#tnba reader
bangsinc · 1 year
I also don't really like the series but I just love scarecrow voice in it. So can you write HC for that version and TBNAT (I think is written like that, idk 😭) for when his so tells him that they're pregnant and how would he be as a father?- 🩷
💀TNBA Scarecrow X Pregnant! Reader🎃
THIS IS SO REAL. He’s only in like 2 episodes but god his voice is so attractive. Also, I’m such a sucker for a pregnant reader, idk, it’s a sweet trope.
Basic warnings since reader is pregnant. Light mention of vomit and stuff but as usual no Nsfw! Well, obviously a mention of being intimate since reader is pregnant.. and like yknow.
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Jonathan’s never nessecarly been sentimental, not even twoards his significant other. While he's been open and a shoulder to cry on, he's never experienced the urge to cry himself. That doesn’t mean he’s never had other.. urges.
It doesn’t come as a complete shock (it does) when the news is initially broken. Of course he is happy, but he’s not sure how to express it. If anything, he’s outwardly acting as if this might be a slight issue.. which it is.
Hes thought of having kids with his partner, but given the life he leads that idea manifesting is slim to none. None of his goons are even aware of your existance, he’s keeped the very idea of him ever having a partner tucked away in their feeble minds. You’re too important for him to go around flaunting.
If you two weren’t married, expect him to push a very, very quiet wedding. One or two people, maybe a villian he trusts with this sort of information. He wants this kid, if you want it too.
He hires multiple at home nurses during the 8 months. He keeps them descreet, having them snuck in nearly everyday to assist you the more time goes by. He’s very much there by your side, noticiably not being seen as much by his goons. He can’t just stop doing what drives him, but he loves you too much for you not to be a big priority.
He’s a little more emotionally transparent during the pregnancy. He’s clingy, suprisingly, constantly holding onto you whenever you both are in proximity. Hes created something with you perminantly, you are his now, and of course he’s yours, so he’s pretty much ride or die by now. Not only that, but the fact you were so willingly intimate with him, given his profession and chemically scarred appearance.. he’s never finding another. You’re the only woman that could ever matter to him.
That being said, if he wasn’t already pushing you away from his ‘line of work’, he’s making sure you never even see a single vial of fear toxin. He’s not aware of the effect something such as that could have on you, espically in the state your in. He’s not sure what he would be able to do with himself if you got into an accident.
He’s by your side along with multiple at home nurses when you give birth, holding onto your hand the entire time and not even daring to flinch no matter how hard you squeeze it. He doesn’t have emotion in his voice as he attempts to soothe you, but he is.. happy.
Hes not emotionally distant as a father, but he doesn’t know how to handle children. He keeps basic precautions, such as keeping them away from his lab equipment and fear toxin, but what if his baby is terrified of him?
He’s hired men,,, and payed them rather handsomely to help make a seperate room for the baby to you and his liking. He’s very communicative during this, although he is more driven by what makes you happy.
He can’t exactly play with a baby, either. His leg prohibits a lot of extensive movement, and he’s a bit of an older villian as it is. It doesn’t mean he doesn’t want to spend time with the kid, far from it. He’s still a villian through and through, but his crimes have gotten less extravagant with all the times he spends assisting you and his kid.
Batman even grows more leniant, noticing that he isn’t actually a terrible dad. He takes his time apprehending Jonathan, and even then he makes sure it’s a possibility for you and him to see eachother with your kid.
He’s not a fun dad, but he loves his kid and you through and through. He’d do anything to protect the both of you, you’re the only people truly connected to him, the only people he actually cares for.
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yandere--stuck · 3 months
Imagine confessing to Joker that, sometimes, you do feel a bit crazy. He'd been wheedling it out of you for hours now, continuously and obviously guiding you to the idea that there had to be something special about you to catch his eye. Something about you that stuck out like a sore thumb, and not just to him. Something innate about you that drew him toward you.
“There has to be something, my dear,” Joker had said. “I don't exactly attract the most normal company.”
You tried noncommittal answers at first. Really, the only person who'd know why he'd fallen for you (so he claimed) would be him. And hadn't he claimed to know everything about you already? God only knew how he'd gotten your information, but it didn't surprise you considering the man holding you captive. Even still, The Joker kept pestering you for your thoughts. Your mind was just so fascinating to him. 
So, you relented, even if just to appease him. You watched his grin widen, and the smile reached his eyes as they crinkled in delight. The clown hanging onto every word. 
Sometimes, you did feel crazy. Like the world didn't really make sense. Everyone else had a set of instructions on how to navigate the world that you never got. How did everybody else know how to start a conversation without a shock of anxiety washing over them? How did others have the ability to get up out of bed when you couldn't find the strength to? How did anybody find consistent meaning and purpose in their lives.
Even when you tried to pretend to be like them, it fell apart so quickly. It was so hard to keep on top of things. So hard to stay organized and stable and motivated. And you were so aware of the act you were putting on. So was everybody else, you were sure of it. You were sure they could tell, as if they thought of you as something not quite human and just something pretending to be. Something to tolerate until it crawled back to where it came from, another failed attempt to infiltrate their ranks.
You didn't even know what made you stand out to The Joker of all people - especially for anything outside of a murder attempt. You purposefully tried not to stand out. It made it harder to detect how different you were so long as you kept your emotions and thoughts close to your chest. No chance for embarrassment if no one ever got close enough to embarrass you again. 
Joker raised a hand to stop you, resting his hand on your shoulder. The green of his eyes held surprising softness before flashing with mischief.
“How about we give those fools something to really be scared of?” The Clown flashed a grin, raising a small contraption in his hands.
“What the Hell is that?” You blurted out.
The metal thing was the same size and shape of a small ball, painted an acidic green and electric purple. Wiring covered the thing, either wrapped around the outside or sprouting up like weeds from within. A small LED display screen was centered in the middle, left blank.
“A bomb,” Joker grinned. “I figured it'd be thematically appropriate.”
“Get that thing away from me!”
