#tlg the nest
thornheartless · 1 year
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Stretching out the wings
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randomfoggytiger · 1 year
We Don't Value Skinner Enough
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From the start, Skinner is arrogant and annoyed with Mulder's antics. However, that opinion is shaken in the same episode with undeniable, scientific proof of Tooms' autopsy and CSM's "of course" response.
In early S2, Skinner has become more watchful: silent and unhelpful, but keeping tabs on Mulder's movements and the interested parties that swirl around him at all times.
During Scully's abduction, he tries to keep Mulder in check, only to become increasingly frustrated when checkmated inside his own playpen by unforeseen meddlers. In One Breath, he gives Mulder a harsh reality check; but follows it up compassionately with a personal anecdote showing his commitment to Mulder and his quest.
In Anasazi and The Blessing Way, Skinner puts his neck on the line to mitigate Mulder's wild antics; and intercepts Scully's disc from being taken, dodging CSM's suspicions and Scully's distrust.
In Paper Clip, Skinner has both his agents (one back from the dead) pull a gun on him; and yet he STILL works for their best interest-- facing off against death threats by CSM; and cleverly pivoting to save all of their hides, brokering a deal for his agents' safe return when all hope is lost and the villains have seemingly gotten away with it. He is free from "top-down" management; and vows never to let them have that collar of control around his neck again.
In 731 and Nisei, he puts his skepticism of a coverup of Melissa Scully's death aside for Scully's sake, poking the conspiracy nest and winding up getting shot.
As S3 progresses, Skinner becomes lost in the labyrinth of darkness and hopelessness, losing his marriage in the process: ending up with a dead wife but a resolved past.
During S4, he continually has Scully's back whenever Mulder goes off on a wild goose chase, guiding her in her actions against Congress, breaking his oath and dirtying himself for a possibly cure by doing CSM's bee mission side quest. He then spends the rest of the cancer arc trying to simultaneously reason away Scully's suspicions and keep Mulder from making a more permanent fool of himself. When CSM "dies", he is released from his shackles yet again.
S5 rolls on with crazier cases that involve Skinner more directly-- Kitsunegari, Bad Blood, Patient X, The Red and The Black, Pine Bluff Variant, Folie a Deux, The End-- and he finds that he is on board for all of Mulder's theories (no matter how outlandish) as long as Mulder remains respectable for five seconds (which is what Scully is for.)
During FTF, Skinner keeps his agents informed of the committees' decisions and actions, remaining impartial to convince the group that his judgment is uncompromised. He covers for Mulder when he is shot, participating with TLG's ruse to get him out of the hospital. He also likely had contacts at McMurdo Station Mulder could use for his round trip.
In early S6, he ducks his head after the failure in The Beginning; but still helps Scully (nearly to his own detriment) in Triangle (and also in Mulder's alternate universe.) On death's door in S.R. 819, he leans on Mulder and Scully for help, apologizing to her for not sticking by them. Unfortunately, he has to take it back because he has become a puppet for the third time: this time his jailers are Alex Krycek and nanobytes. Two Fathers and One Son carries him back into his agents' lives, helping them flee the train yard to catch up with the Rebels and Consortium members-- too late.
Mid to late S6 had Skinner firmly in the shippers camp. During Monday he watches, resigned and a touch bemused, as Mulder and Scully weave in and out of each other's lives, not bothering to care that they are ditching a meeting to find each other. (I also posit this is around the time Hollywood A.D. was made, because he got very soft on the two of them; and Wayne Fedderman? Fetterman? would have picked up on that partiality.) He assigns them an undercover-married mission in Arcadia; and would have had to mitigate the disastrous results of Milagro's after-effects. He plays a pivotal role in Field Trip-- hallucination and not-- as an active presence in both Mulder and Scully's lives. (What's interesting is that he has a more marked presence in Scully's mind, which sets up for their S8 dynamic.)
Biogenesis and The Sixth Extinction takes all of Skinner's assets-- smarts, strength, sterling loyalty-- and dumps them in the trash, knocking him about with nanobytes and forcing him to lose Scully's trust and Mulder in the flesh. When the duo end up rescuing themselves, it signals to him that they don't really need his help anymore; so, Skinner spends the rest of the season sitting back and keeping his head mostly out of their business. The only time he directly interfered with their lives was assisting Mulder's family crisis in Sein und Zeit and Closure, lobbing Mulder another cozy community drama in Chimera, letting the camera crew film them in X-Cops, and proudly joining them in Hollywood for the release of The Lazarus Bowl.
By Requiem, Skinner is relaxed: the Consortium was dealt with, there didn't seem to be more alien drama, and his agents seemed to have blended their lives with normalcy and contentment. And then Krycek shows up, and Scully stays behind, and he loses Mulder. He and Scully bond over that loss, his sense of duty pairing with his strong sense of friendship and respect. He learns Scully's greatest secret immediately after they connect over Mulder's loss; and the two draw closer over this singular tragedy that affects each other in a way that it can't anyone else.
S8 transforms Skinner into an active agent (ha) in his agents' personal lives: guarding Scully (sizing up and befriending Doggett) and protecting her and her child's interests. His depth of friendship is brought to the surface, showing how much it must have hurt to be suspicioned over the years and yet never quitting, forging on ahead for their sakes (even if his efforts were never recognized fully.) In TINH, he listens to Scully spill her precious memories of Mulder and her fears; and has a solo place attached to her side when all the other mourners leave the burial in Deadalive. Skinner's leap of faith digs Mulder up from the ground; and he intercedes on behalf of his newly awakened and angered agent until Mulder is able to find a semblance of stability. Even then, he extends his fierce protection and guidance, a rubbing-off effect he's cultivated during the months Mulder had been missing.
In Essence and Existence, Skinner sides with Mulder on everything, not even batting an eye at each crazy leap and every decision and plan he' told to make (no matter how harebrained.) He saves Mulder's life and frees himself once and for all with a gunshot wound to Krycek's head; then he gets Mulder back on track to go rescue his family. And, while my viewing experience stops there, it seems he will be a powerful ally for Doggett and Reyes as well. (My own personal thoughts include Scully making him the godfather of her son, with him being more hands on because of the experiences that tied him to this little family over the course of that turbulent year.)
S9 onwards isn't my cup of tea; but it's logical to conclude his importance looms large into the future: supporting S9 Scully, saving Mulder in IWTB when she calls, and helping them like old times in the Revival (though their distrust of him at that point was juvenile and didn't fit their characters at all... but I digress.)
