#today on alli is full of salt...
ravenstargames · 1 month
✦ Lost in Limbo Demo — Feedback gathering!
Hello everyone!
Here we are today with a quite long post about the feedback we have received since our demo became available this past Wednesday. First of all, we want to thank you all for more than 700 downloads on itch, and more than 1000 on Steam. That's crazy! 💜
82 of you have completed our demo survey, helping this feedback gathering be way easier! We'll start with the non-spoiler stuff, and move to spoiler territory so those of you who have not been able to try out the demo yet can rest easy!
Before we start, however—
If you are missing one, then it means you can obtain it by playing once more! We'll make sure to highlight this note everywhere, as some people have been confused about Amon/Envy not having a CG, or not having a scene to shine, which they do! We apologize for not making this super clear, as it's noted on our itch.io page, but under "Features", when it should have been everywhere and in big bold letters!
As of now, no major changes will be done to our first demo, sadly because there's no time. We are focusing on getting our Kickstarter out there and on creating high-quality content that may help us fund the full game. The first thing we'll work on if our Kickstarter is successful is the Extended Free Demo, which will see all the feedback you've given us implemented!
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More than 96% of players who did our survey enjoyed (or greatly enjoyed!) our demo, which is fantastic! We have to take this with a grain of salt, because those who didn't have a good time probably didn't finish playing it. Those who didn't enjoy the demo that much left their personal feedback, so we are super grateful for the effort of sharing their thoughts even if they didn't have fun.
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Most players thought the pacing was good! Some noted that the demo starts off slow (which we kind of knew—more on that below!), while others thought the demo rushes a bit to show all the love interests.
Me, the writer, and our editor Allie, knew this, so it doesn't come up as a surprise. Just to give you all some insight, as surely not all of you have been following us since we started posting about LiL; our original demo was way longer than what it ended up being. We ended up rewriting and scrapping a lot of that because it was too much work for the four of us. There were a lot more sprites and backgrounds to work on, and we decided we wanted to focus on the love interests (as they are the thing that will decide whether players want to support us or not) even if that meant the pacing wasn't perfect.
We didn't want the demo development to last another year, so we had to give a bit of story context in our actual demo without info-dumping absolutely everything, and we had to get to the love interests "fast" enough for people not to get bored while not going "fast" enough for it to feel too rushed.
Whether we did a good job or not is up to the players, and of course this feedback will help us to improve the pacing in our Extended Demo. I can only hope we have the chance to work on it to show our real vision of the demo and prologue and implement the feedback given to us when it comes to the writing / pacing, without the pressure of getting ourselves out there as soon as possible to find out if we'll be able to support ourselves and our work or not!
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The vast majority of players enjoyed the way the demo stablishes the tone of the game! Those who didn't thought the serious tone being mixed with the funny / quirky moments wasn't well done, which is completely valid!
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93% of surveyed players thought the plot was well stablished! Luckily, there's no "I understood nothing", so that's a good sign so far! Some players noted that they felt lost but that feeling lost was the point (which it was!).
One player suggested to have the definition of important words somewhere, which will be the purpose of the Compendium in the full game! If you have played Alaris' , Crescence has a similar feature where you can place your mouse on top of a highlighted word and get an explanation of it! That's something we want to implement for the full game.
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Players generally liked the art, the story, and the characters, which is great!
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People seemed to agree on wanting MORE CHOICES, and we were given advice on some parts of the current demo that would benefit of an extra choice or a choice to begin with.
We'll keep this in mind for the Extended Demo, which should give you all more time to enjoy the flavor choices and other aspects of our choice systems. Also, some of you wished for a button to turn off timed choices, which...
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...Is something we decided we wanted way before starting to code the demo. Our UI artist, Alice, implemented this in our configuration screen mock-up, but I ended up being unable to program this feature. I didn't know how to do it, and with my newbie abilities it seemed impossible to achieve, so we decided to wait for the Extended demo so I had time to ask around, read, and grasp the best way to do this. I'm sorry T_T.
✦ AS FOR THE CHARACTERS (MC included)...
And this is spoiler territory!
Some people disliked Amon's southern accent (which he's very sad about), some people felt really betrayed by Gael (poor thing), and some wanted to push Envy down a set of stairs (completely valid).
Some didn't like Pride because he's "an old fart" (he's the God of Old Farts, in fact), some wanted for the MC to be able to be more aggressive towards characters like Raeya, and some thought Ara was too nice, Xal too goofy, and that took away the seriousness of the situation.
These are not the majority (everyone had their favorite and their least liked, but you all seemed happy with our cast!) but these opinions are completely valid and we wanted to highlight them.
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River was liked enough for a 3~ hour demo, which we are happy about.
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The majority of players thought they were relatable and liked the fact that they had a personality outside of choices; others thought there should've been more choices to really differentiate the possible personalities you can choose for the MC, and others noted it was hard to self-insert.
River is not written to be a completely blank slate, which is something we note in our Tumblr Masterpost but that should've been added to the itch page. We apologize for the confusion this may have generated. We wanted (and want) to create a balance between River being a proper character and for it to still allow some kind of self-insert and personalization. We know this will be difficult, but it's something we want to work on and we are confident we can achive a correct balance.
In the Extended Demo and full game, you'll have a chance to personalize some of River's tastes to match your own MC or your self-insert. For example, River plays the guitar, but you'll be able to select whether they're good at it, if they took classes, if they.....suck at it, or if they play another instrument.
This will, of course, only happen in the "flavor" and "personality" choices. Sadly, you won't be able to choose to a T what the MC does at any given time.
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And that's all for now! I hope this post has been informative, and please don't hesitate to direct more feedback our way to help us improve. We are still reading your asks, gathering info and feedback from players and other devs, and thinking about the best way to bring those suggestions to life.
Thank you all so so much for the incredible support; for gifting us your time with reviews, feedback, or encouraging words. We hope we can keep working hard and bringing Lost in Limbo's demo to its full potential!
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exhuastedpigeon · 5 months
Buck has a shot of tequila and Tommy has a cleft.
Tommy has a cleft and Buck has a problem. Because he wants to touch it, with his thumb, measure it with his little finger, trace it with his lips and salt and lime.
But he doesn't know the protocol and he doesn't know Tommy's coffee order and Hen is refusing to answer his texts and tell him and she must remember why wouldn't she remember it's Tommy!!!!
"You doing ok, man?" asks Eddie because he is a good friend and ally and puts all his weight on Buck's shoulder as he raises himself to his feet. "Want something from the bar?"
"Chimney's not...not...not over there. Go get him yourself."
"Nooooo. Chinnnnn," answers Buck and goes to elaborate because Eddie is a good friend and ally but maybe a little slow today. "Tommy has a chin. Does Marisol have a chin?"
Eddie snorts so loud he hiccups and rattles the table. "Marisol has a crucifix ...hnnnk... a dancing cactus, too."
"Like, two in one? Tha's wild, maaaan."
Eddie's giggles sent him careening into Buck and nearly make Buck hit his forehead on the table when the full weight of Eddie's strong palms slams into his shoulders. "So wild."
They rest like that for a while, slow and syrupy.
"Tommy has a chin," Eddie says finally and Buck knew he would understand! Eddie is the best!!!! Buck loves him so much!!!!!
"You have shoulders," Eddie continues, stroking a line on Buck's shoulder blades through his jacket.
"I do?"
"Listen-listen-listen to me, Buck! You. Have. Shoulders."
"I have shhhhhoulders," Buck agrees because Eddie is a good friend and ally and Buck loves him and this is clearly very important to him.
"Marisol..." Eddie goes on to finish and then stops, and looks sad. Inacceptiblation!
"Marisol has a cactus Jesus?" he asks, nudging back into Eddie's palm, which run up to his neck, stroke the muscles there and ruffle the short hair.
This sends Eddie laughing again and Buck feels the tequila warm him from inside out to the tip of his itchy nose.
I figured if you were getting nasty nonsense in your askbox, you might as well get a get well, dumb nonsense that was inspired by Buck's "He has a cleft." as well.
Get well soon. 💖
Anon this is so goofy and delightful! Thank you!!
(And now I want to see a dancing Jesus cactus because that would be so funny)
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teyamskxawng · 1 year
In Heat [VII]
Lo'ak Sully x Fem!Omatikaya!Reader
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Previously: Chapter I, Chapter II, Chapter III, Chapter IV, Chapter V, Chapter VI
The rundown: After months of courting, you and Lo’ak finally make Tsaheylu.
Warnings: 18+ content, language, mention of reader's deceased parents, smut, characters are aged up, minors do not interact!! please
WC: 12.2k
A/N: This can surprisingly be read separate from the rest of the fic if you stumble across this and don’t wanna read the six prior chapters lol!! Thank you to anyone who’s been reading from the beginning, ily and I wanna give you flowers <3 this chapter was funnn + heavily inspired by the 2009 film
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*4 months later*
With your eyes gently shut, you let yourself immerse in the soothing touch of your parents' heartfelt embrace. Cradled in their loving arms, you could almost believe they were actually in front of you, as if the RDA hadn't ruined your life and stolen them from you over half a decade ago. Slowly letting your eyes blink open, you took in the beautiful sight of their overjoyed expressions.
Throughout the years, you prioritized visiting your departed parents at the Tree of Souls every few days. But today's meeting was especially significant. It wasn't until today that you finally gathered the courage to tell them about your new relationship with Lo'ak.
Procrastination had been your ally in this matter, as you were well aware of how soul-crushing it would be to watch their delightful smiles and hear their excited words of praise and encouragement, knowing all too well that their appearances were a mere illusion. 
Eywa knows Mo'at would have your ear if she ever heard you speak down on the cultural significance of connecting with your ancestors through the tree. But still, you were all too aware that your parents couldn’t physically be with you, nor could they experience the joyous moments brought about by each milestone in your new relationship with Lo'ak.
Which was why you knew that engaging in the sensitive conversation with them would be like pouring salt on a still-open wound. Their presence felt so tangible, but deep down, reality weighed on your heart.
Your parents would never have the chance to meet Lo'ak—at least not as the version of the man he had grown into since your parents last knew him as your young, rambunctious friend.
He had changed so much since then, and they would never see the person he had become. Lo'ak was now mature and full of wisdom, but he still possessed those endearing quirks that only grew more captivating with time. Your parents didn't have the chance to give their blessing to your union, and you wouldn't get to witness their reluctant smiles give way to roaring laughter as they’d have watched Lo’ak’s spirited attempts to impress them.
Probably most heartbreaking of all, they wouldn't ever have the chance to watch their future grandchildren scamper around in sheer delight, growing up before their very eyes.
It was funny how life worked. Throughout your entire childhood, there were so many questions swirling around your mind—questions you’d always wanted to ask your parents but never got the chance to. You were too young, too innocent, and just too damn content in your blissful ignorance to even fathom the reality that one day your parents would be snatched away from you in what seemed like the blink of an eye. 
There were so many things left unsaid and unexplored. Among the questions crowding your thoughts was their connection, their unyielding love.
How did they know when it was time to leave their separate lives behind and commit to a shared existence?
It wasn’t just idle curiosity; you found yourself in a similar situation with Lo’ak. You loved him more than anything, and spending a lifetime together seemed inevitable. It was just a question of when and how the fuck you were supposed to approach that kind of topic.
Neytiri and Jake would've undoubtedly shed some light on your burning inquiries. They'd been there, done that, and would have happily guided you through the somewhat awkward yet endearing conundrum with honest advice. However, you couldn’t shake the odd feeling that clouded your judgment every time you considered confiding in them about their own son. It was just... weird. There was something too personal about it, making it feel less like asking for genuine wisdom and more like prying into an intimate family matter. They were Lo'ak's parents, not yours.
So, plagued by unanswered questions, you made the impulsive decision to reach out to your parents now that their spiritual presence stood before you.
“How did you know when it was the right time to make Tsaheylu?” you asked, full of uncertainty and curious desire. “I want to... I'm just...” Your voice faltered, the words stumbling and eventually fading away like a sad, distant echo. 
Your mother, sensing your unease, gently cradled your face in her warm hand. Her touch was so delicate; it felt like the brush of a feather, like a figment in the corner of your imagination. Probably because she was, quite literally, nothing more than a figment in the corner of your imagination.
“You will know when the moment is right, tìyawn,” she said with an air of soft reassurance that only a mother could provide. 
However, you couldn’t escape the persistent, nagging feeling in your chest.
The thing was, you had no idea when the right time to become mated to Lo'ak would come. Shaking your head in denial, you tried to convey your confusion without words.
That was when your father chimed in, his voice powerful yet soothing as ever.
“Eywa works in unspeakable ways. Always know that she will take care of you.”
Your father always spoke in tongues, offering words of wisdom wrapped in perplexing phrases. His words should have comforted you—they'd done so countless times before, providing you with food for thought that would last for days on end, giving you at least something to remember him by.
But today? Today, they only served to fuel a mounting sense of frustration inside you.
Unspeakable ways, your ass. The sky people killed your parents. They left you an orphaned child, alone and afraid in a world that would never be the same.
“Then why did Eywa take you away from me? Why would she leave me to fend for myself, all alone?” You shouted, no longer able to prevent the dam of emotions from bursting free. It was so unfair.
An overwhelming sensation bubbled up inside you as angry tears began to gather in your eyes. Your parents’ faces grew hazy, and your vision blurred. 
"You are never alone." Your father's voice interrupted your wave of sadness, his brow furrowing in confusion. He reached out and placed a reassuring hand on the top of your head, his thumb softly grazing your temple. “See? We are right here, maite,” he laughed.
The chime of his laughter was so beautiful, so familiar, and you hated that it wasn't real.
Unable to maintain eye contact with your blissfully unaware parents, you swiveled your head away and barely managed to stifle a heart-wrenching sob. This was exactly why you were so weary of approaching such a sensitive topic with your parents' spirits.
Under normal circumstances, during your connection with the Tree of Souls, you easily juggled your emotions and kept things lighthearted—happy and bittersweet. But this time, the pain proved to be too overwhelming, too raw.
“I miss you both so much,” Your voice trembled as the words barely escaped your lips. Filled with grief and longing that seemed to almost strangle your voice, the words hung heavy in the air before dissipating like a delicate mist.
The comforting warmth of your mother's hand slowly receded from your cheek, and the protective touch of your father's hand slipped from your head as you were slowly pulled away from them into a sea of darkness.
As you reluctantly allowed your eyes to flutter open again, you found yourself back in reality, with the Tree of Souls standing majestically before you, adorned with its glowing pink vines. The bittersweet sensation of tears silently carved their way down your cheeks as you disconnected from the tree, gravity dropping your queue against your front with a soft thud. You couldn't even bring yourself to swipe the trail of snot from your nose. You felt numb.
Returning to reality always felt like emerging from a nightmare, with each haunting detail stubbornly clinging to the edges of your consciousness.
Next to you stood Lo’ak, detaching his tswin from an adjacent vine. He was quick to register the pain etched across your face, and with two long strides, he closed the gap between you both. Before you could even process what was happening, he gathered you into his arms, nestling your head securely under his chin.
He rubbed soothing circles into your back, deep enough to release your tension but gentle enough not to overwhelm you, all while whispering calming words into your ear.
“It’s okay, y/n,” he assured you softly. “You’re okay. I’m right here.”
In the sanctuary of Lo’ak’s strong arms, you continued to tremble, seeking solace as you struggled to regain control of your breathing.
Despite your inner turmoil, you felt an overwhelming sense of security enveloping you like a warm blanket with every tight squeeze of Lo’ak’s comforting embrace. As his arms continued to encircle you, providing solace unlike any other, it gradually became easier to control your shaky breaths. Lo'ak seemed to possess a natural ability to right the wrongs in your life, even when everything felt like it was spiraling out of control.
Your thoughts drifted back to the gut-wrenching period following your parents' unexpected deaths. You remembered how deeply that pain had cut, how lost you were in those dark days. Their absence left a deep void in your soul that threatened to swallow you whole.
Back then, in an attempt to cope with your insurmountable grief, you recklessly flung yourself headlong into your warrior training. You ignored the cautious pleas of Jake and Neytiri, who urged you to take a step back from all the violence that suddenly consumed your life. They wanted you to confront the depths of your sorrow and allow yourself time to grieve and heal properly, but their words fell on deaf ears.
