#timeskip semi
yeommoo · 3 months
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🎸 Timeskip Semi Eita
tendo sneak on d guitar >.<
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musubiki · 11 months
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new npc: madam springs, master of all-natural healing practices
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kimbapisnotsushi · 1 year
one thing i absolutely adore about the timeskip is how it gives us details about the characters we didn’t know much about before. like i know this probably isn’t true of EVERY character but looking at how many whose timeskip lives reflect their interests and such in high school (kenma, yachi, osamu, fukunaga, etc) then i’m willing to bet that a lot of the others had those hobbies and whatnot back when we first met them and i think that’s so cute??? like semi being a musician he probably had a guitar or something with him back in the dorms. kai became an arborist so maybe he liked taking walks to look at the trees and visited parks or had his own lil garden. lev and alisa might have played dress-up together when they were kids and could have gone shopping a lot in high school. akaashi became an editor so he was probably a giant bookworm and loved reading. like idk i just think it’s neat how it makes it feel like even in the future when we meet everyone again it really does feel like they’ve grown but haven’t changed at all y’know???
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skrunklyshrimp · 3 months
Favourite regular - Semi E.
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You, a new business owner, becomes close with your new favourite regular, Semi Eita. Coffee shop AU
Warnings: Timeskip spoilers for their jobs!
Notes: Thank you @cheshanoneko-draws for the image! Also I rushed the ending a bit, so if it seems a bit lackluster that's why! 5545 words!
˚₊‧꒰ა 𖹭 ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
“Finally I’m able to go home on time. I haven’t practiced guitar in a while.” Semi Eita mutters to himself. He’s had to work overtime for the past few days, sleeping in the office. By the time he eventually reaches the bus stop, the bus has already passed. “I want coffee.” he sighs and looks at the nearby stores, to his surprise a new coffee shop has opened.
Ding, ding.
The familiar sound of the door cracking open gains your attention. You look over to see someone in a suit with ashy blond hair and tired demeanor, the thing that catches your attention the most though being his beautiful brown eyes.
“Welcome to the shop! What can I get for you tonight?” You ask the man as he approaches the counter.
“A medium coffee, black please.” He requests.
“That will be 350 yen please.” You wait as he digs around his pockets.
“Shit I only have 300, just make the coffee small.” The man sighs.
“Don’t worry about the 50 yen, it’s on the house. After all, you're one of my first customers.” You quickly say, feeling bad for the poor man, he probably just came back from a long day at work.
“I’ll pay you back, I promise, er,” He squints his eyes trying to see your nametag, “(L/N). I will pay you back (L/N).”
“Please don’t worry about it, like I said it’s on the house.” You respond, pouring out his coffee. “Make sure you get rest today, I can tell you had a long day.” 
The man nods while grabbing his drink and walking back outside to the bus stop. You sigh and lean against the counter after a long day at work, after you’ve taken a rest you get back up to finish cleaning.
“I had to sleep in the office again!” Semi complains while kicking a rock on the street. “I’m gonna have to call the band to cancel again. Damn it!” He wails in anger. “I need another coffee.” Sighing, he starts heading to a familiar shop.
Ding, ding.
“Welcome- oh it’s you from the other day!” You say, happy to see a possible regular. 
“You remember me?” He questions,
“Of course I do! I try to remember all my customers, they’re all special to me and this shop.” You gleefully say, “Now a medium black coffee again?” He nods at your statement before adding,
“As well as two of those croissants please.” He requests.
“Your total is 1030 yen.” You answer, grabbing his two croissants as he looks around in his pockets.
He hands you 1100 yen, grabbing the croissants you were holding. “Here, keep the change. I told you I’d repay you one day.” 
“Wait! I can’t take extra money from a customer, here let me get your change.” You hurry to grab the cash out of the register only for something to be shoved into your mouth.
“I told you I’d repay you. Don’t mind getting me another croissant.” He smiled at you.
You pull the croissant out of your mouth, “You didn’t have to do that. Anyway, if you don’t have anywhere to be, would you like to sit and chat while we eat?” You ask as you start brewing the coffee.
“I don’t have anywhere to be, it would be a pleasure to eat with you.” Semi responds.
 It’s funny, Semi thought. He wanted to go home, have a beer and sleep the night away, but here he is waiting for you to finish making his drink so the two of you can chat.
“Here you go, uh…” The realization hit you, “Oh my god I don’t even know your name! I’m so so sorry.” You apologize for your lack of manners but he just laughs.
“You’re kind of a clutz, I guess that’s what attracts people to you.” He says, grabbing his coffee, “My name is Semi Eita.”
“Have a seat anywhere Semi, I’ll join you after I make myself a drink.” You tell him, starting to prepare your own drink.
As Semi sat down in a booth he realized that the coffee shop was extremely clean, even if it was around closing time. This leads him to wonder if you get many customers. He wondered why people wouldn’t want to come. There’s you with a friendly personality, the beautifully decorated interior and the delicious pastries.
“Sorry it took a little long to make my drink.” You take a seat across from him. “So, Semi. Where do you work? You always seem so tired.” You wondered.
“I’m a civil servant, I mainly work with taxes and stuff. It’s a busy season right now.” He sighs and takes a sip of his coffee, “I also play in a band as a side gig.” 
