#to show up. Oh and he's developed new powers again (teleportation!) but mostly it's good old fashioned smash and crash
taiblogcomics · 3 years
Continuity Ex Machina
Hey there, chocolate metaphor poems. We're quite nearly done! This is the last regular issue of the New 52 Teen Titans! Before you get too excited, there's still an annual, and we'll be doing that next week. But the end is in sight! The light at the end of the tunnel is visible! We can get through this together~
Here's the cover:
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And, I'll admit, it's a pretty good one. Might even be the best cover this series has had. It's very artistic and eye-catching. Big problem with it, though? Fuckin' Harvest is on it. Aren't we sick of that guy yet? After the Culling, I was hoping never to see him again. But no. He's here, he's fear, and no one's gonna let out a cheer. All in all, at least it's a cover worth going out on~
We pick up where last time left off, with everybody having teleported back from the future, right into a mixup with some shadow people. You know, the usual. The shadows attack Raven, and to her shock, it actually hurts her. And she's smiling about it. It's not a masochism thing, it means her connection with Trigon is severed somehow. This is definitely way before that Red Hood issue where Bizarro was the coolest ever, so I dunno what's going on. This is such good news that Beast Boy opts to hug her in the middle of combat, probably to fulfill some shipper's fantasy.
The two idiots staging this battle, the Light and the Way, begin to get frustrated. Oh boy, guys, and you only came in for the last issue. I've been frustrated since the series began! The only thing they want is Solstice, because they need to drain her light powers to survive. Ah, dramatic irony for them, she's in the future! And just to show you what awful villains they are, they bicker with each other as much as with the Titans. Very pleasant to read. The Light also talks like he's from a few comics eras back. Lots of very grand "as you know" expository statements, you know the type. The Way clearly finds it as exasperating as the reader.
The Light starts shooting his energy blasts into the crowd, blasting both the Titans and the Way's shadow people. Bunker shields them, but his bricks can only last so long. Tim considers waiting out the clock, since they need Solstice to charge and she's not here. Unfortunately, the Light and the Way have Wonder Twins powers and increase their powers when holding hands. Well, at least they're close enough brothers that they don't mind doing this. Good for them! No toxic masculinity! But yeah, the Titans kind of need a miracle about now.
So then Skitter turns up and kills the Light.
No, really. Skitter, of all characters, who hasn't been in the book since issue, what, 9? Disappeared without a word during the Culling? Deus ex machinas out of nowhere, slashes open the Light's back, which also causes the Way to fade out of existance. Oh, and remember how when she last appeared, she was barely above feral and communicated with mostly in snarls? She's able to speak normally now. Of course. All her character development happened off-screen, I guess. With the battle over, Bunker gives her a hug. It's a strangely huggy issue, I guess.
So then a portal opens up, and Amanda Waller riding a tank shows up. She's Skitter's mom. I'm just throwing my hands up in the air at this point. This comic just does whatever it wants. It's the last issue, throw everything we got into it! I also forgot that the New 52 made Waller thin, and I still hate it. I also feel like Skitter being Waller's daughter is another asspull, but here we are. The goons Waller brought with her arrest what's left of the Light and the Way, and now there's just the Titans left. Waller and Tim have a dick-measuring contest, but leave off after a merciful single panel.
With her arrests made, Waller and goons pack up their tank and return through the portal. Skitter opts to stay with the Titans, which I gotta say is pretty out of character for her. So! Flashback time? Skitter explains she's actually a supergenius who interned at STAR Labs in her teens. She made a device that could contact other dimensions. Unfortunately, as these things go, she contacts an evil dimension and is possessed by bug people, transformed into an advance scout for their invasion. In another asspull, though, Skitter was just too willful to be controlled, and just kind of turned into a bug person, driving them off.
Unfortunately, wearing an exoskeleton all the time keeps pushing her further down the feral tree. You know, that old chestnut. Anyways, it was Waller that pulled Skitter out of the Culling, because of course she did. Amanda Waller is the one person in the DC universe that can pull more "oh, of course she was prepared for that" than Batman. And since then, Skitter has been in "rehab", clawing her way back to sanity. And now she's back. But before the reunion can continue, more continuity shows up to slap us in the face.
Hey, do you remember Grymm? Of course not, even I barely remember Grymm. But suddenly Grymm is here, announcing he broke out of STAR Labs to track them down and get revenge. Good job, idiot, it only took you 24 issues. To amplify how pathetic he is, Beast Boy turns into a rhino right behind him and plows him down. He's unconscious in one hit. Not that I'd personally do better against a rhino, but I'm also not a scary supervillain. Either way, threat over before it lasted a full page. To compound that, though, the comic ends with the Titans returning to their old base, only for it to explode as they open the door. See you in the annual~!
Ah, but we're not done. There's actually a couple of backup stories in this one, since it's kind of the last issue. In the first one, I can finish this in a sentence, we see Solstice and Kid Flash protecting each other while serving time in their prison camp. They promise that even in this life, they'll always be Titans. They'll also always be in jail, so maybe not the most heartwarming~
In our second backup, we see how Beast Boy and Bunker (BB&B) spending their time together while the rest of the Titans were Quantum Leaping after Forever Evil. Beast Boy returns Bunker home, flying him on his back as a pterodactyl. Still a better flight than Delta. They land in the little Mexico town Bunker hails from, and no sooner does Beast Boy resume human form, Bunker's already back in the arms of his boyfriend Gabe. While they make out, Beast Boy asks Bunker's sister if she wants to make out too, and he's very lucky she doesn't slap him.
It's been a few days now, and Beast Boy's still hanging out. He's got nowhere else to go, and that combined with how the whole town is basically excited to see Bunker (not to mention having a family in the first place), our red Animorph is a bit jealous. No time for it to last, though, since suddenly some jerk named Brutale shows up. He's all edge, too. He's dressed in stitched-together brown leather with an executioner's hood. And then like... You know those big long strings of bullets you see hanging from a minigun? Imagine four strings of those, but they're throwing knives, all attached to his wrists and ankles, connecting at the back of his waist. And then he's got even more knives tied to his shoulders and head and legs, like he's covered in spikes. What a goon~
Brutale here has been hired by someone to kidnap some metas and sell them off. He reaches for Gabe, but Bunker has quick-changed into his costume and punches Brutale away. Brutale immediately drops into "Let me go, or I kill a hostage" mode, holding a knife to Bunker's sister. And then Beast Boy turns into a rhino behind him, and knocks him out with one trample. I'm not even joking. Is this just his go-to move against grandstanding edgelord chumps? Because, I mean, it's kind of working. Gabe uses his limited psychic powers that I didn't even know he had to read off an image of Brutale's employer for them to track down.
However, they never quite find this mysterious woman. I hope we weren't supposed to recognise her either, because I sure didn't. While investigating her last known hideout, however, the TV starts broadcasting an announcement. Dunno why it was even on, but it sure was convenient. Anyways, the TV is reporting on the events of Forever Evil, and Bunker and Beast Boy realise they gotta return to New York for heroic reasons. Or at least plot convenience reasons. And as they fly off, you realise Bunker can fly with his own powers and didn't need to ride Beast Boy there~
Honestly? Other than this being “the asspull, deus ex machina, and continuity convenience playhouse”, this issue is not that bad. It’s very much “Oh crap, series is ending, we gotta cram in as much story as we can”, but somehow it’s in an endearing way. It’s certainly a brisk pace. Like, if the comic had kept going, who knows how long it would’ve taken for any of this to play out~? Who knew it’d take cancellation for this series to actually get stuff done~?
Next week: our very last issue of Teen Titans~
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hrodvitnon · 3 years
Heh, yeah, he probably didn't think Goji being that small would be a problem.
Alright, moving on-I have another little scenario cooked up: it regards Godzilla and his family needing to deal with all of the incarnations (minus Earth) that I mentioned in previous posts suddenly being teleported (along with those they cherish) to the Abraxasverse, and how they need to coexist with one another lest it ends up like this fic:
https://m.fanfiction.net/s/12783256/1/Godzilla-Battle-of-the-Ten-Kings (Ignore the outcome that Heisei won)
I also have a pretty good idea how this might affect the routes (don't worry, I won't let you describe how you can't speculate yourself yet-I'll do it myself for this.)
In the Coexistence Route, there's going to be a lot of chaotic confusion regarding around 10 or so versions of Godzilla running around and possibly starting to rampage in response to being taken from their home dimensions; MV!Goji and his family have their hands full trying to stop/talk with the other Gojis to stop rampaging & explain where they are now. Showa might be the most reasonable and will likely help them out, especially with the likes of Kiryu Saga!Goji & GMK!Goji who will resist and try to fight back against those who they see as impostors until Showa & MonsterVerse Godzilla put them in their place and get them to listen. The 2000 twins might accept since they do have equal levels of sapience to Showa!Goji, it's the bigger Godzillas that might pose a problem-with Heisei & Final Wars probably getting into a large & intense fight if they ever met & cause massive collateral damage in the process-not to mention another version of Shin who wouldn't have the same personality or empathy as his Abraxasverse counterpart and will be hostile to anything and everyone around him-including his counterpart because he sees Abraxas!Shin as weak due to his empathy. The Titans & humanity will need to work together to corral and get Heisei, Final Wars, and 2016!Shin to stop and listen to reason (though 2016!Shin possibly will need to be frozen again)-and it might end with all Godzillas agreeing to stop fighting (on certain conditions) , but they need a place to live that is isolated enough to be at peace (GMK will be left out and probably be either killed or vanquished to the Hollow Earth for Kong to finish him off with his axe); with a version of Monster Island to be used as a new home for the Godzillas (with Minilla, Minya, & Godzilla Jr to accompany their respective fathers there). It would end with a wobbly, but peaceful Coexistence.
In the Genocide Route however, things will not go so well....
Because here-the Godzilla incarnations are teleported while MV!Goji is in the process of wiping out humanity-the Titans start to become frustrated & very wary of these other Gojis as they start to pick fights with each other and, whether accidently or not, kill more humans in the process. Of course, MV!Goji will quickly sense the presence of these other Godzillas and immediately try to attack them as a result of his hallucinations blinding his judgement and common sense-resulting in some of the Gojis (Heisei especially) having a bone to pick with him after the fact. It might all culminate in a final showdown after some warmup battles in (very ironically) Tokyo-where all the Gojis show up, destroy the city to get themselves ready-and start to battle one another for the right to be the one true King of the Monsters!(of course, this is actually just to get rid of the competition)
The Titans & MV!Goji's family then watch with bated breath as the 10 Kings duke it out and slowly start to permanently kill each other as the fighting and stakes get higher and higher-with Kiryu Saga!Goji being the first one to die before the others, 2016!Shin does some creepy stuff that might disturb his counterpart, the original 1954 Goji is also in the fight and gets beaten up a lot, and all the smaller Gojis are killed off before the night ends. The larger Godzillas start to unleash their true power as the fighting gets even more intense, a great many beam-lock wars are had-& then the slaughter begins-Shin ends up being the first to die as the other 3 Gojis gang up on him after he potshots them too much, and then, you will likely be surprised-Heisei is then offed. How so? Let me describe:
• Despite their respective powers-Final Wars and MV!Goji (if the hallucinations briefly go away) will recognize Heisei!Goji as having a lot of potential to kill either of them (my interpretation) and team up to take him down-resulting in a complete decapitation to permanently kill him (heh, how's that for irony?).
The former two are the last ones standing-and fight the last fight for their lives. Everyone watches in anxiety and Godzilla's family, despite what he has recently done, pray that he wins this last fight. At first, MV!Goji has the upper hand, having gone feral & finally stopped holding back, and is seemingly very close to killing his counterpart-only for him to reveal he was also holding back and turns the tables on the natural Godzilla, tossing him around-beating him senseless & utterly wrecking him. Everyone watches in understandable horror as Final Wars!Goji then begins to charge up his spines....and they flash crimson red as he then impossibly throws MV!Goji high up into the sky.
Having had enough, Godzilla's family rush to stop what was about to happen....but it's too late.
Final Wars!Goji unleashes his Burning G Spark Heat Ray into his counterpart (here he doesn't need Ozaki's boost to gain the ability), who initially tanks the attack-but it slowly becomes too much for his body to handle....and after a few seconds, he lets out one, final agonized roar before exploding into a fiery ball of light & chuncks of flesh. His family, and the Titans can only watch in silenced shock as their Godzilla bit the dust and was now gone forever......
Meanwhile, Final Wars Goji roars in victory before immediately going to the sea to rest after winning. The only ones happy with MV!Goji's demise is humanity, who sort-of praise Final Wars!Goji as a hero of sorts and slowly start to rebuild what Godzilla destroyed. On the Titan perspective, the other Titans are initially very hesitant to accept Final Wars Godzilla as their new Alpha/King, but after he demonstrates his abilities and power-they submit and look to him as the new ruler of Earth, the only ones who outright rejected his rule were Kong, Tiamat, Barbra, Dagon, Scylla, and Rodan-with the now deceased MV!Goji's family going into hiding in the Hollow Earth to grieve the death of their Godzilla.
