Tliagender Pride Flag
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Tliaspec/tmesospec (tliagender/tmesogender spectrum)/tliaty, transliaspec/transmesospec (transliagender/transmesobinary spectrum)/transliaty/tmesobinary, or simply TLIA (translia), transmeso/tmeso: umbrella term for trans individuals who fits both “mia-” and “fia-” sides of the viabinary-to-aptobinary spectrum.
It's similar to transavire (transgenderavire), tbingender/TBIN (transbin/transbingender), tlideospec/tlideo (tlideogender/tlideobinary), and tlingender (TLIN/translin)/translingender. It could also anyone who fits both tmaingender and tfeingender (TMAIN/TFEIN) spectrums.
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dimehun · 6 months
They couldn’t handle her
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Yeah I write smut! I have for years, I just don't mention it a lot cause there isn't much to mention lol. Most of my writing has been "Video Blogging RPF" esque for a few years now, and for the past 3ish years it's been heavy MCYT focused. Tho I did write a little bit for BNHA, H*tlia, and Supernatural on Wattpad back in the day!
Here's my AO3 if you want to check it out! And if you ask very nicely I'll give you my (old) Wattpad acc <3
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wheelercurse · 1 year
I hate swifllyn-tlia because thanks to her I knew Jamie was playing Vecna 🙄🙄
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butchdykekondraki · 2 years
bank role?
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littlebrokeenheart · 2 years
Ha pasado años por lo visto donde solo he utilizado esto para dejar mis ganas de morir, impresionantemente hace un año deje de hacerlo, quien pensaría que volvería aquí, y pensé, que seria bueno hacer una actualización de mi vida por si algún día me mato puedan ver todo y como siempre no digan que lo hice por llamar la atención.
Actualización de mi vida, desde no se que momento de 2021.
Por alguna razón que desconoces a Valeria le dio ansiedad supremamente fuerte, un ataque podría decirse, estaba mal a un punto épico que todos pensamos que se mataría y tu no querías que lo hiciera, un día Tlia llevo a Angie y ella empezó psicología a Valeria todo mejoro pero por alguna razón decía que se llevaba mal contigo en su historia medica, tiempo después te diste cuenta que ella te culpaba de todo, de su depresión de su ansiedad, fue duro pero saliste sola, ya que aunque a ella le prestaron atención tu no eras lo suficiente importante para representar que tus problemas eran reales, en ti eran ganas de llamar la atención y estupideces, dicho por la misma persona que en ese momento estaba en terapia, saliste de esos días, todo estaba bien dentro de lo que cabe en tu realidad para ese tiempo, pero las citas con Angie se acabaron y dé repente es tu culpa que Valeri haya entrado en crisis de nuevo, un año después no sabes que hiciste para provocarlo pero paso, tu mamá y Valeria te hicieron entran tanto en estrés que decidiste salir de ahí, saliste y fuiste con Angelica cerca, cuando estabas ahí te llamo tu mamá solo para hacer que volvieras a la pesadilla, regresaste y sin estar ahí y sin hacer nada es tu culpa que Valeria este así, ellas están en tu cuarto mientras Valeria llora desesperadamente y comienza a decir exactamente "es su culpa, yo estaba bien yo ya estaba bien" tu mamá la agarra, tu estas saturada, no entiendes nada y solo quieres que todo haga silencio, quedas en blanco, ellas ya no están en tu cuarto, vuelve tu mamá, no recuerdo que dijo pero entraste en shock por la situación que te estaban haciendo pasar, solo dices que se vaya, que quieres silencio, después de un rato lo hace y tu te intentas ahorcar pero no realmente, tomas las cuerdas de tu top y las aprietas en tu cuello, paras y te comienza a doler la cabeza, no le das importancia aunque fue lo peor que haz sentido, quedas en blanco por el dolor, llevas dormida mas de 12 horas, solo te levantas un rato y vuelves a dormir, así desaparece el dolor, un día después te dan algo y se pasa, al fin estas sin dolor, no sabes si fue por el intento de ahorcamiento, el estrés que te generaron o por el covid, ya que H te había dicho que cuando le dio el dolor de cabeza era insoportable, ignoras todo, supongo que hiciste más cosas pero todo es tan patético que hoy no lo recuerdas, pasa el tiempo tienes que volver a Barraquilla, tienes que volver a Galapa, pero ya no estas sola, toda la paz que sentías se fue, ahora estas con Valeria, ella entre en crisis, te preocupas, siempre estas deprimida pero no dices nada, nunca nadie te escucha y haz desarrollado asco a que las personas te hablen de sentimientos; vuelvas a la casa cada lunes, solo duro una semana así ya que Valeria estaba tan mal que ni se bañaba, su estado era deplorable, sentías que todo era tu culpa porque te culpaba de todo, comenzaste a odiarte más de lo que ya lo hacías, ella entra en crisis, ya no puedes soportarlo, llamas a tu mamá y la insultas por dejar todo eso sobre ti, dejarte todo el peso de algo que no fue tu culpa, por no estar ahí y no ser lo suficientemente valiente, llegan al día siguiente y entiendes que haz desarrollado un fuerte desagrado por las reuniones familiares que hacen para "solucionar" las cosas (un dato, nunca solucionaron nada) ella se queda, el se va, quedamos las tres, comienza tu infierno, Valeria mejora, todo te empieza a salir mal, todo es tu culpa, te odias, odias tu vida, cada pedazo de ella, le comentas a karolyn que te matarías solo para no seguir ahí, quieres hacerlo; otro problema que según tu provocaste aun cuando estabas dormida, llaman a tu papá, intentas hablar con el, estas llorando en pánico, el dice que va a ir y sabes que estarás en otra Reunión familiar que odias, llego, y por algun motivo ahora estamos en la plaza de galapa teniendo una Reunión familiar en voz alta mientras todos están ahí, no puedes con el asco que te provoca estar ahí pero no dices nada, en un momento explotas y haces que se vayan de ahí, solo fue un momento incomodo
