#tmaynt day 18
artsybun · 4 months
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Day 18 of TMayNT: human version of the turtles!
Teensy bit late but these took me SO LONG. I got way too into the clothing and then the colors continued to give me SO MUCH trouble, but I GOT IT! So. Here’s my interpretation of the rise boys <3
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heck-theo · 4 months
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TMayNT Day 18: Human Versions.
Ok I haven't designed humans in ages. I've seen human versions and cosplays around and had a quick scroll through tumblr for inspiration, but didn't take direct reference from any one. I wanted to try and take some of that inspiration while also making them somewhat unique to me. I am open to any recommendations, feedback or advice for if I use these designs in the future. I don't think I'll draw rise human designs much but still.
I tried to have their bandanas show in their hair style: Mikey has a short, bouncy, round mask tails, so his hair is meant to be reminiscent of that. Raph has long and ragged, flowing tails. So his hair is longer and not as "neat". (I am someone who cuts my own hair half the time and prefers the messy look so this is not in any way a negative judgement, even though the wording is sometimes used in a negative way. I'm also very tired and struggling to think of how to word stuff). Leo has long, flowing tails (that I am struggling to think of other words to describe), so his hair was just kind of vibe based tbh. I knew I wanted it long and that's about it. Donnie also has short mask tails and his hair reflects that but is also a bit of a mullet, because I think he likes 80s stuff right? Also in my experience having a mullet it felt pretty neurodiverse friendly so ye. Oh and he wear contacts sometimes.
BTW I could swear the long strips of fabric coming off the knot of their mask is called a tail, which is what I called it, but I can't find any reference to it online so now I have no idea if that's the correct term but it's the only one in my head. I probably can't think of the word cause I have been staying up late to finish these and felt like shit all day and was going to go to bed over an hour ago but really wanted to do this as much justice as I could in one day.
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inn-redsketchbook · 4 months
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Tengo muchas cartas pero en mi casa (2mil km ( >Д<;)) son semanas difíciles por los exámenes de la universidad pero cuando me libere de eso voy a dibujar mejores cositas \(^_^)/
Tiktok @7zeroseven_
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aquamarineghost06 · 4 months
A lot has happened, but I didn't want to left this unfinished. So I did a mix between traditional art, digital art and redraws made with my phone, and one photo
For @tmaynt!
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TMayNT Day 16: Favorite episode
Rise season 2 episode 13!
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TMayNT Day 17: Best Mikey from all incarnations
For me it's a tie between 2003 and rise Mikey
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TMayNT Day 18: Human version of the turtles!
The IDW comics in the crossover with the Power Rangers has one of the coolest human designs!
(I tried to color everything, but after the lineart I just lost motivation T.T)
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TMayNT Day 19: Best Casey Jones
I'm sorry but I grew up with the 2007 tmnt movie
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TMayNT Day 20: Favorite turtle merch/toy that you own
Not exactly merch or a toy 😅, this is a photo of the pizza box that came with the tmnt mutant mayhem theme a while ago. Only time that I have been more excited about the box than the pizza
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frogandbird · 4 months
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yeah i said i would stop if i missed even one day and i was right
very messy cus i am not finding it ;-; @tmaynt
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whyamiheretumbled · 4 months
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rise of the Teenage Genetic Ninja Humans they have mental illness and Donnie probably has scoliosis
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dumb-duxky · 4 months
Day 18
Whoops, I procrastinated today 🤧
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I drew based off the 2012 boys, and I think that they would be Asian just like their dad
Personally I like Mikeys design[fit] the best
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Of course they still fight like brothers 💀
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• I think Leo would like maintaining long hair, which is why I drew him as such
•I think since Donnie is kinda tall and lanky(although I drew him more chibi) he would be cold a lot, and wear a scarf(I just mostly see him with a scarf, or something around his neck)
•as most do, peppy people are drawn with curly hair with how they bounce around, hence Mikey
•I think Mikey and Raph would go hardest on fits, while Leo would dress a bit semi presentable(kinda professional? Something like that), and Donnie is kinda a mess
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jayythemutant · 4 months
Unfortunately due to me being busy today, I don't have time to draw a human version of tmnt for day 18 of TMayNT. Sorry..
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therubymongoose · 4 months
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TMayNT days 9, 12, and 13 - 18! Donnie, 18! Raph, and Jetpack. I'm reposting my work from Instagram.
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ninjagecko72 · 4 months
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Day 18: Human Version of the Turtles
Challenge by @tmaynt
My attempt at Human Donnie from @indieyuugure ’s Mutation Situation.
I might not remember much about 2012 and will have to give it a rewatch (I binged it all a while ago but it just blurred together and I barely caught a thing), but I do know that this is one of the more interesting 2012 fan made comics I’ve seen. (It stands right beside Frightclaw’s crossover comic to me.)
I highly recommend it. It’s going really well (*crossing my fingers because of course there’s no angst going on. No, no. You can’t tell me I’m lying*).
Yes the pose is by mellon_soup very obviously.
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hoodiehorizon · 4 months
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Day 18-19 of @tmaynt: Human version of turtles + Favorite Casey
I totally modeled human Rise!Leo off of the @tangledinink human leo because it's honestly just peak human leo design (which also has the cloaking broach on wrist)
And IDW casey is my favorite Casey, especially love his whole relationship with the purple dragons going from mixed allies, to enemies to leading them.
Was a bit late w/ these 2 cause I was busy with work pensive emoji
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cookieturtle26 · 4 months
Day 18: Human version of the turtles
Helloooo I'm back I didn't die lol
Nah nothing too interesting, just a redraw of that ending photo from Mutant Apocalypse
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bicryptide · 4 months
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TMayNT Day 18-27
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10bendog · 4 months
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@tmaynt Day 18 - Human Version of the Turtles!
Really wanted to jump in on this for the 40th Anniversary of the TMNT, but I draw slow af, so I'm only doing 2 days, lol. Here's the human designs on their own.
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Tried incorporating design elements from several iteration of the turtles, but these guys are first and foremost the 2003 ones (if the intro scene redraw didn't tip you off already, lol), just cuz these turtles are my favorites and I know them best.
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orangepawn39 · 4 months
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Day 18: human versión of the turtles
Actually i didn't draw humans i just can't do it they are turtles so i combined this day with 20 who has a little context.
@tmaynt (i dont know if i can continue @ tmaynt but i will do it)
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lulidragon · 2 months
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Day 18.- Human Versión of The Turtles!
Go Nigga, Go Nigga, Go!
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