#to these people. gives the middle finger and leaves. somewhere no one knows him and he can start anew. amen
layzeal · 1 year
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obsessed with this snippet from the mdzs unrevised version. jgy ur such a crecher
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lovebugism · 4 months
soooo eddie hears or reads somewhere that birthmarks are where your lover from a past life used to kiss you
and as soon as he gets home he wants to make sure that in this present life r still feel this love and that the birthmarks remain the same until their next life together (ugh so cute 🥺)
i changed this up a wee bit but i hope u like it!! — you and eddie kiss birthmarks on the other for the next life (established relationship, fluff, 0.7k)
bug's one year celebration ♡
Eddie traces shapes on your bare back, a post-sex ritual of sorts. It starts out innocent, usually — tiny hearts and flowers and planets that you try hard to guess. It almost always ends with him signing penises onto your spine and laughing out loud every time you realize.
He’s doing it mindlessly now. Touching you just to touch you. His finger trails up your back, circles over your shoulder blades, and then falls back down again. “Did you know you have a birthmark here?” he wonders, breaking the honeyed silence of his tiny bedroom.
Your brows furrow as he traces some sort of outline between your shoulder and spine. “Do I?” you murmur, muffled into the pillow.
“I think so. It’s really faint.”
“Maybe it’s just dirt,” you joke quietly. You don’t see Eddie pull his hand away to lick his finger, but you feel the wet touch of it when it swipes over your back. “Ew, Eddie!” you shout.
“It’s not dirt,” he confirms, choking back a laugh.
“I’ve ever noticed it, I guess. I don’t think I’ve ever looked that hard back there. Like, ever.”
Eddie scoffs, almost in disbelief. “That’s a shame…” he murmurs. 
His finger is gentle and featherlight as it trails down your bare back, leaving chill bumps in its wake. His hand dips below the sheets covering the bottom half of you. His palm spreads unabashedly over your ass, wide and warm. 
“…’Cause there’s a real nice view back here.”
You lift a heavy hand to swat at the boy beside you. It collides halfheartedly with his shoulder. He laughs again. “What?! I’m talking about the birthmark, babe! It’s cute— I love noticing new things about you.”
“Don’t people say that’s how you died in a past life? Wherever your birthmark is?”
Your tired eyes open to find Eddie’s screwed-up face. “Does that mean someone stabbed me in the ass? In, like, the middle ages or some shit? ‘Cause that’s a fucking gnarly way to go.”
“Better than being stabbed in the back… Literally.”
Eddie settles next to you with a huff. He lays on his stomach and shoves half his face into the pillow next to yours, all but melting into the mattress. He keeps tracing the mark on your back with an absentminded touch, never anything but gentle with you.
“Wanna know what I heard?” he mumbles.
“I heard that birthmarks are where your lover used to kiss you— you know, in a past life or whatever,” he confesses, like it’s a deeply held secret. Then he shrugs his milky white shoulders. “That’s what my mom used to say, anyway. And that woman was never wrong.”
You smile quietly to yourself. Eddie doesn’t talk about his mom very often. You feel a special privilege to be hearing about her now.
“I believe it,” you hum.
His contented grin blooms into something wider and more boyish. “That means someone might’ve been kissing my ass in a past life.”
“That’s awful,” you grumble with a scrunched nose. “Now, I have to give you a new one.”
“Choose wisely, princess,” Eddie lilts and turns onto his back. He spreads his arms out wide and beams when you lean over him. “My future depends on it.”
You don’t think very long. Maybe a moment or more. You press your lips to his chest, just below the faded tattoo on his pec and right over his beating heart. You smile when you pull away, all giddy like a teenage girl, and lay back down again.
Eddie’s chest sparkles with so much adoration it hurts. He laughs it off anyway. “Alright, cheeseball— It’s my turn.”
“You have to do it in the same place!” you argue in a tiny voice when the boy lays over you. He props his weight on his elbows and entwines his legs with yours. The heavy closeness feels like heaven.
“So we’ll have matching birthmarks! And then, when we’re in the next life or whatever, and we look like totally different people, we’ll know we loved each other.”
Eddie scoffs. “I’ll know.”
“How will I know that I loved you?” he repeats, like the answer’s obvious and far too silly to ponder. You nod, and he shrugs. “‘Cause I have to. I can’t help it.”
Something warm blooms behind your ribcage. “And I’m the cheesy one?” you tease with a big, girlish grin.
“It’s your fault. You bring the worst outta me, honey.”
You laugh when he drops his head to your chest, pressing a kiss over your heart and lingering there. You pray it stains forever.
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nezuscribe · 6 months
toji x reader (mdni, 18+)
your parents set you up to marry some snobby rich guy when all you want is toji (toji is uncharacteristically soft in this get over it)
“toji! toji, would you please open the door!" your fist pounded on the red chipped paint, sopping wet as the rain pelted down your face, mixing with some of your tears as you shivered in your thin shirt, clearly not dressed for the occasion.
you didn't know if he was home or not, but you were desperately hoping that he was.
you knew it was wrong coming back to this place, especially since the last time you saw him you told him to never look at you again, but you didn't know anywhere else to go in this town.
the field around you moved violently with the winds, and the porch light was still off. his old mustang was parked outside, so you knew he had to be in there, somewhere.
"toji, please, i'm freezing and it's dark!"
you were sure that if he didn’t open up you’d have to make some room in the little shed he had in the front because there was no way you’d be driving home alive with the rain about to come, but before you went plotting about how to fashion a tarp into a blanket, the door swung open.
the first thing you noticed was that he didn’t seem too pleased to see you, his eyes blazing into a glare, brows furrowed down the middle as the two of you just looked at each other.
it had been weeks since you had last seen him, and if you didn’t know any better, the dark circles under his eyes might have mirrored yours.
you longed to kiss it.
"why are-" he couldn't finish his sentence as you hurled yourself into his chest, your arms gripping onto him as he stumbled back inside.
you never would have thought that you’d miss the faint smell of smoke, or the whiskey lingering around his lips, but you hoped that it would never leave your memory.
sobbing as you clung onto him tightly, you had no idea what expression had taken over his face. was he angry or shocked? you knew you were getting his shirt wet, your fingers gripping onto his back as he stayed quiet, the only thing filling the vacant room being your wet sniffles.
slowly, you felt him move around a bit, giving in as he pulled you deeper into his chest. he patted your back as he shut the door behind you, eyes darting over your figure to make sure everything was okay.
"you okay?"
you shook your head, still hiding in his chest, and he nodded. he knew that much, but at least you had the vicinity to reply. he was worried that you had been petrified.
"want some tea?'
you shook your head again, still clinging onto him, perhaps even tighter than before.
he took in a sharp breath, not knowing what to do with you. it had been weeks since he last saw you, although, in a much different state.
"sweetheart," he muttered lifting your chin up with his thumb so he could see your face, the air knocking out of his lungs as he was once reminded of just how beautiful you are, even with tear tracks down your cheeks, "you 'gotta talk to me."
you sniffled, your lashes fluttering up and down as you fell back on his chest, your cheeks smushed in and your breaths came out in heaves.
"daddy set me up with him," you finally said, voice coming out muffled, "the wedding's in december."
his grip on your waist tightened as he pulled you in impossibly closer to him.
toji had been your "summer fling", or so your parents liked to call him. your parents had bought a summer home a couple of years ago and so every year since then, for a couple of months, you and your family would stay in this little town.
this year shouldn't have been different from the last one. in fact, the first couple of weeks there are fine. you easily find some people within your parent's circle, but it wasn't fun yet, it wasn't summer.
that is until you bump into a man who's friends with your friend's boyfriend (he was also third-wheeling with you on their date).
he's tall and brooding and most definitely wouldn't have looked your way if not for the predicament you were in. he gave the aura that he hated old money and you along with it, but for some reason, the scar on his lip twitched into a tiny smile as you kept up with his humor with witty remarks.
weeks following that were filled with him chasing after you as you giggled uncontrollably, not used to the giddy feeling that filled your chest whenever he tackled you down, holding you close to his chest as he littered kissed all over your face.
you knew it was wrong, at least by your parent's standards, but you didn't care all that much. you liked the dirt under his nails and the gruffness in his voice, it was so different from the guys you grew up with.
and despite his outward appearance he was so sweet. he may not have shown it much, but he held you close to him, attached by the waist as he whispered lame jokes in your ear and bought you caramel apples whenever you craved them.
it could have been puppy love but deep down you knew it wasn't. his lips lingered far too long for puppy love
and when your parents found out they were livid. it was a complete disgrace for somebody with the likes of you to be fooling around with somebody from the likes of him, and it only took a few meetings with your parents and a few arguments that left you in tears in him seething before you broke it off, promising that if you ever saw him again you'd shave his head.
but here you were, and his head was still full of hair.
"what's his name?" he asked, his voice gruff, and heavy as you looked up, wiping your nose again as you blinked.
"um," you racked your mind for a few hours ago, the screaming match you had with your parents fresh in your head as you gnawed on your lip, "satoru...something, i don't remember."
his eyes darkened, wiping the tears off of your face as he sucked in a breath through his teeth.
"your folks know that you're here?" his voice grew gentle, trying to keep it together for your sake, and you shook your head once again. you felt another wave of tears coming, and it took a lot of composure to not break down.
"no, i told them to go to hell. m-maybe they'll go searching there first," you murmur, a little grin making its way onto his face as he leads you through his home, the comfy sight making you feel at ease.
you found yourself on his couch, the same one from a few weeks ago, the same one where he...
"i'll go get you some clothes-" but you stopped him from leaving, tugging on his shirt to keep him in place.
"stay," you say, and he had no fight in him to deny you of your request. not with the way you looked at him. never when it came to you.
he gives you a tight nod, sitting across from you, careful not to be too close as he glances at the clock. it's late, and with the way the rain is pouring outside he'd be damned if he let you go back home in this weather. he'd rather take the claims of being sued by your father and let you sleep here than have you leave.
you look at your hands clasped in your lap, not saying anything about his distance, but feeling it tenfold when he sighs deeply, pinching the bridge of his nose as he tries to grapple with this situation.
"we're leaving two days from now," you say hurriedly, glancing at him quickly and then back to the ground, not knowing what else to do.
his eyes squint, brows crease down the middle at your words. he felt his chest grow heavy, and he can't remember the last time somebody had this sort of effect on him.
"thought you were leaving in a month?"
you shake your head, wiping at your eyes as you sniffle.
"my parents wanted me to meet...him."
his tongue pokes at his cheek, and he wants a scotch right now. fuck it, he'll take some vodka if he had any, but he finished the little bit remaining after the last fight the two of you had.
"i didn't mean what i said," you sputter out again, your eyes darting to his as you shift on his couch, "i don't hate you toji, i don't hate you at all. i was mad, 'nd i was mad at my parents and at you for what they told'ya to say, but i'm not mad at you, i love you, and i want to-" he doesn't let you finish, moving the two quick steps that separated the two of you as his face leans down to yours, his lips cutting you off.
you squeal a bit in surprise, clutching onto his shirt as he sets himself down, moving you with his own strength onto his lap as he never disconnects from you.
the two of you were basically feverish, feeling as though if you stopped for a second the world would stop spinning and you'd be forced to find each other again.
your spit mixed with his, your tears staining his cheeks as he huffed against your lips, his tongue fighting yours as he pushed his way into your mouth, his fingers wrinkling the expensive fabric of the dress that was splayed over your legs.
your fingers clutched and grasped at his hair, loving how it felt between you. you tugged, knowing he liked the sting, and knowing you liked the small gasp that escaped his throat when you'd do so.
"l-love you," you pant, pulling away to catch your breath as he follows you upward, spit connecting the two of you together as your eyes water again, "i love you toji," your words have a hold on him, something he's never experienced before.
for your entire life, you've wanted to be full of love. you've wanted a love that you've read in classic literature and seen in old hollywood movies. you wanted to be so full of love that you emptied yourself, waiting around for your prince charming. and when you met toji, he poured out his heart, giving you everything that he had. nobody else was toji, and nobody else could love you the way that he did.
"love you too, sweetheart," he whispers, and the words are heavy on his tongue, something he never said before he met you. he's not used to this, and he's not sure he will be. but he's sure that he wants your love, and knows that no other man is worthy of it. half the time he doubts he's worthy of it as well.
"i didn't mean what i said," you tell him again and he shushes you with another kiss, nodding as his large hands run soothingly up and down your back, his nose nudging your sweetly.
"i know sweetheart, i didn't either. y'know what you mean to me, nothing you say or do will ever make me mad at you." and he's right, because he can't remember the last time he had been with a woman who he was sure he'd kill for, can't remember the last time he had actually loved someone the way he loves you.
"i," you feel your words running out when his lips attach to your neck, your head falling backward to give him more room as heat blossoms in your face, across your chest, "i wanna run away with you, start fresh s-somewhere," you can feel your mind begin to go hazy as he sucks, his tongue running across the fresh marks he leaves you, looking through his long lashes as he listens intently to what you have to say.
"no," he shakes his head, undoing the knot that was keeping your dress together as his nose rubs at your soft skin, savoring this, "no, you're 'gonna go back home and you're 'gonna-"
"toji!" you try to quiet him but he looks at you, wanting to finish what he is trying to say. you knew what he wanted to tell you, knew that deep down you were merely dreaming. his calloused hands squeezed at your thighs, unconsciously moving you up and down his hard bulge.
"and you're 'gonna marry somebody who can provide for you," and although the words take everything in him to say, he knows that is the life that you deserve.
"i'll work, i'll find a job and the two of us will-" he presses a soft kiss to your lips, shaking his head.
"you know that this isn't the life cut out for you, and you know that no matter what, i won't be able to give you everything that you want." his thumb is hungrily hooking your panties to the side, fingers running over your slit that was practically dripping in wetness. he knew that this was the last time the two of you could be able to do this, and though he wanted to savor every second with you, he could barely control himself as it was.
"i want you," you shakily say, tears springing in your eyes as he hurries to wipe them away. who would have guessed that the man most feared in town would have done anything in his power to make the woman he loved most smile genuinely again?
to that, he had no response.
so instead, he did what he knew best, tugging his pants down as his cock sprang free. you glanced down, your mouth running dry at the sight.
his head was an angry red, leaking with pre as it twitched in the cold air. he was the only man you've been with, but you were aware enough to know that he was hung. and you couldn't help but think he was pretty, although you'd never admit it out loud. toji would only swat at you, gently turning your head to the side as he rolled his eyes.
but tonight, the two of you didn't have time to waste.
normally, he'd eat you out until your screams filled his house until your legs clamped around his head until you said you couldn't take anymore, his mouth shining with your essence and his spit. but you were wet enough where he didn't have to, and truth be told, you wanted him in you now, wanted to feel yourself around him.
you lined yourself up with him, your walls fluttering around nothing as his head spasmed from the feeling of lightly running against your clit. he was usually the one in charge, but tonight he let you take the lead, knowing how you needed it.
you gently pushed yourself on, your head tipping backward at the stretch. no matter how many times you'd take him, your pussy would never fully be able to accommodate his size. even his fingers would sting when he stretched you out, and this was far more different from that.
