#to fit in all the gazillion things I want to do
frenchkisstheabyss · 1 year
♡ Showing Stray Kids Your New Belly Button Piercing {Curvy Babe Edition} ♡
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♡ Shoutout to the sweetie that made this request. Every request I get is from the most darling folks there are & I love ya'll for that ♡
Pairing: boyfriend!skz x curvy!fem!reader
Genre: fluffy fluff
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♡ Hyunjin ♡
is impressed that you got pierced to begin w/ & thinks you're a total badass for it
buys you jewelry to match every outfit. seriously every outfit
has a soft spot for the dangly kind of jewelry because of how it moves when he touches your belly
will probably get a piercing somewhere to match yours
♡ Changbin ♡
gets pouty because you didn't take him with you but lets it go when you give him kisses
immediately falls in love w/ it and can't stop holding you by the waist from every angle possible
keeps finding any excuse to get under your shirt to see it
can look at it all he wants but will end anyone he catches staring at you
♡ Lee Know ♡
swears he could've done it for you himself w/ a sewing needle & an ice pack. he probably could've
wants to know how much it hurt to gauge rather he wants to threaten your piercer or not
reads your aftercare instructions 101 times to make sure you're gonna be okay
finds this whole piercing thing sexy & wants you to get more
♡ Bang Chan ♡
let's be real, you can't do anything w/o him knowing. he's the one who drives you there
makes sure that you eat/hydrate before you get pierced because he can't let anything happen to his love
promises not to hover while it's getting done but totally does
babies you afterward with cuddles and belly kisses
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♡ Seungmin ♡
thinks it's fake at first & tries to poke it
apologizes a bunch when he realizes it's real & he actually poked a fresh piercing
gets super protective of you, making sure you don't bump into things etc
keeps pulling your skirts/pants down a little to show it off even if they aren't technically supposed to fit that way
♡ I.N ♡
wants to know how badly it hurt out of morbid curiosity
falls asleep on your belly because he got distracted staring at your sparkly jewelry
you're the eternal little spoon cause it's the easiest way for him to play with it
asks if you're gonna dye your hair & join a punk band now. he encourages it
♡ Felix ♡
prepare to hear him say how beautiful it is a gazillion times over the next few days
will treat you like you got major surgery, keeping you comfortable & doing everything for you
takes you shopping for bikinis because now you must go to the beach w/ him every chance he gets
shows off how cute it is to anyone who's around like he's the one who got it
♡ Han ♡
follows you everywhere anyway so he's for sure there when you get it done
holds your hand from the moment you step into the shop even though the piercing itself takes 0.5 seconds
takes a bunch of selfies w/ it & posts it to his insta because you're so stinkin cute
has to be reminded over and over again that he isn't allowed to play w/ it yet but forgets & does it anyway
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joys-of-everyday · 1 year
On the fifty shades of morally grey
So quick thoughts on how MXTX writes morally grey.
Sorry, I mean, excessively long meta post on how MXTX writes morally grey. Light spoilers for all three books.
A gazillion caveats to begin with. Firstly, I don’t want to argue about whether character x is morally good, bad, grey, pink or whatever. In my books, arguing about whether someone is or is not morally grey is like arguing whether a colour is green, blue, teal, or turquoise – we’re arguing definitions. To add to that, I’m not saying that concepts like ‘this person is overall good’ doesn’t exist, but I would posit that a morally unquestionable person does not exist. Secondly, I also don’t want to pass moral judgements on any of the characters. That’s for a different post. I strictly want to focus on the storytelling techniques that make the reader think ‘hang on a second, are they good or bad?’. Thirdly, this whole post is mainly based on How Arcane Writes MORAL AMBIGUITY (9 Methods, 4 Rules) - YouTube. Great video, great channel (no knowledge of Arcane required). Would recommend if you are interested in story writing techniques!
1) The information gap and the poor narrator
Best example is Shen Jiu from SVSSS. We barely know anything about Shen Jiu. Almost everything we know is from SQQ’s notoriously unreliable perspective, so we’re left to fill in the gaps ourselves. Depending on exactly how those gaps are filled, you can get two completely different people. E.g. Did he have designs of NYY, or was he just ridiculously misunderstood? Who knows! We’re never told. Even if we were told, we should doubt it because it’s SQQ telling us.
2) 4D characterisation
Schnee’s video goes into this in more details, but this is where you build two narratives on top of one another. Best example is Jin Guangyao from MDZS. Is he an underdog who did what he could out of his situation and tried his best to be a better person working for the good of the common people? Or is he a selfish, manipulative, ambitious snake who at every stage pretends to be good in order to win the favour of those around him? The point is that both narratives make sense in the story. There are moments that lean more one way or another, but you can never quite pin him down completely.
3) Moments of weakness
Best example is Xie Lian from TGCF. On the whole, XL is a wonderful human being who you 100% want to root for. Except… there was that one time he made a mistake. He let his hurt and pain overcome him; he became hurtful himself. The point here is to add in just a few ‘moments’ which fundamentally impacts how the rest of the world perceives them from that point forwards. They are forever trying to redeem themselves, forever weighed down by what is a tiny proportion of their life. The underlying question is ‘is a moment of weakness a moral failure?’
Another good example is Qi Rong from TGCF. On the whole, he’s a piece of s***. But then there are moments when he’s a genuinely good father to Guzi, and that’s confusing.
4) Well-intentioned idiot
Trying to do the right thing and absolutely failing. Best example is Wei Wuxian from MDZS. His intentions are always good. There are extremely few moments where he is selfish or overly cruel. He is always fighting for justice, always self-sacrificing, always kind. And yet the outcome of his actions is pretty bad. The underlying question is ‘should you judge a person based on their intent, or on the consequences of their actions?’
(btw the name of the method is from schnee’s video. No shade on WWX. He is very smart… well, unless it comes to LWJ’s feelings.)
5) Excuses
Yes, they’re bad. But we feel sorry for them! Almost everyone fits into this boat, because doesn’t MXTX love trauma dumping? As one example, let’s look at Jiang Cheng from MDZS. JC’s behaviour towards WWX is pretty bad on its own. But given the context of his childhood being compared to him, of having his self-esteem brutally crushed by both parents? Knowing how much he’s done and sacrificed for him, how much he truly cared for him as family? It hits different.
A small point: ‘excuses aren’t enough’ we say a lot (and I agree, to an extent). But compare, for example, Jin Guangshan vs Xue Yang. JGS seems to be a power-hungry asshole for absolutely no reason. On the other hand, put XY in different circumstances and we feel like he might have been a better person. Just as food for thought, there was a Japanese monk Honen (1133-1212) who said: ‘The good person can reach the Pure Land, so of course the evil person can as well’. The point being that the people who struggle with anger and hate because of their circumstances are most in need of salvation.
6) World building and presenting hard questions
What is acceptable sacrifice in war?
Is it okay to make a super dangerous weapon for the sake of deterrence?
How much personal responsibility does someone hold for a lifetime of circumstances pushing them towards a morally questionable path?
What are the responsibilities of a leader – to do what is right, or to do what is best for their people?
The world of MDZS is imperfect. It’s full of horrors and disasters, as well as a mob of outsiders all trying to impart their opinions despite knowing little about the situation. An imperfect world presents unanswerable questions. We see the characters struggle with these questions, come to decisions, and make mistakes, all naturally arising within the complex world that’s been presented. 
TGCF does this most explicitly. We literally have Kemo and Pei Xiu arguing about the ethics of war and XL concluding that it’s a Hard Question. In fact, every backstory of every Heavenly Official presents a new Hard Question. I don’t know if I like this method over the more subtle style of MDZS, but I have Thoughts about the storytelling styles of both (long story short, I love them both for different reasons).
7) Worlds are colliding
A slightly complicated method that takes a huge amount of set up. To summarise, set up two arcs that we the reader both feel invested in. Then set up a point where the ‘good’ outcome of one is the ‘bad’ outcome of another. For MDZS, we have 1) JC and WWX’s brotherhood arc. 2) WWX standing up for justice arc. They’re both merrily developing all the way through the conflict with the Wens… right until the moment WWX has to make a choice: stand up for justice and leave JC behind, or to fulfil his promises to JC and turn a blind eye to the injustices against the Wens. The decision is a lose-lose scenario because of the way these arcs have been set up.
8) Spectrums, Spectrums, we love Spectrums
Gongyi Xiao is a cinnamon roll. As is Wen Ning and Quan Yizhen. Meanwhile, the Old Palace Master? Literally no redeeming qualities. Wen Chao? Absolute scum. Then there’s everyone lying somewhere in between. We like Lan Wangji more than JC (I think that seems to be the case for most people?) but we certainly like JC more than JGS. Having a spectrum of morality is important because it gives us reference points to contrast and compare. It also emphasises the moral greyness of everything, because sure, Mu Qing isn’t a noodle like Shi Qingxuan, but is he worse than White No Face?
9) Spectrums aren’t enough – adding depth
Almost all of WWX’s moral ambiguity comes from the fact he has hard decisions to make. And for each of these decisions, the outcome is murky. He developed a new technique to fight against the Wens, but at what cost later down the line? He defended the Wens and gave them a few years of life, but was it worth it?
Compare with JGY. JGY does a lot of good. He also does a lot of bad. The magnitude of both lists is ridiculous. Sure, you wouldn’t usually find someone who’s killed most of their family members in any way likable, but how often do you come across someone who literally ended a war?
So one way of creating moral ambiguity is to make each decision difficult, but another way to go about it is to just… make them do loads of things. Like loads of things. Good things, bad things, all the in between things. Judging each thing is not that hard, but then trying to judge the overall person based on it is extremely difficult.
10) Pulling from the real world
Often, moral questions in fiction is hard because (surprise, surprise) moral questions are just hard full stop. Idk enough Chinese history and culture to accurately pin down all of MXTX’s references, but things like stupid misunderstands leading to conflict, poverty and inequality, less than ideal family situations, the horrors of war… these are all things that happen irl. No matter how fantastical the setting, grounding moral conflicts in reality makes us feel more emotional and invested.
Anyway, I hope that was an enjoyable rundown! This is an imperfect list, so comments, criticisms, suggestions greatly appreciated!
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thesovereignsring-if · 11 months
Hi power fantasy anon, I deleted the ask because I have better things to do, but, eh, I’m waiting for my food to cook so I might as well answer you for the last time. (Seriously this time) I know you probably still follow me so i think don’t it’ll be much of a problem, except for the fact that I know don’t know why you’re still here. This game is clearly not for you considering how upset you get about it. Anyway, I’ll reiterate it one last time, since you can’t seem to get it.
A power fantasy is wish fulfillment, empowerment and feelings of accomplishment, in all shapes and forms. It’s feeling you have worth, it’s feeling like you did something good or right. It feeling like your useful. It’s all the things that send the happy feelings to your brain. Being “competent” and “useful” can also falls into that category.
I continue to say ‘this story is not a power fantasy ‘to keep audience expectations on the low. The narrative is oppressive, it’s made to be that way. The MC has the potential to have an inferiority complex for a gazillion reasons because I keep the narrative disempowering and oppressive as it is. And I plan to keep it that way.
