#to my friend my confidant my family have a great birthday enjoy the love that every single person has for you. i miss you. i will see you
truthundressing · 2 years
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hypnautic-cereal · 8 months
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I’ve shared about my Welcome Home au on Discord and TikTok, but not here yet
So, I introduce to you: the Wish Maker au!💫
A Welcome Home au of mine that spawned from a meme I thought of one time while I was in the shower. Essentially the WH crew in this au are able to grant different kinds of wishes, and strive to make any and all wishes come true for a more better earth
(Please note that I did each of these art pieces separately, so all the canon sizes are the ones up on this first one⬆️)
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First of all, we have our Wally variant: Wally Starling💫
Wally is the newest neighbor to land on Planet Home, as he was recently born from the stardust of a recently died supernova. Wally is gifted the power to grant star wishes as well as a high/moon jump, and aspires to be Judy’s as great of a wish maker as his friends
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Up next: Our spectacular star, Sally Starlet⭐️
Glowing wherever she goes, Sally Starlet is the leader and protector of Planet Home. Legends as true as wishes have told that a portion of Sally’s power was distributed among each of her friends. Who knows what power she could behold at full capacity?
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Next on our list: Our lovable dog Barnaby B. Beagle🎤
It might not seem like it at first, but Barnaby B. Beagle is a dog of many cultures. Barnaby grew a swift and tight friendship with Wally Starling, even being the one who gave Wally his name when he first arrived on Planet Home! Inspired by 90s family game shows as a sign of his love for fun and friendship, Barnaby grants the wishes from different cultures (such as tanabata tags, and grapes from under the table on the new years countdown)
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Next up, our dynamic duo: 🎂Julie Joyful and Frank Frankly📚
Always excited to celebrate any occasion, Julie is your girl to call for a party. Her partying expertise is always to serve for others happiness. With help from Poppy Partridge and Sally Starlet, there’s no party on Planet Home that won’t be ready on time. Once the birthday candles are blown, a dash of confetti from Julie’s hand will have the wish granted in no time
Although they’re always in a rush, Frank Frankly is the brightest/smartest neighbor on the wishful Planet Home. Any questions the neighbors have about anything, Frank is able to answer in various ways. His specialty lies in granted wishes found in nature (such as dandelion puffs or the first winter snow), as well as proofreading wishes to the wisher’s intent. With provided help from Julie Joyful and Eddie Dear, there’s no task to tough for our beloved brainiac
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And last up: 🌙Poppy Partridge, Eddie Dear💌, and Howdy Pillar🐛
Looking over the dreams of those down on Earth, Poppy Partridge acts as a guide to those who don’t know what their hearts desire. A scent of lavender and lilac follow wherever she goes, as a sea of stars speckle her pillowy soft tail feathers. Her and Sally Starlet happily work side by side, making sure all goes right from day to night
Folk tales from the old west tell the tale of a person who retrieves the wishes that haven’t been granted so that they can be granted as soon as they can. That there is our confident yet clumsy and forgetful dreamer, Eddie Dear. With his Lasso of Limitless Length and Star of Time, there’s no limit to when and where ungranted wishes will be granted. He takes his job with pride, especially if Frank Frankly is by his side
Ever need that little bit of push when playing the lottery? Or need a wish from that coin you tossed into the well? Well, our terribly generous Howdy Pillar’s got your back. He’d be more than happy to grant you luck and fortune for whatever you might need for the day. He does seem to fall asleep quite often, even with all the energy he needs for the day, so he carries his pillow Benjamin in case he’s ever tuckered out (get it? Cause money…$100…Benjamin Franklin-). So, what Howdy’s Place deal are you looking for today?
But yeah, I have a lot to share with you guys about this au, and I hope you all enjoy and stick around for all the stuff I wanna share for it! I even have a whole playlist for this au (as well as a discord server but that was made for the fun of it and doesn’t have any actual functionality lol)
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spinningalbinoturtle · 6 months
Fellowship Marriage and Wedding Headcanons
Aragorn + Arwen
As we see in the movies and books their wedding is a very big to-do in Gondor. Arwen has a great eye and has picked out excellent design choices. If Aragorn had his way they would have been married in a small ceremony in Rivendell outside years ago but also Elrond saw to it that didn’t happen
They very much co-lead and have a fairly equal relationship. I say fairly because ultimately Arwen always has the last say
Aragorn genuinely and intensely worships his wife and will not hesitate to bring her or her opinions up at any given time.
They fuck A LOT. Aragorn absolutely knows how to please a woman and enjoys doing so
Sam and Frodo
Yes they’re married, no he didn’t go to the undying lands, no Sam doesn’t marry Rosie what are you talking about?
I think it would be wildly funny is they got married at Bilbo’s birthday party- but realistically I think they got married in Rivendell on their way back from the quest.
When Sam becomes Mayor he appoints Frodo as his deputy so they can work together
They have a very affectionate and loving relationship to the point where other hobbits (Merry and Pippin) get annoyed by their gratuitous displays of PDA
They have sex like once a week but cuddle everyday
They’re very protective of one another
Eowyn and Faramir
I’ve said it before I’ll say it again, Faramir is a trans woman-they are lesbians
Have a very equal relationship although Eowyn appears more dominant (and kinda is)
They share political power very equally though
They both are scared to be parents but also really want kids: spoiler alert they had nothing to worry about they are excellent parents
Eowyn is very open about sex and will discuss it or go at it in semi public spaces, Faramir is more shy so Eowyn respects this but encourages her to be more confident
Pippin and Diamond
They met at the strip club where Diamond is a dancer
They instantly fell in love
They are super devoted to one another
They are ALWAYS going at it and have evidence of their sex life displayed around their living room-this makes guests very uncomfortable
Pippin takes pole dancing classes to impress Diamond. He also takes her to the male strip club so “she can enjoy it”
His parents are a little disappointed but they keep it to themselves because they’re just happy Pippin finally settled down
Merry and Estella
I hate to say this but their marriage is low-key arranged. Merry’s dad wanted him to get married and Estella’s family wanted connections
At first they kinda like eachother and get along but Estella rapidly becomes annoyed with Merry’s constant being high and having Pippin over
She eventually divorces him. He goes to crash on Pippin’s couch for an extended stay
Eventually he goes back to Buckland. Estella gets rich off the divorce
Merry is happy with his bachelor lifestyle and has plenty of various boyfriends and girlfriends over the years. He teases his friends for being “tied down”
Legolas and Gimli
Their wedding is held in Dale in an attempt at neutrality but a fight breaks out between the dwarves and elves at the reception and they sneak away
They love to travel together
They have tried everything. And I mean everything. They never run out of ideas to spice up their sex life
They do sleep in separate rooms though because Legolas kicks and Gimli snores
They do not want kids but like being the weird uncles of everyone else’s kids. They don’t want the responsibility
Credit for the Diamond is a hobbit stripper headcanon goes to @diplomatson thank you my friend for that excellent idea
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wyked-ao3 · 2 months
Writerly Questionnaire
About Me
When did you first start writing?
Started shortly before my 22nd birthday I'm 23 now...I had done a few attempt's before that but never posted them.
Are the genres/themes you enjoy reading different from the ones you write?
i love a variety of genres and hope to branch into other soon..I'm working on my first original story currently
Is there an author (or just a fellow writer!) you want to emulate, or one to whom you’re often compared?
everyone has their own style no two writers are just alike. I could list dozens of author's both published and not that I look up to. I have not been compared to anyone that I'm aware of.
Can you tell me a little about your writing space(s)? (Room, coffee shop, desk, etc.)
usually the couch. With my dogs and a blanket since I'm often cold.
What’s your most effective way to muster up some muse?
play some music or read something. If that doesn't work then I go back to what I have written and go okay what you crazy character's up to now
Did the place(s) you grew up in influence the people and places you write about?
Are there any recurring themes in your writing, and if so, do they surprise you at all?
i tend to give traumatic backstories to at least one character in my books but usually it's a game of find the one who doesn't. I'm also prone to writing family drama 0_o
Do they surprise me? Not particularly since they are usually the characters I like most in a tv show
My Characters
Would you please tell me about your current favorite character? (Current WIP, past WIP, never used, etc.)
Oisìn for this book. Oisìn is a kind person with a bit of a quick temper, he is sarcastic but usually level headed unless you mention his hight Jade is the MC for the second book and my current favorite it might be the kicked puppy factor 0_o
Which of your characters do you think you’d be friends with in real life?
Adoh or Jade both are quiet but in different ways...
Which of your characters would you dislike the most if you met them?
0_o that be a long list lol, without giving spoilers Kia, Rhiannon, Nereza
Tell me about the process of coming up with of one, all, or any of your characters.
I think about what the storyline needs and they start knocking on the door and more show up as I write. Only a handful were planned out in great detail in advance and they kinda blew that out of the water, which is why I had to make new charts yesterday.
Do you notice any recurring themes/traits among your characters?
tragic backstories and loyalty with found family aspects.
My Writing
What’s your reason for writing?
i started writing my first fanfiction when I had a head cold I also edited and posted it during that time...it was what built up the confidence to post something lol, I can say that the next time I posted, I about had a nervous breakdown but now I'm not so nervous when I post. I suppose the reason I write is it is a form of connecting with other people and a escape from reality in a way.
Is there a specific comment or type of comment you find particularly motivating coming from your readers?
