lioninsunheart · 4 years
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“When you dream of a wild animal, you are touching the part of yourself that can never be domesticated. The animal heart lives according to an ancient set of laws. She doesn’t care about politics and politeness and never takes more than she should. She reminds you of your nobility, your physical magnificence, and the unselfconscious power of instinct. 
The animal heart sees clearly what the intellect cannot because it follows the innate knowing of the earth itself. 
The animal heart lives behind logic, below reason, underneath the armour of objectivity. She has lived longer than any of us can remember because it was from her belly that we were born. 
Half-sighted as we are, we forget and deny her, building our platforms on what we think is her grave. But she is far from dead. She stays hidden not because she is timid, but because she is wise. And if she comes out to greet you, know that you are trustworthy of her approach.”
”Excerpt from “Belonging: Remembering Ourselves Home” by Toko-pa Turner 
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sujata-khanna · 2 years
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"Emergence never happens all at once. It is a slow stepping into the expanded capacity of your next self. You may need practice at releasing in those places you've grown accustomed to bracing which, like a tight swaddle, was comforting in its limits. But when the time to remain hidden comes to its natural end, you must begin to inhabit your new dimensionality. Breathe into the fullness of your gaining altitude and consider that what presents itself as fear may actually be exhilaration. As your future approaches you, worry less how it may receive you and say a prayer instead for your becoming approachable." - Toko-pa Turner May you breathe into the fullness of your gaining altitude in 2022! May you live as only you can. #coorg #lightseeker #twilight #growth #healing #silentstories #reflection #belonging #tokopaturner (at Coorg,Karnataka) https://www.instagram.com/p/CY5rrOWP0CO/?utm_medium=tumblr
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peterschreck · 4 years
Embodying the dream
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unfoldingnarratives · 4 years
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Sometimes I am whole and full of hope. And sometimes just another bunch of meaningless words lost in labyrinth called life #NityaPrakash #tokopaturner #belonging #labyrinth #Madrid #coronadiaries https://www.instagram.com/p/B-F0sYxJTpU/?igshid=3lrh3mo24ilj
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usunezukoinezu · 4 years
Many women do not even have the basic teachings about predators that a wolf mother gives her pups, such as: If it is threatening and bigger than you, flee; If it’s weaker, see what you want to do: If it’s sick, leave it alone; If it has quills, poison, fangs or razor claws, back up and go in the other direction; If it smells nice but is wrapped around metal jaws, walk on by. Early training to “be nice” causes women to override their intuitions. They are actually purposefully taught to submit to the predator. Imagine a wolf mother teaching her young to “be nice” in the face of an angry ferret or a wily diamondback rattler. As long as a woman believes she is powerless and/or is trained to not consciously register what she knows to be true, the feminine impulses and gifts of her psyche continue to be killed off.
Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estes via TokopaTurner
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lioninsunheart · 4 years
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“So long as we keep aspects of ourselves hidden from view because we believe only an edited or presentational version of who we are will be accepted by others, we are depriving ourselves of belonging. But also—and here’s the piece that takes some real practice to see—depriving others of belonging with us.” 
Toko-pa Turner, Excerpt From “Belonging”
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lioninsunheart · 4 years
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"We need more wayshowers, who have penetrated the fog of their own uncertainty to find something truthful. Something human and tragic and beautifully lost, something small but utterly true. Like cupping your hands around a tiny flame, if you can protect the young embers from the harsh winds of your dismissal, it may become a real heartfire. That fire then becomes a beacon for others to sail towards. Not to imitate it, but to emulate its quality of bravery, which has been left like a vibratory signature on the thing you’ve made." Toko-pa Turner
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lioninsunheart · 4 years
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“One of the worst griefs people feel is the longing for elders in their lives. How many times do we find ourselves in conflict, fear, or despair and wish we could receive guidance from someone who knows better? 
There is no shortage of older people in our communities, but what differentiates an elder from an older is not just age, but the wisdom they carry and the position they hold in their community.
Among other qualities, an elder is someone who is committed to staying put, who has lived into the competencies of belonging and made an invitation of their lives to the young ones growing up around them.
Elder wisdom comes not from the accumulation of knowledge, but from reflecting on life; instead of living in a state of unworthiness and regret, we can grieve and forgive the past, find the redemption in our story, and recognize how it fits into our ancestral mythos. This work becomes our gift to the future.” 
Excerpt from “Belonging: Remembering Ourselves Home” by Toko-pa Turner 
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lioninsunheart · 4 years
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“You, who would normally bear it alone: yours is a necessary yielding. Your asking is the invitation that may keep us bound in place and memory together. Yours are the first threads of a village in the making. Reaching out can be enormously difficult for a heart that has been wounded in the act. But it helps to remember that reaching out is actually an offering of generosity, the invitation which allows the other to contribute their gifts into our shortfall. It is an act of recognition of the other’s necessity which, to an ecosystem, is the joining process itself.” Toko-pa Turner, Excerpt From: “Belonging.”
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sujata-khanna · 3 years
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“Take your attention down into the tiny, miraculous stitching of the life you are creating from nothing, and trust that each small thread is connecting you to the greater body of belonging. One day, maybe today, you will look back on everything that came after your decision to attend to your life like an artwork, and you will see a great number of years symbolized in moons and stained with blood, stretching across a great landscape behind you, and you’ll know you have come a great distance. Here, with your great cape of wound-moons, a piercing presence in your eyes, a living history on your skin, you will know you have always belonged.” - Toko-pa Turner Bangalore, I'll be forever grateful for how gently you have held me. Belonging since 9th October 2018. #bangalore_diaries #home #womb #belonging #healing #silentstories #lightseeker #theonlywayoutiswithin #anicca #tokopaturner (at Bangalore, India) https://www.instagram.com/p/CUyuuJUv-jH/?utm_medium=tumblr
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unfoldingnarratives · 5 years
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Healing is like that; relinquishing the race to arrive for a tender devotion to being present with what is #tokopaturner #belonging #healing #presence #ritualsthatfeellikehome #sculpture #madrid #spacesinbetween #clay https://www.instagram.com/p/B19ogIsolzv/?igshid=v6ixn17ehcuy
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