smytherines · 3 months
How Curt and Owen use each other's names makes me unwell. Like what do you mean Curt almost never says Owen's name while Owen is alive (1 time in A1P1, 0 times post-reveal) but says Owen's name so lovingly and desperately while he thinks Owen is dead? What do you mean Owen says Curt's name constantly while he is Owen Carvour, but only calls him "Mega" while he is the Deadliest Man Alive? I'm going to have a mental breakdown
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kairithemang0 · 20 days
Dude the hyperfixation is so bad that I can't eat anything with bananas in them because it reminds me of Owen. What the actual hell is wrong with me?
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missholloween · 3 months
YESSSS thank you so much, this is like one of my favorite aus ever (I haven't posted anything on tumblr about it yet) (this is going to be long)
So, in this universe, Curt and Owen wouldn't be spies, but werewolf hunters. They are still two of the best agents on the field, working together as a pair both professionally and romantically.
One day, during one of their missions, Curt doesn't clean up the area as well as he should, but neither of them give it enough importance. However, when the wolf is chasing after them, Owen trips and falls. Curt doesn't stop running away, not even turning when he hears Owen scream in pain. He thinks it's too late for him.
Little does he know, Owen isn't dead, but mortally wounded: the wolf's claws had pierved Owen's skin too deeply in many parts of his body. It is in the pain of the wounds and the rage of the betrayal that Owen transforms for the first time.
In this au, Owen wouldn't quite be the deadliest man alive, but the deadliest werewolf: he would've given in to his instincts and emotions, that are a swirl of anger, betrayal and grief. He'd use being a werewolf to become one of the monsters he and Curt used to hunt, luckily taking him with. It's an easier way to cope with his new self, it's an easier role to fill. After all, it's only a matter of time that one of the hunters gets him. He can give them a show before he goes.
(I must add that, although in this universe, werewolves are like really linked to their emotions, they can control themselves. Owen wouldn't be trying to do it tho, giving in to the bloodlust).
Cut to Curt, that would've retired after Owen's "death", as he wouldn't be able to kill anymore. However, after 4 years, the other werewolf hunters would ask him to return, as Owen would've been targetting hunters.
During the investigation, Curt would notice small things that reminds him of Owen in the places the wolf has allegedly been in. Curt would mostly attribute this to grief. Until he's face to face with Owen, and he cannot deny it anymore.
I'd like to think they'd start a long-term chase, à la One Step Ahead but longer, (or like Daisy and Basira in tma, iykwim), with both of them clashing and maybe talking? Ish? Through the violence? It would be enough to make Curt realize that, behind the wolf, Owen's still there.
However, instead of putting a (silver) bullet in his partner's brains, I think I'd be interesting to see Curt transforming too, and see both of them deal with it. Maybe it would fix them (certainly not, but wouldn't it be cool to see werewolf!curtwen fighting?)
TL;DR: I love lycanthropy as a metaphor of things, and Owen is the perfect fit for most of them (anger, rejection, being queer, being othered, etc.). Being a werewolf woulnd't fix him, it would make him worst, but maybe after like so many deaths it could save him! He might even be forced to get a healthy coping mechanism to deal with lycanthropy! And if Curt becomes a wolf too, he might finally understand the horrors of staying alive.
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musicalfan78 · 5 days
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made this thing
Owen its time to wake up-/j
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szollibisz · 3 months
■ curtwen?
bedroom/house/living quarters headcanon!
Ok, so I'm not sure if with curtwen you meant both characters separately or both of them if they lived together, so I'm just gonna go with both options.
So, to me, they are both quite neat people in different ways. Owen likes his stuff organized very specifically, and doesn't believe in decorations. Meanwhile Curt has a way more lived-in house, while pretty clean there are some papers lying around where they probably don't belong and a bunch of memorabilia that needs dusting off.
I like to think that after they got together and spent some time at each others' places, Curt got fed up with Owen's house looking like a dentist's office, so one lazy morning while Owen was still sleeping he snuck out a bought a bunch of shit to liven up the place. I'm talking throw pillows, picture frames, decorative books that Owen would never actually read, a nice rug, maybe a vase or two (with flowers <3) etc etc.