Mothra is in complete anguish and despair after the death of her mate, Shin & Junior are in similar states and become depressed, Leo, Manda, & Keeta are mostly unaware of what's happening but do their best to comfort their peers since they can easily detect their sadness, but the one who was affected the most was Monster X, with Viv trying to deny the fact that Godzilla was gone, and San trying anything to comfort her. Kong visits every now and then with Jia to act as emotional support to the grieving family and generously lets them stay in the Hollow Earth as a temporary home until they recover enough to head to the surface.
Mothra heads to an isolated island to be alone after she justifiably rejects FW!Goji as her king, Shin & Junior go with her along with Leo and Manda, Keeta is taken back to his adoptive father, and Monster X starts to develop a bitter grudge against FW!Goji and wants revenge for MV!Goji's death; but even Viv'n'San know that trying to take on the one who killed the other Gojis wouldn't end well for them-so they teeth-clenchingly 'coexist' with FW!Goji until they find a way to get their revenge.....even if they themselves die or it would be for nothing.....
Just to inform you, I can understand if you don't like the Genocide branch-off scenario, so you can simply react to the Coexistence one if you like.
But overall, what do you think of the second long post that I wrote?
Yeaaaaaah, not a fan of the Genocide branch-off... plus I wasn't a fan of the whole Everyone Beats Up MV!Goji thing from previous asks, it's all kinda, well, sus.
...though I'd like to bring up something that Monster X themselves state in Abraxas Chapter 17: They can be good, but can also be a terrible (if necessary) evil, true to their namesake. In this instance, I'd picture them flatly rejecting FW!Goji out of rage and hate because he basically killed what Vivienne saw as a mentor/god, and this cat-faced bastard expects submission from them? Fuck that. He'll get in their face about it like, "I'm your king now. Kneel."
But Monster X just stares at him with the same cold hate they gave to MaNi before mauling and killing him. "KNEEL!" FW!Goji demands. Monster X doesn't even blink. "Even kings kneel before the executioner." FW!Goji scowls at them with fire in his eyes. "You better not be threatening me, you little freak. You saw how I put down that rabid animal you're being such a whiny bitch about."
"Oh no," Monster X says with thinly-veiled contempt, "Certainly not. Just making a historical observation. I'm the Executioner... and no king's reign lasts forever, Usurper." Then they have the balls to turn their back on him and move to the Hollow Earth, knowing that even if FW!Goji wants to throw hands he has no real reason to (unless he wants to be an asshole) and FW!Goji has some measure of reason. Implied Death Threat aside, they never explicitly challenged him and attacking them just for disagreeing with him (when MV!Goji left Kong alone after he refused to submit) will only make him look like a tyrant.
For the Coexistence Chaos, I wouldn't consider 2016!Shin to be actively hostile to everything around him; in his home film it's noted that "behaviorally it just moves," he's basically a confused animal that doesn't know what's going on and simply reacts (see also the lyrics to Who Will Know), and he only explicitly reacts with violence once he's met with violence (namely gaining his atomic breath after GBU-57s were dropped on him), so he'll be hostile purely out of self-defense.
Also, regarding the Genocide branch off, let's not forget 2016!Shin's 5th form (the army of small humanoid Shin Godzilla's literal seconds away from branching off from his tail); because 2016!Shin is constantly evolving in a way to combat the threats he faces, it's not out of the question that he'd just spawn the 5th forms so they can scurry off and go into hiding while the other 9 Gojis are ripping each other apart.
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curewhimsy · 4 years
Symphony Saga: Resonate summary/outline
Chapter 1
(Introduce the lore and conflict as Uta/Defoko and her life/surroundings are introduced.)
Uta Utane (AKA Defoko,) 14 years old, is an artificial humanoid from a dystopian planet (Discord) where music is banned and kept a secret by the government. This planet mass-produces androids. This planet is at war with another dystopian planet (Monochrome) and they both produce androids for the purpose for fighting the war. Due to a manufacturing error, the one of the “Default female-1” (codenamed “Defoko”) androids ended up significantly more sentient. She hated the war and fighting, so she rebelled. Defoko feels very depressed and empty about her life, and hates being a machine.
Chapter 2
One fateful day, Defoko, using her advanced aerospace engineering intellect, completes a high-speed “disappearing” spacecraft she was building so that can flee from the planet unnoticed. She arrives at the magical world of Whimsica where things are better on December 3rd. Defoko changes her name to Uta Utane, after some kanji she saw on the sign of a karaoke cafe around her new home.
Uta chose to name herself after kanji from the cafe, because the musical sounds coming from the building made her feel something “warm and poignant.” The night when she visited the cafe, Taya and his friend Ritsu were inside, having a session of singing karaoke. Taya was singing a solo in attempt to get over his shyness. The sound Uta fell in love with was actually Taya’s singing voice.
Uta begins living alone in a small, worn-down apartment. She acquires a part-time job repairing computers to make ends meet.
Uta would describe herself as being self-aware, but lacking the ability to feel euphoria. (Think of it as a sort of depression.) She wishes she were a “real girl” so she could feel this emotion. Despite this, Uta is a very kind, considerate, wisecracking, and compassionate spirit...
On Whimsica, she is still very lonely for now.
That night, Uta sleeps and she has her first dream, because she experienced something that gave her life a meaning (music.) She hears music in her dream and it makes her happy, but when she wakes up, she cannot explain the sensations she felt.
Chapter 3
Uta enrolls herself in the local magical high school, as she is still a young teen and she wants to meet friends. It is her first time going to a proper school. Her new school is very strange. Along with human students, there is also an array of supernatural humanoids, talking animals, anthromorphs (furries,) other creatures, and even... talking objects!?
Even if that is true, Uta sadly feels she still doesn’t fit in.
On her first day at school, Uta‘s first period class is cooking class. She ends up making the confections explode, and gets a scolding and awful grade from the teacher, Miriam. She doesn’t feel like she fits in. On her way to her second-period class, Uta ends up meeting Taya Soune, her shy 15-year-old classmate.
Taya is very late to his second period class because a mean bully girl named Tei Sukone threw his monocle in the big wishing well and ran off, leaving Taya having to change into his wetsuit, dive in the well and find his monocle, and then go back to the dressing room and change back into his suit and tie outfit. Uta meanwhile is wandering the chaotic hallways of the school, completely lost.
Sometimes in Adventure Academy, when class is in session and students are supposed to be in class, there is a small chance of a monster spawning in the hallways. If a student needs to visit the bathroom or walk down the hall for any reason during a class session, a hall pass can protect students from these monsters.
A monster ends up spawning in the hall as Uta and Taya cross paths. It’s six feet tall and looks like a cross between a penguin, bear, and snake. And it has lots of neon spikes. Neither Taya or Uta have a hall pass on them, so it attacks them!
In Whimsica, monsters are creatures with no souls that typically do nothing but cause destruction. They are mostly made of negative emotions.
Taya may have some magic, but isn’t very good at fighting, so Uta uses her epic android powers to protect them both ad defeat the monster. Uta has a magical machine gun type of pistol, a force field shield, and teleportation powers, and something like The Force to fling large objects with psychic power.
When monsters in Whimsica are defeated, they sometimes drop various kinds of items. The monster drops game tickets to use in the arcade. Uta doesn’t know what they are.
Taya thanks Uta profusely for defeating the monster. He is in awe of the new student’s powers and asks where she is from. Uta is very shy, which Taya doesn’t expect since she is so good in battle. She has a quiet voice that sounds monotone and a bit artificial. Uta finally spits out that she is an android from space. Taya realizes Uta may be sensitive about this, so he vows to try and keep this secret...
Taya tells Uta his name and begins to get to know her. He is quite friendly and guides Uta on her way to her second period class, magic class, which they have together. After school, Taya says he will go to the mall with Uta and show her the arcade, and use the game tickets they acquired from the monster.
Chapter 4
Uta’s third period is math class, which Taya isn’t in. She feels lonely again and thinks about Taya. But then, she ends up meeting two new friends named Teto and Momo, who welcome her to the school. Taya’s third period class is music class. He has this class with with Ritsu, along with Ritsu’s other good friend, Ruko. Taya tells Ritsu about the kind and cool new student named Uta, but not the fact that Uta is an android from space. Ritsu notices that Taya seems to be fond of Uta, which is great, because he notices Taya seems lonesome a lot and wants him to come out of his shell more. Ritsu then offers to help Taya become more social, by offering him friendship and introducing him to Ruko as well. Taya is overjoyed to have a closer bond with Ritsu and another friend in Ruko.
After third period class, is lunch break, and everyone meets up together. Uta introduces Taya, Ritsu, and Ruko to herself, Teto, and Momo. They become a group of six.
For fourth period, Uta has computer coding with Ritsu. Taya has cooking class with Teto and Momo, and Ruko is alone in language arts.
In fifth period, everyone has gym class together.
Finally, in sixth period, Uta and Taya have Whimsica Geography class together. Everyone else is together in dance class.
Uta starts opening up to Taya when she feels she can trust him. By the end of the school day, they are friends.
“I want to be a real girl.” Uta somberly tells him then. “I want to have a soul. As an android, I cannot truly feel joy.”
However, Taya believes that Uta is already a real girl, and that she has a beautiful soul. He is determined on his quest to help Uta feel true happiness.
Chapter 5
After school, everyone else is busy, and only Uta and Taya have free time. Taya takes Uta to the arcade. Uta hears all kinds of music at the arcade. Taya has never seen Uta so entranced before. Uta asks Taya why these sounds make her feel so alive. Taya tells Uta that they are more than just sounds, they have feelings and soul, and are called “music.” Uta falls in love with music. When she hears it, she becomes indescribably enthralled.
At the arcade, Taya plays a dance game and gets a pretty high score. Apparently, it’s Taya’s favorite game at the arcade and he has had a lot of practice every chance he could get. Uta is mesmerized as she watches Taya dance to the music. Uta is a bit shy to dance herself, but a spacecraft piloting game catches her attention. Uta plays the game and gets an incredibly high score, and ends up attracting a crowd of people in awe of her skills. Uta ends up getting a huge output of coins to exchange for prizes. When Uta and Taya put their coins together, they have enough to buy a brand-new karaoke machine that even comes with three karaoke albums to sing to!
Music had awoken something deep in Uta’s soul. It’s a feeling of excitement, thrill, and comfort, but also immense yearning. Uta feels she wouldn’t be truly happy unless she would be able to compose music and sing. Taya sees Uta staring longingly at the karaoke machine.
“Oh, would you like the karaoke machine?” Taya asks Uta. “If so, it can be all yours. I already have something like it. I think it would be great for you. You want to sing, don’t you? You’ll get to experience music even more!”
“Thank you.” Uta says. “But... I’m afraid I can’t.”
Uta looks incredibly forlorn.
“Why?” Taya asks softly. “What do you mean?”
Uta explains that she feels she wouldn’t be able to sing or compose music, since one needs a heart to be able to make music. Uta is convinced she doesn’t have one. Also, can a being with an artificial voice really sing?
Taya can tell how much Uta longs to create music. He hugs her gently and tells her a story. Taya thought he couldn’t sing either at first, because he was too shy. But thanks to an old friend he has, he found the courage to keep trying back then. Taya promises he will help Uta however he can as well.
Taya ends getting a bit emotional... Uta ends up getting emotional too. They end up holding up the line. Merli, a snobby girl from school, is next in line. She rolls her eyes and says “Oh PLEASE.”
Taya ends up developing feelings for Uta. Her story and dream pulls at his heartstrings. He feels very sincerely for her.
Chapter 6
They end up buying the karaoke machine and go back to Uta’s apartment. Taya calls his parents and tell them he is at a friend’s house. Taya supports Uta with her dream and teaches her the first steps to singing. They have their first singing lesson.
Taya is a bit shy with singing in front of Uta, but he is determined to be a good vocal coach. He looks back to the exercises he did with Ritsu in attempt to get over his shyness. As Taya sings, Uta recognizes his voice as “the sound that awakened her soul” back when she first came to Whimsica, but she keeps quiet about it due to being bashful.
It takes a while, but Uta finally figures out how to match pitch. She is able to vocalize simple tunes, but still has a long ways to go...
Chapter 7
The next day before first period, Teto sees one of the non-humanoid students in the school getting bullied in the hallway. The bullies are Lily, Mizki, Merli, and Galaco, the snobby girl clique. They are surrounding and throwing paper at poor Inuhebi, a cute, sluggish limbless creature with a snake’s body and a dog’s head.
Teto is a little apprehensive to face up to them, but knows she has to do something.
“Like, wow. Being fabulous is like, so last year.” Teto says.
“As if. Last time I checked, you weren’t exactly a notable figure.” Mizki says.
“Who needs to be? I’m so sorry you guys can’t just have fun without worrying about who’s on top.” Teto rolls her eyes.
“Shut it, clownface.” Galaco says.
“Yup, that’s me! I’m clownface!” Teto laughs. And laughs, and pulls out a horn and honks it and does a cheesy little dance.
“Ugh. Let’s get outta here.” Merli says.
Teto successfully chased away the mean girls.
Teto goes up to little Inuhebi and asks if he’s okay. Inuhebi isn’t hurt, but he’s sad because he can’t move very fast, and is bullied a lot and is usually late for class.