Skinner is the MVP, losing much of his old life and guards to the quest without flinching. But what's interesting about him is that it refined him and made him a better, more honest, and more moral man: able to process his early paranormal experiences and let them guide him into a more balanced, enlightened life. His steadfastness is unmatched; his thirst for truths outside-the-box that he carefully hid slowly rose to the surface over the years; and he became family to his agents as much as TLG and Maggie Scully did.
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Skinman is the GOAT.
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klimtjardin · 2 years
Klim klim amor da minha vida, posso fazer um pedido de headcanon? É a primeira vez q eu peço ai q emoçãokkk
Passei na frente do espelho e vi o meu reflexo e o quão volumosos e cheio meu cabelo tá, entt fiquei pensando em como os meninos reagiram a minha "juba" e q manias ele teriam tlg (especialmente no Yuta e o Hyuck)  uma coisa bem fofinha e cutie e cutie msm. Imaginei o Naka enchendo a mão com o meu cabelo para puxar minha cabeça poder ter acesso ao meu pescoço nunca foi feliz
Se não quiser fazer ou não conseguir ta tudo blz 💖
olá liazinha, minha vida 🌷
Não sei o que isso se tornou, mas ficamos com 'manias do nct com seu cabelo cacheado/volumoso'? porque sim, porque sempre penso o que eles pensariam do meu cabelo kkkkkk
Taeil: "amor, o seu cabelo..." ele olha para você como se fosse a própria Vênus na frente dele, com os olhinhos brilhando e tudo.
Johnny: "uau! que mulher!" ele bate palmas e faz os exageros dele, pra depois te olhar apaixonado. Toda vez que tem uma oportunidade ele amassa seu cabelo delicadamente.
Taeyong: não sei o que pensar sobre ele (sim, inédito neste site), talvez ele diga que acha seu cabelo fofo e tente pesquisar sobre o que você usa nele, ou como ele pode tocar. Fica assustado quando você o repreende por tocar errado no seu cabelo. Se é cacheado, gosta de enrolar os cachinhos nas pontas quando você está distraída. Eu diria que ele se sente bem intimidado por uma mulher de cabelo volumoso, por parecer alguém com personalidade, mas ele gosta disso.
Yuta: com certeza ele ama meter a mão no seu cabelo e que você encoste no ombro dele pra ele cheirar o topo da sua cabeça. Quando está volumoso ele acha muito sexy e fica todo sorrisos.
Kun: ele seria tão fofo do tipo "essa mulher é minha namorada??? Você é tão maravilhosa", enfim, gado. Você só ia ver as covinhas dele aparecendo. "Posso tocar, amor? Eu amo a textura do seu cabelo." E ama deitar em cima do seu cabelo também. Quando está volumoso a reação dele é igual do Taeil.
Doyoung: também gosta de cheirar seu cabelo, e quando está volumoso ele diz que acha incrível e fica fazendo carinho o dia todo se você deixar.
Ten: ele ficaria sem palavras, tenho certeza, porque no fundo ele estaria pensando "essa vadi4 brilha mais que eu, mas é por isso que eu amo ela". Também seria babão igual Taeil+Kun.
Jaehyun: ele ama o quão diferente você é dele, um dos motivos pelo qual te escolheu como parceira. Então ele te encheria de elogios e ficaria te olhando apaixonado, mas ao mesmo tempo protegendo seu cabelo de qualquer coisa que possa desfazê-lo - chuva e especialmente mãos alheias. "✋✋✋ Ela não gosta que toquem no cabelo dela".
Winwin: embasbacado seria a palavra certa. Eu tenho certeza que ele namoraria uma estrangeira e seria obcecado caso o cabelo dela fosse volumoso ou cacheado, especialmente pelo cheiro e textura, ama afundar o rosto entre as madeixas.
Jungwoo: também se assusta quando você o repreende por meter as mãos no seu cabelo, mas ele não pode evitar porque ama a textura, especialmente quando está mais volumoso, ele ama meter a mão nos seus cabelos, não adianta.
Lucas: pra ser sincera, eu acho que ele nem perceberia diferença kkkkkk
Mark: pra se certificar, ele perguntaria "fez algo novo no cabelo hoje? Ele tá tão... cabeloso, er, quer dizer- tá diferente. Posso tocar?" com cara de pidão.
Xiaojun: "ei" ele faria você olhar pra ele. "Tá linda, gata." Beijinhos e piscadinha de olho.
Hendery: você ia achar que ele nunca repara no seu cabelo até um dia encontrar a reposição de um dos seus cremes favoritos no seu armário, que ele comprou pra você, porque deixou seu cabelo volumoso e ele fica lindo assim, assinado Hendery, seu namorado gatão, o melhor namorado do mundo ;).
Renjun: do time dos babões, mas ele queria entender como funciona sua rotina capilar e faz perguntas e coisa e tal. "Tão bonito seu cabelo ser assim, combina com você."
Jeno: ama fazer carinho no seu cabelo, mas sempre pergunta como pra não estragar, porque vê que você passa horas arrumando.
Haechan: ele narra sua rotina capilar "hmm... O que ela vai fazer no cabelo hoje? Ela vai passar um milhão de cremes e depois usar aquela coisa esquisita cheia de garras que faz um barulhão (difusor) e, acreditem, vai sair mó gata." Ama cheirar seu cabelo e deitar em cima dele também.
Jaemin: ele gosta quando você o chama pra te ajudar a finalizar "com mais volume ou sem? Acho que você fica gata assim, chama atenção, eu gosto disso."
Yangyang & Shotaro: ambos teriam reações bem semelhantes, ao meu ver. Iriam querer participar da sua finalização e fariam lambança, mas sempre elogiam o resultado. "Usa seu cabelo assim mais vezes!"
Sungchan: com certeza te ajuda a finalizar, especialmente se você quer seu cabelo bem alinhadinho. Ele ia lambuzar as mãos de creme e ficar passando até achar que está perfeito. Quando usa diferente, ele percebe e diz exatamente o que tem de diferente "hoje seu cabelo está mais volumoso e sem tanta definição, você usou algum creme novo? Que finalização você fez? Acho que ficaria ainda mais lindo aquela sua presilha de pérolas-"
Chenle: "se eu fizer isso, meu cabelo também fica assim? Não? Mas-mas- eu queria combinar com você." Fica com a mão nas suas costas e cuidando qualquer olhar maldoso na sua direção pra ele olhar feio de volta.
Jisung: constantemente toca no seu cabelo e em seguida no dele porque ele gosta de apreciar a diferença da textura, quando está volumoso ele diz "uau, que incrível".
