#ice had so little motivation to be on Tumblr lately
kikker-oma · 10 months
Twilight gets a drivers license, featuring CHAOS!!
A/N: I literally just woke up and typed this, so grammatical errors will be present
“Ok, Twi, we love you, but you seriously need to learn to drive.” Legend grumbled, “I’m sick of walking, and after the… restaurant incident Time isn’t driving us anywhere.”
“What are you talking about? We have Epona!” The rancher responded. Why learn to drive when you already can travel easily with a horse? “I ain’t wasting time getting a… car license, when we already got a fast way to travel.” 
“Can Epona fit 9 Links and their stuff?”
“Good point.”
“Okay, let’s start with the basics. This is a car.” Time pointed to the vehicle, “It’s used to drive.”
“Old man, I’m not stupid.” Twilight hopped into the front seat, “Bless y’alls hearts, anyways, how do you drive this thing?” 
“Um… First set the lever into DRIVE,” Time paused, “I think.”
“You THINK?” 
“Okay, 60 years old is back on the list.” Wind whispered to the rest of the chain, “But I’m guessing older.” 
“Anyways, back to what I was saying…”
So, after about 3 hours of attempting to teach the rancher how to drive, and about 5 hours of failing miserably, Time completely lost hope.
“You know,” Wild crunched on an apple, “I could teach ya how to use the master cycle 0-“
“Are you sure that’s safe?” Four jumped in, “I’ve seen you fuel that thing with literally anything, not to mention isn’t that like a gazillion years old?”
“Who’s counting?” 
“Wait, wait.” Warriors interjected, “Isn’t there a driving school?” 
“Oh yeahhhhh” Legend sarcastically responded, “Because we just LOVE to waste our precious rupees for transportation.”
“Wasn’t this whole learning thing your idea vet?-“
“Hush hush pretty boy, let the big kids talk”
“NO.” Hyrule quickly shut Warriors’ mouth, “We don’t talk about that…” Then he paused, “Wait, a DMV does make sense though.”
About a million “years” later, Twilight emerged from the car. Full marks.
“I got a drivers license.”
The Links cheered, “Good job rancher, I knew you could do it.” Time gave him a pat on the back.
“Now I can do what I always wanted to do…”
Twilight hopped back into the car.
“I gOt mY dRiVeRs lIceNse tHiS wEeK, jUsT like wE nEvEr tAlkEd aBouT-“
LOL the chaos this is exuding hahahaha
Twi being all angsty teen about Midna is great😂
Time losing hope in this whole thing is such a mood honestly, I remember my mom teaching me how to parallel park and it was..... An experience hahaha.
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bihansthot · 1 year
So after some consideration I’m probably not going to multi ship, I honestly don’t know but Bi-Han and Syzoth seem like a bad duo. Bi-Han is so cold and Syzoth is a tiny lil lizard who needs to be nice and warm and sunny. So, it seems like a hard dynamic to balance but by that logic my anemic ass is hard to balance with a cryomancer so I still really don’t know. I do know that I am going to relentlessly to reblog cute Syzoth fanart and of course Tomas and as always Bi-Han. My tumblr app is so bad lately and hardly showing me any posts it’ll let me scroll through my moots for a bit and then it just dead ends into ads or an unable to authorize error X.x The Mortal Kombat tag skips around a lot too, it’s frustrating, hopefully I’m not missing anything 😭 I’m also feeling really frustrated with writing, I feel like I don’t know what to write lately. I still want to write Hallvard and Tomas but I might be a greedy little dino and write a nonsensical threesome between the reader Bi-Han and Syzoth 😳 @bitomas-week @den-kunn do we have dates or prompts for Bi-Tomas week yet? I still want to write for them I just don’t know what yet. Basically I have a lot of smut I want to write I just need a basic premise for them lol I also need the motivation to do it, I want to write but I feel like I’m dealing with writers block right now. Like the ideas just aren’t there just the pairings. I guess I can just write pwps? It’s not like I’m known for my compelling storylines lol Gaoooo I don’t know my brain is a mess from no sleep I guess? I had a friend over since my partner is out of town and I don’t alone well and we had a few drinks and a silly night but Denny was so excited he was over he wouldn’t let me sleep at all. So, maybe that’s why my brain is so scrambled or it’s from sexy lizard man *sigh* Ok I’ll stop rambling now hopefully everyone is having and ice day
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kiki-shortsnout · 7 months
Thanks for the tag @magicaltear Sorry it took me so long to respond! 😊😊
How many works do you have on AO3?
Too many,🤣 seventy-nine at the moment, but it’ll be eighty soon, once I finish this new mammoth story!
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
1,127,841, holy hell!🤯
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Currently, Marvel, although I am starting to slide into the Star Trek fandom, late as always. I’m working on a long retelling of the Wrath of Khan fic from a Spirk perspective.  I did use to write for Final Fantasy XV a while back, and I’d like to revisit that someday. I’m also eyeing up the My Hero Academia fandom and Yuri On Ice.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
OO, interesting question, for some reason I just cracked my knuckles in excitement.🤣
Stringless – 2,044
Betwixt – 2,023
Obstacles and Opportunities -1,523
Counterfeit Boyfriend – 1,368
Ternion- 1,299
You know what, I’m really surprised by number four if I’m honest. I was always under the impression that one hadn’t done very well, as usually the fics people talk to me about are Stringless, Betwixt and Love, Dreams and Coffee Machines. It’s a pleasant surprise, but I’m a little shocked!
5. Do you respond to comments? Yes, I try to respond to them all, sometimes things get in the way, and I forget, but I’ll always respond, it might just take a while! But I do appreciate all of them and the kudos, and occasional screams in my Tumblr inbox. It really does act as a motivation for more stories!💞
6.What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Oh, this one is easy. It’s Without You, it’s the only really sad story I’ve written. I mean, I love putting angst in my writing, but this is the one where Tony was dealing with his grief of losing Stephen, and he doesn’t get him back.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I think all my fics have happy endings if I’m honest.💞
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Yes, unfortunately, they tend to range from: Why are you writing about this couple? Why aren’t you writing about the couple you just did? I don’t like reading about this pairing. I’ve recently had a few saying my writing is awful, or my take on a story is awful.
I think that’s the risk you take with posting things online, which is saddening as I don’t think people always appreciate how much work, effort, time goes into any creation, be that art, fics, or mood boards. I’ll be honest, it can drag you down at times, and it has made me want to quit a few times, but the fandoms I’m in are incredibly supportive and welcoming, so I try not to let the few bad comments overwhelm the positive ones I have.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I think most of my fics have smut in, unless they’re the small prompt pieces I worked on, and I write all kinds, to enhance the plot, without a plot, multiple partners, solo self love.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I haven’t no, but I I do have a request sitting in my inbox for a IronStrange/ Star Trek crossover which I really want to work on!
11.Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Back before my AO3 days yes, and when I confronted the writer about it they were very apologetic and took it down. I’ve had people take my stories and post them on Goodreads and I’ve had to fight with them several times to take down
12. Does not exist apparently
I’m not even 100% I exist if I’m honest.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I haven’t, I’ve worked with artists on stories before and that’s been incredibly fun.
14.What’s your all-time favourite ship?
I’ve had loads, but the one I’ve written for the most is IronStrange, although I enjoy writing for FrostIronStrange more.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I actually have a half-written JohnLock one sitting on my laptop, but I’m not sure I’ll ever get back to it. I love the idea and I love writing it, but I don’t know if I can get their voices quite right and I keep losing faith in it.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I’ve always been told it's my characterisations and emotive writing, which are huge compliments.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I would say it’s writing action/fighting scenes, I always leave a place card saying ‘Write fight scene here’ and go back to it at the end. I just…find writing them tedious and I don’t think I always get the movement right, or the stakes, if that makes sense?
I struggle with pacing too sometimes….like I want to get to the good bits of the story and skim over the other bits.
18.Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
The only other language I know is French from what they taught at school, and unless you want me to write a story where I need to order stationery and tell you where the library is, it’d better if I just stuck with English.😂😂
If I did need dialogue in another language, I’d reach out to an author who I knew could speak the language.
19.First fandom you wrote for?
Beyblade, way back in the olden days…..or actually, maybe it was Lord of The Rings?
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
I’ll always have a soft spot for Stringless because it was the first IronStrange I’d ever written and I was so nervous about writing for Marvel and posting it, and Ternion because again, I’d never written a poly couple and I was really anxious about writing Loki.
But the fic I enjoyed writing the most was Betwixt. I was devastated when I finished writing that because I’d poured my soul into it. I wrote it on pieces of scrap paper during meetings, I stayed up late working on it, and I got up early to write it. I always enjoy the stories I work on, but that one holds a special place in my heart.
I’m desperate to write a sequel for it.
Tagging @the-elle-kat @atypical-snowman @jeromesankara @xoniarainforest and anyone else who wants to play!
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aechaz · 1 year
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AB / BG / CP / PP.
hi everyone! this is isa (23, she/her) coming to u live with park aecha, a soloist under culture creative. direct links above will bring u to her pages, but i'll do my best to breakdown her background below. i have discord available upon req, but i can plot thru tumblr as well!
somewhat of a standard, subpar childhood tbh. born out of an affair btwn her mother and her father's (?) best friend in l.a. and it's something that sticks with her constantly: a reminder that she really wasn't supposed to happen. her father draws back significantly after, who ends up divorcing her mother afterwards because it's. a lot!!! she moves on quickly, hopping between boyfriends and husbands and affairs in between.
aecha's raised a lot by her aunts and an uncle, who try to minimize the effects of instability to no avail. if she's here, she knows she will end up there in a matter of weeks. aecha gets used to change really fast - she doesn't like it; but she gets used to it. it's easier to get used to it as opposed to fight it and resist it.
ends up officially moving in with her fifth stepfather; moving in with the dude on his tangerine farm in jeju. it's the closest thing to stability aecha has ever known honestly, and her favorite memories are there. her mom ends up moving and disappearing out of her life not too long after, whisking away to another country with another potential husband. unbeknownst to aecha, her mother finally settled down with this one and had children too.
ends up joining a singing club at school purely on a dare (pls don't tell her she can't do something because she will purely in spite of it) and ends up liking it, alot! becomes close with the teacher running the club and eventually is scouted by culture creative staff, who was a former alumni and friend of said teacher.
the rest, as they say, is history!
aecha is considerably known for her ice princess demeanor. very stoic, sharp, in general icy persona. (think irene, krystal, etc) at the start of her career, she became pretty obsessed with what ppl thought of her and tried super hard to curate her music style to hit that appeal (#mommyissues), which is why her first album sounds so different from everything released afterwards.
learned to stop overexplaining and forcing other people to know her, so she gave up, which is why the bitchy persona stuck. she also stopped trying to justify herself to others and well, that's what the public was left with. the type to let others run and believe what they want - wont go out of her way to correct it. is very much this emoji 😐 on the outside
inwards however!!!! aecha is soft like butter. it's rare to see honestly, she really keeps to herself as much since she's a public figure and yadda yadda, but she's so soft hearted it's a little sad. sometimes her eyes can give away what her face will not, and you can see her almost beg with them. she loves deeply and strongly, and values platonic friendship over romantic or familial ones. she's very supportive of her friends and goes out of her way (sending flowers, cafe carts, reposting on her socials, etc) to make sure its known.
shes a woman of a handful of words, her expressions almost always give her away, but she's slowly evolving into becoming much less logical focused and blending in her deep emotions in as well to her craft and herself. definitely multilayered, a chameleon, and always questioning her existence.
all her social media handles are: @aechacha.
currently: aecha is working in the background to release an ep at some point soon, but it's coming around slowly. she hasn't had the most inspiration or motivation so it's a long awaited piece. she's been more focused on her modelling aspects and a few talk show / radio appearances. she also wants to focus more on producing and songwriting - definitely working behind the scenes as of late.
she'd like to dive into acting at some point - but is just starting to take acting lessons. when she's not doing work stuff, she has biweekly pilates and pottery lessons she takes. likes to dip her fingers into a little bit of everything.
a big homebody, she likes to hang out with her cat (chickpea, the very definition of an Orange Cat) and tend to her plants. work on random song pieces - some that may never be completed, or cafe hop with friends.
i have a few plots listed above, but i'm big on brainstorming and going back and forth / seeing what works best with our muses. if none of mine or yours work, let's see what we can come up with together!
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I think I’m going to wait awhile to write again, I’ve simply haven’t had any motivation here lately so it’ll be a little bit you know?
Um…. No and Yes.
I’m not entirely sure about context of the situation due to the following factors:
You used the Anonymous feature. I don’t know who this is. Could I make a guess? Sure. But there’s no guarantee that my guess would be correct.
I’m not sure what you mean by no motivation here. When you say here, are you referring to Tumblr itself or the physical location that you reside in? What kind of motivation are you looking for: Writing prompts, artistic inspiration, encoragment from peers or something else?
Nevertheless, I can empathize with taking a break from creative writing due to something akin to writer’s block. In my opinion, there’s no point in trying to force oneself to write if one is writing for personal enjoyment. Stepping away from your writing also allows writers to mentally reset which tends to be beneficial in my experience.
I hope my response is found helpful to… my masquerade party attendant. Make sure to grab some appetizers and a beverage. As far as my entertainment, I’m working on a response to a writing prompt right now. However, I don’t have a due date set for myself and I have a five day weekend starting tomorrow. If you’re looking for current entertainment, there’s a Stardew Valley fan fic that I wrote recently that I’m rather proud of. I think it’s entitled Ice Breaker and you could find it on my page by searching the fan fiction hashtag.
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zephiesjournal · 2 years
saturday, september 24th, 2022
woke up today with my legs pretty sore so i thought i should relax with the stretches over the weekend, which in hindsight was probably the catalyst for me going extreme “weekend mode” today. very early on i had an intense urge to just ruin my day from the get-go and buy a lot of junk food. i got ice cream and some chilled starbucks coffee because i was still wondering if caffeine was actually harmful for me or just my symptoms but i cared less about whether it was because i preemptively declared the day an off-day. i deleted habitica too and honestly a little because i knew i would die on there soon so there was no point.
i remembered i felt nice after looking at childhood places for a while the other day so i tried it again and kind of went the opposite way! instead of feeling comforted by the reminder that it’s still the same life and existence i was just filled with Yearning. i would like to go back to being small and stupid in the fun way as opposed to the cripplingly depressing way that i am now. i have been very introspective lately and kind of realizing just how big a task it’ll be to unscrew my way of thinking about the world and what i do. i would like therapy please i would like the money to afford it please.
i got rocksmith working at least, just have to use my headphones wired without noise cancelling on which sounds pretty bad. it was late and i didn’t want to be loud so i didn’t play much but the small amount i did got me realizing how much i need to focus on form because i do not know if i am holding this thing remotely right and if it should feel so uncomfortable. will have to look into “justin guitar” that i hear everyone recommend. after that i stayed up late playing zelda and mario run.
there was a lot of uhhh “resetting” of progress today, in different areas. i started reading more reddit posts about the all-or-nothing attitude and saw one person mention that every minute is a chance to start anew, which i disagree with slightly because i will often ruin my ability to start anew so quickly by eating poorly and feeling bad or jerking off. but i suppose i could still try more in a state like that instead of continuing to do nothing or even intentionally worsening it. i thought maybe i should start putting my task lists on these posts every day as well, then argued that if writing a public post about how i did nothing every day wasn’t motivating enough there’s no reason that would help. also it’s just too personal i feel i don’t want to come to tumblr every day to announce that i did or did not jerk cum from my penis.
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vera-deville · 3 years
That One Time You Guys Were Sucked Into the Devildom
02/11/2022 - 02/28/2022
Pairing: Lucifer x Reader
Word Count: 2,759
Warnings: Some coarse language here and there; just crackheadedness and sibling rivalry stuff. Oh and the Reader is she/her. If there is anything else that I missed, feel free to let me know!
Notes: Ever since I made my Tumblr account, I've been feeling these weird urges to write fanfics. And a LOT of them. I've gotten more motivation and drafts than I have in literal years-
Now, that aside, I'm using two of my friends as characters in this fanfic. Their names (for this fanfic) are Elle and Joyce respectively. As for another character, I simply made up an OC (original character) for them. (You'll be able to figure out who it is once you come across them). Just a head's up!
Also, as this is my first time writing a fiction in Tumblr, and the first time I wrote a fic in a while. I am still trying to maneuver around many different things. If you happen to spot any mistakes, please do let me know! It would help in the future.
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"Oh fucking hell."
Y/N, Elle, and Joyce found themselves falling into a pit of who knows what. Currently, two of the girls were screaming their heads off while the third had her arms crossed indignantly. She would have been surprised if it had not been for the fact that this was unfortunately a common occurrence.
Even more unfortunately, this time, not one, but two friends had been dragged along. And they weren't handling it well at all. Can't blame them though. After all, most people don't just suddenly find themselves falling down while they were on their way to an ice-cream shop.
He was going to pay. Y/N would make sure of it.
After falling for what felt like a few minutes (but it very well could have been more), Y/N felt her feet make contact with ground. Joyce and Elle on the other hand landed rather unceremoniously on their stomach and back respectively. Concerned, Y/N helped the two steady themselves back on their feet.
Y/N had been here enough times to not bat an eye at anything.
Elle and Joyce however...
They could only cower next to Y/N, taking in their surroundings.
There were a bunch of men (with the exception of one woman who stood next to one of them) who looked far too good to be real. And currently, they all looked rather intimidating.
"What is the meaning of this!?" seethed Y/N. The sudden sound of someone talking jolted Elle and Joyce. What's more, Y/N didn't seem to be fazed by the circumstances at hand.
