sickdaysofficial · 6 years
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The Chronic Illness Crew™ Or, as an alternate title, 3 bros, chillin in the living room 0 feet apart cuz they ARE gay
Anyway, uh. Shitty contribution to today since I didn’t really know who to write for. Enjoy. Find more of them at @tokyoemeto and @the-entire-monster-kingdom. Characters are Noah, Ajax, and Morgan
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YESS please do that...I'm running out of smut and you deleted most of your older stuff. (that's why I followed but I didn't want to complain lol)
here you go http://d-51174.tumblr.com/post/160135424100/tokyoemeto-sexycontainmentprocedures-im-so and also I think I might just start posting the written porn on that sideblog but idk?
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sickdaysofficial · 7 years
Jan. 29: “Good Samaritan”
Day 2: Good Samaritan
Warning for seizures? That’s it. Also a bit of a warning that the world this is in deals in magic and monsters. Find more about that on my OC blog, @the-entire-monster-kingdom, and find more of my I&I writing at @tokyoemeto!
Ajax felt fine when he’d left the house earlier.
But that was earlier.
He felt fine the whole time, really. It was a nice day, even. He got to spend time in the older neighborhood and pet the outdoor cats and even help some of the locals in the garden. He’d gotten a few things in return to take home, and after a short detour, he was back out in town. It was, for once, a great day— Until he blacked out. No matter what one might expect, it wasn’t so easy to get used to having seizures. As much as Ajax had grown used to the idea of it, every time he found himself coming to while laying on the ground or snapping back into reality, it was jarring, especially when it was something that could even be less than a couple of minutes long, but ruin an entire day.
Everything seemed muffled at first. Far away, distant. Hazy. Warm, gentle hands touched him, moving him carefully. Everything seemed to dissipate once more before he finally came to, staring up at the person touching him dazedly. He wore white… Was that a cloak? He didn’t think many people outside of the old neighborhood wore those. He was probably an adventurer. He pushed his hand under Ajax, pulling him up gently after having laid him on his side. Ajax couldn’t help the groan that left him, supporting himself with a hand on the ground and running a hand through dark locks of hair. Though it seemed to hurt the stranger, he kneeled next to Ajax. “Hey, are you feeling okay?” His voice was gentle, as if they were out for a walk in the park, “You know where we are, right?” Ajax nodded. He felt like he couldn’t find his voice for a moment, finally finding words after coughing for a moment. “We're… We’re in the middle circle, right? Near the cafe?” The stranger stopped for a moment, looking around. He knew where they were, but he didn’t know there was a cafe. The kid was right, though. Maybe he should be questioning the stranger, and not the other way around. He flicked his hood back, looking the kid over with attentive eyes before touching his wrist carefully, like a glass doll as he tried to get a look at the bracelet, clearly a medical ID, that he wore. This was probably a common occurrence, then. Name. He needed a name. “Ajax… Right?” The human nodded, smiling sheepishly up at the stranger. He had tan skin, too, dotted with freckles all over his cheeks. “Uh… My name’s Noah. I'm… I’m not a doctor, but I know how to deal with a seizure… I’m, uh… I’m epileptic, too.” He gave him a bit of an awkward, crooked smile. It was an odd thing to bring up, or bond over, but it was nice to know that whoever was taking care of you knew what was happening from experience, he supposed. Ajax nodded, his eyes shifting down to his lap, then back up to Noah. Catlike ears sat atop his head. He was one of the inhuman. A Nexonian. They were the kind that… well… owned the place, really. It was their city. Noah let go of Ajax’s wrist, resting his hands on the ground in preparation to push himself up. “Hey, do you think you’re okay to move? We should get you… Home, I guess? You live right around here, yeah?” Ajax nodded again. Noah smiled. “Alright… Lemme get myself up. Last thing I want to do is fall on top of you because I got down on the ground.” He chuckled sheepishly, pushing himself up with his arms and rising slowly, wincing at the painful cracking in his knees. Once he was sure he was steady, he held a hand out to Ajax, bending forward a little. He really should have gone about it a different way, but thank the gods, Ajax was light. Pulling him to his feet, Noah took a few steps back, then came to his side as he rose, wrapping an arm around his back. He still seemed unsteady, but it was perhaps too much to carry him.
