#to n sewell especially
agentnatesewell · 1 year
N Sewell Theory: Tier X
There has been much speculation and even more discussion of what N’s yet-to-be-revealed second and more powerful Tier X power is. Special thank you to my friends that I’ve had so many talks with about this!
My prediction is that their Tier X power is some sort of emotional transference. Whether that be that N’s emotions sort of mixing in or that something happens to heighten the emotions or the raw, deep emotions are bared and come to light. How it would work I’m not sure but something in these realms.
Some of it may be mediated by touch. A reason N is careful with their hands, shoving them into their pocket when feeling some big emotion (good or bad). You can pick it out when they’re around A and for them, I think there’s some back and forth.
The best example comes from book one - Kate Hayes. While the vampires do use their pheromones, with N, she doesn’t have this momentary respite from grieving, she tells them to find the person who killed her son. A tumblr ask does mention that N’s emotions can sometimes mix in, as it did with Kate (and maybe even N’s own grief over what happened go Garret). You don’t see it in b3 with Addie’s parents likely because the sun weakening the vampires’ abilities - but you do see N outwardly mournful of what happened to Addie, unable to interview her parents.
Book two, the mirror scene. Which I always thought was an example of their newly-turned and tier X powers sort of at a peak. Heightened emotions, anger, ire, a vicious cycle. Plus, whoever turned them was likely on the ship causing mass chaos and disaster.
There is an interesting N / Rebecca POV unseen scene on the Patreon that shows another example.
May be why they purposely take in half a ration of blood rather than the full that they need.
Now all of that said, I do believe they do not use this power to the best of their abilities. Certainly not on the detective (the detective is immune to it, anyway). A tumblr ask did say that N prefers not to use their pheromones, and that they’d rather use their charm and suaveness in lieu of. Experts in reading people, body language.
Plus, I know there’s been a lot of thought that their tier x power could be mind control or something - tumblr ask ruled out any sort of psychic power.
Now, I could absolutely be wrong in this! This is just speculation. We won’t know until we read it in the books. I anticipate that we’ll find out in book 3.
If you’ve made it this far. Thank you, I love you. Please be gentle.
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So lately I’ve been having Wayhaven Chronicles brain rot and I planned on making bracelets to wear while at my local Pride festival so I was like why not and made bracelets inspired by Unit Bravo 🥳
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nat-seal-well · 21 days
I am, once again, thinking about N Sewell and one of their favorite books, Great Gatsby (which is also one of my favorite books). This is also partially inspired by the bonus content that was posted a few days ago! It's been on my mind ever since. Because of that, and because it’s more of a ramble than anything else, I’m putting the rest of this post under the break. 
One big part of N’s character that intrigues me is the way they cling to their humanity. Or rather, whatever is left of it. They’ve spent so much of the last three centuries holding on as tight as they can to what they used to be, and it carries over into their love for reading and stories—which is also one of the main themes of Great Gatsby: holding onto the past, even when it kills you. Gatsby has spent years stubbornly holding onto the memories of the relationship he used to have with Daisy that his perception of the truth has been completely skewed. All he cares about is stopping time and turning back the clock. (There’s even a quote about it. “Can’t repeat the past? Why, of course you can!” And the tea scene, which is a personal favorite.)
He’s hung all of his hopes on having her again; we all know she’s the green light he keeps reaching for. (And the color green symbolizes so many things: wealth, prosperity, envy, to name a few that fit.) To Gatsby, Daisy is the living embodiment of all his desires. He isn’t in love with her so much as he is in love with the idea of her; she’s become a sort of status symbol to him. Something to project his desires onto. If he can have her, it means he’s achieved all he’s ever wanted. The wealth, the high-class life, the privilege, all of these things he’s been hungry for and has devoted himself to obtaining. 
Similarly, turning was something that N never wanted. Having their mortality taken from them is a wound that has never healed, even after all these years; partially due to their own avoidance. N enjoys cooking. They eat human food. They lose themself in their books and the stories they adore so much, and all because they can’t handle the truth of their reality. N dives into their beloved stories with so much romanticism because it’s easier than facing what’s real, just as they play at still being human. 
