#to personality differences amongst individual cats
femmesandhoney · 10 months
"boy cats are known to be more affectionate than girl cats" says who. what fucking scientist is out there deciding that. that's fucking insane. i know there's already a culture of downgrading cats as pets in general because of misogyny but i didn't realize we now ascended to saying female cats are cold and affectionless while male cats are loving and kind what fucking nonsense.
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anachilles · 3 months
thinking more just now about @middlingmay's football player/journalist AU
there's a fine line that journalists have to tread between what they want to ask, and what they should ask at any given time, in order to both get something interesting to publish, and keeping management teams on-side enough to let them come back and give them access to the players.
gale's ardent "dispassionate impartiality" when it comes to his reporting means he's a notoriously hardball interviewer. one who is incredibly observant has no qualms at all pointing out both the individual mistakes and consistent, long-running in players' performances. not necessarily maliciously, or like he's looking for a "gotcha" moment, but from a place of getting the answers his readers are actually looking for.
making him a journo both players (especially for them being in league one and generally just starting out their careers, with a lack of media experience/training) and their managers + PR teams are trepidatious about setting up interviews with.
not helped by the intense, insanely blue-eyed stare he hits you with when waiting for an answer to one of his questions. does he even know he's doing it???
but at the end of the day, gale's a very well-regarded journalist (to the extent that it's almost a privilege that he chooses to cover league one) and he has a loyal + wide-reaching readership so it's very hard to turn down the opportunity for that kind of press.
so when bucky does finally agree to give his first ever public interview, no one expected it to be to gale cleven. or how much ease he felt answering him back, being tongue-in-cheek with him, and not seemingly taking much of it seriously at all.
or any interview he gives cleven going forward, actually.
or how cleven seemingly puts up with it match after match.
like gale will write these full columns picking apart the team's performance, having no scruples honing in on bucky's errors despite the 'special relationship' they seem to have.
and bucky will still answer (some of) his questions on-camera with a visibly nonchalant shrug, an unbothered smirk. constantly changing the subject though, diverting them off-topic. blatantly flirting with him.
"enough about that, though, i'm wearing new boots this week too. did you notice? new sponsorship. they offered me them in a bunch of different colours and i had to guess your favourite, so i hope you like 'em."
"hey now, hey now. anymore questions about what i do for work and you'll have me thinking we're on a first date."
on a day when it's been raining all morning and into the afternoon, and gale shows up to the interview a little damp/windswept and holding an umbrella he'd been juggling throughout the entire match. "[whistling] only one page of notes today? those tight asses up in business opps not spring for the sheltered stands?"
after the latter incidence, seeing as once an interview is confirmed and then eventually wrapped up the team's management don't really care quite as much about accommodating the press, bucky insists on bringing gale up to the club house to dry off, get a sit down and a drink, chill out for a bit. Maybe just to keep him around a little bit longer. All of the other players/management team that are milling about are a bit wide-eyed/furtive, like putting a cat amongst the pigeons. If Bucky notices the looks (he does) he's blissfully uncaring about them.
Addition: Gale's also the first person, naturally as the only journalist he'll speak to in any official capacity, to pick up on Bucky's growing boredom with midfield defence. Straight up asks him one day, on the record, what position he'd rather be playing and if he'd ever been given a shot at it.
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bubuslutty · 1 year
Angel on Duty (serie)
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pairing: 141 team x demon/angel!fem reader (+König, Horangi, Alejandro & Rodolfo)
tags: semi-canon compliant, a bit of angst, fluff, but mostly smut, reader is described as having a tail and horns but calls herself 'Angel', do what you will with her real nature but she's simply sent down to fulfil a wish, no use of y/n, reader is referred to as 'Angel', 3rd person pov, minimal description of appearance
warning: warnings will be provided individually for each work if necessary
long summary: What do you know about prayer? About wishing? Blowing birthday candles and wishing upon a star?
Ever since the beginning of time, it was men’s nature to wish, hope and pray. To who? That has always changed and shifted throughout the centuries, with prayers sent to different deities, angels, ancestors and so on.
But what humans don’t know is that all of their prayers, all of their wishing, if it was strong enough, if they really want it, really bad, their wishes just might become reality. And that was all done through a meticulously built system in another realm, where what humans considered angels worked day and night to realise them.
short summary: the 141 boys have a fantasy to get captain price the fuck of his life, but also share it amongst themselves, a shared cumdump if you will. which basically translates into "we need a woman to break our miserable old man, and break us in the process and rebuild us again just to do it all over again." they're just miserable and pent up and horny and want to be taken care of, that's all :)
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the first meeting
Day 2: I 💜 DILFS
Day 3: Cat Crisis
Day 4: baked salmon
Day 5: progress report
Day 6: do you wanna be the Queencard?
Day 7: pretty in a skirt
part 8: coming soon
I made Angel on Picrew
I drew Angel
Art by @bobastayhigh
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transcendentalpisces · 6 months
Pisces ascendant
Pisces on the ascendant gives an aura of someone who is a shaman.
Pisces is a water sign, traditionally ruled by Jupiter and modernly ruled by Neptune. I will focus on Neptune for this brief analysis.
Neptune is the planet of euphoria, so being that Pisces ascendants, whether they have Neptune in the 1H or not, are ambassadors of the planet of euphoria. This means that there is an energy surrounding them that is imaginative, unconditionally loving, and ethereal. As if they are in an induced state of consciousness, watching the world from different angles and points of view.
Pisces ascendants have an energy behind their eyes that is intoxicating, and what they are verbally communicating may be muddled because of this. People may not listen to what Pisces ascendant is saying, pay attention to what they are doing, etc., instead they are captivated by their aura. This leaves people confused about Pisces’ actions about them when they finally do pay attention, because they never truly got to know them (this is also the case for 12H stelliums). Think of it as, when people are around Pisces, they speak to pisces from the perspective of being under the influence.
Pisces ascendants are traversing this world and the astral realm, emotional realm, and all the other realms and want to meet you there. Because Neptune is so enrapturing, their other planets (if not in water signs), might not receive much attention (of course depending on aspects and where it is within the chart), as Neptune tends to hallucinate whatever is in it (whether or not this person has planets in the 1H or not), and when people step into Pisces’ bubble, they are stepping into a cloud of hallucination. Pisces ascendants are in a constant mode of daydreaming, creation, and imagination. They are daydreaming as they talk and walk. They are essentially living on Neptune, with their bodies physically being present on the 3D plane.
They are not interested in your physical body, but instead are interested in who you are spiritually, who you are even beyond the goddess/god level. They are trusting of others because they choose to interact with the aspects of people that are unconditioned and loving, not realizing that some people have not deconstructed, or for example are Plutonians and reside in the underworld.
Pisces ascendants tend to not have strong energetic boundaries because Neptune is boundless. These individuals connect with everyone on a spiritual level, coming into spaces remembering that we are truly one; regardless of our age, sex, race, and class.
They are fascinatingly unique, with Aquarius, the sign of innovation, technology and humanity in the 12H (whole signs) of hidden worlds, dreams, and the subconscious. They have an eccentric relationship to their subconscious and claircognizance, and humanity as a whole. They can feel like they are learning about humanity from an outsider's perspective even when they are amongst a group of people.
Overall, to truly see a Neptunian, you must dissolve your idea of reality altogether and prepare to see their many shape-shifting faces as they tend to morph into different entities. It is only when one has looked into the mirror of their own many faces that Neptune grants you into her world to see her, to experience her in all facets; slipping in and out for your own pleasure.