“You’re lying right?! That’s so cool!” You exclaim, “Being in a band, even as a side gig, is such a huge thing! What instrument do you play? Or are you a vocalist?” You bombard him with questions, flustering him a bit.
“I play guitar, but since it's a busy season I’ve been canceling practices with the other members.” He awkwardly laughs. “You should come watch us play one day, I promise we’re not the worst.” 
“I’ll watch no matter what! Supporting small bands or businesses is something I’m completely fine with doing. Probably because this coffee shop is a small business so I understand what they may be going through.” You answer.
“I’ll continue to support your business.” He says while standing up. “It’s my que to head out now, the bus should be passing by any minute now. Thank you for this chat (L/N). Next time we’ll talk more about you.” Semi began to run out to his bus stop.
Sighing, you start to clean off the table the two of you were sitting at, changing the sign at the front from open to closed. Today you didn’t get many customers, but that’s the business world, some days will be slow. Flicking off the lights you grabbed your keys and started walking home.
˚₊‧꒰ა 𖹭 ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
“SemiSemi!” A particular annoying voice calls out to Semi. 
“What’s up Tendou. Oh? You came with Ushijima too?” Semi states, seeing Ushijima wave as Tendou jumps up and down in the air, getting Semi’s attention.
“That’s right! Ushijima had a free day today so he was able to come with us.” Tendou says, “Also here, freshly made chocolate!” He throws a bag of chocolate at Semi.
“I don’t get any?”
“Oh Goshiki. I didn’t realize you were coming too.” Ushijima says.
“Yeah, I managed to find time between games and classes.” Goshiki responds, “Also Shirabu is supposed to be coming as well.” 
“We may be missing the majority of the team but it’s like we’re all still here together.” Semi reminisced about the time they had ditched volleyball practice to visit a shrine together, now years later they’re visiting the same shrine.
“Don’t act like they’re dead, Semi. All of them are very much alive.” Shirabu says, making his late grand entrance. 
“You look dead inside. How’s med school treating you?” Semi asks, looking Shirabu up and down.
“Whatever it’s not like you look any better!” 
“That’s enough you two, do you have to have me step in like back then?” Tendou says, slugging his arms over their shoulders.
“I never want to see anything like that ever again please Tendou.” Goshiki shudders at the memory.
“Let’s head up then.” Ushijima says, walking ahead of the group.
You decided to head up to the shrine to pray for good fortune, with bills racking up it looks like you might go under soon. After praying you wonder where to go next. You can’t open the shop since it’s a holiday, you can’t buy anything since you don’t have money, all your friends are with family right now. You sigh.
“(L/N) is that you?” You hear a voice call out to you, surprised you turn around to see Semi looking at you. He was wearing some jewelry with a darker colour scheme, paired with a fur coat on top. 
“Who’s this Semi? Did you find a date and not tell us!?” A red haired person panics behind him. 
“No this is (L/N), they own a coffee shop around the bus stop I take to go home. I went in one day and I keep visiting, I’m a regular there.” Semi explains the situation to his friends.
“Nice to meet you!” A black haired man extends his hand, “I’m Goshiki, nice to meet you (L/N).” 
“Goshiki you just said the same thing twice.” An olive haired man says before approaching you, “I’m Ushijima.” 
“My name is Shirabu, I’m actually the closest with Semi out of everyone here.” The man with sandy hair waves at you as Semi rolls his eyes.
“And last but not least I’m-” 
“You’re Tendou Satori!” You exclaim. “Your chocolate is so popular, I’m actually a huge fan of your work and I hope you continue to show how you make chocolate! Seeing you motivated to follow your dreams as a chocolatier actually inspired me! “ You laugh awkwardly, seeing as how you’re bombarding the man. “I hope you expand your shop, I’d love to taste some chocolate here instead of traveling all the way to France.”
“Man I didn’t get to do a big introduction, but I’m glad I’ve got a fan! I might try expanding here, depends on how I feel. Alas,” He dramatically places a hand on his head, “if only I had known you were going to be here, I would’ve brought extra chocolate.” He sounds guilty over the fact that he wasn’t able to give his, probable, number one fan anything.
“No no don’t worry about it! I’ll buy your chocolates one day but I kinda can’t afford anything right now haha.” You joke around.
“Since you’re here, want to join us for the day?” Semi asks, shortly realizing you might be with someone, “If you’re not with anyone now that is.” 
“I’m not here with anyone. I’d love to join you all but I can’t really buy anything.” You say awkwardly. Semi looks at you with a frown.
“Then I’ll pay, consider it appreciation for how kind you are to me whenever I come into your store.” Semi says, not allowing you to say anything else as he drops his arm over your shoulders. “Where are we going next guys?”
“Did not think we’d be here. Do you even know how to skate Goshiki?!” Semi yells at the poor boy. 
As the group was walking around town Goshiki and Ushijima wanted to try going skating, the entire group agreed except for Semi. Why did only Semi disagree? Semi didn’t know how to skate and he didn’t want to embarrass himself. 
“To answer your question Semi, when I was younger my mom wanted me to go pro with skating, but eventually I got into volleyball and skating became a hobby of mine.” Goshiki answers, shocking almost the entire group.
“It looked like you had prior experience so I’m not surprised. It’s odd.” You say getting the attention of everyone, “I find that depending on whatever sport you’ve participated in changes the way you walk or act. Like Goshiki you walk like a volleyball player but there's this hint of elegance behind it, you must have been a figure skater.” Goshiki looked at you, jaw to the floor with your accurate assumption of the sports he partook in.
