moffmarray · 2 years
*me: supposed to be doing assessment due tomorrow and not even being a quarter done... also me: decides to drop Tntduo headcanon instead*
c!Quackity likes to give Ghostbur blue roses because c!Wilbur (Alivebur) would give Quackity roses all the time. Ghostbur isn't Wilbur though. Quackity would go through the trouble of making blue dye, dying the roses and giving them to Ghostbur. Quackity didn't really know why he just felt a 'need' to do something, something which takes so much effort, but he continued doing it anyway. Perhaps it was a sense of nostalgia. Something Quackity also didn't know was that the blue roses were what was used to create Blue. The Blue Ghostbur gives out to people to suck the sadness out of them, and it's made from Quackity's blue roses. You see, whenever Ghostbur would receive or even just hold the blue roses, he instantly gets this warm feeling inside. Ghostbur called it happiness. It was happiness, but with a bit more pizzazz...Ghostbur obviously didn't know the actual emotion he was feeling. Worse thing is that Ghostbur thought it was the colour blue that was making him feel such a way, not the person that was giving it to him. He then started thinking that the reason he would always feel so warm and bubbly inside whenever he's with Quackity was because Quackity's always wearing the colour blue. That is why Ghostbur thought he was in love with Friend. That is why during that one time, in Philza's house, when Ghostbur gave Friend a 'trim' (he was sheared), Ghostbur immediately asked for Phil to take Friend out for him to regrow his wool. Ghostbur felt closure, safeness with the colour blue. He convinced himself that it was the colour blue. Ghostbur thought that the moments with Quackity where he just has a need to be in contact with him, physically, and where he'd have an urge to gaze at Quackity's face, feeling that warmth grow. It was apparently all the blue on Quackity. What a dumb ghost...very cute dumb ghost.../aff
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moffmarray · 2 years
*drops Tntduo headcanon and runs*
I’m actually obsessed with the idea of c!Wilbur always reassuring c!Quackity of his insecurities. Cause of c!Schlatt’s mistreatment towards Quackity, it resulted in him being insecure over his appearance more than anything else. During Pogtopia times, Wilbur would try his hardest to make sure Q doesn’t feel that way ever again. An example is when Wilbur found out about Q’s wings! Quackity was insecure about them because of how small and useless they were since he couldn’t fly with them. However, Wilbur adored Quackity’s wings! To show this, Wilbur would make accessories or clothing with some sort of resemblance towards Q’s wings. Like a hair clip with a close enough shape to Q’s wings. He would wear it often. He’d sleep with it. He’d wear it as if he couldn’t take it off.
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moffmarray · 2 years
Quackity: I hate him. Wilbur: I hate him... however I could recognise him by touch alone, by smell; I would know him blind, by the way his breaths came and his feet struck the earth. I would know him in death, at the end of the world... because he's my psycho-competitive rival.