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regaliasonata · 11 months
Jungle Fury Random Headcanons and Ideas
@skyland2703 @augment-techs @mo-ok @junglefurytrash went a bit crazy with this one
-Casey is the youngest of five siblings, and is the only boy in the family. He knows how to do makeup and hair.
-Due to his upbringing everyone in the house expected him to be gay, he was kind of dreading having to tell his mother and sisters but they were pretty chill about it.
-His sisters are either quintuplets or triplets and two adopted sisters depending on what you want to go with.
-Despite being the blue ranger Theo didn't develop his animal spirit until after Luen gained his. His parents seem to expect more from him as they were students in a sub school associated with the Pai Zhua.
-Theo's won a Guinness World Record award for karaoke, he claims it's in his blood to be amazing at it.
-Lily grew up within a small apartment in the city, she enjoys all the different foods that a place has to offer. Anything that's new and changing, reminds her of home.
-There's a chance that she trained with Zack and had him as a partner as she did mentioned how she used to do competitive dance competitions.
-RJ's mother passed away when he was young and he kind of blames himself for it. Despite trying to make their relationship better Finn may have blamed him all those years ago for Mrs. James's passing, just a constant reminder of her not being here.
-RJ is amongst one of the only individuals(Like Antonio) to discover the Morphin Grid on his own and is the reason the Pai Zhua has it as access.
-Sometimes just to spite Finn RJ catches fish and attaches them around the shark master's house. That way his air conditioning can smell terrible.
-Dominic flunked out of college, he was studying to become a teacher in geography.
-Casey seems more ticked off with Dominic because of the idea that he might try to go for Jarrod or RJ.
-Jarrod enjoys being around animals as his parents weren’t really around, his mother didn’t really enjoy the prospect of having a boy and his dad would either yell all the time or get pissed off about farm work not doing well so Jarrod cuddling up with a fluffy sheep or even summoning his black lion spirit to sleep next to it’s mane would soothe him.
-Despite all the troubles within the school Master Mao kinda sees Jarrod as his own son(Any of you kingdom hearts fans, cough cough Eraqus and Terra).
-Camille’s hatred of snakes was due to her mother being killed by Naja 10,000 years ago, she’s unaware of this fact but disposing of the snake rinshi felt right when it happened in the show.
-Her eyeshadow is actually a trait of her animal spirits. Animal spirits have way more depth to them as they are the shadow of one’s self, in some cases specific traits about said spirit leak into the person like physical to mental details (example: Camille’s eyeshadow, RJ’s ferocity from his wolf spirit.)
-megazords formed by animal spirits were based on specific influences centuries ago, from totems, giant sculptures like sphinx and even Animus. Some can claim that the guardians of the Pai Zhua were the first people to create earthly megazords within human history.
-mystical beasts or fictional animal like creatures such as the phoenix, azure dragon etc are somewhat rare due to a very small percent of people born with one or those entities giving access to said person. Such as the Phantom Beasts who are based on specific creatures. If Nick or Chip were to come to Pai Zhua and develop a phoenix and Garuda spirit then they’d be a powerful force.
-rinzen and zocalo energy isn’t inherently bad energy but the power is mainly associated with rinshi, the rangers have the potential to access it and even gain phantom beast modes similar to Jarrod and Camille.
-Fran’s animal spirit can range either from a black cat, owl or monkey and gives her abilities based on inner luck or focus making her quite powerful.
-Lily basically adopted Casey as her own little brother.
-Secretly Jarrod wants to pursue cooking or something based in creativity. He didn't touch a kitchen utensil for weeks after seeing kitchen nightmares and it took RJ having to throw the tapes out to get him back into cooking.
-Master Swoop can actually split himself into bat's and has the little shadows spying around the world for any threats. Its kind of creepy but very effective as he can easily have the bat's acting as kamikaze strikers to defeat monsters. Rangers on other teams don't know how threats get taken down but they don't mind, less work load.
-the Pai Zhua has more schools within the world that differentiate in some fighting styles and such. Some schools like the ninja academies try to pick up on their skills but a few of the campuses keep secret.
-Zordon tried to learn about the teachings thousands of years ago as their abilities mixing with the grid gave way for a spike in power with combat but they shunned the wizard away cause of being weary about his motives. Ninjor was welcomed in open arms via the power coins he had. This also explains why Jungle Fury was so scarce with the other teams up until megaforce.
-despite everything the Pai Zhua is nowhere near as moral as they tried to portray themsleves as. Some people can be very toxic in a few areas, Dai Shi had possessed people in the past and with each attempt they tried to have the individuals go mad and die from the experience as a way to rid themselves of the dragon. Casey and the rangers dismantled this ideology after killing the Dai Shi.
-because of her potential the academy sent scouts to try and push Fran to join the academy but RJ quickly shut that down and actually threatened a few of the higher officials because of this.
-Animal spirits talk amongst themselves when the team isn't around. Some play poker when everyone's asleep.
-because of being spirit and mythical based the JF team can handle most of the recurring threats of Zedd and Rita. Plus with their megazords not being mechanical they aren't easily disposed of.
-RJ secretly made JKP into a megazord incase there's an emergency, he met Antonio and added a shitload of symbol power and animal spirit energy to make it a powerful force.
-Lily loves a lot of 80s-90s music and loves to dress in a semi style of Y2K.
-Having no knowledge of Pokemon, Camille and Casey were sat down by Theo and Fran until they were introduced to Gen 4. Camille hacked her Platinum cartridge to get all the mythical and legendary mon events.
-RJ smokes blunts mainly to calm himself, it started as a way to escape the thought of his mother being goin and his father's disapproval.
-Tommy and Jason aren't allowed in Ocean Bluff when it comes to ranger activity because RJ's access to the grid could be useful but he likes to gatekeep and personally team wise if anything happens both him and the group wouldn't enjoy veteran rangers from the first modern team(unless it's billy) coming in and taking over operations.
-Camile and Jarrod jump monsters whenever a mission happens, forget talking, get the job done when needed.
-Casey was fired from the zoo for sleeping in the tiger cage and released all the animals into nice reservations after he was let go.
-Lily was made team leader as Casey doesn't feel too well with getting the role just for being a red ranger.
-Theo is a master at coming up with combo attacks and megazord concepts to the point that rangers like Chip and Max come to him for guidance. He's got quite the reputation in the ranger community for his witty ideas.
-Casey is on a red ranger watch list due to his sword skills, despite keeping their word Jason may have came to the city to demand some aid with their grid research and the two got into a brawl with Casey winning. Him, Jayden and Lauren are all at the top five of said list.
-RJ has dated lots of people but it usually never ends on a perfect note as they were usually relationships with people who took emotional advantage over him. Though he's in a better place within his life to try again with Casey or anyone who actually values him.
-Jarrod listens to a lot of punk music and back at the school Mao got complaints about speakers Blaring music at two in the morning.
-Cam hangs with RJ and shares ideas but he isn't allowed to tell Tommy about any of their conversations. The two may have had a thing in the past.
-Wolf rangers tend to have a powerful aura and they each meet together to talk about business, RJ has a bone themed secret landline he uses to contact them.( @sentinelofstories wolf war 👀😭)
-Due to Dai Shi the JF teams has a disdain for dragons, Serpentera count your days if you ever come back.
-Camille's rinshi form is just armor but was never accepted fully as a rinshi, she only became one to seem worthy in Dai Shi's eyes. The phantom beast hated her for many things and this was one of the reasons, thousands of years ago she murdered three previous members for nearly trying to assassinate her.
