#tissaia x reader
lodgeofeilhart · 11 months
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Chapter 2 is up!!
Hope you all enjoy it!! ♥️
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theuniverseofsg · 10 months
Why aren’t there more Imagines or Scenarios with Tissaia de Vries here?
I’m baffled. Please reply, tag, message me or whatever if you can find them :’( 
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astrid-sama · 2 years
When they're jealous (the witcher one shot)
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It would become even more somber and irritable than usual. He would cast deadly looks at anyone who tries to talk to you. If he thinks you've indulged in flirting, he won't talk to you for at least a week.
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She would pretend not to be jealous even though in her head she is thinking about how to make the nobleman who dared to flirt with you pay her.She would be very proud when you push back the nobles. As soon as you were left alone, she filled your neck with hickeys so that everyone knows you are hers.
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He would sing songs about how much he loves you in front of everyone so men know you're already in a relationship.
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Outwardly she might not seem jealous but in reality she is treating herself from killing the man who dared to try to flirt with you. It would threaten the man never to get close to you again if he doesn't want to die.
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She wouldn't be jealous, because she knows she is far superior to anyone who's flirting with you.
(Il post c'è anche in italiano sul mio profilo)
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I love you
Tissaia De Vries x fem!reader
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You paced around the room, too anxious to lay on your bed for sleep.
Tissaia was sitting on the armchair by the fireplace; her eyes focused on the flames roaring.
Your movements came to a halt as you turned and sat on the other armchair facing the fireplace.
You looked at her. You looked at your wonderful wife.
Tissaia turned her head to look at you. " Y/N, please don't start again. I really can't- "
" But I want to come with you ! Fight by your side ! Protect you ! " You cut her off feeling more and more exasperated.
Tissaia shook her head. " Darling, no. Please, don't. "
You stood up angrily. " Why them and not me ? " You asked.
Why did she prefer other sorcerers to her own wife ?
Tissaia sighed. " Because... " Her voice trailed off standing up too. 
She closed the gap between the two of you with one step taking your hands in hers and locking eye contact with you. " I love you. I love you more than anything in this world. "
You teared up wrapping your hands around her neck and pulling her into a hug. 
Tissaia embraced you back, pressing you against her, enjoying the feel of her body against yours and the smell of your unique perfume. 
" I don't want you to die, my love. If you follow me, the only thing you would achieve would be to put your life in risk. I don't want that. " Tissaia added leaving a gentle kiss on your neck.
Silence enveloped you afterward.
You didn't dare to break it, loving the way Tissaia's words repeated in your mind.
The rectoress moved to kiss your forehead. " Darling, please, stay here. "
You looked at her for a good moment before shaking your head. A tear rolled down your cheek. 
" I prefer risking my life alongside you than sitting here doing nothing but pretend to be a good housewife. " You declared.
Tissaia sighed in defeat and then nodded t you. " As you wish. But I tried to warn you; remember that. "
" Yes, yes, yes, of course. " You agreed without even thinking. You kissed her cheek as a thank you before preparing for  bed.
Tissaia smiled sadly at you when you finally joined her on bed.
You reciprocated the smile closing the gap between the two of you again.
Your wife kissed you back with an unmatched passion.
It was your last day at Aretuza; she was going to make the best of it.
It was done.
The fight was over.
Poor Tissaia could find neither you nor Yennefer.
" Y/N !!!! " She shouted.
Tissaia looked down at the bodies lying on the soil.
Her eyes examining every and each of them.
She chose a soldier who somehow had lost his right hand and with the use of her powers saw his last moments.
Still no sight of you.
Neither any news from Yennefer.
The sorceress sighed and continued her way through the battlefield.
You couldn't have disappeared.
You must have been somewhere.
Alive or dead.
A tear rolled down her cheek at the image of your motionless body laying in her hands.
She wiped it away checking on an other soldier.
You were one of the most powerful sorcerers alive; you must have survived.
You NEEDED to survive.
She walked down the hill and continued wasting her chaos in a despair attempt to find not only the love of her life, but her favorite student as well.
Minutes became hours.
A witcher came asking about Yennefer.
She felt a tiny bit sad telling him that she was dead; but what else could she do ?
The search for any survivors came to an end a couple of hours later and Tissaia didn't know how to feel.
Yennefer was probably killed by her extreme use of magic.
But you. What had happened to you ?
No body was found, meaning that you were still alive... right ?
The recroress walked through the bodies until she reached the forest.
A sound full of pain left her lips remembering how much you loved wandering around forests.
She continues walking until her feet hurt.
The famous sorcerer sat down.
Her hand hesitantly trailed beneath her dress, on her shoulder, caressing the hickey you left there the previous night.
Tissaia cried over the fact that she was to never see you again.
She would never take you hand in hers. Touch you. Kiss you. Tell you how much she loved you.
She cried.
And cried.
Mourning over you.
A rush of pain woke you up.
You gasped opening your eyes and looking around you.
You were in the woods.
Your eyes focused on the soil where the dead bodies of your enemies were laying.
You took a shaky breath.
You remembered killing them but you had no idea how you ended up unconscious on the floor with a rather big cut on your right shoulder.
You grimaced in pain trying to get up.
You were exhausted.
" Ah. Ah. " You sat down with your back resting against a tree.
You couldn't walk.