"fuck, slowly, there you go," he talked you through it, his eyes half-lidded as you began to sink into him, taking him inch by inch. your fingers gripped his shoulder, leaving indents as you felt your lungs squeezing out any of the air left in them.
"t-toji, fuck, you're so big," you mutter, biting on your lips to keep in the wanton moans as you squeeze around him, hearing him suck in a breath at the feeling of your walls fluttering around his twitching cock.
"you can do it," his hands gripped onto your waist, your skirt pooling around your hips as he helped steady you on, "know you can sweetheart, you've done it before," his voice was husky, a deep drawl to it. you loved it, loved him, loved everything about him.
"shit, hmmm, fuck!" you squeal, finally squeezing all of him in your, trying to take a little break as you felt him nearly rip you in half, the sting was welcome, and you lived for the way his head nipped at the spot that made your eyes roll back.
after a few seconds, you felt his thumb find your clit, swiping at it slowly as he began to move you up gently with his other hand. sweat was dotting his brow bone, and your head had thumped onto his, letting him maneuver your body.
once it was just his tip left in you, his eyes found yours, making sure you were good. when you gave him the go-ahead nod, he slammed your back down, a loud whine ripping itself from your lips.
"t-toji! oh my god, ooooh, f-fuck, toji!" you could barely find any words to say as he bounced you up and down on his cock, squelching sounds filling the air as a ring of you circling it's way around his dick, making it shine in the faint candles he had lit once the power went out from the storm.
"there you go, fuck, jus' like that." he rasped, eyeing the way your tits bounced with every move, palming them as he switched between tugging at your nipples and swiping at your clit, knowing either one made your mind go foggy.
"remember this dick when you see that scrawny bitch, yeah?" he huffs into your damp skin, kissing, biting at your chest, your neck as he looks up at you, "know this he can never amount to this, 'k sweetheart?"
you nod feverishly, tugging at the strands of hair that littered at his nape as you lean down to kiss him, everything messy and rushed as the two of you cling onto each other.
"who makes you feel this good?"
"y-you!" you cry out, crying from the pleasure and the pain, the crack in your heart worsening with each second.
"who does this pussy belong to?" he edged you on, his veins dragging up and down your walls with his every thrust, his lip caught between his teeth.
"you toji!" you whine out, trying to grab onto his clothes, his shoulders, anything to stabilize you to reality.
"who do you love, huh, sweetheart?" he needs to hear it once more, once more so that it can be seared into his mind. once more so that once he has to live a life without you in it, the reminder that you love him, or at least loved him at some point, can make him smile without having it turn bitter.
"you, jus' you toji!" your tears are salty on his lips, and he can feel you getting closer to your release. he knows he's not far away from his, so he picks up his pace, rubbing your little bud faster as he feels your walls clench tightly around him.
"that's right," he groans, "you're all mine."
he knows that he's being selfish, knows that you'll probably forget about him and this fling years from now. but here, at this moment, he wants you to remember him. he wants your pussy to mold to his shape so that no other man can fit you, fuck you, love you the way toji does.
you nod again, your arms circling around his neck as your hips stutter, your stomach clenching and walls clamping down as you feel yourself about to let go.
"toji, i'm gonna, fuck, toji...!" you squeal when he doesn't stop, his pace relentless as he sucks a nipple into his mouth, never leaving you unmarked with his bruising grip on your waist.
"come on, do it, let go, come with me," he's close, and once he feels your walls spasming around him, your head tilting back as you let out a strangled cry as you come, he lifts you up, his release spilling all over your naked stomach as his cock twitched with his every movement.
you swear you've never felt this good in your life, your toes curling as you finally cum around him. it's too much, the way your essence squirts everywhere, your walls longing to be filled once he pulls out of you.
it's too much yet too little, knowing that the two of you don't have much time to savor this moment.
your chest is heaving up and down, your neck flushing with heat as you settle back down on toji's lap, your legs and thighs cramping as he flashes' you a little grin, the same one that made you fall in love with him in the first place as you move some hair away from his eyes.
aside from your labored breaths, his house is silent once again, and just as heavy as it was minutes ago.
"the night's still not over," he reminds you, the two of you glancing out the window as the rain continues to storm down. the wind is faster and angrier than it was before you arrived, and the thunder rattles the little house.
"can we go to your bedroom?" you ask, resting your head down on his chest as you listen to the rhythmic pattern of his heartbeat. it's erratic, just like yours.
"mhm," he hums, rubbing a soothing hand up and down your back, shuffling your skirt around so that it settles on your thighs.
"i'm 'gonna come back next year," you saw, wiping at your cheeks so that he can't see you crying again, but nothing goes unnoticed by him, "and you better have a ring waiting for me when i do."
he nods again.
"anything for my girl."
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ketaundkrawall · 4 days
Licky ☽。⋆ Joost Klein
Summary: Joost knows you reposted that edit.
Warnings: smut, unprotected piv (wrap it before you tap it), female masturbation, voyeurism (blink and you’ll miss it), sub!reader, fluffy ending, cuddles with Joost okay I need that 🥺, no use of Y/N, afab!reader
WC: 1.3k
A/N: so here it is, my second fic 🥹 hope you guys like it lmao. Also this man and THIS FUCKING EDIT have a chokehold on me 👹 Also I will probably do a part two of Keta und Krawall :p
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18+ under the cut!
Sundays at home were the best. And they were even better when your boyfriend was at home and not somewhere out on tour.
Joosts head was resting on your chest, his arms wrapped tightly around your torso as you listened to his slow, steady breathing.
It was still very early, the sounds of birds chirping outside and the soft tapping of the rain against the window had a calming effect on you.
Giving up on sleep, you turn to grab your phone and open TikTok. Turning the volume down, so you wouldn’t wake your sleeping boyfriend, you start to scroll through your For-You-Page.
Liking some trends people were doing and watching tons of those little John videos with his galvanized steel wood veneers, you soon got bored.
Just as you scrolled again, you thought it was just a simple edit of some actor you liked, your eyes widened.
That wasn’t some actor. It was your boyfriend who was flashing before your eyes on your phone screen. And he looked absolutely stunning.
Biting your lip softly you clicked the little save button in the corner before watching the edit a few times more.
Joost was stirring on your chest slightly, opening his eyes slowly. As he looked up at you they were still heavy with sleep.
A soft sigh escaped your lips. “Didn’t mean to wake you sorry.”
Shaking his head he softly looked up at you. “You didn’t m’en meisje (My girl).”
The nickname made you smile. You loved when he talked Dutch.
“Good.” Leaning forward you pressed a soft kiss against his lips. “Let’s take a shower.”
Getting out of bed you watched him stretch and pulling the covers off himself. He was only wearing some boxers to bed and they didn’t leave much to the imagination.
“Wanna take a picture?” He grinned as he got up. Snapping out of your daydream you rolled your eyes. “I don’t need a picture. Having you home is enough for me right now.” A soft smile played around your lips as you wrapped your arms around his middle looking up.
His arms wrapped around you, finding the small of your back and pulling you slightly closer into a loving hug. “Ik hou van jou (I love you).” He whispered in your ear, sending shivers down your spine.
Being with him for quite some time now, you understood some Dutch. Not everything, you still needed some help and practice. But hearing that sentence almost everyday, you knew what he said.
“I love you too.”
He pressed a kiss to your temple before pulling away. Taking your hand he pulled you into the bathroom, closing the door behind you.
Few moments later both of you were naked and standing under warm flow of the water. A few kisses were shared every now and then.
You were just so happy Joost was home again.
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Later that day, Joost was running some errands, you cuddled up onto the couch and opened TikTok again. That fucking edit didn’t leave your head the whole day. Clicking on your saved videos you clicked on the one you saved.
Groaning you closed your phone and covered your face with your hands. Starring at the ceiling for what felt like hours your hand slowly found its way down your body.
You could already feel yourself getting wet.
Soon enough your fingers brushed over your already soaked panties. The thought of Joost touching you made you moan softly as you pushed the fabric out of the way.
Imagining it were his fingers circling your clit you arched into your touch, your other hand finding your throat, squeezing it softly.
Being so lost in your own pleasure you didn’t notice the door open.
Leaning against the wall Joost watched your fingers pump in and out of your pretty little pussy, grinning to himself. His jeans instantly tightening.
“Enjoying yourself I see?”
You insanely froze in your position on the couch, eyes widening in shock as you looked into your boyfriend’s blue eyes which were clouded with lust.
“I-“ Your throat suddenly felt very dry.
Closing your legs you were quick to get up. As you tried to walk past him he held you back by your arm.
Leaning down he kissed just right under your ear. “I want you to get naked and wait for me on the bed, got it?”
A gulp and a nod. “J-ja (Yes).”
You had no idea what would happen next but you did as you were told. Walking into your shared bedroom you were quick to take off all your clothes. Sitting on the edge, you waited for Joost.
After 5 minutes or so he finally walked in, eyeing your naked figure up and down. “Schitterend (Stunning).” He mumbled.
Blushing you looked down at your hands. As you heard his belt snapping open you looked up again and there he stood butt naked and absolutely ravishing.
“Open your mouth.” He whispered and grabbed your jaw softly. “Wanna feel your pretty lips around me.”
With a desperate whine you did as you were told. Holding your head in place Joost softly pushed himself in the wet and waiting warmth of your mouth, groaning in the process. “Fuck that’s my good girl. Making me feel so good.”
You could basically feel your pussy dripping with need at his words. Looking up at him through your lashes you wrapped one hand around his shaft and started to bop your head up and down his length, working the rest that didn’t fit with your hand.
Eyes watering your gaze met his. He softly pulled you off his hard dick. “Lay on your back. Need to fuck that pussy now.”
“Fuck yes please I need you so bad!” You whined as you laid down. In no time he was on top of you, teasing your entrance with his tip.
Wrapping your arms around his neck you looked deeply into his eyes. “Ik hou van jou (I love you).” You whispered and brushed some hair out of his eyes.
Leaning down he captured your lips into a sweet and passionate kiss before pushing himself all the way inside you, making you moan into the kiss.
Pulling away, Joost started to kiss down your jaw while fucking inside of you. His hands found your breast, pinching your pebbled nipples and making you arch more into his touch.
Grinning against your skin his hand wandered further down your body, rubbing right circles on your swollen clit.
“Look at mijn mooi meisje (My beautiful girl).” Joost whispered. “So good for me. So close.”
Your foggy mind couldn’t really comprehend what he just said so you just nodded, a soft “close” coming across your lips.
Your boyfriend gave you a cheeky grin. “Cum mijn hart (my heart).”
That’s was all it took for you to come undone unter him. Squeezing his cock tight, as your slick coated it.
His thrusts got slower as his hips stuttered. “Fuck, here it comes.” He said releasing everything he had, painting your walls with his cum.
A warmth spread across through your abdomen, making you shiver.
Giving you another kiss he pulled out of you, making you whimper at the loss of contact.
Laying down beside you he pulled the covers over you, pulling you into his side.
“That was amazing.” You said and looked up at him. “I missed you.”
Joost smiled down at you. “I missed you too.”
Pressing a small kiss to his chest, he takes your left hand in his, playing with your fingers.
“Jij bent de liefde van mijn leven.”
Your head turned to look at him. “What does that mean?”
Kissing the tips of your fingers Joost gaze softened. “It means you are the love of my life.”
“Really?” Your cheeks flushed. He gave you a nod.
“Oh and you reposted that video by the way. I saw it on TikTok.”
A/N: thanks again for reading to the end :p also my requests are open so pls don’t hold yourself back ✨
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luveline · 7 months
i have a request idea! maybe aaron x reader where the reader is bullied/ being maltreated by her roommates like that one remus headcanon you filled? i love protective hotch but i get it if you don’t think this goes with him! your fics give me sm comfort thank you for writing them <3
thank you my love. fem, 1.5k
cw bullying/ unfriendly roommates
You can't believe it's Aaron's car. No way is his timing this bad. There's just no way he's home from a case, that he's chosen to visit without calling first, today. Right now. 
He's out of the car before you've so much as wiped your cheeks dry. You've never seen him park that fast. 
"What are you doing out here?" he asks, looking you up and down. "Let me help you up, sweetheart." 
Sweetheart so soon after seeing you —you must look terrible. You take his hand and stand up off of the floor, unperturbed as he brushes down your butt and thighs. 
"Why are you sitting on the floor?" he asks, soft, "It's wet, honey, you're crying– What's wrong?" 
You remember suddenly that you have someone on your side. Shaking, you tuck your arms under his and cross them behind his back, the fabric of his suit jacket familiar under your trembling fingers. You feel like a kid again at the mercy of other people's cruelty, but this hasn't been something you could run away from. The meanness takes root at home. But now Aaron's here and he's holding you, his hand coming up to cup the back of your head delicately, his voice a murmur as he reassures you, "It's alright." He presses his cheek to the plane just adjacent to your eye. "Honey, please don't cry." 
"They smashed my vase," you say into his chest. 
"My roommates, Aaron, they don't– don't like me." The vase was a gift. Special to you, irreplaceable, you've brought it safely from one place to another without ever having broken it. It was in the kitchen, housing your most recent bouquet of flowers from Aaron. "Macy said it fell over, but they were laughing, and they said the same thing about my bag, my– my sketchbook. They keep ruining my things, they throw away my food, and they laugh at me all the time, even when I'm not doing anything. I know they are."  
The laughing is honestly the worst part. Like your reaction isn't even worth considering, it doesn't bother them that you're upset, they just giggle and tell you to feel better. Sometimes they apologise like it wasn't them. Sorry about that, maybe don't leave it somewhere it could get ruined? with a smile that hardly counts as sympathetic. 
"How long has this been happening?" he asks. 
Months. "Since we met, at least." 
Aaron makes a noise you don't understand. You wait for him to say more, but he only rubs your back diligently for a time before ushering you into the car. A bag of takeout has gone cold in the passenger seat, the backseat busy with his go bag and a new bouquet. He's very, very good to you. 
In the car, he reaches across the console to fret over you, stroking your damp cheeks and rubbing your shoulders. You feel as though all your energy has been stolen. All you can do is lean into his hand as he wipes away your quiet tears. 