Which is part of what makes their relationship with the Detective in the romance route so interesting to me. Time and time again, we’ve seen the way N latches onto the Detective’s humanity. N makes off-hand (and presumptuous) comments about the Detective becoming a vampire in the future, and yet at the same time admits to themself that they don't want them to turn. N treasures their mortality and it’s easy to interpret part of that as them projecting onto the Detective; they don’t want what happened to them to happen to their partner. It is, in a way, N’s own method of stopping time and fixing the past. That isn’t to say that N doesn’t love the Detective, because they do, but there are definitely some parallels between the relationship they share with the Detective, and the one Gatsby and Daisy have. Green is even N’s color; we see them wearing it all the time. 
N’s inability to face the truth is also reminiscent of our iconic narrator, Nick Carraway. Though he claims to be “one of the few honest men he has ever known,” he has an enormous blind spot when it comes to himself and to Gatsby. Despite how he insists on giving an unbiased opinion on the events that unfold, there’s an undeniable favoritism to his neighbor. Nick also plays a hand in setting up the affair between Gatsby and Daisy, and judges the people he interacts with throughout the book. Setting himself up as “honest” and unbiased—merely an outside spectator, nothing more—in the beginning only makes it easier for him to swallow everything that happens later on, even when they become unacceptable. Especially when this clearly isn’t the case, and he’s involved far more than he’s willing to, or capable of, admitting. 
That kind of denial can be dangerous—not unlike how the idealist and romantic parts of N are equally enchanting as they are a concern. In their own way, N is just as unreliable as Nick. (Remember the, “Not with my own hands, no,” answer they give the Detective, after being asked if they’ve ever taken a life?) N prefers the dreamy notions found between the pages of their books and the denial of the part they ever played aboard The Queen’s Sabre over the cold and unsavory truth, even three hundred years after it happened. Just as they continue to pretend to still be human. 
But you can’t hold onto the past forever, and you can’t keep lying to yourself. Blatant denial can only go so far, especially not when you have an eternity to live. Sooner or later you have to let go—or they will drown you. I’m just very interested in seeing the path N’s route takes in the future books. Their intentional avoidance could very well lead to their undoing (or at least a very fun read). They can learn how to face the truth, face the facts of what they’ve done and what they are… or they can let their stubbornness destroy them, and bring the Detective down with them. 
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grapecaseschoices · 4 months
1 and 3 for the fanfic questions?
Really good OC a writer has come up with
I had read this wrong and thought this was supposed to be me goiing to reblogger's inbox and doing tthis, haha. Whoops.
How do I pick ONE oc, from ONE writer? LMAO.
Okay, I'm going to random generate this. LMAO.
Generator picked @ava-du-mortain. And Pap's ocs, I really like monster-fucker science babe Anya and sweet but strong Ari.
Hope to see more of them in the future!
3. Headcanon you've adopted from a writer
I don't even fucking know. But I will say any of my N Sewell understandings probably come from @agentnatesewell, @wayhavenots, @nat-seal-well, @dumortains, and @ava-du-mortain
If they were to tell me a concept of theirs re: Nat/e was canon I'd believe them. I feel they all ... shine a spotlight on a character I don't particularly know that well and don't fully understand. And though I do have my view of N [which is probably more unfavorable then theirs lmao], I won't lie and say that their knowledge isn't insightful. Pearl and Pap especially have helped me re: writing/mentioning N in fic and edits. So I'm grateful for it. And it's fun to read their metas/see what they like about the character.
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beedreamscape · 1 year
Ring of Brass Fancast
LAERRYN; Jessica Williams
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Definitely not my original idea, I saw somebody here on tumblr mention her and wow, perfect! AND she's tall! It's a win for me.
LOQUATIUS; Gerhard Freidl with flavors of Alan Cummings and Buster Keaton
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This gif doesn't begin to demonstrate how beautiful this man is. The second I looked at him my brain screamed Loquatius!
EVANDRIN; Evgeny Schwartz
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Idk this guy looks so sad and it's so endearing... Evandrin in my head would be him but with a lot more muscle on them bones and that long half-elven hair
PATIA; Cate Blanchet, with touches of Jessica Chastain (especially in that xmen movie) n Catherine Denueve.
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I mean, com'on! I don't think I've seen any fanart of him that doesn't straight up pictures Luis.
NYDAS; Lakeith Stanfield
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Look at this profile... look at the brow tattoo...