-Princess Shayla and the Wild Force rangers are on good terms with the JF team. Merrick follows RJ around like a lost puppy, Taylor spites Theo for being short, Lily tried to get Danny out of his shell. Max tries to explain modern day concepts to Camille, Alyssa and Dominic do small talk and Cole is given death glares from RJ or Jarrod because Casey has caught eyes for him.
-Casey is Gay, Lily is Bi, Theo is a straight ally, Camille and Jarrod are angry bisexuals, RJ is pan, Fran and Dom are unsure of what they are.
-It is unknown if dinosaurs can become animal spirits but Eric actively seeks out Casey to test this theory.
-Casey's favorite red ranger is TJ.
-The team watches movies each Thursday, Everyone except Lily can't handle watching Final Destination.
-it took some time but Jungle Fury had their crossover with RPM and its safe to say things were chaotic. Dillon and Jarrod pretty much had a staring contest with each other, RJ and Flynn got high for the most part, Scott kept crying tears of joy when Casey took him to see their world since it isn't destroyed, Theo wanted to throw himself out the window from hanging with Ziggy, Summer took Lily shopping and Camille was this close to murdering the twins but actually found herself warming up to them, she even went on a date with Gemma.
-Billy is on thin ice for trying to bring Zordon back and while RJ likes the dude he'd prefer that the giant head wouldn’t butt in on all of their affairs.
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rebornologist · 7 months
Hi! I absolutely love your blog and all the wonderful things you've written, thank you so much for sharing your incredible work on here <3
I wanted to ask if ud be open to writing headcanons for a poly! relationship between gokudera, enma and their s/o?
Either way I wish you the most wonderful day and hope you are surrounded with vibes as good as your writing✨
Thank you for the kind words, nonny! I interpreted it as a dynamic wherein Gokudera and Enma are separately dating the same person, with informed consent. I honestly might add more/change my mind on these after I reread the Simon arc and get a refresher on their interactions in canon, but I have a few thoughts on it. I could not pass up an opportunity to talk about polyamory, so I hope these suffice for now!
♡ Gokudera/SO/Enma Headcanons ✧
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Gokudera and Enma met through Tsuna and only grew closer when they both started dating the same person. Their S/O was completely transparent about it as their individual relationships developed, and the two men were initially pretty awkward around each other unless their shared partner was present. I think that the bond that they form as time goes on is still fairly platonic, if not only physically.. intimate, on occasion, with their partner in between.
In the beginning, Hayato felt quite tense about the arrangement and had to work through some of his insecurities to wrap his head and heart around the idea of not competing for his S/O’s affections. Enma is fairly accepting from the get-go, trusting his S/O’s positive words about Gokudera, but not being very proactive in getting to know him any more than that.
They filled different relationship niches, and it was surprisingly easy to fall into a comfortable routine, since the boys were busy with different things at different times. Their S/O gets some of the Vongola drama and Simon drama mixed up sometimes, as they both vent to their partner about new developments and whatever’s been stressing them out lately.
It’s fairly interesting for their S/O to introduce their boyfriends because from photos, people often assume that both of them are super edgy bad boys, and they only hear about how sweet and soft these guys can be from their S/O. It’s not until they meet the boyfriends in question that it all makes sense. Gokudera and Enma may be the ultimate scary dog privilege, but they have a reputation amongst their friends of being super whipped for their S/O.
Their key bonding moment was when S/O suggested that they go to a cat cafe together, since all three of them have a soft spot for kitties. Enma taught Hayato a thing or two about how to properly handle the animals, and the storm guardian was so excited when some of the cats voluntarily snuggled into his lap. It was one of the moments where it both clicked in each of their minds what their S/O saw in the other.
Both of them can be a bit scatterbrained and will leave their rings, bracelets, and belt chains behind in their S/O’s living space after visiting. They even get them mixed up sometimes, and initially would constantly find themselves going ‘did I always have this ring?’ before it clicks in their head that it belongs to their boyfriend-in-law.
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igotanidea · 2 years
Common ground : George Wesley x reader
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A/N: this story is based on psychological concept called "the imposter syndrome". To put it simply - the person who suffers from it does not believe in one's achievement and ablitites even if there are plenty of proves to that. So I took it and put a little twist to it.
This is just fluff, maybe a bit of angst if you squirm
It was almost midnight at Hogwart. Most of the students, except few troublemakers, were more or less peacefully sleeping in their owns dormitories, the whole place being quiet and only the ghosts were roaming the empty hallways. Single lights were illuminating the common grounds and even the whomping willow became unusually calm. The only thing disturbing this peaceful and quiet night were sounds of flute coming from Hagrid’s hut and a Fang’s squeals which indicated that gamekeeper was wide awake.
Nonetheless he was not the only person who were missing on the night’s rest. One particular fifth-year Gryffindor was sitting in front of the fireplace in common room staring into the flames, her mind full of unwanted thoughts. She curled up her legs to her chest and embraced them tightly. The fire always gave her sense of peace and power and safety. After all, amongst her colleagues and housemates she was known as the spark. Usually quiet but always ready to take on action. Full of energy, but this kind that was coming from the inside not the outside. She was buzzing with ideas and this kind of vibe that made people join her in whatever she was doing. The girl never considered herself a leader, but neither she was a follower. An individual she would call herself. Walking her own path, almost like a cat, but everyone who shared her vision and wanted to join that journey were always welcomed. Therefore, it was a bit unusual that this introverted soul captured the attention of one of the biggest mischief at Hogwart. George Weasley. The circumstances of their meeting was rather accidental, but affection and love are rarely something that can be predicted, expected or planned out.    
They were not classmates since George was one year her senior but she got his attention during one of the classes. Her classes, since neither of the Weasley twins were eager to attend theirs. Instead of participating in the defense against the dark arts they were spending their times in the common ground planning another mischief. So it happened that fourth year Gryfons were having herbology in the green house nearby. Being who they were, the twins took a peek outside the window and just by accident George’s gaze locked with her deep green eyes. She was far from perfect at that moment, her hair being a mess, cheek and nose dirty with mud, a little cut on her cheek, but Weasley felt captivated. His brother was just smiling knowingly and without hesitation put out his wand making the dirt go everywhere around her covering the poor girl from head to toe. It did not take her long to figure out who was the culprit of this commotion as she quickly excused herself from the lesson under false pretense of getting cleansed up.
“Have you lost your minds?!” she emerged from the greenhouse leaving wet trail of steps behind, anger and fire in her eyes.
“And why do you think that?” Fred smiled
“Ok, let me put this in a different words. You have lost your mind. I don’t know which one of you….”
“It was him” the twins said in unison pointing towards each other
“I don’t care. You owe me apology, now.”
“Yes George?”
“I think you should apologize to the girl”
“Are you sure that it was me?” Fred looked at her mockingly “after all we are identical.”
“Mhm, identically troublesome. You know what, forget it. You have a reputation here and I don’t want anything to do with that. So let’s just part our ways here, shall we?’ she moved towards the castle leaving both boys behind.
“What are you waiting for, you idiot?” Fred nudged his brother “go after her!”
