#togruta shmi skywalker
tranakin-skywalker · 7 months
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sarcastic-sketches · 2 years
Suddenly bowled over by the image of Anakin with a baby Ahsoka strapped to his front during the middle of work. Ok I guess??
Ahsoka getting cursed into a toddler during the Clone Wars and Anakin is now suddenly responsible for a literal baby. He is now acutely aware of the fact that the 501st are in an active engagement and his protective instincts are dialed right up to max. They have to be pulled back from the front, a young padawan was pushing it as it was but this is a Babby.
He's having to think about what baby togruta eat. Ahsoka can't feed herself or defend herself or anything except wiggle around like a striped potato. Her montrols are non existant, just little nubs, and its almost bringing this Jedi Knight to tears with how cute she is. He knows she's a carnivore but surely they don't eat meat that early?? Do they need anything else to develop correctly?? Is he going to accidentally harm her somehow through neglect?!
Anakin: Master Ti, what do baby togruta eat??
Shaak: Pardon?
Anakin: Help.
She gets the explanation from Anakin in pieces and a better explanation from Kix. She can tell him how to look after her until they can reach Coruscant, milk if they have any on board will do fine in the interim and Ahsoka will like being bundled up. The pressure of being cocooned is soothing (thinking of Momma Tano strapping babby Ahsoka to her front but now it's Anakin making sure she goes with him everywhere) and will prevent her from becoming too agitated.
She keeps chewing on his leather glove when he holds her but he doesn't mind, and just lets her gnaw on his knuckles like a chew toy. Its not his flesh hand anyway so it's fine. He can’t effectively secure her to him on his own so he has to get Rex to help him do it properly with Shaak still on speeddial for instructions.
She can’t help but notice how oddly domestic the scene looks as Rex carefully wraps Ahsoka in her papoose cocoon to Anakin's chest. They're both cooing at her. Shaak cannot wait for a Council meeting to be called about this.
The clones are caught between being distraught at what's happened to their Commander, as well as thinking she's the cutest thing they've ever seen. Since Anakin is now focusing harder on keeping Ahsoka safe since she can't protect herself anymore, Rex has taken it upon himself to stick at their side even more than usual. Just a very protective satellite orbiting around both Jedi in case they need anything.
No, the other men are not jealous that Anakin automatically hands Ahsoka off to his Captain if he needs to be free if her for a minute or two.
Back on Coruscant he knows she's better off being handled by the creche but ... that's his Padawan, just small. Everyone on the Council had hoped he'd deal with a Padawan just fine but were admittedly a little surprised by just how well he took to it. Seeing him immediately throw himself into taking care of baby Ahsoka, and all her species specific needs, has a lot of them second guessing their assumptions of him.
It's Obi-Wan who eventually asks where his almost instinctual knowledge comes from. The answer is that Shmi Skywalker was the go to mum for any new mothers on Tatooine and there were quite a few in the slave quarters during Anakin’s time there. He learned by just being there to help out.
Obi-Wan: if you want to continue to care for Ahsoka, you could do so by just working in the Creche and helping there with the rest of the infants
Anakin: !!
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thecleverqueer · 2 years
Random thoughts during Attack of the Clones:
*The second scene with all the Jedi in the Chancellors’ office is like a Clone Wars who’s who. Poor Barriss in the back of the room…brooding, being all angsty and gay. Her character was done hella dirty, but I have a theory on that which I may share later.
* Anakin’s attempts at flirting with women are painful. Ouch. Too bad this predates Ahsoka who could have absolutely given him pointers.
* I feel like Padme is disproportionately targeted by assassination attempts. I get she’s kind of outspoken, but holy f*^%, bounty hunters are trying to take her ass out constantly.
*I find it it creepy that Anakin was watching Padme sleep (or whatever). I would have covered the cameras if I were her as well.
* It’s pretty great that Obi-Wan catches Anakin’s lightsaber that Anakin dropped during a high-speed pursuit. Hella reflexes.
*”This weapon is your life.” -Obi-Wan when handing Anakin’s lightsaber back to him. This is a reoccurring theme, I feel. Fun Clone Wars fact: We see Jedi passing their weapons over to someone else twice in The Clone Wars series willingly: Once by Anakin who gives it to Padme. Once by Ahsoka who gives it to Barriss. Hmm.
* “Why do I get the feeling you’re going to be the death of me?”- Obi-Wan. Yikes with the foreboding.
*I appreciate the original Xbox graphics going on with that droid football game playing in the cantina. It really brings back some great memories of a time when playing games was so blocky and 32-bit.
* I like Dex. I bet the food in his diner is fire, but I bet the caf is awful. I’m also impressed that he knows about Kamino when no one else seems to at this point in the story.
* Attachments and possession is forbidden, but compassion is encouraged. I feel like attachment sort of comes with romance. Something about that chemical reaction in your brain that’s triggered… With that being said, Anakin interacting with Padmé is so, so awkward.
* “The day we stop believing democracy can work is the day we lose it.” - Queen Jamillia dropping gems of wisdom.
* Was this written by Incels? I mean, I’m really not clear how the “I don’t like sand” line somehow convinces Padmé to kiss Anakin for the first time, but maybe I need to start coming up with really, REALLY hokey lines to get girls to kiss me. I’ll let you know how it works out in the real world.
*RED FLAG ON THE FIELD. Anakin declares that he is a pro-dictatorial authoritarian fascist. She laughs it off like “he’s kidding”, and like, he legit says “I’d be much too frightened to tease a senator.” Baby girl. He’s problematic. You’re getting a sign that clearly is telling you to turn around, but you’re ignoring the signals.
*Fun Star Wars fact, those chunky tick-looking CGI animals that nearly trample Anakin in that awkward flirty scene are called Shaak (not to be confused with Shaak Ti, who is a hot, Togruta Jedi), and apparently, they’re tasty.
* Padmé seems to be very impressed by Anakin’s ability to float fruit around with the force. I can’t say I wouldn’t be turned on by someone just randomly wielding the force to impress me. Maybe.
* The scene between Anakin and Padmé where they’re discussing the kiss is a clear sign that he’s not going to be capable of letting go. The dark shadow cast across his face in this scene is kind of another foreboding moment too.
* Clones! Rex, Cody and Jesse are all down there some place preparing to go to war as Obi-Wan looks on.
* Slave One is a badass ship. That is all.
*I can’t help but wonder about Lars freeing, then marrying Shmi Skywalker. Did he do it out of the goodness of his heart? Was it a mutual thing? Or was Shmi originally purchased as his sex slave, and was she suffering from Stockholm syndrome? Why is my brain like this!?!
*Speaking of, Shmi’s death is tragic. Enter Vader.
*RED FLAG! RED FLAG!!! Holy blazes, Padme. Anakin just confessed to committing literal genocide by slaughtering an entire village of sand people. I’m pretty sure my instinct would be to roll out. That would be my cue. I mean, damn.
Anakin: I killed them. I killed them all. And not just the men, but the women and the children too. They’re like animals, and I slaughtered them like animals! I hate them!
Me: Well, would you look at the time!? Gotta go!
Not Padmé. No. She tries to reason with it. It’s human to be angry. No, not like THAT! My god, man!! Jedi have to keep that shit in check as they can literally crush people with the force. FFS. You’re in danger, girl. RUN!
*The Geonosians creep me out. Seriously. Bugs, but with brains that are capable of producing weapons of mass destruction. There is also their ceremonious way of executing prisoners (Ancient Roman style) Not to worry, I guess. This method won’t work with Jedi. They’re like force-wielding gladiators on speed. Their deadly animals will be beast-tricked and killed.
* Shaak Ti! I am such a sucker for a Togruta. Here’s my number, holo me.
* Mace Windu’s lightsaber wielding style really is bad ass. The way that he just effortlessly beheads Jango Fett is something else.
* Every time I see Kit Fisto, I’m reminded of how he started off as a tadpole.. and it makes me chuckle. Also, his grin is fantastic.
* The C3-PO puns during this battle. Classic. Peak droid in a Star Wars film.
* I can’t help but wonder what happened to Jango’s head when Boba lifts his helmet and puts it against his forehead? I didn’t want it to plop out, but it probably should have. Is it still wedged into the helmet? Is poor Boba going to have to fish it out later (because we know he keeps it)?
*Folks always getting their arms chopped off.
*The Dooku/ Yoda lightsaber battle is epic, and may be slightly underrated.
* Begun the Clone War has. Poor Bail is like, “Damn.” And, we end with Padme ignoring all the red flags. The galaxy will pay for your discretions. Roll credits.
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notsomeloncholy · 3 years
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Don't look back.
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I don’t know how I ended doing this but here it is, Togruta Anidala!  
(ノ ^ヮ^)ノ*:・゚✧
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someonetookmygender · 2 years
Star Wars Prequels Headcanons from me and other fanfic authors
So Star wars Prequels headcanons. My personal ones, ones the majority agrees with, and ones you see in Fanfic. This is not including the Clone Wars headcanons except Ahsoka cause she's parts of this.
This is the Jedi we see and might need to spread into two or more parts. We have a lot to get through, so sit back and relax.
Disaster Lineage - its big, its chaotic and full of unstable people
Ahsoka Tano
- Bites people, from being a Togruta but also learnt that from Anakin.
- Eyes glow in the dark like cats and also pupils go wide like cats on catnip
- no ᑎO ᗷOᑎEᔕ so super flexible and can twist her head like an owl.
- She, i feel, is leaning towards more demigirl/genderfluid presenting female because a) vibes b) the way she acts and such and c) cause why not.
- was scared when she got two crystals cause she didn't know what it meant.
- very cute when she was younger
- Plo was absolutely her dad. Still is and will be
- messed around on the lower levels, with drugs, sex and all sorts of other stuff.
- knows bounty hunters and people on the black market.
- stays awake for 72 hours, eats very small meals and then crashes on the nearest wall. This has caused quite a worry with Healer Che.
- Hates Medbay, like the rest of the lineage and that's due to the war.
- Hyperactive and like Anakin, uses moving mediation.
Anakin SkyWalker
- When he joins the Jedi Order and such, he is bullied quite a lot
- Hasn't gone to therapy but in Fix-its he does and he doesnt turn if he goes to therapy.
- Anakin's ( and this is in some but i think agreed upon) name means Rain Bringer, as on Tatooine names have meaning.
- There is a multitude of ships between him and other characters.
- He knows a lot about biology and sex cause he had to go fix a bunch of broken machinery at the pleasure houses and learnt a lot from the " Colourful and Shiny ladies"
My personal Headcanons
- He knows slithers of langauges ( Mostly swears) because of traders/merchants, smugglers, pilots and so on.
- He bites people as a defensive maneuver when he was younger but I don't think he grew out of it.
- Definitely did not want to meet Palpatine at all but went to make Obi-wan and the Jedi council happy.
Obi-Wan Kenobi
- The force loves him so much and wraps itself around him like a blanket.
- He has too much trauma because of Yoda's meddling and Qui-gon being a dick.
- Most often found in Time-Travel fics cause why not
- He attracts danger, mandalorians, siths and darksiders and bounty hunters.
- An AU is when he gets de aged or sent back in time but gets chosen as someone else's padawan. Some of my favorite fics are like this.
- Absolutely hated tea and preferred caf at some point idk when.
- Has gone through so much trauma, bandomeer, Melia/Daan, On the run with the duchess of Mandalore, etc.
- Does Not like the New Mandalorians and prefers the true mandalorians instead.
- Time Travel fics get him either teaching himself, joining the mandalorians or freeing Shmi and Anakin before anything else.
