#tmf fanfic
rosypenguins · 2 months
❤️Two Friends💚
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Synopsis: Liam and Henry’s reaction to Drew and Jake’s fight.
A/N: HOLY SHIT HENRY APPEARANCE FINALLY!! HE’S HERE!!! Anyways if you were wondering why Liam and Henry didn’t butt into the fight like Hailey did, this is why lol. (Also if Drew comes across super irrational in this… good.) (And no, he doesn’t have a concussion. Just to clarify.) (Also, did I have Liam call out every single fanfic and Gacha video I saw of the Dromies post-Drakeup where Drew cries in the bathrooms? Maybe. Did I eat those videos up regardless? Absolutely.)
Contains Swearing, Mentions of Violence
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Liam bit the inside of his cheek as he opened his locker, dumping his folders in his backpack. His eyes glanced in the direction where Drew usually stood, but the magenta-haired man was gone once again.
He must’ve gone home early again… How long’s he planning on keeping this up?
His eyes turned their focus to Henry, only to find him staring blankly at the metal doors, fingers twisting his lock absent-mindedly.
He tilted his head slightly when he noticed Liam staring, and the taller man was quick to avert his gaze.
“Liam? You okay?” Henry asked, and Liam shook his head.
“Yeah- yeah, I’m fine.” He replied, earning a small pout from the shorter man. His eyebrows furrowed, and he opened his mouth to say something, only for a pair of students to rush past them. Liam’s eyes followed the two down the hallway, before exchanging a glance with the green-haired boy beside him.
What do you think that’s about? Liam wondered, and Henry, somehow reading his mind, shrugged.
“You wanna go check it out?” Henry suggested, and Liam nodded, following the shorter man down the hallway.
And it didn’t take long for Liam to faintly catch the sounds of shouting and chanting. Rounding the corner, he noticed a large crowd of students had gathered around, with several phones held high in the air, all focused on whatever was in the center of the misshapen circle. Liam’s eyes widened.
“I think it’s a fight, dude!” He exclaimed, and Henry’s face practically lit up with excitement.
“No way!” He shouted, and without hesitation, he bolted towards the crowd. Liam was quick to follow, pulling his phone from his pocket to hopefully get a video of it for himself.
But just as he was about to press record, his eyes caught a glimpse of the two students in the center of the chaos.
And his phone nearly slipped from his grasp as he watched a familiar head of magenta hair get slammed to the ground.
His eyes darted to Henry, and watched as his once-excited expression crumbled. His breath hitched, eyes blown wide he took a step back.
Then, something in his expression changed. His eyebrows twitched, and he shifted his weight from one leg to the other.
And Liam had known Henry long enough to realize what he was about to do.
Just as Henry’s foot left the floor, Liam slid his arms beneath his, holding him back from breaking through the crowd. Henry let out a grunt, struggling against Liam’s grasp.
“Let go of me!” He shouted, but Liam refused, tightening his hold as if his life depended on it.
“I’m not letting you run in there!!”
“I have to do something!!” Henry cried, his voice cracking on his words.
“You’re only gonna get yourself hurt, Henry!” Liam shouted, only for the sound of a whistle to pierce his ears.
Henry flinched at the noise, his hands instinctively covering his ears as Liam turned his head to see a couple security guards had finally showed up. He took a step back as they forced their way past, breaking through the crowd and pulling Jake and Drew off of each other.
Liam’s hold loosened on Henry, only to hear a sob escape from the shorter boy’s lips.
Immediately, Liam released his hold on him, and Henry was quick to hide his face in his hands.
And despite Drew’s screams flooding the hallway, Liam knew he had to get Henry out of there. Carefully, he took Henry’s arm into his hand, leading him away from the crowd. He had to find somewhere quiet. Somewhere secluded, where no one hanging behind after school could bother them.
“Uhm… not the bathroom, that’s too cliche…” He mumbled to himself, before eventually settling on the space underneath the staircase. Slowly, Liam let go of Henry’s arm, and Henry lowered his hands to reveal his now tear-stained face.
“I’m sorry.” He mumbled, using his sleeves to wipe them away. “I didn’t mean to-”
“Hey, hey, it’s okay.” Liam whispered, bringing his hands up to cup Henry’s face. Henry didn’t hesitate to lean into his touch, his eyes closing as Liam wiped away his remaining tears.
“I… I just don’t know how it all came to this… everything happened so fast.” Henry admitted, his voice trembling.
“I know.”
“How did-? Why were they..?”
“I don’t know.”
“This all has to be a misunderstanding, right? He- Jake hasn’t… secretly hated us this whole time, right? You don’t think he started it, do you?” Henry opened his eyes to look at him, and Liam could feel tears forming in the corners of his own. He placed a hand on the back of Henry’s head, pulling him closer as he hid his face in the shorter boy’s hair.
“I don’t know…” He could feel Henry shake his head.
“I’m not gonna accept this! There has to be a way to fix this! To fix us!
“…We’ll figure out something.” Liam whispered, his voice muffled by Henry’s hair. His grip tightened, trying to convince himself he was telling the truth. “I’ll try talking to Drew tonight.”
“Liam..?” Henry’s voice was barely above a whisper, and Liam waited a moment for him to say something, only for him to shake his head. “Thanks.”
After missing the bus, walking Henry home, being scolded by his mom and being given about double the chores because of it, Liam was finally able to return to his room. He threw himself into his old desk chair, spinning around as he opened Drew’s contact.
“I swear to God you better not play this ghosting shit with me again.” He mumbled to himself, pressing the call button and holding the phone to his ear.
He used his foot to spin himself around again as he listened to the phone ring, holding his breath as he waited for Drew to pick up.
But the call went to voicemail just a few moments later.
Liam sighed, hitting the call button again.
And the second voicemail message came much quicker. Drew must’ve declined this time.
Okay, third time’s the charm.
Another voicemail.
…Fourth time.
The ringing stopped rather abruptly, and a familiar voice rang through the phone.
“What do-”
“Okay, what the actual fuck happened just now?” Liam shouted, earning a tired groan from Drew. “Why the hell did you get into a fight?”
“Maybe you’d know if you were actually there.” Drew replied bitterly.
“Don’t give me that, Drew.” Liam’s voice cracked as he spoke. “I’m not in the mood to be joking right now.”
“It’s not a joke!” Drew suddenly snapped, and Liam’s eyes widened. “That freak had been there by his side! Where the hell were you?!”
“I was comforting Henry, dammit! He was crying because of all this shit!” Liam suddenly shouted, and Drew paused for a moment.