You hissed as you accidentally moved your right hand. 
You paled at the realization that it wasn't only cut but probably broken as well.
You swallowed hard focusing as much magic as you could muster.
" Tissaia. " You whispered before drifting off.
And then she heard it.
Like a whisper.
Or should she say like a gentle kiss on the cheek.
She heard your voice.
Weak but not dead.
Tissaia got up in an instant.
She didn't walk but run toward the source of the magic.
She followed it like a thirsty mosquito in a dessert which finally smelt a living being with blood.
And then she came up with the bodies.
Scars of lightning could be visible in most of the bodies. 
Tissaia continued her way carefully, refraining from having any kind of contact with them.
She scanned the place with her eyes until they landed on you.
Your eyes were closed and your right hand was swollen and bloody.
Tissaia took you in her arms.
You were breathing.
A sigh of relief left her mouth as another tear rolled down her cheek.
She used her remaining magic to stop the bleeding and alleviate the pain.
When Tissaia was finished treating you, she was panting. 
She called to the other mages to come and help her transfer you to Aretuza because she was unable to open a portal.
The rectoress let out a breath and rested her forehead against yours.
She whispered the three so unique and magical words.
" I love you. "
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beardedmccoy · 11 months
Why is there so little tissaia de vries x reader fics.
That woman is 🔥🔥 baffles me
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swanimagines · 7 months
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Geralt of Rivia
Yennefer of Vengerberg
Eskel (coming)
Tissaia de Vries (coming)
(Any of the other characters don't have any requests written nor pending as for now, so I'm unable to have serieses for them as AO3 requires you to have at least one oneshot written to be able to add it to a series, and I can't promise serieses for characters who don't have requests pending/I have no ideas of my own for them)
For anyone who's concerned, THESE ARE NOT ONESHOT COLLECTIONS, they are made using AO3's "series" feature.
If you want to be informed about new fics for The Witcher or its individual characters, create an AO3 account and subscribe or bookmark any of those serieses listed above. There are buttons at the top right corner for those, or on top on mobile. I do not do Tumblr taglists anymore.
Also, if you're wondering, requests are ALWAYS open and you're welcome to leave one or multiple. Just remember to read my rules and pick a request type from this list.
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multifandomfix · 2 years
How Tissaia Shows Affection Would Include
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Tissaia’s primary love language is quality time. So, her signs of affection aren’t always glaringly obvious, but they are plentiful.
Tissaia is a busy woman, but even if she’s got work to do, she’ll take her work with her and do it in the same room where you are, just so she can be close.
She’ll make time each day allotted just to you, whether that’s a walk outside, or just relaxing comfortably indoors. And if anyone dares to interrupt, they’ll be lucky to leave unscathed in one way or another.
She does show you affection in other ways, like small touches when passing you, just so you know she cares, even if she doesn’t have the proper time she’d like to give you.
And when you’re feeling down or doubting your relationship, she’ll look you in the eyes and verbally reassure you of her love for you, and remind you that she’s always there for you and will make time for you whenever you need or want her most.
For anon
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Tissaia de Vries: @riveranddoctorsong123, @randomfandomimagine, @grilledcheeseandguavajelly, @lettersoftroy, @dandycandy75, @ghostchild30, @devriesgoode, @jona-lea, @kaiiromanoff, @rubyqueen819, @roxi-reid, @chaos-faerie, @hc-geralt-23
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astaldis · 9 months
Whump Week Masterpost
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Thanks a lot @week-of-whump for organising this fun event. Here is a list of all my works for the prompts. If you are interested in reading some of it, you can find the stories in my Ao3 collection:
Week of Whump August 2023
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afnanbaty · 5 months
the witcher season 3 yennefer and geralt mmv
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lodgeofeilhart · 3 months
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My new Tissaia fic is finally here! ♥️
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annestar · 8 months
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tvseries-writings · 26 days
what are you planning on doing next
To answer the question here is another survey:
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astrid-sama · 2 years
Quando sono gelosi(the witcher one-shorts)
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Diventerebbe ancora più cupo e irritabile del solito. Lancerebbe sguardi mortali a chiunque cerchi di parlarti. Se pensa che hai assecondato il flirt non ti parlerebbe per almeno una settimana.
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Fingerebbe di non essere gelosa anche se nella sua testa sta pensando a come farla pagare al nobile che ha avuto il coraggio di flirtare con te.Sarebbe molto orgogliosa quando respingi i nobili. Appena siete rimaste sole ha riempito il tuo collo di succhiotti così che tutti sappiano che sei sua.
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Si metterebbe a cantare canzoni su quanto ti ama davanti a tutti , così che gli uomini sappiano che sei già in una relazione.
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Esteriormente non sembrerebbe gelosa ma in realtà si sta trattenendo dall'uccidere l'uomo che ha osato provato a flirtare con te. Minaccerebbe l'uomo di non avvicinarsi mai più a te se non vuole morire.
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Lei non sarebbe gelosa , perché sa di essere nettamente superiore a chiunque stia flirtado con te.
(the post is also in English on my profile)
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Tissaia De Vries
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I love you
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sourwolf-sterek32 · 9 months
Broken Heart
Summary: You were the first and only female Witcher.
You and Geralt had been together since you were teenagers, training and fighting alongside each other for decades. However, when Yennefer of Vengerberg showed up, he chose her.
