tnclonewolf · 3 years
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Day 1 of studying for JLPT N1 🌟 Anyone studying for the Test in December 2021? Wish you all the best of luck.
Cute bunny and kitty bullet journal: @notebooktherapy x milkkoyo
White A5 grid Midori MD notebook
Textbook: shin kanzen jlpt n1 series (Kanji)
Can you tell that I faked the sunset effect? 🤣
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tnclonewolf · 3 years
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This is by far my favorite bullet journal of all time! 🌈✨🌿🐈🐇It’s a beautiful collab between @notebooktherapy and @milkkoyo on Instagram.
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tnclonewolf · 4 years
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Quarantine diary #1
19/3/2020 ✨🌿
Catching up on all of the modules using Study.com while listening to audiobook 10 steps to earning awesome grades (while studying less) by Thomas Frank.
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tnclonewolf · 5 years
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August 23, 2019
I have been staying off Tumblr for quite a while.
A lot of things have changed. I have moved from Osaka, JP to Orange County, CA. I am rapidly approaching the age of 22. I’ve changed my major to Psychology and in a highly possible future, I will earn a Bachelor of Science, instead of Art. IKR? Insane.
In just less than a year in the US, I’ve...
... built my very first PC. Very proud.
... adopted three stray cats. (More like kidnapping them, but let’s talk about being ethical later) not one, not two but three freaking soldier, bombarding my place and without fail turning it into a landfill as an aftermath, EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.
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... took the driving written and drivng exam.
... gotten my first ever driver license.
... gotten my first car.
... crashed my very first car. And yeah total loss.
... started gardening again. The seeds sprouted, surprisingly. Thought it would be total loss again.
... had ‘the talk’ with my Dad, especially after he now wanted to act fatherly towards me.
... came out to my Dad.
... reconnected, well more like renewed my relationship and rediscovered my feelings for someone special. Fucking gotten confused along the way. Still am tho.
... reconnected with an old dear friend whom I went cold with because of mutual friends dramas.
... made some new friends, one unexpectedly endearing.
... helped out at mom’s wedding photoshoot.
... volunteering at the Library
... Gotten three A’s on my first semester... Couldn’t believe it. Felt unbelievably good when hard work is paid off.
I want to be back to posting and this time I’ll try to make it regularly.
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tnclonewolf · 6 years
ビブリア古書堂の事件手帖 (1 - Japanese Novel)
古書堂 『こしょどう』secondhand bookstore
事件手帖 『じけんてちょう』event diary/notebook 
栞子『しおりこ』character’s name
奇妙 『きみょう』strange, queer, curious
線路『せんろ』train track; railway track
うんざり(と)tediously; boringly
植える『うえる』to plant; to grow
散る『ちる』to fall (e.g. blossoms, leaves); to scatter
明け 『開け』dawn; daybreak
地元民『じもとみん』local people
海開き『うみひらき』opening of the beachgoing season
よそ elsewhere; somewhere else; another place
ごった返す『ごったがえす』to be crowded or jammed with people
波打ち際『なみうちぎわ』water’s edge; beach; foreshore
濁る『にごる』to become muddy
山の中腹『やまのちゅうふく』halfway up (down) a mountain; mountainside
県立『けんりつ』prefectural (institution)
囲まれる『かこまれる』to be surrounded (by)
異様(に)『いよう』bizarre; strange; eccentric (+ni = adv.) (+na=adjective)
延々(と)『えんえん』forever; on and on; endlessly (adv.)
構内『こうない』premises; grounds; campus
意識『いしき』consciousness; becoming aware of 
家々『いえいえ』each house; every house; many houses
茂る『しげる』to grow quickly; to be rampant; to be full in leaf
一軒『いっけん』one house¿
年季『ねんき』apprenticeship; indenture; period of an apprentice’s contract (usu. ten years)
木造り『もくづくり』wood construction; woodworking
すら even; if only; as long as 
表示 『ひょうじ』indication; expression; manifestation
軒先『のきさき』house frontage
誠実『せいじつ』sincere; honest; faithful
査定『さてい』assessment (of value; damages, etc.)