I love all comments i get even constructive criticism, as it tells me where I need to work on improving next.
How do you want to be thought of by those who read your work? (For example: as a literary genius, or as a writer who “gets” the human condition; as a talented worldbuilder, as a role model, etc.)
😵‍💫 nope just nope, social anxiety activated by a question
What do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer?
What have you been frequently told your greatest writing strength is by others?
humour and dialogue
How do you feel about your own writing? (Answer in whatever way you interpret this question.)
I have improved a lot over the last few months but I still have a lot to learn :) I accept the fact that practice is required to get there, although I'm aware no one's writting is absolutely perfect although some are closer than others.
If you were the last person on earth and knew your writing would never be read by another human, would you still write?
yes. I like the stories I tell.
When you write, are you influenced by what others might enjoy reading, or do you write purely what you enjoy? If it’s a mix of the two, which holds the most influence?
its a bit of a mix but mostly what I enjoy reading but I do add way more punctuation for the readers. My writing style would probably cause people to have a breakdown, since it's mostly quotation marks for when they speak and nothing else perhaps a comma here or there if it seems to long. Then I go back through and edit it after I have finished writing the storyline.
Open tag from @the-golden-comet then tagged by @kaylinalexanderbooks adding in @ink-flavored (I'll fill out the other one soon I like the questions) @thecomfywriter
+open tag
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laufeyslegacy · 9 months
More Than Friends
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Prompt 1: "We're not just friends and you fucking know it,"
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It was your 18th birthday, and your parents surprised you by allowing you to have a large birthday party with all of your friends. It was a moment you had dreamed of for months, and you couldn't wait to see everyone celebrate this milestone in your life.
The party started in the evening, and as you entered the house, you were greeted by the vibrant decorations that had been set up. There were balloons, streamers, and banners everywhere, creating a festive atmosphere.
Your friends and family were already there, laughing and having a great time.
As you walked in, everyone cheered and wished you a happy birthday. They presented you with gifts, ranging from thoughtful presents to silly gag gifts, all of which brought a smile to your face.
"Y/N! I can't believe you're now an adult! Like us!" Imani squealed, handing you a large pink bag.
"Yeah Y/N, took you long enough!" Ama added, hugging you before placing her own gift on top of Imani's.
"Now we can go drinking!" Malaika said, having a slurred speech and wobbling around even though the party started one hour ago.
You admitted to Imani with a grin. "I know right! I can't believe it!"
"It's not my fault you're two years older than me!" You argued with Ama in a teasing tone.
"Malaika, you know I'm not allowed to drink until I'm 21." You sternly said to Malaika, going to lecture her but Imani stopped you.
"Relax! It's your birthday!" She said gently, taking my gifts and placing them on the birthday table. "Stop acting like the mom of the group today and actually enjoy yourself,"
"Okay," You sighed, "I'll try,"
You were often referred to as the "mom of the group" due to your mature and responsible attitude. You were always the one making sure everyone was safe and sound, and your friends often turned to you for advice and guidance.
"Y/N!" Your mother called out to you, and you looked over to see her standing with a woman.
She was wearing a long black dress and had a warm, friendly smile on her face. "This is Mrs. Miller, your neighbor," Your mother said with a smile, gesturing to the woman.
"She heard about your birthday and wanted to give you a present, so I invited her over to join us." Mrs. Miller reached over and handed you a small package, her smile widening as you accepted it.
"Happy Birthday, Y/N," She said with a chuckle. "I hope you have a wonderful day."
"Thank you Mrs. Miller, for the gift,"
"No worries and I love the dress," She said with a smile.
You thanked her again and opened the present, revealing a beautiful necklace with a crystal pendant. Your eyes widened in surprise and you thanked Mrs. Miller, genuinely touched by her kind gesture.
You were wearing a tight black dress that stopped just before your knees, and had two thin strap on one shoulder. The dress was made of a soft, silky material and had a sweetheart neckline that accentuated your curves. It had a tight bodice that hugged your body and flared out at the waist, creating an elegant silhouette.
The skirt was long and had a slight pleat, giving it more fullness at the bottom and a slight flow. The straps were thin and delicate, and the dress had a slightly shimmery finish to it.
There was a knock on the door that caught your attention, and you excused myself to answer it as soon as you heard it.
You opened the door to see a man with his hoodie up and his hands in his pockets. He took it off as soon as he made eye contact, showing his identity towards you.
"Kofi!" You gasped in shock, opening the door wider for him to walk in, "What are you doing here?"
A genuine smile formed on his lips, his dimples showing with pride. "Happy birthday, Y/N," He said, his voice gentle and warm.
Kofi was a handsome black man with a strong jawline and chiseled features. He had a toned physique and stood tall with confidence. His dark skin glowed with a youthful radiance, and his deep brown eyes were warm and inviting.
He stepped forward and handed you a small box. "I wanted to get you something special for your birthday."
You opened the box to find a beautiful silver bracelet with a diamond charm.
"Oh my goodness!" You gasped in surprise. "Kofi, this is too much! I can't believe you got me this!"
"It's the least I can get for you," He answered, closing the door behind us.
"Y/N! Who's at the door!" You heard Ama yell from the other room, her voice slurred so you assumed she got drunk with Malaika.
You turn your gaze at Kofi, who already had his gaze on you, and asked in a hopeful tune. "Are you staying?"
"Of course I'm staying, if you want me to," Kofi confirmed with a grin, "But I'm sure your friends would pester you to death if they saw us together now,"
"They can think what they want," You answered quickly, wearing the bracelet which matched the necklace that Mrs. Miller got you.
You hoped it didn't show but you wanted him to stay over so badly.
You two have been friends for less than a year, yet coincidentally he's already met your mom and dad, both of them taking a liking to him immediately.
They joke how they already gave him their blessings to marry you but I wish it was true.
A little crush was an understatement of what you were feeling for him.
It's the longest you've liked someone in your whole life.
You felt a strong, almost inexplicable desire for him, not the desire for lust but something else. Like you feel completely dedicated to him, ready to do anything and everything to help him through a tough spot or even just make his life a little easier.
It might sound crazy when you were just 'friends' after all.
He was the most popular guy in school, ladies lining up for him. He had a reputation for being a charmer, always with a kind word and gentlemanly demeanor. He was admired by many for his wit, intelligence, and good looks.
He had a natural air of confidence that many young women found irresistible.
It was almost unbelievable that Kofi and you were even friends. After all, you two came from two completely different worlds. He was the most popular guy in school with girls lining up for him, whereas you were the shy girl who kept to yourself and stayed in the background.
Both of you had nothing in common, yet somehow you two managed to form a strong bond of friendship.
It was almost too good to be true.
You and Kofi shared a knowing look as you both walked into the living room, where your three friends were standing around trying to hear your conversation.
They all looked up, startled, and quickly tried to look busy.
"Hey guys, this is my friend Kofi," I introduced them to him.
"Kofi, these are Ama, Malaika and Imani," I stated, gesturing to all of them individually.
"Hey Kofi!" in a cheerful tone.
"Hey handsome," in a seductive tone.
"Nice name," also in a seductive tone.
It was obvious who said what.
Though when you looked at Kofi, he seemed to be unbothered by the compliments and nicely said hello to all of them before mom's voice could be heard from the other side of the house.
"Kofi! You made it!" She yelled, rushing over to bring him into a tight hug, which Kofi returned quickly.
"Hello auntie,"
"Oh stop! Don't call me that, you're making me sound old," She laughed, "Call me mother-in-law instead,"
Excuse me? Were you the only shocked by what she had said?
You looked over at your friends, who all had shocked expressions on their faces so you definitely weren't hearing things.
"Hello mother-in-law," Kofi said in a relaxed tone, giving a small smile.
You didn't know why but having those words come out of his mouth made you feel like jelly. You were shocked you could even be standing right now.
"Such an obedient child!" Your mother complimented him, "Y/N! As my only daughter, you have to marry him!"
You knew it was just a joke as she was laughing joyfully and he was smiling but before you could stop it, your lips moved to form a word.
All of them looked at me. Ama, Malaika and Imani looked in a 'when's the wedding?' expression, Mother looked in a 'I was joking, don't feel pressured,' expression and Kofi.
Kofi's expression was unreadable towards you. A mix of relief and sadness but that was hidden with a neutral look.
"The auntie have to got to meet you Kofi!" Mother said brightly before taking him away from us.
Not before he looked back to say, "Later,". Well you lip read him and you thought he said later, that doesn't mean he actually said-
"Did he say later!" Your friends squealed in unison, crowding you with questions.
"No, I am not dating him, yes, we are just friends and no, I don't know his friends and if they're as hot as him," You answered in one breath while taking a seat on the large sofa.
"You should get ready!"
"For what?"
"Oh Y/N, my sweet innocent child, someone like him says later to you, they mean-" Malaika explained, finishing the sentence with a gesture since children were still around.
"Really?" You thought he just wanted to chat a little.
"Yes, now this is your 18th birthday, it's the perfect chance!" Malaika insisted, "Your mom said not a boyfriend until 18 years right?"
"Yeah she did say that," You answered, glancing to where Kofi was with your mother, and as she said, she was introducing Kofi as her son-in-law for an excuse to feel inferior against her family and friends that she will have grandchildren before any of them.
