#tokyo mew mew headcanons
mirykka · 1 year
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ichigo 🍓🍓🍓
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proseka-headcanons · 4 months
As kids, Tsukasa, Saki, Shizuku, Shiho and Toya would watch magical girl animes. They loved watching Sailor Moon and Tokyo Mew Mew (not that Shiho would ever admit it).
While she was in the hospital, Saki designed their Tokyo Mew Mew looks (her personal favorite). She still has the drawings and has considered drawing them again (as well as making a design for Ichika and Honami) and asking either Tsukasa or Shizuku if either would mind making hers at the very least.
shiho to saki: if you tell anyone about this i kill you
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beans-and-shet · 1 year
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A cat climbing a tree(hugger)
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magicheartach · 1 year
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Any hardcore mew fans can tell me how much those girls get pay? Suspension of disbelief doesn't apply if it's a government project, they mutated these girls to save the world, while they're still in school and want them to work in customer service? They better be making bank.
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sanchoyo · 25 days
mewtuals why do we think lettuce could telekinetically control water? None of the other mews could control the elements like that (although I wish they would’ve. Would’ve loved if zakuro was just hurling fireballs around actually) 🤨
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strawbsonmars · 6 days
i so honestly think kish and mint could be such mean besties. post canon tmm ending they would talk shit about anyone (including each other) and cooperate to annoy the fuck out of ichigo
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faunusroman · 2 months
I'm leaving it vague, so interpret it however you want.
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TMMN episode 15 vs episode 17
Further evidence for “Quiche and Tart are related” truthers
(I’m kidding)
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sprinkanao · 1 year
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Ichigo Momomiya x Aoyama Masaya mini comic by me
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mitsutsuki · 1 year
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That’s really Pai’s unfortunate arm.
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The stakes of TMMN’s Final Battle
So this episode was definitely one of the best of the reboot so far, but what got me invested in the final battle is the stakes at hand here. 
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So the aliens’ endgame is to alter the plate tectonics of the Earth so then can restore Pangaea and go back to the good old days before the humans appeared. But then there’s the problem... that action will alter the planet’s ecosystems forever, and thus causing a mass extinction that can  rival the Great Dying in the amount of life that disappeared.
Now, the obvious thing that’ll happen is humans will die off due to many major cities getting destroyed when this Neo-Pangaea is formed, especially cities that appeared on recent islands like Iceland and Hawaii. Speaking about that... many volcanic islands like those two and Japan will cease to exist along with the Himalaya Mountains, so congratulations, life on those islands are gone! But wait, there’s more! The oceans will be merged into a Neo-Panthalassa, so many coral reefs will cease to exist and thousands upon thousands of marine species will die because of this. 
And not just that! With the fusion of all of the major continents, then species will go into environments they didn’t evolve in to disrupt them on a scale far worse than any invasive species. And since Antarctica isn’t frozen over yet... well, RIP the penguins.
Now, I know some will say what if some species survive... to which I counter with the Aliens turning them into Chimera Animas So yeah, if the Mew Mews fail to defeat Deep Blue... Congratulations! You get to see Earth destroyed in ways you couldn’t imagine and thus the aliens are worse than humans when it comes to the environmental damage! 
(Huh, this gives me an idea for my Prehistoric Mew Mew plot bunny... )
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sapphic-kisses · 7 months
I know there’s a fan theory that Kish, Pie and Tart are siblings. I second that..to an extent. I think it’s more like a found family situation, rather than actually being related.
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sugoiigrove · 1 year
Zakuxmint headcanon
Zakuro is like very cool when it comes to showing emotion but if she’s really excited about something, her ears and tail come out, tail starts wagging but it’s like the opposite of ichigo and she’s super chill about it
Half the time they only come out because of Mint hehe
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beans-and-shet · 1 year
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A cute little scene that takes place shortly after they’re married. Some things never change.
