#tipps student
adore-gregor · 6 months
study smart not hard (altough both is best actually) this saying is so true
#my advice#but this saying is sooo true#i know some people at uni who study for exam so long and hard but then fail or just barely make it :(#like what are you doing? i don't mean this in a mean way but it doesn't have to be this difficult#i don't understand how some people can study for an exam for 2 weeks or even a month and still fail and i don't think they're stupid#or i don't see myself as particulary smart#but i guess they just waste their time a lot and i realized studying effective is so important#now everyone is a bit different and has to find what works best for them but there are certain techniques which are proven to work well#there is so much information on the internet on this look it up seriously#it made my life sm easier i never struggled in uni like i did in school and i get good grades#and if i ever struggled a bit it was because i started so late it was almost impossible to pass 😂#which is why to do both is still best 😂#but i actually always made it and i never failed an exam at uni (which i studied for)#(two i was fooled into to just try without studying bc it's easy lol)#i mean i shouldn't speak too soon but i already made it through some of the most difficult of my studies#ofc it depends on what you study how well this works but i'm speaking for myself#i once passed an exam with a B studying only 2 days as one of the best students while others studied 2 weeks#and got worse grades or failed#still studying only 2 days is stupidity don't do it 😅#so the techniques i find very helpful are ofc exam questions probably the best one#if there are none make your own#then blurting for which there are different ways but i like to just go over a topic and then write down everything i remember#then fill the gaps#quizlet is also great it's an app which allows you to create cards and then tests you in creative ways#videos can be helpful as well for summaries and using summaries in general is normally enough it saves you sm time#normally you don't actually need to know everything but you should be careful it's not a bad summary leaving out too much 😅#and i also like mindmaps bc i'm a very visual person#but all those tipps are mostly for remembering information so it doesn't work so well for other fields of study#well i hope this is somewhat helpful idk 🙈#oh and reading texts over and over again is the most useless in my opinion i don't remember much at all and it takes sm time
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ravencincaide · 7 months
Shhh -oh shit
Summary: You were not the kindest when someone disturbed you; especially when studying for finals. Or the time you shushed a talking bastard in the library's quiet section, not realizing who said ‘bastard’ was. 
Pairing: Student!reader x Chuuya Nakahara. 
Inspired by Sweetober prompt 29: Texting/email 
Warnings: Cursing, random Chuuya fluff, minimal edits
Enjoy this little bit of sweetness~ 
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You couldn’t understand how ignorant one had to be in order to speak on the phone in the library. How completely self absorbed to dare do it in the quiet section. Especially amidst final weeks- when it was crawling full of crying and desperate students who queued from the library's opening to the very last second before its closing. Studying reference literature, begging librarians to expedite archive requests just a little bit faster. Buying seniors notes and pleading for tutoring sessions.
“ If this is another goddamn attempt at wasting my time with your bloody stupidity….” the male voice carried loudly, cutting through the otherwise silent section of the library but for the gentle tipp-tapp of keyboard keys or barely hearable flickering of pages. In contrast to those monotone sounds, his voice boomed like thunder, completely breaking your concentration. With each syllable past his lips you could feel your understanding slipping away. 
Why no one said anything was beyond you. 
It was so bluntly obvious that this man was disturbing everyone in the surrounding area. Yet either he was oblivious enough not to see it, or self centered enough not to care. Neither of which sat well with you. As if to make matters worse, his voice grew louder and louder as he drew nearer, now it was not only the phone conversation that was disturbing you, but also the stomps of his feet against the carpet clad floor. “I’ll have you die.. I–” 
“ Shh!” you snapped, making a low, angry hiss towards the owner of the voice somewhere in the distance behind you. You saw the head of a student opposite you snap up and give you a quick, earnest grateful smile. However, that smile quickly faded as the student paled a sickly shade of white before he quickly snapped his head back down, staring at the study books in front of him. His reaction puzzled you, but the blessed silence made you ignore that fact in favour of your studies. 
However the peaceful silence did not last long. 
“ Goddamn it! I swear I’m going to kill you myself this time, you good for nothing, perverted, enemy of all—” 
Slamming your fist into the table you finally lost your patience, your voice, the ‘shh’ resonating through the area. An angry echo which bounced off the walls and furniture throughout the entire second floor of the library’s silent section; “Its a goddamn library so for crying out loud, can you shut the fuck— oh shit” you cut yourself off as your eyes landed on the man with the phone pressed to his ear. 
It was him; it couldn’t be- shouldn’t be, and yet it was. 
You would recognize that ginger hair and black coat anywhere. The piercing eyes which searched the sea of students before they landed onto you, and stared you down mockingly. The cocky grin which matched the handsome boyish expression. And that top hat, the most memorable goddamn top hat in the entire Yokohama. You had seen that hat, and the man it belonged to, in wanted posters and news segments all over Yokohama city. 
The long and loud media warnings to never engage or provoke him. The most dangerous and bloodthirsty member of Port Mafia; Nakahara Chuuya. 
And you had not only encountered him in the most mundane place in the entire city; but also shushed him; not once, not twice but an entire three times. That is without the curse-filled scolding you unknowingly send his way for his less than adequate library manners. In other words you were a deadman walking; a soon to be corpse which currently filled the barely-comfortable study spot. Judging by the annoyance edged onto his features, it was time for you to say your goodbyes and start digging your grave. Then again, your mind reminded you all too bitterly, if you failed the upcoming exams the humiliation, loss of income and homelessness you’d face, would make you wish you were dead. 
Instead of feigning ignorance or getting up and apologizing on your hands and knees, you stared back into his face with a scowl that matched his own. It was as if you challenged him to say something. Chuuya responded with a raised eyebrow. In that instant, your mind flickered between the ‘you’re gonna be brutally murdered or worse’ and ‘ holy hell the media did not do those gorgeous blue orbs justice.’ A part of you still couldn’t grasp the fact that you were actually seeing those eyes in real life. 
