#to attract other weebs
natsmagi · 1 year
Is there any yuri you recommend?
oh man. anon i will be so honest with u. not only do i rarely consume any animanga (much less romance) but i have not delved into the world of yuri stories. im sorry. i am a fraud. my yuri obsession stems from first-hand experience with women and frankly i do not know of any yuri stories that compare to the real life raw pure intensity and toxicity of mentally ill closeted sapphic obsessive co-dependent relationships where the two of you are actively ruining each others lives but youre so addicted you fail to realize it So i havent exactly looked into it much
now if YOU🫵 dear reader know of any fucked up love stories between women (preferably games and preferably adult women. extra bonus points if its horror) PLEASE let me know. theres gotta be something out there i just know it
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danihwang882 · 27 days
Felix I remet a friendship from 1 1/2 to almost two years ago up in NP SD. He honestly gave me the biggest chest crushing friendship hug again that I almost cried. I finally have his contact after this long and that hug was so healing. I couldnt fucking brteathe in it. Had to tap out. Artists straving artists just get each other, the weebs just get each other on a whole another godly interaction that feeds my soul and heart with care.
i didnt get to follow up my friend with bad habits linkin park with green day blvd of broken dreams.
friend old new again i will share a selfie of us at the red wing with one of my three favorite bartenders in the background photo bombing.
i am a keyboard warrior and will basically take on anybody.
Hyunjin is inspiring a romantic dabble right now at this very present moment. so i will write it.
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stellamancer · 1 year
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hey lonely stranger (won't you meet my eye?) — reader x satoru gojo
notes: yes, hello, here it is, the infamous lonely stranger fic. i mentioned the idea a couple months back to @willowser i thought i'd write it after finishing shine on the sea, but as usual, where gojo is concerned i'm eating my words. title comes from this song. i apologize for me love of weeb music. anyway. i hope you enjoy.
contains: fem!reader (no pronouns, no physical description), typical annoying satoru gojo antics, the faintest hint of possessive/jealous gojo, unresolved romantic tension, allusions to canon typical violence
wc: 6.4k [ao3 link; account required]
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There are a lot of places where you’d expect to run into Satoru Gojo.
A match-making party is most definitely not one of them.
First of all, why is he even here? You have no doubt that the world’s strongest sorcerer has much more important things to do than attend a match-making party. Not that he even needs to in the first place. Even without the status and the prestige that his family name brings, his looks alone are more than enough to get people to throw themselves at his feet. That being said, his personality is definitely off-putting enough to make some marriage candidates run the other way. So, who knows, maybe he does need help finding a spouse after all.
You grimace, watching in real time as some of the bolder participants make a beeline toward him, eager to mingle with objectively the most attractive man in the room before the event officially begins. Even from your spot across the hotel ballroom you can see him basking in all the attention. Maybe that’s the real reason why he’s here.
After all, there’s no one who owns the limelight like Satoru Gojo.
Even though it is nothing new to you, there’s something about watching all these people fawn over him that makes you sick to your stomach. You tell yourself it’s because they’re being fooled by him and his offensively handsome face and not because you’re upset that he’s here.
You were actually kind of looking forward to this match-making party, but now you’re annoyed and it's all Gojo’s fault. You’ll have to avoid him as much as you can. It shouldn’t be too hard later on when everyone is free to converse with whoever they want, but before that is the speed dating portion. It’s an unfortunate inevitability that you will have to sit across from Satoru Gojo for two minutes of the hour-long speed-dating session, but maybe you’ll be lucky and maybe he’ll be one of the last, if not the last person for you.
In hindsight, you feel like you should have known better than to hope that luck would have your back when it’s always, always favored Satoru Gojo.
At first, you think it's merciful, sparing you from having to deal with him first. It would have really sucked for you to go through all your speed-dates in a Gojo-induced bad mood. But as he comes closer and closer one two minute interval at a time, you start to wish that you'd started with him first, and just gotten it out of the way.
Despite the threat of Satoru Gojo looming over your head, you do your best to focus on the people who come to your table. Two minutes is not a lot of time at all. Some seem to realize that and try to squeeze as much talking as they can in that amount of time. Some are paralyzed by it; awkwardly floundering for the hundred twenty seconds given to them. There are a couple people that you manage to enjoy a nice, albeit short, conversation with. Despite that, you still find yourself sneaking glances in Gojo's direction, hyper aware of the dwindling number of people sitting between you.
The man sitting before you now, Tasuke Tomoda, you think his name is, leans in toward you and gestures for you to do the same. He's the last person separating you from Gojo and he's been pretty pleasant so far, so you do as he asks and move a little bit closer to him.
"So, uh, I've noticed that you keep looking over there." His voice is barely audible as he inclines his head just slightly in Gojo's direction. “At him.”
You inhale sharply. This guy is the first one who’s noticed, or, at least, the first who's decided to say anything about it. You feel a bit ashamed to have been caught, especially when you thought you’d been discreet.
Just as you’re about to offer an apology, Tomoda adds, “I’m not mad or anything. I mean… he’s quite the looker, isn’t he?”
Before you can stop it, you grimace and Tomoda catches it, his eyes widening in obvious surprise. “You don’t think so?”
You don’t need to think so; you know so— for as long as you have been unfortunate to know him, Satoru Gojo has taken great pleasure in flaunting his good looks whenever possible. You scowl and admit, your voice an annoyed sort of murmur, “His looks are fine, I guess, but his personality…”
You don't know where to begin and you don't know if you should.
Tomoda’s gaze flits toward Gojo and he moves even closer, whispering so quiet that nobody else can hear. “...yeah, he does kinda look like an asshole, doesn’t he?”
You reel backwards, laughing so loud that everyone else can hear. Embarrassment flashes throughout your entire body when you realize that both couples on either side of you have gone completely silent and four pairs of eyes are now on you and Tomoda. Oops. Immediately, the both of you bow your heads in unison to one couple, then the next (with you taking great care to not look at Gojo).
Once their conversations resume, you give Tomoda an apologetic smile. “Sorry ‘bout that."
"It's fine!" Tomoda gives you a good natured sort of chuckle. "I'm just glad to have gotten a laugh out of you."
You blink, confused. "Why?"
His cheeks turn a light shade of pink and you think it’s kind of cute. “Well, it’s just that I think—"
You lean in.
"—that you're really—"
The bell signifying to change partners echoes throughout the event hall, startling Tomoda out of whatever he was going to say.
Has it really been two minutes already?
Tomoda starts to rise to switch seats, but he looks conflicted, like he still wants to say his piece.
"Wait," you tell him and you're not sure if it's because you want to delay Gojo's inevitable arrival or because you actually want to know what Tomoda was going to say.
He stops, his mouth half open. Tomoda stares and you see the hesitation swimming in his eyes. It only lasts a second though and his mouth shuts as he makes his decision. He takes a deep breath and—
"Excuse me!"
Your stomach lurches at the sound of the playful voice you know far, far too well. Tomoda looks like his soul is about to leave his body rather than his words. Slowly, reluctantly, you both turn your heads to look at the interloper.
You’d tried not to pay too close attention to Gojo when he’d walked in, but with him practically in your face right now, your eyes can’t seem to help but be drawn in. It feels like he really went all out tonight. His suit fits him perfectly, accentuating his long legs and slender yet built figure. The colors compliment his pale, flawless skin, his snow white hair and his infamous sky blue eyes. Gojo’s entire look is completed with a pair of sunglasses, over which he’s peering down at you and Tomoda.
There’s something about the amused glow in those dumb eyes of his that manages to royally pisses you off. You scowl at him, but he ignores you, his expression unchanging as he directs his attention to Tomoda.
"It's my turn now, you know," Gojo points out and while his tone is friendly enough, both you and Tomoda can clearly hear what Gojo is actually saying.
"Right! I'm really sorry about that!" Tomoda exclaims as he basically leaps out of his seat and scrambles over to the next table. His table mate stares— not just at Tomoda, but at you and Gojo as well. You can feel the pair on the other side staring too.
Fucking Gojo.
He is completely and unwholly unbothered as he plops down in the seat opposite you, a self-satisfying smile plastered to his face. Annoyed, you cross your arms over your chest and huff, “Did you really need to cause a scene?”
“Hey, you started it,” Gojo says with a chuckle. “Actually, I think you were so loud that everyone heard.”