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lil-bonzai · 11 months
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Tokyo Mew Mew New, Season 1 Episode 4: "Who Doesn't Want to Be Her? Our Last Member is a Huge Star!"
this is so gay - she imagines getting a hug from Zakuro after passing the audition but because of the height difference, that's a face full of boob.
same honestly
big mood
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sanchoyo · 5 days
okay, ONE more tmm post. MEW AQUA. It's WEIRD. (moreso in the 2000s anime than tmmn. hear me out and go on a lore trip with me. I have Screenshots and Thoughts.)
The mew aqua rod:
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weird that it was found on a dig, a relic from the ancient aliens. who also were stated to have MADE mew aqua (or, at least, that's the THEORY ryou & keiichiro have. considering we never hear an alternative, I'm assuming we should take this as Fact)
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Later of course we find out the 'big mew aqua/true mew aqua' is within deep blue/masaya's body, not a Giant Crystal. But it begs the question: what were the alien's doing with it so long ago? The answer given by canon is this:
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NO, ICHIGO, WE SHOULD TALK ABOUT IT. Because Despite it outright being stated... if the mew aqua rod if ANCIENT, as old as when the aliens were on earth? (either 300 million~600 million years?) they would've had NO WAY TO PREDICT HUMANS POLLUTING EARTH, LET ALONE EXISTING! And I say mew aqua has to be as old as the mew aqua rod because the rod's main (and ONLY) function we see is to channel and use mew aqua. (well. okay, it glows, too, and makes mew aqua into bubbles. this thing would be great at parties)
At the time of the aliens leaving Earth, it was a MESS, mass extinctions due to natural disasters... mew aqua could have been a way to try and fix those, but it was so extreme that it couldn't, I guess? Or maybe it needed time to sort of...ferment to grow stronger? (genuinely cannot think of a better way to put this but I think yall get the idea) I think this idea is backed up by how LONG it took Deep Blue to form after the aliens left their world. if he could have fixed stuff, why not make him a vessel sooner? why wait until modern day when the earth is already messed up? why spend SO long in space/on another planet if you got a Guy Who Can Fix That Pretty Easily? did it need time to Cook? like, he supposedly is either the source of it somehow, or created BY it and gets his powers from it (he...does seem surprised the mew aqua is within him, too, by the way. which is Strange and will always be weird to me)
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he then proceeds to open a portal to a planet that is likely lightyears away with mew aqua (fun new ability for mew aqua from tmmn) and say he is going to use his power (which comes from mew aqua) to REARRANGE THE CONTINENTS. we also know mew aqua was strong enough to 1. bring people back from the dead 2. accelerate plant growth 3. turn Retatsu into a MERMAID 4. defeat basically any chimera anima in an instant 5. transform ringo into a mew mew with no previous dna injection/pendant 6. showed Retatsu a glimpse of the ancient world, and probably several other things I'm forgetting??
mew aqua is incredibly OP. like. if the ancient aliens did make it, and have the mew aqua rod to use it, I do NOT think they were using it ~just in case a species evolves here on this planet and pollutes it!~ I think that is 100% Retatsu feeling guilty in the moment for human pollution (same, girl, I get it) I think it's more likely they were trying to fix the disasters already happening. (and it needed more time to get strong enough to actually do that I guess? Clearly it didn't work back then to fix the disasters, or worked verrrry slowly. a few thousand to a few million years slowly) I appreciate ryou and keiichiro also using terms like 'this is our hypothesis/theory!' because they DON'T know for sure.
it also begs the question of how there's a BUNCH of FRAGMENTS OF IT if masaya's body currently holds the majority/big piece right before the finale when he uses it (if we're imagining it was once one BIG thing/collective power source) and how they got scattered into SO many pieces before that?? what...HAPPENED, way back in ancient times? 👀
also, I've said it before, but it could imply an ancient alien magical girl. I mean, someone's gotta swing the mew aqua rod around 👀 (or it could've just been a tool back then, and adapted to Ichigo's powers by turning bright pink and sparkly, but that is a considerably more boring answer)
These things will Keep Me Up At Night
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