#to the concept of love transcending dimensions
theparadoxart · 2 years
Me watching Interstellar: 😮😮😕🥺😭😱🤯😶‍🌫️😭😭
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wordstro · 4 months
[3:37 PM] + space/interstellar inspired + wooyoung + "please just come home. i need you to come home."
a/n: 2k words, angst, don't really need to have watched interstellar, just know that love transcends dimensions, time, space, and relativity
tick tock, tick tock, tick tock, tick tock.
each tick and each tock knocks against your skull in the otherwise quiet hallway. it's all you can hear, it's all you can see. your vision is a blur, and your hands are shaking as your grasp at your knees, and the chair you're sitting in is too fucking hard.
you are fifteen again, kicking rocks across the sidewalk as you trudge towards yet another new school. the school uniform is too tight at your collar, and your shoes are too scuffed against the pristine white of your socks. someone shoves past you, cackling at something his friend says. you stumble. he doesn't say sorry.
someone grabs your elbow. steadies you. you look up, and the boy is tan and ruffled, his buttons uneven and his tie loose, his grin askew.
he says, "what an asshole."
he sticks out his hand.
"the name's wooyoung. jung wooyoung."
you smile.
you are nineteen again. you are in a long dried up cornfield, screaming, "wooyoung sit the fuck down!"
his laughter is loud, boisterous, echoing through the fields as he clings to the back of the pickup truck. the kite he spent months upon months modifying in his parent's old shed zips above the speeding truck as it plows through dried corn husks.
"faster mingi!"
"no don't you dar -" you screech when mingi slams on the gas, grabbing wooyoung's free hand over the console even as mingi's deep laugh joins wooyoung's, even as his kite flies. wooyoung cuts the cord and it flies. it flies on its own. it soars. you haven't seen anything like it in a while. wind whips at your face. you let out a terrified laugh, eyes watering. wooyoung squeezes your hand back, even as he grins down at both of you.
you are twenty-three again.
"do you think there's a point to this anymore?" you ask. your throat is itchy and dry - but that is common nowadays, when the very earth has become a dried up husk of what it once was, and dust settles over everything, even the inside of everyone's lungs.
wooyoung stays his hand against the door handle and turns to look at you. you're both needed at the office - wooyoung is a top researcher and you run the hr department and you know the point is to save earth from its impending doom, but you could not help but ask. just last week, you two had seen footage of a brawl break out over a measly basket of food.
"we have to keep trying, don't we?"
"i suppose we do," you mumble.
you are twenty five again, sitting in a conference room with the few people left who decided to keep trying. professor hongjoong's words ring through the silence.
"the last people to starve will be the first to suffocate," hongjoong says. "but we can still save humanity. there is a wormhole - born from a gravitational anomaly next to saturn - and it can take us to a different universe. one that could have a planet that can sustain life."
"sustain us." mingi says in awe.
the excitement is clear in his deep voice. and when you look to wooyoung, it lights up his eyes, his face, the same way the kite had in that dried up cornfield when you were nineteen. your heart clenches.
this is a room full of scientists and researchers, professor hongjoong and mingi and wooyoung, choi san, and kang yeosang, whose need to try far outweighs whatever survival extincts had convinced everyone else to long abandon this effort. you are merely a human resources representative, meant to sit and do paperwork professor hongjoong or senior analyst seonghwa could not be bothered with.
"how do we know if it can?" you ask, your voice echoing in the room. all eyes flit to you. "you said could have. how do we know for certain that there is a planet that can sustain life, let alone us?"
"we need a team to go in first."
hongjoong looks around the room.
his smile falters.
"there's a catch, isn't there?" san leans onto his elbows against the conference table. yeosang's brows furrow. you find your gaze flitting to wooyoung.
"the wormhole has a massive gravitational pull. i don't know what it will do, or how this will turn out. time will become relative. an hour there could be years here or vice versa. but i need a team of four researchers out there who understand that, who understand the importance of this mission, and who are willing to go into the unknown for humanity. the data you collect from that black hole will give us the ability to fuel humanity's escape. the rest of us will prepare here and help you however we can."
"we get to go through a wormhole?" wooyoung asks, and the childlike glee is endearing, if it were not for the heavy weight settling on your chest.
hongjoong nods, grinning.
twenty two again, and wooyoung holds a hand out to you, threads his fingers through yours, and the two of you peer up at the night sky. he says, "it's beautiful, isn't it?"
"you think everything is beautiful."
you feel his eyes on your face. you look at him. he looks at you as if you are the stars he's always been so fascinated by. your heart skips a beat. he just hums in agreement.
twenty six again. you find wooyoung nervously tapping his fingers against the cafeteria table and staring off into space. his thermal spacesuit is folded neatly in front of him. san gets to his feet when he sees you. he shakes his head before you can say anything, and pats your shoulder as he moves past you, leaving you and wooyoung alone.
you sit across from him. he keeps drumming his fingers against the table.
"excited?" you ask.
he leaves tomorrow.
he meets your gaze, and his shoulders loosen a bit. he nods, "and nervous."
"me too." you say.
wooyoung peers at you, as if he's memorizing your face. you don't like the thought of that. after a beat, he asks, "what do you think is worse? staying or leaving?"
"i don't know. staying feels pretty shitty right now."
"you could ask me, you know." wooyoung's fingers still against the table. "to stay."
you laugh, "i could never."
he is born for this. to soar. to explore. he loves you, you know it, you've always known it, even without either of you ever saying it, but he loved learning, he loved the pursuit of knowledge, more.
wooyoung lets out his own shaky laugh.
twenty five again, and you're standing with your arms crossed over hongjoong's desk, ignoring seonghwa and jongho's presence in the corner.
"let me go, too."
"no, you're a liability."
"i work here too."
"you do paperwork, y/n. what the hell could you possibly do on a spaceship?"
"then why the hell did you let me in that room?" your voice rises, and your chest hurts, and suddenly all the anger and fear you've felt since that meeting bursts from your chest. you bang your hands on his table, and you say, "why the hell are you telling me what's going to happen? why the hell am i being kept in the loop when i have no say in any of this?"
hongjoong's gaze flicks from your face to your curled, shaking fists. he doesn't say anything.