“…Henry was crying?” He asked.
“Yes! You think we like seeing you and Jake like-”Drew huffed out a laugh.
“Oh, of course, it’s always about Henry.” He muttered. “Henry always has to take priority, doesn’t he?” Liam paused for a moment, then blinked.
“…Are you fucking serious?”
“Yes, I’m serious! Because I’m getting real sick of this little game you’ve been playing! How you’ll pretend to care about me, and pretend like you don’t have any other motives, only to leave me the moment I actually need you!”
“Drew, are you hearing yourself?” Liam exclaimed. “What the hell are you talking about?!”
“Cut the act, Liam! You know exactly what I’m talking about! I know that Henry will always mean more to you than I ever will, so stop pretending you care about me when you’ll always choose him first!”
Liam could barely make sense of Drew’s words. How hard did he hit his head?!
“What do you want me to do?! You want me to just leave him like that?!” Liam shouted. “And why are you acting like I can’t have two friends, anyway?!”
“Because you don’t! Friends aren’t supposed to lie about fact their girlfriend’s cheating on them!”
Why’s he bringing this up now all of a sudden?! I thought he understood…
“Drew, I told you what she said she’d-”
“I don’t care what she said! I don’t want to hear it!” Drew was practically screaming now, his audio cutting in and out. “Just stop pretending like you care about me like you do him! Don’t-” Drew’s breath hitched, his words trailing off.
“Is that really what you think of me.?” Drew didn’t respond, and Liam swallowed. “Drew, I do-”
The phone beeped.
“Drew?” Liam asked, and he pulled the phone away from his ear to see Drew had hung up the call.
His eyes fixated on Drew’s contact, his grip tightening.
“Ugh, fuck!” He shouted to himself. “The hell is his problem?!”
Liam pressed his face into his palm, letting out a loud groan before calling up Henry. At least Henry would respond pretty quickly.
“So… how did it go?” Henry asked once he’d answered, and the sound of his voice alone was enough to help Liam calm down a little.
“…Not great.” Liam admitted. “He thinks we hate him now for some reason.”
“Why would he think we-”
“I don’t know?” Liam admitted, letting out a groan as he rested his head on his desk. “God, this whole thing’s really fucked him up…”
“Yeah…” The two were silent for a moment, and Liam lifted his head. “So… you never figured out why..?” Henry trailed off, but Liam knew exactly what he was going to say.
“No, I didn’t. He just yelled at me the whole time.” He explained. “God! He such-”
“An ass?” Henry guessed, taking the words right from Liam’s mouth.
“But you’re still worried about him?” Liam found himself nodding.
“Yeah. It’s like… trying to stick a nail in a steel wall or something.” Henry chuckled.
“Where’d you get that metaphor from?” Liam shrugged.
“I don’t know, I just came up with it.” He sighed.
“It’s like… I want to help him, but he’s such a dick sometimes!” Liam sighed. “And sometimes it’s even harder to want to help him. I don’t understand why he keeps getting mad at us over everything!”
“Like, why won’t he just let us help him?! It’s not that hard, is it?”
Liam sighed again, leaning back in his chair.
“Want to join me in Minecraft while we talk about this?” Henry offered, and Liam felt a small smile tug at his lips.
“Only if I can put my bed next to yours.”
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jander-daily · 2 months
DAY 70
I attempted to write a Jander fanfic,here’s a wip of it
ps:This is set inbetween episode two and episode 3.
Jake’s Bi awakening:wip edition
Ahhh.It’s been a long day
Jake lied on his bed,wondering where he went wrong.He popularised the music club,did plenty of favours for him and yet Zander still doesn’t appreciate him.
He was still snarky toward him, acting like Jake broke his piano. Hence, even if Jake blinked the wrong way Zander would’ve found something wrong with that.
Jeez, isn’t not bullying a guy for a week enough?
Jake decided to stop moping around and go to the park. It’s only a twenty minute walk and there’s a sweet little spot within some trees. Jake walked out his room and slipped his shoes on .
“Hey Milo!” Jake said. “I’m going on a walk,don’t set the house on fire”
“Ok,” Milo replied, “I hope spark alight!”.
The park.
It took a lot longer than Jake thought. There was a car crash nearby so he had to take an alternate route.
It’s almost dark for goodness sake! Atleast I can sit around for a bit and get back before dad gets hom-
It’s Zander.Seems like he found Jake’s spot first.Jake walked toward Zander cautiously.
“Oh” Zander said, with some disgust in his voice.”Fancy seeing you here”
“Yeah, real nice isn’t it?”Jake replied.
Aw man, I wasn’t supposed to do that. Come Jake, you’re meant to be nice to him. Even if I’m only in the club for a month,I might as well solve any bad blood. Then things will back to normal and I won’t bully them again :]
“Well…” Zander sighed,“as long as you stay quiet,I suppose you can stay here with me”.
A subtle smile appeared on Jake’s face.The boys sat for a little before someone broke the silence.
“Soooo, how are you?”Jake said with a smile.
“Didn’t I tell you to be quiet?”
“Well yeah but…”
“Look is it really that wild that I want to talk to you?”
“It’s a miracle that anyone talks to your arrogant ass”
“Aw come on Zander, won’t you warm up to my charms eventually?”
“Are you sure?”
…I could do the funniest thing right now. Should I?
Sure I’ll do it. If he’ll hate then I’ll ‘love’.
Jake shuffled closer to Zander.
“Shouldn’t a pretty guy like you adore a wonderful fella like me. We would make such a good pair!”
Why…is Jake…of all people, flirting with me!?
Oh he must think he’s so smart doesn’t he?”I’m GoNnA fLiRt WiTh ZaNdEr ,hE’s GoNnA bE sOoOoOoOo PiSsEd LmFaO”;Well too bad I’ve played this game before, and I know just how to fight back.
I wonder how he’ll respond.
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sweetzscore · 10 months
I wanna write a tmf crackfic mutuals give me ideas
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lokalny-menel · 3 months
I'm sorry for all the mistakes, English is not my first language
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31th of October, the spookiest day of the month. Three young boys were sitting together on the floor in one's room, with a wooden board in the center of them, surrounded by lightened candles. They've planed to play a game. A very dengerous one, even though it may seem like a harmless one.
...Remember kids, never mess with the other side...
The tall, blonde boy was staring at the oujia board, thinking if he could step out of this. Now, as he could clearly see it infront of him, with his own eyes, he started to dislike this whole idea. The boy glanced at his other friends with slight nervousness, but to his misfortune neither of them seemed to change their minds about this 'great idea'.