“Woah (L/N) you’re super good at analyzing people, were you some sort of sports manager back in high school?” Tendou asks, surprised by your knowledge.
“Nah, I’ve just liked looking at people from afar.” You say before realizing how wrong that sounds, “I mean not in the creepy way! Like in a sort of observation way. It’s interesting seeing how people interact with someone they like or dislike. Or if they’re having a bad day or not.”
“I suppose that makes sense. I don’t get it though.” Ushijima says finishing tying up his skates.
“Everyone good to go on now?” Shirabu asks. He was waiting on the ice for a while as the majority of you struggled with getting skates on.
Everyone gets on the ice slowly but surely. Shirabu and Goshiki start skating and trying to one up the other, Tendou and Ushijima skate around trying to get used to the feeling, as you try to get Semi on the ice.
“I don’t know how to do it, I think it’s better if I sit this out.” Semi says, his body shaking from nerves.
“Don’t be like that! You could have a fun time without knowing it, just hold on to the railing and I’ll be right beside you the whole time. I promise.” You try to convince him, holding out your hand to assist him onto the ice. 
Still shaking, Semi grabs your hand and slowly gets onto the ice. While trying to get his left food onto the ice he trips over the bar and falls forwards a bit. Since you weren’t expecting the sudden force you fall down backwards, still holding hands with Semi dragging him down on top of you.
“I’m so sorry (L/N)!” Semi says, getting off you and sitting against the side. “I told you I should’ve stayed on the side.”
“Don’t be sorry, we’re having fun aren’t we! Look, you're on the ice now.” You cheer him up.
“Look at the lovebirds over there.” Tendou whispers to Ushijima, to which he nods in agreement.
“Thank you for today, as well as walking me home, Semi.” You thank him.
“It’s no problem really, and I should thank you for teaching me how to skate.” He laughs at himself. There were a lot of times where he fell and accidentally brought you down with him but you were right, he had a lot of fun.
“Be safe on the way back to your place, Semi, and make sure to not push yourself. I’ll see you around my favourite regular.” You tease him before shutting the door, leaving the poor man blushing madly.
“I’m your favourite huh.” Semi whispers to himself before walking away. “Damn it I should’ve asked for their contact info!” Semi realizes it’s too late to go back and ask.
˚₊‧꒰ა 𖹭 ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
Ding, ding… Ding, ding… Ding, ding… Ding, ding…
Maybe it was the prayer from the shrine or your promotion got popular but you’re backed up in your shop today. Constantly taking orders, making pastries, and cleaning.
“Excuse me but why is it only you working? You should get another hire.” A random customer rudely says to you, to which you brush off. Up until today you weren’t able to afford really anything, but if business continues to be as busy as it is now things will get better.
“Oh, Semi! Welcome, I'll help you in a minute. I just have three more coffees to make before taking your order. Wait, you're getting a black coffee and croissant again right?” 
“You’re right but it looks like you’re swarmed, want some help (L/N)?” He offers, “I’m not good with making coffee or pastries but I can take orders and clean tables. Something to take your mind off stuff.”
“An apron should be in the back, grab that and put it on. Thank you, Semi.” You say, smiling happily as you bring out orders.
“(L/N) we’ve run out of cupcakes!” Semi shouts at you.
“Give me a minute I’m putting frosting on them!” You yell back, quickly finishing the sweet treats and bringing them out to him. “I’ve got to make more dough, you got the front counter?” You ask, to which he nods.
Flipping around the sign from open to closed was the best feeling today. Both you and Semi Eita collapse on the ground.
“You really need to get another hire.” Semi pants out, his sweat dripping on the floor.
“Thank you for helping out but, didn’t you have work today? I didn’t keep you right?” You sit up, guilty for making him late.
“Actually I didn’t have work, I have the next 2 weeks off. I’m visiting France tomorrow to see Tendou.” He explains, sitting up with you.
“Tell him I said hi!” You excitedly say, “We should start cleaning this up so we can head home though.” 
So the two of you spend the next 45 minutes prepping the pastry batter for tomorrow, cleaning the machinery and the tables, and taking out the trash.
“I’ll see you in a week, Semi.” You say, smiling.
“Huh?” You ask, confused.
“Call me Eita, not Semi.” He answers, smiling back.
“Then, call me (Y/N).” You wave goodbye to Semi and head home. Even if he was a regular, a friendship has blossomed from it.
˚₊‧꒰ა 𖹭 ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
Semi sighs as he plops down on his bed, after being dragged around by Tendou for the entire week he needed a good night's rest. He went to many tourist attractions, he even went to a few bakeries around and, he has to admit, their baked goods were really good but it couldn’t compare to yours. Luckily enough he managed to snag some of Tendou’s chocolate before it all sold out. He thought to himself that he should give you some before drifting off into sleep.
Knock knock.
“Ughhhh…” Semi groans into his pillow, looking up at his clock he notices he’s only been asleep for 3 hours. 
Knock knock!
Sighing Semi stands up and heads towards the door to answer whoever may be knocking. 
“Welcome back Semi!” Two voices call out while confetti flies into his face.
“What the hell are you two doing?” Semi goans, seeing both his underclassmen standing at his door.