After Owen saw everything he tried to act annoyed, after all this was Curt heavily encroaching on his house and his habits. But as much as he wanted to feel mad, it was still one of the nicest things anyone's ever done for him. Each little item was handpicked, and even if no extensive thoughts went into some of them (Curt just thought they'd look great) It was still a radical and positive overhaul for him.
(After the fall, of course, when he goes back to his old house it's all a big reminder of Curt, and how much Curt said he loved him, only to betray and leave him for dead a few years after. He breaks a lot of the things he was given by Curt.)
Curt's house on the other hand has much more subtle reminders of Owen.
Curt doesn't usually smoke, only with other people, so for the longest time he didn't have an ashtray. (If he had a one-night-stand over who really wanted to smoke, so small dish sufficed) And despite the number of times Owen had stayed at Curt's place is way smaller than the number of times he brought a guy home who really wanted a smoke afterwards, he still bought an ashtray just for those few occasions with Owen.
He always has some tea in his kitchen cabinets, should Owen show up unannounced, and he has a few loose hair ties here and there too for the same reason. (Similarly to how Owen keeps some great fancy whiskey in his house, despite not liking it at all)
If they were to move in together they'd have a great ideological clash over furniture I think. Curt's a pretty modern guy. He doesn't even really have a good taste in interior design he just likes what's the newest and trendiest, and somehow it works (He may have bad taste, but he'll never escape being a mama's boy) Meanwhile Owen is more of a simple guy in that regard, or more like. Quaint. He's very space efficient and practical, but he does appreciate some fine woodworking (his bookshelves would cost more than the rest of his apartment combined) So they debate argue for a long time on what should they do. At the end of the day Owen cares the least about how things will end up looking, so as long as they include some of his stuff and he gets to decide which drawer will contain what he's fine.
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weltato · 4 months
someone give me lashes like 2010 curt mega 😩
I'm afraid I can't be that person for you anon, but I'm sure there's someone out there who is.
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thefrogdalorian · 4 months
Occasionally I find myself having a particularly unhinged thought or twelve about The Fictional Character, and then wonder if he would take out a restraining order against me if we ever actually met.
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spot-splatter-splash · 4 months
Okay okay hm, any thoughts on Jewel and Storm E. relationship(or one/the other), I want to know what other people think about them
Cause, I to, have thoughts about them
I just think their neat and fruity
Jewel and Storm E.'s dynamic is one of my favorites!
They are polar opposites on the surface. Designed to clash with their aesthetics and their interests. Jewel likes being the center of attention and pink frilly hyper femineity. She's organized and likes to feel in control. Storm E. is rather reserved letting others take the spotlight and while not rejecting femineity doesn't participate in it to the extreme Jewel does. She likes a little chaos and watching it play out.
Yet both girls are rather similar under the surface. Both have a tendency to fixate on themselves. Sometimes at the expensive of others. Neither one do it out of malice but it is a byproduct. Both are heavily opinionated and don't often hesitate to voice it. And its those similarities that cause them to clash the most.
I love Storm E. and Jewel's relationship.
Storm E. enjoys annoying Jewel. She likes getting a reaction from her. Jewel is easy to tease and fluster so its fun to her. And it's clear that Storm E. knows her well enough to know what makes her tick but also what she enjoys.
Jewel likes receiving the attention. Storm E. may annoy her but she also makes things interesting in a way the other girls don't. Her and Storm E. are capable of getting along. In L.A.L.A Prep specifically she states that she enjoys the playful rivalry and finds it equally fun. In We're Lalaloopsy its more competitive but even then she still wants Storm E. to like her.
Coming at this from a fandom/shipping perspective they're dynamic is equally fun. A mundane princess and a reserved musician? Sign me up. Jewel and Storm E. developing feelings for one another would be such a hot mess. Storm E. would assumes she's sick before she'd recognize it as being a crush. And Jewel would deny deny deny for as long as she possibly could.
In the L.A.L.A. Prep canon the idea of a Jewel catching feelings first amuses me. Storm E. is her self established rival. They're polar opposites! Storm E. is not a suitable suitor for a Princess such as herself. Surely it's just a fluke. But Storm E. challenges her in a way that's engaging and has an energy she's never seen before. She's mysterious and reserved. Tall, dark, and foreboding in an alluring way. And then when Storm E. smiles it sticks with her. It was weird at first but she cant stop thinking about it. It drives her nuts because how is she, student body president, suppose to go about handling a crush on her rival without kneecapping her social status.