“Hmm... how about you be my buddy? I’ll carry you on my shoulder. We’ll always be together!” Teto said. “Then you’ll never be late again, and I’ll always be there for you!”
Inuhebi is so happy that he cries tears of joy. Teto lifts him up and lets him ride on her shoulder.
It turns out that Uta, Taya, Teto, Momo, Ritsu, and Ruko all have first period together, but they just didn’t notice before. Inuhebi also has first period with everybody. Teto introduces Inuhebi to the rest of the group, and they are now a group of seven.
“Oh yeah... you were the girl who made the kitchen explode!” Ruko says to Uta, remembering the previous day. Uta is a bit embarrassed.
Momo is the best cook in the class, so she offers to teach Uta a bit how to cook on the side. Taya is very great with cooking and baking as well.
Taya, trusting the others, tells them about Uta’s dream, but is vague about the fact that she is an android from space. Everyone in the group finds that they have an interest in singing in common.
“Hey, since we all like to sing, how about we start up a music group?” Inuhebi suggests.
“Sure!” Momo replies. “That would be fun!”
“That would be great!” Ritsu says. “But what will we name it?”
Everyone begins thinkng long and hard about it...
Chapter 8
Later that day, the group of seven go to the music store together.
Afterwards, everyone goes to Uta’s house and have a karaoke party session.
Uta feels awful and dejected however when it’s her time to sing, however. Everyone else sang so amazingly, and Uta can barely carry a simple tune at this point.
“It doesn’t matter how well you sing, Uta...” Taya reassures her. “It’s about being happy and doing your best. We all want to hear you.”
Everyone cheers Uta on. She takes a deep breath and begins singing “When You Wish Upon A Star” but messes up a bit and stops the music.
“I can’t do it.” She says, her entire body shaking.
“Uta, don’t give up!” Taya says. “I’ll sing with you this time. Will that help?”
Uta nods and tries to calm down.
They take turns singing lines from the song. Uta finally is able to sing the last few on her own. Taya comes in and harmonizes with, her and Uta is amazed at how they were able to sound together.
Everyone claps for both of them. It’s a wonderful feeling Uta wants to treasure forever.
“This moment resonates in me.” Uta says.
Chapter 9
(More stuff happens I guess)
Eventual Chapters
Taya eventually hears Uta practicing her singing by herself a lot. At first Uta is very upset and discouraged because she just can’t seem to control her voice well. Eventually, Tei Sukone, who bullies Uta and Taya, says Uta should just give up. “She’s just a robot, right?” Tei says. “Robots don’t have souls. They don’t have what it takes to sing.”
Uta feels deeply hurt and discouraged by this comment and considers maybe she wasn’t meant to sing. Afterwards, Ritsu becomes very angry with Tei... but he also has things to say to Uta as well. “Are you really going to give up just like that?” Ritsu criticizes Uta. “Don’t be so weak-willed!” Uta begins crying. Taya comforts Uta and tells Ritsu he was a bit harsh. Uta was already feeling hurt enough.
Uta doesn’t give up, runs off somewhere, and sings all day with bad technique and without any breaks until she passes out alone. Taya searches around town for Uta and finds her unconscious. Everyone is extremely worried. Ritsu gets a chance to apologize to Uta and says he just wanted to see her fulfill her dream and would’ve been as crushed as Uta if she were to have given up. He didn’t mean to be so harsh. Ritsu and the rest of Uta’s friends reassure her and recommend her to take breaks and exercise better technique.
Uta’s friends help her the best they can, and Uta begins practicing singing nearly every chance she gets, but this time with breaks and good technique. Taya can tell that Uta really loves music and is truly determined. Eventually he’s impressed and blown away by how far she gets. Even though Uta was never programmed to be able to sing, she eventually begins to develop a unique singing voice through hours upon hours of practicing painstakingly.
Eventually there is a part where Taya, along with the rest of the group of Uta’s good friends (Teto, Momo, Ritsu, and Ruko) are captured because they were accused of stealing (deforcing) “Defoko” away from the planet that produced her. Uta is taken back there as well, but she uses the combat powers she kept hidden for a long time to bust out.
Uta then fights her own creators with a power that is foreign (and deadly) to them.... The power of song! The power of love, and passion, and heart, and... joy! The evil aliens do not stand a chance against the power of Uta’s magical song and voice.
“Defoko! When the heck did you learn to produce a singing voice? This isn’t what you were programmed to do! Stop this madness, right this instant!” They tell her.
Uta does not give them mercy. They took her precious friends. They continue to manufacture androids that cannot feel joy. This needs to stop right now!
Uta ends up destroying the entire sinister operation, and also starts the dystopian planet Discord down its path to peace. However, Monochrome, the ultimate enemy in the story, still won’t budge...
After this feat, and rescuing her dear friends, Uta fulfills herself and unlocks her magical girl transformation. In Whimsica, magical transformations are unlocked when the user “fulfills” themself, symbolizing that they’ve overcome a difficult hurdle, accomplished a wonderful goal, or opened the door to their true self.
Now that Uta is fulfilled, she unlocked the power herself to be able to experience euphoria. All the other androids that were produced by her shady manufacturer also gained the ability to feel joy as well.
Uta had slain the chains in her heart and will live on happily with Taya and the rest of her friends.
“This moment resonates in me.” Uta says.
“Wait, that’s it...” Taya says. “Resonate... that’s a perfect name for our music group! We should call ourselves Resonate!”
Uta’s three siblings are also androids created by the same planet who admire her and want to be her siblings after she ends up saving them. They are related in a sense since they were created by the same “company.”
But this is not the end of the story with everyone.
Now it’s time for Taya’s story.
Taya hasn’t seen Saya for years... He is beginning to lose hope that she’s still alive...
Taya Soune and Saya Toune were childhood best friends who grew up someplace else. However, one day when they were both 12, Saya became depressed, and it was hard for Taya to watch his friend suffer. Some time afterwards, an earthquake hit the area and everyone had to take only their most important items and evacuate rapidly before a tsunami were to hit. Taya had to move to his current location, and had to leave Saya without saying goodbye. He never saw Saya again.
After this incident, Taya never got a phone call from Saya, or a letter or any hint she might’ve still been alive and out there. It wouldn’t have been unlikely that Saya and her family had died tragically in the earthquake or aftermath tsunami.
Taya is now left with a heavy, broken heart, and an intense fear of earthquakes. He is most torn apart that the fact that Saya had depression and the last few months before her departure to be so sad.
One day in the present, Uta, Taya, and the rest of the friend group are out at the mall. A song comes on that reminds Taya of his memories with Saya. He begins fighting back tears, but eventually starts sobbing and splits from the group, telling everyone he needs a moment alone. Everyone is concerned. Uta approaches Taya gently after he calms down. Taya then tells Uta about Saya, their story, and how much he misses his friend.
Uta is the first person Taya tells about Saya since he had moved. None of his other friends knew about the sadness he hid in his heart.
It had been years since Saya’s disappearance. Taya has pretty much lost all hope at this point.
Uta reassures Taya that he still shouldn’t give up hope. Uta’s words uplift Taya with a new hope that he had never before felt.
One day when Taya is feeling useless, Uta consoles him and tells him something she was too shy to say before.
“Taya, your voice was the sound that awoken my soul. When I first came to Whimsica, I walked past the karaoke cafe, and I heard you sing. It was the first time I had ever heard music. You sang so wonderfully, and I felt so warm. I felt then, that music was a truly amazing thing. It was you who changed my life Taya... So please, don’t feel sad.”
Eventually, it turns out that Saya is actually still alive. One fateful day, Taya and Saya reunite. Saya becomes a part of Uta and Taya’s group of friends.
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Thoughts on The Rise of Skywalker
Just a disclaimer that this post contains TROS spoilers 
Hi there, it’s me again sharing my views on the latest Star Wars as a Reylo, fan and former film student (the latter may show at some point but it’s mostly a fan view). 
I had pretty high expectations for this movie and I was not not happy leaving the screening, but I had some things that I thought would go down differently so here’s what I think. 
I really like how organic Rey and Kylo’s connection and intimacy is portrayed in The Last Jedi, and J.J. expanded a bit on that which I think it’s very nice (and apparently they can teleport things via ForceSkype now which is an interesting take but I understand the reasoning). 
One thing that I didn’t really like is that Rey is a Palpatine. I’ve seen one theory on this and it makes sense now, yet I was a great supporter of the theory that Rey was really a nobody, that she came from nothing like Kylo said. She could’ve been just like Anakin who didn’t have either Jedi nor Sith ancestors. 
On a more positive note, Rey’s conflict with herself is an ongoing theme in this trilogy and I believe it was really well developed and has come to a satisfying conclusion. I felt like she was a bit lost in the beginning and I thought it was going to be an issue later on but thankfully it got better before it was too late. 
Also Rey is so goddamn powerful and strong with the Force I love her so much.
When Rey and Kylo are battling in the old Death Star and she stabs him with his own lightsaber but then she feels Leia’s gone and immediately realises what she has done and without second thought she kneels to heal Ben crying. My heart exploded I felt so many things at once I can’t explain. 
“I wanted to take your hand. Ben’s hand.” hsdcsgfyufgyufgeryfcgeif i died. 
Also maybe that “I am all the Jedi” line is a nudge to Avengers: Endgame? (*cof* hi Disney *cof*) 
Kylo Ren/Ben Solo 
Next up is ma boi Kylo Ben, who has been my favourite character this whole trilogy and hell Adam Driver portrayed him so wonderfully. In TLJ he grew so much as a character, not only as a villain but a person who went through a lot, has an abusive master and is constantly being haunted by the guilt of killing his father. 
To start this off, I want to talk about those first scenes. OH MY GOD KYLO TAKING ALL THOSE PEOPLE IN THE FOREST IN SLOW MOTION AND HIS SOLO JOURNEY TO EXEGOL. After that I got mad at Palps when one of his first lines was “I have been every voice you have ever heard inside your head” because it means Ben has been manipulated his whole life and didn’t really have a choice other than turn to the dark side. 
Kylo’s arc is by far my favourite and in my (completely biased) opinion the best written one. When he’s introduced in TFA, he’s a promise of a new Vader but he’s not quite there yet. Kylo has conflict inside him, a spark of light still, and to put out that spark once and for all he’s instructed by his master to kill Han Solo, but as we’ve seen it has “split his spirit to the bone”, to quote Snoke. 
Later on in TLJ when the ForceSkype starts we begin to see more of Kylo’s vulnerable side, specially when Rey is talking to him in the hut. Kylo takes his fcking glove off to take Rey’s hand and that’s when Reylo became canon and you can’t change my mind. 
Fast forward to TROS, Kylo is already the Supreme Leader and he’s as strong as Rey (but most likely more skilled because he had extensive training while Rey had only a few lessons and read some books?) and they are Force Dyads which makes them absurdly powerful together. 
One thing I noticed is that every time Rey and Kylo claim to have seen the future both of them are always on the same side, either Dark or Light, but always together. They’ve never mentioned a future where they are apart and/or on different sides. *all the Reylo feels*
Then when both are battling in the old Death Star and Rey stabs him but heals him shortly after and Ben is ready to let Kylo Ren die to become Ben Solo again is brilliant. And that dialog with Han made me shed a tear or two. (a random side note is that I got a tiny bit upset when he threw his lightsaber away because his lightsaber is so cool and I just got one myself but I absolutely understand the need to get rid of it). 
I WAS SO HAPPY WHEN MY BABY BEN SOLO BURST INTO PALPATINE’S CHAMBERS (?) WITH ONLY A BLASTER AND LOOKED SO GOOD. Also I almost cried when he took the blue saber and beat the shit out of the Knights of Ren. 
And yes, I believe Ben Solo isn’t truly dead and Rey can help him come back and they can live happily like they deserve to be. 
Thank you Adam Driver for being the highlight of this movie (and dare I say, trilogy) and bless us with amazing acting. 
Poe Dameron 
I love Poe, he’s great and I loved that they gave him more screen time and I get they were trying to build another trio like in the OT but maybe making Poe, who was already a great pilot like Han also be a former (spice) smuggler is a bit much? We could use new characters and it’s okay if you wanna recycle the idea but please don’t make them identical. 
Another very important point is why do you need to make up a female love interest for Poe when there’s clearly one already? During the whole movie I felt a sexual tension between Finn and Poe just not to have them together in the end, I was very disappointed. MAKE STORMPILOT CANON YOU COWARDS. 
To be honest, Finn is not one of my favourite characters and I believe it’s mostly due to poor writing. Finn is a great character and had so much potential being a deserter of the First Order but his arc wasn’t so well developed in the trilogy as a whole and one of the arcs I least enjoyed in TLJ was Finn and Rose’s adventure in Canto Bight. It all felt like a distraction even though they were doing something seemingly important but failed at the end. 
In TROS, Finn finds a group of other Stormtrooper deserters and I thought maybe it’d push his storyline forward but not so much. I was a bit disappointed but there were also lots of other things happening that I didn’t pay much attention to Finn, one of the reasons being that I already didn’t care much about him before so now it was kind of meh. 
I said it before and I’ll say it again, MAKE STORMPILOT CANON. 
A positive thing on Finn is that now they explored how Finn is Force-sensitive and now he finally realised he doesn’t need to run away and is willing to fight. 