As a mother's only child, it was a big responsibility to carry, having to give her grandchildren before she dies. It was one out of three things she asked of you; have grandchildren, go to a high university and have a good bunch of friends.
You already got two out of three done but your dating life was a whole different story. You were either too innocent to ruin or just not their type.
You ended up giving up entirely.
"Now let's get you ready," . . .
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Where was Kofi? You missed him so much. You wanted him to hold you in his arms. You wanted to hear his voice.
You looked at the clock on the side of your bedroom, seeing the short hand reach the number five.
You felt outraged. You've been waiting in your bedroom for more than two hours after your friends left you with a plan.
Get drunk. Make him get drunk. Then have drunk sex.
Simple right?
"Where is he?" You yelled, flailing your arms in frustration and in exaggeration since no one could see you.
By now, most of the guests were gone and you were stuck in your room. You weren't going to disgrace yourself with your mother there so you kept to yourself.
Your friends must have gone too.
This was the worst birthday-
"Who are you looking for?" A voice came from the door, which you looked to see Kofi poking his head into your bedroom with a curious expression.
"You," You said without thinking before slapping a hand over your mouth.
Kofi then fully stood inside the room. "Why?"
You didn't answer, instead you started to drink a bottle of alcohol, you didn't know what kind. You were afraid to say.
A hand was placed on your drink, stopping you from drinking the beverage anymore. "That's enough, you'll get sick if you drink more."
Your eyes were fixed on the other empty wine bottle, waiting for his reaction as he glanced at them.
"I didn't think you'd be the kind to love wine," He joked.
"I don't," You said slowly, placing the wine bottle down beside you.
"Then why did you drink it?"
"Because of you,"
You nodded but it made you dizzy. Maybe you drank way too much.
Kofi's hands went to catch your body and made you stable, holding you by the side of your cheek and by your hip. His face was close to yours and you could feel his breath brush against your skin.
His hands were warm, comforting and gentle against your skin.
He looked into your eyes and you could feel the worry in his gaze. You felt safe in his arms and all the worries of the night melted away.
"You need to get some sleep," He muttered, brushing a lock of hair off your forehead.
You didn't listen to a word he said, instead you said something you've been wanting to say for a while.
"I love you," You slurred suddenly. Kofi looked at you in surprise, but he didn't pull away. Instead, he brought his hands up to cup your face, his thumbs brushing away the tears that had started to fall.
"You don't mean that," He muttered, averting his gaze from you.
"I do," You answered, your voice soft and sincere.
"We're not just friends and you know it,"
Kofi looked at you for a moment, his gaze softening as he looked into your eyes.
"Don't say it to me when you're drunk. We can talk at school, okay?" He asked, his voice gentle.
"But I don't want you to go," You said seductively, slowly wrapping your arms around his neck.
Kofi's expression softened as he looked into your eyes and he slowly leaned in closer.
He gently placed his hand on your cheek and whispered, "I don't want to leave either." He leaned in and kissed you softly on the lips. You melted into the kiss, feeling a surge of emotion wash over you.
The kiss was as gentle and sweet as the moment. Kofi's lips were soft and warm, and his hands were gentle against your skin. The kiss seemed to last an eternity, and in that moment all of the worries of the night melted away.
The kiss deepened and became more passionate. You could feel the love between you both, and it was more powerful than anything you had ever felt before. Your arms wrapped around his neck, and you felt like time had stopped.
In that moment, everything seemed perfect, and it felt like nothing else mattered. As the kiss slowly ended, you felt a deep sense of peace and contentment.
You knew, in that moment, that Kofi was the one you wanted to spend the rest of your life with. . . .
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Do you guys want a part 2 of this?
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lunetual · 2 years
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♡ HAPPY SOOBIN DAY ♡ wishing simply the happiest of birthdays to our best leader, the absolutely incomparable soobin. hoping for a year of happiness with plenty chances to rest and rejuvenate, and many, many reasons for throw-your-head-back laughter.
quick cc note: hehe........ i think u must all know the drill by now!! i will do my best to keep it quick but. i admit i do not usually succeed!
okay soobin and i... we go way back. in the way that you can go way back with an idol, in the way that i saw his intro video when it dropped, and can remember keenly where i was, sitting in a coffee shop in los angeles with my mom, puttering around before meeting with family for a funeral. auspicious! but in all seriousness. i remember thinking that he was just. SO adorable, and that he reminded me of. a puppy that hadn’t grown into itself quite yet. now, halfway through their first contract, soobin no longer reminds me of a puppy with too-big paws and ears but... sometimes i can still see flashes of predebut era soobin. :’) adorable. earnest. and eager to prove himself.
i think all of txt has grown so well, and i have all the faith in the world they’ll keep doing so. and i also think that soobin, for all he’d deny it, is such a huge reason for that. soobin bears the weight of leading big hit’s second ever boy group with such strength and steadiness and humility. i certainly wouldn’t have been able to do the same at his age, or now! and i think it speaks volumes that unilaterally the members chose him to lead them, and that their trust in him has been justly placed and upheld with great care. i think soobin’s greatest strength as a leader is his ability meet people where they are, and he has proved to be the perfect leader for a group like txt, who are all very distinct and different people, but manage to complement rather than clash. they’re a group where i don’t doubt that they genuinely enjoy each other’s company, and soobin cultivates that well with his own clear-as-day love for them that’s reciprocated in spades.
soobin is, as i mentioned before, inherently earnest. he’s honest. he may be shy but he’s always putting his best foot forward. he never hesitates to set boundaries when needed, and he’s protective of the people he loves. i think people look at him and instinctively understand that especially now, as he grows in confidence and gains a surer sense of self, soobin is always unapologetic in being who he is. when soobin said something along the lines of “i’m not going to beg for the love of people who dislike me” i think that really sums up the steely core he keeps tucked away under his dimples and silly laugh and his quieter nature compared to his members. just because he’s usually mild-mannered doesn’t mean that he doesn’t have a spine, and a strong sense of right and wrong.
i say this about all the tubatu kids but i feel so lucky to be on this journey, watching them continue to mature into just. really good performers, but more importantly, really good people.
i hope that this next year sees soobin grow even more confident in himself, in all areas of his life, onstage and off. i hope that he sees the fruits of his considerable efforts, and that any wishes he has for himself come true. i hope he gets time to relax, and to visit with his old friends, and that he continues to find fulfillment in his career and his personal life. and most of all, i hope his days are full of laughter and love and joy.
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grandeoatmilklatte · 1 year
Meet My MC!✨
After seeing my two Discord servers have RP channels and never being able to participate cause I don’t have a dedicated OC, I gave into the FOMO and decided to create one. This is my fourth HL character but the first one I’ve ever fleshed out and given a back story.
So with that, meet Kamila Cortes! ✨
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Name: Kamila Cortes (kuh-me-lah)
Nickname: Kami
Gender: Female
House: Slytherin
Age: 18
Blood Status: Half Blood
Nationality: Spanish/British
Wand: 10in, Holly, Unicorn Hair, Solid
Patronus: a goat
Scent: Rose and Vanilla
Birthday: April 9th (Aries)
Other info: Fluent in English and Spanish, semi-fluent in Portuguese.
General: Kamila is short, measuring at 152.4 cm (5ft 1in). She is a bit on the bustier side with a soft stomach, but overall is slender and petite.
Facial appearance: She’s fair skinned with blue eyes and long voluminous dark brown hair, usually tied in a long braid.
Distinguishing Marks: She has a small faint collection of freckles on her upper cheeks.
Fashion: Kamila prefers to wear dark colors and neutral colors, opting for blacks, whites, greys, and her favorite color, emerald green. She alternates between wearing skirts and trousers, tied between the femininity offered by a skirt, and the mobility offered by trousers.
Strengths: Kamila has the loyalty of a Hufflepuff. Although she keeps her circle of friends incredibly small, once someone is considered in her circle, she’ll go to bat for them, defending them against anyone who dares wrong them. She is incredibly determined, and stops at nothing to reach her goals. She is a good listener, and gives great advice despite not following her own advice. Kamila is passionate and fiery, with an infectious energy about her.
Weaknesses: Growing up as a wealthy only child has made Kamila a bit spoiled and stuck up, becoming upset and vengeful at times when she doesn’t get her way. Kamila can be hotheaded and fiesty, and has a habit of acting before thinking, frequently getting into physical altercations with other students, especially those who bully her/her friends.
Morality: Kamila likes to think she’s morally sound, defending and protecting her loved ones, but her methods are sometimes wrong. She is ultimately very self serving, and won’t hesitate to use others outside of her friends to get what she wants.
Likes: Kamila enjoys cooking and baking, as her mother was a cook prior to marriage, and showed her a lot back when she lived in Madrid full time. Before she learned how to conjure up a full kitchen in her Room of Requirement, Kamila could be found sneaking into the Hogwarts kitchens at night, begging the house elves to let her use the oven. Her love language is feeding her friends. Kamila also loves Potions, reading, architecture, and relaxing in the courtyards.
Dislikes: Spiders, people who treat magic as if it’s evil, sports of any kind.
Fears: Not amounting to anything in life, something bad happening to her loved ones, especially her mother, loneliness, losing her family’s fortune and status.
Hopes: Once done with Hogwarts, Kamila hopes to open up a restaurant or a bakery. While she would prefer to do this back home in Madrid, she’s not opposed to fulfilling this dream in England or Scotland, if a love interest keeps her there.