Taking a slow step forward, Ajax followed suit, and soon they had begun their short walk to Ajax’s apartment. It took some directions from the human, but someone who could figure out robots had no issue taking directions on how to get to a place maybe a block or two away. The hardest part were the stairs— The bane of Noah’s existence and the most difficult thing to try and deal with when you had only just come out of a seizure… At least, that didn’t involve machines. Taking extremely cautious steps, Noah held onto Ajax almost like his life depended on it as the human descended just after him. It was only a small set of stairs, just a few feet before they were in the hall in front of his apartment. Ajax gingerly tapped Noah’s hand with his lanyard, letting the inhuman take the keys and unlock the door before handing them back. Noah surveyed the room before he decided to settle on the couch as a good place to set Ajax down. Guiding him over, he set him down, looking around. It was a nice apartment. Clearly, someone else lived with him, but they didn’t seem to be here. Noah could easily sniff out their presence, but his first hint, more apparent to even humans, was the fact that… Well, Ajax didn’t seem to be the kind to play video games. Or watch horror movies. Noah didn’t take Ajax for the kind to watch many movies at all, but… Perhaps he’d have to find out later. “Hey, uh… Do you want a drink or something? Or something to eat? I don’t know what you have, but… Stay there, I’ll get something.” He finally let his hand leave Ajax’s shoulder as he shifted his attention to the kitchen, deciding to fill a glass with water and grab something light. A pack of crackers. Good enough. He returned to the living room with both in hand, sitting next to Ajax and handing over the glass first. He watched as Ajax took only a few sips of it before handing it back, Noah setting it on the coffee table in a spot not covered in papers and computers. By the looks of it, Ajax… or at least his roommate, Noah assumed, was a college student. Handing over the crackers, Noah decided to make small talk. “So… Uh… Do you go to college around here?” Ajax nodded, biting into a cracker. “Yeah, how’d you know?” Noah chuckled sheepishly. “It’s all over the papers on the table. What are you studying?” Ajax smiled a little. He seemed to like being asked so many questions. “Graphic design. I can’t really do normal work, but… Uh… I was thinking I could do something like that, I guess? And, it's… Uh… It’s kinda nice to go to class, I think. If I can’t really work normally, it’s fun to still do something.” Noah nodded. He wasn’t one to judge a book by its cover, but he didn’t think Ajax was that sick, upon first glance. “What do you do?” He smiled up at Noah. There was a good foot and a half difference between the two in height. “Me? Oh, uh…” Noah paused. He could say many things, but he didn’t want to just start with “I’m royalty”. He coughed. “I… I’m an engineer. I build and design stuff like robots and computers, and… I go out adventuring with my friend sometimes… Mercenary work.” He smiled. Ajax smiled, too, though with a hint of sadness. “That sounds like fun. I wanted to learn fire magic and be a mercenary, but… I don’t think it’ll happen.” He rubbed the back of his neck and smiled sheepishly. Noah couldn’t help but feel a bit of sympathy. If it weren’t for the gods and their magic… He wouldn’t even be alive, let alone running about and swinging swords around. He shrugged. “It's… It’s fun. It’s exhausting, but… It’s fun. I honestly wouldn’t be able to do it without magic to help me.” He looked down to Ajax. His ear twitched, the sound of heavy footsteps coming down the steps outside of the door. Was Ajax’s roommate an elephant or was that a neighbor? Ajax smiled again. “You know magic? How’d you learn it?” Noah gave another sheepish smile. He probably sounded like a complete lunatic. “I learned it from the gods. My family’s patron is the wind god, he… Uh… He made sure I stayed alive, and he taught me some magic, starting when I was… Eight? Ten? Old enough that I was out of the hospital most of the time.” He smiles a little. It was nice to talk to someone that wasn’t automatically afraid for him or trying to pity him when he mentioned how he’d been in the hospital. His ears twitched again, turning as the door opened.
