#tmnt 2k12 chloe
neocelticavalon · 8 months
🛡️TMNT Fantasy AU - Girls Edition😍⚔️
Hi, guys! I've been wanting to share my AU doodles and the backstory of my girls ^^ (took long to upload cuz my home wifi connection suuucckss)
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So, we have Noble Knightess April, and our lovely villagers, Chloe and Irma. Yeah..., I don't know how to draw childlike face for Chloe. In my AU, she is pretty much like normal girls, love playing with dolls, loves pretty flowers, tea party, and enjoys being around Leo, she likes watching April practicing her sword skill at the stable. Chloe lives with their parents and brother near the orphanage. She is also close with Irma and April.
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Okay, what about Irma? She is pretty much talkative and smart BFF of April. She knows April's food and drinks at the tavern where she works at. They are also a library buddies (April has an access to the castle's library, thanks to her dad). April likes to talk about lost Kingdom and lost treasures with Irma. Irma likes to talk about the lost sorcery, the old wizard's apprentices treasure....pretty much like that.
Well, I think that's all the backstory behind the girls. Hope you guys like it! Bye!
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misteria247 · 2 years
Yo but like??? 12 Leo introducing Rise Leo to his little tea party friend Chloe and the three of them meet up to have little annual tea parties and they dress up and all that fun stuff.
Bonus points they invite 12 Raph, 12 Donnie, 12 Mikey, Rise Raph, Rise Donnie and Rise Mikey to them as well and the 12 boys are super excited cuz they've had tea parties and they missed them and wanna show their counterparts them.
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iamheretemporarly · 2 years
Me and @enthblaze were talking about how leo and chloe won't be that lonely in the wdtygAU actually because we just remembered the existence of chompy, ice cream kitty
And metalhead
When talking about metalhead i came up with this silly concept of "haha, if a car became sentient because of mutagen then imagine if metalhead grew sentience at some point because of mutagen"
And well
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It's a silly haha thought no more, it's canon now, leo has a new son nephew now
Also this is how he got mutated
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You know what saddens me abt ‘12?
The fact that they had the coolest villians who could have an amazing story that either redeimed them or turned them worse.
But as soon as they mutated they became absolute dumbasses.
Ivan steranko
Xever Montez
Hell even Baxter Stockman
I feel like rahzar has redeemed Chris Bradford a bit but come ooonnn
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Can you draw Leo and chloe ? Pls -!!!
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There you go 😉
Little sister and big brother
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wdtyg-au · 2 years
Leo, question, can Chompy speak? Like actual human perch speak? I’m just curious.
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althea-sirius · 1 year
This story is adorable and you can't convince me otherwise.
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sabindark · 2 years
Hey Since Leo was mutated into a giant snake? Then what happened to him during the invasion of New York?
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vengeance is mine Au
In the episode "Slash and Destroy" Leo met a little girl Chloe . Later he met her again ...scared and Hungry. Leo had to take care of her ...For several months during the invasion in new york Leo had to run and fight , protect chloe . In a sense, Chloe helped Leo control his inner snake.
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fabuloustrash05 · 3 years
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Shinigami’s Mother, Kitsune
For those who don’t know, Kitsune is originally from the TMNT comics. She was a witch from the Foot Clan, one of Shredder’s allies, and the turtle’s enemy.
In my 2012 version she is old friends with Splinter, Shredder, and Tang Shen when they were all younger. Growing up she was a prodigy in illusions and dark magic, often entertaining her friends with her magic. Sadly Kitsune grew to hate how Shredder and Splinter constantly fought for Shen’s affection which led to her to resent her friend group, especially Shen. She left her friends and her home and didn’t stay in contact with anyone for years, eventually having a daughter named Shinigami from the result of a fling she had with a man who abandoned her shortly after finding out she was pregnant.
Raising her daughter alone, Kitsune was a loving and supportive mother towards Shini, teaching her daughter all that she knows about the dark arts, teaching her new powers and tricks, such as shapeshifting (Kitsune can turn into a fox and Shini can turn into a black cat), and even later giving her daughter her signature weapon she uses in the show (Shini’s cats eyes Hypno ball with the crescent moon blade).
Years later Shredder reunited with Kitsune and offered for her 6 year old daughter Shini to join the Foot Clan as a Kunoichi. Despite hating Shredder, she accepted and quickly saw through his lies when meeting his daughter Karai (ex: she knows Karai is Miwa and Shredder isn’t her real father, how Shredder is using Kitsune as his pawn like everyone else and she knows it) but you know what they say: “keep your friends close and your enemies closer” ;)
So Kitsune’s willing to play along with Shredder’s game until the time is right to strike. Besides it’s also more fun to watch Karai figure out the truth for herself rather than just telling her, right??
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jazzymarie1006 · 7 years
Female rivalries in cartoons...
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Some don't last long.
Some are one-sided.
Some last for a lifetime.
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inkyturtle · 7 years
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I can’t stop messing with this idea. Creativity and insomnia is a dangerous combination.
This one is less creative/divergent than most, but at least I got to draw that cute little girl from one of my favorite episodes (Chloe?).
Also confession: this was the episode that made me fall in love with Leonardo.
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iamheretemporarly · 2 years
Lee with Chloe on his shoulders, and shes like "WOOO! 😆"
and by Chloe, i mean absolutely her older self. giving Chloe piggy back rides/carrying her will never get old
She's having the time of her life
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iamheretemporarly · 2 years
I just thought of something that genuinely almost made me cry, but does Leo still celebrate the boy’s birthday?
Im just thinking of him sitting alone in the kitchen with a lonely candle
~ sobs at my own mental image ~
He's a very sad middle aged man, give him a break
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iamheretemporarly · 2 years
Btw, since Chloe officially lives in the wdtyg au
I hope you know that the moment leo's bros stepped a foot into the lair, they immediately went on her blacklist fir a very long time
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iamheretemporarly · 2 years
So uh
I know you sent wdtyg chloe ref to nari but i cant find it on your blog?
(also in my head its called the windings au ejshbeb)
Oh shit yeah, i never did post it here
I'll do a digital one later but have these as place holders for now
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wdtyg-au · 2 years
so chloe, how’s it feel knowing you somehow survived the apocalypse? and how did it feel learning about what leo was ACTUALLY doing instead of “doing turtle things”?
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And... Well, knowing that I might be one of the few humans that managed to survive this all feels... Isolating, when i think about it fir too long
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