Now, years later, you go back to Kaer Morhen for the winter and come face to face with Geralt of Rivia, forcing old feelings to resurface once again.
Pairing: Geralt of Rivia x Reader
Word Count: 3.6k
Warnings: Language, violence
Previous Chapter
Chapter 19-
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Over the next couple of days, you and Geralt trained.
It started off with simply walking around camp which then turned into slow and steady moves with your swords. Eithné had given Geralt a new sword since his had been shattered by Vilgefortz, and Triss, the wonderful sorceress, had grabbed your sword from the beach when she portalled you here.
Jaskier sat on the sidelines watching you and Geralt train while he wrote in his notebook, no doubt coming up with new songs.
Yennefer had shown up out of the blue one night. She didn't bring any good news with her though and she didn't have Ciri. She did however heal the worst of yours and Geralt’s injuries but left soon after saying that Aretuza and the other mages needed her now that Tissaia was dead.
Your knee was still playing up occasionally even after Yen had tried to heal it. Eithné gave you more of her healing waters to try and help, but nothing seemed to properly heal it. Whatever Vilgefortz’s staff was made out of, it had done some significant damage. It mostly healed though, and you only had a small limp, so it could be worse.
"I don't remember Vesemir's elixir recipe involving so many..." Jaskier trailed off holding up a wriggling worm in his hand. "...worm guts."
"It doesn't. But it's the closest thing to yghern venom I could find." Geralt answered holding the bowl of ingredients up towards the bard.
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"Oh, come on, he's... look at him." Jaskier insisted, staring at the worm with sad eyes before he sighed and reluctantly put the animal in the bowl. "Sorry, buddy. Just be gentle with him-"
Geralt crunched the worm with the pestle causing a whine to escape Jaskiers lips as he watched the creature get turned to mush and you chuckled in amusement at his reaction.
You helped Geralt continue to add ingredients, some easier than others to do. Plant roots needed to be squeezed for their water, other liquids had to be boiled before being added to the bowl, plant pedals had to be picked and so much more. There was a lot that went into an elixir.
Next time you see Vesemir you should thank him for always making the elixirs for you all. It was hard enough making two, let alone supplying elixirs to you and your brothers.
Jaskier helped where he could, and by helped it was more like annoy.
"What do you think this tastes like?" Jaskier asked randomly, holding up the wooden stick that you had just been using to mix the fruit juice and... other questionable things together.
"Good. You should try it." You simply replied.
Jaskier shrugged before licking the end of the stick, but he quickly lowered it and poked his tongue out in pure disgust while he gagged.
"That is quite possibly the grossest thing ever." Jaskier exclaimed before pointing at you with the stick. "And you, my friend, are pure evil."
You snorted, "I didn't think you would actually taste it."
"You said I should try it!"
"Never listen to her when she says those words." Geralt suddenly said, looking between you and Jaskier in amusement. "She once convinced Lambert and Eskel to drink goats piss."
"Oh God, I forgot about that." You covered your mouth with your hands in effort not to laugh as you thought back to that day many years ago. "They were so angry."
"Why the bloody hell would they drink that?!" Jaskier questioned in shock.
"She told them it was a new kind of ale."
Jaskier’s head shot in your direction, and you couldn't stop yourself from laughing.
"Evil. Pure evil."
"I think the word you're looking for is genius. Pure genius." You corrected, but Jaskier shook his head.
"Absolutely not. You are a horrible person. Quite possibly the horrible-est."
"Horrible-est?" You repeated, raising your eyebrows at the new word he made up.
Jaskier rolled his eyes and bumped his shoulder into yours playfully, "don't be smart, you know what I mean."
"I do. I also know that you don't mean it because you love me." You replied with a shit eating grin.
Geralt snorted softly listening to you and Jaskier banter before he finally finished making the elixir and began to pour the liquid into two small bottles.
"Ready to try it?" He asked, handing you one of the bottles.
"It won't be as powerful as Vesemir's elixir, will it?" You asked, taking the bottle.
He shook his head, "no. But it should sharpen the senses."
"Good enough for me."
You lifted the bottle to your lips and downed the liquid quickly knowing it would not taste nice in the slightest, but you weren't going to give Jaskier the satisfaction of knowing that detail after what you just did to him.
"Did it work?" The bard asked, his eyes flickering between you and Geralt who had also drunk his bottle.
You glanced over at Geralt, his golden eyes meeting yours and you could feel your senses heightening instantly.
"Oh, yeah. It worked." You nodded, glancing around the forest before turning back to Geralt. "Want to spar?"
"Read my mind."
Jaskier followed the two of you out to the clearing in the woods and plonked himself down on his usual log with his notebook while you and Geralt raised your swords and started to spar.
"Go Geralt!" Jaskier cheered, watching on as you ducked out of the way of Geralt’s attack.
"Really? You're cheering for him?" You questioned, sparing a glance at the bard before swinging your sword at Geralt, who easily deflected it with his own.
"Yes. Yes, I am. Because Geralt is my friend, and you are a horrible person who made me lick that stick."
"You did that with your own free will, Jask. Don't blame me." You shouted over your shoulder.
Jaskier chuckled softly but didn't say anything else letting you and Geralt focus on training. Your swords clanged together loudly, hit after hit. Geralt jumped back a step as you swung your sword at him again, the blade missing him by an inch before he began to advance on you, returning the attack.
