#to a certain other pair.
s0ckh3adstudios · 9 months
Thoughts on guardener x axis
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I'm not sure about it in the ORIGINAL universe but I do think it might be sweet in UTG....
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verdantglow · 5 months
Imagine the Hermits learning ballroom dance.
Imagine Etho being assigned to lead because he’s tall & everyone assumes he would.
Imagine him constantly fucking up, stepping on his partner’s feet, missing beats, just a mess.
Imagine Bdubs getting upset from the sidelines.
Imagine him getting blustery about this disaster & stepping in, saying no, no, no, this is all wrong, shooing Etho’s partner away.
Imagine anxiety bubbling up in Etho’s stomach, at having to lead for Bdubs, as he walks over.
Imagine Etho trying to place his hands on Bdubs, mentally preparing for another disaster.
Imagine Bdubs tutting & moving Etho’s hands away, much to Etho’s confusion.
Imagine Bdubs then firmly placing his hand on Etho’s back & grabbing his other hand.
Imagine Bdubs confidently taking over the whole situation.
Imagine Etho’s amazement as Bdubs leads him, and suddenly Etho’s dancing is on beat, smooth, no stepped on feet.
Imagine them elegantly whirling across the floor, everyone else watching them in surprise.
Imagine Bdubs dipping Etho.
Imagine Etho looking at Bdubs face while this happens & feeling his stomach flip at the burn of assurance in Bdubs eyes.
Imagine the song then ending, & them just staying there for a moment, breathing a bit heavy from the exertion.
Imagine Bdubs pulling Etho back up & releasing him & pointed saying that that was how you did it.
Imagine Etho staring at Bdubs, feeling lost & unsure now that Bdubs isn’t there, hand on his back deftly leading him.
Just like. Imagine.
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crimeronan · 3 months
ultimately i think the appeal of daniel and armand to me is that it's very much a typical dark romance storyline where the heroine is kidnapped and tortured by an evil monster but using her wits she manages to seduce him and make him emotionally vulnerable to her, because she is More Special and More Clever than all of his other victims, and because of this she enjoys a level of dangerous favor and protection from him, except in This version of the dark romance it's two toxic old men who both have the worst fucking personalities imaginable. who truly just fucking suck beyond measure. like no pun intended, they are Garbage, one is the actual literal immortal devil and the other is just kind of a deadbeat with no moral compass, neither of them is willing to work on himself and neither of them has ANY reason to want to rail the other as bad as they do.
and yet. There They Are,
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esterigermaine · 2 months
"A Snapping Sound" still lives rent free in my head.
I'd be rich if I put a quarter in a jar every time something has reminded me of or made me want to reread this masterpiece of a story.
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bonnvivre · 9 months
more thoughts abt ch 479-480 !!
posted abt it on twitter but i just have to talk abt it here: GUN DIDN’T LOOK AT GOO ONCE DURING THIS WHOLE EXCHANGE.
i feel like there’s many ways to interpret this and i’d love to hear everyone’s thoughts but here’s my take.
goo spared him a glance at least, probably couldn’t resist himself to a glimpse at gun’s expression, to gauge what he might be thinking, might be feeling. it’s a big decision after all. the status of their relationship rides on gun’s decision.
not once did gun look back but that doesn’t mean he didn’t care enough to; in fact, he cared a lot, enough to share a drink even when he didn’t like it, enough to even apologize to goo for already making a tie to someone else. this was just as important to him as it was to the other. i’d like to think that he’s aware of the mask goo puts up to shield his vulnerability. he knew that goo was at his most genuine, in an unguarded state, so he refused to look at him as a courtesy. or maybe he couldn’t bring himself to because HE HIMSELF was vulnerable. because the sheer weight of having to be the one to end his closest friend is affecting him greatly and he wouldn’t be able to take it if he looked at him.