“Shut up,” you hiss, throwing your most venomous glare in Gojo’s direction, hoping that, for once in his damn life he listens.
Naturally, he doesn’t.
“So, what’d that guy say that was so funny?” Gojo’s tone is casual, almost nonchalant as he leans in your direction. He reaches up with one hand to adjust his glasses, pulling them down just enough to reveal the shocking blue of his eyes staring you down.
You know he means to disarm you this way, to make you spill, but you manage to hold your ground. “Who knows? That’s between me and him.”
Gojo tilts his head to the side, still smiling as he responds. “Oh? You into that guy?”
“And if I was?” you ask, your words nearly a challenge. In all honesty, you don’t know if you can say if you’re into Tomoda or not. He’s certainly made the biggest impression out of everyone you’ve talked to so far and you wouldn’t be against hitting him up during the free talk section of the event. Who knows? Maybe you just need to talk to him a little more to find out.
“Hate to break it to you, but it’s not going to work out.”
“You don’t know that,” you shoot back, feeling defensive because Gojo doesn’t know. There’s no way he could. His stupid Six Eyes can see a lot of things, but the future is not one of them.
“I do actually,” Gojo responds simply. His voice is even, with none of his characteristic smugness woven in. That being said, you think you catch the meaning in his words and it angers you even more. Just because you’re a sorcerer that doesn’t mean your dating pool needs to be confined to the members of jujutsu society. You know a few sorcerers who have dated, and even married non-sorcerers.
“Wrong! You don’t know anything,” you insist viciously and if you were anywhere else you’d be just about ready to start throwing punches. You’ve never beaten Gojo in a fight (except maybe once, but you don’t count that because you know he threw that fight), but he’s always down to brawl with you.
“I happen to know plenty of things,” Gojo grins at you, pleased and you watch, in real time, as his delight turns devious. “Like I know that you were checkin’ me out earlier.”
Your entire body heats up and you’re not quite sure if it’s from rage or embarrassment. Another eyeful of the smirk on Gojo’s face is enough for you to decide that it must be rage. “I was not.”
“You so were,” Gojo teases, infuriatingly gleeful in his retort. “I totally get it, and it’s completely okay if you want to tell me how sexy I look tonight.”
“Hell no!” you almost yell, ignoring the growing heat in your stomach. Has it been two minutes yet? There’s no way that this clown’s time isn’t up yet. You glance at the big timer the event’s organizers have set up and… you still have half a minute with this fool.
It’s going to be the longest thirty seconds of your goddamn life.
“Come on,” Gojo nudges at you in that playful tone of his, seemingly determined to use every second he has to annoy you. “Don’t you want to tell me?”
“For someone as confident as you claim to be, you sure are desperate for validation,” you dead pan.
He ignores you. “Okay, okay, since you're feeling shy, I'll go ahead and say it: Satoru Gojo is the hottest guy here!"
You think you're going to hurl from all the second hand embarrassment. It's not like it's unnatural for Gojo to be so unashamedly confident but at an event like this you think it's probably a big no-no. "Gojo?"
“Yes?” He sounds chipper, like he thinks you’re going to compliment him after all, but when it comes to Gojo, you live to disappoint.
“Why the hell are you even here?” you ask in exasperation. Gojo has fifteen or so seconds left but you figure you might as well get something out of this exchange with him, “I doubt someone like you has a need to come to things like this, so why?”
A surprised look flashes across Gojo’s features, but he quickly conceals it behind a mischievous smirk. "You jealous?"
He punctuates his question with a wink and you roll your eyes. "As if.”
“Uh huh.”
Five seconds left. “Maybe the jealous one here is actually you.”
You don’t entirely mean it when you say it; you really intend to make one last dig at Gojo before he moves on to the next person. Plus, you don’t even really think it’ll affect him all that much, things like that never really do. At least, you’ll get the last word here.
Or that’s what you think. You should have known better.
Gojo flashes a smile at you and for a few seconds you completely forget what breathing is. You’re used to playful smiles and teasing smiles, but the look that he’s giving you right now is different somehow. There’s something about the curve of his lips, about the borderline gentle glimmer of his crystalline eyes that sets your heartbeat into a frenzy.
Just as you remember how to breathe, he speaks, stealing your breath away all over again, “Who knows. Maybe I am.”
The bell finally rings, telling you that your two minutes with Satoru Gojo are now over, but you barely even register it— your eyes fixed on the man before you.
Just like Tomoda, before him, Gojo lingers, and he looks almost a little pleased with himself. The familiar expression snaps you out of your stupor and you glower at him, shooing him away like he’s unwanted.
Like you don’t want him to stay.
Like you don’t want to ask him what in the world was all that about.
Because you don’t, you really don’t. There’s no need to, you tell yourself. It’s just another one of the whacky mind games Gojo likes to play with you.
But even as the next person sits down across from you, you can’t get the look on Gojo’s face out of your mind. Even as they introduce themselves, the only thing you hear are Gojo’s last words.
“Who knows. Maybe I am.”
That’s crazy talk. He had to be fucking with you because there’s no way. No way that Satoru Gojo, of all people, would feel jealous.
Even though you know that, you can’t get what he said out of your mind and before you know it, the speed dating section of the match-making event is over and you don’t remember a damn thing about anyone who came after Gojo.
You’re annoyed. You’re so fucking annoyed that you wasted so much damn time thinking about that stupid blue eyed bastard, but it’s fine. It’s completely and totally fine, because you still have the free talk session. If you’re lucky, one of the people who came to you after Gojo will be interested enough to come chat you up and give you the chance to make up for the fact you had temporarily lost your mind thanks to one Satoru Gojo.
And if you’re unlucky… Well, you’re confident in the thought that it should be fine to seek out Tomoda. In fact, you decide to do that first. Better to just go for it than wait around. You survey the ballroom that you’re all in and you catch sight of the man off to the side, looking around somewhat shyly.
Is he looking for you?
You don’t want to get ahead of yourself, but it’s a nice thought. Nice, but… You shake your head; you don’t want to think about him right now. Before the traitorous thoughts can sneak back into your mind, you march over to where Tomoda is standing, tightly gripping the cards in your hand. At the beginning of the event, the staff had handed these cards out, instructing everyone to fill them out so that you could easily exchange contact information with anyone who caught your interest. And since Tomoda’s the only one who qualifies, it’s only natural that you give him one.
A relieved smile spreads across his features when he notices you and it makes you think that he really was looking for you after all.
You offer him a small smile of your own. “Hey.”
“Hi!” he squeaks and his expression turns a little sheepish.
You tilt your head in confusion. "What's up?"
"Just… a little surprised that you came to find me.”
"Huh? Why?"
Tomoda frowns, looking conflicted and, finally, he answers in a slow voice. "Well, that really handsome looking asshole seemed like he was really into you."
You blink.
You nearly double over in laughter. No offense to Tomoda but the thought is just flat out ridiculous. Satoru Gojo is into you? No way. Absolutely no way in hell. Not in a thousand, no, a million years would Gojo seriously—
"Who knows. Maybe I am."
Suddenly, your mouth is dry, your laughter dying in your throat as Gojo's words echo in your head yet again. There's no way he was serious then, right? He only said that to mess with you, to get the last word in, because there's no way, definitely no way…
You take a deep breath to compose yourself. Tomoda is still there and you're grateful that he hasn’t walked away thinking that you’re completely out of your mind. You take another breath, just in case, before you attempt to say anything. "What makes you think that?"
"Other than the obvious?" Tomoda asks, his tone a touch dry, and you frown, remembering how Gojo had made a scene earlier.
"...yes," you finally grumble when you realize that Tomoda is actually looking for an answer. "Other than that."
For some unknown reason, he seems hesitant to say anything further, but you gesture at him, urging him to speak. "Well, he… I noticed that he kept looking over at you after his turn.”
"That's because—" you start but then stop short when you realize that you actually have no answer. Your brain goes into overdrive trying to think of some kind of explanation, some kind of reason as to why Gojo would possibly…
"Who knows. Maybe I am."
The words are louder now. Almost deafening.
Still, you try to block them out.
"That's because he said something before we switched," you say desperately, like you’re grasping at straws. "I think he was just trying to fuck with me for the hell of it and, I don't know, maybe he kept looking to see how good of a job he did?"