“We knew you went to France so we decided to welcome you when you came back home!” Goshiki says.
“Yeah, and we were wondering if you got us any souvenirs..” Shirabu says, eying down Semi.
“What! Why not!?” Both of them exclaim at the same time.
“I’m just messing with you two, but did you both seriously have to come visit me the day I get back?” Semi asks while inviting them inside.
“It was the one day our schedules aligned so we could come together.” Shirabu answers, plopping himself down on the couch.
“Have you eaten yet Semi?” Goshiki asks.
“Nah, like I said I just came back and I immediately fell asleep.” 
“Then if you don’t mind, let me make something!” Goshiki insists.
“Knock yourself out.” Semi answers, joining Shirabu on the couch.
“So you didn’t get souvenirs for just us right? Did you get some for (L/N)? What about Ushijima?” Shirabu bombards Semi.
“Well, Ushijima is rich as hell and you know it. He visits France all the time to see Tendou. I also didn’t get anything for (L/N).” Semi lied through his teeth. What he found which reminded him of you was a mug that highlighted your kind personality. He also found matching keychains for both you and his underclassmen.
“I don’t believe you but you can spout whatever you want. Start the TV so we can watch Ushijima play.” Shirabu complains.
“Shit he’s playing today? I thought that was tomorrow.” Semi says, turning on the TV just in time to see Ushijima spike a ball, gaining a point. “Damn that still gives me chills to this day.” 
“Yeah Ushijima is super cool. I can’t believe how competitive I was with him back in high school.” Goshiki, embarrassed with himself, says while walking out with a tray of sandwiches and tea. “The tea just got poured, be careful.”
“I was surprised all those years ago when Tendou said he wasn’t going to go pro. I thought for sure he was.” Shirabu says, reminiscing about the past.
“You’re not one to be sappy, what's wrong with you.”  Semi stares him down.
“Med school has been getting to me, what can I say?” Shirabu sighs. He takes up a cup of tea and sips it to only spit it back out.
“It’s hot isn't it?” Goshiki stares at Shirabu angrily.
“Yeah it is.” 
“Maybe you should’ve listened to me.”
“Stop staring at me like that!” Shirabu yells back jokingly.
“Now, now, you two don’t make me call Tendou, you do know it's early in the morning for him.” Semi says, trying to stop the fight between the two. The two instantly stop bickering. 
Back in high school there was once a fight between underclassmen around 2am. Tendou, who was woken up by this fight, managed to strike so much fear into the poor students to the point where they resigned from the volleyball club.
“Let’s just cheer on Ushijima, yeah?” Semi asks, to which the two boys nod their heads.
Semi sighs, glad to see his underclassmen but also glad that they’ve left. Goshiki, bless his heart for making food and drinks, choose the wrong tea, making caffeinated tea instead of uncaffeinated. Semi took this as a sign to fully unpack and clean the house, to get rid of some energy of course.
“Oh that’s right.” He mutters to himself, picking up the bag of chocolate that he bought for you.
See there was a little event that happened in France. Semi had stopped by a bakery and they had chocolate croissants and they were irresistible. That’s when he had an idea, he decided that when he came back he would try to make chocolate croissants for the both of you. He spent a good two hours asking Tendou how to melt it, how to properly drizzle the chocolate, pretty much every question in the book. Now it was the time to put all the knowledge he gained to use.
He burnt 2 batches, one of which was still raw on the inside. Thankfully his last chance at making a batch turned out perfectly. He quickly drizzled the chocolate on top, letting it sit. Thus your big souvenir from France was made.
˚₊‧꒰ა 𖹭 ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
Knock, knock.
“(Y/N)? Are you home? You should be off work at this time.” Semi asks, waiting for you to open the door, he has all your souvenirs in a gift bag. You rush to open the door.
“Eita, I’m so glad you’re back, I missed you!” You exclaim, jumping up and hugging him.
“Woah be careful! I bought you some gifts and one is fragile!” Semi says, placing one hand around your back to stabilize the two of you.
“You didn’t have to, after all I’m not as close as you are with your other friends.” You pout, gently letting yourself off of him.
“Well I wanted to get you something. Mind if I come in?” He asks, to which you oblige. 
Semi walks in and places his gift bag on the table, you followed him shortly behind. He then pulls out three different wrapped gifts, each being a different size. You frown.
“Did you have to wrap them all?”
“No but I thought it would be a nice gesture.” He says handing the smallest gift to you first. “Open this.” 
You smile, gladly pulling apart the wrapping to see a cute coffee keychain.
“They had four different colours of the coffee, so I bought all of them. Gave one to Goshiki and Shirabu and kept one for myself.” Semi says while pulling out his phone to show the cute green coffee cup hanging from it. “Here’s the second one.” He says handing you the next gift, which was the medium sized one.
“Thank you so much Eita, don’t forget to tell Goshiki and Shirabu that I’d love to hang out with them again!” You say, smiling at the fond memory of the two. “Alright let me open this bad boy!” You say while ripping off the wrapping.
It was a mug, a beautiful one at that. It had your name on the side of it with beautiful designs covering it.
“I got it at a small business, I specifically requested your name.” He says, smiling sheepishly. “Do you like it?” 
“Of course I do!” You respond almost immediately, running to the kitchen sink to wash it. “I’ll drink something out of it later. Now what’s the last gift!” You say while making grabby hands towards Semi.