3 years later she had her fair share in twin’s adventures. Once she even ended up in a detention with them but that’s probably a story for another time. However, what was the best thing about being with George (and Fred as a bonus) was that he (they) were always there for her and vice versa. She was almost like a third twin, save the fact you don’t really get romanticism in a brother-sister relation. You do not kiss your sister or brother in a way they used to make out. George, despite his character was rather private when it came to that. In his case PDA was limited to holding hands in public and letting her first through the door. She was more than glad to see that as she was rather timid herself. Cuddling and kissing was something reserved only for the two of them, not a public show. Her boyfriend, under all this mischievous surface was deeply caring and gentle and compassionate and sensitive in a good way. There was no denying she loved him. And he did love her which was shown in all his actions and glances he was giving her when she wasn’t looking.
And now she was having a bad moment and she needed him. His words, his touch, his silent, comforting presence. Instead, she was sitting here with a flat, emotionless face, her mind spinning with nothing to hold on to before final crash. A single tear fell down her cheek but she wiped it off angrily. The truth was, the girl was not sad. She was angry. And since she had no idea what to do with that emotion she became vulnerable. And that made her feel like crying. Lately everything was too much and too fast. Hogwart was going crazy with the Tournament and the goblet of fire and it felt like the whole school were living for and buzzing about the Yule Ball. Both boys, who were freaking out how to ask a girl out, and the girls freaking out about the dresses and looks.
“You are so lucky for having George. No worries who to go with. I wish I had love like that. But it’s no wonder. You are just so nice and caring and sympathetic person. You deserve him.”
“You think I’m sympathetic?”
“Sure” another girl who listened to the conversation chimed in “everyone says so”
“Everyone? What do you mean?”
“Oh, come on, don’t be modest, here. You date Hogwart’s most known troublemaker. It’s natural everyone talks about you.’
“Oh…” she was left speechless while listening to that.  “and what exactly do they say?”
“All the good stuff. Truly, it’s amazing how no one had a bad word to say about you.”
“Yeah, right, um… I’m gonna go, excuse me” she slide through the talking girls and went to the library hoping for some peace. She could only spend there as much time as the librarian gave her. So when the night hour came and everyone was attending the supper she was still there avoiding other students, her boyfriend and his brother included, and leaving the former a bit worried. After everyone was back in their houses she sneaked out the corridor and without any disturbances make her way to the Gryffindor tower.
And now she was looking into the fire hoping for some clearance.
“Why are you crying?’ a voice came from behind and  without turning she recognized the speaking person as Fred.
“Why aren’t you in bed?” she responded.
“Too much to do. Too much to discover and mess around.”
“Right. Even without the Marauders’ map.”
“Hey, Fred, don’t you ever leave me behind again…” George went thought the hole under the portrait but did not finish his sentence “why are you crying?” in a second she was sitting next to her holding her hand and studying her face.
“I’m not” she shook her head in refusal causing a bit more tears to fall.
“Tell me…” George grabbed her chin carefully but before he was able to take any more action Fred grunted reminding the couple of his presence.
“Yes, George?”
“You mind?”
“Not at all, brother. It’s always a pleasure to be a viewer of your little heart to heart” Fred grinned “But fine, I’ll leave you to it. Just keep quiet, you two.”
“Do I act like that too?” the other twin asked grinning at his girl
“All the time. But I got used to it now.”
“Good. Cause I’m not going anywhere. And I’m not letting you go either. Now, talk to me. I hope it’s not about that stupid ball. I’m taking you, you know it, right?”
“That is a hell of a way to ask a girl.” She shoved him “but I know.”
“I’m sorry” he suddenly became serious “did you wanted a public ask? With some magic stuff or something like that? Like in those muggles movies?”
“Idiot.” She rolled her eyes “Don’t you know me at all? Of course I didn’t. And it’s not about that. At least….”
“What?” he asked softly
“…. not fully.”
“You know I like riddles when they are fun. But you are making me worried and it’s not. Tell me. Please?” he made puppy eyes which unwillingly made her smile.
“I… I got some new information about myself today.”
“Really? That you are beautiful, smart, amazing and perfect with your irrational behavior, mood swings and cold attitude? By the way did I already tell you today how much I love you?”
“Only four times.”
“Not enough” he took a breath clearly going for repeating it but she put a finger on his lips. “I wish it was not your finger” he muttered grabbing her wrist and kissing her palm
“George, I’m serious.”
“Fine. Who offended you? I’ve learned some new spells and would love to use them to cause some mayhem.”
“I’m joking. Or maybe I’m not.”
“I’ve only heard positive, good things”
“And that is what worries you? Why?” he frowned not understanding the problem
“Because I’ve spend most of my live believing that I’m a piece of shit”
“What? You never told me that.” he widened his eyes and that made her cry openly.
“How do you even tell someone that you hate yourself? That you look into the mirror and hear voices that are telling you, you are pathetic, waste of space and crazy? That sometimes you wish you were someone else?”
“What?” he asked again this time grabbing her hand and pulling her towards him, which was rather hard since she was still siting with her legs up. He did not care though. Slowly his hand started to stroke her hair as she was shaking in his embrace. “Who told you that?”
“My parents. Mostly my mum, but they took turns. Because of them I felt like no one could ever love me and I was not good enough for anyone. Hell, I was not good enough even for myself! One day she got mad for no reason and yelled at me so many offensive words. I knew those where just words, but the look on her face. Pure cruelty aim at vulnerable, broken person. I guess I got used to being treated like that. And then you came and…..” he did not urge her to talk instead holding her calmly waiting for another words “ and you gave me friendship and then love and I guess at some point I started to freak out.”
“Is that why you’ve been distant lately?”
“Yes.” She pulled away looking him straight in the eyes “It all just came back to me. Out of nowhere, I mean, I started to spin. Why do you even love me? I’m nothing, no one, a fool and a mess. I mean I don’t really think that is bad but that is all I’ve heard for a long, long time so I stared to believe that is bad and I have to hide it and …. I don’t make any sense, do I?”
“It is a bit confusing” he smiled at her and she couldn’t help but reciprocate. “So let me recap, you think bad about yourself because someone told you stuff that are generally meant as so?”
“Um, pretty much. So every time someone says something nice about me I feel like a fraud. Like I’m pretending and do not deserve ….”
“what? What don’t you deserve?”
“You. That if you know the real me you would run away, because maybe I am broken beyond repair and how could I ever ask you to be a part of my messed up world?”
“What part of I love you don’t you understand?” he pulled her back to his chest again “listen to my heartbeat, my fool. You are a mess and a dork. You are fragile, irrational, emotional, overly bound to rules and principles, you are working too much and think too much, you tend to kill yourself with guilt and sometimes you are lazy and I can’t understand your behavior. Aren’t those bad things?”
“Coming from you….”
“No, tell me. Are those generally bad traits?”
“I guess.”
“And” he kissed her temple “I” another kiss to the forehead “love” a peck on the nose “all of them” hip lips hovered over hers “do you hear me? I love you and all your bad qualities. Nod if you understand that.” She nodded obediently. ‘I’m glad we reached an agreement” he closed the gap between them, his mouth finding hers in short, passionate, George-style kiss and he pulled back almost immediately “now, come here” he shifted a little and laid down making her follow and lay head on his chest so he could get back to stroking her soft, silky hair “now, you can tell me what are planning on wearing to the ball. I hope it’s something ugly so I could add another hateful detail to the list of reasons while I love you.”
“You are an idiot, George Weasley” she muttered against him
“But….?” He smiled grabbing her waist and rubbing the thumb on girl’s back.
“But I love you. And about the dress… you are going to hate it.”
 Yes. They were the perfect example of the fact that love and hate are in fact closer than it seems and this two feelings have a common ground where they meet.
