#to be fair neither is Francois
alatismeni-theitsa · 10 months
Γεια σου θείτσα! Λίγο από το πουθενά θα είναι αυτό που θα ρωτήσω μα έχω μια απορία: γιατί όλες οι μεταγενέστερες απεικονίσεις της Κασσάνδρας την παρουσιάζουν ως κοκκινομάλλα; Η παλαιότερη αναπαράστασή της ως κοκκινομάλλα που μπορώ να βρω είναι από Ρωμαικό ψηφιδωτό στην Πομπηία που αν δεν απατώμαι χρονολογείται κάπου στα μ. Χ. Οι πιο παλιές δε αναπαραστάσεις της Κασσάνδρας την απεικονίζουν ως μαυρομάλλα, όπως βέβαια απεικονίζουν και όλους ή και τους περισσότερους χαρακτήρες επάνω σε αγγεία, όπως και τον Αχιλλέα, που τα μαλλιά του παραδοσιακά είναι ξανθά. Μήπως μου ξεφεύγει κάποια πηγή ή υπάρχει κάποιος συμβολισμός πίσω από αυτή την επιλογή που μου διαφεύγει; Ευχαριστώ πολύ όπως και να χει! 😊
Νε καλησπερα σας, ξερω οτι αργησα εναν μηνα και βαλε να απαντησω και ελπιζω η πληροφορια αυτη να ειναι ακομα χρησιμη 😄 Θα συνεχισω στα Αγγλικα αν δε σε πειραζει, για να το βρει ο οποιοσδηποτε αυτο το ποστ και να μπορεσει να το διαβασει.
I think there's a wide range of hair colors Cassandra could have.
Cassandra's beauty was even compared to that of Aphrodite* and Helen of Troy. Aphrodite has been depicted with blond, brown, orange, and black hair by the ancient Greeks, so Cassandra could have any of those colors too.
*The Iliad, Book 24 "Neither was any other ware of them, whether man or fair-girdled woman; but in truth Cassandra, peer of golden Aphrodite, having gone up upon Pergamus, marked her dear father as he stood in the car…."
Then we have this Etruscan fresco of the Francois Tomb, depicting her with black (or at least dark) hair.
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The names are Etruscan and mirrored in the picture (Caśntra is Cassandra).
Cassandra was also described by the chronicler Malalas in his account of the Chronography as "shortish, round-faced, white, mannish figure, good nose, good eyes, dark pupils, blondish, curly, good neck, bulky breasts, small feet, calm, noble, priestly, an accurate prophet foreseeing everything, practicing hard, virgin".
Meanwhile, in the account of Dares the Phrygian, she was illustrated as ". . .of moderate stature, round-mouthed, and auburn-haired."
Soooo... anything goes, really 😂
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thetisming · 1 year
do you guys know about when Frankie says "MAY! my father didn't approve when i wanted to be with the wrong woman, what would he think if i wanted to be with-" and when May says "with me." and when May says "you cant ignore what happened, it's not fair to Juliet" and when Frankie says "what happened was a mistake" and when May says "what happened to no regrets??" and when whataya want from me happens and when the conversation before whataya want from me happens ("so youre going through with the wedding?" "May! i'm sorry, but i made a promise to Juliet, and that was before-" "well, i actually say you first, if we're starting to keep score" "May..." Juliet can marry someone else, we'll find the friar and marry in secret," "May!" "run away together and exile ourselves to Mantua!" "MAY! my father didn't approve when i wanted to be with the wrong woman, what would he think if i wanted to be with-" "with me.") and how it breaks my heart and how much it hurts me and makes me so sad because theyre so in love but hes engaged and they're saying things and they dont want to hurt Juliet but at the same time they really just want Francois and he's saying things and they're saying things and theyre both saying things they dont mean and Francois doesnt know what to do and May doesnt know what to do and neither of them know what to do or how to go about this and they dont know if they can get through it but theyre just so in love and it isnt fair to either of them it just isnt fair and and and. do you know about that
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breitzbachbea · 4 years
Drabble #60
Triggerwarning for: Implied Child Abuse, Past Trauma
The following drabble talks about/alludes to physical & mental child abuse and its possible consequences. There is no graphic description of abuse. If any of these topics trigger you, please prepare yourself accordingly or don't read this drabble.
Please take care of yourself and if you decide to read the drabble, enjoy it!
Just two bros being dudes, chilling zero feet apart and overusing ancient Greek mythology references because they’re gay.
Drabble Collection on Ao3 Ship: GreSic Human AU/Organized Crime AU
 “Isn't it just like two shipwrecked men clinging to one another?” Michele asked after they were done and laid together.
 What a cruel question it was, to talk right about the reason for why they were seeking solace in each other's arms. But since he apparently felt such a tremendous need to talk about it, he must have hurt and so vetoing him from speaking would have been cruel as well.
 “Mhm,” was all the answer Herakles could muster. He didn't want to philosophize for once, not about his own pain. He didn't want to think of this as convenience.
 Michele laughed, head still against his chest and Herakles arm wrapped around him. His hair was sweaty and messy and he welcomed that a lot more than his usual neat look.
 “We've clung to each other because we both needed someone to understand our pain and ask no questions.”
 There was a hickie on his neck. A big one. He liked it but didn't dare to reach out and run the back of his fingers over it. To cause pain while other wounds still and clearly were open wasn't a good idea.
Trauma. Greek for wound. The blood from the hickey only seeped into his skin, but a far deeper trauma sputtered from his mouth. Maybe all the blood from the bruises that his father had caused him, he had swallowed and now vomited it back out.
 “Even now they're dead, we're clinging to each other because we want to forget and we need distraction. Even now I feel like I have to hide from them and find a way to make something lovely to hide all the pain.” He laughed again and buried his face into his chest. For a moment, Herakles feared that he'd began to sob any second now.
 So he took his hand and caressed his side with the other.
 “Focus on the lovely,” he said when Michele looked at him. “They're gone. For good. There's nothing we have to hide now.”
 Michele gave him a pained smile at first, but it turned more and more genuine as time passed.
 He lowered his voice and softly, added: “Do you really see this as nothing more than a distraction?”
 “No, no, no” he said, looked up and sat up. He didn't let go or shook off Herakles' hand. “Of course not, my dearest friend. It's not just distraction, you're not just anyone to me.” He looked him straight in the eyes and they ended up staring at each other for a while.
 What a man he had become, with what authority in his face. Not that he could see any of it right now, for the kind but tired and scared boy he used to know was all too evident in his features. If he was a Trojan Prince somehow gone too far ashore, he was Paris and not Hector in this moment.
 He caressed his cheek with the hand that was not held and Michele leaned into the touch.
 “I think we shouldn't think of this as distraction, but as celebration of our freedom,” he said and Michele's pretty eyes fluttered open again. “We can do whatever we want.” He realized what he just had said and sat up himself, with an electrified grin on his face and now cupped Michele's face with both of his hands. “We can do whatever we want,” he repeated, his voice no more than an excited whisper, because any louder and it would break. “No more restraints, there's nothing that could ever hold us back now.”
 Michele smiled at him, but it was more of a tired and derisive smile.
 “Sure, we can look at it like this,” he said.
 “Are you not thrilled?” Herakles asked. He leant in closer to him and cocked his head as if he searched in his face. “Where did your enthusiasm go? Where's the Michele again who, just months ago, sat in this bed with enough enthusiasm to conquer the world? Where did my Alexander go?” To know that Alexander had been an insulting nickname for his own father by Funda Adnan still stung a little, but his father never had wanted the title and not deserved it, anyways.
 Michele snorted. “I think he might have died in Paris. Or, if I'd rather say that I'm Achilles, I died through Paris.” He sighed and rubbed his cheek against one of his hands with closed eyes. “I'll have to go back there tomorrow.”
 “Do you really have to?”
 “I'll have to end what I started. I'm not going to draw my horns in and live it down, that'd be even more cowardly than what François is trying to do.”
 Herakles looked at him with a soft smile before he kissed his forehead. “Don't get killed up there,” he said. “I'd much rather have you safe at home with your loved ones without glory than dying for your ego. Don't be an Achilles.”
 Michele sighed and it might have been a failed snort. Throughout it all, he hadn't opened his eyes once until now. “Bold words to come from an Alexander like you. Are you going to Ankara again soon? Or Istanbul?”
 His smile was still soft. “I might,” he said. “If you're going to leave me for Paris.”
 “Oh, believe me, I'm not going to have half the fun in Paris that you and he are going to have.” He kissed the palm of his hand and then left a trail of kisses down his arms. “Even if I want to sleep with François out of frustration, just so that I don't have to talk with him, for god's sake.” Michele had briefly talked himself into a rage, but it was gone with a sigh and his next words: “I'll only remember how good this night was and be disappointed.”
 Herakles chuckled about this and Michele shot him a roguish smile before Herakles kissed him.
 During the kiss, one hand wandered down to the hickie and he stroked it with his thumb. He could feel Michele shiver underneath his hands.
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pilferingapples · 4 years
What are your top 10 Brick jokes that modern readers/non-French readers don't get?
Oh geez, what a good question!   Keep in mind that i am also  both a Modern Reader and Not French, so I am sure there’s still tons  of stuff I am missing, I still find new things all the time , thanks, temporal translation gap!  All the same, of course now I am asked I am forgetting I ever saw a Joke!  but some that delighted me to realize:
1- Bossuet/Legle de Meaux: Gad, it’s just. Such a good pun. Such a good, quality, simple name pun. It would have been totally obvious to anyone at the time! Probably still obvious to people who grow up with French educations now!  But I had no idea until someone explained it!  and when it’s explained it unlocks like five other puns right away and probably more ! And it hints at his role a little ! A good pun, a fair pun, and I love watching every new generation of fans discover it and groan. The gift that keeps on giving, there. 
