her.
Except, not really. 
Because I have a good feeling I won't be getting any more info on her beyond what I got on the internet.
And what did I get after four years of scouring exactly?
Alias: Scourge. Role: Head of the Vigilante Ops (that's what the media calls her vigilante organization). Appearance: female with white hair and purple eyes. Quirk: barrier.
And that's all!
Her real name's unknown, her background's obscure—heck, even her face is still a mystery thanks to that mask she always wore.
Damn it.
I let out another sigh, dragging my feet through Hoshizora Archival Museum's sterile halls.
Better start doing my work.
Pulling out my phone, I begin lazily snapping photos of exhibits and reading plaques with an unamused squint. 
The museum is all polished glass and polished floors, with exhibits that range from ancient artifacts to modern heroes. 
It's busy enough, tourists and school groups milling about, but I'm not really interested in any of it. I skim through the displays, mentally checking off the ones I've seen before.
As I wander around though, I notice a section that's surprisingly quiet. It's tucked away, almost like an afterthought. 
Curiosity piqued, I wander in. It's still part of the 2150s section, so I guess it's relevant. 
The lighting is dimmer here, and the air feels a bit heavier, like I've stumbled into some forgotten corner of history.
Then, I see it.
A massive golden statue, smack dab in the center of the room, of Scourge.
All imposing and magnificent. 
My jaw drops. 
Why haven't I seen this online before?! 
It's like the world wanted to keep this thing under wraps! 
I look around and notice someone else in the room; a lone tall man with black hair standing in front of the statue, gazing up at it. 
I'm not too keen on getting close to strangers in quiet, echoey places. 
Guess standing here will have to do.
My eyes flicker back to the left and spot a plaque below the statue. Positioning my phone, I zoom in and read the inscription.
[In Loving Memory
Damn, that's it? 
No name, no detailed bio—just a lifespan. 
I snap a quick pic of the plaque, frustrated by the lack of info. 
But as I raise my phone to get a shot of the statue, my camera catches a glimpse of the man again, who is now looking directly at me.
My blood runs cold.
I recognize that face. 
I'd recognize that elongated, triangular face anywhere!
My heart pounds in my chest. 
What is the infamous Hero Killer doing here?! 
My instinct is to hide, to put my phone away, to disappear into the nearest shadow. But before I can even react, Stain moves—fast. In the blink of an eye, he's now right in front of me.
I yelp, stumbling backward. I brace for the impact of the cold floor, but it never comes. Stain catches me, holding me steady. My breath hitches, my mind racing. 
This is it. 
I'm going to die. 
Goodbye, new life. It has been a good 14 years.
"I've finally found you."
I blink. 
Did I hear that right? 
The words are spoken with a solemn, almost reverent tone. 
I look up, my wide eyes meeting Stain's. There is a softness there, a tenderness that seems so out of place on him.
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Chapter 1
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late-to-the-fandom · 2 years
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I posted 2,812 times in 2022
That's 2,812 more posts than 2021!
312 posts created (11%)
2,500 posts reblogged (89%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 474 of my posts in 2022
#renathal x maw walker - 169 posts
#my writing - 157 posts
#writing games - 140 posts
#ask games - 126 posts
#fanfiction - 68 posts
#prince renathal - 53 posts
#tag games - 47 posts
#spotify - 29 posts
#writing - 29 posts
#31 days of halloween playlist - 29 posts
Longest Tag: 118 characters
#i'd give anything to be a mage irl so i could just conjure up some mana thing and never have to think about food again
My Top Posts in 2022:
I hope its ok to send asks, but for some reason i don't quite think the op of the xymox and painsmith post is coming to the discussion in good faith. They just seem needlessly mean about it. for some reason ppl find it hard to get their head around the fact that not everyone likes conventionally attractive characters. I really am not a fan of such dunking on people over fictional characters paraded around as humor. Especially ones that barely have any content as is.
Like yeah xymox is a bit out of there, but there's a lot of people who like robots like A LOT.
So I’m not the OP of that post, and I’m also terrible at reading context and intentions. All I can say is I for one didn’t take it as demeaning, just funny and I certainly hope my comments didn’t sound demeaning to anyone who finds either of those beings attractive. I knew the Painsmith had stans, but Xymox was a new one on me.
