warhead · 5 months
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takurohtoyama · 1 year
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jinsei-pika-pika · 11 months
連載「時の音」Vol.23 北村道子が見据える“現在”という点
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北村道子(きたむら・みちこ) 1949年、石川県生まれ。10代の頃にサハラ砂漠やアメリカ、フランスを放浪したあと、30代でスタイリストの道へ。『スキヤキ・ウエスタン ジャンゴ』で第62回毎日映画コンクール技術賞を受賞。著書に『衣裳術《新装版》』『衣裳術 2』『衣裳術 3』がある
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「これまでのことを聞かれたら、これが私の答えってことだと思います。昔を振り返って何があるの? 振り返ったりしたら、きっともう自分の言葉は出てこないですね。現在は点じゃないですか。だから今話したことも、もう過去になって行くんですよ。思い出すのは何かと言ったら、記憶ですよね。それは脳内の物質でしかないもの。今はみんな脳内にある社会ばかりを見ているんです。考えるって、脳内を見ているということでしょう。過去の話をするというのは、過去をリピートしているだけ。同じことをずっと繰り返して、何年も生きてしまうだけですよ。だけど、自分の脳内にあるものなんて、たかが知れているじゃないですか。リピートするだけでなく何かを発見しないと。発見によってアートが生まれるのだから。人はアートがなければ何もない生き物。あとはただお金もうけを繰り返して、そして壊れていくだけでしょう」。
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「じゃあ私が何を見ているのかって言ったら、それは目の前にある風景です。自分が見ているビジュアルこそが、私の好奇心。私はビジュアルにしか興味がないですから。そして目の前のビジュアルをずっと見ていると、その風景のことがわかってくるんですね。ああ、ここにはブナの木があるんだな。カラスがやってきた。なぜだろう? …というふうに、自分なりの疑問を投げかけるんです。頭の中の自問自答なんだけれど。そういうことなんです、私にとって言葉や知識が生まれるというのは。仕事において自分の作品を“残す”というのも、私には違う。作品というものは目の前で生まれていて、それを私はその場で見ているんです。撮影の現場で。だから、例えば雑誌の場合なら1ヵ月後くらいに誌面になるわけですが、そこに載っているのは私にとってはもう作品じゃない。フェイクのようなもの。でもそれをフェイクとわかっていながら、ずっとやってきているんです」。
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Photography Anna Miyoshi Edit Nana Takeuchi
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jamfromwkym · 2 years
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“ᴍᴀʀɢɪᴇʟᴀ ʙᴏx” #martinmargiela #barrymcgee #kenkagami #raylong #bernonvernon #rvca #tokion #wallart #graffiti #handpainted #virgilabloh #supreme #kaws #commedesgarcons #junyawatanabe #commedesgarconshommedeux #louisvuitton #medicomtoy #stash #futura2000 #gagosian #iphonephotography #popeyemagazine #hypebeast #highsnobiety #voilld #nakameguro #unprecedent #sidelinetokyo #jamfromwkym (VOILLD) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjZh0A4hl7J/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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naoyakoike · 9 months
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“――「サンダーキャットやサム・ゲンデルの影響でスタイルを変えた」という言説を否定しましたが、ジャーナリズムに思うことは?” https://tokion.jp/2023/10/12/interview-fabiano-do-nascimento/
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ayakill · 1 year
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mytastessuck · 1 year
Hitoshi Sakimoto: Tokione
I do not know what an Opoona is. I don't know what genre of game it belongs to. I don't even know how I found this song. What I do know is this track is the chilliest of all Low-Fi beats and that if that girl ever wants to finish her homework, she should put this song on and finally figure out that the macronutrient that isn't absorbed before it reaches the intestines (it's protein).
Song Score: 2013/10
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Tässä viikko sitten matkustin junalla Japanissa ja VR:ään tottuneena junat tuntuivat tosi nopeilta (menin joo luotijunalla, mutta myös ns. tavallisella paikallisjunalla). Myös ranskalaiset kaverini valittelevat, että VR:n junat ovat hitaita. Miksi? Ainakin huomasin, että täällä raiteet ovat usein kallellaan käännöksissä, kai koska käytetty kalusto ei ole pendoliinomallia (vuoriston keskellä tuntui välillä ihan vuoristoradalta, hehheh), mutta onko suomen junien hitauden taustalla jotain syvempää kuin, että kalusto on jotenkin vanhaa tai raiteet vaatisivat nopeille vuoroille pendoliinotekniikkaa tai vastaavasti raiteet pitäisi uusia vähintään mutkista tms.