Your lame explanation doesn’t seem to convince Tomoda. It doesn’t really convince you either. You rifle through your thoughts, trying to find some other possible reason, but everything you find seems to support Tomoda’s claim that, somehow, some way, Satoru Gojo is into you.
Tomoda looks like he’s trying to figure it out too, his expression contemplative. "...do you mind if I ask you a question?”
"...go ahead, shoot."
"You two knew each other before this, right?”
"Unfortunately," you admit begrudgingly. "But I didn't know he'd be here tonight."
Tomoda hums and nods his head slowly as he takes your words into consideration. He pauses, and then starts nodding again, quicker this time and you wonder if he’s figured something out. His expression shifts and you recognize this look; it’s the same as earlier when he was leaving your table. There’s something he wants to say, but he’s not sure if he should.
You have the distinct feeling that you're not going to like whatever it is, but still you push him to say it all the same. "What is it?"
Tomoda stares at you. Given the fact that this is a match-making event, you would expect some level of agitation or annoyance on his part, but the only thing you see in his bright, kind eyes is a curious glint. "Are you into that guy?”
That's what you expect to say because that’s what you always say, but when your lips part to answer Tomoda's seemingly innocuous question nothing comes out. Yet the word remains there, stuck to the tip of your tongue and you don't understand why.
Maybe it’s the earnest look in Tomoda’s eyes or the strange and irritating feeling that’s been lurking in your chest ever since Gojo spoke to you earlier, but something, something is holding your denial at bay. More than that, it’s bidding you to actually be honest with yourself.
Because deep down you know the answer, and, worse than that, you know it isn’t no.
The truth fills your mouth, the shape of it uncomfortable and heavy in your jaw. It’s almost too much to handle, to keep in; one slip of the tongue and you’ll end up spilling it everywhere. If that happens— when that happens, you won’t be able to take it back.
When that happens, you won’t be able to deny Satoru Gojo any more.
And truthfully, the thought of it frightens you. That’s why you’ve kept your feelings buried deep inside you. That’s why you’re here at this match-making event, seeking a love that doesn’t scare you shitless. That’s why you keep denying Satoru Gojo’s presence in your heart.
Are you into him? Do you have feelings for him? Do you love him? You think the more important question here is are you truly prepared to answer these questions? Are you honestly ready to confront the feelings you’ve kept deep in your heart and the reality that comes with that?
When it comes down to it… you’re not.
Not here and not now.
You clamp your jaw down and forcefully swallow your feelings, condemning them back to the confines of your heart. They settle there, still uncomfortable, still heavy, but you’ll deal with them later, when they are not threatening to free themselves from the cage of your mouth.
Decision made, you look Tomoda in the eye and declare, “No, I’m not.”
He stares back at you and you can tell that he doesn’t believe you. Not one bit. But if anything, you are stubborn, persistent even. You swing one arm toward him, thrusting one of your contact cards in his direction as an offering, a prayer that, even for just a little bit, he’ll indulge your delusions.
Tomoda looks conflicted, like he’s biting his tongue and his gaze flickers between the card and your face. Finally, it stops on your face. His eyebrows furrow together in what is clearly concern, “Listen, you don’t—”
He stops short when you throw up your other arm, presenting the rest of your contact cards to him. You mean to send a message in the gesture, though honestly, at this point it’s probably futile. Still, you have to try.
Tomoda’s eyes ease down to the three cards fanned out before him, but he makes no move to take any of them. Instead, he sighs, clearly sympathetic when he looks at you directly. You see yourself reflected in his eyes and you look more desperate than determined.
Once again, he opens his mouth to speak, but this time you beat him to the punch, and you plead, “Please.”
Tomoda doesn’t move.
“Please,” you insist.
He continues to hold your gaze before, eventually, his shoulders slump, a clear sign that he’s given into you. You smile wryly; this man is truly too kind for his own good. Hopefully, he lives a long, happy life, free from the curses that plague your day-to-day life.
“...it’s not going to work out.”
Gojo’s voice echoes in your head once more, almost mocking you, and your hands waver just a tiny bit. You didn’t need him to tell you because deep down you already knew. It’s still annoying, but you manage to keep the disdain off your face for Tomoda’s sake.
Besides, it doesn’t mean that you can’t be friends. You think that, at least, that much should be fine.
Having finally given into your demands, Tomoda starts to reach for your cards. Just as he’s about to grasp them, another hand, pale with long, slender fingers shoots out and swipes all three cards from your grasp. Your head whips up to look at the interloper and, of course, who else do you find but Satoru Gojo, his trademark grin plastered to his face.
“I’ll be taking these,” he announces casually, slipping your cards into his shirt pocket.
You gape wordlessly at him and he continues to smile at you like some sort of angelic devil. Then, as swiftly as he appeared, he turns on his heel and walks off into the crowd.
Slowly, you turn to look back at Tomoda, who turns to look at you. He seems as stunned as you feel, but you think he recovers first. The man gives you a gentle smile and you think that he truly deserves the world— a world you can’t and could never give him.
“You want to go after him, don’t you?” he asks. You can’t even begin to comprehend why, but he sounds almost amused. Is whatever’s going on between you and Gojo entertaining or something?
Scowling, you answer, “If only to beat his stupid handsome face in.”
This time you’re the one who’s made Tomoda laugh and it alleviates your annoyance just a bit. “Go on, then, I’ll be cheering for you.”
“It’s not like that,” you say automatically.
“If you say so.”
You sigh, ready to follow after that damn idiot, but before you do, you bow in Tomoda’s direction and tell him, earnestly, “I’m really sorry.”
He chuckles again and gestures for you to go. “Get going then, you don’t want to lose him.”
You feel like there’s some kind of double meaning in his words, but he’s right; if you linger too long you might not be able to catch up to Gojo. For good measure, you bow once more before taking your leave.
It’s lucky that Gojo is so damn tall— you spot him almost immediately, at the entrance to the ballroom. You trail after him, expertly weaving through everyone else in the room, but by the time you reach the ballroom doors he’s already gone.
Damn that man and his long legs.
“Excuse me.”
You turn to face whoever is speaking to you, actually hoping that it’s not a potential suitor. Luckily, or perhaps unluckily, it’s one of the event staff.
“Yes?” you answer carefully, praying that they’re not about to reprimand you for the outburst you had earlier.
“If you’re looking for that handsome gentleman, he headed that way,” the staff member informs you, pointing down the hallway. At the other end you see a large sign indicating the hotel’s garden is in that direction. It’s a weird place for Gojo to go, but then again he’s just like that sometimes. Grateful, you bow to thank the event staffer before heading in the direction they indicated.
When you walk out into the garden, it feels almost as if you’ve been transported to another world entirely. The night air is cool on your face, and the loud chatter of the ballroom is completely gone, replaced with the gentle sound of running water. Maybe there’s some sort of fountain nearby. Looking around, you step further into the garden. You’re surrounded by a canopy of trees, their branches adorn with fairy lights that illuminate the area in a soft, warm glow. You remember reading that this hotel is a popular wedding venue and you wonder if this garden is where they hold the ceremonies. It would make sense, but it appears that no one is getting married here tonight.
There’s no sign of Gojo though.
The garden is pretty big, so you keep searching. As you walk, the sound of water grows louder and soon enough you find yourself at what has to be the center of the garden. Your entire body stills, your jaw nearly dropping as you take in the sight before you. The fountain you had speculated about turns out to be much, much larger than you thought. It’s really more like a stone pool than a fountain. It’s surrounded by decorative stone structures, which seem to be fountains themselves, feeding water into the pool. Finally, you take a step closer, and you notice the fountain is illuminated, giving the water a soft, ethereal glow. Running through the center of the pool, bisecting it, is a disjointed stone pathway, the steps spaced enough to reveal the water beneath, but close enough to prevent a bridal train or anyone paying attention to where they’re stepping from taking an unwanted dip.
At the end of the pathway is a small landing, a small, square island in the middle of the pool. The edges are decorated in flowers and decorative stone lanterns. It’s picturesque and you think that this must be where people exchange their vows and promises of everlasting love.
It’s here where you find Satoru Gojo.
His back is to you, and you could, if you wanted, turn back around and leave him here.
But you don’t.