躍る『おどる』to be messily written
錆び付く『さびつく』to be rust-eaten 
名称『めいしょう』name; title
通り過ぎる『とおりすぎる』to go past; to pass; to pass by
木枠『きわく』wooden frame; wooden crate; wooden pallet
引き戸『ひきど』sliding door
がらがら (と)開く to open with a clatter; roughly
紺『こん』navy blue; deep blue
地味(な)『じみ』plain; modest; reserved (behaviour; attitude, etc.); quiet
服装『ふくそう』garments; attire
緩い『ゆるい』loose; lenient
編む『あむ』to braid; to knit; to plait
うなじ『項』nape (of the neck)
巻き上げる『まきあげる』to roll up; to heave up
留める『とどめる』to stop; to stay (e.g. the night); to contain; to keep (in position, in place)
色素『しきそ』pigment; colouring
薄い『うすい』 thin; pale; light; faint; watery; dilute; weak (taste, etc.)
瞳『ひとみ』pupil (of eyes)
目立つ『めだつ』to stand out
伸びる『のびる』to stretch; to extend; to lengthen; to straighten out
鼻筋『はなすじ』bridge of nose
澄む『すむ』to become clear (water, air, etc.); to become transparent
尖らす『とがらす』to pout (e.g. lips)
掠れる『かすれる』to be blurred; to get hoarse; to get husky
不器用(な)『ぶきよう』clumsy; awkward; unskillfulness; lack of ability
平屋『ひらや』single-storied house; single-storied building
引っ張る『ひっぱる』to pull; to draw; to drag
尻目『しりめ』backward glance
定める『さだめる』to determine
均一『きんいつ』equality; uniformity
投げやり『なげやり』negligent; careless; reckless; irresponsible
立て掛ける『たてかける』to lean against
特価品『とっかひん』bargain item
発する『はっする』to let out
スチール steel; still
押す『おす』to press (on something)
ぎしぎし creak; squeak
軋む『きしむ』to creak; to jar
裏側『うらがわ』the reverse; the other side
弾む『はずむ』to bounce; to be encouraged; to get lively; to be out of breath (息が弾む)
軽い『かるい』light (i.e. not heavy)
足取り『あしどり』manner of walking 
引っ込む『引っ込む』to go back inside; to draw back
���づく『きづく』to realise; to recognise
交じる『まじる』to be mixed in; to be blended with
雇う『やとう』to employ; to hire
ふらふら(と)(adv.) unsteadily (e.g. on one’s feet); shakily; aimlessly
はまる to be suited for (a job); to fall into; to plunge into; to go into;
越す『こす』to go; to come; to go over; to cross over; to exceed
薄暗い『うすぐらい』dim; gloomy
覗きこむ『のぞきこむ』to look into, to peer in
うず高い・堆い 『うずたかい』piled up high; in a heap
積む『つむ』to pile up; to stack
覆う『おおう』to cover; to hide
覆い被さる『おおいかぶさる』to hang over; to cover
捲る『めくる』to turn pages of a book
らんらん(と)『爛々』glaring; flaming
頷く『うなずく』to nod
片時『かたとき』moment; instant
生き生き(と)『いきいき』in a lively way; vividly
抜く『ぬく』to let out;to pass; 
体質『たいしつ』predisposition (to disease)
沈む『しずむ』to feel depressed 沈んだ気分で
のろのろ(と)slowly, sluggishly
話しかける to start a conversation; to talk with someone
持ち主『もちぬし』owner; proprietor; possessor (e.g. of talent, beauty, etc.)