- Also he speaks more than 37 languages because of qui-gon getting sidetracked on missions.
- ALso the council loves him and takes care of him sometimes.
qui-gon jinn - An Asshole
he doesn't get his name in capitals cause i hate him.
- an asshole and needs therapy.
- smokes space weed and is that weird uncle at family gatherings
- was SUCH an ASSHOLE to our smol bean obi-wan.
- picks up strays and other animals and creatures, resulting in obi-wan taking care of it.
- Repudiated his first padawan, his second fell or "sauntered vaguely downwards" ( Xanatos words not mine) and had Obi-wan who turned out traumatized and an teaholic.
- Yoda loves him, the Council hates him and Obi-wan's friends are the "we hate qui-gon club"
- Took Obi-wan cause of Yoda's meddling
there's nothing left to say about him but he can kriff off but also what the actual kriff was he thinking with Melia/Daan. Like I get your girlfriend is in trouble but still you could have not lied. Asshole
Yan Dooku
- Has high standards and is very dramatic.
- Him and Madame Nu definitely had something going on.
- Was never fully Sith.
- He's "Obi-wan's royal, dramatic grandpa" as Quinlan Vos states.
- Likes his Grandson very much and if he stayed he would absolutely spoil him. I think he does it by sending gifts and such and Obi-wan is so confused.
- Doesn't like his Great Grandson aka "walking disaster and not subtle at all" Anakin Skywalker, cause it reminds him of Qui-gon.
- If he was alive when Ahsoka joined ( idk what year he died aka got decapitated by his great-grandson) the linage, I can see him doing two things a) tries to get ahsoka to join him or b) Gives her advice on how to deal with politicians and teaches her to negotiate.
- Wine Mom or I guess Grandpa? Has a huge wine collection.
- I feel like excluding his lineage that he had a child who married and had a child meaning that in both in the Jedi Order and outside of it, he has grandchildren. Which means there's a descendant of Dooku running around space.
*screams* A troll, goblin and menace to society. Put him in a nursing home. please
- Very chaotic and very old grandpa
- treats everyone like his kids cause they are
- taught kids how to speak like him and make no sense at all.
- The jedi council is just really tired of his billshit.
- Meddles in everything including who gets which intaite as a padawan.
- Gossips with other grandmasters.
- Makes swamp tea and stew which to everyone else is disgusting but they eat or drink it anyway to not get whacked.
- Yoda whacks peoples shins and most likely did it to politicians.
- very old.
Next time, the Jedi council and individual headcanons for them. I give up.
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phoenixyfriend · 3 years
More of "Obi-Wan Declares Himself Dad-Shaped"
(With help from @atagotiak​, see original post here)
One of the fun elements of this AU is that timey-wimey Anakin is now physically more or less the same age as original-timeline Obi-Wan.
I want to imagine they run into each other and Anakin is, despite having his own dad-shaped Obi-Wan, very upset that this younger Obi-Wan doesn't know him at all, and is thus very bitchy and petty. Teen Obi-Wan has no idea what he did to piss this guy off so bad.
(He’s probably a lil bitchy back, which would upset Anakin more.)
(It’s not the normal fond/exasperated kind of bitchy Obi-Wan’s supposed to be like, this is a travesty.)
Ahsoka off to the side like "My brother's dumb."
Ben is just off actually doing real work after tricking “technically a stranger, but a fellow Jedi, so we trust you” Qui-Gon into babysitting duty.
Tiny Feral Jetii Manda Togruta Girl comes up and tugs on Obi's robes and tells him that her brother wants to be his friend, he's just dumb about saying stuff like that, go ask him about speeders.
ALSO I want to say Shmi is like... five years older than Obi-Wan? Maybe eighteen when they arrive, which is three years before Anakin is born. So one day the fam begs off from Mandalorian space for a few days (weeks?) and goes to Tatooine to Find Mom, who is not yet a mom, but Anakin's crying on her anyway.
"Prior to my claiming him as my own child, Anakin was a Skywalker. The Force told us to come and find you, and I imagine your name is why." One of these sentences is true.
Tia asked:
Do the true mandos go to galidraan or avoid the planet entirely? Like if that trap doesn’t take there’s just gonna be another and this would help to communicate and stuff.
I’m just imagining like. The confrontation is a lot calmer, but there is what appears to be a random Jedi youngling that attempts to kill Dooku
“Why are your kids just radiating hostility at me specifically?”
To which I say: Ben negotiates with the Jedi while Fett "negotiates" with Viszla.
When the Jedi ask Ben things like "who are you" and "you're clearly a Jedi, why are you with these guys" and "why do none of us know you when you're obviously a Master" and he just pulls a page from Qui-Gon's book and tells them The Force Willed It and everyone hates that answer because the Force is confirming it.
I feel like Anakin radiates hostility while Ahsoka is trying to see if she can look so gosh-darn cute that people miss out on the fact that she's picking their pockets.
(She’s very good at it, to Ben’s eternal exasperation.)
It's a pity Anakin already has three-hundred-and-fifty-two conflicting feelings about Obi-Wan's general existence, or else they might have gotten along like a house on fire.
I need you to imagine Anakin just picking Ahsoka up and pulling her away from someone while hissing.
Also lots of Kenobi-specific "I have raised this boy for over a decade" no-thinking-needed motions for Ben, where he doesn't look up from a datapad to grab the neck of Anakin's robes as he tries to throw himself headfirst into a fight with someone three times his size.
Anakin would win, but the ensuing drama as people complained about losing to a tween would be a pain to deal with.
I'm very in love with the mental image of Anakin being unnecessarily aggressive, but tiny, while an even smaller Ahsoka is just constantly laughing at him and everyone he interacts with because this is honestly much lower-stakes than she's used to, and generally very silly. Also, sometimes Master Kenobi lets her hide inside his robe and then she can pop out and scare people.
"Ben, where are your kids?" "Hunting." "Hunting... what?" "Whatever's the most dangerous, I imagine." "You're not worried? Your girl's eight." "I'd know if they were in trouble. Jetii osik, as you like to call it."
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booklindworm · 2 years
Amatakka Names
In DAV 4 - The Slave Who Makes Free we have Imer Moonspinner, Grandmother Nittu, Tarrok the Togruta Runaway, Beru Whitesun, Myana, the oldest of the Twi’lek children hiding on Ord Mantell, and Bentu Rockstrider. Fialleril's Children of the Desert adds Amee, Melee, Wald, Seek, Imer and Denak Moonspinner, and Waru and Parin.
In the Desert Storm Series (first part of the Ben Naasade Saga) we have the Skywalkers (Omi, Anakin, Ji-Kest, Luke, Shmi, Nuna), the Whitesuns (Beru, Kania), the Sandseas (Terena, Kereth), and Ma Jira.
Jira, Beru, Luke, Anakin, and Shmi are of course from the official verse, where we also see the Darklighter family (Anya, Biggs, Dera, Gavin, Huff, Jula, Lanal, Rasca, Silya, and Trepler), the Marstraps (Kai, Camie, Windy), Hala, Amee, Jenna, Janek Sunber, Haro Whitesun, Dama Whitesun, Deak, etc
Finally, LEGO Star Wars gives us Kordi, Zander, and Rowan Freemaker.
These names are fascinating. @fialleril has written about it here. And then there's Shmi's wonderful self-introduction in @blue-sunshine-mauve-morning's story Ruin:
“I am called many things by many beings,” [Shmi] declares quietly, but firmly. “But I am Shmi Ekkreth, She Who Walks the Sky and Sees the Way. My face is Ekkreth’s face, and my heart is Ar-Amu’s heart, and I am Amavikka, as was my mother before me, as will be my children after me. I would tell you a story. Will you hear it?”
So I come to the conclusion that Amatakka names usually include one part in Amatakka (Shmi, Anakin, Ji-Kest, Lukka,...) and one part in Basic that means something in relation to the stories (the stories that will save your life).
Here are a few more last names I thought up an case you're interested:
Birdcaller (Kritisara), Bluemoon (Levula), Breezefield (Zardeak), Brightday (Kashkatag), Brightdreamer (Parintag), Brightlaugh (Ebratag), Brighttrail (Tagriya), Chaindazzler (Deppudu), Cloudgatherer (Seshtulu), Darklighter (Yanome), Desertghost (Teraknalu), Dragonsnake (Shammanu), Dunestrider (Rillrethk) Fardreamer (Parinsihtu), Firebird (Itzakriti), Firebringer (Itzakin), Flamebringer (Julakin), Flamekeeper (Julenber), Flamelighter (Julitz), Fogseeker (Sahimba), Greenmoon (Levtenek), Greentree (Japurtenek), Heightclimber (Pulukkelu), Jarkeeper (Hahbenber), Keeneyes (Palkigei), Lightspring (Sennamar), Listener (Daiar) Moonbright (Levtag), Moonember (Julalev), Moonseeker (Levsaha), Moonspinner (Levrukka), Mornbringer (Kallakin), Plainwalker (Sapannureth), Rainbringer (Anakin), Recordkeeper (Sunber), Redrock (Tavedarap), Rockstrider (Terakreth), Sandsea (Rahlika), Sandshifter (Rahbasha), Sandstrider (Rahrethka), Skyeye (Ekkigei), Skywalker (Ekkreth), Starbright (Kestag), Starfinder/Starcatcher (Jikest), Starseeker (Sahakest), Starshine (Senkest), Stonebreaker (Sehhersitu), Storyteller (Qelini), Sunfire (Khepitza), Sweetsong (Chiberim), Sweet-Talker (Marstrap), Sweetwater/Freshwater (Marachi), Swiftfeet (Lasmugir), Unfettered (Kol-Depuan), Watergiver (Marukeppa), Wayfinder (Siji), Whitesun/Brightsun/Midsuns (Khepatag), Winddancer (Daradeak), Wish-Fulfillment (Tibora)
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prfctparis · 2 years
little random facts with zari & the shatterpoint lineage in my star wars fix-it au
to start this off: zariza is anakin’s little sister – half-sister, technically, but rarely does anyone acknowledge the ‘half’ part
also i’m making this bc idk when i’m actually going to write this out as an actual story so y’all are getting this bullet point style for now
moving on! more background stuff: she isn’t in mos espa with anakin & shmi bc watto’s a dick who sold her when she was 3 or 4 with no warning whatsoever
but then she gets freed & depa billaba is envolved somehow (and maybe quinlan vos. i’m still figuring things out lmao) & they eventually go back to the jedi temple. this happens uhhh 3 or 4-ish months after TPM
anakin who lowkey previously resented every single council member bc they didn’t want him to join immediately loves depa for this and his 10 year old big bro brain is like “well i love you now” for saving his little sister
zari obviously adores depa as well
depa adores them back bc they’re adorable
mace “the skywalkers give me headaches” windu has a vague sense of foreboding bc of this and he doesn’t know why. it’s not bad, per se, but still
so rlly in the early years he doesn’t interact with neither zariza nor anakin a lot tbh but i mean after the kinda-murderous-droid-and-flesh-eating-plant incident they can’t fault him for doing so
only the high council members, obi-wan, my oc jedi master rheba, & the skysibs know what happened; everyone else only hears apparent rumors that are mostly wrong (but none of them know that)
when zari is having Bad Days as an initiate & nothing her crèchemates & master do helps, she finds depa and she braids zari’s hair to help her relax
depa is the reason zariza calls mace ‘window’
when he finally figures that out he isn’t surprised in the slightest
zari also has a connection to living things (v strong in the living force) but mostly plants
after catching each other in the temple’s kitchens that one night anakin was sick, mace keeps a closer eye on zariza & by proxi anakin
somehow it becomes a reoccurring thing over the years until she’s a padawan
speaking of, when zariza becomes rheba toome’s padawan it isn’t a surprise considering the togruta woman was dubbed as a ‘skywalker wrangler’
he simultaneously feels relieved and disappointed
the only one who notices this is yoda (& ok depa too)
and then when zariza and rheba go on a mission when she’s 14, things go Very Very Wrong Extremely Quickly and zari gets enslaved again and rheba dies trying to save her
fast forward through traumatic experiences and zariza gets back literally the day the clone wars starts
now she needs another master (after, y’know, debating on whether or not she actually wants to come back as a jedi padawan at the temple)
mace “skywalkers give me headaches but somehow along the way i’ve gone soft for the youngest one” windu eventually fills in that spot
anakin officially decided that, ok, maybe mace windu isn’t so bad
the Bad Day = hair braiding with depa changes to Bad Day = hair braiding with mace bc of the war
he’s mediocre at it but zari doesn’t mind. he’s not as bad as he could be at it bc he used to braid depa’s hair too
also she climbs through secret hallways, vents, etc at the temple (and in time, the vents in the venatorships). always has. it’s where she disappears to most of the time if she’s not somewhere deep within the room of a thousand fountains
one such secret passage leads to the high council’s room and when she exits the hidden door mace & depa are in the middle of the room talking about a meeting that just ended and the three stare at each other for a solid 5 seconds before zari just. backs up back into the secret passage way.