either way, it’ll end tragically and it’s 1000% goo-over and they’re doomed :[
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hymnoeides · 15 days
I apologize if people send ship reqs to me and I take a while to respond to them OTL. Idk how to describe it,,, but my feelings on ships tend to change randomly and thus I gotta think more on how they are to be depicted that’ll satisfy me atp… HAKDBJDND
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remember stolitz nation that in an alternate universe we're crying over verosika and stella's breakup and apology tour
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dlartistanon · 6 months
I wanted to ask because I find you have really good takes on arknights ships most of the time so I’m genuinely curious what the deal with PlatiNearl is. I don’t remember them interacting much in the Kazimierz events and I assume the ship is popular because they were some of the only kazimierz operators from when Arknights started. You don’t have answer if you don’t want to of course, but I want to know what it is about the ship that you like if you wouldn’t mind explaining
Huh. I don't believe I've talked about ships that much, but I was originally baited by the Near Light 3D PV. They played up a sort of rivalry or climactic showdown between Ideal Knight and Knight-Assassin... only for them to never exchange a single word in any event. Needless to say, I was disappointed. Though it wouldn't be the first time. Also NLPT isn't really popular at all, at least in EN.
Regardless, it did get me thinking about the potential. Even if they don't say anything to each other directly, Platinum does have a voice line about Nearl, and her operator record has Nearl show up in her dream. Also Plat's whole deal is that she's assigned by the Armorless Union to keep an eye on Nearl.
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On the surface it's knight and knight-killer, positions that are fundamentally opposed and can never truly meet on the horizon as the KGCC has a hold on both. One is stuck in darkness, the other in light. Nearl (at first) wears mostly black, Platinum is all white. Nearl is pretty old-fashioned, Plat is a bit of a fashionable girl. Nearl is serious and disciplined, Plat is casual and wants to coast by on life. Nearl has a hidden dorky side to her personality while Plat, despite her lackadaisical nature, enjoys simple frivolous pleasures. They're pretty clear opposites.
It's no secret that Platinum hates knights. According to her, they’re either muscle-headed jocks or self-obsessed assholes (and she knows what she’s talking about; she was one of them) What pisses Plat off the most about Nearl is that Nearl is neither. Nearl is what a knight SHOULD be and Platinum is just astounded that after all these years, after all this time, she’s acting like being a knight actually means something. It pisses her off so much because why? To run the risk of being left behind by stubbornly clinging to what some might call outdated ideals... deep down, I think she can’t help but admire Nearl too. There's something admirable about believing in the romanticism of true knights in a world so determined to quash you under its boots. For all she knows, the world has moved on from knights, but Nearl disagrees. There's value in keeping the ideal alive in a world that seemingly dismissed it but is also in desparate need of it. Nearl is not the artificial lights of Kazimierz that Plat is used to, but actual light.
I also want to say that Plat resents Nearl because Nearl had the chance to escape Kazimierz, but came back instead. Plat wants nothing more than to be free from her current life. So to see Nearl willingly return to the place that made her life hell? It’s infuriating. How can she think this rotten country can be fixed, when Platinum herself can't see any light at the end of the tunnel? They're both victims, but how is it that their outlooks are so different?
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Pictured: Juxtaposing the symbolism of Nearl standing alone but bathed in light, who's still adored by many, while Platinum stands in shadow, surrounded by others but in reality she has no one and has to fend for herself in a cutthroat organization she hates. Their respective loneliness and isolation...
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The events reveal that Platinum is quite compassionate. She didn't become an assassin to kill people; rather, she was coerced into it by someone taking advantage of her emotions. Yes, her job is to monitor Nearl, but she doesn't want to hurt her. She sees that Nearl has been away from her family and just wants her to be with them, likely projecting her own feelings of being estranged from her own parents.
This is more going into extrapolation of their characters and circumstances, but yes, Platinum kidnapped and threatened Maria to use as leverage but I have to wonder if Nearl would actually hold that against her should she learn about Plat having been manipulated into a job she desperately wants to leave. Also I think just based on Nearl’s voice lines about not pursuing enemies and giving them another chance to change their life trajectory, she’d feel sympathetic for Plat’s situation if she ever learned that she was tricked into it and couldn’t easily leave.
