#toa of stone
irradiated-imp · 3 months
So I've gotten a friend into Bionicle recently thanks to Web of Shadows, and it made me realize I enjoy making Hordika, like, alot. So I made a Second Toa Hordika team.
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Ikahlii The leader of the team. He's the most strong willed and duty focused on the team. As such, he's kept the best grip on himself after his mutation. Despite this, from time to time he has been known to show more beastly behaviors.
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Odhep Unlike the others, he seems to enjoy his new form to some extent, easily getting used to it and it's heightened sense of hearing. He's patient, and kind and has become the rock for the team, helping everyone keep ahold of themselves in their new, more monstrous forms.
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Revii Even before the team's mutations, she was something of a wild child. The more animalistic nature of her current form has made her already chaotic personality even more chaotic. She's known for pranking others.
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Ultok Of all the members of the Toa Hordika II, Ultok despises his mutated form the most. His mutation dulled his sense of sight considerably. Fortunately, he was always a team player, so he was already used to depending on his brothers and sister when he needed to. They help him compensate for his worsened sight. Unlike the rest of the team, Ultok still holds hope that they'll find Keetongu and be returned to their original selves.
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Vulli Ikahlii's second in command, and a very serious and dutiful Toa. Before his mutation, Vulli was known to have a temper, which has only worsened after becoming Hordika. He's been known to lash out on instinct when startled. Fortunately for his teammates, he's usually easy to calm down. He's found he has a surprising skill at mimicking voices and sounds.
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Woltau Woltau, alongside Odhep, is the heart of the team. He's always been friendly and sociable, easily befriending others. His beastly instincts haven't changed this, though he now sees his team as a sort of pack. He tends to howl at the moon at night. The Toa Hordika II live in a large swampy forest. Before their mutations, they had heard of Matoran and Agori going missing when passing through the forest on trade routes, so they went to investigate. They immediately discovered the forest had become overrun with Visorak and found themselves captured and mutated. For a time they searched for Keetongu, but with no clues or guidance, they failed to find the elusive rahi. They eventually returned to the forest, taking up the roll of protectors there, and keeping any travelers safe from the Visorak hordes lurking in the forest.
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Also have an entirely unrelated Toa Hordika I made. Cause I like making them. They're fun.
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windfall-the-wanderer · 11 months
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Aeza, Toa of Stone. Member of the all-female Toa team, the Toa Ulia.
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nameshifter · 9 months
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Hewkii Showcase
Made this alongside my Matoro Showcase. Pretty proud of it, all things considered. Basically this encompasses four different variations of Toa Hewkii through the ages, including Inika, Mahri, one based off of his Matoran self and one that is more or less custom just as a bit of personal touch.
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gigamesh-mocs · 1 year
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Pohatu, Toa of Stone
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toacody · 1 year
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Toa Ahkmou
A dark vision of what could have been.
Creator: TLROsborne
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toaarcan · 1 year
So in light of the whole “Toa of Stone all have Big Natural Somethings”, I wondered if my Ahkmou qualified.
Then I looked at him.
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I think his Big Natural Something is just... Bones.
That or fingers. He got some talons.
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buggernaut-kal · 1 year
Got my final batch of parts in, so now I’m pleased to present my custom Toa team, the Toa Tonga!
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Broke out my old slap-dash light-box for some photos! So we’ve got:
Zejbek, grizzled Toa of Stone and leader of the team
Garehu, impulsive Toa of Fire
Kubu, jolly Toa of Plantlife
Neru, stalwart Toa of Earth
Tioka, bashful Toa of Ice
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Both Garehu and Zejbek lost a limb in a previous battle, and both later acquired prosthetic limbs thanks to a group of Fe-Matoran. While Garehu opted for a standard leg, Zejbek decided to make his new arm a dedicated Toa Tool and was gifted the Wire Claw. It acts as a grappling hook, and Zejbek makes use of his Matatu to navigate it around obstacles and enemies. While intended as a climbing tool it can be used in combat as a long range punch or as a means to yank enemies closer.
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Both Zejbek and Garehu carry a Kanohi Paraki as a secondary mask. Zejbek acts as a mentor to Garehu, reigning in his hot-blooded nature, but when the going gets rough these two are the front of the charge.
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Tioka was a nomad wandering the snowy wastes before coming across the Toa Tonga, and is the newest member of the team. He seems distant, but really he’s just shy. Neru’s love of research and scholarly nature allowed the two to become quick friends, and Kubu’s out-going nature has helped Tioka come out of his shell around the team. For as long as the team has known Neru, he’s had specialty armor around his waist and legs that emits a low-light in darkness.
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I took my lightbox down so I don’t have a photo of it but Tioka’s pavise also doubles as a snowboard, and Kubu tends to channel her plantlife powers as a vine blast from the tip of her staff.
This is the first time I’ve made a dedicated Toa team and I’m quite proud of the results! I’m particularly proud of Neru’s pickaxe, Zejbek’s Wire Claw, and Tioka’s pavise. Thanks for reading!