You quickly raised your sword and blocked the attack before spinning out of the way. The two of you continued to spar. It reminded you of your training at Kaer Morhen, he was always your sparring partner growing up.
Geralt was the greatest Witcher. He was stronger, faster and more skilled than the rest of you, you all knew that. But you always managed to keep up with him whenever you sparred. You always held your own pretty well against him, but Geralt always got the better of you eventually.
So, when he managed to knock your sword from your grasp after a few minutes of sparring, you weren't surprised. And not a second later, the blade of his sword was against your neck.
"Yes!" Jaskier whooped in the background.
You smirked, raising your hands in surrender and tilting your head towards Geralt, "just like old times, right?"
Before Geralt could answer an arrow suddenly whizzed through the air, narrowly missing both your faces and without looking, you knew who the arrow belonged to.
"You'd be dead now." Milva's voice called out.
"Hmm." Geralt grunted, lowering his blade from your neck before picking up your sword and holding it out to you. "We're leaving now."
"Good. Let's go get Ciri." You smiled, taking your sword and sheathing it over your back before glancing at Jaskier. "Ready to go?"
"You bet."
Jaskier pocketed his notebook and threw his lute over his shoulder before jogging after you and Geralt as you made your way through the woods, waving goodbye to Milva on the way.
The three of you didn't get very far before coming across what seemed to be a Nilfgaardian checkpoint. Nilfgaard soldiers were blocking the road from travellers, limiting who could cross and by the look of it the only way to cross was with the correct papers or by payment.
"We'll never get to Ciri if we don't get past." Jaskier whispered from between you and Geralt.
"How do we get past? Last I checked none of us have any coin." You whispered back.
"There's got to be another way round."
"Not for days." Geralt replied quietly.
"I got this." Jaskier said confidently before he strode towards the soldier. “Hi. How are you?"
"Papers?" The soldier asked.
"We lost them." Geralt simply replied, stepping up beside Jaskier and you quickly followed.
"But we would be happy to compensate you for, uh, for your troubles with... umm, give me a second." Jaskier stuttered, checking all his pockets for anything valuable to trade.
"Wanna get through? Pay."
"Here. That's... two! Two orens." Jaskier announced, pulling out two coins from the inside of his jacket and handing them over, but the soldier shook his head.
"You're gonna have to do better than that, freak." He responded before his eyes flashed over to you and a sickening grin spread across his face. "Maybe I can take your beautiful girl round the corner, and she can convince me to let you through."
Geralt's body turned tense, his hand instantly forming a fist at his side, but you quickly stepped in front of him putting yourself between him and the soldier before he could do something stupid.
"That is not going to happen. But here. For your troubles." You said, reaching towards your neck and pulling Eskel's necklace off your head.
Well, technically, it was your necklace. After the Trials and all your training to become a Witcher, Vesemir gave you all necklaces with a school of the wolf medallion on it before you went your separate ways to walk the Path and kill monsters.
Although you and Eskel used to walk the Path together, eventually there came a time when the two of you had to go your separate ways...
"I don't want to do this." You complained, sitting on a haybale in the stables at Kaer Morhen.
Eskel finished saddling his horse before he walked over and sat down on the hay beside you with a deep sigh.
"I know. Me either." He admitted. "But we have to. Vesemir insists that we all need to walk the Path alone at least once. We have to experience it. We have to prove that we can do it."
"That's such bullshit." You mumbled, folding your arms across your chest in frustration.
You knew you were being a baby about it. You were an adult. You weren't a scared little kid anymore. But the thought of leaving your brother and knowing he was out there somewhere fighting monsters, but not knowing if he was okay or not... you hated it.
"Once we prove to the old man that we can do it then we can go back to walking the Path together like it's meant to be, yeah? Geralt and Lambchop can tag along too. We can meet up with Coen and the others along the way. We can do anything we want afterwards."
"That does sound good."
"Fuck yeah, it does!" Eskel agreed with a grin.
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The two of you fell into comfortable silence as you sat on the haybale watching the horses, delaying the inevitable for as long as possible.
"I got an idea." Eskel suddenly said, pulling his medallion off from around his neck and holding it out for you. "Take it. You'll always have a part of me with you, no matter what."
"Only if you take mine." You responded, pulling your own medallion off causing Eskel to smile with a small nod before trading necklaces.
You looped Eskel's necklace over your head, lifting your hair to get it around your neck as you looked down at the silver wolf medallion resting against your chest. It seemed stupid swapping them. All the medallions were identical. But it was sentimental. You had your brothers and he had yours.
"Perfect. How does it look?" Eskel asked turning to face you properly with your medallion now around his neck.
"It looks the same." You teased.
Eskel rolled his eyes with a soft chuckle, "obviously."
"Thank you." You said sincerely, your tone turning serious which stopped Eskel's laughter instantly. "Thank you. I know the others won't get it, but... thank you. Having a piece of you with me..."
"It helps." Eskel said finishing your sentence.
You nodded, "yeah. It does."
He smiled before looping his arm around your shoulders and pulling you into his side.
"Enough of this sentimental crap, we're Witcher’s, aren't we? Before we know it, we'll be back here and shovelling horse shit in the snow."
You smiled softly resting your head against your brother's shoulder and grabbed the medallion on your chest before closing your eyes not wanting this moment to end.