You remembered how you stubbornly demanded that Jake let you back onto the training field. You were so intent on becoming the strongest version of yourself so that you could wreak absolute havoc on the RDA and avenge your parents.
And much to Jake's chagrin, you were back on the field just two days later, paired up with Lo’ak for combat training. But Lo'ak wasn’t just another trainee; he was your best friend, and he knew better than anyone that your emotional state was barely hanging by a thread.
When the training started, you swung fiercely at Lo'ak. You were relentless in channeling every ounce of emotion into your powerful strikes, trying to purge the pain from within. You attacked with everything you had, but he refused to strike back. Instead, he sidestepped each of your advances and dodged every one of your hits. At every turn, Lo’ak kept pleading with you to take a break, urging you to take a deep breath and find some other way to let go of all the anger you were holding inside.
But his words only fueled your rage. 
His emotional appeal made you feel more out of control and increased your resolve to vent all those pent-up sentiments. You swung harder and faster at him, trying your best to land a solid hit, irrationally hoping it would somehow free you from your emotions.
Finally, after countless attempts, you managed to cuff Lo'ak hard on the jaw, causing him to stumble back and stare at you wide-eyed in shock. You took full advantage of his momentary bewilderment, managing another sharp hit to his nose. As your fist retracted from its solid connection with his face, it was marred with the dark red stain of his blood. Your stomach churned at the sight, but the part of you that was so angry with the world and all of its inhabitants was relentless.
There you were, standing in front of Lo’ak, fed up with everyone treating you like some delicate little flower. You couldn’t take it anymore.
“Come on, Lo’ak! Hit me back!” you yelled at him, your voice echoing off the surrounding trees. The frustration had been building inside you for days, and you finally reached your boiling point. Everyone seemed to tiptoe around you as if you were a grenade, ready to go off at any moment.
Lo’ak stood in front of you, his face etched with concern. He looked into your eyes with a mixture of pity and sympathy—not at all what you wanted.  
“y/n...” he began hesitantly, shaking his head at what could only be described as the shadow of your former self, but his words fell on deaf ears. His refusal to engage only served to fuel your anger even further.
In an act of blind frustration, you pushed him hard in the chest with both of your hands, hoping to elicit some sort of reaction beyond pity.
You didn’t want his sad eyes. You wanted him to feel your fury and understand how tired you were of everything. But much to your disappointment, Lo’ak barely even stumbled from your forceful shove. You moved to shove him again, but in that moment of pure emotion, he reached out and caught hold of your forearms, his grip gentle but firm enough to hold you in place. You tried desperately to pry yourself from his grasp, hissing, scratching, and doing everything in your power to swing at him.
As much as you wanted to best him physically, it was all in vain.
Realizing just how futile your fight truly was, you felt a wave of despair crash down on you. Just like that, all the fire went out of your fight.
Exhausted and defeated, your body went limp in his arms. Your head fell forward onto his shoulder as tears welled up in your eyes—a crushing conclusion to the emotions you had been holding in for way too long. 
Lo’ak slowly released his grip on your forearms, sensing your vulnerability. He hesitated for a moment before carefully wrapping his arms around your fragile, bony frame, a heart-wrenching reminder of the fact that you hadn’t been eating properly or taking care of yourself since the loss of your parents. Despite your frailty, Lo’ak held you just tight enough to keep you steady while providing a comforting presence as tears streamed down your face. You were a wreck, crying and snotting messily into his shoulder, but you didn't have the mental capacity to care.
In times like these, words seemed to fail Lo'ak. But that was perfectly fine with you.
You didn't want him to lie and try to tell you that your parents would be missed, that they were in a better place now. You'd already heard enough of that bullshit, and it didn't help at all. So you were thankful when Lo'ak began to silently trace soothing lines up and down your back with one hand while the other cradled your head against his shoulder.
Your breaths came in short, rapid gasps between each of your sobs—hyperventilating from the emotional turmoil—and normally, you would have been mortified to be so helpless in front of your best friend. But with the weight of the world on your shoulders and an overwhelming sense of exhaustion washing over you like a tidal wave, embarrassment was the least of your concerns. 
All semblance of decorum and composure abandoned, it felt as though everything would come crashing down upon you at any moment. You felt like you were about to pass out with how drained you were, how tired you were of everything.
“Hey, it’s gonna be alright, y/n. Just breathe with me, please. We can count together, okay? Just—one… two….” Lo’ak was doing everything in his power to comfort you as you stood there, struggling to regain your composure.
Despite his efforts, though, your sobs were impossible to ignore. They echoed throughout the forest, eventually grabbing the undivided attention of Jake, who had been keeping an eye on some of the other trainees around the corner.
Jake immediately sprinted over to investigate, concern etched across his face. As he approached you and Lo’ak, his wide eyes softened at the sight of you two.
Without uttering a word, Jake gently nudged his head in the direction of Hometree—a silent signal for Lo’ak to get you the hell out of the chaotic environment of the training grounds and take care of you. Jake knew that what you really needed was some peace and quiet to heal.
Following his father’s advice, Lo’ak remained silent as he took your hand in his and began guiding you back toward the refuge of your late family’s tent.
You and Lo’ak never held hands like that—there was never a reason to—but in that instance, it felt natural and comforting.
The warmth of Lo’ak’s touch seemed to spread throughout your entire body, providing an odd sense of comfort despite your emotional distress. As your heart pounded against your chest with each step you took together, it became increasingly clear that the simple yet incredibly meaningful gesture would be forever etched into both of your memories.
Lo’ak guided you through the forest landscape, bathed in the early evening's bioluminescent light, until finally, the view of Hometree dominated the horizon. Silently, carefully, Lo’ak led you along the path to your family's tent.
Lo’ak understood that it wasn’t about physical or even emotional support in just that singular moment—it was about standing beside you as a friend through life’s darkest chapters and refusing to leave you alone in facing such overwhelming shadows. And as much as he could feel the ache gripping every fiber of your being, he knew that together, you could slowly start rebuilding, piece by piece. After all, friends faced the storms together and remained standing side by side when everything else had passed. 
And for the first time since the death of your parents, you felt a sense of safety that you never thought you’d feel again.
As Lo’ak gently led you through the opening of your tent, his comforting grip still holding your hand, you finally understood that your idea of “home” had shifted. It wasn’t bound by the walls of a tent; instead, it was embodied by Lo’ak himself. As long as he was by your side, everything would be okay.
The scene inside your home was etched permanently in your mind—you curled in a ball on the floor beside Lo’ak, your head resting on the makeshift pillow formed from his folded legs. His fingers tenderly brushed through the unkempt wisps of hair near your forehead.
Your eyes fluttered closed, allowing you to concentrate on the soothing sounds around you: the rhythmic sound of Lo’ak’s steady breaths and the gentle rise and fall of his chest as his lungs filled with air and released it back into the quiet world.
You felt his chest expand and contract beneath you, almost seeming to synchronize with your own breathing. The sublime connection created a shared heartbeat between you two in that tranquil space. Time appeared to stand still as silence enveloped the both of you, like Eywa herself was holding her breath to preserve the pure moment of peace.
It was in that quiet instance that you realized how perfectly you fit together—how well he held you, protecting your fragile heart while offering solace and strength in equal measure. Lo’ak’s presence reassured you over and over again: everything was going to be okay.
And likewise, now nestled safely within the circle of Lo’ak’s strong arms beneath the Tree of Souls, you were reminded once more that together, you would be okay.
“I love you,” you whispered against Lo’ak’s skin, almost in a daze, yet every word held immense sincerity. 
You had loved Lo’ak as he comforted you all those years ago, and your love for him had never wavered—it burned just as brightly as it did back then. He was the anchor that tethered you to the world around you, his presence a comforting constant in the ever-changing tides of life. You cherished everything about him, from the gentle warmth that emanated from his touch to the familiarity of his laughter as you would relentlessly tease each other.
There wasn’t a single thing about him you would change—he wouldn’t be Lo’ak if you did.
Your heartfelt confession seemed to catch him completely off guard. It was as if someone had pressed pause on a video on one of Jake’s holo-pads, his entire being coming to a sudden standstill. He pulled away from your embrace, just enough to look down into your eyes. The desperation on his face only grew as he sought some kind of validation, some confirmation that what you said was real, that it wasn’t just some figment of his imagination.
You met his gaze, completely sure of yourself. There was no doubt in your mind regarding the depth of emotion behind those three simple words that had slipped from your lips. There was no trace of embarrassment or regret clouding your expression when you confessed your love for Lo’ak.
He simply stared back at you, wide-eyed and speechless, his gaze searching your face. He was just waiting for you to break out into a smirk, to let out a snort of laughter, to flick him in the forehead and say, “Just kidding, dumbass.” 
But that moment never came. Instead, there you were, open-hearted and genuine, with all the unspoken emotions now laid bare between the two of you, raw and unfiltered.
You watched as Lo’ak’s gaze shifted to the right. You remained clueless as he was captivated by the sudden, enchanting sight of a flurry of woodsprites fluttering closer and closer to the two of you. Their tiny arms reached out, almost as if they were cheering you on, creating an atmosphere of wonder and delight.
Unaware of the spectacle unfolding behind you, your attention was drawn to Lo’ak’s face. Curiously, you tried to decipher his expression. You were kind of expecting him to say he loved you back, not stare gobsmacked above your head.
Lo'ak watched as one by one, the delicate woodsprites began to land on your head with the grace of a feather. The first one settled softly on your crown, followed by another... and another, each seeking its own perch on your head. Soon, at least a dozen of them had landed there, each adding to your iridescent halo that glowed like a luminous headpiece. As the radiant display enveloped you, it only enhanced your beauty further.
The once-overwhelming confusion in your eyes slowly gave way to a dawning look of amazement as you caught sight of the enchanting flurry that had piqued Lo’ak’s interest out of the corner of your eye.
The air was thick with anticipation as you watched the woodsprites gather around the two of you with bated breath. Their movements were graceful and full of energy as they happily flurried around before finally settling on Lo’ak’s shoulders in an almost comically straight line. 
It was impossible to ignore the significance of the incredible moment. 
The tiny seeds that detached themselves from the Tree of Souls were known to carry omens and symbolize sacred moments in one’s life. You knew in your heart that this was Eywa. She was speaking to you, giving you a sign. As always, your father was right.
You glanced over at Lo’ak, curious to see if he was comprehending the gravity of the moment just as much as you were. Sure enough, the expression on his face mirrored your understanding and awe. His stunned gaze flickered from your face to his arms, which were extended out to his sides and covered in dozens of brightly glowing woodsprites. An unspoken understanding passed between the two of you, cementing the mysterious but profound connection shared at that moment.
Just as suddenly as they had arrived, the woodsprites detached themselves from both your bodies and floated away. They retreated gracefully back to their home within the glowing heights of the Tree of Souls. 
You followed their ascent with your eyes, craning your neck to keep them in sight for as long as possible, completely captivated by their presence.
An indescribable wave of joy surged through your body, electrifying and tingling every inch of your being. It was an overwhelming feeling of peace that engulfed you entirely and left a deep sensation of gratitude within your soul.
You were admittedly caught off guard as Lo’ak’s hand gently cradled your cheek. His touch was deliberate yet tender, guiding your face to meet his gaze. As his hand continued its journey, it slid from your shoulder and traveled down your arm before finally intertwining with yours, almost instinctively. A warm smile graced your lips as the feeling of your fingers meshing together felt as natural as the first time you had done so all those years ago.
“I love you too, y/n. So much,” Lo’ak confessed, his words effectively snapping you back to reality. Your smile broadened in response to his heartfelt declaration, trying to contain the overwhelming emotions that filled you from within.
The atmosphere around you was electric with love, and with a playful snort, you couldn’t help but tease: “I think that was Eywa telling us to hurry up.”
At that moment, all of your worries seemed to evaporate. You felt light and carefree and overcome with happiness. You felt so in love. The intensity of emotion that flooded through you needed release. It compelled you to take action.
Reaching out for Lo’ak once more, you wrapped your hands around the back of his neck and pulled him close, eliminating any space that separated the two of you. You were living in an idyllic moment, one where time seemed to stand still and nothing else mattered but the love you shared.
For a few moments, you both embraced one another tightly, allowing yourselves to take steady breaths. 
It was almost as if your breathing was synchronized, which caused your mind to drift in curiosity. You wondered if this was what the bond would feel like—like your souls were so intricately woven together that it was nearly impossible to separate the two of you into individual beings.
As those thoughts swirled in your head, you tenderly rubbed your cheek against Lo’ak’s, reveling in his warmth and soaking in every detail of his closeness to you. His unique scent enveloped you—herbal and musky and sweet—further entwining the two of you in an enchanting dance of passion and love. 
The very essence of him consumed your senses, and you felt like you could just forget the world and drown in his intoxicating scent, the tenderness of his touch, and the sheer intimacy of the shared moment.
In response to your affection, Lo’ak released a contented noise that very much resembled that of a soft purr, and you let out a breath of laughter at both the noise and the immediate blush that spread across Lo'ak's face as he tried to play it off. 
Quick to quiet your snickers, Lo’ak let out a quiet “Shh,” but you could feel the corners of his lips against your face as they curled into a smile that mirrored your own happiness.
Feigning innocence while still keeping your voice low and full of tenderness, you replied with a delicate whisper, “I didn’t say anything.”
Like the overgrown child that he is, Lo'ak only squeezed you tighter around the waist and mocked you in an overly high-pitched voice. "I didn't say anything," he parroted. You couldn't even bring yourself to pretend to be annoyed. You were way too proud of how easily you could reduce him to purrs.
You continued showering Lo’ak with your love by alternately brushing your cheek over his and planting a series of little kisses all across his face, effectively shutting him up.
It was as though each kiss held its own message—a reminder that you loved him beyond measure. You wanted him to absorb every ounce of the adoration you poured into those delicate kisses.
Your hands instinctively found their way to his chest, exploring the well-known paths that traced the curves and definition of the muscles hidden beneath his skin. The affectionate and almost habitual gesture seemed to serve as a call to action. It was like a spark that ignited an unspoken understanding between the two of you. 
At that moment, you were acutely aware of how desperately you needed Lo’ak, how you longed for him to be even closer to your heart and soul, to be one with your body. 
You told him as much, whispered your desires into the shell of his ear.
As you pulled back to gaze into Lo’ak’s eyes, you immediately noticed his pupils dilated with anticipation, the same way they’d always get whenever you were about to fuck. Without hesitation, Lo’ak wrapped his arms around your middle and drew you toward him, his lips hungrily connecting with yours in a searing kiss. He almost missed your mouth altogether with the intensity with which he sought out your whispered offering.
Your hands tenderly rose upward to cradle the back of Lo’ak’s head as you licked into his mouth, savoring each delicious slide of your tongue against his own. Your tail swung eagerly behind you, unable to hide your mounting excitement. The soft tuft of dark hair at its end seemed to possess a mind of its own as it brushed against Lo’ak’s side—a physical manifestation of the magnetic pull drawing you even closer to him.
You practically drank him in, fully immersed in the intoxicating sensation of your lips fusing with his in a wondrous, familiar rhythm. 
As the gentle breeze danced around you, you willingly let Lo’ak guide you down onto the cushiony grass, your back sinking into its soft embrace. You let him mouth his way down the length of your neck, his warm breath on your skin sending shivers down your spine. 
Barely audible, he grumbled into your throat, “Love you,” once more. His voice was heavy with emotion, and the raw sincerity in his voice stirred an overwhelming wave of emotion within you.
Lo’ak’s tender affections continued to unravel the edges of your composure. You felt completely undone. You were sure there was no way that all he had done so far was kiss you. With your eyes closed and your senses heightened, you could feel every tender touch as he grazed his teeth over your pulse point and delicately trailed his fingers up the expanse of your legs as if tracing a map; his touch simultaneously commanding and gentle.
As he let his fingers roam further up your thighs, he paused to appreciate the softness of your skin, gently squeezing the supple flesh before tracing teasing lines along the innermost part of your legs. His thumbs gently brushed against the sensitive skin there, sending tingles throughout your body like electric sparks. Between each lingering touch, your breaths grew shallow in anticipation.
Stubbornly, he maintained a small distance between your bodies, refusing to give in and press up against you even though you were desperate for it. You shamelessly keened for it, tried to push your hips up to meet him. You wanted to feel him inside of you, and judging by the strain against his loincloth, he wanted to be inside you just as badly. But Lo’ak was such a little shit.