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117jaller · 1 year
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Red Team from the Relocated Alternate Universe. Niki, Crush, Curl, and Lance!
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artek97 · 2 years
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Half of the Toa Mahri Revamped
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toa-kohutti · 1 year
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based on a true conversation
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echo-stimmingrose · 1 year
I have funny but first a quick history lesson
In Ancient Athens they had things called ostracons. Basically every year everyone would carve a name of someone they didn't like into a small stone tablet and then submit it. Then they would look at all of the ostracons and if there were too many of one person then they told that person to get tf out. They had ten days to flee Athens and couldn't come back for ten years.
So now I would like you to imagine Dionysus doing a pseudo version of this at Camp Half-blood every month because we all know he LIVES for the drama. (He's stuck there for a hundred years he might as well have some fun)
He would hand out stone tablets (it was very important to him that the names were carved don't ask why) and every person at camp would write a name.
Whoever had their name written down the most would be sent to live in a cabin in the woods for two weeks. If they survived they would be allowed to return to camp.
Mr. D always makes sure there's a crowd around to witness their walk of shame and he takes a picture of said person every month. He keeps them hung up on a wall in the big house.
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irradiated-imp · 5 months
The Toa Sinis
The former toa Protectors of Metru Nuva, a massive metropolitan city built on Spherus Magna.
The Toa Sinis were infamouns amongst Toa for the ruthless efficiency they operated on thanks to their leader, Toa Ohtto. EVentually, the city turned on the Toa after they broke the Toa Code and the team never got over this and themselves have turned on the city they used to protect.
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Toa Sinis of Ice, Ohtto
Ohtto was the leader of the Toa Sinis. He is incredibly intelligent and used to work as a Scholar in the city's knowledge towers before he became a Toa. His inteligence however gave him a massive ego, which only got worse upon becoming a Toa.
His Toa tool is the mechanical arms her wirlds.. They were oroginally a device he attached to himself to help with his work as a matoran, but the process of becoming a Toa fused them to him. They have numerous alternative weapons the claws on them can become.
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Toa Sinis of Stone, Lehks
A powerful brute of a Toa, towering over his team mates, and with unparalleled strength. Lehks is absolutely the muscle of the team. He's well known for his incredibly short temper, something that was only really kept in check by Ohtto and the rest of his team.
As a Matoran he worked as a City Guard. Like many Guardsmen, when the Vahki 2.0 were created and introduced to boost law enforcement, he despised them. He didn't trust them, nor did he like the threat they posed to law enforcement jobs. To try and show the Vahki as redundant, Lehks agreed to test out a prototype set of power armor. He loved it, and was always seen with it. Upon becoming a Toa, however, the proto type armor was melded to his body.
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Toa Sinis of Air, Tuum
Tuum was an inventor as a Matoran and created numerous useful gadgets that are often still used in Metru Nuva today. His final invention, before becoming a Toa anyways, was a wing pack that allowed Matoran to fly. It never got past the prototype. The prototype functioned, but manufacturers saw no reason to make it with the numerous other air born vehicles Matoran had access to. Tuum spitefully kept the Prototype and used it on a regular basis. The Wing pack even became his Toa Tool upon his transformation.
After becoming a Toa, Tuum found more comfort in the air with his now much more advanced wings.
He was known for his spiteful nature, and tendency to hold grudges. Even before the team went bad, Tuum often went out of his way to inconvenience or bully those who'd wronged him as a Matoran.
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Toa Sinis of Fire, Ghob
Ghob was always a little cross wired. Though he kept it in check, he had a destructive nature, and greatly enjoyed breaking stuff which played into his chosen career path in demolitions.
Upon becoming a Toa, Ghob's sky board changed into the new, current shape as a sort of powered glider. It holds within it empty canisters that Ghob is able to transfer fire energy into to turn into bombs.
Ghob was easily amongst hte most destructive of the Toa Sinis, rivaled only by Lehks and even then, Lehks had more self control than Ghob did. This often left Ghob at odds with his team, and the Matoran of Metru Nuva.
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Toa Sinis of Sonics, Shuul
Shuul is one of the most pragmatic of the Toa Sinis. When he was on a mission his primary goal was to get in, and get it done as quickly as possible as effectively as possible. Thanks to his sensitive hearing, he had difficulty using his element, until Tuum and Ohtto modified his gauntlets. The new modifications they made allowed him to channel elemental powers into silent shockwaves.
As a Matoran he worked in tectonics, helping monitor for seismic activity.
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Toa Sinis of Lightning, Illhon
Illhon is effectively the only member of the Toa Sinis who lacks a Toa tool, channeling electricity through body alone. Initially he had difficulty controlling his element, but he got the of it quickly. He quickly became obsessed with the new found power his element gave him, and the further boost to that his Kanohi Voriki gave him. It wasn't uncommon to see him draining buildings or other powered structures of their energy.