Friends: Kamila considers Ominis, Sebastian, and Garreth to be her closest friends. Kamila and Ominis confide in each other often, Kamila being a shoulder to cry on and a helpful aid to Ominis. Despite being upset with some of the things Sebastian has done in the past, she remains supportive of Sebastian, even during the times where they were distant with each other. Kamila and Garreth briefly dated, but the relationship wasn’t serious, and the pair remain friends. (Not including this in the RP stuff but I wanted to write some head cannons for friends, enemies and love interests)
Enemies: Kamila frequently tortures Duncan. Why? Because Ominis doesn’t like him. That’s the only reasoning she needs. Kamila also doesn’t get along with Imelda, Imelda thinking Kamila is a stuck up brat, and Kamila thinking that Imelda is just jealous. (Not including this in the RP stuff but I just wanted to write some head canons for friends, enemies and love interests)
Love Interest: Ever since their first meeting in the Slytherin common room years ago, Kamila and Ominis have been inseparable. What began as a friendship based in trauma bonding eventually grew into a desperate need and desire for each other. After two years of friendship, they decided to take the next step and start a relationship together. They are deeply in love, Sebastian often referring to them as a unit by the nickname “Kaminis”. Kamila also briefly dated Garreth for a few months before her and Ominis made things official, and she briefly had a crush on Sebastian (and he had a crush on her) but the events of 5th year killed her feelings for him. (Not including this is the RP stuff but I just wanted to write some head canons for friends, enemies, and love interests)
Backstory: Kamila is an only child to her parents, Elizabeth and Jose Cortes. Jose is of Spanish origin and a muggle, while her mother is of English origin, and a witch. Jose is a top general for the Spanish royal army, and a close friend and confidant of the king of Spain. As a result, Kamila and her family live in luxury. Prior to learning of her magical abilities, Kamila mainly resided in Madrid, but often visited England and Scotland due to having family members there from her mother’s side. Since starting at Hogwarts, she has spent more time in England, staying at her grandparents’s home when school is not in session, and only returning home to Madrid during the summer holiday.
When Kamila exhibited no magical abilities at 11 years old, Kamila’s parents breathed a sigh of relief. Growing up in a predominantly Catholic country and surrounded by the extremely religious royal family, Kamila would forever be labeled as a demonic entity and would be in danger if she had inherited her mother’s magical abilities. While Jose was accepting of Elizabeth being of a magical bloodline, Jose’s family and the royal family would not have accepted this; thus Elizabeth made the choice to hide her magic when they got married, only displaying magic in the privacy of their own home. Elizabeth fainted the day a 14 year old Kamila made a teapot levitate off the table.
At first, Kamila’s parents wanted her to fully suppress her magical abilities to avoid hardship in her life. This caused many arguments between Kamila and her parents, Kamila being fascinated with her ability, and her mother’s history, which she had never been told about previously. It was ultimately Kamila’s grandmother who convinced Kamila’s parents to allow her the chance to go to school and hone her magic, under the condition that she keep her abilities a secret to all besides her parents and maternal family. Jose crafted a story that his daughter was going off to study at some prestigious school in London, which Jose’s circle believed. Nowadays, Kamila has a good relationship with her parents, understanding that they were just doing what they thought was best for their daughter at the time.
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baileypie-writes · 4 months
Can you please do a platonic Kuroki Rio with a big sister like reader like the reader acks like Kuroki Rio second sister
A/N ~ Sure! I decided to go for headcanons, cause I was kinda too burnt out to write a whole oneshot haha. Hope you enjoy!
~Being Like Rio Kuroki’s Second Big Sister~
Fandom: KiraKira☆Precure A La Mode
Fanfic Type: Headcanons
Reader: Female
Relationship: Platonic
Characters Included: Rio Kuroki
Genre: Fluff, very minor angst
Rating: PG
Warnings: Possibly ooc Rio, mentions of feeling like a burden(Rio), mentions of overworking(Rio)
~KiraKira☆Precure A La Mode Masterlist~
Guide: The blue dialogue is Rio and the uncolored dialogue is Reader.
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~ When Rio realizes how sister-like your relationship towards him is, he’s genuinely confused. He doesn’t understand why you care so much. Not just as a normal friend, but like his actual sister. He questions your behavior, so you just tell him the truth. You see him as a little brother. He’s still confused as to why, but he’s not against it.
~ Rio’s actual older sister, Ciel, is already a handful. And for other siblings, it’s usually the other way around. But Rio can get a bit overwhelmed and a bit intimidated by her and her skills. So having another older sister figure is nice for him, because when he’s tired of one, he can just go hang out with the other.
~ He’s not very good at showing his appreciation and love for his friends and family. But one thing he does know how to do is bake. So anytime it’s a special occasion, or he just wants to thank you for something, he’ll make you a sweet. It’s usually related to your personal tastes, but sometimes, he makes you waffles!
“Happy birthday (name). Here’s some (favorite sweet).”
“Aww, thanks Rio! This looks so good!”
“So you’re happy with the gift?”
“Yes, of course! Anything made by my ‘bro’ gets me is awesome!”
“Great. But please call me a different nickname other than ‘bro’.”
~ Being older than him and Ciel, he confides in you with more serious subjects. He loves and trusts his twin sister, but sometimes, it feels better to talk to someone older. He also doesn’t want to “burden” her more than he already has. He comes to you with his feelings and problems. Most of the time, just to get it out, instead of looking for actual solutions.
~ He can overwork himself sometimes. His sister isn’t always good at catching it, because she occasionally does so as well. So you’ll have to stop him from working, and make him rest. He gets very defensive, trying to ensure that he’s fine. So you’ll have to be a stern “big sister”, and force him.
“Rio, it’s midnight. Go to bed.”
“Just let me make one more batch. I want to perfect this recipe.”
“No. Now get to bed before I drag you there myself.”
“*sigh* Fine.”
~ You always walk him and Ciel to school. Whether it be on your way to your own school, or just for fun. Their other friends always join them on the way, and talk to them. But Rio just stays with you. He prefers your calm, cool company the best. And he feels sort of safe walking with you.
~ Being like his big sister, it’s of course your job to annoy him as much as possible. He thought that having you as a friend would give him a break from teasing he gets from Ciel, but boy was he wrong.
“Ow! Did you just yank my ponytail?”
“Dunno. I was bored.”
“Ugh. You can be worse than Ciel sometimes.”
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acefms · 1 year
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if you’re hearing ANGELS by KHALID playing, you have to know RIVER JOHNSON (HE/HIM; CIS MALE) is near by! the 25 year old PROFESSIONAL FIGURE SKATER has been in denver for, like, FOUR YEARS. they’re known to be quite IMPULSIVE, but being EMPATHETIC seems to balance that out. or maybe it’s the fact that they resemble CHRISTOPHER BRINEY. personally, i’d love to know more about them seeing as how they’ve got those CONSTANT REMINDERS TO BREATHE, SUNLIGHT PEAKING THROUGH THE CURTAINS, A DOUBLE RAINBOW AFTER A LONG STORM, TOTE BAGS FILLED WITH POETRY BOOKS, SHARP BLADES GLIDING EFFORTLESSLY ACROSS ICE vibes. and maybe i’ll get my chance if i hang out around the WASHINGTON PARK long enough!
NAME: river johnson
AGE: twenty-five
BIRTHDAY: february 24th
ZODIAC: pisces
OCCUPATION: professional pairs figure skater
HOMETOWN: toronto, canada
SEXUALITY: pansexual, panromantic
POSITIVES: empathic, intuitive, creative, adaptable
NEGATIVES: impulsive, escapist, irrational, oblivious
trigger warnings include: abuse, alcoholism, adoption, bullying, homophobia.
• born and raised in toronto, canada, river was the second child to his biological parents. his mother would flee after giving birth to his younger sister, leaving her children with an alcoholic father who soon began to mistreat his children. river seemed to bare the brunt of his anger (and most of the physical violence), constantly being yelled at for being too sensitive, hit every time he showed a glimpse of negative emotion. always told he was too soft.
• this would continue until river turned seven, when finally the children were taken out of his care and sadly separated. river would go on to be adopted by a nice family, a new mother and father. It took a while for him to warm up, afraid to even speak for the first few months of living with them, but eventually they’d come to be the only true home he’d ever known.
• his adoptive mother is a retired professional figure skater turned coach, and as soon as river showed his first sign of interest, she worked with him almost every day, teaching him new skills. it didn’t take long for him to pick it up, a certain level of solace found as he lost himself on the ice. he had a lot of catching up to do, but he was committed from the start.
• as soon as he was ready, he began to compete competitively, and slowly built up more confidence. after a few years of solo skating, he was paired up with his skating partner and they’ve been competing together ever since with a great deal of success.
• being adopted and a figure skater unfortunately made high school unbearable. it felt like no matter what he did, there was always someone with something mean to say. river managed to keep his kindness and made it through. thankful when that time of his life came to an end, and for the few friends that had gotten him through that time period.
• he moved to denver four years ago when his skating partner did. he came to visit with no intention of staying, yet couldn't seem to leave. so far it’s going well but he often misses life in canada and constantly feels a little homesick.
headcannons | extra info.
• he loves poetry. he writes a little, but he doesn’t consider himself to be good at it by any means. owns multiple poetry books scattered around his apartment.