The heavy footsteps were from a very clearly heavy person. Ajax’s roommate was another inhuman. She clearly had to be some form of demon, standing at eight feet tall, Noah guessed, and clearly made of mostly muscle. Her skin was a frosty blue color and her hair many different colors, ivory horns poking out from the rather fluffy mess. She looked at Ajax, then Noah, hanging her keys on a hook next to the door. “Jax, who’s this?” She laid her backpack by the door, standing on the other side of the table. Noah would have been terrified if he were any normal person. Ajax smiled, leaning forward. “Oh, this is Noah! He… Uh…” He smiled sheepishly. “He helped me get back after I had a seizure…” Her expression, harsh before, softened, now concerned. “You had a seizure? When? You should have called me.” She ducked into the kitchen for a moment, getting herself a glass of water, too. Ajax’s eyes sank to the table, trying to avoid her look. He didn’t like to worry her. “Uh… I got up..  ten minutes ago?” Noah nodded. “Yeah, it’s been… Twenty minutes at the most.” She nodded, sighing and looking between the two. She didn’t like strangers in the house, but damnit, Ajax clearly already liked the guy. “Mh… Uh…” She let her gaze rest upon Noah. “ Thanks, I guess. I don’t think either of us expected Ajax to have a seizure.” Ajax nodded, silent as he pushed another cracker into his mouth. Noah smiled. “Yeah, of course… I’d want someone to do the same for me.” He cleared his throat. “Uh… I should get back soon, but… Here,” Noah pulled a pen from his pocket, scribbling his number onto a scrap of paper. “Give me a call later and tell me how you’re feeling, okay? It was… It was nice talking to you, Ajax.” He handed over then paper with a smile. Ajax grinned, his expression much like a puppy. “You, too! I’ll make sure to call you later.” He kept the paper in his hand. “Uh… I guess I’ll see you around?” He watched as Noah stood up. He didn’t want him to go, but he didn’t want Kho to be uncomfortable with someone she didn’t know in the house. Noah nodded. “Yeah, I’ll see you around. I live around here,too, so… We’ll probably run into each other.” He smiled, approaching the door and giving a slight wave. Ajax waved back at him, watching as he shut the door and disappeared. Even if a seizure could ruin a day, maybe this was the rare occasion where it made the day instead? He definitely thought so, but in either case, he still desperately needed to get some sleep after that.
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sickandvomiting · 5 years
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An old man because @tokyoemeto mentioned drawing someone who’s not young, and I can draw one [1] old man, whom I love.
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sickandvomiting · 5 years
@tokyoemeto asked for Large, almond shaped eyes, cheekbones, short face, sharp nose, large lips, moles n eye bags, annnd zig zag?
They look like a bastard and I love them?
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tokyoemeto · 6 years
Look at me! I’ve gotten a request! This is from my lovely friend @plotmatsu, the excerpt being a fic she wrote (I haven’t seen the whole thing, but I will provide the excerpt under a cut)!! If you haven’t read anything of hers, Ita is an awesome writer, and I hope to do more readings for her soon!!
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sickdaysofficial · 6 years
8/12: Bodily Fluids
Trigger warnings: Blood and vomit
Characters: Alphonse, Eruera
Find more of these characters at @tokyoemeto and @the-entire-monster-kingdom
Eruera hated it when Al got into fights. He worried. Not about him— Well… of course, about himself, but more for whoever he was fighting. Al wasn’t exactly known for his gentleness in a fight, especially with a bit of magic up his sleeve that most didn’t anticipate until it was a bit too late to back out. Even if Al won nine times out of ten, he still got hurt. It was just how fights worked out.
Eruera didn’t think much of it when his usual visitor was a bit later than usual, as he began to clean up for the day. The shop was closed, his kitchen… Well, his, again, as he wiped everything down and started on the dishes in the sink. It was a nice summer night, the kind that he’d normally spend watering the plants before spending some time sitting outside with a couple of friends. He’d finish the dishes and then maybe cook something before going outside, holding off on doing much until Al returned. He was a bit like a cat— He’d come and go as he pleased. Eruera knew that, but still hoped to maybe get at least a few hours alone with him, if he couldn’t convince him to spend the night. He loved it when he would cook, too, though he wasn’t going to wait. He was ready to eat and get ready for bed, so it seemed just fine to him to throw something he’d prepared earlier and frozen for just the occasion into a pan and call it a night. He sighed, laying the pieces he’d used that day out in the dishwasher before opening the freezer. As if on cue, the door opened behind him and Al crept in. Normally he’d come up with something to say but he was, for once, quiet. Eruera closed the freezer, smiling to himself.
“Done being a stranger, love? I was starting to worry you wouldn’t come back.” He chuckled, turning around and nearly dropping the glass container in his hands. “Fucking hell, what did you do?” He set it down on the counter, rushing over to him.