"please, let me go with them."
you open your mouth. you want to say, then don't let him go. but you can't. you cannot.
you could never.
hongjoong's gaze softens. he says, "if you go with him, he won't have a reason to come back. he won't fight for it. he'll stay out there forever. he belongs out there. i need wooyoung to fight to come back, no matter what happens out there."
you press your hand to your mouth, you say, "and if that's not enough?"
hongjoong just shakes his head, "you are. you have to be."
you aren't.
seonghwa opens the door in front of you.
the ticking stops as abruptly as the door opens.
seonghwa looks at you with furrowed brows and gentle eyes, and he holds out a hand you do not take. you pants crumple in the death grip you have on your knees.
you are much older now then you had been when you helped wooyoung put on his space suit. he'd held your hands between his for a long, long time, until yeosang clapped his hand on wooyoung's back, and said it was time to go.
it's been twenty-two years since then.
wooyoung's face takes up the entirety of the command center's screen. the room is empty, except for hongjoong. he gets up from the chair, and lets you take it. the door to the command center room clicks shut behind you.
wooyoung hasn't aged a day.
"an hour on the planet they've landed on is seven years on ours," jongho told you quietly when he came to pick you up this morning.
it's only been a few hours for him.
"y/n?" he says, and his voice cracks into a million pieces. you want to pick up all those pieces as best as you can, but you can't. you are too far away. he doesn't exist in the same time as you.
"am i that unrecognizable?"
he is the size of the moon, and that is only half of how you see him. you'd started to forget how he looked.
he shakes his head, blinking rapidly, and he says, "you look better than ever."
"can't say the same thing about you."
he lets out another laugh. his voice is filled with crackles, with static, but it is the same boisterous laugh it's always been.
he says, "did they tell you what's happened?"
you nod, swallowing the lump in your throat, "you're stranded there."
"there's another ship, from a previous expedition."
"is it far?"
"it's only a kilometer out."
"are you going to come back?"
wooyoung closes his eyes, then. he opens his eyes, his brown eyes soft and sad and so so sorry, but so full of the resolve you'd always loved and will continue to love. "i have to keep trying."
"please, just come home," you say, you beg really. twenty-two years ago, you could never. but now, you whisper, voice breaking around the lump in your throat, "i need you to come home."
wooyoung brushes at his eyes with the back of his hand. he bites his lip, and he says, "i have to finish this."
"okay," you say, because that's all you can say.
but you never know if he finishes it or not. you never know if he comes home or not.
tick tock.
you are twenty again, and a book flies off wooyoung's bookshelf. another one. another one.
you frown at wooyoung, baffled, really at his intrigue, though you can't help but smile at the way he paces. you sit on the floor watching him. he shrugs his coat off and places it gently over your crossed legs before he starts pacing again. mingi peers in from behind the door, a plate of snacks in his hand, "are you both done messing with the ghosts?"
you shake your head. mingi rolls his eyes and leaves.
that night, wooyoung shakes you awake from the floor. you'd fallen asleep and he must have tucked a pillow under your head at some point. he whisper-shouts, "this is binary code, y/n. the books. they fell out in code."
you blink away sleep, "what?"
"they're coordinates."
"to where?"
wooyoung lifts his bright phone screen to your face. you squint, blinded by the light, before you read, "AZ Space Station? why there?"
wooyoung shrugs.
"so," you sit up, "we're going, aren't we?"
wooyoung grins, clasping your face between his hands in excitement as he nods. you grin back, laughing.
tick tock.
01100011 01101111 01101101 01101001 01101110 01100111 00100000 01101000 01101111 01101101 01100101
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justrustandstardust · 7 months
Why y'all pair Geto and Gojo? They're both men it doesn't make sense at all. They are just friends. Respectfully l know people have different views, but why can't men just be friends?
when people say "why can't men just be friends" they seem to think they're making some kind of outstandingly intellectual point. i'm not only going to explain why that is blatantly untrue, but also why this claim imprisons gojo and geto in the very cage you seem so desperate to free them from.
in making this claim, you've created a binary with "friends" at one end and a (presumably romantic) "pair" at the other. you understand the two locations to be diametrically opposed, at opposite poles in a fixed landscape.
queerness, as you understand it, is attached to the "romance" pole within your binary, and heterosexuality is fixed to the "friends" pole. these poles are antithetical to you— either they're friends, or they're lovers. the binary only permits one or the other.
to you, queerness is a a consumptive vacuum that subsumes everything "good" about gojo and geto's relationship. you understand gayness to be the antithesis of heterosexuality; you relegate personhood and agency to the latter whilst deriding the former, resisting what you perceive to be the deliberate action of Turning Them Gay.
this deliberate twisting of their characters then makes them not gojo and geto anymore but two men in love, voiding the intricacies and complexities of their relationship and reducing their dynamic to a one-dimensional romance because that's all you understand queerness to be. either they're regarded as friends and they remain people (retaining their personhood) or they're queered, abandoning their identities because now their only identity is gay.
in attempting to defend them from being queered, you think you're saving them from subsumption by the label. in your mind, you're preserving their nuance and complexity because you seek to protect them from being whittled down from unique individuals into gay-shaped men, who now exist relationally to each other along one axis: romance. to you, there's gojo and geto, the characters you know and love, who are then twisted from their "original form" into being queer.
in seeking to free them from your understanding of queerness, you reify the very structure that you think you're dismantling. you attempt to defend their agency and personhood but you achieve exactly the opposite: you forge their identity on your own terms, pigeonholing them into fixed categories because of your own limited understanding of what it means to be queer.
in constructing queerness oppositionally to heterosexuality, you flatten their characters and push them into a prison of your own making. relegating them to heterosexuality does to them exactly what you're afraid of will happen if they're deemed queer: they become one-dimensional, actively stripped of the agency, dignity, nuance and complexity that you so righteously seek to defend. people cannot be Turned Gay because they are not straight by default; gojo and geto's characters are not being twisted into unoriginality—they are gojo and geto, and they are queer. it is one and the same.