“Here.” He hands you the last one, a slight hue a pink covering his cheeks. 
You pull off the wrapping to see a container with croissants in it. 
“French croissants? From a bakery?” You look up to him confused.
“I actually made the croissants myself, the chocolate though is Tendou’s chocolate. I melted some down and drizzled it on top, I also have a bag of them if you want it plain.” Semi says, giving you a big smile, “Let me know how they taste, yeah?” 
“Eita..” You flush. He specifically remembered how you wanted to try Tendou’s chocolate, and he knew how much you liked pastries so he went out of his way and made you chocolate covered croissants. “Thank you, even if you were a regular at first, we definitely have blossomed into something more.” 
Now it was his turn to blush.
˚₊‧꒰ა 𖹭 ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
Ding, ding.
“Welcome!” An unfamiliar voice calls out to Semi. Looking to where the voice came from he notices a teenage girl instead of you. “What can I get for you?” The girl asks, smiling up at him.
“Is (Y/N), er, (L/N) here?” He asks, only for her to shake her head.
“(L/N) is sick right now so my mom asked me to take care of the store for them. I’m alright with it because when this place gets business I’m gonna apply here and work!” The girl says enthusiastically, “So are you gonna order anything?” 
“I’ll take a medium green tea and soup to go please.” He answers.
Knock… knock… knock..
“(Y/N)? Are you home?” Semi asks, giving time between each knock of the door. Eventually the door swings open, scaring him.
“Eita what are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be at work?” You ask in a daze, both from confusion and from your sickness.
“Firstly it’s the weekend, all I have is my band but we’re not practicing until later, secondly, I don’t want you to stay sick. Go inside, I'll warm up your soup.” Semi says, slightly shoving you back inside your house with ease.
“Oooookayyy, I’m going to the couch.” You point in the direction you’re going before sluggishly making your way there.
Locking the door, Semi lets himself in and heads straight for your kitchen. He brings out a pot and puts the soup inside, letting it boil. While it’s heating up he pours some tea out for you, kept warm by a thermal cup.
“(Y/N), here drink some of this.” Semi asks, placing the cup of tea next to you, after you not moving for a while he asks again for you to drink some. This goes on for a while before he’s fed up and takes the cup and holds it to your lips.
“Open your mouth a bit, I’ll pour some in for you to drink.” He smiles as you oblige, slightly opening your mouth allowing for some liquid to get in. “I’ll be right back with some soup for you.” He gets up and heads back to the kitchen. 
As he’s out of view your cheeks turn a light pink, realizing what Semi had just done. Grabbing a pillow you lean your head down comfortably onto it.
 “Have you eaten anything at all today? You shouldn’t get sick from lack of food.” He mutters, gently brushing some hair off your face only to realize you fell asleep. “I’ll put the soup in the oven to keep it warm.” He says standing up and grabbing the bowl.
After putting the bowl into the oven he notices the dishes that were left, wanting to make things easier he begins washing them. Just then the realization hit him, his face turned red as a tomato, he was acting as if you two were a married couple. For a good minute that was the only thing he could think of, getting very flustered.
Eventually you fell asleep. Not wanting you to sleep on the couch he picks you up and tries finding your room. 
“(Y/N), is it this one?” He whispers, as to not stir you up too much. You groan yes in response. He gently places you down onto your bed, grabbing some blankets to place on top of you. He quickly runs downstairs to grab a glass of water in case you’re thirsty when you wake up.
“(Y/N).” He mutters to himself, “Am I in love with you?”
˚₊‧꒰ა 𖹭 ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
“After talking with the council, Semi you definitely like (L/N). Definitely in a romantic type of way too.” 
“The fuck is the council?? You just asked Shirabu and Tendou their opinions, didn't you Goshiki.” Semi angrily says.
“You should try making a move Semi. Now I have to go, my practice starts soon.” Goshiki says before hanging up the phone.
Semi groans and composes himself before entering your shop. Looking around he doesn’t see you until he looks down to you on the floor scrubbing something.
“Oh! Eita, don’t mind me, one of the customers threw up on the floor.” You answer what was obviously going through his head. 
“No get up, let me finish cleaning it up. You’ve probably had a long day.” He says before bending down and taking the cleaning supplies out of your hands. 
“Thank you. Oh also! I get to have some time off, I found some new hires since business has been going well!” You say while taking off the puke covered gloves. “Since it’s not a busy season for you, we should hang out soon.” 
“I have a show this friday. If you’d like to come, I can get you tickets.” Semi blurts out.
“Well now I can’t say no if one of the band members asks me!”
“I’ll send you the information afterwards, but now I’m gonna go wash my hands.” Semi says, placing the cleaning supplies down and walking away.
˚₊‧꒰ა 𖹭 ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
“Woah.” Is all you can say when you see the venue. It’s quite small but still feels like a concert hall, it’s not too empty and feels homey almost. “Excuse me but where is this seat located?” You ask a person nearby.
“Oh you’re so lucky dear, that’s right in front!” The nice woman says. She directs you the right way, and you thank her.
She wasn’t lying, you were lucky. Front and center, you got the greatest view of the stage. You wait in suspense as the band members go on stage one by one until Semi walks up. Oh, is all you can think. His hair, his outfit, everything just made him so attractive.