He relished taking his sweet time with you, deliberately drawing out each moment as he explored your body, teasing you for so long until you were nothing but a pliant wreck under his touch. He always prioritized your pleasure above everything else, which was simultaneously frustrating and endearing.
Lo’ak continued working his tantalizing magic on your skin, his fingers hovering so close, yet never quite reaching the spot where you so desperately needed him. It was maddening and exhilarating how meticulous he could be. The dance between agony and ecstasy left every part of you desperate for more. You wanted to scream in frustration.
Attempting to gather your resolve, you meant to firmly call out “Lo’ak,” but instead, it escaped your lips as more of an anguished, pleading moan.
Lo’ak didn’t seem to mind at all, only humming in response as he continued his passionate onslaught. Leaving a fiery trail of burning kisses, he started at your throat and made his way down your collarbone, stopping to linger at your sternum before continuing his journey over the fabric covering your chest. And you immediately came to the conclusion that the extra barrier of material just wouldn’t do.
You swiftly sat up to remove your top, so suddenly that you almost smashed Lo’ak in the face with your elbow in the process. But with your chest now bare to him, you decided that you might as well kill two birds with one stone.
Efficiently eliminating the need for any further interruptions, you hastily reached down and loosened the knot holding up your loincloth just enough for you to slide it over your hips and down past your legs, mindlessly tossing the garment to the side amidst the tall blades of grass. You were sure that you were going to have to spend an embarrassing amount of time trying to find it once all was said and done, and Lo'ak was definitely going to laugh at you the entire time and not help you look for it, but that was the last thing on your mind at that moment.
No matter how many times Lo’ak had seen you in that state of undress before, his astonishment and awe remained fresh and unperturbed each time. He had the same awestruck reaction, his eyes wide in admiration as if he were beholding some rare and precious treasure. Lo’ak’s face revealed a myriad of emotions as his eyes traveled over every inch of your frame, the corners of his mouth curving into a small, affectionate grin. 
You found yourself rolling your eyes at his display, all while secretly delighting in how he never failed to worship your body without reservation. His presence had a unique way of making you feel at ease, even in your most vulnerable state.
Taking his time, Lo’ak’s gaze didn’t meet yours until he had thoroughly feasted upon the sight before him. 
His soft voice whispered into the air, “You’re so beautiful.” Then, with renewed determination, he resumed his quest to leave you completely breathless and speechless, planting tender kisses against your now-bare chest.
His hands meandered their way back to the curve of your waist, securing your writhing form to the ground as if to ensure you couldn’t escape from the captivating hold he had on you. With heightened anticipation and growing desire, Lo’ak slowly roamed his hands upward to trace the delicate curves of your breasts.
Lo’ak somehow intertwined the perfect balance of fervor and tenderness in each of his actions while meticulously extinguishing any ability for words or coherent thought. It was like straight-up mush in your brain. You were swept up in the whirlwind of sensation that he created with such exquisite attention to detail, every touch enhancing the emotional connection between you. 
It was in these moments where time seemed to slow down and reality faded away, that Lo’ak awakened a deeper connection within your soul—one built on trust, admiration, and an ineffable love that left you completely at a loss for words.
“So fucking perfect,” Lo’ak murmured, allowing the gentle pressure of his thumbs to glide across your sensitive nipples, already hardened into little buds from all the ongoing stimuli.
You let out a soft moan in response to Lo’ak’s continual praise, which seemed to envelop you like a warm, comforting ray of light. There was no doubt in your mind that you trusted Lo’ak with all your heart. He always knew how to make you feel so good every single time, without fail.
And as he began his tantalizing journey of sweet kisses, starting at your chest and gradually trailing lower and lower along the trembling lines of your stomach, you felt an exhilarating anticipation building within you. 
He made his way down to your already-wet center, and all you could do was sink your head further into the ground beneath you, exhaling his name in a breathy whisper.
The sensation of Lo’ak’s delicate touch combined with the warmth of his breath gently sweeping over your core caused a shiver to resonate throughout your entire being. He gently spread your legs apart even further, comfortably positioning himself between them before diving in without any hesitation.
Lo'ak knew exactly how to reduce you to moans, and this time was no different. He shamelessly loved eating you out. His enthusiasm for doing so became apparent from the very first time you let him go down on you. You figured it must’ve been fate because, as much as the boy loved to talk, he transformed into something utterly irresistible whenever his mouth descended upon you—each tantalizing lick into your wetness and gentle prod of his tongue at your entrance made you feel like you were going to lose your mind.
He loved the way you’d go all soft under his touch, practically melting beneath his skilled tonguework. He reveled in the sensation of your legs wrapping around him, curling over his shoulders as your ankles crossed snugly behind his neck, the way your thighs tightened around his head each time he circled his tongue around your clit. Your body couldn’t help but respond to his every touch.
Lo’ak loved the noises you made. It was as if you were unable to contain yourself or the stream of moans and curses that would slip past your lips, bitten red from trying (and always failing) to keep quiet.
He especially loved it when, seemingly without realizing it, you’d reach out and bury your fingers within his braids, grinding yourself against his face because you couldn’t stand how teasingly slow he was going.
The first time Lo’ak went down on you, all it took was a few mindless ruts against the soft forest floor before he was groaning into your wetness, coming in powerful spurts inside his loincloth—all without being touched.
And now, as Lo’ak enveloped you once again in his teasing embrace, skillfully flicking his tongue in a wet stripe up your center before zeroing in on the sensitive nub at your front, you felt as entirely blissed out as he did during that first time.
As Lo’ak continued his deliciously tormenting work, exploring every contour with practiced devotion, you found yourself powerless against the rising tide of euphoria.
He’d barely been at it for more than a minute or two before you could sense the rising tension within your core and the trembling of your legs—telltale signs of your impending climax.
But you didn’t want to finish like that. Given the tender, emotional exchange of words you’d experienced together for the first time, you wanted to finish as one, harmoniously intertwined in a mutual dance of ecstasy.
You needed Lo’ak inside of you, so close that he could never leave, so deeply intertwined with you that it would be impossible to tell where one ended and the other began. It wasn’t merely about physical closeness; it was about forging a new kind of bond with Lo'ak.
To make Tsaheylu was to embrace a wholly different plane of affection. It was all-consuming and intense. The very idea of forming that neural connection with Lo'ak—sharing in his experiences and emotions, savoring every conceivable sensation together—left your heart pounding wildly in your chest.
As soon as that thought took shape in your mind, there was no turning back. You had set your heart on truly becoming one with Lo’ak—inseparable and forever bound together by love, entwining your lives like the intricate patterns woven into a delicate tapestry.
“Mmm, Lo’ak,” you called out tentatively, your voice wobbly from both the overwhelming pleasure coursing through your body and the mere thought of finally making the bond with Lo’ak. 
However, Lo’ak seemed to interpret your call of his name as a sign of your continued pleasure, which wasn't entirely false.
He practically doubled his efforts as he increased the intensity with which he went down on you, slurping loudly and adding a finger that tenderly brushed against your clenching hole.
Your reaction was instinctive—a barely audible curse slipping past your lips as you inhaled sharply, just barely catching yourself before losing control completely. Frantically, you reached out and tugged on Lo’ak’s braids, using them as an anchor in a desperate attempt to draw him away from the dizzying height of ecstasy that threatened to consume you.
His yellow eyes grew wide in confusion as they darted over your face in search of some explanation for the sudden interruption. Finding yourself at a loss for words due to the intensity of his unwavering gaze, you struggled to articulate your thoughts.
Your heart thundered in your chest, pounding against your ribcage as you nervously contemplated the words about to leave your lips. 
Taking a deep breath, you began hesitantly, “I want us to finish together.”
You gently let your hand run down the back of Lo’ak’s head, continuing its path until it reached his arm. You tugged him closer to you until he had you caged beneath him, both of his arms planted firmly on the ground beside your head like a protective barrier.
Lo’ak’s face lit up with a radiant smile at your words. However, he was completely unprepared for what you would say next.
“Through Tsaheylu. Together,” you whispered almost inaudibly.
Your voice was so soft that one could easily have missed it, but Lo’ak’s eyes widened as if they were attempting to absorb the entirety of your statement. He had heard every single word loud and clear, and there was no doubt that he understood the significance of what you just proposed.
Lo’ak nodded emphatically, his chest rapidly rising and falling as his eyes wandered over your face, trying to determine for the second time that day whether this was reality or a dream.
“Yeah? You really want to?” He asked, his eyes filled with curiosity and hope, his eyebrows high on his forehead.
His hand tenderly reached out to brush away a stray strand of hair from your flushed face before gently cradling your jaw in a caring and familiar gesture of love. You mirrored his nod in response, silently conveying your mutual feelings and desires. At that moment, there was nothing else in the world that you wanted more than to make Tsaheylu with Lo’ak right there and then.
The atmosphere between the two of you was electric and palpable. A mixture of anticipation, passion, and unwavering trust laced the air.
Lo’ak leaned in closer, slowly bringing his face down to yours. Your lips met in a soft embrace—an innocent yet intoxicating kiss that was worlds apart from your previous messy and heated exchange. It was a testament to the deepening connection between the two of you, one filled with unspoken love, desire, and trust.
The emotions stirred by the simple act swirled around you like an invisible current, further cementing the bond that had formed throughout your time together. As Lo’ak’s lips gently brushed against yours, it seemed as though time had slowed down. There was no rush; no urgency had come into play when everything felt so perfectly crafted for the scene at hand.
The moment was intense, almost palpable, as you felt like your heart was on the verge of bursting when Lo’ak pulled back from your entwined lips, only to reach behind him and retrieve his braided queue. He swiftly pulled it over his shoulder, and as he held it up between the two of you, the dark hairs at the tip cascaded gracefully to the side, revealing the delicate pink tendrils that seemed to dance in anticipation.
You had seen Lo’ak do it countless times before—when he’d mount his ikran, when he’d ride the direhorses, when he’d connect to the Tree of Souls. Despite the familiarity, you found yourself marveling at the mesmerizing sight. This time was different, and the significance of what was about to happen hit you like a bucket of cold water.
By connecting in mind and spirit, Lo’ak would share all that he was with you—each memory enlivened with vibrant detail; every emotion given depth and nuance; all senses heightened and magnified beyond any experience you could have ever imagined.
And now the moment had finally arrived, the pivotal point in your relationship where you and Lo’ak were about to link queues and become one, mated for life.
With that thought in mind, you quickly shifted, momentarily lifting your back from the ground so you could seize hold of your queue.
Your hand shook with nervous excitement as you reached it out towards Lo’ak’s, your entire being ablaze with anticipation. You couldn’t help but wonder what the connection would feel like, how the essence of another living, breathing person would seep into the very depths of your soul.
As the tendrils of your queue edged closer to Lo’ak’s, they finally intertwined, sending an almost electric jolt through every fiber of your being. 
You could feel the presence of another living, breathing entity residing deep within your soul, as though you had welcomed in a part of yourself that had been missing all along. It was as if every fiber of your being was united with his in a timeless bond.
You hadn’t even realized that your eyes had fluttered closed.
When you finally opened them again and let reality return, the first thing you sought was Lo’ak’s gaze. 
And there he was, staring intensely at you, his dark pupils dilated wide in awe and wonder. His breath was shaky as it fanned across your face, a shared acknowledgment of the incredible experience that had just unfolded between you two.
The sensation was beyond anything you’d ever experienced before.
You could feel everything. Every single thing. The pounding of his heart seemed to reverberate within your very being, its rhythm unmistakable and powerful. It was as if every breath he took inhaled a part of you, and each exhale released a warmth that spread throughout your entire body, all in perfect sync.
And it wasn’t just his physical presence that became entwined with yours. His thoughts raced within your mind. The shared experiences birthed a flurry of emotions—pure love, affection, and desire—that poured into you. It was as if you could experience the entire spectrum of his emotions all at once.
The pleasure coursing through him fueled your own tenfold, creating an indescribable sensation that beckoned from deep within your soul. It was a pulsing, throbbing need centered between your legs, more powerful than anything you’d experienced even during the peak of your heat cycle.
Driven by instinct and a primal need for release, you wrapped your legs around Lo’ak’s waist, seeking any form of friction available to ease the mounting pressure. 
And though you knew damn well it wouldn’t be enough to satisfy either of you completely, even that slightest contact seemed to amplify everything happening between the two of you.
Almost as if orchestrated by fate, you both found yourselves moaning in unison at the feeling of sheer pleasure from the brief contact, a guttural sound born from the depths of pure ecstasy. The sensation was so intense and all-consuming that it almost knocked the air from your lungs.
“Shit, y/n,” Lo’ak groaned, the muscles in his jaw tightening as he tried to hold himself together. He firmly gripped your waist for support while you both struggled to catch your breath.
For a while, there was nothing but the sound of your combined labored breathing filling the air, mingling together and growing progressively louder as you continued to grind yourself against Lo’ak’s clothed front. You could feel how hard he was with each press of his length against your soaked core. 
“Get this thing off,” you mumbled, blindly searching with your hands to get a grip on his loincloth, because why was he still clothed and not splitting you in half at that very moment?
Lo’ak understood your urgency and quickly moved to get rid of the garment in question. He untied the knot from around his waist with haste, allowing his loincloth to drop unceremoniously to the floor beneath him and finally expose his throbbing length.
The sight before you was mesmerizing. His cock seemed to sway in front of your eyes, as if calling out to you. It was already so full, the tip dark and leaking a steady trickle of precum.
Without hesitation, Lo’ak gently nudged your legs further apart using his knees, leaving you completely exposed to him once again. He firmly gripped himself, unable to resist the urge to slowly buck his hips into his clenched fist. 
Your head, which had been lifted off the ground so you could fully appreciate Lo’ak in all his unclothed glory, abruptly fell back to the ground with a loud and what should’ve definitely been a painful thud. However, the sensation of pain didn’t even register in your mind.
You were entirely consumed by the incredible pleasure coursing through Lo’ak’s body, a pleasure that rippled throughout your being through the bond with such an overwhelming intensity that it elicited a broken moan from your lips.
Breathlessly, you began to speak, “Oh my...” but the words were cut off by the sudden feeling of Lo’ak’s tip brushing teasingly against your swollen nub of nerves, tracing a tantalizing path from your clit along your slickened folds, and pushing you closer to the brink of insanity.
The anticipation continued to build, stretching out the moment and making it seem like an eternity as you both danced on the precipice of pleasure—every touch, every whispered word drawing you further in while heightening the emotional connection between you two.
Lo’ak leaned down to his favorite spot: the tiny, delicate jut where your neck met your shoulder. He sucked a bruising kiss into your skin, all the while continuing the slow, borderline sadistic slide of his cockhead against your front.
With each tantalizing nudge, his grunts echoed against the soft flesh of your neck, reverberating throughout your body. 
Desperate for more, you managed to gasp breathlessly through the haze of pleasure. “Inside, Lo’ak. Please, I need you.”
At last, it seemed as though your plea had broken through to him.
Lo’ak seemed to snap back into focus from his euphoric daze, finally pulling away from your neck. Licking his lips in anticipation, he nodded in agreement. 
“Yeah. Need you too,” he rasped out.
His gaze flickered between your flushed face and the spot between your legs where he’d been teasing you mercilessly, back and forth, as if he couldn’t get enough of observing every tiny movement you made. His rapt attention seemed to hang on your every labored breath, each moan and whimper that escaped your lips.
Finally, Lo’ak cautiously started to make his way inside of you.
Your eyes clamped shut as your forehead crinkled in reaction to the familiar yet still startling stretch. 
You mentally chastised yourself for every time you’d obliviously joked about how small he probably was, how his extra finger probably only existed to compensate for what he was lacking in other areas. Your smug ignorance seemed laughable now, as it was clear that your prior words were wholly mistaken.
He was anything but small. His size was, by all accounts, definitely more than substantial. That much was evident, as reiterated by the burning stretch of your walls each time Lo’ak would initially sink into you. You probably would never get used to it.
Lo'ak could’ve been annoyingly conceited about it. He could’ve laughed at the look on your face and made you endure the full brunt of his size all at once, because that was honestly what you deserved. It would’ve been a taste of your own medicine considering the past teases you’d ignorantly thrown his way. 
But, despite it all, he didn’t.
He was always so soft, so gentle about it, handling the situation delicately and never failing to check in on your well-being—just as he was doing now.