But honestly, I wrote the MC to feel like a perfectly normal person, privileged? Yes. Emotionally damaged? Yes. But they’ve been written to be perfectly competent to handle most situations. They can be snarky against Eirik during his assault and can protect themselves against the demons in the Wastes. That’s good enough for me.
But I’m done with trying justify my story to you. I’ve said all that I’ve said and I will stand by it. You’re obsessing about a story that’s barely left the dock. Everything playable so far has been nothing but MC suffering trauma through circumstances beyond their control and the people around them trying to heal them. If you’re expecting more from something in the first 5% of the story, you might want to enrich yourself on the typical progression of a story. It feels like you fall into the 1% that can’t seem to understand this.
This will be the last time I empower your rants. I will be deleting the rest of your asks from this point on. I will not change my story to fit your worldview of what the kind of MC my MC should be. I’m pleased with my MC, from the crybaby, the stoic, the snarky and the hothead. You might see them as useless and a pathetic doormat, but I think otherwise. I love them just the way they are.
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suffarustuffaru · 9 months
ok now that i caught up on a few asks (ill be back later!!) i got an awful awful omegaverse detail to share. i really like the omegaverse au rezero takes on here, yall have such interesting ideas. but okay i got one—
otto should be an alpha.
OKAY now hear me out for a second. i 1000% agree that otto being a beta makes absolute perfect sense. even though his personality is kinda loud sometimes, hes usually just kinda There. you know? hes always in the support role and he usually doesnt draw attention to himself. always stuck in the background and in the shadows 👍 he also wants a nice comfortable life. hes wanted to fit in throughout childhood. he takes care not to make others hate him (unless hes being impulsive/reckless). etc etc.
he knows that he fits the beta role to a T. thats why if he was anything BUT a beta, he’d be pretending to BE a beta.
this is because otto being an alpha exacerbates all the issues he develops by the time you get to arc 8. because otto is THE worst person to be an alpha. he doesnt fit the stereotype and the usual alpha at all. hes not very powerful. hes easy to make fun of and humiliate. hes not very dominant either. he tries to say all sorts of stuff in arc 8 and assert his place there and more than half the time he gets shrugged off because hes being dumb and no ones gonna do some of the shit he says. hes got a gazillion different complexes now about being useless and about being Secondary and he gets desperate so hes like “well i can walk in darkness though. im useful!! i swear!! this is what i can do!! everyone else is wrong!!”
so of course otto would pretend hes not an alpha because he is The complete opposite of what the “perfect” alpha should be. as hes growing up he would be like judged for that sort of thing, you know? and then he’d decide its more convenient to go on blockers or whatever and pretend to be a beta because betas are Normal. betas dont get noticed that much. not much is expected of you besides being the Support, right? depending on how you wanna interpret omegaverse politics wkdnd. and ottos like oh yeah. i wanna be seen as normal. and if i cant be a good alpha, if i cant be what an alpha should be, im gonna be a good alpha via playing the support role!! and theyll all know im dependable and useful and theyll need me and i can revel in the fact that they dont know im an alpha!! but im outplaying them!! i got them to need me!! my tactics have made ME the secret alpha controlling everything!! this is perfect!! im a good alpha!! i came out on top still!!! this is great!!
and then arc 8 comes along and it ruins everything and otto is back to being the absolute worst alpha of all time that everyone thinks is a beta anyway because hes 1. made this a self-fulfilling prophecy and 2. literally no one is gonna look at him and think “oh hes alpha material” after all this time. and after all his arc 8 shittery.
yeah so anyway then otto explodes with rage because his stupid alpha ass is like oughhhh ohhhhh ouhhhh my god im not in control anymore im not dependable anymore im not a good support anymore!!!!! no one takes me seriously!!!!! ill show them!!! ill show them all!!
also he probably thought of subaru as. as his omega. and subaru wouldnt even know because after all my good buddy pal otto is a beta 👍
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𝖄𝖔𝖚 𝖒𝖆𝖐𝖊 𝖒𝖊 𝖋𝖊𝖊𝖑 𝖇𝖗𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖓𝖊𝖜
𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓢𝓲𝔁
"𝘠𝘰𝘶'𝘳𝘦 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘸𝘩𝘰𝘮 𝘐 𝘤𝘢𝘯 𝘥𝘦𝘱𝘦𝘯𝘥"
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彡 𝓼𝓮𝓻𝓲𝓮𝓼 𝓶𝓪𝓼𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓵𝓲𝓼𝓽 彡
✦ 𝚙𝚛𝚎𝚟𝚒𝚘𝚞𝚜 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 | 𝚕𝚊𝚜𝚝 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 ✦
𝕾𝖚𝖒𝖒𝖆𝖗𝖞 : you've got what you wanted, why does it feel like it's all too late?
𝖂𝖔𝖗𝖉 𝕮𝖔𝖚𝖓𝖙 : it took this way too long again lol so I hope I did it justice
𝖂𝖆𝖗𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖘 : 18+ Knight!Eddie Munson x Princess!FEM!reader, language, use of y/n, reader and Eddie are both (21), Henry is (30+), Jason being an asshole to literally anyone on this fic, age gap, vi0lence, manipulation, gaslight, unrequited feelings, attempted murder and homicide, physical and verbal abuse, harassment, this chapter will be GRAPHIC! you know what you're getting yourself into, mentions of corpses, MASSIVE REVELATIONS, I advice to bring tissues on this chapter because 🥹
𝖂𝖍𝖆𝖙 𝖙𝖔 𝕰𝖝𝖕𝖊𝖈𝖙 : set in 17th century, upside down exists but think of it as an much older set up, ANGST IS BACK and FLUFF ON THE BEGINNING (I'm sorry), dark fantasy, romance, action, and drama
𝕹𝖔𝖙𝖊 𝕿𝖔 𝕽𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖊𝖗 : writing this chapter is a quite a lot to take in and I'm so pressured to capture everything from the last few chapters before! I just want to get it right, but I hope the long awaited return of me to write this is still loved! 🥺🫶🏻
𝕬𝖚𝖙𝖍𝖔𝖗 𝕹𝖔𝖙𝖊 : next time when I'm writing for another series, I'll just focus on that and I'll be back for other fic ideas on my list because that's what happened to me like?!? and also my preparations for every other chapter I take it very seriously, so, my apologies once again! 😭
"Y/N, wait, waaaaait"
On the walk on the passageways of your castle, Gareth halt his tracks for the third time but you can't help but feel giddy as you giggled
All of you stopped the moment he blinks his eyes in disbelief
"She already explained to you a gazillion times!" Jeff makes a sour expression directing at his friend
Eddie is holding his huge fit of laughter to his friend losing his mind
"Easy for you to say! I can't process that information when we we're with him! not knowing that he's also a fucking royal!" Gareth punctuates his point as he makes a lot of gestures to Eddie
Gareth rambles at the three of you as you watch him having a meltdown
"Is he a simple royal?! A freaking knight as well for christ sakes!" The lantern makes a squeaks sound as he moves back in forth into the small space
"Now, I know why you're so good at swords fight" he adds but not without his eyes are open wide
Jeff does a side eye to Eddie as he watches him shrugged and he shifts onto his feet from where he's standing
"I mean- yeah, I get it, Gareth, I was shocked too"
You swore to yourself that you saw Gareth almost burst into smithereens to his unbelievable comment
"That was your reaction?!?"
"W-What am I supposed to do?!?"
"Guys!" You shout as your voice echoes into the dark space
Jeff and Gareth turned their heads at you as Eddie flashes amusement on his eyes
"Does that mean things will be changed?"
"What do you mean?" You question him but with a smile on your face
"Since, well, oh- fuck- don't act dumb" Gareth shakes his lantern so aggressively that Jeff steps aside a little bit as he saw the melted wax dripped
"He means since both of you are like royalties things will be different" Jeff replies instead rolls his eyes at his friend who keeps dilly dallying at his point
Gareth flicks his hand making a slight "bow" to his statement
Jeff is now reminding himself why is he friends with him
"Who said things will be changed?" Eddie snickers as he shakes his head at the both of them
"They'll stay the same, Gareth" Jeff tugs up a smile as he nudges his shoulder
"Nah, I doubt it, I think they're just playing dumb, just wait- til' the end one of us will end up in a goddamn public execution"
You and Eddie looked at each other as you both cracked up a booming laughter
Jeff grows a much more bigger smile than before as he watches the both of you dying and needing of air from the serotonin levels that you both had
Gareth made an deathly glare at the both of you
"Come on, guys, let's go, my arm is getting tired for raising this lantern, save that for later" Eddie jokes as he takes your hand in his
You giggle to Gareth's face as he begrudgingly follows Jeff
"but you both gotta have to say "no" if ever that happens, right?!" Gareth groans
"Is this two bodies isn't enough for the gate to open?" Jason carries the lifeless bodies into the pit as he grimaced at disgust
Henry wants to puke all of his wrongdoings and wishes he could start all over again
He wants to talk to you
He even wants to come over at your room to see you
He wonders what you're we're at doing last night
"No, I told you, it needs one more"
Jason huffs as he removes the residue from his hands in a cloth as he stands beside Henry
"Then who is it gonna be?"
"Why don't you try to kill that boy?"
"Eddie, If you saw him, snap his bones off in an instant"
"Why would I do that?!?"
"Because I fucking goddamn believe that he's the one who got out from the upside down"
"Jason, you put all of those people in there, anyone can come out that place"
"What do you mean, me? You're also involved in this you motherfucker!"
Henry clenches his jaw as he looks away from Jason
If he stares any longer, he might've been squashed him down real flat
"I could've been something else rather than this"
Jason scoffs "No, you're born to be evil, don't make yourself innocent"
"I love her!" Henry's outburst caused a huge knock off to every furniture in the room
Leaving Jason the only person in the room who isn't affected but he got startled to his actions
It was loud that the four of you heard the banging sound in the walls
You thought you were the only one who heard it when you look at all of them
Fear creeps into their faces
"Aren't you forgetting something?" Jason walks towards to heavily breathing Henry
He watches him as he making a fist out of anger and frustration
"Our plan is going well until that girl is making you soft when she isn't supposed to be an issue to this" Jason's voice is firm as looks sternly at him
"Ain't she supposed to die like all the other kingdoms that we've wiped out?!?
Henry swallows the lump on his throat as his eyes became glassy
It is true
You should've been died before he couldn't do it
Because why?