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moffmarray · 2 years
The way Tntduo are written in fanfics got me levitating (specifically a certain fanfic that I wrote like 5000 words about underneath-)
In many stories, Tntduo are either written as very psycho-competitive rivals that find eachother hot, or Wilbur is in love while Quackity wants to cry. There are a few exceptions where my fingers are gripping onto my laptop so hard that it snaps- in a good way. There was once a fanfic that made me fall onto my knees to praise it because of the way they wrote them. The author wrote Tntduo as boys with no want of commitment to each other, and it was perfect. If they were to talk about whatever happens between the two, it would make it all feel too real. I'm not sure why this story made me willingly rip out my heart and present it upon the author, however, if I were to take a guess, I think it's because the characterisation for all the characters in the story seemed just so canon. They acted goofy, yet romantic, yet the manic mindset and actions of Wilbur and the tone shift within a certain chapter gripped my throat so hard. I could continue praising this story, but in truth, I think what made me think of it so highly was because it was so short. It was sharp. It was humorous. It was perfect. It has many unspoken words and events. Nobody took anybody or anything as seriously as other authors usually do in other Tntduo fanfics. It just captured how many events and actions that happen on the Dsmp just happen, with not much of a serious tone. It's silly, it's fun. The only time the tone was every serious for a while was during Las Nevadas, and I think that was the cherry on top. The lore in the Dsmp was not so serious in the beginning, yet as time moved on it became more planned, more detailed, more serious. The layers within characters are revealed, showing how in-depth character really are, the way they think, the way they act. It's probably a matter of preference, but I think it's perfect. A lot of the chapters they wrote were during the Pogtopia era. The era of manic, the era of craziness, the era of party, fun, high-stakes. An example of this is Niki's birthday party. The stream is full of just cheeriness! Party!! However, at the end of the stream, it was full of stress because of Wilbur's manic movements. It's clearly not abnormal for such. The fact the fanfic was written in the way they act in the server and not how people would usually act in reality. It made the reactions feel right, nobody cared what Wilbur and Quackity did during that stream...and they did many things...I loved it. (Loved it in a way that's not weird, I promise.) The way I'm describing this story makes it seemed like it's an incredible detailed fanfic with chapters upon chapters. It's not. The fact it was so short just left room for me to appreciate how they wrote every single interaction. The interactions between Tntduo and other characters. It was just...so right. It's such a short story but I can't help but hold it close to my heart. Maybe because they also didn't just write about Tntduo in Las Nevadas- Every single Tntduo story that is sort of following canon are all during the Burger Van arc. Not like it's bad, it's just that the fanfics of Tntduo that aren't during that arc but during Pogtopia or the Elections are so so short or sickly romantic it makes me vomit, in a good way. Please, if someone reads this and would very much be down to write Tntduo in a way that is...canon-like? Please tag me or tell me or something- I'm not sure why I wrote so much about a fanfic I remembered existed just today and I didn't even reread the whole thing- Anyways, Tntduo supremacy. Wait, i should probably link the fanfic- but I have this feeling that if someone reads it they'll think I'm praising it way too much. I don't want you guys to have your expectations be broken from the way I described it- Listen, it's not often that I find a story that writes Tntduo in such a way- Anyways, if anyone read this far...here's the link (please don't be disappointed-) I read another chapter and I felt like I definitely overhyped it- But y'know what?! I like it, and I appreciate it, and I will love it forever.
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moffmarray · 2 years
Guess who has a dance comp today but instead decides Tntduo is priority over everything 🤩
c!Tntduo hasn't interacted for over a year, and my hypothesis is that Wilbur is writing another ao3 story but it's only about the psycho-competitive feelings Wilbur felt when he was bitten. And it's not gonna be written like:
No. no. It's gonna be written like:
Quackity. The man who has built a grand nation from nothing. The man who has always been looking up to me, with his strikingly dangerous black orbs. I wonder how I haven't been sucked into the blackhole of his eyes yet, it seems like one more step over the edge and I'll be back up there (limbo). The fire lit in my veins is enough to burn not only me, but him. As we fight along this ridden ground, my movements seem automatic. I know Quackity better than he knows. I know all his movements, what he thinks, how he thinks. However, I never saw this coming. The sudden razor sharp bite to my arm made me question everything. Who is he to think he is capable to bite me- FINISHING MAYBE LATER CAUSE DANCE COMP- OML IM GONNA BE LATE
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moffmarray · 2 years
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moffmarray · 2 years
What no! Of course I didn’t just spend an entire hour of my life writing out practically a really detailed idea for a Tntduo comic or fanfic or even animation that involves Ghostbur and Butcher Quackity! Imagine if I did that! It’s not like I ignored everyone around me while typing it and forgot to call my friend who said they wanted to FaceTime an hour ago! No! Never would I ever do that because of Tntduo! Maybe just maybe I might just want to make a comic or fanfic on this if people really want it! Maybe I have another assessment due too but instead my hyperfixation for Tntduo is sucking my soul away just as much as Blue sucks away the sadness from Ghostbur! I guess this is the daily life of a gay obsessing over gay!
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