“Oh, come now, it's not even armed.”
As if to prove his point, Joker tossed the bomb aside, letting it roll across the floor. He paused for a ment, raising a hand to his chin in thought. Then, he seemed to light up, snapping his fingers. 
“Oh, of course, you'd want to deal with ‘em up close and personal!” Then, with a flourish, Joker pulled a gun from seemingly out of nowhere. He threw his head back as a chorus of laughter erupted from within. 
“Stop!” You spluttered, backing away. “I don't want to hurt anyone!”
Joker stayed put and simply blinked, brows furrowing. He tilted his head. “Why?”
“Because- because you can't just hurt people! It's wrong.”
“No, it's what they told you is wrong,” The Clown's hands balled into fists. “They force you to play by their rules, then punish you for losing at a game you're not designed to win. They wear you down to the bone and know you won't fight back, so they get to walk all over you."
“That's not true.”
“Don't lie to yourself, Darling. I'm saying this all to help you. I want to help you finally fight back. Everything you've gone through has all been leading to this moment.”
“I can't,” You held your ground. “I won't.”
The Clown stared you down. His eyes held an emotion you couldn't quote register. He wasn't frowning exactly, but he certainly wasn't smiling.
You nearly jumped when Joker suddenly crossed the room. The sound of his footsteps mirrored the thundering of your own heartbeat. It muffled all thoughts as electric panic ripped through your veins and left you petrified in place. Not like you could escape, anyway.
You tried to calm your breathing, but hot, panting breaths kept escaping you, chest rising and falling erratically. You could hardly keep yourself composed enough to look him in the eye. And when you did, somehow it was worse than expected. The expression on his face and look in his eyes wasn't one of murderous intent. Not one of rage. Hell, he didn't even look disappointed.
No. His expression was one of pity.
He swept you into an embrace. One arm curled around your back, hand still holding his pistol. You could feel the cold of the metal pressing against the small of your back. Another hand came up to push your head closer to his chest. 
Joker lamented. “Oh, my poor little maniac. It's so sad to see what they've done to you. If only I had saved you sooner.”
You didn't respond, hoping the excuse of being smothered into his jacket would be enough for him to not demand a reply. You felt the slow rise of Joker's chest pressing against you, then sank back as he exhaled a sigh. A gloved hand petted at your head soothingly.
“You're just like Bats, you know,” he said. “These barriers you put up for yourselves are so small, but you give them so much power. And I just don't understand why.”
You paused, giving yourself time to think before mumbling into the fabric of his jacket, “Because it's the right thing to do.”
When you glanced up at him, the look of condescension on the Clown's face was nearly enough to forgo any ideas of self-preservation or pacifism. Nearly. The last thing you'd want to do is prove him right.
“They're never going to see you as normal, you know that, right?” He pressed. “You'll never really be one of them. Like a square peg trying to squeeze itself into a round hole. I don't see why you're so caught up in silly things like morality when it clearly hasn't helped you yet. It certainly doesn't seem like a concern for any of them.”
You didn't want to talk about this anymore. You didn't want to think anymore. You just wanted to find some cold comfort in the embrace of another. 
A pair of lips pressed against the crown of your head. You flinched in his hold, burying yourself further into his grasp. Maybe you could just disappear. 
“It's so sad to see you sabotage your own potential like this,” The Joker continued, voice taking on a lighter tone. “But it's okay. I'm here to take care of you. And I'll keep taking care of you until you can become who you were always meant to be. Because I love you, I really do.”
Yeah, right.
Still, you wished he made it harder to believe otherwise.
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plush4bunny · 8 months
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"You rush, still out of sight, to see what the commotion is. Dread fills you when you see Oswald tied down to a chair and with blood marring his face. You don't even care to contemplate which of the two of you slipped and made the boys get wind of your relationship because your first worry is that Cobblepot is tied down and clearly anxious and angry, a step away from another panic attack by how his arms tug at the bindings."
scene from @chrism02's 18th chapter in their titillating Molina fancasted Oswald Cobblepot x reader fanfic called "Botch up"
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montimer · 3 months
Hello! If you're taking requests, could you please write a scenario or headcanons involving Joker feeling jealous whenever Batman rescues Reader? Like he thinks Batman is trying to steal them from him. Bats better keep his paws off his darling, if he knows what's good for him!
Ooo i like this
Joker x reader
(Heres a silly edit i made of him)
He is a very clingy clown. He gets jealous very easily. And it even worsens his delusions if its someone he hates.
It happened once, okay sure. He kind of expected it. It happened twice, well thats a lesson, he'll watch out next time. But then it happened for the third time, Batman came to rescue you, for the third time, well now hes angry.
As Bats takes you into his hold, comforting you, telling you that you're safe now, he does not take his eyes off from you. It makes the clown boil with rage. "Hey hey, paws off or else!" He warns him but gets a punch in the face. He hears the police nearby and the last thing he sees is bats flying away with you. Rescuing. He rather call it stealing.
Who does he think he is, stealing his darling away? And on top of that you don't seem to have a problem with this. Dear, do you know how hard he worked to kidnap get you to his hideout with all the trouble?
He starts ranting, moving up and down. You just try not to be the subject of his anger.
"How dare he! Didn't i make myself clear last time?!" He then stops for a moment and his eyes lend on you.
You start shaking like a leaf. He comes towards you and sits besides you. He then begins to rant again. "I know! Im gonna make sure that he- no, the whole city knows that you belong to me!" He begins smiling and maniacally laughing to himself.
He'll do plenty of things. First he takes you with him to his smaller crimes, even plans it out in a way so that a reporter will be near by. He keeps you safe and close, hugging you to his side, giving you cheek kisses. He keeps an eye on the camera man. 'Did he get this? Should i do it again? I can't wait to see this in the news!' He cheers for himself. Ya'll make it out safe and sound. Hes proud of you that you didn't try to escape (you wouldn't dare). He'll reward you with your favourite food.
If this doesn't help he'll swear hes gonna paint the town red.