Myös jos oon ymmärtänyt junien toiminnasta jotain väärin tai on lisättävää niin saa täsmentää :D
Ranska ja Japani on toki ne kaksi paikkaa maailmassa, missä on parhaiten toimiva suurnopeusjunaverkko, että en tiedä onko vertailu ihan reilu.
Niissä molemmissa on ollut rahaa ja poliittista tahtoa rakentaa pelkästään matkustajaliikennettä varten oleva rataverkko vanhan rinnalle, jolloin voidaan tehdä juurikin esimerkiksi noi mutkien kallistukset optimaaliseksi kovaa kulkevan matkustajajunan kannalta. (Samoin esimerkiksi Tokion paikallisjunaverkosta iso osa on rakennettu vain matkustajajunille).
Suomessa taas kaikki radat (lukuunottamatta Kehäradan Hiekkaharju–Vantaankoski-osuutta) on tehty kompromisseina tavara- ja matkustajajunien tarpeiden välillä. Pääosa Suomen rataverkosta on rakennettu aikanaan ajatellen nimenomaan rahdin tarpeita (mistä johtuu monien järkevien suorien ratayhteyksien puuttuminen, kun radat linjattiin palvelemaan teollisuutta) ja valtaosa rataverkosta on tehty aikanaan halvalla kun rahaa ei ollut. Toki ratoja on sittemmin paranneltu reilustikin vuosien saatossa, mutta meillä on tasan yksi virallisen suurnopeusradan määritelmän (=voi ajaa yli 200 km/h) täyttävä rataosa eli Kerava–Lahti-rata vuodelta 2006. Muillakin radoilla on kohtia missä voidaan ajaa 200 km/h, mutta Shinkansenin ja TGV:n 320 km/h:n pääseminen vaatisi matkustajaliikenteelle pyhitetyn ja noille nopeuksille erikseen suunnitellun radan (Kerava–Lahti-rata voitaisiin tällaiseksi muuttaa jos kiskotus mutkissa uusittaisiin). Mutta iso osa Suomen rataverkkoa on sitten sellaista, että maksiminopeus on 120 km/h tai vähemmän, koska ne on tehty silloin kun satasta ajava juna oli utopiaa, eikä koskaan ole löytynyt rahaa tai tahtoa oikeasti päivittää ne nykyaikaan.
Suomalainen kalusto ei ole mitenkään erityisen vanhaa tai poikkeuksellisen hidasta, veturivetoiset matkustajajunat Euroopassa ovat pitkälti samanlaisia noin 200 km/h -nopeudelle rakennettuja (kuten jo aiemmin kirjoittelinkin niin Sr2 ja Sr3 on molemmat laajalti muissakin maissa käytössä olevia veturityyppejä). Meiltä Suomesta vaan puuttuu se niitä nopeampien, noin 300 km/h nopeuksiin pystyvien junien joukko, jollaisia on esim. Japanissa, Ranskassa, Saksassa ja Espanjassa.
Pendolino oli yritys saada Suomeen jonkinlainen suurnopeusjuna, mutta käytännön kokemus paljasti ettei kallistuvakoritekniikka toiminut halutulla tavalla (ts. siitä ei oikeasti ole korvaamaan suurnopeusgeometrialla rakennettua rataa). Niillä piti voida ajaa 250 km/h, oikea huippunopeus oli kuitenkin 220 km/h ja lopulta todettiin että niillä ei kannata ajaa kuin sitä 200 km/h mitä Sr2/Sr3+kaksikerroksinen Intercityvaunu -kombolla voidaan ajaa.
Uudelle Espoo–Salo-oikoradalle, jonka ensimmäisen vaiheen rakentamisen nykyinen hallitus on hyväksynyt (noin ainoana järkevänä toimenpiteenään) on suunniteltu 300 km/h osuus. Toki tätä hyötyä voidaan käyttää vain jos ostetaan myös 300 km/h -nopeuksiin pystyvää kalustoa. Samaten hylätty "Suomi-rata," eli uusi rata Helsingin ja Tampereen välille, olisi ollut 300 km/h -rata.
(Tulipa tästä pitkä. Mä olen kirjoittanut jo valmiiksi Pendolinojen esittelyn, siinä on tarkemmin niiden ongelmista, mutta pari muuta asiaa pitäisi saada esiteltyä ennen sitä).
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dolerme · 2 years
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simon nesmman by rene habermacher for tokion magazine
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ineffable-opinions · 8 months
Fumi Yoshinaga is known for her big hits including Ōoku: The Inner Chambers, which depicts the rise and fall of the Tokugawa family in the world where the Ōoku becomes a harem of men serving the female shogun, Antique Bakery, a story about a bakery where only men work and What Did You Eat Yesterday?, a slice of life series focusing on a gay couple. 