"Don't be afraid. I'll always be with you." Eskel whispered, placing a gentle kiss to the top of your head. "Everything will be okay."
You held up Eskel's medallion towards the soldier, twirling it around so he could see the front and back. Technically, it was your medallion from all those years ago when you and Eskel swapped necklaces.
Vesemir had taken the medallion off your brother’s body the day he died and instead of putting it on the tree of fallen Witcher’s medallions, he gave it to you instead knowing you wanted it.
"Wait, isn't that-"
"Eskel's necklace, yes." You said, cutting Geralt off.
"No. Y/N, no, come on, not that." Jaskier argued quietly.
"Pure silver. Vintage. Priceless." You negotiated, ignoring both men beside you as you stared at the soldier who was quick to snatch the medallion with a nod.
"Very nice. On you go." The soldier instructed, stepping to the side allowing you all to pass.
You nodded your thanks and walked off, Geralt and Jaskier hurriedly following.
"It's a damn shame though. I would've loved to have some fun with you girly! It's been a while since I got my dick wet!" The soldier shouted after you.
Geralt came to a sudden halt at the man's words, and you quickly grabbed his arm stopping him from marching back over there.
"He's not worth it. Let it go." You hissed under your breath.
Geralt glanced down at you, his golden eyes ablaze with anger before he looked over your shoulder in the direction of the soldier.
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"Just keep walking." Jaskier whispered, backing you up. "Geralt, we need to get to Ciri."
Geralt ignored you both and simply handed Jaskier his sword before he yanked his arm free from your grasp. You knew better than to try and stop him, not when he had that look in his eyes.
You sighed watching him walk back towards the soldier who was completely oblivious with his back turned to the Witcher marching at him.
"This isn't going to end well, is it?" Jaskier sighed from beside you.
"For the Nilfgaard soldiers? Nope. Not at all." You answered.
"Should we follow him?"
"The fuck did you just say to her?" Geralt questioned, grabbing the man’s shoulder and spinning him around forcefully.
"Whoa! Hey, piss off!" The man exclaimed. "Or maybe I'll take her home and see what use she can be put to."
"That was the wrong thing to say." You mumbled under your breath.
"What-" Jaskier started to ask but didn't get to finish his sentence.
Geralt slammed his fist into the side of the soldier's face, once, twice, three times until the man fell to the ground unconscious with a broken nose and definite concussion.
The other soldiers that had been standing off in the background suddenly charged at Geralt, but he grabbed the axe from the man's belt before unleashing all his pent-up anger and rage on the Nilfgaardians.
You watched Geralt slaughter soldier after soldier. You weren't going to stop him. He needed to let out his anger. He needed this.
"Should you, uh, should you help him?" Jaskier hesitantly asked.
You shook your head, "he needs this."
After everything that's happened, after feeling like he failed Ciri for not protecting her, you were going to give him this. This was his way of protecting you and despite the fact that you were a Witcher and didn't need him to fight your battles, you knew he needed to do this. Not for you, but for himself.
"He needs his sword." Was all Jaskier said before he rushed headfirst into the fight before you had a chance to stop him.
"Damn it, Jask." You muttered, unsheathing your own sword.
Not even five seconds later, one of the soldiers noticed the bard weaving his way through the fight and charged at him. Jaskier managed to hold Geralt's sword above his head, blocking the axe coming down at him before you pulled out your throwing knife and lined up the shot.
A moment later, the soldier fell to the ground with the blade impaled through the side of his neck, the only piece of visible skin amongst the metal armour that covered his body.
Jaskier sent you a grateful nod before he reached Geralt and handed him the sword, and once Geralt had that sword in his hand it was over.
You rushed over to Jaskier grabbing his arm and pulling him away from the fight while Geralt tore his way through the remaining soldiers wielding both an axe and sword.
"Get him!"
You pushed Jaskier to safety and spun around to find Geralt kneeling beside a dead soldier, but it was the three other very much alive soldiers sprinting towards him that caught your attention. You ran over them, jumping over the dead bodies that littered the area before kicking the closest one away and slicing your sword through the others neck, killing him instantly.
You turned your attention to the next, the other staggering to his feet, but before you could attack, arrows suddenly soared through the air and stabbed them both with precision accuracy, and they dropped to the ground, dead.
Those were Milva's arrows.
You glanced over your shoulder to find the archer emerging from the woods, a sly grin spreading across her face. You chuckled softly, shaking your head before walking over to Geralt who yanked his sword out the dead soldier before getting to his feet with a sigh.
"I know, I know. We'd be dead now." Geralt said, beating Milva to it.
The woman smirked glancing between the two of you before Jaskier walked over. The bard looked you and Geralt up and down for any signs of injuries, but sighed in relief when he couldn't see any.
"We good?" Jaskier asked wanting to make sure.
"Not yet. Missed one." Milva pointed out, nodding to someone behind you.
"No, I didn't." Geralt muttered, his eyes hardening before he marched over to the remaining soldier, and you didn't have to turn around to know which soldier that would be.
You wiped the blood off your sword with your pants ignoring the disgusted look Jaskier gave you at the action. You poked your tongue out at him causing him to do it back before you sheathed your sword.
"No, no, no, no. Please, don't. Please-" The soldiers pleads were cut off by his own pained screams.