“Got in a fight,” Al murmured. It showed, too. His hair was a mess and he seemed to be covered in scratches, blood seeping through his clothes in a few places. Apparently it warranted that god-awful transformation he seemed so fond of. As much as it exhausted the human, it seemed that every fight to him was an opportunity to show off that second form of his. Did Eruera like it? No. Did he stop him? Also no. Eruera grabbed his mate by the arm and pushed him onto a chair in front of the counter.
“At least tell me you won.”
Al responded with a tired grin, blood even in his teeth. Eruera scoffed. “ ‘S like dealin’ with a kid. I’m glad you’re safe, though. Stay here. I’m going to clean you up before you make the entire house a bloody mess.” He huffed, looking him over before turning down the hall to retrieve the basics— Not necessarily a first aid kit, but something of the sort that was more the pace of fighters like Gam and Al. Rolls of bandages, gauze pads, salves, disinfectants, that sort of thing.
    Eruera appreciated the materials in a first aid kid, yes, but a band-aid wasn’t going to fix a stab wound, now was it? With everything piled into a plastic basin, Eruera returned to the kitchen, watching the human, slumped over the counter exhaustedly. He could have been asleep, for all Eruera knew, but he wasn’t going to just leave his wounds to bleed and ruin his clothes and probably get infected. He dropped the container from a few inches above the counter, startling his mate. “No sleeping. We need to get you patched up.” Al murmured in protest, only for Eruera to, this time, bark his words at him. “Sit up! You can sleep later, just let me clean you up!” He grabbed Al’s shoulders, turning him so they faced each other and narrowing his eyes. “Take off your shirt and stay awake.” Al chuckled stupidly. “Coulda asked me nicer if you wanted to see me naked.” He shook his head, grinning tiredly and pulling off the gray jacket he always seemed to wear, then the white shirt underneath, both stained with blood. He folded his arms over his chest, leaning back on the counter. Eruera huffed once more, laying the contents of the basin out on the counter before striding over to the sink and letting water fill the basin before filling a glass, too, then washing his hands and turning off the water, drying his hands on a clean rag and carefully moving them one at a time, as if he’d smash the glass, were he not careful. Maybe he would, and he was being careful for a reason. Al watched him through half-lidded eyes, leaning backward as Eruera tucked a piece of hair behind his ear and came around the counter, dipping the rag in the water and starting on a trio of scratch marks on his cheek, wiping away the blood first, then pouring a bit of hydrogen peroxide onto a second rag and using a bit more care this time, seeming to regain the gentleness Al knew most often as he wiped at it more, recoiling when the sting of the peroxide elicited a small hiss of discomfort from his love. “I’m sorry, mate. I know it burns, but bear with me, okay?” He sighed. What the hell did he do with that saline? Did he give it to Gamri or lose it or something? Stupid, stupid, stupid. He should have kept it or whatever. Gamri wouldn’t use it, he was sure, and if he lost it… That just meant that he needed to get his shit together. He finished wiping at the scratches and opened a container full of healing salve, the bitter, plantlike smell filling the air as he coated his fingers with it, then carefully rubbed it into the wound before sticking a bandage over it. He wiped his fingers off on one of the rags and pecked Al’s cheek. “Stay awake, love. You feelin’ alright?” Al nodded after a moment, inhaling sharply. “That salve smells terrible.” Eruera chuckled sheepishly. “I know, I know. I said it worked, not that it smelled like roses.” Al simply scoffed in response, shifting in his seat as Eruera ran his fingers over another scratch, this one spanning from his chest to his hip. “Christ, were you wrestling a wild animal?” Al shrugged as Eruera began cleaning the wound. “Might as well have been. Don’t know what he was, but he wouldn’t leave Morgan alone,” He hummed, draping an arm around the back of the chair and resting his head against it. Eruera scoffed. “I guess I can say ‘at least you had a reason’, but Morgan can handle himself, love.” He shook his head, pouring more peroxide onto the rag and wrinkling his nose at the smell as it fizzed and hissed upon contact with the blood already on it. Al coughed into a hand, even stifling a retch. Eruera swiped the rag along the length of the scratch in an attempt to get it over with quickly, flinching as Al hissed. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” He looked up at his face with a sympathetic expression, noting quickly that he’d grown pale. “I’m trying to get it over with. You’re lookin’ a little sick, do you want me to stop?” Despite the question, he swiped the two rags over a few scrapes before picking up a few gauze pads and a roll of bandages. Al shook his head, exhaling shakily. “N- no, keep going…” He ran his fingers through his hair. “Get it over with.” Eruera nodded, though perhaps reluctantly, and slid the trash can closer to them. “Just tell me when you need me to stop, love.” He brushed his fingers over his hand, then coated them in salve again and rubbed it into his wounds, starting with the smaller and working back up to the scratch, then proceeding to press gauze pads onto the wounds, his fingers twitching as he felt Al’s body jerk as he heaved once more, coughing into his hand and attempting to choke down whatever his idea of a meal was. Eruera didn’t know much about how Al ate at home, so for all he knew, he just drank coffee and smoked cigarettes and photosynthesized. Maybe that was a bit of a stretch, but… Well, he didn’t know the full details of Al’s life. Eruera looked up at his queasy mate’s pale face once more, his expression once again worried, rather than focused on the task at hand. “Seriously, do you want me to stop?” Al shook his head. “Keep going. I’ll be alright.” Eruera simply sighed and started wrapping the roll of bandages around Al’s body, pulling him to lean forward as he started just above his waist and begun to work his way up. Al pressed a hand over his mouth and turned his head off to the side, Eruera pulling away for a moment and resting a hand on his thigh, then pulling the trash can over. “I’m going to stop for now, love. Just… Take a few deep breaths, okay?” Al nodded, quiet for a moment before his stomach lurched and he bent over the trash can, coughing and spitting out a mouthful of stringy saliva as a shaky hand gripped the side of the can. Eruera rubbed his back gingerly as he retched again, this time bringing up a mouthful of acrid vomit, then coughed again. Eruera had half a mind to start lecturing him about trying to downplay his health, but this wasn’t the right time, he knew, as Al brought up another mouthful of thin, watery puke. Later. He’d press the subject later. His other hand held Al’s forehead after a moment, deciding that he didn’t have much of a fever, but that that would probably change. “Were you already sick when you decided to get into a fight or what?” He sighed. Al shook his head. “I was fine then. I- I think it came from him or something.” He sniffed. Eruera shook his head. “It’s not quite like that, usually. You were probably already sick, if he wasn’t sick, too, an’ it didn’t come from Morgan.” Al simply shrugged in response, spitting into the trash can before taking the glass of water that Eruera had left on the counter and rinsing his mouth out before taking a few sips of it, then leaning back in his seat as Eruera stood in front of him again, his arms folded over his chest. He’d probably start telling him off, right? He was surprised when he didn’t, sighing after a moment and kneeling in front of him again, picking up the loose end of the bandages again and finishing up. He’d leave it as it was, but he didn’t think the gauze would stick on its own, and most fighters didn’t like the kind with adhesive, so he didn’t really have that on hand, if he wouldn’t get much use out of it. He worked quickly, this time, his gentle hands touching skin only occasionally, as if he’d break Al with the slightest touch. Finishing in a moment, he tucked the end of the roll of bandages under the rest of the wrapping, running a hand over it to be sure that it was all uniform before standing up, finally. Anything else was small enough that it had already scabbed over. Now, he just needed to get him to bed. He could wait until after that to clean up. He discarded the packages for the gauze and the bandages and moved the basin of water and the rags over to the sink before he offered a hand to Al. He blinked stupidly for a moment before it seemed to click and he took the hand and pulled himself up, Eruera wrapping an arm around him and heading toward the stairs. “You’re going to bed, mate.” Al nodded quietly. There wasn’t much arguing with Eruera. Not that he wanted to argue that statement. He was ready to sleep.
Eruera looked up at the dark hallway as they reached the top, nudging his bedroom door open and turning on the lights before directing Al to sit on the bed, though retrieving a set of pajamas for him. They weren’t the same size, so thank god Al was practically moving in at this point. Al left the shirt, though gladly changed into the soft pajama pants Eruera had given him, watching as he laid the shirt on the dresser, then tossed the bloodstained pants he’d been wearing into the hamper to be dealt with later. He laid back on the bed, setting the glass of water on the table beside him and watching as Eruera approached, quiet for a moment before he ran his fingers through his messy, dark hair, then stooped down to kiss his forehead. “Sleep, love. I’ll be back. I have to clean and lock up, but don’t wait up for me.” Al smiled slightly. Such a worrier, he was. “I won’t be awake that long, you know.” Eruera scoffed. “Well, I’ll say it either way. Don’t stay up for me, let yourself sleep.” He kissed his forehead and rose once more, pulling away and lingering for only a moment more before finally pushing himself to go back downstairs and clean. He might as well leave Al to rest a bit, anyway, before he’d come back.