He developed feelings for you since the first time he saw you
The maid that you comfortably spoken to before overheard this as she accidentally dropped the basket of clean laundry as she tripped on to the floor
She was about to tell you what she heard
She could've gone far away from them
She could've get up and save herself
But no, something is making her stay in that place
Her mind is now playing tricks thinking that she is safe
When in reality, she is frozen on the same position that she was in before
Jason places his palm on the door as he pushes and there's the girl that you've grown close than any other people from your palace
He grins at the girl as she tries to call for help but she can't, her whole body feels numb
Tears run stream down on her face as she watches Jason squats to look at her
Henry appears in the doorframe as he looked at the girl sympathetically
"Looks like we got ourselves the last hurrah" he chuckles darkly
The four of you run in the halls of the dark passageways
"Here!" You pushed the familiar brick of walls that your father taught you in case of emergency
The rest of you keep pushing as you making your way inside, recognition flashes through your eyes, it's your father's beloved library
"You heard that, man?" Enzo spoke through his mouthful of bread, he dust off the crumbs from his hand as he picked up a weapon
Wayne looks over at Enzo's shoulder, witnessing the books falling off as the wall in the corner kept moving
When they both saw a figure coming out of it they both hide
They're about to attack whoever the person behind the secret door
They heard your voice
But you're not alone, you're with someone else
Enzo sighs of relief as he shoots a melancholy but wholesome look at Wayne who is already looking at him
Enzo nods slowly indicating that he'll meet-
"Enzo? Are you here?" You say as you make your way into the open space of the library
"Y/N!" Enzo speaks as you smile widely as you embrace him
As you hold him, you saw him
"Hello dear" he smiles just like his nephew
"Oh my god" you ran over to him giving him the hug for the first time in years
Your eyes went all over the place as your mind make flashbacks of what's become at the two of you before
You both got taken away and that left a mark on you that you'll never can't never erase
But now, he's here, getting the chance to hold him
It's like your father is here again
Wayne smiles down at you but suddenly he heard another voice, he knits his brows together
"I can't believe you've grown up so differently!"
"I think it's because of the hair"
He heard the chatter between Enzo and-
Your heart made lurch out of your throat from any minute as he slowly removes himself away from you
Your tears are forming and threatening to spill for what you're going to witness now
Eddie looked over at the elder man who is now approaching him
His heart is racing, his mind is running a lot of thoughts, he feels like he's about to burst into tears at his presence
Is this could be it?
Wayne stares at his nephew as he gasps in disbelief but not without the happiness making in it's way on his features
Eddie searches for your eyes and when he meets your tears swirling through your vision, his heartbeat starts faster as the man walks closer to him
"My, my dear boy" Wayne couldn't help himself as he pulled Eddie embracing him tightly like he was about to disappear
Both of the men broken down into tears and it's the very first time ever you saw his friends cried over this bittersweet moment
Enzo blinks the tears away as you heard his quiet sniffle
Eddie meets your eyes again as it soften through the tears pooling over his uncle shoulder as he nods slightly to you
"Thank you" he mouths to you as you smile at him wiping your tears from your cheeks
"Eddie couldn't even stand still while we're posing at that, he was getting tired of it" you say while chuckling as you look at the painting
Jeff and Gareth laughs at the distorted thing that Eddie holds at the painting of you and him back when you're both 14
Eddie eyes are fixated on you with glint of overflowing tears and happiness, a smile is sitting on his lips
"Here, I have a cup of coffee" Enzo mutters as he offers it to him
Eddie blinks as he snaps his head to Enzo in front of him, he murmurs a soft "thank you"
Wayne is sitting beside him, he can't take it off from his nephew
Enzo glances at his way with empathy on his eyes, I mean- who wouldn't blame him?
He thought he won't be able to see his nephew
He thought he wouldn't have the chance to savor this moment
He thought he lost him
He thought he lost everything he ever cared in the world
He doesn't even know where to begin
"How are you doing, kid?"
Eddie looks at him with a small smile but it's endearing "Uh, if you compare it to before I met you, I feel....complete now"
Wayne chuckles, "he inherited my humor, huh?" he thinks
Thank god, his nephew spills humor he doesn't want to break into tears again
Enzo told Wayne about how strange it is that his nephew didn't know everything about himself
"I-I wanted to ask you, how'd you didn't know?- It's okay if you don't want to talk-"
Eddie waves his hand at him as shifts on his seat as he takes a sip of his coffee, "that's the question that I think I won't ever find the answer, I somehow- I-I didn't know I can't seem to remember what happened to me"
He felt a huge rock just fell right through his chest as he saw the sad look on his nephew eyes
He could've been avoided it happen but he was helpless
Wayne nods as he slowly takes in every word he said "I'm sorry"
Eddie turns himself to him fully as he pulled his brows together at him
Wayne silently sniffles as Eddie sadly sighs
"I-I'm sorry that I didn't protected you enough- I am so sorry-"
"Wayne, don't- just don't ever blame yourself, it is never your fault, please, what matters that we found each other"
Wayne and Eddie laughs in tears once again as they both embraced each other
"I won't ever leave your side again"
"I know, you won't"
The rest of them you've invited them over at your sanctuary room
There are few more extra mattresses, Eddie checked himself out as he wants to be alone for a while, you nod him with an understanding
Eddie breathes at the air in your corridor as he walks at the garden, he smiles to himself
Everything is fine until he pulls back into reality, he was about to go back inside, he saw Jason, pulling a sandbag as he looks closely
He made a double look as he saw it moved
He hesitates for a second to follow him but then he remembers your words
"Don't you think that they're the reasons why so many people disappearing all of the sudden?"
So, he went as he hides as he continues to spy
"You can come out now, Henry"
Eddie glared at the mention of his name
He knew it
And you knew it
He isn't really to be trusted
"You sure there's no one around?"
"Just fucking do the job" Jason seethes as he clicks his tongue
Henry rolls his eyes as Eddie heard the rustles
"No!!!! Let me go!" The girl from the sandbag cries for help as Eddie flinches by the sound of it, it was cut off when Henry covers her mouth, the gut-wretching sobs can't be missed
It became muffled as Henry kept holding her still
He suddenly felt nervous and afraid for the life of the girl that they abducted
"This is the last one, I'm so ready for this" Jason sounds so calm like that gives another info to Eddie that they didn't done this for the first time
They've already done it a lot of times
Eddie gulps, he can feel his heart jumping inside
He watches intently but also the guilt feeling on his stomach is about to form as he already get the idea
They're about to kill this poor young girl
It takes everything for him to disrupt the scene until his eyes go furiously wide, his hands went clammy, he doesn't even noticed that he's shaking
He even had to suppressed his screams of fear and terror
He watches Henry as he lifts his hand directing at the young girl, he saw the eyes that are now turned white, the whole body levitate as he raises his hand higher, Eddie breathes heavily as he saw the nosebleed from Henry
Eddie takes a sharp gasp as he slammed his mouth against the palm of his hand as he saw the young girl eyes sucked out of her skull, it started bleeding everywhere, all of bones started to crunch and snap easily as Henry flick his hand naturally like it was nothing and the whole appearance of the girl changed like he pulled the life out of her
Now, he knows why you're so scared, he is witnessing what you've witnessed
No wonder why you flinched so badly the moment you've told him
Eddie jumped to where he was hiding the minute he heard the thud of the lifeless body onto the ground, the girl is now deformed laying in there
"That was so goddamn satisfying, man" Jason applauses
"Keep it low!" Henry whisper-shouts as he looked everywhere in the area, he's paranoid
Eddie shakes his head as he slowly runs away, he doesn't want to stay there any longer
You're resting on the couch as you wait for Eddie to come back
As soon as he arrived, you immediately light up and it slowly drops as you taken the horror from his expression
"E-Eddie, wait- you're trembling" you held him steady by his shoulders
Enzo and Wayne got unease from the situation as they stopped talking abruptly
He grabs your forearms tightly as he looks straight into your eyes "W-We h-ave to go right now" his voice shakes as he spoke as you looked at him in confusion
You look over your shoulder as you saw Jeff Gareth approaching behind your back as they also mirrored your same expression
You swallow as you nod but you couldn't shake off the fear inside of you "Okay" you replied softly
The preparation to flee into the night hour was fast but also quiet as all of you remained calm and quiet
But you also take chances to dart your eyes on Eddie who still has the "terrified" looks on his eyes, he just masks it with seriousness as he packs up
All of you are now in the hallways of your palace walking the way out
"Eddie, I-I need to get something from my room" you loosen your hold on his hand but he held it tightly making you stop
"I'll be fast as a bullet, I promise"
Eddie sighs nervously as he shook his head but he nods and he lets you go
You study his expressions and he really felt off ever since he took a walk outside
"Be quick, okay?" he whispers as you give him a tight nod
As you enter your room, you picked up your most valuable and also very sentimental dagger that you have
You're about to leave the room until the window from your room whooshes open as you saw Henry appeared right before your eyes, you're so shocked that you pinned yourself against the door automatically hiding your dagger behind your back
Henry walks slowly to you with a unrecognizable smile that he gives to you, you furrow your brows as you maintain your composure
"Hey, Y/N, how is it going?" He greets casually as if doesn't scare you from his actions
"I'm doing well, I'm fine, thank you"
"Uh- what we're you doing last night?"
I slept beside Eddie and I made love to him
"I went to bed because I was so tired from the dance right?" You lie
"I know it wasn't real but I hoped that you liked it somehow"
He wishes it to be real
"Yeah- it was okay" you shrug as you averted your eyes somewhere else
He takes a one step closer as he grazes his fingers onto your forearms shooting goosebumps through your skin as it leaves an unnerving sense of discomfort
The light of his eyes dies as he knits his brows together he takes a step back
He looks at you deeply as he takes you in
Your white blouse dress with corset as your long locks of curled hair waved through the cool night air as your aura became different
You've always looked undeniably and otherworldly beautiful but he can't pinpoint where it seems
Too different from him
"Y/N, something has changed in you" his tone become firm as his eyes goes all over your face
"Henry, I need to go now" you say but not turning back as you reached for the doorknob behind your back you unclick it but he lifts his hands as he closes it back with a force leaving you startled as you look at him
His blue piercing eyes never left your gaze as he walks in front of you as he blocks the door
The silver of light came back to his eyes as he hopes that you feel the same way as he does
"I've adored you, Y/N"
You're taken aback from his admission
As it finally it all came through you, now, you know why he is nice to you
Because he likes you
"Henry, I-"
"I love you, Y/N" he holds you by the shoulders and it looks like he's about to lean in forward but you dodged it leaving him with a deep sigh as you moved away from him
Jason's words are now replaying into his mind
"Don't do this to me!" He exclaims as he apologizes as you flinched on him once again
"I-I'm sorry, Henry" you're both walking backwards as kept pressing personal questions to you
"I've cared for you, I always put you first, you're the only one that I ever wanted to be safe, I never stopped thinking about you and this is all what I get?!?" He flick his hands again as all of the furniture crashes down breaking every piece inside of the room
You grip on your dagger behind your back as you take a deep breath to his sudden outburst
He remembers the name of the guy that Jason always tell him
"Tell me that you're not alone last night, are you?" He sobs angrily but not letting the tears spill
"Stop prying and being nosy onto my personal life, Henry!" You snap at him
He can't even bring himself to hurt you, no matter how evil he is, he has no power over you
And that alone might've been his weakness
He'll be history, if you ended him since his powerless over you
"Are you with him?"
You're on the ridges of your corridor as you hit your lower back on the rim
You're cornered by him
"I don't know-"
"Just tell me the truth, Y/N! if he isn't I'll spare his life"
You feel weightless, you knew this was coming but you can't help but feel slight of disappointment
"What do you mean spare his life?"