You looked over just as Geralt lowered his sword and the soldier from earlier collapsed to the ground holding his groin with bright crimson blood staining his hands as he cried.
"Ouch. What did that guy do to piss him off?" Milva asked with a wince as she watched.
"He threatened Y/N... uh, sexually." Jaskier answered, unable to take his eyes away from the scene. "Geralt can get protective over her."
"Yeah, I kinda figured that part out." Milva responded.
Geralt reached down and grabbed the soldier, hauling him back to his feet before pinning him up against the side of a caravan.
"You won't be getting your 'dick wet' ever again." Geralt growled, pushing him harder against the caravan causing the man to whimper before Geralt leant closer. "If you don't bleed out and manage to get to Nilfgaard before we do... you tell that fuck Emhyr that no matter his armies, no matter his walls, we will free Ciri. Understand?"
The soldier made a small groaning noise that you assumed was his response before Geralt released him and he instantly fell back to the ground holding his bleeding groin.
Geralt stood above him, breathing heavily through his nose as the anger and adrenaline from the fight slowly dissipated. You walked over to him and grabbed Geralt’s arm gently turning him to face you.
"You okay?" Geralt instantly asked, his golden eyes locking with yours.
You smiled softly, "I'm good. Let's go get our daughter back."
Geralt nodded before reaching down and grabbing your hand, lacing his fingers with yours. You glanced over your shoulder to find Milva and Jaskier making their way towards you through the carnage of butchered Nilfgaardian soldiers that Geralt left behind.
"I want to help you." Milva spoke up, looking between you and Geralt. "And these soldiers have horses around the back."
Geralt nodded, "let's go then."
You, Geralt, Jaskier and Milva took the horses and continued on your way to Nilfgaard. You were going to rescue Ciri and kill Vilgefortz once and for all, and nothing was going to stop you.
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A/N- For now, this is it. I do plan on continuing this story when the next season comes out, but I will be writing it based on Henry’s Geralt, not Liam Hemsworths.
Henry is and always will be my Witcher. You guys can imagine whoever you want while reading, but for me it is always Henry.
I wanted to rush this story and have y/n and Geralt randomly find Ciri in the woods just so I don't have to write any chapters based on the new season, but it felt too rushed when I tried to do it and after all the time I've spent on this and for all of you still reading, I couldn't rush the ending and butcher the story.
So, I plan on adding more chapters, but Season 4 is very far away and who knows what I'll be doing in real life when it finally gets released. So, I won't promise anything, but just know that I have really enjoyed writing this and seeing all your likes, kudos, reblogs and comments. I love you all so very much and thank you for your continuous support.
Until next time, stay safe guys and have a great night xx
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thewitchandtheassassin · 11 months
Fates Divine: The Journey Ahead (Yennefer of Vengerberg x Reader)
Summary: Contracts must be fulfilled and sometimes, feelings are an adventure.
Words: 2582
Warnings: Witcher-esque violence, language (which, tbf, these two warnings are going to be throughout the entire series)
A/N: I have so much planned, holy shit. (Yer a witcher, Harry).
Series Masterlist
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The morning air was crisp; the heady smell of berbercane fruit flooding Yennefer’s senses as you meticulously peeled the dressings from her chest and shoulder. Once white, it was dusty pink and sticky with drying blood. Which was good, even if you weren’t satisfied with the raw flesh knitting itself back together. Her potion had served to only hasten the process but not enough.
“If it begins to burn or you feel weak, tell me,” you commanded, concern softening the sharp bite.
The genuine worry bleeding into your words left Yennefer’s heart aching though she couldn’t blame it on the wound marring her chest, despite valiantly wishing to. There was something beautiful and disarming about a Witcher caring so diligently for a woman she’d never met before. No coin could forge such dedication and warmth; if you simply cared about the gold, you wouldn’t be touching her with such reverence.
As though you worried she’d break beneath your fingers.
It was odd. It’d be so long since she’d felt a kindness such as this before. In Aretuza, there had been a sisterhood but no real gentleness. No care. Most mages did not truly care when a sister went missing unless it affected them. And while she was certain Tissaia loved her in her own way, it often seemed… superficial.
Even Istredd was a lie, in the end.
Fingers brushing across her cheek brought Yennefer from her thoughts, eyes focusing to meet your questioning gaze.
“Are you okay?” you murmured, separating the callused, sword-worn appendages from her warm flesh. “You seemed… somewhere else.”
“I am fine,” she promised with a watery smile, carefully fixing her tunic and cloak back into place. “I was just lost in my thoughts. I am not used to being cared for, much less by a near-stranger.”
Chuckling, you stood from your kneeling and offered her your hand. “I doubt it feels any odder than it does for me to care for a human. I can’t remember the last time I helped someone without coin involved.”
Accepting the gesture, she watched you wander off to your grazing horse. “I suppose you should fulfill your contract with the Oxenfurt people before we venture off into the wilds?”
You rolled your eyes, tossing the saddle over Lyrium’s back, gesturing for the beast to rise. You settled your bags and Yennefer’s along the back, checking their sturdiness before glancing at the violet-eyed beauty. “Unfortunately. It’s a simple case of drowners roaming the nearby river. Apparently some children wandered down there and… you can imagine.”
Yennefer winced sympathetically.