CERRIT; Rufus Sewell
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I could very well use Travis himself as a faceclaim but I wanted to use someone that looked more haunted by horrors.
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serenpedac · 1 year
Get to Know the Blogger
The wonderful @serial-chillr tagged me for this and @cleverblackcat tagged me for a very similar thing some time ago (so I’m tagging you here, Cat, I hope that’s okay ^^). Thank you both!
Share your wallpaper: Going with my lockscreen wallpaper for this. Have a beautiful open star cluster located in NGC 3603 (HST image, credits NASA)
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Last song you listened to: Don’t Pray For Me by Within Temptation. I like the handful of songs from this EP more than pretty much anything from their previous two albums, so I have high hopes for their new album! Especially this song hit hard the first time I heard it.
Currently reading: The Priory of the Orange Tree by Samantha Shannon and Feminisms: A Global History by Lucy Delap. I also have The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue lying around, because Bunny recommended it, but until I finish The Priory, I am only looking at that one
Last movie: Oh! I actually have an answer for this: Everything Everywhere All At Once. Went to the cinema for the first time in years and I enjoyed it a lot.
Last show: The BBC adaptation of His Dark Materials. Despite knowing how it would end, I ended up sobbing just as much as when I first read the books as a 14 year old.
Craving:  Writing inspiration and motivation
What are you wearing right now: Sweatpants and a loose blouse with a paisley pattern. Look, I got groceries and did the laundry, the rest of the day is for relaxing, haha
How tall are you: 1.76 m
Piercings: Just one in each earlobe, does that count?
Tattoos: None :’(
Glasses? Contacts? Neither
Last drink: Chai latte :3
Last thing you ate: Some cherry tomatoes
Favorite color: Blue and intense shades of red
Current obsession: No surprise here, it’s TWC, mainly Yael and Nate. His Dark Materials is also very much on my mind again.
Any pets: No, but one day, we’ll get a cat
Favorite fictional character: Hmm, N Sewell from TWC is the first who comes to mind. Honourable mention to Dragon Age’s Isabela, though. (I promise I do read books, but being in a fandom and thinking/reading/writing about characters for an extended period makes me appreciate them more, I guess?)
The last place you traveled: Munich, so not that far, still in Germany. Not for vacation, but I did visit a very nice exhibition on Gustav Klimt.
Tagging with no pressure at all to do this: @ejunkiet, @evilbunnyking, @grapecaseschoices, @griffin-wood, @plasticdodecagon​
If anyone else feels like doing this, consider yourself tagged as well ^^ I always like to get to know people, but find it hard to predict who might be interested in doing these things
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 8 months
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"RAFFLING FURNITURE TO PAY DEBTS, WRONG," Toronto Star. February 6, 1934. Page 36. --- Hard-Up Offender and Man Who Printed Tickets Get Warning ---- "I'm not going to make an example of the first one, but let all printers take notice of this and stop printing these sort of things," said Magistrate Jones in police court to- day as he withdrew a charge of printing lottery tickets against Harry Edwards. "I think that the one who prints the tickets should be prosecuted just as much as the one who runs the lottery," his worship observed.
Edwards was charged with printing draw tickets for Richard Armstrong. Evidence that he had done so was produced.
On a charge of conducting a lottery, Armstrong was remanded for sentence.
"Armstrong is married and has two children. He was raffling off his furniture to pay his debts," said an officer. He had 1,200 tickets printed and they were to be sold at 25 cents each. None had been sold."
Got Meals For Nothing Obtaining $2 by fraud from Wm. Symonds, resulted in John Brooks being sent to jail for three months. "He said he worked for a certain firm, and on the strength of the cheque he was going to get, he would go to boarding houses and get a meal," said Detective Johns. "He would say he wanted board and lodging, but he would have supper and not return.
"Guilty," pleaded Fred B. Jeffries, charged with the theft of a bicycle. "I sold it." he admitted, "but I don't know to whom." He had a long list of previous theft convictions.
"We will make it three to twelve months this time." said the magistrate.
No Funds For Cheque M. Sherman was charged with obtaining goods to the value of $11 from a department store by false pretences. He was remanded a week in custody.
"He gave us a cheque for goods," said a store detective. "We sent it to the bank and found there was no account."