- Guys, I don't think it's a good idea.. - Blonde boy spoke.
- Come on Jake! Don't be a wuss! - a boy with million of freckles on his face. - It was your idea to talk to Drew in the first place! - he said as he straighten up from his sitting position. Then the boy with dyed green spoke quite loudly.
- Yeah, and we can't backout now! - he gestured at the whole thing they set up. Jake looked at it again, analysing it all over. Yeah, sure, he missed Drew. He would do anything to talk to him again, but wouldn't summoning him with oujia board disrupt his peace? Jake wasn't sure, if that would be a right thing to do. Yet he looked up, and nodded, as a sign that he'll do it. And that's when they started the seance. Three of the boys put their hands on the indicator with excitement and adrenaline. But after that... What they were supposed to do actually? How were they supposed to summon the ghost of Drew? The boys haven't really think this through.
- Uh... Drew, are you here? - Jake said with uncertainty in his voice. All of the eyes were on the indicator, trying to catch a little bit of movement. Nothing happened.
- The ghost of Drew Rodriguez, are you here with us? - Jake spoke again, now more confident of his words. - Please give us a sign! Seconds started to feel like hours, the adrenaline raised, but nothing happened. No flickering lights, no change in the temperature, no unusual movements. The indicator haven't moved an inch, not a one minimeter, even! But they waited, at least a minute or two more, which felt like hours to them. Still nothing has changed in the surroundings.
- This is just a waste of time - the brown haired boy said, bored of this whole game. He was about to take his hand off the indicator, but the taller boy stopped him in time.
- Dude, we need to say goodbye to the ghost - Jake gave him a serious look, trying to warn his friend.
- But nothing came! - he argued back, not seeing any sense in saying goodbye to something, that's not there.
- You don't know that - The green haired boy now spoke. He knew some things about spiritual seanses, since his mom used to be obsessed with this stuff, and some of that passion passed onto the young boy.
- Let's just do that, incase something actually came.
- Okay, whatever. They said the goodbye to the being that might have came, and took their hands off the indicator. All of them were disappointed in the fact that nothing had happened, as they all wanted. Jake was once again staring at the oujia board. Feeling of sadness and yearning started to rise inside of young boy.
- So, what are we going to do now? - the question came out of one's of boys mouth. The blonde leaned back, thinking for a second.
- Maybe, let's watch a scary movie?
- Good idea!
Hours had passed and eventually Jake's friends had to go. Now the young boy was laying down on his bed while eating leftovers of chips and popcorn. He stared at the ceiling, feeling the overwhelming emptyness inside. His thoughts were coming back to their failed spiritual seanse, wishing that it actually did work, wishing he could talk to his best friend again. He has so many questions to ask. But what did Jake want to ask Drew? Now, as the boy was thinking about it, he didn't even knew how he would have reacted if his best friend really came! He felt how tears started to gather in his eyes. It still hurst him so much. It happened about 4 years ago, and he still haven't coped with it. He still remembered the day when he last saw his little friend, like it was yesterday.
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It was Jake's birthday. His twelve birthday, to be exact. Drew left Jake's place on his own, and was never seen again. "See you tomorrow!" were the last words they said to eachother, but that tomorrow never came. After three days Jake's parents lied to him that Drew runaway. After another few days Liam, his other friend, informed Jake, that Drew in fact is dead. He told him that Drew was runover by a drunk driver. Jake cried harder and harder with every second as the memories hit him one by one. And the feeling of guilt. The terrible guilt. "I could have prevent it from happening!" he thought to himself while putting his hands in his hair to soon start pulling it. If he was about to do something to himself again, no one was home to stop him, noone to hear his pathetic cries. He was all alone right now. He could do anything right now! Anything! And that's when it hit him. And idea came to Jake's head. He quickly looked around the room, and saw that the oujia board was still laying in the corner. Then he checked the hour. It was almost 12 AM, which meant that his parents will come back in 4 hours. So that meant...
- I still have some time to try! - Jake said to himself, wiping off his tears and get out of the bed. He quickly walked up and took the oujia board and put it in the middle of his room. He put candles around it in a circle and lighted the up. Now he can begin the seanse, and this time he knew what he wanted to say. Jake put his hand on the indicator. - Ghost of Drew Rodriguez, I invite you here - He started differently this time. He waited for some signs of Drews presence. Yet again there was nothing. Jake's hopes started to go down, but suddenly he felt how the temperature begone to lower.
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- Drew, are you here? - He asked with hope in his voice. Jake couldn't believe in what's happening. He's actually able to apologise and properly say goodbye to his best friend! Jake stares at indicator as it moves slowly through the alphabet written down on the board. The ghost said yes. It said yes.. It said yes! Jake felt his heart racing with excitement. He couldn't believe it, yet it had just happened infront of him! Drew is really here, as a ghost, but still here! Okay, okay Jake calm down. You need to say something to him.
- Uh.. How are you Drew? - that's a stupid question.. But he had no idea how to start it in any other way. So now he watched how the indicator moved from a letter to a letter. First was "p", then "r", "e", "t" and after some time the pointer stopped moving.
- Pretty dead... - Jake repeated what he read - yeah, right... I should have figured it out.. - he said more to himself than to Drew. But it's a sign that's it's really him! The Drew Jake knew was always sarcastic like that. So that must be him really! Okay Jake, now you need to apologise.
- Drew!.. I Want to apologise to you. - and the indicator moved again, starting from the letter "f" to "t". "For what" Drew asked.
- For letting you die.. I should have walked you home, or ask my parents you drop you off at your place. I shouldn't had let you go all alone like that.. - Good job Jake! You did it! Now he had to wait for Drew's response. And he didn't have to wait too long because soon, he could read the message saying;
"not your fault"
After reading the message Jake kept staring at the board, tears gathering in his eyes. Not your fault Jake. It wasn't your fault. Drew doesn't blame you for his death, Jake. It's all okay. It felt great to know, that his best friend doesn't blame him.