• if he’s not at the ice rink you will find him at sloan lake like, 80% of the time. he likes to sit by the water and enjoy the calmness of it all.
• winter is his favourite season. there’s something very familiar and comforting about the cold. absolutely the first person you’ll see outside of it’s snowing. struggles in the heat, but he tries his best to enjoy it and not complain too much.
• over-ear headphones and baggy jumpers for the win. literally always has to rewind an audiobook or song because somewhere in the middle his train of thought goes elsewhere and he’s missed the best part.
• makes up the words when he doesn’t know a part of a song, will end up singing those wrong lyrics for the rest of time.
• more tba.
wanted/possible connections.
skating partner — his literal best friend in life, they are so in tune with one another and are able to pick up on things very easily. often get mistaken for dating, but they’re genuinely just so comfortable around one another because they’ve been skating with one another for over a decade and have to put a great deal of trust in one another. this person, realistically, would also originally be from canada.
adoptive parents — this is completely open so long as his adoptive mother is a former pro skater turned coach. river considers them both the parents he was always meant to have. they’re all very close and supportive of one another.
adoptive siblings — can also be adopted or can be the couples biological children. very open to plotting out different sibling dynamics.
biological siblings — once he was old enough his adoptive parents helped him reach out to them. again, open to plotting different dynamics.
ex — possibly from when he first moved to denver, probably the first real relationship he’s ever been in.
one night stand — not something he does often at all, so I imagine he is a little bit shy around this person still.
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acacia-may · 2 years
It's nice that you're trying to do some romance fics, even though you prefer writing friends and family. It's always good to try and train new things to write. If I may, since Nozel x Vanessa are my OTP (blame the fics XD), I would love to request them for your limited edition. I would love fluff and if possible, something with the headcanon children from the bingo, because I love it (also, wouldn't it be funny if the daughter named Acier is the one coming after Vanessa?). Thank you.
Hi there! Thank you so much for the request and the encouragement! I really appreciate it! 🥰 I’m so happy to hear that you enjoyed my headcanons so much as well (I was also thinking that it would be fun if Acier was the one who took after her mother 😄). This was my first ever attempt writing for Vanessa and Nozel so I hope it has turned out alright. 💦
I apologize that it is a bit short--I am still practicing these more romantic stories and this was my first time writing for this pairing. 😅Domestic Fluff is a great genre though so I was excited to give it a try! I hope you will like it. 💖
Since it's short, I have put it right here below the cut.
Word Count: 735
No Warnings Only Fluff! Thanks for reading!
The newly risen sun streamed in through the windows as Vanessa hummed in her sleep nestling closer to her husband, Nozel. They surely would have peacefully slumbered for many more hours on this quiet and still morning if it had not been for the loud thumping of footsteps which came bounding boisterously into the room and their children who climbed up onto the bed. 
Yawning groggily, Nozel stretched—his eyes fluttering open to stare at his young daughter, Acier, who was bouncing joyfully up and down on his legs and exclaiming excitedly, “Wake up! Wake up! It’s my birthday!”
“It’s my birthday too, you know?” huffed her twin sister, Gwendolyn.
Acier, however, seemed to ignore her—the short, pink waves of her hair bobbing on her shoulders as she repeated just as enthusiastically, “Wake up! Wake up! Let’s go open presents!”
Vanessa laughed scooping up Acier in her arms and tickling her causing her to burst out into raucous laugh that sounded like a much louder, much more energetic version of her father's—on the rare occasions he used his that is. “And who says there are any presents for you?” Vanessa teased.
“Don’t be ridiculous, Mom” answered Gwendolyn with a serious expression far beyond her years as she sat down between her parents. “It’s our birthday. There have to be presents.”
“She is so much like you, it’s scary sometimes,” Vanessa laughed, winking at her husband before she affectionately ruffled Gwendolyn’s silver hair.
Nozel tilted his head pointedly at his wife, but a smile tugged at the corners of his mouth before he turned to his daughter. “Of course there are presents. Your mother is just teasing.”
“I knew that,” Acier insisted with a confident nod. “Can we go open them now? Please, Dad…” Her eyes widened as she begged him, and Nozel sighed.
“We’re going to have a special birthday dinner and cake later—”
“Dinner?” Acier interrupted. “But that’s so long from now…”
Nozel sighed again. “You can open your presents then.”
“If there are any presents…” chimed his wife with a playful smile. “Perhaps you didn’t get any this year.”
“Stop it, Mom,” interjected Gwendolyn jokingly though clearly growing a bit worried.
Nozel turned to Vanessa with an almost-affectionate roll of his eyes, but her smile was so bright that he couldn’t help but play along. “Well…there is one way to find out. Why don’t you go downstairs and see if there just might be a present for you waiting in the foyer…”
“Come on!” called Acier as she bounded off the bed and out of the room.
“Don’t let her get there first, Gwendolyn,” encouraged Vanessa with a playful tap on her nose and an affirming smile which her daughter returned before she ran off after her sister.
Once she had disappeared through the doorway, Nozel sighed and leaned back against the bed frame for a moment with a yawn before he said dryly, “Don’t you want to see if there really are presents downstairs?”
Vanessa made quite the show of pretending to thoughtfully consider it before she laughed and gave him a gentle kiss on the cheek, “That was a great idea to set up their dollhouses last night. I knew you couldn’t wait to give those to them. You get more excited about presents than our daughters, don’t you?”
Though his cheeks flushed a tint of pink, Nozel’s mouth twitched into the slightest smile as he conceded, “Perhaps.”
“Well, that’s great news because I have a present for you,” his wife teased.
Nozel quirked an eyebrow at her. “A present for me? On our daughters’ birthday? How does that make sense?”
“Just happened to time out that way,” shrugged Vanessa with a brightening smile.
“Are you going to tell me what this present is?”
“Perhaps,” Vanessa replied in her playful impression of him before she kissed him and climbed out of bed to put on her robe. “But if we don’t hurry, we will have missed our girls opening their presents.”
“I thought you said there weren’t any presents…” he answered with a dry, deadpan humor that made Vanessa laugh.
“Well, I guess, we’ll just have to go see,” she teased with a wink. “But I do know of one present for sure…” She leaned in close to his face and whispered with the brightest of smiles before she bounded off after their daughters, “I’m pregnant.”
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icingsweet · 2 years
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CAT, 28, GMT;  SHE/THEY. if you’re hearing JUST A GIRL by NO DOUBT playing, you have to know ALICE EVANS (SHE/HER; DEMIGIRL) is near by! the 26 year old BAKER AND INSTAGRAMMER has been in denver for, like, SIX YEARS. they’re known to be quite STRESSED, but being GENTLE seems to balance that out. or maybe it’s the fact that they resemble BREE KISH. personally, i’d love to know more about them seeing as how they’ve got those ROSY CHEEKS, FAIRY LIGHTS, AND BELIEVING IN LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT.  vibes. and maybe i’ll get my chance if i hang out around the THE WOODS long enough!
Sweet Encounter, on Old South Gaylord Street, is a small and modern bakery. It’s known for their fresh bread and, more recently, their cupcake bouquets. There is a small seating area for four. Wheelchair accessible. Takeout and gift cards are available.
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NAME: alice evans
NIKNAMES: none (please give her some!)
AGE: twenty-six.
BIRTHDAY: may 14th, 1996.
ETHNICITY: african-american (maternal grandmother) and white.
GENDER AND PRONOUNS: demigirl, she/they.
SEXUALITY: demisexual.
OCCUPATION: baker and co-owner at sweet encounter.
FAMILY: gina evans (mother, alice and her siblings kept her mother’s name) anthony berry (father) barry tills (step-father) rudi gilbert (uncle) and unnamed eight siblings.
OTHER CONNECTIONS: none (please give her some!)
HAIR COLOUR: ginger.
EYE COLOUR: brown.
HEIGHT: 157cm / 5 foot 2 inches.
TATTOOS: a fat roll back piece of two flowers [REFERENCE]
PIERCINGS: lobe piercings on each side and left-side nose piercing.
MISC: has freckles and gapped front teeth.
bakery employees!
crushes (can be unrequited!)
people they’d meet who come to the bakery often!
people she’s met on either instagram (cooking or photography)!
Alice was born and raised in Cambridge, United Kingdom, to an American mother originally from Denver and a British father. Throughout her childhood and teenage years, the family routinely visited their mother’s family and Alice has always had a strong bond with her family members who live there, especially her uncle Rudi who she connected with on a creative level.
Coming from a big family, the middle child of eight, Alice often felt overshadowed and as though more attention goes towards their siblings. She was never the most academic nor the most rebellious so most of the time she felt invisible.
Once finishing high school, Alice decided not to go to college and instead accept the full-time job offer from the local bakery where she had already been working weekends. Despite it being early hours and hard on their feet, she loved it. While her job was going great she couldn’t help but shake the feeling of wanting to be somewhere else. Somewhere where she wanted to feel appreciated and heard. That meant Uncle Rudi. And after confiding in their Uncle, who said there’s a place for her here, that’s all it took to convince Alice to pack her bags. Having dual nationality made it a breeze. Logically. 
Alice has general anxiety and a stutter. Some of the things that trigger her anxiety are being in places that they’re not familiar with, in crowded places, and when too many people focus on her talking at once. It made going to America daunting and at one point she thought it was a mistake. Slowly but surely she got used to Denver but still hasn’t explored all the places it has to offer. 