"We will need another two months for this case," said Crown Attorney C. L. Snyder, referring to Percy Laurence, charged with criminal negligence. Accused was remanded until April 6 on $2,000 bail. Complainant. It was brought out, was in a plaster cast as a result of his Injuries.
Found Betting Slips "I entered a butcher store on Yonge St. last Thursday," said an officer. "I found a number of bet- ting slips. McKechnie said he had never made a bet in his life."
"He meant he had never held a bet in his life," said Austin Ross, counsel for Robert McKechnie, charged with recording bets or wagers. "Some friends came in and he placed bets for them. He never got any commission; all he got was this trouble."
"Well, how did the police come to go there?" queried the bench. "That's the milk in the cocoanut the n*gger in the woodpile," replied counsel.
"Well, it is the first butcher I have had," observed the magistrate. "so I will fine him $10."
Alleged to have struck Fong Soon over the head with a metal pipe, Fong Foo Hung, 44. Queen St.. was charged with wounding and was remanded until February 13.
Given Time to Settle Charged with theft of about $101 from B. L. Anderson Co., Robert Bowden was remanded until Feb. 13. "He collected insurance premiums and failed to turn in the proceeds," stated a company official.
Accused was given the week to make restitution.
Cute, Says Crown Attorney "I think that the steamship company are to blame for bringing such men here, especially during these times," said W. G. Sewell, counsel for Stanislaw Gwizd and Adam Forgat, charged with obtaining relief by fraud. "We can blame most of the trouble to their ignorance. They have a very low mentality."
"I think that is your best argument." remarked the magistrate. "I'll make it 30 days instead of the usual 90."
"I am not so sure about their low mentality." said the crown attorney. "These foreigners are about the cutest people there are." The charge was that Gwizd had a regular job and was also registered for relief, and also city relief work. Unable to leave his job, he gave Forgat his identification cards and car, and Forgat, acting as Gwizd, got the relief. The proceeds being split.
Sniffed Policemen "I smelled whiskey on the officer's breath, and when they took me to the station they beat me up." claimed Joseph Brett, an alleged "vag," in early court to-day. Brett was picked up by P.C. Ramsay and P.C. Stillwell last night at 8 o'clock on Castlefield Ave. His home, he said, was on York St.
"He was wandering aimlessly back and forth, peering into parked cars." testified an officer. "He said he was on his way to see a man on Strathailan Blvd. about a job, but he was going in the opposite direction."
"I haven't had a steady job for years," said Brett.
"Where did you get the money in your pocket?" queried Inspector Guthrie. "It was money I loaned to friends and that they were paying back to me."
"What, in nickels and dimes?" asked the inspector. "They weren't all nickels and dimes; I had a quarter." Brett protested. He was fined $10 or 10 days by Magistrate Tinker.
Stole While Begging John Hall, convicted of vagrancy, was sent to jail for 30 days. "I was watching him at Dufferin St. and St. Clair." said P.C. Gardiner. "I saw him stop a man and attempt to sell him there." producing a pair of candlesticks. I found that he had stolen them from J. Bradbury." "He came into my store and asked for a quarter," said Bradbury. "Then he lifted those articles."
John Thompson, caught "pan-handling" in a big hotel, was fined $10 or 10 days. "I had a license to peddle there," he said. "Only I forgot to take my goods."
Wilfred Knight was drunk-again. Ten dollars or ten days.
For begging from door to door on Davisville Ave., Alexander Hutton and Louis Davis were each fined $10 and costs or 30 days.
Has Two Residences "This is a case of a man having two residences and I'm satisfied I have no case against him." said J. A. Marshall, crown counsel, when Anthony Lanni was arraigned in liquor and traffic court on a charge of having liquor in an illegal place. Magistrate Browne withdrew the charge. "Watch your step," Mr. Marshall cautioned Lanni.
The court accepted a plea of guilty of "having" from Doris LaFrance, jointly charged with Mike Kornuta. They were alleged to have kept liquor for sale at 68 Pearl St. Kornuta was discharged.
Mr. Marshall explained that to prove a charge of keeping for sale he would be forced to cal a witness previously disapproved by Magistrate Browne, "Under these circumstances. I will be content with a plea of guilty to having," he stated.
Officers swore they found 17 quarts of beer and three part bottles of whiskey. Since January the permits seized by police revealed purchases of 228 bottles of beer and 27 quarts of spirits. Doris LaFrance was fined $100 and costs.