@somest1 @pinksirensong
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sethan-obsession · 10 months
one thing that doesn't come up very often when anything about Neco-Arc comes up is the characters' position in the actual games they're in
while Melty Blood isn't something that a lot of people are very versed in (especially amongst people that like the little =3 cat, myself included), outside of meme culture and story mode funnies within the series, the characters are almost entirely a nonsequitur
Neco-Arc and Neco-Arc Chaos (the latter abbreviated to NAC and the former abbreviated to usually "Neco", for later reference) typically occupy the bottom 2 position in whatever game they're in, approximately, between their 3 moons. moons are a "groove" system in melty blood similar to that found in CVS2, or otherwise it's similar to the differences between Shadow and Normal characters in Persona, essentially mixing around your characters' set of universal mechanics and general moveset, though especially strongly associated signature attacks are usually kept between all moons.
some specific characters are considered worse on their "bad moon(s)" than the Necos on their "good moons", but generally those characters' "good versions" outshine most anything any variant of the necos can do.
their general pros between them are "annoying" and "small and difficult to hit or combo, conditionally". they typically attempt to play a zoney, pixie-esque air focused game, but the common theme between much of the necos' kits are that they seldom function, and are a traditional hardcore style "joke character" like street fighter Alpha Dan.
i want to generally focus on NAC for this because i find them more interesting (and they look cute & unique, design and personality wise), the character generally deferred to as bottom 1 with the worst moon in the game amongst popular opinion.
on Mizuumi (for those unaware, a "poverty" FG wiki equivalent to sites like Supercombo and Dustloop), NAC's strongest moon in Crescent (shorthanded to C-NAC) has a wall of cons and a short burst of pros which sum up to "annoying" and "so bad that people don't have match experience to know the matchup".
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even at their absolute best or with their most "complete" kit that forms the most functional gameplan, NAC is still marred with some of the funniest shit ever. check these green boxes out:
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all of these are incredibly slow normals and mostly the only epitome of "range" NAC has, with other buttons literally extending a few pixels in front of their silly little cat sprite. they extend their gigantic hurtboxes before they're active and up until NAC is actionable again in most cases. only normal you can actually play footsies against in melty blood.
C-NAC focuses on specials that do passable zoning (though generally easily disrespected, and low reward). the other moons, however, are quite dire.
Half Moon Neco-Arc Chaos (H-NAC) can be generally surmised by the first thing at the top of their page, before even their normals:
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it's no exaggeration, either. Skeleton is pretty much the only person who even has H-NAC games on record. there are a few here and there, mostly some locally recorded matches between friends, but in the modern day, this is your guru, and the only advice they have is "Please do not pick this character". splendid. extremely funny.
H-NAC generally suffers from losing out on important things that allow NAC to play as a "worse than almost everyone else but still almost functional Melty character", such as having a functional airdash or backdash, but hey, they've got a command throw in case someone's response to not knowing the NAC matchup is to hold downback instead of mashing (if you find an individual of such criteria, i'll give you ten dollars.)
F-NAC, however, is the worst it's ever been. take a gander at this:
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H-NAC lacks the ability to really do much of anything, and is blessed with an EX move which does *zero damage*, has a superflash as Melty EX moves do, and is -20 on what, on meterless variations, is meant to be a pressure reset special. in exchange, if you hit with it point blank (and i mean it, your pushboxes have to be touching in most cases) it can cause Circuit Break (no meter usage or gain for x amount of seconds) on the opponent, but that's meter you can spend on bad reversals instead, since your abare is terrible. if you don't hit with the Circuit Break point blank hitbox, it instead builds a ton of meter for the opponent on hit, drains yours, and does zero damage, leaving you in a bad oki situation after.
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four hit jumping mid which has the same terrible hurtbox rules, isn't very active considering NAC's bad jump arc and airdash, and fails to combo into anything beyond that usually. good move.
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magmacannon · 1 year
1 + 14 -19 for the Flamingo
Pink bastard!!
does your oc have any motifs? Yeah babey..... hearts is the big one, both symbolically and anatomically. Yarrow also has the motif of maximalism/ high drama, both in looks and in feelings, and as a disconnect from reality as much as an overwhelming level of reality at different times )if that makes sense??) He has other symbols in various flowers (orchids, hibiscus, bleeding heart - hah - and roses) that are carefully maintained individual plants rather than those growing wild amongst anything else, as well.
14. An embarrassing secret about your OC? 99% of the time he's shooting blanks 😔 He doesn't actually find this all that embarrassing though SO another one is that he's scared of heights and can get stuck in trees/high up areas like a cat does
15. who is your OC’s best friend? For a long while the person closest to Yarrow was Grey, but Yarrow wouldn't have counted him as his best friend. Kiro is the person who he loves and trusts the most and who understands him better than anyone, but best friend as a title may honestly go to Canna! I think Yarrow would likely dodge this question tbh
16. how does your OC feel about their parents? Yarrow would ABSOLUTELY dodge this question. He has very complicated feelings for them. His parents weren't bad persay, but his father didn't understand when Yarrow started presenting as more masc that he may not enjoy the lacework that his dad did all that much, and his mother was the only person who really ever told Yarrow "no" in any truly effective capacity, which he recognizes as good now regardless of how it made him feel at time time. Yarrow feels shame in that he hasn't seen them since he left home and hasn't contacted them in over fifty years (elves), but there's an acidic dread to thinking of reaching out and having them ask about his life that he hasn't gotten over yet.
17. how does your OC feel about their siblings? Can you imagine if there was one than one of these guys running around (only child)
18. a memory that still makes your OC angry? SOOO many memories that still make him angry, though most of them are a fast-hitting and relatively minor anger since they're in the past. Yarrow still gets mad as hell about being strung along by an evil vampire that just wanted him for his power though, that one genuinely pisses him off because he was manipulated and played like a fool.
19. a memory that still makes your OC sad? Seeing Canna at a low point, and how he handled things with Baster on the way to Vatar still make him sad. Yarrow knows he should have been better behaved and tried to help Baster understand him better there, but he also recognizes that he can't change the past.
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itsbait · 2 months
i think one of the big things that contributed to the absolutely insane popularity of the matsunos amongst women is that a lot of anime guys even in otome or shoujo media are attractive and fanservicey but EXTREMELY unattainable. they are TOO perfect. even when theyre supposed to be assholes or have bad traits they still tend to err towards redemption or overwhelming positive traits to balance it out.
the matsunos on the other hand SUCK. they have no job, theyre virgins at 26, no friends, barely any individually-owned worldly possessions, women in the show are repulsed by them. more often than not theyre motivated by selfish reasons and have no problem turning into a completely destructive unit for whatever meager goals they have. BUT!
theyre attractive in their universally appealing, extremely average designs. you can literally imagine them to look however you want because while they do have key features the art style is so simple that you can basically fill in the blanks with your own preferences. the f6 designs flopped so hard in terms of fan preference because they take this away; the art style is typical now and the characters look too perfect again, as anime art styles tend to cause. There is no room to interpret anything because everything has already been spelled out for you, and if your type isnt tall, skinny dudes with M-bangs in different colors youre just shit out of luck, arent you?