Hotch watches you cry in his passenger seat and feels pretty angry. It's not often like him to turn to anger when the people he cares about are upset. He's more of a problem solver. But when it's as bad as it is now, he doesn't bother restraining himself. 
He knew there was something about your roommates that you weren't telling him. Obviously, as the partner in the relationship who doesn't have roommates, Hotch hosts the majority of your 'sleepovers'. It's easier and awards more privacy most of the time, and honestly, he's not at the age where he's very interested in bumping into people on the way to the bathroom in the middle of the night. He'd prefer to be home, and much prefer to have you there. 
He was wondering about asking you to move in, but there never seemed to be a good time, and right now your answer would likely be influenced by the insecurity of your home rather than true desire to live with him. He knows one day, he'll ask, and one day you'll say yes, (or he hopes), and so he keeps it in mind but otherwise proposes a temporary arrangement. 
"Let's go get some of your things and you can stay with me for a few days," he says. 
"Are you sure?" you ask. "What about Jack?" 
"He'll be happy for the company. Trust me." 
Hotch isn't shallow, but he likes being that little bit taller than you, and he's no brute, either, but he knows he's intimidating at times. He'd never use his position to scare private citizens in civilian disputes, but seeing the amusement in the eyes of your  roommates turn to nervous recognition when he follows in behind you makes his day. 
She's not alone, he thinks, putting his hand to your back. 
He might put their behaviour down to jealousy. Not so much that they wish they were with Hotch, there's hardly been any desire for him coming from either woman, but your happiness. You're a nice girl, a good girl, good in the sense that you don't need to knock others down to be happy. He treats you accordingly. 
He pointedly doesn't greet them as you show him the corridor down to your room. Your door is ajar, which he doesn't like, but you don't say anything about your things. 
"What do you need?" he asks.
"How long will I stay?" 
"However long you need to. If you want time to feel better while we manage this, or you need to move. I'm with you." He again thinks of the lack of a lock. "I'd say bring your valuables, honey. So nothing miraculously breaks." 
He ends up packing for you. He knows you well, and he's more than aware of what you'll need to survive for a week. What clothes, which pyjamas you favour, even your skincare. He has a career in identifying small details, but it's a better duty knowing you so well. He does that for fun. 
You stop by the door and turn into his side, hesitant to leave. He hates seeing you wilted, usually so bright. "They're talking about me." 
Your roommates are indeed whispering in the kitchen and Hotch would bet money that you're correct, but he doesn't want to encourage that line of thought. It could easily become a seed of doubt that leaves you anxious and paranoid. 
"I'd hope they were discussing their own bullying," he says. 
You rest your forehead on his arm. "What did I ever do to them?" 
"You're happy. You're grateful and loving, and some people can't stand it. They can't rope you into their misery," he guesses. "Have you considered the possibility that you're a bad roommate?" 
You laugh into his jacket reluctantly. "You know I'm not."
"Maybe you behave with me," he says, rubbing the top of your shoulder. Your laughter draws a silence in the kitchen. Hotch can't help himself. "Don't forget to turn your security camera on before we leave," he says, holding a finger over his lips. 
You smile. "Oh, I almost forgot about that." 
Your roommates aren't so full of cheer as you go. At least without a lock on the door, Hotch can be confident that his… bending of the truth will buy your possessions a few more days of safety. You don't have to tell your roommates that you're leaving, evidenced by your bags, but Hotch is feeling awful, and he says, "Do you have your bathing suit? Your passport's in the bag." 
"What is wrong with you?" you whisper through laughter as the door closes behind you both. "I had no idea you were this quick to tell lies." 
Hotch pulls your bag further up his arm to take your hand. "I wasn't lying about anything, your passport is in the bag, and I asked a question. If that question implies that you're about to have a fun weekend, that's coincidental." 
He doesn't want your roommates thinking they have any power over you. Not an inch of it. And he doesn't want you thinking that they do either, knee deep in plans for the forthcoming days. He's going to spoil you to death if he can, starting with a new vase for your waiting flowers, and a good squeeze on the way down to the car to prompt you into relaxing. 
"Sorry about all the fuss," you say. 
He kisses you twice. "Don't think of it that way." Rather boss-toned, he softens, "I'll deal with anything for you. I'm sorry they've been cruel." 
You exhale. He can tell from the tug of your eyebrows that it's partly for his benefit, and the more lax set of your shoulders that it's partly genuine as you brush it off. "Doesn't matter. Just an excuse to spend more time with you, yeah?" 
"Yes," he says immediately. "You're right, honey. Exactly right." Starting with one of his clumsy neck massages and a much more practised kiss, he thinks. 
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sleep-paralysis-buddy · 5 months
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Jim Hopper x Reader
Warnings: smut, age gap, size kink slightly, praise, foul language, Jim being fucking oblivious.
Hoppers old.
Or getting there at least.
And he knows it.
   But somehow you're still here in his bed, your youthful cheek squished against his chest, your arm thrown around his middle that he knows isn't as toned as it used to be. 'A Dad bod,' you'd called it. Said it was hot. He'd just rolled his eyes, giving your ass a playful swat.
   You'd met when you began secretary work at the police station. It was a long, pining heavy minute before he ever approached you romantically. You'd flirted with him, or tried, but he couldn't possibly fathom someone as young and vibrant as you wanting him. He'd tried to avoid you, despite working so closely together. That all changed one night when he had to stay late to do paperwork, and you'd volunteered to stay behind to help. He'd tried insisting you go home, telling you he'd take care of it, saying you should get some rest. But you'd stayed, helpfully pointing out that it'd go twice as fast with 2 people.
   So there he was, 1am with the prettiest girl to give him any attention in a long time, your thigh bumping his under the table. He crosses his legs. Partially to put space between the two of you, partially to hide the growing tent at the front of his pants.
The view you'd given him wasn't helping. The white button down you wore was slightly undone at top, unbuttoned in you're frustration, allowing him a view of your breasts swelling past the top of your bra everytime you bent to retrieve your dropped pen.
   You're barely through half the stack of reports and files when you suddenly stand and lean across him, your hair in his face, your chest brushing his arm.
   'Sorry Cheif, just looking for the notes that go with this case,' you explained, flipping through the stack. He let out an involuntary groan, the scent of your shampoo flooding his senses, his cock straining painfully against his pants. If you heard, you never let on, finding the folder you were looking for and sitting back down. Looking back now, the memory makes him chuckle, wondering how he'd been so oblivious to your advances.
   'I'm gonna..ima run to my office quick,' he said, standing and turning quickly, 'left some notes somewhere in my desk. Might be a minute.'
   'O-oh! Take your time!' You told him, but you looked-and it had to be his mind playing tricks on him-disappointed? He shook his head as he hurried off to his office, quickly shutting the door behind him, fumbling with his belt, desperate for some relief from the pressure. He fell back into his chair, giving his throbbing cock a couple long pumps.
   'Fuuuck,' he breathed, precum leaking out of the angry red tip and onto his fingers. He used it to glide his hand over himself with ease, moaning as he imagined it was your spit, your pretty lips wrapped around him, bobbing your head up and down, those big innocent eyes staring into his. Your name tumbles from his mouth, sweet on his tongue.
   Just as he felt his release rising in him, there was a knock on the door.
His door.
That he forgot to lock.
    There was no time to stuff himself back into his pants before you're opening the door and peaking your head in, so he just spun his chair to face front, hiding his lap under his desk.
   'Hop? Everything good? You find those papers?' You asked, knitting your eyebrows together, making him want to kiss the bump that formed between them.
   'Oh, yea, no, sorry,' he said a little too quickly, 'I uh, I think Flow might have had them last, but she keeps her desk locked at night. No big deal.' He shrugged, wishing you'd take his explanation and leave. He was still exposed under his desk, twitching, his release still sitting on the brink.
   Instead of leaving, you stride into the room, shutting the door behind you, 'maybe they're still in here. Here, lemme che-,' you'd walked around the edge of his desk and he'd nearly jumped to stop you.
   'No! That's REALLY ok, it doesn't matt-,' he didn't speak quickly enough, watching in horror as you shut the drawer open next him, finally exposing his dirty secret to yourself. He braced himself, ready for you to scream, ready for you to call him a dirty old man, a pig, ready for the profanities to spill like venom from the mouth he'd wished so many times to kiss.
   But it never came. You just stood there, your mouth open in a small O shape, your clear and intelligent eyes wide.
   'I'm so sorry,' he breathed, and moved to pull his pants back up, his face cherry red, 'God, I'm sorry, please-' you stopped him in his tracks, resting your small, soft hand on one of his large calloused ones. You bit your lip and looked up through your lashes at him, and he swears he's never wanted anyone or anything like he did in that moment.
   'I thought- thought you-,' you spoke softly, fumbling over your words, and then you whispered 'I thought you didn't want me.'
   He pulled you forward by your waist at this, leaning his forehead against yours and breathing out shakily, 'you have no idea how long I've wanted...' He trailed off, brushing his hands lightly over both sides of your face, like you're delicate and precious, like he could break you if he touched you too hard.
He wanted to break you.
   'Can- can I?' He looked at your lips as he asked his half question. He didn't need to finish. You knew what he meant because you wanted the same thing. You nodded slowly and bit your lip again. He threw  his head back and whispered a curse under his breath, and sighed, 'let me do that for you.'
   He kissed you softly at first, his pointer finger and thumb tilting your head by your chin. And then he got hungrier, greedier. He kissed you like you were fresh air and he was a man drowning, his fingers digging so hard into your sides that you could imagine his fingerprints bruising onto your skin, his teeth nipping the soft flesh. He kissed down your jaw and neck, his stubble scratching and tickling your skin in just the right way, and you moaned, digging your nails into his back. He pulled you down onto his thigh, one leg on each side of his, the pressure and friction on your clit making you dizzy.
   'So damn beautiful,' he said it against your skin, like it pained him, and it did. In his mind, this was a fluke. There was no way you'd want him more than once. Sex with an older man, that's all it was. Just a taboo to you.
   So when you ran your hands down his chest and sang his praises, he thought he was going to melt right then and there.
   He put his hands on your hips and began guiding you on his thigh, relishing the way your eyes flit back into your head. 'Yeah sweet girl? Feel good? Come on, ride my thigh, get yourself nice and wet for me. That's a good girl' he growled the last part, ripping open your shirt, the snap buttons coming open with a loud CLACK. He bent his head and softly kissed your chest, sucking and leaving hickeys anywhere that wasn't covered by your bra.
   As if reading his mind, you reached around and undid the clasp, letting both your shirt and your bra fall off your shoulders. He felt his breath hitch in his throat as he looked at you. The moonlight from the window behind him illuminating your skin, your head thrown back and your eyes shut tight as you ground yourself onto him. The need to be close to you was settled in his very bones, every fiber of his being wanted you like an addict wants a drug.
   He had so much he wanted to do. He wanted to sit you on the desk and bury his face between the pillowy thighs he so often found himself daydreaming about. Wanted to see you bruising your knees for him, your eyes glassy while he hits the back of your throat. But all that could wait. He needed you too badly to take his time, to worship your body like the alter it was to him.
   'Want me pumpkin? Hm? Need me to stretch you out good? Make you feel full?' He purred, brushing the hair from your face. You could hardly answer, your mind already so scrambled for him, babbling your pleas and cries.
   He lifted you by your thighs, his hands finding home on your ass under your skirt as he held you above him, ready to lower you down onto him. He couldn't believe his luck as he watched you in wonder, his head falling forwards and into the crook your neck as you lowered yourself onto him, your tightness wrapping around him, ripping a loud, full moan from his throat. He helped you bounce, keeping you upright as you fucked yourself onto him, kissing him hard and deliberately.
   'Jus' like that honey. Fuck, you're so good. Wanted you for so long. Drive me absolutely insane,' you felt him say against your lips. He hugged you tight to him, one hand cradling the back of your head, and bucked his hips up into yours, holding you and cooing sweet praises as he used you, just like he always wanted to. The amount of times he'd imagined this exact scenario at night, when the only one to keep him company was his hand, was uncountable.
   He could feel his orgasam rising again already, and he would have been disappointed in himself if he couldn't feel you reaching your own breaking point.
   'Gonna cum for me? Hm? Gonna cum for your Police Cheif like a good little whore?' Oh, he was loving this. 'Where do you want it baby? Where do you want me to cum? All over that pretty face? On those perfect tits of yours?'
   You're were panting, your face pressed to his shoulder as he brought you closer and closer to the edge.
   'Jim- I,' you stumbled over your words, moaning as he hit your sweet spot over and over again, 'pill. Have the pill.'
   His head spun, 'yea? Want me to fill you up with my cum? I wanna see it leaking all over those perfect fucking thighs of yours, oh FU-' he almost loses himself to his own words, hips slamming messily against your ass.
   'Cum for me princess. That's it, be a good girl, scream it for me.'
   And you did, your release white hot. You pulled down the collar of his shirt, biting his shoulder, leaving teeth marks he was still admiring in the mirror the next day.
   He followed you closely, shooting thick, hot ropes inside of you, moaning and cursing, pressing a kiss to the crown of your head as you shook against him.
   'Did so good f'me honey. Made me cum so hard. God,'  he buried his face in your neck and breathed in, high off the scent of you and him mixed together.
Now, as you stir against him, whining softly in your sleep when he kisses your forehead because he just can't help himself, he smiles softly.
   He might be old, but damn do you love him. And if a few gray hairs don't bother you, then he can keep coping with it.