“C’mon,” you waved her over to Lyrium, a mischievous smirk upturning your lips. “Can’t have an injured woman walking when there’s a perfectly healthy mare in front of ‘er.”
Before she could argue, you grasped her hips with firm, confident hands and lifted her up onto the beast’s back. Her shrieks of indignant surprise nearly sent you stumbling back with laughter but you managed to keep yourself upright, barely avoiding her flailing feet as she tried to adjust herself upon your horse.
“You could have simply asked,” she admonished, watching warily as you swung up behind her. “Is this how you treat all the women in your company?”
She swallowed back a gasp as hot lips brushed the shell of her ear, your hands taking the reins with practiced ease.
“I assure you,” you hummed lowly, “I can be incredibly gentle if a woman wants. All you have to do is ask, biauté.”
Yennefer’s cheeks went warm with color at the term that fell so easily from your lips. It wasn’t uncommon for people to find her beautiful now, since her ascension, but a brief wonder crossed her mind.
Would you have thought that before?
Arms bracketing around her as Lyrium began her trek back to the dirt trail, she wasn’t sure if she wanted to know.
The journey to the river was quiet, Yennefer’s head tilted back slightly as she bathed in the morning sun. You were completely aware of the intimacy of your position – practically embracing her while leading your mare onward, her dark locks tickling your scarred cheeks and the smell of lilac and gooseberries filling your nose – but it was the safest place for a non-Witcher these days, should they be traveling on horseback together. Any dumb bloke with too much mead in his veins and a worn crossbow might see her as a target and you’d hate to spill blood so early.
It didn’t help that guards and villagers alike were shooting you nasty glances as you neared your destination. You’d even considered kicking one in the head when they called her a “mutant fucker” under their breath but they weren’t worth the unnecessary spectacle that would surely ensue.
“When I slide off Lyrium, take her a few paces away from the riverbank and wait for me,” you instructed as the sound of drowners met your perked ears. “She doesn’t spook easily so she shouldn’t buck you.”
Yennefer nodded, hands sliding over yours atop the reins. “Be careful, Witcher.”
As the beasts noticed your horse, you lifted from Lyrium with effortlessness and dropped gracefully to the ground, drawing your silver sword before your feet ever touched the dirt.
“Let’s make this easy, yeah?” you taunted the screeching creatures. “I’ve got places to be and you… well. You’re just ugly.”
Knocking two of the charging beasts back with a burst of fire, you rammed the silver blade through a third one’s chest. Shoving it off, you lobbed another’s head off with a flourish, dodging the droplets of blood that flew past your face. It was obvious this was a dance you’d perfected over the years, utterly unbothered by the creatures attacking you.
Yennefer was enamored by the delicate footwork and elegant swordsmanship. To most of the world, it would be a daunting task to rid Oxenfurt of the creatures but you made it seem like child’s play. Never blinking or faltering, you were vanquishing them without a single hesitation.
It left an unfamiliar burning in her stomach, one she hadn’t truly felt in decades.
As the last beast fell, you smirked triumphantly and her heart dipped into her belly. Employing you to help her on this quest might be her absolute undoing…
Wiping the blood from your blade with a handkerchief, you slipped it back into its sheathe and crossed the river to your horse. The smell of something heavy and divine met your nose but you were oblivious to the source, riled up from the successful hunt.
Catching Yennefer’s gaze, you were stunned at how dark and glorious her eyes looked in the high sun. It almost seemed like she wished to devour you, but you hurriedly dismissed that thought as wishful thinking.
“Just need to return to Lord What’s-His-Fuck and then we begin our search for your werewolves,” you announced proudly, reclaiming your seat behind Yennefer and snagging the reins from her tight fists. “Are you alright? You seem tense.”
“Fine,” she replied in a clipped tone, clearly unwilling to elaborate despite it serving to only pique your curiosity.
You considered pushing but it wasn’t your place. She was paying you to slay a werewolf, not speak about her problems. If she wished for you to know, she would tell you in her own time.
Besides, you were far better at listening.
Tossing the coin purse in the air as you ventured out of the lord’s gaudy, snobbish abode, you were satisfied with the reward hoisted in your tight grip. He’d paid a hefty amount for something that required little skill – for a Witcher – but he’d never know and you’d never tell. What good would it do to rub salt into the wounds of a grieving man?
And more importantly, you weren’t a charity so it was best for you both. He received his justice and you earned your coin. All was balanced in the world, if only for a moment.
Finding Yennefer among the crowds of commoners was simple enough. Lyrium was a large beast and frankly, the sorceress set your senses ablaze so tracking her down took no time. Chatting with an herbalist, it was clear she was disappointed by his supply of ingredients though her demeanor never changed.
“Thank you for your time,” she smiled graciously, relaxing as you settled at her side. She’d known you were coming the moment your eyes fell upon her, the unseen caress a wisp across her form.
The herbalist’s smile grew tight with panic as he realized who – or rather, what – you were. It was frozen to his cheeks but the fear was evident and glaring. Or, maybe it was distaste. You didn’t know nor did you care. Humans were all the same in places like this.
Yennefer frowned at his sudden change, a flurry of furious words lingering on the tip of her pointed tongue. To fear you for simply existing seemed ridiculous, considering you’d vanquished their drowners and most likely solved a dozen other problems for them during your time in Oxenfurt.