You thought your mind is playing tricks on you as you can see that his demeanor and the atmosphere changes as he finally drops his good guy act
"Oh, honey, I'm also going to kill him too"
"Look down"
Once you've followed him, you saw the body of the maid that you we're looking for a few days ago, you're about to bring her along with you
Now, you know why she is missing in action
You shrieked as you cried with ragged breaths as you gave him a deathly stare
"You're supposed to be my wife, you know, we could've been prevented this"
"I will never be your fucking wife!" You aimed for his neck stabbing him deeply as he croaks in pain
You watch him removed it like it didn't hurt him as your eyes go wide as you saw the true form of him
The flesh that he's wearing was all just a costume, it creeps you out more, you shudder
"Oh, you will be" he says as he throws your dagger away
"You can't"
"Yes, I can"
"What will you do?"
"I'll remove your memories, of course" he grins with a knowing look
He gave you a mere seconds to react as you finally figure it out what happened to Eddie
Before you know it, he lifts you up in the air as he flashes now his real eyes
You can't no longer defend yourself as you stayed frozen as you now stare into the blank space like you're in a trance
"She's taking so long" Eddie bops his knee up and down
"Eddie- We just can't" Gareth reasons with him as he is afraid of getting caught
"We can if I lose her i don't know who will I be without her"
Jeff nods "We'll cover you, Eddie" as he gives a tight lipped smile to Gareth who exhales as he scratches his head
Enzo and Wayne are already in the upside down
The plan was to go inside one by one and by groups as they couldn't give other soldiers ideas that leads to more suspicions
As Eddie enters your chambers he gasps horridly as he saw your body up in the air, Jeff and Gareth are also stunned as they saw Henry turned his head to Eddie with a unreadable wicked smile on his face and also noticed the change of his eyes
"Hey, demon face!" Gareth shouts as he throws him an axe right across from his face making drop on the ground with you as well
You're unconscious as Eddie worries terribly as he tries to wake you up and even slightly tapping your face but no to avail as he carries you while resting your legs on his arms as he grumbles at Henry who has now bleeding a big cut on his face
Also revealing the skin crawling true self of him
He was about to stop Eddie but Jeff shoots 6 arrows all at once at him as it completely injured him to make him move slow as all of you made your way to escape
But before Eddie leaves he gives a one last glare to Henry that left him for the first time a knowing disturbing look
Jason was right about him
He held you tightly as Jeff, Gareth keep running non-stop
You woke up screaming and crying as you started to wail, you're covered in your cold sweat as Eddie goes straight onto your side
The sound that you make waken up the others as they looked at you in concern
"She must've seen it" Enzo speaks as he looked in you sympathetically
"Seen what?" Wayne straightens himself up
"Y/N, You're okay, you're with me, you're safe"
You looked around you as you choked up in your own tears and you felt Eddie's hands intertwined with yours as you look at him in question
"Who are you?"
Jeff and Gareth looked at each other in confusion
What did Henry do to you?
"I-I'm Eddie, D-Don't you remember?" Eddie searches for your eyes as you repeat saying his name
"Yes, that's right"
You looked at everyone in the room again as you feel like in a some sort of vertigo as you begin to nosebleed, your eyes went backwards as you drop back down on the bed as you winced in pain and start to wail again
They have no idea what is going on
But why do they feel like something is heavy behind your eyes that'll explain everything
"She's bleeding!" Jeff exclaims, Wayne panicked as they all helped each other to give Eddie to aid for you
When Eddie is wiping the blood from your nose, you grab his wrists making everyone halt to what they're doing as the silence starts swirl around the area
Just by one look, Eddie saw the recognition in your eyes, you're back
You swallow first before you can muster to speak as you try to shake your head slightly
Now, you know what happened to your father
Since Henry used his powers to you, it left a glimpse to all of the horrible things that he did
How many? How many people? How many families and how many kingdoms that they've exterminated?
"He killed them all" you sob as you held him tightly as Eddie scoots closer to you
"W-What, Y/N? sweetheart, you're scaring me, what is going on?"
"Eddie, it's Henry- he's the one"
"The one?"
"Who erased your memories" you cried as you let the words fell from your lips
Eddie's lip twitches as it let the information sink down on him instead of reacting so badly he decides to embrace you
"That's so fucked up" Gareth runs his palms over his face in a stressful manner
"Y/N! your highness, please! I can be trusted!" Dmitri somehow managed to follow all of you as he slams the door open, shocking to every single one of you in the cabin
"What the fuck are you doing here? Go back to your master like a dog you are! Always obeying him" Wayne aims his sword on him so closely that one push is all it takes for him to end his life
Dmitri is desperate to explain himself, so, he searches for your eyes in the room
He walks forward but Jeff, Enzo and Gareth held him as Eddie darts his eyes to you and to him
"Listen, I am ashamed of it, I was never proud of betraying you and your father, your father helped a lot to improve my business, I'm grateful for everything but he threatens me if I don't follow him, he'll kill my family!" he begs as you listen to him carefully, you still feel a slight twinge of pain in your head
"I escaped from them! The guilt is eating me up, I can't no longer stay, I don't care, if it's risky, but I won't be able to forgive myself if I don't fight, I will be dishonorable if I don't show that I wasn't siding with them" the poor man is so miserable, you can see it in his eyes, you still feel hurt to his actions but what's the use to get mad at this hour?
When all you can do is help each other and win this fight
Enough with the grudges and heartaches
If you don't save this kingdom and who else will?
Who knows? What will Henry and Jason to other kingdoms next?
"Dmitri is okay, I understand" you stand up as Eddie assists you
"T-thank you, thank you" his voice crack between sobs as he shakes your hand
"Oh, Y/N!" Jason's voice, you overheard the people clamoring your name as a subject of treason
Gareth scoffs as he lightly grazes the tip of his axe to Dmitri's neck "Are you doing this on purpose by knowing that you got tailed by them?!?"
"N-No! I swear, I ran as fast as I could! I didn't know that they're following me!" Dmitri quickly saids
"Man, they knew we're we live" Eddie tuts him to put back down his axe
But Gareth gave him a look as he watches by the window
"I assume you know what happened to Eddie?" Jason runs his swords at the walls outside of the cabin making sounds as he walks around, taunting all of you
You frown but anger nestles in your face as the rest of you line to each other side by side with weapons
"I wonder who took him?" Jason feigns innocence as pretends to think
Eddie remembers the knowing teasing that he always throws at him and it all makes sense now
"It's him" Eddie mutters as he cracks his knuckles
"That little fucker!" Wayne is about to kick the door open but Enzo stopped him
"It's me!" Jason laughs evilly "Poor boy was crying for help and shouting his Uncle's name and Y/N"
You looked at Eddie who is now looking at you as you feel so sorry for him but he just nods as he gave your hand a squeeze
"Wait- this is the best part" Jason claps his hand together wickedly
All of you listened in anticipation
"I was also the one who framed and spread the fucking lies to everyone in town that the Munson's are who practiced black magic" Jason chuckles
The town went quiet to Jason's reveal that you swore everyone gasped that they're targeting the wrong person all this time
"What's wrong? Why all of you stopped? You all so fucking gullible little unfortunate people!" Jason stabbed one of the townspeople leaving the whole other people alarmed by his action
Jason runs his fingertips on his sword covered by blood "I guess this could say that yes we're the ones who took your loved ones away"
Everyone screeched and couldn't get away any further as all of them are guarded and cornered by soldiers
Enzo couldn't control Wayne any longer as he finally kicked down the door open
He attacks Jason as he nicked him on the side
"Touché" Jason grunts as he touched his side now his fingertips are smeared on his own crimson blood
"We we're living in peace and you spoiled it" Wayne punctuates his action using his sword
Hearing his voice cracks your own head
You're so petrified that a lot of expressions are mixing on your face
"Henry" you let out an incredulous laugh, you walk in circles slowly and also playfully
Eddie is keeping an eye out for you but also he's amused
Amused to your actions
"Don't let me hurt you" Henry softly speaks
"You already did" you smirk but not without fiery eyes directing at him
"We can stop this"
"We can?!? don't fucking play with me, Henry! you could've stopped in the first place if you really want to"
Your whole nation is watching and listening
You glanced at them as you think of a much better plan
If they didn't still won't believe you or any either of your allies
You will show it to them
"My dear people, he slaughtered every kingdom they've ever been in, taking everything they can, because why?, you ask?" you laugh in disbelief again as you shook your head sideways as you think "They wanted to be gods, isn't that right? Henry? you struggle to be somebody in the world but you didn't think first that isn't right to end someone else's life?!? just because other people can't accept you?!?"
"You maybe right on that, Y/N" Henry interrupts
His tone changed and it made you close your mouth to speak
Jason punches Wayne making him drop his sword as he got hold off by the palace guards
Wayne fumes deep into his soul as he looks at Jason
"Do you even think what happened to your mother?" Jason joins in as he spits the blood from his mouth
You freezed once again, Eddie, Jeff, Gareth, Enzo, Dmitri and even Wayne perked up at the mention of the late queen
You're too appalled, too appalled that you set that aside for Eddie's knowledge
No one really knows what happened or what is the true story behind it
Until now, no one has ever find out about it even your father
Your mother is just like you, kind, courageous, charm and sensibility, cares about the people than herself like no other
One day, on your 7th birthday, she vanquished with no explanation, never left a mark or even a trace to why she just disappeared
Your father never talked about it ever again but you know he misses her as much as you missed her
"She's our very first victim, by the way" Jason sniggered as if it didn't scarred you
"We don't like fighters and fighters are keep meddling with our plans like you're doing right now"
"it's so hard to track you down"
You look at Jason with the most questionable expression on your face
Henry chuckles evilly as you glare at him
"Your father, Jim, left every place that reminds him of your mother, he hides you from us"
"Didn't you taken a notice why your father is somehow knows what to do with all of this?!"