Something no one on his team let's him forget is that in his Matoran days he was an electrician.
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The Toa Sinis as Matoran
Been on a Spider-Man hyperfixation lately, and had the idea for a bionicle Spider-man cross over. I'll have a team of Spider-men made later on, once I've settled on the team comp and their elements. Got it, mostly, figured out but still figuring it out.
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windfall-the-wanderer · 10 months
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The Toa Ulia! An all-female team composed of Toa of the six Prime elements: * Mareela, Toa of Water * Nulvot, Toa of Air * Aeza, Toa of Stone * Rylsha, Toa of Earth * Caleva, Toa of Fire * and Tenari, Toa of Ice
More info below the cut!
The builds of the team are not the most complex, but I wanted to unify their elements in a way that the sets would. They have matching torso, arm, leg designs, etc. Tenari and Caleva share inika shoulder chest armor, CCBS/inika leg armor arms and double inika leg armor thighs.
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Aeza and Rylsha both sport a Kakama on their chest, as well as a unique arm design with Metru forearms and tires
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Mareela and Nulvot share similar, but not identical torso designs (they were closer in the past, but Nulvot's was changed).
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There are a number of other, smaller details as well. Nulvot and Rylsha both share a CCBS/Inika thigh design, Aeza and Caleva both use chest hoses, Rylsha and Mareela use a near-identical shin construction, and there are several pairs of matching feet among the team too.
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I'm normally more of a fan of unorthodox team compositions and builds, but I had a lot of fun doing this sort of semi-large scale project of making a vanilla-element Toa team. I've never had to opportunity to do so (although with the genders flipped for most of them! which was another something interesting)
I tried hard to make each team member distinct from each other and unique as a moc, yet cohesive as a team, and while it maybe was not my most groundbreaking work I found it interesting.
I hope it was interesting for you too, reader, and thank you for reading!
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mediumgayitalian · 4 months
“Isn’t he dreamy.”
Nico di Angelo stands in the centre of the amphitheater arena, sword drawn, shadows leeching from his frame. Winds swirl dangerously around him, ground trembling with every step. Concentrated terror curls its smokey tendrils into the nostrils of every onlooker.
Lou Ellen levels her best friend with a look. Will is too busy with his chin in his hands, moon-eyed, to notice. He doesn’t so much as flinch when she waves her hand and changed his freckles to glow bright purple, so she leaves them like that out of spite. Sucker.
“…I mean, he did just unseam that automaton nave to chaps, MacBeth-style, and cackled maniacally into the air. So.”
Will sighs. “I know.” The dust of the amphitheatre floor is covered in finger-drawn hearts. Lou Ellen is embarrassed for him. “He’s just so — gods. Look at his smile.”
Lou Ellen does. It’s frightening. He’d taken the flat of a blade straight to the face a few minutes back, making blood stain his teeth and drip out the corner of his mouth.
“And his eyes sparkle. Do you think they’re more…moonstone, or agate?”
Crazed. Lou Ellen thinks his eyes look crazed. The sparkle in question may simply be the reflection of the tip of the dagger that has appeared in his non-sword hand, which appears to be made of sharpened human bone. Lou Ellen wonders, morbidly, what bone it is for about point three seconds before Will sways — genuinely sways! — and says, “And the way he handles that femur! Oh!”
“Dude,” she says, aghast. “Will, man, get ahold of yourself.”
There’s a thunk as her best friend throws himself dramatically upon the ground. His wrist is poised delicately on his forehead, face twisted pitifully. She rolls her eyes hard enough that she actually goes blind for a brief second and falls off the bench in panic. Will seems pleased that she’s joined him on the floor.
“I can’t. He’s too beautiful.”
Lou Ellen cranes up her neck.
“A nine year old just looked at him and cried.”
His sigh is more wistful than dreamy, this time. “He’s gonna be a great dad someday.”
“…Good gods, Solace.”
Will’s voice softens. “I’m gonna marry him, Ellie.” When she looks over, the smile on his face is just plain loving. She follows his eyes and sees Nico panting, training on pause, gesturing wildly with one hand and loosely holding a water bottle in the other. She’s never seen him so animated. The class he’s teaching watches him in a predictable mix of awe and horror, erring on the side of terrified.
Lou Ellen will admit, in the very recesses of her mind (let Will get a bigger head than he already has), that it is a little charming.
A little.
“I know, you goober,” she murmurs, cuffing him on the shoulder. He doesn’t even flinch. “I call dibs on flower girl.”
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gigamesh-mocs · 1 year
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Toa Pohatu revamped, Inika scale V3
After some feedback and experimentation, I have reworked Pohatu who’s proportions are now more similar to his original sets.
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toacody · 9 months
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Toa Pohatu, Mercenary of The Dunes LEGO BIONICLE
Old and new; new and old.
Creator: WayOfTheBionicle
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