"You promised to arrive here today in time for the engagement dinner. You were running a little late, so I merely helped you arrive a little quicker," said a man with dark skin, fiery red hair, fine garments (though they all seemed to don such garments), and wings?
"What on Earth is happening here?" asked a nervous Elle.
"An idiot teleported us here, that's what's happening," responded Y/N. "And for your information you royal prat, I wasn't running late. I still had two more days before the engagement dinner."
"It never hurts to be early Dear," the red haired man said.
"Y/N, I love you, but PLEASE, for the love of GOD, what is going on!?" cried out Joyce.
Sighing, Y/N explained, "First of all, be careful how you use the name "God" around here. It's a bit of a sensitive topic. Secondly, you're basically in hell. Or as it is actually known, the Devildom."
Elle and Joyce had an extremely difficult time registering this. Hell? They were in hell? Did they die and now find themselves in hell? Joyce thought, "I knew I shouldn't have simped as much as I did for 2-D characters as I did!"
"To further add to Y/N's rather short explanation," Y/N rolled her eyes at that, "you are currently standing in the House of Lamentation. To my right are my brothers, the Avatars of the Deadly Sins."
Going in the order that they are, there is Belphegor, the Avatar of Sloth," a blue and white haired man with a cow-print pillow nodded.
"Beelzebub, the Avatar of Gluttony," an orange haired individual who was chewing on a piece of licorice scanned the newcomers.
"Asmodeus, the Avatar of Lust," a pink-blonde haired individual winked at them.
"Satan, the Avatar of Wrath," a relatively normal seeming guy with blonde hair scowled at the brother who introduced him, though said brother didn't seem to pay it any mind.
"Leviathan, the Avatar of Envy," a fellow with deep purple, almost indigo hair, remained stone-faced. There was something cynical about his air, Elle noted.
Pointing at a brother who had white hair with yellow ends, "Mammon, the Avatar of Greed." Said person grinned in a somehow flamboyant manner, slightly startling Joyce.
"I myself am Lucifer, the Avatar of Pride, as well as the eldest out of my brothers."
Before the man who had now introduced himself as Lucifer could utter another word, the dark skinned and red haired demon spoke up. "Last but not least, I am Lord Diavolo, ruler of all demons." Elle and Joyce only raised their guards up more at that statement.
Apparently interrupting those who are speaking was a common pattern of the day because before Diavolo could say anything else, he was cut off by Y/N.
"More like a pain in the ass."
"At least I've got a throne waiting for me."
"At least I've got freedom to do whatever I'd like."
"At least I've got more money than you."
"At least I'm Father's favorite."
Back and forth Diavolo and Y/N went, completely ignoring everyone else in the room. Looking at the brothers, Elle could see that they weren't at all fazed by this. Either nothing much riles them up, or they were already acquainted with Y/N. Whatever it was, it didn't make the situation any less terrifying and utterly surreal.
Joyce was still trying to comprehend the situation and figure out what in (hell?) was going on. She looked at Elle to see if she could make sense of anything, but by the look on her face, she didn't have much luck either.
As the sarcastic quips and insulting comparisons were getting more and more heated, Y/N's hair started to very lightly change color, Joyce noticed. Tugging on Elle's sleeve, she told her "Is it just me or is Y/N's hair turning dark red?"
"Now that you mention it, it is!" Elle whispered back.
The woman who was standing next to one of the brothers elegantly marched up to the two people who were quarreling and somehow managed to diffuse the situation. Lord Diavolo, as Elle and Joyce now knew him as, stood with a triumphant smirk which was only rivaled by Y/N's deadly glare.
"Please pardon the two of them. It has been a long while since they last saw each other and oddly enough, this is how they show affection."
"And what affection is that Yerencia?"
"Don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about."
"U-umm, excuse me, but how do you know Y/N?" Joyce meekly asked. Elle subconsciously leaned in closer to find out what exactly the relationship between everyone present and her fear friend was.
"Hahaha! You haven't told them!?" Asked a rather bewildered (and amused) Mammon.
"No, I haven't you greedy guts," sarcastically replied Y/N. Turning to her friends, she told them "Lord Diavolo here is my brother. Well, step-brother to be exact, but that's somewhat besides the point. Remember that trip that I told you guys that I had to take in a couple of days? Well that was because I had to come here to the Devildom for a friend's engagement dinner. Unfortunately for me, my dear brother is incapable of keeping track of time and summoned me here two days prior."
Said brother seemed far too smug to care about the jab directed at him by his sister.
All of a sudden, the doors to the room everyone was situated in opened and in walked a man with dark teal uneven hair with bright sea-foam green ends. "Did everyone in this place have such striking hair?" Wondered Elle.
"Greetings Young Master and Young Mistress," bowed the man. "I am afraid that the council requires your immediate attention my Lord," he said, turning to Diavolo.
"Well, isn't that just perfect! Diavolo, I would simply hate to keep tou from your duties. As such, my friends and I shall retire to our rooms. I assume you know that we are not to be disturbed, correct?"
With a slightly perturbed expression, he waved off his sister and left the room with the man who summoned him.
Joining Elle and Joyce, Y/N ushered them out of the room as well, however, not before telling the demon whose name was Asmodeus to join the them in a little bit.
Joyce noticed that Lucifer was about to say something, but before she could hear what it was, Y/N whisked her off to who knows where.
Within seconds after exiting the room they were in, Elle and Joyce suddenly found themselves in a lavish bedroom. The main color scheme seemed to revolve around black and gold, though there was quite a bit of Prussian Blue as well.
Giving the two girls a once-over, Y/N immediately apologized to them. "I am so sorry that you two got caught up in this! I'll have Dia's horns for this."
"More than that, are we really in hell?" Elle asked.
"Technically, yes. Though I'm sure it's a lot more different than you guys imagined."
"So, is everyone here demons?" Asked Joyce.
"Pretty much, yes. Though we do have an exchange student program. Basically, a few select people from the human realm, demons, and angels all go to different realms for a year. This exchange program was made to further strengthen our ties with each other. In fact, you know that lady who was standing next to Mammon? Well, her name is Yerencia. She is a human and was in fact the first human exchange student here in the Devildom."
"That's pretty cool and all, but doesn't that make you a demon? And to top it all off, your brother is the ruler of all demons!" Joyce exclaimed.
"I mean, yeah, that does make me a demon. But you're forgetting that Diavolo is my step brother. We share the same father, but we were born from two different mothers. Dia was born hundreds of years before me. Somehow Father found my mother and they had me. Unfortunately for him, both of our mothers died giving birth to us." Y/N explained.
"Oh man, I'm so sorry about that!" Elle apologized.
"Don't be. It's not your fault that they died, so why are you apologizing?" Y/N grinned sardonically.
"Wait, then if you brother is the ruler of all demons, doesn't that make you royal too?" Squealed Joyce.
"And by the way, does everyone look really cool here?" Asked Joyce. Laughing, Y/N told her that demons had unique looks about them.
"I think Joyce got too excited and forgot to ask," Elle looked amusingly at Joyce. "But, how does your hair turn red?"
"Well, my father is The Demon King. However, he's shut himself away in the bottom of the Devildom. He leaves all the duties to Dia and I. Since my brother is older than me and more importantly, has more of an avid interest in the throne than me, he is considered by pretty much everyone as the next Demon King. As for my mother, she was a sorceress from the the human world," explained Y/N.
Continuing, she said "Because of this, I'm only half-demon. I'm not nearly as powerful as my brother, much less my father. So, my hair turns red whenever I display strong emotions. Oh, and I've got horns and wings too!"
"As always, you've got a flair for the dramatic." Elle remarked.
Grinning mischievously, Y/N said, "of course I do!" The trio giggled to themselves when the heard a knock on the door.
"You may enter!" Y/N called out.
In walked Asmodeus, charming smile and all. "There's my darling Y/N!" Laughing, said girl hugged the champagne-haired demon telling him how much she missed him.
"Are you guys dating?" Joyce curiously asked Asmodeus and Y/N.
Y/N visibly grimaced while Asmodeus had the time of his life laughing. "My my, you're a cute one!"
"Hands off Asmo," Snapped Y/N.
"Oh, how you wound me!" Asmo dramatically clutched his heart. "Besides, I'm a gentleman! Consent is very important."
"To answer your question Human, her majesty Y/N and I are not dating. My brother would have your head for that statement."
"I'm dating Lucifer. You know, the one who introduced the Avatars to you," answered Y/N.
"They're going through a little bit of a fray at the moment," gossiped Asmodeus.
"Well, we are not here to talk about that Asmo. Since we're here, we might as well get ready for Yerencia and Mammon's engagement dinner," quipped Y/N. "Having said that, you can get ready with us! Mostly because I'll require some help transforming these two in just a few hours."
Y/N, Elle, and Joyce had a fun time getting ready with the Avatar of Lust. Most of the time was spent with the two humans asking Y/N many questions about the world they had just entered merely hours ago.
Y/N was in the midst of explaining to the two girls the story behind her parents when she was interrupted by two sharps knocks on her door. Not thinking much of it, she tells the visitor to come in.
In walked the Avatar of Pride. Surprised, but with a straight face, Y/N walked over to his person and placed her hand in his outstretched arm. The two walked off, leaving the other three behind to wonder how things will go between them.
"You look beautiful," said Lucifer.
"Tell me something I don't know," jested Y/N.
Lucifer chuckled and subconsciously patted Y/N's hand with his own. The two of them fell into stride with each other and for once, things felt peaceful and just...perfect. He looked at Y/N's face and immediately felt his heart restrict upon the remembrance that there were still words left unsaid between the two of them.
"Why did you leave?" Lucifer asked.
"I don't think I need to answer a question of yours when you already know the answer," voiced Y/N. Lucifer internally cringed at the sudden shift in her tone and berated himself silently for not just sucking it up and doing what he must.
With a plan already formulated in his mind, Lucifer directed Y/N to the garden. Even though she noticed this, she let her lover lead her to where he wished to.
Lucifer directed Y/N to sit on one of the stone benches and kneeled in front of her. Already knowing that this would end up with her forgiving him much sooner than she wanted to, Y/N reeled in the smile that was threatening to bloom on her sweet face.
"I am truly sorry my Love. I know that I promised to make time for you and when I couldn't, I expected you to not only understand, but accept things as they were and move on," lamented Lucifer. "I should have made time for you instead of brushing you off for the sake of my duties. Even though they are important, so are you."
Cupping his face in her hands, Y/N consoled him by saying "Luci, I'm not upset that you are so incredibly devoted to your duties and everything else in between. It's one of the many things that made me fall in love with you. What pissed me off was the fact that you never tried to make it up with me. It was always some meeting or the other, or, my brother would have summoned you for some important work. I can't say that I wasn't extremely hurt by this, and I definitely cannot say that I'm still not hurt by the events that occurred."
Before Lucifer could even open his mouth to say anything, Y/N continued "but I still love you. Couples have their fights and it's normal. What I need from you is just some time alone to simply talk. No harsh words. No apologies. Just figure things out between us. We're both committed to each other, and it's going to take a lot from both of us to keep it that way."
"Then what should we do Darling? What should I do?" Lucifer questioned.
"Well, for starters, you can take me to the engagement dinner. After that, I think we're due for a long talk, and perhaps a walk in the garden," answered Y/N.
The Avatar of Pride's heart swelled at the realization that his lover was willing to forgive him (albeit with time) and to give him, him, another chance. Taking her hand in his, he brought it up to his lips and gently kissed it.
Y/N giggled, and wrapped her arms around Lucifer's left, and the two walked back to the originally intended destination, both content that things were on their way back to normal, and both already dreading the teasing that they were sure to receive from their respective siblings.
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bookofmirth · 3 years
If you have the time/energy I would love to hear more of your thoughts about Az's persona! He's such an interesting character to me, and I feel like most of the theories I see about him centre around elain, and how his behaviour is mate behaviour (the double bond thing). Personally I think azriel has a lot of anger, isnt very open with his friends, and also feels like he has to be the one to fix everything (this comes out with elain but also all his relationships).
Can I just start this off by saying “what the fuck” at the double/true/created bond thing. I’ve seen some WILD shit out there in the fandom, wild. 
I have been writing and deleting and copy/pasting etc. this post forever and I can’t decide how to approach it, so I hope this makes sense! I didn’t pull out a ton of quotes because tbh it’s a lot of work and I’ve read these books???? So many times. And this is tumblr, not comprehensive exams.
I would agree with your characterization of Azriel! 
Anger - this comes out in really inappropriate times, and I wouldn’t be surprised if he turns his anger around on himself. We all know that Rhys described his “icy rage”, and later on his “cruel competitiveness”.
Lack of communication - yeah, when has he had a heart-to-heart with anyone in this series? When he does, it’s not about making himself feel better, or sharing his own feelings. It’s to be of service to someone else. All the IC have described trying to reach out to him in their own ways, and not being successful.
Needing to fix things - yes! I see this as his need to be of service. He’s always the first one to jump into work. It took Mor hundreds of years to get him to go to Rita’s, right? He’s a workaholic in a world with no labor laws. He always wants to be the one in charge of gathering intel, of finding people, or fixing problems. I think this is closely tied to two things: his lack of self-worth, and his anger. If he can stay busy enough and work hard enough, he can prove his worth to other people, if not to himself. This is why he loses it when Rhys or Feyre tell him that he can’t handle something. 
Funny thing, but people who have followed my blog since early 2017 know that I shipped moriel hardcore. I just loved it. I wrote so much meta and fanfic. A lot of the arguments that I see now remind me a lot of arguments people used to make about moriel - and it makes sense! Az’s behavior around both Mor and Elain are eerily similar. So I thought I’d compare his behavior towards them because that can tell us about his character!
To me, his treatment of Elain (and Mor) comes down to two things:
What his mother and Mor suffered (and he was unable to prevent), and
His lack of self-worth due to abuse 
Azriel and Mor didn’t know one another very long before she slept with Cassian and was left brutalized by her family. This happened when they were all in their late teens, which is not long after Azriel was tortured by his brothers, rarely let outside, and rarely got to see his mother. At the same time that Azriel sees his mother treated so poorly, he then feels intense guilt and rage at what happens to Mor. It’s enough to make him overreact in the future, any time that Mor (or another female) is in danger. So here are a bunch of examples of him being overprotective of Mor and Elain. But mostly Mor.
In acomaf, Azriel has the audacity to tell Mor no, that she can’t go to the human lands (chapter 41)
“I fought in the War, you will do well to remember-”
“No,” Azriel said again, refusing to break her stare. His shifting wings rasped against the back of his chair. “The would string you up and make an example of you.”
At the end of acomaf he is still highly protective of Mor
Azriel’s head lifted from where he was sprawled in his own blood, eyes full of rage and pain as he snarled at the king, “Don’t you touch her.”
Mor looked at Azriel - and there was real fear there. Fear - and something else. She didn’t stop moving until she again kneeled beside him and pressed a hand to his wound. Azriel hissed-but covered her bloody fingers with his own.
Then in acowar, of course, he explodes at the High Lord meeting after Eris says that Mor dresses like a slut:
Azriel stopped.
Eris gasped for air as those scarred hands loosened. As Azriel turned his face towards me-
The frozen rage there rooted me to the spot. 
But beneath it, I could almost see the image that haunted him: the hand Mor had yanked away, her weeping, distraught face as she had screamed at Rhys.
And now, behind us, Mor was shaking in her chair. Pale and shaking.
And of course in acowar Azriel goes with Feyre to rescue Elain. This ties together all of his issues with Mor and his mother. IMHO, Azriel sees Elain as a second chance. He saves Elain in a way he failed to save Mor, and so he begins to transfer his need to protect and serve onto her.
Azriel’s refusal to let Mor assist in dangerous situations is similar to how he says no, Elain cannot help.
Azriel stiffened, an outright sign of temper from him as he said quietly, “There is an innate darkness to the Dread Trove that Elain should not be exposed to.”
*Note that it’s an “outright sign of temper” - not an outright sign of protectiveness, or caring, or concern, or worry. 
If being protective of another character is “mate behavior” or sign of a mating bond, then Azriel and Mor would be mated. There is far more evidence of him being overprotective of her than of Elain. So while we know that mates are protective (naturally!), Azriel’s protective tendencies are coming from something else - a combination of his failures to protect his mother and Mor.
In acofas, what Cassian jokes is Az being a stickler for manners in forcing everyone to wait for Elain, Rhys explains as being related to Azriel’s mother - not Elain or Cassian.
Rhys took a bite, gesturing with his knife for me to eat. Let’s just say it hit a little close to home. At my beat of confusion, he added, There are some scars when it comes to how his mother was treated. Many scars.
Again, it seems all well and good that Az was thinking about being polite, but Rhys tells us that it’s because of Azriel’s mommy issues! Which are understandable and important, but a clear example of Azriel trying to make up for poor treatment in one woman by overreacting around another.
In the acosf POV, when Az questions why he wasn’t mated with Elain (and he can smell bonds so wouldn’t he smell his own?) it’s not so much about Elain as the fact that he feels he did everything right this time. He saved the damsel. He was of service. Elain is safe and healthy and she seems much more amenable than Mor ever has. So what did he do wrong? This is the source of his anger, combined with his loneliness and desire for a shiny lovely mating bond of his own. 
When we think about Azriel’s motivations, it comes down to service and self-worth. He sees his main value or purpose as saving others from harm, and when he was barely into adulthood he failed in that duty for the two most important women in his life. Hence his need to overcompensate around Mor, and now Elain.