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tricobicofriend · 29 days
cw suicidal ideation/thoughts, depression, apathy
tlg isekai ath: constantly thinking during the journey thru the nest that "even if i get out alive & am accepted by ichi's village, it'll all dull eventually. Everything new becomes grey and tasteless for me, it's just a matter of time, there's no fucking point, i should've killed myself while i still could and ichi wasn't that attached, i'm already imagining running off into the forest where no one can find me and dying alone like i deserve, i don't wanna live like this anymore but i don't wanna die," etc etc
"you can't think like that." the (remaining) kind part of herself tells her. but i don't know how else to think. she acknowledges faintly and sobs in the private of her mind.
anyways later on she has her first & worst panic attack which A Christmas Carols her into loving herself & valuing her life so dw
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daniellacerda84 · 1 year
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"Se desligar do mundo ativo social é necessário pra que vc conheça a prioridade de valor inestimável que é o seu eu e fazer evoluções internas de superação diária e crescimento como pessoa e ser humano!" Bom diaaa ✌🏾 mundo de alguns anos vividos por ai neste imenso mundão tlg 🙏🏾✌🏾... https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp2K9IBO-FLRgcgEogDKqLB8DBi1rtAe2NhTZw0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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the-nest · 7 years
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We’re a brand new skype group, aiming to bring all sorts of Tricokin back together after so long away from the Nest and the Valley. Want to join up? Just check out our blog and you can! 
Tell your friends! Scream! Reblog! The Tricokin tag is empty and we need to remedy that - let’s get together, folks!
(small note: we’d like to keep this to Tricos only, so no Boy-kin, please! We just don’t want the worry of doubles and all that, you know?)
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tofautisawa · 2 years
if you dont mind, please elaborate about your feelings on tlg! i agree about it being not so great when it came to being ""educational"". trying to make tamaa look like the bad guy for tricking animals when...thats what drongos do to survive, even if he became "good" and helped the guard with his talents at the end, and using rockhopper penguins when african penguins are yknow...actually in africa and VERY underrated compared to rockhoppers when it comes to childrens shows never sat right with me (among other things)
The episode where Tamaa made his debut is honestly another episode that got under my gears when it came to that. I honestly enjoyed Tamaa as a character and I love his design- despite that he is modeled after a Racket- Tailed Drongo which is an ASIAN species. But I am not sure if I can't even properly criticize that anymore thanks to season 3 introducing areas just a few days walk away from The Pridelands where you can meet Red Pandas, Grey Foxes and Asian Monkeys who speak Japanese. Like lol- could you imagine a polar bear just showing up in the pridelands in the original films?
Back to the Tamaa episode- they could have easily just changed it where Tamaa used his vocal talents to play pranks instead and tried to pass it off as "It's just a joke!" but ultimately he goes too far and leads a herd into danger and now has to use his vocal talents to fix the situation and that could easily get across the message of "Use your talents to help others and do good" that they wanted. But instead they HAD to drop something that real life drongos do and state that it's bad because "MUH CIRCLE OF LYFE". I am sure it's because Tamaa was technically stealing the food but that whole argument falls apart when you have FUCKING. BUNGA. taking food from the nest of a MOTHER HAMERKOP WITH A GODDAMN NEWBORN and it's played for laughs in the episode Ono and the Egg. How in the hell are you gonna have multiple episodes that state that taking from others is wrong to the point of shaming an entire species for it and then have Bunga take food from a mother's nest and have it played for laughs??? I swear to god, Bunga's existence cause a lot of the morals they try to teach fall flat. OH! Did I also mention that the episode Ono and The Egg came right after the episode The Traveling Baboon Show- a episode that teaches that stealing is wrong? >w>
As for the Penguins-- I just in general don't know why they completely ditched the whole African wildlife thing to start shoving in Asian, North American, etc. species. It wasn't like there wasn't still plenty of African Species to work with. African Wild Dogs, Caracals, African Civets, Bat Eared Foxes, the list goes on. Heck, I wasn't even aware at first that African Penguins existed- it would have been neat to see them explored in the show but whatever I suppose.
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landsoflightanddark · 3 years
Why I think Game 4 might bring back the open world
I miss writing long posts about my thoughts on the games.  When someone on  a Team Ico Discord I’m on (not to imply I spend a lot of my time on Team Ico Discords, I don’t, the ones I am on are pretty barren and I have no idea if there are big ones out there) said they hoped Ueda would make another game similar to Shadow of the Colossus, I wrote a response about why I think the next game might bring back an open world.  I planned to copy and paste that response here, but when I did I realized I wanted to expand it into more of a full-on essay.
The question of “why do I think Game 4 might bring back an open world?” made me start thinking about the way I think about these games, and Ueda, and all media, and how that differs from others. Whenever I’m a fan of something I always try to think about why the creative decisions in it have been made.  I always try to think from the perspective of the creator, which is something that I see a lot of people not doing, especially in works full of mystery like these games.  As you might think from reading that, I tend to come off as being against the idea of the ”death of the author” when discussing stuff.  Even though I totally understand where people come from with that, and that a work can mean different things to different people, I think the author’s intent and who they are should at least be considered more than it tends to be these days.  You often hear it said that when you create something, you’re doing it for you, and because you want others to understand you, and that your work is a reflection of yourself.  These kinds of things are said to people who want to create, but when we’re looking at things other people have made, suddenly people forget this and say you can just think whatever you want about a work.  It’s odd.
A large part of my refutation of the popular theories that “darken up” the games - That Ico and Yorda die and the beach is the afterlife, or that Wander is presented as a villainous character and Mono becomes the Queen from Ico - is the simple truth that anyone who plays these games can see that Ueda cares about his characters and has never visibly killed any of the main characters in the games, and the truth that the final shots of all three games are decidedly optimistic.  
Like I said, I don’t see this type of reasoning talked about much in discussions about these games.  I think people don’t like straightforward answers that aren’t theories or inferences deduced from something in the game world itself.  They like the mystery of the games (as do I) and they don’t want to lessen it.  They don’t want to hear that maybe not that much thought was put into what the purpose of the colossi’s home areas are beyond making something that looked cool and worked for what they wanted to do with the fight.  They don’t want to hear that maybe the Ico ring in 13′s desert is just there as a reference more than a connection, similar to the barrel added by Bluepoint in the remake.  Now, I don’t KNOW these things, and am not even fully committed to thinking them, but I just think that a lot of Team Ico fans don’t like hearing that these things are even possibilities, period, despite Ueda having said that the main reason there are so many ruins in his games is for gameplay purposes.  Now, Ueda always talks about things MUCH more from a gameplay/technical perspective than he does from a story one, despite the stories in his games being so emotional.  Whether he’s trying to downplay the importance of his stories, or visual storytelling in the worlds of his games for some reason (humility and an unwillingness to appear arrogant, maybe), we don’t know.  We can only go by what he has said.
