#to make me fall head over heels in love
tafrus · 5 months
i had my two week situationship, now i need 3 months of yearning, pining, and unrequited love to make me truly feel alive
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doll-elvis · 1 year
The story behind the pictures
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“After hearing Elvis would be making a 20 minute stop, mother and daughter made their way to Union Station early that Tuesday morning
They stayed toward the back of the group of 30 screaming fans — Margie perched on her 5-foot-tall mother’s shoulders waiting to catch sight of Presley. Blinking and rubbing his eyes, Elvis made his way to the back of the train car to greet the fans who loudly cheered for him
“They just kept screaming,” Hollis says of the crowd of teenage girls. “That never stopped.”
Presley’s manager, Colonel Tom Parker, helped clear a path as Howard carried her daughter to the front. Presley then hoisted Margie over the railing
“He said, ‘Hi. Give me a kiss,’” Hollis remembers
Howard was surprised to see her daughter go so willingly into Presley’s arms, because she didn’t ever go to strangers
“Boy, she grabbed him,” Howard says. “It was great. It was absolutely great”
Presley showed Margie inside the train car after joking with her mother that he was taking her to California with him
“He didn’t set me down,” Hollis recalls. “He carried me the whole time”
Once back in her mother’s arms, Margie exclaimed, “Oh, Mom, he smelled so good”
She still remembers his smell, though she can’t describe it other than to say it was a little sweet”
(story courtesy of Dallas Morning News and Margaret Ann Hollis)
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cuntela · 3 months
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the way i can write a whole essay about how they're meant to be together and how cute and perfect they'd look..................
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greatprotector-if · 11 months
tagged by @stephschoices to do this uquiz for some ocs and naturally i chose the 3 stooges <3 thank you very much for the tag i love uquizzes!!
tagging everyone reading this. i can do that right
KALLIAS — love that lasts
love unconditional, love unfailing. you love no matter what happens because you believe in the best – of you, and them. it will hurt and it will fail you, but this love tastes so sweet – you can never believe that it bitters sometimes. the way you choose to love unconditionally is incredible.
GALEN — love that strengthens
you make sure that people know that they are loved, and you give them strength when they need it the most. this is an ability that is rare; the love that you hold speaks wonders of yourself. i hope you're doing alright. isn't it exhausting always being the bigger person?
V — love that calms
this is sweet. i hope you know that you make others feel at ease around you. you're a gem, a blessing, a treasure – and you should know it. it's comfortable loving you. it's a privilege to be around you and to be let into your world.
#tag game#kallias#galen#victoryne/valen/vail#kallias' and galen's are SPOT ON#kallias does not know it yet but they fall hard and blind and head over heels#they're loyal to a fault & if they love you that means you can do no wrong in their eyes#you know that quote that goes 'jealous of the sun because it kisses your skin and jealous of the moon because she watches you dream'#if you opened up kallias' brain that's what you'd see#you wouldn't see it laid out quite as eloquently but the idea is there#galen expresses their feelings. not well. but you can tell anyway if they love you and i think that is so special#you can tell when they think the world of you ):#and if it's romantic#tender kisses to tender bruises....#their love is safe and comforting and i would like to be wrapped up in it#they're so steamed milk on a cold night#v's result surprised me LOL but. yeah!#they're definitely not the calmest of people but this makes sense to me anyway#it'll take a while for things to get to this point but i like to think the wait & effort will be worth it in the end [:#i think telling v that you feel at ease around them could either be the world's greatest insult or the world's greatest compliment#depending on how your relationship looks at the time#but if they take it as a compliment it will HIT#if they love you they want nothing more than for you to feel safe and they will bust their ass off to provide that#SO SORRY for rambling. but also not that sorry#i love my little guys (gender neutral)
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kylos-starlight · 2 days
Me looking at my notifcations like: Ya'll..... stop watching me be unhinged about Anakin... /j
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chilling-seavey · 2 months
All you [lovely] followers sending asks for TWIG seem to always be trying to make 'reader' famous - LADIES WE DONT HAVE TO BE FAMOUS TO GET THE MAN LETS STOP PUSHING THIS NARRATIVE!!!! /lh
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lemonsiskull · 1 year
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I realized I did a height difference comparison with Silvie and Sunny but not one with Terrin! That's not fair! Anyway Terrin is 9'3, do with that knowledge what you will
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A moth and a spider, what could go wrong?
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kakusboyfriend · 22 days
Do youuuu guys have the kind of synesthesia where you associate your love with a color or are you normal
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jazuthevulcanprincess · 2 months
i just read and remembered that solas says he would never sleep with lavellan under false pretenses.........bitch they never fucked????
i feel so bad for lavellen....never even got some.....i know solas is a fantastic lay i just KNOW it
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vitamin-zeeth · 6 months
The only people having a good time here are Richmond and the girl he's talking to istfg they're falling in love OH SHIT THEYRE MAKING OU
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Suddenly, not more than twenty paces away, as he first thought, he saw massive mountains, clean and white in their gentle contours, the intricate, distinct line of the peaks and the sky. He suddenly grasped the great distance between himself, the mountains, and the sky, the immensity of the mountains, and the boundlessness of this beauty, and was afraid that this might be only an illusion, a dream. He shook himself to wake up—but the mountains were still there.
“What are they? Can you tell me what they are?” he asked the driver.
“Mountains,” the Nogai answered indifferently.
“I’ve been looking at them too,” Vanyusha said. “What a sight! No one back home would believe it!”
As the troika sped over the smooth road, the mountains looked as if they were running along the horizon, the rose-colored peaks sparkling in the rising sun. At first the mountains merely took Olenin aback, then they filled him with joy; but then, the more he looked at the chain of mountains that rose not from behind other mountains but straight out of the steppe, the more he felt them. At that moment everything he saw, everything he thought, everything he sensed, took on the stern and majestic character of the mountains. All his Moscow memories, the shame and repentance, all his foolish and trivial dreams about the Caucasus, disappeared forever. It was as if a solemn voice told him: “Now it has begun!” The road, the outline of the river Terek visible in the distance, the Cossack villages, and the people—all this now seemed to him no longer trivial. He looks at the sky and sees the mountains. He looks at himself, at Vanyusha—again the mountains. Two Cossacks ride by, their rifles in slings bouncing lightly on their backs, and the brown and gray legs of their horses blur—again the mountains…. Across the Terek smoke rises from a village—again the mountains…. The sun rises and sparkles on the Terek shimmering through the reeds—the mountains…. A bullock cart rolls out of a Cossack village, the women are walking, beautiful young women—the mountains…. Chechen marauders roam the steppes, I am riding along the road, but I am not frightened of them, I have a gun, strength, youth—the mountains….
From The Cossacks by Leo Tolstoy
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rainbowvolt · 6 months
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doll-elvis · 1 year
“he moved her chemically more than anyone she had ever met, all other men seemed pale beside him”
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- F. Scott Fitzgerald
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onceuponaroast · 8 months
Alright that's IT I've HAD IT
Where are all the available people? Huh? When do I get the rom-com moment where I meet 3 eligible bachelor's who all immediately fall in love with me and trip over themselves trying to prove who loves me the most until I eventually pick the one who makes me feel happy and safe and then we live happily ever after??
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strawberrisoulmate · 10 months
my fatal flaw is unapologetically shipping with characters that are wildly out of my league 🥰
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hey. don't cry. stanford era dean listening to "fast car" in the impala by himself. don't worry about the tears in his eyes or how he literally needs to pull over on the side of the road to catch his breath.
don't :'))) worry about it :'))))
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