that happens during her padawan-ship under rheba but she’s been mapping the secret passage ways, the basement hallways, vents, even the fucking attic, ever since she was 7
the only other person who knows this is her best friend elvira who’s plo koon’s padawan bc i said so and also bc he deserves one
and then ezra years down the line. zari enables him in everything and caleb is Not Pleased
“get ur own padawan! ezra is my kid”
“hm no, i don’t think i will”
anakin, overhearing caleb ranting to mace and depa, master of sniffing out little sister antics thanks to zari and ahsoka: “you realize reacting like this just fuels her actions, right?”
caleb: “….well i do now”
anyway anakin tries to get zariza to give him the maps of the passages & all bc he wants to feel included but zariza is a little shit and lives for annoying her big brother so she refuses every single time
r2-d2 knows tho but just for emergencies
when anakin figures this out he tries to get it out of r2 but r2 shocks him instead
“you turned my droid against me!”
“…technically isn’t he padmé’s droid?”
bc anakin’s a bad influence zari has known A Lot of huttese cuss words since she joined the order & accidentally teaches an 11 year old caleb dume three huttese cuss words within an hour when depa & mace’s battalions team up during the war
the adults aren’t pleased
zari and caleb are awkward with each other for 3 whole minutes the first time they meet & then they get along like a house on fire
ponds and grey try to keep an eye on them when their battalions team up for that exact reason but somehow they always lose sight of them within 30 minutes
zari thinks of caleb as a little brother
with that said the jedi are found family and you can pry that headcanon from my cold dead hands
she 1000% embarrasses him when she first meets hera
and that’s all for now or else this’ll get way too long
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tranakin-skywalker · 1 year
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Togruta au sketch dump pt 1
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wizardofrozz · 2 years
Bound by Binary Suns Masterlist
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Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Ahsoka Tano, Qui-Gon Jinn, Padme Amidala, R2D2, Watto, Jira, Captain Gregar Typho, Plo Koon
Word Count: ~22k
A/N: This is the first time I’m writing for any of these characters and I’m super nervous but also excited lol
*warnings and summary below the cut
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General Warnings (!!): slight swearing, mention of nightmares, slavery, graphic violence, physical abuse, blood, description of injuries, child abuse 
Summary: Obi-Wan Kenobi found himself on Tatooine as a young boy, enslaved by Gardulla the Hutt and crossing paths with Shmi Skywalker. Obi-Wan hid his connection to the Force and kept his head down but that all changed when Anakin Skywalker was born. When Gardulla losses the boys in a bet, they only have each other until a lively Togruta girl crosses their path. 
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
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jasontoddiefor · 4 years
Chapter 7 of As Lightning to the Children eased or as I like to call it: Dooku gets his shit together.
Dooku didn't know how, but Shmi Skywalker had known that something had happened to her child before the call of the Council had even reached them. She had looked up in the middle of her katas, paling rapidly. Dooku had heard of Masters sensing their Padawans' distress before, had experienced such with his own reckless students, but never with such intensity and days' travel in hyperspace away from his children. Still, Shmi continued with her tasks with the same dedication as before her foreboding and did not panic when they got the actual notification two weeks later, telling them that Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Qui-Gon Jinn were already back on Coruscant, apparently all in a miserable condition.
Padawan Skywalker the elder's stance on the whole situation caused Dooku to reconsider his rude behavior during their first meeting. She had known that something was terribly wrong, had felt it deep in her bones when no one else had, and yet she had endured, done her Master proud, and fulfilled their mission first. When they arrived back at the temple, a place Dooku had been away from for too long as he had forgotten the warmth of its embrace, she dutifully made her report to the Council, under the many concerned eyes of the assembled Masters. And only when she had finished her statement, answered all questions, she excused herself and left to visit her son.
If anyone still doubted her place in their order after these actions, Dooku wouldn't hesitate to challenge them himself for her honor, though given her quick wit and skill with the blade, she'd hardly need anyone to fight her battles.
Shmi didn't ask him if he wanted to come with her, but she also didn't stop him when he fell into step with her. She smiled at him, kindly as if she were his Crèchemaster, ready to console him, and not a Padawan as they silently walked to the halls of healing.
Dooku hadn't been there when the Skywalkers had joined the temple, but he had heard of the impossible terror that was Shmi's child.
Yet, somehow, all those rumors couldn't compare to meeting him in person. He looked innocent and human enough, sleeping in his Master's arms, a small togruta child stretched across the both of them. Then, suddenly, he woke and within the blink of an eye, Dooku found himself pinned against a wall, electric blue eyes focused on him with previously unknown intensity.
"Anakin!" Obi-Wan was awake a second later, holding down his student's arm as if that could lessen the pressure on Dooku's chest. "Anakin, stop it, we're home, it's alright."
Disorientated, the child blinked at Dooku, curiosity and confusion entering his gaze as if he were seeing Dooku for the first time. Then whatever might have kept him in a chokehold, stopped and the boy fell back into his Master's arms.
"Obi-Wan?" Anakin sounded puzzled when he spoke up. His voice was rough as if he hadn't spoken in days.
"Hello, Anakin." Though Dooku knew that his grandpadawan was hardly older than twenty-five, the exhaustion wearing him down made him look decades older. "Are you awake now?"
Anakin tilted his head. "Yeah, of course. Why wouldn't I be?"
A shadow passed over Obi-Wan's face. "No reason. Do you know who is visiting us?"
More hastily than before, Anakin's head whipped around and turned into the direction Shmi was standing in. "Mom!" he exclaimed and, after carefully pushing the third child off his lap, he jumped out of bed to rush to his mother. He hugged her tightly, burying his face in her robes. "Mom, I missed you."
Shmi Skywalker, showing no sign of fear, worry, confusion or anything such as that about her son's earlier actions, only embraced him just as tightly.
"I missed you too, Anakin," Shmi said and kissed the top of his head.
Anakin didn't let go of her, but his eyes drifted to the lightsaber clipped to her belt. Without another word, Shmi took it from the belt and handed Anakin the blade. Anakin examined it closely, ran his fingers across the metal hilt before handing it back to his mother. "Your crystals sound nice. I like them."
"I'm glad."
As mother and son continued talking, Dooku managed to get to his feet, still shaken by the assault the others pointedly ignored. He crossed the distance to the bed Obi-Wan and the now yawning youngling were lying on and sat down on it. He disliked showing such weakness, but he couldn't exclude the possibility that his legs might not hold him upright should he continue to stand.
"What was that?" he asked.
Obi-Wan sighed and the youngling whose presence Dooku could not quite explain sat up and gently patted his cheeks, making the young man smile.
"It's a reflex, mostly," Obi-Wan explained. "Anakin isn't quite over what happened yet and lashes out when he thinks we are threatened by something or someone he doesn't recognize."
Obi-Wan's elaboration failed to clear anything up and if the boy didn't look like he hadn't slept in a week, Dooku would claim he was purposefully misdirecting. "We are in the Jedi temple. What is there here that he fears?"
What had Dooku done that Anakin assumed his own lineage would attack him?
The look Obi-Wan was giving him was downright chilling, damning, before it slowly turned into incredulity. "I thought that was why Shmi— You don't sense it, do you?"
He sounded flabbergasted.
"No," Dooku said. "What is there to sense?"
Discomfort and wariness settled in the air, so heavy that Dooku was reminded of the invisible hands around his neck.
"The taint, the poison, the rot clinging to your light," Obi-Wan said slowly. "The darkness."
It sounded like judgement.
The first thing Qui-Gon recognized was noise.
It was loud around him, familiar voices speaking out. When he tried to open his eyes, he found the task impossibly challenging. He fought against the voice telling him to rest a little longer, that he didn't have to wake quite yet, but Qui-Gon had always been a stubborn one, unwilling to follow orders he deemed unnecessary.
When light began to fill his vision, Qui-Gon looked into the face of his worried Padawan, missing his braid and looking as distraught as Qui-Gon had seldom seen him before.
"Obi-Wan?" he tried to say, but his voice wasn't cooperating, so whatever left his mouth, it couldn't have been his apprentice's name.
"It's me, Master, yes." Obi-Wan understood him anyway, clever and wise as he was. Qui-Gon had given his Padawan a much too difficult time when he had still been his student and not a Knight of his own regard. He could hardly imagine being any prouder of Obi-Wan than he already was
"Master Qui-Gon!"
His vision became clearer and allowed for him to see Anakin and Ahsoka sitting just beside him on the bed, Shmi behind them and there, right next to her—
"Save your strength, Qui-Gon," his Master urged him. If Obi-Wan had looked distressed, Dooku appeared downright hysterical. Qui-Gon was quite ready to believe this was all a hallucination now. As far as he knew, his Master had sworn off returning to the temple for at least another decade and even if he were here, he certainly wouldn't seek out Qui-Gon, no matter how injured.
"Rest some more," the imitation of his Master said. For just the shortest of moments, Qui-Gon was reminded of the time he had been a youngling just a few months older than Anakin and Dooku, not even quite Obi-Wan's age then, had panicked over his sickness. It had only been a mild cold, not the blinding hot pain chaining him to the bed now, but Dooku had told him to rest then with just the same cadence and care.
"Everything will be better after you've slept."
The illusion said the same words as his Master had then and just for that alone, Qui-Gon was inclined to believe him, even if he couldn't sense him, sense any of them properly.
Qui-Gon didn't know how much time passed between the intervals he was actually closer to consciousness and those he was inaccessible to the world. It felt like centuries passed within the blink of an eye. Regardless, whenever he woke, Dooku was there, dutifully sitting at his side as if Qui-Gon were still a child. It was reassuring anyhow.
The morning Qui-Gon woke and didn't feel like he needed to drop right back to sleep, he was greeted by the image of Dooku reading while the children were playing some board games on the bed next to his.
Qui-Gon decided to observe them just a minute longer before he spoke up.
"Am I dreaming, Master?"
Dooku immediately dropped the datapad and the others stopped their game, Qui-Gon's voice breaking this strange atmosphere.
"Qui-Gon!" it came from all sides. "Are you alright?"
He felt half-blind as if he had lost a sense he had always taken for granted, but, staring into the guilt-ridden expression of Anakin, he realized that lying had never been easier. "Yes, of course. What did I miss?"