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forbidding-souda · 3 years
Um, hello, I'm new to tumblr so forgive me if I misunderstand something, but I was going to kindly ask if I could get Souda x tan, dark hair and eyes, chubby, female, SHSL Comedian? If that's alright? Something along the lines of headcanons/ how they'd interact and such? I read the rules, and I think I get it, but I'm sorry if I missed something, I truly didn't mean to👉🏽👈🏽 Either way, I hope you have a wonderful night<3 -Love, Glitter anon~
Kazuichi Souda with a chubby SHSL Comedian girlfriend (headcanons)
hello glitter anon >:)
off topic but i hope people with small noses like eating apples bc i have a big nose and >:(
-Mod Souda
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❤ He would always watch you around the classroom. He waited for those moments where you weren't goofing around - the times where you sat in silence, watching the others, your eyes scanning the side conversations. He wonders what you think about. There was a beauty in that, with your darkened eyes looking around the room.
❤ Your smile is the most noticeable thing about you - when you laugh at your own jokes or when Ibuki says something you find funny.
❤ And every time he made you smile it would light up his entire face. You noticed this quickly - and he's not too subtle with his crushes.
❤ He is subtle with his methods to getting close with you - researching you on his phone, talking to your friends about you. It was a little creepy but he doesn't think much about his creepiness factor.
❤ It just means for Valentines Day he got you your favorite candy and a stuffie of one of your favorite marketable animals. To make it seem like he wasn't virtually stalking you, he got the same gift for Mahiru, trying to make it look like a coincidence. Mahiru was also not too pleased to be receiving a gift from him but he quickly explained to her his motives and she thought it was sweet.
❤ "Treat her good," she had warned, "or else I'll give you a stern talking!"
❤ Whenever he makes you laugh you stop and think would this joke make a good story and most of the time the answer is yes. The concept of Kazuichi Souda can offer a lot of jokes, at his expense? Maybe.
❤ He likes it when you talk about him on set, though. Even when the two of you are together, he loves it when you talk about him. It's a whole wow, she thinks about me.
❤ Which - he is very attracted to you, and he never stops talking about you.
❤ And he doesn't care about your body shape!! If you're worried about him not being able to pick you up, or anything related to that, he is incredibly strong, and will try to carry you bridal style with nothing stopping him, even if you're taller than him.
❤ Plus you can still fit into his clothes - he's thick, even in boy clothes.
❤ You can't play test your sets to him because he laughs no matter what you say - which is also your fault for being the SHSL Comedian, but he doesn't give helpful feedback, he's too in love with you.
❤ He likes getting you things like joke books that he comes across, or cute things like finger puppets and mr. potato heads. Those types of things remind him of you.
❤ And he always puts his hands under your shirt when the two of you are cuddling - his hands are consistently warm, so in cold weather, this is extremely preferable.
❤ If you're up late writing, he will try his best to make dinner, but cooking has never been his best speciality, so he sticks with instant noodles or ice cream bars.
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nevenabadr · 3 years
Sebastian Stan X Reader, Leather Love, Prologue
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This is a prologue to Leather Love!
Note: English is not my first language.
Inspiration: this is inspired by:
· Bliss, a novel about a magical baker.
· A Dash of Magic, a novel about a magical family of bakers
Word count: 2003
Warnings: Romance, fluff, sweet words, and few explicit words
Enjoy reading and please comment with your feedback. 🖤
You and Sebastian met at the Met Ball, an annual fundraising gala for the benefit of the Metropolitan, and you were their choice for creating the patisserie masterpieces for the evening.
As for Sebastian, the gala was enjoyable till the moment he was running away from the press.
Also, you were running away from the pressure of catering for your foremost important event of the season.
At the calmest corner of the hotel. You sat calming yourself down speaking to yourself, "I am seven stars rated Baker. One of the best around the world."
Little did you know that someone was taking a few steps and heading to that same calming place.
You were so close when you noticed that man lighting a cigarette "want one?"
He smiled at you.
"You know, that could kill you." You frowned.
"Better than anxiety" he scrunched his nose.
Smocking was something you tried once or twice for fun but never thought of as a tool for calming your nerves.
"I am Y/N by the way."
"Sebastian" he extended a hand to shake yours
You did not rush to tell him you know him and his works. You are a fan, but you still respect that he is already anxious.
"Can I ask, what are you so anxious about?" You calmly asked.
"Too many cameras, I am used to them, but I needed a moment for myself too."
You smirked "A fellow introvert, are not you?"
"Maybe," he giggled and kept smocking, "I did not get your name?"
"Your/F&L/Name, please to meet you, Sebastian." You smiled softly and noticed stars in his eyes.
"Are not you the owner of Bliss, the antique-styled bakery café in New York?" His voice was jammed with excitement.
It surprised you to be personally recognised by a star. It is always the brand that gets the enthusiasm, not you.
"Yes, in the flesh," you shrugged.
He was excited as a child just found his favourite lost toy "I love your patisserie. I even treat myself from Bliss each Sunday."
You were excited that he likes what you serve. "Have you tried our coffee?"
He hesitated "I am a Starbucks guy, sorry."
You laugh "even I, a Starbucks girl, just don't tell my workers." You winked.
"Well, look, I should prepare my surprise for the evening."
The cigarette was almost finished, and the conversation was not over, so as you started walking away, he called you back "Y/A, can I ask you for a favour."
You turned, "anything, Sebastian,"
"Can I take a VIP tour? That special thing, for me, please." He asked with puppy eyes.
He seems to be still nervous about going into the crowd. He is in the sport because of his new PR company. Adding, his ex-girlfriend fame and breakup impact was hard, especially the buzz all over Tumblr. He could not be around the media at that moment.
"Alright, come along, but no cameras or sharing my secrets." You seriously ordered
Indeed, that VIP tour was in a crowded kitchen. Everyone is busy creating a piece of heaven.
"There you are," a young man ran to you. His face draws worrying emotions and anger.
"Frank, what's wrong?"
"It is 30 minutes to delivery."
Frank started walking by your side, describing something that was going wrong and you pointed "we have time"
It surprised Sebastian that Frank did not even notice him. There in the kitchen, you were the star to be followed and the boss to be obeyed.
"Sebastian, I need you to put on gloves and follow my lead"
It surprised him to take orders now
"Frank, you go being the rest of the cupcakes, I am preparing the icing myself."
As Frank left, you give Sebastian an explanation "my staff got something wrong, I have 30 minutes to icing 500 cupcakes."
"This is better than expected. I would love to help." His soothing voice calmed down your anxiety.
He took off his jacket. He looked stunning in everything, as you thought to yourself.
He was laughing and motivating everyone around him "coming people there is a Gala to conquer."
You were icing the side of the cupcake by side, forgetting how exhausting it was to do all of this work in a short time, yet the joy on his face made this worthwhile.
"I don't remember having this much fun in my life," he was icing a chocolate cupcake
"Are you sure this is your first time?" You said playfully
"I don't even know how to cook," he shrugged, "maybe, you can teach me."
The icing went well, but both of you stayed talking and he ignored the time
"Oh, look at the time, I have a to attend that dinner."
He was fixing his clothes and hair, running too fast out of the kitchen. "Thank you Y/A."
You wish for him to stay longer, as he made this chore easier for you, at least mentally.
As he was rushing out "can I book you for a private lesson? A date maybe?"
"I thought you would never ask." Giving him your private card and going back to your staff.
The next morning, he woke up thinking of how alive he felt around Y/A. He juggled her card between his fingers, thinking whether or not to call her. He settled on calling her after mid-day or at lunch.
He took a shower and got prepared for his morning run. It is never too late for one.
He took his usual route of running passing by the Bliss, something made him stop and look for her. Maybe you were tired from all her work, but it is Sunday and he deserves his weekly treat.
Behind the counter there you were, beautiful as he remembers her from the night before.
"May, I have a cupcake please,"
You were busy talking and giving instructions to one of her staff members, yet a familiar voice turned her head "Why not trying the Bakery choice of the day?"
"If the baker herself agrees, then I am sold." He flirted.
"On the house, sir,"
You served him English cake with coffee at his table.
He stood up when you approached "oh God! You brought it yourself!" he tried to give her a hand and serve himself at the table.
"Anything for my favourite guest." You smiled as did not sit.
He was puzzled and clueless "Y/A, wait."
"Anything else?" You smirked at him.
"Will you go out with me tonight, please?" He used the charm of his puppy eyes again.
"I would love to." You glowed.
Later that day, he texted
Sebastian: You did not take my number! 🧁
Y/A: Sebastian, hey, thank you! 🙏🏻
Sebastian: tonight, when and where?
Y/A: Sushi, maybe???
Sebastian: I was thinking of an Italian fancy restaurant, gotta impress the girl. 🤷🏻‍♂️
Y/A: Not this one lolz. Just anything you like. Surprise me.
Sebastian: Fancy, it will be!
Y/A: next time, I am choosing.
Sebastian: there will be next time, huh? 😉
Y/A: haha, I've got to go. Sunday means work.
Sebastian: see ya tonight.
At your house, you are confused about what to wear.
"It is a fancy date with a handsome man that happens to be a star" you were worried, every ex you had was not even close to Sebastian's sweetness. You know that there is always a catch. This time, it might be you and your busy schedule.
You texted him your address. He arrived before his time with ten minutes holding flowers at your door.
He was dressed in a slim fit navy suit without a tie.
"You look beautiful," he complimented your little black dress and heels.
The dinner went well. Both if shared stories from your past, trying to make a career, and how hard the world is becoming.
"Baking is great but applying for investment is hellish," you discussed the situation with coming at the top.
"Your food should be decorated with prizes. I believe you won many."
He teased, as he knew that you were part of a reality show for bakers.
"It was a phase, now this is the real world." You exhaled gloomily.
Your phone ringing cut off your conversation. You excused him for taking this call.
You left the table, yet, arriving with a miserable 10 minutes later.
"Is everything okay?" He nervously asked.
You looked down at your food "I am sorry, Sebastian, I have to go"
You were anxious and irritated
"What's wrong?" He tried to soothe you.
"My angel investor is having a party. He needs me to prepare the cakes and cookies by myself." You were about to cry.
"Okay, you are pressures." He smirked playfully, trying to change your mood.
"He needs them tomorrow by noon." You asserted upon the last word.
"See, I was going to ask you to teach me, so why not today,"
He called for the check.
Sebastian drove you back to your bakery. It was almost empty by that time. Just two workers and you took Sebastian to the kitchen.
You prepared the ingredients on the counters. Sebastian asked if he can help with getting the blenders and mixing bowls. You pointed at a higher shelf opposite to you.
"Thank you, Sebastian," you were about to leave his car.
"Not yet, doll, we have cookies to prepare," he said as the cute dork he is.
You were guiding him to which thing is to add to the blender first and he was a curious student.
"Exactly, why are you hand blending that?" Pointing at the chocolate mixture in front of you.
"Because we make these with a dash of magic and bliss," you spook magically and seriously.
He paused for a moment "and I am not magic"
You raised an eyebrow, "you are my apprentice, yet, hand blend the cookies."
You came by his side, your chest at his back, and guided his arm to hand to blend the cookies.
He was blazing with fire and excitement. Ultimately, he felt at peace.
“An excellent exercise to those guns.” He teased you.
"Not as a baker's," you guided his free hand to something, "now take a pinch of magic... chocolate chips and add them."
Both of you rounded up and finished everything was in the oven. You sat on the floor drinking wine and chatting further, till the alarm of the oven called it done.
"My cookies" Sebastian pulled them out of the over, "taste what the master baked."
"Apprentice," you asserted as you pulled your cakes out of the other oven.
You let everything rest. It was almost the morning.
"They will come I pick them at 9 am, no time for home." You yawned
"Can I drive you?" He yawned too, and his eyes were sleepy.
"Cookie, you looked exhausted." It was the first time to call him so, he was surprised and delighted.
"I have a coach in my office."
Both of you laid tired and exhausted from the long day. Spontaneously he put a kiss on your forehead, you whispered at his lips "I have a better one" you took his lips on your own and shared the sweetest romantic first kiss.
"Sweet dreams, apprentice Cookie." You laid to sleep in his arms.
"Sweet dreams Y/A." He smiled against your lips and laid a kiss goodnight on them.
Yet, Sebastian had to make the last thing before he sleeps.
Guys, I made cookies
That was his message to the group chat with his best friends.
Chris: cookies, is that's a new term for sex?
Anthony: WTH @Cheis. If Sebastian mentions cookies, then he really made cookies.
Sebastian: I baked cookies
Christ: good for you, pal.
Anthony: you are waking me up at 6 in the morning for cookies.
Sebastian: and a kiss.
Anthony: my man, you should have gone for the pussy 💪🏻
Chris: language!
Sebastian: Good night oldie issues and smarty pants. 🤣🤣🤣
Sebastian looked at your peaceful face, laid another kiss on your forehead, then departed into a deep sleep.
Tag list:
@221bshrlocked (awaiting your feedback)
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hanoella · 3 years
Affettuoso- With Feeling (Part 8)
Pairing: Bucky x Pianist!Reader
Set after the events of TFATWS: In an effort to start over and make a home in Louisiana, Bucky meets a friend of Sam’s who ends up being his landlord. With only a driveway to separate them, he finds that he’s not the only one looking for a fresh start.
Series tags/warnings: Slow Burn, Eventual Bucky x Reader, Mentions of Domestic Abuse, Canon Level Violence, PTSD, PG-17 Romantic Content (oooooh), talk of sex
Part 8 Word Count: Just under 8k
A/N: It's starting to heat uppppppp👀. I always sort and curate the music so that you can listen to the music as you read the story and match the tone, starting from where I insert the song. Unfortunately, tumblr is being idiotic, and now I can't post the songs to play in-app for some reason. Sorry guys😭 If you haven't given it a try, I highly recommend!
Once again, thank you for all your support! Every heart and comment motivates me and is just so wonderful.
Taglist!: @vicmc624 @officiallykuute @undiadeestos @tailsoflightning @buckys2thicc @mischief-siriusly-managed
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Bucky looked in the mirror nervously, mussing his hair up. It was a bit longer than when he had first come to Louisiana, and he had been overwhelmed by the sheer number of choices when it came to men’s hair products. He thought it looked okay, using the man on the front of the packaging as reference. It was a good thing you two were taking your car. He wasn’t sure if his work would’ve survived the motorcycle helmet. Glancing over the rest of his ensemble, he gave himself a nod of assurance. It was concert weekend, and also the day you were going on your first date. After contemplating on when to go, you had suggested a late night dinner after that weeks second concert and Bucky had thought it was a fine idea at the time. Though, now, he realized that he would have to sit through the concert first.
He picked up the bouquet of flowers he had gotten with the hair product the other day and headed to the door. Before leaving, he bent down to pet a sleepy Alpine, who was currently dozing peacefully in the last rays of the sun for the day.
“Wish me luck.” He said to the cat, who purred in response.
He left and crossed the driveway to your house. Knocking on your screen door, he waited expectantly.
“Come in!” He heard you call from inside.
He opened the screen door and crossed the threshold. He’d done it plenty of times before, but this time felt different. Seeing that the living room and kitchen were empty, he headed down the hall to your bedroom, where the light was filtering out of. Cautiously opening the door, he saw you sitting at the vanity, dressed in your typical rehearsal outfit of a blouse and slacks, and putting on the final touches to your makeup. You blinked to adjust to the mascara and turned towards him, a smile spreading across your cheeks.
“Hey!” You stood up to hug him and then take him in. “You look great, Buck.”
“Thanks, you too.” He replied, still coming across rather stiff from the nervousness. You looked up at him, slightly amused but keeping it to yourself. After a moment of gazing at your features that were complemented by the makeup you had just put on, Bucky cleared his throat and gifted you the bouquet.
“Oh, these are beautiful. Thank you so much.” You said as you admired the large white peonies, accented by bundles of pink hydrangeas and various types of eucalyptus. A green satin bow held the stems together as you felt the velvety petals between your fingertips. You grabbed his hand afterwards and squeezed it as you held the bouquet to your chest. “Thank you,” you repeated as you looked up at him. Bucky felt slightly more at ease, giving you a small but genuine smile.
“Of course.”
You set the bundle down gently before going over to your bed and unzipping the garment bag and holding the dress out for him to see.
“Is this too much to wear for the concert and then dinner? I figured I’d dress a little simpler so I don’t stand out too much at the restaurant.”
Bucky stepped closer and touched the luxurious navy blue fabric. The dress was cut so that it had a slight halter neckline, exposing minimal shoulder. It wasn’t until he saw the bottom end of the dress that he caught a glimpse of what you normally liked to wear. Flowers and greenery adorned the bottom half of the skirt, detailed in such a way that it looked like they had been painted right on the dress. The soft pastel brushstrokes formed rounded petals and long wispy leaves.
“It’ll look great on you.” He said with affection in his tone. “But you don’t have to change anything for me. All the gowns that you wore before looked great too, but what really makes them is the fact that you’re wearing them.”
It was your turn to blush, turning slightly to try and hide the pink on your face. You thanked him softly before excusing yourself to the kitchen to get a vase for the flowers. As you were filling the vase with water, you held your hand to your cheek in an effort to cool down your face. Coming back to your room, you put the flowers in water and turned to Bucky, who had sat himself down on the edge of the bed.
“Ready to go?”
Bucky sat on the green velvet couch in your dressing room, reading something on his phone as he listened to the rustling behind the room divider behind him.
“How do I look?” You asked, coming out from behind the divider and into the room. You were dressed in the gown from earlier, now with black flats and earrings that mimicked flower petals falling in the wind. You had decided on a more romantic look for your hair, settling on large loose waves, one side pinned back with a dainty silver bar clip.