their flaws are HORRIBLE and all consuming, but they manage to be endearing because theyre not only REAL but comically shitty. your cat knocks over an expensive glass, that sucks. your cat does it every single time you replace it and looks you in the eye while he swipes his little paw? that little shit knows exactly what hes doing and now its hilarious. osomatsu is a beligerent pervert alcoholic with a gambling addiction, karamatsu is so desperate for attention that he takes to grand, flashy, extremely hollow statements and fakes a personality that's been out of style since the 60s, choromatsu is an extremely prideful nagging know-it-all thats just as perverted and shallow as the rest of them, ichimatsu not only wallows in depression and self-hatred but takes it out on others as well and frequently goes out of his way to spoil everyone else's mood just because HES unhappy, jyushimatsu is loud, extremely careless, and still acts like a child, often incapable of taking anything seriously, and todomatsu is a completely fake brat whos been spoiled rotten due to being the youngest in a group of 6 men who are quite literally all exactly the same age. yes, some of them suck at varying levels, but the bottom line is that all of them have flaws that are so heavy that instead of being overshadowed by their good traits, their good traits almost PERFECTLY balance them.
what i think holds the most importance though is that because theyre so shitty and so worthless and so socially exiled, all of them are ABSOLUTELY DESPERATE. you think that 5'11" bishounen wants a bitch from appleton, wisconsin? its just not attainable. a 26 year old virgin neet with no friends? as long as youre even MODERATELY attractive, you have a shot. fat, skinny, tall, short, young, old; if you have a hole (and i repeat, a hole, no adjective, because i will not put a certain crime past some of them, speaking completely honestly) you are a goal. you don't have to have any kind of specific personality, hobby, interests, you don't even have to be particularly likeable.
theyre worth something, but they should be worth nothing, so they ask nothing of you. for the typical male-inclined otaku, people who tend to be self-critical or otherwise deemed by society as flawed in some way, this situation is ideal.
women do not want the matsuno sextuplets because theyre attracted to muppet beatles, or because theyre blind to the numerous red flags they all have, or because theyd rather water down their negative traits and pretend theyre all smol cinnamon roll beans who definitely respect women. the matsunos are highly customizable, trope-based but not trope-dependant, and completely and utterly attached to anyone who would even give them the time of day. women want the matsuno sextuplets because the matsuno sextuplets will ALWAYS want them.
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teecommerceexplorer · 5 months
Perfectly pleased with the Cute Cat T-Shirt from Teespring!
I recently had the delightful experience of purchasing a "Cute Cat T-Shirt" from Teespring, and I can confidently say it's become a wardrobe staple. As a self-proclaimed cat lover, I was immediately drawn to the adorable designs offered on the Teespring platform. Choosing just one design was the hardest part, but ultimately, I went with a charming illustration that captured the playful spirit of felines perfectly.
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Unbeatable Comfort and Quality
Putting on the T-Shirt for the first time was like snuggling into a cloud. The fabric was incredibly soft and breathable, making it ideal for everyday wear. Teespring offers a variety of T-shirt materials to choose from, and I opted for the classic cotton blend, which provided a comfortable fit without being too restrictive. Even after multiple washes, the T-shirt has retained its shape and softness, which is a testament to the high quality of the materials used.
Design that Makes a Statement
The design itself was absolutely top-notch. The colors were vibrant and crisp, and the image detail was sharp and clear. It was evident that the design had been created with care and attention to detail. I've received numerous compliments on the T-shirt whenever I wear it, and it's a great conversation starter, particularly amongst fellow cat enthusiasts. It's a simple way to express my love for cats and add a touch of whimsy to my outfit.
Teespring: A Platform for Customization and Self-Expression
What truly impressed me about Teespring was the sheer variety of designs available. From playful kittens to majestic felines, there was a design to suit every taste and personality. The platform empowers independent artists and designers to showcase their work, and it's fantastic to be able to support these creative individuals while sporting a unique and eye-catching T-shirt. Teespring also offers a great level of customization, allowing you to choose from different T-shirt styles, colors, and sizes. This ensures you get a perfect fit and a design that truly reflects your style.
More Than Just a T-Shirt, It's a Mood Booster
Owning this Cute Cat T-Shirt has become more than just sporting a piece of clothing; it's a mood booster. Whenever I look down and see the adorable design, it brings a smile to my face. It's a constant reminder of the joy that cats bring into our lives, and it injects a touch of positivity into my day. This T-shirt is more than just an article of clothing; it's a conversation starter, a mood lifter, and a way to express my love for all things feline.
In conclusion, if you're looking for a comfortable, stylish, and conversation-starting T-shirt, then look no further than the "Cute Cat T-Shirt" from Teespring. With its high-quality materials, adorable designs, and endless customization options, you're sure to find the purrfect fit for you!
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breakerofcurses · 5 months
girl, at the end of the day, i still really believe our world was built on love. i don't make this statement from a religious or spiritual background necessarily but from feeling that love myself, even amongst all the cruelty in the world. people's love for each other alone makes this world go round. and yet and yet and yet. there are people being massacred in palestine. disasters, murders, injustice, brutality happening to millions of people in different parts of the world. why am i still going on with my life then? i see a deceased individual's photo, i listen to some stories, i share them, i feel for them. it's always happening, something cruel is always happening to someone at any given time and why does the world still go on; despite, despite, despite? my life is little and my person doesn't hold any power or knowledge on the way things work in the society. all i can do is babble; share my empty, idealistic, naive worldview and complain about how life is unfair and HOW THINGS SHOULD BE INSTEAD. and yet things will never be as they should be, they are as they are. there's just so much suffering. life is never fair even from a cat's perspective. if you're born on the streets you could get hit by a careless driver who doesn't even pick your lifeless body from the road to pay respects; you would suffer from the cold, the hunger. the worst case, you could get tortured by a random sick person on the street for their amusement. yet if you're born of a certain breed life is entirely different; you will most likely have people who love you, feed you, protect you and even spoil you. if life is only once and we have only one shot at this, then how do we cope with all that suffering that's happening around us. the evil that passed us and hit some other person by mere chance. that i'm not the one who's experiencing that harsh reality, another person is. i can afford to dwell in fantasies and ideals and pseudo-intellectualizations, some can't. there are colonizers, rapers, murderers. come across the wrong person at the wrong time, be born as one of the unfortunate, and boom. life could be over in an instant. i'm just a dumb nobody on the internet, what i feel so strongly about now i might forget about the next day. and after all this how can i still suggest that love is in our nature, that love is the foundation? everything is bleak on the grand scheme of things. you and i do not live in the grand scheme of things. be grateful and help those who're in need in any way you can, but only handful lives can be touched or get changed by individuals. is this really the way things have to go? do some good to your fellow people and be content with yourself for a lifetime for that little good. the pattern stays the same.
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impeccablebackside · 1 year
You think the Queens ever have one big orgy?
I appreciate the lovely visual anon. Lots of goodness in that.
However, I think orgies in general are not at all common, or more simply, rather unlikely. To classify, I would take an orgy to be four of more people involved, and I cannot really see that happening so organically. Something akin to 'the orgy' shown on stage would be a once-in-a-Jellicle-moon type thing, and even then it would be a majority of paired partners amongst a physical sea of cats. There is a special force that causes it. Either way, in terms of all or most of the queens in one big fuckfest, it would be a no anon. Too many age and attitude differences between them and honestly it would not be very enjoyable for those involved. Could it foster some queens who would not normally go for another to make a move in the heat of the moment? Possibly, and that would be the best part in my mind. Though, such connections could happen outside of one.
Anyway, I do see threesomes (which could be deemed an orgy on a small scale - in a way) being more commonplace than something larger. With this though, I do not think many threesomes come out of any of the existing couples mentioned on this blog, and even less could manifest from the odd multi-cat meeting. It would arguably be best to mull over pairings that actually could / would reasonably happen, as that makes it far more compelling (hot) for me. Pairing up others who likely would not end up in a threesome / orgy naturally just ruins the fun and ruins the chemistry. There is something special to me about two people having intimacy without other distractions, so a third (or fourth or fifth and so on) has to be very much appropriate for the situation. We all know the best part of any fucking is the love, lust, but also the connection.