But his real next plan is confrontation. He'll lend him a piece of mind! Sure at the end its him who gets some but, well they talk it out.
"Nobody's trying to steal them away" "..." "So you can stop with whatever you got going on your mind "
He takes a look at you then a look back at him.
"Yeah you're right" did he finally learn?
"They would never be with a guy who runs around in a bat costume! And..and they only love me after all! Silly me, what was i worrying about" he chuckles to himself, shrugging it off. Of course he would never agree to be wrong, not really.
He'll stay calm now for a bit atleast hm?
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chrism02 · 28 days
Not an ask
I just wanted to say hey friend! I recently discovered your AO3 stories and all I can say is this..... Thank you so much for your Alfred Molina content. You are one of the few who are single handedly keeping me in the Molina fandom. Your stories are amazing and I can't stop reading them
I hope you're doing awesome! Take care friend!
Thank you for the nice words, they made my day. 🤗 I'm happy that you discovered my fics and that you like them. 😊 Have a lovely day! Here is more reading material for you:
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Tag list: @purplelupins  @plush4bunny @unitedfandomsoftheworld
@reuripotte  @randomfandomtrash28 @littlethief78 
@belladonnaaura @wolfe171 @movieexpert1978 @yesalwayswelles
@jembug28 @iobsessoverfictionalmen @benedicttcumberbabe
@whateverthecostner @redlektor
@imwithyoutiltheendofthelinebucky @llamaproblem
@yuonblana @meganlpie @vintagegirl01
@mimiscappinisideblog @graveblanketgreen
@draggolblackthorn @freddiefredfive
@d0c0cksb3st13 @goodoldcharley @sheepeesh
@themoonsaynotocircus @iru-hime @barbarasstar
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riddle-me-ri · 1 year
I apologize if I sent this already but I honestly can’t remember, if it’s alright could we please have the scarecrows when they get jealous??? 🙏🏼🥺
A/N: no worries, you're all good you haven't sent it in yet! And I have no doubt these wee boys can be quite envious lol.
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Jealousy Scenarios w/ The Scarecrows
Arkhamverse Scarecrow: 
Jonathan thinks that, much like fear, he’s above jealousy.
Which is exactly why he’s not…jealous of you spending time with the Arkham Knight.
He’s mostly confused, you should be by his side…he’s the orchestrator of this whole night. 
Jonathan will likely think he’s hiding his displeasures, but he actually makes it painfully obvious. 
Jonathan insists…almost demands you stay with him. He finds tasks for you to do…he even begins being more physical with you.
You know you shouldn’t push it, but you enjoy the idea that he cares enough to be jealous in the first place. 
And you don’t miss the soft lool on his face when he notices you staying with him more often. 
Nolanverse/Murphy Scarecrow: 
Jonathan didn’t want too think much of the new psychologist at Arkham Asylum.
He didn’t…at first until they began openly flirting with you. 
Jonathan could barely swallow his resentment when he saw you smiling and laughing with them.
He’d grit his teeth and clench his fists. 
You were far too kind and welcoming for your own good. 
Jonathan makes an extra effort to be more present at Arkham. 
You’re surprised to see him more often, but you’re enjoying having him with you more. 
He sneaks kisses on your cheek and whispers compliments in your ear…
However, you can’t help but wonder where that new doctor went…who has been missing for almost a week now. 
Batman The Animated Series Scarecrow: 
Jonathan aways knew it would be a bad idea to allow you to meet his more…eccentric colleagues. 
But he didn’t think it would be because they were trying to charm you off your feet.
Jonathan is silently seething in the corner, steam about to burst out of his ears. 
Jervis made you giggle. Edward made you blush…
It took everything for Jonathan not to drag you away and keep you to himself again. 
But he didn’t want to take any chance to upset you, so he silently seethed.
Until you come over and hug him…showing appreciation in him trusting you to meet his friends.
Jonathan instantly melts when you kiss his cheek, instantly comforting him without you knowing. 
The New Batman Adventures Scarecrow: 
This Scarecrow…was always weary of someone better coming your way. 
You are so bright and joyous, you deserved better than him.
It was only a matter of time, until the proper partner for you came along. 
He’s unsure what to do when he sees you hanging out with a co-worker. 
Jonathan wants to snatch you away, make your co-worker undergo a terror they’ve never imagined…and just keep you to himself from now on. 
Just before he could dig himself deeper into his envy, you show up with your bright smile and a welcoming kiss. 
You love him openly, unconditionally every time…and this dissipates the gnawing jealousy in his heart.
Fear State Scarecrow: 
Like other Scarecrows, this Jonathan is incredibly observant. 
He’s aware of you being extra cheerful or distracted lately. 
It doesn’t take long for thoughts and assumptions to come up in his mind. 
Some childhood friend of yours has come back to town. Possibly some feelings being re-kindled as well. 
Ironically enough, he feeds himself into his own fear of losing you to someone else. 
He will come up with a plethora of excuses to get you to stay, or have you run errands to keep you busy. 
Anything to keep you near him, but not hinder his plans. 
It’s obvious to you what’s happening, and you can’t help but find it a tad bit amusing. 
Year One Scarecrow: 
Jonathan is extremely protective and defensive of you.
You’re the first bit of peace and happiness he’s found in anyone.
He sure as hell isn’t going to lose you to anyone.
Jonathan gets jealous easily, moreso than either of you like to admit. 
Actively drags you away from someone else and tries to take up your time.
He’s just really used to being abandoned or abused and…he’s not sure he can go through that again with you.
But every time you reassure him, you continue to stay by his side. 
Jonny grows more secure in the relationship and less jealous…eventually.
Masters of Fear Scarecrow: 
Like earlier Scarecrows, he tries to ignore it. 
He knows you’re faithful, he knows you love him and wouldn’t leave him…
But just so everyone knows you’re his…
Jonathan will always keep a hand on your person. 
Whether it’s your hand, your shoulder, or the small of your back. 
He will conveniently come up with plans so you couldn’t go out with someone he feels threatened by. 