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veenxys · 8 months
「Bokuto being a simp for you」
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bokuto loves you in so many ways that sometimes he can't explain; just feeling all of his love and compassion for you through small gestures, kind words whispered in the middle of the night or when you share a comfortable silence while doing your own thing because love doesn't have to be loud, just his comforting presence is the enough to overflow your heart.
he doesn't just say “how was your day” he says “tell me about your day”. he is genuinely interested in hearing you speak and enjoys this little moment with you. he hears you ramble with a smile on his face, often with one hand resting on his chin while the other absently plays with a lock of your hair while he keeps listening to everything you have to say.
he always walks on the outer side of the sidewalk when the two of you are walking side by side to keep you safe from the road, he holds your hand tightly and all it takes is just a light squeeze that all his attention goes to you.
he has a polaroid picture of you on his cell phone cover, and when he misses you, he usually takes it and with a silly smile on his face he runs his fingers gently over your face, as if he were stroking you.
when you go out and you’re carrying lots of bags, he’ll take them out of your hand and hold them for you until you get home. he is the type of boyfriend who will use your purse as if it were his and he doesn’t care about that. but when you go to buy a new purse, he wants you to buy one that suits him.
when you're sitting side by side somewhere and you need to bend down because you dropped something, he puts his hand on the corner of the table so that when you get back to your seat, you won't get hurt.
if he sees you sleepy or even napping, he won't think twice about gently resting your head on his shoulder or on his lap; stroking your hair, and leaving a few soft kisses on your temple from time to time.
he always helps you calm down when you have something important to do; like an important exam. he gently massages your shoulders and leaves occasional light kisses on your neck while saying encouraging words. he also makes you tea and if you want he helps you to review and always tells you how proud he is of you; showering you with kisses and hugs so you know he really means it. he also texts you during the day wishing you good luck.
he has such a unique and pure way of making you laugh; with silly jokes, exaggerated imitations of characters or people you don’t like, tickling you until you’re out of breath, leaving kisses all over your face while holding you as close to him as possible. he just doesn’t like to see his baby sad or bored.
he writes important things and puts them on a magnet on the fridge; like birthdays of your mutual friends, or date nights —and he puts a heart around the date to demonstrate that it’s your day — and even appointments with dentists or doctors.
he looks at you like you should be protected at all costs like you’re the most precious thing in the world. and honestly, he doesn’t care if you catch him staring at you, he won’t stop. he likes to notice your little quirks and habits and he finds them so goddamn cute.
he offers to walk you home and only leaves when he’s sure you’re safe; he always has your favorite dessert and gives it often for you, even without you asking.
he brushes your hair out of your face when you talk so he can see you better. most of the time it is a casual and subconscious gesture; he’s listening to you intently and when his eyes remain fixed on the strands of hair that fall over your face, he tucks them behind your ear or pushes them away from your face, gently running his fingers down your cheek in the process. he does this so often that you may get used to it after a while, but it always makes your heart race.
you notice how he always has at least one hair tie around his wrist. he tells you that it’s because he wants to make sure that you have one to tie your hair with any time you might need it since he knows how often you forget to bring one.
when it’s raining, he does literally everything so you don’t get wet. he gives you his jacket and when you share an umbrella, he always makes sure it completely covers you, he doesn’t care if his shoulder is all wet, the important thing is you.
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strawberri-elixir · 4 months
Sleepless nights
╰⇢ 29. I love you too (The original ending)
Warnings: none (unless you count a really long speech/confession as a warning)
note: this is the original ending that i had planned out from the very beginning (aka the ending i wanted more than the other before i got attached) but i’ll link the alternate ending at the bottom with the usual links when it’s done :]
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“I…” You hesitated.
What was your answer? You never, in your entire life, imagined your little crushes would ever get this far. Let alone have both like you back.
But now, with everything that has gone down the past few months, you were faced with a difficult situation.
Yuta, the boy who’s been by your side before you could remember. And Toge, the one who single handily made the past few months arguably a lot better.
Both held a special place in your heart, one that would tear you apart if it was replaced with an empty void of their absence.
“I don’t know what to say…” You look down, already expecting to see disappointment if you met his eyes. “I just- I know it’s wrong but… I like you both. But I don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings and break what we already have.”
But deep down, you already knew whose feelings you wanted to reciprocate. You just couldn’t admit it out loud.
“You should go to him then.” Your eyes flick up to meet his soft gaze.
It seems he knows your answer as well. You give him a small smile, pulling him into a tight hug before stepping back and running off to find a certain boy. But not before giving Toge one last glance.
Thank you.
You hurried down the hall, hoping to catch a glimpse of anything that would point you in the right direction. As you run up and down the aisles of the convention, you catch a familiar head of black hair headed towards the exit.
On the opposite side of the building.
"Yuta!" You let out a weak yell. The boy showed absolutely no signs of hearing your pitiful attempts at getting his attention, leaving you no choice but to sprint after him. “Wait!”
So you ran. Throwing out halfhearted apologies to the poor people passing by as you pushed through them. Truthfully, you didn’t care about the people around you, the only thing that was on your mind was the boy who was slipping through your fingers.
You broke through the crowds, exiting the main building and continuing your search for the boy. As your head shot side to side, trying to determine the direction of the boy, you catch a glimpse of Yuta, running out towards the parking lot.
He was about to leave you here.
“Yuta wait!” You slammed on the exit door and chased after him. As you inched closer, the dark-haired boy started slowing down, understanding that you weren’t going to stop.
When you finally reached him, you grabbed his hand. Your way of ensuring he stays in place as you catch your breath. "You were really gonna leave me here?" You gasped for air.
"I just assumed you would go home with Toge." The boy turned away from you but made no move to leave. "I'm sorry I ruined the confession, I thought you guys were done and-"
"Shut up." You held your other hand up. Yuta immediately stopped talking and turned to face you, his eyes reflecting the emotions that his body refused to displayed.
"You didn't even hear what I had to say."
"Well, I assumed that you would've accepted his confession...?" The boy looked confused.
"What- no- well-" Your brain was a mess and nothing was coming out right as you tried to form and explanation for him. Finally, you let out and exasperated sigh. "It's a long story. I don't want to discuss this in the middle of a parking lot."
Without saying anything else, Yuta grabs his helmet and tosses yours to you. "Let's go somewhere then."
You obliged, waiting for him to start up the engine before hopping on behind him.
“Ready?” He turned to you.
Before anything else could be said, the two of you sped off down the street. Back towards the same, nostalgic place the two of you grew familiar with. The park.
"So." Yuta sat in front of you as you sat in the middle of the empty field.
“It’s a long story.” You sigh.
“I’ve got all night.” He leans back onto his hands for support.
Fuck. There was absolutely no getting out of this. A short silence fills the air as you contemplate where to start. When you first started falling for him? Or maybe when you heard him confess his love for you when he thought nobody would hear.
“Well- so I may have had some sort of feelings for you for a while but just never realized it until recently when everyone just started getting closer and closer, right? But I swear to god that night when the four of us had that sleepover and I woke up to you hugging me and shit just did something to me and-”
You began talking at an alarming pace, wanting to get everything off your chest before you regret it.
“Oh! And when you told me you love me? Granted, it was indirectly. But I heard it, by the way, I couldn’t sleep again and overheard you talking. Anyways, I just couldn’t get it out of my head and Maki wasn’t much help either, so that’s on me.”
After what felt like forever, you finally took a break to breathe, glancing at Yuta, hoping to get a sense of what he was thinking. He looked… shocked, to say the least. But he didn’t say anything.
“So when Toge confessed, I’ll admit, I was really confused and didn’t know what to say. And I probably should’ve reacted sooner, but that’s beside the point. The point is, I like you too. Hell, I would probably go as far as to say I love you.”
You look at Yuta, looking for something, anything. After a few seconds, you were ready to crawl into a ditch and disappear. But before you could act on those impulsive thoughts, you felt a pair of hands hold your face. And then soft lips placing a kiss onto yours.
He kissed you. A soft, passionate kiss. One that you were quick to reciprocate, reaching up to hold his cheeks and keep him in place.
Before long, you both pulled away, desperately needing air. A warm flush filled your cheeks as you gazed longingly into each other’s eyes. You both had been waiting for this moment for so long.
“I love you.” Yuta suddenly blurted out. “A lot more than I ever thought was possible.”
Your eyes relax into a soft gaze. “I love you too.”
He couldn’t help but crack a smile, taking a hold of your hand and kissing it. You meant everything to him. “You have no idea how happy this makes me.”
A small chuckles escaped your lips. “Hopefully as happy as it’s making me.” You shift your body to lean on his shoulder, looking up at the dimming sky. The stars started making themselves visible as the moon settled into place.
It might’ve still been early on in the night, but you could already tell it was going to be one of those sleepless nights.
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Masterlist | The alternate ending <3
ANOTHER NOTE: oh. my. god. we actually made it to end you guys! i just want to say thank you all so much for the support i’ve received throughout the duration of this journey! it really means a lot to me that so many people enjoyed this.
as sad as it is to see this series come to and end, i’m excited to get myself ready to make another series. and i hope you guys will enjoy that one as much as you enjoyed this one! thank you guys once again for making this series so fun to make and i hope to see you guys again for my next series!
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@sur-i-ki @aespaforlifersyall @camilo-uwu @butterflyqueen234 @shinsukeee @tanchosanke @meguemii @lees-chaotic-brain @you-always-made-me-blush @jayathelostdragon @chilichopsticks @polarbvnny
@frumira @sad-darksoul @hellyyy06 @rosieandthethorns @zellwa @iluv-ace @h3xi2g0n3 @morgyyyyyyy @bellaabee082 @koiir @g0rep1ty @k4romis @beaniedoodz @seventhcinema @macimcnaron @pumpkinisnotsane @wowowwin @neigee @someonethatisnobody @vndl-1 @yoyo-yui
@blehtotheblehtothebleh @c4ttheart @blogforblorboscreaming @creative1writings @tiredjxnna @mint129106 @mentallyunstablemanlover @anianurst @milesmorals @samutoru @azulsmermaidprincess @toges-cough-syrup @liveincans @jals-stuff @yievieslxt @yell-lemonade @inupibaldspot @hyssoplampflickers @lilysaltwater
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silent-stories · 6 months
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Pairing: Eddie x F!Reader
Summary: After moving to Hawkings for a fresh start, you meet a boy with kind, brown eyes who will quickly become a friend and maybe something more. The only problem is: you took something that belongs to him by accident and now you don't know what to do.
A/N: Yes, there will be more parts. No, i don't know when. I hope this start doesn't suck.
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You kind of hated how you had thought moving there was a good idea. Of course, your aunt had told you that she would welcome you with open arms if you ever decided to go and live with her but she had never told you that the people there seemed to look all the same and that everyone would have stared at you in a weird way, being the only crazy person who moved there after years of no new arrivals.
Hawkins was a small midwestern town located in Roane County in the state of Indiana and it wasn't hard to tell that it wasn't a very busy or interesting place even though you were driving down the main street for the first time, heading towards the house where you were supposed to live for quite some time, if everything would have gone as it should and your aunt hadn't decided to get rid of you after a few days, like you had basically done with your parents.
You looked first on the left and then the right side of the road, while the music was still playing loudly in the vehicle, trying to figure out which way you were supposed to go, then you remembered that you had a map of the city somewhere in your pickup.
You glanced at the back seats, where there were several suitcases and a few bags full of things that you would probably never need and which were just taking up a lot of space in your car already always full of various junk.
You noticed a lamp peeking out from a bag and wondered for the second time that morning what the hell was going on in your mind.
"C'mon, where are you?" You talked to yourself, searching through the sea of ​​objects scattered on the dashboard: a concert ticket, some polaroids containing memories of a life you were leaving behind (which had fallen from the ceiling of the car where you kept at least fifty of them fixed with tacks), a horror book by an unknown writer (the school library had crossed it out because it was considered inappropriate for kids), a shoe whose match had been lost while you were packing your bags, a half-empty green spray can and no trace of the city map.
The car behind you honked: you had not moved for at least two minutes.
"I'm trying to figure out where I need to go! I'm sorry!" You shouted through the rolled down window before the car passed you and a man gave you the middle finger.
"Rude." You commented, sighing and thinking about what to do.
Did continuing to wander around the city until you found the right path make sense?
You were about to restart the pickup when you saw a boy who couldn't have been older than fourteen and a taller, blond boy wearing a green and white jacket talking to each other as they walked along the sidewalk.
You grabbed your leather jacket and got out of the car, hoping no one would complain about the inappropriate place you were leaving it. Your driving teacher was probably right when she told you you sucked at parking.
"I'll be right back Casper." You said to the thing in the passenger seat. Nobody responded.
You reached the two boys just as the blond guy took the hat off the younger one, laughing.
You didn't immediately understand what was happening.
"Sorry, do you know where I can find-"
"Hey! Give it back!" The younger one tried to grab the hat while the other laughed, raising his arm straight up so he couldn't reach it.
"Give what back?" The blond laughed.
You cleared your throat. The two turned to you suddenly.
"What do you want?" The older one asked in an annoyed tone, looking you up and down.
"I wanted to know where Piney Wood Lane was but now I don't wanna talk with you anymore. Give the hat back."
He snorted as if I had come to ruin the party. "You can never have fun with you weirdos around."
You caught it before it landed in a puddle as the blonde dropped it to the ground.
He pointed to the kid saying something like "I'm not fucking done with you" before walking away.
"What a nice guy!" You yelled after him as he turned the corner.
"As always." The younger commented.
"Is everyone like this around here? I just moved but people like him make me want to go back to where I came from." You handed the hat back to him with a half smile.
You hated people like that guy, you had never understood how anyone could take pleasure in making someone else suffer.
"Not all. Most but not all, some of my friends are really cool. Thanks for that." He put the hat back on his head, covering his short curls, on his face a grateful expression even if you didn't do much.
You found yourself wondering what these "cool friends" of his were like.
"Good to know." You sighed ironically.
“I'm Dustin, by the way.” Dustin smiled at you.
You said your name and shook his hand, you thought that you had known that kid for about five minutes and you would already do anything to protect him.
Dustin looked at the car parked behind you. “Your car is so cool!” He commented in amazement, pointing with his finger at the drawings standing out against the black background, on the side of it.
"Thanks, it's a mess but it represents me, I think."
“Wait, what is that thing sitting in the passenger seat?”
"Oh, that's Casper!"
"It's a-"
"A skeleton, yes. My biology teacher let me borrow it from his class."
Dustin looked at you questioningly.
"Okay, I stole it. But he's a great travel companion, and never complains about the music I choose."
Dustin laughed. "I swear, you would love my friends."
"And I really would like to get to know them but now, could you help me find Piney Wood Lane? I lost the map in the middle of all the shit in my car."
"Sure I can, I know that street!" The boy nodded, hoping that you could become one of his "cool friends".
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That afternoon, what had become your room was already full of stuff scattered around and suitcases that you didn't feel like unpacking everywhere. The posters you would soon hang were on the desk but you had decided to leave Casper in the car for a while longer. You had put most of your clothes in the closet and packed a bag full of spray cans with the intention of going out and finding a nice wall to do your first mural in the new town.
That time you didn't have any of your friends to make sure the cops didn't come but you figured that for your first few days there, you could manage on your own.
You grabbed a book in case you found a quiet place to read: you felt safer when you went out taking a book with you, even if you weren't sure you'd find a place or time to read.
“Are you going to explore the town?” Your aunt asked with a smile as you came out of your room with your bag over your shoulder.
You couldn't help but be grateful to her, she had said she would treat you like a daughter and give you a room of your own and that was exactly what she had done. You hadn't seen her in years and you didn't know each other very well but for the moment you seemed to get along well and your relationship seemed more peaceful than the one you'd had with many people in your old hometown.
Maybe this was really a new beginning for you.
"Yeah, something like that." You tried to sound convincing.