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speedydestinydream · 1 year
I think "countdown to his final show" and its direct continuation, "and i'll be in denial for atleast a little while" by drewsterling on ao3 are the only fics to send me on the verge of tears. Not like. Full on crying but I teared up a lot. I don't cry over books, let alone fanfiction, but these fics have DESTROYED me mentally I cannot stop thinking about them
This is a recommendation if you love heavy angst and pain and suffering and misery because that's the only thing you'll find. no happiness. no joy. only sadness and grief and it's written beautifully
I could talk about these fics all day they have hurt me SO MUCH and I LOVE THEM
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th4t-w13d0-b1sh · 2 years
Tmf jean fanfics
(Sean’s pov)
‘I miss jake’ I thought. Once he was kicked out of the club, it felt like my heart had been stabbed… I don’t think he meant anything he said…we ran after hailey, while jake stayed in the music room. “Haliey!” Zander yelled. “M-Milly! I have to go to the bathroom, so tell Luke and Zander!” I said. She gave me a thumbs up and i walked away….to the music room…
. Jakes pov
I can’t believe I said all that smack! What is wrong with me!? I thought…i just lost everything…the jomies…the club…Sean…i have loved Sean since I layed my eyes on him…he was so kind and caring and smart…and i never even got the chance to tell him how i feel! *hears walking* w-what!? Who is that? I can’t let them see me crying! I wiped my tears and stood up. I heard the door open. Is that Sean?! I thought. “Jake…?” He said coming towards me. “D-don’t come near me…after all i just said…you shouldn’t trust me! I’m a lair! I just…” i stumbled on words. “Hey! Hey… its okay! I know you never meant any of that stuff! I trust you! And i kinda have something to tell you… i have been meaning to tell you this for awhile now…” i was confused about what he was saying, but I listened. “Go on…?” I said still confused. “Jake… i love you…”. My eyes widened. Sean love ME!? Of all people!? I thought. “Sean i love you t-“ before i could finish milly walked in. “SEAN!? JAKE!?”
Sorry 4 the cliffhanger! I will post chapter two soon! Hope you like my horrible fanfic!
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realityisweird101 · 1 month
ngl i would totally like a drake fic w like, an obsessive drew. (like, bpd ig, and jake is his favorite person.) it would so definitely be toxic/unhealthy, and one-sided, since drake is a funny ship in retrospect, but when u actually think about them, they would def not be an ideal pair.
like, drew liking jake is def canon and if u disagree fight me rn. i just think that them actually getting together is SO SO SO unlikely. it would be toxic and bad for the both of them, js like their friendship was like,,, cute, and they cared 4 eachother, but it was def a bit unhealthy...
ANYWAYS the fic,
so like, drew would meet jake for the first time, and just, instantly fall in love with him. like, something like, "He looked into the boy's chocolate brown eyes, and felt a pang in his chest." so like, he doesn't KNOW he's in love, but he is.
as the fic progresses, drew's protectiveness becomes attachment, and his attachment becomes need. he NEEDS jake to stay with him, because without jake he is NOTHING. yk what i mean? qnd like, these changes are subtle, but become more and more obvious throughout the fic. like, starting with "God, Drew loved his timid smile. It made his heart feel fuzzy and light." progressing to, "Drew didn't understand *why* Jake thought he needed those freaks- after all, he was enough, right?" or, "Jake had been missing from the lunch table for 2 days now, and Drew had half a heart to chase after him, and half a heart to straight up murder whoever was stealing him from Drew. Not actually, though." And finally, "He *can't* live without *him*, he needs him- he needs him to hold him, to love him, to only need him. Drew wants those freaks- *Hailey* - to jump off a *fucking* bridge, to leave jake- to let Jake stay with Drew, to *be* Drew's, to have Drew. Fuck, Drew would kill himself if it meant Jake would love him, *god*, he would kill anyone, everyone, if it meant Jake would *look at him* lovingly." ehh sorta like that maybe?
i just want to see drew slowly lose himself while obsessing about Jake. he goes from wanting to make jake smile, to being willing to serve his heart on a platter if it meant jake would even just look at him without hatred in his eyes.
man i want to see drew go batshit crazy, and how that affects his relationship with the dromies, and how that affects how he treats himself, and how he sees the world in this jake-obsessed haze.
but like, with a happy ending. where he ditches jake and instead goes and marries liam instead /j
LOL I'll probs js end up writing this myself lmao
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jakesterling · 14 days
guys... if ANY fanfic writer in the tmf fandom is reading.. i mayyyy have a request... :flushed:
it'd be really sigma if there was a fanfic w the hanaki disease and a rarepair..
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i got google docs, they’re multiplying
and i’m losing control
cause the fic ideas my brain’s supplying
they’re ✨electrifying✨
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rosypenguins · 3 months
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Synopsis: Frustrated by Jake’s constant attempts to repair their friendship, Drew decides to burn the broken bridge for good.
A/N: Welcome back to another episode of “Drew does something stupid or mean, and ends up feeling sorry for himself.” Today, Drew REALLY fucks things up. (He’s my favorite boy-failure.) Also, Drew might’ve won the battle, but Jake wins the war. (No one’s gonna get this lmao.)
Contains Swearing, Violence, Mild Death-Threats(?)
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The sound of a blaring alarm awoke Drew from his fitful sleep, and slowly, he opened his eyes. He sat up groggily, rubbing at his eye with his palm as he struggled to keep them open.
“Then… Can I stay the night?” The voice echoed in his mind almost immediately, bringing him back to the events that had transpired a few nights ago. Liam had practically barged into his house, uninvited, and just… held him.
Drew’s hand lingered above his waist, just above where Liam’s had once been. His touch had been so warm, yet… Drew couldn’t find any comfort the memory. There was something that didn’t add up.
Why had Liam gone out of his way to help him that night? Why had he held him so carefully? Drew hadn’t offered him anything for it. Hell, he could barely remember thanking him for it.
Was Liam trying to make up for the fact he protected Zoey’s secrets? Or was there more that he was hiding, and this was all just a way to cover it up?
What if Liam had known Jake was going to leave? What if he knew of someone else who planned to hurt him? What if Liam was only trying to get closer to him so that he could hurt him as well? What if he was only using him as well? And how much of this was Henry in on?
Drew groaned, dragging his hand down his face. He was being dramatic again. Liam… probably wouldn’t do that to him…
He shoved the thoughts to the back of his mind, and forced himself to stand, dragging himself to his closet to finally start getting ready for the day.
The moment Drew stepped foot on campus, his earbuds went in, and the world faded out. And while his body was stuck going through the motions, his mind was able to wander freely.
And for a while, Drew allowed himself to forget. To pretend nothing existed. To pretend… he didn’t exist.
It was a comforting thought…
But it didn’t last as long as he would’ve liked, because reality always found a way to pull him back down…
And it happened when he noticed Jake in the cafeteria… with Hailey.
The two were only visible for a few moments, and disappeared in the crowds the next, but Drew’s eyes couldn’t leave them for a second.