It doesn’t take long for you to notice his jealousy. 
You’re quick to reassure him that he has nothing to worry about
Harley Quinn: The Animated Series Scarecrow: 
Definitely tries to hide his jealousy.
But masks it….terribly.
He can’t help it…he adores you, but he knows other people like you too!
How could they not want to spend time with you?
Jonathan tries not to show his discomfort, but you can tell from how fidgety he is. 
His fiddling with his hands, he’s shrugging, and is less sure of himself…more than usual. 
You try to includ ehim, if you can’t, you assure him that you two will spend some quality time together. 
Jonathan instantly perks right up and doesn’t learn why he got jealous in the first place…
Until he gets jealous again.
Happy Halloween Scooby-Doo Scarecrow: 
Likely believes he’s too old or mature to ever get jealous.
Unlike other Scarecrows, you’re likely to try and make him jealous than do it by accident.
Just to see what he’s like…and maybe prove a point out of spite.
Not much works, since he can tell you’re trying to get a rise out of him.
When he does get jealous, it's when you least expect it. 
Jonathan becomes clingy and more physical; holding you, pulling you closer to him.
His attention is now on you tenfold, but he also steals glances at whoever it was that set him off…
This is the closest you will get to seeing him jealous, and you’re absolutely enjoying it before you rub it in his face.
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BTAS Jons with a big spoon s/o headcanons
BTAS Jon from his first episode specifically
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He pretends to think the idea is ridiculous
but he agrees to try
He says it's acceptable
He absolutely loves it and craves it, but refuses to admit it
until you forget to do it one night and he awkwardly tries to get you to do it without telling you what he wants directly
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Your request makes him blush, he accepts as long as you don't tell anyone
You try it and oh. My. God. His world just changed in the best way
He can finally comfortably be vulnerable
His eyes are watery when he expresses this to you
From now on, he only sleeps well when you spoon him and it lessons his nightmares
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It always surprises him whenever you want to give him physical affection at the beginning of your relationship, this was no exception
He curiously agreed as long as you don't tell a soul
You begin and once you get comfortable, you hear and feel him try to suppress his crying
You quickly ask him what's wrong and try to comfort him
Nothing is wrong, it's just the first time someone has ever made him feel so safe and loved
He finally doesn't need to act tough
He begs for it every night, it's the only time he sleeps well and has a good chance of not getting a nightmare
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chainsawmanicure · 17 days
Getting Pizza With the Scarecrow
hey guys. this is a fanfic i had started writing a few months ago about TNBA jon. idk why but i really feel like posting on tumblr dot com and getting some sweet notes. so hear it is.
Trigger warning: talk of food, mention of eating a lot of food (mentioned pizza eating competition), just food stuff mainly, mention of stalking
summary: u go to get pizza, but ur situationship decided to tag along
It was afternoon in Augusta, Georgia, and you were so hungry you could hardly press the gas pedal. Pangs of hunger shot through your quivering frame like bullets through a gun range. As you zoomed down the street, you noticed a sign up ahead: Mellow Mushroom. "oh Thank god," you thought to yourself, "something other than mcdongles...." for your stomach yearned for nourishment, though not from the likes of such an establishment as McDongles. Ough
     Pulling into the parking lot, you felt a strange coldness envelop you. You turned around to see if there was anyone else in the car. Sure enough, in the back seat sat Jonathan Crane... The Scarecrow. your old friend from college. He was tall, so tall you wondered how he'd managed to hide himself in your brand new 2024 Nissan Leaf (I googled compact cars). However he'd managed to, for some reason now he decided to show himself. His face was mangled beyond recognition. You couldn't tell exactly if it was his face or a mask, but his mouth opened and closed along with his words and his big white teeth shone clearly in a permanent  grimace. He was wearing the same wide brim hat, tattered jacket, noose, and tight pants as he usually did, and next to him his big stick laid across the seat.
"Jonathan." you greeted, not too surprised at his appearance. You'd suspected he'd been following you for some time now. At home, you'd noticed patterns of unfamiliar wet bootprints on the floor, and missing items from your trinket box, refrigerator, and massive pile of dirty clothes which had built up in the middle of the bedroom.
     In college, he had displayed an interest in you, often getting a little too close to you and staring at you from across the lecture hall. He'd always had weird ways of showing his interest in you, and expressions of friendship. Well, you weren't really friends. Not anymore, at least...
     Too tired and hungry to properly address him or ask him how he got in your car, you stepped out and started towards the restaurant. You soon heard the car door slam and felt Jonathan's presence behind you once more.
"Hungry?" he asked, stepping beside you as you pushed open the door of the establishment.
"Believe it or not, yes. I think someone's been taking all my soup and bread, and I've had nothing to eat at home." you shot him a mildly accusatory glance after saying this.
Jonathan didn't respond immediately. He knew you were aware of his visits to your apartment. He'd intended it to be that way... a reminder he still cared. A reminder he still remembered.
Jonathan: "Maybe someone wants to know where you buy such lovely soup and bread."
You sighed. "Costco. Now are you seriously going into this joint with me? I'm gonna be arrested for being in kahoots with the Scarecrow."
Jonathan: "Calm yourself. We're in Augusta, Georgia. To these people, I'm just an ordinary freak."
     The person at the table like when you walk in and theyre like ok follow me you know? They smiled politely through fearful eyes up at you and your companion before quickly scuffling away, leading you to an empty table.
The joint was fairly empty, save for three individual men and a young couple sharing a peach iced tea. Jonathan pointed at the couple.
"Perhaps they should've gone to Steak and Shake. They have milkshakes there, better for romantic sharing."
"Shut up, Jonathan. Shut up right now," you replied.
     The host scampered away after leading you to your table, and you were left waiting for the waiter with a set of menus before the two of you.