gojo and geto are enemies, and soulmates, and partners, and friends, and lovers, and so much more. what draws people to their connection is that it transcends the binaries of friendship and romance that you so eagerly defend. in pushing for them to be regarded as "just friends" you flatten their characters, imprisoning them in the very cage that you think you're saving them from by rejecting the label of queer.
queerness is not a reductionist subversion of heterosexuality— it constitutes dimensions and layers to identities and relationships, not all of them romantic. queerness goes beyond the static conception within your binary; it is dynamic, complex, agentic and relates to more than merely sexual orientation. in rejecting queerness, you actualize the one-dimensional characterization you so fear through stripping away the integral complexities of their characters that can only be understood through a queered lens. queerness does not reduce— it is constitutive.
gojo and geto are not merely straight or gay, according to your limited understanding. they transcend the binary in which you've imprisoned them, queered in more ways than one. queerness does not take away from the parts of their relationship that make them unique; it is what makes them unique. gojo and geto's connection remains profound, not in spite of their queerness, but because of it.
and to address your comment about how "they're both men"— men have been queer for centuries, regardless of time or place. pick up a fucking book. (or just take a good, hard look at the jjk manga).
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talonabraxas · 5 months
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The Ouroboros: History, Meaning And Symbolism
That everything returns, is the extreme approach of the world of becoming to that of being: culmination of contemplation. --Nietzsche
Exploring the Seventh Dimension in Spirituality
The idea of the seventh dimension within spiritual and metaphysical teachings paints a captivating and alluring picture of an even more advanced plane of existence.
As a state of consciousness that transcends the boundaries of lower dimensions, the seventh dimension invites us to explore an even more expansive understanding of the universe and our role within it. While the notion of the seventh dimension is rooted in spiritual beliefs rather than scientific evidence, it continues to enthrall those seeking a deeper understanding of their true nature and the infinite potential of the soul.
Delving into Pure Consciousness
In the seventh dimension, it is believed that individuals enter the realm of pure consciousness, transcending the limitations of form and time.
This higher state of awareness allows them to experience a profound connection to the divine, where they can access the essence of creation and the source of all existence. By immersing themselves in this realm of pure consciousness, individuals can deepen their understanding of the fundamental nature of reality and their eternal essence.
The Experience of Unity and Oneness
As individuals ascend to the seventh dimension, they are thought to experience a heightened sense of unity and oneness with all of creation. This shift in consciousness enables them to perceive the interconnectedness of all things and the underlying fabric that unites the universe. By embracing this experience of unity and oneness, individuals operating in the seventh dimension embody the principles of harmony, balance, and universal love.
Connecting with Higher Realms and Spiritual Beings
The seventh dimension is often associated with the ability to access higher realms of existence and connect with advanced spiritual beings, such as ascended masters, archangels, and other non-physical entities.
This heightened level of spiritual connection allows individuals to receive guidance, healing, and wisdom from these advanced beings, further enriching their spiritual journey and contributing to their growth and evolution.
Mastering Spiritual Abilities
As individuals ascend to the seventh dimension, they are believed to develop a mastery over their spiritual abilities, such as telepathy, clairvoyance, and energy healing.
This advanced level of spiritual prowess enables them to harness the subtle energies that influence their lives and the world around them, actively participating in the ongoing evolution of human consciousness and the transformation of our world.
A Journey of Spiritual Ascension and Enlightenment
Reaching the seventh dimension represents a significant milestone on the path of spiritual ascension and enlightenment.
As individuals continue to expand their consciousness and align with their true essence, they contribute to the collective awakening and the emergence of a more enlightened reality.
By embracing the lessons and challenges of the seventh dimension, seekers embark on a transformative journey that leads them toward even higher states of consciousness and spiritual growth.
and finally...
The concept of the seventh dimension in spiritual and metaphysical teachings offers a fascinating vision of a higher spiritual reality, where the realm of pure consciousness, the experience of unity and oneness, and the mastery of spiritual abilities guide our existence.
Although these ideas are not based on scientific evidence, they continue to resonate with countless seekers who yearn for a deeper connection to the divine and a more profound understanding of the cosmos.
As we open ourselves to the possibilities of the seventh dimension, we embrace our role as conscious co-creators in the ongoing evolution of human consciousness and the unfolding of a more harmonious and enlightened reality.
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wheelercurse · 1 year
The Upside Down is a tesseract.
(time theory)
The writers tweeted a picture of the book Wrinkle in Time, which its title refers to a tesseract. You may ask, what's a tesseract? The basis is that a tesseract is a fifth dimension (the fourth dimension is time). Even in the book, to explain it, they use the same metaphor that they used in Stranger Things about the flea.
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Here they're only using this concept to travel through dimensions. In ST, creating gates with so much power that tore space and time. And in the book, in a very similar way, to make a shortcut go to point A to point B.
We know that El has the power to create these gates, so Vecna is interested in her. And she also was the one who sent Henry to another dimension for the first time. But if you pay attention, this dimension didn't look like the Upside Down, so it makes me believe that these aren't the same place.
One is blue with spores and looks like Hawkins on November sixth, 1983, the day Willl disappeared (remember that the Duffers said this was important, and they will explain it in s5). And the other has warm colors and looks like a desert with many rocks.
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My theory is that Will created the Upside Down while trying to hide from the Demogorgon. As in Wrinkle in Time, not everyone has the power of tesser. And Will manipulated time and space to create this fifth dimension.
We have seen how the Upside Down can affect the real world via the lights. They use light particles to communicate with others. A similar way that Interstellar uses the strings in the fifth dimension (also a tesseract). But in Stranger Things, they have only used it to communicate in the same period of time (the present), but what if there's a way to also communicate to other periods of time (the past)?
In Interstellar, the tesseract is an enormous structure used to communicate through gravity. Still, it's Copper's love for his daughter that allows him to see her in the past and communicate with her in this exact period. Because the premise of the movie is love transcends time and space.
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ST also uses the trope of the power of love. So where I'm going with this? Our heroes will find a way to communicate with their past selves to try to prevent things, but I don't think they will be able to change the past even if they try.