凡人『ぼんじん』ordinary people
ひょっとすると perhaps, maybe
仮定『かてい』assumption; hypothesis; supposition
背ける『そむける』to avert (one’s eyes)
あらゆる all; every
Oh lord. I read 5 pages but I felt like a read half a book already... Japanese novels are much harder than I thought. But I think 5 pages a day is a good pace to get used to.  
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tnclonewolf · 6 years
JLPT N2 - Master List I
Grammar Reference Sheet
A. ことがらを説明する 
一課: 〜時・〜直後に 
二課: 〜している(進行中)
三課: 〜後で
四課: 範囲の始まりと終わり・その間
五課 〜だけ
六課: 〜だけではなく・それに加えて
七課: 〜について・〜を相手にして
八課 〜を基準にして
九課 〜に関連して・〜に対応して
十課: 〜や〜など
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tnclonewolf · 6 years
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Update from home 2/11/2018
I actually have less books unread than I anticipated. Still 63 in total is still a daunting number 😂
365 days Ultimate all book Challenge #aelichallenge
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tnclonewolf · 6 years
365 days Ultimate All Book Challenge
For the past few years, my reading pace has been on a hell of a roller coaster trip. There were times when I can read 6 books in two weeks, but there were also times where I could go without reading any books for months. Not only have I been accumulating books, but it’s also a waste of knowledge and money not reading them. So, I decided to take on this challenge, which I am not sure if anyone has done before. But just for now I will make the claim that I start this challenge. (please inform me if there’s any similar challenge out there). 
Set a goal. Personally, my goal is to finish all the books that I own on my bookshelves and on my IPad by the end of 27/10/2019. 
Restrictions. I am NOT allowed to buy any other books until I complete the challenge unless it is compulsory for a course I am taking. 
Books that I hate: I am allowed to sell and donate the books that I ABSOLUTELY CANNOT STAND, but I cannot just skip them. This is a lesson for myself to not waste money on the things I don’t like and evaluate books carefully before making a purchase. 
Note: I am currently living overseas so I will update the actual amount of books in my possession when I go back home in December. For now:
Physical copies 
5 novels (Japanese)
2 poems (English)
3 self-development books (Vietnamese)
1 poem collection
4 spiritual books
2 psychology books
2 novels 
2 financial books
Total: 21 books 
Anyone is welcome to join the wagon and tag me and hashtag #aelichallenge so we can keep up with each other’s progress. I will update my progress with photos regularly. 
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tnclonewolf · 6 years
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Rather late than never
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tnclonewolf · 6 years
N2文法: 1課〜時・〜直後に
Go to => N2 Grammar Master List  || Grammar Reference Sheet
DISCLAIMER: All of the examples in my posts are from 新完全マスター文法日本語能力試験N2. I don’t own them. The translations are my lousy attempt at making it easy for me to remember and others who might need it. If you have a better translation, feel free to leave a comment or message, I would very appreciate your contributions. 
❶ 〜際「さい」(に)(=khi, trong trường hợp)
|| 名-の・動辞書形・た形 + 際(に)|| Noun の・Verb-dic/ta + 際(に)
〜とき 『硬い言い方』(=When~) Formal way of speaking
注意:The sentence often starts with a verb that depicts an act or an event, an affair (such as 使う to use/完成する to complete) or a noun (搭乗(とうじょう)embarkation/外出 (がいしゅつ)going out; leaving)
This expression is usually used in a public setting, not as common on a daily basis.
例:この整理券は、商品受け取りの際、必要です。When obtaining the product, you need this ticket. Khi nhận hàng, cần phải có cái vé này.
整理券「せいりけん」numbered ticket
商品「しょうひん」products, goods
受け取り「うけとり」receiving, receipt
❷ 〜に際して・〜にあたって (=nhân dịp, khi, nhân~)
|| 名・動辞書形+に際して・にあたって || Noun/Verb-dic + に際して・にあたって
~するとき『硬い言い方』(=when doing sth~)
注意:に際して is used when expressing a will to do something specific, special, such as getting married or open a store. The undertone can be both positive and negative. にあたって is not used in negative setting such as break up/ admittance to hospital/ bankruptcy.