"Okay, don't get in trouble on your first day here."
You smiled.
"Oh, I would never do that."
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You jumped off the trash can you were standing on, in the alley you had chosen for your mural.
You turned the spray can in your paint-stained hands, observing the work on the wall in front of you: you liked dragons in fantasy stories, you thought it might be nice to experiment with something like that.
"Yeah, you don’t look that bad." You said to the creature painted on the wall, before noticing that the sun was starting to set and it was probably time to go home.
You put the spray cans back in your bag and threw the empty ones into the bins you climbed onto.
Then, you heard a noise.
"Please don't be a cop." You muttered to yourself, placing your bag over your shoulder and walking out of the alley.
The footsteps got closer.
"Please don't be a cop." You repeated, keeping your gaze down as you rounded the corner, hoping to escape, that way, from whoever was coming in your direction.
Of course, luck wasn't on your side, as always: you collided with the person who was coming in your direction and if they hadn't grabbed you by the arm you would have surely ended up on the ground like the rest of your stuff.
Your book, your bag, and several spray cans scattered across the ground, some rolling away from you.
"Shit." You said through your teeth, looking up to look into the eyes of the person you had collided with.
A gentle and slightly worried gaze met yours, his chocolate brown eyes watching you as if to make sure you were okay. His expression was completely different from the way the boy who was bothering Dustin had looked at you that morning.
His messy, curly hair was brown like his eyes and his slight smile was reassuring.
"Are you good?" He asked, letting go of your arm after making sure you wouldn't fall.
"Oh, thank god you're not a cop!"
“And neither are you, good for both of us.” He chuckled before helping you pick up what you had dropped. You did the same, so quickly that you didn't even realize you had put something in the bag that didn't belong to you.
"I'm fine." You grabbed the spray can he was holding out to you, your fingers grazed his, adorned with chunky silver rings, and the action made you feel a weird sensation that you couldn't identify and that only lasted a few seconds in your stomach, “thank you.”
"It's a pleasure. It's always nice to help pretty girls break the law." He chuckled.
"I wasn't breaking any laws." You rolled your eyes, aware that you both knew you were lying, almost without realizing that he had called you pretty.
"Then why did you hope I wasn't a cop?"
"Maybe I just think they're not nice."
"Well, believe me, I've been arrested several times and I can guarantee you that most of them aren't."
You raised your eyebrows. "You've been arrested several times? What the hell did you do?"
"You really don't wanna know."
“Okay mystery man,” You rolled your eyes, the boy laughed at the nickname and you immediately liked the sound of it, then you held out your hand, introducing yourself.
He shook it and you felt that feeling in your stomach again but decided to ignore it, “Eddie.”
"Okay Eddie, are you good at giving an unbiased opinion on a mural done in an alley while standing on garbage bins?" You asked and without even waiting for an answer you started pushing him towards the dragon on the wall.
Usually you didn't need random strangers' opinions on your street art but this time you felt like you wanted to spend more time with that metal singer looking guy with the sweetest eyes you'd ever seen. And also, he wasn't a stranger anymore, he was Eddie.
“Oh sure, I was born for that.” He stated confidently.
Your laughter echoed down the alley as you reached the mural.
"There we go. Now you are an accessory to the crime."
"Well, in reality.... I didn't do anything. I'm just an innocent witness."
"You have paint on your hands."
"I don't-" He looked at his palms and realized you had stained one of his hands with green paint when you held it. "Oh, fuck you."
You laughed. "So? What do you think?"
“I think it's worthy of being on the cover of a metal album, it's amazing, really.”
"Well, thanks. For now it will stay on the wall of a dark alley."
"Really, that's so fucking cool. You should do this as a job or something like that."
"Well, I'm still in high school and I'm looking for someone who needs a babysitter to earn some money so... not yet, I guess."
"Well then I guess we'll meet there."
“Are you still in high school?”
Eddie sighed, as if expecting a joke on that.
"Hey, we don't judge people here. What do you expect from a girl who's spending her Sunday afternoon with a stranger chatting in front of some garbage cans?"
"I expect her to be cool as hell. And well-" He paused, as if thinking about it carefully, "I think she is."
You couldn't help but laugh again.
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When you got home you still had a stupid smile on your face. You liked Eddie, you liked the way he made you feel like you didn't have to pretend to be someone else around him, you liked the way he called you "pretty" five more times that afternoon, you liked the way his eyes lit up when he talked about music, you liked the way he kindly asked you if he could walk you home since the sky was getting dark and he didn't want anything bad to happen to you, you liked the sound of his laughter and the way he tried to hide the blush on his cheeks when you told him that your opinion on Hawkings had become better after you met him.
"Why are you smiling like that?" Your aunt asked you when you entered the house.
"I met a boy."
She smirked.
"Don't look at me with that face, I just met him. He was just being nice."
"Mh-mh sure." She laughed as you rolled your eyes and walked into your room, leaving your bag on the bed.
When you unzipped it, something inside caught your attention: a small, brown leather-covered notebook you'd never seen before.
Your first thought was how the hell did he end up in there, then you remembered your clash with Eddie a few hours earlier. Was it possible that you had taken it without realizing it?
You got under the covers with the notebook in your hands. It was small but the pages were so many and so thin that someone could have started writing in it years before and still not filled it all.
You knew you shouldn't have done it, it might have contained private things, but you couldn't resist.
You opened it.
As soon as you did, a black and white photo of a girl with dark hair and a sun dress fell off the first page.
She was smiling and she was really pretty, you wondered who she could be. In the background you could see a garden and the sun shining in the sky.
It was wrinkled as if someone had held it in their hands for a long time.
Then, you read the first lines of the first page of the notebook. The writing was messy but legible, some words had been crossed out and rewritten probably due to some grammatical error or unclear thoughts.
"I realized that I almost don't remember her anymore and that's the thing that scares me the most. I don't want to forget her."
You couldn't help but wonder how you could feel the pain in those words simply by reading them in an old, crumpled notebook.
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Tags: @jacklesbrainworms @morning-sky7 @pipsqueakkitten @navs-bhat @michaelfuckinglangdon @flawiette @needylilgal022 @bubsonnobx @yujyujj @findmeincorneliastreet @kennedy-brooke @witchwolflea
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redclercs · 11 months
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— or, the one where mick prefers the dress off of you.
✤ requested as part of the lavender haze event!
✤ mick schumacher x fem reader, prompts used: “against the window, are you insane?” + "leave the heels on"
✤ warnings: lowecarse intended, smut, mdni!! semi-public sex, unprotected sex, piv, bit of sir kink ig? creampie, no aftercare, per usual, don't take this as an example and be smart about having sex y'all. 1.2k words
visit the lavender library
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the moment mick saw you with the dress on, he wanted to take it off you. not in a bad, overly possessive way, although it did occur to him that if he was looking at you like that, some of the other guests in this wedding would too.
who in their right mind had thought of giving the bridesmaids such a deep cleavage? mick couldn’t even begin to guess. his brain was swarmed with other thoughts.
“what?” you ask, your hands already on their way to cover your breasts. “it’s not too much, is it?”
mick shrugs in return, shaking his head. “definitely not.”
“you’re a shit liar,” you retort, eyeing yourself in the full-body mirror one last time. “let’s go loverboy, I don’t want to make a late entrance.”
although usually annoyed by the nickname, mick doesn’t give it a second thought as he follows you out of the room, where he wishes he could stay for the rest of the day, filling it with your whines and soft moans.
••• ─────────
you finally notice mick’s discomfort during cocktail hour. the bride and the groom are somewhere in the venue taking pictures and you’re left behind with the rest of the guests to catch your breath, and leave your boyfriend breathless.
“what’s gotten into you?” you ask mick, taking the short glass of amber liquid out of his hand. his other palm is drawing circles against your hip bone, almost leaving a hole in the fabric that hugs your figure perfectly.
"what do you mean?" he asks, already extending arm to recover the drink. his mouth is dry, and his tongue feels like sandpaper.
you click your tongue, still keeping the glass away from him. "you're so tense, and while i don't hate it, you've been practically groping me all day. in front of everyone."
your boyfriend clears his throat and stares at you for the millionth time that evening. "it's the damn dress, y/n seriously, whose idea was it?"
you laugh, before noticing he's being serious. "seven other girls are wearing this dress, mick."
"i don't care about the other seven girls, they're not the ones giving me an issue."
you raise your eyebrows at him. he's actually acting like a horny teenager in the middle of one of your closest friend's wedding.
and you like it. it thrills you to know you have this effect on him, so you caress the back of his neck with your perfectly manicured nails, the color matches your dress perfectly.
"seriously y/n," mick is gritting his teeth and turning back to the bar, to hide the lower part of his body against the mahogany.
this time you laugh audibly, and to mick's mortification a few of the guests and the bartender turn their heads in your direction.
"come on loverboy, let me help you." you wink, making your way out of the bar.
your heels create an echo through the empty room. the old mansion in which the party is taking place has many unused spaces that you discovered yesterday with mick, so now you're putting them to use.
mick shuts the door behind him, and after the lock clicks, scarce seconds pass before his hands are all over you. you didn't even hear him move.
your world comes down to tongues and teeth, and his fingers pressing and grabbing against the skin the dress leaves exposed. your hand finds its way to his crotch, he's already so hard it must be painful to keep it in his pants.
"you're so hot," mick keeps repeating like a mantra, "you're driving me crazy."
you smile against his lips, fingers already working the belt of his trousers. "this is crazy."
you want mick, you always want mick. but the idea of doing having snuck out of the wedding just to fuck him while people might be looking for you has you wanting him in a way that's overwhelming. you have never done this before, with him or with anyone else.
the moment your dress comes off, you gasp. to be fair, you expected mick to work his way up your legs, moving the fine fabric to the side, not just have you naked in the middle of the room, with your bare ass against a leather cushion.
"leave the heels on," he commands, getting rid of his suit jacket. his pants are already halfway down his legs.
"yes sir," you're only half-mocking him, but you notice the way his eyes darken at what you just called him, and you know you've unlocked a new part of your boyfriend that will only bring more enjoyment to your life.
you spread your legs for him to settle in the middle, his erection already free, out of his boxers as he approaches you. but your throbbing anticipation is met with denial as he grabs the back of your neck and pulls you to him, and away from the couch.
the long piece of furniture that is against the wall meets your hipbones painfully as mick makes you bend against it. but you don't have time to worry about the possible bruises, not when you're right in front of the window to the back garden with your breasts hanging in the air.
"against the window, are you insane?" you gasp, your hands pressing against both the glass and the cedar surface. you don't want to risk giving quite the spectacle to another guest or one of the staff.
mick's only response is to press your back down and pin one of your hands behind you. and it's like your brain shuts off, because this is so hot, and now you both are horny teenagers unafraid of consequences.
your moans echo around the room when mick finally stars fucking you. your hips hit the wood time and time again and your free hand is pressed against the glass with such force it might break, but you don't care. it's all about the way mick feels inside you and his grunts and groans in the back of your neck.
the hand in the middle of your back moves down to your clit, roughly pressing on it before moving his finger in circles. "fuck, you're so hot," he pants, like it's the only thing on his mind. "you feel so good."
you whine as an answer, legs buckling as you approach your orgasm. you don't even care about the window or the way the sun hits your frame, making it clearer for anyone who could be outside.
mick's hand has to let go of your pinned arm to cover your mouth as you hit your climax loudly. and he presses it down hard when he cums in you, almost cutting your airflow. you twitch in his arms, overly sensitive already against his non-stop movements.
you can feel his cum start sliding down your legs and you sigh, your stomach contracting in anticipation, you could go on and on.
"we have to go back," you speak with mick's palm still against your mouth. "the reception is starting soon."
and you have to clean yourselves up in the bathroom down the hall.
reluctantly, mick takes his dick out of you, still hard. he really can't get enough of you. he can't wait for you to be back at the hotel.
you turn around to kiss him, your bare chest pressing against his clothed one. "let's do this more often," you can't help but giggle, because you're still high on the thrill of the danger of getting caught.
"I'd do it all the time," mick kisses you back, hands squeezing your ass before finally deciding to get himself together.
or as together as he possibly can, knowing you're putting the damn dress back on.
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─── team principal radio: ❝thank you for joining the event! i hope you've enjoyed this filth. let me know your thoughts!❞
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lithium80writer · 8 months
I’m with the Band (Eddie Munson one shots)
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Hot Mess
Summary: Eddie is on stage performing when he sees a guy getting handsy with you. A fight ensues and then he takes you backstage for some fun. ⚠️explicit sexual content. 18+ minors DNI⚠️
You were front row at Eddie's concert watching him perform. God, he took your breath away.
Every note he sang. Every bit of rasp in his voice. The way he plays his guitar so effortlessly.
Normally you sit backstage or watch from the side but you had missed seeing him from this angle. Seeing the crowd go wild for him. Feeling the excitement all around you.
People loved him. He really had a gift.
He locks eyes with you and gives you a wink as you cheer along with the crowd. He's so beautiful.
His tight leather pants clinging to his body. His shirt was lost long ago. You could see the sweat glistening on his tatted up chest every time the lights hit him.
He sticks the middle finger up proudly with a wild grin on his face. His curly hair is in disarray from his constant head banging.
His eyeliner is smudged from his sweat. He looks a mess. The hottest mess I’ve ever seen.
You suddenly feel a hand grab your ass and spin around to see a tall guy grinning at you.
You give him a shove and a quick fuck you and spin back around.
The guy apparently couldn't take a hint because you feel his hands on you again. This time even tighter.
"What's wrong beautiful? Don't you wanna have some fun?"
You feel yourself being pressed back against him as the crowd begins to jump around wildly.
"Stop touching me!" you shout at the guy and he just smirks as he leans in closer. You can smell the alcohol drifting off of him.
"Why don't we take this somewhere else?" the guy slurs, grabbing your arm tightly.
You try to pull away as you look towards the stage. Eddie is on his knees playing an intricate guitar solo.
You shout but you know he can't hear you over the screaming of the fans. The guy yanks you roughly and you kick behind you.
His grip loosens momentarily and you bolt for the stage. You scream Eddie's name and his eye catches yours just before you feel the guy grip you around the waist, pulling you back.
You're lost in the sea of people as he pulls you deeper into the crowd.
Then you see him.
His brown curls bouncing wildly as he pushes his way through the mob of people. His eyes are dark. His normal playful expression replaced with anger.
Before you know what's happening you're tossed to the side and Eddie is swinging.
He hits the guy hard in the jaw and the guy stumbles but doesn't fall. He swings at Eddie catching him in the side of his lip.
Eddie spits blood out onto the floor before he looks back at you and winks. Blood smears across his teeth as he gives you a wild smile.