He couldn’t help but smile.
Who knew one word could give you such a fluttering in your stomach.
“Thank you.”
You sat next to him, folding one leg underneath of you and leaning against the couch, facing him.
“Are you going to be okay up in that box all by your lonesome?” you teased, reaching across and grabbing the tips of his fingers with yours.
“I hope so. I’ve got a date tonight.” He replied playfully. He always felt so warm, so comforting. You looked at him with affection before your eyes flitted to the clock behind him.
“I should probably get to the stage.” You sighed while you said it, reluctantly starting to get up and pull your hand away. Before you could completely escape his grasp, he squeezed your hand slightly.
“You’ll do great. See you after?” His look was slightly reminiscent of a puppy. You smiled wistfully and squeezed his hand back.
“See you after.”
You separated in the hall, you going one way to the stage and him going the other way to the box. Before he stepped inside, he realized he didn’t have a program. He made his way to the front and found an usher with a stack of programs.
“Can I have one of those?” He asked, coming off slightly more gruffly than he meant to.
“Sure, sir.” The usher handed him one and Bucky thanked him before turning. Halfway down the hall, he picked up the whispering of another usher who had come up to the one that had the programs.
“Is that Ms. Novikov’s boyfriend?”
“No way, is that who that was?”
“He always sits in her own personal box. It has to be.”
Boyfriend. Such a funny word. Bucky hadn’t been anyone’s boyfriend in decades. It almost felt silly to be dating somebody. It was like someone blowing all of their money on something they couldn’t afford. It felt reckless to invest so much feeling and time and emotion when he had so little of those things on his own. Yet, what little he had, he gladly spent on you.
“He is so hot. I would just let him-“
Bucky’s eyes widened as he heard several terms he didn’t understand. Clearing his throat, he walked a little faster back to the box.
You had laughed so hard that you were crying as Bucky tried to repeat some of the stuff he had overheard. Deciding to check on him during intermission, you had popped up to the box for a minute. After complimenting you on your playing, having performed what Bucky thought to be amazingly, as you usually did, he couldn’t stop the face he had made as his mind thought back to the usher. Needing to sit down, you had sat in one of the seats in the box, doubled over in a combination of laughing and crying.
“It’s not that funny!” Bucky whisper-yelled at you, as you gasped for breath, face in hands. He turned around to see that the next several boxes were looking over to see what the commotion was. One particular look on an older woman’s shocked face made him turn around quickly and try not to laugh.
“It’s not funny!” He said again, though now he was obviously trying to hold back his own laugh, which just made you laugh even harder.
Starting to calm down, you leaned back onto the seat, still clutching your stomach. Letting out some deep breaths, a burst of giggles fell out of your mouth, evolving into full on laughter again.
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry!” You said, regaining some semblance and wiping your eyes carefully as to not ruin any makeup. “That is just hilarious. I love it.” You concluded as you sighed and closed your eyes.
“You are just… something else.” Bucky replied, a huge smile overcoming his face despite the fact that he was shaking his head. The lights flickered overhead to signal the end of the intermission. You got up, straightening out the skirt of your dress and giggling.
“You can meet me at the dressing room after.” You said, waving your fingers at him. He had the same smile on his face as he watched you sweep aside the curtains and disappear. As embarrassing as it was, Bucky was thankful that it had broken the ice, no longer leaving him feeling awkward, nervous in your presence. As he was turning back to face the front, Bucky made eye contact with the same old lady in the box next door. Quickly, he cleared his throat and settled in his seat, adjusting so that he was sitting up straighter.
Several minutes went by before the conductor came back out, followed by you. He gave his usual introduction of the piece, explaining the history and the background behind the melody they were about to hear. This one was another piano feature- this time by Chopin.
The opening note was long and forceful, followed by a back and forth of a set of notes on your left hand that quickly sped up into an impressive speed. Your right hand entered the melody, quickly flitting back and forth to the end of the keys. The quickening of the keys sounded desperate, like a hare running frantically to safety from the jaws of a predator.
Both of your hands ran down from the higher keys to the low ones, somehow managing to hit very precisely on each intended note on the way down. Once in the lower octaves, the melody slowed. Your hand movements were graceful, body language and tone changing to one of peace. You spent some time exploring the gentle melody, conveying a feeling similar to the quiet after the storm. Just as Bucky expected the end of the melody, what would’ve been a period in the phrase of the major key, turned into a comma. The minor key from before took control of the music once more, somehow more desperate than before. The pace of your breathing sped up as you put more force behind the fleeting notes. The minor key evolved into a more complex intertwining of notes before unraveling into a major key once again, saying its last words and taking its last breath before dissipating into the auditorium.
Applause burst forth from the crowd, conveying more than Bucky could ever put into words about how incredible your performance was. How incredible you were. Still catching your breath, you stood at the conductor’s prompting, stealing a glance at Bucky, who was standing as he clapped, before bowing in acceptance of the praise.
After the concert, he drove you to New Orleans. At the restaurant, you were sat at a table on the edge of the dining room behind a low privacy partition. It was dimly lit, the small candle in the middle of the table creating a very intimate atmosphere. You sat across from each other at the two-person table, browsing the menu. Yours was laid flat on the table as you leaned over it, resting your chin on your clasped hands. Bucky’s was held up, serving as a way for him to sneak glances at you. The candlelight gave your hair an ever-moving sheen. It was nothing compared to how it lit the color of your eyes as you met his eye and smiled.
The romantic piano music played softly in the background as he set the menu down and let a gentle smile overtake his features. Your eyelids slowly lowered. You loved the little crow’s feet that appear by his eyes when he genuinely smiled.
“How’d I do on the first date setting?” You asked. The cozy restaurant had been your pick.
“You hit it out of the park. It’s very nice.” Bucky replied, leaning in a little closer so that he could cross his arms slightly onto the table.
“Isn’t it? There’s a few of them across the country. I used to at the one in New York while I went to Julliard. Can you guess what I did?” You chuckled as you pointed your head in the direction of the live piano music coming from the stage.
“Hmm… Dishwasher? No wait, valet?”
Bucky lives for the smile that comes across your face when you try not to laugh at his antics.
“Absolutely. Always wanted to be a valet. It’s my dream job.” You joked back with a twinkle in your eye. The waiter came up to the table, causing you both to lean slightly back. After introducing themselves and setting two glasses of water down, they asked for your drink order. Bucky nodded for you to go first, ever the gentleman. You turned your head towards the waiter, your gaze lingering on Bucky before giving full attention towards them as you spoke.
“What are some of the best whiskeys you have to recommend?”
Bucky could’ve spit out his water. This place could not be cheap. His suspicions were confirmed as the waiter started listing off various whiskeys that were at least a decade old. About three whiskeys into the list, you saw Bucky tilt his head out of the corner of your eye. Glancing at him, you raised your eyebrows as if to ask if he was interested. He raised his eyebrows and gave a small nod.
“We’ll have that one please.” You said, stopping the waiter when he finished the description. You had selected the sixteen year old single malt with notes of plums, apricots, white truffles, honey, dark chocolate, and hazelnuts. As soon as the waiter turned around, Bucky leaned in and gave you a look of incredulousness.
“Doll, I am all for the finer things in life but that whiskey has got to be a pretty penny.”
You leaned in as well, with a dreamy look on your face.
“Well, if it gets you to call me ‘doll’ then I’ll buy the whole bottle.”
Bucky actually did end up liking it so much that you ordered a bottle to take home. He had tried to stop you from paying for it, but you insisted, saying this whole date was on you.
“Just pay for the next one. I picked the fancy place, so I should pay! Besides, you do so much for me all of the time.”
Eventually, he caved in and let you, the assurance of a second date placating him. Dinner had been equally as delicious and sprinkled with easy conversation. Dessert was set on the table with two spoons to share. The entire night was going wonderfully. At this point, with a few bites of dessert left, both of you were lounging while listening to the gentle music as he held your hand across the table.
A group was getting up from the table across the divider when one of them glanced over and recognized you.
“Irina Novikov!”
Your hand left Bucky’s instinctually as you looked in the direction of the voice. Easing when you realized it was a concert goer, you smiled as the group came over to your table.
“We just came from your performance, you did an excellent job. We’ve been coming all season and it’s wonderful to be able to talk to you in person.” A middle aged man said as the rest of his group nodded enthusiastically.
“The pleasure’s all mine. I’m so happy that you enjoy the music that we perform.” You said, shaking his hand.
“Would you, perhaps, be willing to sign our programs?”
“Absolutely.” You said, as you took the pen. You paused slightly before writing the signature. Bucky could tell that you hadn’t thought about it before- how to sign the new name. You signed everyone’s program, making sure to ask for their name and including a short thank you for their support.
“I look forward to seeing you in the audience the next time you’re able to visit.” You said as you handed back the last program and pen. They graciously thanked you and walked away, leaving you to look at Bucky, who was admiring you.
“What?” You asked, cheeks flushing.
“Nothing. You’re just so good to them. Does that happen often?”
“I try to be. I’m sure if I had more people always coming up to me I’d be less patient. To answer your question, it happens occasionally. It happened a lot in New York when I played with the symphony up there. But that was a long time ago.” You looked down wistfully, thinking of the past. Then, you looked up and grabbed his hand.
“But I’m pretty happy where I am now. Don’t doubt that.”
Bucky felt a fluttering in his chest.
After settling the bill and giving Bucky the bottle of whiskey, you put your coat on and held Bucky’s hand as you walked to out of the restaurant. On the way home, he drove as you hummed along to the radio, watching the road signs and the streetlights pass. Eventually the highway turned into main streets and main streets turned into side streets. Maybe if he drove slower, the night didn’t have to end.
Parking in the driveway, Bucky signaled for you to wait before he jogged around the front of the car, opening your door and holding out a hand.
“Oh, what a gentleman.” You laughed as you took his outstretched hand and stepped out of the car. Taking his arm, you let him walk you to your front door. You turned the key and opened the door, turning on the lights before facing him again.
“Well. This was wonderful. I had such a good time.” You said, hugging him around the neck. He wrapped his arms tightly around your waist.
“Me too.”
You pulled back, letting your hands run down his arms and holding his hands in yours.
“I think it’s safe to say that there will be a second date.” You stated teasingly, squeezing his hands.
“I would say you’re right.” He said, boyish charm coming through. You wondered if this is what he was like back before the war. Smiling, you looked into his eyes.
“Thank you for taking me out. You’re so lovely to be with, and it feels unreal to be with you. I think I’ve wanted this for a long time.” Affection was laced throughout your tone.
Bucky opened his mouth to say something and nothing came out. He squeezed your hands once, as if to make sure you were real, and shook his head.
“You took the words right out of my mouth. That’s exactly how I feel about you.”
There was a slight pause before Bucky closed the gap between you. Your bottom lip was between his and you closed your eyes as your hands held his face to yours. You felt your fingertips scrape across his stubble as he held you in his arms, hands supporting your back as he deepened the kiss. After a few moments, you pulled back, a flush over your face and the cold air exposing your breathlessness. He let out a quiet breathy laugh and you did the same.
“You have… no idea how long I’ve wanted to do that.” He said as he softly put his forehead to yours.
“You took the words right out of my mouth.” You repeated his phrase with amusement. Reluctantly, you took your arms from around his neck and trailed them down to his hands, grabbing both. You took a moment to appreciate how perfectly his hands felt in yours, vibranium and all.
“Goodnight, Buck.”
He squeezed your hands lightly before slowly letting go of your hands.
Putting his hands in his pockets, he waited for you to exit the house, reciprocating your wave as you softly shut the door. Letting out a deep breath, he walked leisurely across the driveway and up to his apartment. He loosened his tie with one hand as he greeted Alpine with the other. She followed at his heels as he got ready for bed, hopping up onto his chest when he finally laid down. Curling up into a ball, she purred as he scratched her neck. Alpine fell asleep almost immediately, but Bucky lay awake, the image of you laughing at something he said across the candlelit table occupying the forefront of his thoughts.
The second date had to be rescheduled due to business that Sam and Bucky had to take care of, once again, in D.C. Reluctantly, he had texted you to reschedule.
Have to go to DC tonight with Sam… Go out when we come back?
Bucky watched the bubble type.
If you don’t want to go out again, just say so
He felt like vomiting.
KIDDING! Of course we can.
Taking a deep breath, he typed out a reply.
Not funny. Almost gave me a heart attack. You gonna be okay for a few days?
I’ll be fine, just take care of yourself and be safe, please.
Will do, doll.
A little heart emoji you sent back made Bucky smile before he tucked his phone away and boarded the plane.
After a few days of cut-and-dry investigation, they were done by Saturday night. Since they were flying commercially, they had one more evening to kill before the next flight. Bucky was standing idly outside of the crowded comic book store that Sam was currently in. AJ had called Uncle Sam, asking if he could check for a specific volume of a comic that he liked. Happy to oblige, Bucky had told Sam that they could make the stop. Though, once seeing how crowded it was, Bucky opted to stay outside. Feeling a buzz in his pocket, he took out his phone to see a text from you pop up on his home screen. You had sent him a picture of Alpine curled up on the bed next to the dress you were going to perform in.
Alpine has approved my dress selection this evening!
Smiling at his screen as he sauntered down the sidewalk, he typed out his reply.
I agree with Alpine. Very nice selection.
He sent the text and paused, standing in place for a moment before sending a short addendum.
Sorry that I can’t be there.
It’s okay, there’s plenty others :)
Bucky looked up and saw that he had wandered a few stores down from the comic book shop. Craning his head, he didn’t see Sam yet. Turning back to the store in front of him, he glanced at the window display. A set of earrings on the edge of the display caught his eye. The soft pearls and winding gold took him back to another time. It was very reminiscent of the fancy jewelry that adorned the movie stars during his youth.
Glancing back down to the comic store, he had yet to see Sam out front. He took the opportunity to slip into the jewelers. There was a well-dressed couple looking at specific pieces of jewelry but otherwise, the store was empty. An unoccupied salesman approached Bucky warily.
“Can I help you sir?”
“Yes, um… I was interested in getting something from the window display.” Bucky said in a low tone as he gestured to the front. He was overly aware of how ‘rough around the edges’ he looked.
“Which one?” The salesman asked as Bucky followed him to the front. After the earrings were pointed out, the salesman took them out of the case. He gave a little background as he handed Bucky the set.
“This is from our vintage-inspired collection. Modeled after jewelry from the post-art-deco era in the 1930’s, these earrings are the perfect modern gift with a vintage twist.” They dangled on the velvet earring holder as Bucky took a closer look. They were perfect.
“How much?” Bucky asked.
“They’re a bit expensive sir- four hundred dollars.” The salesman said uneasily.
“I’ll take them.”
He paid for the gift and stepped out onto the street, stuffing the earring box into his pocket. No sign of Sam yet. Making his way back up the street, he checked his phone to see that you had texted him a link. He sat on the bench and tapped on the link, which took him to a video that you had uploaded of the opening piece from the night before. He smiled as he saw that you had recorded it from his usual spot in Box One. You walked across the stage on screen, doing your usual bow and taking a seat at the bench. He put the speaker of the phone up to his ear and waited for the playing to start.
“What’re you listening to?”
Bucky almost dropped his phone as Sam cackled.
“Are you finally done?” Bucky said, annoyance seeping out his tone.
“Yeah, c’mon.” Sam said, smirk still on his face.
That night in the hotel room, as Bucky was settling into bed, he played the video once more, this time actually getting to listen. It was a soft melody, warm and deceivingly intricate, lulling him to sleep.
The second official date was up to Bucky to plan, since you had gotten to plan the first one. It wasn’t anything extravagant, but he wanted it to be a surprise.
Dress code? You had asked.
He texted back to wear something comfy and casual. He had gone back to his roots, opting for dinner and a drive-in movie. Remembering your favorite snacks from grocery shopping, he made sure to stock up beforehand, stealing your keys and tucking them into the trunk of the car along with a cozy blanket.
He straightened out the wrinkles in his light grey long-sleeve shirt and checked to make sure his jeans and sneakers didn’t have mud on them from the driveway earlier. Satisfied with his appearance, he snagged his leather jacket and went to warm up the car.
Several minutes after he had gotten in the drivers seat and started the car, you stepped out of the house. Your white headband kept the hair out of your face as you locked the door behind you. You had put your hair into two braids that fell against the fuzzy crème sweater. With your outfit completed with light-wash jeans, white sneakers, and a small cross-body bag, Bucky thought you looked absolutely adorable.
“Hey.” He greeted you with a huge smile.
“Hey!” You replied as you messed with the seatbelt. After it clicked, you looked up at him, allowing Bucky to get a better look at you. You had put on a more natural set of makeup that just enhanced your already present features- your eyelashes curling just at the tips, your lips glossy and tinted-pink.
“Where are we going?” You asked.
“You’ll see.”
A coy smile came upon his lips as he shifted the car into drive. It was a longer drive and you made easy conversation as the sun started to set. It always set so early in the winter, making it feel way later than it was. Bucky exited the highway and you perked up curiously, looking to see if you recognized anything. Eventually, he merged into the turn lane, waiting for the light so that he could turn onto the street with a huge sign that read Drive-In Movies, This Way.
“Are we going to a drive-in movie?” You questioned excitedly. Bucky laughed at your enthusiasm and nodded his head.
“Yup. We are.”
You looked forward excitedly as the light turned green and he turned onto the road. Bucky pulled up to a toll booth and rolled down the window. A man peered into the car momentarily before ringing up the register.
“Twenty four dollars please.”
Wordlessly, Bucky pulled out his wallet and handed the man the cash. Letting his left arm hang out of the window while he waited for the change, he took his right and cupped it against the side of his mouth in a dramatic fashion.