2-Gillenormand Hates Hernani:  very true to the character, true to the period, and a signature humblebrag for Hugo, all in one. Totally lost on an audience where only a relative handful of living nerds know what Hernani even is, but excellent. 
3- On that note, the !!@#$# theater conversation between Bahorel and Combeferre. Frigging impenetrable  unless you know about the big art-and-culture battle going on at the time, and then absolutely amazing. Otherwise, just a weird moment of Combeferre insulting ducks :( 
4- “ "She could not, however," (Marius) thought, "help feeling esteem and consideration for me, if she only knew that I am the true author of the dissertation on Marcos Obregon de la Ronde, which M. Francois de Neufchateau put, as though it were his own, at the head of his edition of Gil Blas."- Neufchateau’s Gil Blas came out in 1820, when Marius would have been a child, but that’s not the point; the point  is that Neufchateau hired Hugo on to do some of the writing, which soon turned into most of the writing, on the cited essay, and never credited Hugo.  Extremely Petty Vengeaaaance!!
5- Feuilly/Feuille, oh good grief, Hugo XD
6- “The charter metamorphosed in flame” , totally  lost on English, from “ la chatte métamorphosée en femme ”.  Chatte/chartre and cat/charter just..don’t play well together; neither does woman/flame. Alas!
7- “ Thérèse les enfantait, Jean-Jacques les enfantrouvait.” --Courfeyrac’s little speech to Marius, which makes a pun on the enfant trouves  orphanages.  It’s easy enough to translate the “meaning” of the joke -- “Therese brought the children into their family and Jean-Jacques took them out” kind of thing -- but very hard to get the pun across , and the family life of the Rousseaus is probably also not a common topic rn.:P 
8- “An old coat is like an old friend” is a decent saying in English but the habit/ami  pun and its relation to Joly’s cold is totally lost, as is the Béranger song that makes it all more heartbreaking
9-The “Echo, plaintive nymph” joke in Back Room of the Musain, and the Fleuve de Tage song that goes with it 
10- Grantaire is the master of the Floral Games!-- and so was Victor Hugo , which people were very likely to know at the time , the way people do know weird trivia about celebrities. But how many modern non-French readers know or care that Hugo took top honors multiple times in a poetry contest as a kid?  Heck, how many non-French readers even know the Toulouse Floral Games as a thing?  It’s part of a potential self-drag (along with the nod to his dad wanting him to be into maths) that I find very interesting! 
...there are more but I will think of them only long after I post this, I am sure!!
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weirdponytail · 4 years
@shepgarrus tagged me!
Rules: tag as many people you want to catch up with/get to know better and answer these questions!
Three ships
• Shakarian is pretty dope and just so soft. I can’t wait to cuddle the space velociraptor in 4KHD. 
• Modern Inheritance!Eragon and Arya because canon version is...way too fast and a lil squick. Is it fair to tag my own version of a ship? Who knows. 
• Roy Mustang x Riza Hawkeye (Royai) (internally screaming)
Last 5 songs you listened to
• Winside - Reapers (Mass Effect 3 Leaving Earth Dubstep Remix)
• Colter Wall - The Devil Wears a Suit and Tie 
• The Dead South - Gunslinger’s Glory
• Big Bad Voodoo Daddy - Save My Soul
• Jeff Williams - Sharkface/Rooftop
Currently watching
I got introduced to the 90s ‘dramedy’ ER, and it’s freakin’ DELIGHTFUL! I love it!! and I can skip all the weird scenes with inter-office romance, WHICH ISN’T EVEN A MAIN PLOT!!
Currently reading
'Wrecked on a Reef -or- Twenty Months Among the Auckland Isles,’ the written record of Francois Raynal about his and his companion’s twenty months shipwrecked on an island. You can read it for free online here! 
It’s actually really quite interesting! I’m a sucker for survival, and these 5 guys worked well together, supported each other, and went nearly two years on this tiny little island. Out of the 5 men on the Grafton, their ship, not one of them died. Meanwhile, on the LITERAL OTHER SIDE of the SAME ISLAND, 4 months into the Grafton men’s time shipwrecked, a ship called the Invercauld also wrecked, with a crew of 25. Only 3 survived. Neither group had contact. But only one cared for its sick and injured. Can you guess which? 
I highly recommend it.
(...I’ve also been reading a lot of ‘Docs/Nurses of Reddit, what’s your worst XYZ’ threads. For hours. Just...so terrible. But so horrifically satisfying to read for some reason.)
How’s it going?
I’m goin’ okay! I just finished my semester with Bs in both my courses (thought I would be half on campus so reduced my load) despite some just really hands off ‘teaching’ for the main one. I’ve got a medical scan tomorrow that’s gonna hopefully shed some light on something that’s been bothering me for two years now, but super anxious about the scan procedure. I’ll be okay though! 
Looking forward to my archeology/anthropology heavy course load this fall. Have a few games that need playing during the break, and I have 20 lbs of flintknapping stone waiting for me under the tree come Christmas. Plus I now have time to write more stuff when the fancy strikes, so here’s to that! 
Tag It!
Who to tag, who to tag..... mmmmm, @shows-up-naked-covered-in-bees,  @someeragonmemes, @archangelsunited, @whattheduck94 aaaand @falconfate
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pcssessicn · 4 years
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☆ . · . miguel bernardeau, twenty-one, male, he / him . · . ☆ fitzwilliam 'fitz' phénix-alvarez lives in that huge mansion over there! no, not that one. look for white stucco walls & terracotta shingles and that’ll be it. the nhl defenseman has offered occasional glimpses of soft yellow walls and an impressive collection of plants in the background of social media posts, but all of that is nothing compared to seeing the opulence in person. they’ve remained protective as ever since moving to tercet court two months ago, but it seems like they might’ve gotten a little more mistrustful too. maybe that’s why they’re rumored to have such a distant relationship with everyone else who lives on this street. ☆ . · . ooc info: ollie, they / them, 21, est . · . ☆ career claim: cale ma/kar.
Full name: Fitzwilliam Phénix-Alvarez Nickname: Fitz Birth date: September 29th Languages: English, Spanish, Quebecois Francois Hometown: 
Age: 21 Weight: 196 lbs Height: 6′2″ Body build: athletic, lean Eye color: grey-blue Faceclaim: Miguel Bernardeau Glasses or contacts: neither 
Tattoos: a raven in flight over his left shoulder blade, monochromatic vines winding up his left bicep
Scars: most predominantly a thin scar near the base of his neck where a skate slashed him when he was fourteen ; several other smaller scars of less note, especially on his hands --- much less noticeable
Good personality traits: observant, calculating, protective Bad personality traits: mistrustful, dishonest, aggressive 
Fitz comes across as very confident and in control, and at ease in his skin. The truth couldn’t be farther from it. He works hard to put forward the easy front he does --- and some days he can’t tell which one is more real. He has a dishonest smile that masquerades as honest, and a tendency to manipulate those around him when necessary to shed suspicion off himself. He can be almost charming at times, at least extremely amiable. Despite all this, Fitz is not rash or impulsive -- in fact everything he does is carefully calculated, though he goes to great lengths so it does not come across as so. The one place he feels truly effortless is on the ice.
He finds it hard to truly allow people close to him and to really see beyond the most superficial layers of himself. Furthermore, there is a deep-seated fear of not being enough and being forgotten ; he finds it easier to not let anyone close so there’s less chance of this happening.
THE STORY ( i rly was gunna try to write this nice and eloquently but... u get this instead 😔 )
— fitz was born to up and coming spanish actress reyna alvarez in chicago. the result of a messy one-night stand, but reyna ultimately decided to keep the baby. he is indeed named after fitzwilliam darcy from pride and prejudice bc his mother’s first breakout role was in a film adaptation of the book and she loved the book after reading it. how unfortunate for him.
— his birth father was never in the picture, but the man he would come to know as his father came into the picture a year or so after his birth. already one of the top architects in north america, paul robert phenix was in chicago for a conference and he and reyna fell in love. fitz has been told it’s was all very romantic. so then the happy family moved to pittsburgh where his father’s architecture firm was based.
— despite growing up with two parents who raked in a fair amount of cash, they made sure nothing was just given to fitz. they’d both had their humble beginnings and big believers in tough love, they made sure not to spoil their son. they did however make sure he was sheltered from the media when it poked around and the two things they did pay for without question were his education and sports.
— he started playing hockey when he was six after seeing a pens game on tv while they were out at dinner and knowing he just had to do it --- and never stopped. he got recruited to the us national team development program when he was sixteen and spent his last two years of high school in michigan living with a billet family most do who are with the program, which gave him a huge sense of “normalcy.” but really he was far from normal, his development taking great steps over those two years leading up to his draft year.
— queue the cale ma/kar career claim lads aka all the hockey development & logistics u can probably skip if u don’t care laksdjf: 
 one year before graduation and a draft, he vocally committed to playing at university of massachusetts - amherst. he went fourth overall to the la kings in the 2017 draft ( yeah technically irl that pick belonged to the avs but sh ), and proceeded to remain loyal to his commitment and play two years at umass despite his new top five prospect status. he was put into a first pair role from the start of his freshman year ( 2017-18 ), was a huge part in bringing the umass team up from the bottom of the standings. he plays for team usa in world juniors 2017 and 2018.
his sophomore year ( 2018-19 ), they make it all the way to the frozen four. fitz gets announced as the hobey baker winner and the day after they get knocked out of the tournament. not long after that he signs his entry contract with the kings and finishes out the season with them. he scores his first nhl goal on his first shot in game 3 of the first round of playoffs irl the kings don’t make playoffs but again shh. they get knocked out in the first round and fitz goes home and trains harder than ever.
he come back to kings training camp the next season ( 2019-20 ) more determined than ever to make the team. he does so out of camp and has an incredible rookie campaign. he gets injured in december and misses a few games but is back mid-january. fitz is given the calder ( award that goes to the best rookie in the nhl ) at the end of the season. technically cale hasn’t won this yet but we all know he will.