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attatlias · 4 years
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Ya he hecho some good things that anecessary Atta Tlias
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speremint · 5 years
holy shit u were a former h*talia fan.... i haven’t heard that name in decades and now i’m having war flashbacks..... 2013 was so scary, glad to see some Survivors are still around lol
admittedly the way some GO fans interpret angel/demon wings as VERY sensitive in GO gives me flashbacks to that fucking hair curl bullshit in h*tlia
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gowonrs-blog · 5 years
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T^Tlia aesthetic layouts!!
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animemoses · 2 years
i don’t know, every single time my h*tlia posts get any kind of notes someone tells to me die in a gas chamber and i just feel like that really indictive of the content of that series. 
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nnjidi-moved · 6 years
Don't R B
i'm too tired and lazy to make a coherent rant type post and i'm also on mobile but i've been having thoughts about that "trash fandom culture" post and the way kids get sucked into things where adults have that "omg we're such trash/x is garbage but we still stan" mindset. it de-sensitizes them to content that is actually trash bc it's harmful and, i can't articulate it well but there's a way that it ties in to: people that can't differentiate between thinking x is "cringey" or making fun of kids liking it, and actual criticisms of y and how kids don't realize that it's harmful
like for example people making fun of kids liking an anime vs. people pointing out that an anime is just gross and fetishistic/pedophilic/promotes racism/imperialism etc. Etc. like you can think of fandom for each of those categories where irresponsible adults just act like those things are okay 😬 and when u talk about how they're not then they get all defensive and shit and it's like. why are you defending these things but when x whether it be an anime or game or whatever is content that kids access without knowing the things wrong about it or about its creators (and knowing about the creators is important too, because a piece of work doesn't exist on it's own and is definitely influenced by the views of the creators--like I can think of aot and h*talia, where the creators obviously have fascist/imperialist views or pmmm with the loli trope or the *rc*na where the creators condone sexual abuse like incest and you can't divorce their works from that context!) like these things need to be talked about!
adults are responsible for checking how their fiction affects reality and especially in fandom you can't deny criticism if there's something harmful and you should share information about it widely without bitching like it's a personal attack and, if you continue to promote those things despite knowing better yes, you are a part of the problem!
because tbh kids who discover fandom really don't know better :/ this is bc i remember when I was 12/13 and had a friend with that self described "trash otaku" personality who'd make incest jokes around me and why that happens. and she was into a lot of bad stuff. in some fandoms it's like, normalized. it's your Sin Bin Trash am I right. Especially here on tumblr it's worse because you can't control what is shared to whom and who sees it so freaks thrive and that is a problem! If you see criticism about something take it seriously and understand why you shouldn't promote it!
and when i mention creators and their works and bring up h*talia and pmmm and the *rc*na is because those are just examples i'm familiar with (i never watched aot but I've seen ppl say similar things abt it to h*tlia so) and if you're like "well those things aren't as bad as the others!" Then you're proving my point lol. whatever aspect of that is normalized usually is something racist or sexual and it's just gross coming across something as a kid like "hey this looks like a cute magical girl anime!" and then discovering later that it's just exploitative. you feel gross! and I know a lot of anime creators are horrible especially the Men but still, pointing out the issues is vital especially when there are a lot of impressionable children on this site
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Txiagender Pride Flag
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Txiaspec (txiagender spectrum), txiaty/transxiaty/tranxiaty, transxiaspec (transxiagender), txia/tranxia, txenoic (transxenoic), tranxenoic, or tranxia (tranxiagender/tranxiaspec): umbrella term for anyone on the “trans-xenogender” side of the alibinary spectrum.