From the look his lineage was giving him, quite a lot.
Ahsoka was young, but she wasn't stupid.
"What happened?" she asked Obi-Wan. The real adults wouldn't tell her anything for sure, but Obi-Wan just might because he was Anakin's the same way she was Anakin's, and he was theirs, and that was all that mattered. "Anakin is different."
He was hurting, though he tried to hide it. His pain and his fear scared him, which in turn only upset Ahsoka. She wanted everyone to be happy and healthy, but the world had shifted when she hadn't been there and it hurt.
"I—" Obi-Wan hesitated, so Ahsoka crossed her arms in front of her chest like she had seen Shmi do when she wanted to know something and nobody was willing to tell her. It made Ahsoka feel taller and more grown-up. Obi-Wan would have to tell her the truth.
"I want to know," she repeated. "Now."
Obi-Wan studied her for a few moments longer, then he sighed. "Anakin did something very foolish and difficult and Qui-Gon did something just as stupid and now everything is a mess."
Ahsoka could tell that he was trying not to use big words with her, but it only felt like he was attempting to get away with saying less.
"What did they do?" Ahsoka asked. "I want to know."
The need was pulsating under her skin, edging her on, licking at her arms like hot flames, urging to demand and not stop until she had forced the truth from his mouth, the ugly thing that was closing his throat.
"Anakin saw something really, really bad and dark," Obi-Wan said. "So Qui-Gon helped him forget that."
"But isn't that good?"
Ahsoka thought it was. It should be. If Qui-Gon took away what had hurt Anakin, then Anakin was going to be better now. That was how helping others worked. The others always said so; Shmi did too. The more you helped, the more did the galaxy heal.
"Yes, technically speaking, but… You know how the Force gives us warnings?"
Yes, of course, she did. Everyone always said to listen to the Force for their knowledge, but the Force had never warned her before she had stubbed her toe, so she wasn't entirely sold on that yet.
"The memories Qui-Gon hid from Anakin were such a warning, so now we don't know what the Force was warning us from and since they are so well hidden to protect him, Anakin won't be able to recognize the danger again when he sees it."
Oh. That really did sound bad. "Did he anything do something stupid then to get back the memories?"
Obi-Wan shook his head. "No, Anakin decided to break the Force a little to keep Qui-Gon here longer."
Ahsoka wondered whether that was the reason Qui-Gon's wound was healing so slowly and no pain medication truly helped. He tried to hide it, but Ahsoka's nose and eyes were better than humans'. She saw him tense, could smell the sickness. Ahsoka bit her lip. "Is that why Qui-Gon's Force is all messed up?"
She didn't know how to describe it in a better way. It felt a little as if Qui-Gon was made up out of strings and someone had cut them and then tied the ropes back together clumsily in haste, leaving a net that could catch his soul, but was incredibly messy.
"A little. There's no telling what messing around with the Force like Anakin did."
(And they wouldn't know for a long while what it meant to force something to live. No matter how good the intentions at that moment, the residue of his actions left Maul awake, alive, alight in the dark side, and screaming.)
"Is he going to be okay again?" Ahsoka asked.
When Obi-Wan didn't reply immediately, she climbed back into his lap and let him wrap his arms around her. Jedi were the happiest when they weren't cold, and her family felt as if they needed a lot of warmth.
"I hope so," Obi-Wan replied. "I really do hope so."
For the first time since he had gotten his first gray hair, Qui-Gon actually felt old. He was tired all the time and his control over the Force was atrocious and depended on the time of day, what he had eaten for breakfast, the weather, and whether somewhere halfway across Coruscant somebody had totaled their Speeder, or so it felt to him at least. There was no rhyme or rhythm to whether he could use the Force at all and what his control over it was, not even as his body recovered.
His gut wound hadn't healed entirely yet, and he continued to be haunted by its phantom pains. He knew that it hurt Anakin, that he felt guilty, so Qui-Gon tried to avoid showing any of these weaknesses around the boy, but Anakin was an intelligent child and he noticed it anyway. Qui-Gon wondered if Anakin's sudden clinginess and paranoia resulted from his actions, actions he now had to justify himself for.
"Are you sure you wouldn't prefer to sit?" Plo asked.
Qui-Gon wanted to reply with words as sharp as the edge of a knife, but he shouldn't. Plo was asking him out of worry and because they were friends, not to belittle him or point out his discomfort to him.
"I'm quite sick of sitting and lying down," Qui-Gon confessed. It hurt to admit this weakness, was he fully his Master's Padawan in this aspect, and against what his heart was telling him, he forced himself to say it out loud. "But a chair would be appreciated."
They got a chair for him and so Qui-Gon sat in front of the assembled Council, laying his mind bare for them to see and judge.
"Obi-Wan's report states that Padawan Skywalker had a breakdown as you boarded the ship to Naboo again. Is this correct?"
"And following this breakdown, you put a heavy mind block on him. Is this true as well?"
"Yes," Qui-Go replied, or maybe it would be more correct to claim he apologized.
He didn't regret saving Anakin then. It had come at a high price, his own mind still bleeding where he had cut himself on the kyber crystals of Anakin's soul, but he regretted that it had come to this at all. Trifling with a mind like this was nothing that could be taken lightly, and had the Council not asked to see him, Qui-Gon would have accused them of negligence. "I saw no other choice."
"What did you saw in his mind that forced you to act like this?" Mace asked.
"I saw a reflection of his own state of being, I suppose." His words sounded stuporous, too carelessly chosen, but he didn't know how else to describe this feeling. The more he attempted to elaborate on what he had seen, the more he realized that their language lacked the terms he needed
"I don't think the Force was meant to be anything more than something that binds the world together," Qui-Gon declared. "But Anakin… His existence defies that. He is the Force incarnate and it hurts him, subconsciously. The Force is endless and in Anakin, they have to constrain themself to a body with mortal limits, a fact which unsettles him down to his core when he becomes aware of it. From my observations, which I fail to describe accurately here and I fear to share with the state of my own mind and control, merely having consciousness is unsuitable for a being such as Anakin. We have all heard the voice of the Force, its call and its will, but it doesn't want as we do, as mortals might."
"But Anakin does," Plo continued his thought. "So you have the Force turned sentient, which goes against everything they ever were before, and suddenly they have to deal with the fact that Anakin has wants and needs that go beyond that of his parent."
"Yes," Qui-Gon agreed. "I think – or at least the way Anakin perceived it – the Force is shackling themself with his existence, in his existence. He became aware of it through a factor I have not yet determined, and that resulted in his breakdown."
"And so you decided to cover up these shackles."
"I did."
It was the only way he could have stopped Anakin from self-destructing.
The Force had shifted for the third time in less than a decade after so many years of slowly eroding away.
It was strange. Where once it was clouded, twisted, and shadowed as his Master and his Master's Master had crafted it, there was a rift now, a clearing.
It was shedding light on objects that should not be seen.
Darth Sidious pulled the shadows closer around himself and, throwing one last glance at his Master's dead body, decided to investigate.
He had need for an apprentice.
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capricornus-rex · 4 years
A Shadow of What You Used to Be (1)
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Chapter 1: A Child Can Dream | Cal Kestis x Irele Skywalker
Requested by Anon
Summary: There is another! Years after young Anakin Skywalker departed Tatooine, his mother Shmi delivers a second child—this time, a daughter. Whilst the circumstance of the girl’s birth remains unexplained, Irele Skywalker has yet to choose the true path between those laid out for her.
Tags: Fem! OC, Irele Skywalker, Force-sensitive! OC, Anakin’s Younger Sister, Skywalker! OC, Darth Vader’s Secret Apprentice, Long-lost Sibling
A/N: I AM SO HAPPY TO BE BACK! Our house is clean, power and wifi is back on, and we’re slowly getting back on our feet now! ❤ It was a tough 2 weeks, but we survived. My neighborhood is getting back on its own feet as well. We just need more time in flushing out whatever trace of the flood remains. Thank you so much to @glxy-otter​ and @someoneovertherainboww​ for sending me lots of love & support! It really made me smile 💜🥺
Also in AO3
Previous: Prelude | Next: Part 2 | Masterlist
2 of ?
The garage was filled with the same perpetual noise. For a seven-year-old, this is no suitable place for a child—but this is the normal she grew up in.
“Hurry up with that chassis!” barked a male Twi’lek with orange skin in Huttese.
The girl answered, in the same dialect, “Can’t you see that this thing is twice my size, Pelug!?”
“You’re lucky you’re faster than those pit droids, otherwise, I would’ve put you in concessionaire duty!”
A pair of hazel eyes shot a piercing look at the humanoid, a scowl forming in her eyebrows.
The orange Twi’lek’s pair of lekku wagged along with his finger pointed at the girl, his threat didn’t scare her as much as he wanted to—though it’s common knowledge that concessionaire duty was the worst, one is essentially demoted if put there. But she thinks she’s proved herself highly unlikely of being in that position.
Not receiving help—not expecting to either—she hauled up the chassis on a crate while shooing the doddering pit droids. When the path was clear, the hatch had already been opened—thanks to those little ones—to screw in the part before the big race. The speakers crackled and echoed across the entire garage, reminding us that the participants have less than thirty minutes before the racers are required to bring their rides on the starting block.
“Irele,” Pelug called in Basic, but immediately went back to speaking Huttese. “You got tiny hands, hold this open for me while I close off the hydraulic seals.”
Irele obeyed. She had a few seconds of relaxing her fingers one seal after the other.
After the tech work, their contender—a male Togruta named Gelesh with uneven lekku—hopped onto his podracer. A few switches and clicks, the Brazen Bullet roared to life—lights flickered across the entire dashboard, the engines belched, and the turbines thrummed.
“Hey, if Sebulba fights dirty—”
“I’ll fight filthier!” he cuts Irele off laughing, but she let it pass. The exchange was somewhat tradition for both of them.
The speakers in the garage crackled again, startling many who are inside, and the croaky announcer prompted the racers to prepare at the starting block; in less than a second, a second translates everything to Huttese. The announcer was the two-headed sentient of species she still doesn’t know the name of.
Gelesh’s entourage—including Irele—strolled out of the garage and made for the exit. The Tatooine sunlight abruptly blazed its rays over their heads, luckily, they were wearing headgear. Gelesh was confident although the nervousness was somehow getting to him, the girl can sort of sense it—along with a few more emotions that she didn’t want to point out to make it worse for him.
“Hey, Gel?”
“Yeah, Irele?”
That took a load off of his chest, his lips stretched to a friendly grin, he pulled himself together first and then his goggles next. To each racer, they followed the instructions as the two-headed sentient said so. All the technicians began scrambling back to their pit stop when the mufflers have fired up. Little Irele went further into their pit stop, crawling through spaces that only she can enter; she then scaled a spire with makeshift handholds she herself installed until she could reach a ledge on the spire that apparently supported one of the spectator boxes.
The seven-year-old was small enough to seat herself on such a narrow edge; from there, she has as good as a view of the spectators in the towers and stands. If the crowd was already rowdy before the racers lined up on the block, the noise got wilder and louder that perhaps one can hear it all the way to Mos Pelgo. Each podracer had their characteristic noise for each action: ignition, acceleration, compressor activation, and what have you—Irele can identify the Brazen Bullet and its every sound with her eyes closed.
“Alright, racers, rev up those engines because we start in five…”
A collective of podracers engine noises rung and rumbled the circuit. Three seconds in, their ignition sent dust clouds flying over the heads of the poor people in the bottom row of the stands. The people in the bleachers joined the countdown, and so did Irele as she kept her eye on the single podracer whose body plates are forged with bronzium.