She runs a successful Instagram account where they post the creations she makes at home alongside fashion and general posts which align with her aesthetic  — cake rolls of various colours with iced designs on them, cupcakes the shape of mushrooms, tea parties she’s set, and nature she finds around the city!
Photography is a big passion of hers. She has a side Instagram where she posts the photographs she takes (including that of their pet rabbit, ricecake). They particularly enjoy portraits of other people to celebrate body diversity and acceptance. 
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lindsaywesker · 2 years
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Good morning! I hope you slept well and feel rested? Currently sitting at my desk, in my study, attired only in my blue towelling robe, enjoying my first cuppa of the day. Happy Hump Day!
Apologies that I was unable to do a live version of Too Much Information Tuesday. I have to be out the door early on a Tuesday morning; class starts at 9.30. The new term was a bit of a shock to my system, not helped by more rain and some more of that wicked wind whistling around my trouser legs! Thankfully, I had two classes full of high-quality students. This is the test, isn’t it? Survive this weather and spring is your reward. Leave home in the dark, come home in the dark. Depressing! Thank goodness I have a great weekend ahead of me; alongside my brothers Shaquille Darren, Joe Cox and Patrick Steele, I am playing music at a private, birthday party on Saturday. Yes, the birthday girl does have friends in high places!
Sadly, 2023 has begun as 2022 ended: the winter of discontent continues. Health secretary Steve Barclay didn’t want to talk about pay rises but said that doctors and nurses should “increase their productivity”. No one wants to negotiate with the RMT. Probably because they know Mick Lynch is smarter than them! Fishy Ballsack wants to outlaw strikes. Camilla The Home-Wrecker is trying to destroy another family; consorting with misogynists such as Clarkson and Morgan. Shops, restaurants and bars are going out of business, house prices are coming down. Ooh, I wonder why? Highest taxation for 70 years, national debt over £2 trillion, public services in ruin, 22,000 NHS beds & 140 A&E Hospitals axed, infrastructure crumbling, poverty skyrocketing. How depressed does the UK need to become? At what point will someone realise that consumer confidence is in the toilet? At what point will somebody realise that The Specials wrote a song about this 40 years ago? Many parts of the UK are like a ghost town.
During Tr*mp’s presidency, at all the celebratory rallies, he wheeled out these two vociferous black women called Diamond & Silk. Probably to try and convince black people that he wasn’t racist? (Really, Donny??) These two would stand on stage and all of Donny’s followers would cringe, because they hate black people as much as Donny. They spent a huge amount of time telling everyone that C*vid-19 was a “hoax” and preaching a strong, anti-v*x message. Anyway, Diamond (Lynette Hardaway) passed away yesterday. Cause of death: C*vid-19.
Covering for my brother Craig Williams today on Mi-Afternoons. As ever, The Request Hour is between 2.00-3.00. What do you want to hear? Get your requests in NOW, so I can make sure I bring them to the studio.
Have a wonderful and well-endowed Wednesday. I love you all. Yes, a crazy, bald man loves and cares about you.
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dani-dimitrescu · 2 years
RULES.  repost, don’t reblog. tag ten.
TAGGED.  Stole it.
TAGGING. Just do the thing if you want to.
FULL NAME.  Daniela Dimitrescu (former:  Valeria Lois Lupei)
NICKNAME.   Dani, Fruitfly, Firefly
AGE.  90+
BIRTHDAY.  April 1931/January 1950
LANGUAGE.  Romanian, Italian, English, German, French
RELATIONSHIP STATUS.   Single (except in one verse)
CLASS.  Upper class
HOME TOWN / AREA.  Unnamed Village in Romania
CURRENT HOME.  Castle Dimitrescu
PROFESSION.  Spoiled youngest daughter (xD)
HAIR.  Red
EYES.   Gold, with hints of Green in her right eye (former blue and green)
BLEMISHES.   Heterochromia
SCARS.   Long scar on the left side of her heads
TATTOOS.   Rose on her forehead
HEIGHT.   5′5″ (human)  7'2" (Current)
WEIGHT.   confidential
USUAL HAIR STYLE.   Straight/Sidecut
USUAL CLOTHING.  Dresses,  High Heels
FEAR.  Death, losing control,  abandonment
ASPIRATION.   Marry a beautiful girl to share her indefinite love with. (hopeless romantic)
POSITIVE TRAITS.  Humorous, Loyal, Imaginative, Adventurous, Romantic
NEGATIVE TRAITS.    Possessive, Nosy, Jealous, Rebellious, Reckless, Scatterbrained
MBTI.    ENFP:The Enthusiasts
ZODIAC.   Aries
TEMPERAMENT.    Your temperament is sanguine. The sanguine temperament is fundamentally spontaneous and pleasure-seeking; sanguine people are sociable and charismatic. They tend to enjoy social gatherings, making new friends and tend to be boisterous. They are usually quite creative and often daydream. However, some alone time is crucial for those of this temperament. Sanguine can also mean sensitive, compassionate and thoughtful. Sanguine personalities generally struggle with following tasks all the way through, are chronically late, and tend to be forgetful and sometimes a little sarcastic. Often, when they pursue a new hobby, they lose interest as soon as it ceases to be engaging or fun. They are very much people persons. They are talkative and not shy. Sanguines generally have an almost shameless nature, certain that what they are doing is right. They have no lack of confidence.
FATHER.  (former:  Alexandru Lupei)
MOTHER.   Alcina Dimitrescu / (former: Dakaria Lupei)
SIBLINGS.  Bela and Cassandra / (former: Fabiu Lupei)
EXTENDED  FAMILY.  Mother Miranda, Donna Beneviento, Angie, Karl Heisenberg, Salvatore Moreau
NAME MEANING.    God is my judge
BOOKS.   Romances
MOVIES.  Has never seen a movie
MUSIC.  Classical and Jazz
DEITY.   Venus
MONTH.   June
SEASON.    Summer
PLACE.  Library
WEATHER.   Warm and sunny
SOUND.  The sound a body makes when it falls from great height, Rain
SCENT.   Blood, Lavender, Roses, 
TASTE.   Blood, Fruits, Cake
FEEL.   smooth marble, warm skin
ANIMAL.   Bats
NUMBER.   11
COLOR.   Green
TALENTS.   Singing
BAD  AT.  Dancing, Hunting, Empathy
TURN  ONS.   Blood, neck kisses, hugs from behind.....
TURN  OFFS.   rude behaviour, being ignored......