“You okay? You have to tell me if it’s too much,” he said softly, his thumb gently brushing across the inside of your thigh. His eyes darted across your face, searching every inch for any hint of discomfort.
Despite the uncertainty in his words, you were sure that he could feel the extent of your pleasure. Through your neural connection, he definitely had to have known how much you liked it when he stretched you open.
With some effort, you peeled your eyes open, staring up at Lo’ak with a half-lidded look of languid satisfaction. Your head shook from side to side as a contented grin formed on your lips. 
“No,” came the breathy reply, “it’s so good. Love how full you make me feel.”
And with that, you pushed yourself even further onto Lo’ak's length, continuing until you felt no space left between you; his hips pressed snugly against your front. The sensation of him being completely inside of you filled your heart with joy, and a gentle nudge against your cervix confirmed that he was deeply connected to you in every way imaginable.
Lo’ak pressed his chest against yours, allowing the warmth of your bodies to merge as one. His forehead tenderly touched yours, and you both closed your eyes, fully immersed in the moment.
Time seemed to stand still as you both indulged in the bliss of being as close as possible, physically and emotionally connected like never before. It was a sensation that could never truly be captured in words.
Lo’ak moved ever so slightly from your intimate embrace, pulling out only to ease himself back into you purposefully. It was as if he were guiding you on a journey to another world, one where the two of you floated seamlessly through space and time.
He fucked you slow and sweet with tiny, measured thrusts that mirrored the tempo of your heartbeats, synchronized by the undeniable connection between you. The mutual dance of love continued with deliberate grace as Lo’ak led the way with his gentle and controlled movements. It was that intense physical expression of love that made it impossible to break from the embrace. 
Your lips languidly grazed against each other's—just mere whispers of breathy, open-mouthed kisses that tasted like love itself.
As your intimacy built to a crescendo, so did your readiness to accommodate him completely. You were so wet, and you welcomed each gentle slide of his cock with ease, your bodies effortlessly melding together as one. You lovingly opened up for him, enveloping him whole with passion and tenderness.
It wasn’t hard and fast like you sometimes inevitably went at it with each other. Those instances took place hastily, either in between grueling training sessions or hidden in quiet corners of Hometree late at night. In those fleeting moments, you were constantly on high alert and trying to keep quiet. Every breath carried a sense of urgency and anticipation, as if someone might discover your intimate secret at any second.
However, things were different now. There was no sense of urgency. There were no watchful eyes, no impending duties or responsibilities that you’d had to run off to.
It was just you and Lo’ak, connected in the deepest manner conceivable—physically and emotionally united in the most intimate way possible.
As you lay there together in that beautiful moment, Lo’ak continued to whisper tender words of appreciation that seemed to make their way up your spine like tiny sparks, sending shivers of pure bliss up your spine. It felt as if his gentle, breathy little praises had some kind of magical property, tracing the path along your neural whip and leaving sparks of sensitivity all throughout your body.
He continued to fervently whisper sweet praises—"just like that" and “so good, y/n”, and each one made you feel even more entranced by the newfound connection you shared. You were convinced that his voice alone had the power to make you surrender completely and melt into the floor beneath you.
You were at a loss, unsure of what to do with your hands. They stretched aimlessly above your head, with your fingers absentmindedly plucking and tearing blades of grass from the ground beneath you. 
You finally reached out toward Lo’ak, hooking your arms beneath his and clutching at his back as if attempting to anchor yourself into some semblance of reality. His movements seemed to cut through you, each thrust driving a wedge deep within your core that further solidified the bond shared between the two of you.
“I love you so much,” Lo’ak murmured into your mouth, his grip on your waist growing stronger to emphasize the undeniable sincerity behind his words. He continued, almost manic in his declaration, “Fuck, I love you. You have no idea.”
His voice was low and throaty, and you could only respond with a moan of unconditional agreement. It felt as though once he had uttered those three powerful words, it was no longer enough for him to simply think or feel the intensity of his love for you—he had to say it aloud, over and over again.
It wasn’t as if the two of you had been deliberately or even knowingly avoiding saying those words until now.
You obviously loved each other and were obviously in love with each other for as long as you could remember. However, your journey began as best friends and remained that way for such a long time that you didn’t really know how to approach the affectionate verbal confession until now. It was as if uttering those special words might somehow disturb the delicate balance between friendship and romantic love that the two of you had maintained almost effortlessly for so long.
Sure, physical affection was something you’d grown comfortable with. The intimacy of sex with Lo’ak was electric, and it left you both breathless. Nonetheless, the foundation of friendship you had built over the years remained strong and unwavering. 
The very fact that you were not only lovers but also best friends added an intricate layer of complexity to your still-new relationship. It was exciting yet puzzling at the same time, figuring out how to balance your undeniable love for one another with the familiarity that came with years of close-knit friendship.
At times, you both found yourselves grappling with the delicate balance between foolhardy banter and serious talk about your relationship.
You’d often resort to flustered, stuttering wrecks whenever anyone around you would steer your conversation toward topics like mating or raising children together. It was clear that both of you deeply desired those things, but figuring out how to effectively communicate your feelings and intentions was still a work in progress.
And in all those months since you'd been courting, you just hadn’t yet learned how to express your affection for one another in its purest, verbal form.
Sure, Lo’ak would often share the things that he loved about you: “I love your eyes...”; “I love how much you care about everyone around you, even though you pretend like you don’t...”; “I love the way you look on top of me...”—yet despite all the passionate declarations, the simple utterance of those three potent words remained an unspoken truth between the two of you.
It was just another one of those things that the two of you danced around until one of you was bold enough to face it head-on. And it definitely hadn’t been the first time, as you recalled how you’d skirted around your feelings for each other for years before finally admitting them to each other only a few months ago.
That was precisely why the phrase “I love you” carried such monumental weight each time it escaped from Lo’ak’s lips right in front of you.
Those three little words felt like a sacred hymn that touched your very soul. You savored every syllable, allowing his tender words to envelop you, allowing his warm breath to caress your lips—just a hair’s breadth apart from his.
You could practically feel the warmth of his love emanating from every touch, each caress sending shivers down your spine. Simultaneously, the heat in your core intensified, amplified by a heady concoction of love and lust. You became increasingly aware that you weren’t going to be able to last much longer. It was all so intense.
Yet even amidst the whirlwind of raw emotion and overwhelming passion, you found yourself wishing that the breathtaking moment could stretch on into infinity. The connection shared between you and Lo’ak was so powerful and awe-inspiring that the thought of it ending seemed unfathomable.
“Fuckfuckfuck Lo'ak, I’m gonna—” You barely choked out the warning, your words probably indecipherable as your entire world seemed to blur and your vision whited out around the edges. Your body went rigid, your walls clenching around Lo’ak so tight in a series of spasms that left him stuttering his thrusts to a halt.
He threw his head back in a deep moan and held onto every last bit of control he had left, trying his best not to spill inside of you in that overwhelming moment. Despite the literal death grip you had on him, he managed to hold on for just a bit longer.
Through it all, Lo'ak covered your face in soft, tender kisses as a wave of pleasure washed over you. Your body felt light and blissfully exhausted under Lo’ak’s tender and unrelenting affection. You felt utterly spent under his unwavering care.
As your high finally started to subside, all that remained was a lingering, trembling sensation running through your body. 
Lying there with Lo’ak still fully enveloped around and within you, all you could do was weakly reach up and run a shaky hand through his braids, holding him close to you until you slowly came back to your senses.
In the aftermath of your intense orgasm, you could unmistakably sense the desire emanating from every fiber of Lo’ak’s being through your bond. He was holding himself back, trying to stabilize his frantic heartbeat.
Both of you had mutually (and flusteredly) agreed that you weren’t ready for children anytime soon, both still young and wanting to take your time with one another. You wanted to cherish every moment with Lo'ak in the honeymoon-like phase of your relationship for a few more precious years before even entertaining the thought of building a rambunctious herd of little kids.
With that mutual agreement in mind, you gingerly unfurled your legs from Lo’ak’s waist, keenly observing his every move as he painstakingly pulled out of your tight wetness.
With a final obscene popping sound, he finally withdrew completely, firmly gripping the base of his slickened shaft. His eyes squeezed shut, his head hung low, and his breath escaped in shallow puffs of air.
You propped yourself up on one elbow, reaching out with your free arm to swat Lo’ak’s hand away and get him off yourself. As your fingers curled around his length, a look of determination crossed your face.
Lo’ak leaned into the sensation of your tight grip, letting out a deep moan as he instinctively thrust into your fist to meet each of your pumps. 
You relished in the way Lo’ak went pliant under your fingers—his arms hanging limp at his sides and his head thrown back in overwhelming pleasure from just your slightest touch.
You sat up fully, instinctively steadying yourself with a firm grip on Lo’ak’s hip. You delicately brought your mouth to him, licking a wet line all along the length of his shaft, leisurely starting from the base and gliding up to the tip. 
The sudden sensation caught Lo’ak completely off guard, his eyes snapping open in surprise to just barely catch the sight of you taking the swollen head of his cock between your lips.
As you did so, your other hand moved in perfect synchrony, gripping and pumping at the base of his shaft. Your head skillfully bobbed up and down in a leisurely dance of pleasure as you took him deeper into your mouth.
The entire ordeal created a messy symphony of sound: a concoction of your own slick arousal, saliva, and his leaking precum forming an unmistakable wetness. But much to your delight, you loved every moment of the sensory overload—almost as much as you loved watching Lo’ak slowly fall apart above you.
Taking your time (as well as revenge for how cruelly slow Lo'ak had teased you earlier), you gently slid your mouth off his head with a wet, satisfying pop. As your hand continued to lazily fist his shaft, your eyes were completely captivated by his reactions, as if you were privy to a secret performance just for you.
He looked the same way he always did when you sucked him off—all disheveled, his cheeks flushed with passion and a series of low moans escaping his throat—and you loved it so much.
But even more so, you loved the intimate connection that allowed you to feel every emotion coursing through him: the boundless love, the fiery desire coursing through his veins, and the growing anticipation toward his climax. It was an exhilarating experience. It made you want to be the one to make him lose himself completely, just as he had done for you moments ago.
With purposeful intent, you guided Lo’ak back into your eager mouth, sending subtle vibrations coursing through his body by gently humming around his length and eliciting yet another groan from him. 
Carefully meeting each of his responses with enthusiasm and skill, you took him deeper and deeper into your mouth. Your movements became bolder, taking nearly all of him until he grazed the back of your throat before gradually sliding back up once more.
You repeated that motion once, then twice, before you heard Lo’ak calling out your name, desperately warning you that he was about to come.
You couldn’t help but smile when you felt Lo’ak twitch in your mouth. It was a familiar sign that he was about to spill every last drop of himself down your throat.
Lo’ak’s fingers gently found their way through your hair as he released a deep, guttural groan. He watched you through half-closed eyes as he came in sharp bursts into your eagerly awaiting mouth. 
Your enthusiasm was unrestrained as you swallowed around him, hungrily capturing every last drop of him. You practically sucked Lo’ak raw, leaving him gasping and whimpering from the overstimulation.
Eventually, you decided to show him some mercy as you slowly trailed your lips upward along his overly-sensitive shaft. Gently, you placed a tiny kiss on his tip, grinning like a madwoman at how Lo’ak’s eyes squeezed tightly shut, his abdominal muscles tensing in response to the sensitivity of your touch. 
With his eyes still shut, Lo’ak shook his head in disbelief, marveling at the power of your loving touch. 
It was so much more than just physical contact.
Tsaheylu made everything feel a million times more powerful, more intense. You couldn't help but feel a little light-headed from the sheer perfection of it all, almost as if you were floating.
Without any hesitation, you grabbed hold of Lo'ak's arm and pulled him down to the ground until both of you lay side-by-side, face-to-face, basking in the blissful afterglow of your shared intimacy.
You hooked a leg over Lo'ak's side, drawing him even closer to your body. He responded with his own lingering touch, his hand confidently yet gently cradling your thigh as if it were second nature. It was a simple act of intimacy that somehow felt like so much more.
As you lay there in that tender embrace, your heartbeats synced as if they were dancing to the same rhythm. Soft smiles spread across your faces, and everything around you seemed to blur out of focus. It was just the two of you at that moment, wrapped up in the delicate threads of the bond that interwove between each of your shared glances.
Though your communications were mostly unspoken in that moment, it didn't matter. The way your eyes locked together and the raw emotion displayed on your faces told an entire story on their own—one of love, trust, and vulnerability. It was a conversation without words that could be understood by anyone who had ever experienced connection as powerful as Tsaheylu.
Your chest tightened at the undeniable joy that illuminated Lo'ak's face. His eyes sparkled with pure elation, and you were sure your face mirrored the exact same expression.
You were one—mated for life—and you couldn’t be happier.
The concept of time seemed to vanish into thin air as you remained entwined, reveling in the unmatched closeness. The intimate connection enveloped you like a warm blanket.
Lo'ak's voice came as a welcome interruption to the tranquility of the moment.
"Can I say it again?” 
Completely spent and practically half-asleep nestled within Lo'ak's arms, you could only muster a faint 'hmm?' in response to his question. You closed your eyes and burrowed yourself further into his embrace. He was so warm.
You felt the soft vibrations of Lo'ak's laughter within your body, resonating deep within your chest. He was well aware of how you would always go all quiet and soft after sex. He also knew that you would drift off to sleep right there in the middle of the forest, completely bare, if he let you. He wasn’t going to let you.
"That I love you," he murmured, reaching out to tuck your hair back in place behind your ear. His fingers continued their journey to the nape of your neck, where they lovingly grazed the wispy hairs there. His touch was unimaginably delicate and tender; it was almost unbearable.
"Are you planning to ask for my permission every single time you want to say it?" You asked sleepily, the corners of your mouth lifting into a smile at the thought. You knew deep down that he would actually do it, and his response only solidified your conviction.
"If you want me to," he replied genuinely, his voice almost a whisper.
You opened your eyes, only to roll them at the earnest expression painted across his face, despite the way his words made your heart flutter. He was so endearing, so fucking adorable, you wanted to tease him for it. To be honest, you couldn't pinpoint when the shift happened—the moment he evolved from your foolhardy best friend into the still foolhardy, but also tender-hearted and affectionate man laid out before you.
"You don't have to," you began softly, stretching out your arm to take hold of Lo'ak's hand.
Slowly, you guided his hand towards yourself, pressing his open palm directly over your chest. Right over the rhythmic beat of your heart.
"I can feel it. In here," you whispered to him, making sure to emphasize the sincerity of your words by giving his hand a gentle yet meaningful squeeze. For a few seconds, the two of you remained like that. Silent, the only sound being that of your racing heartbeats.
Love—the breathtakingly powerful emotion—washed over you like a tidal wave as you lay there, your heart racing in your chest. Your heart beat with a fervor that mirrored the intensity of your mutual affection. It was both exhilarating and terrifying. The love was a beautifully combined force; it belonged to both you and Lo'ak equally. 
The love vibrated deep within you. It surrounded you with its warmth and energy. It felt as if every fiber of your being was completely saturated with the incredible emotion, connecting the two of you with an undeniable bond. You were so deeply in love, and you knew Lo'ak could feel it just as strongly through every frantic beat of your heart.
As your hand gradually loosened its grip on Lo'ak's, his own fingers remained unwaveringly pressed against your chest, right above your heart. He seemed entranced, as though attempting to imprint every pulsating beat and the faintest echo of your heart beneath his palm into his memory. Time seemed to slow, as if granting him the chance to capture every minute detail.
He devoured every intricate aspect, each subtle expression that adorned you. And as Lo'ak gazed upon you with the warmest, most affectionate eyes, a tender smile of pure adoration spread softly across his lips. His entire demeanor conveyed a simple yet profound message—one that spoke of love and devotion beyond anything imaginable.
“You know I’m still gonna say it,” Lo’ak declared with a wide, boyish grin. “Every single day, for the rest of my life.” 
The warmth that filled the air between you intensified as his grip on your waist tightened, drawing you closer to him as if trying to physically absorb the moment. His lips brushed against your temple in a slow, lingering kiss that seemed to carry the weight of his vow.
He meant what he said, and you knew that without a doubt. 
You reveled in the feeling of his breath on your skin and the steady heartbeat that echoed against your chest. The simple pleasure was enough to make you giddy with happiness about the prospect of your future together.