Aliases: transxenine/tranxenine (txingender/TXIN, tranxingender/tranxin, transxingender/transxin), tranxenic/transxenic, tranxenogender/transxenogender (xenotransgender/xenotrans or xeno-transgender), xenitransgender (transxenigender)/tranxenigender, tranxenous (transxenous), or transxeno/tranxeno; txideospec/transxideospec/tranxideospec (trans-xideogender, trans-xideo, txideogender/transxideogender/tranxideogender spectrum, tranxideo/transxideo/txideo, trans-xideospec), exenospec (exospec xenospec/xenispec/xenspec, exenogender).
It's the xia/xiaspec version of tnia, tfia, tmia, and tlia spectra.
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lembahlawu · 3 years
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Forkopimda Kabupaten Karanganyar Pantau langsung Pelaksanaan Paskah  KARANGANYAR - Dalam rangka memberikan rasa aman kepada Jemaat Nasrani, Dandim 0727/ Karanganyar Letkol Inf Ikhsan Agung Widyo Wibowo, S.I.P bersama Forkopimda kabupaten Karanganyar memantau langsung pelaksanaan paskah di beberapa gereja di wilayah Kabupaten Karanganyar, Minggu 04 April 2021. Gereja Katolik St. PIUS X dan ST. Maria diangkat ke surga di kecamatan Karanganyar, salah satu Gereja yang di pantau langsung oleh Forkopimda. "Saya bersama Forkopinda akan menjamin keamanan para Jemaat semua, jadi tak perlu takut dalam melaksanakan ibadah di hari Paskah ini", Kata Bupati Karanganyar. Drs H Juliyatmono MM (Bupati Karanganyar) berharap, dengan adanya pengamanan melekat di gereja yang melibatkan TNI/Polri, Pemerintah membuat kegiatan ibadah dapat berjalan aman dan lancar. Kemudian jemaat yang beribadah juga merasa nyaman dan tetap khusuk,"ungkapnya.(Aw-Kra27) https://www.instagram.com/p/CNPSdp-tLiA/?igshid=6cc4j9u409eg
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noahwells1990 · 3 years
state of tennessee insurance licensing
BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare quotes from different companies :insurancefinder.xyz
state of tennessee insurance licensing
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Step 4: Apply for a Tennessee insurance license
Step 4: Apply for a Tennessee insurance license by giving us a quick, accurate, and comprehensive review of your driving record. There are so many variables that go into car insurance companies, and the same can be said of driving practices. Let’s look at the top three factors that determine insurance costs in Tennessee by industry. If you own a single-car vehicle, you should also get quotes from car insurance companies specializing in these kinds of circumstances. Additionally, the laws in Tennessee stipulate that you must have state-minimum insurance. If you don’t own cars, you’ll want for a few reasons. If you’re involved in in Tennessee, you can face fines, suspend your driver’s license, or face even jail time if you don’t obtain insurance. The Tennessee Department of Insurance explains that each insurer determines their rates based on factors that have nothing to do with your driving record. Once an insurer sees that you’re a risk and require to fill out an SR-.
Tennessee Insurance Adjuster Licensing
Tennessee Insurance Adjuster Licensing Benefits The Tennessee Insurance Adjuster Licensing Code (TLIA) requires you to report all claims made to your Tennessee Insurance Adjuster Liability Insurance Corporation for a minimum of 20 business days after termination of the policy as opposed to 30 days for a permanent policy as defined by the TN Department of Financial Services. When you contact the Tennessee Insurance Adjuster Licensing Law, you’ll be asked a variety of questions like: Can I use your Tennessee car insurance adjuster’s license to find affordable car insurance? If so, you can’t do much about that. You can keep using your license until you have a license to work out claims and if you choose to decline the claims of your adjuster by refusing them, your license status may become inactive while you are employed and the license does not have your license number. If you don’t return a phone call after you return a call,.
Being a Licensed Insurance Adjuster in Tennessee
Being a Licensed Insurance Adjuster in Tennessee, you have a few different options when it comes to applying for Insurance adjuster licenses. Each state has different requirements as to which adjuster to apply for, which is why some may be harder to find than others. While these rules vary in a few states, it should be noted that if you are required to obtain both a Tennessee Bureau of Insurance License and an adjuster license in Tennessee then you will have a much easier time obtaining your adjuster license in each of these states rather than being required to obtain all of these licenses in every state. There are several licenses to choose from to start researching and licensing your insurance adjuster license before taking this leap of faith. Most of the requirements stated above apply to you in no way apply to an adjuster or other professional adjuster and therefore they would be a good idea to start a new career. The best advice is to try to learn all of the information you need and make the best use of it. You can probably get as much as the.