— la is a bustling city and fitz is a fan of one night stands : he just doesn’t feel like he has time for a relationship and hookups scratch that itch. he’s not an asshole about it, really. there is typically that understanding that this is a one time, no strings attached thing. but this one girl he sleeps with in march obviously does not get this memo and continues to not get the memo. she starts seriously stalking him in the following months and eventually he gets a restraining order against her ( use ur imagination kids ). he’s not really comfortable staying in his own apartment downtown for the time being though after he still sees her around. he stays with a teammate until the season ends, which then brings us to his connection to tercet court.
— paul robert phenix, now world reknowned architect, had a hand in designing several of the homes on tercet court, including one in the style of old money spanish mediterrianian villas that he designed with his wife in mind to be their new home. fitz’s mother had loved the house and moved in for a few years after the court opened but with her taking fewer roles up in the movie industry and getting exceedingly more lonely, she decided to embrace the more nomadic livestyle of her husband and moved out about a year and a half ago. since then the home stood vacant ( though certainly still cared for by several paid landscapers and maids ) until fitz’s dilemma arose a few months ago.
— a few phone calls and a begrudging agreement to pay the extremely steep taxes on the place for the year ( again, tough love and fitz may be a pro-athlete but he’s still making less than a million a year with his entry level contract ), and fitz moved in about two months ago ( say mid-may ).
— tri-lingual. father is french-canadian and his mother is spanish. needless to say he grew up a little confused. that worked itself out soon enough though. uses he uses quebois french in-season kind of frequently to talk to a couple teammates. really only uses his spanish to talk to his mother and family.
— since moving in fitz has filled the mansion with plants. he absolutely does not seem like a plant guy but he is... absolutely loves it. his major at umass was kinesology bc he thought it would be the most helpful and knew he wasn’t going to graduate but he snuck in some out-of-major classes on horticulture. truly just likes plants a lot. they don’t judge him.
— probably set up his own puck shooting pad in the backyard. why not there’s enough space. he had to retrieve a couple pucks from the bottom of the pool though which has been good incentive to not miss the net lmao. he also has revamped one of the rooms in the house to have synthetic ice.
— runs in the morning before it gets hot. skates a few days of the week in the afternoon. home gym in the house is definitely a perk but he prefers to work out with others because it feels more productive.
— probably drives like. a range rover.
— offensive defenseman. likes to jump up in the rush and is good at break out passes as well as zone entry. earned his place quarterbacking the first powerplay towards the end of the season. he can be quite physical when he needs to be though and don’t ever go after his goalie. ( his nhl.com player page )
— he’s not a recluse by any means, but he has no desire to built connections in tercet court so probably hasn’t actively reached out. they’re likely to have met outside of the small community or if your character forcibly came and introduced themselves. or if they knew each other already mayhaps??
— oh and he’s bi. like really really bi. obv not advertised given his career path but he’s not having some crisis over it either. it just is. probably has a stack of nda’s next to the condoms ready to go at anytime alsdkfj.
hey lads. i’m ollie !! for those around for round 1.0 of this rp i played alya ( the sports photog ). i am back and this time going back to what i do best : playing hockey boys 😔😔😔.
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Beauty and the Beast is styled to the 1800′s not the 1700′s no I will not shut up
Today’s the day I’m finally salty enough to do this. It’s taken quite some time but finally the time has come. Now, general disclaimer - I have my degree in art history, not fashion history or military history, so I am aware there will be some mistakes. I own up to this, however.
All of this is under the cut
Everyone who does a “historically accurate” Belle always always styles her much like this painting of the Madame du Pompadour by Francois Bouchet painted in 1759 (on display in the Wallace Collection in London):
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If you’ve ever seen one of those redrawings, you’ve seen this or something like it. Now, the Madame du Pompadour was at the height of fashion and witticism and learning etc (don’t come at me, I wrote a 10 page paper about how she chose her own codes of representation for herself to style herself that way) as she was King Louis XV’s mistress. So if you’re going to style a princess after the 1760′s, yes this is a good choice. But alas, Belle’s yellow gown looks nothing like it:
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You put the two side by side and there’s really nothing there to insinuate Belle’s wearing a gown fit for a 1760′s princess (or mistress of the King as the case may be). Instead, it looks an awful lot more like this fashion plate published in Le Follet in 1863:
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Oooh check out that bell shaped skirt, those bare shoulders and arms, and that hair styled down rather than up. That’s not a dress shape you’re gonna see in an era that uses panniers. To illustrate how wildly different skirt shapes are - here’s a 1859 illustration from Punch magazine:
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and an actual pannier in LACMA’s collection:
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So really, if Belle’s dress doesn’t go flying out at the sides like this, it’s not 1700′s.
But you may be saying, “You can’t base everything on Belle’s ballgown! That’s not fair!” Which is a very fair thing to say. So let’s move on to Beast’s outfit in the same scene, shall we?
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Beast sure cuts a nice figure in his best clothes, doesn’t he? He would be wearing the latest fashions as well, if he wants to be on par with Belle, who he loves, and is trying to show that to, wouldn’t he? Great, now that we’re in agreement, let’s look at this.
Notice how his coat cuts back to the side? That doesn’t look at all like a 1700′s greatcoat. For reference, here is a 3 piece court suit in LACMA’s collection from about 1760, on par with the stylizing people usually give to Belle’s dress by way of the Madame du Pompadour:
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Notice how this coat doesn’t cut back at all but just slides down on the same plane the whole way? Notice how highly decorated it can be? We have what’s called “The Great Male Renunciation” to thank for that, which came from French rejections of bourgeoisie dress styles of the Ancien Regime. In short, men’s fashion largely did away with all decoration as seen on the court suit from above (I say largely because of course we have the dandies who rejected that, bless them). Look at Beast’s clothes again, and now let’s look at tailcoats.
Dress styles from The Great Male Renunciation haven’t really changed much, if you go digging. There’s a little fussing about pants hems - should we stay with breeches at the knee or go full length? - but for the most part the lines are the same. Case in point, the tailcoat.
The tailcoat is what one wears for White Tie - which is the highest form of elegant dress. Black Tie is under that, now think about what a Black Tie event looks like. So, fine dress in the 1800′s, what does that look like? Well, here’s an 1805 illustration for the very beginnings:
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And here’s an image of George W. and Laura Bush with Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh from 2007:
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Notice how the tailcoat is still there? How it cuts back rather than slides down the same plane? Let’s look at Beast again, keeping this in mind:
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Yup. That’s a tailcoat. In fact, look at those pants too. What do those look like?
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Oh, right, tuxedo pants with a side stripe. Which did not exist before The Great Male Renunciation.
But again you may be saying “You can’t base everything on evening dress! What about the others?! What about Lumiere and Cogsworth?!” Okay, let’s look at them. Human form, of course.
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Firstly, I don’t exactly know what Lumiere is wearing there, why does he think an open vest (let’s not even try to call that a waistcoat) over shirtsleeves is going to fly at a royal party, but hey, let’s give him the benefit of the doubt of being an inanimate object for ten years, he’s still not totally up on sartorial codes.
So, his breeches and cuffs, those don’t look 19th OR 18th century. In fact, those breeches don’t look like breeches at all, they look like trunk hose, seen here on King James VI and I of Scotland and England (r. 1567/1603-1625) attributed to John de Critz circa 1605 (on display in the Museo del Prado in Madrid):
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The cuffs also look 17th century as well, in fact if that’s supposed to be lace, it looks like the cuffs on van Dyck’s painting of Henri II of Lorraine painted 1634 (on display in the National Gallery of Art in Washington D.C):
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Why does Lumiere look so antique, even next to the theoretical timing of the 1760′s? Probably the same reason this member of staff at Buckingham Palace is dressed for the 1700′s (excepting the hat) while helping Kate Middleton with her wedding dress in 2011:
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Servants of royal households (especially footmen) don’t exactly dress for the times, as it were. They get their livery and they wear it. You’ll see footmen dressed for the 1700′s as much as for the 1800′s nowadays, but in the 1800′s? Your footmen were livered for the previous century no doubt about it.
Cogsworth, as Head of the Household, has a bit more laxity about livery than Lumiere who is...never given a title. He’s just Lumiere. Cogsworth is Head of the Household, rather like a butler, Mrs. Potts is Housekeeper, and Lumiere is...well he’s Lumiere. For arguments sake let’s make him First Footman to be approaching equal status as the others and leave it at that.
Now you may be saying again, “But! Servants maybe aren’t great indicators, sure, but what about the town?! What about Gaston?!” Well, okay.
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No one looks like a weird 19th century re-imagining of medieval eras like Gaston, I guess. Look at that tunic and hose. Looks more like Phillippe le Bon, Duke of Burgundy than a 1700′s man:
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(Granted, Phillippe here is wearing poulaines, a popular long-toed shoe from the 15th c. rather than boots)
19th century re-imaginings of the medieval era were very common (looking at you, Viollet-le-Duc re-imagining what Notre Dame de Paris should have looked like). Dressing like it, maybe not. But nothing about Gaston says “1700′s” to me.
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(Though, neither do these two kids with a turtle outside the bookshop during “Belle” so maybe this is a weird medieval town?)
Let’s take a look at when he’s dressed up to the nines for his “wedding” shall we? Just to keep it fair. Maybe he’s having an off day, sartorially during “Belle.”
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What’s that line in that wedding coat? It seems to move back into being tails like a tailcoat again. Let’s investigate further.
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Yup. Sure looks like that diverts into being tails in this silhouette shot.
So Beast and Gaston are both dressed for the 19th century and Great Male Renunciation with those tailcoats, even if Gaston absolutely must keep to his color palette.