Yes, you did, you always wonder why your father prepared you with situations like this
You didn't ask him about it because you thought it's the only way to protect yourself and your loved ones
Now, you know, it's must've been so tough for your father to go through with all of this
At the moment, all you see is red, the sounds from the people around you are now drowned in your surface of boiling point
You straighten your shoulders and hold your sword properly
You can hear the branches next to you are crunching as Jason walks to your side as he continues to provoke you
"And then the next is her father" Jason chuckles
Eddie, Jeff, Gareth, Enzo and Wayne are mortified by the reveal
You met with Eddie's eyes with so much anguish but also feeling blue inside of it
Eddie can see that you're holding your tears as you make a move an uppercut hit on Jason, you can hear his jaw crackles a bit as he shouts in pain, blood is spilled as you push him back down
Your fight has become an inspiration to Wayne as he uses all of his power on his body to let go of the grip by the soldiers, he fought for them as he finally approached the bewildered Jason on the ground who is just about to process the man that is now standing in front of him, his eyes went bigger as Wayne put an end to his life
"Now, you'll shut the fuck up for the rest of your life" Wayne whispers angrily as he lets his sword got deeper and deeper into Jason's body, he hurls on his own blood as it squelches
Henry saw everything as Jason predicted
You attack him while he is distracted, you got him by his shoulder as he whimpers in pain and then onto his legs you aim for it
He starts to limping around as he goes closer to you
You raised your sword as you used it slanted position as you scrape of the half of his skin
Showing it to everyone what he really looks like
"Now, you've done it!" Henry held you by the neck as he raises you upward, leading everyone to gasp
"Y/N!" Eddie calls for you as you wave him to go back away
Dmitri saw your fallen dagger on the ground as he takes it
Henry is now tightening his grip onto your throat making you cough out of air as you watch Dmitri stab Henry by the neck, you drop onto your knees in the ground
"Traitor" Henry tuts as he flicks his hand lift him up in the air for anyone to see as he starts to squirm as you can hear the weeping sounds coming out from him
"Oh my god, no- no- No!" Eddie helps you get up as he yells
"I've seen this before" your heart cracks as you can see the fear on Eddie's eyes and Dmitri whimpers"
"That's what happened to your maid" Eddie's voice starts to waver as you went down to your knees in shock as soon as you heard the crunch and crumble from Dmitri's bones
Henry totally did a mark on you as you couldn't move so fast to save him but it's all coming too fast
You can feel your head is bleeding, your back is obviously now bruised and his real hands can be so sharp that it wounded you
Despite the excruciating pain that he's having, the last seconds that are left in him are ticking, you can hear it, you can feel in your heart
You slowly shaking your head as you cry as you watch him die
He nods his head carefully to you as he said his last words
"I am e-elated to be a p-part of your service, Princess Y/N, I served m-my purpose, my land, I am so thankful that I have someone l-like you and your father" Dimitri managed to give you a one last smile
Your lips are trembling as you nod in understanding "The honor is mine" you smile weakly
It was so terrible that you saw what Eddie saw and him seeing this for the second time is so wrecking your sanity
The eyes just got pull him out right through his body, he's not recognizable anymore, the face and the whole body is crumpled altogether
"No!" You wail as you throw yourself on Eddie's arms
"I know, sweetheart, I know" he caresses your head as held you tightly
You flinched just like Eddie flinched when it drops onto the ground like it was just an soulless being
He's an animal
You grab your sword as you remove yourself from Eddie, your adrenaline is rushing in, there's no one else to stop you by the moment he turns around, he sees you, appalled that you're Infront of him, not thinking twice for any longer as you stab him right through his chest
His mouth is agape as his eyes went down onto your sword and to you
Both of you went back down as the whole town exclaimed
You're still holding onto your sword as it pinned him down, his blood are now peeking through the ground
"We could've been something" he grins as the nerve to touch you again by your ankle but you move away fast, you scoff as you can't believe he still managed to be so damn cocky on his last breath, you pull out your sword making him gasp and winces in pain not giving him a moment to help him out with the pain that he's having
"In your dreams, Henry!" You angrily said as you his eyes went wide as he realizes what you're about to do
You slammed down your sword as you decapitated his head as it starts to roll around the ground
You used up every energy you have, you didn't noticed the people started to cheer
Jeff, Gareth, Enzo looked at each other as all of them are baffled
You end him just like that?!?
All of the soldiers are now free from the brainwashing, hypnotized and controlled by Henry and Jason
But Eddie and Wayne eyes softens as you start to walk away in a different path with a unsure expression on your face, you didn't even looked back at Eddie but he doesn't mind it
"Where is she going?" Gareth asks in confusion
"Let's leave her alone for a while, she needs time, she'll be okay" Eddie replies to him as Wayne rests his hand over his shoulder as he gave his nephew a reassuring smile
He sighs in contentment as finally everything is done
The clouds are now clearing up, the upside down is slowly starts to dwindle back to normal
Everything is okay now
Eddie's smile falters quite a bit as he thinks about you after all you've been fought through together
He knows this won't be easy for you
Will you be okay?
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olderthannetfic · 1 year
I don't know beans about traditional Chinese clothing and I'm not in any fandom where characters were hanfu, but I'm finding the conversation about it really interesting by analogy to something I am familiar with, Highland dress. I wear a kilt maybe about once a week, and the historical and cultural significance is important to me.
The full outfit one traditionally wears with a kilt has a gazillion pieces, and each pice has at least two names, was probably invented a few hundred years later than you think it was, and almost certainly is at the center of at least one political issue in the 18th or 19th century.
The thing you think of as a kilt is also called a small kilt, or a philabeg (a loan word from Gaelic, also spelled filibeg or phillibeg), and is technically half of the great kilt (aka philamor, also with spelling variations). It may or may not have been invented by an Englishman.
The Jacobite shirt is a recent invention. The wide belt with a huge buckle comes from military dress. Tartan is technically the name of the cloth, and a plaid is a sort of mini cloak you wear on your shoulder. Kilt pins only go through the top layer of fabric and don't pin the kilt together, and are a Victorian invention. Tartan patterns only gained close and official identities with specific clans or families or groups in the Victorian era. Some modern Tartans are under copyright and you need permission from the designer to weave or sell them, others are public domain and literally anyone can wear them, despite affiliation.
I could go on....
Or you can wear a kilt with stompy goth boots and a band tshirt, or with hiking boots and a polo shirt, that's fine too (and how I wear mine, more often than not).
It's not hard for me to see that hanfu is just as complex and has just as much historical and cultural significance as the traditional cultural clothing I'm more familiar with, and getting it wrong in a fic would look just as silly.
But you don't have to actually do this much research and know everything I know about Scottish history to write a character who wears a kilt, whether it's in a historical, present day, or fantasy setting.
You probably want to have an OK grasp of what Highland dress means to your character and why they wear it, and you want to acutally know what a kilt even is in the first place (it's a little more specific than just a skirt), but that's all you really need.
If a Chinese fanfic author wanted to write Outlander fic, and didn't want to do the in depth research to get the clothing terminology exactly right for the time period, that's fine. Just put the pleats in back and call it a kilt instead of a skirt and that's good enough.
-- Same anon who just sent the ask about Highland dress. I can see where the "it's not a robe" anons are coming from. To me, the word "robe" covers a huge variety of unrelated garments, including bathrobes and wizard robes and hanfu and kimono and togas and the sack-like things graduates wear and the things Medieval European kings wear. But if someone called a great kilt a robe, I think I'd have a fit. Yes, just like the other examples, it's a large flowing piece of cloth worn around the body in a certain style, but it's more specific than that. I most likely feel this way because I'm more familiar with great kilts than I am with the other examples. The others are all just different kinds of robes to me, but a great kilt is something specific that I know a lot about. If you described a great kilt to someone who didn't know anything about it as a type of robe, I would consider that accurate, but if you said of an Outlander character "he put on his robe", I would be like "excuse me???? that's a great kilt". That's probably how the "hanfu ≠ robe" anons are thinking.
For me, as a novelist, the calculation is simple:
When I'm writing in third person limited (as I usually do), how would the character be thinking about this clothing? That's what the argument boils down to.
On one side, we have "This word is more Chinese, so it feels more like it's honoring that these are Chinese canons".
On the other side, we have the equivalent of "Your Scottish guy from 1350 is not going around thinking 'He was clad in Scottish dress' about his bros who are just wearing normal clothing."
No one is confused about the two sides of the argument. They just disagree about whether 'hanfu' is anachronistic and exoticizing.
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kikker-oma · 10 months
Twilight gets a drivers license, featuring CHAOS!!
A/N: I literally just woke up and typed this, so grammatical errors will be present
“Ok, Twi, we love you, but you seriously need to learn to drive.” Legend grumbled, “I’m sick of walking, and after the… restaurant incident Time isn’t driving us anywhere.”
“What are you talking about? We have Epona!” The rancher responded. Why learn to drive when you already can travel easily with a horse? “I ain’t wasting time getting a… car license, when we already got a fast way to travel.” 
“Can Epona fit 9 Links and their stuff?”
“Good point.”
“Okay, let’s start with the basics. This is a car.” Time pointed to the vehicle, “It’s used to drive.”
“Old man, I’m not stupid.” Twilight hopped into the front seat, “Bless y’alls hearts, anyways, how do you drive this thing?” 
“Um… First set the lever into DRIVE,” Time paused, “I think.”
“You THINK?” 
“Okay, 60 years old is back on the list.” Wind whispered to the rest of the chain, “But I’m guessing older.” 
“Anyways, back to what I was saying…”
So, after about 3 hours of attempting to teach the rancher how to drive, and about 5 hours of failing miserably, Time completely lost hope.
“You know,” Wild crunched on an apple, “I could teach ya how to use the master cycle 0-“
“Are you sure that’s safe?” Four jumped in, “I’ve seen you fuel that thing with literally anything, not to mention isn’t that like a gazillion years old?”
“Who’s counting?” 
“Wait, wait.” Warriors interjected, “Isn’t there a driving school?” 
“Oh yeahhhhh” Legend sarcastically responded, “Because we just LOVE to waste our precious rupees for transportation.”
“Wasn’t this whole learning thing your idea vet?-“
“Hush hush pretty boy, let the big kids talk”
“NO.” Hyrule quickly shut Warriors’ mouth, “We don’t talk about that…” Then he paused, “Wait, a DMV does make sense though.”
About a million “years” later, Twilight emerged from the car. Full marks.
“I got a drivers license.”
The Links cheered, “Good job rancher, I knew you could do it.” Time gave him a pat on the back.
“Now I can do what I always wanted to do…”
Twilight hopped back into the car.
“I gOt mY dRiVeRs lIceNse tHiS wEeK, jUsT like wE nEvEr tAlkEd aBouT-“
LOL the chaos this is exuding hahahaha
Twi being all angsty teen about Midna is great😂
Time losing hope in this whole thing is such a mood honestly, I remember my mom teaching me how to parallel park and it was..... An experience hahaha.
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agentnico · 3 months
IF (2024) review
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Seems like John Krasinski wanted to apologise to his kids after scarring them for life with A Quiet Place.
Plot: After discovering she can see everyone's imaginary friends, a girl embarks on a magical adventure to reconnect forgotten imaginary friends with their kids.
One must ponder the question WHAT IF John Krasinski decided to make a good movie? Okay, that’s harsh, but in all seriousness IF isn’t a great film. About 30 minutes into watching this, I realized it wasn't going to have the broad, universal appeal of many films in this genre. It's extremely sad in parts, and then shifts to total silliness, then back to sad again. Films can be a lot of things at different times, but it was sort of whiplash here going from silly to sad and back again. As such it begs the question who this movie is intended for? Naturally one would think children as it’s got goofy imaginary characters and a lot of slapstick and stupid jokes, but then there are genuinely depressing and hard-hitting moments where it seems to connect more with adults and their traumatic experiences. The film suffers a huge identity crisis that is its primary downfall.
