fictionkinfessions · 3 months
Every day I see something about "shark infested waters" or people getting upset about spiders or ants or whatever being outside, I agree more and more with the Sea Devils, Silurians, and Eocenes. Humans please, please stop talking about these beautiful creatures like they owe you the planet when they were, well and truly here before you and have as much of a right to the space as you humans do, especially with all the harm you do to it.
Oh, and this does in fact apply to any non-humans who are like this too, don't think I don't see that.
- The Doctor #🟦⏳
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joyfulbeatrix · 3 months
      "You want to what?!" The HRT doctor responds with a perplexed expression. I came here because I started seeing people become different animals and creatures. I thought that maybe I could be more myself as well. Hi, my name is *redacted*. I'm a 34-year-old man, and this is the start of my "transition" journal.
      "Well... um... more accurately, Gallifreyan, because you can't see through time. That's definitely not possible," I said, shaking. I'm a very shy person; my friend practically had to force me to make this appointment. "But you think becoming an alien form from a hyperspecific TV show is possible?" The doctor says, standing up and looking down at me.
      "Look... if it's not possible, I can just... leave." I'm now shaking even more, just waiting to be kicked out. The doctor sighs and sits back down. "Look, I will look into it and come back next week. I will let you know." "Yeah! Great, that's fine with me!" I stand up, excited, and quickly sit back down, realizing I'm overexcited.
      Quickly leaving the room, I head back to my car. My friend is leaning on it, waiting with bated breath. "So, how did it go?" I look up at her with a half-smile. "It's... hopeful."
Time Lord HRT Week One
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thepearlescentdragon · 3 months
I was feeling a little homesick so I treated myself to some small belated birthday gifts for a bit of comfort.
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bastardchildofprydon · 4 months
DWKin Introduction
I think it's high time I make a proper introduction on this blog, so here goes.
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My name is Starling or Star if you like. Jane Levy will be my faceclaim as she resembles my Gallifreyan self.
In another life I was a daughter of the Doctor -- a life my soul was connected to for much of my life until she died while the Doctor was in their twelfth incarnation and her soul joined with mine. That was about eight or so years ago now.
This kintype has brought me a lot of pain, but I cannot continue to treat it like a secondary thing any more. She was my primary kintype for years and still continues to be despite forcing it to the back of my mind.
I've repressed a lot of the specific memories I used to have of her, but here is what I still remember:
She/Her, Pansexual
Survived the Time War twice -- once on my home planet, then again on Gallifrey
Time Lord? I think I went through the Academy, and was in House Prydon, but that could have been a false memory
Strong empath and telepath
Met a handful of my father's incarnations, but travelled only with Ten, Eleven and Twelve before I died
Was on and off with the Doctor as I often left to pursue my own things (and bc I was a brat and hated them sometimes)
Spent some time with Torchwood Three, was particularly close with Ianto for a while
Had a strong affinity with music, my people (on my mother's side) held it sacred
Had several children, one whom I named Melody and another I remember named Conan
Had two husbands over the course of my lifetime, the second of whom was my soulmate
Died at around 1500 years old
There are other details besides but that will do for now as I don't want to be too obvious with my identity just yet. If you know me, you know me.
Some disclaimers:
Please do not interact if you are or associate yourself with BlueBoxOfSnark. They are a groomer and an abuser I want nothing to do with.
Yes, I was once associated with the Gallifreyan Tradition Society. Gallifreyan reconstruction as a community no longer exists and thus I am no longer associated with them. Please do not discuss them with me unless you have an open mind, as there are a lot of misconceptions about the group -- yes, it was a cult. No, the cult's leader was not who you think. That is all I will say.
I am a "serious kin" as the kids call it these days. I've been in the Otherkin community since long before KFF were a thing. If me genuinely believing in this kintype makes you uncomfortable, you know how to leave.
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halleyscomet1 · 2 years
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Day 4 of @your-ace-therian-neighbour ‘s 15therianmoodboards (phantom parts). My most common phantom shifts are tails, ears and wings, though I do also experience a secondary heart and antlers at times.
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blue-box-man-10 · 1 year
"Did you miss me?"
Screencap redraw of yours truly!