For the sake of covering all our bases, let’s talk about his gun for a second, too. Again, I am an art historian, not a military historian, so I’m not claiming to have full knowledge about all this, mind. But this gun looks like a blunderbuss to me.
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Gaston’s gun
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Ottoman Blunderbuss gun, Circa 1820 (private collection (Knohl Collection))
Notice the barrel shapes? You might even say Gaston’s is exaggerated for visual interest, but there was a very special gun auctioned off in 2016 by Woolley and Wallis, Auctioneers:
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This is a “Fitzgerald patent flintlock signal trumpet, converted musket” that was “sold by appointment to Thomas Clio Rickman” by Willam Fitzgerald in the early 19th century and was patented in 1799.
Granted, this is not a common gun, it was patented, after all, but it does exist. And note the year of 1799, on the cusp of the 19th century, and certainly not the 1760′s. 
Now you may be saying “But the Beast is a Prince! So it must be the 1700′s or the Revolution would have happened!”
The French Revolution of 1789 was a big deal, of course, and yes it did execute plenty “aristos.” Let’s not forget, however, that no one knew the Beast’s castle was there, so the Jacobins probably weren’t beating down the door of the castle anyway and planting liberty trees in the middle of Belle’s “poor provincial town” (unless that weird medieval kid was actually wearing a Phrygian Cap........)
But here’s something to keep in mind. Well, quite a few things.
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When can a man have the title “Prince” in France? Well, the Ancien Regime, of course, and even further back than that. Let’s say Frankia as a starting point c.800 for clarity’s sake, all the way through 1792.
“Why not 1789? That’s the Revolution!” Well, it was the start of it, yes. And it was the storming of the Bastille. But the Revolution began with a period of a Constitutional Monarchy. It wasn’t officially a Republic until 1792, once Louis XVI’s head was in a wicker basket.
Moving on, you could be a Prince as well under Napoleon’s Empire, under the Restoration and the July Monarchy, and Napoleon III’s Second Empire. And even when those fell, people kept their titles. They weren’t getting murdered for them, after all.
Beast being a Prince does not necessitate him to have been alive before 1789. There’s a reason the 1800′s are called the Long Nineteenth Century, a lot of stuff happened really fast all the time. This list doesn’t even cover that time that the city of Paris became an anarchistic commune and so the National Guard was sent out to murder between 10,000 and 20,000 people for it.
All in all, “Beauty and the Beast” is styled to the 1800′s. It’s just obvious once you start looking at it and comparing it to the supposed time it’s equated to. Disney making it into the 1700′s in the live action remake is buying into incorrect readings of it, just like how they made the egg seller sing “That’s too expensive” during “Belle” when the original line is sung by this guy buying a jug.
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diveronarpg · 5 years
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In fair Verona, our tale begins with ORION MASSETTI, who is THIRTY-FOUR years old. He is often called ORSINO by the CAPULETS and works as their SPETTRO. He uses HE/HIM pronouns.
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There’s only one difference between a man with his own interests in mind and a man who claims to serve the mob first: the latter is a LIAR. The only child of a couple who tried to buy their son’s love at every available opportunity by showering him with the finest gifts and then some, Orion Massetti has been—and still is—many things: a spoiled brat, a GLUTTON, and a self-centered ass (he’s always loved that one), but the one thing he’s never been—has never cared to be—is a liar. Most children learned to twist the truth to avoid punishment, but he never had the need; the Massetti’s had created a monster when they’d granted his every wish, and the tantrums he threw put an abrupt end to any and all punishments they might’ve tried to enforce. He’s always prided himself on being brutally honest and sinfully indulgent, two traits he could thank his parents for if he wasn’t so VAIN. Shame is learned, but it’s a lesson he was never taught; likewise, humility is best exercised by those who care enough about the opinions of others to be considerate of their low self-esteems, and Orion has always been too self-absorbed to keep his ego in check—as a matter of fact, it’s the only thing he won’t let another do for him. He prides himself on being the smartest man in the room, and that’s not only in reference to his clothing.
A man can’t play the game and expect to win without getting his hands a little dirty, and he certainly can’t expect to have any fun without being a little LASCIVIOUS. Good at what he does and even better at what he shouldn’t, he’d kiss a man for a good time and slit his throat in the same breath, and that’s exactly why Cosimo Capulet wanted him. He’s a man of desire—that much is clear, but it’s terrifyingly easy to underestimate him, to mistake the lust in his eyes for the type to be satisfied by unbroken flesh. A weapon hiding between layers of silk and at the bottom of too many glasses of red wine, he’s as DEADLY as he is lovely, a not-so-guilty pleasure that kills. He’s the man your parents warned you about, donning the mask of the man you were warned against becoming. He is hands in your hair and a knife between your shoulder blades, a toast to good health and cyanide-laced champagne, and he let the Capulets claim him not because he had any ambition to ascend their ranks whatsoever, but because he was BORED.
And they should take care to ensure he doesn’t get bored again. Sworn to one mob but pledging undying loyalty to none, he lounges with one foot over the line of betrayal and the other atop his knee—SHAMELESS. A wise man like him knows better than to put both feet on the ground without first confirming that it will hold his weight, but the option, he knows, is there; it’s no secret that the best soldiers can be bought, and he likes to think of himself as quite the commodity. He gave them his word, yes, but a man like Massetti talks to hear himself and signs his name because he likes the way it looks; he’d sell the Capulets out for the right price and a bottle of Verona’s finest wine, but Cosimo seems hellbent on outbidding any man who dares to try—least of all Damiano Montague—and as long as he gets what he wants, Orion is content to play the part of soldier for a little while longer. He’s always been a PATRON of the arts—an active participant, if you will—and theater is certainly no exception. What can he say? He’s a man of many talents.
Few people know what to make of the son of Dionysus, but most would agree it adds to his allure. His wine-stained lips color him a glutton, but the blood on the bottom of his shoes draws a different picture. It’s all the same, though; a MASTERPIECE warrants admiration because it is a masterpiece, not because its components are pure. He’s in this game—this war—for himself; he always has been, and odds are, he always will be. Only time will tell which family will reign supreme, but a man like him has no concept of family—of loyalty. Dangerously passionate and luxuriously lethal, he is the vision of Verona in all its glory, and God, what a vision it is.
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GRACE DALY: Curiosity. He usually pays no attention to families that are not placed upon the same pedestal as the Capulets or Montagues. Certainly not the Dalys – but one particular Daly has caught his eye. She listens too carefully, watches too eagerly, craves blood a little too ravenously. There has been no particular instance that this suspicion was aroused, but rather a series of oddities that have surrounded her that have made his brow pique a little more. It isn’t often that he rises to the occasion, but for some reason or another the Daly woman is forcing him to make his loyalties with the Capulets more apparent – and more vicious.
DELILAH BELLO: Indifference. He supposes that she expects him to act as a jury of one, to condemn her as the whore her husband claims she is or affirm her innocence and lend her a shoulder to cry on, but she’ll be sorely disappointed if she does, because he intends to do neither. Odin was a fine drinking partner and she made lovely conversation, all things considered, but he can’t say he was particularly attached to either of them, and their lover’s—or not—quarrel is none of his concern. He has no interest in playing the hero—not for her, not for anyone—and it’s nothing personal. But for what it’s worth, he’s quite familiar with the way adoration looks on a person, and Delilah was always the very picture of it around her husband. If he were a gambling man (and he is), he’d wager that the woman hadn’t done a damn thing. Pity.
HECTOR RIVERA: Taunt. He’d be amusing enough to toy with even if he weren’t a Montague; his affiliation with the rival mob is only a bonus. He first encountered him at the Twelfth Night, where he’d made the younger man blush by locking lips with the nearest willing statue, breaking the kiss, and asking if he cared to join. Their next meeting saw Orion offering to buy him a pity drink to match the pitiful way he trailed after his companion, the Godrej kid—Horace, is it?—like a lovesick puppy. He’s very much aware that his affiliation with the Capulets dictates that he should be threatening to do far worse than loosen him up, but he can’t bring himself to care.
ORPHEUS AHULANI: Rival. “You’re the second best-dressed man in the room, Ahulani. But you’ll have your chance shortly—I’m about to step outside for a drag.” He doesn’t feel threatened by the man; that’s not it. Men like him don’t feel threatened. It’s beneath them—like cheap champagne and petty gossip. But they do acknowledge those who try (and fail) to come close to them, and arguably, that’s exactly what he’s doing—a favor, if you will. The other man’s got a lot going for him, but he’d have even more if he didn’t stand anywhere in his vicinity. All jabs aside, however, Orpheus is a worthy companion; he cons like he looks, and he doesn’t look half-bad.
Orion is portrayed by FRANCOIS ARNAUD and was written by BREE. He is currently RETIRED.
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carnimonsterau · 6 years
Were some of the characters in the Monster AU played by the same actors? Would it ever confuse or weird any of them out that some of them looked and sounded almost the same?
They were indeed! To name a few:
Larry Talbot, Alucard, and Dan McCormick were all played by Lon Chaney Jr. (who was also Frankenstein’s Monster at one point)
Jack Griffin, Erique Claudin, and Larry’s dad Sir John Talbot were all played by Claude Rains
Geoffrey Radcliffe and Andre’s brother Francois Delambre were both played by Vincent Price
Frankenstein’s Monster, Gustav Niemann and Ardeth Bay (from The Mummy 1932) were all originally played by Boris Karloff
As for if this causes any confusion among them… sometimes. It’s caused certain reactions from some people in the group.
For people who met Jack and then later Erique or vice-versa they sometimes do confuse them when only hearing their voice. However, after a while people are able to tell the difference between their voices: Erique is usually more soft-spoken whereas Jack’s naturally has a bit more roughness and energy behind it. (They’re also different looks-wise due to Erique being older and physically disfigured and Jack being a somewhat younger, physically fit albino, not that anyone’s able to tell most the time due to Jack being, well, invisible.) Erique doesn’t really get what the confusion’s all about, but Jack thinks it’s hilarious and has tried roping him into playing a few pranks on the others with this in mind.