The night went on, each song bringing a new edge, and finally after an hour the songs came to an end. Before anyone does anything Semi speaks up.
“My name is Semi Eita, I’m the guitarist for this band and I have an announcement to make.” He pauses and takes a deep breath, “I’ve fallen in love with one of you in the crowd, I truly hope you know who you are.” He says as he holds up his phone.
That’s when it hits you, the phone wasn’t him ending the night in some punk way, it was a way of showing who he liked, that person being you. You were the only one in the crowd who had matching souvenirs with you, you were the only one who talked with him daily.
You walk outside with the rest of the crowd, circling around to the back door. You sigh as you think this through again. Semi, he was definitely more than a regular but, did you really want to pursue a relationship with him? He helped when you were in a time of need, he bought and made little souvenirs for you when on his trip to France, got you chocolates you’ve been wanting forever, and took care of you when you were sick. On the flip side though, you only knew him because he became a regular, you don’t even have any way to contact any of his friends. You sigh, deciding on your final answer.
You knock on the back door to see one of Semi’s bandmates answer. 
“Yo, I can’t let you in here, sorry.” He says.
“I’m here to see Semi, he invited me to come here and I kinda need a ride back.” You laugh awkwardly as the bandmates' eyes widen.
“So it’s you, yeah? The one he likes, c’mon in.” He laughs and opens the door for you.
“Thank you for opening the door and thank you for telling me it’s me.” You wave and go on the hunt to find Semi. 
You see out of the corner of your eye the door that says Semi. You slowly open the door to see Semi sitting with his head in his hands muttering about anything and everything, you hear a few ‘why did I do that’ and ‘god they hate me now’. 
“Eita, don’t worry.” You hug him from behind, “If today was your way of asking me on a date, then I accept.”
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aroui · 3 months
musician!semi eita searches for you in every single gig he has. he finds you wearing your cute and flashy outfits that certainly will make everyone look your way (his gaze is always on you no matter what you wear).
musician!semi eita who knows more than anyone in his band about the label he put on your relationship.
“we’re friends,” he says nonchalantly.
you gulp and think, ‘fuck, well, calm down.’
“that’s what i thought, just wanted to clarify,” you reply.
thinking back on it, that was a total lie. you can’t tell by his blank face whether he believed it or not nut you stayed optimistic and just went your way to your university.
musician!semi eita who will never admit it out loud but some parts in the songs he writes are actually about you. he does it unconsciously, writing about you that is.
musician!semi eita who panics one day when he doesn’t find you anywhere in the crowd and he starts panicking.
‘she’s late? she’s never this late, did she have other plans? she always made sure to come to my gigs, but what if she actually got into an accident?’
“hey, you gotta chill, you’re already sweating and we haven’t even started,” one of his bandmates says as they put a hand on his back.
“your girlfriend’s there,” semi furrows his brows upon the word his bandmate used to describe you, “oh and with a friend, too.”
hearing the word ‘friend’ come out of his bandmate’s mouth, musician!semi eita peeks through the curtains covering the backstage and scans the crowd once more to look for you.
there he finds you practically beaming at the friend you’ve brought with you.
‘it’s a guy,’ he notes and he feels more sweat run down his neck.
‘i really need to calm down,’ musician!semi eita returns his attention to preparing the instruments.
after all, he did say you are friends. he didn’t think his words would come back to bite him this soon.
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yrrtyrrtwhenihrrthrrt · 7 months
So I've been trying to think about how Nimona (Comic Ver.) Would come back to Ballister and when and I think I came up with a cute idea.
First off I think it'd be way longer than movie Nimona, who took ~6mo to a yearish, as the Comic epilogue seems to have a similar time skip length and Nimona is notably not back yet. I typically ballpark it at like 5ish years. And since it is so long, I don't think she'd just pop up on his doorstep like "hey b0ss"
One idea is that she shows back up at the old lair where he no longer lives, and hangs around until he comes back to pay respects or something (similar to the movie) but I had another thought I like better
Ballister and Blitzmeyer get an application for a new lab assistant. She kinda sucks at her job but she does what she's supposed to do so they keep her around and she's kinda quirky and weird like they are. She reminds Ballister a bit of Nimona, but they aren't identical in personality.
She works at the lab for a year or so, during which time she learns about Ballister's life, about his relationship, his work, his friends, she learns whether or not he can be trusted again. And once she decides he can, the two are working late at the lab and he tells her to head on home while he cleans up, and instead of addressing him with "M'Lord" as usual, she smiles and says "Sure thing, Boss."
And he immediately realizes it's her
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vynl1xo9 · 19 days
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FINALLY DONE YAY!! closeups under the cut :)
reblogs are appreciated !!
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obamousse · 29 days
Shirabu (now a doctor): You need to eat healthier. Semi: No. Shirabu: The last guy who didn't follow my suggestions died. Semi: Oh my goodness. Shirabu: In a plane crash. Semi: That sounds unrelated. Shirabu: I'm the one that crashed it. Don't disobey me.
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easybrainrot34 · 5 months
✨Short lil headcanons Pt 2 Icks Addition✨
Enjoy :)
Ayyoooh here’s the monthly content drop. Hope this doesn’t flop 😅👌🏻
Characters: Semi, Atsumu (hint of spice) Akaashi (Bokuto mentioned) Tsukishima, and Ushijima
Ps my ask and request are open :)
Semi is one of those "ya I only listen to obscure artist" / " yeah, I like them, but now they're two mainstream" guys. IM SO SORRY BUT LIKE?? he's a musician and just something tells me that he either listens to these obscure artists that no one really knows about (and lowkey arnt that great) and old 80s rock music but in an elitist way.