I just really like the idea of a slow-burn where Nearl herself is actually against Plat at first because of said kidnapping but eventually learns about her situation and how Plat is trapped and miserable. Her distrust and wariness turns to pity and then gradually concern. Nearl’s strong desire to help people compels her to try and find a way if she can help the girl she has mixed feelings about. In Plat's op rec, Nearl's appearance implies that both of them can never truly escape the shadow of the KGCC. If they come calling, Plat will eventually have to answer. Nearl still has to watch her words and actions now that she's back in Kazimierz, otherwise her friends get targeted.
Compare and contrast Nearl the ideal knight who stuck by her morals versus Platinum who just did what she was told under threat of retribution and how they both ended up getting screwed over by the system anyway, the unwinnable Kazimierz competition scene. Alternately, an assassin falling for their mark? That's the stuff of novels. Something that actually happened to Platinum's predecessor, and for her to follow in his footsteps?
NLPT slow-burn because both of them aren’t sure how to feel about the other. Plat avoiding her, it’d be so easy to blame all her problems on Nearl; if she didn’t exist, she wouldn’t be in this predicament. and Nearl always second-guessing Plat’s intentions... I have a scene in my head that’s basically like: too much of their dynamic is rooted in the place that changed their lives for the worse. But at Rhodes Island, they are not assassin nor knight, but comrades. And as her comrade, Nearl will die for Platinum, if need be. She was willing to die for Firewatch too, despite Firewatch also claiming to despise knights.
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sonknuxadow · 1 year
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gatheringkeepsakes · 11 months
Not to be That Guy or anything, but with people blowing a gasket over Vtuber Ruby saying she sees Weiss as her sister...
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Snow White and Rose Red is a fairytale about "a pair of sisters who welcome a bear into their house; the next summer, the girls rescue an ungrateful dwarf three times; at the end of the tale, the bear defeats the dwarf (who cursed him in the first place) and becomes a human prince."
Snow White = Weiss (meaning White), Schnee (meaning Snow) Rose Red = Ruby (meaning Red), Rose (meaning Rose)
I'm not trying to stir the pot or say you can't ship what you like. They aren't related by blood in show so go crazy. But to be so aggressive and reactionary about this when it's (a) coming from non canon material; and (b) something that's been a foundation to their designs since Day 1 makes no sense to me.
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fisheito · 3 months
i am still sulking about no aster. (give me a few days and a couple watermelons and i'll be back to normal)
#i was one of the people who (after the reveal) fell to their knees in the burger king parking lot. maybe even wailed skyward for a smidge#my petty side says the silhouette tease and tagline HAD to have been intentional to get us to think of aster#my rational side says that they probably did not think that hard about it#and NO they are NOT intentionally bullying familiar fans and feeding off their betrayed tears /... i hope 😂#no ears and tail.... twink who gets burnt.... WHAT WE COULD HAVE HAD....#me 1: don't you like garu? what's the problem?#me 2: i'm CONFLICTED ok. i can like the char but still feel BITTERLY DESTROYED ABOUT LOST POTENTIAL#I NEEEED THE TRANSGRESSIOnS. THE BREAKS IN THE PATTERNS!!!!#oh if we had a familiar treated as a clan member. an aster dante quincy banner. unbelievable. the comedy of it all#i mean. at least this trio is a new combo. AND they haven't been in summer banners before...?#er. summer banners likE THIS. with the beachwear and stuff.#gaAAAHHH but tthe fact that they made it garu#MEANS THAT WIPES OUT ANY IMMINENT DREAMS OF MY TRIPLE YOKAI EVENT#aaaaaahhh. i see. THAT's what this is about#what? like they're gonna suddenly break the pattern and have an event that's JUST yakumo and kuya?#please. we have seen by now that no molds shall be broken. *pathetic sniff*#i guess we'll just keep doing the same top-bottom pairs forever...#and certain characters will never get to mingle with others because they've been SORTED#into HOLE FILLER and HOLE FILLED-EE#*rolls around on the floor in a melodramatic whiny flopfest*#LET THEM ALL ROAM FREE RAAAAAAAAAAANGE
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rawliverandgoronspice · 6 months
regarding common tropes about ganon's writing in fics, I am kind of always taken aback a little anytime ganondorf uses degrading sexist terms in fics and such. Because to me, even his most evil interpretations would probably have no reason to have negative associations with women who have sex a lot, unless he picked it up from elsewhere (like there's some room for it to be interesting psychologically speaking if that's directly addressed, but it never is). I'm not sure why the gerudos would ever cultivate these kind of misogynistic ideas in their own culture, or why Ganondorf would spontaneously decide to form any essentialist ideas he may potentially develop on the basis of promiscuity, of all things. And, if he would pick that up from Hyrule... why would he, why this, and how does that map out with him remaining proudly gerudo in most iterations if he sees any non-married woman getting funky in a negative way?