You sat on one side of the booth, and Jonathan sat across the table from you. You were surprised he hadn't sat next to you and squeezed you against the little wall thing dividing this booth from the one on the other side. That seemed like something he would do, but not today apparently. In fact, other than infiltrating your brand new Nissan Leaf, he had been acting rather civil. Civil, of course, as opposed to the clingy curious and weary endangered animal behavior he had exhibited so many years past.
     You watched as he surveyed the menu, holding it delicately in his big long grey hands. You didn't remember those hands being so grey and so... scary. Even harmlessly holding a pizza menu, they seemed as though they meant to instead hold your throat, to squeeze and squeeze until the lights went out. And by lights going out, I mean like, you die.
     He'd positioned his big stick at the back corner of the booth, and it had fallen so it poked against your shoe under the table. He set the menu down after a moment and spoke in that unearthly rasp of his, "I think I'll get a slice of the Kosmic Karma, and a peach iced tea, like the one those two lovebirds are sharing," he pointed once more to the young couple, who had now finished their first tea and gotten a refill.
"Well, I just want cheese," you said. "I think I'll get a whole pie. I'll take the rest home."
Jonathan chuckled, though with his raspy hush it sounded more like a weak cough.
"Take the rest home..." he repeated humorously, "what makes you think you won't devour the whole thing now?"
     And with that old familiar clingy freak swagger he possessed, he leaned forward and held your chin gently with his big long fingers.
"I think we both know how much of an animal you can be," he teased, though his expression contained zero percent of the flirtation his voice tried to sell. (if that makes like literally any sense at all)
     You swatted his hand away. "That was a long time ago." You hadn't eaten a whole pizza in one sitting since the pizza eating contest of sophomore year... None of your friends were able to attend it, but Jon was there. Oh, yes he was... watching intently with his curious and vaguely frightened eyes as you wolfed down eight slices of sausage pizza in under 7 minutes. He had seen a side of you no one else had really witnessed... seen your wrath, your gluttony, your pride, your... lust.
In the nowtimes, he sat before you, hands flat on the table, beady white pupils boring down into your own normal black ones. His demeanor was cold. He knew you were pushing him away, trying to forget what you two had shared all those fateful years ago. You didn't want to remember, but with him sitting before you, wearing his new sexy skin, you had no choice.
     The waiter arrived and shot the scarecrow a sideways glance before clearing her throat. "Hello, thank you for joining us today. May I ask what you two would like to drink?"
You looked at Jon, but he gestured for you to speak first. "I'll have Dr. Pepper, please." The waiter nodded and turned to Jonathan.
"I'll have the peach iced tea," he didn't shift his gaze from yours for a second, "with two straws."
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johnsjackolantern4902 · 5 months
All three BTAS Scarecrows react to an affectionate, tease reader with a high libido
BTAS Jon from his first episode specifically:
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Affectionate: He tries to act like he doesn’t care too much about the affection, but the second you stop or don’t go as hard on it as usual, he demands answers (and affection). Tease: He’s flustered by it, secretly loves it and gets annoyed that it has so much of an effect on him. High libido: He definitely makes snarky comments about it, but then he wonders why you’re suddenly not in the mood anymore when he goes too far. 
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Affectionate: He practically melts into you and flusters easily. Tease: He can’t- he’s so flustered. All of his confident, fearsome demeanour completely melts away and he becomes your bitch. High libido: Soooooo flustered you want him so bad so often. He gets a little overwhelmed sometimes, but does his best to please you.
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Affectionate: He's awkward and doesn't know how to take it because he doesn't wanna show vulnerability at first, but he loves it and craves it so much. Tease: He might get embarrassed and annoyed that he's embarrassed, but it's minimal as long as you only do it behind closed doors. Once he's comfortable with you and knows damn well he can trust you, he's happy to be more submissive with you. High libido: He can't wrap his head around why you want him this bad, he's baffled. He wants to put you under a microscope and study you.
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phobia-sweets · 2 years
This is my first request and I hope I am doing it right!!
Can you do any version (if you can TNBA but any is fine) of Jonathan Crane with prompt 10? (“Did you just fucking bite me?”) Where S/O just randomly bites Jonathan because he was panicking (for whatever reason). And it takes him out of his panic because wtf and S/O kind of just shrugs it off and asks if he is still panicked.
For the record, I still haven't watched TNBA but i've seen clips of that version so i'm going off of that so it might be OOC. also slipped in 2 more versions of scarecrow since they ended up shorter than initially planned :D
TNBA, BTAS & BTAA Scarecrow x reader
"Did you just fucking bite me?"
Warnings & Notes: Eh might be OOC idk it's 2am rn not proofread
“The batch is now entirely wasted. ”He sighed, paying you no mind as he walked past you. “I knew I shouldn’t have trusted them with shipping the containers – It was bound to end in disaster.” He was always calm. Even now, after whatever the hell happened with his henchmen – It was in his nature. Never could lose his cool or be caught by surprise. You could tell, though. He was frustrated – maybe even a little bit panicked about it. He had a deadline to reach, and making the needed amount of toxin would take time.
The easiest way to ease his stress was usually just talking with him – a way of distraction. Occasionally a horror movie helped. But the way he was rambling in his always so… calm voice, getting to say something between his words without interruptin him was going to be a challenge. So, getting his attention without talking was the best course of action.
You waited for him to walk by you, and bit his arm. He continued walking for a few steps, until he stopped, and turned around to look at you slowly.
“Did you… just bite me?” He asks, head tilted to the side ever so slightly. You confirm with a hum, looking up at him. “...Why?” He asked, a confused tone in his voice.
“You were panicked.” You stated, watching as the confusion only got more visible in him.
“And you decided that biting me would help?”
“Are you still panicked?” You asked, and he hummed in thought.
He looked right at you, Answering, “I suppose not. As much as I’d like not to admit it, you caught me by surprise.”
That was the best way to describe Jonathan’s state currently – hay peeking out from under his clothes and hair, scythe in two large pieces. You tilted your head at him, confused. “...You alright there? What happened?”
“The bat!” He yelled, “He humiliated me! Me! The scarecrow!”