Rose Tico
As I’ve mentioned before, her arc with Finn wasn’t my favourite in TLJ but that’s okay because you can’t make everyone happy all the time, yet I saw many people complaining about her character and even Kelly was attacked that she left social media. And now there were so many complaints that they decided to basically ignore Rose and she’s in like three scenes. 
I don’t think they even gave a plausible explanation why Rose couldn’t come along with Finn, Poe and Rey other than the fans didn’t like her character and they were trying to recreate the original trio. 
General Hux
Well, to be honest I was almost certain he would die at some point but killing him off like that? He deserved a bit of dignity. But his scenes were funny, which I’m not sure if it’s good or bad because he’s a First Order general so... he’s supposed to be more serious, I guess? 
As weird as it is, I kinda get his motives for being the spy, to see Kylo Ren fall so he could ascend to the Supreme Leader position, but things didn’t work out but at least we got a bit of that Kylux tension, right? *sigh* 
Knights of Ren 
One of my great disappointments of this movie.
They didn’t say a word, were only referred as murderers (not sure about the word exactly but it was something like that), had a couple of fight scenes and died. I wish they made an appearance in TLJ but they were only mentioned in Rey’s vision and Snoke mentioned them once but that was it.
They had some really impressive costumes and weapons, though. 
Overall a great movie, lots of nostalgia, would recommend.
So there it is, my thoughts on The Rise of Skywalker after watching it for the first time. Please feel free to share your thoughts as well and let’s talk :)
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simblrbreezycakes · 6 years
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i was tagged by @chippedcupanddustybooks sweet bb. i am tagging @irrelephantsims @magnoliidae @simplymelaninated and anyone who hasn’t been tagged i swear i feel like the last person doing this LOL. heckin long ass questionnaire under the cut.
1. What is your full name? Brianna Leigh [Redacted] 2. What is your nickname? Breezy 3. Birthday? may 4th 4. What is your favorite book series? hmmmm series? idk.... i really like every single john grisham book and they aren’t related but when you have such a niche brand of book i feel like it counts lol.  5. Do you believe in aliens or ghosts? kinda on both. 6. Who is your favorite author? oh whew. tough one right here. idk man, i have a few? but if i had to choose i guezz i would say george orwell.   7. What is your favorite radio station? who tf listens to the radio like det anymore lmfao. i don’t have one. before i listened to 107.1 in memphis in the car sometimes, but i moved so. 8. What is your favorite flavor of anything? i loveeee pineapple anything. 9. What word would you use often to describe something great or wonderful? lit 10. What is your current favorite song? currently really into pink in the night by mitski and also sicko mode by travis scott.
11. What is your favorite word? good ole fuck(in/ed/etc.) i also really like voluptuous and bubbles. 12. What was the last song you listened to? last thing i listened to was another lifetime x nao.  13. What TV show would you recommend for everybody to watch? absolutely check out the good place. also hilda, the dragon prince, she-ra princess of power, criminal minds, law and order (the original), and snapped. 14. What is your favorite movie to watch when you’re feeling down? i used to watch the notebook religiously when it rained/felt upset like shit. but lately i’ve been watching say yes to the dress to combat my depression lol. 15. Do you play video games? yah 16. What is your biggest fear? dying alone and no one finding me. like literally alone not like meta alone “oh no one loves me” like dead ass alone somewhere isolated. 17. What is your best quality, in your opinion? hmmmmm idk that i care a lot about other people? 18. What is your worst quality, in your opinion? all of them lmfao. i’m annoying, i’m physically unattractive, i talk too damn much, i can be kind of a bitch both intentionally and unintentionally, i’m a trash writer, i can be selfish, and i self depreciate a lot (lol see above response “all of them”) and i’m sure that gets on people who love and care about me’s nerves ((but like....i mean it lmfao)) 19. Do you like cats or dogs better? whew tough. prolly cats though.  20. What is your favorite season? winter followed by a tie between spring and fall.  21. Are you in a relationship? nah lmfao.  22. What is something you miss from your childhood? not being so fuckin ugly and depressed lmfao. 23. Who is your best friend? “my person” as greys anatomy stans would say is ivy lynn [redacted] [redacted] but i also wanna shout out my home girl mary (i know you follow me on here), my home girl christina (also follows me on here but she never checks her simblr anymore), my smoothie gang bitches, my NSA bitches (which includes both ivy and mary lmfao), and my memphis as fuck family. honorable mention to loml [redacted] who is skating on thin fucking ice with me right now lmfao. 24. What is your eye color? brown 25. What is your hair color? brown 26. Who is someone you love? don’t make me answer this tumblr gods. 27. Who is someone you trust? all my best friends, my parents, my brother. 28. Who is someone you think about often? fucking murder me @ this question lmfao. my friend kate (RIP) my grandmother grannypeg (RIP) and [redacted] 29. Are you currently excited about/for something? i’m excited to spend christmas in a new country! forging new traditions and all that. 30. What is your biggest obsession? currently i’m obsessed with wedding stuff and mens fashion and how mens fashion such as suits translates into womens fashion. we love a hot lady in a tailored suit amiright? 31. What was your favorite TV show as a child? spongebob squarepants RIP :”( 32. Who of the opposite gender can you tell anything to, if anyone? [redacted] 33. Are you superstitious? kinda i guess? not really about stuff like stepping on cracks breaking mamas’ backs or opening umbrellas indoors but little things about familial traditions. 34. Do you have any unusual phobias? not really a phobia but i have misophonia. i also hate eye shit. like eye violence or anything fuckin around with eyes is a big no from me dawg. 35. Do you prefer to be in front of the camera or behind it? absolutely behind the camera. i used to be a theater kid so like being on stage i don’t mind but when it comes to the spotlight and being filmed??? no no no no no. lemme be a cinnamontawgrowfur all day.  36. What is your favorite hobby? watching movies, playing skyrim (I MISS IT SO MUCH), reading, watching music videos, modern calligraphy/hand lettering, baking (ALSO MISS IT MUCH) 37. What was the last book you read? lol a textbook about developing countries.
38. What was the last movie you watched? i just rewatched the swan princess the other day but in terms of watching something brand new i think it was this tom cruise movie my friend showed us and i thought she said someone else ( i don’t remember now. maybe tom hanks?) it was pretty good he was irish or sum with nicole kidman and they came to the united states and pretended to be siblings but the sexual tension was so fucking high dawg. 
39. What musical instruments do you play, if any? nothing i’m wack and a disappointment to my musically gifted family (my dad and brother)  40. What is your favorite animal?  polar bears followed by giraffes. 41. What are your top 5 favorite Tumblr blogs that you follow? i’m gonna go with my main tumblr because ion wanna hurt nobody’s feelings but i follow a celebs of color page i really love, a fashion page i really love, and a few artists i really love. 42. What superpower do you wish you had? teleportation or shape shifting.  43. When and where do you feel most at peace?  i feel most at peace when it is raining and i’m in my room, everything is clean and tidy, candles are lit, i have nothing to do so the world is my oyster, i have a nice cup of coffee or hot cocoa or tea, and i just am v i b i n g.  44. What makes you smile? seeing my friends, my brother (when he isn’t pissing me off), funny videos of red dead people falling off their horse in cinematic mode, pretty flowers, cute art, round birds. 45. What sports do you play, if any? i don’t lmfao. 46. What is your favorite drink? honestly a frozen margarita no salt. 47. When was the last time you wrote a hand-written letter or note to somebody? a month ago.  48. Are you afraid of heights? absolutely. 49. What is your biggest pet peeve? people chewing with their mouths open and people talking to me like i’m incompetent/assuming i don’t know anything about what they’re trying to talk to me about especially if it is my area of expertise lol. 50. Have you ever been to a concert? hail yeah. many. 51. Are you vegan/vegetarian? nope! 52. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? honestly i don’t know but i have a distinct memory of a bunch of girls in my second grade, yours truly included, wanting to be strippers. and i don’t know why or how this came up or if we even truly knew what stripping meant but. yeah. OH i guess around the time i was in 4th/5th grade i started wanting to be a harvard law graduate and be a lawyer but i gave that up in like high school and then bounced being a lawyer back and forth in my noggin up until i applied for grad school. shout out to my mary for doing it though.  53. What fictional world would you like to live in? hmmmm idk. none of em really. 54. What is something you worry about? if i made the right decision(s) in life lol.  55. Are you scared of the dark? not really.  56. Do you like to sing? yeah i do! doesn’t mean i’m good at it though haha. 57. Have you ever skipped school? yeah lmfao. 58. What is your favorite place on the planet? i miss Rwanda a lot. but honestly my favorite place is wherever the people i love are. my family loves to travel so whenever i’m with someone i love sharing an experience? i’m in heaven. 59. Where would you like to live? idk anywhere i guess. somewhere it is mostly cold most of the time though haha. 60. Do you have any pets? my bb boi fred lives with my dad and my mom has a dog and 2 cats. we used to have 3 but one of em ran away when she moved to her house, we caught him, he ran away again. oh whale. 61. Are you more of an early bird or a night owl? oh a big time night owl. big time. 62. Do you like sunrises or sunsets better? honestly i like sunrises better but i am never awake to catch em hahah. 63. Do you know how to drive? yah and i fuckin love doing it. 64. Do you prefer earbuds or headphones? i prefer headphones. like really quality ones too. but i tend to use earbuds more often because i don’t need quality while im working out or going to class just easy grab and go. 65. Have you ever had braces? nope but i used to want some so bad. 66. What is your favorite genre of music? i love rap, dream-y pop music and dream-y rap music, i love 80s music. all 80s music really lmfao.  67. Who is your hero? mi mum and mi dad. also viola davis queen of inventing acting and every single color in the rainbow. 68. Do you read comic books? kind of. i was trying to build up a collection before i moved but i only had my BP comics. 69. What makes you the most angry? injustice and offensive ass content and behaviors. also don’t fuck with my friends. i got two dudes on my shit list right now that it is *on sight* if i ever see them again. 70. Do you prefer to read on an electronic device or with a real book? a real book all the way. idk what it is about digital reading my brain shuts the fuck down. i am super fast reader but the second i try and read something digitally it takes me maybe like 10-15 min to get through just a few sentences. 71. What is your favorite subject in school? history lol i was a history major. 72. Do you have any siblings? yeah my chicken nugget puppy brother dylan. asshole. 73. What was the last thing you bought? some historical romance i think? it’s in dutch so idrk.  74. How tall are you? 5′7 i think. 75. Can you cook? yeah i love cooking but saddly don’t do much of it. 76. What are three things that you love? my teddy bear my momma got me for valentines day, my st. agatha figurine, and my yikes tapestry mary got me. i realize now after reading the next question you probably meant like shit in general so. the smell of a fresh cup of coffee, snuggly warm sweaters, postcards and tiny gifts from friends. you know the ones “i just got this for you because i thought you’d like it” 77. What are three things that you hate? funky ass attitudes, the smell and feel of lavender oil, corn. 78. Do you have more female friends or more male friends? female 79. What is your sexual orientation? i’m a big ole heterosexual. sorry to disappoint :/  80. Where do you currently live? the netherlands. 81. Who was the last person you texted? my friend and former roommate. today is her birthday. 82. When was the last time you cried? like an hour ago lmfao. 83. Who is your favorite YouTuber? i don’t have one haha. vevo i guess. 84. Do you like to take selfies? do i like taking them? not really. it takes me too damn long to get one that looks good enough. i like sending stupid selfies to friends though. 85. What is your favorite app? i use twitter probably the most but my favorite app is my spider solitaire game haha. 86. What is your relationship with your parent(s) like? we are very close. i would say both of my parents are my biggest supporters and cheerleaders but how they do that looks a bit different. my mom and i are very similar but sometimes how we handle certain things is very different so we can be the best of friends one day and the completely butt heads the next. 87. What is your favorite foreign accent? i loovveeeee a scottish accent and an irish accent. also tbrh i love a good southern boy drawl. like idk if i could play for you all the way this one dude who works with my mom talks? i would because i wanna bottle it and listen to it whenever i feel bad. 88. What is a place that you’ve never been to, but you want to visit? i would really like to go to norway for my birthday. 89. What is your favorite number? i don’t have one. 90. Can you juggle? nope but i did try and learn i have a video of it somewhere lmfao. 91. Are you religious? kind of. i’m more spiritual than religious and lowkey hate saying that because it sounds so hoitietoitie but it’s true. 92. Do you find outer space or the deep ocean to be more interesting? the ocean. so much of it we haven’t explored. thinking about space makes me feel existential and dead inside.  93. Do you consider yourself to be a daredevil? nah haha 94. Are you allergic to anything? yeah i’m supposed to take one claritin a day but like i don’t. 95. Can you curl your tongue? yeah 96. Can you wiggle your ears? nope :(  97. How often do you admit that you were wrong about something? i’ll admit i’m wrong if i’m actually wrong but you’re gonna have to a helluva lot of convincing to get me there lmfao. though if my being “wrong” has caused harm to someone else i’ll apologize quicker than lightning because the last thing i would want is for my stubbornness to hurt someone i love. 98. Do you prefer the forest or the beach? um the mountains 99. What is your favorite piece of advice that anyone has ever given you? "never turn down a date. you never know who you might meet while you’re out” -my grandmother to my mother to me. 100. Are you a good liar? lmfaooooo i am a reformed liar. 101. What is your Hogwarts House? HUFFLEPUFF BAYBEEE 102. Do you talk to yourself? yah 103. Are you an introvert or an extrovert? an introvert. i may be loud and talkative sis but i promise you i’m over compensating because i want you to like me lmfao. 104. Do you keep a journal/diary? i have a private twitter does that count. 105. Do you believe in second chances? depends. 106. If you found a wallet full of money on the ground, what would you do?imma keep it real with you chief i would keeps the money lmfao. in the past i would’ve tried to return it to the owner but i am big broke bois with a lot of unexpected expenses coming up so like... yeah lmfao. we keepin that coint. 107. Do you believe that people are capable of change? sometimes. 108. Are you ticklish? yes lmfao 109. Have you ever been on a plane? yeah! 110. Do you have any piercings? yah i got my lobes pierced one on each ear, my nose, and a cartilage piercing. 111. What fictional character do you wish was real? my girl nancy drew. 112. Do you have any tattoos? yeah i got 2 of em. 113. What is the best decision that you’ve made in your life so far? idk lmfao. probably when i applied for cityterm and when i appled to go back to undergrad. 114. Do you believe in karma? Yeah but not in a “oh you hurt me? you’re gonna get your come uppins” way but in a every action affects your soul and your being kinda way.  115. Do you wear glasses or contacts? im supposed to wear glasses but ask me if im wearing em right now lmfao. 116. Do you want children? presently i don’t see myself wanting or having kids but i want to foster. 117. Who is the smartest person you know? my friends lol. 118. What is your most embarrassing memory? literally every single memory has a tinge of embarassment lol. but probz when i walked into the cafeteria my first day of highschool as a smol freshman and my knees locked up and i fell forward and my giant ass backpack (because i never used my locker ever in any grade) wrapped around my neck and had me stuck in a strange position in the middle of the parting of the tables in the cafeteria.  119. Have you ever pulled an all-nighter? hell yeah lmfao. 120. What color are most of you clothes? blue or black 121. Do you like adventures? yeah! 122. Have you ever been on TV? yeah but like on the news and shit. 123. How old are you? 24 124. What is your favorite quote? i carry your heart (i carry it in my heart) 125. Do you prefer sweet or savory foods? OOF TOUGH BUT UHHH probz sweet. 