You make your way toward him, carefully stepping onto the stone pathway as if you might slip or sink into the water beneath. When you’re sure of your footing you take a step forward, then another, and another. Just as you’re about to make it to the landing, Gojo turns around to face you. He smiles, and your entire body goes still at the sight. The look on his face is far softer, far sweeter than you’re used to. If you were crazy, you’d go so far as to say that it looks almost loving.
He takes a step toward you, and then another and another. With each step he takes, your heartbeat grows louder and more erratic, the sound of it filling your ears. Your eyes are fixed on Gojo as he approaches and you wonder if his infinity is up because it almost feels like the closer he gets the slower he goes.
But eventually, he does reach you.
Gojo looks down at you and you can see that amused sparkle in his eyes as he says, “Look who decided to join me tonight.”
The sound of his voice frees you from your daze and you glare at him. “Cut the crap, Gojo.”
His lips curve, forming an expression you’re more familiar with, one you’re used to wrangling. “What do you mean?”
“Don’t play dumb; it’s not cute,” you hiss, earning you the smallest pout from him. You ignore it. “Why’d you take my cards earlier?”
“I—” he begins, enunciating dramatically, “was saving you from a world of heartbreak.”
“Were you?” you ask, your voice less of a challenge than it was before.You can tell Gojo notices from the shift in his expression.
He doesn’t say anything about it though, and he continues, his voice dropping to something more somber, more serious. “It wouldn’t work out.”
You look into his eyes, staring at the endless sparkling blue sky within them and consider arguing with him, disagreeing with him because it’s like second nature to you.
But you decide not to.
Instead, you look away as you admit, “I know.”
Gojo doesn’t laugh or gloat and it makes you wonder if your confession surprises him. You don’t check though, and continue speaking, your voice low, “Tomoda's a nice guy. He deserves a happy, normal love and that's… not something I can promise him."
For as long as you are a jujutsu sorcerer, your life will always be in danger. Every mission carries not only the risk of death, but the chance that you won't even make it home in a body bag. The stress of that, the fear of it, isn't something you can carelessly give to someone else, especially not someone you’d want to spend the rest of your life with. You’d like to think it’d be different with another jujutsu sorcerer, someone who knows the reality of the world you’re part of, but even then you have your doubts.
"So," Gojo's voice is strangely quiet and you notice there's something, some emotion you don't recognize saturating his tone, "you into that guy?"
You sigh as you answer, honestly this time, "No. I'm not."
Gojo doesn't say anything in response— no wiseass quip, no pompous remark, nothing. You don't mind, but it's very odd for him to be silent.
Naturally, it doesn't last for long.
"You know," he drawls, his tone suddenly playful. "Even though I was obviously the hottest person in the room, you looked pretty good yourself."
It feels like all the air has been knocked out of you. The compliment, on its own, is strange because you can't even remember the last time Gojo complimented you, if he ever has, but more than that, where in the world did that come from? You know Gojo has a penchant for unpredictable behavior, but this is something else.
In your shock, you turn to face him, and you realize that the compliment was just the tip of the iceberg. He's leaning down, his gaze fixed on you, the blue glow of his eyes wiping the knowledge of how to breathe from your mind. His palm ghosts over your cheek, and though he's not touching you, you can still feel the warmth emanating off it. You are hyper aware of him coming closer, his face, his lips approaching yours.
No, no, no.
It has to be some illusion, some trick of the mind, because there's no way that Satoru Gojo actually wants to—
Bewildered, you take a step back and your foot manages to wedge itself in one of the gaps of the stone pathway. You wobble, thrown entirely off balance. Seconds later, you're falling sideways straight into the water.
Gojo stares down at you, actually looking shocked for once and you wish you had your phone out to take a picture. It doesn't take long for him to get over it and he starts to laugh uncontrollably.
You glare at him like a drenched cat and raise your hand to splash at him. Weirdly enough, he lets the water hit him, his infinity remaining inactive.
"Don't laugh!" you snap at him.
Of course, he keeps laughing.
You try to lift yourself out of the water, but the river stones beneath you are too slippery for you to get a good grip. If you reposition yourself you think you could do it, but if you do your clothes will be completely drenched and that's the last thing you want right now.
With an exasperated sigh, you ask, "Gojo, will you please help me?"
He snickers, "Wow. Didn't think you'd actually ask."
You glare at him.
"Okay, okay," he steps toward you and outstretches one of his hands for you to take. For once, you don't hesitate to take it and Gojo pulls you from the water with ease, but you think that maybe he uses a little too much force as you collide with the expanse of his chest.
This is too close! You try to take another step back, but Gojo is faster, wrapping his arms around you to keep you from moving.
"Careful," he warns and you think he's teasing you. Is it just you, or is his voice just a touch deeper than normal? Regardless, the sound manages to scramble your thoughts a little. "Or you'll end up taking another dip."
"...right," you mumble, trying to straighten your thoughts. "Thanks."
You think Gojo will let you go.
But he doesn't, and the two of you remain there, pressed close. You're sure the wetness of your clothes is spreading to his, slowly messing up that expensive suit of his. Gojo doesn't seem to care though, but maybe that's because it's just water.
"...you could do it, if you wanted," Gojo's voice is barely audible.
When he speaks again, it's louder this time, "Give someone a normal, happy love. It's not like you're completely broken or anything like that."
You blink, confused. What is he talking about? Then it clicks and you explain, "That's not it."
Now it seems like Gojo’s confused for once. "Huh?"
"I meant… he’s a non-sorcerer, so…" you trail off, not wanting to explain. Gojo should be able to catch your drift.
He does. “Right, right. It’d suck for your non-sorcerer boyfriend if you were to just suddenly die a terrible and horrific death, huh.”
A little too well. “I think it’d suck for my sorcerer boyfriend too, if I had one.”
“That’s probably true, but if your boyfriend was a sorcerer, then maybe you’d die cruel and unusual deaths together. That’s romantic, isn’t it?”
“Actually, I think it’s kind of morbid.”
You think you feel Gojo’s arms shift, as if his grip is tightening ever so slightly around you. But then he starts to laugh and you figure it must have just been your imagination. You don’t really get why he’s laughing, though.
"What's so funny?" You ask when his laughter finally dies down.
You sigh. Should have known better than to think he’d give you a straight answer.
Gojo finally steps away from you, taking the warmth of his body with him and you dismally realize that you rather enjoyed him being so close. Desperately, you try to tell yourself that it’s because with him gone you’re remembering how cold and wet your clothes are right now and not for any other reason.
It's going to suck going all the way home like this.
You hear the sound of rustling cloth and as you look up you catch Gojo draping his giant blazer over your shoulders. It's warm and before you realize what you're doing you're tugging it closer around you, the scent of Gojo's cologne filling your nostrils. It’s nice you think, definitely expensive, but nice.
He stares at you, the expression on his face the strangest one yet.
"What?" you ask.
Gojo merely shakes his head again and it's obvious he plans to keep this to himself too. "Come on, let's go. Can't have you catching a cold now, hm?"
He grabs you by the wrist and starts to pull you toward the garden exit. And, maybe you're imagining it, but you think you might see the palest shade pink dusting the tips of his ears.
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extra scene can be found here. :3c
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r0-boat · 1 month
Pt 2 to the Belphegor con groping brain rot? (I loved it)
Oh my God Yes fuck!
Here's a part two! Where you're on a train or a tight space with lots of people.
weeb whb!Belphie con groping part 2
Gn!reader could or could not be MC, they can't recognize each other.
Part 1 is here.
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You're mentally kicking yourself for how far your hotel you got was. But at least you had a hotel All the other hotels were booked. And since you already broke from the tickets to Japan and the cost of comiket You are not complaining, So it was a little weird to be in a packed train with strangers while in a cat girl outfit.
You're anxieties were only enhanced when you felt the brush of someone's hand in between your thighs. And your soul left your body when you hurt a familiar voice behind you. "Hi sweetheart, it's been a bit."
Oh no Oh God no...
"Don't make a scene sugar, I got you" He whispered his hand that was stroking your thigh now coming up to Your waist pulling you against him You could feel how hard he was as you stay completely still tense against his chest.
"so beautiful and soft, You remind me of someone though I can't tell with all that cosplay, Not that I'm complaining You look cute."