He could feel a white-hot flame ignite in his chest as he stared. And even after lunch had ended, he could still feel it burning. He tried his best to cover it, but the sparks refused to fade.
By the end of the day, Drew could still feel it, burning away at his insides. It guided his movements, and his hand slammed his locker closed with a loud bang.
The sound alone was enough to surprise him, and he forced himself to take a breath. He really needed to calm down. Maybe he could take a shower when he got home. Go to bed early and-
Drew flinched when he felt someone tap his shoulder, and quickly, he turned around, taking out an earbud to realize-
Jake was standing right there.
“Don’t fucking touch me.” Drew snapped. He turned to leave, but-
“Drew, wait-” The sound of Jake’s voice was enough to stop him in his tracks. “Please, will you just listen to me for a minute?” Drew refused to turn around.
“Go away.” He whispered, only to hear Jake take a step closer.
“Drew, please. I-I just… I want to apologize.”
He’s lying.
“I didn’t mean to hurt you, Drew.”
Don’t trust him.
“I just want-”
Drew’s body was moving on its own as he turned on his heel, and without a second thought, he backhanded Jake in the face.
The blonde stumbled back, eyes growing wide as he took in a sharp breath. He blinked a few times, his shaking fingertips grazing the reddened mark forming on his face.
“What part of ‘I’m done with you’ do you not understand?!” Drew shouted. “You’re not getting a second chance from me, and nothing is going to change that! You chose your side, and you made it abundantly clear who your real friends are! I couldn’t give a single fuck about you, or your excuses now! Hell, you could turn up dead tomorrow and I wouldn’t give a shit! It’s what you and all those other freaks deserve!” Jake’s eyebrows narrowed. Drew must’ve struck a nerve there…
“Leave them out of this!” Jake’s voice raised slightly, and Drew could feel a smirk tug at his lips.
“Or what?” He taunted, taking a step towards the blonde and savoring the way he tensed up at the movement. “You gonna write a whiny little song about it? Is Hailey gonna run away crying again?” Drew’s cruel smile faded as he leaned back a bit. “You seriously think I’m gonna leave those freaks out of this when they’re the problem?!”
“If anyone’s the problem here, it’s you!” Jake suddenly snapped, and before Drew could even process it, Jake had shoved him back. “You made me feel like shit about myself, for years, all because of something that had absolutely nothing to do with you! And not only that, you go out of your fucking way to bully other people for the same fucking reason. All you know how to do is hurt people!! Yet I’m somehow the one apologizing!”
“Oh, don’t you dare try to make me look like the bad guy here!”
“You think bullying people for their interests makes you a good guy?!”
“You think lying to your best friend is any better?!” Drew was struggling to keep his voice steady as he took a step towards him.
“I lied because you made me feel like I couldn’t trust you! And if you weren’t so wrapped up in your own head, you’d realize that! You never think about anyone else but yourself you selfish, spoiled asshole!!”
Drew’s fist was moving before he could think, punching Jake in the face. The blonde wasted no time returning the gesture.
Pain flooded Drew’s senses, yet only seemed to fuel the burning flame in his chest.
The fire blinded him, painting his world a deep, blood red. His punches were aimless, and each hit he took was nothing more than a dull pulse to march along with his ever-growing heartbeat. He didn’t care what was going on anymore. He just wanted Jake Sterling to suffer.
He was only partially aware of the crowd surrounding them, their murmurs and chants nothing but a muffled whisper.
Yet the sound of Jake’s heavy breaths and winces rang loudly in his ears.
He was quick to note every subtle change in his posture. Every move he made. And the very moment he’d tossed his jacket to the ground, revealing arms reddened from bruises.
Jake suddenly lunged forward, grabbing Drew by his collar and pinning him to the lockers. Drew’s head jerked, the air forced from his lungs in a choked exhale.
And for a moment, Drew couldn’t breathe. His mind was spinning. He had to do something, but-
His eyes met Jake’s for a moment, yet there was no longer any life in eyes.
Suddenly, a blunt force hit Drew’s stomach, causing him to gag. He had to escape, but he knew he wouldn’t be able to get enough power for another punch from his position. So he did the next thing he thought of: he dug his nails into Jake’s skin, scratching him just above his brow. The blonde winced, his grip loosening for a second as he stumbled back, and Drew seized the opportunity to break away from him, placing a hand on his chest as he struggled to catch his breath.
And the second he finally did so, he was running at Jake once again, swinging at him again and hitting his eye. But Jake only faltered for a moment before grabbing Drew’s shoulders, slamming him to the floor.
Stars flooded his vision when his head smacked against the ground, his surroundings blurring together into a mess of dull colors.
Drew could feel Jake’s legs straddle his waist, preventing him from moving. He wasn’t strong enough to force Jake off of him either, no matter how much he fought against him.
There wasn’t anything Drew could do as he watched Jake draw his fist back, and-
…Drew could’ve sworn he heard something snap.
Pain erupted in the center of his face, and even something as simple as a breath burned.
He could feel blood dripping from his nose. He noticed some of it coating Jake’s knuckle.
Jake was about to punch him again when Drew noticed a pair of hands grab Jake by the arms, dragging him off as loud whistles began to blow. Another person, a security guard most likely, grabbed Drew as well.
Drew let out a wordless yell, struggling against the guards hold, desperate to get back to the fight.
But Drew noticed a flicker of light in Jake’s eyes for a moment, and Drew’s shaking breaths began to slow. His movements halted, and he allowed himself to just… stare. And take in the damage he’d done.
Jake’s eye was swollen, his arms and cheeks littered with bruises. Small scratches ran along his brow, bleeding ever so slightly.
Yet his eyes were no longer cold. They’d gone… almost glossy. And Drew couldn’t understand why.
The familiar voice dragged Drew back to reality, and he tore his gaze from the blonde to see a familiar figure forcing her way through the crowds.
Her black eyes were wide, worry etched in her features as she tried to get to Jake.
And Drew could recall when he had once been in her place.
When he was the one who mattered.
When it was him, not her…
Not Hailey.
…Before he knew it, he was screaming again. An incoherent string of profanities and insults. Tearing into Jake’s insecurities, anything that would give him the last word in the fight.
The words burned on his tongue, but he couldn’t stop them for escaping.
And in the end, Drew cherished the broken look in Jake’s eyes as the words left his bleeding lips.
Drew winced as his fingertips grazed his nose again. Despite the nurse’s exasperated comments, Drew knew it must’ve been broken. Yet all he was given was some tissues and a measly ice pack before she left to tend to Jake.