Step 1: Complete a Tennessee insurance pre-licensing course
Step 1: Complete a Tennessee insurance pre-licensing course. This course is perfect for drivers learning the finer points of insurance including: • Understand Tennessee insurance codes. We recommend reading sections 5.6 and 7.3. These topics cover: • Understand Virginia insurance codes, including coverage boundaries and limitations, auto-sales and asset protection, licensing requirements, auto-sales, and credit and title insurance. • Understand the codes and practices of the insurance industry and insurance practices for: • How we can help: *Please note: The at the beginning of the report contains information you may learn from this course that could affect your results. If you are not satisfied with the insurance agents who work for you, we are available to offer a free insurance education course so you understand your insurance practices and get better at it. All insurance courses provided are approved by the Insurance Department of the State of Tennessee. The insurance industry isn’t perfect. There are many cases and situations when an agency may be sued. When the agency determines that an insurance company.
Step 2: Pass a Tennessee insurance licensing exam
Step 2: Pass a Tennessee insurance licensing exam. All required state licensing exams and notes. Signed: 2014 Tennessee Department of Insurance License Reports Notices: 2011 Tennessee Insurance License Notices: 2012 Tennessee Insurance License Reports Notices: 2014 Tennessee Insurance License Reports Notices: 2011 Tennessee Insurance License Reports Notices: 2012 Tennessee Insurance License Reports Notices: 2012 Tennessee Insurance License Reports Notices: 2011 Tennessee Insurance License Reports Notices: 2011 Tennessee Insurance License Reports Notices: 2012 Tennessee Insurance License Reports Notices: 2011 Tennessee Insurance License Reports Notices: 2013 Tennessee Insurance License Reports Notices: 2014 Tennessee Insurance License Statements Notices: 2013 Tennessee Insurance License Statements Notices: 2013 Tennessee Insurance License Statements Notices: 2015 Tennessee Insurance License Statements Notices: 2015 Tennessee Insurance License Statements Notices: 2015 Tennessee Insurance License Statement Notices: 2017 Tennessee Insurance License Statements Notices: 2017 Tennessee Insurance License Statements Reciprocity Policy As.
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omghealthdrink · 7 years
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Wha? You thought I invented the whole ‘piano in the departure area’ in TLIA?
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discoverislam · 11 years
Hadith: فرشتے کی دُعا وبد دُعا
فرشتے کی دُعا وبد دُعا حدیثِ شریف: عن أبي هريرة رضي الله عنه أن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم قال : ’’ما من يوم يصبح العباد فيه إلا ملكان ينزلان ؛ فيقول أحدهما : اللهم ! أعط منفقا خلفا . ويقول الآخر : اللهم ! أعط ممسكا تلفا ‘‘۔ ( صحيح البخاري :1442 ، الزكاة – صحيح مسلم :1010، الزكاة ) ترجمہ: حضرت ابو ہریرہ رضی اللہ عنہ سے روایت ہے کہ نبی کریم صلی اللہ علیہ و سلم نے ارشاد فرمایا :" ہردن جس میں بندے صبح کرتے ہیں ، دو فرشتے نازل ہوتے ہیں ، ان میں سے ایک فرشتہ [دعا دیتے ہوئے] کہتا ہے اے اللہ ! خرچ کرنے والے کو اس کا [بہترین ] بدلہ عطا فرما اور دوسرا فرشتہ [بد دعا دیتے ہوئے کہتا ہے] اے اللہ ! روک کر رکھنے والے [کے مال]کو ضائع کردے ۔ { صحیح بخاری وصحیح مسلم } ۔
 The effectual fervent prayer of the angels pray for food; Al-هريرة أبي حدیثِ Sharif: society, which he called the Prophet Nabi Radi Allahu: LAA فيه فيقول ينزلان ملكان يصبح Ma ' Ibad min أحدهما days;: o! أعط mnfqaa caliphates. ويقول day: o! أعط ممسكا tlia. " (Narrated by Al-البخاري: 1442, الزكاة – narrated by: s5215, الزكاة) meaning: Abu hurayrah from the Prophet Muhammed peace be upon him said (interpretation of the meaning): "r, in which human beings are revealed in the morning, two angels, an Angel [saying] saith, o Allah! Those who spend it [best] grant and another Angel revenge [saying goes], o Allah! Who stopped the [wealth]. {وصحیح Sahih Bukhari Muslim}. (Translated by Bing)
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