Also IF is boring. The plot just sort of wanders and things happen that bear no purpose towards progressing the primary narrative. The characters are also poorly written without, dare I say, much imagination, with Cailey Fleming as the little girl protagonist being extremely monotone and lifeless, and for someone who’s supposed to be inspiring and helping these imaginary friends find a new home, she lacks any energy to motivate. I recall she was way more likeable and charismatic as Judith Grimes in The Walking Dead and it’s not like that show is known for great writing, especially in the later seasons, yet there she left much more of an impression than in this film. Ryan Reynolds is enjoying his cool uncle era, yet even he felt really restrained here. Like it is still Reynolds doing his shtick, but it was missing something which I can’t put my finger on. As for the imaginary friends themselves, there are lots of voice cameos featured throughout, but again not many of these creatures actually had that memorable of a personality. Steve Carell is trying his upmost best as the big purple fluff that’s walked out of Monsters Inc., but I was finding him irritating more than anything. Of the more amusing ones there was Richard Jenkins as an Art Teacher and he has the most delightful voice, Bradley Cooper as a glass of ice which I found more entertaining than I should have, and Sam Rockwell as a superhero dog deserves a movie of his own. And again why the hell is Awkwafina in this? She’s voiced characters in like a gazillion animations in the last decade but her voice is so grading.
Usually I would admit to not being the right target audience for a movie that’s billed as for children, however in this case I feel the movie doesn’t really fit for anyone per se. It does seem that John Krasinski works best when there’s less dialogue like with his spectacular horror A Quiet Place, yet here IF seems to miss the mark. I’m certain this is done with good intentions, and maybe I’m being overly cynical here, but IF does not paint a solid case for imaginary friends.
Overall score: 3/10
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bonbon42 · 8 months
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💗🌸 Justice For The Cherubs❣️ 🌸💗
Sorry It’s Been Since I Made A Post Like This❣️ I’ve Just Been So Caught Up With My Reaction Vids That I Almost Forgot About Tumblr❣️ I Was Originally Gonna Make A Vid On This Subject Matter, But It Got Too Much For Me To Handle & I Thought I’d Just Do It Here❣️ But Anyway Yeah❣️ The Cherubs❣️ Oh The Poor Cherubs❣️ Vivziepop Really Did Them Dirty❣️ And They Were Well Written Characters Too❣️ 42 Gazillion Times Better Then IMP❣️ Cuz I’ve Started To Notice All The Recent Controversies Surrounding Vivziepop (Namely The Poison Controversy) & Then I Realized “Wait A Sec, The Main Characters Suck❣️” Then I Thought “Who Do I Root For If I Wanna Keep Watching This Show?” & The First Thing That Came To Mind Were The Cherubs❣️ HEAR ME OUT❣️ All The Cherubs Wanted Were To Help Lyle Lipton & Save His Life (Just Like Any Good Person Would)❣️ But Then In Comes IMP & All Their Poorly Written Flaws Telling Him To Kill Himself❣️ Then Just As He Finally Decides To Keep Living, They Made Cletus Fire An Arrow That Somehow Got The Guy Crushed By A Piano❣️ And Cletus Never Meant To Fire That Arrow, It Was An Accident❣️ And Now The Cherubs Are Homeless Cuz They Got Banished From Heaven❣️ I Think The Song Below Fits Perfectly With The Whole Situation❣️
Also You’re Probably Wondering Why I Think IMP Are Poorly Written Characters & There’s Already A Video On That Which Right Below This Text❣️ I’d Recommend Watching It❣️
But Anyway If By Chance The Cherubs Come Back (Let’s Say With The Agents) Then You Bet I’ll React To It❣️ I Just Hope The Cherubs Win This Time❣️ I Don’t Care If They’re Antagonists❣️ They Need This❣️ They’re Too Cute To Be Homeless & Lose Basically Everything❣️
🎀🌸 Be Good & Be Cute❣️ 🌸🎀
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gender0bender · 2 years
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ID: a photograph of a bald black trans man with black glasses and a grey beard sitting on a church pew, looking over at the camera held by someone on the pew behind him. His expression is relaxed and neutral. He is sitting with his hands rested on top of each other and wearing a red and white wtriped shirt, a ring on his left pinky finger, and a bracelet on each wrist. The background is a church behind him. ED. 
Intrview with Louis, a 54 year old trans man, taken from To Survive on This Shore, a series of interviews with older trans people.
In the last few years I have seen tremendous growth in the transmasculine community. Keep in mind that in my generation, the notion of community was almost an intentional causality to the process. You were supposed to move away, never let anyone know your history, and move into isolation in order to exist.  You needed to be heteronormative and have a specific way of being that fit the criteria of what this diagnosis is supposed to look like. So the notion of building community in that way… how could you if you don’t meet the standards? The notion that community is available to us is a relatively new phenomenon.  
That being said, I find that the majority of trans men of color choose to live non-disclosed, low- or no-disclosure for economic reasons, for safety reasons, and for family reasons. That is a perfectly viable choice, but it does make it difficult to build community, so some of us who are fully disclosed have to serve as the conduits to connect us to each other. We have a black trans men’s advocacy site on Facebook that has almost 500 members. There is a group that just started called My Brother’s Keeper in Atlanta. When I meet other men in transition, we have a discussion about whether they want to live out and open or low- or no-disclosure. It allows me to direct them to others. I think that is critical to build community, specifically among trans men of color. There are so many other oppressions and variables that trans men and trans women of color face that it’s not as easy as hanging a rainbow flag out your window. Well, how’s that gonna work? You gonna pay my bills? Are you going to walk with me everywhere I go and be my personal bodyguard? So the notion that “out” is always better assumes a safety that many of us, especially trans women of color, cannot count on.
I’m so excited that in a relatively short slice of history, a community has grown up around me of vibrant, creative, amazing people: men, women, and others who are doing such amazing work in the realm of spirituality, sciences, art, and politics. It’s like having a gazillion nieces and nephews and other kids and being really proud of all of them.  
Years and years ago when I was tiny kid I just wanted to grow up to be a husband and a father, but in that time and place it was completely impossible. So the notion that I have those things in my life now is nothing short of miraculous. And how many people in the world can say that the dream they had that was impossible, they are now living it? It is an amazing and surreal and awe-inspiring dream come true. So I am extremely grateful more than anything else, and I will continue to seek that gratitude in ways that I can and continue to be an example to people who are really struggling. The impossible is possible. Likely, maybe not. Easy, most defiantly not. But possible. So that is a joy and I will continue doing that until I kick the bucket.
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sylvanas-girlkisser · 4 months
Random 1am ramble because ✨I can't sleep✨
It annoys me how often SFF media, but especially scifi, envisions a future in which people, or at least the PoV characters are as, if not further removed from the production of goods as we are today.
Like everybody, except maybe the redditors, know that fast fashion is unsustainable, and yet so often the answer to "where do the clothes come from" is either:
A mega factory far away
A literal clothing printer
And it just feels like such an expression of a first world/late stage capitalism mindset right? Like if we're out there trying to terraform planets a gazillion light years from the nearest H&M, then we're gonna be shipping in new clothes whenever something breaks, we're going to need means of repairing and manufacturing.
And if we've already figured out technology that can efficiently turn just pure carbon into clothes, what are we doing out in nowhere space? We could be having orgies and eating ice cream!
Obviously food and clothing as examples have the added "stigma" of being considered "womens work", meaning a lot of creatives start to vomit blood if asked to think about it for more than 2 seconds but i digress.
The same can be said for tools, hygiene products, electronics etc. It has to come from somewhere. Centralized manufacturing and just-in-time shipping like we have today is hugely vulnerable to supply chain disturbances. Now imagine if you have to ship it ACROSS SOLAR SYSTEMS.
What I'm getting at is, have you ever tried to make a hammer with a 3d printer? It's gonna suck! Obviously 3d printers have their applications, but making it a one size fits all solution to the problems of scifi manufacturing, is a waste of worldbuilding potential and displays just a clear lack of interest in where things in the real world come from.
Also clothing and food more so than most other types of goods are thoroughly products of their environments and culture! And people have always worked to and wanted to personalize things right? Even if you have a society that violently enforces gray jumpsuits, bald heads and nutrient paste for all meals, people are going to find some way of making it their own.
Because, and I know this will hurt Black Library authors to hear, everyone - every single person that ever lived and ever will live - is an individual, and accounting for that is the central pillar of worldbuilding
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saint-amand · 6 months
Hi!! I love your artwork, your comics look really polished and professional! I was wondering if you had any inspirations/favorite mangaka or comic artists, or if you had any tips for starting on making comics ^^
Thank you so much!
To be honest... I have not actively kept up with manga for a long time (I really should for someone drawing one), although I'm exposed to a bit of the doujinshi community in general just by way of social media. I would say the look I've arrived at stems from having drawn comics for years and so having those opportunities to experiment with different ways of doing things.
The #漫画が読めるハッシュタグ tag on Twitter is a fun trove of seeing what's out there and some professionals also use it to plug upcoming publications by posting the first chapter (it's heavily used though so you might need to wade through a lot). Also recommend finding manga anthologies or magazines because it's a good way to compare a lot of artists in a small space!
As for tips on starting... I feel I can say a lot of things but it depends what kind of detail and what topics!! (I wanted to start a blog on this before but the idea dropped off because I didn't have a lot of time to write) Anyway I'll rattle off about some key points:
Deciding technical details Figure out what your intended specs are -- are you publishing digitally or do you want to print it? Both? Or digitally for now with possibility of printing in the far future? So then what size? Is it in pages or long webtoon format? What DPI will you draw in? Colour or B&W?
Storytelling and panelling Assuming you already have a story in mind and have written some kind of script, you then need to figure out how you're going to tell and pace it, and how you're going to lay it out on a page. I start with going over the script and splitting them into pages, cutting them at points that seem to make sense to be a good stop. And then I split the lines into panels. Now you know how many panels there are going to be per page*, you can begin storyboading (infamously the hardest part of comics). *But at the same time, you might only get a better sense of this once you've had more experience laying out pages. It's a huge spectrum. Depending on the tone of your story, if it's slow, loose, emotional and fluffy, there tends to be less panels on a page. More active and actiony, or if you just need to get through a lot and want to keep the scene going without lingering too long you would have more panels. Some manga average at like 3-6 panels per page whereas some people with higher density go for 5-8... And some people can fit up to 10 depending on the type of scene. It's all up to you! It's not a hard rule though obviously and it can create a lot of impact to mix it around. For example it's really impactful if you typically have 7 panels and suddenly something major happens and there's only 2 panels on the next page. Likewise you can create a sense of franticness or comedy if it's a slow moving story with 3 panels and suddenly there's 8 on the next page. Not to mention there are then a gazillion ways you can shape the panels on the page, and then compose the speech balloons and shots in them. Maybe you already have an image of mind of 1 shot and need to figure out everything around it. I recommend analysing at what other comic artists do for reference! Take your time because this is the most thinking-intensive part of the entire process. It's kind of a problem or puzzle-solving exercise though and it's satisfying once you arrive at your solution for that page.