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twilighteve-writes · 7 years
Blooming Gladiolus, Fall to the Ground -- Ch. 1
Summary: When Midoriya Hisashi finally comes home from years-long work outside the country, Izuku expected to have some family down time that he hadn’t ever had with him since… well, forever. Catching-up talk, maybe. Chatting while drinking coffee or eating ice cream at some fancy outdoor patio. Definitely fumbling around for an explanation about him developing a Quirk pretty much out of nowhere.
His expectations were turned upside down, because apparently, his father isn’t what he seems, and Izuku doesn’t know what to expect anymore.
What Izuku knows is that the appearance of Midoriya Hisashi triggers a domino effect that sends his whole world toppling down. And honestly, being accused of turning around and becoming a villain is just a bonus. When have life ever passed the chance to fuck him over, anyway?
Can also be read in AO3 or FF.net.
The noise of the news program on TV echoed through the mostly empty common area of the dorms, filling it with the loud sounds of buildings falling and rubbles settling.
“The villain that attacked the city is reported to have a vibration quirk that allows him to topple buildings easily,” the news reporter relayed. “A few heroes have tried to subdue him, but for the time being they are not able to do so yet. We have also received word that up-and-coming hero, Barrier Maiden, was inside the building – “ she cut her words off, putting her hand on the earpiece she had in her left ear. When she spoke again, her voice was decidedly much more grave. “Recent checking has confirmed that there are at least fourteen people in the building when it collapsed. The authorities hope to retrieve them safely, however it is unfortunately not possible to do so while the villain is still about.”
He placed the half-filled glass of water on the table as he sank to the couch, expression falling. If he actually had permission, he’d go out and help. Then again, his provincial license limited his movements to certain area which did not include the place where the incident was happening. Also, considering he didn’t have speed or teleportation quirk it was more than likely that he’d end up arriving too late anyway.
“Barrier Maiden,” he whispered to himself, tasting the name on his tongue. It was a good hero name, as far as any. Judging from it, the hero most likely had the power to create barriers – and the hero should be a woman, if the maiden in the name was anything to go by. The barrier quirk should be strong, if she was confident enough to choose such hero name to go with. How strong were the barriers she made though? How long did they last? Were there distinct shapes she needed to make to ensure highest stability? What of the size? How much was she able to manipulate existing barriers? What sort of drawbacks did the quirk have? All quirks have drawbacks. Maybe she could only make small barriers? Maybe the sizes determine the stability and power. Maybe…
“Whoa, Midoriya, you’re up this early? And already mumbling, too?”
He jumped in his seat and turned. “Ah, good morning, Kaminari,” Izuku greeted. “I was out for a morning jog earlier, and I got curious about the news.”
Kaminari plopped down on the seat next to him. “Cool. I just woke up because Mineta was snoring really loud, so I figured going to the common area wouldn’t hurt.” He grimaced. “Also, he’s been talking in his sleep. About… weird things.”
Izuku winced. “Is it about women’s boobs and asses?”
“Worse. It’s about 1-A girls’ boobs and asses.” Kaminari shook his head. “I mean, I’ll admit it, I like girls and I definitely like both boobs and ass, but Mineta is just…” he wriggled his fingers weirdly. “Yeah.”
Izuku sighed heavily. As good as Mineta could be in schoolwork and heroics, his perverted tendencies never failed to both baffle and made him uncomfortable.
“Mt. Lady is currently trying to dig the rubbles to rescue the civilians while Best Jeanist and Kamui Woods battle and apprehend the villain,” the reporter’s voice drew Izuku’s attention back to the TV. “From what we know so far, the villain has voice-based quirk which creates vibrations capable of toppling buildings. We only hope that Best Jeanist and Kamui Woods are able to apprehend him as soon as possible.”
“Man, that villain’s tough,” Kaminari commented as the TV showed the two heroes and the villain fighting, with the villain ducking and sending his own screams that made the heroes wince and stagger. Kamui Woods’ created trees shattered at the attack, and the threads Best Jeanist used clearly frayed, but they were able to at least tie the villain down. Unfortunately, it wasn’t enough to completely tie him down, as he repeatedly broke out and lunged.
“Best Jeanist and Kamui Woods both seem to be struggling with this villain. It seems that his vibration weakens each and every material anyone uses to tie him down. However – ah! Viewers, Mt. Lady has just managed to dig out the rubbles!”
The camera switched focus from the fight to the rescue attempt at once. It blurred before focusing, showing Mt. Lady setting aside a large chunk of the wall. In the settling dust was a glowing dome, a somewhat translucent blue barrier that stood strong under the pile of bricks and woods. Mt. Lady quickly brushed the rubbles off the barrier as the camera zoomed in to the barrier.
In it was an unfamiliar hero in baby blue hero suit with pink sash and pink mask. Her face was folded into a frown as she concentrated to keep the barrier intact, and her braided dark hair was messy. As soon as Mt. Lady cleared the area, she lowered her upstretched arms and staggered back. Then, from behind her, several people shot up to catch her before she fell.
She managed to get all the people in the building into her barrier, Izuku realized. She protected them all.
“New hero Barrier Maiden is able to round up and protect all fourteen – no, fifteen people in the building using her quirk!” the reporter gushed excitedly. “Families of these people can now rest easy, as Barrier Maiden has saved them all. She’s now cooperating with Mt. Lady to bring these people to safety. The police and paramedics are waiting by the road, and they will provide the needed support to – oh no, watch out!”
Izuku swallowed down a whimper when he saw the villain breaking out of Kamui Woods’ restraints and lunging to Barrier Maiden and Mt. Lady. Beside him, Kaminari let out a troubled shout. Kirishima was beside Kaminari, yelling at the villain for being a prick, while Bakugou yelled obscenities at the villain and Todoroki gave a wordless noise of disapproval from right next to Izuku’s ear. Mixed in the noise was Uraraka’s loud no, Tsuyu’s croak, and Yaoyorozu’s groan. Izuku spared them all a brief glance, wondering when they even got there, before turning back to the TV.
Barrier Maiden had reacted quickly, trapping the villain inside a ball-shaped barrier. She winced when the villain screamed and her barrier began to crack, however. She turned and put all fifteen civilians she had protected inside another ball-shaped barrier and gestured to Mt. Lady. The hero with gigantification quirk nodded and picked the ball barrier up, running to the police line.
The barrier imprisoning the villain shattered, and Barrier Maiden flinched. The barrier with the civilians shuddered but didn’t break. She glared at the villain and untied the sash around her waist, holding it like a weapon. Behind the villain, both Best Jeanist and Kamui Woods creeped closer.
With three heroes working together, it was a quick work restraining the villain. Barrier Maiden imprisoned him within another barrier that he shattered as quickly as it manifested, making her flinch and stagger, but Best Jeanist and Kamui Woods both were prepared, quickly using thread and wood to tie him in place, with Kamui Woods creating some sort of gag using his quirk. Not willing to take any chances, Barrier Maiden then created three layers of barriers to secure him further until police came in to bring him in.
(It was a good precaution, because by the time the police was there the villain had managed to break the restraints Best Jeanist and Kamui Woods created and was in the process of trying to shatter the second layer of Barrier Maiden’s triple-layered barrier, and the two older heroes couldn’t create more restraint because apparently people couldn’t use their quirk from the outside of the barrier to the inside and vice versa – though if you were already in the inside and used it inside it would be fine.)
“That was intense!” Uraraka commented. “Barrier Maiden’s quirk was so cool!”
“It was great that she was able to save all those people,” Tsuyu croaked. Her head tilted in thought. “Her quirk seemed pretty powerful. What do you think, Midoriya?”
Izuku sat ramrod straight in his seat. “Eh?!”
“Well you are the resident quirk analyst,” Kirishima pointed out as Kaminari poked him on the arm. “And you’re usually pretty spot on, too.”
“Well, uh,” Izuku pursed his lips, bringing his hand up to his chin as he thought. “Her quirk is emitter-type, right? So naturally it’ll be weak to quirks capable of cancellation of its activation, such as Eraserhead’s erasure. It’s strongly defensive in nature, so I wonder about its offensive application. Also, Barrier Maiden seems to be hurt when the barriers are broken forcibly, so damage received to the barriers most likely reflect to her indirectly.” He hummed. “It’s surprisingly convenient that her first appearance in the media is to protect civilians from crumbling building, though. It showcases her strong point considerably.”
“Almost shoving it to your face, actually,” Todoroki pointed out. “The damage the villain dealt to the city is huge, there many civilian lives on the line, and her quirk was excellent in minimalizing victims. You don’t usually get that lucky, as far as debuts go.”
“It’s good for her though, right?” Uraraka pointed out. “You need media attention and popularity to stay in the business, after all! Unless you’re an underground hero like Aizawa-sensei.”
“Still, it is very convenient,” Izuku thought aloud, mostly to himself. He turned back to the TV, where the reporter was gushing about how fortunate it was that a hero with defensive quirk had come in to save the civilians from falling rubbles. The shot showed the police thanking the four heroes. Barrier Maiden preened quietly at the back until the police turned to her, to which she flushed immediately.
As the camera zoomed to Barrier Maiden’s face, Izuku caught movements from behind her shoulder. Far back, leaning to a building, was a man in a charcoal gray hoodie. One of his hands was in the hoodie’s pocket while the other held a phone to his ear. He spoke into the phone, listened, nodded, and casted a look to Barrier Maiden. He nodded once in what seemed to be satisfaction and walked away.
Izuku squinted, but the camera zoomed out to show the other heroes also thanking Barrier Maiden. The man in the hoodie disappeared from his sight, too far away to be caught in camera. Something about him piqued at Izuku, though he wasn’t sure what, exactly.
“Deku?” Uraraka’s voice brought him back to reality. “Is something wrong?”
“Oh, nothing!” Izuku assured. It wasn’t anything important, anyway. “By the way, have you guys finished your homework for tomorrow?”
The collective groan from half his classmates who were present at the area was answer enough, and that day ended up being a study group day, with them all piling together in the common area to deal with their homework. It was interrupted around noon, however, when Izuku’s phone chimed with an incoming phone call.
“Ah,” he exclaimed when he checked the caller ID. “I should take this. It’s my mom.”
“Sure, Midoriya, we can handle this much on our own,” Kirishima assured. Izuku smiled at him and made his way outside.
“Hello, Mom?” Izuku greeted when he picked up.
“Izuku,” Inko’s voice was brimming with hopeful excitement. “I was wondering, are you busy today?”
“No, not really,” Izuku answered. “Why?”
“Is it possible for you to go home for today?”
“I don’t know if it’s possible to request a permit to leave the ground in a short notice, but I’ll see what I can do,” Izuku promised. “I’m sorry if this troubles you, but I think you’ll have better chance just coming here than me applying a permit out of nowhere, Mom.”
“Oh, no, no, it’s fine!” Inko hurriedly assured. “This is rather sudden, after all. It’s just that… Hisashi’s home.”