① 当ショッピングサイトのご利用に際して、以下のご利用条件をよく読みください。When using this Shopping site, please read the user manual below. Khi sử dụng trang web shopping của chúng tôi, xin hãy đọc kĩ các điều khoản và điều kiện trước khi dùng. 
②お二人の門出にあたりまして、お祝いの言葉を申し上げます。I would like to congratulate the two of you for starting a new page of life. Tôi muốn chúc mừng hai người nhân dịp khởi đầu mới. 
③日本で国際会議を開催するにあたり、関係各方面からの協力を得た。When hosting the International Meeting in Japan, we were able to collaborate/cooperate with other involved parties. (I am terrible at translating, can someone help?) Nhân dịp tổ chức hội nghị quốc tế tại Nhật Bản, chúng ta đã nhận được sự hợp tác từ các đối tác liên quan. 
条件「じょうけん」term, requirement, conditions
門出「かどで」starting a life anew, starting a new life
申し上げる「もうしあげる」to say, to tell, to express 
開催「かいさい」holding, hosting (a conference, an event)
各方面「かくほうめん」every sides, all sides
協力「きょうりょく」collaboration, cooperation『謙譲語(けんじょうご)humble language 』
得る「える」to acquire, to get, to obtain, to obtain, to be able to.
❸ 〜たとたん(に)(=vừa~ thì~; vừa~ liền~)
|| 動た形+とたん(に)|| Verb-ta + とたん(に)
〜したら、直後に意外なことが起こる When you want to say, something unexpected happens immediately after you do ~ 
注意:Use verb that indicates change or instantaneous movement. The content of the following sentence should be unexpected. Do NOT use volitional expressions such as (〜よう)or expressions that encourage changes (〜しませんか・〜なさい)
例:国の母に電話をかけた。母の声を聞いたとたん、涙が溢れてきた。I called mom (who’s back home). As soon as I hear her voice, my tears overflowed. Tôi gọi về cho mẹ. Vừa nghe tiếng mẹ, nước mắt liền tuôn trào như mưa.
溢れる「あふれる」to overflow, to brim over, to flood
❹ 〜(か)と思うと・〜(か)と思ったら (=vừa mới~ đã~; vừa~ liền)
|| 動た形+(か)と思うと・(か)と思ったら || Verb-ta + か)と思うと・(か)と思ったら 
〜の後、すぐに続いて次の出来事や大きな変化が起こる After~, something immediately happens or a big change occurs
注意:This is not about the action of the speaker. It does come with a slight surprise undertone. 
① 林さんは部屋に入ってきたかと思うと、いきなり窓を全部開けた。Just when Hayashi entered the room, all the windows suddenly swung open. Hayashi vừa bước vào phòng thì tất cả cửa sổ liền mở tung.
② この頃は気温の差が大きい。昨日は熱くなったかと思ったら、今日は涼しい。Recently the temperature gap is tremendous. Yesterday was just getting hot, today it’s already cool. Dạo gần đây nhiệt độ thay đổi như chong chóng. Hôm qua vừa mới nóng lên, hôm nay đã mát rồi.
いきなり suddenly, abruptly
❺ 〜か〜ないかのうちに (=vừa (xong) đã)
|| 動辞書形・た形+か+動ない形+かのうちに|| Verb-dic/ta + か + Verb-nai + かのうちに
〜が終わると同時に、次のことが起こる A just ended, B happens
「〜(か)と思うと。〜(か)と思ったら」より、「ほとんど同時に」という気持ちが強い。Compares to the ❹ expression, this one gives off a stronger feel of “almost as the same time”. 
①一郎はベッドに横になるかならないかのうちに、ぐっすり眠ってしまった。As soon as Ichiro lied down, he’s sound asleep. Ichiro vừa chạm lưng xuống giường đã ngủ mất rồi. 