He rambles on You could feel his pants going slack as something hard and wet slides in between your thighs. The shaking of the train and the pressure of your plush thighs with his cock nestled in between. Makes him twitch and you could feel it move, batting against your underwear.
"Standing here is such a drag, but if I got a pretty thing like you stroking me then it's not so bad. Move for me?"
You just wanted it to all be over so you grind against him enough to pleasure him but also not moving too much to attract attention. And with his hand on your hips helping you. Or pleasure him just enough until the train finally goes to your stop.
Tightly packed against the people in the wall He grinds into you harder, His husky groans in your ear getting you wet and he could feel it The hate between your legs the wetness of the pre-cum leaking from his cock combined with your juices staining your underwear.
"You like this don't hide it, I could feel how what you are I could smell your arousal."
He grip your hips and grinds against you harder.
"fuck I can't shake the feeling of how familiar you look, there's no doubt something about you is making me hard as a rock. Maybe I should take you home with me hm? Fuck maybe I should take you back to my hotel room so I can properly fuck you... You would like that wouldn't you?"
This isn't enough to fully pleasure him and You're nowhere near to your stop... This is going to be a long ride.
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mortimermcmirestinks · 5 months
a complete list
so we got the following already:
AFAB = assigned female at birth
AMAB = samesies but for the bros
ACAB = fuck them pigs
AHAB = guy who wants to fuck and/or kill a sperm whale
so I'm gonna give you the other 22. ready? let's go
AAAB: the muuuscle in your miiidseeection
ABAB: 🔥🔥swedish band typo🔥🔥
ACAB: fuck them pigs
ADAB: world's most rad dance move
AEAB: assigned evil at birth
AFAB: doctor said you were a dame right when you slunk out the pusspuss
AGAB: what the doctor said you was when you slopped on outta the verjubit
AHAB: from hell's heart I tap that cetacean or whatever I never read it
AIAB: all investigators are bisexual
AJAB: a friendly poke
AKAB: all kops are bastardz
ALAB: like asexual but for science experiments instead of sexual attraction. short for "alaboratory"
AMAB: doctor said you were a bloke the second you shot out of the ol' utero cannon
ANAB: someone very sneakily trying to name their D&D character after a banana. don't let them get away with it
AOAB: desperately trying to remember the official Maori name for New Zealand but I'm so so bad at spelling
APAB: assigned pussy magnet at birth
AQAB: the guy from the new GAY version of Moby Dick. this version's called Moby Pronouns. the woke agenda has gone too far!!!!!
ARAB: an ethnic group mainly inhabiting the ARAB world in West Asia and North Africa. A significant ARAB diaspora is present in various parts of the world. Arabs have been in the Fertile Crescent for thousands of years. In the 9th century BCE, the As
ASAB: ahh!! stinkyyy!!! aww, baby
ATAB: the thing you start at a bar when you don't want to pay up right away. ALTERNATE JOKE: the thing you hit to go to the next cell in Excel
AUAB: sound a turtle makes when it's ramming ham
AVAB: only known word to be a perfect anagram of both "balaclava" AND "baklava"
AWAB: assigned weeb at boston
AXAB: amnestic XK-class anomalous being
AYAB: alla youse are bullshit
AZAB: mystery option. nobody knows what this one is. if you know what this one is, send your knowledge to the Pentagon and they will send you a shiny American penny.
glad to help out!! just playing my small role in the queer community. fuck cops also
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cerastes · 1 year
Right, look, forgive me for placing a damp blanket over your shoulders, but, you know that one post where it’s a screenshot of a Twitter post where one person is asking “hey we’re censoring armpits now?” “yeah because there are freaks in twitter I guess” “yeah me uncensor them” on the pic of a girl cosplaying as Cammy from Street Fighter?
Alright, I’m linked that post now and then, or @’d in it, and yeah I get it, it’s in good fun, I can see the comedy, but it makes me uncomfortable because that really shouldn’t be acceptable behavior in a vacuum. I don’t know the cosplayer in question, so maybe she’s ok with that stuff or even encourages it, I don’t know, but let’s assume this is all in a vacuum for a second and that she’s just a cosplay enthusiast, and maybe even infer that it does make her a bit or more than just a bit uncomfortable based on her having censored her armpit in the first place. Assumptions you’d make, perhaps, without knowing the person at all.
That’s really not good! If it were a fictional character, say, fanart of Cammy, a grown woman, man, who cares if you leave a reply saying “I want to motorboat her asscheeks so hard it’s going to register as an 8.5 in the Richter Scale” or “Not even a chastity belt forged in the finest forges of Mordor could keep me away from her lower lips”, it’s a fictional adult character, who cares. Now, it’s not at all the same when you are directing those comments towards an actual living person. It shouldn’t be your first instinct to say something like that unless you’re 100% absolutely sure that the cosplayer is cool with those kinds of comments or interactions. For all you know, they simply like cosplaying as characters they like, and suddenly, you hit them with a “Hello! I want to make your armpits my keto diet supplement!” which is... Not fucking cool, my dude.
And this isn’t just weebs, alright, because I know this post is going to have some braindead reblog that’ll be like “degenerate weebs deserve the rifle” in the tags, save yourself the keystrokes, this was a pretty big problem around 4 years ago with subs and bottoms, even on this website. Obviously, you can’t say subs and bottoms exist as a monolithic entity, this isn’t about all of them, but there was a VERY blatant social license for people to reblog posts of attractive cosplayers or women into fitness with comments like “oh my god crush me mommy”, which is not a normal thing to say to someone you don’t know. I’m singling out this particular behavior because it was defended in the vein of “oh but I want to be Beaten By The Girl and Fucked By The Girl, NOT the other way around #feminist” which was hilariously duplicitous and shameless. There’s nothing wrong with these wishes, but just like Armpit-kun up there, unless you’re 100% certain the person behind the photos is A-OK with these sorts of comments, Well, Don’t Be A Fucking Weirdo! It’s real people, behave. 
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awakentrashpanda · 3 months
What the smiling critter you Simp for says about you 
Disclaimer do not take any of this seriously all of this is for the sole purpose of shits and giggles 
Bubba Bubbaphant
💡As a wise YouTuber once said, there’s people who are attracted to Daddies, and then there’s you, people who are attracted to fathers 
💡You like big men and you cannot lie you other brothers can’t deny (I’m sorry)
💡You’ve also got a thing for polite and classy men, you don’t just want some bum, you want a proper gentleman
💡You probably also like nerds
☀️Himbo kisser/pos
☀️Also, I’m a little worried that you might be depressed because Dogday is a constant serotonin dispenser 
☀️You either are a serotonin dispenser or you need a serotonin dispenser 
☀️You’ve probably played Poppy Playtime chapter 3, or at least watch a playthrough of it 
☀️Also I’m willing to bet that cupid’s arrow immediately shot straight through your heart when  Dogday called us “angel”
🍎Mommy? Sorry
🍎You probably, if not definitely, like country girls 
🍎*Insert obligatory cannibal sympathizer joke here*
🍎You either are the parent friend in your group or you want to kiss the parent friend in your group 
🍎You either love cooking or you barely know shit about cooking and you want her to cook for you (only if she wants to, of course)
🍎Also you’re probably me 
🎨You love shy girls, and you love psycho bitches and with her you get both 
🎨I’m also willing to bet that you’re a Weeb 
🎨Or an artist 
🎨Probably both 
🎨You know the “I will protect this smile” meme? That’s basically you
🌙First things first, please for the love of God tell me that you’re referring to the fandom version of cartoon catnap and NOT Theodore 
🌙Catboy kisser/hj
🌙You have a thing for villains, and/or villain-coded characters, and you’re not even remotely shy about it
🌙You know the song “Emo Boy”? That’s basically your theme song
🌙Also, your sleep schedule is probably a disaster
🌙If you play Stardew Valley I’m willing to bet that you married Sebastian 
⭐️Your taste in men is dumb sons of bitches
⭐️You like men who end up doing something that is prefaced with the phrase “Hey y’all watch this” every single day 
⭐️You also probably had crushes on your high school bullies
Hoppy Hopscotch
⚡️There is nothing you want more in this world than Butch women 
⚡️Also, you probably either are, or know somebody, who drinks at least 3 5-hour energies a day 
⚡️In at least some way shape or form, you want the lesbian version of Kurt and Ram from Heathers 
⚡️You know those muscular women who look like they could benchpress a truck? that’s what you want 
Bobby Bearhug
❤️Very very affectionate 
❤️You probably need a hug 
❤️You also want a very protective woman 
❤️Also you might be into Yanderes 
❤️ if somebody asked you “man or bear?” you would immediately say bear in a heartbeat (and you are incredibly valid for that)
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bullet-prooflove · 1 year
You Send Me - Filip 'Chibs' Telford x Reader
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Tagging:  @crazy4chickennuggets  @kmc1989 @oureternalbond @anime-weeb-4-life @chaoticqueenie98 @fanfic-n-tabulous @wakeama @iwannabeinthesequalmrghostface @redpoodlern @ravencrow83 @kishie8 @msjava1972 @thelonewolfwillsurvive @thanossexual @nu1freakshow @im-just-a-mississippi-girl @jtelford @the-wandering-lunatic @darqchilddaydreamz @ankhmutes @goblinenby @just-a-girl-who-wrytes @lexondeck @adaydreamaway08 @keyweegirlie @poppyrose33 @belovedbastardremus @crimeshowjunkie @theeyesofthestag @trublu2u @thebaileybugle @ambassadortotrilliusprime @yvette22 @legally-a-bastard @thequeenoftheisleofavalon @joyfulfxckery @justreblogginfics
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Chibs doesn’t plan to attend the charity event at City Hall, at least not initially. However, it’s been a busy couple of months, with Galen’s death and the club’s transition out of the gun game, the fact you orchestrated it without any casualties…
It’s just another example of you going above and beyond for the club. Your intervention prevented a war, one that would have ended with bloodshed on both sides. He knows what it cost you to make that deal. He knows the victory is bittersweet. It’s another reason that he loves you, like him you make the hard decisions, the ones that benefit everybody.