Oh, fuck.
He swings again and connects with the guy's nose this time. The crowd is going insane, forming a loose circle around them but no one steps in.
You see fists flying and Eddie takes a punch to the gut. You run over as he doubles over and he lifts up and meets your eyes.
"Baby?!" you try to shout over the noise. He grins wildly before gripping your chin tightly. He pulls your lips to his and you taste blood before he pulls away. He lightly pushes you back before he tackles the dude to the ground.
You hear expletives pouring from his lips as his aggression takes over. You see blood on the guy's face and he throws his hands up in surrender. Eddie stands up leaving the guy on the ground.
Security arrives and Eddie nods at them to take the guy away. You see him shake his entire body out, trying to release some of the adrenaline pumping through his veins.
You quickly take his hand and he pulls you close. He has a busted lip and a cut above his eyebrow. Blood trickling down his beautiful face. You run your finger across it, wiping it away softly.
"Are you okay?" he pants.
You nod quickly.
"Are you okay?" you whisper as you carefully touch the split on his lip.
"Never better, sweetheart." he grins. He turns around and squats down, motioning for you to get on his back.
You giggle and jump on as he makes his way back towards the front. The crowd clears a path for him and he carries you to the steps of the stage.
"After the show. You're mine." he growls, kissing you fiercely before running back onstage.
"I'm back, fuckers!" he yells and the crowd cheers louder than you've ever heard.
Eddie played the rest of the show like nothing happened. His energy even more rambunctious than before. His eyes kept looking to you, making sure you were still where he had left you.
You watched as the band did their last song of the night. And then there he was. Running off the stage. A bloody, sweaty mess.
He quickly scooped you up and tossed you over his shoulder. He makes a beeline for the dressing room and kicks the door shut behind him. As soon as he places you on the ground his lips are on yours.
His hands grip your waist as he backs you into the wall. His mouth tastes metallic from the blood as his tongue swirls wildly with yours.
"Are you.. sure.. you're okay?" you pant in between kisses.
"Mm.. I'll be better once I'm inside you." he mumbles against your lips causing your pussy to throb.
He hooks his hands under your thighs and lifts you up as he presses you against the wall. You tangle your hands in his unruly hair.
He moves to kiss your neck as he speaks. "I need you, baby. Fuck, I need you." he moans before biting down against your shoulder causing you to gasp.
He spins around carrying you to the couch. He lays you down and pushes your dress up above your hips quickly. You reach down, sliding your panties off as he works his way out of his pants.
"You ready, sweetheart?"
You nod as he settles himself in between your legs. He lifts one of your legs hooking it around his waist as he lines himself up.
He takes his tip running it up and down your slit a few times.
"You're fucking soaked." he moans.
"You know I get turned on watching you fight." you breathe as he rubs his tip against your clit.
"Yeah? You like seeing me mad?" he chuckles as he continues to tease you. He enters one inch inside of you and you feel the slight stretch.
"More." you whine.
"You want more baby?" he smirks as he pulls back out and slides in two inches.
"Yes." you try to lift your hips and he smacks your thigh roughly.
"Beg." he burns as his dark eyes bore into yours.
"Please, Eddie."
"Please what?"
"Please fuck me." you plead.
"You want me to fuck that pussy?" he enters you a little more.
"Yes.. I need you, Eddie. I need you inside me." you whimper and he slams into you causing you to cry out.
He grips your thigh tightly as he pumps in and out wildly. You try to cover your mouth as your moans grow louder, knowing everyone can hear you outside.
"You can scream, baby. It's okay." he groans as he continues to thrust forcefully. You let out another cry as he gives you an extra hard thrust.
His hand comes down and grips your throat tightly causing your eyelids to flutter.
"You gonna be a good girl and cum for me?" he hisses as he pounds into you.
You nod and he tightens his grip a little more immediately getting a moan from you.
"Mmm.. you love it like this, don't you?" he hums as he continues ramming into your pussy.
"Yes." you squeak and he grins.
"Touch yourself baby." he says deeply and you reach down and slowly begin rubbing your clit.
"You're gonna cum when I say." he orders, his eyes locked on yours.
You nod again as you feel yourself getting closer and closer.
"Not yet." he says sternly.
Your legs begin to shake as he slams into you. You slow down your fingers trying to stop your orgasm from coming so quickly.
"E-Eddie..." you whimper as your legs begin to shake even more.
"Not. Yet." he says as he watches you carefully.
His cock glides in and out at an insane pace.
"Listen baby, fuck.. you hear how wet you are?" Eddie groans deeply as your back begins to arch.
"Eddie... please!" you cry and he chuckles deeply as your eyes fill with tears.
He waits until you feel like you're going to explode, pushing your body to its absolute limit.
"P-please." you barely manage the word.
"Cum." he demands and your body comes undone. Your back arches completely off the couch as you spasm around his cock again and again. Whimpers and cries fall from your lips.
"Fuck.. I love those sounds." Eddie mumbles watching your body jerk beneath him.
You feel almost lightheaded as he releases your throat from his grasp. You close your eyes as your head falls back against the couch.
Eddie leans down pressing his body against yours.
He slows down his thrusts, entering you deep each time. You feel his firm hand come beneath your head lifting it up so you're looking at him.
His eyes meet yours and he kisses you tenderly.
"I love you." he whispers as you feel him deep inside. Your body is tingling all over as he kisses you again.
"I love you." you breathe out.
"You know I'll always protect you." he says seriously.
You nod as you grip him tightly. You press your lips to his, lifting your hips to meet his thrusts. He feels so close. His tongue slips in your mouth and he kisses you passionately.
You move with him, your bodies practically melding together. You hold him close, your nails dig into his back as he keeps himself buried deep inside of you.
You cross your legs around his back pulling him in as close as possible as your head falls back. His lips meet your neck and begin sucking marks. He kisses up to your ear.
"I want you to cum with me, y/n." he whispers in your ear. You feel your second orgasm approaching already, his words bringing you closer. His strokes are deep and slow... passionate.. loving.
"Eddie.. Eddie, I'm so close.." you moan and he picks up his speed just a bit.
"Me too, baby. Me too." he hums.
He rocks into you strongly. His lips find yours once again and he swallows your moans as you reach your peak once again.
You feel Eddie's cock twitch as you cum together. He moans into your mouth as you claw at his back. Your body shudders against his as you soak his cock once again.
Eddie pulls away leaving your lips feeling lonely. You grip his hair and pull him back to you and you feel him smile into your kiss.
"I love you, Eddie Munson." you say against his lips.
"I love you, y/n." he whispers bringing his sweet lips back to yours.
Masterlist found here 🖤
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goldenchunkycat · 1 year
Dirty things Neteyam does that you like
[He do or he does ? Hm, nevermind...
Neteyam is aged-up unless stated otherwise]
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Being kind. Like I'm sorry but it's a big turn on. He smiles to everyone, helps everyone, he is honest, fair, brave; he always listen carefully to everyone requests and do his best to fulfill them. He's a sweetheart and he has a pretty smile. So why are you aroused every time you see him help an old Na'vi ? Why are you horny everytime you see him help his mother cook ? Because you knoooow. You know that the boy isn't like this when it's just the two of you. Don't get me wrong he's a darling with you, always helping you around, carrying you on his back and making you laugh. But when it comes to more...suggestive things, he's MEAN. I just know that he is a mean dom. The kind of guy who will make you cry after teasing you endlessly without giving you his dick and then fake sympathy. So when you see him being nice to everyone you just remember how mean he can be when he is fucking you.
"Oh, my love, crying over my dick. You poor baby."
"My sweet girl, do you want it ? I'm gonna give it to you. Or not..?"
That boy love to pull something while fucking you. He ALWAYS have something in his hand. Like that one time where he was pulling your tail while fingering you, or when he was pulling your hair while you two were making out. Oh ! And when he was pulling your arms while fucking you from behind - this one isn't your favorite but he really likes it. He needs to pull on something because your reactions are so cute ♡ You whimper, pant, moan, and sometimes, when it's too much, you cry. He loves those sounds and he loves the fact that it brings him a feeling of power (?) ♡
"What ? Am I pulling it too hard ? But your tail was practically begging to be held, it was wagging so frantically."
"Love it when you're so malleable."
PRAISES. You should love praises. I just KNOW that Neteyam is the kind of boyfriend who will tease you as if he was degrading you but yet still praises you to no end. Sweet nicknames between two laughs, comforting touch between two rough fuck. The man would LIVE to let you know how pretty you are and how good you are to him, letting him fuck you anywhere and everywhere. You would definitely love hearing him telling you how good you are sucking him or how well you take his dick. It helped with your self consciousness and he knows it. You just love being called a good girl ♡
"Ah, you're doing so good, my perfect and pretty little mate..."
"You love being praised, don't you ? I can feel the way you're clenching around me whenever I call you my good girl."
Last but not least, Neteyam fucks you everywhere. Like, at this point it's concerning. It's been a recurrent topic in my Neteyam pics but yeah, daddy's son can fuck you everywhere. There's two reason; First, he's horny and you are pretty, can you blame him ? I said it before, pussy drunk Neteyam is a must. Like just imagine that you are in the middle of a feast and suddenly he's all about 'nice to see y’all but we gotta go for a bit, we'll be back'. You follow him because he asked you to, but turns out he just wanted to fuck you behind some rock or tree. Or you would be training with the Tsahik when he would come, all smiles, and gently ask if he can take you because 'you need to eat something and rest a bit'. Rest what ? He just wanted to suck on your breast with his fingers deep inside of your cunt. The second reason is because he wants to know how long his 'nice' act would last. He would love acting all innocent in front of his people when he knows that he's just going to fuck you somewhere not so private. How long until someone notice what's behind his smile ? You two bet on it.
"Can I borrow her ? We have some unfinished business..."
"I love seeing their face when they think that we are going to do some leader things when in fact you're just going to open those pretty legs of yours to let me do my things."
"What about the place that we saw last week ? We can leave during tonight's feast to visit it." "..." "You know me so well my love. Yes, I just want to see you on your knees in the middle of the beautiful flowers."
"I think that Dad is suspicious. He will be the first to figure it out." "..." "No way, my mom don't know, wanna bet on that ? If you're wrong you will not cum for a whole week."
"Qu-Quiet love or else they will know that I'm ravaging you. They are barely a few feet away you know ? You know what- Ah- Keep moaning, I want them to ear."
[Next will be about dislikes !
The other way around —> Dirty things you do that Neteyam likes
Feedback is appreciated ♡]
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beskarandblasters · 3 months
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Was it all a dream?
Chapter Eight: It isn't the same but it is enough
Din Djarin x F!Reader
Series Masterlist | Series Playlist
Series summary: You’ve always had vivid dreams, an escape from your monotonous life. But one night, something appears in your dreams that keeps reoccurring; a pair of brown eyes. -Or- Two people, in completely different parts of the galaxy, find each other in their dreams and try to make sense of the strange connection they share.
Series warnings: reader is able-bodied, canon divergent (long live the Razor Crest), switches between Reader and Din’s POV, story takes place in the dream realm and the real world, takes place somewhere between the end of season two/Book of Boba Fett/beginning + middle of season three, eventual smut, line between reality and dreams gets blurred, use of Mando’a words and phrases, no use of y/n
Chapter summary: Din takes a bounty-hunting job on Tatooine before the Mandalorians reclaim Mandalore. Just when you think you're free, someone comes to capture you and turn you in for your crimes.
Word count: 3.8k
Chapter warnings: light jealousy, restraints, oral sex (F receiving), fingering, vaginal sex, unprotected sex, creampie
Fic notifs: @beskarandblastersfics Fic recs: @kelbellsficrecs
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It’s been a whirlwind few weeks for Din. After he left Tatooine he set his sights on Mandalore, looking to redeem himself in the living waters. All with Grogu at his side. He thinks about his dreams with you, where he called Grogu his son, where you called him his son. It all feels natural now that they’re reunited. The only missing thing is you. 
He thought he would just redeem himself and continue his search for you. He was wrong. 
Redeeming himself at the Mines of Mandalore went horribly. He was attacked by Alamites and captured by a Cyborg, leaving Grogu to fend for himself. Luckily, Grogu was able to take the ship back to Kalevala to get Bo-Katan to help. Once again, Din just assumed that once he was rescued he could continue with his quest. He was wrong again. 
It isn’t until Bo-Katan is welcomed to the new covert and the group returns to Nevarro that Din finds a free moment. Once the pirate attack is taken care of and the covert reclaims their old space. It’s been weeks at this point. He hasn’t had a free moment to even think about finding you. He’s barely sleeping and when he does sleep he’s barely remembering his dreams, not aware of them at all most of the time. Sometimes he’s lucky he sees flashes on your face but it’s not often. He wonders where you are. If you’ve lost hope in the relationship since he’s been so busy. 
But when he’s doubting everything the most, the Maker gives him the answer to his prayers.
On top of being the High Magistrate of Nevarro, Karga still runs the Bounty Hunter’s Guild, where two very important bounties come in.
“Mando?” Karga asks him, stepping out of the guild just as Din walks by. The covert’s been here for a few days, finalizing their plan to return to Mandalore. Which is why Karga’s hoping Din will say yes. 
“What is it?” Din says, turning to face him. Grogu stops beside him, still getting around with IG-12. 
“I know you’re leaving soon but do you have time for these two bounties? They’re on Tatooine.”
He doesn’t have time. But he’s been to Tatooine plenty of times. And something about this is telling him to say yes. He was just looking for you on Tatooine. Could this be a sign?
“Let me take a look,” he says, shuffling past Karga and heading inside the Guild.
He takes his familiar place at Karga’s booth, sitting across from him. Grogu stands beside the booth, mindlessly pressing random buttons. But when Karga pulls out the two holopucks, Din’s heart drops into his stomach. 
The first one is some random guy named Shoan. But the second one? The second one is you. He can’t believe his eyes. There you are, your image projected in the blue, flicking light. You’re real but he already knew that from the time your underwear materialized from his dream. But you’re on Tatooine and you’re so close within reach. He wishes he could look at your picture without his helmet in the way. His ears are ringing with excitement but he tries to tune it out. He has to listen to what Karga says about you. 
“These two stole a ship from Naboo, a J-type 327 Nubian Starship. Witnesses caught them sneaking around one of the largest docking yards on Theed.”
Naboo? What were you doing on Naboo?
“Sources say they’re on Tatooine now. Most likely holed up in Mos Espa.”
Karga places the tracking fobs on the table and Din swiftly grabs everything, anxious to get out of there already.
“So you’ll do it?”