My reason to believe that they will also play with time is that our villain literally has a clock motif and is obsessed with time. Also, there have been some references about time travel. And going back to season 1, the night Will disappeared, the lights in Mike's house were flickering. And the light in Will's bike also started to flicker, so he was able to notice the Demogorgon. Maybe it also was a warning. Still, if we continue with this theory, Vecna was living in the other dimension, not in the Upside Down, so he wasn't the one manipulating the lights because Will hadn't created it "yet." So who was behind the flickering? Our heroes in the future.
This isn't a new theory; I know this is the basis of flickergate. It's cute the idea that they were kissing in the Upside Down, but I think they were trying to prevent Will from leaving. Like in Interstellar, Cooper uses Morse code to send the message "STAY" But in both cases, they couldn't stop it.
Remember the iconic scene with Joyce and the Christmas lights, when she painted an alphabet, and someone warned her to RUN. Some people had questioned how Will was able to see the letters when the Upside Down was stuck on the day he disappeared. So, what if it wasn't the Will who was stuck in the UD and was someone from the future that was trying to save her (maybe Will but his future self).
There may be more examples of lights flickering, but these are the two that I remember right now.
Also, we know that Will could call his house via the phone. And in season 2, when they discovered that the way to defeat the Mindflayer was by closing the gate, the phone started to ring, so Will knew he was in the Byers' house. Maybe Vecna also will figure out how to use the Upside Down and try to intercept their plan, calling the house at that time.
Bonus: Arrival was in the s4 movie list inspiration. A movie that also plays with the concept that time is non-linear. The key to communicating with the aliens is understanding how they perceive time. You can read more about it in this analysis of the movie.
In conclusion: The Upside Down is a fifth dimension (a tesseract) where you can communicate with others dimensions, not only in the present.
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zerogate · 6 months
Many of us imagine the human self to be a discrete entity, solid, formed and known. But this could be an illusion of our making, albeit a useful illusion, that allows us to act efficiently in the world. Researchers of the unconscious have found that the self has no definite boundaries, and that at its inner depths it trails off into mystery and the unknown. To borrow the metaphor from physics, what we had previously thought of as a solid entity may turn out to be a wave of infinite extension. Quantum physics discovered that the smallest elements of matter behave in one moment as particles and in another as waves. As particles, they are discrete and separate, and can be ‘split’ to release energy. As waves, they behave less like bits of matter and more like bands of light or energy, reaching out to eternity. They cannot be confined or boxed in but participate in an ocean of being, as it were.
This suggests a certain paradoxical instability at the heart of matter. Matter looks stable to the eye but, from the perspective of microphysics, the world is fluid, and uncertain, even bizarrely so. Einstein argued that all particles have a wave nature, and vice versa. Heisenberg, Max Planck and others refined and changed the theory. Needless to say, this discovery shattered the prevailing views of Newtonian physics, and its ramifications are still being felt today. As Brian Greene put it in The Elegant Universe, ‘Matter has been dematerialized.’
What has happened in physics has occurred in the parallel movement of Jung’s analytical psychology. This is more than coincidence, because while he was a Swiss citizen and based in Zurich, Einstein befriended Jung and they had discussions about the nature of reality. Einstein was discovering relativity in physics and Jung was discovering it in psychology.
Like matter, the self is only relatively stable. At its depths, it too can lose its solid formation and appear as a wave or as a fluid process. The notion of applying the wave-particle duality to psychology is mine and not Jung’s, but I think the metaphor holds if we think in terms of the healing experience of the numinous. As with the concept of matter in physics, I think we live simultaneously as waves and particles as psychological beings.
As particles, we are distinct beings, physical and discrete, each with our unique personality and makeup. As waves, we are not so individual. We are similar to each other, and participate in the cosmos in predetermined ways. As waves, we are spiritual beings, fluid, open-ended and connected to other waves. We are especially receptive to archetypal currents that course through us, which Jung identified as universal and collective. In his terms, the particle is the ego or conscious self, and the wave is the infinite expanse of the unconscious.
‘The suprapersonal or collective unconscious,’ writes Jung, ‘is like an all-pervasive, omnipresent, omniscient spirit.’ It represents ‘an extension of man beyond himself; it means death for his personal being and rebirth in a new dimension as literally enacted in certain of the ancient mysteries’. Rituals such as those of ancient Greece, in which rebirth in a new dimension was enacted, seek to lead us away from the particle to the wave, and such experiences are referred to theologically as grace, unconditional love or transcendence. The wave-like connection is precisely what we today call spirituality, namely, the capacity to feel connected to the cosmos and the entirety of life.
My contention is that as soon as we experience ourselves as waves, this has a healing effect on consciousness. When this connection is restored, we overcome ego-bound existence and anxiety, and feel ourselves to be part of a larger whole. The ego’s petty concerns and worries are dropped and we feel renewed. It is burdensome to be confined to the ego and to its tiny world. As Freud correctly observed, the ego is the ‘seat of anxiety’, and when we move outside the ego our anxiety – which can produce disease and neurosis – falls away.
We are not designed to dwell all our lives in the ego, in its confining world. This has long been a part of human knowledge, which is why ritual and liturgy played such a huge role in people’s lives in the past. Today we are more likely to seek out this experience of transcendence in a variety of secular ways, including music, drugs, sexuality, relationships, contact with nature and awe and wonder.
It is possible to see the relation between particle and wave in the experiences of the devotees of Dionysus. In many ways, Dionysus is the god who invites us to return to the source and immerse ourselves in the ocean of being. As Zurich analyst Verena Kast writes of the Dionysian festivals of ancient Greece:
Those seized by Dionysus broke out of the conventional order to become part of a cosmic order; human beings became one with nature, social rank was obliterated, rivalries ceased. Torn out of their isolation, individuals experienced prophecy and a momentary connection with the transpersonal Self.
In the ancient festivals, the ego personality was momentarily eclipsed by a different order of being or, as Kast puts it, ‘the devotees of the god experienced the Self through momentary forgetfulness of self’. The Dionysian spirit is ecstatic and it brings release from the isolation of our individual selfhood. Dionysus lures us out of our shells into ecstatic communion with others and with nature. However, the enchantment that Dionysus offers can lead to intoxication, loss of control, excess and obliteration.