The two had been dragged to the nurses office, and while Drew was left in the waiting room, Jake was taken to the infirmary room. Hailey had insisted on following, but she was eventually sent away.
Drew glanced down at his feet, despite the nurse telling him numerous times to keep his head elevated to stop the bleeding.
The fight replayed in his head over and over again. And even still, Drew couldn’t get over the lifeless look in his old friend’s eyes.
It was strange to think that a month ago, those same eyes would’ve looked at him with such warmth and care…
Drew glanced up when he heard Jake’s door open, and when the blonde walked past him, he noticed how red his eyes had gotten. They looked almost… watery. Drew averted his gaze, keeping it fixed the tiled flooring as he listened to Jake’s footsteps slowly fade. But before Drew could hear the door open, Jake paused.
“I think I’m done with you, too.” He whispered, his voice oddly unsteady. Drew glanced up at him, but the blonde was already gone. Leaving Drew alone in silence.
The words repeated in his mind. Then again, and again, and-
Drew realized he finally did it.
He finally burned the bridge between him and Jake. There’d be no going back now.
He’d gotten what he wanted…
So… why could feel his heart stop for a moment. Why was his throat growing tighter. Why couldn’t he breathe?
Drew finally tilted his head up, blinking a few times as he struggled to take in an even breath of air.
Why was this happening? This is what he wanted, wasn’t it?
Jake was finally gone…
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jayy-writes · 8 months
hehe I think I pissed off a Hailey fan with one of my ao3 fics
Also @sobeksewerrat I started rewriting my tmf elf fic again instead of finishing next chapter of chatfic
so ima give u a sneak peek 👀
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So uh yippee!!
When I actually figure out designs for the characters I’ll tag u too.
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gaydrewrealll · 1 year
Okay so
Zoey won't stop bugging drew, she wants to get back with him and he tried everything to get rid of her. It got to the point where zoey showed up at his house to talk to him.
Jake (they are friends here don't worry about it) is getting kind of tired of seeing drew stressed out like that, so when lia proposes a plan, he is the first to accept. They will pretend to date to get zoey to go away and once he feels safe enough they can pretend to break up.
Someone write it pls I love the fake dating trope too much.
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sobeksewerrat · 1 year
Imagine Elliot trying to confess, so he puts a letter saying to meet her after school in Milly's locker anime-style, and she misinterprets it as a way to provoke her to fight and goes there ready to kick some ass but instead finds an anxious Elliot with a bouquet of flowers.
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nczennie · 8 months
to my first.
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seventeen. Sorry, Heart
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Copyright © 2024 by nczennie. All rights reserved.
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realityisweird101 · 1 month
My Heart is Yours, Do With it as You Wish. (Pt.1)
toxic drake - one-sided drake - drew angst - 2.8k words
cws: mentions of sh (not depicted), mentions of sewerslide (ex: 'it would be better if he wasn't here', 'he just wants to die', 'without ___ he's nothing'), obsession, mentions of violence (nothing really happens), major mood swings, BPD, throwing up, depression, edd, not taking care of oneself rly, implied underage drinking
aka: batshit crazy drew. ur welcome!!<3
Drew's never gotten the ideal of getting friends. Sure, they were amusing, but Drew never felt anything with other people his age.
So he tried. He really did, he tried making a connection, and it worked, since he had friends, but it didn't feel as nice as everyone said it did. Liam and Henry—they were funny people, sure. Drew liked being friends with them, but only a miniscule amount more than everyone else his age.
But—those…freaks. They made Drew feel something other than just tolerance, which was how he felt about almost everyone else. They made his eyes roll, his teeth clench, his smirk turn from just smugness to full on cockyness. 
And so Drew made sure they hated him, so he had a reason to hate them.
It was better than just…nothing, after all. So, he became some sort of bully, which wasn't his goal, but it still made that purple-haired weirdo hate him, and so the rest did as well.
But…but then—
Drew's eyes caught chocolate brown ones. They were warm—so warm, and Drew loved them.
Jake Sterling.
That name sounded so right in his brain, occupying it's own space, pushing all unnecessary affairs aside. 
Jake became his new best friend, and Drew finally understood the ideal of getting a best friend. This…this warmth in his chest was better than anything he had ever felt before. Sure, hatred was better than…whatever he felt before, but happiness felt like fireworks erupting in his stomach, like hot chocolate on a cold, cold day.
Drew supposes that was how he felt before. Cold. With twinges of joy and hatred at times.
So Jake remained his best friend. And the music club remained his enemies. And life went on as it should, with equal amounts of hate and joy, which made his life finally feel complete.
Daisy was a nice person, Drew tolerated her a bit more than everyone else.
(But she was the reason why Jake went away, why he left Drew—left forever.)
Jake liked Daisy. He had an idiotic crush on her, which led him to him leaving Drew, and him joining the music club of all things. But, Jake was still his best friend, so it was fine. It was okay.
“Dreewww! Don't you think about anything other than Jake? Seriously, you're glaring at your lunch as if it killed your grandma. Or Jake, since you probably care about him more than your grandma.” Henry said in a sing-song voice. He was probably joking, but now that Drew thought about it, he never felt anything for anyone else. Sure, he wasn't emotionless, but he didn't particularly care if they broke an arm, or something.
Drew never did care much about his grandma. He had never met her, either, so that was probably it. 
…he remembered something his parents said about a dead mother or father, but why would Drew care if he didn't feel anything about it?
“Shut up, Henry. And it's just the fact that he keeps on ditching us to hang out with those…freaks. God, they're probably going to embarrass themselves all over again.” Drew grumbled, picking at the school lunch. It looked gross. Even grosser than usual, and wasn’t that strange.
“If I didn't know better, I would think you're in loove!” Liam snickered, winking seductively, and Drew glared at him.
“No, you idiots. We're just friends, duh.” Drew mumbled. “‘Thought that was what everyone meant.” He mumbled even quieter, afterwards.
“Dude, I get that you're…friends. It's just that you never act like that about Liam and I, and you're practically always obsessing about Jake. It's not really best-friend-esque.” Henry said, taking a sip of his signature lettuce juice, which is…gross, by the way.
“Whatever. I like Jake, I like both of you, I don't like the music freaks, end of discussion.” Drew said, staring at both of them in a way that dared them to disagree.
They changed the subject.
Zoey. Zoey was a strange phenomenon. At first, Drew was convinced he liked her. Maybe it was those brown eyes, or the blonde and pink hair. 