“Yeah. No problem,” he says quickly, barreling out of there. Grogu follows behind him and once they’re back to the covert he scoops him out of IG-12, handing him to Bo-Katan. She raises her eyebrow when Din asks her to watch Grogu while he’s gone but she doesn’t ask any questions. She knows he’s a bounty hunter but she doesn’t question why this one seems so urgent. He tells the Armorer he’ll be gone for a bit, maybe a couple of rotations tops. There’s a tinge of annoyance in her voice when she responds, telling him not to take too long but he doesn’t care. This will be the fastest bounty he’s tracked down in his life. 
With a clear mind and a newfound purpose, he takes off on Nevarro, setting a course for Tatooine. Once he’s comforted by the familiar glow of hyperspace he lets his mind wander. He’s been so focused on you he hasn’t even thought about who you’re with. Who is this man? You never mentioned anyone else. 
He’s spiraling now, much like the blue swirls of hyperspace around him. Has this man been there the whole time? And if so why didn’t you tell him? 
Does he even have a right to be jealous? He had sex with that prostitute on Coruscant. He didn’t tell you about it either. It wasn’t on purpose. There are lots of details he doesn’t remember about his life when he’s in the dream realm. But when his mind is quiet, which is rare lately, he thinks about you and what your reaction would be if you found out about the night at the brothel. He always tries to quickly put that thought out of his mind. Thankfully, he hasn’t had a free moment to think about this stuff lately. 
For now, he lets hyperspace hypnotize him to sleep. 
The flight to Tatooine is even rougher than the flight to Naboo. To say that Shoan doesn’t understand how to pilot this ship would be an understatement. It’s a miracle you made it to Tatooine in the first place.
He landed the ship in the middle of the desert and the two of you made your way to the nearest town– Mos Espa. 
As you made the schlep there you thought about your dream that took place here. Din wasn’t kidding about the suns and how harsh they were. And to think there was a time when you yearned to feel the sun on your skin. 
Once you got to Mos Espa you hung around the local cantina, unsure of where to go next. You were hoping someone would take pity on you and Shoan, especially in your heat exhaustion-riddled state. 
Lucky for you, you got just what you needed. A kind innkeeper named Mila took you in. You agreed to work in housekeeping and Shoan in maintenance for a free room but also reduced pay. You agreed and the rest was history.
Fast forward a few weeks later to the present. You’re sharing a two queen bed room with Shoan because that’s all Mila could spare. It could be worse. You could be forced to cozy up in a king bed together. 
But still, you’re not used to sharing a room with someone, let around that someone being Shoan of all people, so sleep is less than desirable. You’ve been seeing Din in your dreams but not in the way you’d like. It’s more like flickering images of his face before you wake up. It’s a tease of what your dreams once were. 
Thankfully, Shoan hasn’t been inappropriate with you. Now that there are several other humans to choose from, he doesn’t need you. You’re not offended. Though it’s pretty annoying when he demands use of the room and you have to make yourself busy for a few hours…
Whatever, it’s fine. You’ll feel a sense of normalcy soon. 
It’s a typical afternoon for you today. You just got done cleaning all of the rooms at the inn and you’re at the end of your shift. Shoan said he needed the room for a few hours so you have no choice but to entertain yourself elsewhere. You quickly change out of your work uniform and into more comfortable clothes before heading to the cantina, hoping that there’s a band playing tonight. 
But as you step out of the inn something blinds you. And it’s not the suns for once. 
Coming towards you is a man, covered in silver armor that the light is reflecting off of. You blink a few times, letting your eyes get adjusted to the light. And when you do you notice he’s covered in weapons. His stance, the way he walks, the silence from him– it’s all imposing and threatening. You’re frozen in fear, unintentionally ignoring every impulse to turn and run. He keeps coming towards you, reaching for something on his hip and that’s when the instinct to run finally kicks in. 
You turn on your heel and try to run but he’s faster than you, even under all the layers and armor in this sweltering heat. You don’t dare turn your head and try to look behind you, you can just feel him gaining on you. But as you pathetically try to run, people stop and stare, mouths hanging open at the scene unfolding in the street.
Before you know if you’re falling to the ground with sand flying up in the air around you. Something is caught around your ankles. You look down and it’s some type of silver cord wrapped tight. The sun hurts your eyes for a split second before the man that was chasing you towers over you. He blocks out the sun and you’re cast in his massive shadow, feeling hopeless. You wonder why no one is stopping to help you. But then the man crouches down and pulls out a holopuck with your picture on it. And it all makes sense. 
“This is you, right?”
You open your mouth but no words come out. Your jaunt around the galaxy is over. It doesn’t matter that you stole a ship on Naboo. The Sullustans still found a way to track you, even after trying so hard to be careful. 
The man releases the cord around your ankle and helps you up. The freedom is quickly lost however when handcuffs enclose your wrists. He grabs you by the arm and walks you out of Mos Espa, dragging you to his ship. You wonder about Shoan and whether there’s a bounty after him. Maybe he’s already captured and waiting for you on this man’s ship. Maybe they don’t want him for some reason. Either way, it doesn’t really matter. The taste of freedom you had is being ripped away from you in an instant. 
The man pulls you up the ramp of his large but albeit awkward-looking ship. Once the ramp is sealed shut he sits you down on a metal crate, pulling up another one to sit across from you. He’s silent for a moment, the visor of his helmet moving up and down, studying you. 
“Hello?” you ask, the first word you’ve uttered to him since he captured you. 
He doesn’t answer, prompting you to roll your eyes. 
“Look, if you’re just going to bring me back to Sullust can we get it over with already? Or better yet, can you just kill me instead?”
“You’re not going back to Sullust,” he says simply. 
“…Okay? So where am I going?” 
He doesn’t answer again and now you’re getting fed up. You feel like he’s ignoring you or stalling until he can finally tell you what’s going on. You close your eyes and lean back against the cool metal wall, questioning every choice you made that led up to this point. 
It’s you. It’s really you sitting before him. What he’s yearned for for so long is finally before him. Yet he finds himself conflicted.
You don’t recognize him. You’re clearly afraid of him. The easiest solution would be to take off his helmet and reveal himself to you. But he just redeemed himself. 
He feels stupid for getting conflicted. He’s wanted you for so long and now that you’re in the palm of his hand, he’s not going to go through with it? Besides, who’s to say that one day you won’t become his riduur? Surely, he could reveal his face to his future riduur? But now he’s getting a bit carried away. 
It hurts to see you like this; scared and defeated. So without thinking, he lifts his helmet off his head. He expects a response but you’re still leaning back with your eyes closed. He sets the helmet on the ground and reaches forward, placing a gloved hand on your knee. You startle with a jolt, ready to say something but instead, your jaw hangs open, eyes wide with shock. 
“…Din? Is that you?” you say with a shaky breath. 
He reaches behind you, unlocking your cuffs and grabbing your hands, bringing them to your lap. He squeezes them and meets your gaze, telling you, “It’s me, ner vercopa.”
“H-How did you find me?”
He lets go of your hands to pull out your holopuck, along with Shoan’s. 
“There’s a bounty on your head. Along with this guy. You two stole a ship on Naboo?”
You let out a sigh of relief and say, “It’s just for the ship on Naboo. I thought SoroSuub was coming after us.”
“I think we both have some explaining to do.”
He scooches his crate closer and returns his hands to yours, listening to every detail of your story; what life was like on Sullust, how you planned to escape, how Shoan was your unlikely accomplice. He feels a wave of relief wash over him when he learns that nothing is going on between you and Shoan. But also a pang of guilt. Here you are traveling across the galaxy with a man you can’t stand just for the chance to find him. Meanwhile, Din’s sleeping with prostitutes in brothels on his quest for you. 
No. He’s not going to let that sour the moment. 
As he watches you speak he tries not to compare you to how you are in the dream world. But it’s impossible. 
Part of him was worried you wouldn’t compare, or that you’d even look different. But you’re far better than his wildest dreams could’ve imagined. You’re real and full of life, eyes sparkling when you talk about something you’re passionate about and mouth curving into a smile when you look upon his face. And Maker, your voice. He finds himself hanging on every word you say. 
He gets up from his crate and sits beside you on yours, putting his arm around your shoulders. Sitting across from you wasn’t enough and now that you’re here he fears he’s going to have a hard time keeping his hands off you. You lean into him, finishing your story before turning your face towards his.
“What about you? What’s your story?” 
“I’m a Mandalorian.”
“I didn’t know there were many left. I’ve only ever heard stories.” 
“We were sort of scattered across the galaxy, living in the shadows. It’s all about to change soon.”
“I guess this explains what you meant when you said you don’t normally look like this. Do you wear that helmet all the time?”
“Pretty much.”
“Do you ever take it off?”
“Only when I’m alone.”
“But you just-”
“I know. It’ll be okay.”
“Have you taken it off in front of others before?”
“When Grogu was leaving to train with the Jedi.”
“The Jedi you mentioned before?”
“One of them.”
“So what do you do now?”
“I’ve been a bounty hunter for a long time. That’s how I found Grogu.”
“You sure you won’t get in trouble for this?” you ask, reaching your hand out and caressing his face. You brush your thumb along the hair on his jawline and his skin feels like it’s set aflame. 
“Don’t worry, ner vercopa.”
He leans into you and kisses you, inhaling your scent and reveling in the way you feel. You’re already pressed up against each other but it’s not enough. He has to have you now. It’s not enough being side by side. 
So he stands up, reaching his hand out to you. You take it and stand, letting him lead you to his bunk. You stand before each other, the air teeming with sexual tension. 
“I’ve waited so long for this moment, ner vercopa,” he says suggestively, grabbing your waist. 
“Me too, Din,” you say, fingers gravitating towards the hem of your shirt. You pull it off over your head while he takes off his gloves, tossing them on the floor. His hands caress the outline of your breasts, staring at them with wide eyes. You tilt your head and lean in for a kiss, running your hands through his hair because you know he loves it so much. For once the dream realm is no different than real life, considering the way he moans into the kiss, melting in your hands. He gently pushes you down on the bed and his hands slide down your waist, reaching for your pants. He pulls them off in one swift motion along with your underwear. 
You prop yourself up on your elbows and watch as he crouches down to the floor, kneeling at the foot of the bunk. His hand runs up and down your inner thigh. It’s your first time doing this in real life but it feels just as natural as if you’ve done this hundreds of times before. He hooks his arms around your thighs, pausing to inhale the scent of your pussy before taking the first lick. You relax and settle into the bunk, already feeling yourself tremble under his touch. His tongue flicks around your clit before he latches his mouth to it, sucking harder and harder until you’re brought to the edge of orgasm already. Your back arches up off the bunk and he tightens his grip around your thighs to keep you in place, humming into your clit as you cum. The tension built up in your core releases and just as you expected it’s better here than in the dream realm. 
He’s not quite finished with you yet, taking his index and middle finger and bringing them to his mouth. He moistens them before inserting his index finger inside you slowly. His tongue returns to your clit, working hard to bring you to your second orgasm. Your cheeks heat up and your moans take a higher pitch, jumping an octave when the middle finger slides inside you. He pushes his fingers against your g-spot in a come here motion as he sucks your clit again. He’s delirious, drunk on your scent and your taste, determined to make you cum. His eyes don’t leave you, studying the physical reactions of your pleasure; the way your chest heaves, your moans filling up the small space, your nipples perked up and stiff. 
Like clockwork, he gets you to cum again. Your walls clench his fingers as you soak the lower half of his face. He doesn’t stop as you ride out your high, prolonging it further. He hums at your taste again before running his tongue up and down your cunt, lapping up the rest of your release. He pulls away and rests his head against your thigh, looking at you with all of the love and adoration in the galaxy. 
“Just as sweet as I dreamed it would be.”
Your cheeks heat up at his praise while he rises from the floor. You inch up on the bed to make room for him and spread your thighs, letting him get settled there. He reaches a hand down and collects your spend, spreading it on his cock and giving it a few strokes. He rests on his elbows, placed by either side of your head before pushing into you slowly. 
The eye contact is intense but it’s what you’ve both been yearning for for so long, to be face to face with one another, tangled in the sheets and each other’s limbs. 
“Ni kar’tayl gar darasuum,” he murmurs. 
“Mando’a?” you ask. 
“Mhm,” he says, leaning in to kiss you deeply. 
Before he can completely pull away you whisper it back, making him kiss you longer and harder. All while his pace thrusting in and out of you never falters. Your hands find his hair again and for a moment it’s hard to tell where you begin and end. Even then, you want to be even closer together. With one last slam of his hips into you, you cum around his cock, moaning and whimpering into the kiss. He pulls his head back, studying your face as you cum. And the sensation triggers his own. You’re filled with his cum as he orgasms, his head buried into the crook of your neck. You tug on his hair again and he sinks his teeth in your neck, moaning as he releases his spend inside you. 
When you’re both done, he pulls out and lies beside you, reeling in the bliss of what just happened. 
“I’m sorry for coming inside you,” he says. 
“You said that the first time.”
“I know but this time it matters.”
“Shit, you’re right,” you chuckle. 
“I’ll get you a pill. Don’t worry.”
“So where do we go from here? You’re not turning me in, are you?” you say, rolling over on your side to face him. 
“Of course not. Don’t worry about Shoan either.”
“What happens to the bounty then?”
“I’ll just pay off whoever set it.”
“Thank you,” you say, grabbing his hand. 
“Anything for you, ner vercopa,” he says, angling his head towards yours for a kiss. 
He murmurs that he loves you again, always in Mando’a. But before you can respond, a loud beep comes from the cockpit followed by a woman’s voice. 
“Din? Are you on your way back yet? We’re ready to head to Mandalore.”
He reluctantly gets out of the bunk, dragging himself to the cockpit. You sit up and put on your shirt, getting up to lean against the doorframe as you listen. 
“On my way,” he lies. 
The realization is settling in. You’re his and he’s yours. But the real world will never compare to the dream realm. In your dreams you were alone with no responsibilities, all the time in the world to focus on just each other. Here, you’re plagued with life and the shit that comes with it. 
Din comes down from the cockpit and scrambles around you, gathering his helmet and his gloves while you stand there and stare off into space. Another wave of realization hits you. 
It isn’t the same but it is enough.  