Erique’s first meeting with Henry Jekyll was… slightly awkward. Henry had never seen an actually visible Jack at the time, and given that it was around Halloween and he’d heard about Jack dressing as the Phantom once before, he thought it was Jack planning on surprising him by revealing he’d found a way to become visible again (that doesn’t involve blood transfusion), but… no. Too bad he didn’t realize that until after he’d hugged a very confused Erique.
When Larry first heard Jack’s voice and met Erique… Larry broke down crying. He knows that neither of them are his father, but… they sound so similar to him… It’s taken him a long time to not associate either of them with his father. As for Sir John Talbot himself, he’s never met anyone else in the group since Larry ran away from home, let alone knows about baring any slight resemblance to two of the monsters that are in the group that his son is part of now (or that his own brother was married to one of their adversaries then later killed by her, not that he knows about any of that either aside from him going mysteriously missing).
Speaking of Larry, nobody’s really noticed any sort of resemblance between him, Alucard and Dan. To be fair, Larry’s much younger in this AU than he is in the films (like, late teenager young), and Dan’s gone through some physical changes after the multiple “tests” that turned him into what he is now, and Alucard has a mustache.
Andre sometimes gives Geoffrey questioning looks due to how much his voice reminds him of his brother. He knows it’s not Francois, but he can’t help but feel reminded of him at times.
Absolutely no one has noticed or even thinks about a resemblance between Adam and either Ardeth or Niemann. There might not really be much of one actually, considering Adam’s made of multiple different parts anyway (and Karloff isn’t the only actor to portray him; Bela Lugosi, Glenn Strange and Lon Chaney Jr. have all portrayed him at least once in a Universal Monster movie as well). As for Ardeth and Niemann, there’s hardly anybody who knows both of them to begin with, let alone knows both of them well enough to see any similarities.
There are two other ones we could’ve added here (Dracula and Ygor from Son of Frankenstein and Ghost of Frankenstein, both played by Bela Lugosi), but we’re not sure if we’re going to add the latter in this AU yet as we’re not entirely sure of what we’d do with him.
Thank you for the ask!
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intrepidgeek · 7 years
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Mother Panic, Volume 1 by Jody Houser, Tommy Lee Edwards, Shawn Crystal and Jean-Francois Beaulieu
This is the first volume in one of DC’s new Young Animal imprint titles. Violet Paige is rich, famous for just being famous and a masked hero. Sort of like batman but not, I mean she wears white. OK, joking aside, I quite like the set up of this book. The character and costume design are really cool and I like her “I don’t give a damn” attitude to both life and crime fighting. Or at least I did, until they changed the artist 3 issues in. Because that is my biggest problem with this book. Just based on the art, this comic is about two completely different people.
I loved the art style of the first 3 issues by Tommy Lee Edwards. It was very dark and expressive with lots of confident dynamic lines. I felt like it emphasized what it was doing with the character. Like I said before, I liked her attitude, which shows though in her posture, her fashion choices. It’s all quite punk and I was into it. What happened? You get to issue 4 and it’s all boobs, hips and fishnet? Who is this person, because it sure as hell isn’t the quite tomboyish Violet I loved from the cover of issue 2! Her costume which looked well armored and very sturdy is suddenly painted on. Fabric no longer functions in any realistic way as soon as it adorns a female body, instead it clearly emphasizes and exaggerates the shape of their boobs. So much so that n one page a plunging neck line is drawn with so little thought and care that she is left walking along talking to her mother with one of he boobs out. The change of art style was extremely jarring to begin with as it was very different but this just made me want to throw the book against the wall.
As for the writing I don’t think I got a fair sample from this volume. It contains two, three issue stories and neither of them delved deep enough for me to really sink my teeth in. They do enough to set the scene and introduce the characters but I felt like both stories would have been better if they had had more back story. Mother Panic is a very guarded character and unfortunately this makes her feel very distant from the reader. I found it difficult to feel emotionally involved in either of the stories, even though both of them tie into Violet’s dark past. This is disappointing because quite clearly I developed somewhat of an attachment to the character as I felt strong enough about her change in appearance from just 3 issues.
Will I be continuing with this story. If Shawn Crystal is still drawing it? No. If it returns to something similar to the original art style or gets Tommy Lee Edwards back I might but it’s going to need a really good plot to hook me.
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cleopatrarps · 6 years
Trump calls Germany
BRUSSELS (Reuters) – U.S. President Donald Trump accused Germany on Wednesday of being a “captive” of Russia due to its energy reliance, before a NATO summit where he pressed allies to more than double defense spending.
Having lambasted NATO members for failing to reach a target of spending 2 percent of national income on defense, Trump told fellow leaders in Brussels he would prefer a goal of 4 percent, similar to U.S. levels, officials said.
That would represent a massive upheaval of budgetary priorities in Europe where Germany and many others have pledged only to reach 2 percent by 2024 or later, and it was not clear what allies would spend the money on.
At the end of the first session of a two-day summit, NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said the aim first was to reach 2 percent, but moments later Trump tweeted that allies were undercutting the United States on trade and needed to immediately up spending.
The exchange was part of an uncomfortable day as anxious Western allies were subjected to the U.S. president’s “America first” approach. His comment that Germany was controlled by Russia earned a rebuke from Berlin.
“We are not prisoners, neither of Russia nor of the United States,” Germany’s Foreign Minister Heiko Maas told reporters.
But Trump was also at times enthusiastic and affable, exchanging embraces and handshakes with fellow leaders, posing for photographs in front of a NATO military band and mingling at a summit dinner in a Brussels museum.
Unlike a fraught Group of Seven summit in Canada in June, Trump did not block a final leaders’ statement, which paved the way for Macedonia to start NATO membership talks and a modernization of the alliance to better deter Moscow.
Earlier, Trump strode into NATO’s new glass-and-steel headquarters and into the amphitheatre-like North Atlantic Council decision-making chamber to shake hands with leaders – but only after publicly railing against Germany, one of NATO’s top European powers, at a breakfast meeting with Stoltenberg.
Trump told Stoltenberg Germany was wrong to support an $11-billion Baltic Sea pipeline to import even more Russian gas while being slow to meet targets for NATO spending.
“We’re supposed to be guarding against Russia, and Germany goes out and pays billions and billions of dollars a year to Russia,” Trump said in the presence of reporters.
“We’re protecting Germany, we’re protecting France, we’re protecting all of these countries. And then numerous of the countries go out and make a pipeline deal with Russia where they’re paying billions of dollars into the coffers of Russia,” he said. “I think that’s very inappropriate.”
Trump appeared to substantially overstate German reliance on Russian energy and to imply Berlin was funding a pipeline that Chancellor Angela Merkel says is a commercial venture.
She hit back by contrasting her own experience of growing up in Soviet-controlled East Germany with the sovereign, united Germany now playing a major role in NATO.
Trump and Merkel later held businesslike talks on the sidelines. Trump said he had a “very, very good relationship” with Merkel who described the two as “good partners”.
A source close to French President Emmanuel Macron said Trump had voiced his “personal attachment” to Europe and gave “rather positive and constructive messages” to his allies.
U.S. President Donald Trump attends a meeting of the North Atlantic Council during a NATO summit in Brussels, Belgium July 11, 2018. REUTERS/Francois Lenoir
“There is no break-up between America and Europe,” the source said after Macron and Trump held “friendly” talks.
But with tensions in the alliance smoldering over Trump’s trade tariffs on European steel, his earlier comments fueled concerns about the U.S. role in keeping the peace that has reigned since World War Two.
Belgian Prime Minister Charles Michel called for “fair play” and more respect for multilateralism.
Baltic leaders, fearful of any repeat of Russia’s annexation of Crimea, called for unity, while Slovak President Andre Kiska said his country was “one of the good guys” because it was increasing defense spending.
Those comments underscored the risks to Trump’s strategy by dividing allies between those who spend more on defense and those who do not, such as Belgium, Spain, Italy and Luxembourg, but who contribute with troops to NATO missions.
NATO’s Stoltenberg later told reporters that Trump, who will meet Russian President Vladimir Putin on Monday, had used “very direct language” but that NATO spending was rising strongly.
The NATO chief was also frank about the impact of Trump’s stance at a broader level.
“There are disagreements on trade. This is serious. My task is to try to minimize the negative impact on NATO,” he said.
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“So far it hasn’t impacted on NATO that much. I cannot guarantee that that will not be the case in the future. The transatlantic bond is not one, there are many ties, some of them have been weakened.”
Additional reporting by William James, Sabine Siebold, Humeyra Pamuk, Phil Stewart, Writing by Alastair Macdonald and Robin Emmott, Editing by Mark Heinrich and Robin Pomeroy
The post Trump calls Germany appeared first on World The News.
from World The News https://ift.tt/2mcJxdu via News of World
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newestbalance · 6 years
Trump calls Germany
BRUSSELS (Reuters) – U.S. President Donald Trump accused Germany on Wednesday of being a “captive” of Russia due to its energy reliance, before a NATO summit where he pressed allies to more than double defense spending.
Having lambasted NATO members for failing to reach a target of spending 2 percent of national income on defense, Trump told fellow leaders in Brussels he would prefer a goal of 4 percent, similar to U.S. levels, officials said.
That would represent a massive upheaval of budgetary priorities in Europe where Germany and many others have pledged only to reach 2 percent by 2024 or later, and it was not clear what allies would spend the money on.
At the end of the first session of a two-day summit, NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said the aim first was to reach 2 percent, but moments later Trump tweeted that allies were undercutting the United States on trade and needed to immediately up spending.