Or maybe it was the fact that he could barely piece his memories together, since all the ones without Jake had slipped out of his mind.
…and there were far more memories without Jake than with him, at the time. He had to spend a few days rearranging his memories, since he could barely remember what his own name was.
But, he did care about Zoey, a little bit of happiness which drove him to her. She wasn't nice, but she made the perfect model-girlfriend, so Drew didn't care much.
He did care about her though, he wanted her to be happy, so she didn't know that he wasn't.
But after Jake, Drew's care started to dwindle…
“Drew? Drew, what's wrong? Drew?” Liam—Liam? That name sounded wrong. 
Jake, saying his name, the way his mouth moved.
Jake, blinking, the way his lashes collided as his eyes closed.
Jake, walking, walking closer to him—
Jake, his Jake—
“Mmph.” Drew…Drew, grumbled. His head felt light, and heavy, although his heart felt lighter. He had a headache, and he…where was Jake?
“Drew, seriously, you're scaring me.” Henry said, sounding concerned. Drew didn't know why they were worried.
And where was Jake? 
“Wh't's ‘rong?” Drew mumbled, his words slurring together.
Jake, smiling, the way his teeth shimmered in the sunlight.
Jake, holding a remote controller, how he did a stupid dance to celebrate his win.
Jake, crying, as he poured his guts out to him.
Jake, his Jake, his perfect Jake—
“You—you haven't been to school in days, and you won't text us. Or Jake, and you always text Jake back.” Liam mumbled, and he seemed a bit upset by that fact.
Jake, he didn't text Jake back? Oh. Oh Jake probably hated him, and he couldn't have that—
Where was his phone? Wait. When did he get a phone? Why were they in his house? How did they get into his house? How long had it been?
Jake, brushing his hair.
Jake, hugging him, telling him it would be okay.
Jake, calling him when Drew couldn't breathe—
Jake, his oxygen, his sun, his world—
“Drew, talk to us. Your eyes keep on going hazy—have you even eaten? Have you slept? What's wrong?” Henry tried, his hands on Drew's shoulders, shaking him, and Drew blinked.
“‘M okay. Uh…jus’...tired.” Drew mumbled, and tried keeping the haze of Jake from obscuring his vision. 
“Shut up! You're not fine, Drew. You're—you're not anything! You're sitting here, doing God knows what! You're not talking to anyone, not contacting anyone, and you won’t even eat, sleep, or anything!” Liam burst out, and, and—
He had eyebags under his eyes, his usually styled hair was messy—as if someone brushed a hand in it too many times, and he was dressed in only sweatpants and a loose shirt. He looked stressed. But Drew didn't care because Jake—
Drew wanted Jake to hold him. He wanted Jake to love him. He wanted Jake, point blank. He…
…felt a tear roll down his face.
“‘M sorry, okay? I didn't—I'm trying, to be a human, to be real, to be Drew. I'm trying to be alive, to eat, to sleep, to be functional. But nothing matters and I'm trying to find something that matters but the only thing that matters is Jake and he's gone.” Drew gasped out, and he was. 
“Drew—Drew. Don't—Don't cry. It's—Jake's not gone, he's here, we're here, aren't we enough?” Henry said, and he had tears streaming down his face. Drew couldn't, he couldn't look at one of his best friends cry like that—
He let himself drift away with the haze, because in the haze there were no heartbroken friends, no aching hearts, no need to be human.
In the haze there was Jake.
And Jake was enough for Drew, better than the world, than the sun, than anything else in the world.
Drew looked at the blonde haired boy beside him, and smiled, wider than he had in a while. 
Jake caught his eye, and looked surprised for a moment, his eyebrows shooting up, but smiled back widely, if not wider than Drew.
It made a burst of warmth fill Drew. 
Jake was his. He loved Jake. (But not like that, he was a guy. Drew doesn't love guys.) 
Drew looked at Jake and Hailey.
Hailey, a stupid freak who had stolen Jake.
Jake looked so happy, he was smiling, he was grinning, he was laughing.
Drew wanted to tear her apart, to rip out her heart, to drive her away. 
Jake was happy, he was happier without Drew. 
He couldn't be, he wasn't he couldn't—
Drew slammed his back against his bedroom door, glad his parents weren't here, and screamed.
Drew giggled, and stared at the photo in his hand. It was a photo of the ‘Jomies’, and there was Jake and he was smiling.
He looked happy with Drew.
(Not as happy as he was with that freak—)
He scribbled the other faces with black marker.
It was Jake, wasn't it? And he was smiling, and he wasn't with those freaks. Oh, it was Jake, fantastic, wonderful, beautiful Jake.
“Go away, go away, go away, go the fuck AWAY—”
The brown haired boy looked afraid, but left him alone anyways.
Drew didn't want to get up. He didn't want to do anything.
He wanted Jake. He needed Jake, but Jake didn't need him.
Oh, wasn't that funny?
The one, one person Drew loved—loved, wasn't that hilarious?—had left him.
And Drew called him a freak, the final nail in the coffin.
God, Drew couldn't, he couldn't he couldn't breathe he couldn't speak because—
Drew: hi
Liam: drew? drew r u ok? that was heated. r u ok? 
Liam: shuld i come ovr?
Drew: no. don't. actually, fuck you.
Liam: ???
Drew: fuck u. if u hadn't stayed with me maybe jake would've stayed. maybe 
Liam: drew, dude, ur making no sense.
Drew: i dint care, he's gone, okay? he's GONE. don't you fucking understand? he's gone, liam, he hates me. us.
Liam: drew, pls, are u okay?
Drew: fuck you. fuck you. fuck you.
Drew: he's gone, and ur asking if im okay? he's gone, he's gone, liam.
Drew: go away, fuck you, fuck me, i should've done something. i should've just left the freaks alone because i already felt something and so there was no point and it's all my fucking fault oh god
Jake won the competition.
Drew should feel happy about this.
(He doesn't.)
Maybe something’s wrong with him. He knew something was wrong with him. He just…ignored it, because it didn't matter.
But that was the problem.
Nothing mattered.
Everything felt insignificant. He felt things, but he felt things so minorly that most of the time he could barely manage a smile.
And so—so when he felt an actual emotion, it was overwhelming and he needed—
He screamed and screamed and screamed until his throat felt raw—
The color reminded him of something.
Of freckles, eyes, and soft words.
And disgusting jokes.
But all he could think of was chocolate brown eyes.
Of warm hugs.
Of stupid jokes and stupid haircuts.
Of love.
Something hurt.
Maybe it was his heart.
Henry: drew? drewy-bear!!!