Drawing style Since you're going to be drawing multiple pages, you need to decide how you want it to look so that it's consistent. There are an unlimited number of combinations, but just keep in mind the more detailed the style and the more drawing steps there are is the longer it takes to complete a page -- it's a balance of quantity vs quality. In the end you want to tell a story but you don't want to take 2 years drawing 30 pages. Some questions to ask yourself: - How detailed is the lineart? How detailed is everyone's clothes keeping in mind that you then need to draw it every panel and every page? - How do you shade it? Not at all? Flats or with some gradients? Screentones or nah? (PS: I only really do screentones because I'm genuinely prepping for print and I like the texture, but beware it doesn't show up great digitally) - Overall black and white balance of a page and how much you do your black fills/shadows - (If it's manga) How do you deal with black hair? (I'm so serious there are so many ways to do this if you have black hair characters) - Do you draw the backgrounds? Or process photos? Or use 3D?
Typesetting Nothing ruins good art faster than shitty typesetting. I have a strong opinion about this but please hand draw/hand lasso your balloons rather than using ellipse tools. And make sure there is enough space between the letters and the edge of the balloons. Nate Piekos' Better Letterer tips is a GREAT resource for this and explains everything far better than I can -- I highly recommend this for everyone wanting to get into comics.
Anyway, in a nutshell, drawing comics is a series of decisions you have to make. Break it up in various stages because thinking about everything at once can be overwhelming!
Start small and don't burn yourself out. It can very much be an exercise in stamina and if you can maintain passion towards a project. In terms of the reality of it, the process can be hard and time-consuming with varying levels of reward and satisfaction at the end. Just remember you're also doing it for yourself though -- because you've been gripped by a great compulsion to tell a story :)
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EIGHT CRAZY NIGHTS is such a confounding movie.
I recently watched a batch of deleted scenes, of which I wasn't aware of until rather recently. I had once listened to its director, Seth Kearsley, talk about the picture on a podcast as well. Fascinating stuff all around about its production, and all the ins and outs, how they went about their decision-making, etc. Seemed like it was a fun movie for many of its crew to work on, and they seemed to be treated well too. RARE for an animated movie of this caliber, it seems.
It has gone down, almost notoriously, as being considered one of the "worst" animated movies ever...
Weirdly, when I was 11 years old, I was lowkey OBSESSED with this movie. I didn't even know it existed until it was out on DVD, and when I watched the whole thing through, I was hooked for some reason. Maybe it was because it was, at the time, a good-sized 2D animated feature that wasn't set in the past, a fantasy world, a sci-fi setting, or anything like that. EIGHT CRAZY NIGHTS wasn't IRON GIANT nor EL DORADO nor SPIRIT nor TITAN A.E. nor TREASURE PLANET... It wasn't like LILO & STITCH from the same year either, which is also a contemporary story, but that has aliens in it! And was family-friendly. This was set in the present, it was more for adults, it was just people being people with *some* cartoony elements (such as cute anthropomorphic deer and some of the exaggerated, if not demeaning character designs), it was even really semi-realistically gross in some parts (and not in the sort of, say, exaggerated REN & STIMPY way), it could've easily been a live-action Happy Madison production. But it wasn't. Many of the movie's detractors feel it should've just been done in live-action.
The movie is inspired by the Whitey character from one of Adam Sandler's comedy albums, and sometimes I feel the movie could've worked better with him as the main character and Davey a complex deuteragonist. Going through the deleted scenes, you could tell the crew went through a few ideas of just how far they wanted to push the exaggerated, cartoony stuff. What kind of jokes they thought could work or that they could get away with, etc. Certainly a cartoonish decapitation of a kid, and a monkey that explodes into a gory mess would've easily landed this thing an R rating, but they weren't going for that ultimately. You have this weird mix of a very dark and often mean movie, but it's also PG-13 and it doesn't go too far so it's more accessible to kids and still fits the bill of being a "warm holiday special" kind of movie. I do gotta give props to the filmmakers for wanting to make a big, mainstream Hanukkah movie in a sea of gazillions of Christmas movies, no matter the end result.
And yet... It worked on this fellow when they were 11 years old, so Sandler, Kearsley and his crew must've done something right! I can quote most of this, that's how obsessed I was with this movie circa December 2003-January 2004. With holiday money or something, I literally bought the VHS of it. We had it on DVD as well, but I bought a VHS for myself because back then, I did not have a DVD player in my room... So, a tape it was. It came with the live-action short A DAY WITH THE MEATBALL, starring Adam Sandler's bulldog at the time, much like the DVD.
So yeah, I find it a fascinating movie to this day, not because of its battlefield of tones (life itself is tonally uneven, too) or some of its truly strange sequences such as the one where the product placement all comes to life in the mall, but because of its history and also... The visuals are quite nice. IRON GIANT animation team involved (the boy Benjamin kinda reminded me of Hogarth anyways, of course I made the connection at a young age), and even the songs I find amusing. They got Alison Krauss to sing on at least one of them, so that's a plus. Some of the eleventh hour rushed stuff, such as the declining animation quality on the townspeople during the Bum Biddy bit, is fun to spot too. And I do overall like the premise of this movie; a relentlessly kind man who is overlooked by his community Odd Couple-ing with a total asshole who had a tragic childhood, in a sort of blah and miserable blue-collar town setting, some heavy stuff that this movie that - with more tact and less poopy jokes - could've really handled well.
I hate the term "guilty pleasure", but this could possibly be that for me. That's what I like about "bad" animated movies of the '90s and early '00s, there's usually something very interesting going on in it, whether it's through the seemingly-confused storytelling or the idiosyncratic choices in the visuals. I think with a slew of cheap live-action movies, those are indeed efforts at the end of the day, but with an animated movie... There's a lot more to it, and that it's a miracle one of these things even gets finished, let alone released. In live-action, it's just they shot a bit and did some post... With an animated film like this, a lot happens along the way, no matter the end product. It's easy to say "it's all negated by the script", but I think it's more complex than that... And that's part of what I find appealing about EIGHT CRAZY NIGHTS to this day.
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berryicet · 1 year
Hey, now that you've read homestuck, I can tell you about my classpected ii and sburb insanity au:]
I'm kinda a classpect nerd, I like classpects and my favourite thing to do when I get into some new media is try to classpect the characters. It also sorta helps me understand the characters and try to break down their personalities/goals/motives. Also I like drawing the characters in god tier outfits
So anyways, I have a list of all my classpected ii characters with their dream moon and lands too, under cut↓
(I'm sorry if any of this is is ooc, I haven't even thought about ii in a WHILE and also haven't reread homestuck recently, but I'll still try my best to give a short explanation for why I chose each classpect and land of the characters)
MePhone4 - maid of life, prospit dreamer, Land of Wheat and Uranium
Originally, I made him a maid of heart because of the whole "mephone's emotions" being a kinda big part of his character, but eventually switched to life. I'm gonna b honest, I can see parallels between him and Jane! The biggest one is their reviving powers, a main trait of a maid of life. But there's also their stories, with how Jane was controlled by HIC, a tyrant and coloniser, who also spread her influence through her company Crockercorp. Sounds very much like Mephone's story with being raised and controlled by Cobs, also a tyrant and coloniser who spread his influence through his Meeple company. Also they're both kinda rebellious and refuse to do what other ppl tell them to do, are cagey about their feelings and emotions and also a lil short tempered.
But erm, yeah. I chose Land of Wheat and Uranium because. Um. Idk. I just thought it would fit him. I'm not that big on metaphors through plants, but I'm sure someone smarter than me can analyse and say why wheat would fit mephone
MePhone4S - bard of doom, derse dreamer. He has no land.
4S doesn't have a land because in my AU he's not a player, but instead mephone's sprite. But I still have him a classpect and dream moon just because I wanted to :3
Bard of Doom fits him SO WELL. LIKE, IT'S LITERALLY PERFECT. NOTHING ELSE FITS BETTER. a bard of doom invites destruction or brings destruction through doom. They don't directly CAUSE doom or DESTROY things WITH doom, they're more like harbingers. Doom follows them around. And that's exactly what happened with 4S. When he came up, some chaos happened, then mephone5 appeared and killed mephone4. He brought doom with him and invited it through him. And inevitably killed mephone4 because of this. Also bards of doom would be short tempered and kinda assholes. Very much MePhone4S.
MePad - maid of space, prospit dreamer, Land of Cables and Frogs
I made mepad a maid of space because I feel like space fits mepad as an aspect. She's patient and, quote, "takes things as they come". It's also listed that at their worst, a space player is "detached and apathetic". She's also a maid because. I felt like making him twin with mephone:3
OJ - mage of blood, derse dreamer, Land of Scripts and Shards
Made him a mage of blood because a main characteristic of a mage is that they're often burdened by their aspect, which they can access directly and in abundance. Mages are also inclined to take all the burdens for themselves to help everyone else, and I feel like it very much fits OJ with how he took on everyone's problems and made a hotel to help everyone, which ultimately became a burden for him.
Paper - rogue of heart, derse dreamer, Land of Mirrors and Iteration
Heart players are often concerned with themselves and their arc often includes a journey of self discovery and self acceptance. A rogue of heart, particularly, finds it hard to accept their aspect at first and try to run from it. I feel like it would work with paper, with how he'd try to run away and get rid of EP. Also heart players have a running theme with "dual or split personalities", most obviously with Dirk and his gazillion different splinters, but also Nepeta, with how she has a different, "roleplay" personality she uses in text.
Made a drawing of the LoMaI, and also mentioned how the mirrors in his land are sorta like windows to other doomed timelines. More often than not, it shows dead papers from those doomed timelines. Kinda fucked up lol. I also made him have 2 sprites, in which he split his original sprite into two, first one being EP, but the other one being the trickster version of him. Think I'll just call him Candy Paper.
Paintbrush - prince of time, derse dreamer, Land of Burning candles and Delay
Prince of time is literally so perfect for them. A prince of time destroys time or destroys with time, while ghosting their opposite aspect. A prince of time would be impatient and short tempered, would rush people or waste time by dwelling on something too much. Oftentimes, a prince is pushed by other people to start destroying their aspect. I feel it fits with Paintbrushes arc and how he was slowly being pushed over the edge by the other contestants and would become more short tempered each episode. The "ghosting the opposite aspect" would also mean that they'd have some sort of creative hobby or space aspect traits. Literally perfect for Paintbrush
Chose LoBcaD because a Prince's land would have an overabundance of their aspect, which would push princes to start destroying it. Paintbrushes land has an overabundance of time. Time passed by incredibly slowly and stretches SO much, while the enemies have basically no time at all and pass by like a flash (they're super fast basically). Both of these would incline Paintbrush to start destroying the time or using time to destroy enemies. His land is very dangerous because of that through..if you can't bend time you'll most likely be killed by an imp before even stepping in lol
Lightbulb - witch of breath, prospit dreamer, Land of Gas and Turbulence
Breath players are described as expansive, flexible, driven and leave an impact wherever they go. They like to sweep others up like a breeze but can also be hard to hold down. They CAN be good leaders, but in a more "personal" way, often by pursuing their own stories. I feel like this ties in perfectly with Lightbulbs character. She's a witch because she can often manipulate and twists other's freedom to her advantage, and also that time she literally manipulated the future by being a bit of an airhead.