“I remember when these used to be a dime.”
Your mouth twisted in an effort to hold back your laughter as Bucky thanked the man for the change. As you pulled off, you couldn’t help but snort.
“Okay, that was cute.” Bucky teased, getting the crow’s feet in the corner of his eyes that you liked so much. You gave him a wide smile as he pulled into the last row. Your eyes grew wide at the trailers playing on the screen.
“Wow, this is amazing. I’ve never been the a drive-in before. The screen is huge!” You turned your head. “And there’s a snack bar!”
“Hold on,” Bucky said as he popped the trunk and exited the car. He lifted the bag out of the trunk and came back around to the door, ducking his head so that he could see you.
“I’ve got some of your favorite,” he said as he passed you the bag of snacks, “and a blanket to stay warm in.”
Your eyes lit up as you looked through the snack bag. He had gotten a variety of candy he’s seen you eat, as well as chips and a bucket of kettle corn.
“Of course, if you want anything else, you can still go to the snack stand.”
“No, Buck, this is great. You’re amazing.” You said as you shook your head, still ruffling through the bag. He laughed and got back into the car, throwing the blanket into the back seat and pushing his chair back. As you got situated, the sun set fully and the movie began playing.
There were about thirty minutes left in the movie, and you and Bucky had finished up with the snacks and settled into your seats. The action on the screen did little to distract you from the way Bucky’s thumb rubbed the top of your hand. You stole a glance at him and he met your gaze with an easygoing smile on his face.
“Do you like the movie?” He asked when you did not turn back.
“Oh, yeah, I like it. I’ve actually seen it before. I just really like being here with you.” You propped your elbow up on the center console and rested your chin against your palm, looking at Bucky with a dreamy look in your eyes. “Am I distracting you from the movie?”
Bucky leaned closer to you with an amused look on his face.
“Yes, but I have also seen this movie before.”
It only took a few moments before his lips met yours, parting slightly to taste your strawberry lip gloss. His hand came up to softly hold your face, his thumb brushing against your jawline. When you came apart, the expression on your face made him swallow thickly. Hooded eyes and slightly parted lips tempted him beyond his means. This time, you leaned in to meet him in the middle, no hesitancy behind your actions. You captured his bottom lip, giving it a little kitten lick before gently sucking on it. Bucky let out a small groan into your mouth unintentionally, making your breath hitch.
You kissed for a while, small noises escaping both of you as you tilted your head occasionally to deepen the kiss. Bucky felt something stir in him that hadn’t in a long, long time. It was absolutely intoxicating, being with you like this. All he wanted was a little more. Breaking the kiss, he pulled back just a little, slightly breathless, just as you were. You let out a breathy laugh, cheeks warm and lips swollen. A beat passed before Bucky said something that made you almost choke.
“If we’re going to keep kissing, you should come over here and sit on my lap.”
You turned your head, looking through the car windows. There was no one parked particularly close to you, and your windows were tinted anyway. With an excited grin on your face, you scooted backwards over the center console until your back was resting on the driver’s side door. You were angled slightly to face him, your outstretched legs over his lap and on the center console towards the backseat. You hooked your arms around his neck and giggled. You hadn’t done anything like this since you were in high school.
He chuckled with you before closing the gap. You felt each others smiles as you kissed. Slowly, the kiss deepened. His arms wrapped around your waist as he tilted forward, leaning over you and giving him better access as you opened your mouth to let his tongue in. His hands moved to support the back of your head and your lower back, causing you to groan slightly and shift in his lap.
Bucky opened his eyes in surprise, panicking silently. You hadn’t noticed, eyes still closed as you continued to kiss him. He cursed in his head, shifting you up slightly so that your leg wasn’t resting right on his crotch. Thankfully, he was wearing jeans and you hadn’t given any indication that you had noticed. He chastised himself in his head.
C’mon man, you’re not fifteen anymore. You can’t go around getting stiff every time you kiss a girl.
The bright lights cut back on, startling you and Bucky apart. You squinted your eyes and looked out towards the screen. The credits had just finished. Looking back to Bucky, you both laughed before kissing once more.
Afterwards, he took you to a classic diner, treating you to dinner and dessert. There was a jukebox in the corner that you and Bucky had looked at, racking up a few songs. You had danced slightly in your seat when your favorites came on, making him grin like a love-struck fool.
The diner had been close to the drive-in, so the drive home was still pretty long. Full and content, you had dozed off to the tune of the radio playing softly in the background. Choosing to let you sleep, he drove back silently, looking over at you with a smile every once and a while.
He pulled up to the driveway and parked the car, gently leaning over to rub your arm.
“Hey,” he said quietly, “We’re home.”
You hummed in acknowledgement as you yawned and let you eyes adjust to the lights in the car.
“Mmm. Sorry, I didn’t mean to fall asleep.”
“It’s okay, it’s late. Let’s get you inside.”
You slowly got up and out of the car, gravel crunching underneath of your shoes. Bucky walked with you up to the front door.
“Goodnight, Bucky.” You said groggily, leaning forward to kiss him. He met you halfway, pecking you on the lips.
He watched you cross the threshold, giving you his usual three-fingered wave when you turned back to wave goodbye.
For the third date, you had told Bucky to wear his suit and tie. He had no idea what to expect. Hearing thunder outside, he took a peak through the blinds. The wind was really starting to pick up. Grabbing his phone and wallet, he gave Alpine a quick scratch before heading out. The wind was harsh, even for Bucky’s standards. He jogged across the driveway and up the porch, knocking on the door. A few seconds later, you answered, stepping out onto the porch.
“Hey, I wasn’t expecting the weather to be like this. I got us a reservation at the museum’s restaurant but I don’t think it’s a good idea to travel that far in the rain.”
You looked out at the sky as the wind whipped your hair around your face. Bucky took the moment to admire how attractive you were. You had on an emerald satin cowl-neck dress that had a slit up the side. Dainty gold earrings matched the shimmering tennis bracelet you on. Your heels gave you some height and made it look like you were showing off an ungodly amount of leg.
“I’m sorry Buck,” you started, looking back to him. “I think we’ll have to go out some other time.”
“I understand. You look beautiful, by the way.” He said as he grabbed both of your hands.
You thanked him with an affectionate smile before getting a thoughtful look on your face.
“Would you like to come in for a drink?”
You padded back to the living room with two glasses, heels discarded at the door. Bucky, sans coat and tie, had opened a bottle of whiskey. Tucking your leg under your knee, you sat close, facing him. You held out the glasses, letting him poured a small amount in each. He sat the bottle down and you held out your glass to clink it to his. You took a sip of liquid courage, trying to steel your nerves. You held your drink in your lap and put your arm up on the back of the couch, leaning your head on your hand.
“It’s strange how, once we started seeing each other, how much of a rush it feels. Does it feel like that to you?”
“I do. It feels like… I just can’t get enough.” He said with a chuckle.
“It’s quite nice.” You smiled softly. “To find someone you have an understanding with.”
Bucky nodded as he sipped on his drink. You’d only known each other for half of a year, but if he thought about it harder, you had spent a lot of that time together, especially during the last few months. Bonds are also strengthened during trials and tribulation- you were both people looking to start over, to live happily, to do what you love and have a sense of fulfilment.
“I just think you’re amazing. I think it’s amazing that you want to be with me. I went through so much for so long, and now I finally remember what it feels like to have a sliver of happiness. So thank you. It’s been a long time since I’ve wanted to be with anybody,” you started, looking down at your drink, “-and I would imagine it’s been the same for you.”
“Yeah. Since before the war.”
“There’s been nobody since?” Your face changed to one of empathy. Bucky took another sip of his drink.
“Nobody. Except you.” He glanced at you with a look of resolution and longing. Gently, you smiled back at him.
“I must be one lucky gal to catch you this late in the game.”
You looked at each other affectionately and kissed. It wasn’t rough, but still filled with passion. After a moment, you pulled apart. You looked up at him through your eyelashes and bit your lip. Bucky swallowed thickly.
“How… fast do you want to take things?”
He blinked in surprise at your words. He hadn’t expected a straight forward discussion about it, but then again, dating in this age was much different. It did make things refreshingly simpler.
“I, uh…”
You looked at him expectantly and he cleared his throat and apologized.
“Sorry. This is all new for me.”
You set a hand on his thigh encouragingly and offered to go first.
“I can start. I… haven’t been with anyone, physically, since my last relationship and you know how that ended. He could be a little… forceful, and that aspect of our relationship has proven to be one of the hardest things to heal from.”
At this point, you were looking down at your hand, tapping a soothing rhythm from muscle memory onto his thigh.
“… I’m sorry. That must be extremely painful to deal with. Nobody should have to go through that.” He put a hand onto your knee reassuringly, rubbing it with his thumb. You shook your head quickly.
“It’s in the past. I’m happy with where I am now. At the end of the day, that’s what matters. Or at least that’s what I keep telling myself… Either way, I guess what I’m trying to say is… I’m not completely sure what I’m ready for, and I might not know until the opportunity presents itself. Please, be patient with me as I figure this. It’s not because I don't trust you or think you'll hurt me, I just...” You trailed off.
“Of course. Whatever you need. Don’t be afraid to tell me if you’re uncomfortable,” he assured you. “If it makes you feel any better, I haven’t been with anyone… ever.”
“Really? Like, you’re not just saying that to make me feel better?” You looked at him in a way that implied that he better not be messing around.
“I mean, I’ve gotten a little handsy before,” he said in slight defense, lightening the tension. “but I’ve never been with anyone like that. We didn’t talk about stuff like this in the 40’s. It was expected that you… you know, wait until marriage. People still got together physically, but it was way less common back then. Believe it or not, Steve wasn’t the only gentleman out there.”
You nodded your head and looked at him, clearly impressed.
“No, I totally believe that. Wow. Playboy Sergeant Barnes, waiting for the right girl. You know they write about you like you basically invented premarital sex.”
“Pfft.” Bucky couldn’t hold back his laughter. You both fell apart into a round of giggles. You took another sip of your drink and tried to settle down, wiping your eyes and letting out a deep breath.
“So, are you waiting? To be married? It’s totally fine if you are, I’m just curious.”
Bucky shrugged his eyebrows, now bringing his arm to rest against the couch behind you.
“Not anymore. I think I might’ve then, but that was a lifetime ago. I think what matters most is how comfortable I feel with the person. Besides, it’s rude to keep a lady waiting.” His tone changed, wearing a teasing smile on his face. You rolled your eyes, though still smiling, and put a hand on his chest lightly.
“Very funny, Buck. I’m glad we got to talk about it.”
“Me too.”
The rest of the night was filled with cooking together and watching a movie, only to be distracted by each other. You had been making out with him for quite some time before you separated from him, yawning and stretching your arms over your head.
“Alright, I’m tired. Wanna sleepover?”
“What happened to taking things slow?” He half-teased.
“Well, I figured since you’ve already slept over here once, it wasn’t anything new. Plus you are so warm and it’s so cold.” You bantered. Changing to a more serious tone, you reiterated- “Only if you want to.” Bucky squinted his eyes as he thought and then mentally shrugged, getting up off of the couch.
He followed you down the hall. You padded lightly to your room, pulling your hair to the front of your shoulder.
“Do you need clothes?” You asked as you started unzipping the top of the dress. Instinctively Bucky looked aside.
“No, I’m good, thanks.”
You responded “okay” as you stepped into the bathroom, shutting the door behind you to change in privacy. He looked around before unbuttoning his shirt and shrugging it off, leaving him in a plain white t-shirt. He did the same with his pants before getting in bed on the side you don’t sleep on. Bringing one arm up under the pillow to prop himself up slightly and resting the other on his midsection, he let out a deep breath, getting comfortable. The sheets were extremely soft, and they smelled like you. Hearing the door open, he watched as you came out in a loose long-sleeve t-shirt and soft flannel sleep pants.
“Comfy?” You asked with a smile, hanging up the dress on the door.
You got into bed on your usual side and laid on your stomach, propping yourself up on your forearms as you looked down at him. Your hair created a curtain, blocking the light from the lamp and creating your own little bubble.
“Goodnight.”  You smiled at him sleepily.
He kissed you softly before settling back down. You turned off the lamp and scooched up next to him. He sighed in contentment and moved his arm so that he was holding you to him. With your head resting on his shoulder, he fell into the best sleep he had had in years.
The next morning, Bucky floated back up to consciousness to what felt like bliss. Stirring awake, he blinked his eyes open to find the source of the comfort- you. You were still asleep, curled up next to him, face against his arm. Carefully, he slid out of the bed so as to not disturb you, and went to the kitchen to put on a pot of coffee. He breathed in the morning as he looked out at the bare landscape. After experiencing cryofreeze and the depths of Siberia, the cold couldn’t phase him.
What did phase him, was the warmth he experienced with you. His entire life up until this point had been frigid. Losing his family, his friends, his life, his willpower. Everything around him was nothing but cold to the touch. Then, you came in with a burst of red warmth, thawing him out and letting him feel again. Feel something other than pain and confusion, anger and abandonment. The feeling of actually being happy, which was new and overwhelming.
He hadn’t noticed his breath growing heavier. Putting a hand to his chest, he tried to slow his breathing. Being happy also meant that it could now be taken away. He hadn’t had anything to lose in a long, long time.
The creaking of the floorboards caught Bucky’s attention, and he was able to calm himself down with the distraction. He poured another cup of coffee as you walked into the kitchen. Turning around, he saw you stretch your arms above your head before settling down on the barstool at the counter.
“Good morning.” You greeted him with a sleepy smile, slouching over the counter to watch him pour the exact amount of cream and sugar that you liked into the cup.
“Good morning.” He echoed, handing over the mug and leaning against the counter across from you. “I’m sorry if I woke you up.”
“You didn’t. The delicious smell of coffee did.” You took a sip and sighed. “And maybe the cold did too.”
You reached over the counter for his hand. The warmth of his palm brought much needed heat to the tips of your fingers. He squeezed your hand slightly tighter than normal and you thought nothing of it. You lifted the mug to your mouth by one hand and took a longer drink before settling back in your chair. Your unbrushed hair framing your face as the light of the winter morning lit up your eyes.
Bucky’s breath sped up slightly as he looked at you, completely enamored and terrified of the feeling that was swelling in his chest.
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mrs-dr-reid · 3 years
Logan’s WIPs
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Howdy!!! In order to keep myself somewhat accountable, I’m gonna make a list of all the fics I have in the works to see what you guys want first! Because tbh my motivation has been SHOT recently, and knowing what y’all wanna see might give me the shove to start working on them ☺️☺️☺️.
(Btw, I will edit this thing whenever I get new ideas/post the WIPs currently listed, so this list will be changing at least somewhat frequently)
New Beginnings
Pairing: Matthew Gray Gubler x Reader
Summary: The Reader gets set up on a blind date after being newly single for 8 months, and it goes better than she anticipated (based on the song Begin Again by Taylor Swift)
Just a cheesy, fluffy little piece that I’ve been dying to get out of my brain.
Pairing: MGG x Fem!Reader
Summary: Matthew comes home from a long three months of filming for Criminal Minds, and the reader is glad he’s home.
This boy came to me in a dream, but I have yet to write it all down. So I might do that soon.
All I Need Is You
Pairing: Evan Buckley x Fem!Reader
Summary: Buck tries to make his first date with the Reader as special as possible, but one attempt goes wrong after another, and Reader has to reassure him.
This boy also came to me in a dream, I’ve been wanting to finish this for so long, and I meant to post it on Valentine’s Day, but I never did (obviously).
You’re An Idiot
Pairing: Evan Buckley x Fem OC (Lydia McCormick)
Summary: Lydia tears Buck a new one in the aftermath of Eddie’s accident, and it leads the both of them to question their priorities.
Whoaaaa, my second ever thing involving one of my OCs on here (Holiday Romance isn’t published yet, so I don’t count that)! If enough people like it, I might do more OC stuff (because I have a LOT that I can do stuff for).
Nice Sweater
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
Summary: Inspired by these prompts: “You look really cute in that sweater” and “Wanna, like– I mean, if you’re not busy… We could get lunch? Or even just coffee if you don’t have a lot of time?”.
Basically a friends to lovers soft boi, but I loved these prompts so much that I had to at least get a semblance of an idea for them.
The BAU on Broadway (Wicked)
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!OC
Summary: The BAU never really made it to the FBI, but they did end up making it on the Great White Way. Adri Carmichael is fresh off her third PhD and her second BA when she gets her big break as a certain magical lady who knows it isn’t easy being green. But when her leading man ends up being another young genius doctor, she’s not sure she’ll ever dance through life the same way
I put this series on hold until I had finished Criminal Minds so I could include all the other characters rather than just the Core 7 everybody always writes about. But (predictably) I never picked it up again. The singular chapter I got out before I put it on ice is linked on my landing page if you wanna check it out.
Holiday Romance
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Fem!OC
Summary: Jessica Lewis is a nurse at the Seattle Children’s Hospital, and she hasn’t been home for Christmas in almost five years. But when an invitation to her favorite cousin’s New Years wedding finally brings her back to Colorado for the holidays, she has to face the fact that her secret long-harbored affections for an old friend from high school haven’t really gone away
This series has been on ice since I first got Tumblr because I had started it on Wattpad, but then there was a whole data mining issue over there, I had to delete my account, and I forgot to save the 7 chapters I got out before I nuked my account. So now I’m hoping to rework it and make it less stupid than it was back then (because I was like 15 when I wrote it)
Betting on the Right Horse
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
Summary: Spencer and the Reader are forced to work together after being named the co-owners of their late adoptive father/uncle Jason Gideon’s horse ranch in Colorado, and they hate every minute of it
Basically I’ve been watching too much Heartland with my mom, and my brain came up with this brainrot of an idea, so now I gotta write the thing. It’s a series too
Here For You
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
Summary: Coming home after being imprisoned and forgetting who he is was tough for Spencer, but thankfully the Reader was there to remind him
To sum it up, the writers discord I’m in peer pressured me into writing smut, so that’s what this is
Not Gonna Stop
Pairing: Sam Winchester x Fem!Reader
Summary: Reader notices that Sam is in one of his “I’m a worthless dummy” headspaces, so she showers him in compliments.