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Plain background:
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Original Image:
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Hey, just wanted to say we appreciate the existence of an account like this. We’re a system with a time lord host and we have found that places on the internet for people with similar experiences are few and far between and/or long abandoned so we just wanted to say that we find this account cool and enjoy seeing posts from it
(Also sorry if you already got an ask similar to this one, our wifi was acting up when we tried to send the first one and we’re unsure if it actually sent)
I'm glad you enjoy the blog. I sometimes will run that low on ideas of what to talk about. If you have any suggestions or questions about past lives feel free to shoot them my way 😁. I am Cerulean (this life at least) so very much social when I have spoons
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I want the (my) Doctor to find me again, like they always did eventually. I want them to put together the puzzle pieces and figure out who I am. My favorite color is purple and I look good in that and black. My name is an anagram, just like my old disguises.
I miss them and feel so much remorse for what I’ve done, and I can’t even properly remember it. I don’t even want to do anything nefarious; I can hardly do actions one could describe as morally neutral. I just want to reconnect, to apologize, to admit they were right.
I claimed to hate them, tried to harm them, but I was just upset we couldn’t agree to be together. Eventually, there was just so much pain between us, how COULD we? I still love them in the twisted way I did.
Come and find me Doctor. I’m waiting for you.
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I really have to say this- this blog is for confessions, right? In my canon, I killed The Doctor's first wife. I just needed to say it... 🖋
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Yo. I’m dave and I’m pretty sure me and rose and jade and John literally became gods to our world after the end of the game wtf. -timelord
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fictionkinfessions · 5 months
makes me feel reeaaal uncomfortable when people assume my kin junk is the same as theirs or must be invalid. spiritual fictionkin are cool and most of my kin friends are spiritual kin. I respect you and your beliefs entirely
so, yeah, im sad that ikeep on running into spiritual fictionkin that try to explain my experiences for me or act like i don't understand what being kin is. that is an embarrassing way to be treated, especially when the explanations i am told can be outright wrong. no i dont think i was a timelord in a past life. no i dont think kin is synonymous with reincarnation in my case.
yes i know what kin is. yes i am a timelord and yes I am from dr who, because I am fictionkin, and that's how being fictionkin works. that's The Thing. everything else is just the theories and beliefs and diagrams and point-A-to-point-B's that we humans have to explain The Thing. Just because my diagrams and mathematic equations and beliefs don't match with yours do not mean that we aren't all pointing at the same The Thing.
once again I know that not all spiritual fictionkin are like this and i just stumbled into a rough batch. i dont hold it against any spiritual fictionkin of course. i just had to get it all off my chest!
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thepearlescentdragon · 8 months
I want to connect with other Time Lord fictionkin but I’m terrified to. There have apparently been a few little groups of them that have popped up but I got a weird vibe from people talking about cultlike stuff going on, so I’m afraid to have run ins with potentially hurtful or otherwise dangerous people.
And even if I knew of some chill folks, many may harbor an ill opinion of me because I’m specifically The Doctor. Or I just won’t get along with them for other reasons, or my very limited “memories” or noemata will get in the way.
But… I want community. Friends. People I have something like this in common with that still deeply matters to me.
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halleyscomet1 · 2 years
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Day 8 of @your-ace-therian-neighbour ‘s 15therianmoodboards challenge. I made a Doctor Who moodboard, I don’t really know if it makes me dysphoric, but I always get phantom second heart shifts when I watch it so (?)
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Me 🤝 the Other: being personally fucked over by Rassilon and having our legacies and contributions to Gallifrey erased/vastly understated, which ultimately lead to our death. Omega can come but he’s on thin ice.
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This is timelord here to say hot diggety dang do i miss my ecto sis -timelord
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fictionkinfessions · 9 months
I'm not naming names and it's about nobody in particular but it's feels like a special unique sliver of racism that too many people are looking at a single Doctor who is a Black man and going 'whoa I'm ABSOLUTELY the Doctor but that thing is not me that was never me' K sure, hashtag valid canons but I heard so much about 'oh dont worry you can kin outside your race whatever' but when it's a BLACK fictional character. Ass cheeks viewed.
party note im still sick as of uqeing this and if none of you behave im blocing you straight up dont be weird please just scroll past or smt thanky ou
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