One by one, the vehicles zipped past—their noises abrupt like the firing of a blaster, the mufflers thunderous as they pulled the accelerators—some of the audience members had the hems of their clothes flying to the direction of the podracers, nonetheless arousing their secondhand adrenaline.
Irele’s little heart went with Brazen Bullet speeding right in the lead, the bronzium finish of the vehicle were fleeting specks of light over her glossy, hazel eyes. She scaled the spire some more until she could sneak a peek on one of the watchers’ tablets to see who’s in the lead and dead last. For everytime Gelesh completed the lap, Irele could almost feel her heels floating, as if she was the one driving the pod and feeling the exact velocity, the thrill, the sheer focus—driving one was a dream, though her mother forbade her, begged her even not to try it, but said so with a softness that compels Irele to obey, despite her desires.
Everyone had their eyes on the rising star, Gelesh, who was also leaving Sebulba in the dust. Hot on his heels, the Dug desperately cranked every possible lever his hind legs could grab on—in the hopes of catching up to the Togruta. The Dug, unwilling to accept defeat after the destruction of his streak by the victory of that one human boy years ago.
That boy was Anakin Skywalker.
Irele had heard stories of him: how he defeated the Dug despite all odds, and snagged the top place in the race, and how he was an underdog in everyone’s eyes. She wondered if they might have been friends somehow, given their mutual penchant for podracing albeit preferring different aspects.
“This is it, people! This is the last lap of the circuit—Gelesh Odibra and Sebulba are practically neck-and-neck! Who will cross the finish line first!? They’re all so close now!! It’s Gelesh!! No, it’s Sebulba!!”
The sentient argues with its Huttese-speaking head, looping what the Basic-speaking head kept saying in a continuous effort in riling up the crowd. Irele was literally on the edge of the tier when the Brazen Bullet and Sebulba’s podracer were within view. A twin-trail of sand, clouding the tail-ends of the podracers approach the starting line—with the third light blinking green, eager for the victor to zoom through it.
It was all such a blur. The crowd cheered, nonetheless, believing that their eyes didn’t deceive them and that they saw their contender stay ahead of the other by a hair. Not long after, a scuffle was developing when two differing spectators argued on whose champion went through the finish line first. Irele spotted it across from where she sat, but she didn’t watch the scuffle for long; she turned her attention to the announcer’s tower.
“Wow, did you see how close that was! Everything was such a blur I’m not even sure if I saw it right!”
The second head agreed, speaking in Huttese, in the same enthusiasm as the Basic-speaking one.
To finally calm the crowd, and settle it once and for all, the sentient clicks a pattern of buttons on their control panel to project a snapshot of the two racers at the finish line—determining who was closest to the line. Showing images from all angles, it’s clear that the Brazen Bullet’s nose was basically under the sensors of the light—thus triggering all three lights to indicate that a racer has completed the circuit.
“I don’t believe it! This is Gelesh’s third win in the streak—cementing his record just right above Sebulba’s!”
By the hum of a gong echoing across the circuit, a large portion of the crowd jumped and roared in a united cheer—ribbons and petals of sorts flew in congratulation, showering the youthful Togruta in his victory. He hopped out of his podracer, his entourage comes sprinting out of their pit stop with Irele at the tail just getting down from her perch.
“GELESH, YOU DID IT!” squealed the girl, sprinting and shouldering her way to his view.
A host hands over a trophy to Gelesh who then let Irele—perched on his broad shoulder—hold the other side of the trophy. People have gotten out of their seats to surround the defending champion. They chanted his name, the rest of the spectators showered him with flowers, petals, and ribbons.
Every victory was wonderful for Irele. Perhaps, it equaled to the exact same thrill as driving her own podrace. This went on for two more years, and in those next years, they enjoyed the sport—win or lose.
24 BBY
It seemed that the garage manager was feeling gracious today. The Rodian boss let Irele go home earlier than her normal shift, in which the girl celebrated with a grin whose ends pierced her plump cheeks, a squeaking cheer as she scrambles to put away her things, and a sprint that sent the dust floating behind her heels.
Irele didn’t head home right away, she went the other direction—towards the junkshop where her mother worked, employed by the blue, pungent Toydarian, Watto. The chimes rang as she burst through the door, startling the creature—who hoped it was a customer, but much to his chagrin, it was only the girl, and so he returns to his chair with a groan.
“Where’s Mom?”
“Over there,” Watto lazily pointed and croaked with his native accent running thick in his voice.
Shmi paused at the workbench to meet her daughter, “Irele? You’re out early.”
Irele threw herself into Shmi’s arms, embracing her as tight as her scrawny arms can, “Yeah, Selek let me out early today. Good thing he did!”
Her mother simply smiled, perhaps too overwhelmed by her daughter’s energy.
“You didn’t forget, did you?”
That somehow jolted Shmi enough for her realize that she had caught herself spacing out. She shook her head and mouthed the word “no,” she saw the concerned expression in Irele’s face and took her daughter by the shoulders.
“No, darling, I didn’t forget,” she pursed a sweet smile and tapped the tip of Irele’s nose with her forefinger. “How could I forget my promise to you?”
Irele’s eyes lit up, the sihght of it delighted her mother. Shmi then finished up whatever work she’s been busying herself with before getting off of work. Mother and child strolled out of the junkshop, Irele trottd off happily while keeping her hand clasped in Shmi’s—who was walking in her normal pace, with a few occasional tugs from the child because of her prancing.
By the time they got home, Irele impatiently put her things away in her room, got washed, and eagerly waited for Shmi to join her in the kitchen. The promise was that they were going to cook something together—a house favorite of Irele: Shmi’s own, delicious recipe. They had saved enough from their wages separately, and in total, they had enough to buy ingredient for a hearty, full supper consisting of meat, a medley of mushrooms and vegetables, and fruits and pallies for dessert.
They could only do this once for their individual pay was rather low.
All of this is a celebration of Irele turning eight.
A simple celebration with fulfilling food on the table, with no one else but her mother and herself, in the coziness of their cottage—to Irele, it was wonderful. And perfect.
It was everything she could ever ask for.
Months after their promised celebration, Irele had been seeing a man with sandy brown hair and a scraggly stubble. Maybe once or twice, she saw him clean-shaven. She always saw him frequenting Watto’s shop, either to buy or play Sabacc—but oftentimes, the latter in which Watto had a questionable win record. One should not be surprised if the blue Toydarian won through his swindler’s methods.
This man was Cliegg Lars.
Apparently, Shmi had caught the eye of Cliegg, as he frequented the junkshop in search of parts mostly for speeders and other machines he uses. Despite being a child, Lars’s feelings did not escape the insightful Irele; in her opinion, he’d been coming over to the shop a little too often for someone who kept fixing speeders. Although, she cannot be certain if his motives are true; it’s still a lead nonetheless. Even she had drawn attention to herself from the man, shying away from his gruff yet friendly hello’s, and then curiously watching him deal with Watto whilst hiding behind walls.
It wasn’t long until Cliegg began to fall for Shmi, rooting from their day-to-day interactions with one another whenever he would stop by. He pretended that he doesn’t feel Irele tailing them, but he didn’t let that bother him—she’s a child after all, he thought.
Shmi presently being a mother with a daughter in tow didn’t trouble Cliegg. A man of ethics—a rare trait in this lawless ball of sand—he could not imagine buying off Shmi from Watto, but then leaving the child to the Toydarian. Fortunately for Lars, it was evident that Watto’s gambling—with a not-so-impressive track record to boot—had gradually collapsed his business. Little by little, Watto’s wares had either been disposed of or been sold to the lowest possible price in the hopes of keeping the business up. When there was nothing else to profit from, Watto would be forced to sell his remaining property—the mother and child slaves. Cliegg took it from there.
From a certain point of view, his proposition of buying Shmi and Irele intrigued the Toydarian.
“How much you gunna pay fo meh two slaves, eh?” rasped Watto, irreparably pronouncing “slaves” as slehvz in his thick, native Toydarian accent.
“I can pay you twenty thousand each,” Cliegg bobbed his head for the dramatics, pretending to be pensive. “I’ll pawn off my X-class landspeeder to pay them.”
A single holodisk produced a projection of the item in question. The speeder—brand new and in its prime, only seven months old—was an interesting wager in and of itself. The rusty-reddish paint job would stand out in the desert, whether up close or in the horizon, sunlight would bounce off on the sheen of the thrusters’ metallic sections. Truly a shiny new toy.
Cliegg could have sworn he heard the clinking of credits when Watto’s eyes lit up with greedy intrigue.
Good, that’s gotten his attention. Thought the man.
Watto hovered himself closer to the projection, his flimsy wings struggled to carry his weight as they flapped erratically, and rubbed his fleshy chin at the same time. To the flying sentient, it wasn’t a bad deal, at least for Lars’s expense in his mind—the ratio of the trade somewhat balances out: Lars wants two things from him, thus he wagers something in the same worth.
“You must think me a fool, Watto,” Cliegg noted the perhaps long silence of Watto examining the images. “To pay you the price of a single landspeeder for two slaves.”
The Toydarian chuckled, then gestured defensively, “No, no. I don’t that, Lars, meh friend. In fact, this is quite an int’resting investment.” His emphasis on the word “investment” made him enunciate the S into a harsh, buzzing Z.
Perhaps, it is in the nature of every Toydarian to call anything an investment—even a gamble on a card game. There aren’t many of Watto’s kind here in Tatooine, but that is the only impression Cliegg can pick up from Watto for his opinion on the species. Not having any of the suspense, the man tried to broke the deal until they can shake on it. Watto came so far as making an event out of it, but Lars insisted to refrain from the grandeur, to which his beneficiary gave in.
They finally shook on it. The two males were clueless that Irele had been eavesdropping on their exchange. It was a bad habit that Shmi had gently reprimanded her of, but just this once, she had never been invested in someone else’s conversation—only because the subject was their freedom at stake, and it was this stranger who dared to go through this length of settling an agreement with their current slaver. Irele’s mind was in a whirl—would he be a kinder slaver than Watto? More generous or more cruel? With their conversation going on what felt like hours, she had resorted to sitting on the floor, her back against the wall as she listened in on their voices.
The girl heard the door chimes followed by the silence, then she scrambled to her feet when she heard the flapping of Watto’s wings grow louder and disappeared as quietly as she could.
Two days later after that agreement had been set in stone, today’s the fateful day: Shmi finds out only now that she and Irele had been sold to Cliegg Lars. When Watto announced that he’s sold them together to this man, understandably, the woman was taken aback from her lack of prior knowledge, and she had every right to be surprised. Her daughter, on the other hand, feigned it—her false silence fit in with the mood of the room.
Shmi and Irele Skywalker watched the pouch of credits transfer from Cliegg’s hand to Watto’s, signifying that they now belong to Cliegg Lars.
“Take them,” Watto says, although somberly. He hovers in place as he watches Shmi and Irele join Cliegg out of the shop.
“I wish you good luck on your business, Watto,” Lars bade, however, it felt backhanded.
At the entrance of the junkshop awaited a pair of eopies—tall, quadrupedal animals that served as mounts for people and carriers of cargo—handled by a Jawa that Cliegg hired for a few hours.
“I’m sorry if I couldn’t give you two a more comfortable ride to your new home,” there was a sincerity in Lars’s voice, warm and genuine, something that Shmi nor Irele had not heard for a long time.
“It’s fine,” Shmi stuttered while trying to be polite. “I’m more used with the mount than speeders.”
“Ah, well, where you’re living—you’ll get used to it, but I’ll let you do it in your own pace.”