You were so, so fucked. 
That sentiment was reinforced as you saw the frown on his lips turn up into something almost morbid. Chuuya’s eyes ran up and down before he rolled his eyes as the voice in the phone demanded his attention, growing so loud you could almost distinguish what it was saying from such a distance; “ I’ll get back to you, slimeball” Chuuya stated midway through slamming the phone shut and slipping it into his pants pocket.
Then he advanced towards you.
You swallowed thickly, and fixed the ginger with an even firmer stare. Then you summoned what little bravery- or insanity- you had left in you; “ Listen with all due respect Nakahara-san your future is set for life; glory, terror and all that. While us pitiful students have our lives decided by the horrors of exams which are primarily out of our control so I kindly beg you, for the love of god and anything unholy; please be quiet.” 
Chuuya stopped in front of you; an unreadable expression on his face half shaded by the tophat.You swore he looked less menacing and more entertained than moments earlier- or was it your wishful thinking? No, there definitely was a hint of a smile tugging at the corner of them; “ Whatever, fork over your phone” 
“My phone?” you asked in bewildered as you stared up at the man currently towering over you. 
At another glare, you quickly unlocked and surrendered the device to him. You watched him type something in before handing it back to you. Looking down at it, you noticed there was a new contact added in your list, listed under the simple initials NC. You glanced back up at him in question. 
The angry look was replaced by a boyish grin. To you it looked almost.. Flirty?!
 Chuuya pointed towards your phone with a gloved finger; “ I wanna know what kind of exams are scarier than a Mafia executive. Text this number when you’re done.”
Your eyes widened a little before you shook your head slightly. Your brain not able to comprehend what he was saying, your mind blanking out long enough for your mouth to speak before you had time to think; “ If I didn’t know any better I’d say you were hitting on me” you mumbled in disbelief earning yourself another cocky smirk. He really was?! 
 “ Nakahara-san I don’t think it’s–” 
“Shhh”  you heard another student hiss at you making you instantly grow silent. Before biting your lips in a feeble attempt to keep your expression neutral. You failed; the edges of your lips pulled up into a smile, barely containing the bubbly laughter readying to spill past your lips. Your expression remained  bewildered and a little shocked, while his expression remained cocky almost sweet yet so very confident. 
Who knew such a meeting could derive from a single word; a hissing of an annoyed student in the middle of the exam season in the libraries quiet section:  
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Author note: A little sweetness is what we all need some days. I hope this fic made you smile at least a little on this (very cold!) Sunday morning.
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joswriting · 8 months
⸻ WIP intro: On the end of everything
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✶ Key words: science-fiction, multiverse, self-acceptance, queer main characters, gloomy comedy, omniscient narrator, toxic friendship / qpr, death
Most inhabitants of the multidimensional Whole (whether they be human, animal, sentient toothpick or hyper intelligent gas cloud) were out for more or less the same thing: to understand and to be understood. However, with existence being so enormous and complex, and their own minds being filled to the brim with contradictions and meaninglessnesses; they barely managed to understand themselves, let alone the situation they were in. Each person had their own way of dealing with this — some found God, others wrote poetry and many decided to ride their bicycles on pavements topped with 20cm snow. And though everyone had to deal with themselves on their own, all were connected through the shared experience of having to take part in existence.
It is fitting, then, that those who were connected by the mere act of living at the same time, should also meet their ends together; without ever having understood what it was all for, anyway. And so the "world" ended neither with a bang nor a whimper, but with a collective "What?". - Prologue
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✧ general info ✧
✶ genre: soft scifi approaching science fantasy at times, NA, comedy, philosophical? perhaps not, apocalyptic (technically)
✶ pov: third person omniscient, past tense
✶ status: worldbuilding all but done, writing first draft
✶ (tentative) full title: On the end of everything + 25 ways to feel comfortable in your own skin
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✧ main cast ✧
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— Celia
full name: Silke Quesada
nickname: Celia
pronouns: she/her
origin: our universe
age: 21
occupation: student
orientation: lesbian
flaw: wishes she was normal
fear: being a burden, not being liked
sources: picrew | faceclaim
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— Lea
full name: Beatrix Lea Reiter
pronouns: she/her
origin: our universe
age: 23/24
occupation: cashier
orientation: aromantic hetero
flaw: wishes she was normal
fear: being a bad person (she kind of is)
sources: picrew| faceclaim
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— Cornelius
full name: Cornelius Brož
nickname: Nelly
pronouns: he/him
origin: a universe not quite unlike our own
age: 30s-40s
occupation: professor
flaw: wishes he could go back to normal
fear: never getting back the life he had
— Mouse
species: non-sentient mouse
function: former lab mouse, Nelly's pet
origin: universe that I like to call. the eugenics universe (it's not pleasant)
pronouns: it/she
now flaws <3 just mouse 🐁
sources: picrew
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✧ practical ✧
✶tag/s: #wip: on the end (for reblogs), #wip: oteoe (for orignal posts such as intros and snippets)
✶ possible CWs: medical malpractice, experimentation on human subjects, dissociation, body horror, death, xenophobia, internalized homo-/queerphobia, internalized ableism, "romantic" relationship with bad power dynamics
✶original title: Über das Ende von Allem + 25 Tipps, um sich in der eigenen Haut wohl zu fühlen
✶ languages: German (original), English (translated by myself once completed). I will probably also translate snippets now and again
✶ writing tools: analogue writing in note book (1st draft)
✶ edit sources: images: space-like background | fonts: Heavy Rain, MS Gothic
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✧ taglist ✧
no one here yet. ask to be added (comments, asks, messages, carrier pigeon)
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leosedandtrauma · 11 months
Tipp for students who don't have time to workout because they have to study:
Do the pomodoro method and make a quick 15min workout in your break
It would be like that:
45min study
15 workout
5min to go drink something and breathe
45min study
15min workout
5min break
You can do this as long as you want or need
Benefits are of course the workout and with that burning cals or getting steps
But also that your concentration is better
Plus for me is also that I am not on my phone in my break because that is so bad for your consentration
Good luck with your studying and have fun while you workout <3
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beardedmrbean · 5 months
Legislation aimed at better protecting patients from sexually abusive medical professionals such as Dr. Richard Strauss was unanimously passed by the Ohio Senate and is headed to the House.