As if reading your thoughts, Lo’ak squeezed you gently and whispered those cherished words into your ear over and over again, like a promise. 
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Taglist <3:
@vanillawhale, @strawberryclouds22, @countryandsweetbabygirl, @kurogxrix, @yunonaneko, @ahsatan785, @lauratstrange, @lwesodra, @kaealowri, @starboyloak, @thefirst-ofus
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Previously: Chapter I, Chapter II, Chapter III, Chapter IV, Chapter V, Chapter VI
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chaos-named · 8 months
Life Returns
With many of your allies injured in the last mission, the infirmary is completely full. Those who managed to escape without much injury, or those who remained at the monastery this past month can try to alleviate some of the nurses’ work by tending to their friends and loved ones. Or maybe, when no one is watching, you take your chance to rub salt in an old enemy’s wounds.
Was it luck or fate that she’d arrived at this academy at such a turbulent time? An entire cohort of students, professors and knights, returning after a year away. In a flash, the infirmary was packed, and in need of volunteers. Yune could never avoid chaos. 
Her work mostly consisted of running errands, collecting supplies when they were needed. The nurses always thanked her for doing such a good job. Even if they were only doing it out of belief she was merely a child, praise was… nice. 
Today she was helping those with less severe injuries. Though in this case, ‘less severe’ only meant those that hadn’t reported their own deaths (this was a strange place).
Was it luck or fate that she’d arrived at the infirmary the same time he had? She hadn’t seen him since her other half’s defeat. But he had fought on her side, as he had done all those years ago… and she hadn’t had the chance to thank him. 
“I’m glad to see you again.” She spoke softly. There were so many things she wanted to say to him, but now was not the time. Not with so many people present. “You returned from the mission in one piece, I see.” Her (their) blessing had protected him in the Tower of Guidance, but she did not know if the weapons of this world were capable of killing him. She hoped she would never find out. 
“I hope you have not suffered too much.” She continued. “I have only heard whispers of what you went through, I will do what I can to ease your pains.” 
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winterpinetrees · 4 months
Into the Honest Desert (The Gap Years Part 18)
June 30th 2019
Las Vegas, NV
The road trip resumes. How does one write distinctive dialogue? How does one write (risky, involving an elf) romance? I can do neither and I must do both. 
Brian has realized that this is the island of the lotus eaters, and he really hopes that doesn’t make him Odysseus. He and his friends have spent the past nine days on the Las Vegas Strip, a few manicured miles of electric lighting that promises safety with its high population density. They left once, rediscovered the mythical horror of plague, and then turned right back around. They need vaccines, they need allies, and they need a goddamn plan. Would Brian rather risk death than stay here and wait in luxury for the end of the world? Once he rode his bike off of a woodland trail and tumbled halfway down a mountain before stumbling back out with a mad grin. He’s been hurt in fights more times than he can count, and only learned to stop once he was on a school wrestling team and seeing blood meant pausing the match. Once he swung a crowbar at an enemy soldier so hard that its ribcage shattered and it bled out into the pavement. He’s more of an Achilles than an Odysseus. He’s not desperate to make it home. 
They’re in different rooms now than when they first arrived, for the sake of secrecy. The humans have a suite of their own again, but most nights one of those beds is empty. Brian is political-dynasty-rich and a varsity star. He knows that everyone up to and including the media think he’s some manipulative jerk for sleeping around. Zerada… Zerada is a very different sort of situation. The noblewoman might as well be Circe, minus the ability to turn ancient Greek sailors into wild animals. She’s ninety-four and basically a princess and if this is a horrible choice, then he is the one that’s going to pay. Honestly though, Brian’s already on a deadly quest to save the world. In the shadow of such a stupid, self-sacrificing decision, he’s not going to bother with second thoughts. If he gets turned into a pig, then Clay and Sierra can laugh at him once he’s back to normal. He’s having a good time. He’s not an idiot. He promises. 
They’re all ready to leave this place.  Clay’s been distraught since they saw the victims of Project Excalibur, and Sierra can’t stand the noise. The three of them have been working to see where other elves might be. If they like to hide in ruins and forgotten villages, then the American West is full of possible locations. There’s so few people out here. That’s the problem though. Marin and Zerada have been very clear that their enemies know exactly where they’ve been staying, they just won’t risk an attack because there are so many people nearby. They will be hunted the moment they step out into the desert. Brian remembers the attack in Vya, that little Nevada ghost town. Clay mentioned the place to a local in another town just before he was charmed, and he assumes that the boy told on him. Of course, they also need to gather allies while maintaining utter secrecy. 
Their only advantage is speed. Sierra’s car (The Audacity, for the years it took to make) is electric and the elves can charge it while they move. It can seat five, but it certainly won’t be as comfortable. She’s confident that it can handle going a hundred miles per hour, and that she can make repairs if it comes down to it. With illusion magic and relatively desolate highways, Brian’s told everyone to expect that pace. What that actually means is that they could get to Salt Lake City or Tucson by tonight, or easily reach the Atlantic Ocean by the Fourth of July. If they make up their plans as they go, the elves think they can outrun Ishtar’s forces. They’ll have to change roads often, travel constantly, and be ready for an ambush, but it’s possible. All of that sounds less stressful than finals week, so Brian’s down for it. 
They’re leaving today, even though Zerada has booked the rooms for another night. Hopefully they’ll be lost in the shuffle of tourism and the elven government won’t notice they’ve left. Even as they leave the city, disappearing into the crowd remains their only hope. The United States of America has a population of nearly three hundred and thirty million. That’s a third as large as the entire elven world. Without data sorting algorithms (advanced technology breaks down around magic. He’s heard Sierra talking with Marin about the details), tech like license plate readers and facial recognition becomes far less useful. They’d still totally have been caught by now without Marin’s illusions, and they still have to take precautions. 
The team has split up to do some tasks of their own. (jokes about not splitting up in a horror film have been shockingly rare).  Sierra and Marin are trying to check the car for tracking devices, though the pair might have gotten distracted. Clay’s taken on the job of organizing Marin’s messenger bag so they can actually find things in the heat of the moment, and Brian’s back in the room leaving a paper trail. On some level, he and his friends got into the colleges they did because of their fathers, but they are also very good at what they do. While Marin and Zerada ran off to wherever, the three of them scanned the entire Mountain Time Zone for places where elves might hide. There’s an old rocket testing facility in Utah surrounded by industrial waste, an abandoned site once used for creating chemical weapons, and, of course, thousands of square miles of not-quite untouched wilderness. He’s packing up most of their research, but leaving a little behind. Surely the elves will search their room soon. 
The plan is to stay in the desert for a while longer.  However, most of what he’s leaving behind points north to Idaho and Montana. He’s no spy (he’s just read a few books about them) so his work isn’t anything particularly good. He imagines a bunch of paper-pushing bureaucrats in a place that looks straight out of Middle Earth getting fed up with the misinformation, but they probably won’t fall for it. Either way, they’re heading for the hottest region in the nation, and he’s worried how well Marin can handle it. He’s agile, but weak. No, not weak. The elven prince is fragile. Brian remembers his carnival duel against him and how Marin never lost a game about accuracy or balance. He’s certainly an athlete, just not the same type as Brian. 
There is a quick beep from the door. He bolts upright, hand moving to the holster on his belt. The door swings open. A tall woman smiles back at him. Zerada Adust. Brian slowly moves his hand away from the gun and smiles. Her hair is loose and she wears a stylish cut-out shirt that is probably as red as his blushing face.
“Don’t go and do Ishtar’s job for her,” she laughs. “Are you almost done? It’s about high noon”. 
“Yeah, I was just checking to make sure we hadn’t left anything important behind”. He feels this need to justify himself to Zerada, but why shouldn’t he? She has the easy confidence of a person who knows she is the most important person on a team. It’s been a long time since Brian was the star. 
“Sorry to drag you away on this quest. There isn’t much where we’re going”.
“You have no idea how human you sound. I’m from a desert family, and they love this stuff”. She leans against a wall and says something with what he guesses is a fancy elven accent, “our burden as nobility to preserve the worlds”. 
“But you wanted more”. It’s not a question. He’s already heard about Zerada’s love for all things new and thrilling. It’s a desire he recognizes, and what drew him to her in the first place. 
“I do”. 
“So the desert is it?”
“So the desert it is”.  
He gathers the few items that aren’t already with Clay and brushes imaginary dust off of his shorts. Brian has no delusions that Zerada is a kind woman. He is a passing interest to her, a boy clever and attractive enough to have earned some of her time on this deadly mission. He tells himself she would sacrifice him in an instant to save herself. It’s almost refreshing.  He throws an arm around Zerada and gives her a kiss. There’s no debts or legacies, just two people in the same space with no reason to do anything else. Unlike Clay, he is not a person with a need to plan. Worrying about something bad just hurts you twice, right? 
He finds the other three members of the party gathered around the car on the top level of an underground parking garage. The ceiling lights are dim and warm, but the car itself has Back To The Future style rear doors and cool fluorescent accents. It’s a prototype from her father’s company. It had too many flaws to go to production, but she and her mom tried to fix one themselves. The Audacity, as the Brackens call it, looks like a spaceship. It matches the Vegas Strip, but not the infrastructure underneath it, and it will be all too recognizable out in the desert.  Sierra unplugs the charging cord and tosses Brian the keys. (Luckily, the curse has mostly affected her left arm). The car can more or less drive itself but always obeys the speed limit. 
They take their seats and the doors swing down into place. Brian is the driver, his sleek black sunglasses resting on the dashboard until they get to the surface. Zerada has been offered the passenger seat again, mostly because no one dares to take it from her. Clay and Marin sit by each back window, and Sierra is in the middle. He puts the car into drive. Clay fiddles with a paper map and passes it forward. Their first stop is a state park less than an hour away, just for fun. 
The car radio crackles to life as they leave the garage and reach the surface.
“New stop or new state means new music!” Brian says triumphantly, as he’s the next one in their rotation. The radio is still set to Sierra’s 80s rock.  He prefers modern pop, specifically the more hip-hop side of things. He’s not really musical though. The Vegas Strip is a road lined by hotels on either side. All of that flair has been replaced by square buildings and dust by the time that they pull onto the Las Vegas Freeway. Nothing ahead of them rises higher than three stories above the dry ground. He can see mountains ahead, and the skyscrapers of The Strip are clear in his rearview mirror. 
They drive. He expects that the scruffy bushes and bare stone hills will be very familiar after the next few days. The whole situation is strange with Zerada in the car. She upsets the balance. Before, it had been the three of them and Marin the outsider, but he was nervous and willing to adapt. Zerada is calm and stunning and when she takes his hand while he leaves the car on autopilot he can almost feel Clay and Sierra sharing a look from the back. In an attempt to avoid talk shows, (it's fun to listen for celebrities they've met, but one host mentioned Sierra and ruined her entire day) they hear three Billie Eilish songs in ten minutes. Sierra puts her headphones on and Marin starts to argue that he has CDs in his bag. Brian shoots back that they’re all jazz and blues recordings from 1970 at the latest. Marin corrects him on the genres but not the time period. Two stops or states from now, it will be his turn to choose the music. 
After thirty minutes or so, a crag of rock rises from the tan desert. It is such a vibrant red that it looks almost like someone changed the saturation and hue of a photo. It looms beside them like a breaking wave and Brian doesn’t need his directions to tell him that they have almost reached their first stop. It’s the hottest part of the afternoon as they pull their car beside a standing rock in Valley of Fire State Park. They can’t stay for long. They need to be far away by the time they set up camp, and the heat feels like stepping into an oven. Still, he wants to hike and bike or climb the smooth sandstone. Dry heat isn’t like wet heat. He never realizes just how high the temperature has climbed until he stops for a rest and realizes that his mouth feels like he’s been eating the sand. He drinks from a water bottle and looks up. 
A metal staircase clings to the side of the rock. There are some other tourists nearby, or standing at the top. The metal railings are too hot to hold as the five of them climb the steps to a platform overlooking a slanted rock wall. He’s no geologist, but the rock is covered with a black tarnish, and that tarnish has been scraped away to show symbols. There are humanoid drawings, animals with horns, and geometric shapes. A sign calls them petroglyphs, rock carvings, and explains that they are about two thousand years old. Thirty human lifetimes, or just four elven ones. Marin and Zerada can trace their families back at least twice that far into the past. He stares at the carvings, and then back at the tourists, and down to the shining car. He’d been hoping to double back to the Grand Canyon at some point, but suddenly Brian has no desire to feel small. He rests his head on Zerada’s shoulder on the way back down. This, at least, is important. 
I drove from Vegas to Valley of Fire a couple of years ago. The rocks really do look edited in person. Like this!
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Also, to make it clear, Brian is an idiot. He is eighteen and he knows full well that Zerada specializes in charms, mental manipulation, and power. This will not end well. 
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frontlawnfood · 1 year
"Straight Pride"?!? HAHAHAHA, no.
You don't get straight pride because you don't need straight pride.
When you whine about "straight pride", you make common cause with bigots who openly declare that nearly 2.5 billion people in the world should not be allowed to exist. almost 45.5 milllion in the US alone. (Hi, that's more than the populations of NYC, Los Angeles, and Chicago combined.)
So until
- state governors & legislators pass laws that make it a crime for you, a straight person, to use the public toilet that matches your gender identity
- they pass laws that define existing as a straight person in front of your own children, or *allowing* them be straight, as child abuse
- you can be fired/not hired, evicted, barred from the military, banned from restaurants/businesses, or denied medical solely because an individual with power over you believes that straight people should not be allowed to exist
- the highest court in the land openly declares its intention to dissolve straight marriage rights
- existing as a straight person in the presence of a child is defined as a GODDAMN SEX CRIME
Until every one of those things plus an endless list more is true of you like it is true of us, you. do. not. get. to. have. straight. pride.
PRIDE is not pride in merely *being* queer, but in surviving as a queer person in a world that is actively trying to kill us, or at least criminalize us back into silence and fear, and we. will. not. go. We fight a daily war for survival and just being here is an accomplishment. PRIDE is celebrating that we've made it to today when so many of our kin have fallen.
PRIDE says here I am. Out in the open, broad daylight, your monster, your demon, your nightmare. I will no longer internalize your fear and hatred. I hold no weapon, I offer you no threat, I only want to live as freely as you do. But I will not lay down quietly and die. I will not go back into the dark unresisting. If you succeed in killing me, it will only be after I have screamed my right to exist to the heavens and clawed the evidence of my murder into your soul.
So do your worst, and die mad about it. ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ I am team rainbow capitalism because it means the bigots have been weighed, measured, and found to represent an insufficient market share. HOWEVER, it's better to directly support actual queer folx if you can. To that end, if you are a queer creator in my circle, please drop your pages, shops, subscriptions, channels, reparations & community aid spots, etc in the comments. Allies, drop your favorite queer creator links. Black & brown trans creators to the front! ************************************************************************ https://www.depop.com/risycat/ - Black Nonbinary Disabled Owned shop with *seriously* cute Pride beadwork and real four-leaf clovers mounted in picture frames & keychains. ************************************************************************ Black Moon Wolfdog Sanctuary - Queer, Black, Indigenous, Non-binary, Disabled Owned sanctuary for wolfdogs in need of quality care and sanctuary from colonial persecution/death. Owner is approved for urgent life-saving surgery to correct their hyperparathyroidism, but all funds must be secured in full 2 weeks prior to surgery. Surgery Costs Patreon - tiers start at $1/month & yearly discounts are available Revolutionary Mystic Shop - ritual tools including hand-poured candles, oils, and bath salts, as well as online classes & tarot readings. ************************************************************************ Purrfectly Fluid - Intersex Nonbinary Gay Disabled-Owned, fandom art & creations, fundraising to open an intersectional cafe in Brooklyn! Startup Costs ************************************************************************ Elise Primrose Black Genderqueer Disabled-Owned, original mixed-media art and digital prints. - Kofi Shopfront The T4T Project - "the t4t Project is a zine by, for, and about trans artists and storytellers of color. It is part offering, part love-letter to our kindred." ************************************************************************
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ryuuramaru · 2 years
The Boy Who Flew Too Close to the Ground
          Plains of dried dirt; farmers beating senselessly into it, full of hope that something may grow.
          But nothing ever does… for nothing changes just out of hope.
          Houses made of straws and certain animal excrement, standing tall and proud like a flag in wind, that is, not at all (a flag does anything but stand). They flutter and creak and some even collapse each day.