Excerpts (emboldened - for my own benefit)
Ever since I was a little girl, Patarillo! has been my favorite, so I enjoyed reading stories about male and male relationships. I didn’t think of it as a homosexual story at the time.
However, when I was in junior high and high school, bullying was a social problem, and I thought that if I stood out, I would be bullied. So I tried my best to hide the fact that I was an otaku so that it would not be obvious. Although I read major popular manga to keep up with everyone, I tried to avoid talking about the manga I really liked outwardly.
I had friends who were otaku, but when I graduated from high school, not only me but also all of my otaku friends “mimicked” normal people by reading the atmosphere. I dressed as normal as possible so that I didn’t look like an otaku, and I didn’t join manga club. I would go to coterie events, though (laughs).
Since then, I have not been able to do anything other than creating fan-fictions, and I even went to graduate school to continue my doujin activities for as long as possible. During that time, various BL magazines sprang up. A friend I met through doujin activities became the editor of one of the BL magazines called Hanaoto. And the opportunities I have been given to be involved in it have helped me build the career I have today.
Also, at the time of my debut, the term “BL” was coined and there was an atmosphere in which the entire market was gradually gaining momentum.
At the time, it was seen as pornography for adult women. Although I was embarrassed in the sense that I was creating erotic manga, I had no special feeling about the fact that I was depicting male/male love stories.
[...]can easily broaden my imagination as to stories starting from “comradeships,” “master-slave” relationships or the kind of friendship that becomes too passionate and then turns into romance.
Nevertheless, although I debuted as a BL manga artist, it was not at all easy for me to draw many variations of romance.
Even though I was drawing BL, love is love. At that time BL was basically short stories, characters in manga met and fell in love each time. I was troubled by the fact that they were another kind of love stories after all. Also, due to the policy of the magazine, I had to include sex scenes, which was very difficult for me. So I tried to move to a general magazine soon.
About All My Darling Daughters
In this work, I straightforwardly express the feelings I have had since childhood, such as the oppression I received from my parents and the speculation that I could be happy without falling in love. I didn’t want to use manga as a means to convey my ideas, but I was conflicted because I had to touch on these feelings in the creation of the story.
Sayako, who has no romantic feelings for anyone
She is what we now call “asexual,” but I didn’t even know that category at the time. I think it is very important to be named and recognized. It has certainly made life easier for many people.
It all started when a friend said to me, “I pay my taxes, I take out the garbage on garbage day, and I live a decent life, so why should I feel as if the world is blaming me just because I am not in love?”
I nodded deeply at her statement because I too had been uncomfortable since I was a student because I was not passionate about love. I guess I had to go with the flow of society, where people who have never loved others are considered to be living a pitiful life. I have been skeptical that loving someone is the highest good. If I say, “I don’t want a boyfriend,” people say, “Don’t try to act tough!” so I had to pretend to want a boyfriend, which is too much of a bother (laughs). I felt like I was mimicking them all the time in my life.
Gay people
I drew my BL and other works thinking that gay people might read them. So when gay people read my works, they may think “this is different,” but I was careful not to make them feel that they were being denied. I thought it was still okay to be unrealistic, but I never wanted to portray them in a way that might give an unusual impression to the readers.
But Ono [in Antique Bakery] was in a way the only exception. I had no intention of making him a laughingstock, but I felt bad if I had given readers a mistaken impression about gay people by portraying him in a funny way.
I have a gay friend who reads my works. When I apologized to him for how I portrayed Ono, he said, “If you get angry at every little thing like that, you can’t live as a gay person,” which baffled me. At that time, I felt very sorry. Since then, I have been careful not to change the attitude mentioned above. As for the depiction of gay men, I am not really conscious of whether it is realistic or not.
I think there are not many male-female love stories that depict realistic dramas. Rather, I enjoy reading them while thinking, “How could this happen? ” or “I hope this kind thing really happens in my life.”
What did you eat yesterday? & serialization of it in the youth magazine Morning
At first, I presented the idea to the editor of a BL magazine, but that person didn’t respond well to it. In the context of BL, the relationship of the two who have already gotten together was not interesting. There is no description of sex, no indication that the two are growing closer. For the readers of ordinary BL manga, there is no part of the story they want to read.
The editor-in-chief of the gay magazine also contacted me politely and said, “It is epoch-making for a story like this to be published in a youth magazine like Morning, so please feel free to ask me anything if you have any questions.”
