#tobirama’s getting there
sanska · 1 month
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It’s the warring states period. Your most obedient weapon son has run off to find his missing mother, who is dead but which you explained as having left him behind :(
No one finds him for three months and when they do, he’s living in a cave on the mountains with his new mother and three siblings, who are also cats. He’s feral now.
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Full ver, I like the crop better but I wanna show off the snow leopards <3
Anyway hello fellow Tobirama enjoyers I need more of us on my feed so lets be friends :]
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lilshoots · 1 month
Sketches I did back in March for an amazing fic "Someone Entirely New" by @messier-47
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Because I was so excited about this fic that I started sketching almost immediately after I finished reading it.
Never had a proper moment to share, so this moment will be now
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emporiannee · 4 months
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wanted to give xianxia au tobirama some of his necromancy flair
it's supposed to be a tuna bc i think tobirama would enjoy using them like an attack dog
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squidspawn · 5 months
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For the Madatobi Big Bang sing it again, that old love song by ellipsis_for_all
Be sure to go check it out, its a gorgeous fic and I was incredibly lucky to work with the talented @anndiscworld-phile
Also be sure to check out the rest of the work done for the @mdtb-bb!
Sorry its so late, i ran into technical difficulties between an absent scanner, crappy internet, and a photoshop bug that doesn't allow you to save ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ (i'm so tired y'all)
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vohtaro · 1 year
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dresses ! ✨
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doveywovy · 3 months
izuna trying to rip tobiramas clothes off for sex but he nearly tears up his hand on the ninja wire sewn into the clothes. he carefully takes off the next layer and reveals fourteen kunai. he goes to take off his pants and nearly stabs himself on senbon. he reaches for tobirama's underwear and tobirama stops him because it's actually coated in poison. he's never been more attracted to the man
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ywpd-translations · 22 days
Ride 787: The back that was pushed!!
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Pag 1
1: Packed with the passion of everyone in Sohoku... a full throttle injection of will-power!!
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Pag 2
1: Iitsuka-san!!
Goo Fukuoka!!
Oh, Tomaribata!!
Fukuoka, take the mountain!!
2: What about Hakogaku's Manami!?
3: Don't worry about him. He did catch up to me but then suddenly stopped
When I shouted at him, he closed his eyes and fell silent!!
4: Is it because he found out that Iitsuka-san is Fukuoka Josei's “mountain shogun”?
Yeah, probably!!
5: Let's take the lead now!!
Ahead there's also Fujiwara-san from the Kyuushu team Kumadai!!
6: But anyway for a moment I was so scared....
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Pag 3
1: When Hakogaku sent ahead their ace Manami!!
2: I can hear it
4: The first day's mountain prize!! Let's take it, at our hometown's Inter High!!
5: Wait....!!
6: “The sound of wheels”? “He's catching up”?
Could it be that Manami is waiting for someone?
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Pag 4
1: And that's why he slowed down....!?
2: Raise your pace, Tomaribata!!
4: We're still at the start of the mountain, if we use up our legs here....
It's fine, we'll establish a good distance now
Huh!? But
Think, idiot!! If you think about it, you'll get it!! The person Manami slowed his legs down to wait for....
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Pag 5
1: It's Sohoku's “Mountain King”!!
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Pag 8
1: Mountain King!!
2: Fo-fo-for the first day's mountain!?
Why even the Mountain King, even the Mountain King!!
I don't know!! I don't know but that doesn't change the reality!!
3: Last year so many times we couldn't race each other
So I thought that maybe this year too...
4: What do I do if he doesn't come, I thought....
5: I was scared
6: For a while I couldn't even open my eyes
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Pag 9
2: I caught up
4: Thank god it's real!!
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Pag 10
1: You came, Sakamichi-kun
Yeah!! Manami-kun!!
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Pag 11
1: Can we race?
2: Yes!!
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Pag 12
3: Everyone in the team pushed my back!!
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Pag 13
1: Onoda-kun!!
2: He should have caught up with Manami around now!!