         The old village… it’s not like they don’t have allies in this cruel world, they do. Their neighbors, a bustling city atop a hill of fertile lands and plenty of natural water, have offered their help countless times. “What if we give you food?”
         “We don’t accept charity,” the poor villagers said.
         “What if we give you water? To grow your own food? The gods know we have enough of it.”
         “We don’t need your help.”
         “What if we trade, then? We will give you water for 100 grams of salt each month. The gods know you have enough of it.”
         The poor villagers grabbed their pitchforks. “We don’t need you stealing the little that we have! Go home!”
         And so it is, every time with everything.
         The disadvantaged would rather stay disadvantaged than accept help and then blame the advantaged for not helping.
         Of course, why should they help? They’ve been denied so many times, they gave up. The old elevators that were there to allow the poor villagers to travel up the hill and to this beautiful city, start a new life there or just visit or perhaps steal some water from the fountains, have all but vanished into the sands of the drought.
         So now, neither the hungry have food, nor do the eaten have salt to go with it.
         And that’s where this story takes place… the story of the boy who flew too close to the ground:
         “Icarus!” his mother screams. A ray of sunshine, or rather, a cloud of rain upon this village. Everyone but her son adores her and on the fifth day of each week, they all gather round a small campfire of burning trash to listen to her mouth make certain sounds into something that maybe sounds like a song? “Did you steal wax from Candler again?” she asks with a descending tone. “You know you’re not supposed to be making wings.”
         Little boy Icarus’s one joy in life: he’s not supposed to do that.
         “What am I supposed to do, then?”
         “Help your father with farming.”
         “What for?”
         Her maiden figure degrades into the face of a hellish beast. Words cannot even come to her. How could someone, her own son at that, dare to ask such a forbidden question?
         At last, she decides on the answer. “Because I said so.”
         A rather protective one. She could have very easily said: “because that’s just what you have to do.” Ooh! The sheer fear the thought instills me! Little Icarus was about to learn about his duty! The price he pays to someone for something, but no one knows what! The thing he has to do, but no one knows why!
        But, his mother is still his mother and as such she protects him today. He only has to pay the price of being born to his mother. He only has to do something because she told him. Icarus questions no further: a sense of self-defense. He could have asked why his mother wants him to do that, but I suppose no one wants to hurt themselves that badly.
        Later, during the night of that uh… beautiful day, the three of them are sitting at the table, eating what I hope is food, because it sure as hell don’t look like it.
        His mother, his father and lastly his self, Icarus.
        The mother speaks: “Icarus was building wings again.”
        The father rests his wooden spoon with dark markings of mold on the table. His breathing accelerates. He clenches his right fist. “Icarus. When will you understand that you’re not supposed to do that?”
        “When will you understand that I don’t care what I’m supposed to do?”
        Sheesh! Icarus is in it to win it now!
        His father slams the table. Not too hard though… we wouldn’t want the whole house, or village for that matter, to come apart.
        Similar to his wife, he can’t even come up with the words.
        “I have fun building wings! Why shouldn’t I do it?”
        “Fun?!” his father thinks. “Why the hell do I care what is fun to you?!” He calms down and opens his mouth to speak. “That does not matter. You’re not supposed to do it. It’s as simple as that. You only do what you have to do and nothing else. Why can’t you understand that?”
        “Gods…” Icarus whispers to himself, mostly. He gets up and leaves the room- I mean house. The house has one room. Not much of a house, is it?
        In the back “yard” he grabs his wax and wings. He then just leaves for the forest.
        The streets are empty. People are not supposed to be on the streets at night. Even so, you can hear the bustling city singing and dancing and drinking all the way down here in the depths of despair.
        Icarus walks along and eventually reaches the dead forest. It isn’t no magical, cursed forest, as its name might imply, it’s just very dry. He lays down on the little moss that there is, next to a standing cadaver of a tree and falls asleep.
        The night bleeds into a beautiful sunrise. Icarus wakes up and after stretching out a plenty amount, questioning the meaning of life and being annoyed by the sun in his face, he starts working on his wings.
        Come nightfall, he picks out a few berries to eat, the most he can find here and goes back to sleep.
        The next morning, he works on his wings again.
        His parents don’t come for him. You see, their status in this “society” is much more important than their son. And their son was a disgrace. He chose to be a disgrace by his own. He is the one who disgraced himself. He is the one who made everyone else hate him.
        But little Icarus doesn’t care, he just works on his wings. It’s not that wing making is such a passion to him, but he has a dream. His dream is to go into the big city and drink whatever they are drinking that is making them so happy. And then, he wants to bring some down here, so that everyone can be happy. So that his parents may finally be happy.
        A rumble of leaves and footsteps scare the soul out of the boy. Has a beast finally appeared? Is this when the hero of the story must slay the Minotaur and bathe in their blood to become the devil king-
        “Icarus,” an aged man speaks.
        No, it isn’t. It’s just the old man Icarus procures wax from.
        “Candler!” the boy’s soul re-enters his body.
        “Quiet! The whole village is going to hear us. I don’t want anybody to know that I am here.”
        “Because then they’ll hate you?”
        “Yes. I brought you some food, water and more wax.”
        “Thank you!” he shouts in a silent whisper.
        “How are the wings coming?”
        “I tested them today, they really can make me fly!”
        “Did you doubt my wax, boy?”
        “Uh… no, sir! The problem I have now is that they’re coming apart with just a few flaps. I think that if I put more wax on them, then I will have more time.”
        Candler smiles. “I have to go now, be sure to get some rest as well.”
        “Yes, sir.”
        More days pass by. The city is still bustling with energy. The village is still dying from its own fault.
        Icarus is finally ready to fly. Numerous days of building and testing and rebuilding and training and then more building have gone into this.
        But he is ready.
        He has about a minute of fly-time before he runs out of wing. He figures that he should swerve around the village a few times, show everyone that he succeeded. Maybe convince them to build their own wings.
        He runs. He jumps. He flaps his wings and… he flies! As beautiful as a hungry bird that just gave birth and then crashed into a tree, then into the ground and then got run over. But he flies and that’s all that matters!
        He’s above the village. The people see him. They cheer for him!
        Wait. No. They’re not cheering.
        “Get down from there!”
        “Icarus is back at it again, the fool!”
        “Why can he fly?! Why should he be better than us?!”
        “Why?” he asks. “Why do you still hate me? I made it! After you said it was impossible!”
        Oh, silly Icarus. Did you really think that proving them wrong was going to make them like you? That’s not how this kind of people work. They knew you could fly. That’s the exact reason why they didn’t want you building wings.
         “Whatever. I will just go to the city.”
         He flies away. The village folk run after him. They grab lumps of dirt and throw them at the boy. The racket attracts the attention of people from the city.
         His people are aiming for his downfall. The city’s people are cheering him on, extending their hands to him.
         And the boy must fly up now. If he does, then he will reach the city. But he hesitates. A bit of fear. What if the sun somehow, magically melts his wings?
        And a piece of dirt hits his right wing. And then some more. He falls to ground.
         “You do not belong up there, Icarus. We’ve been trying to tell you since forever!”
        But they somehow never did tell him that. Trying counts, right? (Hint: no)
        So, the boy failed. This is the story of Icarus, the boy who tried to fly with wings of wax. As for why he failed…
          To the village folk, the answer is obvious:
“You tried to fly too close to the sun! That place is not where you belong!”
          To the city folk, the answer is obvious:
“He flew too close to the ground. That place won’t let him leave that easily.”
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sekhisadventures · 1 month
The Will of the Loa
Westfall, Early Morning
The group huddled around a campfire that Jaie had gotten going, the mist coming off the ocean causing a chill.
The five remaining members of Avalon were all there. Dareley Steelhammer was polishing his shield, murmuring a prayer to the Light as he sat near the flames, as Shalandrae curled up next to the bonfire in the form of a dreamsaber.
Next to her was Aziguni’s panthera, Eocundo, and Aziguni herself. The draenei gazed out at the ocean as her other animal companion, the talbuk Muaaqi grazed on the scrub where the sand met the hill leading into Westfall proper.
Jaie adjusted the skewers she had over the flames, several moderately sized fish roasting whole over the fire to make their breakfast.
She and Zhan-min had helped bring a cart to the coast loaded with provisions purchased along the way. Salted meats, potatoes and other root vegetables, juice squeezed from various fruits. Nutritious things that would last on a sea voyage that could be expected to take days if not weeks. They would supplement this food along the way via Jaie’s skill as an angler and any islands with enough game that they could find.
Zhan-min had also filled the remaining space in the cart with as much of his various ales, beers, and such as he could manage. Grimo had been very specific about that: bring all the booze. ALL of it! Though Dareley had confirmed that he’d heard from an old friend of his who’d served in the Alliance Navy during the Second War that alcohol was good for voyages as it kept whatever it was mixed into safe to drink… if intoxicating.
In this case, however, the real reason was because Galdia would be on board.
Jaie looked up at the open sea, hoping to see the ship that Nitika had described steaming towards them… but sea travel was inexact. They knew they’d likely arrive today, barring any troubles, but when was a good question. All they could do was say ‘be here and be ready today.’
Well, they were as ready as they were going to get. The supplies were gathered, the affairs in Stormwind settled, and they’d even managed to arrange matters to ensure they didn’t come home to a dust-covered house full of spoiled food this time.
Upon hearing what would be needed Jaie had gotten her gemstone out and contacted someone who could tend to Avalon House in their absence. While they were away her mother, Xinyi Swiftpaw, would be acting as housekeeper for them. The older pandaren woman was rather excited about experiencing life in the big city, it was definitely a lot busier than it would be back on the Wandering Isle for one.
“I hope the others are safe…” she whispered, turning one of the skewers so that the fish would cook evenly.
The Isle of Dorn, shortly after Dalaran fell
“We are absolutely NOT SAFE!” gasped Samantha as she hid behind a pile of rubble, a blast of darkness smashing against the other side as the clash of metal and roars of combat filled the area.
After Dalaran came down the group had landed (Nelen a bit slower than Laurelgosa as he was floating rather than flying) and had made for the wreckage to help what survivors they could find, only to discover the nerubians were there in force! The spider-like allies of Xal’atath were clearly not intending to let anyone who survived escape, and a swarm of subterranean horrors were attacking anything in sight!
Hope wasn’t entirely lost for their victims, however. Laurelgosa had noticed from the air that several nerubians were guarding an entrance to a freshly dug tunnel, from which their reinforcements were coming… and other nerubians were leaving. Nerubians with struggling web-bound captives!
For whatever purpose, the nerubians weren’t killing everyone. They seemed to want to take their victims alive. The group preferred not to question why. They had a feeling they wouldn’t like the answer. Still, this meant a potential rescue could be attempted.
From nearby Jaina and Thrall led the resistance against them, along with (to Nelen’s shock) none other than the long-lost King Anduin Wrynn! Nelen hadn’t even been aware that their wayward monarch had been in Dalaran, but he certainly wouldn’t complain about the extra aid (and made a mental note to try to inform King Greymane as soon as he could that they had found him and that he had survived the destruction of the city.)
That was, of course, assuming they all survived this themselves.
Laurelgosa peered over the wreckage, then ducked back down seconds before a bolt of void energies passed where her head would have been. “I counted at least five of them, two magic users and three warriors advancing on our position!” she hissed, “We need to move, quickly!”
Nelen growled, trying to channel the arcane energies around them into a shield to at least offer them some protection. “Whatever we’re going to do we need to do it fast!” he barked, glancing down into his arms.
Sekhi was there, but the vulpera was barely conscious, the Radiant Song pounding in her ears. The mage could see deep bags under her eyes visible even through her fur. Sekhi’s sensitivity to Azeroth’s voice meant she’d been going entire days without sleep! That lightning bolt she’d used in Dalaran to save Leza must’ve been all she’d had left. “Everywhere… darkness…” she whimpered, her voice sounding tired beyond words.
“On three, we make for where Jaina and Thrall are…” growled Nelen as Laurelgosa and Samantha nodded to him.
“One…” he began, the scuttling sound of the rapid steps of the nerubian warriors growing louder…
“Two…” he growled, flinching as another bolt of shadows glanced off the stone above him.
“Th-…” he started, then suddenly the ground erupted under them and a pair of nerubian warriors wielding razor-sharp blades burst from the ground before them.
“TAKE THE OVERCRALWERS!” roared one of them, raising his blade above his head. He was aiming for Nelen’s arm, probably to strike a non-fatal blow… but the edge of his sword looked sharp enough to take off the arm entirely!
Nelen swore and raised an arcane shield as fast as he could! Suddenly he, Sam, and Laurelgosa cried out in shock as a bolt of blinding energy slammed down in front of them. They could just make out the shape of the nerubian ambusher through it as he screamed, then the beam dissipated and what remained of him fell to the ground with smoke boiling off its remains. The nerubian’s partner hissed in fury, then turned. It could tell that none of the foes in front of it had done that!
A moment later a blast of pure astral energy took its head clear of its shoulders, the arachnoid’s skull flying past Nelen’s face to splatter against the rubble.
Nelen rallied quickly. He knew the other nerubians were likely still advancing on them. “RUN DAMMIT!” he roared, and with a flash an arcane shield appeared over Samantha and Laurelgosa as well and they charged out of cover, heading towards where the leaders were making their stand, only to find the nerubian assailants far closer than they’d anticipated!
Three more warriors raced towards them, weapons drawn, and the ones behind them began to generate webbing from their mouths, spinning it so fast that their hands appeared to blur…
“GET DOWN!” shouted a voice and out of sheer reflex Nelen dove for cover as Laurelgosa grabbed Samantha by the shoulder and hauled her back! Another blast of astral power seared through the air where they’d been, slamming home into the lead nerubian’s chest and straight out his back!
As the arachnid fell dead to the ground the sky above sparkled with stars and a rain of astral energy began to fall, pounding onto their assailants!
Nelen scrambled to his feet and looked around, then saw the source of the magical assault on their foes.
Running towards them, her body swirling with starlight, was a zandalari woman. She had dark skin with darker scale-like patches and her bright blue hair stuck up in a mohawk over her head. “DON’T JUST BE STANDIN’ DERE WOLFMON! FIGHT!” she snapped as she gestured again, and another burst of astral fire blasted down from the heavens into a nerubian.
Nelen shook himself and nodded, “You heard her! Take them out and make for Jaina and the others!” he called, then lashed out with his claws as a burst of arcane light flew through the sky, striking a nerubian in the arm and erupting into purple flames as the assailant screamed, dropping his weapon to flail frantically at his burning limb.
Laurelgosa growled, then breathed in deeply as Sam recognized what she was doing. “Get ready to run!” she called as the dracthyr roared and a wave of dragon fire erupted from her mouth. The remaining nerubians, distracted as they were from the astral stars falling upon them, didn’t see it until too late and went down engulfed in flames!
The group took advantage of this and ran towards where their leaders were holding the nerubians at bay, but as they did more tunnels began to open nearby, the creatures seeming to come from everywhere at once!
The troll skidded to a halt and looked around, “Damn… dey don’t like me usin dis in de daytime… but…” she took a deep breath, then her eyes flashed a bloody red and her jaw opened wide… but no sound came out…
At least, most people didn’t notice one. Laurelgosa and Samantha just looked confused, until Nelen suddenly stumbled and let out a loud yelping sound like he’d just been stung, Sekhi whining loudly and covering her ears as she was jolted out of her half-awake state!
The nerubians at the tunnel mouths looked around, as if they had heard something too… and then suddenly there was a loud screeching from each of the pathways leading underground!
Then, bats. Everywhere. Each tunnel mouth erupted with a huge cloud of leathery creatures no bigger than a man’s closed fist, their wings flapping frantically as they boiled out into the sunlight, then onto the nerubian forces!
The spider-creatures guarding the tunnels cried out in pain as the bats latched onto them and sank their fangs in wherever they could, and soon the nerubian guards were covered in slick bloody rivulets as the bat’s saliva took effect and prevented their blood from clotting! The nerubians were bleeding to death from a million tiny bites!
The troll woman grinned, “That be slowin’ ‘em down! MOVE IT!” she snapped, rushing onwards as the bat swarm descended upon their attackers, not enough to kill the bulk of them, but certainly enough to cause chaos and confusion!
As they drew close, however, the ground suddenly shook all around them and a huge spray of rock and dirt flew into the air as a massive horror came from under the earth!