Allright, so he was in one of his ranting moods. You didn’t mind – you’d listen to him. You needed to get rid of all that hay first though. Only problem was actually getting to do that -He’d already started, getting him to stop would be difficult. Unless…
You stood up from your chair, walking behind him while he was turned away from you. He slightly jumped when your teeth met the fabric covering his shoulder. “What are you-” He turned, looking at you with his wide eyes. “Did you just-” He sputtered, “Bite me?”
“Yup!” You confirmed. “Need to get all the hay out of your clothes ‘nd hair.” You replied, smiling at his wide eyes as if biting him was a normal way to get his attention. “I mean, you were upset, and didn’t want to interrupt by speaking on top of you so…”
“Well, you did get my attention.”
“Exactly, so it worked!” you chimed, picking up some hay from his hair. “Anyhow, Go sit on the couch, I’ll help you get all the hay out.”
“Oi, Don’t take the expensive stuff yet! Get the cheap stuff, for god’s sake!”
“And you, you, where’s the cop? What do you mean ‘you don’t know’? He tried to rat me out! Yeah, that guy! Put the collar on him!”
Yeah, Jonathan was an intelligent person, But god was he insufferable sometimes. You didn’t know what the fuck had him so… frustrated today, but it was getting tiring. Sighing, you walked inside the room where he was, mask on and shuffling through countless papers – shipment info, perhaps? You walked closer to him, stopping a few feet behind him. Would he snap at you? Possibly. Would he gas you? Probably not. Thinking through your options, you decided that fuck it, walked up to him and bit his shoulder. He turned to face you so quickly you were surprised he didn’t get whiplash.
“Did you just fucking bite me?” He asked, surprised from your sudden… affection? He sounded almost offended, if you were being honest.
“Yes?” You looked at his burlap-covered face, smiling innocently.
“Why are you acting like that’s a normal course of action to do?”
“you’re not exactly the best person to lecture me about normalcy” You walked next to him, leaning on the table. “Anyhow, What’s up? You’re usually pretty… Cheery. What’s made you so bitchy today?”
“I’m going to ignore the fact that you just called me a bitch-”
“And- can you not talk over me? Thank you. Anyway, this cop...”
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bangsinc · 7 months
I am so starved for btas scarecrow content and you're the best blog that writes him the best way in my opinion, can you do head canons for when btas scarecrow is jealous? (General Scarecrow is so underrated and btas version is more 😭)-🩷
🎃Jealous!BTAS Scarecrow x Reader🎃
Sorry this took a bit, but thank you so much for all the sweet words!! IT MEANS SM LIKE ACTUALLYYY!!
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Jonathan doesn’t find himself to be a very jealous man. He’s mastered most of his emotions, and is quite in tune with them more often than not. After all, when’s the last time anyones seen that professor smile?
Of course, he’s quite the soft romantic for his partner. He has no qualms breaking his comfort zone for your own comfort, even if he very openly begrudgingly does so. He’s supposed to be self centered, and finds that you make this increasingly difficult.
I could imagine that, maybe while as ‘Scarecrow’ (if we’re going with the idea that Jonathan Crane and Scarecrow are the same man but different mindsets), Jonathan is significantly less handsy with his partner and more reserved. Being threatening simply doesn’t correlate to being doting, though it doesn’t mean we won’t take care of you. After all, it’s hard to stay fully in character when you’re with him. Surely, many would assume you’re not spoken for as a result.
If he’s jealous, he’ll keep you under scrutiny. It’s not that he’d believe you’d be unfaithful, however.
He wouldn’t want you to leave his side, and as Jonathan, he’s more emotionally vulnerable and communicative with this. It just depends on the situation since he’d like to imagine, despite his flaws that he’s very comfortable and secure in his relationship.
If someone’s bothering you, he can take care of it, though he doesn’t doubt your ability to do it yourself. He might either get said person isolated or just take you away from the situation alltogether. He’d rather not scrap with another right now. (He’s very easily intimadated).
Maybe he’s a bit more touchy afterwards. A hand on your shoulder as he guides you or his hands fixing your hair. He wants to be closer, and finds that it works doing it subtly without indicating his insecurities. He doesn’t need verbal reassurance. You recriprocating affection is enough for him.
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yandere--stuck · 1 year
Yandere!Joker x Reader with Chronic Pain Headcanons
💚 After being captured by The Joker, you were terrified. Anyone in your position would be, even if you were, apparently, the object of the clown's affection. You were under the watchful eyes of both The Joker's lackeys and the Clown Prince of Crime himself, and the thought of angering them was horrific. So you tried to keep your mouth shut. Most of the time, the pain was somewhat bearable, but being restrained in such a manner made it agonizing.
💜 You can't hold it together. Who could? Your muscles screamed in pain. Your head pounded and throbbed. Your whole body was alight in agony. Your body heaved as you began to quietly sob. What else could you do but cry? Maybe you'd at least be able to cry yourself to sleep to escape the pain judt for a moment - but a sudden explosion of noise makes you wince and flinch, migraine pounding in your skull. The Clown quickly took notice of your tears and read his goons the riot act. Who did it? Who hurt his darling? Was it him? What about him? Nobody answered, though. He muttered something about cowardice before kneeling in front of you, cupping your face in his gloved hands, asking in a soft voice what was wrong. Disoriented and tired, you told him.
💚 You assumed this aspect of you would make him turn on you. Maybe, hopefully, see you as not worth keeping and send you off if you're really lucky. But if anything, this made The Joker more protective of you. None of his men were allowed to touch you. He didn't trust them not to make anything worse. Only he could help you unless it was an emergency. He kept you locked up in his room almost at all times. The TV was on at all times, you were left with some things to read and games that would strain you, all while laying on the comfiest bed he was able to pilfer in the dead of night. Oh! And the very soft handcuff he attached to the bedpost to keep you from running off, of course. Only the best for you, sweetheart.