So my reasoning for why I think there’s a big chance the next game will have an open world is derived from things he’s said about the way he makes games, but also from looking at the actual games themselves as creative works that are influenced by the ones that came before them - so there is some theorizing here, but it’s theorizing about how Ueda works as a dev, instead of about something in the game’s world.
So, that’s why I think what I think, but what the heck is it that I actually think?  I think it would make more sense for game 4 to be more similar to Shadow than The Last Guardian was, because over the course of these three games we’ve seen that each game iterates on the one before it, it takes what that game did and changes it.  Shadow took Ico’s basic gameplay and put it in an open-world action game, having you climb on moving creatures instead of static architecture.  TLG took the character crawling around on a giant creature and then put it back into an Ico-like linear adventure, with the creature now acting as your AI companion (that specifically was because of the unexpectedly strong response to Agro in Shadow).  There’s a pretty clear thread throughout the three games, where Ueda looks at the game before it and thinks how can he and the team do new things with what they’ve already done.
And there’s a great rationale for believing this will continue in game 4, because one of the first things we learned about it is that there will be another giant creature in it!  At least one, some kind of pig-like ogre.  In the 2018 new year’s card we saw it sleeping near a girl sitting on a platform.  So what’s the easiest, most logical way to think Gen Design might change TLG’s dynamic of having a game about the relationship between a child and a giant creature?  I think bringing back the open world is the clearest choice.  Whatever kind of gameplay they end up going with - still playing as a kid but with the ogre pursuing you (I would love to see an openly antagonistic creature play a bigger role in an Ueda game), playing as the ogre, switching between both - another open world would allow them to break the game up like they did in Shadow, or do sections that are very different from each other in the way they look and work, or allow the player to do the levels of the game in an order they choose - There are many things they could do to make the game feel like an evolution on the others.
Another reason I think they’ll do this is because Ueda has said several times that he’s always limited by the technology of the console when he makes his games.  It’s the reason both Ico and TLG started development on one console and ended it on another.  It’s presumably the reason why Shadow abandoned the original multiplayer idea, and part of why there are many cut colossi in that game (though I still believe the main reason for that is simply that the 16 we got were the most fun and unique).  I think in one of the GenDesign interviews he even used console limitations as a reason why there aren’t NPCs in his games.  He’s always trying to push these consoles to their limits.  But I think the PS5 - or let’s say any modern platform considering this game will most likely be on other platforms - may finally be powerful enough to match up to Ueda’s imagination.  We know there are robots in this game, something not seen in any of Ueda’s games before.  Robots that, going by the other teaser art we’ve seen of the robot arm, seem incredibly detailed and complex.  If Ueda feels that modern platforms are powerful enough to bring something like that to life (the PS4 probably was good enough, but TLG did not start development there.  If it had then maybe he would have put the robots in it), a large game world makes sense to go along with that.  A world with structures and set-pieces even bigger than the colossi, or the falling towers in the Nest. Or maybe he won’t do that.  My starting point for this was the fact that I WANT to see an open world in the next game, and I think my rationale is pretty convincing and that it’s a likely thing, but he could end up making another linear adventure, which would probably be great as well.  Or we could get a huge open world with tons going on and NPCs, totally different from what we had in Shadow.  It could go either way.  I just don’t think we should assume that Ueda is fully content keeping his games in the areas (of aesthetic and gameplay) that he’s kept them in, but whether he changes things in a big way or not, he’s made three great games and I’m more sure that Game 4 will be another classic than I am of anything else I’ve written here.
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birbleafs · 4 years
[fic] An Interlude Between Friends
Series: Artemis Fowl Rating: G Genre: Friendship & Humour, Post-series Character(s): Holly Short, Artemis Fowl II, Foaly Warnings: Feels, probably. Mentions of past (major) character death Summary: One cursory glance from the report scrolling across her visor screen and she’d already caught on that this was less a scouting mission and more Friendly Intervention, A.K.A. Maybe Get Whatever’s Gnawing At You Off Your Mind With A Friend. Or, in which Holly Short comes to terms with the changes in her life but remains grateful for the little constants—one being her friendship with a certain Artemis Fowl.
A/N: For indefiniteimpala, as part of the AF Yuletide Exchange 2019. Happy holidays! I had a lot of fun writing about Holly and Arty again and hope you'll enjoy this story :) This fic is set post-TLG, without taking into account the events in The Fowl Twins as I started drafting ideas before the new book was released (so no spoilers for TFT). Many thanks to Digi-bro for the last-minute beta work ♥
Fic can also be read on AO3 _______
She could hardly hold back her laughter as he recounted the incident where, out of his love for his darling mother and against his better judgement, he had offered and participated, several weeks ago, in an amateur bake-off organized by Angeline Fowl and her colleagues as part of the Trinity College fundraising event for Dublin’s homeless.
Needless to say, it had been Artemis Fowl the Second’s most excruciatingly embarrassing attempt (and subsequent failure) at making cherry soufflé. “Couldn’t you have gone with the chocolate cake instead?” Holly grinned, wiping tears of mirth from her eyes. “First of all, it’s not simply a chocolate cake,” Artemis said, brows creased as though offended by such blasé abasement of a world-renowned delicacy. “Sachertorte is a Viennese speciality, with an illustrious history as the centrepiece of a long-simmering feud between Hotel Sacher and Café Demel that spanned two whole centuries. And second, despite the clean simplicity of its look and flavour, it is far more tedious to bake than your classic soufflé.” Holly groaned, her grin quickly morphing into a wince. “Spare me the sordid details, Arty. Does it matter anyway? You make working the kitchens seem like an extreme sport, exploding sandwiches and all.”