This nerubian was more akin to a gigantic scarab beetle, with huge scythe-like claws and a horn like a stag beetle coming from its skull. It towered over all of them, big enough to dwarf even the largest of the defenders, as big as an elephant!
Nelen growled up at it, preparing an arcane salvo, but the troll held her hand out, “Don’t! Dat just be tellin’ him were ta aim mon!” she warned.
Samantha looked at it, then down at her weapons. Her daggers were sharp but meant for small surgical cuts against unarmored parts of her foe’s bodies. This creature’s exoskeleton looked as strong and thick as forged metal, and who knew if the poisons she had on her blades would even work on a nerubian?!
Laurelgosa seemed to be feeling the same, she knew of the descendants of the aquir from what memories she’d gotten back of her training before being sealed in the Reach (Neltharion, before his madness, had made sure they would be ready to deal with far more than just Primalists) and what she knew of them was that their leaders could be extremely resilient to magic as well.
Their own leaders had noticed as well… Jaina looked between it and the bulk of the nerubian forces as she realized that if she focused on it, she would have to stop holding the rest back… die to a swarm of nerubians or one monstrous one. Thrall as well was no fool, he had been trained as a warrior from childhood and he couldn’t stand against such a foe alone. They were outgunned!
Then a loud hawk-like cry came from the skies above, and all heads looked up.
Coming towards them from above was a flock of gryphons, but unlike any they’d ever seen before! Their feathers were a brilliant blue, and as they grew closer, they saw that they crackled with lightning!
What’s more, they had riders. Stout riders with thick beards and heavy armor, each one wielding a hammer that glowed with energy!
Nelen looked up and shaded his eyes against the sun, “… wildhammer dwarves? Here?” he rumbled, squinting.
Laurelgosa, who had better eyesight, shook her head. “No… those are not dwarves Nelen. Those are earthen!” she gasped.
As they drew closer, it became clear. The riders looked akin to the dwarves of the Eastern Kingdoms, but rather than flesh and blood their bodies seemed to be carved from living stone, their beards and hair shining like polished metal wire!
“Drive back the nerubians! For the Titans!” shouted the lead rider as he raised his hammer, lightning arcing along the metal head of the weapon.
“FOR THE TITANS!” the other riders echoed as they threw their hammers, the enchanted weapons causing a blast of lightning and a boom of thunder wherever they hit before flying back up to their owner’s grasp as if on an invisible chain! Several of the hammers hit the giant nerubian, blowing chunks of the creature’s exoskeleton away as it roared in pain and fury… but the riders were too high for its claws to reach!
The nerubians appeared to recognize the earthen however, and many of them seemed to decide that retreat was the better option. Their forces began to break off and flee towards their tunnels as the defenders harried who they could, the earthens’ hammers striking from above like the fist of Aman’thul himself, and within moments the battlefield was empty of the spider-like creatures.
As the rider’s leader and his men landed to speak with Thrall and the other leaders of the Horde and Alliance, Nelen turned to the zandalari woman.
“Thank you for the rescue, whoever you are.” he nodded to her, “If you hadn’t backed us up, they may have had us.”
The zandalari woman however was looking them over curiously, cocking her head this way and that. “Hmm…”
Nelen hesitated, his ear flicking as he let out a confused wolf-like whine, still in his worgen form. “Er… is something wrong?” he asked.
The troll looked to Laurelgosa, currently in her dracthyr form, “… cerulean scales, ‘n ya be a dracthyr so dat be ‘ancient’ fer sure.”
Laurelgosa raised a scaley eyebrow and looked down at herself, then back up at the troll in a confused way as the newcomer turned to Samantha.
“Dere be more ta ya den most be seein’, but ya can’t hide ya shadow from me… ya must be da ‘one who be two.’” she nodded.
Samantha frowned, raising her daggers up as her hair-tentacles twitched in irritation. “So what if I am?” she asked.
The troll didn’t respond to her, looking to Nelen, “… mage ‘n worgen, wise mon bestial cunnin’.” she nodded, then looked at Sekhi, barely conscious in his arms and saw the flute sticking out of her backpack. “… songstress. Yup. Ya be de ones me Loa told me ta find.”
Nelen frowned at her, “Your Loa told you to find us? Why?” he asked, raising a hand as if to prepare a spell in case he didn’t like the answer.
The troll woman clicked her tongue in annoyance and put her hand on his wrist, pushing it back down. “Ta help ya mon! Ya supposed ta be de wise mon, be wise!” she retorted. “Me Loa knew what was comin’ ‘n told me ta come here ‘n find ya, so here I be.”
Sekhi gasped, her eyes opening halfway as she looked towards the woman, “… Nelen… guys… ‘s okay… Azeroth says… she’s a friend…” she stammered out.
The troll looked to her and pouted her lips, “… ooo… dis one be hearin’ de Song full blast. She gonna die o’ exhaustion if dis keeps up.” she nodded, then held out her hand and pressed a fingertip to Sekhi’s forehead.
Her hand glowed softly with moonlight as her eyes seemed to match the same glow, the troll whispering softly, “Sleep now… let ‘er voice be troublin’ ya no more… sleep now… rest ya weary bones…”
Sekhi blinked softly, raising her arm weakly, “But… I…. mm…” she mumbled, then her arm fell limp as her eyes fell shut. Laurelgosa raised her own claws as Samantha gripped her dagger handles… until Nelen held up a hand to them, “Wait…” he rumbled, looking down at the vulpera.
Sekhi was curled up in the crook of his arm, snoring softly. Whatever magic the troll had woven, all she’d done was give Sekhi something she’d been desperately needing. For the first time in far too long, the vulpera was fast asleep.
Nelen stared at her, raising his eyebrows. He had, several times, tried to work with Edwood and Nitika for some means to help Sekhi cope when Azeroth’s song got overwhelming, but this woman had turned her off as easily as blowing out a candle. “Um… well, I’m sure Sekhi will be grateful for this once she wakes up…”
“It may be a few days.” interjected Laurelgosa, “She has slept very little since the song began.”
“… right, but…” he looked at the troll woman again, “Who are you?” he asked her, raising his eyebrow.
The woman shrugged, “Eh, guess ya don’t be havin’ a Loa ta tell ya about me do ya wolfmon?” she smirked, “I be Uh’kue o’ Zandalar… ‘n me Loa be Hireek o’ de Midnight Skies. Now, lets be findin’ somewhere we can chat proper ya? Got a lot ya should be knowin’…”
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kisaanhelpline · 4 months
Aromatic Alchemy - Creating Well-Being with Nature Scented Plants
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A world full of artificial fragrances and synthetic fragrances, where there is an attraction and authenticity in the fragrant embrace of many nature's creations. Aromatherapy, the ancient practice of using natural scents to enhance well-being, has recently gained significant popularity.
From soothing lavender to invigorating peppermint, the power of aromatic plants to improve mood, reduce stress, and promote overall well-being is undeniable. Kisaan Helpline, we delve into the world of aromatic plants, discovering their myriad benefits and how they can be integrated into our daily lives for a harmonious blend of nature and wellness.
Uncovering Nature's Fragrant Treasures
Nature has given us a wealth of aromatic plants, each of which has its own unique fragrance and medicinal properties. From the floral beauty of the rose to the earthy richness of patchouli, these plants contain aromatic compounds that stimulate our olfactory senses and evoke intense emotional responses.
Among the most famous aromatic plants is lavender, known for its calming aroma and stress-relieving properties. Studies have shown that smelling the scent of lavender can reduce anxiety levels and promote relaxation, making it an ideal companion for relaxing after a long day.
Similarly, the pungent aroma of citrus fruits like lemons and oranges can lift spirits and enhance mental clarity. These vibrant scents are often used to combat fatigue and improve focus, making them indispensable allies in today's fast-paced world.
Creating Wellbeing with Aromatic Plants
Kisaan Helpline, we believe in harnessing the power of nature to promote overall well-being. Through our commitment to sustainable agricultural practices, we cultivate aromatic plants with care and respect for the environment. Our aromatic plantations serve as a sanctuary of peace, where the soothing aromas of lavender, chamomile and eucalyptus blend harmoniously with the gentle rustling of the leaves.
By incorporating aromatic plants into our surroundings, whether through essential oils, herbal teas, or scented sachets, we can create spaces that nourish both body and spirit. A few drops of lavender oil in a diffuser can transform a room into a tranquil oasis, while a cup of chamomile tea can soothe frazzled nerves and promote restful sleep.
Embracing the Essence of Aromatic Alchemy
In the hustle and bustle of modern life, it's easy to overlook the simple pleasures of nature. Scented plants remind us to slow down, take deep breaths, and reconnect with the world around us. Kisaan Helpline, we invite you to embark on a journey of aromatic alchemy, where nature's scents serve as guides to inner harmony and well-being.
Whether you're seeking relaxation, rejuvenation, or simply a moment of quiet contemplation, aromatic plants hold the key to unlocking a world of sensory pleasure. Join us as we celebrate the beauty and abundance of nature's aromatic treasures, and discover the transformative power of aromatic alchemy in your life.
Descending into Fragrant Abundance
Let's take a closer look at some of nature's most beloved aromatic plants and their remarkable benefits:
1. Lavender: This evergreen favorite is not only famous for its soothing aroma, it is also a relaxation powerhouse. Lavender essential oil is commonly used in aromatherapy to promote calmness, reduce tension headaches, and improve sleep quality. From lavender-infused pillows to bath salts, incorporating this fragrant herb into your daily routine can work wonders for stress relief and overall well-being.
2. Peppermint: If you need a natural pick-me-up, look no further than peppermint. Its invigorating scent is known to enhance mental clarity, increase energy levels and reduce symptoms of nausea. A whiff of peppermint oil or a cup of peppermint tea can provide instant refreshment, making it a must-have to combat afternoon slump or post-workout fatigue.
3. Rosemary: Beyond its culinary prowess, rosemary boasts an alluring aroma and numerous health benefits. Inhaling rosemary essential oil enhances cognitive function, improves mood and stimulates circulation. Diffusing rosemary oil in your workspace can sharpen focus and boost productivity, making it an ideal companion for study sessions or brainstorming meetings.
4. Eucalyptus: Known for its refreshing scent and respiratory benefits, eucalyptus is a staple in aromatherapy blends and spa treatments. Inhaling eucalyptus oil may help clear nasal congestion, relieve sinus pressure, and reduce symptoms of respiratory conditions such as asthma and bronchitis. Adding a few drops of eucalyptus oil to a hot bath or steam can provide instant relief and a spa-like experience at home.
Sustainable Sourcing for Fragrant Peace
Kisaan Helpline, we are passionate about preserving the purity and potency of aromatic plants while reducing our environmental impact. Through responsible farming and ethical sourcing practices, we ensure that our aromatic treasures are grown and harvested with the utmost care and respect for nature.
Our commitment to sustainability extends beyond the farms to every step of the production process. From eco-friendly packaging materials to energy-efficient features, we strive to reduce waste and our impact on the planet. By choosing Kisaan Helpline products, you're not only investing in your well-being, you're also supporting a greener, more sustainable future for future generations.
Art of Living a Fragrant Life
Incorporating aromatic plants into your daily life is more than a trend, it is an eternal tradition rooted in the wisdom of past generations. Whether you're creating a tranquil sanctuary at home, filling your skin-care routine with natural botanicals, or simply savoring the scent of freshly cut herbs in your kitchen, master the art of scented living. There are countless ways to adapt.
Kisaan Helpline, we are here to guide you in your scent journey, offering you a curated selection of high-quality products and expert advice to help you harness the power of nature's aromatic wonders. Join us as we explore the infinite possibilities of aromatic alchemy and discover the transformative magic of nature's fragrant embrace.
Scented plants are not just sources of fragrance, they are catalysts of well-being, inspiration and connection. By incorporating them into our lives with intention and reverence, we can take advantage of their profound healing properties and create a deeper sense of harmony with ourselves and the world around us. Kisaan Helpline, we invite you to experience the transformative power of aromatic alchemy and embark on a journey of self-discovery, peace and sensory bliss.
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parliamentrice · 9 months
Exploring Different Methods of Cooking Rice: A Culinary Journey
The Art of Perfect Rice Cooking
Absorption Method: The Classic ApproachThe absorption method is a timeless technique, ideal for bringing out the delicate flavors of Parliament Rice. Begin by rinsing the rice to remove excess starch. Then, in a pot, combine water (a 2:1 ratio of water to rice is a good rule of thumb) and bring it to a boil. Reduce to a simmer, cover, and let it cook until the rice absorbs all the water. This method is perfect for Parliament Rice’s long-grain varieties, yielding fluffy and separate grains each time.
Pilaf Method: Rich in Flavor The pilaf method starts with sautéing rice in a bit of oil or butter before adding liquid. This technique infuses the grains with a nutty flavor and prevents them from sticking together. Add onions or garlic to the oil for an aromatic touch. Parliament Rice’s Basmati or Jasmine varieties are excellent choices for this method, absorbing the flavors and aromas beautifully.
Rice Cooker Perfection For those seeking convenience without compromising on quality, a rice cooker is your ally. Just add Parliament Rice and water, and let the cooker do the rest. The result is consistently perfect rice – whether you’re cooking Basmati for a fragrant pilaf or Jasmine for a sticky rice dessert.
Steaming: Preserving Nutrients and Flavor Steaming is a healthy method of cooking rice. It’s especially great for Parliament Rice brown rice varieties, which retain their nutritional content better through steaming. Use a traditional bamboo steamer or a modern electric steamer. The grains come out slightly chewy and full of natural flavors.
Risotto: The Italian Twist Risotto, a creamy Italian classic, is another delightful way to cook rice. Parliament Rice , with its high starch content, is perfect for risotto. Slowly cook it in a mix of broth and wine, stirring continuously to release the starches. The result is a creamy, luxurious dish that’s simply irresistible.
Sushi Rice: Sticky and Flavorful Sushi rice preparation involves cooking short-grain rice and then seasoning it with a mix of vinegar, sugar, and salt. Parliament Rice sushi variety offers the right stickiness and texture, crucial for making perfect sushi rolls.
Pairing with Dishes: A Global Affair
Rice is incredibly versatile. Parliament Rice, with its range of varieties, pairs wonderfully with numerous dishes. Basmati rice is perfect for Indian biryanis or Middle Eastern pilafs. Jasmine rice complements Thai curries beautifully, while sushi rice is, of course, ideal for Japanese sushi and onigiri.