Izuku’s mind blanked out for a moment. “Who?”
“Hisashi,” Inko repeated, a hint of amused exasperation in her tone. “Your father, Izuku.”
Izuku blinked. “Now, after all these years?”
“I’m as surprised as you are,” Inko said. “Can you believe him? He didn’t say anything, and suddenly he just called saying he’s coming home and popped out in the front door about half an hour later! I’m happy, of course, but he could have at least called yesterday.” She spoke the last part loudly, as if wanting someone else to hear. A faint voice chimed a sorry, dear in the background, and Inko sighed. “In any case, we had hoped we could get a family dinner. If it’s not possible, we can schedule it sometime this week, I hope?”
“Yeah,” Izuku nodded. “I can definitely get a permit for sometime this week. Maybe Wednesday or Thursday? Homework tend to relent on those days.”
“You know, it still makes me a little upset that you need a permit to leave school grounds,” Inko said. “It’s like you’re imprisoned there.”
“I’m not, Mom,” Izuku assured. “We’re allowed to go out as long as the school is notified – that’s what the permits are supposed to do, anyway. Besides, it’s kind of necessary, after the whole…”
“The kidnapping fiasco,” Inko finished when Izuku faltered.
“Yes, that.”
“I suppose extra layer of security wouldn’t hurt,” Inko admitted. “U.A is much safer than our own apartment, after all.”
Izuku laughed. “It sure is, with all those walls that shoot up whenever someone without an ID tries to get inside the school ground.”
Inko giggled her own amused agreement, and their phone call soon ended. Izuku smiled as he hung up and put the phone back into his pocket. U.A was fast in dealing with permits, so if he requested a permit for Wednesday tomorrow he should get it at Tuesday morning at the latest.
His smile faded when the thought of meeting his father struck. When was the last time he saw him? When was the last time he actually spoke to him? He didn’t even remember the last time his mom even spoke of him, not even in a secondhand comment. Midoriya Hisashi was as much a stranger to Izuku as someone he passed in a department store.
Oh god he’ll have to reconnect. Oh god he’ll have to explain about One for All. Family dinner was going to be supremely awkward.
The man suppressed a smile at the scene before him. Barrier Maiden was guaranteed to have a good popularity after this sort of stunt. It had been a hassle setting all of this up, and he was glad their efforts had paid off. It wasn’t perfect – things rarely were – but it was pretty close. He knew for sure the kids were cheering happily.
He almost failed to contain his snickers then. Kids. They would blow a gasket if they knew what he referred to them as, considering their age. Not to mention that he already had a kid of his own.
His phone vibrated in his pocket and he took it out. A private number greeted him, and he openly rolled his eyes. It would be cute that they even bothered to try if it wasn’t so annoying. His company had Access with them. Their feeble attempt to upkeep a semblance of anonymity was just plain useless.
“Trailblaze here,” he said when he picked up the phone. “You know, you could’ve just called Brightlight. He’s pretty much second in command, after all. I know you people are too scared to actually talk to Siren, even if she’s better at this sort of thing.”
The person at the end of the line paused. “We prefer to go straight to the head,” a smooth voice replied at last. “You never told us that the damage would be so… massive.”
“You didn’t ask,” he replied flippantly. “Besides, it’s not like your company will have to pay for all the damage from the battle. Barrier Maiden wasn’t the one doing the wrecking.”
“It would upset her to know that so much damage had been dealt to ensure her memorable debut.”
His brow shot up to his hairline. “You plan to tell her?”
“Our contract requires us both to be completely open and honest to each other.”
“Well, okay, if that’s what you decided to do. Just a heads up, though, heroes generally dislike this sort of tactic.”
“We’re aware.”
“Ah, well. Anyway, remember that we’ll have your company name on our list. We’ll call in favors from time to time, so be ready for when that happens.”
“Of course.” The phone clicked and the connection was cut off from the other end. He took his phone off his ear and stared at it, clicking his tongue. Sheesh, rude.
He was about to pocket the phone when it vibrated again. he stared at it as Access’ modification to trace private numbers appeared; showing that this number had never contacted him before and that it came from within the country.
A potential client?
He answered the call and placed the phone by his ear. “Who is this?”
“Is this Trailblaze of the Enablers?”
Yep, a potential client, then. “That’s right. Who is this? Are you requiring our service?”
“I would rather meet you face to face before going into the details.”
“Sure. Where and when?”
The person gave an address and a time, and is eyebrow shot up to his hairline once more. He smirked. “Ah. Is this some bigwig in need of a diversion, then?”
“I wouldn’t put it that way,” the person said mildly, but it wasn’t a denial. Both of them was aware that it was far from a denial.
His smirk widened a fraction. “Well, see you later then, Mr. Politician. I hope you’re aware I will require a large payment and probably even larger favors.”
“Oh, don’t worry. It’s common knowledge within our circle, even if no one talks about it. Good day, Traiblaze.” He nodded with a hum as a response, and the phone call ended. He pulled the phone away from his ear.
Another client, so soon, and within the same country. This almost felt like a Christmas present. He gazed at Barrier Maiden who flushed under media attention, nodded in satisfaction, and walked away.
It looked like he was going to stay around for a while. Might as well go home and reconnect with his family. He wondered absently about how his wife and son were doing. He should be in his teens, maybe about late junior high or early high school age? Early high school age sounded more like it. If he’d inherited both his and his wife’s brains, he should be in a fancy high school by now.
Probably not in heroics, though. There was no way the heroics department of any high school would accept a quirkless kid. General education was more like it. Maybe support. God, he hoped he was in support. It would be great to drag his kid into the business. Ultimately, the choice wasn’t his to make, though.
He lifted his phone again and dialed a long since familiar number. He should tell them he was coming instead of showing up out of nowhere. Granted, this was pretty sudden, but a late notice would still be better than nothing, right?
“Good morning, Midoriya residence,” a feminine voice answered the phone call.
His smile bloomed like a flower. “Hi, Inko.”
Midoriya Inko paused, and he could imagine her eyes growing wide in shock. When she finally spoke, it was in a disbelieving almost-shriek.
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avandra · 7 years
Strangeness and Charm, chapter 1: Mysteries left unsolved
Welcome to the first installment of Strangeness and Charm! This is thought out to be a collection of one-shots that slowly show the growing relationship between my bhaalspawn, Cat, and my dearest half-orc blackguard, Dorn Il-Khan. The chapters will follow specific events -which may or may not include in-game interactions between these two- that I personally considered relevant to the development of their eventual romance. This first chapter is set after killing Simmeon and visiting Baldur’s Gate for the first time. I always figured that someone had to notice the bhaalspawn’s weird divine spells that seemingly come out of nowhere, and since Dorn later mentions his patron had seen the potential in the protagonist, it would make sense to me that he’d be interested in their powers, too. Anyway, I sincerely hope you enjoy this and leave some feedback so I know what I’m doing right and what I should change!
Imoen coughed, clutching her abdomen and bending in pain. From her squinting eyes, she saw her own blood staining the floor. Those blasted spiders had really wrecked her with their razor sharp limbs and their poison. How had that deceased dwarf manage to fit such a cave under his tower was a mystery to the young woman. After going down seemingly infinite levels of the tower’s basement, the group had somehow ended up in a cavernous, gigantic stone structure full of cobwebs and acid puddles that burned through their boots when they stepped on them. Of course, not everything was bad; there were plenty of treasures, if one was daring enough to reach out for them. Unfortunately, that meant being faced with groups of giant poisonous spiders, and somehow she had found herself in the way of those especially nasty ones which could phase and teleport, and now she was shaking and coughing up her insides. As if the cursed tower wasn’t terrifying enough as it was.
However, her childhood friend approached her quickly and imposed her hands on her forehead. The mage was quite shorter than Imoen, which had earned some jestful mockery from the redhead back when life was simpler; but she was also a lot curvier, something the rogue secretly found aesthetically pleasing. Her raven black hair cascaded down her back in a mess of curls, and her piercing green glare focused on Imoen’s wounds, narrowed in concentration and well hidden concern -except for someone who had known her for so long, like the thief. Soon enough, healing light glowed in the woman’s hands, and its warmth spread into her friend’s body, who hummed gratefully at the sensation.
“Thanks, Cattleya.”
The mage furrowed her brow.
“How many times have I told you not to call me that?” She grouched.
“Sorry, Cat,” Imoen snickered, an impish smile spreading into her childlike features.
It was a rather irritating custom that Imoen had. She’d call Cat by her despised complete name just to bug her, despite her constant refusal to be acknowledged by it. The wizardess wondered what her adoptive father had been thinking when he decided to name her after a damned flower.
While she was working on her still injured friend, the witch scanned her surroundings in search of more possible threats, only to be met with that gaze.
He was watching her, again.
He had picked up the habit of observing while she used her healing powers ever since he saw them in action for the first time. He had never confronted her about it, nor did he offer an explanation for his insistent staring. He just stood there, quiet as usual, watching her. For most people, having a hulking, armed to the teeth half-orc blackguard staring at them was a more than logical reason to run to the hills, but to Cat, he was just another of her travel companions. In fact, he had turned to be quite reliable, despite his extreme -if understandable- trust issues and his murderous tendencies. Besides, she was no ordinary woman either; her magic grew more powerful by the day, and everyone who crossed her the wrong way ended up burning to death.
However, the witch had recently acquired knowledge of the source of her companion’s powers as she assisted him with his bloody revenge against his former group. She didn’t mind it -she was not the judgemental type-, but it did stir curiosity in her. Could it be that he knew something about her own mysterious abilities that she ignored?
Once she was done with healing Imoen, the mage dropped her backpack on the spot, attracting the attention of all her partners. She had had enough dungeon touring for the day. The cursed tower was full of interesting riddles, dangerous enemies and mortal traps, and though they had mostly overcome it all with grace and got plenty of profit in the shape of treasured jewels and legendary weapons, they all were pretty beaten up and in need of some rest. No word needed to be said; everyone caught the clue. It was good, as she had grown too tired for chit-chatting, preferring to save her little energy for a more important conversation.
The young woman prepared her bedroll and sat quietly to read through the pages of her spell book, memorizing the ones she deemed more useful. In the meantime, Branwen healed the injuries of the remainder of the group, doing a especially thorough job with Coran as the flirty elf complimented her skills in battle, making the cleric’s cheeks flush red. Imoen chatted with Rasaad while she munched on her portions of dried meat and he performed stretching exercises. Dorn sat alone in a corner, far from the rest of the group, thoroughly cleaning the black blood of the spiders from his brand new greatsword. As much as he was into carnage and murder, he definitely was not one to neglect proper care of his weapons. Once Cat finished sorting through her book, she left the bedroll and took a seat beside him, knowing that nobody would bother them or eavesdrop on their conversation.
“So,” she began, exhibiting her most charming smile, “It seems that I am quite a sight, huh?”
The half-orc paused his task and turned to face her, eyes narrowed in suspicion and annoyance.
“What is that supposed to mean?”
“Well, since my powers seem so interesting to you, and I know about yours, I was wondering if maybe those two issues were related,” Cat replied calmly, leaning comfortably against the rocky wall as he continued to clean the sword.
A short silence followed.
“You want to know if your abilities originate from a patron,” it was not so much a question as a statement.
Cat’s smile fell.
“I sometimes get these… dreams,” Cat confessed in a whisper. “They are like visions… mostly of death,” she paused and bit her lip. She had not revealed that information to anyone before. “Did you go through something like that as well, before you became a blackguard?”
The man shook his head, hands and eyes still focused on the blade.
“Not at all. A patron gives no figment of their power until the contract is made, and as for the dreams…” he paused to look at her, frowning. “No, my bond with Ur-Gothoz is mental, he does not come in my sleep.”
The mage sighed. At least she had tried…
“Well, then it seems that my skills will remain a mystery for now,” she replied, straightening her back.
As she was about to get up, Dorn put a hand on her shoulder to still her. She sat back and waited.
“Ur-Gothoz himself has shown interest in those powers of yours,” he said. “He has not specified their nature, but he has told me that you hold a high potential, and that you might achieve great feats, which is why I should remain by your side for as long as it benefits his goals.”
Cat blinked, shocked by the revelation and wondering whether it would be wise to feel flattered by a compliment that came from a devil.
“Perhaps you could ask him?” She suggested, tilting her head to the side.
The half-orc huffed and sheathed his now clean sword back into its scabbard.
“I do not ask questions; he is the one who gives me orders and guides me,” he explained, with a hint of impatience in his tone. The conditions of the contract with his demonic patron did not seem comfortable ground for conversation.
“Oh, well,” the witch fidgeted with the brooch of her tunic, trying to conceal her slight disappointment, “then I guess I’ll stop pestering you now. Thank you for the insight, nonetheless.”
As she laid in her bedroll, Cat replayed the conversation with the blackguard in her mind. He had not been ashamed to admit that he would only serve her for as long as it suited his patron’s interests, and yet he always seemed rather concerned about topics such as the trustworthiness of Cat’s other companions. Granted, he had been betrayed by those he came to call his friends, but the worries he voiced were directed towards Cat and her well-being. Despite his brutal honesty, he was frustratingly hard to read, and even though she would never admit that anyone was able to get to her in such a way, it infuriated her to no end. What did he really think, or want, from her?