This is why the god Dionysus was feared as well as revered. He personifies a primal wave that can engulf and obliterate the particle. The human element can be destroyed in a frenzy of elation and mania. He invites us to move out of our confined state, but the chaos of the primordial is the danger we face, which in the cult of Dionysus is symbolised by his companions, the maenads, whose name derives from mania and means possession or frenzy.
Walter Otto and Karl Kerenyi provide memorable descriptions of the ancient festivals of this god. Dionysus was invoked by singing the dithyramb or ritual song. The wearing of the ritual masks of the god would invite Dionysus to enter the festivities and insinuate himself in the human throng. Women would gather in a circle, clap their hands, and sing and dance to the sound of drums and flutes. The dithyrambic choir would enter an altered state of consciousness, in which members lost their identities and acted as one. Describing this process of fusion with nature and life, Nietzsche wrote:
So stirred by Dionysus, the individual forgets himself completely. In the Dionysiac rite, nature itself, long alienated or subjugated, rises again to celebrate the reconciliation with her prodigal son, man. The mystical jubilation of Dionysus breaks the spell of individuation and opens a path to the maternal womb of being.
Some of us can be transformed by our contact with ecstasy but some of us can be destroyed. As Verena Kast notes: ‘Ecstasy carries us beyond our limits, killing our normal personality. It can fragment us so that we do not know how, or if, we are going to return.’
-- David Tacey, Gods and Diseases
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thatdykepunkslut · 1 year
Why do alloromantics keep writing the exact same "Monogamous Romantic True Love is what makes humans human and this is both unique and a qualifying feature of humanity." Especially when 3/4 of the time the writers are on their like third wife and have 2 affairs going on.
Like I get it's propaganda but it's fucking transparently dull and excruciating when forced into an otherwise half-interesting concept.
Your romantic love does not transcend dimensions you're just horny for a girl half your age and have imprinted on her like a fucking duckling.
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clonehub · 10 months
for the religion thing, have you even considered a kind of reincarnation/shared soul thing but a bit messed up. Like you're bound to find similarities in your siblings when you're all clones raised in the same way, and then the whole thing with how the gene thing is starting to mess up. So, maybe the belief is that there is only so much soul that can become clones & it only exclusively become clones, but because the kaminoans are trying to make too many no one has enough soul to start & when you are born with far too little issues start to arise. Maybe the longer you survive, the more soul you get and you get pieces of the souls of clones you survive and if you see someone who reminds you of someone that means they inherited that from that person
I've heard of a similar concept where the more you live with people, the more like them you become. and another concept where when one loses a spouse or significant other, the next significant other they meet is a little like the one they just lost. As in, the former love's soul has come to inhabit your new lover.
Your idea makes me think clones are perpetually unified in a way that would transcend time and distance. I think I'd headcanoned once upon a time that when a clone dies sometimes their closest sibling DOES become a bit more like them! Life beyond death but not necessarily going to a different realm or dimension.
I wonder how many interpretations of a soul and post-death existence there are among clones, and whether they'd come in conflict. like some clones can see a siblings' soul being "hooked onto" someone without that person necessarily blending souls with another clone. lots to think about.
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crosstheveil · 1 year
There are the two fundamental pathways that conscious evolution can take. They denote one’s spiritual polarity. These dualities follow from the fact that 1) you are conscious, 2) your consciousness is individualized, which gives you a sense of “self”, 3) you interact with “others” who are also conscious and individualized, 4) you have the freewill to choose the relation between your “self” and these “others.” Consequently, you either choose to grow at their expense (be predator), let them grow at your expense (be prey), or grow in a way that benefits both/all/most (neither predator nor prey).
The STS or “Service to Self” path means serving self by exploiting others, but since big fish eat little fish, that also means being exploited by more powerful predators, hence STS existence also makes one prey. Thus both predator and prey comprise the STS polarity. In being predator, the system becomes unbalanced in one’s favor. In being prey, it becomes unbalanced in others’ favor. Either state is one of imbalance where a part of the system suffers and hence the whole system suffers from not being in its most optimal and efficient state where the greatest evolution for the greatest number of beings may occur.
But the STO or "Service to Others" pathway is beyond that predator-prey dynamic. As an STO being, you would be cognizant (and directly perceptive, rather than merely taking it on faith) of the fact that all is One, that by helping others you are helping the “you” in “them.” You would work toward the maximization of energy, growth, freewill, awareness, and power of everyone including yourself, in a balanced and harmonious way. This is not just an intellectual “going through the motions,” but a free-spirited expression of the love, empathy, wisdom, and liveliness that wells up from the true and permanent core of sentience within you, also known as spirit.
In this way, you are helping the system as a whole, bringing it toward greater efficiency and efficacy in moving conscious evolution forward toward ever-greater congruence with the infinite Creator, thereby helping the Creator achieve self-realization. The impulse to accomplish this comes from the spirit (divine intelligence) within, and so the feedback loop between internal and external/transcendent Creator is thereby closed.
STO bears some similarity to “light”, “divine”, and “good”, while STS relates to “dark”, “infernal”, “evil.” But unlike the latter terms, there is no moralistic, relativistic, subjective, “because my religion said so” dimension to it. Rather it follows logically from such concepts as freewill, self, other, and conscience/empathy or lack thereof, which are universal and self-evident concepts from which we each can identify, confirm, and draw conclusions.
The phrase “helping another” is also cause for confusion. The problem arises when people don’t differentiate between the lower and higher parts of another person. They are unaware which of the two they are actually helping and thereby growing or exacerbating. Are they worsening another’s STS tendencies through this help? Or are they facilitating another’s spiritual empowerment and awakening? They think help has to be blind and unconditional, in their minds incorrectly meaning without discernment or discretion. That only ends in heartbreak, loss, and burnout. Nor do they recognize when a person is thoroughly under the control of his or her lower aspect and cannot be helped at this point in their evolution. Love must be fortified with wisdom; otherwise one ends up as prey.