I was just drawing what I wanted to draw, which was not much different from what had been published in BL magazine, so the objective opinions made me raise my consciousness and feel horrified at the same time.
One thing I changed was that I made sure to draw the recipe and ingredient quantities properly because I received a postcard from a reader saying that she had made the strawberry jam that appears in the piece. Although I was able to make some adjustments to it in the aspect of cooking manga, I thought I couldn’t change much about the setting of the gay couple, so I continued the manga as it was. However, the editor-in-chief of Morning changed around the time I published the second volume, and when I greeted him, I was surprised to hear from him that Morning is a conservative magazine for middle-aged men.
expressing yourself in a place where many people would see your work & fear of hurting someone
Doujinshi is simple; people who want to read it read it, but that is not the case with commercial magazines, so I was worried in the beginning.
When I was young, I once told an editor that I wanted to draw a manga that didn’t stand out in any way, and he admonished me, “That won’t make for an interesting work” (laughs). As long as it is a concrete expression, it will definitely hurt someone. So, in a way, I gave up on that point.
I think I am probably in a kind of trance when I am drawing. I am outputting what I wanted to read and reading it myself, so there’s definitely an adrenaline rush. That kind of pleasure is what keeps me going with this job.
Changing world, changing manga
I think that the range of content that we can depict has become much wider. Even in terms of BL, there are now not only love stories with sexually explicit descriptions, but also love stories in which couples gradually deepen their relationship. Manga featuring argumentative but attractive girls are also popular. The number of stories that do not depict romance has also increased dramatically. But as a reader, I also love romantic stories.
The range of manga I enjoy reading has expanded and now I like manga even more than before. As a reader, I look forward to the future.
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daavydaave · 1 year
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Christy Turlington Tokion poster, 2009
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questintheskies · 1 year
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Shiori Kubo for tokion ​​​
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takurohtoyama · 1 year
Phoenix  - TOKION
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pale-opaque · 1 year
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nOrikO aka Poison Girl Friend for TOKION 2023
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styleofdiamandis · 3 months
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Back in December 2010, Marina (and the Diamonds) was photographed by JUCO for Japanese culture magazine Tokion Factory!
All of the colorful looks were styled by JAK. Makeup by Amy Chance and hair by John Blanie.
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The first set of photos see Marina donning a beautifully crafted intricate sequin mini dress with Christmas sweater-themed motifs from Ashish's Fall/Winter 2009 runway show.
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The black feather and gold chain bracelet, she wears on her right wrist, is by Candace Ang.
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For her second look, Marina wore a purple sheer chiffon blouse with ruffled details, and pleated and gathered mini skirt seen in OLIMA's Fall/Winter 2010 debut colleciton!
Los Angeles-based iconic milliner Gladys Tamez Millinery created Marina's green felt hair beret...
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...while Jimmy Choo is the mastermind behind these sexy Magnum yellow python and mesh sandals.
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Next up, Marina poses in a black satin dress which she crowned with a golden metal spike visor from Ella Zahlan's "Michael Jackson" collection!
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The Greek-Welsh beauty also wore a golden fringe necklace by Iosselliani, similar pictured to the one above!
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Marina stuns in a black velvet mini dress with glass crosses all over from iconic designer Jeremy Scott's Fall/Winter 2010 collection which she paired with a Gladys Tamez Millinery Fall/Winter 2010 feather fascinator.
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For the penultimate look, Marina takes a stance in Brian Lichtenberg faux denim print bodysuit with padded shoulders. Brian's designs are also loved by other singers like Lady Gaga, Beyoncé and Katy Perry.
Her mustard-yellow high-waisted pants from emerging designer Katie Ermilio's 2009 debut collection!
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I love mismatched earrings and Marina's definitely fit the bill here!
She paired a single long chain fringe earring by Iosselliani with a white spike drop earring by former jewerly brand Kites & Metal.
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Marina completed her colorful look with these Ashish Spring/Summer 2010 metallic gold leather woven platform wedges!
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For the final look, Marina is sporting a bodysuit version of this Falguni Shane Peacock Fall/Winter 2010 runway look which was worn with OLIMA Fall/Winter 2010 black wool pleated mini skirt.
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Marina's fringe metal necklace with star-shaped crystals on top is yet another beauty signed by Iosselliani!
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Lastly, she re-wore her Candace Ang feather bracelet and multiple rings by Han Cholo including his sterling silver snake ring with red stone in the center ($270.00).
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kennak · 10 months
[B! インタビュー] サンダーキャットが語る「MF DOOMとの絆」「ベジータ的ユーモア」ゲーム音楽からの影響」 - TOKION
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