In my opinion the most likely 'regular' orgy outside of any spiritual influence would not be strictly queens. I think the chemistry would work better when their partners are involved. Not only does it add some numbers, but more variety for all involved if needed. That being said, that does unfortunately hinder how great a full-out pussyfest would be. To me (as a typical male), it would be an utterly beautiful spectacle of the most heavenly beings sharing their bodies in a 'pure' way. One of those things too where it can be surmised that the best person to make you squirm would be someone who shares the same parts and knows just how good it feels. It is a wonderful symphony of fingering and cunnilingus. If you have followed along with this blog anon, you are well aware how much I love those two acts dearly.
When removing any tom from consideration, I can see it being (in relative terms) a far more likely occurrence to have specific queens converge together as a group. Even then it is a harder thing to orchestrate in all fairness. That is not to say it could or would not happen however. An all-queen clam jam (but in a good way) would be built from queens who already share an existing sexual history and possibly a straggler who gets roped in (maybe even quite literally anon) to join.
I am thinking it would be a group consisting of Vic, Rumple, and Tanto that could happen if they all find a way to meet without it being too forced. In that instance, it is possible that Vic or Rumple individually or mutually invite Tanto in the fold, or something akin to that. Hard to say if they already have been with Tanto separately beforehand, or if they want her added in as a way to initiate that sort of relationship. Regardless, they would all have a very good time with one another. Both Vic and Tanto are far more shyer, and have closely held crushes for the other queen. A threesome would be a relatively good opportunity to explore that without as much pressure. Add in the boundless energy and burgeoning lust that beams out of Rumple, and no one would be left behind or without their fill(s) of pleasure.
An all-queen orgy between the likes of Cass, Bomba, and Deme is a thought, but I am pensive about them all getting along well enough for it to be feasible. Not in the way that they dislike one another by any means, more that they do not have enough of a personal relationship for a threesome to be a realistic enough option. This would be a situation where adding their partners to the mix may make it easier for all involved to let loose.
I have theorized before that Jenny is into orgies, but the only queen who would realistically be part of that would be Jelly. Possibly adding in someone like Bomba if they were are all closer in age (which is not something headcanon whatsoever, but if Jenny and Jelly were younger I do think there is potential). Otherwise, it would be another instance where toms would make the experience more fruitful.
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justadcgirl · 2 years
[A WASTED POTENTIAL and how it could have been better]
Now if any of you saw Cats (God bless your soul) you may not have the best opinions of it. That's a fair assumption to have. I watched it recently and realised that despite the internets rightful vitriol towards this 3d animated retelling, it had alot of potential to be good in its own way.
Thus I have sought to fix the movie
The Visual aspect
What went wrong
First I want to compare these 2 images
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The image on the left has exaggerated cat features Cloth and furs rapped around their arms, legs and torsos to reduced the human proportions and traits, making it more animalistic. Makeup which accentuate feline features, that moves from the face into the head piece. And bold colors to booth.
The right image has none of these. The colors are singular, as with most of the characters. The re are no attempts to remove the human characteristics on this model, excluding the placement of the ears. To put it simply they slapped fur whiskers and a tail on a human a called them a cat.
What separates the characters from the play and the movie on a visual level is that the 2020 version makes them look more human than cat.
Though this can be considered one of its greater downfalls. I believe this stark difference could have distinguished it in a good way.
Another problem is that cats switch between wearing clothes and not wearing them. There's alot of inconsistency.
Okay so how would I fix it?
1. Make everyone human like
Instead of making the mice and roaches look like nightmare fuel. Just give them animal and bug like characteristics on their human bodies. Like they did with the cats
2. Give them all clothes.
Due to the more human appearance of the characters. It would be better to have them wear clothes. Not only would this solve the problem of inconsistency in terms clothing within the show. But it would also allow them to tell more about the character through clothing.
Here are some examples.
A. Victoria
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I think her outfit should be a simple fully white dress. She is new to the streets and has yet to find her place amongst the cats.
To add she should be the only cat with that shade of bright white. Making her stand out even more amongst the other characters.
All other white cats should stick to shades of off-white to differentiate.
B. Jennyanydots
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Her outfit should look something like this. It's simple and represents her as a simple, prim and proper individual. The colors should look bleached out and dull.
However as she starts to sing and reveals her real personality which is far more energetic and outgoing. She changes her clothes(Instead of unzipping her skin 🤢) into something more stage worthy.
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I was thinking she could wear a burlesque-like outfit. Lots of feather tho. And the color should pop. I'm thinking bright red of orange
C. The roaches and mice
As I stated earlier I believe both the mice and the roaches should look somewhat human. In some way.
Additionally I believe they should be wearing clothes as well.
Though unlike the cats, who have a varietyof coats lenghts and colors ,their appearances don't vary outside of minor colour discrepancies.
For the roaches
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For the mice
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(I'm thinking like a coal miner outfit. Didn'tfeel like drawing it. So this is the basic idea)
4. The twins
They are supposed to be kittens. And are very young so they would wear matching outfits in green or blue.
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5. Background cats.
The background cats should wear an outfit like this along with a pair of ballet slippers
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The colours should be simple and be similar to their fur color.
Depending on the scene accessories can be added to make them suit the scene better.
However they should never captivate the audience as much as the main characters on screen
5. Old Deuteronomy
Should wear long fluffy coat to substitute for long fur.
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sidetongue · 3 years
I hope it's okay that I ask this, but what's it like living with five dogs?
I understand that owning a lot of pets gets pricey, so do you manage your money (I don't mean this in an offensive way, just how do you pay for food, treats, collars, surgeries, etc.).
How do you wake up? Does your work schedule impact how you leave your dogs? How do you walk so much dogs? What's it like to own different breeds of dogs? What does grooming look like? Does it take hours?
Pretty much stuff like that! I don't own any dogs, and I just wonder how you do it!
I currently work at a vet clinic which offers nice discounts on treatment and products, and also offers the option of payment plans to staff. And though owning 5 dogs (and 2 cats, and a bunch of chooks) IS expensive and DOES require weekly budgeting, my line of work makes it a lot more affordable. I I did not have these benefits, I would need a seperate pets account that I deposit money into every week. Pets are so so so expensive and something as simple as stitching up a cut, removing a small growth, extracting a tooth, can be upwards of $1000. Imagine if all 5 of my dogs needed one of these small procedures every year; that would be $25,000 in 5 years!! Not to mention monthly preventions, yearly vaccinations, food etc.
I wake up to my alarm (sometimes to budgie - who takes it upon herself to act as an EARLIER alarm). I immediately let the dogs downstairs to go to the bathroom. I get ready upstairs, and when I’m done I go down and scatter feed them in the yard before leaving for work. I don’t get to spend a lot of time with them in the morning, unless I’m not working (or on a Sunday, when we go to the beach before work). They are pretty self-sufficient dogs and cope well with being left alone all day. They entertain themselves. In the evening is when we spend our quality time together.
Walking 5 dogs is pretty easy once a decent amount of training has been put into each of them. However, we tend to do a lot of off leash exercise. They are very well behaved and have great recall, and also stay in a “bubble” around me so they don’t venture too far. It’s actually very manageable and I know what to expect from each of them.