With a simple waving gesture from Cliegg, the Jawa hauled the animal pair then coaxed both to go down on their knees—level enough so the humans can hop on their backs. Each eopie grunted when they felt more weight on themselves; Shmi and Irele shared one saddle, Lars took the lead from town to their new home.
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skyguygeneraltano · 4 years
Roast yoda
*summons 17 year old Anti Yoda me* You green little turd where the hell do I even start? Since you are so karking old. Let’s just start with Phantom Menace, Anakin Skywalker was effing nine. NINE YEARS OLD. And y’all are just “I don’t trust him because he’s scared!” I’m twenty and I would be scared to be by myself in a room full of judgmental creepy dudes deciding my fate. Anakin was literally recruited by a Space Hippie and left his enslaved momma on a desert planet. You guys let him in and you are just “let’s watch this kid really closely and pressure him and exclude him the whole time...what can go wrong?🙃🙃” Also you should have stopped Obi-Wan from training Anakin, poor Obi was too young and inexperienced to be taking care of a nine year old with emotional problems while grieving. Should have given Anakin to Plo Koon! And bruh, I try not to bring up the comics or expanded universe but Shmi Skywalker and even WATTO raised money for Shmi to contact Anakin and y’all rejected her. Assholes. And Yoda, why were you okay with using Clone Troopers? That are templates of one of your enemies? Are you stupid? Like if I saw clones of my fifth grade music teacher I’m running the hell away. And you sensed pain in Anakin when Shmi died but did you ever counsel him about it? Nope!
Ooooh boy, the Clone Wars is where you really shine in all your bullshit. First you want to give Anakin, attachment forming King, an adorable little fourteen year old Togruta Padawan. Just to take her away. That’s gonna end well. Then you should have told Anakin that his Master was not dead in the whole Deception arc. (But I’m gonna save that for a Kenobi roast) Then the whole Bombing arc was just a big terrible mess with all the Jedi Council involved (except Plo Koon and maybe Obi-Wan). But it all came down to you and Windu. Should have put the Force over the wishes of the Senate. You should have known Ahsoka would have NEVER be the temple bomber. Like y’all thought KRELL was a good Master. AND ONLY PLO APOLOGIZED. Revenge of the Sith, should have given Anakin better advice Yoda. Or be like “maybe we shouldn’t use you to spy on Palpy and send you on a nice, long vacay because you look like you are five seconds away from a mental breakdown” And you shouldn’t have sent Obi to kill Anakin and just did it yourself. What was so urgent that it needed to be done right then? Like the damage was already done. Most of the Jedi were dead. You and Obi-Wan could have teamed up after you killed Anakin and got Sidious. And in the words of my dad “look at him run away to that swamp planet like a little bitch”.
Original trilogy, you are only beating up R2 because you are jealous he’s prettier than you. You frog. And you thought LUKE was temperamental and rather train the tiny ball of rage that is Leia? Okaaaay...
I am probably going on too long and I’m missing a few things. But I’m gonna stop...for now
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fanbynature · 4 years
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Obikin x AU /part 1/
Here are some additional things to know before you read the fic.
The ages of some of the characters are: Obi - 28, Rex - 26, Anakin - 23, Ahsoka - 19 going on 20, Plo/Shmi - late 40s, Qui-Gon - early 50s
The thing about the setting is this: It’s still in the SW universe, so aliens, planets and the like still exist and I am mixing it up with our reality while using some slang from SW. It’s set in a peaceful time period, so it’s just a normal living situation for them at the moment. The Jedi are going to have a place in the story but nothing too major. I hope this is not too weird.
I was hoping this to be just a one shot but I had to go and write something that is deeper than just some shag scene. I do love readin just plain NC-17 stuff but this ain’t it one. 
There are some warnings /non-healthy life choices, mention of non-con/rape, foul language, ooc - it’s an au what do you expect/
Obi-Wan is in a punk-rock band by the name of "Space Maniacs" that has been active for a few years but has not been very popular until recently. They had started to search for a better studio to record their songs because the home soundproofed garage of Ahsoka's dad, as nice as he is, does not scream "professionalism". Or at least that is what Ahsoka and Rex had been trying to sell to Obi-Wan. Honestly, he does feel apologetic towards Plo, Ahsoka's dad, for all the inconvenience they have caused even though the man had said time and time again that he feels proud of their tenacity and doesn't mind as long as they keep out of trouble.
And when Obi-Wan meets Anakin, the musician tells himself that he may start believing in God, because it's a whole ass miracle that the man comes across the band. 'Cuz if a guy that cute knows the band, is offering his very real and professionally equipped studio plus has the total hots for a certain lead singer it must be some type of miracle created by the almighty Her or that's what Ahsoka had been going on about for the past 20 minutes in the backstage area of one of Coruscant's' better known night cantinas they had just performed at. The cantina is called "Dirty Habit" and tonight they may have met somebody that will be beneficial for the future of the band. At least that is what they are all hoping for.
Obi-Wan had to resist the urge to roll his eyes at the comment that the guy has the hots for him so he settles for a snort. Even if it was true the decision of having sex with someone that could be professionally engaged with the band, won't be a wise one to make. Even if Obi-Wan found the idea of kissing those plush pink lips and to have his hands go through those dirty blond curls, tugging them enormously enchanting. The younger man would make such pretty noises for him. Fuck, no. That is a dangerous zone to enter. He won't jeopardize this chance for the band just because of a shag. Even if it's the best shag he could have in his life.
The guy, Anakin Skywalker as he introduced himself 30-40 minutes ago to the band after they had finished their set made a very tempting offer that they can hardly refuse. He offered them a fully equiped studio to use for as long as they want for 30 cred each month. The band wasn't sure whether they can trust him because that seemed like a total scam, that in the end they would be the one that have to pay an enourmous amount of money. However he explained that he and his mother have a non-profit organisation that helps rising artists who struggle to find their footing. Anakin gave them their cards and assured the band that they can check them out first on their Infocache and confirm that everuthing is legitimate. He doesn't blame them as he understands the dangers of being a rising artist and the people who try and take advantage of that. The blond also explained that he has followed the band for quite sometime now, since they were still experimenting with their sound actually and choose to first observe them and later decided to introduce them to his mother and if everything with their donors went smoothly they would help them. And here he was, speaking with them, offering them a generous amount of help.
They thanked him, understood everything but came to an agreement that they need just a little bit of time and they will contact him back with their answer.
"Honestly, Nobi, I don't understand why we just didn't agree on it on the spot. Anakin seemed genuine and proper with his cards and polite talking. And not so polite ogling."
Obi-Wan glared towards Rex and flipped him off.
"What did I tell you about that nickname? Stop using it. It's annoying. Also, we should not appear desperate. Weren't you the ones that were yapping about how we should "behave more professional-like". I was trying to not appear like I was going to suck this guy off. And I am the one who is in the wrong?"
"He didn't seem to mind. Bet he would suck you off before you get the chance to do it. Haha" the young togruta tried to whisper talk but it was loud enough for the fuming ginger to hear.
"Seriously you too? Can I get a break from the two of you?"
"Whaaaat? Come on, Obi. I know you are irked because Satine decided to end up things but you seriously can't blame her or take it out on us." Obi-Wan was contemplating the ways he could make a murder look like an accident or suicide. "Honestly, you can't look me in the eyes and tell me that you didn't know that this was coming. Like seriously, it was not going well."
Rex was watching his bandmates from the side and was sensing that things were going to either explode soon enough or their lead singer was going to storm out of the room to go get shit faced, sleep in some alleyway and get him and Ahsoka in trouble.
"Ahsoka." Both the man and the girl turned towards Rex. "I think it's time to stop with the jokes and get you home." The lead singer's eyes filled with gratitude towards the bass player and he gave Rex a little smile.
"Oh, Rex, you too. Let's have a little drink to celebrate. We deserve it. You two should stop behaving like old men. You are in your freaking 20s. Live a little."
"Rex is right. I have to go to work tomorrow morning. Get off me and prepare to go."
"That's not true. I know your schedule, it's your day off." Ahsoka scowled at Obi-Wan with disbelieve and crossed her arms in front of her. The man was trying not to snort at the display off childness of their youngest bandmate.
"Well, I decided to take a shift. The extra cash won't hurt us. Especially now that we have to pay for a studio." He smiled a little and gave Rex a knowing looking.
"So we are going to accept the help?!"
"Sure" Obi-Wan turned his gaze towards Ahsoka, gave her a bigger smile and then transformed his facial feautures into a more irritated emotion “Now let’s go because your father it’s going to kill me.” 
Of course, Obi-Wan didn’t have an extra shift and Ahsoka doesn’t have to know that. It’s not like he doesn’t want to get an extra shift, the thing is he can’t get one because he has the maximum available shifts his manager can give him. Other people have to work too, you kriffin menace, you know that right. Also I am going to tie you up to your bed and not allow you to do anything for a week straight if you don’t stop bugging me. Obi-Wan is slightly afraid of Cody now. He was even thinking of asking him to help in another position but he decided against it. Maybe Cody is right but that doesn’t mean that the Obi-Wan is going to listen to him. He has responsibilities and he can’t allow himself to rely on other people. Even if that was the reason him and his father have become estranged. It doesn’t matter, not anymore. He is a capable adult who does not expect other people to do his work. 
He may start to search for another job.
The ringing of the phone by the bedside brought up the troubled man back to reality. Shit, Ahsoka. Maybe he can ignore that. If he waits long enough it’s going to stop ringing. Ah, yes. Silence. Then a massage sound.
Oh, for kriffing....She went to his job. Ringing again.
“Shouldn’t you be at Uni?”
“Shouldn’t you be at work? You liar. You know better than to lie to me, Obi-Wan. You should have just told me that your old bones were tired yesterday and Rex and I could have stayed and you could have gone home without lying. Also I have 1 hour brake and decided to visit your sorry ass. Know can you... ”
The older male was trying to remane calm as he knew that getting mad at the girl won’t be a sensible decision. She was right. He lied to her but she didn’t know earlier and was probably just worried that he was exhausting himself and wanted to check on him.
“Ahsoka, can you please slow down. Look, I am sorry. It was a stupid thing to do. Sorry for making you worried.”
“If you want to...” Obi-wan started with a sigh but couldn’t finish.
“Next time just tell me the truth. I may be young and have to experience things but I am not daft....I am sorry too. For annoying you about Satine and the Skywalker guy. I was just trying to have some fun. But it was that peachy for you. I should have known better. It hasn’t been that easy for you this past year and I chose the wrong way of cheering you up.”
“When did you mature so much?” the older man was getting filled with a warm sensation in his chest. Proudness. The proudness of a big brother. Even if they weren’t related Ahsoka was close to him as any real sister he could have had.
“Tell anything to Rex and you are dead to me.” the girl warned him with an exaggarated threat in her voice.
“Hahah. I think Rex will truly appreciate the way you are starting to carry yourself, the way you think and sense the emotions in other people. He will love this side of you as much as he adores the careless, fun and cheerful side of you. Rex hasn’t been around as much as I have but his brotherly protectivness over you seems to be stronger than mine.”
“Stop it, you are making me blush.”
“It’s very much true. You know that one time-”
“So when are we going to talk with the Skywalker guy?” Ahsoka seemed to be in a rush and cut off the sentimental notion that the conversation was headed to. Obi-wan rolled his eyes. There haven’t been any time to really think about it but it has been sitting at the back of his head, constantly reminding him. The sooner he calls the better for the band. However there was this constant feeling of anxiety that was washing over him. He doesn’t know what to do. He can’t tell his bandmates, they would think he is just not getting enough sleep or food. He can’t talk to Cody because he really had the chance to tell him anything about yesterday and Ahsoka was waiting for an answer now.