― Tom Montalk, from Transcending The Matrix Control System
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grandhotelabyss · 7 months
Can self-immolation still carry the same awful weight, or bear the same awful burden, in the age of therapy-speak, where the intended witness, quietly sympathetic but preferring order over action, dismisses such an act as mere "mental illness," scrolls, and moves on? Is it now impossible to experience an "objective correlative"—the capacity to imagine ourselves into and amidst the flames?
No. Public suicide for a secular political aim is first of all ineffective, making your "side" look like a gang of sick freaks. It also lacks a transcendent spiritual dimension, implicitly positing something real to sacrifice the mere flesh to, that would give the act some dignity and strip it of that suspicion of mere moral self-flattery always attending a quixotic politics. I agree with the leftists that this act shouldn't be explained with "therapy" concepts, but then I don't think much of anything should be explained with "therapy" concepts. Such an act should be judged by the standards of conscious ethical choice. Judged by those standards, the act falls short. All this man has done is to create despair and sorrow for his loved ones, and, as you say, to create a social media spectacle whose dominant note has been mockery. It's despicable, therefore, to celebrate the occasion.
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immigrantsun · 10 months
Been up since like 2:30 am it’s now 4:50 am. I think at this point I’ll watch the sunrise. I’m listening to Eartheater. Thinking bout my lover, I hope he’s resting well. Thinking bout Palestine, and the many genocides. I’m so fortunate to be up and safe right now. Cannot take that for granted ever. Thinking about the process of opening up. Making new friends, these things aren’t so easy anymore. I’m not as social as I used to be. I’ll be 26 in about 2 n a half weeks. I feel I’ve lived a million lives. Maybe a few lifetimes. I wonder how many times I’ve been reincarnated, who or what I could’ve been in my past lives. What could I have suffered from? What were my joys, my passions? Is it possible that my mother could’ve been in my past life, if so in what way? I often think about souls as constellations in the sky, space, whatever. Families as constellations. All our soul ties reincarnate together, or maybe they don’t, both are beautiful and painful. Imagine loving the same souls in every life. Bound together by eternity. Each life returning to one another closely or remotely. Learning each other all over again in each life. I’d learn you again in each life. To be this close? I’d do it a million times over. I’d love you in every lifetime. In every possible existence.
I often think about the concept of love and how it’s presented in the movie interstellar. How love transcends all dimensions, time and space. Please excuse my run on sentences. It’s now 4:58am and Siegfried by frank ocean is playin.
Love transcends all dimensions. My eyes well up. I love the concept of welled up eyes. The moment before tears roll and fall down a face freely. “I’d love you in every dimension” “I’d choose you in every lifetime if I could”. Would you choose your mom, dad, sibling, lover(s), in every lifetime of you had the choice? Maybe you wouldn’t there is no right or wrong in anything. But even then, the love transcends all.
Who are you when you strip away everything you’ve ever sought out of life? All the clothes, and your aesthetics, your jobs, all your facades. What is left? What is at your core? What is in your core?
It’s 5:02 I don’t have a grain of melatonin in me. Just deep yearn and love.
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dokidokitsuna · 1 year
I love the gone au so much!! If I may ask though- since we’ve seen Gooey, what happens to Kirby, Meta, and Dedede? (And also, where’s Galacta Knight in all of this? Is he Morpho’s body/host or is he still trapped?)
Oho, somebody finally asked~
Back in the beginning, I actually considered keeping one of these guys around for the Master Crown to take its anger out on. Like, I feel like that's the only purpose they might serve in its present-day story; to give it a moment like "ugh, everything's going wrong and I feel bad about myself...oh look; it's one of those 'heroes' from before who's supposed to be dead! Maybe if I go over and red-mist them it'll cheer me up~"
^Which was a fun thought, admittedly. ^^ But it'd be a little mean, even for me, and later on I came up with the more unique concept of having Gooey be the 'torch-bearer' for that whole character set, and I liked that better. Verdict: Dream Land's heroes are all long dead.
Dedede, MK: Brutally murdered; possibly tortured beforehand. I think the MC would notice the power hierarchy between these two and Kirby pretty early on, and decide to use the easier opponents' suffering to wear down the tougher opponent. ...Of course, I think trying something like this with Kirby would backfire pretty hard. ^^; Nevertheless, we know who came out the winner in the end, so...
Bandana Dee: I'm throwing him in as an honorable mention because he's technically one of the four protagonists, and I wanted to make it clear that no (relatively...) horrific fate befell Bestest Boy in particular. ◡_◡ I've decided that the other three bought time for him to escape the final fight before things got really bad, and he just ended up in the normal soul-draining mind-prison with all the other minor characters.
Kirby: ...I'm not entirely sure. He's definitely not alive anymore...but is he actually dead...? I feel like...it would make sense for the Master Crown to turn him into something. ^^ Like a sort of magic energy source, or 'appliance', for lack of a better word. Although he was defeated, the special Kirb-power that he holds continues to flow from his remains, like a dead body that never stops bleeding... Of course this begs the question, what would the MC do with this strange unlimited power source? Something disrespectful, I think. ^^; Like it'd shove it in the back of its evil dimension wizard closet and only bring it out when one of its evil dimension wizard remotes runs out of battery power; something like that. XD
Although, deep down, maybe in the far reaches of its subconscious where Magolor's old feelings reside, I think it would want to keep 'Unknown Kirby Remnant' around as a memento. Because I've always felt that Kirb and Mago have a special friendship, which I'm sure must transcend time and space. ❤
Galacta Knight: Because RtDL predates the point where Morpho absorbed him, anything could have happened. Maybe the Master Crown's victory created a butterfly effect (heh) that completely changed GK's fate...
...My suggestion is that he ended up in Star Dream's custody. ^^ I mean, SD's already able to summon him in Robobot, so it feels right to me. Maybe during its expanded conquest it gained the necessary skills to contain him successfully this time around, and even to use him as a research subject. Picture this: Mecha-lacta Knight! Or...Giga-lacta Knight? Whatever; you get it~
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talonabraxas · 3 months
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7D Sirian Crystal Temple
Exploring the Seventh Dimension in Spirituality
The idea of the seventh dimension within spiritual and metaphysical teachings paints a captivating and alluring picture of an even more advanced plane of existence.