💜 He'd make sure to get anything he thinks may help. Ointments, medicines, heating pads and ice packs… Hell, he might just kidnap doctors or physical therapists to begin a care plan if he had even the slightest inkling it may help. He wanted to show you just how deeply he cared for you. There is nothing he wouldn't do for you. No lengths he would not go. All he could hope for is that you'll see how much he truly adores you. That you feeling okay and being without pain was all he could ever hope for, ever dream of.
💚 One night, while you lay together with something playing on the TV, both of you silhouetted by the light of the television, does he tell you. After his impromptu bath in the ACE Chemicals factory, he was left with lifelong burning sensations. They came and went. Sometimes he could hardly see or breathe. Other times, he could hardly feel anything at all, like he'd gone entirely numb. Nobody else really knew, but he wanted you to. To know he understood. To know you weren't alone.
💜 He loves making you laugh! Maybe now even more so than he already did. Laughter is the best medicine, after all! And he's so glad he could take your mind off your pain, even if just for a moment. 
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plush4bunny · 9 months
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"He enters the shower and can't help but note every scar on his body and imperfection. He finishes and dries himself before styling his dark hair. When he goes back to his luxurious bedroom the shower gel's scent that drifts from the bathroom is overtaken by his Alpha scent.
He does wonder if his father would have been impressed that his defective child turned out to be an Alpha but knowing the deceased man, Cobblepot doubts it. He starts to put his tuxedo on."
scene from @chrism02's Omegaverse fic on one hot but hopeless romantic Oswald Cobblepot (Alfred Molina fancast) called "Glimmer of Hope"
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montimer · 3 months
I've seen a lot of people do nurse and guard readers with the Joker. As someone that has to stay at a mental clinic themselves, I wanna ask if you could do some Headcanons for a fellow inmate!reader ?
If something is incorrect, im sorry! I never been to one but i try my best to make this close to reality. Also i hope you are okay now =] / ♡\
Joker x inmate!reader
Gn!reader, ending is a bit yandere. Could be any joker but i'll go with tnba one
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Because of your mental state you were taken to the only place in gotham that was avaliable. Arkham asylum
You weren't crazy no. But there was no where else that you could be taken to. Or so your therapist said so.
Arkham was, something else to say atleast. Sure they got the basic medication and group therapy, but you where also surrounded by villains and other crazyes that would kill to get out.
The doctor kept a check on ur progress, you attended those therapy groups, you did your best to stay away from too dangerous people.
But it wasn't so long till he took a notice of you. The joker.
He first saw you trough his windowed cell. Staring at the new patient. He thought you were just another lost case. Oh but how wrong he was.
The more he saw you, the more he wanted to go up and talk to you. Sadly to him the guards made sure to keep him at his place.
But he had his first chance to talk to you when most of the patients could just chill in the "living room" (im sorry idk how its called lemme show a pic)
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(Lobby?? Idk)
As he came in the door most of the patients moved as far aways as they could. You looked up to see who it was that they were so afraid of and you swear your heart just skipped a beat. The joker himself standing at the door, a pleased smile appeared on his face, proud of the fact that many fear him so much. Why he gotta be here of all places?
The guards standed aside and as his eyes landed on you, an even bigger smile appeared on his face and he made his way to you.
You took your time to observe him as he walked towards you. He had white pale skin, his lips painted red, his spiky hair was dark green. He wore the same simple clothes as the other patients. You never seen him up close.
If he tries anything you'll just call for the guards, you tried calming yourself knowing theres no escape. You quickly grabbed a magazine infront of you from the table and started acting like you are busy.
Once he reached you, he sit down next to you on the couch.
He peaked over your shoulders. "What'cha readin'?" He smiled at you.
"Oh, uhh just some magazine.." you said still staring at the page. After not getting a response you looked up at him nervously.
"Ah finally, face to face" he slowly took the magazine out of your hand.
"Whats your name sweets? Haven't seen you around here before." He hold out his hand. "C'mon don't be shy, i don't bite"
"Im y/n.. just got here like a week ago yeah" you shook his hand.
"Y/n? I like the sound of that. Well, you know my name don't'cha? Incase you don't, im The Joker."
"I know, the prince of crime?"
"The one and only!" He said smiling back, happy with your knowledge.
"You are not crazy, so why are ya here?" Interested in you he asks.
You explain your situation and he nods.
"Ah yes, gothams best cure for the mentally ill is throwing them into an insane asylum" he says mockingly while looking at the guards
You giggle at that and it gets his attention. "Finally, a good audience. Haven't had one in so long" he smiles at you.
The two of you chatted for a while. You actually kind of enjoyed his company.
He made lots of jokes and whenever you laughed or even giggled a bit, it made his chest feel all warm and fuzzy. He didn't know how to took it in but all he knew is that he wanted to see you smile and laugh more.
After he ranted about how crappy this place is and he is planning his escape, he asked more about you. Listening to your voice, taking in the details of your face. He haven't had such nice and calm talk in so long. Let alone have anyone listen to his ranting.
The fun didn't last long as the guards made their way to take everyone back to their room/cells.
He looked up at the guard angrily but went anyway. He took one last look at you as he was dragged away.
After that he absolutely loves seeing and talking to you. At the cafeteria, at the rooms. Whenever he can, he'll be around you. The others warn you about him, but to you he seems so sweet in person, only to you.
He slowly realizes he has fallen for you in your staying.
He is extremely clingy and protective. Asking if anyone is annoying you or needed to be 'taken care of'.
He'll wave at you from his cell, calling out to you.
He makes silly attempts to flirt and you just giggle at it, not thinking much about it. But to him, to him it means so much.
But then the time comes when you are finally let out. Before that day you tell him about it happily, so proud of the fact that you can go back to your home. He frowns, you are leaving? Forever?
Oh but he quickly regains his smile. Hes gonna make his escape and will do anything to find you. After all you said you live in gotham, and he can easily find his targets. Atleast now he won't have to wait too long to meet you. No one will interrupt him.
He is already planning his confession and will send lots of gifts to your house. You didn't really think you can get away from him so easily, did you?