HOBBIES.   Reading
TROPES.     Alliterative Name,  Beware the Silly Ones,  Evil Cannot Comprehend Good,  Flirting Under Fire,  Psychopathic Manchild,  Villains Want Mercy,  Actually Not a Vampire,  Ambiguous Situation,  Artificial Family Member, Alphabetical Theme Naming,  Assist Character,  Blonde Brunette Redhead,  Cute Monster Girl,  Dark Action Girl, Daywalking Vampire, Delinquent Hair,  Excessive Evil Eyeshadow, Facial Markings,  Flies Equals Evil, Happily Adopted,  Humanoid Abomination,  Leitmotif,  One to Million to One,  Shout-Out,  Sibling Team, Sinister Scythe,  Statuesque Stunner,  Synchronized Swarming,  Villainous Breakdown,  Was Once a Man,  Weaksauce Weakness,  The Worm That Walks
 AESTHETICS.  Vampire, Victorian Goth
MAIN  FC. Nataliia Kubyshyn 
VOICE  CLAIM.   Nicole Tompkins
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tallmantall · 2 months
James Donaldson on Mental Health - Helping Young Children Who Are Socially Anxious
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James Donaldson on Mental Health - Helping Young Children Who Are Socially Anxious Tips for helping reluctant children join in play and group activities Writer: Katherine Martinelli What You'll Learn - What kind of situations are hard for shy or anxious kids? - What tools can families use to help children feel more comfortable around other kids? - Quick Read - Full Article - Adjust expectations - Break it down - Knowledge is power - Baby steps and praise - Find a buddy - When to push, and when to cool it - Find your tribe Some kids have trouble joining in with other kids. It can be especially hard for shy, anxious or sensitive kids. Often, they feel overwhelmed by big groups. Even if they want to play, they don’t know how to break the ice and join in. A lot of times, once they get past the hard beginning part, they have a good time. And sometimes when they just sit on the sidelines, they’re still having fun. As a parent, it’s hard to watch your kid struggle to fit in with the group. But struggling doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with your kid or with you as a parent. Just like grown-ups, some kids are more outgoing than others. There are some simple things you can do that can really help your kid. The first step is figuring out what the hard thing is for them. It might be saying bye to Mom or Dad before joining a group. Or maybe they’re overwhelmed by the big group of kids. Once you understand the problem, you can brainstorm solutions. For example, some kids have trouble going up to a new kid and saying “Hi, my name is so-and-so. What do you like to play?” Practicing that little “script” with your kid can give them the confidence they need to go up to a new kid. Role-playing difficult things at home can help your kid feel less anxious about them, too. Another thing that helps a lot of kids is giving them an idea of how things will probably go at a certain event, like a birthday party or soccer game. Knowing what to expect makes it less scary for kids. Debbie Weingarten’s son has been going to the same school for three years, loves his teacher and friends, and has a great time once he’s there. But the five-year-old still struggles with drop-off and often cries when Weingarten leaves. Similarly at soccer — which he enjoys — he gets overwhelmed or upset several times a practice and runs off the field. For many kids, adjusting to social situations — whether it is a birthday party or a play date — can be challenging, even if they want to be there. Big groups of kids can be intimidating for even the most outgoing child, so for those who are sensitive or prone to anxiety it can make for a rocky transition. “My son is a highly sensitive person, and it takes him quite a long time to feel comfortable in new situations,” explains Weingarten. “I honestly can’t think of a single new situation that has been easy for him. He’s just not that kind of kid.” It can be painful to watch your child struggle in should-be-fun settings, but there are a few strategies — paired with a good dose of patience — that experts and fellow parents have found to be helpful. Adjust expectations If difficulty in social situations has become a pattern, it’s important to accept that this is part of your child’s personality, not a deficiency. “Just because lots of kids like birthday parties, it doesn’t mean that it’s some kind of comment on you or your child if they are more trepidatious,” says Rachel Busman, PsyD, a clinical psychologist. “I think just appreciating that is important, because parents can feel pressure to be like everybody else.” Weingarten, who also describes herself as sensitive, recalls as a child feeling some of the same feelings her son now has. Still, she admits, “as a parent, I would be lying if I said it wasn’t frustrating for me sometimes.” However, she tries her best not to express that frustration to her son. “I never want him to feel like something is wrong with him, or as though he’s defective in any way, or like his feelings aren’t real or legitimate.” For Emily Popek, rethinking her perception of fun for her five-year-old was key. “It made a difference to realize that just because she was sitting on the sidelines watching didn’t mean she wasn’t enjoying herself. She actually was! So honestly the key for me was just letting go of my own expectations of what her ‘enjoyment’ would — or should — look like.” Break it down Once you’ve established that there’s an issue, the next step, says Dr. Busman, is to “break down the situation so you can try to figure out what might be challenging for your child.” Is it separation? Meeting new kids? Being in a big group? Fear of the unknown? From there you can work on strategies to assist your kid. Knowledge is power One of the most effective things you can do is arm your child with as much knowledge as possible about the event. Go over where it will be, who will be there and what might happen. Scripting, role-playing and previewing are all excellent tools for the socially anxious kid. Kathy Radigan’s son — who is now an outgoing college freshman — was speech delayed as a child, which made him nervous about meeting new kids. “But he really wanted to play with kids,” Radigan recalls. “We used scripting to help him through those first few nervous moments. We would practice role playing,” she adds. “I would do social stories with him about a boy who went to the park and got nervous when he saw the kids.” The scripts Radigan rehearsed with her son were simple — things like “Hi, I’m Tom. What do you like to play?” She says this was usually enough to break the ice. Looking back, her son says that those early years of scripting and role-playing were a huge help. The effect of all this previewing and role playing is to make the activity feel less new and scary, so the child is not as easily overwhelmed when it comes time for the real thing. Although not every aspect can be predictable, getting the general sense can help kids feel much more comfortable. Baby steps and praise For kids who get nervous in social situations, it’s unrealistic to think that they’ll be able to just jump right in. They may benefit from arriving early or late, and will need to adjust at their own pace. Many will want to hang back for a while to observe before actively participating. “I work at giving my daughter time and permission to navigate the experience on her own terms,” explains Popek. “I’ll encourage her to take little steps out of her comfort zone, like starting out watching the other kids, then maybe moving closer, then playing nearby to the kids, then eventually actually playing with them.” Arriving early to scope things out can be another helpful tactic. “If we are going to a new group or activity,” says Weingarten, “it helps to get there fifteen minutes early so we can enjoy the space without the chaos of other kids and settle in slowly.” Dr. Busman suggests also being open with other parents about what’s going on. While it might feel awkward, it can be immensely helpful to give them a heads up that you might arrive early or late, for example, not out of rudeness but to help your child acclimate. “Most people are really nice,” reminds Dr. Busman, “and are going to say sure, whatever you need!” And of course every success — whether it’s sitting on the outskirts of a party or fully engaging — merits praise. It can be something simple like, “I love how you went over and sat down to have a piece of pizza.” As Dr. Busman points out, this is a much better tactic than getting into a power struggle about why they aren’t having a good time. Find a buddy Sometimes it can be as simple as finding common ground, or arriving with someone with whom your child is already comfortable. Most people feel more at ease entering new social situations with a partner, so why shouldn’t children? “A lot of kids will tell me they’ll go to practice for example, but only if they know someone who goes there,” explains Dr. Busman. “Which to me is like, alright, get him in the door. So let’s have a buddy.” Dawn Alicot’s six-year-old is shy until he gets to know people, and she says “sometimes I ease the transition in a larger group by introducing him to someone. I look for common ground.” For example, finding another kid with similar sneakers, or a favorite character on their shirt. After doing this for a while, Alicot says her son started doing it on his own and has successfully made friends this way. #James Donaldson notes:Welcome to the “next chapter” of my life… being a voice and an advocate for #mentalhealthawarenessandsuicideprevention, especially pertaining to our younger generation of students and student-athletes.Getting men to speak up and reach out for help and assistance is one of my passions. Us men need to not suffer in silence or drown our sorrows in alcohol, hang out at bars and strip joints, or get involved with drug use.Having gone through a recent bout of #depression and #suicidalthoughts myself, I realize now, that I can make a huge difference in the lives of so many by sharing my story, and by sharing various resources I come across as I work in this space.  #http://bit.ly/JamesMentalHealthArticleFind out more about the work I do on my 501c3 non-profit foundationwebsite www.yourgiftoflife.org Order your copy of James Donaldson's latest book,#CelebratingYourGiftofLife: From The Verge of Suicide to a Life of Purpose and Joy www.celebratingyourgiftoflife.com Link for 40 Habits Signupbit.ly/40HabitsofMentalHealth If you'd like to follow and receive my daily blog in to your inbox, just click on it with Follow It. Here's the link https://follow.it/james-donaldson-s-standing-above-the-crowd-s-blog-a-view-from-above-on-things-that-make-the-world-go-round?action=followPub When to push, and when to cool it As with so many things in parenting, there are times when it’s appropriate to gently push your child, and others when it’s time to back off. “There has to be a middle path,” says Dr. Busman. “Parents also need to have their own level of stress tolerance,” she says, since these things do take time and a lot of gentle nudging — and may result in the occasional meltdown. If a child doesn’t want to have play dates, for example, Busman suggests pushing but taking it slow by starting with the neighbor’s kid who is a little younger, having it on home turf or starting with very short intervals. Weingarten acutely understands the balance between making sure her son feels secure with pushing him ever so gently. “I do think we’re at a point,” she says, “where it’s healthy to nudge him out of the nest a little bit, while also understanding that it’s a process unique to him, and that his pacing will not match other kids.” Similarly, she knows when it’s time to throw up the white flag and retreat. Weingarten notes that “he can get worked up to the point of having physical symptoms — his socks will suddenly feel too tight, his shoes will hurt, his belly will hurt. I believe these sensations are real manifestations of his stress. I know that once he gets to that point, I need to stop and do something to reverse the situation so he can calm down and feel safe again.” If your child gets to this point, carrying on can be more detrimental in the long-term than pushing through. Find your tribe Don’t forget to take care of yourself, too. When it seems like everyone else’s kid can jump into social situations with ease it can feel isolating and exhausting. “I recommend finding someone else who understands,” urges Weingarten. “Another parent. Someone who can empathize with the challenges and the blessings of a child who is anxious or highly sensitive. I went to coffee with a mom from my son’s kindergarten who is also having some similar challenges, and it was such a relief just to talk to someone who gets it. We were able to talk about how frustrating it can be, but also how grateful we are to be raising such feelings-oriented little humans in a world that desperately needs sensitivity and empathy.” Read the full article
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haechanhues · 9 months
First, happy new year! I'm actually really excited for 2024 and hope you all are too! I'm just gonna share some moments of the year with you all (some are sad and there are trigger warnings just a psa but most of them are happy.)
tw : mentions of s****de and depression. animal death, surgery and weightloss, nsfw implications and mentions of smut. this is so long that i've just kind of scrapped this other idea i had...
My 23 for 23!
This is kind of a joint December 2022 - February 2023 effort but I wrote 'Just Say It'. It's my favourite smau I've ever written and like, the absolute love I got from it and love I had while writing it too.. Will never forget the feeling.
I also underwent surgery for the first time ever. I don't exactly hide from the fact that I've had it and I can't really anyway. i had weight loss surgery at the beginning of the year and my surgeon and everyone has been brilliant in the recovery process. It's also left me feeling a lot more confident and happy and just- I actually love it.
I wrote smut for the first time, like ever and the reviews were so positive about it. In all honestly there's quite a bit of terms that I feel gross about but too be honest, there's no better alternative. I'm learning and it still makes me kind of nervous BUT yeah.
I made a post about it, but in August we had to put down my cat, Quincy. He's been with me since I was 5 and I'm 23 so aging without him has been hard. He'll always be my best friend and my through thick and thin guy. I miss you so much, Senor Quincy. I miss those nicknames and you in general. Love you. Forever.