As a state of consciousness that transcends the boundaries of lower dimensions, the seventh dimension invites us to explore an even more expansive understanding of the universe and our role within it. While the notion of the seventh dimension is rooted in spiritual beliefs rather than scientific evidence, it continues to enthrall those seeking a deeper understanding of their true nature and the infinite potential of the soul.
Delving into Pure Consciousness
In the seventh dimension, it is believed that individuals enter the realm of pure consciousness, transcending the limitations of form and time.
This higher state of awareness allows them to experience a profound connection to the divine, where they can access the essence of creation and the source of all existence. By immersing themselves in this realm of pure consciousness, individuals can deepen their understanding of the fundamental nature of reality and their eternal essence.
The Experience of Unity and Oneness
As individuals ascend to the seventh dimension, they are thought to experience a heightened sense of unity and oneness with all of creation. This shift in consciousness enables them to perceive the interconnectedness of all things and the underlying fabric that unites the universe. By embracing this experience of unity and oneness, individuals operating in the seventh dimension embody the principles of harmony, balance, and universal love.
Connecting with Higher Realms and Spiritual Beings
The seventh dimension is often associated with the ability to access higher realms of existence and connect with advanced spiritual beings, such as ascended masters, archangels, and other non-physical entities.
This heightened level of spiritual connection allows individuals to receive guidance, healing, and wisdom from these advanced beings, further enriching their spiritual journey and contributing to their growth and evolution.
Mastering Spiritual Abilities
As individuals ascend to the seventh dimension, they are believed to develop a mastery over their spiritual abilities, such as telepathy, clairvoyance, and energy healing.
This advanced level of spiritual prowess enables them to harness the subtle energies that influence their lives and the world around them, actively participating in the ongoing evolution of human consciousness and the transformation of our world.
A Journey of Spiritual Ascension and Enlightenment
Reaching the seventh dimension represents a significant milestone on the path of spiritual ascension and enlightenment.
As individuals continue to expand their consciousness and align with their true essence, they contribute to the collective awakening and the emergence of a more enlightened reality.
By embracing the lessons and challenges of the seventh dimension, seekers embark on a transformative journey that leads them toward even higher states of consciousness and spiritual growth.
and finally…
The concept of the seventh dimension in spiritual and metaphysical teachings offers a fascinating vision of a higher spiritual reality, where the realm of pure consciousness, the experience of unity and oneness, and the mastery of spiritual abilities guide our existence.
Although these ideas are not based on scientific evidence, they continue to resonate with countless seekers who yearn for a deeper connection to the divine and a more profound understanding of the cosmos.
As we open ourselves to the possibilities of the seventh dimension, we embrace our role as conscious co-creators in the ongoing evolution of human consciousness and the unfolding of a more harmonious and enlightened reality.
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rian1023 · 11 months
Katara, a skilled waterbending master from the mystical world of Avatar: The Last Airbender, found herself in a perplexing situation. After a fierce battle with an ancient water spirit, she was unexpectedly sucked into a swirling vortex, transporting her to a world unlike any she had ever known.
Gasping for breath, Katara opened her eyes to a bustling cityscape filled with towering buildings and futuristic technology. Confused and disoriented, she stumbled upon a large screen displaying images of individuals with extraordinary abilities. Her eyes widened as she read the words flashing across the screen: "My Hero Academia – The World of Quirks."
Determined to navigate this unfamiliar world, Katara quickly discovered that a majority of its population possessed unique superpowers called "Quirks." Intrigued by this concept, she sought guidance and enrolled in the prestigious U.A. High School, renowned for nurturing young heroes.
In her first few days at U.A., Katara's extraordinary skills as a waterbender captured the attention and awe of her classmates. Although she initially struggled to comprehend the intricacies of Quirks, her unyielding determination and disciplined training allowed her to adapt and excel, earning the respect of both students and teachers.
During her time at U.A., Katara also met an enigmatic classmate named Shoto Todoroki. With a striking appearance and a complex personality, Shoto was one of the most powerful students in the school, possessing the ability to control both fire and ice. As Katara spent more time with him, she sensed a deep pain and conflicting emotions within him, mirroring her own experiences.
As kindred spirits, Katara and Shoto began to confide in each other. The weight of their challenging pasts drew them together, sharing their battles with self-acceptance and the struggles they had faced in embracing their powers. Intrigued by Katara's waterbending abilities and her unwavering strength, Shoto found solace in her presence, and a romantic connection blossomed between the two.
But their blossoming love faced tremendous obstacles. Katara was desperate to find a way back to her own world, where her responsibilities as the waterbending master of the Southern Water Tribe awaited her return. As much as she longed to stay with Shoto, she couldn't ignore the duty she felt towards her people.
Meanwhile, the pressures and dangers of life at U.A. intensified. Villains and treacherous adversaries targeted the school, testing the abilities of its students. Katara found herself thrust into numerous life-or-death battles, using her waterbending skills in unprecedented ways to protect her newfound friends and herself.
Amid the chaos, Katara and Shoto's love for each other remained a source of strength. They supported each other through the darkest of times, finding solace in their brief moments of togetherness amidst the turmoil. Their love became a beacon of hope, reminding them of the beauty and resilience that exists even in the harshest of circumstances.
As their journey unfolded, Katara grappled with the decision she knew she would eventually have to make. Should she continue to fight for her place in this new world alongside Shoto and her fellow classmates, forsaking her own homeland? Or should she find a way to return to her Avatarverse, leaving behind the love she had discovered with Shoto?
Ultimately, Katara's heart led her to a choice.
With tears in her eyes and a heavy heart, she bid a heartfelt farewell to Shoto and her friends. Promising to never forget the love they shared and the lessons she had learned, Katara mustered the strength to step through a portal, returning to her own world.
But true love has a way of transcending dimensions, and as the years passed, Katara and Shoto never forgot each other. Through letters and dreams, their connection remained unwavering, a testament to the power of love.
And as their worlds continued to evolve, Katara and Shoto's story became a legend, inspiring generations to come, reminding them that even across different worlds and through the most challenging of circumstances, love endures.