3: Onoda-san!!
4: Hahaha!!
5: Back-gate slope-senpai!!
6: At full throttle!!
At full throttle!!
Please run!!
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Pag 14
1: Nghh...!!
2: “Nghhh” it's right!!
3: Ahaha
They're suddenly laughing, let's raise our pace!!
4: It was during your training camp on our first year
5: When we raced for the first time
6: I remember I was so excited when I heard that our names were “Sakamichi” and “Sangaku”
It's the perfect combo!!
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Pag 15
1: I was surprised you didn't even have your feet fastening on
We stopped at the summer house and talked
2: We were so free back then!!
We didn't have any responsibility, not teams nor jerseys!!
3: Ahaha
4: When you're in second and third year the things you have to do increases so much....
5: I'd throw this “captain” title away anytime!!
Hahaha I get it, it's difficult for me too
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Pag 16
1: If someone on my team heard that they would get angry
Doubashi-kun especially would get angry!!
Sounds scary...
4: You're wearing the number “3”
Ah, yeah, uhm, we talked with everyone on the team
Huh.... on official races the winner of the previous year should wear the number “1”
5: I see, leave it to me then
I'll push through, hahaha!!
Thank you!!
Is.. is that alright?
Waa, Pierre-sensei is so reliable!!
6: Your teacher....!!
7: Yeah, “3” like Makishima-san's “173”
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Pag 17
1: I'm also wearing Toudou-san's number “13”
2: “Sleeping beauty”!!
Kuah!! Toudou!!
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Pag 18
1: That day, the first day of the Inter High two years ago
2: While we were pulling the team, I imagined those two fighting for the mountain prize....
3: I'm sure they must be having fun
Fighting until you're empty
It can't not be fun!!
4: We can't go right now, but let's do it
A fight until the last drop, until our limits!!
5: We promised to race
Today may be the day to truly make that wish....
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Pag 19
1: come true!!
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Pag 20
1: Our third year, the last Inter High
2: The first day.... a fight to compete only for the colored bib
3: The purity of this race is infinitely high!!
4: Yeah!!
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Pag 21
5: Let's do it, Manami-kun!!
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Pag 22
2: I've been waiting to hear those words!!
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oh-no-its-bird · 2 months
Ok, so. Smashing together my recent posts (stoner Itama / the secret Senju weed empire money / co-dependent twins Itama and Tobirama) to make a cohesive narrative:
So, Itama survives AU.
In this, Itama and Tobirama are twins. They're very close, arguably closer to each other than Hashi is to either of them.
Growing up, after Kawarama died, Hashirama found a new friend in his boy by the river. Meaning the twins were sort of left to mourn on their own, their older brother no longer as interested in playing with them. They got to be almost dangerously codependent, and their father only encouraged it bc they were also training to fight as a duo, and the codependency made the team synergy go crazy hard.
On that note, they're absolutely terrifying in battle together for sure. They're nightmares on their own already, but together?? Let's say that as long as they're fighting side by side, they're on the same level as Hashirama himself.
Itama grows up to be a scientist like Tobirama, but in a different field of science— ✨️plants✨️
Itama is like, a bioengineer for plants. He's crossbreeding the fuck out of these bad boys, finding ways to amplify certain traits in some plants, erase them altogether in others, or mixing them up for the best of both worlds. Full doctor Frankenstein plant edition
It's fun bc he often gets help from both of his brothers, and he's also able to help the both of them in turn!
Hashirama helps with growing plants, meaning Itama doesn't have to wait the years this research would usually take. He can go from nothing to having his final product in days flat when it should have taken a fucking lifetime to do. If he fucks up it's no stress bc as long as he has the seeds, Hashirama can just grow him a new plant to start from! All he needs is one single seed and an entire world of new possibilities is unlocked.