Drew: ?
Henry: haha i mean hello dude
Henry: uve been ghosting us 4 a while now, u okay?
Drew: yeah
Drew: im fine
Henry: we could come over, if u'd like.
Drew: No.
Drew: don't. I'm fine.
Henry: …
Henry: that wasn't a question, dude:)
Henry: we're coming over.
Drew wrapped bandages around his arms because they were bloody and he didn't know why.
Jake was still gone.
He hadn't texted him, or anything.
Drew felt…he felt…shit—
“Drew! You look like shit!” Henry exclaimed, and Drew jumped. He had a grin on his face, which faltered slightly when he actually looked at Drew. “Really, really fucked up shit.” He added, more concerned that time.
“Yo.” Liam said, looking slightly better than he did the last time Drew saw him. “Oh, you do look like shit. Have you eaten? Or slept? Or showered? It's been like, a week, dude.” Liam asked, and Drew blinked at him.
It felt like much, much longer.
Henry and Liam helped him eat something, and didn't say anything when he couldn't manage anything down.
Henry and Liam helped him take a shower, and brush his teeth.
They helped him re-dye his hair, because his real hair color made him feel antsy.
They helped him clean up his room, which had become a mess.
They helped him go outside. Only for a short walk, but it was something.
They helped him feel human.
They saw his arms, which Drew couldn't clean because he didn't want to see them. 
They hid all his sharp items, for a reason Drew couldn't understand.
They played a video game with him.
They stayed the night, and they all had a cuddlefest during the night.
They didn't say anything when he woke up during the night, they didn't say anything when he cried in their arms, they didn't say anything when he couldn't breathe.
(Well, they did say something. But only good things.)
They made him feel human again.
But of course, that just had to get ruined—
He screamed, he screamed because he needed Jake and he was gone and he screamed and screamed and—
He wanted to cry, to cry and cry and die.
Not die. That was a bit too far.
(But he was nothing without Jake, so what was the point in living?)
Everything felt hazy.
He took a sip.
His head felt like it was stuffed with cotton.
He took a sip.
Where was he anymore?
He took a sip.
He couldn't remember anything.
He took a sip.
He was outside somewhere, wasn't he?
He took a sip.
He dropped the bottle.
Drew opened his eyes, which felt much too heavy. His arms stung—that wasn't good. He couldn't remember what happened last night, but his head was throbbing and his mouth tasted acidic.
“Drew, you awake?” A soft voice spoke, and Drew felt his heart melt somewhat. “You—you okay?” The voice asked, and Drew hummed.
“‘Mm, ‘m ‘Kay.” He mumbled, “head ‘urts.” He huffed, and opened his eyes a little. The light burned his eyes, as he suspected, but he could see brown hair and red eyes.
Huh. Why did he go to Liam's house?
“You're lucky my parents aren't here, y'know. They would kill me if they knew I had a guy over. ‘Specially if it was you.” Liam huffed, and Drew's face twisted in confusion.
“Why especially me?” Drew asked, and Liam didn't answer.
“...Drew. How…how…how'd you get something sharp? I just…I thought me and Henry…” Liam started, and Drew stiffened. He…he didn't—
Liam didn't push any further. 
Drew was glad.
The first time Drew went to school without Jake was two weeks after they stopped being friends. No one really noticed Drew was gone, and so no one noticed he had come back.
“Yeah! You're back! The Dromies are back together!” Henry exclaimed, a wide grin on his face.
And…and Drew felt something.
“What the hell are the Dromies?” Drew asked, rolling his eyes. Of course, during his fit Henry and Liam went on to name their trio something stupid.
“Homies, but Drew style!” Henry exclaimed, shooting finger guns at Drew, who cringed.
“Uh. I do not have a style, thank you very much. Never do…that, again.” Drew said, gesturing at all of Henry. Liam let out a choked laugh, and suddenly Henry started laughing as well, and well, if Drew started laughing a tiny bit, no he didn't.
Drew saw Jake in the hallway and his heart dropped.
He looked…so happy.
He was with the freaks—the entire gang, and of course he and Hailey were glued together like peanut butter and jelly. He was grinning, joking around, and laughing whenever Hailey blushed.
Were they dating?
Were they—
Drew rushed to the nearest bathroom, and puked his guts out.
He couldn't even look at Jake.
How pathetic.
And that's the end of pt.1! errm i hope it was ok?? idk. so like it's disorganized in the writing and that was on purpose bc ofc drew's head is a bit mushed up at the moment. if it doesn't make sense at some parts, it probably isn't rly supposed to, but u probs still get the gist that drew is OBSESSED, riggght?
also. the way Henry and Liam are handling what's going on may seem bad (ex: not telling anyone, not getting drew any help) but i don't rly think so bc for teenagers the way they dealt with it was pretty cool, and if they told anyone drew would probs js not improve at all and probs would've gotten worse so like idk js wanted to let yall know that. they were probs kind of freaking out as well so that's a reason.
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the-ship-maker-2 · 23 days
Are you able to do some sort of fanfic between Aiden Klein from the mourge files and a child reader? (Not romantic ofc.)
Where like he ends up treating us like Sally Hatfield? We are just more...behaved than her and don't run?
Aiden Klein x Child! Reader (platonic)
How did you end up here? You didn't know.
One moment you were running away from your shitty home and family in forest lawn. The next minute you're in a basement watching low quality public Christian shows.
Aiden Klein was the man who took you in. Or more accurately kidnapped you and holding you hostage. Not that you knew the difference.
You did know, however, that he was always kind to you. You would often run errands for your parents at the store and he would buy you a chocolate bar or whatever candy of your choice. Or you would be at the library whenever you were locked out of your home and he would be there reading to you or talk about the latest book you read. Or would sit on the park bench with you and listen to your woes and walk you back home everytime you got kicked out.
So it didn't ring any alarm bells in your head when you ran away and he found you and offered to let you stay with him as long as you like and never had to go back. A warm room and free food with the only few people who showed you an ounce of kindness. How could you possibly refuse?
There were a few weird things though. How he would never let you out of the house without close supervision, or allowed you to go to school and often asked to drink some of your blood from time to time. Bit you never left the house anyways with your old family you were constantly locked up. You hated school because of that mean Mr. Webb. And so what if he drank your blood? It wasn't alot at once and he feels you iron rich meals to compensate.
You supposed that you could get used to this.
(I hope you like this and feel free to ask again!)
Aiden Klein is a character from the morgue files which was creates by our lord and savior David Near. You should go check it out!
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