Owning different breeds isn’t something I put too much thought into as theyre all individual and unique anyway! They all have such different personalities. I can definitely see similarities amongst the spaniels, but besides stereotypical breed traits they truly are very different.
Grooming is pretty low key! I brush them all out once every 2 weeks and it takes about an hour. Moby is the only one who gets more frequent grooms (once a week) which can take about half an hour. I enjoy it!
I couldn’t imagine my life without my dogs. It would be so very boring
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levworship · 4 years
Hiiii can I get a sfw of manager headcannons? Of maybe all the guys crushing on their manager and how each guy would be as well as how they would deal with literally THE WHOLE GROUP liking you? The manager is bubbly and affectionate with them so it’s what makes them love you. Could it be inarizaki and fukorodani?? (Pls mention my boy konoha hes always left out 😔🤚) thanksss
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decided to just combine these if that’s fine. sorry this took my longer than i thought it would.
no warning. just the boys crushing hard and getting a lil possessive over you.
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i’d say that collectively, the boys are pretty discreet in comparison to the other teams’ behavior. they’re much more chill with you mostly because of the fear that they’ll chase their adorable little manager away.
and god knows they wouldn’t be able to replace something like you.
everything you did was just so god damned cute. the way you brought them little snacks to enjoy before and after their games, and how while you did care for them as a team, you also cared for them as individuals.
and that’s exactly what put them in their current positions.
at first it was weird, all of them realizing around the same time that their affections for their manager went much deeper than they probably should have.
and on top of all that? you were completely oblivious to it. they considered this to be both a blessing and a curse, as while they could get away with a lot, it was just so frustrating how you never seemed to pick up on their advances.
atsumu was the most bold of the group. he’d have no shame, commenting on how “your hair smells nice today” and how “those bottoms make your legs look so good.” it never failed to tank your once overly bubbly self down to a flustered mess, thanking him before dismissing yourself.
aran figured it was better for him to show you rather than make an attempt with words. always helping you when you struggled to lift something that you should’ve known damn well was too big for you. ushering you away from tsumu when his compliments became just a bit too overwhelming for you. he was like your hero.
suna decided to take a much more slick approach. making and sharing playlists with you with multiple love songs that he could only pray would get your attention, only for you to complain that you needed something “more upbeat.” he even offered you an earbud to listen with him on the rare occasion that he was able to snag a seat next to you.
osamu was also more of a shower than a talker, as his brother already did more than enough of that. his favorite thing was to bring you gifts. foods and maybe even small knickknacks that he claims he picked up because “they reminded me of you.”
and kita, while relatively quiet with you, decided that the best approach was to simply hold his silence with you. he worried you’d become overwhelmed by the others, especially with the team visibly doting over you more and more everyday, so he saw no problem in letting you seek comfort in his silence. besides, you took up most of the time running your mouth to him anyway. not that he was complaining.
while there were some minor disagreements and rare arguments over you, there was one thing they all seemed to agree on. all they wanted was for you to be safe.
which is why they were so protective over you. they couldn’t let their poor, sweet manager get her heart broken by some jackass just looking to manipulate them and toy with their heart! she was just too precious for that.
they didn’t do much directly. not immediately, anyway. if they saw someone seemingly flirting with you, they would wait until they went away to pull you aside, calmly encouraging you not to engage with that person again.
and how could you not listen when they all sounded so certain? it’s not like your favorite boys would ever steer you wrong.
no. never.
i’d also say that this team is also pretty discreet about their little crushes on you.
except for one of them.
“bokuto koutarou” and “discreet” don’t exactly belong in the same sentence.
but for the most part, everything was fine. you kept them all on track, and were even there to help bokuto through his mood swings better than anyone else. you were like a gift sent to them by the gods themselves. and, on top of all of that, you were so sweet and considerate. your energy brought light into the darkest of room. it’s like you wanted all of them to fall for you as hard as they did.
akaashi attempted to show his feelings by putting an effort into caring about yours. he was there to make sure you didn’t overwork yourself, and offered you such kind and reassuring words after a particularly hard day because god he loved the way your smile looked when he did. and even more, he enjoyed being the cause of it.
bokuto was much more straight forward. or, he was trying to be. but somehow you always seemed to brush it off without even realizing. he was always rushing up to you with a “you look so cute today, y/n.” “i’m so glad you’re our manager.” and you just couldn’t resist smiling and giggling at the walking ball of sunshine in your day.
and konoha— well, he pretty much just assisted you in brushing off bokuto. tugging him away whenever he kept bothering you for just a bit too long, and always jokingly reminding you to focus when your eyes wandered around the room too much.
as for other people trying to approach you? and with the intention to flirt? don’t expect to experience much of a reaction at the time, rather, they’d sulk in the realization that none of them can control you or tell you what to do.
still, they avoid this happening as much as they can. sending blank stares at those who look at you for too long. throwing “casual” arms over your shoulder in public while sending a sharp warning glance. even bokuto showed a bit more ice in his veins at the potential threat.
they wouldn’t be in denial about it either. they wanted you for themselves. you were too sweet to let anyone have, including each other. they all knew they shared the same feelings
they just never spoke on them.
now now.
these mfs? zero chill. and zero shame or remorse about it either. it’s like a constant battle for attention.
even kenma craves your attention.
it’s literally a fucking wonder and a mystery how you stay oblivious to all of this when they’re literally always smothering you.
how could they not? you were so nice and patient with them, allowing them to bother you all day like that. it wasn’t a job many would be able to handle. but you genuinely enjoyed their company!
kuroo would compliment you constantly. got new shoes? he’s first to point them out. dyed your hair a slightly different color? you bet he noticed. oh, and if you ever need help with even the tiniest thing in any subject? you bet your ass you’re getting trapped in a tutoring session. but that’s okay! you were so thankful for him. the way you remained so positive and patient with him nearly melted him on the spot every time.
kenma attempted to show interest in you by doing exactly that. he paid so much attention to you as well. which, while it doesn’t sound like much, it was always a shocker for the people constantly around him to see just how much attention he showed towards you. it wasn’t to the same extent as kuroo, but it was enough for him to learn your favorite snacks and share them with you after he “accidentally” got too much for him to handle by himself. he could even be caught deep in conversation with you about a game you have never and probably will never play. still, he loved seeing how your eyes lit up as he shared his favorite things with you.
yamamoto was just what you’d expect from him. clingy, forward, and perhaps even creepy if you weren’t so sweet about everything. always giggling and pinching his cheek like a baby. you were going to be the death of him.
lev was just annoying. at least, anyone else would probably find him annoying. but of course not to you! he followed you around all day like a stray cat, finding comfort in the way you treated him so nicely and refused to scold him like the others. your words of encouragement only sent him spiraling in adoration for you. so you best believe your ass that if you asked for literally anything, he was more than happy to take care of it for you.
and yaku? he plays your white knight. always there to pry off yamamoto kuroo and lev, only to plop himself right into their spots. it was a constant game of tug of war and you barely even acknowledged it. it was almost painful to witness.
and even though there was lots and lots of bickering amongst the team over you, all of that was thrown out of the window at the idea of someone trying to take you away.
perhaps they were a bit dramatic, but that guy’s hands were a bit too low for their liking. why were you going around hugging bozos like him anyway? so like the feral pack they were they wasted no time springing into action, tugging you away for “important team matters.”
while you were naive, you weren’t a complete idiot. you scolded each of them quietly and sighed as they lowered their heads in shame. you ruffled lev’s hair as he stood in front of you.
of course you forgave them. which is why the same thing kept happening. over and over again.
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