On top of all that, the mokuton can affect the plants in ways growing by regular time doesn't, so Itama also gets to play with special mokuton plants too
Then Itama can give Hashirama all sorts of new plants to potentially use in battle, tho Hashirama doesn't seem to want to use want against the Uchiha. But like. He has them!! And it's fucking terrifying!!! Plus they can just in general bond over being plant enthusiasts. If Hashi finds a cool new plant or vice versa they can get excited about it together
Tobirama understands all to most of Itama's research, at least in theory, and will often help with his experiments. Likewise, Itama also understands all to most of Tobirama's own research (at least in theory) and can help him in return. Having their own specific fields of interest, they're often bringing a fresh pair of eyes and different thought process to the others experiments, and it's great for them both. SO many results.
Itama is let in on most of Tobirama's projects, and even if he's not helping he generally knows what he's working on and vice versa. They have few secrets and its actually just in general very good for Tobirama specifically. Like, mentally and support wise.
Because Itama never died to serve as that final push over the edge, and was instead there to offer emotional support, Tobirama didn't turn to necromancy. (If he had tho, Itama would have been fully on board— sorry Hashirama) Instead, maybe he's spending that time being even more focused on cool time/space jutsu or something.
So like, all grown up he's a poison specialist with a major wind chakra attribute and minor fire attribute. His main weapon is a pipe, which he just smokes normally on top of using its smoke as a weapon. He can put so much pressure into the smoke that it becomes physical, and can then be used as a blunt force weapon (on top of ofc the smoke being used as just smoke, and having different effects on its own)
He's immune to a lot of his smokes effects, but has special extra powerful versions of most of his go to weaponized smokes that are so strong they work even on him. Obviously, he doesn't usually use these in battle, but they're there as a last resort
Fun sort of chain reaction attack where he disperses some super flammable powder or smoke then tosses in a single spark and it goes up like fucking fireworks. Or a cool combo attack where Tobirama provides hella fog with whatever water is nearby, and Itama condenses it so thickly that it chokes out their enemies without having to lift a single finger.
He can make like, platforms of smoke to stand on or use as shields, and he's especially good at deflecting and redirecting enemy attacks with carefully condensed smoke shields summoned up at just the right angles. Like, imagine you throw a kunai and it bounces off some invisible platform, then off ANOTHER invisible platform, and somehow its still gaining momentum (propelled by summoned winds or wrapped in a slightly solidified veil of smoke thats moving it on its own) and hits you right in the eyes
He absolutely fucks around with making all SORTS of custom effects with whatever he's smoking, which also brings us to the idea that got me here in the first place ->
Ok so the joke about the Senju having a secret weed empire where they sell ultra special mokuton weed, but it happens fr in this AU bc of Itama.
Stoner Itama deciding he can make the weed even better and forgetting what the word self-control means and making objectively the best weed in the naruto world. Ultra delux genetically modified mokuton grown senju weed.
Tobirama kind of gets on him for it at first (not liking the idea of mind-altering substances) but then tries some and stares dead silent at a wall for 10 hours then silently gets up, makes several scientific breakthroughs, then passes out dead on the floor.
They get Hashirama in on it and start mass producing, then start selling it and very quickly and mostly accidentally create a secret senju weed empire (oops?) which also gives them hella funds or the war and other things
No one can even reproduce their weed bc they need the Mokuton to grow it right, they have no competition in the market. AND their product safety/quality is insane bc Tobirama's perfectionist ass helps oversee it
Bc of Itama's interference, Izuna lives, and when they make Konoha the weed money means the first shinobi war doesn't happen bc they can afford to bribe officials they couldn't before (and probably have a uhh. Much more relaxed Kage meeting that year.)
You can't go to war with Konoha !!! That's where all the best ninja weed comes from !!!
Itama and Izuna get along really well actually. Izuna's cringe fail ass does NOT know how to smoke and refuses to admit it, he also becomes Itama's favorite test subjects for new product bc he and his brothers tolerance levels are insane so they need like, a normal guy to try shit on
As a person, Itama is one of those really friendly, charming, easy to get along with guys who seem to have a ton of friends— but when you look a bit closer you quickly notice that while many of those friends share their woes with him, he doesn't really with them. He has lots of friends but isn't really close to any.