“Some drowner bodies down by the river,” you informed him without sparing a single glance. “Might want to find an alchemist to go collect the important bits before they rot or the crows pick them clean.”
“O-of course,” he choked out, stumbling away from his stall like it’d caught fire. “Right away.”
Your brow arched. “Do you think he realizes he just left all of things here… unguarded… including gold? The thing us mutants supposedly love more than anything?”
“Bastard deserves it if everything goes missing. Let’s go.” Yennefer spun away from the stall, grabbing Lyrium’s reins as if it was the most natural thing in the world for her as she stalked away from the market. “Bloody cretin running away like you were the drowner.”
Shrugging, you kept pace with the irate sorceress, ignoring the way people practically dove out of your way. “It’s nothing new for me, Yennefer. I assure you. Humans will do as they do. You should know that better than most. This bloody war has put them farther on the edge than they already were. They feared us before. They hate us now but we’re an unfortunate evil they have to keep around.”
“We need unity more than anything in times like these,” she stated with determination, words wavering with idealism and hope, both rare to find nowadays. “Nilfgaard is breathing down their necks and instead of uniting the continent, they’d rather drive out the elves and ostracize those they deem undesirable! And that doesn’t include what humans are doing to themselves. We need peace; we need harmony.”
“I fear we haven’t had that for a long time,” you mused, offering an apologetic half-smile.
Yennefer’s frown deepened and for a moment, you hated yourself for dimming the light of her hope. Part of you was cynical, having met some of the worst people, but you were also a realist. If harmony were possible, it would have already been achieved and yet, all you could do was look at the disarray the continent had fallen into.
“We should find you a new horse while we’re here,” you declared, carefully directing your thoughtful companion towards the stable. “It’s surely better than being forced to ride with me. Your luck, some dumb sod might shoot a bow at me and hit you instead.”
Yennefer’s yelp of startled laughter was cut short by the sound of blades being drawn and you paused, Lyrium neighing unhappily at the abrupt motion.
“Where are you going, freak?” a nasty, nasally voice pierced your ears, earning a wince of pain as your ears protested such a horrendous sound. It was unpleasant, grating to every fiber of your being. “We don’ want yer kind ‘ere!”
Pivoting to face the knights creeping towards you, a humorless smirk greeted them. “Simply helping the lord with the drowner problem. Planned to purchase a horse and be on my way. That’s all.”
“That’s all? That’s all? That’s never all when you fuckin’ mutants come scurryin’ about,” another knight spat, spittle flying from his chapped lips. “We should gut you like a fish!”
Hand rising to grab steel, your head tilted mockingly. “I’ve had better men than you try. Want to see what I did to them?”
The stench of fear wafted about in waves, flooding your nose and dragging a genuine smirk forth.
“You know, I’d wager you’ll want to have those trousers cleaned soon, otherwise the smell of a coward’s piss is going to fill the streets,” you hissed, golden eyes narrowing with contemptuous fire.
Yennefer rounded your side, hands ablaze and eyes simmering with fury as she glared at the knights daringly. You nearly flinched away but something kept you rooted, a silent trust resonating within you.
“Let us purchase a mare and go,” she ordered, fists tightening beneath her rage. “Or we’ll kill you and then go make our purchase.”
They shared a single glance and your sword slid free of confines, meeting theirs in a swift parry…
Hooves beat against the dirt pathway, your horse matching Yennefer’s new mare’s pace comfortably. It would take about a day or so to voyage to Knotgrass Meadow, your first stop in the hunt for a living werewolf. Granted, living wasn’t entirely necessary but you found fresh saliva to be far more potent.
It was just harder to acquire.
Your clothes were dampened from the murky water, the blood having washed away with the river before your ride began. Three mangled bodies had been left in the streets of Oxenfurt, crimson smeared beneath boots and the scent of charred flesh lingering in the wind. The purchase of Galleon had been quick, the stable boy too terrified to do anything besides accept the coins shoved into his hands.
“What’s this talisman of yours for?” you inquired, breaking the hour long silence that had befallen you. “If it calls for such a powerful ingredient, I assume it’s no simple craft.”
Peering at the sorceress, you watched her struggle with an unspoken, internal battle. It was evident she preferred to keep things to herself, like a hand of Gwent cards, but you couldn’t help wanting to know more. You’d never been a curious one, even before your training at Kaer Morhen and yet…
She was becoming an enigma in your life.
“I’m searching for someone. I hope this talisman will help me find her,” she replied prudently, each word a calculated step.
Humming, you nodded. To be chasing something so precious and valuable, you couldn’t help wondering what she must mean to Yennefer. “She must be special if you’re going through all this trouble for her.”
“Truthfully, I have no idea,” Yennefer admitted, eyes trained on the path ahead. “I’ve never met her yet she often haunts my dreams. Calling out to me. Asking me to find her.”
Chuckling lecherously, you smirked. “I’ve known a few women like that before.”
She scoffed in disgust, kicking her foot at you playfully. “Not like that, you dog. She’s too young for such thoughts. I simply… want to find her and understand.”
You could see the tension in her shoulders, the uncertainty in her violet eyes. She was desperately searching for answers in a world that was not kind to people like her and yourself. She needed allies. Friends.
We will find this girl, you avowed, heart aching with something foreign as you remembered the ferocity in which Yennefer had fought – for you. I swear it.
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