Senate Bill 109, proposed by State Sen. Bob Hackett, R-London, and approved by Ohio senators April 24, would require doctors on probation for sexual misconduct to notify their patients in writing. It would also allow the State Medical Board of Ohio to act more quickly when a physician is accused of sexual misconduct and would require prosecuting attorneys to notify the board if a doctor is convicted or pleads guilty to a specific felony or misdemeanor in court.
The bill's passage comes six years after it was revealed that the medical board had ignored a previous complaint made against Strauss. Strauss, who died by suicide in 2005, was accused of sexually abusing at least 177 former students and athletes at Ohio State University.
"Ohioans were not happy with what happened with Dr. Strauss and so we gave the medical board more authority on this," Hackett told The Dispatch. "Everybody knows it's a situation where we need to move quicker. Dr. Strauss abused a number of citizens and we definitely don't want that to happen again."
Read More: State medical board failed to protect Ohioans from doctors' sexual misconduct
The legislation was reintroduced in 2023 in the Senate following a Dispatch investigation of the State Medical Board of Ohio and its handling of sexual misconduct allegations against physicians throughout 42 years. From 1980 through 2022, at least 256 Ohio doctors have faced disciplinary action for sexual misconduct. Of those doctors, 199 sexually abused or harassed 449 patients, The Dispatch revealed.
Two doctors were among lawmakers who voted in favor of the bill, including both Sen. Terry Johnson, R-McDermott, and Sen. Stephen Huffman, R-Tipp City.
When reached by phone Tuesday, Huffman told The Dispatch he thought the legislation should have been passed sooner. Most bills spurred by an incident are introduced and passed into law within a year or two rather than the six it took from when the Strauss scandal came to light in 2018, Huffman said.
Still, the senator said he believed the legislation would increase transparency at the medical board and eliminate "some loopholes and gray areas" that existed when a complaint was first filed against Strauss in 1996.
"We want to keep bad physicians, bad providers out of the profession and give the medical board the tools that it needs to do that," Huffman said.
Although the bill was approved unanimously in the senate, it's unclear how it will fare in the house where it was introduced Tuesday. Hackett said he expects it to win approval within a month or two, if not then by the end of the year. Gov. Mike DeWine has already expressed his support for the legislation.
In the Senate, no one testified in opposition of the bill before it passed and just two people spoke in favor of it.
One proponent was medical board executive director Stephanie Loucka, who told The Dispatch via email that the board would "look forward to working with the House of Representatives to help move the bill forward to become law." The other proponent was Leanna Rocheleau, 37, of Johnstown, who told legislators she was sexually assaulted by a massage therapist in August 2021.
Rocheleau told legislators that it took a year-and-a-half for the medical board to begin investigating the massage therapist she accused and another year-and-a-half before an investigation was completed. Rocheleau said she decided to use the pain she suffered as a result of her assault to push for change like Senate Bill 109.
"I transformed from victim to survivor... To find healing through justice reform. To give my traumapurpose. To deeply comprehend the wrong and work towards making it better for my kids," she told the legislature. "That is my mission now. I won't let them forget me."
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heymikkib · 1 year
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Name: Mikayla Evelyn Beaumont Age / D.O.B: 32. August 17th, 1990 Gender, Pronouns & Sexuality: Cis female, she/her, demi pansexual Hometown: Brooklyn, New York City, New York Affiliation: Civilian Job position: Stripper & escort at Gentille Fille, part-time waitress at a diner Education: Graduated from St. Ann's Day School Relationship status: Single Children: N/A Positive traits: Loyal, empathetic, giving, creative Negative traits: Secretive, distrusting, argumentative, callous when angry
Trigger warnings: Cancer tw, statutory rape tw (briefly mentioned)
From the start, Mikayla was dealt a difficult hand. Her mother, Penelope, was only 18 years old when she found out she was pregnant. Though her parents helped her through the pregnancy, they weren’t shy about expressing their disapproval. After all, they said, they had raised her better than that. They believed she was a God-fearing Catholic like them and would save herself for marriage. Penelope played the part well, but she had always yearned to experience more than what her sheltered life had to offer, which is what she had when she met who would become Mikayla’s father – not that he was ever made aware of his paternity.
Once Mikayla was born, Penelope cut off contact with her parents and moved to a studio apartment in Brooklyn where she continued to raise her on her own, juggling multiple jobs and taking on small projects for any amount of pay on any given day to make ends meet. She wanted to provide for them both, but especially to make sure that Mikayla could receive the best education that she could. The last thing she wanted was for her daughter to be without, and she could see at a young age that her daughter held so much potential waiting to be crafted.
Mikayla never once took her mother or the things they had for granted because she saw all of Penelope’s hard work, tucked away in a booth at the diner while her mom worked a shift into the wee hours of the morning or in the maid’s locker room at the hotel. She realized what kind of sacrifices her mother had to make in order to give her the life she had. Though it may not have been the best compared to others around her – and she was reminded of that often by the other students at St. Ann’s, her private school in Brooklyn, daily – and there were many months where they had to choose between rent and food in their bellies, what they lacked in material riches they made up for in love for one another.
Mikayla ensured she didn’t let the opportunities brought her way go to waste. She studied hard and became the salutatorian of her graduating class. Because they didn’t have much to spare in the way of finances, she spent most of her time collecting books from the library or thrift store, traveling to distant places from the comfort of her own home as the stories unraveled on the pages before her. Reading led to the discovery of her love for writing, a hobby that turned into a passion then into a dream, one that would be put on hold at the age of 16.