In the We're Lalaloopsy canon it being Storm E. who falls first and falls hard is so humorous to me. She's just like her Cat now. What happened to not getting attached! And of all the people in the town WHY JEWEL. Begrudgingly she has to admit to herself that she finds Jewel pretty and kind of funny. That she likes getting a rise out of her because she finds Jewels mannerisms endearing. That she is 'unfortunately' enamored by her pompous neighbor. That she finds her cute.
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angelwiththeblue-box · 9 months
hiii! for a drawing req…what abt owen carour and agent curt mega from spies are forever? a theme could be comfort!! :)
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post mission comfort <3
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dyingnerdyprude · 6 months
started therapy recently and today she asked me if anyone's ever told me i show signs of autism.
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smytherines · 7 months
Another question: do you prefer Eyes on the Prize 1 or 2?
As much as I adore Lauren Lopez and would die for her, I have to go Eyes on the Prize II here because the way Joe Walker sings "tuxedos, fur coats, and diamond rings - the smell of greed is in the air" with that weird little giggle destroys me, and then of course that's when we get our first Owen ptsd flashback and they do that spectacular spies reprise harmony that makes me lose my mind (and actor curt mega just kills that part too, the little anxious jacket tug afterwards is so good)
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kairithemang0 · 4 months
Up at 2am thinking about those damn gays again…
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I hate them so much. Let me sleep. Please. Please?
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im so confused what is tinlightenment and who are the tin can bros
oh my god LMFAO 💀💀
i don’t know if you’re a follower or a mutual of mine who knows me through my mcr/dunes content and witnessed me spiral into insanity with the Tin Can Bros over the past month, but if you are i am so sorry.
the Tin Can Bros are three guys who have an independent theatre and production company. they write musicals, plays, series, and internet sketches. and they’ve been doing it since 2014.
“Tinlightenment” is a parody cult-like theme that they are doing for their ten year anniversary. They’re going on a world tour and bringing BACK some of their old shows and bringing new shows to stage. but, since they’re an independent company, they can’t just DO that. they needed to crowd fund it ($200k) in order to make the tour possible.
THATS where we come in. the TCB fans turned into promotional machines to get that word out and constantly sending out the link to their kickstarter because we NEEDED IT TO GET FUNDED.
as of thursday evening, we reached the $200k goal! as i’m writing this, there is still 74 minutes of the campaign left to go and donate. after that, i’m going back to my usual tumblr activity which will be pretty evenly MCR, Dunes, TCB, StarKid, etc etc etc.
i can’t imagine how my mutuals felt when i suddenly joined a musical cult LMAO
so yeah. that’s Tinlightenment. that’s who the Tin Can Bros are. :)
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musicalfan78 · 19 hours
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szollibisz · 2 years
Obviously there's a lot of implications of the drinking buddies line, but what I haven't seen being talked about is that how Curt says he doesn't come around often, yet somehow Mrs. Mega knows about his "drinking buddies"
this leaves us with either 1. Curt can't fucking behave himself for the day/few days he's visiting and always brings a guy home or 2. anytime him and Owen got into trouble on a mission in Europe, Curt always brought them to the safehouse
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strqyr · 2 years
i'm scouring through the lost fable and the phrase "hearts of men are easily swayed" becomes infinitely funnier when you realize it basically just means "salem gets others to ditch the brother gods."
salem unites three kingdoms with promises of the powers of their creators to perfect their own design and bunch of other stuff to attack the gods? the hearts of men are easily swayed.
salem comes up with an idea to become the new gods of the world and create a paradise the old gods could not, and ozma goes along with it? the hearts of men are easily swayed.
and i'm like. maybe i should have realized this sooner but when just about every single action salem has taken since the day she first met the god of light has been in defiance of the gods + what she says to cinder in the final word—"In pursuit of a new world"—...maybe, just maybe, the lost fable has been shoving what salem's current plan entails in our faces this whole time.
just a tiny bit.
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