This also came to me in a dream, which means I might need to become a SPN writer now.
Nobody Puts Baby In A Corner
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader
Summary: Reader is tired of Bucky never understanding her pop culture references, so she sits him down for an EPIC movie and tv marathon to make sure her jokes never go over his head ever again.
This is for a challenge on @belladonnabarnes’ page, and I still gotta get started on it 😅😅😅
What Have We Here?
Pairing: Loki x Fem!Reader
Summary: Reader is a friend of Thor’s, and when he invites her to visit Asgard, she runs into his brother and is rightfully cautious of the trickster.
Just a random idea that popped into my brain last night.
Pairing: Loki x Fem!Reader
Summary: Reader is APPALLED to learn that Loki has never had a sleepover, so she makes it her mission to change that.
Inspired by a post that popped up on my tl that I couldn’t NOT write about.
Pairing: Mark Watney x Fem!Reader
Summary: Mark wakes up from a nightmare about his time on Mars, and the reader comforts him
Basically, The Martian is one of my comfort movies, I watched it for like the 22nd time the other day, and this popped into my brain. Nuff said.
Who’s That Girl?
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader, allusions to past Nick Miller x Fem!Reader
Summary: The Loft Crew comes to visit the Reader in Quantico for Thanksgiving, (and as the trend goes with the Loft Crew and that particular holiday), chaos ensues
Basically my moot Nati inspired me to write a New Girl x Criminal Minds crossover fic, and I couldn’t resist the temptation.
“Just A Summer Thing”
Pairing: Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader
Summary: There’s only one week left of summer, and the Reader has one last chance to make Steve realize that she wants more than just a summer fling
Just a slightly angsty Steve Harrington fic loosely based on “august” and “betty” by Taylor Swift because ya girl has ZERO self control.
Weird But F*ckin’ Beautiful
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
Summary: Eddie and Reader are best friends. But one late night they both come to the startling realization that they’ve always wanted to be more than that
A really fluffy Eddie fix VERY loosely based on “Snow On The Beach” by Taylor Swift because Midnights is my entire personality for the next month
Going Batty
Pairing: Bat!Eddie Munson x Fem!OC (Kim Anderson)
Summary: Eddie turns into his bat form when he’s feeling antisocial, but he’s also clingy, so now all of Hawkins thinks that Kim adopted an injured bat and named him Sonnie
Just a really fluffy Eddie fic that came to me in a dream last night because I frickin LOVE Bat!Eddie stuff
Those Meddling Kids (And Teachers)
Pairing: Teacher!Steve Harrington x Teacher!Carrie Brown (OC)
Summary: Mr. Harrington and Ms. Brown clearly like each other, but they seem to be the only people at Hawkins Middle School that are completely oblivious to it, so Mr. Munson, Ms. Anderson, Ms. Buckley, Ms. Wheeler, and Mr. Byers conspire with their students to get them together
Basically I’m a sucker for a teacher AU, and I saw a doodle on my dash of Steve with glasses, which in turn triggered this brain rot
Love is Blind
Pairing: Matt Murdock x Fem!Reader
Summary: Matt and the Reader are planning their wedding, and they accidentally forgot to mention to their wedding planner that Matt is blind to hilarious results.
Basically, my moot @leossmoonn roped me into her Daredevil Bullshit (which I ain’t mad about), and this idea popped into my brain after I beta-read a fic for her.
The Luckiest
Pairing: MCU!Peter Parker x Fem!Reader
Summary: Dr. Strange worked his magic, so Peter was able to keep the one person he had left from forgetting him
I needed comfort after NWH, so I came up with this. Kinda based on the Ben Folds song of the same name, but also not really at all
The Boy Who Lived & His Brightest Witch
Pairing: Harry Potter x Fem!OC
Summary: Elaina Granger recounts her time at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, as well as the road that lead her to falling in love with The Chosen One himself, Harry Potter
This was my first ever OC thing that is unfortunately in need of a full overhaul because I lost all of the stuff I’d written for it, which might be a good thing because I was in middle school when I wrote it 😬😬😬
The Sexy Brit Frat House
Pairing: Andrew Garfield x Fem!Reader, Platonic SBFH x Fem!Reader
Summary: The reader and Andrew have been going out for a while, but now she has to meet his roommates, and suddenly she's in an entire house full of sexy aspiring British actors.
This entire idea was spawned from a conversation I had in a TikTok comment section, and I had to write it.
Welp, I think that’s all of them! Let me know what you wanna see first!
Tagging some writer moots and a few writers that I always yell support at in their inboxes/comment sections to signal boost this: @homoose, @libraryofloveletters, @reidsnose, @belladonnabarnes, @themetaphorgirl, @meganskane, @borntobewondering, @scarletred79, @goldentournesol, @reidemandweep, @romqnticizer, @there-must-be-a-lock, @spilledkauffie
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liberty-barnes · 4 years
Letters To A Stranger
Peter Parker x Female!Reader
Summary: The story of a girl who loved a boy, but couldn't talk, so she wrote.
Warnings: fluff for a bit, but then massive angst, and i mean massive, STOP READING HERE IF YOU DON'T WANT ANY SPOILERS BUT I WOULDN'T FEEL OKAY WITHOUT LISTING ALL THE ANGST FACTORS 
(mentions of ED, mentions of self-harm, implied character death, mentions of social anxiety)
Word Count: 1.3k words
Estimated Reading Time: 5 minutes
A/N: did you miss me?
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February 21st, 2024
Dear Cute Boy On The Subway, 
Are you new? Or was I simply too oblivious to your presence until now? I've never seen you before, you're really pretty.
 I don't think I've ever used the word "pretty" to describe a man before. Well, boy, but my point stands.
But you really are. With your caramel eyes, and artistically tousled hair. You're cute. Kind of like a puppy. Not that I'm attracted to dogs, of course, but there's really no better way to describe you. Your face lights up when you talk on the phone, like an excited golden retriever who'd just been told he was going for a walk. I wonder who you're talking to. Is it your partner? Please, say you're single.
You get off after me apparently, so I guess I'll just keep my pining to my letters and hope to see you again tomorrow.
Kinda wishing I was yours,
Your secret admirer.
February 22nd, 2024
Dear Cute Boy On The Subway, 
You're back! Is this a simple coincidence or are you a regular? 
From the backpack on your shoulder, I'd say maybe you're a student. I don't go to school. You make me wish I did if only to see your face every day for more than the short ten minutes of our joint ride.
I wonder how old you are. You look old enough to be in high school, but which year are you? I know I'm only nineteen, but I'd feel a little bummed about crushing on a fourteen-year-old.
You're smiling again today. I'm glad. I don't see a lot of smiles at the diner. Mostly glares, impatient huffs, and tired, distant expressions. It's a nice change.
I have to go now but thank you for making my day.
Hoping to see you again tomorrow, 
Your secret admirer.
February 23rd, 2024
Dear Cute Boy On The Subway, 
I'm starting to think that smile is permanent. It's the third day in a row that I've gotten on the train and was immediately greeted with your beaming smile as you watched some video on your phone. It made me smile too.
Your sweatshirt's pretty. It says "Midtown Tech" on it. Is that a school? Is it your school? 
I may have to do some digging later.
Please don't think I'm a stalker.
Your totally not-stalker secret admirer.
March 1st, 2024
Dear Cute Boy On The Subway, 
I was late this morning so I didn't get to see you. My boss was not happy about it, I felt like I was walking on very thin ice.
And then this guy grabbed my ass while I was taking his order. I acted on instinct, tried to remember everything they taught me at my self-defense class. I ended up accidentally punching him in the face. 
So yeah, I lost my job today. Which is why I'm here so early. I might stay on the subway just to see which stop you get off on. 
Yeah, maybe not, that'd be weird and I should start job hunting as soon as possible.
Thank you for making me smile on a bad day.
Thank you for being you,
Your secret admirer.
March 17th, 2024
Dear Cute Boy On The Subway, 
I got a new job! I'm working at this coffee shop/bookstore and it's honestly the greatest thing in the world. I get to be around books AND get free hot chocolate, how much better can life be?
You looked a little down today, I wonder if you're okay? Is everything well at home? Maybe school's the problem? Maybe you got a bad grade, but you look really smart so I don't know.
I hope you're feeling better tomorrow,
Your secret admirer.
March 19th, 2024
Dear Cute Boy On The Subway, 
I wish I knew your name, that way I'd know who to address this to. But I guess Cute Boy On The Subway will have to do. 
You were smiling again today, that's nice. I haven't seen you smile in a while, I was starting to get worried. The sweater you were wearing looked a little too big to be yours, the collar slipped down a little when you moved. It looks like there's a massive bruise on your upper chest. Does it hurt? Are you okay?
I wish I was brave enough to ask you in person.
Get better soon, 
Your secret admirer.
March 25th, 2024
Dear Cute Boy On The Subway, 
You're back to not smiling today. I don't like to see you frown. Not at all. I want you to tell me what's wrong. I want to help you get better, see you smile again.
I want to talk to you.
I'll do it tomorrow, 
Your secret admirer.
March 26th, 2024
Dear Cute Boy On The Subway, 
You were sad again today. But that's okay, cause I said I'd talk to you. 
Except I didn't.
My stomach started doing uncomfortable flips and I had to get off the train earlier than usual so I could throw up. It was not fun. 
Maybe I just have the flu?
Hopefully, I'll be better tomorrow,
Your secret admirer.
March 30th, 2024
Dear Cute Boy On The Subway, 
I've tried talking to you for three days, every time I had to get off and empty my stomach's content. I started to see a pattern so after a half week of that vicious cycle, I went to see my doctor.
Turns out I have social anxiety tendencies and you simply trigger them a bit. So, basically, my body won't let me talk to you.
I'm a little sad but also kind of relieved. At least I know I'm not voluntarily letting you slip through my fingers.
Not that I ever plan on doing that, you've become too important.
I hope you smile tomorrow,
Your secret admirer.
April 7th, 2024
Dear Cute Boy On The Subway, 
I'm worried about you. Your sleeve rose a little when you held onto the pole. There are scars there, familiar ones, ones that I recognize as scars left by one's own hand. Physical marks of a person's suffering.
Why are you doing that? It hurts to know that you feel down enough to resort to that. I want to help, but I can't bring myself to talk to you.
Please stop this,
Your secret admirer.
April 12th, 2024
Dear Cute Boy On The Subway, 
Your eyes were red today. You've been crying. There are dark circles under your eyes, how long has it been since you've last slept?
A lady asked you if you were alright. You said you were just a little tired. I've never heard a more obvious lie.
I wish I could talk to you,
Your secret admirer.
April 16th, 2024
Dear Cute Boy On The Subway, 
The dark circles haven't gone away, if anything they've gotten darker. But now there's a bruise on your cheek. You seem to be getting thinner too.
What's going on?
Your secret admirer.
April 28th, 2024
Dear Cute Boy On The Subway, 
How much weight have you lost? Your cheekbones are more prominent, and your arms are getting thinner by the second. Why don't you eat? 
The bruises are more frequent now. Cheek, eyebrow, lip... 
Who's hitting you?
Who's making you suffer?
Your secret admirer.
May 6th, 2024
Dear Cute Boy On The Subway, 
I haven't seen you in a few days. I wonder where you are.
Are you okay?
I'm sorry, that's a stupid question, you probably aren't.
I've decided that next time I see you I'm gonna talk to you. Ask you what's wrong. Force you to tell me if that's what it takes.
I hope you're safe.
Your secret admirer.
May 27th, 2024
Dear Peter Parker, 
I'm sorry I wasn't brave enough to talk to you when I had the chance.
I hope you're in a better place now.
I'm sorry you were alone when you did it.
I'm sorry you had to do it.
With love,
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yes, i'm one of those authors that post something an then disappears for two months, i'm sorry. i've been super busy with school and i haven't really had the motivation to write lately but i got this idea and i just needed to get it out.
also, i may be getting a new computer in like 1 or 2 weeks, so that's cool! it'll be better to write and stuff cause this one's getting kinda slow and sometimes it's hard to post stuff cause it won't load lmao.
anyway, i hope you liked it and if you did don’t forget to reblog/comment/like
love you all!
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────» 
Taglists: (if your name is striked through it means for some reason tumblr wouldn’t let me tag you) 
@jeezkiddo​ @officiallyunofficialperson​  @beananacake​ @theunderlier @harrysleftchelseaboot​ @averyfosterthoughts​ @onebigolemess​ @samoney69​ @agirlwithpointlessideas​ @ddaawwssoonn​ @inhumanwithpowers​ @imagineshere-forall​ @stiles-banshees​ @orowit​ @spideynut​ @deathofmissjackson​ @parkersbliss​ @ephemeral-limerences​ @write-from-the-heart​ @cardboard-ben​ @my-alignment-is-bisexual @mendes-marvel​ @timotayswriter​ @inthecornerchair​ @lovelynerdytraveler​ @niallssweetheart22​ @incorrect-things​ @lost-in-the-stars03​ @harishaanne​ @ellamw04 @bisexual-disappointment​ @onelovesr​ @ellyseveronica​ @sovereignparker​ @notsosmexy​ @theamazingtomholland​ @lozzypoz321​ @peterspideyy​
@dreaming-lia @markleehee​ @juliebean247​ @quechulitaaa​ @bubblegumbarnes​ @sofiaconlaz​ @bellaaa321-blog​ @parkerpetertingle​ @emily-louise-hynes @clara-licht​ @ekelly2015​ @inlovewithmobtom​ @quaksonhehe​ @danicarosaline​ @tutuabby28​ @sovereignparker​ @spn67-sister​ @t-monosapiens-h @kayleypaige2233​ @galaxystern08​ @highlydisfunctional1​ @jillanaholland​ @zeusmyster​ @sirtommyholland​ @a-singleboat​ @allthisfortommy​ @middevil456 @kdotcxz​ @drishtisikarwar 
@dreaming-lia @emily-louise-hynes @arts-ismything​ @peachyafshawn​ @cathwritestragediesnotsins​ @spn67-sister​ @t-monosapiens-h @galaxystern08​ @highlydisfunctional1​ @jillanaholland​ @hyluas @ravenagrimes @captainbuckyy​ @kaylig02​ @crazyassbitch-things-blog @sharenaloveyouX @tacobacoyeet​ @andycanbeemotional​ @angelicromanoff 
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365daysofmchart · 3 years
Long time, no post...
Hello, hello! It’s been an awfully long time, I know. Hoping all of you are well... or, hanging in there, at least, as we all continue on through such *unprecedented* times, as they say. Not sure just how many of you are out there, here on ol’ Tumblr at the moment, but wanted to come by to say hello to any that may be, give you all my best, see how you’ve all been, and provide a bit of an update.
More of an update below the “Keep reading” for anyone that may be interested, but for here and now, I’m currently cat sitting in a beautiful home with a fireplace and two sweet, sleepy kitties, I’ve popped an Adderall (prescription, I swear! Please, please, do not take Adderall--or any prescription drug--without a prescription!), went out into the literal freezing cold for and iced latte (decaf! ...because Adderall... and anxiety), and I’m curled up on a big, cozy white couch with my laptop. I’m planning to spend the majority of the rest of my day answering some asks in my inbox that are all so very long overdue for a response and hopefully doing some writing after that, preferably for Sundays (yes, I have been chipping away at that, and yes, I do still intend to finish it! ...eventually), but we’ll see how it goes. 
As I go through those, please feel free to send some asks my way! I’d love to hear how you’ve all been if you want to share (even anonymously) and/or to respond to any questions or prompts you may have.
Anyway, this has already gotten quite long so congrats to those of you who made it to this point, and for those of you that are gluttons for punishment, or just interested/curious, theres a little more on what’s been keeping me away and what I’ve been up to below. For those that are passing through now, again, I truly hope you’re doing alright and I’m sending you a virtual hug!
Okay, not that the others have passed through, now onto the good stuff! ...Kidding, kidding. I wish I had something rather scandalous or secretive to share, but alas, I do not. Though... hmm... maybe I can share a little something with you all at the end. ...Let me think about that as I write through what I’ve been up to and what’s kept me off of here as of late.
(Lol, got distracted for a good two hours here, but let’s carry on, shall we?)
Well, I can hardly believe it, but it looks like I haven’t really been around since the end of summer--six months--ago?!? And of course it had been touch and go some time before that. If I’m being honest, I’ve been finding it really challenging to get into writing and blogging since the pandemic began. I know much of it was anxiety at the start, but even since I’ve (relatively speaking) managed that, it’s been... different. I actually think a lot of it has to do with working from home and a couple of ways. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve been so grateful to be able to from home through the pandemic, but it definitely took some adjustment and I definitely think it’s impacted how I spend my own time--in regards to writing and beyond. With the blurring of the lines between work and home by everything happening in the same space, I feel like it’s been that much more challenging to prioritize tasks and to put my work laptop away at the end of the day. And then, when you spend 8 hours 5 days a week typing away on a laptop in your home, you’re less likely to feel a pull to... type away on another laptop in your home in your off hours. And on another, but related, not, I’m not sure if I mentioned this before, but my job is in Communications, so what I spend all of my work days doing is responding to emails, writing copy for ads, writing copy for web pages, posting to social, editing press releases, messaging people, etc... a lot of things in the same realm of tending to this blog and writing, mostly sing the same parts of my brain. Now, I love what I do, and I can still get joy out of creative writing while doing that job... but sometimes it’s more taxing than it is at other times and I just struggle to find the motivation to think about words any more than necessary, lol. (And it’s not just you guys! I am honestly one of the worst texters and my friends and family would attest to this, and in this digital dating world, it’s probably a big factor in why I’m single, haha--I just don’t want to deal with the messaging aspect!)