The exchange was part of an uncomfortable day as anxious Western allies were subjected to the U.S. president’s “America first” approach. His comment that Germany was controlled by Russia earned a rebuke from Berlin.
“We are not prisoners, neither of Russia nor of the United States,” Germany’s Foreign Minister Heiko Maas told reporters.
But Trump was also at times enthusiastic and affable, exchanging embraces and handshakes with fellow leaders, posing for photographs in front of a NATO military band and mingling at a summit dinner in a Brussels museum.
Unlike a fraught Group of Seven summit in Canada in June, Trump did not block a final leaders’ statement, which paved the way for Macedonia to start NATO membership talks and a modernization of the alliance to better deter Moscow.
Earlier, Trump strode into NATO’s new glass-and-steel headquarters and into the amphitheatre-like North Atlantic Council decision-making chamber to shake hands with leaders – but only after publicly railing against Germany, one of NATO’s top European powers, at a breakfast meeting with Stoltenberg.
Trump told Stoltenberg Germany was wrong to support an $11-billion Baltic Sea pipeline to import even more Russian gas while being slow to meet targets for NATO spending.
“We’re supposed to be guarding against Russia, and Germany goes out and pays billions and billions of dollars a year to Russia,” Trump said in the presence of reporters.
“We’re protecting Germany, we’re protecting France, we’re protecting all of these countries. And then numerous of the countries go out and make a pipeline deal with Russia where they’re paying billions of dollars into the coffers of Russia,” he said. “I think that’s very inappropriate.”
Trump appeared to substantially overstate German reliance on Russian energy and to imply Berlin was funding a pipeline that Chancellor Angela Merkel says is a commercial venture.
She hit back by contrasting her own experience of growing up in Soviet-controlled East Germany with the sovereign, united Germany now playing a major role in NATO.
Trump and Merkel later held businesslike talks on the sidelines. Trump said he had a “very, very good relationship” with Merkel who described the two as “good partners”.
A source close to French President Emmanuel Macron said Trump had voiced his “personal attachment” to Europe and gave “rather positive and constructive messages” to his allies.
U.S. President Donald Trump attends a meeting of the North Atlantic Council during a NATO summit in Brussels, Belgium July 11, 2018. REUTERS/Francois Lenoir
“There is no break-up between America and Europe,” the source said after Macron and Trump held “friendly” talks.
But with tensions in the alliance smoldering over Trump’s trade tariffs on European steel, his earlier comments fueled concerns about the U.S. role in keeping the peace that has reigned since World War Two.
Belgian Prime Minister Charles Michel called for “fair play” and more respect for multilateralism.
Baltic leaders, fearful of any repeat of Russia’s annexation of Crimea, called for unity, while Slovak President Andre Kiska said his country was “one of the good guys” because it was increasing defense spending.
Those comments underscored the risks to Trump’s strategy by dividing allies between those who spend more on defense and those who do not, such as Belgium, Spain, Italy and Luxembourg, but who contribute with troops to NATO missions.
NATO’s Stoltenberg later told reporters that Trump, who will meet Russian President Vladimir Putin on Monday, had used “very direct language” but that NATO spending was rising strongly.
The NATO chief was also frank about the impact of Trump’s stance at a broader level.
“There are disagreements on trade. This is serious. My task is to try to minimize the negative impact on NATO,” he said.
Slideshow (14 Images)
“So far it hasn’t impacted on NATO that much. I cannot guarantee that that will not be the case in the future. The transatlantic bond is not one, there are many ties, some of them have been weakened.”
Additional reporting by William James, Sabine Siebold, Humeyra Pamuk, Phil Stewart, Writing by Alastair Macdonald and Robin Emmott, Editing by Mark Heinrich and Robin Pomeroy
The post Trump calls Germany appeared first on World The News.
from World The News https://ift.tt/2mcJxdu via Everyday News
0 notes
dani-qrt · 6 years
Trump calls Germany
BRUSSELS (Reuters) – U.S. President Donald Trump accused Germany on Wednesday of being a “captive” of Russia due to its energy reliance, before a NATO summit where he pressed allies to more than double defense spending.
Having lambasted NATO members for failing to reach a target of spending 2 percent of national income on defense, Trump told fellow leaders in Brussels he would prefer a goal of 4 percent, similar to U.S. levels, officials said.
That would represent a massive upheaval of budgetary priorities in Europe where Germany and many others have pledged only to reach 2 percent by 2024 or later, and it was not clear what allies would spend the money on.
At the end of the first session of a two-day summit, NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said the aim first was to reach 2 percent, but moments later Trump tweeted that allies were undercutting the United States on trade and needed to immediately up spending.
The exchange was part of an uncomfortable day as anxious Western allies were subjected to the U.S. president’s “America first” approach. His comment that Germany was controlled by Russia earned a rebuke from Berlin.
“We are not prisoners, neither of Russia nor of the United States,” Germany’s Foreign Minister Heiko Maas told reporters.
But Trump was also at times enthusiastic and affable, exchanging embraces and handshakes with fellow leaders, posing for photographs in front of a NATO military band and mingling at a summit dinner in a Brussels museum.
Unlike a fraught Group of Seven summit in Canada in June, Trump did not block a final leaders’ statement, which paved the way for Macedonia to start NATO membership talks and a modernization of the alliance to better deter Moscow.
Earlier, Trump strode into NATO’s new glass-and-steel headquarters and into the amphitheatre-like North Atlantic Council decision-making chamber to shake hands with leaders – but only after publicly railing against Germany, one of NATO’s top European powers, at a breakfast meeting with Stoltenberg.
Trump told Stoltenberg Germany was wrong to support an $11-billion Baltic Sea pipeline to import even more Russian gas while being slow to meet targets for NATO spending.
“We’re supposed to be guarding against Russia, and Germany goes out and pays billions and billions of dollars a year to Russia,” Trump said in the presence of reporters.
“We’re protecting Germany, we’re protecting France, we’re protecting all of these countries. And then numerous of the countries go out and make a pipeline deal with Russia where they’re paying billions of dollars into the coffers of Russia,” he said. “I think that’s very inappropriate.”
Trump appeared to substantially overstate German reliance on Russian energy and to imply Berlin was funding a pipeline that Chancellor Angela Merkel says is a commercial venture.
She hit back by contrasting her own experience of growing up in Soviet-controlled East Germany with the sovereign, united Germany now playing a major role in NATO.
Trump and Merkel later held businesslike talks on the sidelines. Trump said he had a “very, very good relationship” with Merkel who described the two as “good partners”.
A source close to French President Emmanuel Macron said Trump had voiced his “personal attachment” to Europe and gave “rather positive and constructive messages” to his allies.
U.S. President Donald Trump attends a meeting of the North Atlantic Council during a NATO summit in Brussels, Belgium July 11, 2018. REUTERS/Francois Lenoir
“There is no break-up between America and Europe,” the source said after Macron and Trump held “friendly” talks.
But with tensions in the alliance smoldering over Trump’s trade tariffs on European steel, his earlier comments fueled concerns about the U.S. role in keeping the peace that has reigned since World War Two.
Belgian Prime Minister Charles Michel called for “fair play” and more respect for multilateralism.
Baltic leaders, fearful of any repeat of Russia’s annexation of Crimea, called for unity, while Slovak President Andre Kiska said his country was “one of the good guys” because it was increasing defense spending.
Those comments underscored the risks to Trump’s strategy by dividing allies between those who spend more on defense and those who do not, such as Belgium, Spain, Italy and Luxembourg, but who contribute with troops to NATO missions.
NATO’s Stoltenberg later told reporters that Trump, who will meet Russian President Vladimir Putin on Monday, had used “very direct language” but that NATO spending was rising strongly.
The NATO chief was also frank about the impact of Trump’s stance at a broader level.
“There are disagreements on trade. This is serious. My task is to try to minimize the negative impact on NATO,” he said.
Slideshow (14 Images)
“So far it hasn’t impacted on NATO that much. I cannot guarantee that that will not be the case in the future. The transatlantic bond is not one, there are many ties, some of them have been weakened.”
Additional reporting by William James, Sabine Siebold, Humeyra Pamuk, Phil Stewart, Writing by Alastair Macdonald and Robin Emmott, Editing by Mark Heinrich and Robin Pomeroy
The post Trump calls Germany appeared first on World The News.
from World The News https://ift.tt/2mcJxdu via Online News
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dragnews · 6 years
Trump calls Germany
BRUSSELS (Reuters) – U.S. President Donald Trump accused Germany on Wednesday of being a “captive” of Russia due to its energy reliance, before a NATO summit where he pressed allies to more than double defense spending.
Having lambasted NATO members for failing to reach a target of spending 2 percent of national income on defense, Trump told fellow leaders in Brussels he would prefer a goal of 4 percent, similar to U.S. levels, officials said.
That would represent a massive upheaval of budgetary priorities in Europe where Germany and many others have pledged only to reach 2 percent by 2024 or later, and it was not clear what allies would spend the money on.
At the end of the first session of a two-day summit, NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said the aim first was to reach 2 percent, but moments later Trump tweeted that allies were undercutting the United States on trade and needed to immediately up spending.
The exchange was part of an uncomfortable day as anxious Western allies were subjected to the U.S. president’s “America first” approach. His comment that Germany was controlled by Russia earned a rebuke from Berlin.
“We are not prisoners, neither of Russia nor of the United States,” Germany’s Foreign Minister Heiko Maas told reporters.
But Trump was also at times enthusiastic and affable, exchanging embraces and handshakes with fellow leaders, posing for photographs in front of a NATO military band and mingling at a summit dinner in a Brussels museum.
Unlike a fraught Group of Seven summit in Canada in June, Trump did not block a final leaders’ statement, which paved the way for Macedonia to start NATO membership talks and a modernization of the alliance to better deter Moscow.