The two of you are a power couple, Bobby had remarked last night, but it’s always on your terms.
Chibs hadn’t realised that until the other man mentioned it. He’s right, of course, he always is. You’ve been there for the club and for him, so now it’s his turn to be there for you.
He turns a few heads as he walks through the foyer. He cleans up well, he knows he wears the fuck out of this tuxedo, his beard is neatly trimmed, and his hair slicked back. That’s not the reason they’re looking at him though. He knows he has a reputation. Never in a million years, does he belong here with these people, but you do and that’s why he’s here tonight.
He didn’t get to see you before he left, he’d been tied up in Stockton but when he lays eyes on you right now, he can’t help but remember why he first fell in love with you.
You’re a fucking vision.
You’re wearing a nude-coloured dress that hugs your curves, the sleeves beaded with silver crystals that fall across your bicep, your hair is coiffed like a movie star from the fifties. You’re holding court like a queen, a glass of champagne in your hand as you discuss one of your cases. You’re in your element, your expression animated as you engage the three older men. He can tell the one on the left is attracted to you, it’s in the way he lingers in your proximity. When the other two drift back to the bar, he leans in close as he says something to you, and you give him a look that could freeze the devil in the very depths of hell.
It’s then that Chibs feels the urge to intervene, he knows how much you hate people in your personal space, it’s worse now since Galen and the fact the other man is crossing that boundary… It ignites something violent inside of him. He has no doubt that you can handle yourself but that protective instinct, it surges through every single one of his nerve endings. He strides towards you with purpose, his palm coming to rest on your lower back as his lips brush lightly over your temple.
“I’m sorry I’m late love.” He says in his thick Scottish lilt before he meets the other man’s gaze with ire.
His demeanour changes instantly. His eyes stray to the scars embedded in Chib’s skin before he swallows hard. He knows who he is, everyone here does. He may not be wearing his kutte or have his tattoos on display, but they know. You don’t keep your relationship a secret.
“My partner, Filip Telford.” You introduce him.
Chibs narrows his eyes just a little and the other man retreats, tugging at his bowtie as he disappears towards the bar.
“And thank you for scaring off that asshole.” You say, tilting your head up towards him.
That fucking smile. It gets him every time.
It’s like seeing the sun blossom over the horizon for the very first time. His thumb chases over the blush of your cheek, his lips brushing over yours. The kiss is heated and soft, filled with a tenderness that he reserves only for you.
“I know I haven’t been much of a partner recently; I’m trying to work on that.” He says gruffly as his forehead comes to rest upon yours.  
“I know how it is.” You tell him, your fingertips trailing along the back of his neck as he holds you close. “You’ve been managing a very volatile situation.”
The two of you are at the edge of the dance floor. The music shifts into Sam Cook’s ‘You Send Me’ and you find yourself swaying in time with it. It feels like you’re the only two people in the world right now, this moment, the sensation of being with Filip, it’s perfect.
“You’re the most important thing in the world to me love.” He tells you, his voice rough with emotion. “Don’t you ever doubt that.”
Love Chibs? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
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amf-studios · 2 months
You know what? I'm bored. Let's stur the pot a little. @mystic-warriors already has a series on "what your favorite yokai says about you" so this is:
What your favorite yokai watch ship says about you; wild accusation edition!
(Take all of this with a grain of salt.)
Natie(Nate x Katie): you're boring. You ship the Canon ships in everything because you lack imagination, and you probably love Shadowside, and we're made when Katie wasn't initially playable in 3
Nailey(Nate x hailey): you're ideal relationship dynamic is wacky hijinks in which shenanigans ensue. Yokai watch 3 is probably your favorite game, and you're likely a weeb.
Bucknate: you're ideal relationship dynamic is wacky hijinks in which shenanigans ensue. Yokai watch 3 is probably your favorite game, and you're likely gay or a fujoshi
Bucknaily(Buck x Nate x Hailey): you're ideal relationship dynamic is the three stooges. And 3 is definitely your favorite game.
Kailey(Katie x Hailey): be it lesbian or bi, you are of the opinion there is no universe in which Hailey Anne Thomas is straight
Beddie(bear x Eddie): you ship the leftovers since you know they're never gonna be as important as the other guys
Lucanate(Nate x lucas): you think lucas desperately deserved more screen time
Keiyuto(keita/Nate x Yuto): you really like the second movie, and it amazes you more people don't bring up the time Nate talked someone out of suicide.
Jailey(Hailey x Jessica) same as the Kailey shippers, but you acknowledge mainline Hailey and Katie have never properly met.
Hailibel(Hailey x Isabel): same as the kailey shippers, but you're ideal relationship dynamic is nerd x prep.
Nate x blizzaria: you're probably a Japanese fan, Blizzaria is your favorite yokai, and you subsist purely on fanart.
Damonate(Nate x Damona): same as the last one just switch out the ice bitch. You also probably prefer goths, are aware Nate is canonically attracted to aggressive women... or you're name is Chiaki amf studios. XP
Nate x Toiletta: you acknowledge that Toiletta has a pretty screwed up backstory due to being Hanako-San, and want good things for her.
Katie x Venoct: you are just the Blizzaria x Nate shippers but with the opposite genders, and an unhealthy attachment to Sasuke.
Katie x kyubi: you ship this out of pity for Kyubi. This is a pity ship.
Most Manjimutt ships: jail.
Manjimutt x mermother: you either really like that one episode of the reboot, or your a couple of my friends who hate how the anime portrayed Manjimutt and want to give him something good.(you know who you are.)
Arachnius x toadel dude: i don't think there's anything I can say that hasn't already been said about you.
Robonyan x B3-NK1: you're either gay, a fujoshi, or you just respect they managed to have a robot cat get pegged on a shos that aired on DISNEY.
And that's about all I can think of right now :P.
If this post does well enough I'll think of more
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but-a-humble-goon · 7 days
Adam Taurus Stans confuse me. Like, of all characters to die on they chose the Worst Guy in the show, and will swear up and down how cool he is on account of “black and red Iaido sword fighting is cool.”