This time it was Artemis’s turn to grimace, her words hearkening back to yet another old, embarrassing memory. Still, he had the grace to accept the jibe, conceding defeat. “Touché.” They sat, side by side, in the shade of a towering oak overlooking the remnants of the Martello tower and where the old Berserker Gate once stood. Clusters of orange roses bobbed between blades of green, the summer breeze a gentle ripple through the meadows. Holly closed her eyes, enjoying the warmth of the sun over her skin and the scent of the fairy roses wafting all around them. As much as she loved her home and friends back in the Lower Elements, there was always a bone-achingly deep sense of yearning that she shared with all fairies for the world above. She would always miss the unbridled joy and freedom she’d bask in whenever she soared through the endless skies, taking in the view of the lands before her, watching the sun slowly inch its way back into its woodland nest of aspen and silver birches that lined the horizon while the skies rippled from shades of burnished gold and vermilion into a deep, velvet indigo canvas where the stars would flicker, one by one, a scattering of candlelight in the night. The two friends—human and fairy—had taken to spending what little time they had together like this, whenever Artemis wasn’t traipsing halfway across the globe for weeks on end as a guest speaker for various academic conferences, or whenever Holly could spare a few days or hours off, depending on her schedule and on Commander Kelp’s fluctuating moods. Or in this case, depending on a certain centaur’s propensity for sticking his nose into other people’s business. Holly frowned. Truth be told, ever since she’d finally (albeit with a little half-hearted reluctance) accepted her promotion to Wing Commander of Recon Special Ops, she had, quite surprisingly, been in a dour mood, short on patience, and even sharper with her tongue. Foaly was used to her smart comebacks, of course, and usually he enjoyed trading witty jibes with the elf. But even he had found her words to be a touch more churlish than usual. And that was saying a lot coming from the centaur, whose hide was as thick as it gets. Holly knew Foaly was concerned, as any decent friend would be, and had tried to nudge her into talking about whatever it was bothering her, to no avail. What she didn’t realize was how far he’d been willing to go to get her to talk—if not to him, then at least to someone, even if that someone was a young Irishman waiting leagues above Haven. “‘Sightings of the extra-terrestrial inhuman kind’? I can’t believe you of all people would pull a stunt like this behind Trouble’s back,” Holly had muttered when she arrived at E1, easing her pod into the docking station. One cursory glance from the report scrolling across her visor screen and she’d already caught on that this was less a scouting mission and more Friendly Intervention, A.K.A. Maybe Get Whatever’s Gnawing At You Off Your Mind With A Friend. “I didn’t go behind the Commander’s back,” Foaly’s protest crackled over her comm speakers. “He agreed that you needed a time-out. But with your promotion to Wing Commander, and as a friend, he didn’t want to impose a forced leave upon you. I just convinced him that a tiny bluff was probably easier and way more efficient.” Holly only snorted, a flare of irritation rising from her gut. She held her tongue, however, not trusting herself from vocalizing a scathing remark. As if he had sensed her indignation through the static, Foaly gave an apologetic cough and said, “Listen Holly, I’m worried about you, all right? This probably isn’t the best way and I’m sorry for the bluff. But whatever’s been bothering you... You can’t keep it bottled up like this. Besides, it’s been a while since you two met. So, try to make the most of it, yeah?” The centaur gave a short, breathy chuckle, to lighten the mood. “Even newly minted Commanders need to gambol about in strawberry fields sometimes. I heard that in a Mud Man song once—or maybe it was by that gnome and dwarf act, Dung Beetles? Huh, I’m always mixing up the two.” And so here she was, sitting beside Artemis Fowl, ex-criminal virtuoso and now friend of the People, listening and laughing together with the young man as he recounted stories of his latest misadventures of the non-magical kind and with hardly any actual thievery involved. Holly hated to admit it, but even a few moments spent with Artemis like this, away from the cacophony of city life in Haven, from the growing weight of all these new responsibilities, expectations—fears, uncertainties, disappointments —it was strangely comforting. She found some solace in his company and was grateful for it, but... She sighed, hunching forward. Despite her best attempts, she couldn’t stave off her earlier sullen mood from creeping through the brief respite. The sudden shift of moods between them hardly went unnoticed by Artemis, of course. She was all too familiar with how attuned he was to the slight changes in her body language. “Something on your mind, Commander?” Artemis ventured, his voice still light with teasing. Holly flinched visibly at his use of her newly conferred title as though he’d thrown a stifling cloak over her. An uncomfortable knot twisted in her gut. “This feels wrong,” she said abruptly, feeling the pinpricks of unshed tears sting the corners of her eyes. Artemis turned towards her, a flicker of puzzlement and concern crossing his features. Still, there was something in his gaze that suggested he was already making a calculated guess about the nature of her sudden distress. But he only leaned closer, nudging his shoulder gently against hers, even as Holly kept her arms wrapped around her chest as if to shield herself from opening up. From giving voice to the dull ache of grief and loss—fears, expectations, disappointments—she had carefully kept tucked away in the background amidst all the congratulatory wishes she’d received when her promotion had been officially announced internally to the rest of LEP. “What feels wrong?” Artemis asked. He paused, uncertain at first if she’d allow the contact, then gingerly reached for her right hand with his left to lace their fingers together. “All of it,” Holly sighed in frustration. She unconsciously tightened her grip around his fingers. The warmth of his touch was consoling and seemed to soothe something within her; she felt her vulnerabilities gradually surfacing as she spoke. “I know what this promotion means to the People, and it’s an achievement to know that I’ve worked through so many hardships just to come this far. I know it, I really do! But even so... There’s a part of me that almost can’t do it. It feels almost wrong to be a new Commander. To be standing where Julius and Vinyáya once did. To replace Julius.” “Technically, it’s less a replacement since you’re assuming command of a number of squadrons and thus continue to serve the People with your skills and experience,” Artemis began, before he caught himself. “But I digress. This isn’t the time for semantics. Especially since in hindsight, you had very obviously meant it in spirit.” Holly scowled, but she couldn’t stop a tiny smile from ghosting her lips. “Artemis, you’re my best friend and I love you, but you’re incorrigibly bad at cheering people up sometimes.” “That I am, and for that, my sincerest apologies.” Here, the young man attempted a contrite grin, even as his blue eyes softened with a touch of fondness. A rare sight indeed for Artemis Fowl, reserved wholly for those dearest to him, but one that never failed to draw a soft chuckle from the elf. “Look, Holly. You’re not replacing Julius,” Artemis continued, squeezing Holly’s fingers again in reassurance. “No one can replace Julius, much like no one can replace you. And I’m not going to drown you with platitudes—I’m sure you’ve already heard more than enough in the last couple of days. But I will say this: Julius would be immensely proud of you, as much as any of us here today. You know this, and I daresay there isn’t anyone