“How about tomorrow? If that’s alright with you Miss Ahsoka?”
“Of course, my leash. My very trustworthy Knight in armor or Jedi in robes. I don’t know. Choose one. That’s sounds fantastic. I’ll talk with Rex and come by your house after I am finished. You just go and sleep, you old man.”
“Stop calling me an old man.”
“You stop acting like one.” she said with a mocking tone and hanged up.
Oh, Force. Sometimes he wishes he has chosen a different path for his life. This one seems like it needs a restart. Hm, maybe he should have become a Jedi. What he knew from his father is that he is Force sensitive but when a young Jedi had come to speak with Qui-Gon about the future of his child he had declined the offer of giving Obi-Wan to them. They had a long conversation and had concluded that as an ex-Jedi Qui-Gon had the abilities to keep his son save and help him if there was any trouble. So in reaching an agreement of Obi-Wan’s future as a Force Sensitive kid he can say that he had a pretty normal and stable upbringing. Well, except maybe a few instances. Some of those were his own fault so he couldn’t really blame the people that came across him. He turned out quite decent in end. For the most parts.
However from the texts which he could find about the Jedi some things seemed more appealing than others but certainly they didn’t feel as they were too far way from him. He could have easily fit with the culture. But he loves music too much too give it up now. He loves Rex and Ahsoka as his own family and he doesn’t want to let them down. 
3 hours later
There was a banging from somewhere outside but the drowsiness from the sleep couldn’t quite allow him to register where it came from. After a few more moments of banging and the voice of Ahsoka, Obi-Wan finally came to his senses. The door. 
He rubbed his eyes and yelled a muted “I am coming. Stop doing that. The door is going to fall.” He was still sleepy and couldn’t find his slippers so he just headed barefooted with one open eye towards the door and opened it.
“Finally. We were going to- Can, you please put something on ?” Ahsoka looked her friend up and down, unimpressed and passed by him to go inside. 
What in the blazes... His sleeping habit of undressing himself had acquired for the first time when he was hitting puberty and he couldn’t exactly explain what is what connected to. It’s probably the most embarrassing habit he could have developed, especially when the first time it happened was during summer camp with the freshers being mixed and him trying to sleepwalk to there in the early morning with his blader not allowing him to sleep. He couldn’t have predicted that there would be somebody else. He also didn’t know about the lack of clothes on him. With the years it got less frequent, thank the Force.
“We brought food and a holofilm. It’s the crime-suspense one we have been wanting to watch.” Rex tried to hide his smile and not to comment that his friend hasn’t been able to outgrow his adolescent habit. It’s not like everyone can train their brains to do what you want them to do, damn it, Rex.
“Did you come here straight from Uni?” Obi-Wan was trying to speak to the younger girl while she was putting the popcorns in the nanowave and just not staying in one place. He had two rooms + fresher and a balcony. How much more she can move?
“Sure. Why?” she moved to the balcony taking a pack of cigarettes. Obi-wan took the whole pack out of her hands and threw them to Rex. “Hey, come on”
“Not good for you.”
“Look who’s talking. Blondie, pass them back.” 
“I ain’t getting into the middle of that. I am just minding my own business, thank you very much.” 
“Chicken” Ahsoka puffed her cheeks out, signed and put her hands on the balcony’s metal barrier. 
“You should spend more time at home. I thought you stopped being a bratty rebel who didn’t like her dad that much with no reason.” 
“I did. And I do. I do spend time at home I mean.” A few beats pass by them, looking to the Coruscant’s landscape, basking in the noises of the city and background noises of Rex doing something in the kitchen. Ahsoka straightens up and turns around towards her friend, looking at the ground, playing with something in her hand. “I love my dad, don’t get me wrong. But sometimes there comes a time when you just feel like you have to split from each other and live alone.” A few more beats pass by “You understand better than anybody I know.”
“Of course I won’t judge you if you want to live separately from your father if that’s what you mean. I do hope you talk to him first and not just run away.”
“Absolutely. I am not that irresponsible, not anymore. I am sure he will miss me and it would be much harder for him than it is for me. I just need this at this point in my life.”
“I am sure he will understand. He is going to absolutely throw you “a goodbye party”. Or more likely “get home sooner” one.”
“Oh, Siths. Please don’t make me imagine this. It just sounds embarrassing.”
“Rex is totally going to get everything filmed.”
“I already know that I am going to kill him.”
Both of them laughed at the ridiculous situation. Obi-Wan placed his hand on the younger girl’s should in a reassuring manner. 
“Whatever you decide to do I am here for you one hundred and ten percent of the way.”
The togruta smiled at him and pulled him into a hug.
“Thanks, big bro”
“Oi, the sappy bunch, are we going to watch a movie or what?”
The other two rolled their eyes and returned back inside. While the two were chatting outside Rex had set the snacks and drinks on the coffee table and prepared the film for just pressing the play button. 
“Hey, look what we’ve got here. Can you believe, Obi. Our bassist is good at more things than just looking good, playing the bass and getting us a free drink.”
“He is sometimes good at repairing stuff. You gotta give him that.”
“Oh, yeah for sure.” the other two snickered while the blonde was flipping them off.
“Haha, you guys. You are a golden comedy duo. Can we now just watch the damn film? “
Halfway into the movie, Ahsoka fell asleep and the guys let her sleep on the bed and called Plo so he won’t worry about his daughter being kidnapped or something else. He told them that he could come to pick her up so it won’t be trouble for Obi-Wan but the younger man reassured him that it was no problem at all.
“So we are calling the Skywalker guy?”
“That is what you want, guys, right? I am not making that decision just on my own and just presuming your opinions.”
“Yeah, it is.’
“Then it’s decided.”
The two men were sitting on the floor cross-legged, drinking whatever was left from the things Rex and Ahsoka brought. 
“Do you want something stronger? “
“What do you have in mind?”
 “Cheedon whiskey. You know that is not my usual preference but someone who I used to fuck from time to time gave it to me recently as a gift for our good times. Amusingly he was there when Satine and I, well Satine to be precise broke things off. “ The ginger was pouring the drinks while talking and his bandmate was watching him cautiously .”But this is a great drink. Let’s drink to our future success. Cheers.”
“Cheers.” Rex watched his friend enjoying the brown beverage going down his throat and then looked at his own and sipped a little. Making a face because of the burning sensation of the drink. It had good after taste but Rex is definitely not the biggest fan of this type of liquor. He prefers his beer.
“How are things with after Satine? I mean I know you don’t like sharing the hard stuff with us, especially me. You sometimes talk to Ahsoka but you haven’t said anything. What I am getting at is that I am worried. We are worried, with Ahsoka. And we want to know if everything is really fine.”
Obi-Wan knew that Rex didn’t like initiating conversations with serious topics. He was usually there when you needed him, he doesn’t ask you a question, just stays with you until he knows you are ready to tell him what’s wrong. And Obi-Wan could sense the uncomfortableness in Rex’s everything. The older male greatly appreciated what his friend was doing for him and he didn’t want to just blow him off. He knew that it took strength to do something you don’t enjoy doing.
“I can’t blame her. As much as I want to say it was both of our fault. It was mine. I just wish she could have done it sooner for her own good. I was too much of a coward to leave her. I stayed with her just because I was used to it, but I didn’t really feel the way I felt before and it wasn’t fair to her. And that not being the worst part. Now cheating is what an immoral person does.”
“You know that wasn’t the full story.”
“Wasn’t it? I remember it differently.” Obi-Wan was pouring his third drink now and Rex was thinking of hiding the bottle. Or plain pouring it out into the sink.
“You don’t remember half the night. That is the problem. You are trying to take the full blame for something you weren’t even half-conscious to do.”
“But I was conscious enough to kriffing get it up and stick it up into a guy’s ass. Wasn’t I, Rex?” The ginger was trying no to raise his voice so he won’t wake up Ahsoka but he was having a hard time. He stood up, cursing under his breath, took his cigarettes and went to the balcony. 
Rex was blaming himself for even raising the question. He knew better than that. Why did he even try to get something out of the older? He never wins with him. His brother is better than him with that. Dealing with Obi-Wan Kenobi. Kriffing Siths. He begrudgingly went to the balcony’s door frame and stood there. Shifting his eyes between Coruscant’s view and his friend’s back. 
“Look, I know it doesn’t matter what I say, you are going to continue putting the full blame on yourself, but just know that. I am on your side. I will call you out when it needs to be done. But not when you don’t deserve it.”
“I wanted it, you know that Rex. I told you. You were there.”
“You were drunk. He wasn’t.”
Obi-Wan turned around with glistening eyes. Tears. 
“I said yes, Rex. I said it. I would-I would have said it even if I was sober, Rex. I know it. I do. I just-” the older male dropped to his knees. Putting out his cigarette and hanging his arms to the side.”I am just-just not sure anymore.” 
He looked up to Rex, with his cheeks already wet from the streaming tears. The blonde crouched down and hugged his friend. They stayed that like for a few minutes and Obi-wan spoke again, with a hushed voice.
“I think I am just trying to convince myself at this point. Not trying to fall apart. I can’t do it. If I fall apart I have to tell her. She can’t know, Rex. She’ll blame herself that she didn’t let me speak. It’s better that way.”
Rex pulled away from Obi-wan and sat on the floor across him, looking at his friend.
“You are kriffing idiot you know that. How is that better? Who is it better for exactly? Not you, that’s for sure.”
“Don’t say anything, Rex. Please. Not even to Ahsoka.”
Rex was wondering really hard how he could just prevent his friend from harming himself further than he already has. 
“I am not the person that is going to tell you how to live your life and what choices you have to make. That is your job. But I am the person who is going to be next to you until you want the help you need. Ahsoka and I are going to be here. Cody too. He cares for you too, even if he has “the though love makes you stronger logic”. Rex paused for a moment and continued “Your father will always be there for you too. Well, at least until you know. Nevermind.” He dies Rex thought.”Maybe things with Satine won’t be the same but they don’t have to be. The important thing is that you feel better.”
Obi-wan stopped crying and he was sniffling softly. Trying to get his composure back. He didn’t like showing his vulnerability. Even to his friends. He would start to think of himself as a burden but wanted to stop it.
“I don’t think I am ready yet Rex. I don’t think I am able to face it.”
“Look that is perfectly alright. As long as you don’t try and deal with it alone in an unhealthy way. We are here for you, okay.”
The only thing the ginger could manage as a response was a weak nod. He searched for his cigarettes and popped one his mouth. Rex picked up the conversation again.
“Truly the pot calling the kettle black.” he laughed a little to his friend’s earlier hypocrisy to Ahsoka. The older male looked at him confused.
“Huh? Oh, that. You know that I have tried to quit several times with no positive outcome.” He lit his cigarette and let out a blow of smoke.”It’s truly something I’ll never be able to fix.”
“Whatever you say, Nobi, whatever you say. Do you want me to stay more because the public transport will soon stop and the prices of the hovercabs are going up.”
“Nah, go. I am going to fine.”
“Call me when you get a word from Skywalker.”
The next day came faster than he expected with the bustling city noises waking him up. He forgot to close the door to the balcony last night. He remembered dragging himself from the outside, laying down his futon and just laying down. Now he had a duvet, which he didn’t remember getting. Ahsoka. She is still sleeping. He realised it’s still early as Ahsoka haven’t gotten up and she usually doesn’t have classes until late morning or early noon. He wasn’t sleepy, which meant his day will be longer and that annoyed him to no limit. He grunted and pulled the duvet over his head.