For the exact same reason they get mad at the RWBY girls for developing outside of their initial seemingly two dimensional personalities. RWBY early on managed to attract the kind of people to its fanbase that subsist entirely on shit like Sword Art Online (or worse). Anime where the girls exist solely to be assembly line waifus distinguishable entirely by a small handful of endlessly repeatable shallow personality types so ubiquitous they literally have their own names
Category:Dere Types | Dere Types Wiki | Fandom Likewise the men exist solely to be avatars of pure, shameless power fantasy. Bland, empty cyphers the male audience can more easily project themselves onto. We call it bad writing, they call it the entire point. A lot of people like to use Jaune as their self insert but he is a gigantic loser and some people aren’t into that. Emphasis on some because the entire harem genre is built on loser protagonists which is why this fandom has so much of that going on. But still a lot of people were waiting for their Kirito. A badass edgy sigma male Gary Stu. Ren's much less of a loser than Jaune but also very much does not fit into that category. Wouldn't you know it though, there is exactly one other relatively age appropriate male character in the show from the start and he totally does meet that criteria if that's what you're looking for. In fact he fits the bill suspiciously well... Before we knew anything about him, before he'd had any screentime outside of the trailer and one five second long ending reveal in Volume 2, Adam Taurus had already been pre-selected as the designated male power fantasy self insert by a huge swathe of the audience. And to be fair that was intentional on the part of the show. It's not an accident that Adam is a walking goulash of things weebs are hardwired to have wet dreams over. The entire point of him was to brutally deconstruct the exact archetype of character he represents. The problem is we're dealing with media literacy on par with the average deep sea invertebrate. So season 3 happens and all the normal people went "oh wow that Adam Taurus guy is a creepy abusive psycho stalker and a complete monster, I can't to see him get his comeuppance" but all of the guys I've been talking about were instead sat there like "...so when does the power fantasy begin?" Then by the time they realized two entire seasons later that they were the ones being made fun of they were already very committed to this character. Channels like Eruptionfang had already put out playlists of media analysis videos examining the complexities of this completely made up version of the character that existed solely in the realm of their imagination who, were he ever real, would be the perfect sigma male antihero they were so desperately waiting for. Bit hard to just accept you were wrong by that point.
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gacha-incels · 2 months
The "if there's men I don't play" situation in CN is actually funnier than it sounds.
So, the thing about CN is that a lot of players like to track their favorite game's revenue, and playing a game with high monthly revenue can somehow make them feel better about themselves.
And these dudes' ideal game is kinda like those bullshit isekai clones where the player character is the only man living in a world full of conventionally attractive women whose lives centered around them and them only.
There fellas were loud so a lot of gaming companies chose to pander them. One of the more well-known game, the literal gospel for these dudes, was Snowbreak: Contaminant Zone (Imma call it SCZ for short). It's one of those softcore porn game targeting dudes who are too repulsive for real women.
And SCZ's revenue got steam rolled by Arknights, another CN game knows to have lots of women players and an active fandom composed of mostly women, every single month. Like Ak isn't some saint game made by saint company, but they do have record of firing male employee for engaging in hate speech against women using one of the company's social media account, so they had a relatively decent reputation among gaming women in China comparing to other companies.
So the SCZ dudes gets salty for not being the "silenced majority". They launched an attack on the game, spamming discussion forums when Arknights released a male character (Ulpianus), who debuted like a year ago and was presented in multiple story updates, this May, attempt to stir up community problem by pairing him up with a popular female character(Skadi) who was released at launch.
Now here's the problem. There are some dudes who want male characters out of Arknights completely, but they're like, 1% or something. Most people who played doesn't give half a rat ass about SCZ dude's big problem with fictional men existing.
Furthermore, the two character they attempted to pair together already had plenty of build-up to their relationship, and both the story's narrative and the fandom treat their relationship as teacher-apprentice/father-daughter. So their attack was largely viewed as "out of nowhere" and "ridiculous". They were also ridiculed by the community, people just kinda take their words and made a bunch of copypasta about popular ships in the fandom out of it.
And Arknights's playerbase was huge. It launched at the best time for mobile games in CN and it's the few weeb game that people who aren't into anime or gaming heard about or played. Heck it was even viewed as some sort of cultural phenomenon that influenced the UI, art style, story etc. of mobile games that comes after it. So the playerbase was huge, and the majority of it wasn't even aware that there was an attack at all.
So yeah the attack was as big as an ant bite on an elephant at best. Then these dudes go back to their little echo chamber enjoy their self-declared victory on Arknights. Then life continuous on as usual.
Also these dudes seems to have found a few more new CN exclusive gachas and called praised them too nabraska and back for not containing male characters in promotional trailers, only to be supersized by like one or two playable dudes at launch. Those lads were seething in the comments.
Also the Japanese Himedanshi/Himejoshi(people who enjoys yuri) community mistakenly interpreted their goal to be "only lesbian relationships allowed, no hetero bullshit". Funniest shit.
the snowbreak game is crazy lol truly the future of incel gacha. I feel bad for the women who just wanted to see lesbian relationships.
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I’m glad they could be totally ridiculed humbled even though AK pulled this shit on their KR server which was never addressed by Hypergryph. This is at least really funny though. These guys seem to always try this “cuckolding” bait with the characters to make people riled up specifically within these Chinese incel gacha communities. I’ve seen the craziest shit recently looking into the newest clusterfuck going on with them and that Genshin Impact character “Wanderer” they seem to hate to an insane degree. after this I looked up their upcoming white pharaoh ™️ banners, it’s so many female characters and they still lose their shit like this about existing male characters… I think there was also a huge blowup with “Girls Frontline 2” with some assumed cuckolding issue, and the CN Blue Archive server literally had to issue an apology for doing a collab with the game Mahjong Soul because the BA players thought they were being cuckolded by the MA players
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I don’t want to get too deeply into the more niche aspects of it because it’s not the main focus of this blog and I feel like I’m falling down a rabbit hole of info lol. but when I have a little more time maybe, just so I know I won’t be rushing and using a place like reddit to double check things. But thank you to everyone who has sent info, it’s been interesting to read about and see how it compares to the other movements chronicled here. It’s been hard to find some of this information in English so thank you to everyone who has ever sent a message for writing to me in English as well. Thank you for your patience. I’m trying to learn Korean on my own now so I can actually speak with Korean feminists in their own language and read their works without machine translation….
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number1mongrel · 11 months
Very excited to see your Top 10 Gilgamesh Babygirl Moments compilation once you finish FSR
YEAH YEAH EAYEHAYEHEA ok so hes so so cute he's got so many good moments but here we go, under the cut bc spoilers. honestly there's even more than just this list here i might have to add more than 10 later!!!
10. he uses his clairvoyance to always know what iori and saber will do and tests them with trials to see if they live up to his expectations
9. he gets really mad when another merchant starts spreading false rumors about his store having illegally high prices and having terrible customer service (to which saber says the latter is true tho lol). he's running a business but he keeps his prices fair thank you very much!!! (and when later he's going to charge iori 100000 for the plate for aria he's willing to lower the price for making a statue of him (mentioned later)
8. when he meets cu they have an instant cat/dog reaction to each other where they act like bitter exes i love it
7. after the other servants get possessed iori and saber asks how he was able to not be affected, and gil basically says he was built different lololol. a reference both to his divinity and how he's unable to be corrupted by grail mud
6. when he goes looking in another part of town with iori and saber he keeps wandering off by himself like a kid at the grocery store, only to criticize the other two for not keeping up with him
5. he's so cute with the local kids!! he knows them by name and spends time hanging out with them to the point where it becomes trouble to his business at times lmao
4. when you do his optional boss fight he dons a japanese version of his archer armor WHAT A WEEB. it looks so good tho!!!
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2. when gil finds out iori carves buddha statues in his spare time he asks iori to carve a statue of him!!!! to attract customers!!!!! ITS SO CUTE ITS SO CUTE WHEN YOU SELL THEM BACK TO HIM HE'S GENUINELY IMPRESSED. and the flavor text of "the gentle smile was iori's artistic license" LMAO
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wjehfshs · 4 months
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We got another pedo here… they just keep piling up
1- it all just seems like that you’re all jealous that I’m allowed and it’s normal for me to be attracted to the avatar teens (not Tsireya tho she’s 13 and I’m 16 too much of an age gap).
2- why are you so desperate to jack off to TEENAGERS?
3- just because Neteyam passed his rite of passage doesn’t automatically mean he’s an adult by physical standards. By social Na’vi standards? Maybe socially he’s looked at as an adult yeah. But he’s still physically a teen. He hangs out WITH THE OTHER TEENS who haven’t passed the rite of passage
4- neither Kiri or Ao’nung (or any of the other teens either) have passed the rite of passage so it’s weird for her to sexualise Ao’nung and weird for you to say Kiri has passed it
5- it gives off the same energy as “weebs” who say “well erm actually she may look 7 but she’s 5295893293 years old 🤓☝️!!” Or “the age of consent is different in Japan!”