Those, things aside, it’s also been a busy 6 months. I’ve been digging deep into financial planning--preparing to buy a house, budgeting and re-budgeting, researching and strategizing long-term savings--, work got very busy for a stretch, my mom and step-dad moved out of our apartment and I sort of moved further into the common spaces, I decided to try to get my body more straightened out and had 4-5 appointments a week for a stretch there between physical therapy and the chiropractor, the holidays, doing what I could to support a best friend that was sequestered in the hospital for a month with pregnancy complications (baby arrived and though a bit early both mom and baby are healthy and home!), and I’ve been dipping my toe into the job market on and off for a few months now, which, regarding the above paragraph, has meant any of the excess writing tolerance was eaten up by crafting resumes and cover letters which, given my field, have to be done particularly well and be particularly customized as they’re essentially a sample of your work. Oh, and also my laptop was on the fritz for a while, I was locked out of Tumblr on my laptop for a bit (and really didn’t want to reset my password, ha, and a generally heightened stress level. Whew. 
So there’s that. Which no one asked for but I felt the need to add, and not that I’ve done so and kind of feeling like I’m tired of writing for the day, hahahahahaa. WHYYYY?!?! Ugh. I think I’m going to go outside for a few minutes to get some fresh air and sunshine though, then get a bite to eat (just realizing it’s 2:30 in the afternoon and all I’ve had today is a banana, a handful of almonds, and a few sips of my latte... whoops. Both my body and my brain need more than that to function properly. And a reminder to you that yours do too!), and try to settle in again. Longer term, I’m not quite sure just how much I’ll be “back” coming up, unfortunately, as it looks like there may be some change on the horizon (one of those jobs I applied to may be panning out) and it’s hard to say how that will affect things, but we shall see. In the meantime, we’ll see what I can do through the remainder of the day. 
Oh... and I said I’d see if I could think of something to share with y’all, didn’t I? Hmm... let’s see... Okay, how about this wee little nugget of one line from the next chapter of Sunday’s (it’s not much of anything, but it’s one of the few lines I can share without spoiling the plot).
Kurt is comfortable enough in his masculinity that he is not afraid to show emotion… but he is not easily overcome by it, either.
And with that, I sign off of this ridiculously long post (that, again, I recognize no one asked for) and after a short break I’ll plan to be back with a bit more from asks (one of which may include another little nugget around around Sundays...). Hoping you’re all able to find some moments of peace this weekend and thinking of you all.
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let-it-raines · 4 years
Walking the Baseline (Year: 2015)
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Summary: This should be the happiest he’s been in years, but it’s not. He and Emma already had wildly different schedules, but now that she’s no longer on tour, it feels like they barely see each other. When they do, it’s for a day here, a week there, two if they’re lucky. That’s no way to live when his girlfriend is carrying their baby and freaking out about it more than he is.
If only he could have a bloody break from tennis to focus on his personal life for once.  
He’s got to be careful what he asks for.
Rating: Teen +
a/n: Hello again! I know these have been slow going, but I’m here with another installment! This may or may not be the last one. I haven’t decided on that yet, so we’ll see what happens there as I know there are many more things that could be told in this universe but don’t know how much motivation I have to write them 😘
ao3: 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 (CURRENT) | 2016 (original one-shot) |
Tumblr: 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 (CURRENT) | 2016 (original one-shot) |
November 2014.
“This is bad,” Rob says from across the room, as if that isn’t the most obvious bit of information on the planet right now. “What are you going to do, mate?”
He wants to do a myriad of things, but he can’t right now.
“Play my match and then call Emma and make sure she’s okay.” Killian shrugs and bends down at the knees to squat against the wall. He hits the timer on his phone for a minute, and he tries to focus on that instead of the news Ariel just texted him.
He’s not doing great at that. All these years of being able to block life out before a match have suddenly deteriorated.
“Do you want to call her now?” Robin prods.
“She won’t answer if I call now. Watch.” Killian exits out of the timer and hits Emma’s number on his phone. It rings and rings and rings, and she never answers. He stands from his squat and tries again. Still, no answer. “Emma, darling,” he speaks into the phone, “I’m about to play, so I can’t talk to you anytime soon. I love you. Everything is alright, yeah? We knew this was going to happen at some point, but I’m sorry it happened this way. I’ll call you as soon as I can. You and the babe stay safe, alright?”
“Do you think that’s going to do any good?”
“No,” Killian answers honestly, “it’s not. She’s going to be freaking the hell out, and nothing is going to calm her down, certainly not me.”
He thumbs through his phone once more, looking through his texts and clicking on the links Ariel sent him. It’s pictures of Emma in her neighborhood, which is supposed to be private. That is a lie, though, because someone managed to take pictures of Emma walking to get her mail, her clothes tight enough that the roundness of her stomach is obvious, especially compared to how she usually looks.
It’s not good. Not good at all.
After the US Open, Emma stopped playing, telling the WTA she was out for the rest of the season on injury. A few people know because of how often Emma has to get drug tested, but it’s all been a well-kept secret.
That is no longer true.
Bloody hell.
“Mr. Jones,” the tournament director says when he pokes his head in the warm-up room, “it’s time to go.”
“Aye, I’ll be right there.” He stands from his squat and stretches out his legs, jumping up and down a few times before grabbing his racket bag from the floor. “Rob, get Ariel to try calling Emma while I’m playing. She’s more likely to talk to her than any of us.”
“I’ll try.” Rob nods and claps his hand over Killian’s back. “Good luck in your match. I know it’s a rubber, but don’t be a loser.”
Killian blows air out of his nose with his laugh. “I’ll try not to be a loser. My fucking motto for life.”
Killian isn’t a loser that day, but he is out of the tournament. He hates the season-ending final, how it’s a round robin event. He lost the same amount of matches as the man who got to advance to the semi-finals but because he lost three more games, he’s packing his bags to go home.
(Though, he didn’t hate it when he won it years ago, but now is not the time to think of his own hypocrisy.)
To his home here in London, half an hour away from the tournament, instead of back in America with Emma. It’s been odd staying here for the past two weeks. For so long, he was used to living here alone. Sure, Ariel and Rob would pop in, especially after Milah, but it was his home. It was a place to sleep and shower and watch television between having to constantly be on the road and in the air. Then Emma came along and though she’s here less frequently, she’s made her mark.
Some of her clothes litter his closet, her mugs fill his cabinets, blankets she has bought are in the baskets in his den. She hasn’t been here since mid-September when they needed to get away for a little while, but she’s still everywhere. Killian has been finding her bobby pins in his carpet the entire time he’s been here.
The only thing of Emma’s that isn’t here is Emma.
The sun has set outside, darkness taking over, and though it’s past midnight in America, Killian presses Emma’s name on his phone as he sets the timer on the oven for his dinner.
“Now, tell me why you’ll answer your phone at one in the morning but not during daylight hours?”
“Because I’m a stubborn ass with no real sense of time.”
Killian huffs and moves to his living room, plopping down on the couch. “Now, I thought that was me.”
“It is. We both are. It’s why we’re dating.”
“Is that the only reason?”
“Well, I could say other things, but I’m trying to work on my dirty jokes, trying to say fewer of them.”
“Oh, you should never do that. I like when you’re dirty.” Emma’s silent on the other end of the line, and Killian waits for her to speak, to make another joke, to ask him if he could litter this conversation with innuendos. When she doesn’t, he decides it’s better to bite the bullet now than to drag it out. “Do you want to talk about it?”
“I want to change what I was wearing to get the mail this morning,” Emma says through gritted teeth. “I don’t know how I could have been so damn stupid.”
“It’s a private area. You thought you were safe. It’s understandable, love. Don’t beat yourself up about it. You were going to have to tell everyone eventually.”
“Eventually being the key word.” She whistles, and if he had to guess, she’s sitting in bed with a tub of icing in her lap and one of her favorite shows on the television. She’ll beat herself up about the icing tomorrow even if she shouldn’t. “Mary Margaret took my phone for a little while so I couldn’t check anything online. That’s why I didn’t answer you when you called earlier. It’s been…a day. I’m sorry you didn’t make it to the semi-finals.”
“Yeah, me too,” he tells her, allowing himself to wallow for a moment. “I get to come home to you sooner, though.”
“I’ve saved the tree for you to help me put up. And Mary Margaret has started on the sides for Thanksgiving. There’s going to be so much food for you to pig out on before off-season training starts.”
He can hear the smile now. Good.
“There’s nothing I’m looking forward to more. I’ve heard there’s such a thing as a dad bod, and I fully intend on getting one this holiday season.”
Emma blows air out her nose. “You and I both know that’s not true. You’re too vain for that.”
“I am devilishly handsome, aren’t I?”
“I’ll let you keep thinking that. Killian?”
“Yeah, sweetheart?”
“I’m fine. I mean, I’ll be fine. This entire…situation has sucked, but I’m slowly coming around to it. What happens, happens, and I’ll deal with it. If I can get through half the things I’ve gotten through, I can get through a human being growing inside of me and the world knowing about it. I think the hardest part is how bored I am. Do you have any idea what it’s like to constantly be on the move and then for it to suddenly stop?”
“No, I don’t.” He pulls a blanket over his lap to warm him. “I hope I never find out.”
“I hope you don’t either.” Emma yawns, and the corners of Killian’s lips tug up. Maybe this means she’ll try to sleep instead of staying up worrying all night. “I think I’m going to go to sleep. Or at least try.”
“Goodnight, Swan. I love you.”
“Yeah, you too.”
Killian gets two weeks off in Florida for Thanksgiving and to have a break from training. It’s lovely to do nothing if only for a moment (he would be horrible having to take the extended break like Emma) and to spend it with Emma and her family, but then it’s back to practice and tweaking his game during the off-season.
Rob and Nemo work him harder than they ever have, bemoaning him about his slow legs and his age – he’s nearly twenty-nine, which was once considered ancient in his sport – but he keeps pushing through. Hours are spent on the court and in the gym, and the rest of his days are spent with Emma, going on walks and watching TV in their house. She’s still practicing and going to the gym, even if those are modified to how they were before, and if Killian closes his eyes, it’s almost like normal.
But then, slowly, December passes, Christmas lights everywhere fading a little every day, and Killian is packing several suitcases for the month he’s going to spend in Australia. Three years ago, Australia is where it all began for them, and it’s odd to be going without Emma.
She’s made a rule that most of their conversations have to be about things other than the baby. Part of it is because Mary Margaret overloaded Emma with baby talk. It was constantly about names and clothing and what color the nursery should be painted. If it wasn’t that, it was book after book about pregnancy, hormone changes, and the many processes that happen when giving birth.
Even for Killian, who isn’t particular about medical procedures, that was too much. He loves Mary Margaret as much as Emma does, and while she’s great most of the time, it all has been a little much.
The media attention has been too.
Thus, Emma’s rules. Their lives are supposed to go on as normal with the occasional conversation about the baby, usually when it’s absolutely necessary or when it’s late at night and they’re in bed or lounging on the couch watching TV and Killian’s hand finds Emma’s ever-growing stomach.
He thinks that’s what’s so bloody difficult for him as he zips up his suitcase. He’s going to be gone for a month, and in that month, everything can and will change.
Killian is missing seeing his child grow and missing being with his girlfriend, and as much as he loves what he does, as passionate as he is about having the fucking best job in the world, he would trade it all to not have to give up so much of their lives.
Emma would never let him.
She’d slap him if she knew he was even having these thoughts.
“Do you like this jacket?” Emma asks as she shuffles through their closet next to him. “I mean, I like that it’s red, but do you think it’s too bold?”
Killian turns and looks, glancing up and down at Emma. “I like the red leather.”
Emma nods and smiles, looking at herself in the mirror and tugging the coat over her stomach. “One day again, it’ll zip up.” She rolls her eyes and then begins to take it off, but Killian stops and walks toward her, running his fingers over the lapels until she’s flush against him.
“One day,” he echoes before dipping his head to her neck and running his lips across her jaw, “but for now, I think it’s fine to not have you covered up.”
Emma cranes her neck and makes a nose he’s going to memorize and take with him all the way to Australia. “That was a horrible line. You need to be a better flirt. This isn’t working for me at all.”
His hand falls from her shoulder and slowly makes its way to her ass before he has a firm grip. She makes that noise again, and Killian smirks against her neck.
“Well,” he drawls, making his accent as thick as he can as he nibbles at her ear, “I have forty-five minutes before I have to go. What do you say I use about fifteen of those focusing on you?”
“You’re ridiculous.”
“Is that a yes?”
“Oh, absolutely. I want to take in as much of you as I can while I can.”
“Dirty,” he whispers in her ear before kissing her and walking her out of the closet and back to the bedroom.
January 2015.
ES: Good luck today, babe! Or tomorrow. I’m not really sure what time it is in Australia, but I do know I will not be awake for your match.
Killian laughs at his phone. He’s been here three weeks, and Emma still hasn’t gotten the time difference down. He figured she wouldn’t be too bad with it since she makes this trip every year, but according to David, he changed all of Emma’s clocks and she never really knows the difference after the first two days.
It’s technically yesterday afternoon back home, or at least it was when she sent this, and he texts her back, thanking her and promising to call after his practice.
He’s got the first night session match in RLA tonight for his quarterfinal match, and if that weren’t three in the morning back home, he knows Emma would be up for it.
He wouldn’t ask anyone to be awake at that ungodly hour for him.
“Have you finished your hair yet?” Ariel asks.
She’s sitting on his bed in his hotel room, has been for an hour even though he definitely did not invite her over, and he’s had to listen to her rambling about sponsorship pitches and contract negotiations and all the things he hates the entire time. So he’s spending a little extra time messing with his hair and shaving his beard. She’s used to this, of course, and probably knows the exact amount of time it’ll take him to get ready better than he does.
“Not quite, love.”
“You know you’re going to put it under a hat and get it all sweaty, right? It doesn’t matter what it looks like.”
Killian shakes his head and puts his razor down before walking out of the bathroom to peek his head over at Ariel. “Are you really that bored that you can’t find something else to do other than bother me?”
She sits up and props herself on her elbows, her red hair flowing down her back, but a small bit gets stuck in her eye. She quickly blows it off. “It’s a big match day, and you’re nervous. I’ve been sent here to keep you occupied so you can’t think about how nervous you are or how much you miss Emma or how much you want to write an entire book of poetry about how much you love her.”
“I have never said that last part,” he counters.
“But you’ve thought it, Mr. Darcy. You and your big ole heart and your obsession with your girlfriend and your baby.”
Killian chuckles and leans against the wall. He crosses his arms over his chest and arches a brow. “Am I not supposed to be in love with my girlfriend and our child?”
Ariel shrugs. “I just think that for someone who loves a woman that much, there might be a ring and a question rattling around somewhere.”
His eyes roll, and outwardly, he deals with the question with annoyance. Inwardly, his heart quickens and he thinks some things he’s been trying not to.
Some things that, well, shake him to his core and make his breathing a little more difficult than normal.
He and Emma have talked about marriage, but it’s always been brief, seemingly inconsequential. It’s something they’d consider a long way down the road, maybe when their lives are normal, when they can profess their love to each other without any professional blowbacks.
With how the game is progressing and how long players are starting to play now, and more than just the top guys, he doesn’t know when that’ll be.
Killian loves Emma. Emma loves him. They’ve both made each other better people and committed to each other and to their unborn daughter, and Killian doesn’t see that ever changing, marriage license or not.
“A,” he whispers, his fingers tapping over his bicep, “Whatever happens with us is as much up to Emma as it is to me. We like how things are now, and I can write a book of poetry on our love no matter if she is my wife or not.”
“Yeah, yeah, I know. I just want to go to that wedding. I feel like it would be the party of a lifetime.”
“Tell you what, I’ll take you to the party of a lifetime when I win this damn tournament. We’ll go clubbing like we both don’t go to bed for ten when we can.”
Ariel winks. “You’ve got yourself a deal. Now, come on, we’ve got things to do, and you’re making us late with all your unnecessary primping.”
“Because I’m that damn good-looking and should accentuate it when I can.”
Ariel rises from the bed wand comes over to pat his shoulder. “Whatever you tell yourself to sleep that night.”
Killian runs through his practice with ease, and he feels good. He’s seeing the ball clearly, doesn’t feel any aches in his body, and though his opponent has handed Killian’s ass to him on a silver platter many times, he’s feeling good about tonight.
Until he isn’t.
It’s the second set when it happens.
Killian is up a set and has two break points to solidify a lead when he’s running down a forehand and loses his footing on the court. His ankle is the first thing to twist, and before he can think, he’s propelling forward toward the ground.
For the entirety of his life, Killian has been told not to fall on his wrists. It’s the first thing any athlete learns. Hell, it’s the first thing anyone learns, but instinct takes over him in that moment. He’s trying to keep from landing flat on his face, and so he lands on his left wrist.
His fucking left wrist, which has caused him trouble his entire career.