②あの作家は今売れっ子だ。話題作を発表したかしないかのうちに、もう次の作品に取りかかっているそうだ。That author is in high-demand these days. His most awaited/discuss/popular work has just launched recently yet he’s already started on his next one. Ông/bà nhà văn đó dạo này hot lắm. Cuốn sách đang được bàn tán nhiều nhất vừa phát hành mà ông/bà ấy đã bắt đầu viết cuốn kế tiếp rồi. 
横になる「よこになる」to lie down
ぐっすり眠る「ぐっすりねむる」to be soundly sleeping, fast asleep
売れっ子「うれっこ」popular figure, person in demand
話題作「わだいさく」most-discussed work
発表「はっぴょう」announcement, releasing, making known
取り掛かる「とりかかる」to begin, to start
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tnclonewolf · 6 years
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What are the odds of earning a decent result for the SAT Subject Test Math Level 2 if I am starting from scratch now? Lol 😂 Well at least I believe by the end of this I will grow to love maths. . . . . . Note: My hatred for maths only stands behind Chemistry. 😂
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tnclonewolf · 6 years
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Trying to improve my handwriting
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tnclonewolf · 6 years
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G’day lovelies~
It’s Aeli AKA tnclonewolf here :’>
Since I have yet to make a proper blog/personal introduction, I decided to make one now. 
Hello again XD Here are a couple of things about me:
- I go by Aeli here on the internet. 
- I’m turning 21 at the end of 2018. Officially legal to drink everywhere (?)
- Caffeine and rum is my cup of tea. 
- Currently living in Japan. Japanese language student. Not for long tho.
- My native language is Vietnamese, obv I’m Viet lol I have lived in Australia for appx 4 years so I am comfortable with English. My French is suppper~ rusty. 
- I took 3 semesters of Fine Arts and Languages... Did not like what I chose. SO I decided to take uni again as a freshman somewhere else! => More reasons to set up a STUDY BLOG! Yay XD 
- I SUCK AT MATH. Really. But I will try to befriend it in 2018. (After 3 years of not doing any maths) 
- Best reads: Throne of Glass series, Sherlock Holmes (fairly new fan, don’t judge me lol), Percy Jackson and the Olympians series, Dear Archimedes/Socrates/Freud (3 Chinese novel series) by Jiu Yue Xi, and Love her wild (poems) by Atticus.
- I occasionally draw comics on webtoon. If you’re interested, feel free to follow me on Instagram @aknyan_art. 
- Biggest studyblr and studygram inspirations: @studyquill @emmastudies @aidoku @warmhealer @studywithmariana @studywithinspo Love you guys XD 
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tnclonewolf · 6 years
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20180507 I just got my very first official job as a part-timer at a convenient store! Yay~ I can finally fill in the working history/past experiences part with confidence now ♪( ´▽`) I learned a sHiT tons of keigo during training period. Wayyyy more than I have ever learned during class. I also have to learn to say the price of every single items while scanning their barcodes, which is seriously so difficult!!! I kept stumping on words. I am pretty sure tho that after a few months, I am gonna be that big head of a person showing of my price reading skills in Japanese to my friends lol. Anyhow, I have a test tomorrow and I am still studying at 2:08 am lol 😂 so dead. I just had 5 hours of work today yet I am staying up late, guess webtoon has to wait.
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tnclonewolf · 6 years
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At the end of the day I learned roughly 250 kanji and 50 new words! Not that I remember all of them, I would not be human then... It’s just at least now I know I have seen these words somewhere, it’s easier to memorize when I see it the next time. :’> Also my mom sent me my old N2 grammar books from home. I failed last time since I rushed too much. Will try to understand them more thoroughly this time. 🛏☕️
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tnclonewolf · 6 years
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New set up. Moved the desk
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