Earlier, Trump strode into NATO’s new glass-and-steel headquarters and into the amphitheatre-like North Atlantic Council decision-making chamber to shake hands with leaders – but only after publicly railing against Germany, one of NATO’s top European powers, at a breakfast meeting with Stoltenberg.
Trump told Stoltenberg Germany was wrong to support an $11-billion Baltic Sea pipeline to import even more Russian gas while being slow to meet targets for NATO spending.
“We’re supposed to be guarding against Russia, and Germany goes out and pays billions and billions of dollars a year to Russia,” Trump said in the presence of reporters.
“We’re protecting Germany, we’re protecting France, we’re protecting all of these countries. And then numerous of the countries go out and make a pipeline deal with Russia where they’re paying billions of dollars into the coffers of Russia,” he said. “I think that’s very inappropriate.”
Trump appeared to substantially overstate German reliance on Russian energy and to imply Berlin was funding a pipeline that Chancellor Angela Merkel says is a commercial venture.
She hit back by contrasting her own experience of growing up in Soviet-controlled East Germany with the sovereign, united Germany now playing a major role in NATO.
Trump and Merkel later held businesslike talks on the sidelines. Trump said he had a “very, very good relationship” with Merkel who described the two as “good partners”.
A source close to French President Emmanuel Macron said Trump had voiced his “personal attachment” to Europe and gave “rather positive and constructive messages” to his allies.
U.S. President Donald Trump attends a meeting of the North Atlantic Council during a NATO summit in Brussels, Belgium July 11, 2018. REUTERS/Francois Lenoir
“There is no break-up between America and Europe,” the source said after Macron and Trump held “friendly” talks.
But with tensions in the alliance smoldering over Trump’s trade tariffs on European steel, his earlier comments fueled concerns about the U.S. role in keeping the peace that has reigned since World War Two.
Belgian Prime Minister Charles Michel called for “fair play” and more respect for multilateralism.
Baltic leaders, fearful of any repeat of Russia’s annexation of Crimea, called for unity, while Slovak President Andre Kiska said his country was “one of the good guys” because it was increasing defense spending.
Those comments underscored the risks to Trump’s strategy by dividing allies between those who spend more on defense and those who do not, such as Belgium, Spain, Italy and Luxembourg, but who contribute with troops to NATO missions.
NATO’s Stoltenberg later told reporters that Trump, who will meet Russian President Vladimir Putin on Monday, had used “very direct language” but that NATO spending was rising strongly.
The NATO chief was also frank about the impact of Trump’s stance at a broader level.
“There are disagreements on trade. This is serious. My task is to try to minimize the negative impact on NATO,” he said.
Slideshow (14 Images)
“So far it hasn’t impacted on NATO that much. I cannot guarantee that that will not be the case in the future. The transatlantic bond is not one, there are many ties, some of them have been weakened.”
Additional reporting by William James, Sabine Siebold, Humeyra Pamuk, Phil Stewart, Writing by Alastair Macdonald and Robin Emmott, Editing by Mark Heinrich and Robin Pomeroy
The post Trump calls Germany appeared first on World The News.
from World The News https://ift.tt/2mcJxdu via Today News
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party-hard-or-die · 6 years
Trump calls Germany
BRUSSELS (Reuters) – U.S. President Donald Trump accused Germany on Wednesday of being a “captive” of Russia due to its energy reliance, before a NATO summit where he pressed allies to more than double defense spending.
Having lambasted NATO members for failing to reach a target of spending 2 percent of national income on defense, Trump told fellow leaders in Brussels he would prefer a goal of 4 percent, similar to U.S. levels, officials said.
That would represent a massive upheaval of budgetary priorities in Europe where Germany and many others have pledged only to reach 2 percent by 2024 or later, and it was not clear what allies would spend the money on.
At the end of the first session of a two-day summit, NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said the aim first was to reach 2 percent, but moments later Trump tweeted that allies were undercutting the United States on trade and needed to immediately up spending.
The exchange was part of an uncomfortable day as anxious Western allies were subjected to the U.S. president’s “America first” approach. His comment that Germany was controlled by Russia earned a rebuke from Berlin.
“We are not prisoners, neither of Russia nor of the United States,” Germany’s Foreign Minister Heiko Maas told reporters.
But Trump was also at times enthusiastic and affable, exchanging embraces and handshakes with fellow leaders, posing for photographs in front of a NATO military band and mingling at a summit dinner in a Brussels museum.
Unlike a fraught Group of Seven summit in Canada in June, Trump did not block a final leaders’ statement, which paved the way for Macedonia to start NATO membership talks and a modernization of the alliance to better deter Moscow.
Earlier, Trump strode into NATO’s new glass-and-steel headquarters and into the amphitheatre-like North Atlantic Council decision-making chamber to shake hands with leaders – but only after publicly railing against Germany, one of NATO’s top European powers, at a breakfast meeting with Stoltenberg.
Trump told Stoltenberg Germany was wrong to support an $11-billion Baltic Sea pipeline to import even more Russian gas while being slow to meet targets for NATO spending.
“We’re supposed to be guarding against Russia, and Germany goes out and pays billions and billions of dollars a year to Russia,” Trump said in the presence of reporters.
“We’re protecting Germany, we’re protecting France, we’re protecting all of these countries. And then numerous of the countries go out and make a pipeline deal with Russia where they’re paying billions of dollars into the coffers of Russia,” he said. “I think that’s very inappropriate.”
Trump appeared to substantially overstate German reliance on Russian energy and to imply Berlin was funding a pipeline that Chancellor Angela Merkel says is a commercial venture.
She hit back by contrasting her own experience of growing up in Soviet-controlled East Germany with the sovereign, united Germany now playing a major role in NATO.
Trump and Merkel later held businesslike talks on the sidelines. Trump said he had a “very, very good relationship” with Merkel who described the two as “good partners”.
A source close to French President Emmanuel Macron said Trump had voiced his “personal attachment” to Europe and gave “rather positive and constructive messages” to his allies.
U.S. President Donald Trump attends a meeting of the North Atlantic Council during a NATO summit in Brussels, Belgium July 11, 2018. REUTERS/Francois Lenoir
“There is no break-up between America and Europe,” the source said after Macron and Trump held “friendly” talks.
But with tensions in the alliance smoldering over Trump’s trade tariffs on European steel, his earlier comments fueled concerns about the U.S. role in keeping the peace that has reigned since World War Two.
Belgian Prime Minister Charles Michel called for “fair play” and more respect for multilateralism.
Baltic leaders, fearful of any repeat of Russia’s annexation of Crimea, called for unity, while Slovak President Andre Kiska said his country was “one of the good guys” because it was increasing defense spending.
Those comments underscored the risks to Trump’s strategy by dividing allies between those who spend more on defense and those who do not, such as Belgium, Spain, Italy and Luxembourg, but who contribute with troops to NATO missions.
NATO’s Stoltenberg later told reporters that Trump, who will meet Russian President Vladimir Putin on Monday, had used “very direct language” but that NATO spending was rising strongly.
The NATO chief was also frank about the impact of Trump’s stance at a broader level.
“There are disagreements on trade. This is serious. My task is to try to minimize the negative impact on NATO,” he said.
Slideshow (14 Images)
“So far it hasn’t impacted on NATO that much. I cannot guarantee that that will not be the case in the future. The transatlantic bond is not one, there are many ties, some of them have been weakened.”
Additional reporting by William James, Sabine Siebold, Humeyra Pamuk, Phil Stewart, Writing by Alastair Macdonald and Robin Emmott, Editing by Mark Heinrich and Robin Pomeroy
The post Trump calls Germany appeared first on World The News.
from World The News https://ift.tt/2mcJxdu via Breaking News
0 notes
Rare and Precious Gold and Platinum Buying Guide
Platinum precious metals refinery is a cloth which may be very uncommon and the cost is double than gold. In igneous rocks platinum is fashioned and these rocks also have iron and magnesium. Along with different materials like copper and gold, Platinum can also be found in thin layers. Using surface and underground Platinum is mined. As a result of natural calamities like wind, rain and many others...platinum will get washed off and goes to the rivers and streams the place by way of placer mining extraction of platinum palladium and gold by cyanidation it's mined.
In earlier days miners felt that platinum is a junky form of silver and they used to throw it away. Because it's present in gold mine individuals named it as 'white gold'. When copper and gold is mined then platinum is obtained in US. In South Africa, Russia, Columbia, Alaska, and Canada platinum is mined.
For surgical devices, chemical gear, jewelry, and catalytic converters in automobiles platinum is used. Platinum is steel which might be molded with none hassle and hence it is utilized in wire and in gadgets which acquired to be bent.
Strategies of platinum mining:
By slender reef methodology first platinum group metals (pgm) is extracted where miners make use of handheld pneumatic drills with a view to make holes in the reef which explosives could be loaded. blog link Through blasting when ore is released it is taken out by making use of scrapers which is attached to wenches and transported to the surface.
The preferred and famous mining strategies are New mechanical and hybrid mining. One mining procedure is of drilling either by pneumatic drills/newer MillionDollarRefiners specialised drilling equipment and then cleaning the ore from the mine utilizing low-profile automobiles known as LHD (load haul dump).
Vital quantities of platinum are manufactured from the mine websites in far jap Russia and the Norilsk-Talnakh mine which is situated within the Polar ice cap using each open-pit strip and underground mining procedures. In Zimbabwe platinum was found within the 12 months 1925 in a spot by title the Nice Dyke which runs roughly north and south for about 550 kilometers by the guts of the country.
Top-rated Platinum Million Dollar Refiners platinum refining Producers:
The underground section which was lately opened uses deeper degree extraction methods. By mechanized ramp and fill process 80% of platinum and palladium ore is mined and these are kind of like the LHD method in South Africa.