Hotel Owner Fined Mary Allan was assessed $200 and costs or three months for having liquor illegally in a Queen St. E. hotel. Her husband was discharged.
Police visited the hotel, which accused owns, and found a quantity of beer that had not been purchased on their permit.
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modern-marcos-tx · 10 months
San Marcos, TX, Has High Livability
San Marcos is a city with an above-average livability score. The score considers factors such as education, crime, cost of living, and residents' overall happiness. In all these aspects, San Marcos, TX, scores high. The cost of living in San Marcos is lower than the national average and most cities in the state. This means that the average housing, utilities, grocery items, transportation, healthcare, and miscellaneous goods and services are less expensive in San Marcos. Crime is less prevalent in the city, a significant advantage for residents. Education is also significant in San Marcos, especially if you have children. Overall, San Marcos is an excellent place to live compared to other cities in the state. 
Commercial roofing in San Marcos, TX
The top-rated residential and commercial roofing in San Marcos, TX, is the Prestige Metal Roofing Systems. It offers free estimates and financing options, and for over 15 years, this company's experts have provided a professional and reliable service. They are always on time and guarantee no property damage, temporary fixes, or hidden costs. They prioritize energy efficiency and environmental friendliness, and they are fully insured. Their workmanship is guaranteed, and they have extensive experience with residential roofs and commercial roofs, including assisting with insurance claims. So, if you have roof work to do, let the professionals from Prestige Metal Roofing Systems work for you. For more information, call 830-202-8631. 
Sewell Park
Sewell Park in San Marcos, Texas, is a popular destination for visitors because of its natural beauty, recreational activities, scenic views, and historical significance. It is situated along the San Marcos River, and the park offers swimming, kayaking, paddleboarding, tubing, lush vegetation, and green spaces. The park is home to abundant wildlife, including birds, turtles, and fish, and offers recreational activities like volleyball courts, basketball courts, designated picnic areas, and a dedicated playground for children. It has a long history as a gathering place for Texas State University students and serves as a venue for community events like concerts, festivals, and outdoor movie screenings. The park's dedication to preserving the natural beauty of the San Marcos River and its surrounding environment makes it a valuable asset to the community.
Sidewalk maintenance in San Marcos City was reviewed
The San Marcos City Council has reviewed the Sidewalk Maintenance and Gap Infill Program, initiated in 2013, after a community survey found sidewalks to have the lowest level of satisfaction. The program is determined through a three-field approach: identifying existing conditions, performing a Geographic Information System (GIS) analysis, and soliciting public feedback. Some of the suggestions are to give property owners 90 days' notice, set up a formal monitoring system for installed sidewalks, come up with a way to inspect and analyze trees before construction with regular follow-ups and come up with rules for installing sidewalks based on the character of the neighborhood and the distance of the structure from the property line.
Link to maps
Sewell Park 601 University Dr, San Marcos, TX 78666, United States Head north toward TX-82 Loop S 125 ft Turn left onto TX-82 Loop S 0.3 mi Use the right lane to turn slightly left onto N C M Allen Pkwy 0.1 mi Turn right onto E Hutchison St 0.2 mi Turn right onto N LBJ Dr Destination will be on the right 226 ft Prestige Metal Roofing Systems 326 N LBJ Dr Suite 212, San Marcos, TX 78666, United States
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agentnatesewell · 5 days
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Reading this again but now knowing that human!A did believe in this kind of love, fairy tale all encompassing love that N is experiencing and struggling with at the moment
And just how sage A’s advice really is, perhaps having lived through it. Knowing what love means and can do (all types of love, not just romantic)
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I'm currently really struggling with motivation to read through the books or to continue developing Val, which sucks since I adore wayhaven so much, but my mood recently has been fairly unstable. Which also makes it hard for me to focus and write, especially when it makes me hate everything I create during those moments.
Wayhaven went from being my comfort material to me not wanting to "ruin" that through associating the negative moments with it now
Where's my N Sewell comfort when I need it!
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masashiroll · 3 years
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some gems i found while replaying the demo that make me love bff N that much more
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atlasira · 4 years
me while trying to play other routes out of curiosity: i miss nate
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grapecaseschoices · 1 year
hello i've appeared for OTP asks 🫴
14, 15, 22 and 32 for kendis/ava pls 💗 (- not-sewell)
ty f0r the ask!!!