Huffing, she pulled up the corners of her bedroll for warmth, hoping to get some sleep before venturing further into the sinister dungeon she had led her group into.
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nakklepiggy · 7 years
actually now that thought’s just making me think about how people in BOTW’s Hyrule would react to newer technologies being made available.... (this is long so it’s under a cut WHOOPS)
so for starters, I imagine this all would happen in the post-game when Zelda and Link and their friends are rebuilding Hyrule. somebody finally makes the connection that these ancient Sheikah technologies could be used for purposes other than destroying evil; they can be repurposed to improve the safety of Hyrule, create faster modes of transportation and communication, and up the general quality of life by introducing cleaner power sources/electric lighting and heating.
also as a note - certain regions would need different types of technology, such as Death Mountain requiring heat-resistant stuff and Zora’s Domain needing heavy insulation against electricity; and that’s actually something that’d be really cool to think about! but this post is more about cultural attitudes towards improving tech so I’m just gonna focus on that, haha.
Sheikah people are used to a certain level of this technology, given that so many research it and that it has an impact on their contemporary clothing, but there’s a lot of turmoil related to that tech - the fact that they swore off using it and sealed it away for 10,000 years, and that when they tried to use it again it was turned against them and associated with destruction come to mind... I feel like a lot of Sheikah would be happy to see more relaxed attitudes towards improved technology, but they would be understandably wary about developing or building new weapons using that tech. They’ve got a bit of a delicate reputation as it is. Meanwhile, I have a feeling that Yiga clan people have a stronger dependence on these old technologies (I strongly believe that their teleporting abilities are based off of the ancient tech rather than magic), but also perhaps a bit more strict ideas of how it should be used? they seem to only use it to make themselves stronger/craftier warriors, rather than improving their living conditions with it. so it’s possible that an ex-Yiga agent who’s rejoining the greater Hyrulean society while this technological shift is going on would simultaneously be comforted by the technology and kind of affronted at it being used for ‘foolish matters’ of personal comfort, improved quality of life/health, and ease of communication and travel >o> but I’m sure they’d come to appreciate having running water, indoor plumbing, etc.
In general, Hylians would initially be skeptical of improved technology since many have been living in fear of Malice-tainted machines for a century - so fear of technology is probably pretty strongly ingrained in the contemporary Hylian mind, particularly those living around Hyrule Field. However there are definitely Hylians who are curious about ancient technology, and I feel that with Zelda and Link’s interest in turning it into something more infrastructure-focused than military-focused more Hylians would come around to the idea. it would definitely take some convincing.
The Gerudo are ready adopters of improved technology! It seems like so many Gerudo are craftspeople that there would definitely be curiosity and interest there, and once they see how much it can improve the quality of life - improving travel speed and safety in the desert, helping climate control and water supply and even possibly establishing a radio communication center within Gerudo Town and at the Outpost - they would hop to it. No use wasting time when they could be using these advancements to keep themselves and their visitors safe! their relationship with Vah Naboris could also impact this - the Gerudo see Naboris as their protector and associate it with safety, so that would help them be a bit more receptive to the new tech. additionally: there are many electricity-based shrines in the Gerudo region, so I imagine there’d be a flurry of activity around those shrines when research and development of electricity and related technologies picks up. in which case, I imagine that there’d be plenty of Gerudo developing and experimenting with these electric technologies as well!
The Rito would also be quick to adopt new stuff. They don’t have quite as much affection for Vah Medoh as the Gerudo do for Vah Naboris, but they do have respect for their Divine Beast as their protector, and in any case they’re quick to adapt when given new information! In particular I think they’d get a lot of use out of climate control/heating technology, communications technology - particularly for Rito who fly far and wide - and eventually radar. Not to mention they have such strong winds around Rito Village that it’d be easy for them to set up wind turbines - just modify some of their windmills to generate electricity and boom! Easy peasy. In any case Kaneli the elder seems pretty open to new ideas so he’d be happy to take in new stuff.
Gorons would definitely be interested in new technology, mostly because of its relation to their business practices - but there are marked environmental challenges for bringing stuff like wiring into Goron City. >o> This is where repurposing decommissioned/destroyed Guardians would come in useful, I think; the Guardian materials are strong enough to withstand the high temperatures of Death Mountain, while repurposing the wiring and other systems from the Guardians themselves would keep the Gorons from having to reallocate possible edible materials into building materials (though the importance of that depends on how much metal Gorons actually eat and what importance it holds in their diets). However once the technological workthroughs were established, I think Gorons would readily welcome it. Climate control is useful for making spaces that non-Gorons find comfortable, while improved travel modes (motorized minecarts!) and communications arrays will make it easier and safer to work in the mines and travel in and around the mountain itself. Also: please imagine Yunobo running a radio show. Okay? Okay. Good. that’s just.... a really cute idea. ;_;
By and large, the Zora are the hardest people to sell on the new technology because of the prevalence of electricity, which is so dangerous to them. Many Zora elders also have similar feelings and fears about the ancient technology as Hylians do, since they have many firsthand accounts of the Great Calamity. Additionally, there aren’t a whole lot of applications for climate control or electric lighting in the Domain; the temperatures are pretty mild, and the luminous stone built into the Domain itself provides plenty of light. However, the big thing that Zora’s Domain can benefit from is the communications systems and the eventual creation of radar; like the Rito, Zoras swim far and long and get separated from each other; and radar is useful for exploring deep underwater or exploring structural stability. I have a feeling that Prince Sidon tries to get Zora’s Domain to adopt this new technology early on, but is met with opposition based on safety and it even being necessary; but once he can prove that it’s safe and will benefit them, they gradually begin integrating new technology into their Domain. (this may or may not involve Sidon grabbing a live insulated wire to prove that there are ways for Zoras to safely handle electricity and he gives everybody a heart attack from fright lol)
oh MAN, this got long. and it’s basically just social stuff l m a o,,,,,, but it was fun to write hahaha
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curewhimsy · 4 years
Symphony Saga: Resonate outline (New post)
Chapter 1
(Introduce the lore and conflict as Uta/Defoko and her life/surroundings are introduced.)
Uta Utane (AKA Defoko,) 14 years old, is an artificial humanoid from a dystopian planet (Discord) where music is banned and kept a secret by the government. This planet mass-produces androids. This planet is at war with another dystopian planet (Monochrome) and they both produce androids for the purpose for fighting the war. Due to a manufacturing error, the one of the “Default female-1” (codenamed “Defoko”) androids ended up significantly more sentient. She hated the war and fighting, so she rebelled. Defoko feels very depressed and empty about her life, and hates being a machine.
Chapter 2
One fateful day, Defoko, using her advanced aerospace engineering intellect, completes a high-speed “disappearing” spacecraft she was building so that can flee from the planet unnoticed. She arrives at the magical world of Whimsica where things are better on December 3rd. Defoko changes her name to Uta Utane, after some kanji she saw on the sign of a karaoke cafe around her new home.
Uta chose to name herself after kanji from the cafe, because the musical sounds coming from the building made her feel something “warm and poignant.” The night when she visited the cafe, Taya and his friend Ritsu were inside, having a session of singing karaoke. Taya was singing a solo in attempt to get over his shyness. The sound Uta fell in love with was actually Taya’s singing voice.
Uta begins living alone in a small, worn-down apartment. She acquires a part-time job repairing computers to make ends meet.
Uta would describe herself as being self-aware, but lacking the ability to feel euphoria. (Think of it as a sort of depression.) She wishes she were a “real girl” so she could feel this emotion. Despite this, Uta is a very kind, considerate, wisecracking, and compassionate spirit...
On Whimsica, she is still very lonely for now.
That night, Uta sleeps and she has her first dream, because she experienced something that gave her life a meaning (music.) She hears music in her dream and it makes her happy, but when she wakes up, she cannot explain the sensations she felt.
Chapter 3
Uta enrolls herself in the local magical high school, as she is still a young teen and she wants to meet friends. It is her first time going to a proper school. Her new school is very strange. Along with human students, there is also an array of supernatural humanoids, talking animals, anthromorphs (furries,) other creatures, and even... talking objects!?
Even if that is true, Uta sadly feels she still doesn’t fit in.
On her first day at school, Uta‘s first period class is cooking class. She ends up making the confections explode, and gets a scolding and awful grade from the teacher, Miriam. She doesn’t feel like she fits in. On her way to her second-period class, Uta ends up meeting Taya Soune, her shy 15-year-old classmate.
Taya is very late to his second period class because a mean bully girl named Tei Sukone threw his monocle in the giant wishing well and ran off, leaving Taya having to change into his wetsuit, dive in the well and find his monocle, and then go back to the dressing room and change back into his suit and tie outfit. Uta meanwhile is wandering the chaotic hallways of the school, completely lost.
Sometimes in Adventure Academy, when class is in session and students are supposed to be in class, there is a small chance of a monster spawning in the hallways. If a student needs to visit the bathroom or walk down the hall for any reason during a class session, a hall pass can protect students from these monsters.
A monster ends up spawning in the hall as Uta and Taya cross paths. It’s six feet tall and looks like a cross between a penguin, bear, and snake. And it has lots of neon spikes. Neither Taya or Uta have a hall pass on them, so it attacks them!
In Whimsica, monsters are creatures with no souls that typically do nothing but cause destruction. They are mostly made of negative emotions.
Taya may have some magic, but isn’t very good at fighting, so Uta uses her epic android powers to protect them both ad defeat the monster. Uta has a magical machine gun type of pistol, a force field shield, and teleportation powers, and something like The Force to fling large objects with psychic power.
When monsters in Whimsica are defeated, they sometimes drop various kinds of items. The monster drops game tickets to use in the arcade. Uta doesn’t know what they are.
Taya thanks Uta profusely for defeating the monster. He is in awe of the new student’s powers and asks where she is from. Uta is very shy, which Taya doesn’t expect since she is so good in battle. She has a quiet voice that sounds monotone and a bit artificial. Uta finally spits out that she is an android from space. Taya realizes Uta may be sensitive about this, so he vows to try and keep this secret...
Taya tells Uta his name and begins to get to know her. He is quite friendly and guides Uta on her way to her second period class, magic class, which they have together. After school, Taya says he will go to the mall with Uta and show her the arcade, and use the game tickets they acquired from the monster.
Chapter 4
Uta’s third period is math class, which Taya isn’t in. She feels lonely again and thinks about Taya. But then, she ends up meeting two new friends named Teto and Momo, who welcome her to the school. Taya’s third period class is music class. He has this class with with Ritsu, along with Ritsu’s other good friend, Ruko. Taya tells Ritsu about the kind and cool new student named Uta, but not the fact that Uta is an android from space. Ritsu notices that Taya seems to be fond of Uta, which is great, because he notices Taya seems lonesome a lot and wants him to come out of his shell more. Ritsu then offers to help Taya become more social, by offering him friendship and introducing him to Ruko as well. Taya is overjoyed to have a closer bond with Ritsu and another friend in Ruko.
After third period class, is lunch break, and everyone meets up together. Uta introduces Taya, Ritsu, and Ruko to herself, Teto, and Momo. They become a group of six.
For fourth period, Uta has computer coding with Ritsu. Taya has cooking class with Teto and Momo, and Ruko is alone in language arts.
In fifth period, everyone has gym class together.
Finally, in sixth period, Uta and Taya have Whimsica Geography class together. Everyone else is together in dance class.
Uta starts opening up to Taya when she feels she can trust him. By the end of the school day, they are friends.
“I want to be a real girl.” Uta somberly tells him then. “I want to have a soul. As an android, I cannot truly feel joy.”
However, Taya believes that Uta is already a real girl, and that she has a beautiful soul. He is determined on his quest to help Uta feel true happiness.
Chapter 5
After school, everyone else is busy, and only Uta and Taya have free time. Taya takes Uta to the arcade. Uta hears all kinds of music at the arcade. Taya has never seen Uta so entranced before. Uta asks Taya why these sounds make her feel so alive. Taya tells Uta that they are more than just sounds, they have feelings and soul, and are called “music.” Uta falls in love with music. When she hears it, she becomes indescribably enthralled.
At the arcade, Taya plays a dance game and gets a pretty high score. Apparently, it’s Taya’s favorite game at the arcade and he has had a lot of practice every chance he could get. Uta is mesmerized as she watches Taya dance to the music. Uta is a bit shy to dance herself, but a spacecraft piloting game catches her attention. Uta plays the game and gets an incredibly high score, and ends up attracting a crowd of people in awe of her skills. Uta ends up getting a huge output of coins to exchange for prizes. When Uta and Taya put their coins together, they have enough to buy a brand-new karaoke machine that even comes with three karaoke albums to sing to!
Music had awoken something deep in Uta’s soul. It’s a feeling of excitement, thrill, and comfort, but also immense yearning. Uta feels she wouldn’t be truly happy unless she would be able to compose music and sing. Taya sees Uta staring longingly at the karaoke machine.
“Oh, would you like the karaoke machine?” Taya asks Uta. “If so, it can be all yours. I already have something like it. I think it would be great for you. You want to sing, don’t you? You’ll get to experience music even more!”