The end
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End note: Thank you all so much for reading! This has been such as fun series to write!! Thank you to @wannab-urs @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin @clawdee @pedgito and @sweetercalypso for listening to be ramble about this series/beta reading for me! I wouldn’t have been able to do this without yall 🤍
If you’d like to read more Din fics from me check out my Din masterlist and keep an eye out for my next series, Stonecatcher, coming in April! 🤍
Banners + dividers by @saradika-graphics
Art by Roger Mattos
WIAD Tag list: @wannab-urs @hyzer34 @milly-louise @hellfire-state-of-mind @dugiioh @handspunyarns @fckyeapedrothots99 @leithatnight @corazondebeskar @burntheedges @imherefordeanandbones @pamasaur @thepetitemandalorian @competitivedust @survivingandenduring @the-color-is-black @perennialdoll247 @littlegrungegirlaf @lupietra @bluebeary-jay @angstyvirgin001 @missladym1981 @alltheotps @lahooozaherr @that1nerd-20 @pedrostories @anoverwhelmingdin @djarins-cyare @kirsteng42 @dins-riduur-anthe @pigeonmama @babeincolor
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nethercomfies · 2 years
Genshin Characters with a reader who's low social energy
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Characters: Albedo, Scaramouche, Xiao, Kazuha, Tighnari, Yoimiya, Kokomi
Content: No specific warnings, this is just fluff
Note: You know when your social battery is just absolutely DRAINED? Yeah.
I started this a few months back but I kinda wanted to post something again so I guess I’m finishing this up now.
Disclaimer that I didn’t play the latest archon quest yet so I may not be totally up to date with Scara’s personality, but he was already mostly done so I didn’t wanna remove that :)
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His social battery is just as easily drained as yours, so he 100% understands when you're not feeling up to doing much
If you need some space, he'll leave you alone for a while and make sure you know you're free to call for him when you need him
He makes sure Klee stays quiet during those times, taking her outside or giving her something quiet to do, like drawing with her or reading a book to her in another room
But also, due to his calm and quiet nature, he's generally really pleasant to be around. Both of you find your social battery actually charging when you're in each others' presence, so you often decide to just stay home for the night and sit in silence for a while
You can rest your legs on his lap and he'll just let you stay like that while he reads or sketches
If you'd rather have cuddles, he's fine with that too. He'll gladly cuddle with you or just hold you while he's reading a book and absentmindedly rubbing your back
He's sick of most other people as well, so he totally gets you on this one
You can just come to him whenever you need some peace and quiet and he'll make sure everyone else knows not to disturb you guys during that time
If someone ever does dare to barge in while you're resting… Oh, archons have mercy with them. They certainly won’t do that ever again.
Has his own little comfy space for you to rest while he quietly does his work
But he's also not opposed to you resting your head on his lap so he can run his fingers through your hair absentmindedly
He secretly really enjoys these times. It sucks you’re not feeling well, but at least it gives him a reason to spend time with just you
You're with the king of avoiding people, really.
No matter where you are, Xiao knows the best spots to just disappear to for a while if you need time to recharge
If you’re in the middle of a crowd and he notices you feeling unwell, you’ll be gently swept off your feet and carried somewhere more peaceful and quiet
You can just sit side by side for a while, neither of you saying anything, while you look up at the stars or watch the clouds pass by
You’re always welcome to rest your head on his shoulder too. He’ll just stay still so you can be as comfortable as possible while slowly regaining your energy again
He’s grateful about these moments as well, since he doesn’t like being around other people for too long either
You’re a different story -- He enjoys your presence and if anything, it’s like he recharges faster when he’s with you, so he doesn’t mind spending time with you, even when both of you are feeling drained
When you’re traveling on a ship with people, it can be hard to escape that situation if you start feeling drained. Kazuha isn’t really bothered by it, since he can recharge by just sitting back and quietly watching everyone else for a while, but if that’s not working for you, he perfectly understands and will find a way to help you out
You may find yourself wrapped in his arms and lifted up to a higher, calmer spot of the ship
He’ll hold on to you to make sure you don’t fall off, and then the both of you can just stare out on the ocean for a while and feel the breeze on your skin
You can sit there in silence for a while, but also, if you don’t mind, he may start reciting some poems, or make up his own haikus -- Usually inspired by the sea, the wind, and, of course, you
If he ever sees you get drained by being around others, he’ll invite you on a walk through the forest
It’s easy to let go of any bad feelings when you’re surrounded by nature, listening to the leaves ruffling in the wind and getting to breathe in some fresh air
He knows the most beautiful spots in the forest too, so he’ll take you to look at pretty flowers, or a place where you can just watch the small lake in peace
He might wander off to see if he finds anything interesting to document, but he’ll make sure to never stray too far away from you
After a while he’ll settle down next to you and rest his head in your lap, allowing you to play with his ears if you’d like
She’s probably the exact opposite from you and starts to feel drained when she’s on her own for extended periods of time, but that doesn’t mean she can’t understand how you feel
You’re always welcome to stop by the shop and watch her work on her fireworks for a while as you rest. It’s when she’s completely focused on her work, so even she isn’t quite as chatty as usual
She’ll drop small remarks every once in a while, but makes sure not to overwhelm you any further -- She wants to be a safe space for you, not yet another source of stress
Ultimately she knows that once you’ve recharged, you’ll be happy to listen to her ramble on about whatever is on her mind, so she doesn’t mind some quiet time to make sure you’re feeling well
On days when it’s especially bad, she’ll sit down next to you and pull you into a hug for a while, patting your hair until you finally feel a little better again
Understands just too well how you feel, she’s actually glad you need just as much downtime as she does
You’re always welcome to stay in her little cave and rest there, no matter if she’s there as well or busy somewhere outside
She’ll be super mindful of you and make sure you feel extra comfortable, so it can be a safe space for both of you
At night when there’s not many people around, she’ll also offer to take you on a walk along the shore, so you can listen to the waves for a while and watch the moon reflect on the water. She finds being near the sea to be one of the best ways to recharge, so she hopes you find it just as helpful
You can sit down somewhere and watch the water together, holding hands while you both get wrapped up in your own thoughts and knowing that you have someone there with you who understands how you feel.
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romanestuffsposts · 7 months
I was wondering if you want,What if stuckys little needed surgery? Like appendix or something? 🥺
You are a great writer! 💗💗💗
Hi there love! 💜
Thank you so much! You're so sweet!! ❤️
Of course I can write that for you sweetie, I'm sorry it took me so long!
Enjoy <33
Warnings : hospital, doctors, surgery, comfort, reassurance, pet names, cuddles, aftercare,
Pairings : Daddies!Stucky ; Daddy!Bucky x Papa!Steve x Little!Reader
Summary : You need to have a surgery and you need your Daddies more than anything
The pain came in one second. You didn't understood what was happening but it surely shook you up. It happened in the middle of a movie, everything were going well until you felt the pain shooting on the side of your tummy.
Your Papa called Bruce to know if they had to react or if it was just a cramp but Bruce advised them to go to the hospital quickly, and they did. You were quickly taken under the care of the doctors and nurses around you but that didn't help you with your anxiety.
You never really liked hospitals. You never really got into one neither but each time you hear the word hospital, it follow with a bad thing. Or even if someone came out perfectly well from there, it still scared you because if that person went to the hospital in the first place it was because he or she wasn't feeling well.
So hospitals are bad news for you and your goal was to always be careful to not go in one.
You squeeze tightly the strong hand of your Daddy in your little one as the doctor speaks. You don't understand a thing of what he's saying but apparently your Daddies do. It reassure you a little bit but at the same time not entirely either.
You feel him squeezing your hand back as his gaze stayed focus on the man Infront of him. The other hand of your Daddy comes on top of yours and start to gently caressing it.
It’s a way for him to comfort you while keeping himself update about your health. He knows you have thousand of questions and you’re scared to ask because you’re scared of the answers you can get. He hates that you’re feeling like that, he hates that he can’t comfort you the way he want to, the way you need.
The doctor leaves the room to let you three alone while he and his crew prepare everything for the surgery.
Your Daddies turn toward you and give you sweet smiles "how are you feeling, little one ?" Your Daddy slides his hand against your forehead, a movement that relax you each time.
"little bit better" you mumble. You do feel better in some way, the pain is less present than earlier but you still feel that your anxiety is still there.
"The nice doctor who was there a second ago gave you some meds to ease your pain, that's why you're feeling a little bit better like you said" your Papa kisses your nose "but now it's time to prepare you for the surgery, you know what it is ? A surgery ?"
You shake your head and play with your Daddy's fingers who are still in your hand "well a surgery is a procedure that is done on people to help them feeling better. Yours will be really simple, it won't be too long and it won't be too hard for the surgeons. You'll feel better sooner than you can imagine" He says, bopping your nose with his index.
"do you have questions ?" your Daddy asks. You nod your head but don't do anything more so he asks again "you wanna know what was the pain ?"
You nod your head again
"Well," he starts, he lifts up your shirt and you look down "you have something here" he touches the side of your tummy "that's called the appendix. For some people, their appendix stay unfelt for their entire life but for others, they must remove it because a huge pain, like the one you felt this morning, is felt and unbearable. That's what happened"
You look back down at his finger pointing the side of your tummy and frown "how they 'emove it ?"
"They'll have to make a tiny cut somewhere here" he circles around the side of your tummy "and they'll simply remove it" you frown, not understanding "it'll be as easy and as fast than when you remove your doll's arm" he jokes poking your belly button making you giggle.
The more they distract you from the fear you can feel about this situation, the better it is.
"We'll be waiting patiently here for you, we won't go anywhere. We'll be by your side during the time you need to wake up from the surgery. You won't be alone at all" Your Papa says, kissing your forehead
"And get ready to not lift one little of those precious fingers during all your recovery. You'll be the most spoiled little princess in this world" Your Daddy adds, winking at you.
You shyly smile at their words, even tho you don't want to do what you have to do, you can't lie and say you're not excited about the after.
"hey, easy. My precious babygirl" You hear your Daddy saying. You frown your beautiful brows as you try to focus on your surrender "here you are, princess" your Papa smiles
Both of your hands are trapping in your Daddies's and gentle caresses are pressing against your skin here and there. They let you take the time to wake up, it's not easy and it takes multiples minutes but after a moment, you peer up at them with tired eyes and a blank face from the surgery.
"how are you doing, baby ?" your Papa asks, kissing the top of your hand.
"mhhh" you moan in discomfort. You wiggle in the bed, trying to find a comfortable position but nothing is comfortable enough for you.
"here" your Daddy puts a second pillow behind your neck and sigh in relieve. It's a little bit more comfy.
"take it easy, precious. You just woke up so it's normal if it's hard at first" your Papa says "but don't worry, it's totally normal"
You nod and close your eyes for a second.
The second become minutes and you end up falling asleep. During the whole day you shift between being half awake and fully sleeping because of the anesthesia.
Your Daddies were by your side the whole time, comforting you when you cried because it hurt, giving you water when the doctor gave you his affirmation that you could drink and eat from now on, helping you to stand up to go in the bathroom and helping you falling back asleep.
It was a hard day that's for sure but the comfort of your Daddies helped you going through it.
As soon as you get back home, your Daddies brought you upstairs in the bathroom so they could wash you without wetting your bandage.
Your Papa sits you on the counter of the sink and start to undress you, even tho you don't have much clothes on you because of how hard it was to dress before leaving the hospital, he's being careful when he has to take your short out.
Your Daddy prepared a washclothe and runs it on your skin to fresh you up before putting you in your pyjama. Your Papa lies you in their big bed and they both come in with you
"you're tired, beautiful ?" your Daddy quietly asks, his fingers sliding in your hair and massaging your scalp "do you want a story before sleeping ?"
You shake your head and snuggle closer to them while being careful with your bandage. You're too tired and unable to stay focus right now, you just wanna sleep the discomfort away.
"alright, close your beautiful eyes. The nurse will come tomorrow to change your bandage and then we'll stay in bed all day" your Daddy smiles with big eyes making you smile back "and Papa will even bring breakfast in bed, just for you" he teases, poking your nose with his index causing your tired and almost quiet giggles to come out
Steve rolls his eyes and pushes Bucky softly "try again" he mumble making Bucky laughs
'shut it now, our princess tries to fall asleep" Bucky jokes, and when he looks down at you he already sees you fast asleep against his arm which make the sweetest expression to appear on his chest.
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Head canons of sibling scara trying to spend him every waking moment with reader???? 🤷
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❀ synopsis: being a god is hard, and being the sibling of a puppet who wants to become a god is even harder.
❀ notes: sibling Scaramouche is a new trend in this blog. if you want more content about sibling Scaramouche (or just want to request something sagau/genshin related) send an ask please my inbox is so empty-
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Scaramouche is the clingy sibling and you can't change my mind. He used to stick by your side before, but now having other people around you 24/7 makes his protective radar go haywire. The guards of your mansion are terrified to face him again after their first encounter with the purple-haired puppet, demanding and threatening them to let him in to see you. You would have to explain to some of the guards to not attack him since some were dead set on not letting go past the gates.
While you're in your office managing the paperwork of whatever nation you were in Scaramouche would just waltz right in, ready to annoy you to spend time with him. Any acolyte that was with you in the office can go suck his dick since he isn't planning on leaving anytime soon. He would just be there sitting beside you with a smug look on his face while you tell the acolyte that he's allowed to be in the office.
If he was still in the Fatui he would be more annoyed that you don't visit him as often anymore since now you are both busy people. If he is wanderer he is basically jobless, meaning he can dedicate all of his time to you. Most of your acolytes are annoyed by this and would tell you to go tame your sibling, Scaramouche would retaliate by showing his middle finger at them while you're not looking (some of your acolytes have definitely tried to kill him)
I say this a lot but you two definitely travel together, Scaramouche likes to go somewhere that none of your acolytes can follow the both of you. It's just you and him enjoying the outdoors and finding common chests together, it makes him lower his guard knowing that no one is there to interrupt you two. After you two travel together and you have to return to the office you would realize a bundle of flowers was left in your inventory, which you don't remember collecting.
When you leave for another nation you are REQUIRED to send letters thrice a week. If you are missing at least one letter a week he can and will travel to the nation you are in by (threatening) asking your followers where you are. The moment he walks in on your office at the current mansion you're residing in you will think you somehow betrayed him with the look he is giving you. But then you would just give Scaramouche a deadpan stare when he tells you that you didn't send him a letter.
Your acolytes are appalled that you are so calm with Scaramouche's behavior, your years of experience with the brat has definitely made you nonchalant about his weird habits and behavior. Xiao will definitely ask why you are so lenient with him and you would just say "Oh, we're siblings." He is taken aback by the discovery and the next day would be more respectful to Scaramouche (He will most likely take advantage of this and would call his name for the simplest of chores)
He still sleeps beside you, but unlike before when he was still Kabukimono he can handle sleeping alone. When others are present he would save himself from embarrassment and sleep in a separate room. But when it's just the two of you he would cuddle beside you and slumber peacefully. Tell him a story about your old world and he would be blissful, it may seem like he's not invested but he's listening to every word you said. He mostly sleeps mid-way through your story, but that's because he likes to listen to your voice.
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