Mikayla had come home from school to find Penelope desperately trying to cover up the fact she’d been crying only moments before her arrival. It wasn’t until later, searching through the junk drawer for a pen, that she discovered the reason for her mother’s tears tucked away in an envelope. Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. A cancer that affected the immune system and made it harder for her to fight off infections. For someone who primarily worked service jobs as a housekeeper and a waitress, it wasn’t ideal. Then again, things like this never were. The diagnosis was devastating for the both of them, but it hit Mikayla especially hard; Penelope had been the only family she’d ever known. She couldn’t lose her.
Putting her college plans on hold, she began taking over her mother’s shifts at the diner to help pay for chemo treatments and take the load off of Penelope’s plate. If anyone deserved the best care possible, it was her mother. Being reliant on the generosity of tippers didn’t bring in nearly enough to make a dent in the debt they were amassing, so before long, she was hunting for more work.
She’d always been told she looked older than her actual age. Using that fact to her advantage, she managed to find her way into Gentille Fille, inquiring about a position as one of the dancers, lying about her age. Although he sniffed out the lie, he agreed to let her start dancing at the club since she would be 18 soon enough. The dancing came with a price, though, as she would come to learn. Luna, her persona, became one of the club’s hottest commodities among a crowd who crooned for fresh meat, and she was encouraged to offer more favors in exchange for higher tips. It started out slow, a few extra favors here and there during lap dances and the walk across the room. She hadn't expected to lose her virginity to the highest bidder, but it brought in more money than she’d ever laid eyes on in her life, and that was what she was there for, right? Anything to help her mom.
Thus began her slow descent into escorting. She’s done everything she could to keep the secret from her mother about what she’s done to provide for them because she knows it would break Penelope’s heart to discover the lengths she had gone to. It only seemed fair, in Mikayla’s eyes. Given all of the sacrifices Penelope had made over the years, it was time for Mikayla to return the favor. She could go to college later down the line, write her book whenever life slowed down, but she was only young for so long and she intended to use that to her full advantage.
Anything to help her mom.
Father — Mikayla has never met this man and knows nothing about him, so I'd love for this to play out dramatically in some way. The father was never told by Penelope that she was having a baby (or that it was his), so he has had no knowledge of her up until recently. How he found out would be up to you, but I'm open to shoot around some ideas.
Former Client — While this might carry some romantic undertones, this doesn't have to be romantic going forward! What I envision with this particular client is that they got a little closer than she expected and she caught feelings. Whether those feelings were reciprocated is up to you, or we could have it play out the other way where it was a mutual attraction but she got scared and ghost them. I'm open to many things, I just want the angst.
Gang Involvement — Although Mikayla herself is a civilian, I could see someone wanting to take advantage of her position as an escort and in a building owned by an affiliate of The Brotherhood to their gang's advantage to gain intel. Not a must, but it could be fun!
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princessmadafu · 2 years
St Placid’s Day
Yay! Got another birthday present in the post this morning from an old gay friend in Dublin who understands me much better than the other old friend in Bournemouth who internetted me a cactus to replace the deceased Eric. It's a facsimile of an old perpetual almanac with daily observations from the 15th-18th Centuries.
Apparently today (5th Oct) is St Placid's Day, [monk who was saved from drowning by another monk who ran across the water on the orders of St Benedict] and this week is the ideal time to seek out oak apples and observe their condition instead of relying on your TV's local weather reporter. I quote:
If thou wilt see and know how it will go that year, then take heed of the Oak Apples. When they be within full of Spiders, then followeth a naughty Year; if they have within them Flies, that betokens a good Year, or if they have Maggots in them. If there be nothing in them, then followeth a great Dearth. If there be many, and early ripe, so shall it be an early Winter, and much Snow afore Christmas, and after that much cold; if the inner Part be fair and clear, then shall the Summer be fair and the corn good; but if they be very moist, then shall the Summer also be moist.
So all you have to do is find an oak tree, climb up it and locate a leaf with an oak apple on it, cut it open and see what's inside and then you won't need to listen to some guy talking about isobars and pressure fronts. Amazing how gall wasps know these things -- and persuade spiders and flies and maggots to live in their oakleaf leavings.
Anyone hoping for a naughty year, I should point out that in those days naughty meant scant and worthless, and definitely doesn't involve lingerie, cream puffs and a chocolate fountain.
Yesterday is very interesting too -- St Francis's Day, when swallows disappear. Did you know people used to believe that swallows hibernated at the bottom of ponds and lakes or hid in rocks and caves for the winter like bats. And October 3rd -- St Gerard's Day -- gives some 17th Century recipes for making cider which I'm thinking of Tipp-Exxing out so Mad doesn't get ideas and ruin my apple trees. I made some scrumpy once, in my student days. It was lethal, tasted of stale gin and fermented cardboard, but went down very well at the Halloween party.
This is a glorious little book, I'm going to enjoy myself.
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forestnumen · 1 year
Students of tumblr,
What are your Tipps when dealing with a really hard exam? I got a scary one coming up this semester and I'm trying not to let my panic keep me from studying properly. I'm sure everyone had one of those at least once. so what are some studying, planning or mindset techniques that really helped you?
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Christmas-Time, Present-Time!
Today I share a very special special:
I invited Flintheart Glomgold to take the seat of the principal of "Dewey High"! Applause!
Flintheart Glomgold became popular by his genious ideas to ruin Scrooge McDuck, inspiring beagle boys all around the world. Within his own company "Glomgold Industries" he shares his creative ideas staying faithfull to his companies slogan "We not have the sharpest ideas, we have the sharkest! Mutch bätter" (yes, the last part is still included in the slogan).
Glomgold was first in his class from first to third grade by writing his own school certificates. Then he had to leave school after spinning off his first start-up "Little sharkies" in the basement, leading to early retirement of the janitor. However, at this time point his home-town anyway was no longer sufficient to take the enourmous aura of his innocent soul and the rising star immediateley decided that the time has come to conquer the world becoming the richest duck in the world, fullfilling his destiny.