“Thank you.” Uta says. “But... I’m afraid I can’t.”
Uta looks incredibly forlorn.
“Why?” Taya asks softly. “What do you mean?”
Uta explains that she feels she wouldn’t be able to sing or compose music, since one needs a heart to be able to make music. Uta is convinced she doesn’t have one. Also, can a being with an artificial voice really sing?
Taya can tell how much Uta longs to create music. He hugs her gently and tells her a story. Taya thought he couldn’t sing either at first, because he was too shy. But thanks to an old friend he has, he found the courage to keep trying back then. Taya promises he will help Uta however he can as well.
Taya ends getting a bit emotional... Uta ends up getting emotional too. They end up holding up the line. Merli, a snobby girl from school, is next in line. She rolls her eyes and says “Oh PLEASE.”
Taya ends up developing feelings for Uta. Her story and dream pulls at his heartstrings. He feels very sincerely for her.
Chapter 6
They end up buying the karaoke machine and go back to Uta’s apartment. Taya calls his parents and tell them he is at a friend’s house. Taya supports Uta with her dream and teaches her the first steps to singing. They have their first singing lesson.
Taya is a bit shy with singing in front of Uta, but he is determined to be a good vocal coach. He looks back to the exercises he did with Ritsu in attempt to get over his shyness. As Taya sings, Uta recognizes his voice as “the sound that awakened her soul” back when she first came to Whimsica, but she keeps quiet about it due to being bashful.
It takes a while, but Uta finally figures out how to match pitch. She is able to vocalize simple tunes, but still has a long ways to go...
Chapter 7
The next day before first period, Teto sees one of the non-humanoid students in the school getting bullied in the hallway. The bullies are Lily, Mizki, Merli, and Galaco, the snobby girl clique. They are surrounding and throwing paper at poor Inuhebi, a cute, sluggish limbless creature with a snake’s body and a dog’s head.
Teto is a little apprehensive to face up to them, but knows she has to do something.
“Like, wow. Being fabulous is like, so last year.” Teto says.
“As if. Last time I checked, you weren’t exactly a notable figure.” Mizki says.
“Who needs to be? I’m so sorry you guys can’t just have fun without worrying about who’s on top.” Teto rolls her eyes.
“Shut it, clownface.” Galaco says.
“Yup, that’s me! I’m clownface!” Teto laughs. And laughs, and pulls out a horn and honks it and does a cheesy little dance.
“Ugh. Let’s get outta here.” Merli says.
Teto successfully chased away the mean girls.
Teto goes up to little Inuhebi and asks if he’s okay. Inuhebi isn’t hurt, but he’s sad because he can’t move very fast, and is bullied a lot and is usually late for class.
“Hmm... how about you be my buddy? I’ll carry you on my shoulder. We’ll always be together!” Teto said. “Then you’ll never be late again, and I’ll always be there for you!”
Inuhebi is so happy that he cries tears of joy. Teto lifts him up and lets him ride on her shoulder.
It turns out that Uta, Taya, Teto, Momo, Ritsu, and Ruko all have first period together, but they just didn’t notice before. Inuhebi also has first period with everybody. Teto introduces Inuhebi to the rest of the group, and they are now a group of seven.
“Oh yeah... you were the girl who made the kitchen explode!” Ruko says to Uta, remembering the previous day. Uta is a bit embarrassed.
Momo is the best cook in the class, so she offers to teach Uta a bit how to cook on the side. Taya is very great with cooking and baking as well.
Taya, trusting the others, tells them about Uta’s dream, but is vague about the fact that she is an android from space. Everyone in the group finds that they have an interest in singing in common.
“Hey, since we all like to sing, how about we start up a music group?” Inuhebi suggests.
“Sure!” Momo replies. “That would be fun!”
“That would be great!” Ritsu says. “But what will we name it?”
Everyone begins thinkng long and hard about it...
Chapter 8
Later that day, the group of seven go to the music store together.
Afterwards, everyone goes to Uta’s house and have a karaoke party session.
Uta feels awful and dejected however when it’s her time to sing, however. Everyone else sang so amazingly, and Uta can barely carry a simple tune at this point.
“It doesn’t matter how well you sing, Uta...” Taya reassures her. “It’s about being happy and doing your best. We all want to hear you.”
Everyone cheers Uta on. She takes a deep breath and begins singing “When You Wish Upon A Star” but messes up a bit and stops the music.
“I can’t do it.” She says, her entire body shaking.
“Uta, don’t give up!” Taya says. “I’ll sing with you this time. Will that help?”
Uta nods and tries to calm down.
They take turns singing lines from the song. Uta finally is able to sing the last few on her own. Taya comes in and harmonizes with, her and Uta is amazed at how they were able to sound together.
Everyone claps for both of them. It’s a wonderful feeling Uta wants to treasure forever.
“This moment resonates with me...” Uta says.
Chapter 9
Tei Sukone, the bully, shares first-period class with Uta and everyone else. She is usually skipping class, but this time, Tei actually shows up to first period and causes a lot of trouble.
Tei secretly likes Teto, so she tends to bully the students who get along with Teto out of jealousy. She also picks on Taya because she considers him timid, and was one of the students who picked on Inuhebi as well.
In the days before, Tei noticed that Teto had made a lot of new friends, including Taya and Inuhebi...
Tei’s other nasty friends, Jern and Kild, are in the class too. They both have ugly names.
Eventual Chapters
Taya eventually hears Uta practicing her singing by herself a lot. At first Uta is very upset and discouraged because she just can’t seem to control her voice well. Eventually, Tei Sukone, who bullies Uta and Taya, says Uta should just give up. “She’s just a robot, right?” Tei says. “Robots don’t have souls. They don’t have what it takes to sing.”
Uta feels deeply hurt and discouraged by this comment and considers maybe she wasn’t meant to sing. Afterwards, Ritsu becomes very angry with Tei... but he also has things to say to Uta as well. “Are you really going to give up just like that?” Ritsu criticizes Uta. “Don’t be so weak-willed!” Uta begins crying. Taya comforts Uta and tells Ritsu he was a bit harsh. Uta was already feeling hurt enough.
Uta doesn’t give up, runs off somewhere, and sings all day with bad technique and without any breaks until she passes out alone. Taya searches around town for Uta and finds her unconscious. Everyone is extremely worried. Ritsu gets a chance to apologize to Uta and says he just wanted to see her fulfill her dream and would’ve been as crushed as Uta if she were to have given up. He didn’t mean to be so harsh. Ritsu and the rest of Uta’s friends reassure her and recommend her to take breaks and exercise better technique.
Uta’s friends help her the best they can, and Uta begins practicing singing nearly every chance she gets, but this time with breaks and good technique. Taya can tell that Uta really loves music and is truly determined. Eventually he’s impressed and blown away by how far she gets. Even though Uta was never programmed to be able to sing, she eventually begins to develop a unique singing voice through hours upon hours of practicing painstakingly.
Eventually there is a part where Taya, along with the rest of the group of Uta’s good friends (Teto, Momo, Ritsu, and Ruko) are captured because they were accused of stealing (deforcing) “Defoko” away from the planet that produced her. Uta is taken back there as well, but she uses the combat powers she kept hidden for a long time to bust out.
Uta then fights her own creators with a power that is foreign (and deadly) to them.... The power of song! The power of love, and passion, and heart, and... joy! The evil aliens do not stand a chance against the power of Uta’s magical song and voice.
“Defoko! When the heck did you learn to produce a singing voice? This isn’t what you were programmed to do! Stop this madness, right this instant!” They tell her.
Uta does not give them mercy. They took her precious friends. They continue to manufacture androids that cannot feel joy. This needs to stop right now!
Uta ends up destroying the entire sinister operation, and also starts the dystopian planet Discord down its path to peace. The aliens who run the operation get blasted into space. The rest of the aliens are innocent and never wanted to be part of the operation in the first place. They also have finally heard music for the first time, as Uta’s song was broadcasted around the entire planet live on the news. It fills the depressed aliens’ hearts with love and joy.
Discord is finally a peaceful place.
However, Monochrome, the ultimate enemy in the story, still won’t budge, and continues to be an evil force...
After this feat, and rescuing her dear friends, Uta fulfills herself and unlocks her magical girl transformation. In Whimsica, magical transformations are unlocked when the user “fulfills” themself, symbolizing that they’ve overcome a difficult hurdle, accomplished a wonderful goal, or opened the door to their true self.
Uta is the first among her friend group to become fulfilled. In Whimsica, the average age of fulfillment is 16 years old. (Uta, Teto, and Momo are 14. Taya, Ruko, and Ritsu are 15. Inuhebi is 12.)
Now that Uta is fulfilled, she unlocked the power herself to be able to experience euphoria. All the other androids that were produced by her shady manufacturer also gained full sentience and the ability to feel joy as well.
Uta had slain the chains in her heart and will live on happily with Taya and the rest of her friends.
“This moment resonates with me.” Uta says.
“Wait, that’s it...” Taya says. “Resonate... that’s a perfect name for our music group! We should call ourselves Resonate!”
However, after this is over, and it’s time to go back to Whimsica, everyone finds themselves started on the planet.
“Mind if we give you a ride back, Uta Utane?” A default male-2 android created by Discord pulls up in a high-speed spacecraft, along with a default male-1 and a default female-2 android. “I hope you don’t mind. You’re our hero. You’ve done so much for us.”
Uta feels a bit embarrassed and blushes.
The rest of the group steps inside the spacecraft and are given a ride back to Whimsica.
While in the spacious vessel, a conversation is had.
“Thanks to you, we can finally feel the thrill of a good movie, the comfort of a hug, or the satisfaction of hard work... Thank you, Uta.” The default female-2 android says. “And... I have a request for you. Can... can we be sisters?”
“Um...” Uta suddenly feels embarrassed and put on the spot.
“We... were designed to be sisters after all.” The android continues. “Your codename is Defoko... short for “default-ko,” and mine is Defo-Imouto... basically, “default little sister.” Like all of us, I was never given a real name. We were never treated with any love or care. We were all just cold machinery, until you came along...”
Uta suddenly hugs Defo-Imouto, along with the other two.
“We’re all family.” Uta says. “We were all created by the same company. If you want, we can stay together.”
“On Whimsica, with you?” Default male-1 android says.
Uta nods.
“Whimsica is my home now.” Uta says.
“Well, we have nowhere else to go. Why not?” Says default male-2. “By the way, I’m called Defosuke.”
“I’m Defota.” Says default male-1.
“How about I show you a special place?” Uta says. “It’s the place where I got my name. Maybe you’ll find new names there too.”
When everyone gets back, other kanji on the Japanese karaoke cafe read, “Koe” meaning voice, “Hibiki” meaning reverberation, and “Kanade” meaning playing instruments.
Default female-2’s new name is Koe. After all, it was Uta’s voice that saved her.
Default male-2’s new name is Hibiki. Uta’s song echoed around the world and saved everyone.
Default male-1’s new name is Kanade. He recently felt very passionate about learning to play the piano.
“Why did you choose to name yourself after this building, Uta?” Kanade asks.
“Because...” Uta says. “This place was where I first heard the music that awoken my soul.”
But this is not the end of the story with everyone.
Now it’s time for Taya’s story.
Taya hasn’t seen Saya for years... He is beginning to lose hope that she’s still alive...
Taya Soune and Saya Toune were childhood best friends who grew up someplace else. However, one day when they were both 12, Saya became depressed, and it was hard for Taya to watch his friend suffer. Some time afterwards, an earthquake hit the area and everyone had to take only their most important items and evacuate rapidly before a tsunami were to hit. Taya had to move to his current location, and had to leave Saya without saying goodbye. He never saw Saya again.
After this incident, Taya never got a phone call from Saya, or a letter or any hint she might’ve still been alive and out there. It wouldn’t have been unlikely that Saya and her family had died tragically in the earthquake or aftermath tsunami.
Taya is now left with a heavy, broken heart, and an intense fear of earthquakes. He is most torn apart that the fact that Saya had depression and the last few months before her departure to be so sad.
One day in the present, Uta, Taya, and the rest of the friend group are out at the mall. A song comes on that reminds Taya of his memories with Saya. He begins fighting back tears, but eventually starts sobbing and splits from the group, telling everyone he needs a moment alone. Everyone is concerned. Uta approaches Taya gently after he calms down. Taya then tells Uta about Saya, their story, and how much he misses his friend.
Uta is the first person Taya tells about Saya since he had moved. None of his other friends knew about the sadness he hid in his heart.
It had been years since Saya’s disappearance. Taya has pretty much lost all hope at this point.
Uta reassures Taya that he still shouldn’t give up hope. Uta’s words uplift Taya with a new hope that he had never before felt.
One day when Taya is feeling useless, Uta consoles him and tells him something she was too shy to say before.
“Taya, your voice was the sound that awoken my soul. When I first came to Whimsica, I walked past the karaoke cafe, and I heard you sing. It was the first time I had ever heard music. You sang so wonderfully, and I felt so warm. I felt then, that music was a truly amazing thing. It was you who changed my life Taya... So please, don’t feel sad.”
Eventually, it turns out that Saya is actually still alive. One fateful day, Taya and Saya reunite. Saya becomes a part of Uta and Taya’s group of friends.
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