“Can you please just let me sleep for one more hour? Your grinding teeth are really kriffing annoying you know that. I think you should really go and let a doctor check you out. You have too much sleeping habits. It’s not healthy.”
“I just woke up and you are already annoying me.”
A small heart-shaped pillow flew over his head almost hit him in the face.
“You missed.”
A creak from his bed followed by footsteps on the wooden floor. His eyes were closed so he did not anticipate a soft yet hard hit on the face by a larger pillow.
“I think not. Ugh, now I am woken up. Make us some coffee. You are the host. Be one.”
“Half of my wardrobe is filled with your clothes plus a couple of your shoes. I think you can make your own coffee.”
“You are unbelievable.”
A small scratching noise was coming from the window outside followed by a meow. Ahsoka’s head snapped towards the noise and she went to check it out. There was a middle-sized loth-cat. The cat’s whole body was white except a patch of brown on top of each eye. Which was now meowing in Ahsoka’s feet, not knowing if it could do anything else
“Did you get a loth cat and not tell me?”
“She’s not mine. She just came one day and I started feeding her. She comes from time to time and I give her food when I am here. She seems like she’s domesticized. She had a collar when she first came but not anymore. Didn’t have a tag or anything like that.”
The togruta had already started making noises at the animal and petting her. Obi-Wan got up, when to the kitchen and took out a packet from the cupboard under the sink. He passed the girl with the cat in her lap, went on the balcony and poured the food into a green plastic bowl. The cat run next to him and started eating. He petted her for a bit and stoop up.
“Okay then. I think it’s time you get ready for Uni and I am going to make us breakfast and then I am going talk to Anakin.”
“Okay, boss. Oh, there is something else I want to talk to you about.’
“Sure. What is it?”
“Um, I have actually started to look into some places where I can move to live. As you know I received some loan and grants before I entered Uni so I have some money saved and can live for a while on those. But I was wondering if you could still help me with checking out when I pick a place if it’s legit or not. You have some experience so I think it would help me greatly.”
“Yeah, yeah. No problem.”
“Okay, I have more to tell you but I am going to shower first.”
The ginger laughed to himself and returned his attention to the breakfast. He hasn’t cooked for himself in a while. Running on coffee and cereal lately hasn’t been that great on his health but work kept him from making healthy choices. Okay, he kept himself from making healthy choices. A soft meow interrupted his inner monologue and his attention shifted towards the small creature which was halfway inside halfway out. 
“Oh, water. I forgot. What an idiot.” 
He filled an empty jar with water and went outside to put it into another plastic bowl but this one was blue. 
“Here, little one. Enjoy.”
The man smiled slightly and petted the cat softly again, trying not to disturb it, then he returned inside and went to finish making the food. While the man was occupied with his furry friend the shower noise had stopped and minutes after that the young togruta came out surrounded by fog.
“You should be thankful I don’t ask you for money for the electric bill. Half of it it’s yours. Doesn’t your skin melt off or something. “
“No, Mr Freeze who would probably shower in ice cube bath. I don’t have your endurance. “
“I could say the same to you.” Obi-Wan sent his most mature response - sticking his tongue out which was returned by Ahsoka with twice the emotion. 
“What else are you going to tell me.”
The togruta got closer to the kitchen counter and started making coffee for both of them
“Oh. I asked Cody if he can help me with a job in like a month or two. And he said that he won’t be needing any additional staff for the near future but he said he can speak with some friends of his that are in the business and will let me know if something comes up. ”
“That’s great. I am so glad for you.” Obi-Wan set everything on the table, while Ahsoka put some background music to enjoy while they were eating. 
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secret-engima · 5 years
I blame @talisward for this but like-
Before I get way into this, tagging @wolfsrainrules​ and tentatively @north-peach​ because FFXV isn’t your fandom but this is also part Star Wars and who knows you might find it funny.
What if in a Star Wars/FFXV crossover, a ship takes damage to the hyperdrive (pirate attack or unexpected meteor shower something) and the hyperdrive yeets them waaaaayyyyyyyyy into Wild Space and it crashes on the jungle islands of an unknown planet and the crew is killed in the crash.
But the crew weren’t the only ones on board.
The Galahdians of various Clans, for once all united, swarm over the strange thing that fell from the sky very warily, scuffing and chirping at each other (because this is totally an A/B/O verse, maybe even an a/b/o spin-off of Thrown to Wolves verse who knows) and they finally pry open part of it to look inside and- dead bodies. Dead bodies of strange adults and non-human ... beings that still looked vaguely humanoid and didn’t dissolve like daemons. Sprawled over in what was clearly death from the crash. They explore and find no survivors or even anything familiar. The letters on the walls are strange, the technology is strange. Everything is strange.
Then one of them finds a body dressed differently. Rather than strange, unpleasant smelling synthetic fabric, this one is dressed in spun clothes, rough and simple and practical. The body, not human but very humanoid, is curled up near a door, an expression of odd serenity and determination on their face even in death.
It’s one of the Ulrics that notices the area AROUND the body is miraculously untouched. There is destruction and crumpled metal and sparking wires in the hallway leading up to the spot, but the door behind the body and whatever is beyond is undamaged. Protected.
One of the Ostiums sniffs carefully, stiffens as he finally catches a scent other than sparks and foreign metal and strange blood, “There’s something alive on the other side,” he whispers.
An Arra presses her ear against the door for several seconds before growling, “I hear pups.”
And that’s the only incentive they need to start forcing the door open, because pups are sacred, even in a place like this, a metal ship that fell from the night sky and is filled with the dead bodies of human and non-human beings alike.
The door finally gives way with a scream of metal, letting the light spill into the room.
The collection of Jedi Younglings stare at them with wide, frightened eyes, some human, others not, all smelling of sadness and terror and the need for reassurance.
The Galahdians glance at each other meaningfully at the sight of non-human pups, then carefully set about coaxing them all out despite the language barrier, soothing the tears that come at the sight of the dead protector (who must have been protecting the pups with magic, surely) and herding them out into the jungle sunshine. While some of the Clans start working on removing the bodies for as proper a funeral as they can make (they hope star people don’t mind being burned and released to the winds, but it’s all they can do), others start trying to figure out what to DO with the new children. They can’t separate them, but these are a lot of strange children and that will be a lot for any Clan to handle. They settle on giving them to the more famed and long-standing alliances, the Ulric-Ostium and the Lazarus-Furia-Arra because the joint clans will have an easier time raising the kids and figuring out ... well. Non-human biology.
One of the Ulrics meanwhile is carefully distracting the poor scared kiddos by trying to establish some rudimentary communication. She finally coaxes their names out of them and smiles when one of the humans (human-like? If he’s a star person does he really count as human?) in the group, a boy no more than eight if she doesn’t miss her mark, steps forward and shakily bows in greeting and carefully enunciates “Obi-Wan Kenobi.”
Some other notes on this AU that I apparently have now: a/b/o is an Astral fiddling thing that happens over time and all the Jedi younglings are young enough that THEY develop it too as they’re raised by Galahd.
Galahd guards their Star Children zealously. Keeps them secret and treasured.
If this is not a Thrown to Wolves a/b/o spin-off, then this is still an AU where “magic” (ie the Force) can be used by almost everyone to some degree or other, just for simpler things than the specialized and extremely powerful magics of the LCs and Oracles because of Bahamut’s Blessing. Other people can still do amazing stuff with their “Magic” but it’s not armiger or Walls or superhealing/purification and it’s not as overwhelmingly powerful as LCs (who are all like- up there with Anakin Skywalker Force-power wise).
The younglings are Obi-Wan’s crechemates, they were on their way back from Illum or something when the hyperdrive yote them to Eos. They quickly figure out they’re on a planet so far away no one knows Galactic Standard and that no one has space travel. Eventually they settle in their new lives.
Everyone picture Feral Galahdian Jedi bbys. It’s like- Feral Mandalorian Jedi bbys but without the helmets and heavy armor XD.
They did end up splitting the creche between the various Clans, but tried to keep at least two kids near each other at all times so that they wouldn’t feel abandoned and organized regular “play dates” for all their Star Children (with the added benefit of the adults getting to share their meltdowns over the weird things their Star Children do and need). Also Ramuh is watching from on high and running damage control, which is why no Galahdian falls over dead from space viruses and no youngling dies in spasms from Eos viruses. He’s also the one to tweak the kiddos to fit into the a/b/o dynamic.
Obi-Wan would like you to believe he’s an Ostium. He is not. He’s an Ulric. Bant is his long-suffering Ostium braincell.
Other members of the creche include: Bruck Chun, who after multiple hard lessons on bullying is actually a pretty decent (if aggressive) bby Furia. Quinlan Vos because I find him fun (or, in this AU, Quinlan Ulric), and a couple OCs because I can’t remember who all else is in Obi-Wan’s age group/creche. There’s a Togruta in there somewhere because Togruta are cool.
Meanwhile in the Galaxy at large the Jedi are searching for their lost ship of younglings with more than a little alarm, but they don’t find them. While wandering for clues even years later, one Qui-Gon Jinn stumbles across a slave woman and her year old bby on Tattooine. The bby is extremely freaking Force sensitive so he Qui-Gon Jinn’s his way into buying both of their freedoms and taking them to Coruscant to introduce the woman to the Jedi so she can decide if she wants her bby in the Jedi or not. The woman is Shmi, the bby is Anakin.
Obi-Wan uses the schematics found on the ship (it was a ship for building lightsabers and stuff like in that one Clone Wars episode), his own instincts, and bits of the Elemency crystals/meteor shards lying around to “re-invent” the lightsaber. All the Galahdians are enamored and immediately figure out how to make their own.
Niflheim was Not Prepared to tackle a jungle full of Feral Galahdians with Laser Swords. Galahd does no fall and the Kingsglaive are still formed but not out of refugees. Instead Regis approaches them hoping to form an elite force of laser sword wielding jungle maniacs warriors. The Galahdians agree after some haggling for extra autonomy/privacy to hide their Star Children.
I feel like Obi-Wan joins the Kingsglaive. Just- because OBI-WAN. He’s curious and interested and he doesn’t particularly like war but he has that very strong Protecc instinct and people appreciate his diplomacy.
Years and years later, when the Star Children are teens/young adults, either they figure out how to repair their old ship or somehow another Republic ship finds Eos and all the Jedi proceed to collectively lose their minds over finding their Feral Galahdian former-Jedi younglings and their culture of laser-sword wielding jungle Packs.
Also the secondary genders is NOT a thing outside Eos so all the Jedi are ALSO freaking out over that and trying to figure out how their younglings have it (BECAUSE IT’S A THING. THERE ARE HORMONES AND VOCALIZATIONS AND STUFF THAT NORMAL HUMANS/MON CALAMARI/ETC CAN’T PULL OFF). It ... it never occurs to the Jedi that the Astrals did it because no matter how many times the Galahdians say it’s an Astral-granted thing, no one believes them because everyone “knows” that must be their primitive mythology and culture. There is no such thing as beings who can materialize out of thin air and are made of pure Force. Pssh.
Ramuh the Troll, Bahamut the Drama Queen, every other Astral who is professionally insulted that their existence is brushed off by the idiots who should know better: Behold, we shall ruin these arrogant space monks’ entire careers.
Also Palpatine tries something funny near the Galahdians and is murdered discreetly via an Arra because they can SMELL the madness and near daemon-like corruption on him kthanks.
Also also all the Galahdians take one (1) look at Anakin and go BBY SPACE ULRIC and promptly adopt Shmi and Anakin both while the Space Monks look on and sputter in confusion.
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