While still being on the invitation list for Dewey-Tonight (but being bumped last-minute), he today shares his tipps to you young students by presenting two key notes for success in exam-situations.
In the name of "Dewey-High" he and I wish you a nice Christmas! I forward now the keyboard now to our special guest:
C$%RSE YOU MC DUCK!!!!!&%%$$$%*#1C§$!$!SSSE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I AM THE RI
okay, thanks for sharing your thoughts. To you all a nice and peacefull christmas!
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tsukimisou88 · 1 month
Open Studio 2408 のお知らせです。
2024年8月25日(日) 13:00 -17:00
・Darcy Copeland  experimental composer, from USA
・Omar Carrilho-de Jong Amsterdam based artist specialized in Photography and Ceramics
・Michael Murton active in Toronto and New York City specializing in oil painting and music composition. 
・吳雯雯 (ゴ ブンブン) 漆作家(Lacquer) 京都市芸術大学大学院 博士(後期)課程在籍中
・田中 茜乃介 京都市立芸術大学版画専攻4回生
・橋爪ちなつ 『日本画絵の具WORKSHOP』 日本画家 京都 Let draw freely by Japanese organic paints & brush
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・Darcy Copeland  experimental composer, from USA
 実験的作曲家。自分の内面に光を当て、荒廃する世界での思考、動向、感情、存在の発信表現に音楽を書いています。'22年 ハーバード大学 作曲博士課程入学で 新鋭音楽グループのディレクターに就任する。ここでは神道、生態学、宇宙論、日本の雅楽の笙に発想を得た微分音アコーディオンによる新作曲を作成中。
 Darcy Copeland (b. 1996) is an American experimental composer. She writes music to excavate her internal world and explore outward expressions of thinking, moving, feeling, and being in a ravaged world. In 2022, Darcy joined the PhD program in composition at Harvard University, and is the director of the Harvard Group for New Music. At Metropolitan Fukujyusou, she will begin a new work for 2 microtonal accordions to be premiered in November, which is inspired by Shintō, ecology, cosmology, and the shō instrument in Japanese Gagaku.
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・Omar Carrilho-de Jong Amsterdam based artist specialized in Photography and Ceramics.
 私の作品は隠れた脆さを露わにします。人は自らを誇示することが好きですが、自分の弱さ(不幸、失敗、挫折)を曝け出すことを恐れます。我々が集団で隠しているものを明らかにすることで、最も美し いものが、その裏にあることに気付かせられます。
In my work I strive to unveil a hidden fragility.
------In parallel, there’s nothing we love more than showing off our strength - hard work – dedication, and Tere’s nothing we fear more than revealing our own vulnerability - misfortune - failure - frustration.
I call to reveal that which we collectively hide, so we may see the greatest beauty is found behind the façade.
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Michael Murton active in Toronto and New York City specializing in oil painting and music composition. 
I studied at York University (Toronto) the National Academy of Fine Arts (NYC) and the Art Students League of New York. 
My work focuses on the concepts of movement and intentionality, inspired by the belief that every action and object holds sacred significance. I strive to capture the fluidity and purpose within everyday life, exploring how movement shapes and reflects the environment and the individuals within it. Through a blend of Western oil painting techniques and elements of Japanese aesthetics, I aim to depict the subtle interactions and nuances of intentional actions.
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・吳雯雯 (ゴ ブンブン) 漆作家(Lacquer) 京都市芸術大学大学院 博士(後期)課程在籍中。
 伝統文化の要素を再解釈、再構築し、レーザーカッター等の最新技術も活用し、伝統から未来へと向かう時代の形象を持つ漆造形作品を作っています。例えば漢字や山水絵巻、葦手絵などが作る伝統美を漆 作品を通じて伝え、さらには漆の新たな可能性も広げたく思って活動をしています。
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・田中 茜乃介 京都市立芸術大学版画専攻4回生
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・橋爪ちなつ 『日本画絵の具WORKSHOP』 日本画家 京都 Let draw freely by Japanese organic paints & brush
 日本画制作で主に使われる膠や水干絵の具、岩絵の具などで自由にお絵描き、もしくはスイカを描いていただきます。お値段は思い思いのチップ制です。OK for your tipp only.
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complex-berlin-blog · 5 months
Rankenstein SEO Report Nummer fünfzehn (240427/15) / Blog.Tumblr.com / Der zwölfte Tag des SEO Contests!
Tipp: Die SEOs von Agenturtipp.de haben einen vierwöchigen SEO-Contest zum Keyword RankensteinSEO gestartet. Die Rankings werden an 3 Stichtagen (10.05., 13.05. und 14.05. jeweils um 11 Uhr) gemessen!