14) How do their personalities compliment each other? How do they clash?
I think Kendis and Ava work because they both feel a lot more than they both show -- and they understand that of each other. Ava does not ask more than Kendis can give, and Kendis [tries to -- and usually does, at least re: romance] to respect Ava's boundaries. They are both hard workers [workaholics] who take pride in their work. Though there is sometimes a bit of a rub in method and approach. They are also good at parallel playing and are open to making space even if they don't get the others methods [Kendis can talk Introvert tho - thanks Verda. And Ava can decipher peppiness and willfull optimism -- F and N]
They both also have this "I will love you, despite --" tendency.
Sometimes Kendis pushes too hard, too fast. They are both argumentative and stubborn. Kendis is also more sentimental than Ava, they are also unrepentent in sharing their opinion and doing as they will.
Plus night sky / sunshine dynamics JUST work~ lol
15) Do they always say 'i love you' before leaving?
Nope! But they show it. Especially during big leaves -- though for those Kendis would throw in a, "I love you, you better come back or else ..."
22) What reminds each of their partner?
Answered Here.
32) Who's the better story teller?
My brain at first said Kendis -- but it depends what you are looking for. Kendis is more animated but Ava is quicker, concise. Less loud. But Kendis babysits, so. Ava d0esn't d0 v0ices
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themysteriouslou · 4 years
i knew going through the wayhaven chronicles tag before saturday would make me vibrate in my seat even more with anticipation but do i ever listen to reason? absolutely not.
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Wait I just thought of something I don't remember who buy I think nate or Adam are English or something like that. I would confuse the hell out of them. Because I have a British accent but my dialect various from "ghetto" west coast slang to the type of speech you generically expect a British to have. I can just imagine nate and Adam thinking that perhaps I traveled their for my schooling and being endlessly confused when they make a reference or ask me if I traveled before and I have no idea what their talking about. I wouldn't elaborate either I'd just let them guess we're they think my accent is from (people often guess Britain specifically from some region in Manchester, someone said domenican republic (can't spell and I do fit the dumb American geography think) other have guessed South African and Australian it's really funny because all these people were from these locations) I mean for this to work I'm assuming wayhaven somewhere in the US and people generally in the town have one or more type of an American accent. I'm just think it's endlessly funny when someone doesn't know the origin of my accent. Especially because it comes and goes with certain words. In the past I have people think I was making fun of them because they didn't believe my accent is real now imagine this scenario with Adam omg it would be just too funny. Man this is really making want to write for this fandom just so you guys to picture the harlious scenarios I'm in visioning in my head
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onewingedangels · 4 years
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Last time I made a follow forever was back in 2018, and now it feels like it’s been a decade ago and I’m also bad at speeches and might sound like I make one like I’m at the dinner party or something, so please hang in there for me: I’m sure all of you know 2020 was the worst year for lots of us and just wanted it to end as soon as possible, but there were some good moments and they were still something especially on here. I wanted to say thank you to all my followers, mutuals and good old friends who puts up with my dumb stuff that I, ngl, regret sometimes and still keeps following me. I’m grateful for every one of you for making my dashboard filled with amazing content, for every reply and like on my posts and every message you send me! And I wanted to say thank you to other content creators and sideblogs that I follow and makes this hellsite a much better place. Happy New Year everyone, and I hope 2021 will treat us much better! ✨💕✨ 💕✨