He's a pretty good mix of his brothers, seeming friendly and cheerful like Hashirama but much more down to earth, and with the same ruthless streak as Tobirama underneath all the gentle mannerisms. He might be more ruthless than either of his brothers when it really comes down to it, but he's very slow to strike or anger, and virtually no one but his brothers and Touka really know he even has that side to him.
He's Konoha's lead poisons expert, is 100% aware and helping Tobirama with all of his especially fucked up experiments, and honestly that should tell you enough— but most tend to get distracted by the soft smiles and sleepy expression.
Art interlude ->
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Anyways uhhh. All of this only exists bc I started thinking ab stoner Itama getting dumped face first into modern Konoha with Izuna, the two of them having been hiding after pissing off Madara for unimportant reasons. They don't realize they're not in their Konoha, and proceed to run from Madara (who they still think is mad at them)
Meanwhile Madara is losing his fucking MIND trying to chase down the ghost of his brother, and also some guy...? Who is that actually? He doesnt really give a shit tbh, Izuna oh god please come back here— ARE YOU FUCKING HIGH RIGHT NOW?
@fashionredalert : Zetsu lived in fear of Itama because itama would have made him into an edible That's why zetsu is two colors, itama smoked one half of him before zetsu managed to escape. One half intact the other half charred black
Please?? The closest hes been to death in years.
Itama was put on this earth to smoke everything he physically can, he hasnt been sober since he was 13, he no longer knows the meaning of fear or sanity. If it can burn he can smoke it
Hes holding one of those tiny Zetsu's going "Hey look at this fucked up plant I found :DD" then taking it straight into the weed lab
Zetsu specifically had him killed in canon bc he knew he'd grow to be too powerful pass it on
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fashionredalert · 15 days
Friend sent this to me this morning and I nearly died (with joy)
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@doeinstinct dragon AU in bound 😘🥰😍🥵🥴 🍆🍆🍑💦 💦
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tora-the-cat · 16 days
Once the war kicked off enough that tobirama realized his death was a real possibility he gathered his most trusted and valued shinobi in a room for an emergency war meeting, locked the doors, and said 'whos gonna be hokage next NOSE GOES' and hiruzen was condemned to the hat cause he didn't tap his nose fast enough. Fortunately danzo was injured at the time so he didn't participate. He was pissed though.
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sanska · 5 days
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Catch of the day
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raegunblastart · 10 months
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Artist: Raegunblast
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emporiannee · 6 months
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bonding mission with genre-typical contrivances
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maphel-n-doodles · 1 year
Okay I just got an idea, Tobirama and Hikaku are like two co-workers who snarks their other co-workers together. But since everyone notice how the only Uchiha he gets along is Hikaku, rumor sparks that they got together to the point that someone even exaggerated that they are now married and Tobirama is now Kagami’s Step father lmao. (Which is not true but Hikaku is a single dad) But Tobirama is infatuated with Madara and it is reciprocated. Madara heard about this and the jealousy volcano just rises up. Chaos Chaos everywhere.
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Hikaku is an unfortunate casualty in the world's worst enemies to lovers office romance.
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vohtaro · 2 years
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it’s just their dynamic
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doveywovy · 3 months
tobiizu in a soulmate au except they're not eachothers soulmates and also canon is absolutely the same
so izuna tries to find tobirama's soulmate to kill them (this won't injure tobirama, hes just that much of a hater).
tobirama is keeping an eye out for soulmates of his enemies in general bc he wants to do deeply unethical expirementing on soulmate pairs For Science, and this includes izuna obviously.
then peace is achieved without either of them dying and they fall in love (tm) after a few years with konoha existing. so now izuna's trying to find and kill tobirama's soulmate so there's less competition (there's no competition). eventually he admits as much to tobirama & tobirama is just like oh my soulmate? that guy's been in a cage in my lab for like four years now. hes technically comatose actually do you wanna see
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