Nach zwölf Tagen machen folgende Seiten beim RankensteinSEO-Contest einen besonders guten Eindruck: dm (dot) de/moduluebersicht/conversionzauber waldhirsch (dot) de/ratgeber/rankensteinseo/ phoenixcontact (dot) com/l/rankensteinseo rankensteinseo (dot) myshopify (dot) com marmato (dot) com/rankensteinseo-seo-contest-2024 students-for-students (dot) de/rankensteinseo newego (dot) de/themen/rankensteinseo tierpraeparator (dot) de/rankensteinseo halbe-rahmen (dot) de/rankensteinseo omr (dot) com/de/reviews/pp/rankensteinseo position-one (dot) de/rankensteinseo (dot) html rankensteinseo (dot) adnord (dot) de
Hierüber schreibt das Wirtschaftsportal business-presse.de mit dem Beitrag Der-bis-zum-14.-Mai-laufende-aktuelle-RankensteinSEOContest-kommt-in-die-hei%C3%9Fe-Phase: https://www.business-presse.de/de/press/232627/Der-bis-zum-14.-Mai-laufende-aktuelle-RankensteinSEOContest-kommt-in-die-hei%C3%9Fe-Phase.html Dazu meint der Nachrichtenservice news-nachrichten.de mit der Newsinfo der-bis-zum-14-mai-laufende-aktuelle-rankensteinseo-contest-kommt-in-die-heisse-phase: https://news-nachrichten.de/der-bis-zum-14-mai-laufende-aktuelle-rankensteinseo-contest-kommt-in-die-heisse-phase/
Wettbewerbsstart: Dienstag, 16.04.2024 um 11 Uhr Wettbewerbsende: Dienstag, 14.05.2024 um 11 Uhr Wettbewerbszeitraum: 4 Wochen
Die Newsseite fair-news.de merkt mit dem Beitrag der-bis-zum-14-mai-laufende-aktuelle-rankensteinseo-contest-kommt-in-die-heisse-phase an: https://www.fair-news.de/3746085/der-bis-zum-14-mai-laufende-aktuelle-rankensteinseo-contest-kommt-in-die-heisse-phase Hierzu posted das Prboard .presse-board.de mit der Info der-bis-zum-14-mai-laufende-aktuelle-rankensteinseo-contest-kommt-in-die-heisse-phase: https://www.presse-board.de/der-bis-zum-14-mai-laufende-aktuelle-rankensteinseo-contest-kommt-in-die-heisse-phase/
Wettbewerbskosten für die Teilnahme: Keine! Wettbewerbsbeschränkung: Keine - teilnehmen darf Jeder! Wettbewerbsanmeldung: Eine Anmeldung ist notwendig
Darüber berichtet der Presseservice presseworld.de mit der News der-bis-zum-14-mai-laufende-aktuelle-rankensteinseo-contest-kommt-in-die-heisse-phase: https://www.presseworld.de/der-bis-zum-14-mai-laufende-aktuelle-rankensteinseo-contest-kommt-in-die-heisse-phase/ Dazu meint die Infoseite pressearticel.com mit dem Artikel der-bis-zum-14-mai-laufende-aktuelle-rankensteinseo-contest-kommt-in-die-heisse-phase: https://www.pressearticel.com/der-bis-zum-14-mai-laufende-aktuelle-rankensteinseo-contest-kommt-in-die-heisse-phase/
SEO-Contest, das ist ein Wettbewerb unter Suchmaschinenoptimierern, d.h. SEOs. Er wird oft auch Challenge genannt. Er hat hat in der Regel zum Ziel, eine Domain (bzw. eine Webadresse/URL) zu einem Suchbegriff so zu optimieren, dass sie an einem Stichtag einen vorderen Platz bei der Suchmaschine erreicht.
Die schönsten Contest-Tags: RankensteinSEO, Rankenstein SEO, RankensteinSEO-Contest, RankensteinSEO-Challenge, RankensteinSEO-Wettbewerb, RankensteinSEO-Wettstreit, RankensteinSEO-Tester, RankensteinSEO-Vergleicher!
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howtochangevpncountry · 5 months
mit dem vpn der uni verbinden upb
🔒🌍✨ Erhalten Sie 3 Monate GRATIS VPN - Sicherer und privater Internetzugang weltweit! Hier klicken ✨🌍🔒
mit dem vpn der uni verbinden upb
VPN-Verbindung herstellen
Eine VPN-Verbindung herzustellen, kann eine effektive Möglichkeit sein, um Ihre Online-Privatsphäre zu schützen und auf blockierte Inhalte zuzugreifen. VPN steht für "Virtual Private Network" und ermöglicht es, dass Ihr Internetverkehr über einen verschlüsselten Tunnel geleitet wird, der Ihre Identität verbirgt und so Ihre Daten vor neugierigen Blicken schützt.
Um eine VPN-Verbindung herzustellen, benötigen Sie zunächst einen VPN-Dienst. Es gibt viele Anbieter auf dem Markt, die unterschiedliche Preise und Funktionen anbieten. Nach der Auswahl eines Anbieters müssen Sie die entsprechende Software herunterladen und auf Ihrem Gerät installieren. Die meisten VPN-Dienste sind mit verschiedenen Betriebssystemen und Geräten kompatibel, einschließlich PCs, Smartphones und Tablets.
Sobald die Software installiert ist, können Sie sich mit einem VPN-Server verbinden. Dabei können Sie in der Regel aus verschiedenen Serverstandorten weltweit wählen. Die Verbindung zum VPN-Server herzustellen kann je nach Anbieter unterschiedlich sein, erfolgt aber in der Regel mit nur einem Klick.
Nachdem die VPN-Verbindung hergestellt wurde, wird Ihr gesamter Internetverkehr verschlüsselt und über den VPN-Server geleitet. Dies schützt Ihre Daten vor Hackern, Regierungen und Internetdienstanbietern, die versuchen könnten, Ihre Online-Aktivitäten zu überwachen.
Insgesamt kann das Herstellen einer VPN-Verbindung Ihnen mehr Sicherheit und Privatsphäre im Internet bieten. Es ist eine einfache und effektive Möglichkeit, um Ihre Identität zu schützen und auf regionale blockierte Inhalte zuzugreifen.
Sicher auf Uni-Netzwerk zugreifen
Um sicher auf das Uni-Netzwerk zuzugreifen, gibt es einige wichtige Schritte zu beachten. Als Student oder Mitarbeiter ist es entscheidend, die Verbindung zum Uni-Netzwerk mit Bedacht herzustellen, um sensible Daten zu schützen und mögliche Sicherheitsrisiken zu minimieren.
Zunächst sollte man sicherstellen, dass das eigene Gerät über aktuelle Sicherheitssoftware verfügt, um Malware und Viren abzuwehren. Weiterhin ist es ratsam, eine sichere Verbindung zu wählen, indem man das Uni-Netzwerk mit einem Passwort schützt und öffentliche WLAN-Hotspots meidet.