In saying that, my mum ended up getting two little kittens. One of which looks exactly like Quincy. His name is Pai (pronounced 'pie' - I first named him 'Percy' but he responded too well to Pai to not change the name) and the other 'Nala' (named after the Lion King). Pai is this social little guy who is too curious and nosy about the world and people around him whereas Nala is this loving and cuddly pretty soul who has the softest fur coat ever. Love them both very much. We also ended up getting a dog called 'Poi' who has completely opened our family up in a way that is different and interesting. Welcome to the family our babies. Your older fur brother would absolutely hate you but we love you enough for him.
I visited Rarotonga/Cook Islands during our Winter (June/July) for my cousin's birthday. We had beautiful food, I fell in love with 5 different guys and just, such a cool time. I started planning a girls trip after that. But, so fun. It was so fucking hot too my body was so confused.
I got a new laptop! After being able to stop using a laptop that relies on a constant state of charging and basically life support, it feels amazing.
On the flip side, my phone is going through it. I've had it for about 5 or 6 years now and it's now reached it's T-Minus days, for sure. The screen is barely holding on by a thread (not joking) Fun fact, but me and my brother got new phones at the same time and he's already gone through about 9 to my 1.
My friends!! I've made some new friends and new connections and stuff this year. I'm finally a part of a GC where my friends know each other (irl two of my friends absolutely fucking hate each other) and I talk in it! But I love it and them and just everyone.
I've started watching The Sidemen on Youtube regularly. I love their humour and I know they're not for everyone but I really enjoy watching them. They're who I watch when I take a break from Kpop and just..they're great.
I went back onto SSRIs and I did partake in therapy for awhile because I was really down in the dumps. i cut a part of my hair at the back and if that isn't a cry for help. Like, my state of health...my neglect of haircare and the disinterest in life and all in it, it scared me. But I'm doing a lot better and I hope you are too.
Girl groups have this chokehold on me lately. Like, the amount of fondness I have for them right now is insane. Discographies, songs etc. They're tearing up the music industry at the moment for me right now. Women in general. Like yess.
I rewatched some of my favourite shows/movies and I loved it all the same. The Empress is an amazing German show, I've loved it as much as when I watched it the first time. Enola Holmes has some of my favourite aesthetics and she's so pretty and smart and Tewksbury is a wonderful 'boy boy'. Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade is my fave out of the movie series. Again...such a cool aesthetic. Harry Potter was a needed rewatch this year and I loved it. Brooklyn...Just amazing. Love this.
My favourite in-New Zealand trips of the year... I went to Auckland and to a casino for the first time (randomly picking up my cousin who was hungover and going through it) I won over 1k that day. I went to Wellington to watch NCT Nation and told the whole cinema who my man was. I went to the yearly trip to my cousin's bach and even though it fucking pissed down until the last day. It was an amazing holiday as per usual.
My favourite books of 2023 that I read this year was; The Song Of Achilles - Madeline Miller (finally read it and it was amazing). Binding 13 - Chloe Walsh (The angst was so good). Book Of Days - Patti Smith (the inspiration awakening). Magnolia Parks - Jessa Hastings (some good stuff). Once Upon A Broken Heart - Stephanie Garber (that cliffhanger had me by the balls) and The High Mountain Court - A.K. Mulford (Perfection.)
I got the opportunity to do paid research for my iwi and for my people and to learn and enrich our knowledge and community. It's hard to explain by vague explanations but I don't want to go too much into detail.
My favourite Kpop songs were - 'I Don't Understand But I Luv U' by Seventeen, 'Eve, Psyche & The Bluebeard's Wife' by LE SSerafim, 'Ditto' by New Jeans, 'S-Class' by Stray Kids and 'Down (Juicy Juicy)' - Jo Yuri. I just realised it's a Hybe/JYP fest in here. But they were so addictive.
My favourite songs that weren't Kpop were - 'Collide' by Justin Skye, 'Agora Hills' by Doja Cat, 'Utua' by Maimoa, 'Greedy' by Tate McRae and 'Be Your Light' by Victor Ma. So pretty.
My favourite albums of the year were - 'GOT THE BEAT' by GOT THE BEAT. Rose was my favourite of the album. 'Dark Blood' by ENHYPEN. Woke my love up for them and the dance is fucking amazing. Background dancers and without. Chaconne is my favourite. 'Playgirl' by Lolo Zouai. Such a pretty voice. My favourite is a choice between 'Picking Berries', 'Open The Door' 'VHS' and 'Crazy Sexy Dream Girl'. 'The World Ep. FIN' by ATEEZ. My BOYS. Started the year with them and finished the year with them. Favourite song off the album is still undecided but Crazy Form is part of my daily. 'Unlock My World' by Fromis_9. Love the album. My Night Routine. Attitude. Prom Night. Beautiful voices. Insane. '3 Of Us' by FLO. New addition to my favourite Western groups but holy shit welcome to my heart.
My favourite movies; Howls Moving Castle (bully me about it - why didn't you watch it earlier?), All Quiet On The Western Front (so fucking sad and heartbreaking), Coco Reo Maori (good movie and the fact it's in Te Reo Maori? Fucking AMAZING. The Black Phone (not a horror movie girly, but such a good movie and I'm obsessed). It (again, not a horror movie girly but Loser Squad <3)
My favourite shows (not Asian); Ginny and Georgia, Grown-Ish, The Time Traveller's Wife, The Summer I Turned Pretty and Love 101.
My favourite Asian dramas; Love In The Air (the hottest show I've ever seen), Twinkling Watermelon, Hidden Love, When I Fly Towards You and Himitsu No Ai Chan, Dangerous Romance. They're fucking masterpieces.
I'm sorry to end this on a sad note but Christmas Eve, my cousin committed su***de and it was hard to climb over the wall grief had built about it. His older sister told me all these lovely things and it was the first kind of cry I had over him. I'm a little angry but also sad. It's hard because then I got COVID.
Welcome, 2024!
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icysab · 11 months
Hi beautiful 🥰
I'm nana 💗
I would like to request txt matchup my info ⬇️
- INFP-T  / hufflepuff
My big 6 :
-Sun Aries 6h
-Moon Virgo 11h
-Rising Libra
-Mercury Pisces 5h
-Venus Aries 6h
-Mars Pisces 5h
my height is 164CM I'm in the chubby side
I have very dark brown eyes they are almost black i have 5 beauty marks in my face and one dimple that appears with the smallest expression i wear glasses they have golden frame .
my hair is short black hair and it's curly it's cute when i style it but if i didn't do that it's chaos 🥲
i get called cute most of the time by my friends and family
I'm very clumsy person and i lose my way easily so i need to learn the the stress for the places i need to go to well before i actually go out alone
My dad is always scared for me getting lost or someone tricking me because i believes ppl easily 😬
I love spring and fall weather
I like to wear black and dark colors clothes most of my time i feel comfortable in them
I have very very dark brown eyes they are almost black
I'm an only girl between 4 boys and so think i have more musclen energy than feminine energy .
I have a happy go personality 99% of the time i didn't like myself when i fall in my sad moments every once in while and i isolate myself form the world .
I can act like a mature person if needed but i enjoy been childish and annoyin my younger siblings I'm 100% sure i give their boring life some nice zest .
i can also be a responsible and dependent person my friends call me the mom of the group because you can find almost anything you will need in my bag and i make sure they are okay at home by the end of the day if we go out together
I like to cook and bake for my family and friends .
Watch them eat my food and enjoying it makes me happy  .
I'm normally shy if i don't know the people arund me i will be awkward smiling and staying quiet but the moment i feel comfortable with someone i will be loud talkative and very energetic .
I can speak 3 languages for know and I'm learning the 4th one
I get scared easily even by my shadow but i don't like to show it and the only very close people to me can see that side of me  because of that some people think I'm brave and they are so wrong .
I have weird habit if i feel pain i will start to laugh because i don't want to look weak i think because i grow up with boys and they make me dislike my soft side and showing emotions as grown up right now I'm working on the issues they give me as the middle child .
if i ask someone to help me with something and they say no or  make me wait a little long i don't need that help anymore i will do it myself and i will be angry for a bit .
I learn new hobby evry summer some of them are very enjoyable
Some of the hobbies i enjoyed are
1 makes Parfums i made a very nice Parfum for my mom and she get a lot of compliments on it for months but sadly i couldn't remake it because i didn't used any measurements i just go with my feelings
2 i love making accessories specially earrings i made a lot for my friends birthday and my cousins lucky they love it
3 this summer i start making stuff with clay
My first few dishes wasn't so great luckily the last one is my best work for know it's nice strong dish and i was using it for few weeks it's holding well .
Style wise i think i started to dress up better this summer i feel like i started to figure out what is working for me slowly and it's make me a little more confident in myself .
I do think I'm coffee addict it seriously makes my day better .
I really don't know what exactly I'm looking in future partner but i want someone different than me who completes me in good way and is calm person because i get angry easily 😅
That's all i can think about
I hope this request isn't annoying or uncomfortable for you
I really hope life is going nicely for you and you're having a happy and joyful days
Thank you so much for everything beautiful
this was so difficult woah because i could really see you with all the boys, but i’m going to have to go with taehyun!! i think he would find you ABSOLUTELY adorable, and i can picture such a cute, domestic, + fluffy relationship <33. i think his calm nature would compliment you so well, and i think he would be so endeared by your tendency to get scared easy (particularly because he’s the same way)
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