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madamlaydebug · 1 year
The Transcendental Realms
The transcendent realms refer to dimensions of existence that are beyond the scope of ordinary perception and the physical world. These realms are often associated with spiritual and metaphysical concepts, where beings, energies, and consciousness exist beyond the limitations of time, space, and the material realm.
Across different cultures and belief systems, the concept of transcendent realms takes various forms. For example, in Hinduism, there is the idea of different lokas or worlds, including the material realm (Bhuloka) and higher spiritual realms such as Swargaloka (heaven) and Brahmaloka (the abode of Brahma). In Buddhism, there are various realms of existence, ranging from lower realms characterized by suffering to higher realms associated with enlightenment and liberation.
In many mystical traditions and esoteric philosophies, the transcendent realms are seen as realms of higher consciousness, spiritual enlightenment, and union with the divine. These realms are believed to exist beyond the physical realm and can be accessed through deep states of meditation, mystical experiences, or spiritual practices.
The transcendent realms are often described as realms of pure energy, light, and love, where individuals may encounter divine beings, and spiritual guides, or gain insights into profound truths about existence. These realms are seen as multidimensional, existing beyond our ordinary perception and governed by different laws and principles.
Explorations of the transcendent realms can lead to transformative experiences, expanded consciousness, and spiritual growth. They offer opportunities for individuals to transcend the limitations of the physical world and connect with the deeper aspects of their own being and the larger cosmic reality.
It is important to note that experiences of the transcendent realms are highly subjective and can vary greatly from person to person. They can range from subtle intuitive insights to profound mystical experiences that transcend ordinary reality. Such experiences often defy easy explanations or scientific verification but hold deep personal significance for those who undergo them.
In spiritual traditions, the transcendent realms are often seen as interconnected with the physical realm, forming a vast tapestry of existence. They are believed to influence and interact with the material world, and individuals may seek to align themselves with the energies and wisdom of these realms to bring about positive changes in their lives and in the world around them.
The exploration and understanding of the transcendent realms are not limited to any single religious or spiritual tradition. They are the subject of inquiry and contemplation in various mystical paths, shamanic practices, and esoteric philosophies. The study and engagement with these realms can be deeply personal and can lead to a greater sense of interconnectedness, purpose, and spiritual awakening.
In summary, the transcendent realms represent dimensions of existence that extend beyond the physical world and ordinary perception. They are associated with spiritual, metaphysical, and mystical concepts, offering opportunities for individuals to explore higher states of consciousness, encounter divine beings, and gain insights into profound truths about existence. The exploration and engagement with these realms are often transformative and can contribute to spiritual growth, expanded awareness, and a deeper understanding of the nature of reality.
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entertainment-arc · 1 year
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Title: Exploring the Depths of Time and Space: A Journey into Christopher Nolan's Masterpiece - Interstellar
Introduction: In 2014, acclaimed director Christopher Nolan took audiences on an awe-inspiring cinematic adventure with his thought-provoking masterpiece, "Interstellar." This epic science fiction film not only dazzled viewers with its stunning visuals but also delved into complex themes of time, space, and the indomitable power of love. In this blog, we embark on a journey to unravel the mysteries and profound ideas presented in Nolan's extraordinary creation.
The Plot: "Interstellar" is set in a dystopian future where Earth is suffering from ecological disaster, leaving humanity on the brink of extinction. The film follows Cooper (played by Matthew McConaughey), a former NASA pilot turned farmer, who is recruited to join a daring space mission to find a habitable planet for humanity's survival. With his daughter, Murph (played by Jessica Chastain), and a team of scientists, Cooper ventures beyond our solar system through a mysterious wormhole, confronting mind-bending phenomena and existential dilemmas along the way.
Themes and Concepts Explored:
Time and Relativity: One of the central themes of "Interstellar" is the exploration of time and its relativity. As the crew travels through the cosmos, they encounter the effects of time dilation, where minutes for them translate into years passing on Earth. Nolan deftly weaves complex theories of physics into the narrative, emphasizing the subjective nature of time and the potential consequences of manipulating it.
Love and Connection: At its core, "Interstellar" is a story about the power of love and the bonds that transcend time and space. Through the relationship between Cooper and his daughter, Murph, the film explores the emotional dimensions of human connection and the sacrifices made for the sake of loved ones. Love becomes an interstellar force, guiding characters across the vastness of the universe.
Existentialism and Human Nature: Nolan delves into existential questions surrounding human nature and our place in the universe. The film explores the inherent curiosity that drives us to explore and understand our surroundings, as well as the potential consequences of our actions. "Interstellar" challenges viewers to contemplate the fragility of humanity and the choices we make as individuals and as a species.
Environmental Concerns: In a time when environmental issues are increasingly pressing, "Interstellar" resonates deeply by depicting a future where Earth's resources are dwindling. The film serves as a warning about the consequences of neglecting our planet and highlights the urgency of environmental stewardship.
Cinematic Brilliance: Nolan's visionary direction and meticulous attention to detail are evident throughout "Interstellar." The film's breathtaking visuals and awe-inspiring set pieces bring to life the grandeur and vastness of space, captivating audiences with its stunning depiction of celestial bodies, wormholes, and black holes. The intense and emotional performances by the ensemble cast, including Matthew McConaughey, Anne Hathaway, and Michael Caine, add depth to the characters and amplify the emotional impact of the story.
Scientific Accuracy and Collaboration: To ensure scientific accuracy, Nolan collaborated closely with renowned physicist Kip Thorne, who served as both a scientific consultant and executive producer on the film. Thorne's expertise in astrophysics helped shape the film's scientific concepts, resulting in a narrative grounded in real scientific theories and principles.
Legacy and Impact: "Interstellar" continues to captivate audiences and provoke discussions long after its release. Its profound themes, mind-bending concepts, and emotional resonance have made it a significant entry in science fiction cinema. The film's influence extends beyond the entertainment realm, inspiring scientific curiosity and igniting conversations about the nature of time, space exploration
all the credits gose to the DIR Christopher Nolan' and his crew
i am just a veiwer
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