6- even if they are an adult by Na’vi standards, we aren’t exactly on Pandora are we? We are on earth where the law (at least in my country) it says that anyone under 18 is still a CHILDDDD, even then by most people’s standards, people are still considered a child until they get up to at least 25
7- you seriously don’t look at Neytiri, Jake, Ronal or Tonowari and wanna fuck them? Bc DAYYYUMMM ARE THEY FINE! Tsu’tey’s literally my dad tho
@crushedbug @mygayasslovesbluealiens
@greeneywa I sincerely hope you get the help you obviously need
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transfemme-sys · 1 year
Addressing A Racist Issue In The MOGAI Community (TW : discussion of racism, sexualization, and mentioned SA)
hey. this blog isn't active, and the part behind it isn't active in my system either, but i do still exist. this used to be a MOGAI blog, as i am someone who considered myself (and still do consider myself) a part of the MOGAI community. unfortunately, i kept losing motivation to make flags and the blog has since been abandoned.
that's not what i'm here to discuss. i'm here to talk about an issue i've noticed in the community that has been irritating me for a while : yandere related genders.
for those who don't know, a yandere is a japanese anime trope used to a describe an individual (most often, a woman) who is madly and unhealthily in love with someone, often going to extreme lengths to try and achieve that person's attention.
i am a japanese trans woman with BPD. those who self identify as yanderes most often claim its a label exclusive to those with BPD or OLD, but this is where i see an issue begin. out of everyone i've seen 'reclaiming' this label, *none of them are japanese*. they say the term yandere is harmful against those with BPD and OLD and romanticizes the disorder, which i don't even necessarily disagree with, but here's the thing; the term yandere, most often, is used to sexualize, oppress, and stereotype japanese women. i have experienced things like this myself, firsthand, and i'm sure i'm not the only one out there.
we are fetishized, treated like objects of nothing but attraction. every white weeb wants a yandere anime girlfriend, it'd be so cool to be loved like that to them, but they see a japanese woman on the street and catcall her and call her slurs. asian fishing white women love to cosplay yanderes, but constantly steal and appropriate japanese culture without a second thought to it. the white man may joke with his friends about his new japanese girlfriend, calling her kawaii and yandere and unique for showing even the slightest bit of affection and love for him.
i have never been called a yandere for my BPD. i have seen myself and plenty of others be called yanderes for being japanese. it is, in my opinion, not your term to reclaim. you are not viewed inescapably as 'nekos', 'lolis' 'anime girls', and yes, 'yanderes' in the way that we are. you are not sexually assaulted and harassed and hatecrimed for your BPD like we have been.
i ask, respectfully, that non japanese people stop self identifying with this term. please help spread awareness to this issue with me, share this post in any way you can. i am tired of experiencing constant racism even in safe spaces like the MOGAI community, and i ask that you help me bring an end to it.
thank you, and please be mindful of your actions.
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AITA for telling the truth about punching my stepson?
I am a 29 year old gay trans man. I recently married my husband (51M) and have been trying to bond with my stepson (21M). My husband raised my stepson alone from when he was 10 when my husband's ex-wife stepped out of the picture, and they are very close. He didn't start dating again until about 5 years ago and didn't realize he was attracted to men until a few years ago. He and his son lived in a conservative area until his son went off to college, and his son was kind of confused and upset about his father dating men, and when he found out I was trans he said some hurtful things which gave our relationship a rocky start. He's been much better but our relationship has always been a little awkward and stilted.
He's a big straight cis guy- like he was a linebacker in high school, and was planning on joining a frat until my husband, who is a worrier, talked him out of it and I'm a fat gay trans nerd. We have pretty much nothing in common and he didn't like that his dad was dating a man let alone a trans man who's only 8 years older than him. Between COVID and his college we also haven't spent much time together.
In February my husband and I got married and moved closer to the city where my stepson is in school. He was living on campus when we got married and is living with some friends during the summer, but he does laundry at our house and comes over for dinner at least once a week. We've been trying to get to know each other but it's awkward. My husband really really wants us to be closer and has tried to come up with activities we all enjoy to do together so it'll be less awkward.
He likes sports and martial arts and I did aikido as a kid for weeb reasons so I offered to take us to a beginner martial arts class and to take him and his friends out to dinner sometimes because they're college students and I work in computer programming, and though I have going out with friends money now, I remember the appeal of free food in college.
He took me up on the class and I thought things were going well but then one week he took me up on the food thing and his friends were uncomfortable because I'm 29 years old and he introduced me as his stepdad and they were what I would describe as playfully trans and homophobic. I brushed it off because it's a weird situation and i figured they were trying to diffuse the tension.
The next week when we got to class one of his friends was there. He and his friend spent the class hanging out with each other and ignoring me which hurt but I tried to brush it off.
When we got to sparring towards the end of class I was paired with my stepson and so we were sparring normally.
Full disclosure I've taken a few self defense classes and have been assaulted. This is not an excuse but it is the reason for the next bit.
My stepson's friend was goading us while we were sparring and stepped a little too close which knocked us both off our game and when my stepson went in for a normal grab, I freaked out a little and fully decked him in a totally illegal move. The second it happened I stepped away and started apologizing like crazy.
My stepson's nose was bleeding and the instructor was immediately right there to help him. My stepson said it was fine and laughed it off and said he was just bummed he would have to sit out the rest of class but he'd come up with a good story to tell girls and it would get him dates.
The friend also apologized for getting too close.
The instructor said he had been about to call for us to stop because we were too close to other people and he could see that I had panicked and that it would be okay because everyone signed waivers, but I should probably hold off sparring for now and we'd talk about what set me off so it wouldn't happen again. He was really nice about it, apparently he teaches self defense to survivors and recognized my reaction.
My stepson and I sat out the rest of class and I apologized a few more times and he kept brushing it off before he finally snapped and said it was fine because I punch like a girl anyway. He then got a ride with his friend.
When I got home I immediately went to my husband to tell him what happened and apologize and ask what he thought I should do to fix the situation. When I got to my husband he said that my son had already called him and told him everything and that neither he nor my stepson were upset with me. That these things happen and I shouldn't blame myself. I asked how I should make it up to my stepson and my husband said i didn't need to do anything and something like accidents happen or something. I just kind of let it go and decided to see how things went the next time I saw my stepson.
The next time my stepson came over, it became apparent that my stepson had lied to my husband about what happened. My husband believed that "some anxious chick" from the class had been the one to freak out and punch my stepson.
I wanted to be honest with my husband but I didn't want to upset my stepson and between the "punch like a girl" and the "some anxious chick" I felt like there's something more going on with why he lied to my husband. I wanted to talk to my stepson about it but he's been ignoring me since telling me that I punch like a girl.
My stepson ignored me and I avoided talking about the whole situation to my husband for about 10 days. It was causing me constant guilt and anxiety but I really wanted to talk to my stepson first.
Last night my husband mentioned that my stepson's bruise is finally completely gone and I broke down and told him everything. He was upset with both his son and me. He said that he could understand me accidentally hitting his son but keeping it from him made him feel like it was malicious. He said he needed time to process, so we didn't really talk about it, or at all after that. Between me punching his kid and lying and his son also lying and blaming a woman for it, my husband is mad at both of us, as apparently his son calling me a 'woman' to upset my husband has been a thing.
Evidently he called my stepson about it because when my stepson came by the house to get his laundry today, he was furious with me for "narcing on us" and allowing his dad to "blow things out of proportion."
I know lying in the first place was bad, but aita for telling my husband the truth after my stepson and I had seemingly agreed to keep it secret, especially without talking to my stepson first?
What are these acronyms?
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sabakos · 4 months
The whole pervasive "yaoi is for women, bara is for men" stereotype that exists in various online weeb spaces is hilarious because of how laughably out of touch it is with like. Actual preferences of gay men? Like yeah I'm sure being an effeminate twink is such a curse to your dating life that you might as well not even have a grindr because you won't get any matches ever. Definitely the *real* gay men out there are only attracted to other men who are hairy, fat, and muscular, so you gotta hit the gym and then mcdonalds every day if you wanna get laid.
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