Atsumu not only keeps track of his body count, but also cares about others 💀💀. And I mean like notes app of all the peoples names. He doesn't care in a slut shamey way, in like a how freaky/ experienced are you way. His body count is in the 30s btw.
Akaashi not only doesn't use social media, but has that "social media is childish" look on it. Like this man has a Facebook, that he hasn't posted on since like high school, has an Instagram, because Bokuto made it for him, and uses Youtube that's it. It's not so much that it's in a super obnoxious way, but like if you try to tell him some Internet drama, he'll kind of roll his eyes and will go "why does it matter?"
Tsukishima thinks skincare is "girly" and uses 3 in 1 💀💀 God I feel this one in my gut yall! Like u could be doing a face mask and could offer him to do it with u and he would go "umm..no thanks". Also with the 3 in 1 he would be like "it saves time" like sir what ru so busy doing that you can't take two seconds to separate the three in your shower routine?? On top of it though he'll bitch that he has acne.
Ushijima sleeps in the complete dark and silence. This is psychopath behavior first of all. Second tho, he will be like "ya it needs to be quite or I'm not sleeping." And this is something he will not compromise on. I'm talking not even using ear plugs or eye mask kinda shit. You better just get used to sleeping with some headphones on, he's not budging on this.
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azaarchiive · 1 year
holiday girlfriend; semi eita
chapter one
- fuck semi eita
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semi eita, this generations most predominant sex symbol, talented singer, funniest artist and biggest player.
semi avoided commitment like it was the plague, deciding that committing was a sham and that he was too beautiful to be held down within the strains of being in a relationship.
this led to the many girls all around the world getting a taste of the semi eita. it’s fair game to all for him.
one of them was you, y/n l/n. nothing was so special about you. you were just a beautiful girl with a beautiful body and a shining personality. not that he cared about your personality.
you were more clingy than the others but he knew how to handle you and all of your wants and needs. clearly not well though he thought as he stood in your room, violently staring at the pregnancy tests shoved in the bin.
semi was still half asleep, he had a long flight and crashed as soon as he made it over to yours. it was currently 4am, maybe he was being delirious?
“baby, what are you looking at?” you asked, starting to sense the missing presence from your bed.
“are you pregnant?” semi asked whilst slowly turning around, horror was struck all over his face.
you shot up out of the bed, turning on the night light beside your bed. you opted to stay silent, saying it out loud would be too much for any one of you to handle.
“what the fuck. no y/n, what the living fuck. have you been poking condoms or sum shit?-“
“NO, FUCKING HELL SEMI!” you scoffed loudly, did semi really think that high of himself and that low of you?
“then how the fuck did this happen? you’re on every pill imaginable.” semi said, thinking of anything that could have lead up to this.
“whilst the pill is very effective, there is still a 1% chance of getting pregnant. i guess i’m part of that one percent.” tears began to brim your eyes. being pregnant was not something you wanted in the least, at least not right now.
“jesus christ… well just make sure to throw it away or sum shit, i’m not looking after no damn baby” semi sighed, making his way back to your bed.
however you looked at him with disgust filed in your face, how could he be so dismissive of the fact you we’re carrying your baby?
the words he said got to you, you realised that he never actually cared about you. it was only about semi eita the fantastical singer.
“what the fuck semi? ‘just make sure to throw it away’ are you insane?” you said, anger taking over your whole body.
you didn’t necessarily want to keep the body fully yet, but hearing the way semi was talking about his barely 1 month old child grossed you out completely, you already felt quite maternal towards them.
“what? you seriously want to keep it?” semi laughed, not understanding why you were upset. he offered a solution, and now you’re upset?
“maybe i do, maybe i don’t. i haven’t made up my mind yet.” you huffed, lying back down and hugging your pillow towards your chest.
“well just know that if you do, i’m not gonna be raising it. you’ll have to sign an NDA, you can’t speak about this child being mine or i’ll make sure you both are homeless. i want no part in the little shit, have fun with it.” semi turned to turn off your bed lamp, ignoring the dampness of your cheeks that he slightly grazed.
tears cascaded down your face, silent sobs that could only be heard at low decibels. maybe it was the hormones, or maybe it’s the weird way society has painted pregnancy, but now you really want to keep it.
despite semi not wanting anything to do with it, you do. it’s your child at the end of the day, and if they have to face an absent father then so be it. call it selfish, call it determination, you were going to raise this child no matter what. it’s the least it deserves.
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the morning was silent and awkward, all that could be heard was the noises from each others phone and occasional shuffling in the bed.
you wanted to badly to end the awkwardness, cave in and ask for forgiveness regardless of who was in the wrong, but you had to do something you’ve never done whilst meeting semi; put your foot down.
“so, you are actually going to keep it?” semi was the first to broke the silence, which was surprising since it was always you.
“yeah” your voice barely above a whisper, scared of whatever the outcome could be.
“alright, goodbye. i’ll send the papers over tomorrow.” semi said, getting his clothing and dressing himself. his face was void from emotion, it was the most upsetting thing you saw that morning.