Now, though, as he sits on his courtside chair and the tournament medical examiner touches him, he knows this is worse than any injury he’s had in the past.
Fucking hell, he has to pull out of the tournament.
He doesn’t know if he’s going to be able to play for the rest of the season.
Should have fallen on his face and knocked out his teeth. He could still play with no teeth.
“It’s a fracture,” a doctor tells him that night as he sits in a hospital bed in nothing but one of those awful paper gowns. “You’ll want to consult with your physicians back in Britain, but I’d say a ten-week recovery at the least, six months at most.”
“That’s not exactly a short time span,” Killian grumbles. “You can’t give me something more exact?”
He shrugs. “I think it’ll most likely be about three months for you, but you won’t know until you start playing again. It’s more the rehab than the recovery that I would worry about.”
“Thank you, Dr. Weissman,” Rob tells the doc, dismissing him before Killian can take the piss out of the man for doing his job. Dr. Weissman nods and leaves the room, and all that’s left are Killian, Rob, and Ariel. Nemo is back at the hotel, probably watching the video of Killian ruining their season over and over again. “How are you feeling, Jones?”
“Just peachy,” he lies, flashing them his brightest smile before it falls. He pushes his hair back and yanks at the strands, pulling hard enough for it to hurt. “Fuck.”
What has he done to himself?
People are playing longer now, but what if he isn’t one of those? What if this is the injury that begins the slow deterioration of his career? The one that whittles him away from a great player to a star trying too hard to hang onto his shine?
He hates himself for even thinking that because it’s conceited and self-loathing and all the other things he’s tried not to be lately. He was the one who had to talk Emma through something similar, to tell her that the pregnancy wouldn’t be the end of her career, that one day she’d be standing at the top of the podium again with a shiny trophy in hand.
It all felt so convincing when he was telling her that.
But he’s also an asshole who can seldom take his own advice.
And what Emma is going through is much harder than what he is, so how dare he even compare the two situations?
February 2015. 
David picks him up at the airport in Florida, but it could have been a stranger and Killian wouldn’t know the difference. He’s been moping on a plane for twenty-four hours and doesn’t notice much of anything.
That is until he walks in the front door of his home and is wrapped in the tightest embrace he’s ever felt. Emma, like always, smells of vanilla and flowers, and he inhales her scent. It’s been a month without it, and he never wants to lose it again. Her hand comes into his hair, scratching down to his skull, and she pulls him as close as possible, her stomach pressed between them. She’s seven months along now, was six when he left, and the difference feels almost impossible to describe.
He tries not to think of all he’s missed, not when he’s back in her arms once more.
What a beautiful place to be.
He’s thought that his world was falling apart, that he had no control over anything, and it was one disaster after another.
As his uninjured arm run up and down Emma’s back and he continues to breathe in her scent and her warmth, he’s reminded that his world, the most important one, is more solid than it’s been since he lost Liam.
If his brother could see him in this moment, even when his mind and body are at low points, Killian would hope that Liam would be proud of Killian’s accomplishments instead of disappointed in Killian’s failures.
“I missed you,” Emma whispers against his cheek.
“I missed you, too, Swan. You have no idea how much.”
“Are you okay?”
“I will be.” His hand comes to rest in her ponytail. “I promise I will be.”
The world seems to stop for the both of them, and it’s not just because Killian spends his first week at home moping in bed, watching more TV than he has in years. Emma joins him, lounging with her legs crossed over his, basically using his body to make herself comfortable when her back is sore, and if it weren’t for food delivery services, they likely wouldn’t eat. Well, at the very least, they wouldn’t eat any proper meals. Emma’s doctor wouldn’t like that.
Killian’s doctor, on the other hand, has encouraged him to stay active but to rest his wrist. He’s not supposed to pick up a racket except to lightly hit a few forehands, and he definitely isn’t supposed to do any weight work in the gym lest he wants his arms to become horribly unbalanced.
It’s a change in lifestyle, and Killian hates it.
He obviously still hates himself because he spends a hell of a lot of time online looking at articles and tweets about the Australian Open. Half of them are about him, half are about the eventually winners, and a small sprinkling are about how Emma couldn’t defend her title because of her pregnancy.
That sends him into another spiral, and in the darkness of their bedroom, he reads article after article about how Emma Swan will never come back to the game, about how she’s ruined her career, about how if she does come back, she shouldn’t have a protected ranking because pregnancy is not an injury and does not merit any help in building back a ranking.
Absolute bullshit.
How is the WTA the largest sports organization for women and yet it has no pregnancy protections for its players?
That sets him off more than anything else, and as Killian reads article after article and tweet after tweet, and he hopes to God that Emma hasn’t spent her nights reading this like he has.
What kind of darkness has he stumbled into, and how does he get out of it?
“Get up.”
Killian groans and rolls over, burying his face in his pillow and trying to go back to the sleep he didn’t know he’d fallen into. His head is screaming at him.
“KJ, get up.” He feels Emma’s hands on him, shaking his shoulders, but he ignores her. The last thing he wants to do is open his eyes and get out of bed. “My water broke.”
He immediately flips over and sits up, staring at Emma who is standing over the bed with her arms crossed over her chest. “Are you serious? What are you doing just standing there? Have you called your doctor? It’s too soon for your water to have broken.”
Her eyes roll. “My water did not break. It’s noon, and you’re still in bed. Get up.”
“Now, that’s just cruel. You nearly gave me a heart attack.”
“I didn’t expect for you to be coherent enough to really listen.” Emma sits down on the edge of the bed and leans in to kiss his cheek and brush his hair back. “I’m sorry if I scared you.”
“Now I’m never going to believe you if you tell me your water has broken.”
Emma shrugs. “Next time I say it, I promise I will mean it.” Her hands wander down his side, moving over his collarbones and through tufts of hair on his chest. She’s always fond of doing that. “Look, I get the moping and the internet doom scrolling. I’ve been through that, and I support you doing whatever you need to do.”
“I feel like there’s a but coming.”
“But,” Emma continues, “this baby girl is coming in two months, possibly less, and I don’t know if you’ve looked in the nursery since you got home, but it’s all boxes and disassembled furniture.”
“You didn’t get to all that while I was gone?” She yanks on his hair, and he grits his teeth to keep from yelping. “Only teasing, love.”
“Yeah, well, I didn’t get to it. All of this baby stuff freaks me out and after putting together one railing for the crib and having a hormonal meltdown because I didn’t want it to be my fault if the crib fell apart while she was sleeping in it, I stopped. Figured it’d be better if you were here.”
“So that it’d be my fault if the crib fell apart?”
“Exactly.” She tilts her head toward the bedroom door. “I made you coffee, so get your ass out of bed and lend me a hand.”
He raises his broken, wrapped up wrist. “Was that pun intended?”
“Believe it or not, no.” She leans in to kiss his cheek once more. “I’m not going to kick you while you’re down.”
“You’re just going to kick me out of bed.”
His legs slowly drag him out of bed and to the kitchen, where he takes the pain medication he’s allowed to take, downs some water, and drinks his coffee. It’ll be awhile before the caffeine and medication kick in, so he tries to blink himself awake to get rid of the sleepiness and the pain.
It doesn’t work.
He does, however.
Emma’s been up for awhile and has moved all the boxes in the nursery into their own sections. It’s just as chaotic as it was before, but it at least looks a little more put together. Killian settles down in front of the crib, reads through the instructions, and he starts piecing things together while Emma works on the dresser. She flits around the room, helping him when he needs it, and as much as he’d like to say they finish quickly, they don’t. It takes them all morning just to do those two pieces of furniture and for him to fix the roller on the glider, and he’s exhausted.
Maybe he can convince Emma to take a nap with him later.
After he exercises. He has to move a little today. His body hasn’t been this stiff on a non-tournament day in ages.
Okay, so maybe nap first, then exercise. That sounds like a better plan.
“What the bloody hell is this doing in here?” Killian asks. He bends down and picks up Emma’s gold medal, dangling it on his arm, which is a much safer space than the floor under a stack of books where it was.
“Oh, yeah,” Emma hums, “Mary Margaret wanted me to display that in here.”
“Well, she wanted me to put some of my trophies in here, but I said that was weird and probably a little dangerous. But then she suggested we do, like, this little wall collage of some things about us for her. That’s the achievement I’m proudest of, at least professionally, and I figured it would be kind of badass for my kid to know her mom was an Olympian.”
“Is,” Killian corrects while he walks toward Emma and tucks some strands of hair behind her ear. “Her mom is an Olympian. Present tense.”
Emma shakes her head and looks away, eyelids covering those beautiful green eyes of hers. “Was. I don’t know if I’ll ever get back to competition, Killian. I’ve been reading what exactly my body is going to go through, which, big mistake by the way, and I don’t know how I’m going to get back into competition shape to work my way back up to the top. I spent most of my life conditioning my body to be an athlete. I don’t think it knows how to be a mom and an athlete.”
“You’re always going to be an Olympian and an athlete,” he promises, meaning every word, “and it’s not going to be easy getting back. The cards are fucking stacked against you. But if there’s anyone who can persevere through hardship, it’s you. And me and the babe will be right here with you.”
“Except you’ll probably be back on tour traveling again. Hopefully your wrist will be healed soon, way before she comes.”
Killian leans forward and dips his head down to rest his forehead against Emma’s. “I’m staying with the two of you for as long as I can. Can’t get rid of me that easily, Swan. You’re stuck with me for life.”
“That isn’t as appealing sounding as you think it is.”
Killian tilts his head back with laughter before kissing Emma’s temple. He still hasn’t brushed his teeth this morning and has some major coffee breath. He’s surprised she hasn’t kicked him out of the house yet. She surely will if he attempts to kiss her.
“Let’s install these shelves and then go take a nap, yeah? Get rid of all our fears for a little while with sleeping. Maybe we’ll even go for a walk tonight since the neighborhood is now extra secure.”
“Sounds like a plan, KJ. Oh,” Emma gasps, moving away from him and reaching into a basket to pull out an old book. “I meant to tell you this, but I was shopping for books online and I found one from when I was a kid. I used to read it in the foster system, and I don’t know, it would bring me comfort. I thought maybe it would be a good name for her.”
She hands him the book, and he looks over the cover, reading the words written in large print.
“Olivia,” he whispers, sounding out the name on his tongue. “Olivia Swan-Jones.”
He can’t wait to meet her.
And he can’t wait for her to see what a badass her mom is, and how Emma is definitely going to stand at the top of that podium again.
Hopefully he is too.
tag list: @capthamm​ @qualitycoffeethings​ @klynn-stormz​ @scarletslippers​ @jrob64​ @snowbellewells​ @therealstartraveller776​ @thejollyroger-writer​ @sherifemma​ @galaxyzxstark​ @galadriel26​ @idristardis​ @karenfrommisthaven​ @teamhook​ @spartanguard​ @searchingwardrobes​ @jamif​ @shireness-says​ @ultimiflos​ @nikkiemms @onepunintendid​ @bluewildcatfanatic​ @superchocovian​ @killianswannn​ @carpedzem​ @captainkillianswanjones​ @mayquita​ @marrtinski​ @mayquita​ @mariakov81​ @jennjenn615​ @onceuponaprincessworld​ @a-faekindagirl​ @scientificapricot​ @xellewoods​ @ultraluckycatnd​ @stahlop​ @kmomof4​ @tiganasummertree​ @singersdd​ @tornadoamy​ @cluttermind​ @lfh1226-linda @itsfabianadocarmo​ @iam2307​ @ilovemesomekillianjones​ @kktabjones​ @jonesfandomfanatic​ @ouatxxxxx​
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coepiteamare · 3 years
catch up tag games
i love tag games, but i haven’t been around, so things have piled up. in a frantic attempt to do everything AND not spam the dash, i’ve (once again) compiled. 
tagging (if you haven’t done it and if you want to): everyone tagged below + @monvante @cutechim @augustbutwinter @propinqxity @hansolmates @zibermuda
10 questions
Tagged by @triviafics
rules: answer 10 questions and tag 10 people you want to get to know better!
relationship status: single. painfully single 
favorite color: pink and blue!
three favorite foods: tacos, creme brulee, honey lavender ice cream
song stuck in my head: levitating by dua lipa (yes i’m late to the party)
last song I listened to: it’s okay if you forget me by astrid s
last thing I googled: ...barbie movie with the weasel
time: 8:46pm
dream trip: visiting all my friends (irl and online), south korea at one point
anything I really want: for my loved ones to be okay. to be happy. 
tagged by: @bratkook @joonscore @triviafics @dinamitae @underthejoon @jinpanman​
rules: post the names of all the files in your wip folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. then let people send asks with the title that most intrigues/interests them and you’ll post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it!
1) favourite crime - jk x oc
2) dreamwalkers - jk x dreamwalker!oc
3) maybe the sea calls you (the way you call me) - jk x mermaid!oc
4) the day the world stood still - taehyung x oc
5) the dictionary of lovers - jk x oc
6) untitled, (things you didn’t say at all) - namjoon x acrobat!oc
7) welcome to wonderland (we’re all mad here) - yoongi & jungkook x alice!oc
8) turn back (look how far we’ve come) - jk x oc
the “butter” song challenge!
tagged by @triviafics @opaljm
choose five songs that spell out the word BUTTER and link them, then tag 5 mutuals or the last 5 people in your notifications.
B - brutal by olivia rodrigo
U - urs by niki
T - true crime by epik high
T - the same by ashe
E - ex by kiana lede
R - rain by bts
Zodiac This or That ✨
clean ones here!
tagged by: @triviafics
Sagittarius (sun): Teal or Purple. Topaz or Turquoise. Dandelion or Daffodil. Ginseng or Cilantro. Horse or Stag/Buck. Plane ride or Road trip. Learn Hindi or Learn Japanese. Ginger or Wasabi. Climbing or Snowboarding. Teleportation or Super Speed. Carnival or Circus. Sake or Tequila. Duffel Bags or Suitcases. Time Manipulation or Basic Precognition. Tambourine or Triangle. Backpacking or Whitewater rafting. Aquarius or Libra.
Virgo (moon): Navy Blue or Olive Green. Peridot or Sardonyx. Peony or Sweet Pea. Hops or Rosemary. Chess or Checkers. Carrot Cake or Fig Bar/Cakes/Cookies. Knitting or Crocheting. Grammar Checking/Quality Assurance or Critiquing a piece of work. Golf or Tennis. Buttercups or Morning Glory. Herbs magic or Earth and plant bending. Mice or Bees. Cabernet Frank or Micro-brews. Enchanted Garden or Magic that can perfect skills. Bunnies or Deer. Cancer or Scorpio.
Leo (rising): Gold or Orange. Cat’s Eye or Ruby. Sunflower or Marigold. Aniseed or Elderflower. Oranges or Peaches. Dance or Theater. Cosplay or Creating Fan Fiction. Sunbathing or Hot Stone Massage. Light Magic or Magical Statues/Monuments. Saxophone or Trumpet. Chardonnay or Gin. Super Strength or a Power like Occlumency. Lions or Tigers. Being a Queen/King or Having Immortality. Being the hero or Being the headliner. Tickle or Pillowfight. Libra or Gemini.
This or That
tagged by: @triviafics (lol i love you isi)
love at first sight or slowly growing fond of someone? love letters or mixtapes? hand kisses or kisses on the cheeks? understanding each other without words or finishing each others sentences? gazing into each other’s eyes or looking away blushing? longing to be with someone again or spending every second together? laughing together or crying together? someone run their fingers through your hair or gently playing with your hand? surprise kisses or long tight hugs?
check-in tag!
tagged by: @yeojaa
1. why did you choose your url?
coepi te amare means i have begun to love you in latin. i first heard it from a rixythewraith ff with double b and i’ve used it in a lot of things ever since. 
2. any sideblogs? if you have them name them and why you have them
estbellumsacrum - my personal. there’s just a lot of art and things that are too sad to be here. 
3. how long have you’ve been on tumblr?
uhm i had my first tumblr in 2014? in 10th grade. but this one, i made in January 2020. 
4. do you have a queue tag?
yup! exqueue you
5. why did you start your blog in the first place?
i started writing fanfics in highschool, but stopped. i wanted a way to keep myself writing and accountable and motivated, so i started this!
6. why did you choose your icon?
because i love jungkook. hehe
7. why did you choose your header?
because i love him. but also, it looks kind of whimsical and magical. 
8. what’s your post with the most notes?
uhm probably “you have (1) new voicemail”
9. how many mutuals do you have?
i have no idea tbh
10. how many followers do you have?
300 something!
11. how many people do you follow?
12. have you ever made a shitpost?
uhm not on here, but yes. yes i have
13. how often do you use tumblr each day?
uhhh i used to be on it consistently. now a days, maybe once or twice a day?
14. did you have a fight/argument with another blog once? who won?
not to my knowledge!
15. how do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts?
i feel a lot. i’m not just going to reblog things for the sake of reblogging, especially when i’m not educated on the topic and could be spreading false information. when i think it’s important, i’m going to do my research and educate myself. i do understand the importance of signal boosting, so i can understand where the “you NEED to reblog” part comes from, but at the end of the day, social media is also (especially tumblr) a form of escape. let people have whatever blogs they want, as long as they’re not hurting or harming anyone. 
16. do you like tag games?
17. do you like ask games?
yes yes yes
18. which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
uhhhh tbh, everyone? all of my mutuals are really talented, and i think all of them deserve the world. but uhm...i asked my friend who doesn’t have a writing blog on tumblr and she knows @underthejoon and @bratkook
19. do i have a crush on a mutual?
don’t we all? (but in all honesty, she inspired “love letters i cannot send”)
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