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sickandvomiting · 7 years
I was tagged the lovely @builder051. Thank you so much!! I’ll tag @jojowritesstuff @plotmatsu @tokyoemeto and @sickenedfiction. But also if anyone else wants to do this one feel free!! I just feel bad tagging like 20 people every time bc I feel like I’m being annoying or something but like pls do this if you want!!!!! ❤️
what’s your favourite song(s) to sing/hum?
Feed the Birds from Mary Poppins. But also What A Catch Donnie and Can’t Help Falling in Love With You and also Beyond the Sea and also also ShBoom and ALSO ALSO ALSO Blue Skies and I also tend to make up pieces in my head. Pieces without words, just notes. And lots of others. At any given time I’ve got like five songs stuck in my head.
what are your favourite flowers/trees/plants?
I really like weeping willows, especially Cherry willows. They’re so beautiful in the springtime, and standing under them when in full bloom is a magical experience. I also like Lilies of the Valley. They smell really good.
favourite colour(s)?
Black, but also like a lot of other colors??? The colors of the clouds at sunset is a fave. The muted teal of new blue spruce sprigs is another fave. Dark red is good...
what do you always doodle (if you ever do)?
Lots of people. I typically just doodle characters or pics of myself doing different facial expressions based on how the class is making my feel in my notes.
how do you take your coffee/tea? If you don’t like those what’s your fav warm drink?
My favorite coffee is an iced coconut vanilla latte with like three or four espresso shots. Not a huge tea person. Otherwise, I’m a sucker for good lemonade haha
favourite candle scent?
CINNAMON. I am such a slut for anything cinnamon. But also I like kinda woody, spicy, tobacco-y scents. And smoky things. But also things that smell like clean laundry. And sweet berry smelling things haha But CINNAMON IS THE TOP OF THE TOP
sunrise or sunset?
Sunset, because I’m always angry in the mornings and can’t enjoy the sunrise.
what perfume do you wear if any?
Things that smell like cinnamon. But also Vivid (Liz Claiborne), Chanel No5, and Euphoria (Calvin Klein) and like a lot of different body sprays that I have. I am really scared of smelling bad for some reason and also just really really like good smelling things? I can’t see, hear, or feel things super well so my favorite things typically smell good.
what’s your go to dance move when you’re alone?
I don’t really dance, even when alone... the closest thing I really get to dancing is aggressively bobbing my head or swaying back and forth. Or like conducting the music but that’s not dancing that’s just what I do.
favourite quote?
I don’t really have one. Like there are so many I can’t pin down just one.
favourite self care thing(s) or routine(s)?
I am Very Bad at self care and don’t really have a routine other than brushing my teeth and hair before I wake up and when I go to bed. When I’m really stressed I have eucalyptus mint hand cream that I use but that’s really only when I’m stressed.
what colour are your eyes?
Green with brown flecks in the middle.
what’s your favourite eye colour on others?
I really like blue with central heterochromia. They’re so pretty.
favourite season? why?
cheek, neck or nose kisses?
Ummmmm none? Probably cheek though, since those are what I give to people occasionally. My fave is not listed tho. I like forehead/top of the head kisses a lot. Again, giving. I’m not huge on receiving.
what does your happy place look like?
A little rustic cabin in the woods, with a nice wood fire burning in the hearth, with a big comfy chair and a lot of books and a few cats. And it would be snowing outside.
favourite breed of dog?
It’s a tie between Leonberger, Pitbull, Alaskan Malamute, Great Dane, Husky, and German Shepherd. (I know. Big tie)
do you ever want to be married? If so what colours would you pick for your wedding theme?
Ehhh probably not. I don’t really think I’m one for marrying. But who knows where life will take me? I’ve never even begun to think about weddings though... which I’ve heard is odd for a 20 yo girl....
silk or lace?
favourite weather?
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tokyo2314 · 7 years
Child Im drawing a thank you gift for you tomorrow Im doing it (Do you want a regular or k/ink drawing? I'll tag your blogs correctly for either one)
Um,,, thank???? I'm so sorry I never saw this fam, my Tumblr notifs are super weird Q-QAny kind is fine, I'm just excited to get art omlI think you know which blogs to tag, but for kink, @tokyoemeto and for normal art, this one or @the-entire-monster-kingdom is good fam
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