Ein weiterer wichtiger Aspekt ist die Verwendung von sicheren Passwörtern. Diese sollten komplex sein und regelmäßig geändert werden, um unbefugten Zugriff zu verhindern. Zudem ist es ratsam, die Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierung zu aktivieren, um die Sicherheit des Zugriffs weiter zu erhöhen.
Beim Umgang mit sensiblen Daten ist Vorsicht geboten. Es sollte vermieden werden, vertrauliche Informationen über das Uni-Netzwerk zu versenden, insbesondere ohne geeignete Verschlüsselungsmethoden.
Zusammenfassend ist es wichtig, beim Zugriff auf das Uni-Netzwerk verantwortungsbewusst zu handeln und die notwendigen Sicherheitsmaßnahmen zu ergreifen. Durch die Beachtung dieser Tipps kann ein geschützter Zugriff gewährleistet werden, der die Sicherheit von Daten und die Integrität des Uni-Netzwerks gewährleistet.
Einrichtung von VPN an der Uni
Die Einrichtung eines Virtuellen Privaten Netzwerks (VPN) an der Universität kann dazu beitragen, die Online-Sicherheit der Studierenden, Dozenten und Mitarbeiter zu verbessern. Ein VPN verschlüsselt den Internetverkehr und schafft eine sichere Verbindung zwischen dem Endgerät und dem Universitätsnetzwerk. Dadurch wird verhindert, dass sensible Daten abgefangen oder gehackt werden können.
Um ein VPN an der Universität einzurichten, müssen Sie zunächst die erforderliche Software herunterladen und auf Ihrem Gerät installieren. Anschließend müssen Sie sich mit den Anmeldedaten der Universität authentifizieren, um eine Verbindung zum VPN-Server herzustellen. Dieser Prozess kann je nach den spezifischen Anforderungen der Universität variieren, daher ist es ratsam, die Anleitungen auf der Website der Universität zu überprüfen oder sich an den IT-Support zu wenden.
Einrichten eines VPNs an der Universität bietet nicht nur eine erhöhte Sicherheit, sondern ermöglicht es den Nutzern auch, auf Ressourcen zuzugreifen, die normalerweise nur im internen Netzwerk verfügbar sind. Dies kann besonders nützlich sein, wenn Sie von zu Hause aus arbeiten oder auf wissenschaftliche Artikel und Datenbanken zugreifen müssen.
Insgesamt ist die Einrichtung eines VPNs an der Universität eine wichtige Maßnahme, um die Online-Sicherheit zu gewährleisten und den sicheren Zugriff auf universitäre Ressourcen zu ermöglichen. Wir empfehlen allen Mitgliedern der Universität, sich mit diesem Thema vertraut zu machen und bei Bedarf Unterstützung vom IT-Team der Universität in Anspruch zu nehmen.
Schutz der Daten mit VPN
Der Schutz persönlicher Daten im Internet wird immer wichtiger, da die Zahl der Online-Bedrohungen stetig zunimmt. Eine effektive Möglichkeit, um die Sicherheit und Anonymität beim Surfen im Netz zu gewährleisten, ist die Verwendung eines VPN-Dienstes.
VPN steht für Virtual Private Network und funktioniert, indem es eine verschlüsselte Verbindung zwischen dem eigenen Gerät und dem Internet herstellt. Durch die Verschlüsselung werden alle Daten, die über das Netzwerk gesendet werden, geschützt und vor neugierigen Blicken Dritter verborgen.
Ein VPN bietet nicht nur Schutz vor Hackern und Datendieben, sondern ermöglicht es auch, geografische Beschränkungen zu umgehen. So können zum Beispiel regionale Einschränkungen für bestimmte Websites oder Streaming-Dienste umgangen werden, indem man sich über Server in anderen Ländern verbindet.
Es ist jedoch wichtig, einen vertrauenswürdigen VPN-Anbieter zu wählen, der eine strikte No-Logs-Richtlinie hat und keine persönlichen Daten der Nutzer speichert. Zudem sollte darauf geachtet werden, dass der Dienst eine starke Verschlüsselung und eine schnelle Verbindungsgeschwindigkeit bietet.
Insgesamt ist die Nutzung eines VPN-Dienstes eine sinnvolle Maßnahme, um die eigenen Daten im Internet zu schützen und die Privatsphäre zu wahren. Es lohnt sich daher, in einen qualitativ hochwertigen VPN-Dienst zu investieren, um online sicher und anonym zu surfen.
Anonymität im Uni-Netzwerk
In einem Universitätsnetzwerk ist es wichtig, dass die Anonymität der Benutzer gewahrt bleibt. Die Sicherheit und der Schutz der Privatsphäre sind von entscheidender Bedeutung, insbesondere in einer Umgebung, in der sensible Informationen ausgetauscht werden. Es gibt verschiedene Maßnahmen, die ergriffen werden können, um die Anonymität im Uni-Netzwerk zu gewährleisten.
Eine Möglichkeit, die Anonymität zu schützen, ist die Verwendung von VPN-Diensten. Ein VPN (Virtual Private Network) verschlüsselt die Verbindung und leitet den Datenverkehr über entfernte Server um, wodurch die eigene IP-Adresse verborgen wird. Dadurch wird es schwieriger für Dritte, die Online-Aktivitäten der Benutzer zu verfolgen.
Darüber hinaus ist es wichtig, starke Passwörter zu verwenden und sie regelmäßig zu aktualisieren. Durch die Verwendung von komplexen Passwörtern wird das Risiko von unbefugtem Zugriff auf das Uni-Netzwerk verringert.
Es ist auch ratsam, sensible Daten nur über sichere Verbindungen zu übertragen, z.B. über HTTPS. Auf diese Weise wird sichergestellt, dass die Daten verschlüsselt sind und nicht von potenziellen Angreifern abgefangen werden können.
Zusammenfassend ist die Anonymität im Uni-Netzwerk ein wichtiges Thema, das nicht vernachlässigt werden sollte. Durch die Umsetzung geeigneter Sicherheitsmaßnahmen können Benutzer dazu beitragen, ihre Privatsphäre zu schützen und Sicherheitsrisiken zu minimieren.