LoGaT is land comprised entirely of gas. The only solid ground is the starting land, that way lightbulb would have to learn how to manipulate the gas into a solid form to be able to stand on it. The downside to it though is that no one else can get around her land without her help.
Fan - knight of light, prospit dreamer, Land of Gleam and Clovers
I feel like the light part is pretty self explanatory. He likes to learn stuff, but mostly if its something he's interested in. And he can get pretty nosy about it too. A knight exploits their aspect or exploits through their aspect while also protecting others, so I felt like that fit him too
LoGaC is mostly dim and unlighted, save for the few gleams of light that peek through the clouds that cover the entire sky. In the few spots illuminated, lots of clovers grow. Fan would have to learn how to exploit them and use them to their fullest potential.
Cabby - sylph of light, derse dreamer, Land of Murk and Boxes
Again, I think the light part is pretty self explanatory. Chose sylph of light specifically because I thought she kind of reminded me of Aranea. I don't have much else though bcs I don't know her character all that well
LoMaB is completely dark and littered with boxes everywhere. Though sometimes the boxes can hold very items n such. Cabby would have to learn how to use the items a d her powers to light up her land and give herself luck
Test tube - thief of space, prospit dreamer, Land of Trinkets and Frogs
Any scientist character is legally obligated to be a space player. Sorry I don't make the rules, that's just how it be. Thief because test tube can sometimes get pretty eccentric and fixated on her goals.
LoTaF is exactly what it says on the tin. Land full of trinkets and frogs everywhere
Bow - thief of heart, derse dreamer, Land of Cloth and Bells
Another character who's arc centered around their self image and personality. And especially with the bot arc we had, it solidified her aspect even more. She's a thief because she'd always steal the spotlight on the show and at times even feel like she's sucking out the emotions out of everyone else with how hyper and emotional she got.
LoCaB land isn't soil, but actually a pretty thick layer of cloth. There are many bell towers littered around. Everything her thief of heart needs
YinYang - heir of spacetime, derse and prospit dreamers, land of Stars and Frogs
The heir of spacetime I feel is also very self explanatory, as the YinYang symbol itself is about time and space. Balance n all. They have that calliope/caliborn situation going on, where they're technically two players but share a body. Though what makes it interesting is that - with cherubs, one has to take over the body at some point. So if they ascended, it would just be one of them. But Yin won't take over Yang or vice versa, they'd continue to be 2 people in one body even after ascending. There's multiple ways this could go but I kinda went the boring route and just made the spacetime aspect. But you can think up something more interesting if you'd like:3
Knife - Knight of doom, derse dreamer, Land of Ash and Radium
Any space aspect land has frogs by default, but I chose Stars as the second thing because I feel like they perfectly connect the space and time aspects, needing matter and time to form.
He's reckless and exploits fate. I felt like I already explained everything about knights and doom in the other parts, so you can come to your own conclusions
LoAnR is a toxic wasteland and you need protection to walk through it. Test tube had to make one for Knife so he wouldn't immediately die.
Nickel - mage of mind, derse dreamer, Land of Threads and Earthquake
He's a smartass. Yes that perfectly ties in with the mage of mind classpect. Also a plot twist, he's not the one being burdened by mind, but instead being the one burdening others with his smart ass-ness.
I haven't thought much about his land so the name is mostly subjective.
Clover - heir of hope, prospit dreamer, Land of Dreams and Choir
Any time I'd go to a classpect analysis blog, they'd say about the same thing about heirs of hope - they are almost like mary sues. They seem to almost have an angel on their shoulder, always being protected by danger. Things always seem to go their way. And that's exactly the stereotype clover portrays. So I don't think there would be a more fitting classpect for her
LoDaC is the nicest land out of all of them. It's almost like heaven, almost perfect. Definitely everyone's favourite to visit.
Balloon - knight of heart, derse dreamer, Land of Reflection and Electricity
Again, kinda forgot why I went with knight of heart other than the fact that it just felt right.
His land is also mostly subjective
Suitcase - mage of rage, derse dreamer, Land of Night and Seas
About the mage of rage -
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LoNaS is pretty self explanatory too
Taco - prince of mind, derse dreamer, Land of Memories and Paths
Prince of mind because she "destroyed" other's perceptions of her in S1 by playing up a persona, such using mind to destroy mind. Also manipulating Microphone. Prince of mind felt very fitting
LoMaP is another subjective and more abstract one.
Microphone - page of heart, prospit dreamer, Land of Caves and Sparks
Her arc reminded me of Tavros and Vriska's arc, which is mainly why I made her a page. Heart because she can be pretty self centered and absorbed at times
LoCaS is a dark but very pretty and colourful place, though beware, the sparks are extremely hot and sting
Candle - witch of void, derse dreamer, Land of Dark matter and Obscurity
Witch of void is another self explanatory one. Void because she's super mysterious n stuff. And witch because. She's very witchy
LoDmaO is completely devoid of light. It's actually impossible to light it up through the normal means of a candle or lightbulb or something, because the light is instantly absorbed in all the darkness. Candle found a way to get around by manipulating the darkness away into making light spots.
These are all the characters I have explanations for. The rest are those who I classpected, but haven't thought in-depth about and mostly went by intuition
Apple - prince of breath, derse dreamer, Land of Storms and Clouds
Marshmallow - seer of rage, derse dreamer, Land of Paths and Martyrs
Salt - prince of light, prospit dreamer, Land of Radiance and Spotlight
Pepper - witch of heart, prospit dreamer
Bomb - rogue of time, derse dreamer
Pickle - knight of light, prospit dreamer
Silver spoon - prince of hope, prospit dreamer
Lifering - heir of life, prospit dreamer
Blueberry - mage of void, derse dreamer
Cheesy - knight of hope, prospit dreamer
Baseball - page of blood, derse dreamer
Soap - sylph of space, prospit dreamer
Trophy - bard of heart, derse dreamer
Tea kettle - sylph of life, prospit dreamer
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the-broken-soup-spoon · 9 months
intro posssstttt
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hello, people of the world wide web. i'm cufusti, but you can also call me spoon. i'm an alien on the internet and you can't stop me.
𖦹 i don't conform to your earthen gender norms! (i'm nonbinary)
𖦹 i'm a little fucked up but i'm trying my best
𖦹 i will post probably anything here (mainly fandom art or animations. maybe even writing or audio/music.)
𖦹 i speak weird, make obscure references, and say stupid things in general so yeaahhh
𖦹 my asks are wiiiide open. send me funny shit or ask me about my stuff!! or just ask me stuff in general. please.
𖦹 my current/most prevalent interests are: pizza tower and chonny jash (just his music in general, but mainly cccc)
𖦹 dr robotnik (aosth) and terraria mushroom biome my beloved
obligatory tags
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• «brokensoupspoon - will be on all of my posts... except for reblogs
• «soup bowl - anything i create; whether it's art, animations, or even audio. because fuck yeah.
• «dessert fork - posts that have original characters in them. primarily fandom ocs.
• «salad fork - posts of mine that are me either rambling or having random thoughts. also applies to posts that are all (mostly) text...
• «butter knife - most reblogs. i don't tag reblogs if they're important/serious.
• «blender - vents. if... i DO decide to vent on here. which is like a 1 in gazillion chance
• «serviette - posts that don't really fit into the above categories. kind of like this post, but not really? idk it's just here for safekeeping
• «the radio - asks...
other zones
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- blogs -
@you-want-you-dont-want : my dead pizza tower blog (i still love pizza tower, but i just... kinda gave up on that sideblog.)
@cufustis-kitchen : sideblog for more original content that is... currently empty. and sad.
- other -
you can find me on the youtubes
and the twitters (i hate twitter so i don't use it much)
and uhhhhh yeah that's it for now lol
try to have a good day lads!! love ya!! (platonically)
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australiablog · 3 months
Today was a very, very early morning. I’m going on a hot air balloon ride during sunrise! So pick up time was 5:46, so my alarm was at 5am. I needed to check out of this hotel so I had already packed my suitcase and only had to pack my pajamas and toiletries. The drive to where the balloon was taking off was only 25 min, so we were not that far out of town. The balloon was already on its side and just about to rise, so we only had to wait a bit before we could climb into the basket. Since I’m solo I was first and then the big group behind me split up into 4 groups. The basket could hold 20 people, but we weren’t with that many so it was only 4 to a compartment. It was divided into 5 parts, the middle part for the pilot and then 2 parts on either side of that. It was only 5 degrees when I got up, so I am nearly wearing all the clothes I brought. I was very glad I did because Lordy it was cold. When everyone was in the basket they went around and took pictures for us. When we got up, it was honestly amazing. I’ve done it once when I was a kid with mum and dad but I honestly don’t remember that much. This was so magical. I had my phone in a death grip the entire time, I had a phone cord with me but it wasn’t allowed, I even had to take off my scarf. Very weird but I’m not making the rules, just following them. It was a bit cold in the beginning, we started when the sun was just coming up and you could see a faint glow over the horizon. It was truly beautiful. This was such a once in a lifetime experience. It wasn’t cheap but I’m really embracing the yolo this vacation, probably a bit too much. But in the end it’s only money and memories are forever. The balloon ride was about an hour and I was really sad when we went down, I could have happily stayed in the air for a few hours more. When the sun came up, it was a lot warmer, which I wasn’t expecting. We didn’t really go above 450m/1500ft which was a shame I would have loved to be that high. I took a gazillion photos, probably 20 of the same thing but my opinion is better too much as not enough. When we came down the pilot made the basket wobble on purpose and nearly tipped us over. It was hilarious! They came around asking if we wanted another photo so once again I handed over my phone for one. We had to go out one by one and then hold on to the basket so we didn’t go up again. When the balloon was on its side on the ground again we could go inside of the balloon. It was so cool, the balloon kinda feels like the nylon we use in our shop, I mean of course I touched it, how could I not. Took a couple of videos inside as well, I mean I sure as hell don’t know if I’ll ever get the chance again. When the balloon was about ⅔ deflated all of us had to help get the air out. So basically we had to go from the bottom of the balloon and start folding it in, while one of the crew tidied it after us. This was quite the workout! After we made a gigantic balloon snake we had to form a conga line and take it under our arm and carry it to the trailer and start loading it in there. I really didn’t think it was gonna fit, but when the crew started jumping on it to my big surprise, there was even space left. After all that hard work there were muffins, cheese+crackers, cookies and fruit on a table. On the first ever balloon flight they had brought champagne with them, so now it’s tradition to drink it when you come down. Got to say champagne at 8:30 in the morning was a new one, even for me. On the bus ride back to the hotel one of the women next to me was saying that a visit to the desert park would be a fun idea for me to do since today nothing is open *again*! So after I got my luggage and dropped it off at the other hotel that’s exactly what I did. It was 7 km outside of Alice Springs so not too far a drive in the taxi. The park was basically a self sustaining ecological zoo, which I had never heard about. On special times during the day there were animal talks. I was just in time to hear the emu talk, and watch the bird show afterwards.
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