else as qualified as you to carry on his legacy and all that he stood for.” Holly found herself matching his grin with a smile of her own at his words, the dull ache of sorrow and anxiety within her lessening. She squeezed Artemis’s fingers back, and was reminded again how much she appreciated their continued companionship over the years. And not for the first time in many years, she wondered what her life would have been like if she hadn’t known him, and Butler and Juliet. (She imagined it might have been quieter, simpler no doubt, but she was a maverick adventurer at heart and knew the boring life wouldn’t suit her anyway.) Holly chuckled softly, her mismatched eyes—one hazel, one blue—gleaming with warmth now. “Maybe you aren’t too bad at this cheering up business.” This time, it was Artemis’s turn to laugh. He inclined his head and gave her a polite nod, accepting the compliment with as much humility as his natural inclination towards smug victory would allow. “I learned from the best.” “My word, and flattery now too?” Holly was smirking now. “If I didn’t know any better, I might suspect the mastermind Artemis Fowl has been replaced with a clone. Oh right, that had been your own idea too. What do we call you now, Artemis Fowl the Second Version 2.0? Artemis Fowl Squared?” A somewhat pained and mortified expression crossed Artemis’s features, before he let out a long-suffering sigh. “Please don’t call me Artemis Fowl Squared,” he protested weakly, fingers massaging his temples. “That joke is wholly pun-based, and is neither mathematically nor biologically correct since a clone is never 100% percent an exact copy.” But his chagrin was fleeting, and he was soon laughing again with her as he conceded defeat to the same elf twice in the span of less than an hour. Then again, Holly had always been the reigning champion of their friendly verbal banters. They sat in a comfortable silence for several moments, watching the clouds drift lazily above them, listening to the thrill of birdsong in the distant woodland. “Thanks, Arty,” Holly said at length, her voice soft and grateful. “For reminding me of what Julius would do. You’ll be there at the ceremony, won’t you? You, Butler and Juliet?” “Of course. That’s the reason why you’re here today, right? To invite us to the promotion ceremony.” Holly grinned and punched his shoulder playfully. “Don’t act all innocent. You’ve probably known all about my promotion long before today and that’s how Foaly roped you into this cheering up business and what-not. Rascals, both of you.” “You have to admit, it wasn’t too bad a plan. And it worked. Besides, we hardly get to see each other—I’m almost inclined to think that either the universe has been conspiring to keep us from spending a little time together, or that you’ve secretly been avoiding me.” Artemis’s brows were arched as though scandalized by either suggestion, even as his eyes remained bright with mirth, and Holly continued to chuckle. Then his gaze softened, lips curved into a smile as he allowed himself a moment of heartfelt sincerity. “I’ve missed you, Holly. It’s good to be with you like this again.” “Me too, Artemis.” It wasn’t long before they spotted the approaching figures crossing the meadows from the direction of the manor. Butler was leading the small group, a huge wicker basket—filled with a selection of cheese and canapés, and a bottle of Jean François Ganevat Vin Jaune—in one hand, and a picnic blanket draped over the other. Juliet trailed several paces behind him, with one of the twins, Beckett Fowl, dangling from her shoulders like an energetic spider monkey. And marching stiffly with his pale fingers gripped around Juliet’s left hand was Myles Fowl, his eyes bright and piercing behind his round spectacles. “I’ll go help Butler with the picnic blanket.” Artemis stood up, brushing grass and fallen petals from his trousers. “Be right back.” Holly watched his retreating back as Artemis walked down the grassy knoll towards his family. And it struck her then just how much her friend had grown and changed (even in a cloned body) over the last two years: his frame still angular but less gangly and more lithe; his posture relaxed, almost unguarded and amiable at times. Growth and change... For the barest of moments, in the sudden gust of wind around her, Holly thought she could almost hear the ghostly whispers of Julius Root from memories past— “This promotion is not for you; it’s for the People.” “If it makes any difference, I’m proud of you, Holly.” “... Be well.” —And she smiled then, exhaling softly as she rose to her feet. “Arty, wait.” Artemis paused, glancing back at her with a puzzled look as Holly jogged up to his side and reached for his hand. “I’ll come with you.” —End—
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emospritelet · 4 years
I read the Outsider last night, and wow, I have so much James Bond feels XD it actually reminded me of a book I read a few years ago with the whole human trafficking, breaking in the lion's nest and the confrontation with Maurice. But this was way better than the book, to be honest. And then the last chapter and they were all happy and getting married and then that DAMN PHONECALL! Whatever, I loved it! It's a bit like the Long Game Gold without the past lives XD
Yes! Outsider Gold and TLG Gold are very similar in personality.
Ugh, I loved writing that fic. I really need to write the sequel
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isaiahcremin18-blog · 5 years
Exactly how To Acquire The Best Hammock For You
Ultimate Portable Hammock Buying Guide- Tenting hammocks are a should in the case of outdoor sleeping. ENO DoubleNest Hammock is fabricated from 70D breathable nylon taffeta which is further strengthened by triple interlocking stitching. The fabric is smooth to the touch and ensures a unsurpassable stage of comfort when napping. Its unbelievable breathability prevents sweating beneath the recent sun. The high-grade cloth and high quality building empowers the hammock to support a maximum weight capability of four hundred pounds and comfortably accommodates two adults in numerous tough situations. Using stainless-steel snap links, you may join your Double Nest Hammock to just about anywhere and feel secure about it. This hammock connects to walls, posts, trees, and boat masts so it's actually versatile in the place best portable hammock and the way you utilize it. Spending a bit additional on this means you'll be able to take it extra locations and benefit from the rest wherever you go. Durability: TLG Double Hammock is made up of anti-mildew, anti-rot parachute nylon triple-stitched for impressive durability. Fit and end of this hammock is excellent which additionally contributes to increased longevity of the product. It creates generous house to stretch out, relaxation and sleep without causing any trouble. It is going to change into your constant camping companion because of its strong built and convenient design. Hello! I'm Hari and that is the place the place I nerd out about hammocks. As an avid camper with a household of campers (2 youngsters and a wife), I really like getting out within the mountains for hiking and camping for days. On this weblog I share all of the issues I study hammocks and all hammock accessories as I go. Weight Capacity: The hammock options nautical grade hanging line and lightweight aluminum wire gate carabiners together with the highest high quality material to help the maximum weight capability of up to four hundred kilos. By camping, we mean sleeping outside at a campsite or some other place that you just attain by automobile (or bike, and many others.). In other words, you are not carrying all your gear in a backpack (for that scenario, see the subsequent part). With a purpose to make your hammock tenting expertise more comfortable and pleasurable you might want to buy the most effective tenting hammock. However since no two hammocks are created equal, here are a couple of factors to contemplate when purchasing for the perfect hammock for tenting.