He loves you so much, you are his darling, the sweetest! The only one for him, even if you don't know yet...
Silly you, belive you him, your gonna love it with him.
Now he just needs to take you to his hide out to explain. Hopefully you'll understand ;]
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chrism02 · 1 month
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Tag list: @purplelupins  @eroticaplush @unitedfandomsoftheworld
@reuripotte  @randomfandomtrash28 @littlethief78 
@belladonnaaura @wolfe171 @movieexpert1978 @yesalwayswelles
@jembug28 @iobsessoverfictionalmen @benedicttcumberbabe
@whateverthecostner @redlektor
@imwithyoutiltheendofthelinebucky @llamaproblem
@yuonblana @meganlpie @vintagegirl01
@mimiscappinisideblog @graveblanketgreen
@draggolblackthorn @freddiefredfive
@d0c0cksb3st13 @goodoldcharley @sheepishscoop
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riddle-me-ri · 11 months
Can you write the Penguins getting a strip tease from their s/o? Love your work and thanks!
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a/n: ahhh yess I would absolutely love to do this. I also love that I got two requests for this lol.
Content Warning: suggestive material (subtle mentions of nudity and touching and daddy kink)
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The Penguins Reacting to Being Strip Teased
Arkhamverse Penguin:
- Oh, he’s delighted. 
- Oswald slouched further into the chair or loveseat he was sitting in. 
- He leisurely takes a drag off his cigar as he watches you intently.
- His grin grows wider as you slowly and sensually remove each article of clothing. 
- You strutted your way towards where he sat, eyelids heavy.
- A small trail of clothes laid behind you in your wake.
- Oz spread his legs further apart, to allow you more room to get between them. 
- You smirked as you quickly discarded the rest of your underwear and took your place in his lap.
Reevesverse/Farrell Penguin:
- Oswald loves it when you surprise him like this.
- It’s the best way for him to distress after a long day of hustling.
- His hands are constantly gripping his knees, wishing he was gripping you instead.
- He’d like to consider him somewhat of a patient man, and as much as he loves a good tease.
- You’re driving him absolutely mad with how slow you’re squirming out of your outfit you wore tonight. 
- He tries to encourage you to pick up the pace by buttering you up with compliments with his deep honey-ed voice. 
- “So gorgeous, so sexy…so mine..”
- “I don’t know what I did to deserve you…”
- And of course, a classic, “c’mon sweetheart, don’t want to keep Daddy waiting..”
Gotham Penguin:
- Oswald suddenly feels like he’s wearing much too many layers. 
- He’s constantly pulling on the collar of his shirt and his bow tie. 
- He can’t catch his breath–despite running cold, he feels himself breaking into a sweat. 
- Oswald can’t even defend himself when you giggle about how flustered he looks.
- Like a fish out of water gasping for air, his eyes as wide as entree saucers. 
- The faintest red dusting along his pale cheeks. 
- Oswald’s breath hitches with every drop of clothing and every step you take closer to him.
- Even as you get on your hands and knees and crawl right up between his legs.
- Oswald has a white-knuckled grip on the arms of his chair–his whole body rigid and stiff–
- But that’s not the only thing. 
BTAS Penguin:
- Oh, oh…oh my…
- Oswald is…surprised to say the least. 
- Not that he isn’t appreciative or doesn’t enjoy it–
- He’s just…not used to this sort of…exchange? This type of intimate surprise. 
- The fact you’re willing to treat him to a private show where you slowly reveal your most intimate parts to him…
- That is how he sees it too. 
- It’s not just a simple strip tease, especially not to him and especially when it comes to you. 
- He may not know how to properly…respond or react (if there even is such a thing, again he’s unsure)
- But he does feel an overwhelming sense of adoration and lust wash over him like he’s never known.
Telltale Penguin:
- Oz has been to many different strip clubs whilst partaking in illegal boxing matches and arm deals in England. 
- Yet, none of those performers could even dream to hold a candle to you. 
- He will never get tired of seeing you, especially seeing you get naked for him. 
- No matter what he thinks you’re going to do, you manage to surprise him. 
- You look like you’re about to shimmy out of your lower clothes, but you end up actually grabbing the ends of your upper clothing.
- The hardest part for you is to try and keep him at bay when you do it however. 
- Always stopping him at arm or leg length to keep him from touching you and ending the show early. 
- You can’t help but beam with pride knowing you have this kind of effect on him. 
One Bad Day Penguin:
- Oswald is absolutely giddy. 
- Like Arkham and Farrell Penguin, he’s definitely enjoying himself. 
- Even though this isn’t the first time you’ve done this (and definitely won’t be the last), you still manage to drive him wild. 
- You make his blood run hot and his heart skip a beat like a school boy and he can’t get enough of it. 
- Oz can never get enough of you. 
- However, he never tries to rush it, no matter how much he wants to. 
- He knows better than anyone that good things come to those who wait. 
- And he adores nothing more than this sensual build up to another extraordinary night of passion with you. 
The Batman (2004) Penguin:
- Wolf whistling, tongue hanging out, howling–the whole gag.
- The Penguin honestly turns into a full on dog for several minutes. 
- Ozzie is adorning a large wide grin that could rival the Joker’s. 
- He is absolutely here for all of this. 
- He loves it when you treat him to these delectable little shows. 
- Ozzie is much worse than Telltale Penguin in terms of keeping him at bay. 
- Many of your other strip teases have ended abruptly as soon as you reveal the right amount of skin. 
- Man has no patience whatsoever. 
Batman Unlimited Penguin:
- Oswald..is a nervous wreck.
- To say Oswald is a mess when you start stripping is…an understatement. 
- He’s never been in a romantic relationship such as this…especially one where someone is so intimately open. 
- Oswald’s heart is beating rapidly against his chest, he's like a deer in headlights. 
- Does he say something? 
- What does he do? 
- Is he supposed to do something? It feels like he should do something, right? 
- You’ll have to gently relax him and assure him that he just has to sit back, relax, and enjoy. 
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