But I will also say that as someone who is almost always in the same boat of “finding the random dude with no art attached to them attractive” I feel the pain of that situation. I’ve spent many a sleepless night trolling the far corners of the internet for Grandmaster Vole art and was sadly disappointed 😂
20 notes - Posted October 20, 2022
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Glad we mapped this out
21 notes - Posted November 15, 2022
Heads Up 7 Up
Tagged by the ever sweet @writingpotato07
Tagging: @velvethopewrites @shipping-through-eternity @diaryofomellas @mousterian-writes @kyofsonder @lady-grace-pens and open tag
7 lines from Eternity which should be posted in two weeks (as the writing god allows).
Renathal, hovering restlessly by the door, did his best to swallow his rising panic. If she was truly ended, surely the healers would display more concern?
As it was, the Sin'Dorei was pulling several large books from his bag and laying them on the bedside table one at a time, while the other, smaller creature hoisted itself onto the bed and sat comfortably on the edge. It hadn't stopped talking the entire way to the room, a fact the other healer endured with an expression of longsuffering. Neither seemed in any rush to even glance at the Maw Walker’s unnaturally still figure.
After minutes that stretched like eternity, Renathal could contain himself no longer.
‘I certainly don't mean to tell you how to do your work, but...  do you intend to heal her anytime soon?’
25 notes - Posted October 8, 2022
Incorrect Quotes!
Tagged by the ever sweet @writingpotato07
Rules: use this quote generator & list as many quotes as you like using characters from your WIPs, then tag as many people as quotes you listed.
Tagging: @crunchypuff125, @scourge-lover, @velvethopewrites
Pretty sure each of these is a direct quote from my Renathal/Maw Walker series. It’s actually spooky how dead on this is.
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Maw Walker: What’s up? I’m back.  Renathal: I literally saw you die. You died. You were dead  Maw Walker: Death is a social construct.
Renathal: Truth or dare?  Maw Walker: Truth.  Renathal: How many hours have you slept this week?  Maw Walker:  Maw Walker: Dare.  Renathal: Go to sleep.  Maw Walker: I don't like this game.
Renathal: Are you ready to commit?  Maw Walker: Like, a crime or a relationship?
41 notes - Posted October 3, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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131 notes - Posted October 6, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
No surprises here 😂
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eirian · 6 months
back at it again with the trying to figure out a name to go by online outside of my art business.. an internet nickname.. i just think itd be fun and also slightly reduce the risk i face by using my honest to god actual name on social media lmfao
i have a few contenders but some of them are like...character names? and while im not 100% OPPOSED to using a character name i also feel like if i used one id feel inclined to like..take on a persona that reflected that character bc of the name? for example id love to go by scourge, its a kickass name for a kickass character who i love very much. but also if i went by scourge id 100% feel the need to give my persona green hair, sunglasses, and a leather jacket LMFAO. i dont want to fall into kinnie territory again im done w that
so i guess im thinking of more "neutral" names, definitely noun names bc i love those (or even adjectives/adverbs depending??? idk. i just know i dont want a traditional Name name), but also ones that sound Cool. scourge is one of those but again itd be because of the character and i dont wanna go down that road in that way again 😔
moss was a good start but it didnt click like i thought it would/hoped it would even after trying it on for a while. i am still considering soda, but the only thing holding me back from that one fully is that it's also my fursona's name and i kinda wanna keep that associated with my fursona :/a itd be confusing for me to go by soda and also have my fursona go by soda... i know ppl use their actual names for their sonas sometimes too but it doesnt vibe with me for mine lol
im very envious of ppl who have found their noun names and stuck with them because i do see them like..a lot, and i have for a long time. a few that come to mind are splash, blue, flighty, moon, fire, and spy (if you know you know). names like that really appeal to me
right now the only one i have besides scourge and soda is something like frontiers?? or maybe even just frontier. i cant super tell which one feels better to me yet, if i were to use it.. but all i know is that it feels like its going in the Right direction. i can feel myself getting closer to a noun name that i really really vibe with but its juuuust out of reach rn
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