Tips to Choosing The Ideal Camping Hammock
Hammocks with out spreader bars are looser and might mold better to your body. That's as a result of they don't have bars holding their cloth taut. It may be simpler to get into and out of hammocks without spreader bars, notably in case you have mobility issues. Other than that, they're preferrred in case you're in search of a hammock with a cocooning impact. The large disappointment with this hammock was the consolation, and people have found it not so luxurious to sleep in. if you're shopping for a hammock specifically since you want better sleep, you may most likely be joyful to spend just a bit further for a hammock that feels good. Considering you'll spend a few third of your journey in right here, you want it to really feel better than this. The primary draw with this hammock is the protection in opposition to bugs and it certainly will get the job completed there. The design could have been a bit of extra snug but the 210T parachute nylon is sturdy and reliable, so you may by no means have to fret about anything breaking in the course of the night time while you're trying to get some rest.
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frangipanidownunder · 6 years
The Gifts of the Magi (or what TLG gave Mulder and Scully for their birthdays): fic
Based on this post on @leiascully‘s page. Written for @scully-eats-sushi for shits and giggles.
Frohike is in the corner wearing what looks like a tea-cosy on his head. There’s a rhythmical clicking that sounds like manic Morse code. His hands are a blur as the ball of silver wool unspools from its nest on his lap. She side-eyes Byers who doesn’t seem in the least perturbed. Mind you, he’s currently standing at a small hob and frying eggs wearing an apron that reads ‘The Truth is Under There’ above an arrow pointing to his…
              “Scully,” Mulder says, tugging her arm. “There’s a package for you too.”
              Langly is wearing a tee emblazoned with a photograph of Vivienne Westwood wearing plaid. He hands her a parcel wrapped in brown paper and sporting a crimson bow. “But it’s not my birthday.”
              Mulder grins. “It’s not mine for a few more days, but these guys aren’t exactly conventional.”
              Outside, the air is crisp enough for her to think of Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas to come. Mulder is hugging his gift to his chest. A buzz wells in her chest that makes her want to invite him to her family’s celebrations. He opens the car door for her and she slides in, turning her own present this way and that, still puzzled.
              “Does it rattle?” he asks, grinning.
              She shakes it. Nothing. “Does yours?”
              “Nope. Doesn’t smell, doesn’t scrunch, doesn’t feel solid. I have no idea what it is and Scully,” he says, turning over the ignition, “I was hoping that you might like to come back to my apartment to help me open my gift. I have mulled wine. And sweet potato pie.”
              A rash of stars twinkle overhead and she smiles back at him.
 The wine is sweetly spiced and warms her face enough for her to know her cheeks are pink. He insists she unwraps hers first so she pulls at the ribbon and the bow unravels. His eyes burn on her as hot as the wine as she unpeels the sticky tape and unfolds the corners. Inside is a wad of tissue paper that she opens.
              “What is it?” he sings, just like that first autopsy on the chimpanzee and she chuckles.
              Inside, there is a perfectly crocheted pair of mittens with little Pomeranians on the front. Her throat constricts and she touches away the fizz at the tip of her nose. “Oh, Queequeg,”she says.
              Mulder’s lips quirk downwards for a second and he sips his wine. “I’m sorry about your dog, Scully.”
              “No you’re not,” she says, finding a smile. “You’re not a dog person, Fox.”
              He laughs then barks and howls and rips open his present. “Happy birthday to me,” he yells, holding up his knitted creation.
              She stares at it. It’s long shaft in a dark grey and a round ball at the end in a silver wool. On the shaft there is an alien figure with an egg-shaped head and wide green eyes. He turns it over and over in his hand and his blush is about as burgundy as the wine.
              “Is that what I think it is?” she ventures.
              “Why would Frohike do this to me?” He grabs his cell and punches in the number. “Byers, get me Frohike.”
              She takes his woollen gift and slips a finger up the shaft, wearing a like a finger puppet. He does concede her a smile as she plays the alien with the dogs on her mittens.
              “What do you mean he’s too busy knitting? He’s just gifted me a willy-warmer and I’d like to know on what fucking planet that’s an okay present to give a friend in the company of his…partner.” His eyes flick from her face to the table and back to his gift. He listens, cringes, then ends the call.
              “It’s just a joke, Mulder. I’m not offended. I think it’s quite funny.” She shifts closer to him, their thighs touching. She puts a hand on his knee. “And if I’d drunk more of your mulled wine I might have asked you to model it for me.”
              His jaw flexes and he coughs a little. He swigs the last of his wine and stands up. “Your wish is my command.”
              “Oh, Mulder…” she calls but he’s already shut his bedroom door. She sits up and brushes her skirt down, sweat prickling at her nape. She pours more wine and skulls it, waiting for the rush of alcohol to embolden her. This is Mulder. She’s seen him naked before. He’s…well…he’s a damned good looking man.
              The door creaks open and he strolls out, still clothed. She sighs and he laughs.
              “Are you that disappointed, Scully? Or is it relief?”
              She doesn’t respond, just looks at his gun ensconced in its alien and spaceship cover. He’s still laughing as he holds it up, facing it left then right like it’s having a mug shot taken. “Pretty cool, huh? Frohike knitted me a gun cosy.” He slips the weapon in his pocket.
              She feels the giddiness of the wine running through her veins. “Is that a gun in your pocket, Fox, or are you just pleased to see me?”