A, B, C: @assassiyun, @atlasfontaine, @adlersadie, @astreium, @asolitaryrose, @abbyandersn, @abbystanaccount, @animusrox, @artaeumz, @artyoms, @aheartfulloflexa, @authenticnostromo, @antoncastillo, @anogatherose, @aislingsturbridge, @abelas, @apocalypsekid, @ac-edits, @adaryc, @airsbender, @ascendantrealm, @aprlryan, @abigailmarstons, @aloyssobek, @ae0n, @alkiebiades, @azoths, @bg3, @breathstill, @beaufjords, @bogbath, @bechloehuh, @brickfckingmaster, @billeilurk, @bioshvckd, @brujah, @baronyvampire, @bloatedclicker, @bigbywlf, @baldursgatetwo, @bolina, @beskar, @boozerman, @bamf, @bvckybvnes, @bethesdas, @bvlthiers, @chloefrazer, @cyberpunkedd, @chalamets, @chloefrxzer, @callthedarknessdown, @croffty, @ciriofcintras, @clvsterfvcks, @crownkilling, @cirilafiona, @catradorea, @connorknway, @chloenadine, @celestialade
D, E, F: @dailyhorizon, @dailymilesmorales, @dailyrdr, @dc, @dindjvrins, @dykejackles, @delsinsrowes, @dailygaming, @dovahqun, @dailybayonetta, @dalishgirlfriend, @dailyvideogames, @dreadwollf, @deadly-flourish, @eivorwolfsmal, @engferth, @eviefrve, @ellievilliams, @elliewiliams, @eivorswolfkissed, @emerentis, @eisner, @ellie-s-machete, @elenafisher, @ewyy, @emilykldwins, @enobariah, @finalfantasydaily, @finalfantasy7, @ferrnn, @for-jill, @for-the-freaks-and-geeks, @fairytalespond, @femsheped, @fearrtoxin, @furiroad, @fourthchairmans
G, H, I: @glassrunner, @gamingnetwork, @gamingladies, @geralttofriivia, @gaminginsanity, @gaybarbarian, @harmony,  @harry-lloyds, @higgmonaghan, @haloinfinite, @hzds, @holst, @higgsmonaghn, @halfwayriight, @hwoaarang, @hien-rijins, @heywizards, @hhirakos, @harrysflynn, @houndpitspub, @iures, @iokoye, @irinaz, @ilikedetectives
J, K, L: @jidai, @julicnbaker, @jennyofvengerberg,  @jokerondeck, @jillvalantine, @jonswno, @jillvalentine, @katnissism, @kirkwallshero, @lapislazuliblue, @ladywolfsmal, @ladyinquisitor, @leonkenedy, @lunastres, @lilientrish, @lmontyy, @lockhvrts, @lockescoles, @lostheavns, @lxdymaria, @lionettbeau, @lesbianfang, @lesbian-croft
M, N, O: @miyku, @mistress-light, @mikaeled, @magistera, @mafia2, @missclayton, @mothinked, @massaffects, @marcosllorente, @mermage, @martelldoran, @marqotrobbie, @noonvvraith, @nicolehaaught, @nebellous, @naughtydogsource, @nathanprescutt, @nathaniel-sewell, @onlyhuman, @orallech, @ohvergil
P, Q, R: @primaryass, @placeofmemory, @psychosquads, @princessguardd, @preciousgyro, @residentevil2remake, @reapers, @raccoonscity,  @rainofbrasspetalss, @renosinclairs, @renegon, @rxkuyo, @rachel-grey, @runicmagitek, @roughstool, @rannochs, @rubyhellneon, @radioactive-synth
S,T, U: @secrettoupeecollector, @saltybatman, @sexualsportswear, @sarahlyons, @solidsmax, @simplythebiest, @shadowhrts, @sisterlelianas, @silentsockfeet, @shrimpnest, @smolsawyer, @spaceswifty, @sapphogivemestrength, @skyclaad, @shaxxs, @shadowofcroft, @sephirothism, @sqectre, @skorri, @silverelite, @sonyablde, @somethingtofightfor, @stonemasons, @sararyder, @shakkuris, @sighborgs, @taliatate, @tifaslockharts, @transcrypto, @tonysstark, @tlstofus, @troybaker, @thebotjock, @thequantumranger, @thelvadams, @tobiasrieper, @theyshouldbeterrified, @tloudaily, @tloutwos, @ticktickclick, @tissaia-de-vries, @tifa-lockhartss, @tsonishepard, @toxtricitys, @userjen
V, W, X, Y, Z: @villainii, @vindicia, @vakariaan, @videogamewomen, @vokulin, @wittyeagle, @winterswake, @weaslysron, @wvlfenstein, @wintersongstress, @whiterubys, @wakethefuckup-samurai, @waterdeep, @wrenhavenriver, @wolfabby, @yiayia, @yennefur, @yeezytop, @zevrans, @zeroth, @zackfcir, @zacksfairs
*if I missed anyone on here, I’m really sorry :’D (tumblr is glitching too)
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