Platinum, palladium, rhodium, ruthenium, iridium and osmium are the six metallic components that are referred to as as Platinum Group Metals. On the time of mining procedure these metals are extracted and mining course of regularly yields far more nickel/copper than it does for platinum as a result of pgm is uncommon and also due to its tendency to merge with other metals.
South Africa is the world's largest producer and there platinum is mined in an area called the Bushveld Igneous Advanced. It was estimated that this huge ore deposit has been fashioned earlier than 2000 years in the past, an space of 370 kilometers. And these pgm's are found in three distinct layers generally known as reefs where the principle supply of which are the Merensky Reef, first opened in the yr 1925 and the Higher Group 2 (UG2) Reef, the place mining started in the yr 1970s.
Platinum is a chemical element that got mentioned first back in the 16th Century in Europe. There's however evidence that this aspect was utilized in ancient Egypt and early South American civilization in jewellery. It was, nevertheless Julius Caesar Scalinger, an Italian humanist that made be aware of the metal in 1557 and named it Platina del Pinto which in Spanish means a silver-like substance from Colombian Pinto River.
Whereas gold has over the centuries been the foremost change in engagement ceremonies and weddings, platinum has change into the most well-liked choice within the last decade.
The power and high melting point of this metal is what caught the attention of many scientists, however with plenty of extraction challenges of pure platinum, delays in use have been experienced until the top of the 18th century. In 1786, the primary successful extraction was made by Pierre-Francois Chabaneu and in good amount for that matter. He later introduced Pope Pius VI with a platinum chalice and went ahead to determine a manufacturing company to start out the platinum age in Spain. From right here it started being utilized in different items together with royal crowns and utensils, army aircraft and engagement rings.
This precious metallic is rare and remains to be amongst the rarest on the planet.
This rarity coupled with its tedious and extended extraction makes it amongst the most helpful substances too. Platinum rings have introduced in a lot of competition to its gold counterpart with most people including celebrities now selecting platinum engagement rings as romantic gestures and status symbols.
Why the fame?
Platinum rings have become very popular majorly due to their top quality end that makes them stand out from other rings. These rings are also quite low in upkeep, making them among the best for daily rings like wedding bands and engagement rings. The metallic also has hypo-allergenic properties. These properties push their recognition to the highest of the listing, especially for individuals with sensitive skin. While such individuals face problems sporting the opposite metals, they discover consolation in platinum rings making an enormous difference.
Platinum rings are versatile when it comes to design. They can be made into any desired design without losing their quality and class. You'll find spectacular collections of stylish engagement rings so you would be lucky enough to have one designed only for you and to your precise specifications. Platinum is shiny and silky although not that shimmery. This more information on wikipedia white metallic is due to this fact very simple to work with any outfit considering you will be carrying your engagement ring or marriage ceremony band every single day of your life. The gorgeous metallic makes the fingers stand out compared to what sterling silver or white gold can achieve. You will love how distinctive the rings look on and off.
Platinum engagement rings are one of the crucial desired styles for a diamond engagement ring. Platinum as been used the creation of engagement rings has been a most well-liked selection for many years. The classic designs created by Tiffany & Co. have been created from Platinum as catalytic converter platinum scrap price the valuable metallic chosen by world famend diamond homes around the globe. The explanation for this metallic's use is three-fold. Firstly the metal is hard and safe, providing the security needed to soundly maintain the diamond. Secondly it's a very expensive and valuable metal.
The price of extraction and scarcity of the metal along with the cost of extraction from the ore, makes this steel an extravagant luxury, good for engagement rings. Thirdly, the metal is naturally white. In contrast to 18ct white gold which has to obtain a ultimate coat of Rhodium to supply the whiteness, Platinum engagement rings are naturally white and retain the color. Many individuals assume that Platinum will not scratch but this isn't the case. The metal will mark and scratch like every other treasured steel and can eventually put on to a pure finish. It may well, nonetheless, be re-polished at any time. Neither the sharpening nor scratches will reduce the steel in any method. Platinum is merely displaced, by no means worn away, in contrast to metals corresponding to 9ct white gold which can put on over an extended time period.
Platinum rings are rather more costly than the equivalent rings in gold and the steel requires particular knowledge and expertise to work with. Platinum smiths are skilled with working with the unique physical characteristics of the metallic and may produce intricate designs, crafted either by hand or designed using computers.
The latter are liable for many extraordinarily detailed designs, brought to life by a course of referred to as rapid-prototyping. Computer designs are translated into physical wax replicas by pc and will be forged in Platinum and "given life." After this, the diamonds will be set and the piece, lastly polished. The casting process uses a centrifugal technique to pressure the platinum into the tough to achieve components of the mould. There's a fair amount of labor after this initial stage, to scrub up the casting and put together it for the further stages of hallmarking and setting.
As an ideal medium for rings, Platinum has a very characteristic gray-whiteness and when polished, produces a blisteringly white, mirror like end. That is good for white diamonds, because the whiteness of the setting harmonises with the whiteness of the diamond and truly helps mix in (and never stand out, as within the case of a yellow gold setting.) There may be additionally no air pollution with yellow light that reflects from yellow gold. In this approach, there's little distraction from the main target of the ring, the white diamond, and the proprietor can relaxation assured that the diamond is firmly and safely held inside the setting.
With different industries utilizing Platinum in nice portions, such as the motor industry, some emerging markets within the Far East are liable for a very large share of Platinum consumption. This Platinum never even reaches a piece of jewelry! It's used in the manufacturing of http://www.milliondollarrefiners.com catalytic converters for autos and because of the demand; the price of Platinum has steadily elevated during the last couple of years. Despite this, it is nonetheless the metal of choice and Platinum engagement rings at the moment are in much more demand than each before.
Gold jewellery is very widespread today and obtainable in more types, colours, and finishes than ever before. Additionally it is a well-liked alternative for setting gemstones. However it is vitally important to grasp gold, and variations that have an effect on price, with a purpose to keep away from confusion in regards to the wide range of costs that appears to pervade the market for what may look like the "similar factor." As with gems, wherever there are important value variations there are usually high quality differences. The key to getting value in gold is understanding what accounts for differences in quality and worth.
What is gold?
Gold is among the world's most treasured metals. It is so comfortable and workable that one ounce could be stretched into a five mile long wire, or hammered right into a sheet so thin that it could cowl 100 square toes. It's one of our rarest metals, and since pure gold would not rust or corrode, it will possibly last eternally. Apparently, gold is present almost all over the place around us; within the earth's crust, in seas and rivers, and in vegetation, but it is vitally tough and expensive to extract. Roughly two and a half to 3 tons of ore are wanted to extract one ounce of gold.
Most gold utilized in extraction of platinum palladium and gold by cyanidation jewelry is an alloy
Gold is the preferred steel used for jewellery right now. The simple gold wedding ceremony band in all probability accounts for extra of the world's gold than some other single sort of knickknack. But pure gold may be very delicate so it is often mixed with different metals to make it stronger and forestall it from bending too simply. When two or more metals are blended collectively, we call the resulting product an alloy. Most gold used in jewellery is an alloy; and the metals added to the gold are also referred to as "alloys."
What is a Karat? Or is it Carat?
In jewellery, the term carat (or, Karat) has a double that means: carat is used as a measurement of weight for gem stones, with one carat weighing 1/5 gram; carat can also be used in international locations across the phrase to point the quantity of pure gold in a bit of gold jewelry. find this Within the United States, nevertheless, when using the word to indicate gold content material moderately gemstone weight, it's spelled with a "Okay;" hence "karat," to avoid confusion. Jewelry should at all times be marked to point how much pure gold it incorporates.
I some cultures, 24 karat gold jewelry is required for certain jewellery items, nevertheless it's usually agreed that 24 karat, or pure gold, is just too smooth for jewellery use. In some components of the world, 18 KT 0r 20 karat extraction of platinum palladium and gold by cyanidation is most popular because of its brighter yellow color and because it's considered "purer" and more treasured. In the United States, we choose 14 or 18 karat gold as a result of it is extra sturdy than increased karat gold.
We warning shoppers concerning the risk of high karat gold (20 KT, 22 KT, or 24 KT) for a gem-studded setting as a result of prongs might be too easily bent open unintentionally, ensuing within the lack of the stones.
In some nations comparable to Italy, the share of pure gold is indicated by a quantity representing what number of components; out of a complete of 1,000 elements, are pure gold. One Million Dollar Refiners Social Network thousand elements can be the equal or 24 karat; 750 means 750 elements of 1,000: 750/a thousand = seventy five/one hundred = seventy five% pure gold. This corresponds to 18 KT.
A phrase about platinum recovery and refining from scrap hard drives Russian marks
Outdated time pieces made in Russia had been marked to point the content on its equivalent to a "zolotnik." A piece marked ninety six contained as a lot gold as ninety six zolotniks, which equals pure gold; seventy two equals 18 KT (750); 56 equals 14 KT (585).
To be called gold, what is the minimal gold content?
Many international locations have established minimal standards that must be met for objects to be legally referred to as "gold." The legal guidelines governing the actual content of gold required in piece of bijou, nonetheless, range. Within the United States, to be known as "gold," the item must be at the least 10 KT; in England and Canada, 9 KT; in Italy and France, 18 KT.
The various colours of gold
Pure gold is at all times yellow. However because pure gold is simply too soft for most jewelry use, and have to be blended with different metals (alloys) to increase its hardness, the color will also be modified by including varying amounts of those different metals. Those usually added to gold for jewellery use embody copper, zinc, silver, nickel, platinum, and palladium (a metallic in the platinum family). Depending upon which alloys are used, quite a lot of colours can be produced. Another follow is to plate 14 KT gold jewellery with 18 KT for an 18 KT look, that is, a stronger yellow color. White gold is also frequently plated with rhodium, a rare and more expensive metallic from the platinum family, to create a whiter, brighter finish.
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