it's kind of a very small thing, but it does kind of beckons a lot of questions regarding worldbuilding and psychology and it tends to take me out of fics a little, because it's always kind of assumed and never investigated
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xcziel · 2 months
has anybody else thought about how jk could easily manage sofia's parts of slow dance or is it just me?
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#jikook#bts#everybody is working to insert jk in who where i just don't see it (other than the seven parallels)#and not talking much about what i see as WAY more obvious nods most especially in rebirth#like jm sings about wanting to be worthy of someone - maybe someone who just became a huge SOLO global popstar?#and mentions 'real love' - what was the name of that chapter in the bangtan book again?#and the feminine pronouns not present it's just the nebulous 'you' that in jimin songs often stands in for 'army'#(and one very specific 'fan' who has said he is ALSO army)#it's the 'i wanna be with you'#the answer for jk's 'i am still' with its unspoken additional 'still with you' layer#and then we get slow dance and we're back to the nebulous 'you' - on an island he-#oh wait what was that about a pair that traveled to an island? and filmed some stuff there that we'll see soon? hm#the reason this set me off though is the lines about 'cancelling my plans' to live to 'the tempo of our favorite song'#the falling deep into lines etc etc#because we know what happens when those two get together - they lose track of time everything else fades away#it's why they haven't done lives. why 'you and me' are 'up all night' why jm knows that as soon as jk is around#his self-discipline will crack and he'll fall into the pattern he tried to head off by separating from jk while making face#and we *know* jimin wrote on this song#frankly if he *hadn't* gotten a female feature everybody would be JUMPING on this song as a jikook anthem#the inclusion of sofia works perfectly - like hammering the pin back in a grenade#but i was reading those lines and thinking how high she went and going who else could sing this ...?#huh. who do we know of who can sing *anything*? and who has a range that can hit and blend with jimin's perfectly?#so. i dunno. y'all do your delulu the way that works for you and i will do my delulu my way lol#personally i think the eyes in the mv look like a screenshot from the love wins all mv but that's only me#i think the parallels with seven work more#and speaking of parallels (there are so many) i think this album was built to ensure jm is on equal footing with a certain someone#it's the commerciality of it - as though jm was like we will be together in this as well#when he seems not to be super interested in global domination but still 'special' enough to be on the same level with his love
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luvevee · 1 year
Ok so I get the theory that Kieran is being influenced by the toxic chain after a certain point of the story and yeah there's something with it going on but it's ok to pair that + him just being an emotionally unstable kid with neurodivergent coding. Like there's no need to pick either one, both can go in hand 🤷‍♀️
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starlitangels · 1 year
Marvel: Infinity War is the most ambitious crossover event in history
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You sure?
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mogwaei · 1 year
Giving tumblr a big side eye and edging toward the door. Every time i open this damn app I see several posts about people gatekeeping Astarion and Karlach romances. I'm not fucking digging it lads. I think I'll refrain from posting my romance art here because people can't behave themselves.
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