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kingdom-uk · 10 months
Lavender and tea tree soap
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Welcome to the world of Kingdom Kreations, where we craft exquisite handmade friendly soap shampoo bar lavender that are perfect for all skin types. Our Lavender and Tea Tree soap is a true marvel, specifically designed to address the needs of those with acne-prone or problematic skin. Our apothecary lavender tea tree soap have carefully blended the soothing properties of lavender with the clarifying benefits of tea tree oil to create a soap that not only cleanses but also nurtures your skin. Lavender has long been celebrated for its calming and healing effects on the skin, our friendly soap tea tree oil is renowned for its antibacterial properties. At Kingdom Kreations, we take pride in using only high-quality ingredients in our products. Our tea tree and lavender soap is made with love and attention to detail, ensuring that it is gentle yet effective in maintaining healthy-looking skin. It is free from harsh chemicals and artificial additives, making it suitable for even the most sensitive skin. Whether you're looking for a daily cleanser or a solution to combat acne, our soap will be your trusted ally. Its natural formulation helps balance oil production, reduce inflammation, and soothe irritated skin. Say goodbye to harsh chemical-laden products and embrace the power of nature with Kingdom Kreations. Indulge in our apothecary lavender tea tree soap today and experience the difference it can make in your skincare routine. Join countless others who have discovered the wonders of our friendly soap tea tree shampoo bar – a true testament to our commitment to quality and excellence. Choose Kingdom Kreations for your skincare needs – because your skin deserves nothing but the best. Introducing Kingdom Kreations' Soap - the perfect solution for all skin types, especially those prone to acne or known as problem skin. Our friendly soap shampoo bar lavender is carefully crafted with the finest ingredients to provide a gentle and effective cleansing experience. At Kingdom Kreations, we understand the importance of using natural and nourishing products on your skin. That's why our Tea Tree and lavender Soap is made with love, using only the highest quality lavender and tea tree essential oils. These powerful botanicals are known for their soothing properties and ability to promote healthy-looking skin. Our soap is not just any ordinary soap - it's an artisanal creation that combines the benefits of our friendly soap shampoo bar in one luxurious bar. The calming scent of lavender helps to relax your mind while the antibacterial properties of tea tree work wonders on problematic skin. Whether you have sensitive skin or simply prefer a more natural approach to skincare, our Soap is here to cater to your needs. It gently cleanses without stripping away essential moisture, leaving your skin feeling refreshed, balanced, and rejuvenated. Experience the difference with Kingdom Kreations' Soap - an apothecary lavender tea tree soap-inspired creation that brings together nature's finest ingredients for a truly indulgent bathing experience. Treat yourself today and discover why our friendly soap tea tree has become a favorite among skincare enthusiasts worldwide. https://www.kingdomkreations.co.uk/category/baths-products/natural-lavender-woods-soap/ https://www.kingdomkreations.co.uk/category/baths-products/natural-tea-rose-soap/ https://www.kingdomkreations.co.uk/category/baths-products/lavender-fragrance-natural-bath-salts-in-a-glass-jar-with-scoop-225gr/   Read the full article
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 1 year
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"Rehearse For Victory Parade By Buying Bonds Today," Toronto Star. April 26, 1943. Page 17. ---- FOUR ALLIED LEADERS TELL TORONTO CITIZENS WHY LOAN IS NEEDED ---- FROM THE CITY HALL THE ALLIED LEADERS LOOK FOR TORONTO'S GREATEST EFFORT ---- Churchill, Roosevelt. Kai-shek, Stalin Speak From City Hall Steps --- ON FOUR FREEDOMS --- THE BUGLES SOUND THE CLARION CALL TO BUY VICTORY BONDS --- The voices of the four great United Nations leaders re-echoed through Toronto's downtown streets today. Recorded from recent addresses they have made, and played over a loud speaker system in from of City Hall, were speeches made by Winston Churchill, Chiang-Kai-Shek and Joseph Stalin describing the "Four Freedoms" in connection with the Fourth Victory Loan. Chiang Kai-Shek and Stalin speak in their native tonques, and English translations follow each of them.
Here are their messages: WINSTON CHURCHILL: "If we had kept together after the last war, if we had taken common measures for our safety, this renewal of the curse of war need never have fallen upon us. Do we not owe it to ourselves, to our children, to tormented mankind to make sure that these catastrophes do not engulf us for the third time? It has been proved that pestilences may break out in the Old World,which carry their destructive ravages into the New World, from which once they are afoot, the New World cannot escape. Duty and prudence alike command, first, that the germ centres of hatred and revenge should be constantly and vigilantly served. and treated in good time and that an adequate organization should be set up to make sure that the pestilence can be controlled at its earliest beginning before it spreads and rages throughout the entire earth."
PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT: "The four freedoms of common humanity are as much elements of man's needs as air and sunlight, bread and salt. Deprive him of all these freedoms and he dies. Deprive him of a part of them and a part of him withers. Give them to him in full and abundant measure and he will cross the threshold of a new age - the greatest age of man. These freedoms are the rights of all men of every creed and every race, wherever they live. This is their heritage long withheld. We of the United Nations have the power and the men and the will at last to assure man's heritage."
GENERALISSIMO CHIANG KAI-SHEK: "Our Chinese people are convinced that the principles enunciated in the Atlantic Charter are not vague assurances and empty diplomatic phraseology, but that they are the underlying convictions to which the peace-loving people of America are dedicated. To my mind. these principles apply not only to America and Europe, but also to all peoples and races so that freedom, justice and equality may reign the world over."
PREMIER STALIN: "We are waging a great war of liberation. We are not waging it alone, but in conjunction with our Allies. It will end in our victory over the vile foes of mankind, over the German Fascist imperialists. On our standard is inscribed "Hail the Victory of the Anglo-Soviet-American Fighting Alliance." Hail the liberation of the nations of Europe from Hitler's tyranny."
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resaturn · 1 year
I could write a few words about today's Sunday, could you?
I am sitting right in front of the door, outside of course. Do not actually wait for anyone or anything. Be serious, not everything in my life is all about longing. Sometimes it's about peace in the middle of a mess, or it might end as the opposite.
In the middle of the crisis my family is currently facing, I found peace by opening my eyes and seeing the blue sky above mankind’s capabilities, it's blue indeed. Blue might be basic, but no one can deny that it's everyone’s comfort colour as if it brings the brightest energy. Moreover in summer days. Oh, it's September already. And yet, a sunny day with blue sky and gentle breeze still exist to make my day. God, I never thought that I do actually love summer.
In the middle of an unstable state of the growth of mine, I could listen to an underrated song entitled Salt Lake City with almost full volume I set in my phone. Uh, actually right now Heather by Conan Gray it is. My little sister walks away slowly, she's still there, however I bet she will be gone in 5 minutes if I keep my eyes focused with my writings. She's still a child, she should enjoy her summer days more than everybody ever could. Hey, I hope her happiness and some loving friends a lot.
Best Part—a song that has ever been one of my closest friends’ favorite. When it started to play, it does bring me back to those good old times in middle school. How delighted I am right now, it means nothing compared to those times wherein I don't have any burden and problem to be carried in my shoulders. How peaceful this sunny Sunday is, it means nothing compared to those memories which are full of laughter and smile along with allies of fun in my arms.
It's almost 12PM.
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diferenciadoof · 1 year
Spiritual Significance Of Salt - Spiritual salt - Spiritual Salt Review - Spiritual Meaning of salt
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Spiritual Significance Of Salt - Spirirual salt - Spiritual Salt Review - Spiritual Meaning of salt
Dear friends in search of spiritual well-being and prosperity, Today, I want to share with you a discovery that has truly transformed my life in an incredible way.
The SPIRITUAL SALT is a revolutionary product that has brought a wave of positivity and abundance into my daily life.
I couldn't be more excited to share this wonder with all of you! Since I started using SPIRITUAL SALT, I've noticed a remarkable change in every aspect of my life.
This special salt, containing the famous Himalayan mountain crystal, has the power to enhance the quality of life and unlock our wealth potential.
It's truly something extraordinary! One of the things that fascinated me the most about SPIRITUAL SALT is how it works in different areas of life.
It's not just an ordinary salt but a catalyst for positive energies that helps us achieve a healthy balance on our personal journey.
By placing a bag of salt near the heart, we can tap into the power of nature and science to unleash our full potential.
Believe me when I say that the benefits of this salt go beyond my most optimistic expectations. Through regular use, I've experienced significant improvements in my overall health, spiritual well-being, and vitality.
The positive vibrations generated by SPIRITUAL SALT have the power to enhance our mental performance, reduce the effects of stress, depression, and anxiety, and increase our clarity of thought. Moreover, SPIRITUAL SALT has transformative properties that help attract abundance and prosperity. I firmly believe that we all deserve a life full of happiness and prosperity, and SPIRITUAL SALT has become an ally in that pursuit. It has the ability to purify the energy around us, remove negativity, and bring harmony into our lives. Another wonderful benefit of this salt is its calming and restorative effect on sleep.
After a few nights of using SPIRITUAL SALT, I woke up feeling refreshed and full of energy, ready to face the day with a smile on my face. Furthermore, its ability to balance the chakras is truly remarkable, helping us restore the flow of positive energy in our bodies and enhancing our overall well-being.
I have also discovered that SPIRITUAL SALT is a powerful tool for creating a positive environment and protecting our aura. Its unique energy and special crystals provide a layer of protection that improves our psychological health and helps us generate positive thoughts.
Using SPIRITUAL SALT is simple and practical. The bags are compact and fit in your pocket, allowing you to have it with you at all times. You can spread the salt around your home to purify the energy, add it to your bath to promote relaxation and relieve tension, use it for inhalation therapy to cope with stress and anxiety, or simply hold the bag, close your eyes, and visualize your goals, creating a deep connection with the universe.
I cannot emphasize enough how much SPIRITUAL SALT has changed my life. If you're looking for a path to enhance your spiritual well-being, unlock your wealth potential, and increase your energy levels, don't hesitate to try this link:
May we all embrace the wonders of SPIRITUAL SALT and journey towards success, prosperity, and spiritual well-being. Wishing you all lots of positivity on your paths!
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serve-update · 2 years
Lala Kent Net Worth: James Kennedy Cheated On His Girlfriend Raquel Leviss With His Secretary!
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American reality TV personality and writer Lala Kent (born Lauren Elyse Burningham). She entered this world on 2 September 1990, in Salt Lake City, Utah, USA. In 2015, she joined the cast of Vanderpump Rules on Bravo and quickly became a household name.
Lala Kent Net Worth
American reality TV star, actor, author, and businesswoman Lala Kent has a net worth of $2 million. Kent's main claim to fame is that he is a regular on Vanderpump Rules on Bravo (2015–present). Before becoming a regular in season six, Lala appeared in episodes occasionally in seasons four and five. With over 1.7 million Instagram followers, Kent is also the founder of the cosmetics and skincare line Give Them Lala Beauty. Kent's filmography as an actress includes such titles as "Reflections in the Mud" (2009), "The Mentor" (2014), "One Shot" (2014), "Pitching Love and Catching Faith" (2015), "10 Minutes Gone" (2019), and "Hard Kill" (2020). She also runs a podcast of the same name and released a book in 2021 called "Give Them Lala." https://twitter.com/vnaij/status/1171336035680301056
James Kennedy Cheated On His Girlfriend Raquel Leviss With His Secretary.
Ally Lewber, James Kennedy's new girlfriend, watched "Vanderpump Rules" with shock. On Wednesday night's show, Kennedy's ex Lala Kent confessed that she and the DJ "hooked up" while she was dating Randall Emmett and Kennedy was with Raquel Leviss. The news "shocked" Lewber. You might also be interested to read about this article Eric Yuan Net Worth. “I was upset at him for a minute, for sure, yeah,” the 27-year-old told Page Six exclusively at the Season 10 premiere party. “I felt for Raquel a lotatn that moment—just knowing were about to get married, and she was never going to know this.” Leber said she and Kennedy, 31, "spoke things through" after he told her Kent had mentioned it on tape. “Honestly, no, I haven't got time to be bitter at Lala about something that happened six years ago,” Kennedy said when asked if he was unhappy at Kent for revealing their secret. Since then, we've improved our friendship so much.” He said he was “not proud” of his acts and that they didn't reflect “the man that is today.” In the unsettling encounter, a grinning Kent, 32, told Katie Maloney, “James and I, when we were both very early in our relationships, certainly hooked up.” “You're making me nervous,” Kennedy pleaded. Heartbeat. Don't. Don't.” Kent, now clean, recounted the drunken hookup in Chicago, adding "handstands" were involved. Must read about this article Kim Pegula Net Worth. Kennedy laughed and nodded, but he wouldn't admit to having "fun" behind Leviss' back. A montage of his supposed ex-girlfriends GG, Ellie, and Hope followed.
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Lala Kent Net Worth Leviss, 28, told Scheana Shay that she hopes Lewber “doesn't suffer from low self-esteem” like she did when she dated Kennedy. “Some of the stuff I tolerated—I look back, and I'm like, ‘What the f–k was I thinking?'” At the premiere party, Kent said, “This season, coming into it, I just felt like I was sitting in a pile of s–t. I wanted all my skeletons out. I wanted toapologizee.” She promised "a lot of ups and downs" between her and Leviss, whom she memorably called a "Bambi-eyed bitch" during a furious argument, as the season progresses. “And maybe I shouldn't have told because she was furious about it, but hindsight's 20/20,” Kent said. I felt like I was doing something for both of us since we were in a good position and I wanted to move forward with her. I couldn't move forward with her knowing I was someone I wasn't proud of.” Kent said she and Leviss are "not great" now. “That's OK, though,” she said. “This group.” https://youtu.be/WxJXecVz1f0 If you liked this article, follow our website, serveupdate.com, and don’t forget to follow our social media handles. Read the full article
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data-bridge · 2 years
Cell Culture Media Market Leading Brands and Business Opportunities
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Industry Analysis
Rising awareness about cell culture media has led to the rise in its demand, adoption and conclusively a rise in its market value. Data Bridge Market Research analyses that the cell culture media will exhibit a CAGR of around 8.18% for the forecast period of 2021-2028.
Additionally, the credible Cell Culture Media Market report helps the manufacturer in finding out the effectiveness of the existing channels of distribution, advertising programs, or media, selling methods and the best way of distributing the goods to the eventual consumers. Taking up such market research report is all the time beneficial for any company whether it is a small scale or large scale, for marketing of products or services. It makes effortless for healthcare industry to visualize what is already available in the market, what market anticipates, the competitive environment, and what should be done to surpass the competitor.
Get a Free Sample of The Report: https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/request-a-sample/?dbmr=global-cell-culture-media-market
Market Insights and Scope            
Cell culture media is a life sciences technique that supports the growth of microorganisms and cells. Cell culture media refers to a growth substance that is required by the cell cultures to grow and survive under specific conditions. Amino acids, glucose, serum, inorganic salts are among many that are used to promote the growth of cells. The cell culture media also helps to maintain the pH level of the cultured cells.
The wide-ranging Data Bridge market report covers an array of aspects of the market analysis which today’s businesses call for. This market document also defines a chapter on the global market and allied companies with their profiles, which provides important data pertaining to their insights in terms of finances, product portfolios, investment plans, and marketing and business strategies. This market research report is generated with a nice blend of industry insight, talent solutions, practical solutions and use of technology to advance user experience. An outstanding Data Bridge market report puts light on many aspects related to healthcare industry and market.
Get full access to the report: https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/reports/global-cell-culture-media-market
Industry Segmentation
Based on the type, the cell culture media market has been segmented into lysogenic broth, chemically defined media, classical media, serum-free media, specialty media, stem cell media and other media.
Based on the applications, the cell culture media market has been segmented into cancer research, biopharmaceuticals, regenerative medicine and tissue engineering, stem cell technology, drug discovery and other applications.
Based on the end users, the cell culture media market has been segmented into biotechnology and pharmaceutical industry, academic institute, research laboratory and others.
Based on the reagent type, the cell culture media market has been segmented into albumin, amino acids, attachment factors, growth factors and cytokines, hormones and others. Albumin is further sub-segmented into human serum albumin (HSA), bovine serum albumin (BSA) and recombinant serum albumin (RSA). Growth factors and cytokines are sub-segmented into insulin-like growth factors (IGF), humankine growth factors and cytokine and tumour necrosis factor (TNF) and others. Others are sub-segmented into porcine trypsin, recombinant trypsin, thrombin and miscellaneous reagents.
Market Country Level Analysis
The countries covered in the cell culture media market report are
U.S., Canada and Mexico in North America, Germany, France, U.K., Netherlands, Switzerland, Belgium, Russia, Italy, Spain, Turkey, Rest of Europe in Europe, China, Japan, India, South Korea, Singapore, Malaysia, Australia, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines, Rest of Asia-Pacific (APAC) in the Asia-Pacific (APAC), Saudi Arabia, U.A.E, South Africa, Egypt, Israel, Rest of Middle East and Africa (MEA) as a part of Middle East and Africa (MEA), Brazil, Argentina and Rest of South America as part of South America.
An influential Cell Culture Media Market research report displays an absolute outline of the market that considers various aspects such as product definition, customary vendor landscape, and market segmentation. Currently, businesses are relying on the diverse segments covered in the market research report to a great extent which gives them better insights to drive the business on the right track. The competitive analysis brings into light a clear insight about the market share analysis and actions of the key industry players. With this info, businesses can successfully make decisions about business strategies to accomplish maximum return on investment (ROI).
Industry Share Analysis
The major players covered in the cell culture media market report are
BD, Life TechnologiesTM, Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc., Corning Incorporated, Sigma-Aldrich Co., Merck KGaA, GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY, Lonza., HiMedia Laboratories., Takara Bio Inc., AllCells, PromoCell GmbH, VWR International, LLC., Avantor, Inc., Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc., Cell Culture Technologies., FUJIFILM Holdings Corporation, Sartorius AG, Vitro Biopharma and Eppendorf AG among other domestic and global players. Market share data is available for Global, North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific (APAC), Middle East and Africa (MEA) and South America separately. DBMR analysts understand competitive strengths and provide competitive analysis for each competitor separately.
Get TOC Details: https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/toc/?dbmr=global-cell-culture-media-market
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