“ok.” you cleared your throat, not wanting him to know how much this was truly affecting you.
semi collected the last of this things, hid within a hoodie and glasses, and left wordlessly.
he ran away, from you, from a potential future, from all of his ‘problems.’ but somehow, him running away was something you had to deal with, he got the fun 24 year old lifestyle that you could’ve had.
you got the child, the lack of money almost every month, hiding the pregnancy until it got too big to hide.
fuck semi eita, fuck him, his shitty career, his shitty personality, his shitty reputation and all the girls he’s currently fucking while you are standing 6 months pregnant, waddling to the fridge, carrying his baby.
fuck semi eita, the generations more predominate sex symbol, talented singer, funniest artist and father to one.
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wtfforged · 4 days
i really wanna redesign the strawhats timeskip designs because i hate all of them with my soul but the thing is every time i try theres a good chunk of them i wouldnt actually know How to change, or if i Did change them itd just be one completely insignificant thing. like sanji barely changes but he WOULD grow that Thing on his face. doesnt mean i have to like it though. ptooey. OR. OR. hell, id just be fighting my urges to keep them the same as pretimeskip. if its not broke dont fix it... etc...
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mayariviolet · 24 days
I saw a tiktok that said Semi Eita being in class one and canonically having terrible fashion sense makes him a total loser and all I have to say is… BRING HIM TO ME NOW!
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piercidh34rts · 2 years
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♡Here are some anime Wattpad x female reader♡
★Shinsou x F reader★
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✦Armin x F reader ✦
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★Semi x F reader ★
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✧kenma x F reader ✧
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✦thank you ✦
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epicdogymoment · 7 months
something comforting about how sorachi admits that he also doesnt know whats going on in gintokis head. me and you and everyone else
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reverie-starlight · 2 years
semi headcanon/mini fic that I literally SPRINTED here to share because I’m so in love with him and this idea
AKA: semi who autographs his name on you before his shows, but maybe more importantly, you also autograph yours on him.
(timeskip spoilers for semi, gn!reader, fluff fluff fluff, does this count as being possessive but not in an unhealthy way?? It’s cute not creepy yk? Healthy possessiveness?? Idk but I’m into it!!)
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(ignore the messy header I needed something to make it prettier)
semi the musician who we have basically all collectively agreed as a fandom is in a band. you’re his s/o, and obviously you try to make it to every show your schedule allows.
as his s/o you get to go backstage and spend time with him before his shows, of course. so you’re in the dressing room with him one night just talking and you get on the topic of how even though you’re dating him (and have been since before his music career really took off and he could quit his day job), you don’t have his autograph.
You argue that you’re lucky enough to see his writing everyday, that you don’t need his autograph because you get to actually know and love him, but you humour him anyway. maybe it was the overwhelming pride for him you often felt before his shows messing with you, but you didn’t mind inflating his ego a bit.
“I don’t have any paper on me though,” you frowned looking around for some. After a minute you gave up and looked down at yourself, getting a new idea. you were wearing a short sleeved top that day because you knew you’d be too warm in the venue with a jacket.
“Eita, sign my arm,” you said, holding your arm out to him.
He blinked. “Your arm? Are you sure you’re okay with that? I mean- I love the idea, babe, but are you sure you want my autograph on your skin?”
You grinned. “Please, Eita? I promise I’m okay with it, it’s not like I’m getting it tattooed.”
A smile spread over his face. “Alright” he said, positioning your forearm properly and signing his name on your skin with the black marker he found in his pocket.
You both looked at it fondly for a moment before you broke the silence. “I like having your name on me, it feels intimate. It’s just for us.” you didn’t usually watch from the crowd, it was always either the wings of the stage or the friends and family box.
His smile tuned soft as he watched you trace over the ink. “Can I have your autograph on me, too?”
You looked up at him surprised. “You want my autograph? Why?”
The look in his eyes already made you want to melt then and there, but his response was the cherry on top. “Because I absolutely adore you. You’re a star.”
You looked down at your hands and fiddled with them for a second while nodding. “Sure, I’d like to autograph you, too.”
He kissed you on the head and handed you the marker. You debated where to place it for a moment before deciding on his forearm as well.
Hm, you thought, that night Eita helped me make up a signature for autographs is actually coming in handy.
You finished scribbling it onto his skin and he brought it up to his face for inspection. A faint blush appeared on his cheeks and you kissed him.
“It’s perfect, Y/n, I love it. I love you. I love that we have this now.”
“I love you too, Eita. Now go have fun on stage, I’ll be watching.”
And of course he had fun, but he had even more fun looking over at you and seeing his name on your arm. At one point in the show, he pointed over at you to blow a kiss and the fans could clearly see your name on his skin. Some of them somehow spotted you and noticed his name on yours and you’d better believe it was on the internet soon after that.
After that show, you and Semi decided to make it a regular thing. Anytime fans at his band’s shows saw writing on his skin, whether it was your name clearly showing or just peeking out of his clothing, they knew you were also there to support him.
And it was just for you and him.
AHHH I hope this was okay!! I got the idea and had to write it immediately or I wouldn’t be able to sleep tonight. I hope you enjoyed, likes and reblogs always appreciated :)
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welcometogrouchland · 2 years
crying thinking about demiromantic willow park. what if she was just like me for real???
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