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lazybtchneedstostudy · 9 months
Hi, iam a college student from Germany. I really need to put some work into my thesis and im looking for study motivation, tipps and probably study groups / buddies. Pls help
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Deine Gesundheit, Dein Geld: Wie man eine preiswerte Private Krankenversicherung findet, die passt
Die Wahl einer Krankenversicherung ist eine der wichtigsten Entscheidungen für deine Gesundheit und finanzielle Sicherheit. Inmitten der Vielfalt von Angeboten ist es entscheidend, eine passende und kosteneffiziente Private Krankenversicherung zu finden.
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Warum eine Private Krankenversicherung?
Eine Private Krankenversicherung bietet individuell angepasste Leistungen, Zugang zu spezialisierten Ärzten und oft auch kürzere Wartezeiten für Untersuchungen und Behandlungen. Doch viele scheuen sich vor den vermeintlich hohen Kosten.
Die Wahrheit über "Billig"
"Billig" ist nicht immer die beste Option, aber preiswert und qualitativ hochwertig sollten Hand in Hand gehen. Es gibt kluge Strategien, um eine kostengünstige Private Krankenversicherung zu finden, ohne Kompromisse bei der Qualität einzugehen.
Tipps für preiswerte Private Krankenversicherungen:
1. Vergleiche gründlich
Nutze Vergleichsportale, um unterschiedliche Angebote zu analysieren und diejenige zu finden, die deine Bedürfnisse am besten abdeckt.
2. Anpassbare Optionen
Wähle einen Tarif, der zu deinen Lebensumständen passt. Ein Student benötigt möglicherweise andere Leistungen als ein Berufstätiger.
3. Selbstbehalt prüfen
Ein höherer Selbstbehalt kann die monatlichen Beiträge senken, sollte aber mit Bedacht gewählt werden, um unerwartete Kosten zu vermeiden.
4. Gesundheitsprüfung nicht scheuen
Manche Versicherungen bieten niedrigere Tarife bei guter Gesundheit an. Eine Gesundheitsprüfung kann sich langfristig finanziell auszahlen.
Die beste Option für dich finden
Eine "Billige Private Krankenversicherung" zu finden, die deinen Bedürfnissen entspricht, erfordert Zeit und Recherche. Vergiss nicht, dass die richtige Versicherung nicht nur Geld spart, sondern auch deine Gesundheit schützt.
Für weitere Details und einen Vergleich von Studententarifen schau gern hier vorbei: Billige Private Krankenversicherung.
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jadooghar · 1 year
THE TIPPING POINT, How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference.
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This ee-e book is ready contagion, how an idea, a product, a ee-e book, song, movie, or a telecellsmartphone can abruptly emerge as the object to have. What reasons one product to prevail even as some other fails? The factor in which an object turns into an in a single day fulfillment is the "tipping factor". Once you attain the tipping factor there's no preventing the flood.
It is just like the flu virus, up until a positive factor, the flu may be contained. Some humans have become over it, as others are coming down with it. That`s the stability factor. But if there's a small growth withinside the range catching the flu, the tipping factor is reached, and there's no preventing the contagion till it has burnt itself out.
The Tipping Point is a non-fiction ee-e book approximately how that tipping factor is achieved. What are the elements that reason one object to attain the tipping factor, even as a comparable object will fail?
For some thing to attain a tipping factor it calls for a few unique humans: Connectors, Mavens, and Salesmen. Connectors are humans with a unique present for bringing humans together -- connecting them. Connectors understand plenty of humans, however it's miles crucial that they're now no longer all in the equal circle. If as an example they're all soccer gamers, then this isn't a connector irrespective of what number of soccer gamers they understand. A connector is aware of one-of-a-kind corporations of humans, enterprise humans, sports activities humans, actors, newspaper humans, farmers, students, doctors; with out the broader unfold the relationship will fail.
Mavens are the second one form of vital humans in developing word-of-mouth epidemics. A maven is someone who collects data, after which tells humans approximately it. They are obsessive approximately their unique knowledge, however greater than that, they need to assist absolutely each person via way of means of sharing what they understand. It is probably a way to shop 20 cents on a can of canine food, or which toothpaste certainly whitens your teeth. They delve into the details, they hold records, notes, and prices. They understand a way to get reasonably-priced seats on airlines, or which automobiles use the least fuel, after which they inform absolutely each person approximately what they have got discovered. Mavens need to assist, due to the fact they prefer to experience involved, they need to proportion what they have got discovered. Mavens offer the message.
The 0.33 form of character essential for the word-of-mouth epidemics is the salesperson. It is the salesmen that convince us while we're unconvinced of what we're listening to. It is the salesperson that could discover a spin so as to persuade the sceptic. These unique salesmen are empathetic, friendly, helpful, and mainly persuasive. It is the salesmen who construct the peer pressure, so that everybody falls into line.
Gladwell discusses the various factors that cause the tipping factor. He analyses them in element with many examples, especially the night time trip of Paul Revere which reached a a success tipping factor, while some other night time rider (Dawes) didn't arouse the neighborhood populace and has when you consider that disappeared from history. Why did Paul Revere prevail? He changed into a connector: he changed into a fisherman, a hunter, a card player, a theatre lover, a a success businessman, and a Masonic member, in conjunction with different social clubs. He knew humans.
Gladwell makes use of examples of crime data that reduced abruptly, syphilis instances that shot up alarmingly, and the in a single day fulfillment of Hush Puppy footwear after they have been getting ready to extinction. He analyses the fulfillment of Sesame Street, the decreasing of crime at the New York subway, and smoking; all of them reached a "tipping factor".
Read more: How We Utilize Our Autism and Asperger Characteristics to Shine in Life: AUTISM ALL-STARS
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wildwechselmagazin · 2 years
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