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gobritojr · 4 years
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PROCESSO SELETIVO...COM IDADE ATÉ OS 40 ANOS! FAB abre vagas para profissionais de nível médio em diversas áreas. Inscrições para o processo seletivo em diversas áreas técnicas, além de músicos e atletas de alto rendimento, podem ser feitas a partir de sexta-feira (06)↗️↗️✈✈🚁🚁🦅🦅🚀🚀👊👊💪💪🔪🔪☠☠🐺🐺 A Força Aérea Brasileira publicou três Avisos de Convocação de Processos Seletivos para Profissionais de Nível Médio, com vistas à Prestação do Serviço Militar Voluntário, em caráter temporário. Há vagas para diversas áreas, além de músicos e atletas de alto rendimento, As incrições podem ser feitas a partir de sexta-feira (06). Para o Quadro de Sargentos da Reserva de 2ª Classe Convocados para o ano de 2021 (QSCon 1-2021), o preenchimento do Formulário de Solicitação de Inscrição (FSI) será via internet e estará disponível no período compreendido entre as 10h do dia 06 de novembro até as 23h59min do dia 18 de novembro de 2020 (horário de Brasília). As vagas são destinadas a cidadãos brasileiros, de ambos os sexos, voluntários à prestação do Serviço Militar Temporário, que tenham concluído o Ensino Médio e que preencham os Requisitos Específicos exigidos no Aviso de Convocação, para desempenho da profissão nas especialidades de interesse do Comando da Aeronáutica (COMAER), e que atendam às condições e às normas estabelecidas neste Aviso. Há vagas para as seguintes especialidades: Administração (TAD), Cartografia (TCF), Comunicações (TCM), Desenho (TDE), Eletricidade (TEE), Enfermagem (TEF), Eletromecânica (TEM), Eletrônica (TET), Informática (TIN), Laboratório (TLB), Logística (TLG), Mecânico de Aeronaves (TMA), Meteorologia (TME), Motorista (TMT), Nutrição e Dietética (TND), Obras (TOB), Produção De Áudio e Vídeo (TPA), Processos Fotográficos (TPF), Pavimentação (TPV), Química (TQI), Radiologia (TRD) e Topografia (TTP). Para a realização de todas as Etapas previstas neste Processo Seletivo, o voluntário deverá observar, rigorosamente, o cumprimento do estabelecido no Calendário de Eventos constante no Aviso de Convocação, bem como os prazos, horários, locais e as datas de comparecimento, por meio do endereço eletrônico www.convocacaotemporarios.fab.mil.br (em Ponta Negra, Rio Grande Do Norte, Brazil) https://www.instagram.com/p/CHNasddBO_u/?igshid=17wxdxyxgbrsf
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tricobicofriend · 3 months
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Okay so this is another tlg si au, except here it's like. The me from the Earth that Anne Boonchuy came from(so she is functionally/physically the same as irl me but from Anne Boonchuy's Earth instead of this one), gets isekai'd against her will into The Last Guardian's world. Based on this where i was like "oh man what if it wasn't your choice to go there tho" & thought it would make an interesting au
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More abt the au under the cut!
after being asked a day before what video game she'd like to take a vacation to.
It takes place 2 1/2 years post-canon(2022), and understandably the populace is divided over whether the invasion & anne-going-to-another-world thing was a hoax or not. In sweeps an Athena who is once again giving up on her life, passively suicidal, and dipping into escapism even more than she has in high school, alongside a gray-morals company who seeks to recreate sending humans to another world. They kidnap her from her home while she's sleeping in the living room, and strap her into a machine(augmented by amateur magic?) and attempt to send her mind to a parallel universe. It goes wrong, sends her whole body there as well, and she ends up in the last guardian universe, a little while before the boy wakes up. And the company is like "oh well, we'll just compensate her with more than we offered initially/planned to offer initially!" but freaking out bc if she goes missing longer than the trial period there's a possibility their building and then their company can be found & shut down. Long story short, she goes missing for a year and gets therapy, and is more likely to be believed bc of the amphibia/"frog world" news, and recovers. Considering giving her a psychic link to the friend(s, maybe) she made in the tlg world like i & many others hc the calamity trio to have w their buddies in amphibia, but this is not finalized.
A lot of the plot points aren't finalized, so we're in the concept stage rn where i'm playing around w story & design choices :] I do know that a lot of what goes on in the Nest is just Athena experiencing Mental Illness while trying to keep the boy oblivious to it lol
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tillythehyena · 7 years
Places In The Nest
One big ole spoiler for The Last Guardian, comin ur way
Bascially these are just my thoughts on the different spaces that u find in TLG, and most importantly their uses. This is just my theorizing tho.
Trico’s Cave: A recovery room for tricos broken out of control and knocked unconscious. The collar is to keep them from attacking those feeding them, and after they start responding to the Master the collar comes off, hence the quick-release on the back of it. Multiple tricos could feasibly fit in here, so it could also be a socialization room for young tricos, as they need to be able to get along in order to work together.
Antennae: A place to tame tricos that are broken out of control and not knocked out. Feral tricos are forced into these giant bird cages and conditioned until they are fully under control again; then they are set out into the grassy area, where they can be free and chill out. 
The Nest: A feeding station for tricos. There’s food (not barrels, I don’t think - those are treats) that goes into the cages, and then they are taken down to the tricos, open, and the trico in question can eat as they like. Sort of function like dog bowls. The flightless trico residing in there probably stays so he can get the first choice, since he can’t actually get there fast by flight.
The Sarcophagus: A spot to hold the single piece of technology that can destroy the Master. It was probably hidden away specifically so that the Master wouldn’t be at risk (although the holes in the Master’s cage suggest this hasn’t always been effective).
The Soldier Nest: Where soldiers are created and kept until finalized, before being sent into the Nest to be the janitors. In the artbook it’s stated that the yoroi come in four different types, and the ones that appear in the tower are Type 4, or “sanagi.” They represent pupae, and will eventually become one of the other three types.
The Barrel Room: Most likely a training room, where tricos ride on the top of the elevator, and the yoroi come to show them what barrels are like. It’s likely this sort of training is also learned from watching parents and the likes, but this could be the initial “yes, this is exactly what you think you need to do” room, hence why there are so many barrels crunched up in the style of trico consumption. This could also be a recovery room for very, very bad injuries, since it’s close to the Master and the closeness of the signal could soothe the trico.
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jaekakes · 7 years
tv show meme: csi/txf because duuuuhhhh
CSI:Favorite male character? Gilbert Grissom, problematic asshole that he is.Favorite female character? Sara motherfucking flawless SidleLeast favorite character? Gedda. RIP Warrick 5ever. Prettiest character? Sara Sidle. Funniest character? Julie FinlayFavorite season? Five bc it has all 3 of my fave episodesFavorite episode? Committed. Nesting Dolls. Weeping Willows. Favorite romantic ship? I used to play pretend that Sara Sidle and Gil Grissom were my parents, okay???? Backup ships include Jules & DB and Catherine & Warrick.Favorite family ship? the original graveyard teamFavorite friendship? Sara and Nick.Least favorite ship? Sara/Sofia. I’m gay as hell but I never understood it. 
the x-files:Favorite male character? Fox William Mulder, aka the fictional male version of meFavorite female character? Dana Katherine Scully, special agent and medical doctorLeast favorite character? Cigarette Smoking MotherfuckerPrettiest character: Scully, especially circa Ice #imsogayFunniest character: Special Agent Whalesong, Monica ReyesFavorite season: All of them? Probs season 5 tho.Favorite episode: Post Modern Prometheus. Milagro. Chinga. Pusher.Favorite romantic ship: Sculder. Roggett. Favorite family ship: Scully/Mulder/William or Scully/Mulder/The Lone GunmenFavorite friendship: Mulder & TLG or Scully & MonicaLeast favorite ship: Scully/CSM
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